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Low-Voltage Capacitors and Power Factor Correction Units SIPCON T

POWER QUALITY Catalog SR 10.6 1998

Low-Voltage Capacitors and Power Factor Correction Units SIPCON T

Selection Diagrams Definitions

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

4RB5 MKK Power Capacitors

4RD5 Fixed Compensation without Reactors

4RY Small Power Factor Correction Units without Reactors

4RY Power Factor Correction Units without Reactors

4RY56 Capacitor Modules without Reactors

4RF1/2 Power Factor Correction Units with Reactors 4RF3/4 Power Factor Correction Units with Special Reactors and AF blocking < 250 Hz

4RF5 Capacitor Modules with Reactors

4RF6 Fixed Compensation with Reactors

4RF14 Passive Tuned Filter Circuits

SIMEAS C Power Factor Controller 4RY66 Controller Modules


Catalog SR 10.6 1998

Supersedes: Catalog K 1.2 1995


Selection Diagram for Capacitors, Power Factor Correction Units and Filter Circuits

Power factor correction is the switching of capacitors in parallel with inductive linear or non-linear loads in the network. The decisive factors in the selection of power factor correction are the network conditions and the load structure.


Low-voltage network Proportion of non-linear loads < 20 % of Sr Proportion of non-linear loads 20 % of Sr

Load structure, transformer apparent power rating Sr

Reactive power consumption (p.f.) Network conditions

Improve p.f.

Improve p.f.

n Networks conditions It is essential to consider any harmonic content that is present, both in the low-voltage network and in the higher-level mediumvoltage network. AF ripple control systems that are present must also be taken into account in the selection of power factor correction. n Load structure If the proportion of nonlinear loads (e.g. converter drives) in the low-voltage network is 20 % of the preceding transformer apparent power rating Sr, then 4RF capacitors with reactors should be chosen.


Avoid resonances with higher-level network

Avoid resonances with self-generated harmonics

Harmonic filtering Partial filtering of self-generated harmonic currents High filtering of self-generated harmonic currents

AF ripple control system in the network



AF ripple control system in the network


AF ripple control system in the network

AF ripple control system in the network


AF ripple control system

Audio frequency > 250 Hz


Audio frequency > 250 Hz


Audio frequency > 350 Hz


Audio frequency

U5 3 %, U7 2 % present in the network


Audio frequency < 250 Hz


Capacitors and 4RY power factor correction units without reactors and upstream AF blocking device

Special version of AF blocking device on request or use of power factor correction units with reactors (7 %)

4RB capacitors, 4RD fixed compensation units, 4RY power factor correction units without reactors

4RF17 power factor correction unit with reactors (7 %). Filtering of the 5th harmonic up to approx. 30 %

4RF16 power factor correction unit with reactors (5.67 %) Filtering of the self-generated 5th harmonic up to approx. 50 %

4RF34 or 4RF36 special reactor connected power factor correction unit or 4RF19 power factor correction unit with reactors (14 %)

Special version required, on request

4RF14 tuned passive filter circuit, on request



Siemens SR 10.6 1998

Siemens SR 10.6 1998


Selection Diagram for Power Factor Correction Systems according to Audio Frequencies Present in the Network

Ripple control frequency < 250 Hz

Ripple control frequency > 250 Hz

Shunt capacitors

Power factor correction rating up to 35 % of connected load No high harmonic level

Shunt capacitors

Power factor correction rating 10 kvar

Capacitors with reactors

Power factor correction rating > 35 % of connected load and/or High harmonic level

Capacitors with reactors

Reactor/capacitor ratio dependent on ripple control frequency 250 350 Hz p 7 % > 350 Hz p 5 %

Coupling node in medium-voltage network

Formula for calculating the required reactor/ capacitor ratio

Coupling node in low-voltage network

Reactor/capacitor ratio p 14 %

Other circuits

Design according to assessment principles

Other circuits

Design according to assessment principles

AF blocking device

AF blocking device

Capacitors with reactors in parallel circuit

Taken from VDEW recommendations of 1993 for avoiding impermissible disturbances on the AF ripple control ISBN 3-8022-0505-7 (VDEW Verlag, Frankfurt/Main)


Siemens SR 10.6 1998


n Branch
A branch is the capacitor rating switched from a controller output.

n Tuned filter circuits

A tuned filter circuit comprises a series connection of a capacitor and a reactor (filter circuit reactor), which are matched in such a manner that the resonant frequency fR of the series oscillating circuit precisely corresponds to a harmonic frequency. Since the impedance of series oscillating circuits is extremely low (practically zero) at resonant frequency, the relevant harmonic current is filtered. Tuned filter circuits are capacitive at the fundamental frequency and act as phase shifters, however, they cannot be controlled by a P.F. controller.

With most controllers this response value must be calculated and set on the controller during set-up. The SIMEAS C controllers determine the C/k value automatically and no controller settings need to be carried out by the person setting up the controller (self-adaptation to C/k value).

n Inrush current spikes,

precharging resistors Switching a single capacitor on to the network does not cause any problems, because the current is limited by the inductance of the upstream transformer and the cables. The switching of capacitor banks (switching one capacitor in parallel to those already in circuit) is substantially more critical, because here the inrush current is only limited by the low inductance of the connecting cables and capacitors. This problem can be overcome by using special capacitor contactors with precharging resistors. Capacitor contactors incorporate resistors which are switched in circuit by make contacts before the main contacts are closed. The current spike is thereby damped to approx. 10 % of its undamped value.

EN 60831-1, section 4 states that any capacitor bank or battery must be discharged within three minutes from its initial peak voltage to 75 V or less. However, capacitors always have to be discharged to 10% of the rated voltage before being switched in again. In automatically controlled P.F.C. circuits the capacitor must be discharged within a few seconds, because the controller can, due to a changing load, issue a switch-in signal for the same capacitor after only a short delay, switching in the capacitor which has been just switched off. The discharge time in P.F. correction units must always therefore be less than the controller response time .

n Capacitance stability
Capacitance stability means conformance to the electrical data over the whole service life of the capacitor. This is especially very important with detuned and tuned filter circuits. Permanent conformance to the tuning frequency is only possible with filter circuits if the loss of capacitance in the capacitors due to ageing is extremely low.

n Power capacitors
Power capacitors are usually three-phase capacitors with a high capacitance rating and conform to EN 60831-1, IEC 831-1. They are used exclusively for phase shifting. Power capacitors feature n high capacitance stability and long service life n internal protection system n high pulse withstand capability. These characteristics are especially important in reactor connected applications. Linear loads When connected to a sinusoidal system voltage, linear loads draw a sinusoidal current which may be phase shifted with respect to the voltage. Examples of linear loads are: Three-phase motors, Capacitors, Filament lamps, Resistor heating.

n Impedance factor
For a customers system this is the ratio of the audio frequency impedance to the network frequency impedance. In contrast to the blocking factor, the impedance factor takes into account the influence of the ratings of the network transformer and the P.F. correction system. The ratio of transformer power rating to the P.F. correction power rating mainly determines the interference effects on the audiofrequency ripple control signals. If the P.F. correction power rating is low compared to the transformer power rating, then impermissible interference on the audio-frequency ripple control signals should not be expected.

n Harmonic filtering
Harmonic currents can cause critical interference in power systems. With the employment of capacitors with reactors the interference is mitigated or even completely removed. The degree of harmonic filtering achieved is dependent on the design and configuration of the filter circuit reactors and capacitors. The reactor/capacitor ratio p is a characteristic of the degree of harmonic filtering. The degree of harmonic filtering increases as p decreases.

n Discharge device,
discharge time Discharge devices are used to discharge capacitors after disconnection from the network. This means that they must be able to dissipate the energy
1 We = CU 2 2 stored in the capacitor within a few seconds. Suitable discharge devices are resistors and reactors. Due to their high AC inductance, discharge reactors produce very low losses at system frequency.

n Response time
The response time of the controller is the time period for which a signal (reactive power requirement) must be applied in order to produce a switching command from the controller.

n Impulse withstand capability Capacitors used in automatic power factor correction units and which are therefore subject to frequent switching, require high impulse withstand capability, because the high inrush current stresses the capacitor windings as well as the switching devices (see precharging resistors).

n Motor capacitors
Motor capacitors are singlephase capacitors and conform to DIN VDE 0560 Part 8. They are generally of low capacitance rating and are designed for starting or running motors. In contrast to power capacitors motor capacitors have: n no protection system n lower capacitance stability and a shorter service life n lower impulse withstand capability. If required, single-phase motor capacitors can be connected to form three-phase units.

n C/k value
The C/k value is the response value of a P.F. controller. It is given by the capacitor rating C of the first branch circuit and the C.T. ratio k.

Siemens SR 10.6 1998



n Non-linear loads
On application of a sinusoidal system voltage, non-linear loads draw a non-sinusoidal current from the network. Examples of non-linear loads are: n Variable-speed drives, n Frequency converters, n Uninterruptible power supplies, n Dimmers, television sets, n Devices with saturated magnetic circuits, n Fluorescent lamps, n Arc furnaces, welding equipment n Semiconductors (diodes and thyristors).

n Resonance effect
In compensated AC power systems a special case may occur in which the inductive and capacitive impedances cancel each other. Since with the voltage applied only a relatively low ohmic resistance acts to limit the current, high current spikes occur which can even cause the tripping of overcurrent protection devices.

n Number of steps
The number of steps is defined by the step function ratio. The number of steps is calculated by adding the numbers in the step function ratio. For example, for the step function ratio 1:1:2:2:3, the number of steps would be 9. In order to obtain a sufficiently accurate control and also to prevent too frequent switching, a number of steps between 5 and 12 is recommended. A large number of steps does not result in a significant improvement of the power factor.

n Reactor / capacitor ratio

The reactor / capacitor ratio p [%] reflects the ratio of inductive reactance to capacitive reactance at system frequency. The resonance frequency fR of the series resonant filter circuit is indicated indirectly by p. E.g.: p = 7 % fR = 189 Hz p = 5.67 % fR = 210 Hz The relationship between p and fR is given by:

n Resonance frequency
At the resonance frequency fR the reactances XL and XC of a series oscillating circuit are equal and opposite and thus cancel each other (XL = XC ). Therefore, the impedance of the oscillating circuit is practically zero at the resonance frequency since only the relatively small ohmic component is active.

fR = f1

n Harmonics
Non-linear loads draw a non-linear current from the network. This non-sinusoidal current can be broken down using Fourier analysis into a fundamental wave with frequency f1 and superimposed harmonics with frequencies f = f1 .

n AF ripple control systems,

AF blocking device AF ripple control systems feed AF pulses into the public power supply system. These pulses are propagated throughout the power system and are received by AF receivers distributed over the power system which perform the required switching operations. AF ripple control systems are employed, for example, for: n Tariff control of private premises and industrial plants, n Switching of alarm signals, n Switching of lighting installations. The frequency dependent impedance of capacitors installed in the power system can interfere with the AF signals. For such applications the capacitors must be equipped with AF blocking devices in order to avoid excessive overloading of the AF ripple control systems. Generally, an AF blocking device is connected upstream with the capacitor. In power systems with harmonics either special reactor connected capacitors or special AF blocking devices are employed for AF signal rejection in conjunction with capacitors with reactors.

p E.g. p = 7 %, system frequency f1 = 50 Hz

fR = 50

1 0.07

= 189 Hz

n Capacitor with reactors

(detuned filter circuit) A capacitor with reactors is a series connection of a capacitor with a reactor. This represents a series oscillating circuit, whose resonance frequency fR is chosen by design of the reactor so that it lies below the frequency of the 5th harmonic (250 Hz at a power frequency of 50 Hz). As a result the reactor / capacitor system is inductive for all harmonic frequencies 250 Hz and dangerous resonances between the capacitor and power system inductances (e.g. transformers) will not occur. Capacitors with reactors are switched by power factor controllers.

n Self-healing, self cut-off

Dielectric flashovers in the capacitor caused by voltage spikes are isolated by self-healing. The capacitor remains capable of continued operation during the self-healing process. If in exceptional cases flashovers occur particularly frequently, then the ensuing overpressure activates a mechanical protective overpressure cut-off at a predetermined breaking point within the capacitor winding, isolating the capacitor from the network.

The ordinal number is a parameter describing the harmonics. It represents the ratio of the harmonic frequency to the system frequency. = 5 indicates the 5th harmonic with the frequency f = f1. At f1 = 50 Hz, f5 = 250 Hz. At f1 = 60 Hz, f5 = 300 Hz. The amplitude of the harmonic currents decreases with the increase in the ordinal number referred to the fundamental wave.
1 l = l1

n Ordinal number

n Blocking factor af
This is the ratio of the audio frequency impedance ZfT for a system (e.g. capacitor with AF blocking device or capacitor with reactors) to the reactance XC of the capacitor at the system frequency f1 (e.g. 50 Hz).

e.g.: l5 =

n Step function ratio

The step function ratio is the ratio of the branch ratings. Five equal branches give a step function ratio of 1:1:1:1:1. With a Siemens P.F. controller the step function ratio can be selected almost arbitrarily and can be simply modified by changing the ratings of the branches.

1 l1 5

SIPCON = Siemens Power Conditioning. This includes components and complete systems which, when connected to the power system, produce substantial improvements in the power system quality. SIPCON T (Traditional Compensation) provides a decisive contribution to power system quality using power factor correction and harmonic filtering. Further information on SIPCON see Catalog SR 10.5, 1998. Catalog index see pages 14/6 and 14/7.

af =

Z fT X Cf1


Siemens SR 10.6 1998

4RB5 MKK Power Capacitors

Environmentally friendly, dry MKK technology (metallized plastic foil, compact shape) 5 to 25 kvar per capacitor, PCB-free, impregnated with nitrogen Supplied for system voltages used throughout the world Reliability due to internal cut-off protection, high switching capability, self-healing and low dissipation High temperature class - 25/D, max. ambient temperature on capacitor up to + 55C Any mounting position, upright, horizontal, suspended - no problem; low weight and small size High capacitance stability, particularly important for reactor connected applications; the loss of capacitance over the service life of the capacitor is almost negligible High current carrying capacity, up to 1.5 times rated current as reserve for system voltage variations and any harmonic content that is present SIGUT terminals, safe against finger contact
Field of application Design Technical data Selection and ordering data for Power factor correction without reactors Discharge resistors ISO protective housing Power factor correction with reactors Dimension drawings Order number structure 2/2 2/2 2/2

2/3 2/3 2/3 2/4 2/5 2/6



4RB5 MKK Power Capacitors


n Field of application
4RB5 power capacitors are used in fixed compensation units and in power factor correction units. Capacitors for power factor correction without reactors should only be used for power systems where the converter load is less than 20 % of the total load. Capacitors in the ISO protective housing can be connected directly at the load as fixed compensation units. Capacitors for power factor correction with reactors should be used with reactors for power systems where the converter load is greater than 20 %.

