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Ohe Rdso Eti Ohe49

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The document outlines various revisions and amendments to technical specifications for electrical equipment.

Several clauses and terms are being updated to substitute older standards with updated versions and correct typographical errors.

Standards like IS, ASTM, and IEC are referenced for things like material properties, testing methods, and chemical composition.


i. Clnuse-3(1).
" TR : :1 0 n-1 !Hj R" hn I I he R\I b s l. i t II t (' d wit. hi'I S : 306 - 1 BR3" '
2 Clnuse-3(iv) last line. PaRe-2: .. "
Substitute the word "castings" with
3. (x i ). PaRe-2:
"IS:2tl86(Pt.I)-1977" sha LJ ue substituted with
"IlS:32HH(Pt.II-197!J" nhHl1 lip ,,,ith "IlS:32RB(PI..11
- IBH3".
5. . Clause-7. 3. 2nd line. PaRe-7:
Substi.tllte "lS::W6-19i8" I"itll "IS::lOH-19B:1."
6. 2nd line.
Substitute the word "Clause" with "class".
7r Clause-7.7. PaRe-7:
Add a foot note as under:
"Nol.C'; r.10cl.ricfll rC'Rlnl.lvllv IInrif'r pnrft-90f
LS: IB!J7-1BBJ RIlHll IIC)" 1)(\ applicable for catenary
dropper clip (RI-11921 bridle wire dr6pper clip
8 Clnuse-8. G 2. Page-8:
S\1PCrf,lllolls shall
<If'1 ("0 1.C'd
9. Clullse':"g.2. last sentence. Page-9:
j)C' 1I" tC" I nsl. sI"n t('nc(' " Non - t (' n s i () n .i b i n""t. R f.l. r e uSlln11v
:', ."
10. 1st line. Pnge-9:
. '. ,. ,
Substitute word "non-tensions" \olith "non-tension .ioints"
, .N
. "
.' .:

, ; ,1 f).
r '.
:: ':, ....
'. '_ ;'<', ;(17 .
,. , ;'
, ' ',',
"'.';.'" , .
. ,-','!
L .. '
"'J ,
'.I'" I
. " :',} I;
. .... J. I
.... '.
'! ,'.
-:..\;.', .
.: .. ,'..
., 'Ii f
:# . '.,
I .'
!I . !. I J-() 1111 d h). 'I"H! I) _. I (J :
Delete 11'( for splices only)."
f ) , :
"11"dlol!"",,"I,' If',,1 /l,d\''' I ,," "11.11,11 "/I IIh i c'
110 f"f' :Hi f\R "d ro!If'" r' "
Clause-l,1.4 .1 1 s t l.i ne Page-12:
t:. i tu I,r:' t. he war'd wi t.h "cf\se.".
Clause-lL5.1.4. 4th line. Page-1"3:
Slibstitute the word "shal" , "shall".
C1 n u e - 1 1. fi 1. 6. Tab] e - 1. S 1. Na 7'. 8 & 9. Page - 1'1 :
"nuu" indicll-I..e<.l in the br"llcl<et Rltal] be substiLuf.elJ wi.f.h
Clause-l1.7.1. 1st line. Page-15:
The word '''verticaly'' shall be rend as "verti.cElI1Y."
i\PPENDIX-'e', Page-24:
.. Tfte !\pp('ndjx-C shall be the 1"rollowing:
P r' 0 per t. i eo g aft j 11 b r' 0 n 7. e .j n gal. sand
castings Extracts from
Chemical t.ion:
The. material when analysed either by the method
RPf'C i fi('d i II IS: 11027-1 nr,7+ n't. flllY ol.h('r .. I nnl.r:lIll1('nLnl/
C}l('111I clI.l 1Il('I.hod Rhnll ItIlV(-' Lite chemical comnoRitian
tn Table-5:
TABLE - 5:
PERCENT (castingR)
Till 9.5 - .10 e 5
Zi,w 1 !) . ()
*L(' n d. a x I . 5
Niclcel. 1 .0
Troll, Max. O. 15
i\1.t1minillrn. Max. 0.01
.. '
S iIi co iI, Hfl X 0; 02.
.: :.
..' .,.: ni S III II. t h'. . Mnx 0.03
To ttl.! . .i inj)u t' t. t iee,
i :'
(includes iron,' aluminium, .
. : antimony, silicon, bismuth)
' AI. ,,,." ,.
Copper Remainder
..:'" ,) ; i, .
.... .' ..'" .,
.. ' ( *P' . specifically by the purchaser,' the
.. 1.,"I*f)4 .. materIal may be supplIed with restricted,lead content .
..... .. 'l'h(' IIll\nufllcturer.' s111\J1. ",hen f'('(lIdred, free or
J ,L':' ' a copy of his works analysis of the material.
Pi The analysis is defined as the rdutine analysis
.'i carried out by the manufacturer in order to contrC?} the
. '. I
Quality of the material . ' I I
or' ;,.Hechanical propert i es:
ThemateriaJ. when tested in accordance :with IS: 2654 ,I
/- 1977++ shall Ilave tile nlechanicaJ properti"es as in
,I l' a b 1e - 6
'.; f,.

HPn, Min. Ml'a, Min. GAUGE, LENGTII
5.65 lA, Hin
.- .:
Sand 260 120 13
f '.
:' t ,. l Chill 210 120
'. 1\1
; i. '. !'. ;" ," Ii i
(Reparntely caRt)
Forms of test bars:
'ihc test bars shall be to one of the
appropriate tYnes described in
2.0 R_2_0 .
1...... 1&--- __
:. ")'
Hethods of chemicaL analysts of Q.ronzes.
Hethods for tensile of copper and copper
Hecommended pr'ocedllre for inspection of copper
hnse alloy Rllnd .
....: .. ,"
, ,- . .'
.. ' . I, <),' ; .
" .
1 "
. 1 '.
..... '.
. i . . ,t .
, .. '., {

, . II'
. !.
f' :.( ..
t DI "
"'1' ':,f/{':' ,,'I!
Clause 0-2.1.1. last line,
Read "27mm of sand" in place of "27mm sand".
Clause 0-3.2,
2nd line and at the end 27.' ."
shall be suhstituted with
i" (' II 1!l !l 7
" <
, !
. "
-' '!it" '*'
I ': j ,
,i t
,. ')',

, ,. " : ,t"
I : .
," . r
F 1TT INGS FOR 25 kV <01. c. ClHE
~ " . J
LUCKNOW'-226 01'1
Specification No.ETI/OHE/49(9/95)
for Fittings for 25 kV,
50 Hz traction overnead :equipment
0.1 specification covers the requirements of the
fittings used on 25 kV a.c. 50 Hz traction equipment.
0.2 The fittings are made of copper, copper alloys,
malleable cast iron, aluminium al.loy, forged steel, fabricated/
welded steel and copper strip. The of fittings is
specified in the drawing nf the purchaser but the sampling and
the tests shall be done in with the relevent clauses
of this specification.
0.3 The fittings shall be grouped as tension joints/anchor
. non tension joints, suspension clamps and other fittings'
Osed'On the cantiLever assembly and'on OHE.
-1.1 Any. d.eviation from this specification calculated to
improve performance. and utility of the eqUipment
proposed by the tenderer will be given due consideration prOVided
full particulars with thereof are furnished. In
such a case shall quote according to this
specification and indicate the deviation(s) separately in
"Statement of Dev tat ions ".

2.1 The fittirigs shall outdoor use in moist
tropical climate and areas to heavy rainfall and severe
lightninl3 in -India. The limiting weather conditions which the
fittings have to in below:
Maximum temperature of air in shade
ii)Minimum temperature of air in shade o
iii) MaKimum temperature attainable 65.5 C
by an object exposed to Sun
iv)Maximum relative humidity
v) Average annual rainfall Ran'3in9 frolTl
1750 mm to
6250 mm
!.r''':'' .' ':--:;:;,;:.J.n:u:11'l number .of ,thunder 85
"0 ';.,:n-'n, ciay s' p e' ri " -'
V:. :i.) 1"'1 a ;d ITI U. m f;jf dus t stor tTl 35
pe r - .' '"
viii)Number of rainy days per annum l20
. :;
ioK) c'wj.,n sure 200 kgf/m
,,}: .IHti .. Not exceeding 1000 m
: .
'be.en 'made! to following Indian,
International and RDSO in this
i )'IS: 3.06.,...1968, Tin bronze ingots and castings.
ii) IS:617-1975 ,and aluminium alloy and
.. ,:
castings engineering
iPurp.oses... '
i i1)' 15:737:-'1986 Specification for wrought aluminium and
"a141T!iniurri "alloyshe'et and strip for
",3e,t,:eral eng i heering pur poses.,
i Vi ),
IS ' '(e'c,hni lycondi t ionsfor,threaded
(P t Xl,r I ).-: ! steel fas tene rs .,j Pt. XI II Hot Dj p
castings'ln threaded fastners.
,,' !
v) IS: '1500-'1983 Method for Brine'li Hardness for
metallic materials.

