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Course Outline172 s7

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School of Business, BBA Program

Course Title: Descriptive Statistics

Course Code: BUS 172 Semester: 2013 Summer, Section: 7

Instructor: Mohammad Kamrul Arefin (MLR) Office: NAC842 Class Room: NAC510 Office Phone: 01833179916

Class Time: MW 02:40 PM 04:10 PM Office hours: MW 1:00 PM-2:30 PM e-mail:


COURSE DESCRIPTION & OBJECTIVES: This course gives an overview of Statistics and its application in business research. The aim of this course is to provide students with a thorough understanding of the concepts of sampling, descriptive statistics, probability theory, inferential statistics etc. TEACHING APPROACH: The class will meet for a total of 36 hours divided into 24 x 1.5 hours lectures. The classes will be conducted through lectures, and presentations. Students are required to take notes, answer questions, and participate actively in the class. Students are strongly encouraged to communicate with the lecturer through email or phone and meet lecturer during office hour (outside office hour by prior appointment) for any questions they may have. TEXT BOOK: Statistics for Business and Economics, Sixth Edition, Authored by P. Newbold, W. Carlson, B. Thorne LECTURE OUTLINE:
Lecture 1 Chapter 1 2 Chapter 2 3 Chapter 2 4 Chapter 3 5 Chapter 3 Topics Concept of statistics, concept of sampling, concept of descriptive and inferential statistics. uses of statistics Population, sample, variables, classification of variables, measurement levels, data representation, graphing qualitative and quantitative variables, graphs to describe time series data etc. Construction of frequency distributions, graphical representation of frequency distribution Measures of central tendency ( arithmetic mean, geometric mean, harmonic mean, median and mode) Measures of Dispersion (range, quartile deviation, standard deviation, mean deviation coefficient of quartile deviation, coefficient of variation, and coefficient of mean deviation)

6 Chapter 3 7 Chapter 4 8 Chapter 4 9 Chapter 4 10 Chapter 5 11 Chapter 5 12 Chapter 5 13 Chapter 5 14 Chapter 5 15 Chapter 6 16 Chapter 6 17 Chapter 7 18 Chapter 7 19 Chapter 8 20 Chapter 8 21 22 23 24

Measures of Dispersion (and skewness, measures of skewness, and kurtosis), Measures of relative standing, Z-scores, quartiles, interquartile range, outlier etc. Theory of Probability (Introduction, important probability terms, methods of assigning probability, etc) The rules of Probability, addition rule for elementary events, complement rule, addition rule for two events, addition rule for mutually exclusive events etc. Mid Term 1 Conditional probability, tree diagrams, conditional probability for independent events, multiplication rule for two events, multiplication rule for independent events, Bayestheorem etc. Discrete random variables and probability distributions Properties of discrete random variables, Discrete Probability Distributions ( random variables, the mean and standard deviation of discrete distributions) Binomial probability distributions ( characteristics of the binomial distribution, mean and standard deviation of the binomial distribution) Hypergeometric Distribution Poisson probability distribution Continuous random variables and continuous probability distribution

Standard normal distribution, normal distribution approximation for binomial distribution Mid Term 2 Sampling distributions, sampling distribution of the sample mean Sampling distribution of the sample proportion Point and Confidence interval estimation Confidence interval for means and confidence interval for population proportions Introduction to Linear Regression and correlation analysis (correlation vs regression, significance test for the correlation),, meaning of the regression coefficients, significance of the slope coefficient Lab: Descriptive statistics analysis using Minitab software. Final Exam and Project Report Review Final Exam and Project Report Review Final Exam TBA

EXAMS: There will be 4-6 pop (unannounced) quizzes and worst 1 will be omitted from final grading. In addition to quizzes there will be total 3 exams. There will be no makeup exams for quizzes.
Descriptive Statistics Analysis project:

At the end of this course students are expected to submit a Research Report using descriptive & graphical analysis. This will be a group project. This project helps students to implement their learning from this course and improve their report writing skills.
COURSE GRADING COMPONENTS: Component/Coverage Mid Term 1 Mid Term 2 Final Exam Quizzes Assignments Lab Group Report Class Participation Weights (%) 20 20 25 10 5 5 10 5

According to the NSU policies set by the Business School, the following is a suggested conversion scheme: A 93 A90 B+ 87 B 83 B80 C+ 77 C 73 C70 D+ 67 D 60 F <60

COURSE POLICY: It is important that you attend classes regularly. In-class participation is a key component of the course. Please bring scientific calculator with you in every classes. You will not be allowed to take any make-up exam unless you provide evidence of a valid reason. You are expected to inform the lecturer at least 12 hours prior the exam about your incapacity. The make-up diet of the exam will be harder than the regular exam and it will be comprehensive. There will be no makeup exam for quizzes. Any type of plagiarism will result in F (fail) grade. Please turn off all cell phones before entering the class. If you are to take the call then leave the class silently without asking permission. The number of groups in the class may vary according to the total number of students. The instructor and university reserve the right to modify elements of the course during the term. It is the responsibility of the student to check their emails and NSU website regularly during the term to note any changes.


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