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In Horoscope

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Sex In Horoscope Sexual behavior and temperament is connected to the sign to which a person belongs.

The planets Mars and Venus play an important role in the sex life of a person. Vedic astrology has classified the yoni ( size of sex organs and sexual behavior) on the basis of NAKSHATRAS. Sex and Yoni of constellations Male Aswini Bharani Pushya Rohini Moola Aslesha Magha U.phalguni Swati Visakha Jyestha Poorvasadha Poorvabhadra Female Satabhisha Revati Krittika Mrigasira Aridra Punarvasu P. phalguni Uttar bhadra Hasta Chitra Anuradha Shravana Dhanishta Yoni (Nakshatras) Horse Elephant Sheep (goat) Snake Dog Cat Rat Cow (Camel) Buffalow (Ox) Tiger Horse ( Dear ) Monkey Lion

(To know your Nakshatra in your birth chart please refer to our service Horoscope)






1. Aries, Leo, Sagittarius are Oversexed. 2. Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn are sober in sex behavior. 3. Gemini, Libra, Aquarius have secret liking for sex but never exhibit their sexual feelings. 4. Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces are not very sexoriented but show highly passionate feelings. Size of Sex Organs Male Man has been divided into three types according to the size of Penis 1 Hare- man has shortest male organs upto 4" in length. 2 Bull man has medium male organ upto 6" in length. 3 Horse man has longest male organs upto 8" in length. Circumference of the Penis is according to the length but






Female Female has been divided into three types according to the depth of vagina. 1 Deer woman has shortest vaginal passage of 4" long. 2 Hare women has medium vaginal passage of 6" long. 3 Elephant woman has longest vaginal passage of 8"long. Circumference is in proportion to vaginal length but can be stretched to a longer size. Determination of Male organs has 12 plannets house of of male

Every birth chart/Horoscope houses. In those 12 houses, a has to stay in there houses. 8th the horoscope indicates size organs. If the 8th house belongs to


If Sun is in 8th house the native has virile and well proportioned organs with normal sex functions. If Moon is in 8th house the native has slightly undersized and flaccid organ and sex functioning depends upon moods. If Mercury is in 8th house the native has slightly undersized , flaccid and weak organ. Native also suffers from inferiority complex in sex matters. If Mars is in 8th house the native has small , active and well proportioned organ. If Jupiter is in 8th house the native has normal size but active and verile organs. If Saturn is in 8th house the native has long and lanky organ but not very capable.










The size and shape of female Breasts are also depends on the placement of planets in the birth Horoscope. The size of breasts can be judged from the horoscope of the female as follow.

1. If Saturn is aspecting moon in horoscope then the native has very small but long breasts. 2. If Mars is aspecting Moon in horoscope then the native has strong and very attractive breasts.

3. If Jupiter is aspecting Moon in horoscope then the native has fairly big size breasts. 4. If Venus is aspecting Moon in horoscope then the native has extremely beautiful breasts. 5. If Sun has the influence on 4th house of the Horoscope or Moon then the native has hard breasts. 6. If Sun is in 3rd house of the horoscope then the native has well formed breasts. If moon is in 8th house of the horoscope then 7. the native has ill- formed breasts.
Sexual acts and their behavior Sexual acts and behavior depends on two factors: 1. Sign of native 2. Which planets are in 7th house of the horoscope.
1. If Moon or Venus is in 7th house of the horoscope then there will be a quick ejaculation during coitus. If Sun is in the 7th house of the horoscope then there will be agressive sex behavior.



If Moon is in the 7th house of the horoscope then the native is delighted in sex but the ejaculation is quick. If Mars is in 7th house of the horoscope then he will be impatient in sex which ends quickly.



If Mercury is in the 7th house of the horoscope then the native suffers from premature ejaculation or nervous exhaustion. If Rahu is in the 7th house of the horoscope the native will behave as if he is stealing something.