"',' vi') ,Method for tensile testing of steel

. " prodUct$.
',', " , .: , .
, vi 1), ',Co p'pe.r st d p' for E!le,c:t r i,1:J9,1 '.
.. t :
viii) steel forging for general
en,,:} in e e r i h g ;purpos e s . ,
i:d Steel for' gen'er"al struc't,.(J.'f'al purposes.
:<> IS: 2108--1977 ITlal:leable,irqn castinlJs.
"',' .
>: 1> "IS: 2486 (P t . 1) Insulator fittings for overhead power
--1977 line witi-; .,( nciminal.'voltag'e )- than 1000 V
Genera] requirements and tests.
. . , .
'-.-' :,.
kii) 15:3091-1965 Aluminium bronze ingots and castings for
overhead fittings in electric traction.
xiii)BS:3288(Pt.I) Insulator and conductor fittings for
'1979 overhead power lines ( performance and
xiv) 18:3658-1981
Code of practice for liquid penetrant
flaw detection.
xv) 18:5561-1970 Electric power connectors.
xvi) ROSD Specn
Hot dip zinc on gteel masts
No.ET1/OHE/ (rolled and fabricated), tubes and
fittings, used on 25 kv a.c. OHE.
):vii) ROSD Specn Steel and stainless steel bolts, nuts
No .,ETl/OHE/ and washers.
4.1 The fittings shall be free from defects which are
likely to be detrimental to their performance in service.
4.2 Aluminium bronze, tin bronze alloy cast
fittings shall preferably be made by pressure diecasting process.
The castings made out of other processes like gravity die-casting
shell moulding/investment casting by lo.stway method shall also
be acceptable so long as the fittings/test\bars meet all the
necessary mechanical and electrical properties specified in
relevant specifications. Sand casting these cast fittings is
not acceptable. .'
4.3 Steel/Stainless steel bolts, nuts and washers shall
conform to ROSD Specification No.ET1/OHE/18(4/84). Non-ferrous
bolts/nuts shall not be used.
4.4 All parts of the fittings shall be manufactured by the

in his works. Components such as washers
and split pins which form part of the fittings shall be obtained
from the approved manufacturers with the approval of
Cent ral Dr.;:}an i sat ion fo r Rai lway EI e ctr if ica:t ion. The supp li e r of
the assembly shall ensure that such bought out components conform
to the relevant specification.
4.5 Protection against corrosion:
4.5.1 All fittings shall be either inherently resistant to
the atmospheric corrosion or suitably protected against
corrosion, both during storage and in service. All ferrous metal
parts, except those of stainless steel,.hall be hot dip
galvanised in accordance with ROSO specification No.ETI/OHE/
13(4/84) .
4.5.2 Malleable cast iron fittings shall be shot or grit
blasted before and after heat treatment.
4.5.3 The threads of the tapped holesshall ,be cut after
and shall be adequately oiled or greased.
threads shall be tapped after galvanisation and shall be o i1 ed.
male threads, galvanising process shall be so controlled that
galvanised fasteners can be assembled by hand with female
fasteners. Galvani'ied fasteners with male threads of . size M'12
only may be rolled facilitate assembly after
galvanising in accordance with (Pt.XIII)-1983. The thread
of all bolts and nuts shall be formed conforming' to their
relevant specification before galvanising.
4.5.4 bolts and nuts shall not be used.
Bolts andnuts.of 10 mm diameter and less shall be of stainless
steel unless stated .in the drawing.
4.6 Wherever not specified in the drawings,
furnished by the Purchaser, the following tolerances shall apply
for non mating surfaces:
Dimension Tolerance

including 35 mm
+/..;.. 0,.5 ITltT,
Dve r 35rrit'll
1.5 'Y.
" ;:.. . .

case of .mating surfaces, tolerances shall be +0.5 mm
on 'the holes and +0.0 mmon shafts. The tolerance for wall
. -0.5
thickness shall be +1.0 mm
. -0.5
5.1 The fittings shall be offered fer iri lots
either the whole or a part of the
ordered. A lot shall consist of the sarr.e,type, categl;Jry and
rating of fittihgsmanufac'f,ured from the same raIN material and
madeund.e,r identical conditions and from one. melt (in the case of
.. cast .F tin/as of di fferent type, and rat i ng may
be manufactured 'out of the same melt but shall constitute
separate and different lots. The manufacturer shall maintain the
records as to the raw materials used and temperature for every
5.2 Castin9S
If the weight of the f'ittingis not more than one kg, a
lot shall consist of' pietes makingupto a afnot fuore than
200 kg. If each fitting weighs more than one kg, a lot shall_
consist or pieces making upto 500kg fof non-ferrous fittings and
1500 for fe'roul fittings.
5.3 Three test bars shall be made
tensile and eloRgation tests. The test bars sh"'}ll
identification mark of the lot and date of melt.
5.4 Fofged
welded fittings:- The lot of forged. welded or
fabricated ferrous fittings shall consist of not more than 500
numbers of fittings.
5.5 Copper/aluminium alloy strip formed fitting:
The lot of such fittings weighin'3 e'ach upto 50 gmshall
not exceed 2500 numbers while for the fittin':Js weighing more than :,"' I
SO gmT the lot shall be restricted to -1000 numbers. :.'"
5.6 Sample size
5.6.1 The number of fittings to be selected from the
lot shall be in accotdance with column 1 and 20f table given
below. If' arlditionalnumber of fittings as in
column 3 of table given below shall be selected at' to
satisfy the criteria for conformity in accordinace with Clause
5.6.2 below.
Lot size First sample Second sample Acceptance Rejection
N size n1 size n2 criteriaC'1 Numbe r c2
'1-20 1 2 o 1
2 4 o '1
5-1-100 4 8 o 2
'10'1-500 5 '10 o 2
50'1-800 7 14 o 3
801-'1300 10 20 o 3
1301-3200 15 .30, 1 4
3201-8000 25 50 2 5
800'1 & above 35 70 2 7

5.6.2 Criterion iL conformity: The lot shall be considered as conforming to the
requirements of the acceptance tests if the number of failures
found in the first sample n1 is less than or equal to c1. If the
number of failures is greater than or equal to c2, the lot shall
be considered as hot conforming to the of the
acceptance tests and shall be If .the number of failures
is between col and,c2. a s'ec'ond sample of n2 fittin':Js shall be
selected an.d subjected to acceptance tests. If the number of
failures in the two samples conbined is less than c2, the lnt
shall be considered as conforming to the reqUirements' of
acceptance tests, otherwise it shall be considered to have
6.1 Tests have been specified according to the material and
functional re1=1uirementof the fitting and are required to be
conducted to determine conformity to the material specification
and requirements of the fitting.
" ,
6.2 s s i fiea t ion 0 f t est and c ri t e ria 0 f ace e etanee:
The test are divide,d into three groups:.
i) Type tes ts
ii) Acceptance tests
iii) Routine tests
6.2.1 tests: Type test are intended to establish the
general qualities and design characteristics of the fittings and
to prove its conformity with the requirements of specification.
The type tests are to be conducted only after all the de5igns and
drawings have been approved and clearance given byRDSO/Purchaser
to this effect shall then take up the
manufacture of the prototype for ROSO/Purchaser inspection. It
is to be clearly understood that any change required to be done
in the prototype as required by ROSO/Purchaser shall be done
expeditiously. Each test shall be made on 3 samples. If the
sample fail,s in any of the tests the production of further
fittings shall be stopped till further investigation and
improvements in the manufacturing procedure done.
6.2.2 Acceptance tests: Acceptance tests are carried out to
verify the quality of material and workmanship for acceptance of
the lot.
6.2.3 Routine tests: Routine tests are carried out on each
fitting from the lot to check the which are likely to
vary during production. The defective ones are rejected. If 101
or more fittings fail to meet the requirement of the routine
the entire lot shall be rejected.
6.3 Bulk manufacture: Only after clear written approval of
the results of the test on the prototype communicated by ROSO/
Purchaser to the manufacturer. shall he take up bulk manufacture
of the fittings which shall be strictly with the same material
and, process as adopted for the prototype. In no
shall material other than those approved in -the design/drawin'3s
and/or the'prototype be used for bulk on the plea
that they obtained prior to the of the
6.4 InsRection: Before giving the call to ROSO/Purchaser
for inspection and testing of the prototype of the system. , the
manufacturer shall submit a test schedule consistirig of
schematic circuit for each of the tests. nature qf the
test. venue of the test. duration of each test and the total
number of days required to complete the test at one stretch. Once
schedule is approved. the test shall invariably be done

