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Micromechanical Models For Graded Composite Materials?: (Received 9 May 1996 in Revisedform December 1996)

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PI1 : SOO22-5096(97)00007-O

J. Mech. Phys. Solids. Vol. 45, No. 8, pp. 1281-1302, 1997 0 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd Printed in Great Britain. All rights reserved 0022-5096/97 $17.00+0.00

Center for Composite


Polytechnic Institute, Troy,



and Structure, Rensselaer NY 12180-3590, U.S.A.

Department of Solid Mechanics, Technical

University of Denmark, DK 2800 Lyngby, Denmark

(Received 9 May 1996; in revisedform

It December 1996)

Elastic response of selected plane-array models of graded composite microstructures is examined under both uniform and linearly varying boundary tractions and displacements, by means of detailed finite element studies of large domains containing up to several thousand inclusions. Models consisting of piecewise homogeneous layers with equivalent elastic properties estimated by Mod-Tanaka and selfconsistent methods are also analysed under similar boundary conditions. Comparisons of the overall and local fields predicted by the discrete and homogenized models are made using a C/Sic composite system with very different Youngs moduli of the phases, and relatively steep composition gradients. The conclusions reached from these comparisons suggest that in those parts of the graded microstructure which have a well-defined continuous matrix and discontinuous second phase, the overall properties and local fields are predicted by Mori-Tanaka estimates. On the other hand, the response of graded materials with a skeletal microstructure in a wide transition zone between clearly defined matrix phases is better approximated by the self-consistent estimates. Certain exceptions are noted for loading by overall transverse shear stress. The results suggest that the averaging methods originally developed for statistically homogeneous aggregates may be selectively applied, with a reasonable degree of confidence, to aggregates with composition gradients, subjected to both uniform and nonuniform overall loads. 0 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd Keywords: material. A. microstructure, A. voids and inclusions, B. layered material, B. particulate reinforced



We are concerned with graded composite materials, consisting of one or more dispersed phases of spatially variable volume fractions embedded in a matrix of another phase, that are subdivided by internal percolation thresholds or wider transition zones between the different matrix phases. A detailed description of the geometry of actual graded composite microstructures is usually not available, except perhaps for information on volume fraction dist Dedicated to Professor 1 On leave from Institute Franz Ziegler on his 60th birthday. of Lightweight Structures, Technical 1281


of Vienna,



T. REITER et al.

tribution and approximate shape of the dispersed phase or phases. Therefore, evaluation of thermomechanical response and local stresses in graded materials must rely on analysis of micromechanical models with idealized geometries. While such idealizations may have much in common with those that have been developed for analysis of macroscopically homogeneous composites, there are significant differences between the analytical models for the two classes of materials. It is well known that the response of macroscopically homogeneous systems can be described in terms of certain thermoelastic moduli that are evaluated for a selected representative volume element, subjected to uniform overall thermomechanical fields. However, such representative volumes are not easily defined for systems with variable phase volume fractions, subjected to nonuniform overall fields. Regardless of such concerns, a variety of methods originally developed to describe the behavior of macroscopically homogeneous composites have been applied in thermoelastic analyses of FGM components. At the most elementary level, rule-of-mixture approaches have been employed, for example, by Fukui et al. (1994), Lee and Erdogan (1994/1995), and Markworth and Saunders (1995) in elastic systems. Giannakopoulos et al. (1995) and Finot and Suresh (1996) used this approach in elastic-plastic systems. Miller and Lannutti (1993) estimated elastic moduli and averages of the Hashin Shtrikman bounds for statistically homogeneous systems, while Hirano et al. (1990) introduced a fuzzy-set estimate based on the Mori-Tanaka (1973) method, with an assumed transition function to account for the effect of changes of the matrix and inclusion phases. The method was also used in investigations of thermoelastic behavior of FGM structures (Tanaka et al., 1993a,b ; Hirano and Wakashima, 1995). Additional references appear in the review by Markworth et al. (1995) and in Williamson et al. (1993). The purpose of the present study is to test the proposition that for two-phase graded materials with a single volume fraction gradient, the overall elastic response can be obtained from homogeneous layer models, with the layer moduli estimated in terms of the local volume fractions, and matrix and inclusion moduli, by certain existing micromechanical methods. Section 2 introduces the graded material models and describes the traction and mixed boundary conditions employed in the present study. Both uniform and linearly varying overall stress and strain fields are considered. Section 3 explains the replacement of the discrete material models with piecewise homogeneous layered materials with equivalent elastic constants. The Mori-Tanaka and self-consistent estimates of the effective overall moduli in two-phase particulate aggregates, and the related local field averages, are also summarized here. The results of the many comparative studies are illustrated by examples in Section 4. Finally, Section 5 provides a summary of conclusions that should be useful in applications of the approximate averaging methods to various graded material configurations. 2. 2.1. THE TWO-PHASE GRADED MATERIAL MODEL

Model geometry

The graded material models selected for the proposed comparative studies are based on a planar hexagonal array of inclusions in continuous matrices. Figure 1




x2 --_) _




0.4 0.8 Phase Volume Fraction

gradient in the x,-direction and

Fig. 1. A two-phase



Model 1 with a linear volume fraction a distinct percolation threshold.

