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Antifungal Activity of Alcoholic Leaf Extracts of Terminalia

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Advances in Life Science and Technology ISSN 2224-7181 (Paper) ISSN 2225-062X (Online) Vol 8, 2013 - Selected from

International Conference on Recent Trends in Applied Sciences with Engineering Applications

Antifungal Activity of Alcoholic Leaf Extracts of Terminalia Catappa and Terminalia Arjuna on Some Pathogenic and Allergenic Fungi
Shikha Mandloi *Rajashree Srinivasa *Renu Mishra Ranjana Varma *Sri Sathya Sai College for women, Bhopal.(M.P.) India SNGGDC, Shivaji nagar,Bhopal. (M.P.) India The research is financed by UGC minor project. Abstract Ethanol and methanol leaf extracts of Terminalia catappa and Terminalia arjuna were investigated for in-vitro antifungal activity. Four fungi tested were Aspergillus niger, Alternaria alternata, Curvularia lunata and Trychophyton tonsurans.The in-vitro antifungal activity was evaluated by food poison technique. Both the plants should antifungal activity on comparision with T. arjuna better antifungal efficacy was shown by methanol extract of T. catappa. Methanol extract showed significant antifungal activity against most susceptible mould was Curvularia lunata. The results were compared with standard antifungals. Key words: Terminalia species, medicinal plants, antifungal activity, Aspergillus niger, Alternaria alternata, Curvularia lunata, Trychophyton tonsurans, pathogenic, allergenic in-vivo. 1. INTRODUCTION In designing a search for novel prototype antifungals, higher plants are a logical choice, because secondary metabolites are widely distributed among higher plants,1. but only a few have been evaluated for their activity against human, animal and plant pathogenic fungi. The majority of clinically used antifungals have various drawbacks in terms of toxicity, efficacy as well as cost. Their frequent use has also led to the emergence of resistant strains. Concerens have been raised about both the environmental impact and the potential risk related to the use of synthetic fungicides.4 Therefore there is a need to search for plants of medicinal value.The species of Terminalia are very well known for their therapeutic values and are useful as anticancer, antigenotoxic, anti-inflammatory, anti HIV, antidiabitic and hepatoprotective activities. The plants used in present study are Terminalia catappa and Terminalia arjuna (Combretaceae). The main objective of this study is to examine the antifungal property of ethanolic and methanolic leaf extracts of Terminalia catappa and Terminalia arjuna. 2. MATERIAL & METHODS 2.1.1 COLLECTION OF PLANT MATERIALS: Twigs of T. catappa and T. arjuna were collected from Bhopal. Both the plants were identified from Govt. M.V.M. college with the help of the project report of Dr.Madhuri Modak who has confirmed the identification from Botanical Survey of India, Allahabad.The leaves were separated and dried at room temperature. The dried leaves were powdered in a mixer blender and stored at room temperature in close containers in the dark until used.A herbarium of the same was deposited at Sarojni Naidu Girls college, Bhopal (M.P.). 2.1.2 SOURCE OF MICRO-ORGANISMS:Fungi, Aspergillus niger, Alternaria alternata, Curvularia lunata and Trychophyton tonsurans were selected from isolated aeromycoflora of Bhopal. This selection is based on their allergenic and pathogenic nature. 2.1.3 EXTRACT PREPERATION The powdered leaves(25g) of both plants were extracted separately to exhaustion in a soxhlet apparatus using ethanol and methanol solvent system. The extracts were filtered through a Whatman filter paper no.1 and then concentrated by using a hot air oven at low temperature 400-500c. A yield of 11.6% from ethanol,12.2% from methanol3 extract of Terminalia catappa and 0.096% and 0.104% from Terminalia arjuna was obtained.


Advances in Life Science and Technology ISSN 2224-7181 (Paper) ISSN 2225-062X (Online) Vol 8, 2013 - Selected from International Conference on Recent Trends in Applied Sciences with Engineering Applications

2.1.4 ANTIFUNGAL ACTIVITY STUDY The antimicrobial activities of all the extracts were determined by food poison technique .10 2.1.5 SCREENING OF EFFECTIVE EXTRACT One gram of each of the dried evaporated solvent extract, was dissolved in 10ml of solvent. 500l of each solvent extract was amended with 15-20 ml of PDA medium before solidification. The medium without any treatment served as control. Test fungi were inoculated and percent inhibition of mycelia growth was determined.After two days colony diameter was measured in millimeter. For each treatment three replicates were maintained.The fungitoxiticity of the extracts in terms of percentage inhibition of mycelial growth was calculated by using formula % of incubation at +25 = dc-dt/dc x 100 Where: dc = Average increase in mycelial growth in control. dt = Average increase in mycelial growth in treatment. 2.1.6 STATISTICAL ANALYSIS: The results were stastically analysed by Tukeys method using ANOVA software. 3. RESULT AND DISCUSSION:To evaluate the antifungal activity of T. catappa and T. arjuna they was tested against four allergenic and pathogenic moulds. An initial screening of effectivity of ethanol and methanol fraction on fungi was done by food poison technique. It has been noticed that both the fractions are effective against all the organisms in varying levels of sensitivity. Curvalaria lunata was found to be the most susceptible to ethanol fractions of T. catappa. An inhibition of 74% growth was observed. Next to this A.niger was 57.33% inhibited. A. alternata was least susceptible. However, methanol extract of both plants tested against all four fungi showed significant antifungal activity.The percent of inhibition of methanol extract was more than 50% against Curvularia lunata, Aspergillus niger and Trychophyton tonsurans . Results of these studies have shown that methanol extract of T. catappa has good antifungal activity. Out of four fungi tested Curvularia is most sensitive and Alternaria is least sensitive.Results of antifungal analysis are shown in table 1 and 2. Table1 Showing results of screening of effective leaf extract of terminalia catappa in two solvents. Leaf extracts in various % inhibition of mycelial growth S. solvents No. Aspergillus niger 1 2 3 4 Ethanol Extract Methanol extract Ketoconazole (10 mg/ ml) Carbendazim (10 mg/ ml) 57.33 0.33 68.7 .33 63 0.33 ND 75 Alternaria alternata 24.66 0.33 35.3 1.45 ND .18 39 Curvularia lunata 74.7 0.88 60 .57 ND 0.33 Trychophyton tonsurans on 43.70.31 610.57 710.33 ND