However. during the process of type testing or even

later. RDSO/Purchaser's representatiVe the right to
conduct an-y addi tional tests besides, 'those speCified herein. on
any equipment/sub-system or system so as to test the system to
his satisfaction or for gaining additional inf9rmation and
" . :'. ,"",-,,, , , . .' ,.
know1edge :;:p r,'! .rii r:i: e be en the
man uf act ur e r . I:f ''!rhe,RlJmIDVPU e du n g the
".' _,; of, .. t.tS tl ngas the ty'pe ;tes-t':' and/n r the
typ,e test resul ts 1 it
s ha.11J retught1
t:o :i:;pe,o.f, i t,h J)'f,r:;e tori 'Gene ra l' (Trae t ion ' .;\
,Ins t.3:i lat'i on h""1 cbi\s e r . 'de G i,s,i Ol7t".,
shall be final and bindin.,;). n. .. 'i'. ;,.; ..
6 .: ins pet 6 f ' 9' c' r e 6 eon 5 i b i li MY 1. ;...' .
,',I..' .; ;, ,. if.' ;,'." of;, , '.:> ..
" J .. a proper )record "
of' of,erfi!4" .. the
number of fIt t 'i';'9sot'l J -Wh.l,th, s I .. 'antl." the,
indicating the number' of
, 'a_t;'d! 'r on51,; It heY'&l.,f'o;r. ; T,pJi!,se., r'B,Co r ds,o r co pi esthere of
The'i'tls pect i n9 au-tJ,or,i'ty;' r fng 'hLs '
inspect'i'on chec:k:thet jpr.op,er tests
and prescrIbed . 'qua.lity assurance checks'" done at<,'the:
.. works are maintain'ed in the requil"ed l1"i"a.:nher ., ..
. " C"". ,.:1,'.;.: .. , --)<.; '.": ,),<.,' i '.:'.;":," ,j:,{,', ".;, .... :':.
MA rE:'Rti!W:' 'S'PI!C'lf;J;0'-ATLONi n, L '?' r 1'1 ':""1 r.: .. ;., '.',
I ,. ,
7.1 Aluminium Bronze: Aluminium bronze alloy used for the
fittings shall conform to 18:3091-1965. The o'f
the specification are given in Appendix'A'. .
: ; , t 1" , .,. . ... ... .
7.,2 .- !.' .: ;.:' M'all eabl e cast iron: Th.e." I,Tla:\. 1 eabl e. cas t i ron fittings
shall. to Grad;-BM:3'40 o,f, e:<tracts
\ I ,} .. ..,. ' .. - .,.,. , '. ,'. .:' ". ;' .- _ : ,,' r,
o;f" i cat i on are g,iven .. "f:jt:<,) :'.
'. __. ,: ., . .:: ,.,;' :':) j: Ii: .:.' .. . / !..
7.,;3,' .." ":'rLn bronze: The tin 'c'onform to
".-", , .. t '-"1 ; .<,' - '.- '.- -. ;_).r !).,-,:: r r r'''' .., (
the IS:' 306-1968." : THe! 'r'e'l evant( i:< 'C'.
i: : i r:l _:', ,... . . : .... :.. i !: ;.; l' ') 't "':"";)'''' i' ""
7 4. "." '-"'AI umi n i urn alloy: The fit t ings shall
cOT)fQrm, to ,.Grade 4600 of . are given in
Ap pendi x '"tF {\i I:;':; ';<; m:.;. I ' .!
'<Jr,. l' f .. r ..; -;':". , r ," (' 1.,.. .. :.., _ . ' 'j',
. -F,orged steel: The fittIngs
to Clause 2 . other wise
spec i re 1ev;a,nll&i<t ra'ct s, i:<: 'E'
. ..' i;' .. ", :. >,
Fabricated steel: The mat.rial of fabricated steel
f i t ti n,gs
unless otherwise stated on confor,m.' ,to
'of 18:2062-1992. The extracts are given in
"\ F",;. ... " .: '-::"

{'. f: :: .
.. L., ;')'! t
7.7;" _ "'C'oDPer strip fttt.inqs: . ,The material of fi ttings formed
,by" epper" strip shall f;onform tel' '18:-'1897""1983. The relevant
given in i;,.d:
.. '.. ': ,,; i. I .: .-.'
" ii, c: .: ' . ...
7'.8 n Aluminium or aluminium li'lio;:l" st'i'ips/shee,ts: . The
,of: shall conform to Grade Condi ticn H2 of
19'86'. 'Tt',"e relevant .e)(tra;ct s <a(e, 9 i ven'i n'App.em:li x \ H:' ..
'. ," : .<.:: . ::.:. I '.
: " , . , : ' , .
8.1 Fittings for cleur;'pi;Ii,9, the 'conductor's, which are in'-

tension" at the ends and thei r"nii d-'s pan'-s'pl i cas ,al"ecal.l ed , ' end
clamps and tension joints respectively and 'a:ri:e,c::O'vered' in tftis
8.2 Requirements: End tension jgints shall' be
manufactured so as to avoid sharp radius of
ridges whiah might lead, to localised
pressure"and damage to' the 'conduttor and fitting due to vibration
in service. They tests
. . . .
. l
8.3 The end clamps and may be of aluminium
all oy cast i ng, al umi n i um i ng,' ,me 11 ea.b 1e i rCln cas tinig
01" fOl"ged/fabri cated steel as', specified in tt'te purchase'r's
dl"awings,. The shall conform to
8.4 The fitting may be bolted type, cone type, wedge
compression type, as specified in
8.5 Tests.,
. ,,'.\ ,j,
8.5.1 tests:
a), '" inspettiori' " (Se e C1 .1 '1 1 )
b) Dimensional verificatiotC 'C 1. 11.2)
(8e'e C1 11 .3)
,,d'> ,'flnysj. c,aJ p,I".O pe I"t i as t est
'( e<c i . 11 .4)
,e'), '
;fai ({n.g, l!Jad test , ,;' -"i ".(8.e e' C1 11 .5)
f) Radi 0 g' f'a ph fc't'es t{'on'l
y fa
..,. c'astAr",;Jsl,,<,SeeCl.11 .. 6)
g) .resistance test
Hor spl i
'" . ( See C1 11 8 )
", '.." ;' '.
(for splices only) (See C1.11.!:?)
i ).<
:r t tin9$ 0 n1y') . ," ':
(See Cl.1"1.10)
" "!
j), ,Dye. penetr,atio'ri"'test ; .; ,(See Cl.11.12)
k) Hardnesstest (f"or MC!
.(8e'e . Cl.11. 14)
. '-. "
.. . .

Ac,tapt'ance tests :; "i
. a) Visual inspect'lon (8ee.Cl.11.1)
b) Dimensional verification"
c) tist . ;':' (See C.1.11.3)
d) Physical propertias te.t
(See Cl. '11.4)
e) Failing lOad test ' <:i'>11.5)
fer'r-ous fi:ttings only) (See C1. -1-1.
9 )' Dye penetra\ion test
(SeeCl. '11'.12)
h) Hardness test fittings) (See L1"1.14)
8.5.3 Sam,les taken in accordance with Clause 5.6 shall be
subjected to all tests listed under 'Acceptance Tests' except for

composition test
be conducted in accordance

and physical
Clause 11.3
8.5.4 Routine tests:
a) Visual inspection (See Cl.11.'l)
Routine verification of dimension (See C1.1"1. '13)
c) Dye penetration test for fittings
listed in Appendix 'J' only. (See C1.11.12)
9.1 joints: The fittings used on the overhead
conductors for electrical continuity which are not subjected to
tension are classified as non-tension joints. Such fittings
include parallel groove clamps and terminal clamps of jumper
9.2 General requirements:
Non-tension joints shall be designed so that they meet
the requirements of the normal' service conditions. A rated
current shall be assigned to every joint which: shall be the
criterion for electrical type tests. Fittings intended to
connett conductors of two dis-similar materials shall be so
designed that harmful bimetallic corrosion when erected in
exposed atmospheric candition is minimised. Non-tension joints
are usually castings.
Fittings 'or non-tensions shall be manufactured and
so as to avoid sharp of ridges which
may lead
to the localised pressure or damage to the conductor in
9.3 Non-tension' joints are made of tin-bronze, aluminium
alloy or copper specified by the purchaser.
The material shall conform to relevant clauses of this
9.4 Non-tension joint fittings are bolted type,
though there may be some fittings of crimped type or soldered
type. All fittings are subjected to the tests as specified in
relevant paras of this specification.
9.5 Tests
9.5. '1 tests:
(See Cl.'l1.1)
a) Visual inspection
(See CI.11.2)
b) Dimensional verification
c) Chemical composition test
(See C1.11.3).
d) Physical properties test
(See C1.1"1.4)
Radiographic test (only
for castings)
(See CI.1'l.6)
Slip test
(See C1. -1-1. 7)
Electric resistance test
(for splices only)
(See Cl.'11.8)
Temperature rise test
(for splices only)
(See C1.'l'l.9)
Dye penetration test
(See CI.'1"1.'12)
Acceptance test:
Visual inspection
(See C1. -11 1 )
Dimensional verification
(See CI.'11.2)
Chemical composition test
(See CI. '11.3)
Physical properties test
(Se e C1 '1 '1 .4)
Dye penetration test
( S'e E! CI -11 . '12 ) Samples taken in accordance with Clause 5.6 shall be
subjected to all tests listed under 'Acceptance test' except for
chemical comoposition tests and physical properties test, which)
should be conducted in accordance with Clause 11.3 and 11.4
9.5.3 Routine tests:
a) Visual inspection (See CI.11.1)
b) Routine verification of dimensions (See Cl.11.13)
10.1 Fittings which are used on the cantilever assembly and
the of conductors are covered in this group.
10.2 General requirementsi
The clamps and fittings shall be so designed and
manufactured that the effect of vibrations, both on the
conductors/cantilever assembly and fitting itself, are minimised.
The suspension clamps, additionally, shall be
manufactured and finished so as to avoid sharp radius of
curvature, ridges and excrescences which might lead to the
localised or damage to the conductor iri service. The
suspension clamps shall permit the conductor to slip before
failure of conductor occurs. The clamp shall have sufficient
contact surface to minimise damage by fault currents.
10.3 Tests
10.3. '1 .IY..J?e ,t est s :
a) . Visual inspection
(See Cl. -H. '1)
b) Dimensional verification
(Se e C1. -1 '1 .2)
c) Chemical composition test
(See C1. '1'1.3)
P h:-:s i ca 1 pro pe I." t:: \.::,s,
(See Cl.11.4)
e) Fallin'J load test .
(See Cl.1'1.5)
,; : ; '" f,t
.Ra.di og,r tft9;t.o;nl;X"i, '.'
':' 1Y: rf . , '" " ';" .
(See Cl.11.6)
. ,;g):
Sl ,.folr, .....
. j"',,;'
.. ,:,:.:i' ....., (See Cl.11.7>'
Cia 1 i n 9:t. eS. t., j) 0 f.,.: i'; ,.' . i..'
f,e.r; r:ous ,.f. Hit l.y, .' . ,.,.:; (See "e L 11.'10)
Assembly tes t (fo r contact'wi .;.: "
droper clip and swivel clips orti9>
j )
Dye . r;... "',.,, ,!, (See Cl.:'11.'12)
Hardness test '(for' MClftttings)' ,.' '1'1.14)
. : ;, ;
.: .' ': ;", g' ;' I ' !:
:,.; .