Technical data
Standards Current carrying capacity 4RB5 for use without reactors 4RB5 for use with reactors Permissible voltage increase over 8 h daily Power loss on the terminals in the dielectric Ambient temperature to temperature class D for capacitors in ISO protective housing Humidity class Capacitance tolerance Mounting position of MKK capacitors Degree of protection Site altitude EN 60831-1, IEC 70, IEC 831-1

Irms = 1.3 x IN Irms = 1.5 x IN

UN +10 % (see page 14/5)

< 0.05 % = 0.5 W/kvar < 0.02 % = 0.2 W/kvar

-25 to +50 C, short-term max. +55 C +35 C (average over 24 h), max. +40 C F -5 to +10 % any IP20 (safe against finger contact) up to 3000 m above sea level, above 3000 m on request terminal block 8WA up to max. 16 mm2 (also with end sleeves)

n Design
The metal coatings of 4RB5 MKK power capacitors are vapour deposited on a polypropylene foil. The foil acts as the substrate as well as the dielectric. The capacitors are filled with a protective gas and are therefore dry-type capacitors. The capacitors are self-healing. They are protected against impermissibly high overloads by means of an internal overpressure cut-off. When this protection trips, the capacitor housing extends by about 10 mm in the direction of the terminals. An appropriate safety distance to neighbouring components or housing parts should be allow-ed.

Terminals Cable cross-section Tightening torque on the terminals on the base stud

1.2 Nm 10 Nm



Fig. 2/1 4RB5 capacitor for applications without reactors 12.5 kvar

Fig. 2/2 4RB5 capacitor for applications with reactors 12.5 kvar

Fig. 2/3 4RB5 capacitor with 25 kvar


Siemens SR 10.6 1998


4RB5 MKK Power Capacitors

for three-phase connection with or without protective housing, 5 to 25 kvar for power factor correction without reactors Selection and ordering data

For system voltage

Rating Current per capacitor

Capacitance 3 x C oder 3 x Cy F 3 x 104.5 3 x 209.0 3 x 104.5 3 x 209.0 3 x 34.6 3 x 41.5 3 x 69.1 3 x 82.9 3 x 165.8 3 x 34.6 3 x 69.1 3 x 138.2 3 x 38.5 3 x 77.0 3 x 154.0 3 x 28.5 3 x 57.1 3 x 114.2 3 x 24.0 3 x 48.1 3 x 96.3 3 x 24.0 3 x 48.1 3 x 96.3 3 x 92.1 Y 3 x 83.6 Y 3 x 167.2 Y

Type without discharge resistors degree of protection IP20

Dimension drawing

Weight approx.

Accessory for type in ISO protective housing IP55 with discharge resistors Order No. for:

AC 230 V 50 Hz 230 V 60 Hz 400 V 50 Hz

kvar 5 10 6.25 12.5 5 6.25 10 12.5 25 6.25 12.5 25 6.25 12.5 25 6.25 12.5 25 6.25 12.5 25 6.25 12.5 25 12.5 12.5 25

A 3 x 12.6 3 x 25.1 3 x 15.7 3 x 31.4 3 x 7.2 3 x 9.0 3 x 14.4 3 x 18.0 3 x 36.1 3 x 9.0 3 x 18.0 3 x 36.1 3 x 8.7 3 x 17.0 3 x 35.4 3 x 8.2 3 x 16.4 3 x 32.8 3 x 6.85 3 x 13.7 3 x 27.5 3 x 6.85 3 x 13.7 3 x 27.5 3 x 12.0 3 x 11.0 3 x 21.0

Order No. 4RB5 062-5AB24 4RB5 125-5AB24 4RB5 062-5AB24 4RB5 125-5AB24 4RB5 062-5AB41 4RB5 062-5AB40 4RB5 125-5AB41 4RB5 125-5AB40 4RB5 250-5AB40 4RB5 062-5AB41 4RB5 125-5AB41 4RB5 250-5AB41 4RB5 062-5AB42 4RB5 125-5AB42 4RB5 250-5AB42 4RB5 062-5AB44 4RB5 125-5AB44 4RB5 250-5AB44 4RB5 062-5AB52 4RB5 125-5AB48 4RB5 250-5AB48 4RB5 062-5AB52 4RB5 125-5AB52 4RB5 250-5AB52 4RB5 125-5AD61 4RB5 125-5AD68 4RB5 250-5AD68

No. 2/4 2/4 2/4 2/4 2/4 2/4 2/4 2/4 2/5 2/4 2/4 2/5 2/4 2/4 2/5 2/4 2/4 2/5 2/4 2/4 2/5 2/4 2/4 2/5 2/4 2/4 2/5

kg 1.2 1.5 1.2 1.5 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.5 2.1 1.2 1.2 1.9 1.2 1.4 2.4 1.1 1.2 2.0 1.3 1.5 2.3 1.3 1.5 2.3 1.4 1.3 2.5

ISO protective housing 4RX91 22 4RX91 22 4RX91 22 4RX91 22 4RX91 22 4RX91 22 4RX91 22 4RX91 22 4RX91 42 4RX91 22 4RX91 22 4RX91 42 4RX91 22 4RX91 22 4RX91 42 4RX91 22 4RX91 22 4RX91 42 4RX91 22 4RX91 22 4RX91 42 4RX91 22 4RX91 22 4RX91 42 4RX91 22 4RX91 22 4RX91 42

Resistors 4RX92 18 4RX92 18 4RX92 18 4RX92 18 4RX92 27 4RX92 27 4RX92 27 4RX92 27 4RX92 22 4RX92 27 4RX92 27 4RX92 22 4RX92 27 4RX92 27 4RX92 22 4RX92 38 4RX92 38 4RX92 27 4RX92 38 4RX92 38 4RX92 36 4RX92 38 4RX92 38 4RX92 36 4RX92 62 4RX92 62 4RX92 62

400 V 60 Hz

415 V 50 Hz

440 V 60 Hz

480 V 60 Hz

525 V 50 Hz

600 V 60 Hz 690 V 50 Hz

4RX92 discharge resistors for MKK power capacitors Three resistors mounted in a delta configuration ready for connection, discharge time < 60 s for capacitors up to 12.5 kvar and < 95 s for 25 kvar capacitors. These discharge times are suitable for fixed compensation, not for P.F. correction units!

Resistance value k 180 220 270 360 390 620


Order No.

Max. perm. operating voltage AC

3 x ..W 1 1 1 1 1 1 4RX92 18 4RX92 22 4RX92 27 4RX92 36 4RX92 38 4RX92 62

ISO protective housing 4RX91 for MKK power capacitors

For capacitor diameter mm 122 142

IP55 IP55

4RX91 22 4RX91 42

0.3 0.6

2/2 2/3 Siemens SR 10.6 1998


Degree of protection

Order No.

Weight Dimension drawing kg No.


500 V 500 V 500 V 500 V 690 V 690 V

Note: See page 14/5 for details of the voltage loading capability for 4RB5 power capacitors. Capacitors in the ISO protective housing consist of 3 parts (capacitor 4RB5, protective housing 4RX91, discharge resistor block 4RX92), which can easily be assembled together. When ordering the three parts, please specify No separate delivery.


4RB5 MKK Power Capacitors

for three-phase connection, 5 to 16.7 kvar for power factor correction with reactors Selection and ordering data

For system voltage

Rating reactor connected


Capacitance 3 x C or 3 x Cy F 3 x 197.2 3 x 197.2 3x 3x 3x 3x 30.8 38.5 61.6 77.0

Rated voltage UN

Suitable for reactor/ capacitor ratio

Type without discharge resistors degree of protection IP20

Weight Dimension approx. drawing

AC 230 V 50 Hz 230 V 60 Hz 400 V 50 Hz

kvar 10 12.5 5 6.25 10 12.5 5 10 12 12.5 12.5

A 3 x 25.1 3 x 31.4 3 x 7.2 3 x 9.0 3 x 14.4 3 x 18.0 3 x 7.2 3 x 14.4 3 x 17.4 3 x 18.0 3 x 18.0 3 x 17.4 3 x 23.3 3 x 13.8 3 x 11.5 3 x 11.0

V 250 250 430 430 430 430 465 465 465 430 455 455 480 600 735 735

p=... 5.67 %, 7 % 5.67 %, 7 % 7% 7% 7% 7% 14 % 14 % 14 % 5.67 %, 7 %, 8 % 12.5 % 5.67 %, 7 % 5.67%, 7 % 5.67 % 7% 5.67 %

Order No. 4RB5 125-5BB24 4RB5 125-5BB24 4RB5 050-5CB43 4RB5 062-5CB43 4RB5 100-5CB43 4RB5 125-5CB43 4RB5 050-5CB46 4RB5 100-5CB46 4RB5 125-5CB46 4RB5 125-5BB40 4RB5 125-5BD42 4RB5 125-5BD42 4RB5 167-5BB42 4RB5 125-5BD52 4RB5 125-5BD68 4RB5 125-5BD68

kg 1.7 1.7 1.2 1.2 1.3 1.5 1.1 1.4 1.4 1.7 1.8 1.8 2.4 1.8 1.8 1.8

No. 2/1 2/1 2/4 2/4 2/4 2/4 2/4 2/4 2/4 2/1 2/1 2/1 2/5 2/1 2/1 2/1

415 V 50 Hz 525 V 50 Hz 600 V 60 Hz 690 V 50 Hz

3 x 28.6 3 x 57.1 3 x 68.7 3 x 78.2 3 x 218.0 Y 3 x 218.0 Y 3 x 95.7 3 x 136.3 Y 3 x 82.5 Y 3 x 82.5 Y

12.5 16.7 12.5 12.0 13.1

Note: The reactor connected rating is the compensation power of the capacitor with reactors transferred to the power system at system voltage. The rated voltage UN of the capacitor for power factor correction with reactors is always higher than the system voltage, because the series connection of reactor-capacitor causes an increase in voltage on the capacitor terminals, see page 14/5.

For single-phase connection, 12.5 kvar for power factor correction with and without reactors

For system voltage AC 400 V 50 Hz 525 V 50 Hz 690 V 50 Hz



Capacitance F 249.0 144.0 84.0

Order No.

Weight Dimension approx. drawing kg No. 2/1 2/1 2/1

kvar 12.5 12.5 12.5

A 31.5 23.8 18.2

4RB5 125-5BA40 4RB5 125-5BA52 4RB5 125-5BA68

1.5 1.4 1.7


Siemens SR 10.6 1998

4RB5 MKK Power Capacitors

with or without protective housing, 5 to 25 kvar

Dimension drawings

Dimension drawing No. 2/1

Dimension drawing No. 2/2

Dimension drawing No. 2/3

Dimension drawing No. 2/4

Dimension drawing No. 2/5

Siemens SR 10.6 1998


Order Number Structure for 4RB5 MKK Power Capacitors


10 11 12

4RB = Can-type capacitor

Impregnation 5 = Nitrogen

Capacitor rating in kvar e.g. 062 = 6.25 kvar 125 = 12.5 kvar 250 = 25.25 kvar, etc. Capacitor type 5 = In aluminium can with terminals Field of application (P.F. correction with / without reactors) A = Application without reactors B = Application with reactors, capacitor with especially low loss of capacitance C = Application with reactors Internal connection of capacitor elements A = Single-phase B = Delta C = Star For system voltage 24 = 230 V 60 Hz 40 = 400 V 50 Hz 41 = 400 V 60 Hz 42 = 415 V 50 Hz 44 = 440 V 60 Hz 48 = 480 V 60 Hz 52 = 525 V 50 Hz 61 = 600 V 60 Hz 68 = 690 V 50 Hz


Siemens SR 10.6 1998

Order number

4 R B 5 1 2 5

- 5 A B 4 0

4RD5 Fixed Compensation without Reactors

Environmentally friendly, dry MKK technology (metalized plastic foil, compact shape), mounted in sheet-steel or moulded-plastic housings 5 to 100 kvar per housing, PCB-free, impregnated with nitrogen Supplied for system voltages used throughout the world Reliability due to internal cut-off protection, high switching capability, self-healing and low dissipation High current carrying capacity, up to 1.3 times rated current as reserve for system voltage variations and any harmonic content that is present Ready for connection, with discharge device, type also with LV HRC fuse switch-disconnector
Field of application Design Technical data Selection and ordering data for 4RD5 fixed compensation units in sheet-steel or moulded-plastic housing 4RD5 fixed compensation units on base plate for existing sheet-steel or moulded-plastic housing 4RD5 fixed compensation units with LV HRC disconnector in sheet-steel or mouldedplastic housing Order number structure 3/2 3/2 3/2



3/4 3/5



4RD5 Fixed Compensation without Reactors


n Field of application
Fixed compensation units 4RD5 are used for fixed compensation in power systems where the converter load is less than 20 % of the total load.

Technical data
Standards Current carrying capacity EN 60831-1, IEC 70, IEC 831 Irms = 1.3 x IN (includes: UN + 10 %, CN + 10 % and any harmonic content present) +10 % < 0.05 % = 0.5 W/kvar -25 to +50 C, short-term +55 C for base plate -25 to +35 C, short-term +40 C for enclosed type F up to 20% of total load

n Design
The fixed compensation units 4RD5 are formed from MKK single capacitors. They can be supplied in sheetsteel or moulded-plastic enclosures or on base plates for installation in switchboards or distribution units. Terminal strips type 8WA are provided for the connecting cables in the 4RD5 fixed compensation units up to 25 kvar and stud terminals for units over 25 kvar.