Fig. 2. Two examples

of Models gradient

2, the five graded in the x-,-direction

material models used, with a linear volume and a wide transition zone.


shows a microstructure with a distinct threshold between the two matrix phases ; this microstructure will be referred to as Model 1. Figure 2 illustrates two of the five microstructures of Model 2, with a wide transition zone of a skeletal microstructure, which were used in the comparisons. Figure 3 presents an arrangement incorporating both the skeletal transition zone (Model 3) and a threshold (Model 1.2) ; such a


T. REITER et al.

Fig. 3. Two-phase graded materials with a linear volume fraction gradient : Model 3 (left) with a transition zone, and Model 1.2 (right) with a percolation threshold.

x3 t I

x2 (a)

Double layer array



Single layer array

Fig. 4. (a) A double-layer array of hexagonal cells, and finite element discretization with 24 triangles per cell ; (b) the two-phase model in a single layer array. The phase volume fractions are c, = 0.5, r = 1, 2, in both arrays.

microstructure may result by mixing two phases of different grain size. Figure 4(a) shows in detail the two overlapping arrays used in generating the graded material models, with a relative displacement in the x,-direction equal to one half width of one hexagonal cell. In contrast to the early (cr N 0.3) clustering observed in the singlelayer array [Fig. 4(b)], the double-layer array preserves separation of the inclusions to higher volume concentrations (cr N 0.6), while also offering an optional selection of certain other inclusion shapes. Both arrangements provide for rows of hexagonal cells parallel to the x,-axis, and the number of inclusions in each row defines the row volume fraction. Volume fraction gradients in the x,-direction are simulated by

Micromechanical models


changing the number of inclusions in subsequent rows ; many different gradient magnitudes can be generated in this manner. The array of Fig. 1 has 20 hexagonal cells in each row, and 30 rows in the x3direction. The first five top and bottom rows consist of pure phase 2 and phase 1, respectively. A constant volume fraction gradient was generated by adding a single inclusion in each successive row. This provides for a rather steep gradient and thus for a more stringent test of the model comparisons ; published micrographs of actual systems suggest rates equal to l/5 to l/l0 of the present magnitude. The arrays of Figs 2 and 3 have 50 rows and 40 hexagonal cells per row. Again, the five end rows are homogeneous, then one inclusion is added in each next row. The resulting composition gradients are thus half as steep as that of Fig. 1. Placement of inclusions in the five Models 2 illustrated by Fig. 2 was made automatically, using a random number generator. The Models 1, 1.2 and 3 of Figs 1 and 3 were generated manually. As implied by the use of planar arrays, the typically particulate microstructure of a graded material is replaced here by a graded fibrous system. The latter appears to be more suitable for the intended comparisons, since realizations of fiber systems are much better understood than those of three-dimensional composites with randomly dispersed particles. The finite element mesh of Fig. 4(a) subdivides each fiber into 24 three-noded triangular elements. The element properties are described in Section 2.4. Convergence of the model with respect to the coarseness of the finite element discretization was established by comparisons of selected results of the present model with a 96-element per fiber model, which showed no significant deviations in overall stiffness. Note in Fig. 4(a) the homogenized layer of elements aligned with the _Y~direction ; such layers were used in finding volume averages of local fields computed in finite element analysis of the discrete two-phase graded material models ; they are also employed in the homogenized models discussed in Section 3. Other meshing schemes may be implemented with automatic mesh generators. These may offer better approximations of the local fields, but should yield similar field averages and overall response for a given phase density. The scheme selected here is more advantageous since it can also be used to generate certain graded microstructures. 2.2.
Traction boundary conditions

Both traction and displacement, as well as mixed boundary conditions involving uniform and linearly varying distributions were applied to the material models. The surface tractions can be converted into equivalent overall stresses which, in the case of linear distributions, are subject to certain equilibrium conditions. These can be established by considering a volume V of an elastic homogeneous medium with any physically admissible material symmetry, such that with the possible exception of a thin layer at the surface S, the stress field within V is a linear function of Cartesian coordinates.


arj +


Oji +





To be admissible, this field must satisfy the equations of equilibrium in the absence of body forces



et al.