/a)' vt sual,i ns pecti on. ('$ee Cl.n. 1 )
;b) D,irtlens-ionaJ.viu.ificat.ion ;'(See C1.11.2) .,
,C) Chem,ital test (See CL'1'L3)
i \
,d) ";. . . (See dl
" 'e)., '. Fai1:a. ng: to.aQ. .;. . .... " . (See'Cl +1\5) 'f
:; "
'f) 81 ip. tes t,:! f,o:r.: .claintd .::l (SeeC F. 1
.i: 'g.),'. Ga,lv i:s,.i ng .t.e,s t '( fo r" f. erro!ls' :,: .
..... .fittings".onlY)., . . . '., ."',' '. '(See 'Cl.'1'1 >10)
h) Assembly test (forc:ontact' 'wire '.'".
" J
dropper c 1'i p 'andswi ve 1 cl on ly')'( See
i> Dye penetrationtes.t. . .... . , (See C1.11.12)
j ) Hardness test ({or 'MeT 'f-' it iings r:C-Se:e! C1. '1'1
. 10. .. ','in 1.3'as'e 5':'6 shall "be
!i'ubj e ctedto :<iiH 1 t e'$ ts.l is ti.'a tes'ts ' e pt f,o r
chemical composition test phsical. propeft'te's t'es't, which
should be conducted in accordance With Clause' :ij'L3' and 11.4
.\ r.,:,._ ni: '.' ': ':ic', .. "';:'
'.1 . ,- , ;: .. : . , ' ;.,_, " ' I . ,
- .1 .! ::.. -:-; I
.. ,"
'10.3.3 . ':
: I !:1 "';.;
!) ,".: .
. 'Jd .
Vis,ual (See Cl.-11.-1)
". : .b) , Rout,i'r.te.i . v,e,ri;f,i.catl'o"n .of 'dimen,sil,ln' '(See CI.1 hc13')
c) Dye penet rat i on test (fo'r' 'f i t,t i rliJs" .,: ", ,C,'
li.sted in Appendix 'J' only)';" .,,;.
:' ..: . .. :' " .
. . , . r-" ..:' . '_;
: "'.:
V ua:l:: i . : :.' .' ..... ,-. / ;;.. . '" ..:' . ",... \i. .. ! .J
: .. ' :.:,.;. ".; ,... }"., .;.. ;:. : ;' . r, ..... :. " .. : t
., " ALI .. ;!:Ie for ,good wofk
manship and smoQ,tih,fin.i$.t', 'inciudin'g"mar,kb,'g' as" spec:if'ie-d, :in
PurC:haser's drawings andfeir f"r'o'n(def'eli:t'sstip'41ated. :,in
re 1e :sps cif i C.;lt i f t i shall be checked in
!accordafi'cewith. ROSO'SpecificAttion.' No.ETl/OHE/
'13l47B4) forvisUq! '<ina f'Tttlngsf-iaving "def-eat;s cmentiQ'1ed
in Appendix 'A' of that spetificaticin
11 .
11 n 2 verifica.ticm:'

All. dimensions of ritti'ri.js s'ha.'llbe;'verified with the
help of callipers and - check that they
conform l.I'.i ththe appro ed drawings. Th'read' gauges shall be used
to threads where er pro.... No-Go gauges
are used . for,. checking 0' dimeris ions . thed... r such gauges
shall be' '.;Jot approved by the"manufa'cturer beta-re use by the
inspecting ,
, . '", -/ .1, I
cal composi ti 0'1, n
...... ;
The chemical composition of the material
shall .be test.ed in accordance with the rele\Oil.nt spElcificati.on
mentioned inClause-1 In of castings, the tests shall be
done on the test bars as wall as on one sample'fittiTig of each
casting/melt. Material sha;llcoiif'orm to the requirements
specjfied in the rele.... ant spetificatioTl.ln case. of forged/
fabricated fittings, the be carried out on one
sampl,e:.each of raw and concerned fittin'3s:upto a lot of
200 nos and on. two samples_aeh '0' upto
a lot nos. In case of Coppe,rhduminium formed
fittings the test .snall. be carried out' on one fitting sample on
no,s ',0 r f ra c:t i on thereof a lot.
..... .
'11.4 ; "Physical prope.rties.test:
'11.4.1 In the cast of castings the' tests for mechanical
properties '.J:>e ccin'dutted on thetest'bars/pie.ces made, .j,n
accordance .w.itr\ .'t.herele.... antspecificatiCin (Clause. 7).(See
.rele.... Appendices .. '.," ';;;
.1 "
. . .l L" . .
If one test piece fails in any test,
pieces shall be tested. The samples shall be deemed. to.have
passed the if there is no failure
"11.4'.1.'1 In . case of malleable 'ca5t)'if'on (MCI) the
8.2) and (ref. 8.5)
alsoA tes"ted .. , ," .p., .. ;f' ';" .':":'-<.' .,'
, .
11.4.2 In case of forged/fabricated/welded 'fittings
properties tests shall bi conducted in with the
relevant specifications on one sampleupto"a lot of 100 nos and
on 3. samples for a lot. exceeding '100 'nos; 'Wb;ich sh9uld be selected
at random. ,If in any test, double the number of
test piece:s . shall :be deemed ,to have
passed the! te.sts. .if there is no' failure in the'retest. '"
In case formed';fittings
physical properties .. Qnone uptb a lot of 500cnos and
on three samples on 500ri6s shall be condqcted.
11.5.1 For clamps4 mid span tension joints and
,s pIt ces. The fittings shall be assembled in accordance with the
standard drawings on the conductors 01 the size and type with
which it is meant to be used. The assembly shall ,be held in a
tensile testing machine and anchored in a manner as
nearly as possible, to the arrangement used in service'. The
compression end clamps shall be compressed on the specified
conductor. The precaution shall be taken to avoid bird caging of
the conductor. The length of the conductor between the fitting
under test and any other clamp or joint in the test assembly
shall not be less than 100 times the average overall diameter of
the conductor. A tensile load of about 50% of the breaking load of the
conductor shall be applied and conductor shall be marked in such
J a manner in that movement relative to the fitting can be easily
detected. Without any subsequent adjustment of the fitting, the
load shall be steadily increased to 90% of the breaking load and
maintained for one' minute. There shall be no movement of the
conductor relative 'to the fitting due to slip during this period
of one minute. The tensile load shall then be increased until
conductor either slips out of the fitting under test or snaps
one or more of the component(s), 01 the fitting fracture
deform. The fitting shall not break, slip or deform till the
conductor breaks. Should the wire or conductor slip in the
fitting or any component of the fitting fractures or deforms
before the failure of conductor the fitting shal be deemed to
have failed in the load test. If the conductor breaks at a load
less than 95% 01 its specified breaking strength, the test shall
be repeated. After the test it should be possible to dismantle the
fitting without difficulty and without recourse to any tools
other than those normally employed for assembling them. The minimum failing load of the conductors are
indicated in Table-1.
TABLE-1: Ultimate tensile strength of conductors.
81 No. and diamter Ultimate ten
No. Type of conductors sile strength
(mm) (kgf)
...., "
1 Cadmium copper catenary 19/2.10 3920
2 Cadmium copper bridle wire 7/2.10 1443
3 Hard drawn grooved
contact wi re (107 mm 2,. ) 3905
4 Hard drawn 5475
contact wire (150
5 Hard drawn copper 37/2.25 6080
conductor ('150 mm 4 )
6 Hard drawn stranded cadmium 37/2.10 7650
copper conductor (130
7 Annealed copper stranded 19/1.80
jumper wire (50 mm )
8 Annealed copper stranded
jumper wire (105 mm '19/7/-1.016
9 Annealed copper stranded
jumper wire (160 mm ) '19/7/'1.25
10 Hard drawn copper wire for 5 825
11 Hard drawn copper wire for 7 '1530
12 Earth wire - ACSR (RACCOON) 6/1/4.09 2746
13 Earth wire galvanisedsteel 19/2.,50 5'100
14 Return conductors (Spider) '19/3.99 3736
(All aluminium)
15 Aluminium large jumper
'133/1.40 3380
16 Stainless steel wire rope
34x7(6/1) 3800
17 Aluminium alloy conductor 19/2.79 33'10

11.5.2 tlast anchor fittings, suspension ciamps
and-other fittinqs.
f1'.5.2,i"1 - Th'e fitting shall be held in a tensile testing machine
ina manner approximating, as nearly as possible, to the
to be used in service. The conductor shall be
replaced by a,suit,able rigid bar (see fig.1). Tensile load equal
to 50X of the specified failing load shall be applied and
thereafter at a steady rate. Fitting shall not fail or
deform below the minimum specified failing load maintained for a
period of one minute.
Note: The of the shall be specified
after actual tests.
....... '-'-'_.1 .. ++-- T ..... :==@t---+
FI/<.O TO ""NE:. NON /-OADlffG
ENO 0;;- 111
FIG .. 1
'11.6 Ffad i 0 g raph i c t est:
Castings in each melt/heat shall be subjected to
radiographic examination - for Qetection of casting defects.
Applicable reference itandards for various alloys used on OHE
application alongwith the maximum permissible level of
discontinuity are given in Appendix-K.
Note: The radiographic test can be conducted by the outside
agencies till such time the facilities are established at
the premises of the manufacturer. In such situation the
sampling - be decided as agreed between the
manufacturer and purchaser. If the purchaser is satisfied
with the quality he may make this test optional.
11.7 Slip test!,
11.7.1 Slip strength for suspension clamps:
The suspension clamps shall be verticaly suspended by
means of a flexible attachment. A suitable length of the
conductor with which it is intended to be used shall be fixed in
the clamps with bolts and nuts tightened to the required torque.
A load shall then be applied gradually at one end of the
conductor (rate 0' increased being 0.5 kN-1.0 kN/second) and the
value of the load at which the conductor in the clamp begins to
slip shall be noted. The conductor shall not slip at a load of
25X or less of the breaking load of the conductor.
F I 2
Slip .1.gll for non-tension joints.