Table 2 Showing results of screening of effective leaf extract of Terminallia arjuna in two solvents. Leaf extract in various % inhibition of mycelial growth . solvents Aspergillus niger Alternaria alternata Curvularia lunata Trychophyton tonsurans on

1 Ethanol extract `470.1 20.33 .33 500.1 420.11 2 Methanol extract 49 .01 30.12 530.31 490.14 3 ketoconazole 63.01 ND ND 700.15 4 carbendazim ND 75.01 600.01 ND Replicates = three Result were expressed as mean SEM all the results were found to be significant at p < 0.01 and p < 0.05. The presence of secondary metabolites in plants, produce some biological activity in man and animals and it is


Advances in Life Science and Technology ISSN 2224-7181 (Paper) ISSN 2225-062X (Online) Vol 8, 2013 - Selected from International Conference on Recent Trends in Applied Sciences with Engineering Applications

responsible for use as herbs.12 Hence the antifungal activity of T.catappa tends to agree with the earlier reports.6,8 The presence of antifungal activity in alcoholic fraction of Terminallia leaf extracts finds agreement with the work of other scientists.2,5,7, 11Hydroalcoholic extracts of T.catappa and T. mantaly have been reported to inhibit the in vitro gr. of Aspergillus fumigatius.13. Several studies have reported the presence of Phytochemical content & medicnal properties in the plant for the treatment of different ailments. However, work continues on ethanolic and methanolic leave extracts. It may bring more information on its phytochemical components and their possible use against plant pathogens, human allergenic and pathogenic fungi. 4. FUTURE SCOPE AND CONCLUSION:The plant material used in the present investigation is commonly available not only in forest area but can easily be witnessed in urban and sub urban areas.Antimicrobial screening of T. catappa has revealed its medicinal potential and represents it as an important medicinal plant.Hence ,development of modern antifungal drug from this plant can be emphasized for control of Curvularia lunata.This would lead to development of cost effective herbal drugs. It is concluded that antifungal activity of methanolic leaves extract of T.cattapa and its active constituents would be helpful in interacting various kinds of plant and human diseases. 5. REFERENCES 1. Caceres, A., E. Jauregui, D. Herrera and H. Logemann, (1991). Plants used in Guatemala for the treatment of dermatomucosal infections: Screening of 38 plants extracts for anticandidal activity. J. Ethanopharmacol., 33: 277-283. 2. Elizabeth K.M. (2005) Antimicrobial activity of terminalia bellerica . India journal of clinical biochemistry: 20(2): 150-153. 3. Elumali E K, N. Chandrasekaran, T. Thirumalai, C. Sivakumar, S. Viviyan, Therasa, E. David (2009). Achyranthes aspera leaf extracts inhibited fungal growth. International journal of Pharmtech Research Vol. No.4pp 1576-1579. 4. Khulbe K. and S.C. Sati ,(2009).Antibacterial activity of Boenninghausenia albifloraReichb.(Rutaceae).Afr.J.Biotechnol. 8:6346-6348. 5. Lee SH, Chang KS, Sums, Huang YS and Jang HD (2006). Effects of some Chinese medicinal plant extracts on five different fungi .Food control:18:1547-1554. 6. Manzur Abul, A.Raju and S. Rahman (2011). Antimicrobial activity of Terminalia catappa extracts against some pathogenic microbial strains. Pharmacology and pharmacy, 2; 299-305 7. Parekh J and Chanda S( 2006). Screening of aqueous and alcoholic extracts of some Indian medicinal plants for antibacterial activity. Indian journal of pharmaceutical science 68 (6): 835-838. 8. Parekh J and Chanda S (2008). In vitro antifungal activity of methanol extracts of some Indian medicinal plants against pathogenic yeast and moulds. African journal of Biotechnology vol 7(23), pp 4349-4353; 9. Sati, S.C. and P. Arya,( 2010). Antagonism of some aquatic hypomycetes against plant pathogenic fungi. Sci. world j., 10: 760-765. 10. Satish, S.,D.C.Mohana,M.P. Raghvendra and K.a. Raveesha.(2007). antifungal activity of some plant extracts against important seed borne pathogens of Aspergillus sps.Jr. of agriculture technology p.109-119. 11. Shinde, S.L., S.M. More, S.B.Junne and S.S.Wadje (2011). The antifungal activity of Terminalia species checked by paper disc method.IJPRD .3(2) pp 36-39. 12. Sofowora A (1986) Medicinal plant and traditional medicine in Africa ll, John Wiley chiechester P. 178. 13. Zirihi, N.Guessan K, Kassy N dja J, Coulibaly K. and Djaman A.J. (2012). Evaluation and comparision of antifungal activities of Terminalia mantaly(combretaceae) on the in vitro growth of Aspegillus fumigatus .Jr. of medicinal plants Res. Vol.6(12), pp 2299-2308.


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