= 0 * qiij = 0,

i,j = 1,2,3.


Inside a homogeneous medium, the strains caused by (1) are also linear functions of coordinates and, therefore, identically satisfy the equations of compatibility. Of course, the linear strain distribution may not be preserved in graded and/or heterogeneous systems, hence the stresses in V may not vary linearly. To find the overall stress field that supports (l), it is convenient to define the volume V as a cuboid, -a<~, <a, -b<x, Qb, -c<x, <c, (3)

with surfaces S parallel to the principal coordinate planes. Traction continuity at the interfaces (3) requires that the exterior components of the stress tensor (1) on (3) be equal to the respective overall components. In particular, on any plane x2 = p in (3), the overall stresses are
aYi(xl,x3> = Oi,+?iijxf>

i= 1,2,,3,




with the uniform components a:, = 621 +r212P, &z = Gz +r2*28, & = 6X +11*328. (5)

The top bar denotes a constant part of the uniform overall stress that can be prescribed at will. Note that the components (5) are dissimilar at x2 = /? = f b in (3). Traction continuity at these surfaces planes provides
0 y/Zil = q211, 0 q2i3 = Y]2r3, i=



Similarly, on any plane x3 = y in (3) the overall stresses are O!i(x* 9x2) with the uniform components
031 = 4, +ylil.jxj,

i= 1,2,3,




0 _- a31+9313Y,


0 _- a32+q323?,




and the overall stress gradients equal to the interior components,

VYil = h, vYi2 = y13i2, i = 1,2,3.


Analogous overall stress expressions can be written for the planes xi = CI, in analogy to (6) and (9), i.e. qlr2 = ylli2, ?Yi3= rli3,

i = L&3.


Equations (6), (9), and (10) suggest that 18 overall stress gradients may be prescribed and are continuous on (3). However, symmetry (12) of the stress tensor requires that





which implies that only 15 of the overall gradients can be prescribed independently. Six of the corresponding internal gradients appear directly in the equilibrium equations (2). Together with traction continuity on (3), (2) then provide the remaining three internal gradients that cannot be determined from the overall stresses :




Fig. 5. The overall stresses supporting

a plane stress state involving l&3 = $3.

the single applied

shear stress gradient


YL2 + $33,





0 yI3ll



Conservation of momentum and of the moment of momentum of the overall tractions on the surface S of V returns the expected symmetries aFli= sjitji,t& = I$~, with ?j& = 0. As an example, we consider the overall linearly varying stress field involving a single applied shear stress gradient q i13 _ = 7yiz3. According to (12) the normal stress gradient --z22 = 7$33 is induced by this application. The resulting equilibrium field of linearly varying tractions is applied as boundary conditions on a unit thickness layer with inhomogeneous properties in the x,x,-plane (Fig. 5). The model of Fig. 1 is used in this illustration. In applying the in-plane stresses of Fig. 5 to the models of a graded fibrous composite, the stress and moment resultants on the planes xl = const. were required to vanish, and the said planes remained plane during deformation. These boundary conditions are discussed in Section 2.4 below. Note that the right-hand side of (12) includes only shear stress gradients. Therefore, applied normal stress gradients, such as y1i13 or qi32, do not activate any additional components, but cause only simple fields CJ i2 = GZ+rL3x3 or at3 = c33+~P32.yZ, respectively, continuous across planar boundaries; these can be easily added to those in Fig. 5. It is probably obvious that the overall stresses (4) and (7), and those on planes X, = CI, are in equilibrium and remain independent both of the properties of the material in V and of the size of V. Hence, overall stress fields defined by selected stress gradients that satisfy (12) may be applied to arbitrary volumes of both homogeneous


T. REITER et al.

and graded solids. Of course, in the latter, the internal stresses may not be linear functions of coordinates except, for example, in layered materials under shear, as discussed below. 2.3.
Displacement and mixed boundary conditions

In analogy to (1), consider a volume Vof a homogeneous solid with linearly varying overall and local strains, s!O) + K!!?)X torn mv 11(x) = s!?) II The corresponding
&ijCX) = &ij + KijmXm.


overall displacement field is (Zuiker, 1993) up = &fXj+ (1/2)[@2 + KQ - r@]XjXk. (14)

Taking the strain (13,) into the elastic constitutive relation with a constant stiffness, one finds the local stress,
oij(x) = LijklEkt(X), (15)

which must satisfy the equilibrium equations acr,(x)/ax, +xi = 0, so that the strain gradients (13,) are constrained by the Navier relations, &J%/ + X = 0. (17) (16)