1 L 7.2
, , The joint shall be assembled using cdnnector under
t-est on ionductors of the siz. with which it is to be used. The
/ assembly shall be mounted in a tensile testing machine and
anchored in such a way test ldadis applied in the
direction of conductor. A tensile load of about 5 the breaking load
of the conductor, subject to a maximUm of 55 kgf. shall be
applied and the conductor shall be marked in such a way that
movement relative to the conductor be detected.
Without any subsequent adjustment of the conductor, the load
shall be steadily & slowly increased to 101. of the breaking load
of the conductor. subject to maximum of 110 load 'shall
be maintained for 1 minute. There shall be no movement of the
conductor relative to connector'due to one
minute period and no failure of " ,
11.8 Elettrical Resistante
11.8.1 The fittings which are required to carry current shall
be subjected to the resistance tests. The te$t"shali be done ....Jith
direct current. The polarity shall be reversed test
Average 0' two results shall be taken
11.8.2 The resistance measur'ements sh'all be m.ade by millivolt
drop_ an accurate
11.8.3 The actual. size of conductor whichwirl be used with
the connector or fitting shall be used during ,the tests.
EQL tension joints:
The fitting shall be assembled in with the
standard drawing on the conductors of the size and type with
which it is to be used. The electrical shall be
measured between two points on the conductorsone:i ther ,'S ide and
. 25mm clear of the fitting. The resistance of the conductor with
splice shall be of the same order as that of the equivalent
length of the conductor. The current connections snatl be crt a
distance of not less than 50 times of the diameter of the
conductor from the fitting and shall be made so that effective
contact is made with all those strands of conductor which would
be taken into account in calculating its equivalent resistance.
""':'_ 16_
1'1.8.5 f.Q..!:.. non-,tension joints:
resistance of 1.25 m Ot a conductor, inclUding one
connector, such a$ parallel groove connector shall not exceed the
resistance of 1.25 m of the identical conductor without
connector, by more than 10 percent. For terminal connectors, the
resistance measured shall be the sum of the resistance
measurement A and C to D as shown in figure 3. In
cases where the coriductor is a stranded cable, the strands shall
be sui tably bonded the. po i.rn:J.tthe measurement. at 0;
. ... ]
l' 1
\ -
yo .:4 Sfr'l-I CE',..
- 2EJ
2 5 )7))01< 0 .' '"2.. 5 "YI.l-rr;.RM I N /'':-,L
.. CNNcTOF<..S
11.9 Temperature test
11.9.1 The values of the currents to be used in temperature
rise test for the various -type of connectors/fittings shall be
rated current assigned to it. Where no rated current is assigned,
it shall be determined in accordance with the following:
(a) Equipment Connectors: The values of current shall be
selected on the basis of the rating of the equipment to
which the connector is cdnnected or on the of the
rated current of the conductor for which the
is intended whichever is lower.
(b) Junction Connectors: The value of current shall
be -,
selected on the basis of the conductor which has the
lower current carrying value.
( c ) 'T9 Connectors: The values of current shall be selected
on the basis of the full rated current in the tapped
conductor only.
11.9.2 The rise test for power connectors shall be
made with alternating current at an average frequency not below
951. of the rated frequency.
11.9.3 The connector shall be assembled indoors on conductors
of the size and type with which it is to be used. Air shall be
treely circulated around the assembly, but no draughts shall be
11.9.4 Each test shall be made over a period of time
sufficient for the temperature to reach a constant value (for
practical the condition is attained when the variation
does not exceed 1 C/hour). Temperature measurement shall be made
using either themometer or thermocouple.
11.9.5 The temperature-rise shall not exceed 40 degree C
above the reference ambient temperature of 45 degree C. If the
ambient temperature exceeds 45 degree C the permissible
temperature rise shall be reduced by an amount equal to excess
ambient temperature.
Galvanisation test:
The galvanised component of the fittings shall be
tested for mass of zinc coating (Clause 5.0 of specification
No.ETI/OHE/13(4/84). uniformity of coating. adherahce and other
defects (Clause 3.2 of specification No.ETII OHE/13(4/84).
11 '11 Assembly for contact dropper
tlll and swivel tlll ..:.
The dropper clip and swivel clip shall be assembled on
the contactwire of the standard and maximum profiles. The
distance between the hooks shall be within the limits as
prescribed in the relevant standard drawings.
11.12 Dye penetration test:
Dye penetration test shall be done either by ZygIa.
magnaflux or any other. approved method in accordance with
18:3658-1981 "Code of practice for liquid penetrant flaw
detection" (For list of fittings see Appendix - J).
11.13 Routine verification of dimensions:
Important dimensions of all fittings shall be checked
profile gauges grooves and suitable
gauges. For purpose of this. test, dimensions which effect the
assembly, which effett the of fitting such as
wall thickness and machined dimensions be taken as
important dimensions.
11. '14 Hardness test:
Hardness. of iron castings shall be measured
on the product by Brinell method as per 18:1500-1983. The
hardness of malleable iron castings shall not 150 HB.
12.1 For the purpose of identification, the following
marking shall invariably be made/cast on each fittings/castings.
i) Manufacturer's code number
ii) Railway Identifiation No. (R.I.No.)
.] ,
iii) The month and year of production shall invariably be
indicated on the fittings/castings.If it is not
possible to accommodate any particular marking on the
fittings/castings, the manu'acturer shall obtain prior
approval of the purchaser to delete the or to
make the marking by any other suitable means.
12.2 It is desirable that a code giving the lot or melt
number is also cast or engraved on each casting to facilitate the
identification 0' lot number of each fitting. Alternatively, the
month and year 0' production may be provided during casting.
12.3 In case 0' fabricated fittings marking shall be punched
on such fittings prior to the galvanisation so that not only the
markings are clearly visible after galvanisation, but also there
is no damage to the galvanised surface.
12.4 A lable indicating the inspectors code number and date,
shall be lixed indelibly on every fitting immediately after
te5ts and inspection.
The fittings shall destroyed in the
presence of the Inspector to prevent their in-advertent miXing
with the future supplies and shall advise RDSO/CORE with the
reasons 'or rejection.
For packing, wooden cases shall be employed. The
packing shall be fit to withstand rough handling, during transit
and storage at destination. The heads and threaded portions of
pins and the fitting shall be properly protected against damage.
The gross weight of the packing shall not normally exceed 50 kg.
Fittings of different types and rating shall be complete with
their minor accessories fitted in place. All nuts shall be hand
tightened the bolts and screwed upto the farthest point.
Properties of aluminium bronze castings
Extracts from 18:3091-1965.
A. '1
A.1.4 The material wh;h in accordance with 18=4027
1967* shall have the as given in table-2.


Aluminium 9.0 to '1'1.9
Iron 4.0 to 5.0
Manganese O. '1 to 0.5
Copper balance
A.2The manufacturer shall supply free of charge a copy of
his works analysis of the material. Works may be
defined as the routine analysis conducted by the manufacturer in
order to control the quality of material.
A.3 Casting shall be clean. sound and free from harmful
inclusions. Any castings may subsequently be rejected due to
manufacturing defects. notwithstanding the fact that it had been
previously passed for chemical composition and mechanical
A.4 The material when tested in accordance with 1S:2654-64**
shall have the tensile properties given in Table-3.
Chill cast or any other Tensile strength. 60 kgf/sqmm
casting process minimum
Elongation on 20 Yo
50 mm gauge
length minimum.
0.2'Y. permanent 25 kgf/mlTlsq
set stress
* 18:4027-67: Method of chemical analysis of bronze.
** 1S:2654-64: Method of tensile testing of copper and
coppper alloys.

