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Prayer Diary 2013 Week 24 061613

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MONDAYEVANGELISTIC PRAYER Chronological Bible Reading: Esther 1-2; Acts 2 Monday, June 17 Isa. 36:5 I say, sayest thou, (but they are but vain words) I have counsel and strength for war: now on whom dost thou trust, that thou rebellest against me? Almighty God and King: This is an important question for anyone. Now on whom dost thou trust? Oh, that __________ and __________ would listen to my answer and make it theirs! I trust you, Father, believing you have chosen me, even from the foundation of the world. I trust you to provide for me in providence, teach me in scripture, guide me by your Spirit, correct me by your counsel, and bring me home to your house, where many mansions are. I trust you, Son of God, believing you have taken away all my sins by your own sacrifice. Clothe me with your perfect righteousness. Be my Intercessor, to present my prayers and desires to the Father on his throne. Be my Advocate against the Accuser. Justify me by your own blood! I trust you for who you are, for what you have done, and for what you promise to do with me. I trust you, Holy Spirit, because you have not only saved me eternally, but started saving me right now from ingrained sin. I trust you to drive it all out. I trust you to curb my temper, subdue my will, enlighten my understanding, check my emotions, comfort my depression, help my weaknesses, and illuminate my darkness. I trust you to dwell in me as surely as I have life animating me. Reign as my King. Sanctify me completely in response to my complete consecration. Make me yours: spirit, soul, and body, now and forever! Help me witness to someone who will trust the One whose power will never be exhausted, love will never wane, kindness will never change, faithfulness will never fail, wisdom will never be confused, and goodness can never be diminished. Happy is that person whose trust is in you completely! Amen. A DAILY PATTERN FOR PRAYER & BIBLE READING Chronological Bible Reading: Esther 7-8; Acts 5 Thursday, June 20 Rom. 13:20 Yea, so have I strived to preach the gospel, not where Christ was named, lest I should build upon another man's foundation: My Father is rich in houses and lands, He holdeth the wealth of the world in His hands! Of rubies and diamonds, of silver and gold, His coffers are full, He has riches untold. My Fathers own Son, the Savior of men, Once wandered on earth as the poorest of them; But now He is pleading our pardon on high, That we may be His when He comes by and by. I once was an outcast stranger on earth, A sinner by choice, an alien by birth, But Ive been adopted, my names written down, An heir to a mansion, a robe and a crown. Im a child of the King, a child of the King: With Jesus my Savior, Im a child of the King. Harriet E. Buell, 1877 TUESDAYFOCUS ON CHRISTS CROSS Chronological Bible Reading: Esther 3-4; Acts 3 Tuesday, June 18 Luke 23:46 And when Jesus had cried with a loud voice, he said, Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit: and having said thus, he gave up the ghost. Faithful Redeemer and Lord: These were your dying words, of seven that were spoken from the cross. The first cry was Father, forgive them. The second was stated to the thief who heard and claimed your forgiveness, Today shalt thou be with me in paradise. Third, further on, you spotted Mary and spoke to provide a home for your mother, because you were being called away. The fourth and central word of the seven is, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? It is as though it needed three cries before it and three sayings after it as its bodyguard, because this was the central crux of the cross. John preserves the fifth word, I thirst; the shortest, but sharpest for physical pain. Then you said, It is finished, because by then no thread was left dangling in the fabric of my redemption. And since it was finished to perfection, your seventh and completing word was, Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit. Seven cries. Seven duties. 1. Help me forgive my enemies like you did. Make me always ready to pardon them in Christian love, especially those who are closest to me and hurt me the most. Let me be like the cedar tree that perfumes the axe that chops it! 2. Let me confess my sin even as did the dying thief. 3. Let me never fall short of love to my own family and friends. 