Permissible voltage increase over 8 h daily Power loss on the terminals MKK capacitors Ambient temperature (average over 24 h) Humidity class Fixed compensation in power systems with or without converter load Mounting position of MKK capacitors Site altitude

any up to 3000 m above sea level, above 3000 m on request mm2 16 35 70 95

n Connection
Connection to the power system or to the terminals of the load to be compensated is made using cables (leads). Fixed compensation units 4RD5 include suitable connecting terminals.

Cable cross-sections to 25 kvar 30 to 50 kvar 60 to 70 kvar 75 to 100 kvar



Fig. 3/1 4RD5 fixed compensation unit, 25 kvar with discharge resistors in sheet-steel housing, cover removed Fig. 3/2 4RD5 fixed compensation unit, 50 kvar with discharge reactor in sheetsteel housing, cover removed Fig. 3/3 4RD5 fixed compensation unit, 100 kvar with discharge reactor in sheetsteel housing, cover removed


Siemens SR 10.6 1998


4RD5 Fixed Compensation without Reactors

for three-phase connection in protective housing or on base plate, 5 to 100 kvar Selection and ordering data in protective housing

For system voltage



Capacitance Type in sheet3 x C steel housing with discharge device, degree of protection IP54 F 3 x 166 3 x 249 3 x 333 3 x 415 3 x 499 3 x 666 Order No. 4RD5 025-5AB40 4RD5 037-5CB40 4RD5 050-5CB40 4RD5 062-5CB40 4RD5 075-5CB40 4RD5 100-5CB40

Weight approx.

Dimensions HxWxD

Type in ISO housing 8HP with discharge device, degree of protection IP65 Order No. 4RD5 025-6DB40 4RD5 037-6CB40 4RD5 050-6CB40

Weight Dimensions approx. H x W x D

AC 400 V 50 Hz

kvar 25 37.5 50 62.5 75 100

A 3 x 36.1 3 x 54.1 3 x 72.2 3 x 90.2 3 x 108 3 x 144

kg 7 19 20 21 21 24

mm 400 x295 x 130 450 x600 x 170 450 x600 x 170 450 x600 x 270 450 x600 x 270 450 x600 x 270

kg 9 10 18

mm 614 x 307 x 167 614 x 307 x 167 614 x 614 x 167

On base plate, for installation in existing housings

For system voltage



Capacitance Degree of 3 x C protection IP00

Weight approx.

Dimension drawing

AC 400 V 50 Hz

kvar 25 37.5 50 62.5 75 100

A 3 x 36.1 3 x 54.1 3 x 72.2 3 x 90.2 3 x 108 3 x 144

F 3 x 166 3 x 249 3 x 333 3 x 415 3 x 499 3 x 666

Order No. 4RD5 025-7AB40 4RD5 037-7CB40 4RD5 050-7CB40 4RD5 062-7CB40 4RD5 075-7CB40 4RD5 100-7CB40

kg 10 11 12 13 17 19

No. 3/1 3/2

With 4RD5 fixed compensation units for system voltages 415 V AC 50 Hz 440 V AC 60 Hz 480 V AC 60 Hz 525 V AC 50 Hz 690 V AC 50 Hz the 11th and 12th positions in the Order No. change, see page 3/5. 4RD5 fixed compensation units for system voltages of 230 V AC on request.

Dimension drawings

Dimension drawing No. 3/1

Dimension drawing No. 3/2 Siemens SR 10.6 1998


4RD5 Fixed Compensation without Reactors

for three-phase connection in protective housing, 5 to 50 kvar with fuse switch-disconnector Selection and ordering data

For system voltage AC 400 V 50 Hz



kvar 5 6.25 10 12.5 15 20 25 30 37.5 40 50

A 3 x 7.2 3 x 9.0 3 x 14.4 3 x 18 3x 3x 3x 3x 3x 21.6 28.8 36.1 43.4 54.1

Capacitance In sheet-steel 3 x C housing, degree of protection IP54 F Order No. 3x 3x 3x 3x 33 41.5 66 83 4RD5 005-5BB40 4RD5 006-5BB40 4RD5 010-5BB40 4RD5 012-5BB40 4RD5 015-5BB40 4RD5 020-5BB40 4RD5 025-5BB40 4RD5 030-5BB40 4RD5 037-5BB40 4RD5 040-5BB40 4RD5 050-5BB40

Weight approx.

Dimensions HxWxD

kg 12 12 12 12 15 15 15 16 16 22 23

mm 300 x 380 x 155

In ISO housing 8HP, degree of protection IP65 Order No. 4RD5 020-6BB40 4RD5 025-6BB40 4RD5 030-6BB40 4RD5 037-6BB40 4RD5 040-6BB40 4RD5 050-6BB40

Weight Dimensions approx. H x W x D

kg 10 11 12 12 19 20

mm 614 x 307 x 167

3 x 100 3 x 133 3 x 166 3 x 200 3 x 249 3 x 266 3 x 332

600 x 380 x 210

3 x 57.6 3 x 72.1

600 x 600 x 245

614 x 614 x 167


Connecting cables are connected to the fuse switchdisconnector.

4RD5 fixed compensation units with LV HRC disconnectors for other system voltages on request.


Fig. 3/4 4RD5 fixed compensation unit, with 12.5 kvar, with discharge resistors and fuse switch-disconnector in sheetsteel housing


Fig. 3/5 4RD5 fixed compensation unit, with 37.5 kvar, with discharge reactor and fuse switch-disconnector

Fig. 3/6 4RD5 fixed compensation unit, with 50 kvar, with discharge reactor and fuse switch-disconnector


Siemens SR 10.6 1998


Order Number Structure for 4RD5 Fixed Compensation without Reactors


10 11 12

4RD = Can-type capacitors wired together with discharge device and cable terminal in protective housing or on base plate

Impregnation 5 = Nitrogen Capacitor rating in kvar e.g. 006 = 6.25 kvar 025 = 25 kvar 075 = 75 kvar 100 = 100 kvar Type of construction 2 = In sheet-steel housing IP20 5 = In sheet-steel housing IP54 6 = In 8HP moulded-plastic housing IP65 7 = On base plate IP00 Options for cable terminals A = Terminals 8WA B = Connection to LV HRC disconnector C = Stud terminal M D = Connection directly to can-type capacitor 4RB Not assigned B = Not significant For system voltage 24 = 230 V 60 Hz 40 = 400 V 50 Hz 41 = 400 V 60 Hz 42 = 415 V 50 Hz 44 = 440 V 60 Hz 48 = 480 V 60 Hz 52 = 525 V 50 Hz 61 = 600 V 60 Hz 68 = 690 V 50 Hz

Order number

4 R D 5 0 7 5

- 5 C B 4 0

Siemens SR 10.6 1998


4RY Small Power Factor Correction Units without Reactors

with or without built-in AF blocking device

Save energy costs, relieve connecting cables by the application of compact, reliable 4RY small power factor correction units Easy installation, small space requirements, ready for connection Type-tested switchgear assembly (TSK) according to EN 60439-1, IEC 439-1 for indoor installation Comprehensive range of types, various housing variants or base plates for use in customer housings Ratings from 10 to 50 kvar per unit, where required also with upstream AF blocking device

Field of application Design Connection Operating principle Technical data Selection and ordering data for 4RY16 fine-step small power factor correction units up to 21 kvar on base plate, in sheetsteel or moulded-plastic housing 4RY19/29 small power factor correction units up to 50 kvar on base plate or in sheet-steel housing 4RY19/29 small power factor correction units up to 50 kvar on base plate for SIKUS cubicletype distribution units 4RY19/29 small power factor correction units up to 100 kvar in 8HP moulded-plastic housing 4RY36 fine-step small power factor correction units up to 21 kvar in sheet-steel or moulded-plastic housing with built-in AF blocking device 4RY39/49 small power factor correction units up to 50 kvar in sheet-steel or moulded-plastic housing with built-in AF blocking device Order number structure 4/2 4/2 4/2 4/2 4/2








4/6 4/7

4RY Small Power Factor Correction Units without Reactors

with or without built-in AF blocking device


n Field of application
4RY small power factor correction units are used for centralized power factor correction of inductive loads in power systems without or with a converter load less than 20 % of the total load.

Technical data
Standards Current carrying capacity EN 60439-1, EN 60831-1, IEC 439-1 Irms = 1.3 x IN (includes: UN + 10 %, CN + 10 % and any harmonic content present) + 10 % approx. 1 W/kvar - 20 to + 35 C, 24 h average short-term + 40 C RAL 7032 up to 3000 m above sea level, above 3000 m on request see selection and ordering data see page 14/2 Icf = 65 kA fuse type Siemens NH-gl/gG or equivalent

n Design of the various 4RY

Permissible voltage increase over 8 h daily Power loss within the systems Ambient temperature

small power factor correction units 4RY16 and 4RY19/29 small power factor correction units are mounted on base plates with dry power capacitors, with capacitor contactors and a discharge device. The base plate is built into a sheet-steel or moulded-plastic housing. 4RY36 and 4RY39/49 small power factor correction units are constructionally identical and they also contain an AF blocking device. The power factor correction unit and AF blocking device are built into a suitable sheet-steel or moulded-plastic housing.

Colour Site altitude

Degree of protection Connecting cable and back-up fuses Rated short-circuit current Icf for protection by back-up fuses or integral LV HRC fuses

n Connection
Connection to the power system is made using cables. Each power factor correction unit contains appropriate cable terminals. The connection of the current transformer leads is made to the transformer terminals.

n Operating principle
The power factor controller measures the reactive power present and, when deviations from the setpoint occur, it issues switching commands to contactors. These switch capacitor branches in or out depending on the requirements. The capacitors are discharged within a few seconds after switching off. For 4RY small power factor correction units the controller BLR CC is used, see page 13/1.
Fig. 4/1 4RY16 power factor correction unit in sheet-steel wall cabinet, 15 kvar Fig. 4/2 4RY19 power factor correction unit in sheet-steel wall cabinet, 50 kvar

Fig. 4/3 4RY39 power factor correction unit in 8HP moulded-plastic housing, 50 kvar with AF blocking device


Fig. 4/4 4RY39 power factor correction unit, in sheet-steel wall cabinet, 50 kvar with AF blocking device


Siemens SR 10.6 1998



4RY Small Power Factor Correction Units without Reactors, 10 to 50 kvar

Selection and ordering data with MKP capacitors, low ratings, controllable in up to 8 steps

For system voltage AC


Number of steps kvar 5x 6x 5x 8x 2 2 3 2

Step function ratio

Basic units

Extension units

Weight Dimensions approx. H x W x D kg 32 33 32 34 33 34 33 17 18 17 19 18 19 18 22 23 22 25 23 25 23 mm 600 x 600 x 245

kvar 10 12 15 16 18 20 21

Order No. 1:2:2 1:1:2:2 1:2:2 1:1:2:4 1:1:2:2 1:1:1:2 1:2:2:2 1:2:2 1:1:2:2 1:2:2 1:1:2:4 1:1:2:2 1:1:1:2 1:2:2:2 1:2:2 1:1:2:2 1:2:2 1:1:2:4 1:1:2:2 1:1:1:2 1:2:2:2 4RY16 10-3CD21 4RY16 12-3GG21 4RY16 15-3CD21 4RY16 16-3GK21 4RY16 18-3GG21 4RY16 20-3GB21 4RY16 21-3GD21 4RY16 10-3CD01 4RY16 12-3GG01 4RY16 15-3CD01 4RY16 16-3GK01 4RY16 18-3GG01 4RY16 20-3GB01 4RY16 21-3GD01 4RY16 10-3CD51 4RY16 12-3GG51 4RY16 15-3CD51 4RY16 16-3GK51 4RY16 18-3GG51 4RY16 20-3GB51 4RY16 21-3GD51

Order No.

in sheet-steel wall cabinet degree of protection IP54, fine-stepped on base plate degree of protection IP00, for sheet-steel and 8HP housings, fine-stepped in 8HP mouldedplastic housing degree of protection IP65, fine-stepped

400 V 50 Hz control voltage 230 V 50 Hz

6x 3 5x 4 7x 3 5x 6x 5x 8x 2 2 3 2

600 x 600 x 245

400 V 50 Hz control voltage 230 V 50 Hz

10 12 15 16 18 20 21

559 x 559 x 125

6x 3 5x 4 7x 3 5x 6x 5x 8x 2 2 3 2

559 x 559 x 125

400 V 50 Hz control voltage 230 V 50 Hz

10 12 15 16 18 20 21

614 x 614 x 167 614 x 614 x 167 614 x 614 x 167 614 x 614 x 260 614 x 614 x 167 614 x 614 x 260 614 x 614 x 167

6x 3 5x 4 7x 3

With 4RB5 MKK capacitors

For system voltage AC


Number of steps kvar 3x 5 4x 5 2 x 10 5x 5 2 x 12.5 6x 5 3 x 10 7x 5 4 x 10 8x 5 9x 5 4 x 12.5 5 x 10 3x 5 4x 5 2 x 10 5x 5 2 x 12.5 6x 5 3 x 10 7x 5 4 x 10 8x 5 9x 5 4 x 12.5 5 x 10

Step function ratio

Basic units

Extension units

Weight Dimensions approx. H x W x D kg 30 30 30 31 30 31 32 33 33 34 35 35 36 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 18 17 19 19 18 19 mm 600 x 600 x 245

kvar 15 20 20 25 25 30 30 35 40 40 45 50 50

Order No. 1:2 1:1:2 1:1 1:2:2 1:1 1:1:2:2 1:1:1 1:2:2:2 1:1:1:1 1:1:2:4 1:2:2:4 1:1:1:1 1:1:1:2 1:2 1:1:2 1:1 1:2:2 1:1 1:1:2:2 1:1:1 1:2:2:2 1:1:1:1 1:1:2:4 1:2:2:4 1:1:1:1 1:1:1:2 4RY19 15-3AF03 4RY19 20-3AF04 4RY19 25-3AF05 4RY19 30-3AF06 4RY19 30-3AF03 4RY19 35-3AF07 4RY19 40-3AF04 4RY19 40-3AF08 4RY19 45-3AF88 4RY19 50-3AF04 4RY19 50-3AF05 4RY19 15-3DA03 4RY19 20-3DA04 4RY19 25-3DA05 4RY19 30-3DA06 4RY19 30-3DA03 4RY19 35-3DA07 4RY19 40-3DA04 4RY19 40-3DA08 4RY19 45-3DA88 4RY19 50-3DA04 4RY19 50-3DA05