Consider again the cuboid volume (3) of a homogeneous solid subjected to the displacements (14). The internal strains are linear functions of coordinates. The interior or in-plane components of the strain tensor in V must be continuous on S. The exterior or out-of-plane components may be discontinuous. Surface tractions must be continuous. For example, on any plane x, = c1one can verify that the interior strain gradient components are ICING, ~~~~~ JC*~~, ICING, rcjX2, and rc333 ; they are equal there to their overall counterparts in (13,). The exterior components are IC~,~, K,,~, IC,~~, IC,~~, are the interior components on K,~~,and IC,~~. Among the latter, the IC,~~ and ICING x2 = p, while the K,,* and x122are interior components on the plane x3 = y. On the respective planes, these components are again equal to those in (13) ; of the 18 components, 15 are independent. The ~123, ~132, and ~231, do not appear as interior components on any plane. However, if the 15 interior strain gradients are prescribed on the surface planes, then these three internal gradients may be evaluated, if the solution exists, from the three relations (17). In conclusion, if the volume V that is subjected to (14) contains a homogeneous (or homogenized) elastic material with constant stiffness coefficients L,, there are 15 constant internal strain gradients equal to the corresponding overall gradients prescribed by (14). The remaining internal gradients ~123, IC,~~, ~~3, can be found from (17), if the solution exists. However, if the volume I/ subject to boundary conditions that agree with (14) contains a material of variable stiffness, the internal strain gradients may no longer be constant, and since (17) by itself is not sufficient for their evaluation within V, they cannot be found from (14) alone, except for the values of the continuous interior components on S.

Fig. 6. Overall

stresses and displacements


to cause linearly varying




Fig. 7. Overall

stresses and displacements


with a transverse

shear stress at xi = c

In what follows, we select both pure linear tractions boundary conditions and mixed conditions that simulate such deformation states as uniform normal strain, pure bending, and shear. These are displayed in Figs 5-7. Again, in each case, all


T. REITER et al.

stress resultants with components in the x,-direction are required to vanish, and the planes x, = const. are required to remain planes during deformation (see Section 2.4.). 2.4.
Generalized plane strain conditions

In actual solutions, the selected models of the graded fibrous material were implemented as two-dimensional finite element models of constant unit thickness in the x,-direction, chosen as the diameter of a circle containing one hexagonal cell shown in Fig. 2, using the ABAQUS generalized plane strain elements. The underlying theory allows for a finite thickness solution domain, bounded in the thickness direction by two planes that are parallel before deformation. During deformation, the planes can move as rigid bodies relative to each other. However, it is assumed that the deformation is uniform in the thickness direction, so that the relative motion of the two planes causes only normal strain in that direction. The relative motion of the planes is completely described by the displacement Au, (xt, xy) of a selected point on one of the planes from its image on the other plane, and by the relative rotations A& A& about x2, x3, respectively, defined here as positive according to the right-hand rule. In general, this adds at most three degrees of freedom to the system of equations ; implementation is accomplished with Lagrangian multipliers. The relative displacement of any point on one plane from its image on the other plane is then given by

In the context of the above strains and strain gradients, this implies that

z 0,












where i = 1, 2, 3. Similar relations hold for the overall components. In the absence of constraints on the Au, displacement of the bounding planes, the boundary conditions (18) enforce a superposition of axial and pure bending deformations ; the resultants of the axial normal force and moments about the x2 and x3 axes being zero.

3. 3.1.





The replacement

Since detailed finite element analysis of a discrete two-phase or multi-phase graded material model may not be feasible in all applications, it is useful also to employ a homogenized model of the graded material, consisting of parallel homogeneous layers with certain effective elastic moduli. The layer properties are estimated with a suitable averaging method, while the layer thicknesses and the phase volume fractions within the layer are selected to approximate the actual phase volume fraction variation in the graded composite. The finite element mesh of Fig. 4(a) was retained in the homogenized model and one homogeneous layer was located in each row of elements

Micromechanical models


parallel to the x,-axis, even though such mesh refinement would not be needed in ordinary applications. Note that three rows of elements separate the center lines of the hexagonal fibers, hence a total of 90 layers were used to represent the 30 rows of hexagons in the x,-direction in Fig. 1, while 150 layers were needed for the arrays of Figs 2 and 3. The volume fractions of the phases in each layer were determined in terms of the number of fiber and matrix elements present. Also, both phase and overall stress and strain field averages in each layer were found in terms of the respective element fields. Of course, the same boundary conditions were applied to the models in each comparison. 3.2. The Mori-Tanaka and self-consistent methods