The characteristics of sexual tendencies depend upon the position of Mars in the horoscope. If the Mars belong to:

First House

The native's married life will be full of enthusiasm, have strong sexual urges and will never be satisfied in sex. He enjoys sex life greatly and fully demonstrates his love and affection to his partner will require constant love and affection from partner. The native will be aggressive and crude in sex matters. He / She has very burning and deep feelings for partner but does not exhibit them. The native will be very determined to have good and healthy sex with the partner. He / She will be courageous and considerate in sex matter but fails to demonstrate.

Second House

Third House

Fourth House

The native will have extensive sexual relationship with the partner and will be lustfully inclined and selfish in the relationship. They have deep attachment with the partner. The native will not be sex crazy. Sex will be a normal routine for him / her. Native will not have much regards for partner as far as sex is concerned. The native will be fond of sex and too demanding in sex and may indulge in indiscreet sex life. The native will be romantic also. The native will have too much sex-indulgent, indiscriminate in sex and greatly attached to principles and morals of married life. The native will be very moderate and considerate to partner in sex habits. The native will not regards sex as a driving force in life. The native will be methodical and touchy in sex matters. The native will be fond of pronography and very concious of successful sex act. The native has craving for sex but do not show openly and easily satisfied. They attach more importance to health and have a saintly outlook, though in thoughts they are sex- crazy. The native will be quick and restless in sex behaviour. Even use unnatural methods of sex. The native will be careless about partner,s feeling.

Sixth House

Seventh House

Eight House

Ninth House

Tenth House

Eleventh House

Twelth House

Astrology & Sex are closely knitted to each other as it is quite often said and believed that sun signs determine the sexual desires. Aries Raunchy Aries is one of the most passionate and impetuous of the signs. Feelings run high when ardent Aries is around. You go all out for what you want - no sitting around waiting for others to make the first move. What you like is short, sharp sex. The basic Aries energy is rapacious, self-oriented, and self-confident. When you finally fall in love, rather than in lust, the romantic and somewhat naive side of your fire nature emerges, but you will remain headstrong and passionate. No matter how romantically inclined, Aries passion is indissolubly linked to love, so you want to express your feelings in a very direct way. Taurus By far the most sensual of the signs, Taurus has a passionate nature and a strong sex drive. You are turned on by beautiful people and places. Your earthy, solid body exudes sensuality and arouses desire, but you hesitate to move in on a prospective lover, preferring to be asked. Despite a strong libido, you are not driven by lust. You like a stable, orderly life and are renowned for

possessiveness; an active sex life is usually part of an ongoing partnership.When you fall in love, you fall heavily and finally. You are committed for life. Love is something Taurus takes very seriously indeed. Gemini A restless seeker after new sensations, Gemini never stays still. You dance with partner after partner in an intricate sexual gavotte. Your urge for communication demands continual movement for you, sex is an intellectual activity. You may like to discuss feelings, but you don't feel a need for them. One of your greatest problems in relationships is understanding how other people feel. Indeed, you can be so insensitive to people's feelings that you unthinkingly dash their hopes of love without even noticing. To overcome this, you need to listen as well as talk. Gemini values friendship over love. Cancer Cancer is the sign with a powerful urge to nurture people. Your sexual style is caring, concerned, and oriented towards sharing. You feel a need to take care of your partner. Yours is a sentimental, romantic sign. When you fall in love you want the full works: hearts, flowers, and a huge wedding. In love, your biggest problem is over-sensitivity. You are jealous and possessive. You want your partner's undivided love because it makes you feel secure. As a tactile sign, you enjoy kissing and cuddling. Snuggling up with the one you love makes you feel good. Cancer is a great holder of hands. Leo The natural king of the zodiac, Leo loves to be the center of attention and to be in love - which is not difficult since you are ruled by the sun and have a warm-hearted nature. As a fire sign, you are exceedingly passionate and sexually demanding. You are a confident and selfassured lover. People do tend to notice you. You are dramatic and full of vitality and bounce, like a boisterous lion cub. But, unlike