Order No. 4RY29 15-3AF03 4RY29 20-3AF04 4RY29 20-3AF02 4RY29 25-3AF05 4RY29 25-3AF02 4RY29 30-3AF03 4RY29 35-3AF07 4RY29 40-3AF04 4RY29 50-3AF04 4RY29 50-3AF05 4RY29 15-3DA03 4RY29 20-3DA04 4RY29 20-3DA02 4RY29 25-3DA05 4RY29 25-3AD02 4RY29 30-3DA03 4RY29 35-3DA07 4RY29 40-3DA04 4RY29 50-3DA04 4RY29 50-3DA05

in sheet-steel wall cabinet degree of protection IP54

400 V 50 Hz control voltage 230 V 50 Hz

600 x 600 x 245

600 x 600 x 245

600 x 600 x 245 559 x 559 x 125

on base plate degree of protection IP00, for sheet-steel and 8HP housings (see page 4/4, dimension drawing 4/1)

400 V 50 Hz control voltage 230 V 50 Hz

15 20 20 25 25 30 30 35 40 40 45 50 50

559 x 559 x 125 559 x 559 x 125

559 x 559 x 125 559 x 559 x 195 559 x 559 x 195 559 x 559 x 125 559 x 559 x 195

Siemens SR 10.6 1998


4RY Small Power Factor Correction Units without Reactors, 15 to 50 kvar

for installation in SIKUS cubicle-type distribution units

Selection and ordering data with 4RB5 MKK capacitors on base plate, degree of protection IP00, for installation in SIKUS cubicle-type distribution units

For system voltage AC


Number of steps kvar 3x 5 4x 5 5x 5 6x 5 3 x 10 4 x 10 4 x 12.5 3x 5 2 x 10 2 x 12.5 3 x 10 4 x 10 4 x 12.5

Step function ratio

Panel size

Depth Order No.

Weight Dimension approx drawing kg No. 4/2

kvar 15 20 25 30 30 40 50

mm 1:2 1:1:2 1:2:2 1:1:2:2 1:1:1 1:1:1:1 1:1:1:1 1:2 1:1 1:1 1:1:1 1:1:1:1 1:1:1:1 H2/W2 126 H2/W2 126 H2/W2 126 H2/W2 H2/W2 H2/W2 H2/W2 126 126 126 126

Basic units

400 V 50 Hz control voltage 230 V 50 Hz

4RY19 15-3CA03 15 4RY19 20-3CA04 18 4RY19 25-3CA05 15 4RY19 30-3CA06 4RY19 30-3CA03 4RY19 40-3CA04 4RY19 50-3CA04 19 18 19 19


Extension units

400 V 50 Hz control voltage 230 V 50 Hz

15 20 25 30 40 50

H1/W2 126 H1/W2 126 H1/W2 126 H2/W2 126 H2/W2 126 H2/W2 126

4RY29 15-3CA03 15 4RY29 20-3CA02 15 4RY29 25-3CA02 15 4RY29 30-3CA03 18 4RY29 40-3CA04 19 4RY29 50-3CA04 19




Fig. 4/5 Power factor correction unit for SIKUS cubicle-type distribution units

Dimension drawings

or 195 Dimension drawing 4/1 Dimension drawing 4/2 Dimension drawing 4/3


Siemens SR 10.6 1998

4RY Small Power Factor Correction Units without Reactors, 10 to 100 kvar

Selection and ordering data

For system voltage AC


Number of steps kvar 3x 5 4x 5 2 x 10 5x 5 2 x 12.5 6x 5 3 x 10 7x 5 4 x 10 8x 5 9x 5 4 x 12.5 5 x 10 6 x 10 7 x 10 6 x 12.5 8 x 10 9 x 10 8 x 12.5

Step function ratio

Basic units

Extension units

Weight Dimensions approx. H x W x D kg 21 22 21 22 21 22 23 23 24 25 26 26 27 44 47 44 51 53 51 mm 614 x 614 x 167 614 x 614 x 167 614 x 307 x 167 614 x 614 x 167 614 x 307 x 167 614 x 614 x 167

kvar 15 20 20 25 25 30 30 35 40 40 45 50 50 60 70 75 80 90 100

Order No. 1:2 1:1:2 1:1 1:2:2 1:1 1:1:2:2 1:1:1 1:2:2:2 1:1:1:1 1:1:2:4 1:2:2:4 1:1:1:1 1:1:1:2 1:1:1:2:2 1:2:2:2 1:1:1:2:2 1:1:2:4 1:2:2:4 1:1:2:4 4RY19 15-3HG03 4RY19 20-3HG04 4RY19 25-3HG05 4RY19 30-3HG06 4RY19 30-3HG03 4RY19 35-3HG07 4RY19 40-3HG04 4RY19 40-3HG08 4RY19 45-3HG88 4RY19 50-3HG04 4RY19 50-3HG05 4RY19 60-3HG06 4RY19 70-3HG07 4RY19 75-3HG06 4RY19 80-3HG08 4RY19 90-3HG88 4RY19 01-3HG08

Order No. 4RY29 15-3HG03 4RY29 20-3HG04 4RY29 20-3HG02 4RY29 25-3HG05 4RY29 25-3HG02 4RY29 30-3HG03 4RY29 35-3HG07 4RY29 40-3HG04 4RY29 50-3HG04 4RY29 50-3HG05

in 8HP mouldedplastic housing with MKK capacitors 4RB5 degree of protection IP65

400 V 50 Hz control voltage 230 V 50 Hz

614 x 614 x 167 614 x 614 x 260 614 x 614 x 260 614 x 614 x 167 614 x 614 x 260 614 x 921 x 167 614 x 921 x 260 614 x 921 x 167 614 x 1228 x 260 614 x 1228 x 260 614 x 1228 x 167


Fig. 4/6 4RY19 power factor correction unit in 8HP moulded-plastic housing, 50 kvar

Siemens SR 10.6 1998


4RY Small Power Factor Correction Units, 12 to 50 kvar

with built-in AF blocking device Selection and ordering data with MKP capacitors, low ratings, controllable in up to 8 steps

For system voltage AC


Number of steps kvar 6x 2 5x 3 8x 2 6x 3 5x 4 7x 3 6x 2 5x 3 8x 2 6x 3 5x 4 7x 3

Step function ratio

Basic units

Extension units

Weight Dimensions approx. H x W x D kg 67 67 69 68 70 72 36 36 40 37 41 41 mm 1000 x 600 x 350

kvar 12 15 16 18 20 21

Order No. 1:1:2:2 1:2:2 1:1:2:4 1:1:2:2 1:1:1:2 1:2:2:2 1:1:2:2 1:2:2 1:1:2:4 1:1:2:2 1:1:1:2 1:2:2:2 4RY36 12-3GG21-Z 4RY36 15-3CD21-Z 4RY36 16-3GK21-Z 4RY36 18-3GG21-Z 4RY36 20-3GB21-Z 4RY36 21-3GD21-Z 4RY36 12-3GG51-Z 4RY36 15-3CD51-Z 4RY36 16-3GK51-Z 4RY36 18-3GG51-Z 4RY36 20-3GB51-Z 4RY36 21-3GD51-Z

Order No.

in sheet-steel wall cabinet degree of protection IP54, fine-stepped in 8HP mouldedplastic housing degree of protection IP65, fine-stepped

400 V 50 Hz control voltage 230 V 50 Hz

1000 x 600 x 350

400 V 50 Hz control voltage 230 V 50 Hz

12 15 16 18 20 21

921 x 614 x 167 921 x 614 x 167 921 x 614 x 260 921 x 614 x 167 921 x 614 x 260 921 x 614 x 167

With 4RB5 MKK capacitors

in sheet-steel wall cabinet degree of protection IP54

For system voltage AC 400 V 50 Hz control voltage 230 V 50 Hz


Number of s teps kvar 3x 5 4x 5 2 x 10 5x 5 2 x 12.5 6x 5 3 x 10 7x 5 4 x 10 8x 5 9x 5 4 x 12.5 5 x 10 3x 5 4x 5 2 x 10 5x 5 2 x 12.5 6x 5 3 x 10 7x 5 4 x 10 8x 5 9x 5 4 x 12.5 5 x 10

Step function ratio

Basic units

Extension units

Weight Dimensions approx. H x W x D kg 63 65 64 69 67 70 69 72 73 74 77 76 77 33 35 31 39 35 40 39 43 43 46 49 46 49 mm 1000 x 600 x 350

kvar 15 20 20 25 25 30 30 35 40 40 45 50 50

Order No. 1:2 1:1:2 1:1 1:2:2 1:1 1:1:2:2 1:1:1 1:2:2:2 1:1:1:1 1:1:2:4 1:2:2:4 1:1:1:1 1:1:1:2 1:2 1:1:2 1:1 1:2:2 1:1 1:1:2:2 1:1:1 1:2:2:2 1:1:1:1 1:1:2:4 1:2:2:4 1:1:1:1 1:1:1:2 4RY39 15-3AF03-Z 4RY39 20-3AF04-Z 4RY39 25-3AF05-Z 4RY39 30-3AF06-Z 4RY39 30-3AF03-Z 4RY39 35-3AF07-Z 4RY39 40-3AF04-Z 4RY39 40-3AF08-Z 4RY39 45-3AF88-Z 4RY39 50-3AF04-Z 4RY39 50-3AF05-Z 4RY39 15-3HG03-Z 4RY39 20-3HG04-Z 4RY39 25-3HG05-Z 4RY39 30-3HG06-Z 4RY39 30-3HG03-Z 4RY39 35-3HG07-Z 4RY39 40-3HG04-Z 4RY39 40-3HG08-Z 4RY39 45-3HG88-Z 4RY39 50-3HG04-Z 4RY39 50-3HG05-Z

Order No. 4RY49 15-3AF03-Z 4RY49 20-3AF04-Z 4RY49 20-3AF02-Z 4RY49 25-3AF05-Z 4RY49 25-3AF02-Z 4RY49 30-3AF03-Z 4RY49 35-3AF07-Z 4RY49 40-3AF04-Z 4RY49 50-3AF04-Z 4RY49 50-3AF05-Z 4RY49 15-3HG03-Z 4RY49 20-3HG04-Z 4RY49 20-3HG02-Z 4RY49 25-3HG05-Z 4RY49 25-3HG02-Z 4RY49 30-3HG03-Z 4RY49 35-3HG07-Z 4RY49 40-3HG04-Z 4RY49 50-3HG04-Z 4RY49 50-3HG05-Z

1000 x 600 x 350

1000 x 600 x 350

1000 x 600 x 350 941 x 614 x 167

in 8HP mouldedplastic housing degree of protection IP65

400 V 50 Hz control voltage 230 V 50 Hz

15 20 20 25 25 30 30 35 40 40 45 50 50

941 x 614 x 167

941 x 614 x 167 941 x 614 x 260 941 x 614 x 260 941 x 614 x 167 941 x 614 x 260

Important note: Power factor correction units with AF blocking circuits are only designed for power systems with low harmonic content. The harmonic voltages u5 and u7 must not exceed 3 %, respectively 2 %, because otherwise resonances within the AF blocking circuits will cause overloads.

As an alternative to AF blocking, power factor correction units with reactors (7 % or 14 %) can be used. See selection diagram on page 1/4 for the selection of power factor correction units with regard to AF ripple control.

Ordering note -Z Y01 + plain text of existing audio frequency These details are needed because the AF blocking is designed exactly according to the audio frequency present.


Siemens SR 10.6 1998

Order Number Structure for 4RY Small Power Factor Correction Units without Reactors up to 21 kvar per Housing or Base Plate
Position 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

4RY = Power factor correction units without reactors 1 = Basic unit 2 = Extension unit (without controller) 3 = Basic unit with upstream AF blocking device 4 = Extension unit (without controller) with upstream AF blocking device

6 = Small power factor correction unit up to 21 kvar per housing or base plate with MKP capacitors Compensation rating in kvar e.g. 12 = 12 kvar 15 = 15 kvar 18 = 18 kvar 21 = 21 kvar, etc. For system voltage 3 = 400 V 50 Hz Number of assigned controller outputs C=3 G=4 Step function ratio B = 1:1:1:2 D = 1:2:2... G = 1:1:2:2 K = 1:1:2:4 Housing and degree of protection 0 = On base plate IP00 2 = In sheet-steel housing IP54 5 = In 8HP moulded-plastic housing IP65 Type of controller measurement 1 = 1 system measurement -Z = Additional details -Y01 + plain text of existing audio frequency for 4RY36/46 and, if required, for special versions, accessories or deviations from catalog

Order number

4 R Y 1 6 1 8 -

3 G G 2 1 - Z

Siemens SR 10.6 1998


Order Number Structure for 4RY Small Power Factor Correction Units without Reactors up to 50 kvar per Housing or Base Plate
Position 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

4RY = Power factor correction units without reactors 1 = Basic unit 2 = Extension unit (without controller) 3 = Basic unit with upstream AF blocking device 4 = Extension unit (without controller) with upstream AF blocking device

9 = Small power factor correction unit up to 50 kvar per housing or base plate with 4RB5 MKK capacitors Compensation rating in kvar

e.g. 15 = 15 kvar 25 = 25 kvar 35 = 35 kvar 50 = 50 kvar, etc. For system voltage 3 = 400 V 50 Hz Type of construction A = In sheet-steel housing/cabinet C = On base plate for SIKUS distribution units D = On base plate for 8HP and sheet-steel housings H = In 8HP moulded-plastic housing IP degree of protection A = IP00 B = IP20 D = IP40 E = IP22D F = IP54 G = IP65 Number of steps in unit e.g. 04 = 4 steps 05 = 5 steps 88 = 9 steps 10 = 10 steps, etc. -Z = Additional details -Y01 + plain text of existing audio frequency for 4RY39/49 and, if required, for special types, accessories or deviations from catalog


Siemens SR 10.6 1998

Order number

4 R Y 1 9 5 0 -

3 A F 0 5 - Z

4RY Power Factor Correction Units without Reactors

with or without built-in AF blocking device

Save energy costs, relieve transformers and connecting cables, reduce transmission losses by the application of 4RY power factor correction units Controlled centralized compensation, ready for connection for main and subdistribution in power systems with non-linear loads less than 20 % of the upstream transformer rated power Type-tested switchgear assembly (TSK) according to EN 60439-1, IEC 439-1 for indoor installation Comprehensive range of types, various housing variants, natural cabinet cooling, degrees of protection up to IP54 Supplied for system voltages used throughout the world Ratings from 75 to 500 kvar per unit, where required also with upstream AF blocking device

Field of application Design Operating principle Connection Technical data Selection and ordering data for 4RY18/28 power factor correction units in sheet-steel cabinet 4RY38/48 power factor correction units in sheet-steel cabinet with built-in AF blocking device Order number structure 5/2 5/2 5/2 5/2 5/2


5/4 5/5


4RY Power Factor Correction Units without Reactors > 50 to 500 kvar per Cabinet
with or without built-in AF blocking device Description

n Field of application
4RY18/28 power factor correction units without reactors and ready for connection are used in low-voltage power systems with low harmonic content, corresponding to a proportion of non-linear load less than 20 % of the upstream transformer rated power. Similarly, the harmonic content of the higher level medium-voltage network should be taken into account because capacitors without reactors can, related to the medium-voltage network, form a series resonant circuit with the network transformer. If its resonant frequency is located in the vicinity of a low frequency harmonic, network disturbances can be created under some circumstances. 4RY18/28 power factor correction units can be supplied for almost all system voltages occurring throughout the world.