Since these averaging methods have been extensively described in the literature, we present here only the results needed for their application to particulate composites. More extensive expositions of the Mori-Tanaka (1973) method can be found in Benveniste (1987) and Chen et al. (1992), and of the self-consistent method in Hill (1965) and Walpole (1969). Conditions limiting the use of these two methods in multiphase systems have been identified by Benveniste et al. (1991), and their extensive similarities noted by Dvorak and Benveniste (1992). Both methods provide estimates of the average local stress and strain fields in the phases of a composite material occupying a certain representative volume that is subjected to a uniform overall stress or strain. The local field averages are then used to evaluate the overall elastic moduli of the composite aggregate. The results are firstorder estimates, found in terms of phase elastic moduli and volume fractions, while actual phase shapes are approximated by similar ellipsoidal shapes. Although the size of the representative volume used by the two methods is not exactly specified, the expectation is that it should be much larger than the diameter of a typical inclusion. In the above replacement scheme, the methods are used to estimate the moduli of each of the 90 (or 150) layers representing the 30 (or 50) rows of hexagonal cells. These are long layers of 20 (or 40) hexagonal cells, but their thickness is equal to about l/3 of the inclusion spacing. However, recall that in the discrete two-phase models, the composition gradient was generated by adding one inclusion in each next row of hexagonal cells. The volume fraction thus remains nominally constant in each three contiguous element layers, and then changes by 0.05 (or 0.025) in the next three layers. Moreover, in the discrete two-phase models, the inclusions are added at distant locations, causing isolated local disturbances in composition perceived by only a few adjacent inclusions. Therefore, with few exceptions, the inclusions in the present microstructure (with a rather steep gradient) reside in what appear to be sufficiently large volumes of constant composition. Another concern pertains to the assumption of uniform overall fields applied to the representative volume. As will be seen below, the stress and deformation fields in the homogenized model are far from uniform. The role of field gradients in the response of heterogeneous solids was recently studied by Zuiker (1993) and Zuiker and Dvorak (1994a, b, c). The gradient effects were found to be important in fields of low average magnitude. However, when the field averages are high, their contribution to the energy of the inclusion far outweighs that of the gradients (Dvorak and Zuiker, 1995).



et al.

In conclusion, while the replacement scheme does not exactly comply with the usual assumptions of the homogenization methods, the departures do not appear to seriously compromise its validity. This is borne out in the comparisons described below. 3.3.
Estimates of overall moduli and local$elds

A simple implementation of the methods in two-phase systems starts with evaluation of the overall moduli. In most functionally graded materials, the local effective moduli should be approximated by those of a matrix-based composite reinforced by spherical particles. Useful in applications are the following results for a random distribution of isotropic particles in an isotropic matrix. Let K,, G, denote the bulk and shear moduli, respectively, and c, the volume fraction of the matrix phase. The K,, GZ, c2 denote the elastic constants and volume fraction of the particle phase ; c,+c, = 1. The Mori-Tanaka estimate of the overall bulk and shear moduli K and G of such a particle-reinforced composite was derived by Benveniste (1987) as (K-K,)l(K, -K,) = &I[(1

--y~)+wl, (20)

(G-G,)/(G -G,) = czB/[(l-vz)+czPl~

where (Berryman, 1980) a = (KI +4G,/3)/(K2+4G,/3), b = (G, +F,)/(G2+F,), and F, = (G,/6)[(9K, +gG,)l(K, +2G)l. The self-consistent estimate of the bulk and shear moduli of the above composite system was obtained by Hill (1965) as
cr/K = c,/(KKz) +cJ(KK,), (21)

BlG = c,I(G-G,)+c,I(G-G,),

where u = 3 -5p = K/(K+4G/3). Note that in contrast to (20), these are implicit expressions for the unknown K and G, and that they are invariant with respect to phase exchange. It turns out that for K > 0, G > 0, j? has the range 215 < /I < 315. After substituting for a, (21,) can be solved for K in terms of G : l/(K+4G/3) = c,/(K, +4G/-3)+c,/(K,
+4G/3), (22)

while G can be obtained by solving (numerically) the quartic equation

[c,K,/(K, +~G/~)+~,K,/(K,+~G/~)]+~[C,G,/(G-G,)+C,G,/(G-G,)J+~ = 0.

(23) Analogous expressions for composites reinforced by aligned or randomly oriented needle (= short-fiber) and disc-shaped (= platelets or flakes) isotropic inhomogeneities were derived with the self-consistent method of Walpole (1969). The MoriTanaka estimates of the moduli for such systems are given by (20), with appropriate a and p taken from Berryman (1980), and for anisotropic reinforcement see Chen et al. (1992). The overall moduli of fiber composites are estimated in a similar manner. In the present work, the replacement of the two-phase model by the homogenized model