a cub, you radiate an irresistible sexual power that draws everyone into fascinated orbit around you. Virgo On the surface, meticulous Virgo is a shy sign, but you are an entertaining companion for those who take the trouble to inquire into your deeper self in your search for perfection. You tend not to pursue the object of your desire openly. Given the right partner, you display an earthy sensuality and a strong carnal appetite. You are not a sign that gets carried away by love and sentiment. You are much too practical and analytical for that. But when you do fall in love, you are thoughtful and caring and will do all you can to serve your partner. Libra You need a partner to make yourself complete. For you, togetherness is what life is all about. You delight in pleasing people and because you adjust to the needs of others, your relationships are always harmonious. You are blessed with enormous charm and sexual charisma, and you don't hesitate to use it to get what you want. Libra is a sign much given to sentiment and romanticism. You do all you can to make your partner happy. You are an accomplished lover and adept at pleasing your partner. Libra is a very refined sign and has very discriminating tastes. You enjoy the finer things in life and this applies to your sexual encounters as well. Everything surrounding sex must be beautiful and harmonious. You like subtle perfumes, candles, incense, massage oils. They arouse your senses. You also like soft, sensual fabrics. Scorpio You are a sophisticated and highly adept lover. Scorpio rules sex, birth, death, and rebirth. You have an urge to explore dark places of life where others fear to tread. Powerfully libidinous and intensely sexy, you ignore taboos. You see sex as an opportunity to explore the mystical depths of emotion. Scorpio is a compulsive and

obsessive sign. When you are in lust, you obsess about the object of your desires. When you are in love, you think about your beloved constantly. Love, lust, and libido are all important to you. You do not fall in love easily. But when you do fall, you fall hard. And you stay there. What you seek is a true soulmate. Your world is emotional, dramatic, tense, full of emotional undercurrents and the echoes of painful traumas from the past. Sagittarius Freedom-loving Sagittarius is a natural philanderer who hates to be tied down for too long. Ever-impetuous, you revel in a spontaneous, inflammatory sexual adventure with plenty of passion. You fall in love easily. Half the time it is infatuation, but you don't mind and you rarely differentiate between the two until the affair is over. You enjoy being in love. You are an unemotional sign who does not agonize over the future; you simply enjoy what is happening now with great verve and passion. One of your difficulties in love is that you always want more. You have a nagging feeling there could be something more exciting around the corner. It takes a strong love to hold you, but once committed, you are usually faithful. Capricorn Despite having an earthy sensuality, Capricorns can be cautious when it comes to carnal passion. You prefer to wait for the right partner. You take love seriously. You are at your most sober when young, but as you mature the lecherous goat emerges who impulsively climbs the mountain of desire. Capricorn falls in love slowly. The attraction strengthens, the mutual trust develops, and eventually you realize you are deeply in love. Once the commitment has been made, you have an unshakable loyalty to your lover. You find difficulty in openly showing affection. Sex is fine; you can let yourself go within a committed relationship. But it is in the everyday expression of affection that you can be inhibited. Aquarius

As an Aquarius, you value your independence highly and like to do things in your own unique style. Many of your sexual encounters take place somewhere in your head. Although you are interested in humanity as a whole, when it comes to one-on-one closeups, you are often at a loss. Love is something of a puzzle to you. Aquarius likes the thought of a soulmate. Someone with whom you fit, someone who makes your life perfect. Eventually, of course, you find out that soulmates are not always like this. But by then you are so deeply in love it doesn't matter anyway. When you are deeply committed, you are faithful and loyal. Pisces A Pisces in love is lost in an ecstatic dream. And, since love and sex are one and the same for Pisces, sex is a beautiful fantasy you want to merge and blend with your partner, to become one. Seductive and romantic, your fluid nature sees no boundary between yourself and your beloved. But, all too often, the dream turns out to be merely an illusion. Each time you fall in love you believe you have found your soulmate. You give yourself body and soul to your beloved. Dreams, however, can easily turn into nightmares when you finally realize that all is not what it seemed and the illusion is shattered. You tend to live an "if only" life, dreaming endlessly of what might be and fantasizing about the perfect love affair. Not surprisingly, everyday life usually fails to measure up to your dream world, and the relationships you enter into with such hope fail to fulfill the fantastic promise that they hold in your mind. Pisces has a tendency to cling to the past, and to lovers, and never really severs the bonds. There is nothing Pisces loves more than to see an old flame and rekindle the passion, at least for a time. The thought of hurting anyone's feelings, especially someone you have loved, is more than you can bear.