Technical data
Standards Permissible voltage increase over 8 h daily Power loss within the units Ambient temperature Colour Site altitude EN 60439-1, IEC 439-1, EN 60831-1 + 10 %

approx. 1 W/kvar - 20 to + 35 C, 24 h average, short-term + 40 C RAL 7032 up to 3000 m above sea level, above 3000 m on request see selection and ordering data natural convection, thermal conduction, no blower see page 14/2 Icf = 100 kA fuse type Siemens NH-gl/gG or equivalent IN up to 100 A Ipk = 65 kA Icw = 21 kA / 1 s Ipk = 75 kA Icw = 42 kA / 1 s

Degree of protection Cooling Connecting cable and back-up fuses Rated short-circuit current Icf for protection by module fuses

n Design

The 4RY18/28 units with 75 kvar to 150 kvar are installed on base plates in sheet-steel housings. The degree of protection for the housing can be taken from the selection and ordering data. The 4RY18/28 units greater than 150 kvar are installed with 4RY56 modules, see page 6/2, in sheet-steel cabinets with ventilation slots and natural cooling. The 4RY38/48 units are constructionally identical to the 4RY18/28 units, but also contain an AF parallel blocking circuit. The degree of protection can be taken from the selection and ordering data. The SIMEAS C controller, see page 12/2, is installed as the power factor controller.

Short-circuit strength of busbars at front 30 x 5 mm Short-circuit strength of busbars at front 30x10 mm

n Operating principle
The power factor controller measures the inductive reactive power present in the network and also the corresponding power factor. It compares this with the set target cos and switches capacitors in or out as required using the contactors in the capacitor modules. The SIMEAS C controller automatically determines the capacitor ratings connected to its outputs and immediately switches in the capacitor rating which best corresponds to the requirements. This method optimizes the number of switchings.

n Connection
The connection to the power system is made using cables. Each P.F. correction unit contains appropriate cable terminals. The connection of the current transformer leads is made using the transformer terminals provided.
K_090.eps K_091.eps

Fig. 5/1 300 kvar in a cabinet 1675 x 800 x 425 mm IP22D for system voltages 400 V

Fig. 5/2 500 kvar in a cabinet 2275 x 800 x 425 mm IP20 for system voltages 400 V


Siemens SR 10.6 1998

4RY18 Power Factor Correction Units without Reactors 4RY28 Extension Units
Selection and ordering data

For system voltage AC 230 V 60 Hz control voltage 230 V 60 Hz


Number of steps kvar 6 x 6.25 8 x 6.25 5 x 12.5 6 x 12.5 7 x 12.5 8 x 12.5 10 x 12.5 12 x 12.5 7 x 25 8 x 25 9 x 25 10 x 25

Step function ratio

Degree of Basic units protection in sheet-steel cabinet Order No.

Extension units in sheet-steel cabinet Order No. 4RY28 03 - 1AF06 4RY28 05 - 1AF08 4RY28 06 - 1AD05 4RY28 07 - 1AD06 4RY28 08 - 1FE07 4RY28 10 - 1FE08 4RY28 12 - 1FE10 4RY28 15 - 1FE12 4RY28 17 - 1FE07 4RY28 20 - 1FE08 4RY28 22 - 1FE88 4RY28 25 - 1FE10

Weight approx. kg 60 70 110 115 138 145 155 176 229 236 248 260

Dimensions HxWxD mm 1000 x 600 x 350 1000 x 600 x 350 1675 x 600 x 425 1675 x 600 x 425 1675 x 800 x 425

kvar 37.5 50 62.5 75 87.5 100 125 150 175 200 225 250

1:1:2:2 1:1:2:4 1:2:2 1:1:2:2 1:1:1:1:1:2 1:1:1:1:2:2 1:1:2:2:2:2 1:1:2:2:2:4 1:1:1:1:1:2 1:1:1:1:2:2 1:2:2:2:2 1:1:2:2:2:2

IP54 IP40 IP22D

4RY18 03 - 1AF06 4RY18 05 - 1AF08 4RY18 06 - 1AD05 4RY18 07 - 1AD06 4RY18 08 - 1FE07 4RY18 10 - 1FE08 4RY18 12 - 1FE10 4RY18 15 - 1FE12 4RY18 17 - 1FE07 4RY18 20 - 1FE08 4RY18 22 - 1FE88 4RY18 25 - 1FE10


2275 x 800 x 425

230 V 50 Hz control voltage 230 V 50 Hz 400 V 50 Hz control voltage 230 V 50 Hz

The power factor correction units from 30 kvar to 200 kvar are constructionally identical to the units for 230 V 60 Hz; due to the system 75 100 125 125 150 175 200 250 300 300 350 400 450 500 6 x 12.5 8 x 12.5 10 x 12.5 5 x 25 6 x 25 7 x 25 8 x 25 10 x 25 12 x 25 6 x 50 7 x 50 8 x 50 9 x 50 10 x 50 1:1:2:2 1:1:2:4 1:1:2:2:4 1:2:2 1:1:2:2 1:1:1:2:2 1:1:1:1:2:2 1:1:2:2:2:2 1:1:2:2:2:4 1:1:1:1:1:1 1:2.2.2 1:1:1:1:2.2 1:2:2:2:2 1:1:2:2:2:2 IP54 IP40

frequency of 50 Hz, the rating on the network is 20 % lower. The order numbers are identical and the capacitor contactors are suitable for 50 Hz or 60 Hz. 4RY18 07 - 3AF06 4RY18 10 - 3AF08 4RY18 12 - 3AD10 4RY18 12 - 3AD05 4RY18 15 - 3AD06 4RY18 17 - 3FE07 4RY18 20 - 3FE08 4RY18 25 - 3FE10 4RY18 30 - 3FE12 4RY18 30 - 3FE06 4RY18 35 - 3FE07 4RY18 40 - 3FE08 4RY18 45 - 3FE88 4RY18 50 - 3FB10 4RY28 07 - 3AF06 4RY28 10 - 3AF08 4RY28 12 - 3AD05 4RY28 15 - 3AD06 4RY28 17 - 3FE07 4RY28 20 - 3FE08 4RY28 25 - 3FE10 4RY28 30 - 3FE06 4RY28 35 - 3FE07 4RY28 40 - 3FE08 4RY28 45 - 3FE88 4RY28 50 - 3FB10 60 70 113 110 115 138 145 155 176 174 229 236 248 260 1000 x 600 x 350 1675 x 600 x 425


1675 x 800 x 425

IP22D IP20

2275 x 800 x 425

> 400 V 50/60 Hz

Units for the system voltages AC 415 V 50 Hz, 440 V 60 Hz, 480 V 60 Hz, 525 V 50 Hz and 690 V 50 Hz are constructionally identical to the 400 V units. The order number as shown on page 5/5 only changes in the 8th position. Units for other system voltages are available on request.

Important: If no external control voltage is available, a control transformer is needed for system voltages from 500 V. In this case -Z, A12 or A13 is to be added to the order number, see page 13/2. Fig. 5/4 125 and 150 kvar cabinet 1675 x 600 x 425 mm IP40 for system voltages 400 V


Fig. 5/3 75 and 100 kvar cabinet 1000 x 600 x 350 mm IP54 for system voltages 400 V


Siemens SR 10.6 1998


4RY38 Power Factor Correction Units without Reactors 4RY48 Extension Units
with built-in AF blocking device Selection and ordering data

For system voltage AC 400 V 50 Hz control voltage 230 V 50 Hz


Number of steps kvar 6 x 12.5 8 x 12.5 5 x 25 6 x 25 7 x 25 8 x 25 10 x 25 5 x 50 12 x 25 6 x 50

Step function ratio

Degree of Basic units protection in sheet-steel cabinet Order No.

Extension units in sheet-steel cabinet Order No. 4RY48 07 - 3AD06 - Z 4RY48 10 - 3AD08 - Z 4RY48 12 - 3FE05 - Z 4RY48 15 - 3FE06 - Z 4RY48 17 - 3FE07 - Z 4RY48 20 - 3FE08 - Z 4RY48 25 - 3FE05 - Z 4RY48 30 - 3FE06 - Z

Weight approx. kg 130 133 134 139 171 181 203 200 248 246

Dimensions HxWxD mm 1675 x 600 x 425 1675 x 800 x 425

kvar 75 100 125 150 175 200 250 250 300 300

1:1:2:2 1:1:2:4 1:1:1:1:1 1:1:2:2 1:1:1:2:2 1:1:1:1:2:2 1:1:2:2:2:2 1:1:1:1:1 1:1:2:2:2:4 1:1:1:1:1:1

IP40 IP22D

4RY38 07 - 3AD06 - Z 4RY38 10 - 3AD08 - Z 4RY38 12 - 3FE05 - Z 4RY38 15 - 3FE06 - Z 4RY38 17 - 3FE07 - Z 4RY38 20 - 3FE08 - Z 4RY38 25 - 3FE10 - Z 4RY38 25 - 3FE05 - Z 4RY38 30 - 3FE12 - Z 4RY38 30 - 3FE06 - Z

Details for system other voltages on request


2275 x 800 x 425

Important note: Power factor correction units without reactors and with AF blokking circuits are only designed for power systems with low harmonic content. The harmonic voltages u5 and u7 must not exceed 3 %, respectively 2 %, because otherwise resonances within the AF blocking circuits will cause overloads. As an alternative to AF blocking, power factor correction units with reactors (7 % or 14 %) can be used in networks with AF ripple control. See selection diagram on page 1/4 for the selection of power factor correction units with regard to AF ripple control.



Ordering note -Z Y01 + plain text details of existing audio frequency. The details are needed, because the AF blocking device is designed according to the audio frequency present.


Fig. 5/5 100 kvar in cabinet 1675 x 600 x 425 mm IP40

Fig. 5/6 200 kvar in cabinet 1675 x 800 x 425 mm IP22D

Fig. 5/7 300 kvar in cabinet 2275 x 800 x 425 mm IP22D


Siemens SR 10.6 1998

Order Number Structure for 4RY Power Factor Correction Units without Reactors > 50 kvar with or without Upstream AF Blocking Device
Position 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

4RY = Power factor correction units without reactors

1 = Basic unit 2 = Extension unit (without controller) 3 = Basic unit with upstream AF blocking device 4 = Extension unit (without controller) with upstream AF blocking device

8 = Power factor correction unit greater than 50 kvar per housing or base plate with 4RB5 MKK capacitors Compensation rating in kvar e.g. 07 = 75 kvar 10 = 100 kvar 35 = 350 kvar 50 = 500 kvar For system voltage 1 = 230 V 60 Hz 2 = 230 V 50 Hz 3 = 400 V 50 Hz 7 = 415 V 50 Hz 4 = 440 V 60 Hz 0 = 480 V 60 Hz 5 = 525 V 50 Hz 8 = 600 V 60 Hz 6 = 690 V 50 Hz Type of construction A = On base plate in sheet-steel housing/cabinet B = Modules in housing or cabinet, vertical busbar at back F = Modules with front busbars in housing or cabinet IP degree of protection A B D E F = IP00 = IP20 = IP40 = IP22D = IP54

Order number

4 R Y 1 8 5 0 -

3 F B 1 0 - Z

Number of steps in unit e.g. 05 = 5 steps 88 = 9 steps 10 = 10 steps, etc. -Z = Additional details -Y01 + plain text details of existing audio frequency for 4RY38/48 and, if required, for special versions, accessories or deviations from catalog

Siemens SR 10.6 1998


4RY56 Capacitor Modules without Reactors

Type-tested switchgear assembly (TSK) according to EN 60439-1, IEC 439-1 for forming power factor correction units Comprehensive range of types for 600 mm and 800 mm cabinet width, cabinet depth of 400 mm is sufficient Ratings from 20 to 100 kvar per module With 8US1 front busbar adapter system, copper bars E-Cu 30 x 10 mm and LV HRC fuse switch-disconnectors Supplied for system voltages used throughout the world

Field of application Design Mounting information Electrical connections Technical data Selection and ordering data for 4RY56 modules without reactors Dimension drawings Order number structure 6/2 6/2 6/2 6/2 6/2


6/4 and 6/5 6/6



4RY56 Capacitor Modules without Reactors


n Field of application
4RY56 capacitor modules without reactors are employed for forming power factor correction units without reactors. The modules are suitable for use in low-voltage networks with a low harmonic content, corresponding to a proportion of non-linear load less than 20 % of the upstream transformer rated power. Similarly, the harmonic content of the higher level medium-voltage network should be taken into account because capacitors without reactors can, related to the mediumvoltage network, form a series resonant circuit with the network transformer. If its resonant frequency is located in the vicinity of a low frequency harmonic, network disturbances can be created under some circumstances.