"' I. ..!!lber of tests.
'1 Three cast to shape test pieces (fig. 4) shall made for
e'ar: h lot. The test bar shall be lot and date of

i ..
I Ld>.::: 5-0 ' I I
1 '
I 40 " =t1 Pj

A.5.2 pieces shall be tested at the expense of the
manufacturer in the presence of the Inspector.
A.5.3 One test piece shall ,be tested. If the mechanical
properties are met by this one test, the lot shall be accepted.
If the first test piece fails to t6 the specified
the two remaining test pieces shall be tested, and
if' 'either of them fails to meet the specified requirements, the
whole lot shall be rejected
-- -
The test
Properties of black heart malleable cast
iron castings -Extracts from 15:2108-1977.
The Phosphorus content 0' dif'erent grades of malleable
iron, when tested in accordance with 15:228-1959* shall be as

(See IS:4843-1968) PERCENT MAX.

BM 340 O. 12
BM 310 O. 15
SM 290 0.18
B.2 Micro-structure.
B.2.1 The material shall be 'ree from primary graphite and
shall not contain 'ree cementite or pearlite in a form or amount
detrimental to the physical properties 0' machinability of the
B.3 .Dlll bars.
B.3.1 Provision of test bars- All test bars shall be cast
separately. They shall be suitably so that the castings
they represent could be identified.
B.3.2 Test bars Shall be cast in green or dry sand moulds of
the same material as the moulds used for the castings they
represent. They shall be cast in the same time and 'rom" the same
melt as the casting they represent.
B.3.3 Test bars shall in all cases undergo the melleabilizing
heat treatment being together with the castings they represent.
S.3.4 In the event of any 'urther heat treatment being given
to the castings, to meet the requirements provided under B-4. the
test bars shall be suitably heat treated alongwith the castings
they represent.
B.3.5 Tensile test bars shall be cast to the dimensions
specirfied in 'igure-5. The dimensions of the shanks may be
modified to suit the jaws 0' the testing machine .
I!: i" liI
' G.5

B.3.6The cast tensile test bars may be dressed or cleaned and
:;; h':';\ :'.:i bet ! s t din the. unma chi ned con d i t ion.
B.4 Mechanical tests:
8.4.1 Tensile test: A t.nsile test bar, as for as
practicable to the dimensions shown in figure-5 shall when tested
in accor-dance with IS:1608-1972** without machining the gauge
length, give results not less than those in table-4.
Since the test bars are in unmachined state, they may not be quite
circular, in which case the tensile strength shall be calculated
on. the mean diameter at the midale of the gauge length by taking
two measurements at right angles. one of which shall be maximum
(See 18:4843 REPRESENTED BAR(mm) N/mm N/mm (mi n. )
-'1968 )+ (mm) (D) (kgf/mm) (h1f /mm) . percent
BM 340 All sizes 15 340(35) 2QO( 2-1) -12
BM 3-10 All sizes -15 319(32) 190 ( 19) 10
BM 290 All sizes 15 290(30) 6

B-5 Hardness test:
8-5.1 Casting of grade BM-340 produced according to t.his
standard shall not have hardness more than 150 HB.

* IS:228-1959: Methods for chemical analysis of the steel.
** 18:1608-1972: Methods for tensile testir\9 of steel products.
+ IS:4843-1968: Code for designation of ferrous castings.
Properties .Q..f. tine bronze inqots and
gstinqs =E:<tracts from 18:306-'1968.
Chemical composition.
'. ,
C-'l.1 The material when analysed in accordance with IS:4027-67+
shall have the chemical composition as given in Table-5.
7.5 to 8.5
Zinc 3.5 to 4.5
Lead ma)<.
'1.5 '*
Total of the elements other
than copper plus incidental 0.20
nickel, tin and zinc and those
set out above, maximum copper
plus incidental nickel balance
Aluminium maximum 0.0-1
Silicon maNimulTl 0.02
8i slTluth ma:<imum 0.03
* If specially required by the purchaser, the material may
supplied with restricted lead content.
C-1.2 The manufacturer shall, when required, supply free of
a copy of his works analysis of the material. The work
analysis is defined as the analysis carried out by the
manufacturer in order to control the quality of the material.
C-2 Physical properties:
C-2.1 The material when tested in accordance with 18:2654
1964++ sMall have the tensile properties as given in Table-6.
Tensile strength Elon .;)ation
kgf/sqmm percent Min.
on t.;)au'Je
length 5.65_/A
Sand cast (cast on) 22 8
Sand cast (separately cast) 23 -12
Chill cast 25

(-3.1 The test bars shall be according to one of the
.;lppropriate types described in 1S:1408-1959.*
'? 2.5,'.' 1.0 .
'en Ft-,j
CAST?O .5/I/-IR4
*18=1408-1959 - Recommended procedure for inspection of copper
base alloy sand castings.
+18:4027-1967 - Method of chemical analysis of bronze.
++18:2654-1964 - Method of tensile testing of copper and copper

Aluminium and aluminium alloy castinqs .::'
. ."" Ext ra. ct s.f..!::..!;trr! i 8: 617-1975 !
ctalco,mpos l\i on and me't:hanical pro pe rt les
The .compo,sitio,nand. mechanicjal propertie.s of I'
aluminium and.alt.indnium, alloy are given in Table-7:. The mechanical
g{ven' in apply to cast test . piece.
The chemical composition aluminium alloy fittings Itest bars
shall 'betestedin ac.cord,ance, wi th'lS=504:"'1963.*
, ; - ,-. ,l, :.. . . -.
TABLE - 7: (gravity 'or
die cisting alloy) .

Alloy designation, '

Chemical composition; percent
(values given
shown as a .range
Copper 0.1
, 8il1con 10.0 - '13.0
Magnesium o. '10
. 0.60
Man'3anes e
0 .5
Nickel' 0.1
Zinc 0.1
Lead 0.1
Tin 0.05
Titanium 0.2
Aluminium Remainder
_ M

::' ;'.
Me.chan i calprope rt-i es.
Tensile strength
N/sqmm .( ko3f Isqmm) "165 (-16.5,)
Chill cast, N/sqmm(kgf/sqmm) 190(19.0)
Elongation (percent)(on 5.65 180 or 50 mm gauge length
Sand cast 5
Chill cast 7
*18:504-1963: Methods of analysis of aluminium and its alloys.
'-,f. ';-" .' -', ; ". (';'t., - -: _ ...... _ t'" '.'-,,' ..','.,' ", ,;.
D-2.1 The "'metal, fo,.r:"t,he",'test 'shal"ii, be taken from the
crucible or ladle fro,,,,,,,\.ihich, the"ca5'tings are poured and shall
not besu,bjected ,to any tr,e;atmentother than adjustment of
the t'em'perat u re; t,o,'t hat: ''su'i t a.b1 e 'fo:r." poU'r'ih g;.i" ..,.,:,' '"
iO:''2;.'1 >r' ,,:: Skn'dCast fn''ij= 'Th'e cas,t in dry
'" sarid mou'ld"s 'shall'hav'e .:(s" 'shdwn' in
':, :'I. r : ( ". ..,'; ,,: - I " ; I _. "" _. -. \ ,', ",. '. :.. ; ,.. . I . '. , ,_. _ _ ': _. ,
figure-10r2 of 18:'617.' The lTloLildsshall be 'iTl'cl the
ve'rti'c'al pour ifj,ijian'd:!lt'h,:l:! ":sha"l1' be
poured into th'e!' top elf 'thl,{ ITIQulds iTiay be
rammed into any convenient container <such as steel tubej,
provided that the portion'o'f theba'r" tapering; fr'olTi, 2S"to 24 mm i':5
separated from the contai ne,r waTI s b'yno't less than 27 mm sand..
D-3 Tests for physical
D-3.'1 Tensile test: Test pieCes, froITI 'test samples
cast as specified in D-2' shall be;' 'tha'chinedto' the' 'di'mensions of
the standard round test piece fig.7 and "thbse from chill
moulds as per fig.6 of 18:617.
y -;:., 2-D, ;' (; '/11 /YI
..... -1'--- II' 22> l' x=:;::: ----=, .
----+.-I-----.- I ===r= I .. ', ----
L - . \..D" % )'Ynl'! --..-l ----L':"':': 'j :",
CH() 5 S S i.eT I t.. ARE-A S" =- OQ;Y;l1-',''''?
D-3.2 The testing. procedure for carryin9 out;'tt-fe' tensi Ie test
shall be as laid down in IS='-1'816":"'19'61*:'"
D-3.3 Should a test piece break' outs:ide,themi'dd'te,:, half of
the gauge length, test may at the option of the supplier be
di s carded and anot he r test made.'" ' , ",;, c: :
*IS: 1816- '1961':" Me t hdd for tensile te:stf /1 i:glTt.t.nle taLs: 'an'I!l,-,lhe i r
" " .' l . :'
..;' j.:..
;',- ",\ "..'
.. - -_.._-...