4. Teach me to cling to you and trust you even when I seem totally forsaken by you. 5. Let me set a high value on the fulfillment of your word. 6. Teach me complete obedience. Help me work, obey, suffer and serve according to your will. 7. Teach me complete yieldedness of my life to your plans. I stand still and make full surrender right now. Amen. FRIDAY CORPORATE PRAYER MINISTRY Chronological Bible Reading: Esther 9-10; Acts 6 Friday, June 21 Lam. 3:41 Let us lift up our heart with our hands unto God in the heavens. Father God: The act of prayer teaches us humilitya good lesson for proud people. Rev. 3:17 Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, If you gave us answers without our asking, we would never recognize how desperately dependent we are on you. True prayer is an inventory of how much we need you, a catalog of crises, a revelation of our true poverty, and Matt. 5:3 Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Lord, this is our application for a stimulus grant of divine wealth, and also our confession of human emptiness. The healthiest state we can be in as a church is to be always empty of self, and constantly depending on your Spirit. Make it so, Lord! Make it so! Make us mighty through God to do great exploits in fulfilling your mission. We will constantly use prayer, because while it adores you as creator, it also lays us as creatures in the dust where we belong. Grant us blessing through the daily exercise of prayer. Increase our faith as we connect to you in spirit. Make us mount up with wings as eagles as we wait upon you (Isa. 40:31 ). James 5:16 The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. Our prayer is the uplifted hands of Moses on the hill. It routs the Amalekites even more than the valiant sword of Joshua in the valley. Teach us to pray, because that is what clothes our weakness with divine strength, turns our human folly into heavenly wisdom, and gives your anxious and depressed people the peace and joy of God. Thank you Lord, for this mercy seat, a precious proof of your faithful lovingkindness. Help us use it rightly today. Amen. WEDNESDAYREVIVAL PRAYING Chronological Bible Reading: Esther 5-6; Acts 4 Wednesday, June 19 Isa. 64:6 But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags; Loving and Glorious Lord: There are those in other religions who torture themselves, thinking through discipline and self-mortification they can win your satisfaction. In all parts of the planet there are those who think the misery of their body can be an atonement for their own sin. But, It is finished. All the pain of punishment God can ask, Christ has suffered for me. John 4:34 Jesus saith unto them, My meat is to do the will of him that sent me, and to finish his work. Lord, I dare not pin my filthy rags to the fine linen of Christs righteousness. But instead, I trust through my faith in the cross, that his righteousness is applied to me. My account now contains his obedience in my place. My sin was put on him and taken away, never to be remembered again. I cannot (and no one can) improve on what Christ finished. The cross made the work of salvation complete. From henceforth, you see my sins to remove them, but not to lay them to my charge. Even my righteousnesses are like filthy rags to you, but all the filthy rags are mine no longer. I have gained Christs righteousness through renouncing my righteousness, and come to trust in his blood alone, shed on the cross. So make me clean within. There is a bath of water whose faucet flows from the wounded side of Jesus. My guiltiness is washed away as well as my guilt, and for this I praise you in prayer. Eternal Spirit, come down and fill my soul, though I hate myself today. In Christ I am a new creature because of his cross. I claim that and all it means, because it glorifies Christ for me to do so. Amen. SATURDAYIN THE PSALMS Chronological Bible Reading: Job 1-3; Acts 7 Saturday, June 22 Psa. 107:29 He maketh the storm a calm, so that the waves thereof are still. Savior and Sovereign King: Tornado season is upon us. Not all of us have the same deep experiences, but I know the reason you send me through deep trouble is so I am equipped to serve you that much better. It is in the deep that I can see the wonders of your grace and the majesty of your mercy more clearly. I sail over the seas of inward depravity. I navigate the waters of financial poverty. I am burdened by the billows of persecution. Then there are the rough waves of temptation. When I need you above all else, I find you in the midst of my storm. Doubts, fears, pressure and anxiety lift up their heads like so many angry waves. Then there are blows from the wind to put me off balance in my reactions. But prayer is the best port in a storm. I can be staggering and reeling, and at my wits end, and still pray. Let me state my faith so the Devil can listen: God will hear me in spite of the thunder, and answer me out of the storm. You reveal your power best in the sudden and marvelous changes that occur at your bidding. You command the storm, so you are able to order the calm. And when you make peace, it is peace indeed (Phil. 4:6-7 ). You can change the condition of my mind in a moment. It is a miracle when my mental state goes so quickly from hurricane to calm! Psa. 107:43 Whoso is wise, and will observe these things, even they shall understand the lovingkindness of the LORD. I am storm-beaten by outward troubles and inward fears. Lord, say the word, and peace will come at once, even if my outward situation stays the same. Bring me grace that I might bring you glory today, for Jesus sake. Amen.