Micromechanical models


utilized the Mori-Tanaka estimates by Chen et al. [ 1992, equations (8)-( 12)], and the self-consistent estimates of Hill [ 1965, equations (1.6))( 1.9)]. Evaluation of the local stress estimates in the phases can be easily accomplished once the overall moduli of a composite system are known (Hill, 1965). Suppose that a representative volume of the composite material is subjected to certain uniform overall stress or strain fields, written as (6 x 1) vectors in the form Go = {& rJ:* 0:x f& oY3 &)? E = {E:, &,& EiJ 2E;? averages
{GI ~22

2Ey3 2Ey2sT,


and that the estimated ?2 0, = {CJ,, CJ The local averages

phase (r = 1,2) volume

033 623 013 (T121h 8, =

of the local fields are

~33 2~23 2~13 24:. (25)

and overall fields are connected co = C,d, +c,a2,

as (26) in the form (27)

&O= Cl&, +C2&2, are then written

and the overall and local constitutive 6 = Leo,


so = Ma,

G, = L,E,,

E, = Mrb,,

where the L, L,, and M = L-, M,. = L; are the (6 x 6) overall and local stiffness and compliance matrices. The overall and average local fields can be related by (6 x 6) mechanical concentration factor matrices
E, =


tr, = B,aO, factors are evaluated -M,))(M-Mz), -M,))(M-M,), as


where, for a two-phase c,A,

system, the concentration c,B, =(M,

= (L, -LJ(L-L2), -L$(L-L,),

c2A, = -(L, and, according


= -(M,


to (26), must satisfy, c,A, +c,A, = I, c,B, +c,B, = I, (30)

where I is a (6 x 6) identity matrix. Note that the validity of (28) and (29) does not depend on the method used to obtain the overall L or M ; several different approaches are available, including experimental measurements.

4. 4.1.




Material system of a graded material shown in Figs 1-3, and the Section 3, were compared in their predictions of response, under the boundary conditions discussed selected was the C/Sic system (Sasaki and Hirai,

The discrete two-phase models homogenized model described in local stresses or strains and overall in Sections 2.2-2.4. The material



et al.

Table Material Phase 1 : carbon Phase 2 : silicon carbide

1. Phase properties of the C/Sic system E (GPa) 28 320

V 5x (W/C)

0.3 0.3

9.3 4.2

1991) with the elastic moduli E and v, and the coefficients of thermal expansion CI, given in Table 1. This system was chosen because of the relatively large difference in phase elastic moduli. Moreover, as discussed in Section 2.1, the composition gradient in the model material was made about five time steeper than that in the actual systems described in the literature. Both these features should elevate the heterogeneity of the model material, thus making it more difficult to achieve satisfactory comparisons of the discrete and homogenized models, and reinforcing the validity of conclusions based on observed agreement between the model predictions. Also, due to the large phase moduli differences, the Mori-Tanaka estimates coincide with the HashinShtrikman upper or lower bounds on elastic moduli, when the stiffer phase serves as a matrix or reinforcement, respectively. The notation used in displaying the results employs the following shorthand :
Phase 0 refers to the graded composite material itself. The stress or strain in this phase is the volume average (26) in the layer of elements shown in Fig. 4(a). FEM indicates that the quantity in question was determined from local fields found in element layers of the discrete two-phase model [Fig. 4(a)]. To minimize artificial oscillations, this is a three-point moving average of the values computed in the layers. MTMI denotes results that were found by finite element analysis of the homogenized model, with overall moduli and/or other properties estimated by the MoriTanaka method, such that the (carbon) phase 1 in Table 1 was regarded as the continuous matrix. MTM2 denotes results found as in MTMl, but with the (Sic) phase 2 serving as matrix and phase 1 as the reinforcement. SCS denotes results found by finite element analysis of the homogenized model, where the overall properties were estimated by the self-consistent method.


Linear overall shear stress

The first comparative results were obtained for loading by the linearly changing overall shear stress (Fig. 5). This is a relatively simple loading case, since the composite (phase 0) stress average is a linear function of coordinates in the model volume. Figure 8 shows the aFi(~~), s = 0, 1, 2, phase stress averages in the element layers obtained from the local fields computed with the finite element analysis of the discrete model of Fig. 1. The averages are taken over the volumes of the respective phase 1 and 2 elements residing in layers aligned with the x,-axis, as indicated in Fig. 4 ; the average shear stress in the composite itself (phase 0) is found from phase 1 and 2 averages and volume fractions in (26). Note that, as expected, the average shear stress in the composite changes linearly in the x,-direction. This result is also recovered





c -







Gradient Shear-Stress Loading




x3 lc Fig 8. Average stresses ~~~ in the phases of the two-phase model of Fig. 1, under the linear overall shear stress state of Fig. 5. The averages were obtained from the computed fields in element layers illustrated in Fig. 4. The applied stress uy?(x,) = 1(x,/c) MPa.