,. ':j .
: '-:,
E-1 Chemical composition.
.. . ....,.".." , , . I .
E"';-1 -1
.. -The analysis of the' steel shall conform
to the requl rements given .. in Table-8.. The methods of, chemical
be prescribed ,in the relevant IS:228.0I
: . :",

-1974* Carbon Silicon Manganese Sulphur Phosphorus
1 14 C6 0.10 to O. '15 to 0.40 to 0.040 0.040
0.18 . 0.35 0.70
1A -15 C8 0.10 to 0.15 to 0.60 to 0.040 0.040
0.20 0.35 0.90
20 C8 0.15 to 0.15 to 0.60 to 0.040 0.040
0.25 0.35 0.90
2A 25 C8 0 . 20 .to 0.15 to 0.60 to 0.040 0.040
.0.30 0.35 0.90 .
3 30 C8 0.25 to .0.15 to 0.60 tQ 0.040. 0.040
0.35 0.35 0.90
3A. 35 C8 (': :', 0.30 to 0.15 1.,0, ' . to 0.040 . 0040
0.40 0.90
" ;" ".
4 45 C8 0.40 to O. -15 to 0 ..60 to.,Q.040. 0.040
0.50 0.35 0.90
5 55 CB 0.50.
0.15 to 0.60 taQ,040 0.040
0.60. 0.35 0.90
6 65 C6 O. 60
O. '15 to 0.5Q ,.to
0.70,(, 0.35 0.80

Note(1): When the steel is aluminium killed or.killed with both
aluminium and silicon, the requirement of minimum
silicon content shall not apply. For aluminium killed
steel the total aluminium content shall
to 0.05 percent.. j
, '. .:
\ ,'.,1
*IS:1762CPt.!)-1974=Code for designation of Steels - based. on the
letter symbols.
iil1S:22B= "Method for chemical analysis of ;st,eel.
:, ;:::,.. ;;, Check analysis:
The purchaser may specify check
analysis on finished The number of samples on which the
, 1ys :i s ied:out
shall be; at: ether-ate of one sample
per cast per section.
E-1.2:1 The permissible deviation in from the
corrfposition li"i'nits, $'hal1', be 'as gi'yen' berow:
", ','; , .; __:.......:. L_.... _.;;. ...:.. .:.. !.::. .;;...:.: ,__::..:.. ._
., "Va;"'fation' froiTt;'the
percent ", , ,.Pmits, percent
. :;l'..... _.1......'... __ __ . _
, I'
upto, 0.?5
, +/-6.02
ave r 0\.25 and upto +/-0.03
and 0.50
over 0.50 04;
8i lican ' +/-:'0.03
! ..'
Manganese +/-0.04
", ,.,', ,"",
,', '.
Sulphur +/-0.005

Note: Variations shall over .. under the
'linhts in'sevedd deter
in'ations'in a. he-a.-t._
E-1.3 Elements not specified in table 8 shall not be added to
the steel , "except "c.ilhen ag;eed to;. 'other than f,orthe purpose of
finishing the heat and"shall not' exceed 'the' following:
"! I.
Canst i tuer{t ' ,; Percent
,', :"
'Nickel'" 0 .. 30'
0.30"--:' .,
Copper ,
" Mo l'ybydenurn '<

Vanadium "
0.05" ,
Tin 0.05
Boron 0.0003
" ,
'. r ( "; r T .....
. \
.'; ,j ::-',': . ';: J; '....
E-2.1 Tensile tests: The out in
accordance with 18:1608-1972*. The test pieces shall be machined"
ffbm!each properti.s shall
conform to the requirements table 9.
*Note: See e:<tract (jf attached after..:,Appendi'F'

Min(MPa) Min(MPa) Min. Min. DEGREE c
( length (HB)
370 200 26 '100 880-910
'1A 4'10 220 25 110 880-910
2 430 230 24 '120 880-910
2A 460 250 22 -130 880-910
3 490 270 21 140 860-890
3A 540 280 20 155 850-880
4 620 320 15 175 830-860
5 7-10 350 13 200 8-10-840
6 740 370 10 210 800-830
- ., -----------------------------------------------_._------------
*IS:1608-1972: Methods foY tensile testing of steel pYoducts
.. /
Steel =Extracts from 15:2062-1992.
Chemical Composition:
F.1.1 The chemical composition be determined on the
samples of finished product from the standard position. The
specified contents are as under:
Grade Desiqnation
LaddIe analysis. Percent,
.!; Mn E Si
A Fe410W A
0.23 '1.5 0.050 0.050
B Fe410W B 0.22 '1.5 0.045 0.045 0.4
C Fe4'10W C
0.20 1.5 0.040 0.040 0.4
Mechanical 1ests:
F. 2.1 Tensile tests:
F.2.-1.1 The tensile strength. yield strength and percentage
elongation of steel shall be oetermined from standard test pieces
cut length-wise or crosswise from plates and lengthwise from
sections, flats and bars. The test shall be carried
standard test pieces prepared in accordance with 18:1608-197a.
F.2.i.2 .As a rule only proportional test complying with
the requirements Lo=5.65 ISo should be used for tensile test.
where La is the gauge length and 50' is the l;:ross sectional area
of the test piece.
F.2.1.3 The gau'3elengths other than 5.65,;.../So may also be used
in which case the elongations shall be read from 18:3803 (Pt.1)
1989 .... '#;
F .2.1.4 The tensile stren'1th; yield strength and; percentage
elongation determined in accordance with IS:1608-1972 shall be as
given in Table-i0.
F.2.1.5 In case of sections the thickness of which is not
uniform throughout the profile. the limits of sizes given in
Table-10 shall be applied according to the actual maximum
thickness of the piece adopted for testing.
*15: 1608-1972 - Method for tensile of steel products.
**I5:3803(Pt.1)-1989 - Steel conversion of elongation values:
Carbon and low alloy steels.

Tensile Yield Elongation Bend test
CJrad.e> Desi9na. strength strength percent Min (Internal
tion Min. Min.MPa (In gauge DIA) Min.
(Kgf Immz' ) length)
MPa 2 <20 20-40 >40 5.65_/50
(kgf/mm ) mm mm mm
410 250 240 230
A Fe4-10W A (42) (25.5) (24.5) (23.5) 23 3t
4'10 250 240 230
B Fe4-1()W B (42) (25.5) (24.5) (23.5) 23 2t for less
than or equal
to 25mm thic
3t for more
than 25mlTl
products. '-.,.
410 250 240 230 2t
C Fe410W C (42) (25.5) (24.5) (23.5) 23
't' is the thickness of the material.

F.2.2 Bend Test:
F.2.2.1 Bend test piece:
Test pieces shall be cut lengthwise or crosswise from
plates and strips and lengthwise from flats and bars.
When sections permit, these shall not be less than 40 mm wide. ,
In all bend test pieces
the rough edge or arris
resulting from shearing may be removed by filling or grinding or
machining but the test pieces shall receive no other preparation.
The test pieces shall not be annealed or otherwise subjected to
heat treatments unless the material from which these are taken is
similarly treated. In such cases
the test pieces shall be
similarly treated in the same furnace with the material before
F.2.2.2 Bend test shall be conducted in accordance with 15:1599
F.2.2.3 For bend test, the test piece at room temperature shall
withstand bending through 180 Deg. to an internal diameter not
greater than that given in Table-10.
--, ..._-. .. ..'.:::::::::'
.::- '.... : ;, .'.. ";". . . ,'i .. '. '. .' :. ... :' . '. - ."
. :
:!: .,

Re 1e t' 'e:< t'r'a'c C fr om"! S.:'160;8:"'1972:
, l' , :,: ,:.,'
- GRi P'P.E. D
,'<: ,,1-- EI'JDS

Fl',. 8

.'. -_.,
--'- l .

Note - The formlof end . of" test' piece' 1sonly "irlted ed
a 3 a guide.
J j
..'[' F.3. "1'
) .. ;.; ,; i (! "
F.3.1.1 The of the test may be circular,
square, .'re:ctan.gLi.lar.,or::i::'n 'specia.l' . of ,0-t.he:f':d'o.r'l1h for test
pi. e c e s of r e c tan.] u 1a rse cti on it d,s r,e d;'qiat . :t, here:\ t i 0 of
the width to thickness of' 8:'1shoul'd Ol)t
F.3. '1. '1'.:1 Tes;t . climl;1.,nsion
given .in Table--'1'1 and '12. Sect.'ions,;. bar's etc. : may be
tested' wi thou'tbein.;J machined., There should -be a._ .tr.:arlsi tion
radius be t ..... e en the 'dripped '.;\;nd the paraUel The
dimension of thi.s transition are important and.,.I,1,nless
stated, shall c:'onform to the requirements 9iven.,in Table--l,;.,.nd 2.
The gripped erids may be of any shape to suit the holders the
testing machine.
dimensions of. the pieces
be"in:acCO'f;"da.nce with those
" '" I",
f.3.1.2 In general, the pos{i'ion' of
Hie :; m'8.'c h 1. ned' 'cy1 i ode ri . tes,t pieces' ho.u;4 d be . than
'4. Om'rt, V,:::: "'" . " .,.: ,. ,':','\,':.' ': .
. \ n' : ... '-, ,.
F.3.1.3 As a rule, only proportion test pieces
complying ,..Ji,th
ireqi.d. rerhen t 65...../,So'shoul d 'be used.. <:,; ',J ....
,'i 1 ': .'
F.3.1.4 It is recommended that the parallel length (Lc) of the
test pieces of circular cross-section should be between Lo+2d and
lo+d/2 and. of test pieces of rectangular cross-section between
Lo+ '1. 5_/ So an d Lo+2. 5_/80.
F. Provided there is sufficient material, the parallel
length <Lc) used for arbitrAtion purpose should be Lo+2d for test
pieces of circular crosssection and Lo+2_/So for test pieces at
rectangular cross-section.
<Clause 5.1.1)
Gauge length Lo=5.65 ISo
..R.' ._ - . - \ _
Di.i\111 e r Gauge Minimum Minimum
'; ':< c: t :i. ona 1
d length' . par-aile I transition
diameter' length radius
sqmm mm Lo mm Lc=5.5 d r mm
'j ""',.
28.56 '1'13 124 23.5
200 15.96 80 88 '15
'150 '13 69 76 10
'100 . : 11.28
1'56 ....
62 10
50 7.89 40 44 8
25 5.84 28 31 5
2 3.99 20 22 '4
. . . .. . . . . . . ..