The module width for 600 mm cabinet width is 580 mm. Normally, the supporting pillars included in the cabinet system can be used. The module width for 800 mm cabinet width is 720 mm. This means that the modules can pass through the cabinet door opening without any problem, but the mounting panel width must be taken into account when selecting the supporting pillars. If required, supporting pillars for certain types of cabinet can be supplied with the modules on request, see Accessories on page 13/2.

Technical data
Standards EN 60439-1, IEC 439-1, EN 60831-1 + 10 %

Permissible voltage increase over 8 h daily Power loss within the modules Ambient temperature

approx. 1 W/kvar

- 20 to + 50 C, 24 h average, short-term + 55 C up to 3000 m above sea level, above 3000 m on request IP20 (safe against finger contact) Icf = 100 kA fuse type Siemens NH-gl/gG or equivalent IN up to 100 A Ipk = 75 kA ICW = 42 kA / 1 s

Site altitude

Degree of protection Rated short-circuit current Icf for protection by module fuses

n Electrical connections
On the power side the 4RY56 modules are connected together via the busbar system at the front. The busbars are constructed such that no extra connecting lugs are required. One 4RY56 module per section contains special busbar sections which are suitable for accepting the connecting cables. The connection of the 4RY56 module on the control side to the power factor controller and to the control voltage is provided by control lines which should be routed in a suitable manner (e.g. cable ducts).

n Design

Short-circuit strength of busbars at front 30 x 10 mm

The 4RY56 modules on a galvanized sheet-steel chassis are fitted with dry-type 4RB5 MKK power capacitors with capacitor contactors and with discharge devices for the fast discharge of the capacitors (4EJ99 discharge reactors or resistors). For connecting the modules together and for the connection to the power system via cable, each 4RY56 module has a 60 mm busbar adapter system with copper bars E-Cu 30 x 10 mm mounted at the front.

n Mounting information
The mounting holes on the 4RY56 modules are universally suitable for 20 mm and 25 mm pitch. The 25 mm pitch of the Siemens 8MC cabinet series with alternative square and round holes with thread entries for self-tapping screws are ideal for mounting modules. The 4RY56 modules are simply suspended on these supporting pillars and mounted with self-tapping screws. See page 5/2 for complete units formed from 4RY56 modules.


Fig. 6/1 50 kvar, switchable with 2 x 25 kvar for 600 mm cabinet width

Fig. 6/2 100 kvar, switchable with 4 x 25 kvar for 800 mm cabinet width


Siemens SR 10.6 1998


4RY56 Capacitor Modules without Reactors

Selection and ordering data

For system voltage AC 230 V 60 Hz control voltage 230 V 60 Hz 230 V 50 Hz control voltage 230 V 50 Hz


Switchable as

Capacitor equipment

kvar 25 37.5 50 50 20 30 40 40


Number x kvar

Capacitor modules with contactors, with 4EJ99 discharge reactor, with build-in busbars Order No. 4RY56 02 - 1EB42 4RY56 03 - 1EC42 4RY56 05 - 1ED42 4RY56 05 - 1KD42 4RY56 02 - 1EB42 4RY56 03 - 1EC42 4RY56 04 - 1ED42 4RY56 04 - 1KD42

Weight approx.

Cabinet width

Dimension drawing

kg 11 16 21 23 11 16 21 23

mm 800

No. 6/3 6/4 6/5 6/6 6/3 6/4 6/5 6/6

2 x 12.5 2 x 12.5 3 x 12.5 3 x 12.5 4 x 12.5 4 x 12.5 Module for cable connection1) 2 x 10 2 x 12.5 3 x 10 3 x 12.5 4 x 10 4 x 12.5 Module for cable connection1)


400 V 50 Hz control voltage 230 V 50 Hz 25 50 50 50 75 100 100 100 100 > 400 V 50/60 Hz

Note: The modules for 230 V 50 Hz and 230 V 60 Hz are identical and the rating on the network is only different due to the system frequency. 1 x 25 1 x 25 2 x 25 2 x 25 Module for cable connection1) 2 x 25 2 x 25 3 x 25 3 x 25 4 x 25 4 x 25 Module for cable connection1) 2 x 50 4 x 25 Module for cable connection1) 4RY56 02 - 3FA41 4RY56 05 - 3RB41 4RY56 05 - 3KB41 4RY56 05 - 3FB42 4RY56 07 - 3FC42 4RY56 10 - 3FD42 4RY56 10 - 3KD42 4RY56 10 - 3GB42 4RY56 10 - 3KB42 10 15 17 15 18 23 25 23 25 600 6/1 6/2


6/3 6/4 6/5 6/6 6/7 6/8


4RY56 modules for the system voltages AC 415 50 Hz, 440 V 60 Hz, 480 V 60 Hz, 525 V 50 Hz and 690 V 50 Hz are constructionally identical to the 400 V modules. The order number only changes at the 8th position as shown on page 6/6. From system voltages (Un) of 500 V an external control voltage of 230 V or a control transformer Un/230 V is required, see Accessories on page 13/2. 4RY56 modules for other system voltages on request.

1) Note: A 60 mm busbar adapter system with bars E-Cu 30 x 10 mm and fitted with LV HRC fuse switch-disconnector(s) and LV HRC fuses for short-circuit protection of the module is built into each capacitor module.

When forming capacitor sections connected to the power system via connecting cables, one of the capacitor modules (preferably the lowest in the section) must be ordered with busbars for the cable connection. These modules have a K at the 9th position of the order number. 2) Cable connection as in dimension drawing 6/6 or 6/8.


Fig. 6/3 100 kvar, switchable as 2 x 50 kvar for 800 mm cabinet width

Fig. 6/4 100 kvar, switchable as 2 x 50 kvar module for cable connection for 800 mm cabinet width

Siemens SR 10.6 1998



4RY56 Capacitor Modules without Reactors

Dimension drawings

Dimension drawing 6/1

Dimension drawing 6/2

Dimension drawing 6/3

Dimension drawing 6/4

Dimension drawing 6/5

Dimension drawing 6/6


Siemens SR 10.6 1998

4RY56 Capacitor Modules without Reactors

Dimension drawings

Dimension drawing 6/7

Dimension drawing 6/8

Siemens SR 10.6 1998


Order Number Structure for 4RY5 Capacitor Modules without Reactors


10 11 12


4RY = Power factor correction units without reactors 5 = Capacitor module Capacitor type used 6 = With MKK 4RB5 capacitors Compensation rating e.g. 01 = 20 kvar 02 = 25 kvar 05 = 50 kvar 10 = 100 kvar For system voltage 1 = 230 V 60 Hz 2 = 230 V 50 Hz 3 = 400 V 50 Hz 7 = 415 V 50 Hz 4 = 440 V 60 Hz 0 = 480 V 60 Hz 5 = 525 V 50 Hz 8 = 600 V 60 Hz 6 = 690 V 50 Hz Type of construction, capacitor and contactor types A = 6.25 kvar can-type and 3TK42 contactors C = 12.5 kvar can-type and 3TK42 contactors E = 12.5 kvar can-type and (3TK44) 3RT1636 contactors F = 25 kvar can-type and (3TK44) 3RT1636 contactors G = 25 kvar can-type and 3RT1646 contactors K = Module with copper busbars for cable connection L = 25 kvar can-type and (3TK44) 3RT1636 contactors offset to the left R = 25 kvar can-type and (3TK44) 3RT1636 contactors offset to the right Switchable module steps, number of contactors A = 1 step (1 contactor) B = 2 steps (2 contactors) C = 3 steps (3 contactors) D = 4 steps (4 contactors), etc. Module short-circuit protection 0 = No module fusing 1 = LV HRC fuses in LV HRC base 2 = LV HRC fuses in LV HRC disconnector 3 = Circuit-breaker (type without fuse) 4 = Busbar adapter system with LV HRC disconnector Base plate width 0 = 536 mm 1 = 580 mm 2 = 720 mm 3 = 745 mm for SIKUS distribution units W3, D2 6 = For 600 mm SIVACON-C section 8 = For 800 mm SIVACON-C section -Z = Additional details, only required for special versions, accessories or deviations from catalog


Siemens SR 10.6 1998

Order number

4 R Y 5 6 1 0 -

3 F D 4 2 - Z

4RF1 Power Factor Correction Units with Reactors 4RF2 Extension Units

Save energy costs, relieve transformers and connecting cables, reduce transmission losses by the application of 4RF power factor correction units Partial filtering of low frequency current harmonics Controlled centralized compensation, ready for connection for main and subdistribution in power systems with non-linear loads greater than 20 % of the connected power rating Type-tested switchgear assembly (TSK) according to EN 60439-1, IEC 439-1 for indoor installation Comprehensive range of types, various housing variants, natural cabinet cooling, degree of protection IP20 , forced cooling needed only in exceptional cases Available for various system voltages Ratings from 20 to 400 kvar per unit

Field of application Design Operating principle Connection Technical data Design variants for units with ratings > 400 kvar 7/2 7/2 7/2 7/2 7/2


Selection and ordering data for 4RF16/26 power factor correction units with reactors (5.67 %) 7/4 4RF17/27 power factor correction units with reactors (7 %) 7/6 4RF18/28 power factor correction units with reactors (8 %) 7/8 4RF19/29 power factor correction units with reactors (14 %) 7/10

Order number structure


4RF1 Power Factor Correction Units with Reactors 4RF2 Extension Units

n Field of application
4RF1/2 power factor correction units with reactors are supplied ready for connection for use in low-voltage power systems with high harmonic content corresponding to a proportion of non-linear load greater than 20 % of the upstream transformer rated power. The tuned frequencies of the compensation system with reactors are below the 5th harmonic. So capacitors with reactors always have an inductive impedance with regard to harmonics. Resonance problems, which can occur with compensation systems without reactors in power systems containing harmonics, are improbable in this case. Apart from capacitive reactive power, power factor correction units with reactors also provide filtering of low frequency current harmonics. The lower the level of reactor/ capacitor ratio p in %, the greater is the filtering of the 5th and 7th current harmonics. If present however, AF ripple frequency levels less than 350 Hz are also reduced. In order to prevent impermissible interferences, the selection of the power factor correction unit with reactors should be carried out according to page 1/4 taking into consideration existing audio frequencies. The selection tables also contain information about application in power systems with AF ripple control.

n Design
The 4RF1/2 units with ratings up to 75 kvar are mounted on base plates in sheet-steel housings. The degree of protection for the housings can be taken from the selection and ordering data. The 4RF1/2 units with ratings greater than 75 kvar are formed using 4RF5 modules (see page 9/2) in sheet-steel cabinets with ventilation slots and natural cooling. For 250 kvar per 600 mm section and 400 kvar per 800 mm section an additional fan module is installed. The degree of protection for the housings can be taken from the selection and order-ing data. The SIMEAS C controller is installed as the power factor controller, see page 12/2.

Technical data
Standards EN 60439-1, IEC 439-1, EN 60831-1 + 10 %

Permissible voltage increase over 8 h daily Power loss within the units Ambient temperature

approx. 5 W/kvar - 20 to + 35 C, 24 h average, short-term + 40 C up to 65 dB with high harmonic contents RAL 7032 up to 3000 m above sea level, above 3000 m on request see selection and ordering data natural convection, thermal conduction, fan assembly for 250 kvar per 600 mm section, 400 kvar per 800 mm section Icf = 100 kA fuse type Siemens NH-gl/gG or equivalent IN up to 250 A Ipk = 75 kA Icw = 42 kA / 1 s

Noise level

Colour Site altitude

Degree of protection Cooling

n Operating principle
The power factor controller measures the inductive reactive power present in the network and also the corresponding power factor. It compares this with the set target cos and switches capacitors in or out as required using the contactors in the capacitor modules. The SIMEAS C controller automatically determines the capacitor ratings connected to its outputs and immediately switches in the capacitor rating which best corresponds to the requirements. This method optimizes the number of switchings. Connection The connection to the power system is made using cables. Each P.F. correction unit contains appropriate cable terminals. The connection of the current transformer leads is made using the transformer terminals provided.

Rated short-circuit current Icf for protection by module fuses

Short-circuit strength of busbars at front 30 x 10 mm


Fig. 7/1 250 kvar (5 x 50 kvar) in a cabinet 2275 x 600 x 625 mm


Siemens SR 10.6 1998

4RF1 Power Factor Correction Units with Reactors 4RF2 Extension Units
Recommended design variants for total ratings > 400 kvar to 1000 kvar for p = 5.67 %, 7 % and 8 %

500 kvar total rating

600 kvar total rating

700 kvar total rating

800 kvar total rating

Design of 4RF power factor correction units with ratings > 400 kvar including 100 kvar reactors. If required, 100 kvar reactors can be switched in permanently and provide relief on the harmonics side for the controlled 50 kvar steps.

1000 kvar total rating Siemens SR 10.6 1998


4RF16 Power Factor Correction Units with Reactors (5.67 %) 4RF26 Extension Units
Selection and ordering data

Cabinet width


For system voltage AC 400 V 50 Hz control voltage 230 V 50 Hz 525 V 50 Hz control voltage 230 V 50 Hz 690 V 50 Hz control voltage 230 V 50 Hz


Number of steps kvar 2 x 100

Step function ratio

Basic units

Extension units

Weight Dimensions approx. H x W x D kg 350 mm 2275 x 600 x 625

kvar 200

Order No. 1:1 4RF16 20 - 3EB02

Order No. 4RF26 20 - 3EB02

Units with 100 kvar branches P.F. correction units in sheetsteel cabinet with ventilation slots, degree of protection IP20, with effective blocking of audio frequencies greater than 350 Hz.