Sexual tendencies as per mars positions in horoscope, know the sexual powers of persons as per the mars positions, How to check Sexual power of a person as per horoscope, How to enhance sexual power.

Sexual power is must to live a successful marriage life or to enjoy the very personal life. Now the question is how to detect our own sexual power of other sexual power as per astrology. So here i am revealing the way to detect the sexual power of a person through astrology. Mars is planet which generally shows the power of a person and it is very important planet which helps us to decide the sexual power of a person. The power of person vary and it depends upon the position of mars in our horoscope or kundli.

Let's see them one by one:

1. When Mars or Mangal sits in 1st place of Horoscope: Then it makes the life full of energy, enthusiasm. This shows the great power to make strong physical relationship. Some times it is difficult satisfy this type of person. Honestly the partner can enjoy sexual life with him easily and live a good life with fun too. 2. If Mangal or Mars resides in 2nd House of Horoscope or Kundli: This shows a boorish or undefined sexual power. Person sometimes become vulgar sometimes curde. He or she is unable to show the exact feeling related to sexual relationship. 3. Mars or Mangal in Third House: This shows a courageous heart and mind to have a healthy sex relation. But this type of person are also unable to disclose the real feelings in front of partner. 4. Sex Tendencies When Mars is present in 4th place of kundli or horoscope: This shows greatly involve in sex relationship, They want to immerse in sex and are really selfish while maintaining the sexual relationships. They want to involve deeply with the partner. 5. Mars or Mangal in 5th House of horoscope: Use the sex relation intellectually. Neither too excited nor less. They try to understand the situation and then involve in relation. 6. Magal in 6th House: Not interested passionately. They take it just as a need of daily life. So as per enjoyment it is not possible to involve too much with these type of person. Sexual tendencies as per mars positions in horoscope, know the sexual powers of persons as per the mars positions, How to check Sexual power of a person as per horoscope, How to enhance sexual power. 7. Seventh House and Mangal or mars: These persons are romantic, funny and very much interested in sexual life. They are sex demanding too. They feel very much comfort while engage in sexual relationship. 8. Mars Or Mangal in 8th House: The native want to involve greatly in sexual relation, they become aggressive sometime while making sex relation. they want cooperation from partner too. Sometimes become selfish in making relations. 9. Mars in Destiny place or 9th House of Horoscope or Kundli: From the point of view of sex these persons are balanced. They understand the need and act like that. They don't want to be overwhelmed in sex matter. 10. If Mangal or Mrs is in 10th House: The native is highly involved in sex matter. They want to involve greatly in sexual relations and ever ready for this. 11. Eleventh house And Effect of Mars in Sex relations:

they are not able to show the feelings in front of partner but want to involve. It is easy to satisfy this type persons. They are conscious about health. 12. Mars or Mangal in 12th House: They want to enjoy the sex in any case. They can even made expenses to enjoy the sexual life. They don't care about the feeling of partner they just want to involve and enjoy the moment. They are selfish too in making sex relations.

Very Important Note:

The result may vary as per the power and state of Mars. Also while doing prediction it is also checked that with which planet or zodiac sign mars is sitting. So never do prediction only by reading the above article. Minute study is needed to know exact sexual tendencies or power of person.

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