Note--'l : length is given to the nearest 1 mm and the
parallel is
Note-2: Test pieces wi th diameters otn.erthan. these given in
this table may be used provided the gauge Lo=5.65_/So,
:... 1
;( NON--PROPORTlONAL ).< C1 aus;e 5. '1 1 ) .
All dimensions in.!mm.
.... -.__.
25 450
20 '200 25 375
2s '100" 25 300
'12.5 50 25 200 . ,
6 24 -12 '100
3 12 6 50
Note-1: NotWithstanding the above. test ,pieces having a
. gauge length equal to 5.65 So are permitted.
Note-2:' . width from 3 to 25 mma lengJh Df
50mm may be used. the total .length being adjusted
Note-3: A straight. parallel test pi1:!ce.without
ends is permissible for any size.
II !
TEST PIECES (Clause 5.1.2)
(All dimensions in mm.)
.........- -.
: rn ",t 1 Machining tolerance* Tolerance
c'.irnensions on nominal dimensions on form
......... -.11 __._--:.....--- _
to 6 +/- 0.06 0 ..03
over" 6 to '10 +/- 0.075 0.04
C"" e r '10 to 18 +/- 0.09 0.04
over -18 to 30 +/- 0.105 0.05
*The machining tolerance applies when it is desired to use
the nominal cross-section without measurement or calculation.
_._.... _----------------------"':'""--------------------------------
OPPOSITE FACES. (Clauses 5.1.2)
(All dimensions are in mm)
3 to 6 0.18
6 to 10 0.'22
10 to -18 0.27
18 to 30 0.33
30 to 50 0.39
Note-1: Dimensions of the ends of the section of test
pieces should not differ in width by more than O.imm.
Note-2: For rectangular section te5t pieces machined pn the four
faces. same tolerances as for diameter Qf circular test
pieces shall apply.
--- - --- ._.
.... .'
, ...
'.' ;"
.,' .. '
--"O..,....;, __ -... __ ...__
Copper strip Tor electrical purposes
(Extracts from 15=1897-1983)
ChemicaL Composition.
G.1.1 The chemical composition shall be determined either by
the method specified in IS:440-64* or any other established
instrumental/chemical method. In case of dispute the procedure
specified in latest edition of IS:440-1964*for chemical analysis
shall be the reference method. The material shal; conform to
grade ETP or FRHC of IS:191 (Pt.I to X)-1980.**
G.2 Physical Properties.
G. 2. -1 The material when tested in accordance with 18:3260
and IS:2654-1977+shall have the
in Clause 7.2 & 7.3 respectively.
physical properties as
G.3 Bend test.
G.3.1 Where possible. the strip shall be subjected to a
transverse bend test made on test pieces cut with their major
axes at right angles to the direction of rolling (see Fig.9);
where this is not possible it shall be subjected to a
longitudinal bend test made on test pieces cut with their major
axes parallel to the direction of rolling. (see figure-9). Both
surfaces of the pieces shall be tested.

Test spec imen
Loneitud mal bend test .
- Spec :trnen ---- ...... --:1'
H of bend -..

of rolling on drawing .
9 - __ ..
G.3.2 The test pieces shall not crack when bent once through
the appropriate angle as specified below:
Bend test
Thickness Condition
Tran s ve r ...! ud i lJ.
Angle in radius
Upto and Annealed (0) 180 Close
including Half hard (HB) -180 t
10 mm Hard (HD) 90 t
t=thickness of material
G.3.3 The test pieces shall be of conventent length and the
width shall be follows:
Upto and including 6.0mm 15mm other
wise full width.
Over 6.0 mm 2'times the thickness of
G.3.4 The longer edges shall be carefully rounded and
smoothened longitUdinally so that section has
approximately semi-circular edges.
G.4 Tensile Test.
G.4.1 Material of thickness O.50mm and upto and inclUding
10mm shall comply with the requirements of tensile test given in
Table-15. Material below O.50mm thick shall not be subjected

tensile test.
G.4.2 Test pieces of full thickness of the with a
gauge length 4 IArea or 50mm shall be used. The longitudinal
axis of the test piece shall be in the direction of rolling.
UPt 0 and i n L: III d ] Tl '] Over- :300wm upto
300 mm v,'i dth , and inc 1ud i I'll;:)
Thickness Tempe r '1000 mm '/Jidth
. ..... _...- ..... _--_ .. _
Over, Upto & Tensile Tensile Elon')ation
mm includinlJ percent on stroength on
mm kgf/sqmm 4_iArea kqf /sqrrlfTI 1.1
_1 (1 ..
(Min. ) or 50mm (Mi ) 'Ja.Ul;J E'
']'3.U'J e
len,]th<t1in) Uiin. :'

i ) 0.50 2.50 Annealed (0 ) 2-1.0 35.0 21.0 -...l::>.u
Ho'O\lf h<:1.rd (HB) 25.0 10.0 0 "10.0
Hard <HD) 3'1.5 29.0
.' i i ) 2.50 '10.0 Annealed (0 ) 2-1.0 35.0 2'1.0 0
Ha.lf hard<HB) 25.0 -15.0 2:'i-. () 15.0
Hard (HD) .30.0 28.0
* IS:440-1964: Methods of chemical analysis of copper.
** IS:191(Pt.i to x)-1980 : Specification for copper.
# IS:3260-1965: Method for bend test for copper and
+ 18:2654-1977 : Method of tensile testing of copper and
copper alloys.
G.5 Electrical resistivity test.
G.5.1 The standard values at 20 C for the electrical
resistivity at aDnealed high conductivity copper shall be taken
as 0.01724 ohm mm/m. The electrical resistivity Ot strip shall be
measured in accordance with IS:3635-1966*. The electrical
resistivity values are given in Table-16.
Resistiyity Conductivity
Condition (Ohm mm" /rrd ( pe r c en t 1'1 in. )
at 20 C ( Ma x. )
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Annealed (0) 0.01737 99.25
Half hard(HB) 0.01777 97.00
Hard (HD) 0.01777 97.00
Note: Conductivity percent is expressed as percentage of the
standard value for standard annealed copper of 100%
conductivity as laid down by the International
Electrotechnical Commission.
*IS=3635 Methods of test for resistance of metallic
electrical resistance material
. 1
'. :"
., Maximum permissible level of discontinuity
in radiographic examination
. .

Sl . Alloy
Specification for stndard Discontinuity level
No. reference rediographs. permissible

(2) (3) (4)

1 specification
bronze 18:3091 General conditions
castings for radiograph as per ASTM
-272 (Standard).
a) Sensitivity of
radiographs - 21.
b) IGI must be used
" in all cases
c. . Tin Material specification
br.onze 18=306. General conditions
casting for radiographs standard
as per ASTM E-310
a) Sensitivity of
radiographs - 2%
b) IGI must be used
in all cases.
a) Hot tears not pet-mi tted.
b) Shrinkage - not permitted.
c) Porosity - pin hole poros
ity at isolated locations
permitted. Clusters of
pinhole porosities not
permitted. The minimum
distance between pinholes
to be 15mm. Defects near
edges not acceptable.
d) Inclusions Inclusions due
to dross and foreign
material rounded in shape
of the size not exceeding
2mm at one or two places
a) Hot tears not permitted.
b) Shrinkage - not permitted.
c) Gas holes Rounded or
elongated smooth edged
discontinuities permitted
at isolated locations.
Clustering of holes not
permitted. Maximum size of
the holes not to exceed
1.5mm and minimum distance
between 2 gas holes. if
present not to be closer
than 15mm. near
edges not acceptable.
d) Inclusions-Inclusions due
to dross and foreign
material rounded in shape
of the diameter not
exceeding 1.5 mm at
isolated places permitted.
Clustering of inclusions
and presence of inclusions
near edges not acceptable.

--... - -.... -
.. __
(3) (4)

3. Aluminium

a) Cracks- not ac CC! pt<."1bt e.
casting General conditions for b) Shrinkage not accepti:\ble.
radiograph standard as
per ASTM E-505. c) Poroaitypin
porosity at isolated
a) Sensitivity of of size nat
radiographs - 2% exceeding 1 mm permitted.
Clusters of pin not
b) IGI must be used permimtted. Presence of
in a.ll pin holes near not
penrri tted.
d) Foreign material
Inclusions due to
and foreign round
in shape of' trli-'! size n,Jt"
exceeding 1.5mm at
is131 ated e.l.:, ce S oe nn t t t f'
Clustering of
and of inclusions
near edges not permitted.
4. Malleable Material specification a) Porosity Size of
iron J8:2108-1977 porosity of pin holes
cast in.Js
shall not be mOFe than 1mm
General conditions 'or in diameter and the
ra.diograph standard distance between two pin
as per ASTM -446 holes shall not be less
. than 20mm. Clust
a) Radiograph
pin holes shall not be
sensitivity - 2% permitted. j
b) IGI must be used
in all cases.
b) Slag inclusion
inclu'!:don of the

inclusion not mor'e than
1 mm and the distnnce
between slag
pa.rticles shall not :.
less than 20mm. Clusterin&
of inclusion particles
shall not be allowed.
a) Sand inclusion
d) Hot te.:us-Not permitted.
e) erac k . Not. pernd. t t"e d
f) - The total shr
inkage area shall not
exceed 5% of the
phic Cl.rea.

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