2 x 100


4RF16 20 - 5EB02

4RF26 20 - 5EB02


2275 x 600 x 625


2 x 100


4RF16 20 - 6EB02

4RF26 20 - 6EB02


2275 x 600 x 625

Note: For ratings < 200 kvar units with reactors (7 %) should be selected, see page 7/6


Fig. 7/2 200 kvar (2 x 100 kvar) in a cabinet 2275 x 600 x 625 mm


Siemens SR 10.6 1998

4RF16 Power Factor Correction Units with Reactors (5.67 %) 4RF26 Extension Units
Selection and ordering data

Cabinet width


For system voltage AC 400 V 50 Hz control voltage 230 V 50 Hz


Number of steps kvar 8 x 25 4 x 50 10 x 25 5 x 50 6 x 50 7 x 50 8 x 50

Step function ratio

Basic units

Extension units

Weight Dimensions approx. H x W x D kg 410 390 460 450 500 550 600 mm 2275 x 800 x 625 2275 x 800 x 625

kvar 200 200 250 250 300 350 400

Order No. 1:1:2:2:2 1:1:1:1 1:1:2:2:2:2 1:1:1:1:1 1:1:1:1:1:1 1:2:2:2 1:1:2:2:2 4RF16 20 - 3FB08 4RF16 20 - 3FB04 4RF16 25 - 3FB10 4RF16 25 - 3FB05 4RF16 30 - 3FB06 4RF16 35 - 3FB07 4RF16 40 - 3FB08

Order No. 4RF26 20 - 3FB08 4RF26 20 - 3FB04 4RF26 25 - 3FB10 4RF26 25 - 3FB05 4RF26 30 - 3FB06 4RF26 35 - 3FB07 4RF26 40 - 3FB08

P.F. correction units in sheetsteel cabinet with ventilation slots, degree of protection IP20, with effective blocking of audio frequencies greater than 350 Hz.

525 V 50 Hz or 690 V 50 Hz

Units for system voltages 525 V AC 50 Hz or 690 V AC 50 Hz are constructionally identical to the 400 V units. The order number only changes in the 8th position from -3 to -5 or -6, see page 7/12. Units for other system voltages are available on request. If no 230 V external control voltage is available, a control transformer is needed for system voltages from 500 V. In this case the order number should be supplemented with -Z, A12 or A13, see page 13/2.

Note: For ratings < 200 kvar units with reactors (7 %) should be selected, see page 7/6


Fig. 7/3 400 kvar (8 x 50 kvar) in a cabinet 2275 x 800 x 625 mm

Siemens SR 10.6 1998


4RF17 Power Factor Correction Units with Reactors (7 %) 4RF27 Extension Units
Selection and ordering data

Cabinet width


For system voltage AC 400 V 50 Hz control voltage 230 V 50 Hz


Number of steps kvar 4x5 5x5 6x5 4 x 10 5 x 10 4 x 12.5 5 x 12.5 6 x 12.5 8 x 12.5 4 x 25 10 x 12.5 5 x 25 6 x 25 12 x 12.5 7 x 25 8 x 25 4 x 50 5 x 50

Step function ratio

Basic units

Extension units

Weight Dimensions approx. H x W x D kg 70 72 78 82 91 90 93 145 207 220 236 251 260 360 362 380 365 418 mm 1075 x 600 x 350

kvar 20 25 30 40 50 50 62.5 75 100 100 125 125 150 150 175 200 200 250

Order No. 1:1:2 1:2:2 1:1:2:2 1:1:1:1 1:1:1:1:1 1:1:1:1 1:1:1:1:1 1:1:2:2 1:1:2:4 1:1:2 1:1:2:2:4 1:2:2 1:1:2:2 1:1:2:4:4 1:2:2:2 1:1:2:2:2 1:1:1:1 1:1:1:1:1 4RF17 01 3AB04 4RF17 02-3AB05 4RF17 03-3AB06 4RF17 04-3AB04 4RF17 05-3AB05 4RF17 05-3AB04 4RF17 06-3AB05 4RF17 07-3AB06 4RF17 10-3FB08 4RF17 10-3FB04 4RF17 12-3FB10 4RF17 12-3FB05 4RF17 15-3FB06 4RF17 15-3FB12 4RF17 17-3FB07 4RF17 20-3FB08-6 4RF17 20-3FB04-6 4RF17 25-3FB05-6

Order No. 4RF27 01 3AB04 4RF27 02-3AB05 4RF27 03-3AB06 4RF27 04-3AB04 4RF27 05-3AB05 4RF27 05-3AB04 4RF27 06-3AB05 4RF27 07-3AB06 4RF27 10-3FB04 4RF27 12-3FB05 4RF27 15-3FB06 4RF27 17-3FB07 4RF27 20-3FB08-6 4RF27 20-3FB04-6 4RF27 25-3FB05-6

P.F. correction units in sheetsteel cabinet with ventilation slots, degree of protection IP20, with effective blocking of audio frequencies greater than 250 Hz.

1075 x 600 x 350

1675 x 600 x 425 1675 x 600 x 625

2275 x 600 x 625 2275 x 600 x 625

Units with 100 kvar branches 400 V 50 Hz control voltage 230 V 50 Hz 525 V 50 Hz control voltage 230 V 50 Hz 200 2 x 100 1:1 4RF17 20-3EB02 4RF27 20-3EB02 350 2275 x 600 x 625


2 x 100


4RF17 20-5EB02

4RF27 20-5EB02


2275 x 600 x 625

Units for other system voltages are available on request. If no external control voltage is available, a control transformer is needed for system voltages from 500 V. In this case the order number should be supplement-ed with -Z, A12 or A13, see page 13/2.


Fig. 7/4 50 kvar (4 x 12.5 kvar) in a cabinet 1075 x 600 x 350 mm


Fig. 7/5 75 kvar (6 x 12.5 kvar) in a cabinet 1675 x 600 x 625 mm


Siemens SR 10.6 1998

4RF17 Power Factor Correction Units with Reactors (7 %) 4RF27 Extension Units
Selection and ordering data

Cabinet width


For system voltage AC 400 V 50 Hz control voltage 230 V 50 Hz


Number of steps kvar 8 x 25 4 x 50 10 x 25 5 x 50 6 x 50 7 x 50 8 x 50

Step function ratio

Basic units

Extension units

Weight Dimensions approx. H x W x D kg 410 390 460 450 500 550 600 mm 2275 x 800 x 625

kvar 200 200 250 250 300 350 400

Order No. 1:1:2:2:2 1:1:1:1 1:1:2:2:2:2 1:1:1:1:1 1:1:1:1:1:1 1:2:2:2 1:1:2:2:2 4RF17 20 - 3FB08-8 4RF17 20 - 3FB04-8 4RF17 25 - 3FB10 4RF17 25 - 3FB05-8 4RF17 30 - 3FB06 4RF17 35 - 3FB07 4RF17 40 - 3FB08

Order No. 4RF27 20 - 3FB08-8 4RF27 20 - 3FB04-8 4RF27 25 - 3FB10 4RF27 25 - 3FB05-8 4RF27 30 - 3FB06 4RF27 35 - 3FB07 4RF27 40 - 3FB08

P.F. correction units in sheetsteel cabinet with ventilation slots, degree of protection IP20, with effective blocking of audio frequencies greater than 250 Hz.

2275 x 800 x 625

525 V 50 Hz or 690 V 50 Hz

Units for system voltages 525 V AC 50 Hz or 690 V AC 50 Hz are constructionally identical to the 400 V units. The order number only changes in the 8th position from -3 to -5 or-6, see page 7/12. Units for other system voltages are available on request.

Note: If no external control voltage is available, a control transformer is needed for system voltages from 500 V. In this case the order number should be supplement-ed with -Z, A12 or A13, see page 13/2.

Fig. 7/6 150 kvar (6 x 25 kvar) in a cabinet 1675 x 600 x 625 mm


Fig. 7/7 250 kvar (5 x 50 kvar) in a cabinet 2275 x 600 x 625 mm



Fig. 7/8 400 kvar (8 x 50 kvar) in a cabinet 2275 x 800 x 625 mm

Siemens SR 10.6 1998


4RF18 Power Factor Correction Units with Reactors (8 %) 4RF28 Extension Units
Selection and ordering data

Cabinet width


For system voltage AC 400 V 50 Hz control voltage 230 V 50 Hz


Number of steps kvar 4 x 12.5 5 x 12.5 6 x 12.5 8 x 12.5 4 x 25 10 x 12.5 5 x 25 6 x 25 12 x 12.5 7 x 25 8 x 25 4 x 50 5 x 50

Step function ratio

Basic units

Extension units

Weight Dimensions approx. H x W x D kg 90 93 145 207 220 236 251 251 360 362 380 365 418 mm 1075 x 600 x 350 1675 x 600 x 425 1675 x 600 x 625

kvar 50 62.5 75 100 100 125 125 150 150 175 200 200 250

Order No. 1:1:1:1 1:1:1:1:1 1:1:2:2 1:1:2:4 1:1:2 1:1:2:2:4 1:2:2 1:1:2:2 1:1:2:4:4 1:2:2:2 1:1:2:2:2 1:1:1:1 1:1:1:1:1 4RF18 05-3AB04 4RF18 06-3AB05 4RF18 07-3AB06 4RF18 10-3FB08 4RF18 10-3FB04 4RF18 12-3FB10 4RF18 12-3FB05 4RF18 15-3FB06 4RF18 15-3FB12 4RF18 17-3FB07 4RF18 20-3FB08-6 4RF18 20-3FB04-6 4RF18 25-3FB05-6

Order No. 4RF28 05-3AB04 4RF28 06-3AB05 4RF28 07-3AB06 4RF28 10-3FB04 4RF28 12-3FB05 4RF28 15-3FB06 4RF28 17-3FB07 4RF28 20-3FB08-6 4RF28 20-3FB04-6 4RF28 25-3FB05-6

P.F. correction units in sheetsteel cabinet with ventilation slots, degree of protection IP20, with effective blocking of audio frequencies greater than 210 Hz.

2275 x 600 x 625 2275 x 600 x 625

Units with 100 kvar branches 400 V 50 Hz control voltage 230 V 50 Hz 525 V 50 Hz control voltage 230 V 50 Hz 200 2 x 100 1:1 4RF18 20-3EB02 4RF28 20-3EB02 350 2275 x 600 x 625


2 x 100


4RF18 20-5EB02

4RF28 20-5EB02


2275 x 600 x 625

Units for other system voltages on request. If no external control voltage is available, a control transformer is needed for system voltages from 500 V. In this case the order number should be supplement-ed with -Z, A12 or A13, see page 13/2.


Fig. 7/9 50 kvar (4 x 12.5 kvar) in a cabinet 1075 x 600 x 350 mm


Fig. 7/10 75 kvar (6 x 12.5 kvar) in a cabinet 1675 x 600 x 625 mm


Siemens SR 10.6 1998

4RF18 Power Factor Correction Units with Reactors (8 %) 4RF28 Extension Units
Selection and ordering data

Cabinet width


For system voltage AC 400 V 50 Hz control voltage 230 V 50 Hz


Number of steps kvar 8 x 25 4 x 50 10 x 25 5 x 50 6 x 50 7 x 50 8 x 50

Step function ratio

Basic units

Extension units

Weight Dimensions approx. H x W x D kg 410 390 460 450 500 550 600 mm 2275 x 800 x 625

kvar 200 200 250 250 300 350 400

Order No. 1:1:2:2:2 1:1:1:1 1:1:2:2:2:2 1:1:1:1:1 1:1:1:1:1:1 1:2:2:2 1:1:2:2:2 4RF18 20 - 3FB08-8 4RF18 20 - 3FB04-8 4RF18 25 - 3FB10 4RF18 25 - 3FB05-8 4RF18 30 - 3FB06 4RF18 35 - 3FB07 4RF18 40 - 3FB08

Order No. 4RF28 20 - 3FB08-8 4RF28 20 - 3FB04-8 4RF28 25 - 3FB10 4RF28 25 - 3FB05-8 4RF28 30 - 3FB06 4RF28 35 - 3FB07 4RF28 40 - 3FB08

P.F. correction units in sheetsteel cabinet with ventilation slots, degree of protection IP20, with effective blocking of audio frequencies greater than 210 Hz.

2275 x 800 x 625

525 V 50 Hz or 690 V 50 Hz

Units for system voltages 525 V AC 50 Hz or 690 V AC 50 Hz are constructionally identical to the 400 V units. The order number only changes in the 8th position from -3 to -5 or-6, see page 7/12. Units for other system voltages are available on request.

Note: If no external control voltage is available, a control transformer is needed for system voltages from 500 V. In this case the order number should be supplement-ed with -Z, A12 or A13, see page 13/2.


Fig. 7/11 150 kvar (6 x 25 kvar) in a cabinet 1675 x 600 x 625 mm

Fig. 7/12 250 kvar (5 x 50 kvar) in a cabinet 2275 x 600 x 625 mm



Fig. 7/13 400 kvar (8 x 50 kvar) in a cabinet 2275 x 800 x 625 mm

Siemens SR 10.6 1998


4RF19 Power Factor Correction Units with Reactors (14 %) 4RF29 Extension Units
Selection and ordering data

Cabinet width


For system voltage AC 400 V 50 Hz control voltage 230 V 50 Hz


Number of steps kvar 4x5 5x5 6x5 7x5 8x5 10 x 5 4 x 12.5 6 x 12.5 5 x 20 4 x 25 6 x 20 3 x 40 5 x 25 6 x 25 8 x 20 7 x 25 8 x 25 5 x 40 4 x 50 5 x 50

Step function ratio

Basic units

Extension units

Weight Dimensions approx. H x W x D kg 70 72 141 141 147 151 145 167 290 285 330 320 302 348 390 388 411 440 391 455 mm 1075 x 600 x 350 1675 x 600 x 425

kvar 20 25 30 35 40 50 50 75 100 100 120 120 125 150 160 175 200 200 200 250

Order No. 1:1:2 1:2:2 1:1:2:2 1:2:2:2 1:1:2:4 1:2:3:4 1:1:1:1 1:1:2:2 1:2:2 1:1:2 1:1:2:2 1:1:1 1:2:2 1:1:2:2 1:1:2:2:2 1:2:2:2 1:1:2:2:2 1:1:1:1:1 1:1:1:1 1:1:1:1:1 4RF19 01 3AB04 4RF19 02-3AB05 4RF19 03-3AB06 4RF19 03-3AB07 4RF19 04-3AB08 4RF19 05-3AB10 4RF19 05-3AB04 4RF19 07-3AB06 4RF19 10-3FB05 4RF19 10-3FB04 4RF19 12-3FB06 4RF19 12-3FB05 4RF19 15-3FB06 4RF19 16-3FB08 4RF19 17-3FB07 4RF19 20-3FB08-6 4RF19 20-3FB05 4RF19 20-3FB04-6 4RF19 25-3FB05-6

Order No. 4RF29 01 3AB04 4RF29 02-3AB05 4RF29 03-3AB06 4RF29 03-3AB07 4RF29 04-3AB08 4RF29 05-3AB04 4RF29 07-3AB06 4RF29 10-3FB05 4RF29 10-3FB04 4RF29 12-3FB03 4RF29 12-3FB05 4RF29 15-3FB06 4RF29 16-3FB08 4RF29 17-3FB07 4RF29 20-3FB08-6 4RF29 20-3FB04 4RF29 20-3FB04-6 4RF29 25-3FB05-6

P.F. correction units in sheetsteel cabinet with ventilation slots, degree of protection IP20, with effective blocking of audio frequencies greater than 160 Hz.