\... ... ..__ .._. .._.

Gradient Shear-Stress Loading



.O x3 lc



Fig. 9. Comparison of average stresses oz3 computed by several different methods in phase 2 (Sic) of the graded composite material model of Fig. 1. MTMl is applicable at x2 < 0, and MTM2 at xj > 0. The averages were obtained from the computed fields in element layers illustrated in Fig. 4. The applied stress & (xl) = 1(q/c) MPa.

when the phase volume average stresses are estimated with the Mori-Tanaka method, with either phase serving as matrix in -c d x3 d c, and also when the phase stress averages are estimated with the self-consistent scheme. Figure 9 provides comparisons




et al.


I -.8 -.4

Gradient Shear-Stress Loading I I I .O .4 3

Fig. 10. Average strains 2~~~ computed in the phases of the two-phase model of Fig. 1, under the linear overall shear stress state of Fig. 5. The averages were obtained from the computed fields in element layers illustrated in Fig. 4. The applied stress u!j3 (x3) = 1(x3/c) MPa.

of several estimates of the &)(x3) stress average in phase 2 (Sic) with the FEM result found from the finite element analysis of the discrete graded material model. Both the self-consistent (SCS) estimate, and the MTM 1 and MTM2 estimates in the respective parts of the model volume, are in good agreement with the FEM result. Note that MTMl is applicable at xj < 0, and MTM2 at xj > 0. Figure 10 presents the distribution of the element layer-averaged 2&)(.x3) strain component in the composite (phase 0) and phases 1 and 2, where the underlying strain field was obtained by finite element analysis of the discrete model of Fig. 1. As expected, the O-phase average converges to that in the respective matrix phase and the two curves coincide in the homogeneous end layers. A comparison of the layeraveraged 2&(x3) strains in phase 1 was also made with the different estimates ; in their respective regions, the MTMl and MTM2 results followed the FEM results rather closely, somewhat better than those of the self-consistent scheme. 4.3.
Overall transverse strain

This loading configuration, shown schematically in Fig. 6, was first applied as a uniform overall strain, to the two-phase models of Figs l-3. Five models of the type shown in Fig. 2 were analysed ; the results presented below are averages of the stresses computed in the five models. The purpose here was to study the effect of graded phase distributions on the overall and local stresses. Of course, the estimates depend only on the phase volume fractions in each element layer, which are determined by the composition gradient. Therefore these estimates are not sensitive to the actual dis-




Uniform transverse overall strain


522 - Ph: 0, FEM_hQAV S22. Ph: 0, FEM_M1_2

- -. -.8

!322_pp- *-


x3 lc



Fig. 11. Comparison of the normal stress averages u#(x,) in the composite (phase 0) obtained under uniform transverse overall strain E$J (x,) = 1.0, for the Models 2, I .2 and 3 of Figs 2 and 3, with several different methods.

tribution. However, as the following comparisons show, the predictions of the discrete models with different microstructural arrangements are best approximated by different estimates. In Fig. 11, we compare the composite-averaged stresses r&)(x3) evaluated by the finite element method in the five different two-phase models of the type shown in Fig. 2 (Models 2), and in the model of Fig. 3 (Model 3), with the Mori-Tanaka and selfconsistent estimates. In Fig. 12, a similar comparison is presented of the #(xj) stresses found in Phase 2 (Sic). The results suggest that if the particle distribution provides for a rather wide skeletal zone between the respective matrix phases, then the self-consistent estimate of the stress distribution approximates rather well the results obtained by averaging the transverse composite stresses computed in the discrete two-phase models. This is illustrated in Fig. 12, both for the models of Fig, 2 and also in the transition from phase 1 toward the threshold at x3/c N 0.2 in the models of Fig. 3. Additional comparisons of the discrete and homogenized models were made under the linearly varying transverse overall strains of Fig. 6, applied to the model of Fig. 1. The applied displacement boundary conditions produced two distinct overall strain states, one with the distribution &(x~) = 0.5(1 +x,/c), and another with &(x3) = 0.5x,/c, where -c Q x3 d c. For these overall strains, Figs 13 and 14 show the resulting distributions of the average stress #(x3) in the (Sic) phase 2. In both cases, the FEM local stress average follows closely the MTMl and MTM2 estimates in the regions where they are valid. Of course, the same is true for the composite (phase 0) and phase 1 (C) stress averages.



et al.