Focus Verse (for memorization & meditation)Prayer Diary link available online at



JUNE 16, 2013









9:00A.M. Adult Sunday School Class in Room 6 Defenders Christian Apologetics Course in the Gym 10:45A.M. New! College & Career Class in Room 6 5:00P.M. The Book of Revelation Chapter 2 - what we learn from Church History SNL Sunday Night Live! for kids K-5th Grade 7:00P.M. Gospel Choir Practice - all are welcome


TIMEWORSHIP Mark 1:35 And in the morning, rising up a great while before day, he went out, and departed into a solitary place, and there prayed.

GIVE GOD THE FIRST PART OF EVERY DAY. The first commitment is to a daily quiet time with God. Our weekly Prayer Diary provides a template for daily devotions. 2) TITHEWORK 1 Cor 16:2 Upon the first day of the week let every one of you lay by him in store, as God hath prospered him, that there be no gatherings when I come. GIVE GOD THE FIRST DIME OF EVERY DOLLARno questions asked. Ten percent is a miniscule amount in our affluent society, but it must come off the top in order to show that God is our priority. We want the blessing of the firstfruits (first devotion, first dime and first day) to flow out to the rest of our resources. 3) TEAMWORD Heb 10:25 Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching. GIVE GOD THE FIRST DAY OF EVERY WEEK. You should fellowship with a group of believers around the word of God every Sunday in our church.

Baptists tend to ridicule liturgical churches that use "prepared prayers" because they lack spontaneity. But for many Baptists, their prayers are so predictable they are no more spontaneous than written-out prayers. The result is we end up praying the same things over and over. This daily Prayer Diary will prompt you on a wide range of prayer requests you might not normally think of, while forcing you to articulate a deeper devotion to God. We have included a daily Bible reading schedule. This plan will take you through the Bible chronologically in a year. Do not read ahead and do not try to catch up. Use each day as it comes. Then you can know that on any given day, dozens of other people are lifting their hearts in the same mind to God. Pray what is written, but use what is prayed as a springboard for your own relationship with God. You learn to pray by praying. Alan




7:00P.M. Spring cleaning/extreme makeover work night High School summer Biblical Living class 7:00P.M. Discipleship II Class in Room 5 Ladies Bible Study in Room 6 4:00P.M. Deacons Meeting in Room 6


Secret prayer is the secret of prayer, the soul of prayer, the seal of prayer, the strength of prayer. If you do not pray alone you do not pray at all. Our Lord Jesus Christ would go nowhere till He had prayed. He would attempt nothing till He had prayed. Oh, says one, I live in the spirit of prayer, and therefore I do not need times and seasons for prayer. And do you think that Christ did not live in the spirit of prayer? Yet He had to have his special time and place to pray. Do not fall under the injurious notion that because your spirit cries to God in prayer all day long, therefore there must not be some season for more immediately coming into Gods presence. If you imagine this, I am afraid that it will prove a snare to your feet. The Lord Jesus Christ, who knew better than you do that the main thing is the spirit of prayer rather than the act of prayer, yet Himself retired into desert places to maintain the act and exercise of prayer. Be spiritual. Be baptized into the spirit of prayer. But do not be deceived by the enemy, who can steal a spirit away while we dream that we only spiritualize it. We had better preserve the very bones of prayerthe posture, the time, placerather than let it all ooze away into an impalpable mental condition. God keep us prayerful. He will do so if He makes us like His dear Son. Charles H. Spurgeon, 1834-92

FIRST EVER! HBC ALL-CHURCH RETREAT July 31-August 3, 2013 Save these dates! Ask for time off now! Dont wait till you miss it! Elementary/Jr Hi & Hi School/Parents & Adults at Windermere Baptist Conference Center at Lake of the Ozarks. Less than $200 per person (4 days, 3 nights, 9 meals)! SIGNUP OUTSIDE IN THE LOBBY STARTING AUG 17: LIVING FAITH BIBLE INSTITUTE Free new wide-margin Bible to each new student who registers. Registration starts June 15. Courses are only $40 per credit. Alan will be teaching Survey of Theology and Dispensational Theology Sunday nights this fall. Studying theology is how we get a comprehensive view of scripture, and all God is saying to us through the various books of the Bible.

Keeping Christ at the center (your core relationship of worship to God) Keeping the body of Christ a priority (your congregational relationship of walking with us) Basing beliefs and actions on the mind of Christ (your church relationship in the Word)


Prayer Diary link available online at

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