Uniform transverse overall

Fig. 12. Comparison of the normal stress averages &22)(x3) in phase 2 (Sic) obtained under uniform transverse overall strain #(x3) = 1.O, for the Models, 2, 1.2and 3 of Figs 2 and 3, with several different

Linear transverse overall strain

1 I
522 S22 S22 S22 Ph: 2, Ph: 2, Ph: 2. Ph: 2, MTMP MTM1 SCS FEM

---...... -.-. -



x3 ic



Fig. 13. Comparison of the normal stress averages u$(xg) in phase 2 (Sic) obtained under linear transverse overall strain &$02)(x3) = 0.5(1 +x,/c), for the model of Fig. 1, with several different methods.


Uniform transverse shear stress

The boundary conditions that create this loading state are shown in Fig. 6. The graded layer is loaded by a uniform surface shear stress, while being supported on a




I f

Linear transverse

overall strain

---__-I -.8 -.4 __-_Hs I .o x3 lc .4 ..... -.-. I

SZ-Ph:2,MTM2 S22 - Ph: 2, MTMl 92 - Ph: 2, SCS S22 - Ph: 2, FEM I .a

Fig. 14. Comparison of the normal overall strain E$$)(x~) =

stress averages &2(x,) in phase 2 (SIC) obtained under linear transverse 1(x,/c), for the model of Fig. 1, with several different methods.

Uniform overall shear stress



SZI-pII:I.Mlw ~-R:t.MTMl


I -.8


.O x3 fc




15. Comparison of the shear stress averages &2)(x1) in phase I (C) obtained under the constant transverse shear stress a,? = I .O MPa (Fig. 7). using several models and approximate methods.

rigid substrate. The average stress in the composite (phase 0) is uniform and equal to the applied stress in --c < x3 d c. The two-phase model of Fig. 1 was used here, together with its homogenized counterpart. Figure 15 provides a comparison between


et al.

I /Sic-FGM-System

Uniform overall shear stress



.O x3 lc



Fig. 16. Comparison of the shear strain averages 2s$y(x3) in the composite (phase 0) obtained under the constant transverse shear stress #32= 1.O MPa (Fig. 7), using several different models and methods.

the phase 1 (C) stresses 0$:)(x3) found from the different models. Figure 16 shows the composite (phase 0) strains 24)(x3). As before, the self-consistent method approximates quite closely the computed average response of the five Model 2 microstructures. The discrete Models 1.2 and 3 also appear to be well represented by this method in the part of the microstructure with the carbon matrix. However, both models predict higher stresses in the SIC phase and higher stiffness than the self-consistent and MTM2 estimates in the other part of the microstructure with the Sic matrix.



The elastic response of several plane-array models of graded composite microstructures, under different traction and mixed boundary conditions, has been examined by detailed finite element studies, and the results compared with those provided by equivalent piecewise homogeneous models. In the case of the one-directional gradient of the phase volume fractions used here, the actual microstructure was replaced by a material consisting of thin layers, and the effective elastic constants of the layers were estimated by the Mori-Tanaka and self-consistent methods, in terms of phase volume fractions and approximated ellipsoidal inclusion shape. To make the results of the comparisons more convincing, a C/Sic composite system with the phases assumed to be isotropic was chosen because of the large difference in the Youngs moduli of the phases. Also, relatively steep composition gradients were selected. The expectation is that the conclusions derived will remain valid in systems with less dissimilar phase moduli, and both smaller and moderately variable gradients. The overall applied loads (Figs 5-7) involved linearly varying as well as constant

Micromechanical models


shear stresses, and uniform and linearly changing overall strains, transverse to the direction of the composition gradient. The conclusions reached from these studies indicate that in those parts of the graded microstructure that have a well-defined continuous matrix and discontinuous reinforcement, the overall properties and local fields are closely predicted by MoriTanaka estimates. For example, in the model of Fig. 2 with a definite threshold separating the respective matrix phases, the two Mori-Tanaka estimates gave a very close approximation of the response of the discrete two-phase model under identical boundary conditions. On the other hand, the response of the model graded materials with a skeletal microstructure that does not have a well-defined matrix, was better approximated by the self-consistent estimates. For example, both the overall and local field averages evaluated by finite element analysis of the discrete two-phase Models 2 and 3 of Figs 2 and 3, showed distinct transitions toward the respective estimates, in response to the changing configurations of the graded microstructure. Although limited to the particular cases studied, the results suggest that the micromechanical methods originally developed for statistically homogeneous aggregates can be applied with a reasonable degree of confidence to composites with relatively steep composition gradients and very dissimilar phase moduli. However, certain exceptions should be noted, as observed under transverse shear loading in Figs 1.5 and 16.

The work of TR was supported by a grant from the Max Kade Foundation, and that of GJD by the DARPAjONR University Research Initiative project on the mechanism-based design of composite structures at Rensselaer. This effort was initiated under partial funding from the Direktor Ib Henriksens Fulbright Grant to GJD at the Department of Solid Mechanics, Technical University of Denmark.

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