1675 x 600 x 625

2275 x 600 x 625

2275 x 600 x 625

Units for other system voltages on request. Reactor/capacitor ratio 14% can be supplied for system voltage 690 V AC 50 Hz as a special design.


Fig. 7/14 20 kvar (4 x 5 kvar) in a cabinet 1075 x 600 x 350 mm


Fig. 7/15 75 kvar (6 x 12.5 kvar) in a cabinet 1675 x 600 x 625 mm


Siemens SR 10.6 1998

4RF19 Power Factor Correction Units with Reactors (14 %) 4RF29 Extension Units
Selection and ordering data

Cabinet width


For system voltage AC 400 V 50 Hz control voltage 230 V 50 Hz


Number of steps kvar 8 x 25 4 x 50 10 x 25 5 x 50 6 x 50 7 x 50 8 x 50

Step function ratio

Basic units

Extension units

Weight Dimensions approx. H x W x D kg 474 446 538 450 570 648 712 mm 2275 x 800 x 625

kvar 200 200 250 250 300 350 400

Order No. 1:1:2:2:2 1:1:1:1 1:1:2:2:2:2 1:1:1:1:1 1:1:1:1:1:1 1:2:2:2 1:1:2:2:2 4RF19 20 - 3FB08-8 4RF19 20 - 3FB04-8 4RF19 25 - 3FB10 4RF19 25 - 3FB05-8 4RF19 30 - 3FB06 4RF19 35 - 3FB07 4RF19 40 - 3FB08

Order No. 4RF29 20 - 3FB08-8 4RF29 20 - 3FB04-8 4RF29 25 - 3FB10 4RF29 25 - 3FB05-8 4RF29 30 - 3FB06 4RF29 35 - 3FB07 4RF29 40 - 3FB08

P.F. correction units in sheetsteel cabinet with ventilation slots, degree of protection IP20, with effective blocking of audio frequencies greater than 160 Hz.

2275 x 800 x 625

Units for other system voltages on request. Reactor/capacitor ratio 14% can be supplied for system voltage 690 V AC 50 Hz as a special design.


Fig. 7/16 125 kvar (5 x 25 kvar) in a cabinet 1675 x 600 x 625 mm

Fig. 7/17 250 kvar (5 x 50 kvar) in a cabinet 2275 x 600 x 625 mm



Fig. 7/18 400 kvar (8 x 50 kvar) in a cabinet 2275 x 800 x 625 mm

Siemens SR 10.6 1998


Order Number Structure for 4RF1 Power Factor Correction Units with Reactors 4RF2 Extension Units
Position 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

4RF = Power factor correction units with reactors 1 = Basic unit 2 = Extension unit (without controller) Reactor/capacitor ratio p 6 = 5.67 % 7=7% 8=8% 9 = 14 % Compensation rating 01 = 20 kvar 02 = 25 kvar 05 = 50 kvar 10 = 100 kvar 20 = 200 kvar 30 = 300 kvar 40 = 400 kvar, etc. For system voltage 1 = 230 V 60 Hz1) 2 = 230 V 50 Hz1) 3 = 400 V 50 Hz 7 = 415 V 50 Hz1) 4 = 440 V 60 Hz1) 5 = 525 V 50 Hz 8 = 600 V 60 Hz1) 6 = 690 V 50 Hz Type of construction A = On base plate in sheet-steel housing or cabinet B = Modules in housing or cabinet, vertical busbar at back E = Branches (components are distributed over a number of base plates) in housing or cabinet F = Modules in housing or cabinet with vertical busbar at front IP degree of protection of housing or cabinet A = IP00 B = IP20 D = IP40 E = IP22D F = IP54 Number of steps in unit e.g. 04 = 4 steps 08 = 8 steps 88 = 9 steps 10 = 10 steps, etc. Cabinet width This position is only used if the same technology is offered in various cabinet widths 6 = Cabinet width 600 mm 8 = Cabinet width 800 mm -Z = Additional details, only required for special versions, accessories or deviations from catalog

1) On request.


Siemens SR 10.6 1998

Order number

4 R F 1 6 4 0 -

3 F B 0 8 - 8

4RF3 Power Factor Correction Units with Special Reactor Connected Capacitors, 4RF4 Extension Units
with AF blocking < 250 Hz and simultaneous high harmonic filtering

Save energy costs, relieve transformers and connecting cables, reduce transmission losses by the application of 4RF power factor correction units High filtering of low frequency current harmonics without impermissible interference effects on AF ripple control signals less than 250 Hz Controlled centralized compensation, ready for connection for main and subdistribution in power systems with non-linear loads greater than 20 % of the connected power rating Type-tested switchgear assembly (TSK) according to EN 60439-1, IEC 439-1 for indoor installation Comprehensive range of types, natural cabinet cooling, degree of protection IP20, forced cooling needed only in exceptional cases Ratings from 200 to 400 kvar per unit

Field of application Design Operating principle Connection Technical data Selection and ordering data for 4RF34/44 power factor correction units with combined reactors 4RF36/46 power factor correction units with reactors and with built-in AF blocking Order number structure 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2



8/4 8/5

4RF3 Power Factor Correction Units with Special Reactor Connected Capacitors, 4RF4 Extension Units
with AF blocking < 250 Hz and simultaneous high harmonic filtering Description

n Field of application
4RF3/4 power factor correction units with special reactor connected capacitors are ready for connection and for use in low-voltage power systems with a high proportion of harmonics where the nonlinear load may be greater than 20 % of the upstream transformer rated power. The tuned frequencies of the compensation system with reactors are below the 5th harmonic. Thus capacitors with reactors always have an inductive impedance with regard to harmonics. Resonance problems which can occur with compensation systems without reactors in power systems containing harmonics are improbable in this case. Apart from capacitive reactive power, 4RF3/4 power factor correction units with reactors also provide filtering of low frequency current harmonics. Due to the special reactor connection, which is either a parallel circuit of various reactors and capacitors or a combination of reactors and capacitors with an AF parallel blocking device, adequate blocking of AF frequencies below 250 Hz is obtained despite high filtering of the 5th and 7th harmonics. The selection tables contain information about application in power systems where AF ripple control is in operation. The 4RF3/4 units are available from ratings 200 kvar upwards, because the required high harmonic filtering only becomes relevant from an appropriate capacitor rating. If the required capacitor rating is less than 200 kvar, then 4RF19 power factor correction units with reactors (14 %) should be selected, see page 7/10.

Design The 4RF3/4 units are built up from 4RF5 modules (see page 9/2) in a sheet-steel cabinet with ventilation slots and natural cooling. A fan module is needed from 400 kvar per section. The degree of protection for the housings can be taken from the selection tables. The SIMEAS C controller is built in as the power factor controller, see page 12/2. When reactor connected in combination (parallel circuit of various capacitors with reactors), the 4RF34/44 units can provide power ratings up to 400 kvar per section. Depending on the audio frequency present, the 4RF36/46 units have 7 % or 8 % reactor/ capacitor ratio with a built-in AF parallel blocking device. Power ratings up to 300 kvar per section are possible. Operating principle The power factor controller measures the inductive reactive power present in the network and also the corresponding power factor. It compares this with the set target power factor and switches capacitors in or out as required using the contactors in the capacitor modules. The SIMEAS C controller automatically determines the capacitor ratings connected to its outputs and immediately switches in the capacitor rating which best corresponds to the requirements. This method optimizes the number of switchings. Connection The connection to the power system is made using cables. Each P.F.C. unit contains appropriate cable terminals. The connection of the current transformer leads is made using the transformer terminals provided.

Technical data
Standards EN 60439-1, IEC 439-1, EN 60831-1 + 10 %

Permissible voltage increase over 8 h daily Power loss within the units Ambient temperature

approx. 5 W/kvar

- 20 to + 35 C, 24 h average, short-term + 40 C up to 65 dB with high harmonic contents RAL 7032 up to 3000 m above sea level, above 3000 m on request see selection and ordering data natural convection, thermal conduction, fan assembly for 400 kvar/section see page 14/2

Noise level

Colour Site altitude

Degree of protection Cooling

Connecting cable and back-up fuses Rated shortcircuit current Icf for protection by module fuses

Icf = 100 kA fuse type Siemens NH-gl/gG or equivalent IN up to 100 A Ipk = 75 kA ICW = 42 kA / 1 s

Short-circuit strength of busbars at front 30 x 10 mm


Siemens SR 10.6 1998

4RF34 Power Factor Correction Units with Combined Reactor Connected Capacitors, 4RF44 Extension Units
Selection and ordering data

Cabinet width


For system voltage AC 400 V 50 Hz control voltage 230 V 50 Hz


Number of steps kvar 8 x 25 4 x 50 10 x 25 5 x 50 6 x 50 7 x 50 8 x 50

Step function ratio

Basic units

Extension units

Weight Dimensions approx. H x W x D kg 481 481 518 497 542 606 656 mm 2275 x 800 x 625

kvar 200 200 250 250 300 350 400

Order No. 1:1:2:4 1:1:2 1:1:2:2:4 1:2:2 1:1:2:2 1:2:2:2 1:1:2:2:2 4RF34 20 - 3FB08 4RF34 20 - 3FB04 4RF34 25 - 3FB10 4RF34 25 - 3FB05 4RF34 30 - 3FB06 4RF34 35 - 3FB07 4RF34 40 - 3FB08

Order No. 4RF44 20 - 3FB08 4RF44 20 - 3FB04 4RF44 25 - 3FB10 4RF44 25 - 3FB05 4RF44 30 - 3FB06 4RF44 35 - 3FB07 4RF44 40 - 3FB08

P.F. correction units with combined reactor connected capacitors with p = 5.67 % (5 % at AF > 180 Hz) and p = 12.5 %, with high harmonic filtering and adequate blocking of audio frequencies (AF) from 166 to 190 Hz, in sheetsteel cabinet with ventilation slots, degree of protection IP 20.

2275 x 800 x 625

Note: P.F. correction units for other system voltages and other reactor / capacitor ratio combinations on request. Units with reactors (14 %) should be selected for power ratings < 200 kvar, see page 7/10.

High harmonic filtering with simultaneous AF blocking is provided by the impedance curve for the units, see Fig. 8/2. The high impedance in the range of the audio frequencies to be blocked can be seen as well as the low impedance for the 5th and 7th harmonics.


Fig. 8/1 400 kvar (8 x 50 kvar) in a cabinet 2275 x 800 x 625 mm

Fig. 8/2

Siemens SR 10.6 1998


4RF36 Power Factor Correction Units with Special Reactor Connected Capacitors, 4RF46 Extension Units
with built-in AF parallel blocking circuit Selection and ordering data

Cabinet width


For system voltage AC 400 V 50 Hz control voltage 230 V 50 Hz 525 V 50 Hz control voltage 230 V 50 Hz


Number of steps kvar 8 x 25 4 x 50 10 x 25 5 x 50 6 x 50 8 x 25 4 x 50 10 x 25 5 x 50 6 x 50

Step function ratio

Basic units

Extension units

Weight Dimensions approx. H x W x D kg 488 468 575 563 630 488 468 575 563 630 mm 2275 x 800 x 625

kvar 200 200 250 250 300 200 200 250 250 300

Order No. 1:1:2:2:2 1:1:1:1 1:1:2:2:2:2 1:1:1:1:1 1:1:1:1:1:1 1:1:2:2:2 1:1:1:1 1:1:2:2:2:2 1:1:1:1:1 1:1:1:1:1:1 4RF36 20 - 3FB08 -Z 4RF36 20 - 3FB04 -Z 4RF36 25 - 3FB10 -Z 4RF36 25 - 3FB05 -Z 4RF36 30 - 3FB06 -Z 4RF36 20 - 5FB08 -Z 4RF36 20 - 5FB04 -Z 4RF36 25 - 5FB10 -Z 4RF36 25 - 5FB05 -Z 4RF36 30 - 5FB06 -Z

Order No. 4RF46 20 - 3FB08 -Z 4RF46 20 - 3FB04 -Z 4RF46 25 - 3FB10 -Z 4RF46 25 - 3FB05 -Z 4RF46 30 - 3FB06 -Z 4RF46 20 - 5FB08 -Z 4RF46 20 - 5FB04 -Z 4RF46 25 - 5FB10 -Z 4RF46 25 - 5FB05 -Z 4RF46 30 - 5FB06 -Z

P.F. correction units with high harmonic filtering and adequate blocking of audio frequencies (AF) from 166 to 228 Hz, in sheetsteel cabinet with ventilation slots, degree of protection IP 20. With audio frequencies in the range from 160 to 190 Hz the 4RF34/44 units should be preferably selected, see page 8/3.

2275 x 800 x 625

Note: P.F. correction units for other system voltages on request. Units with reactors (14 %) should be selected for power ratings < 200 kvar, see page 7/10.

Ordering note -Z Y01 + plain text details of existing audio frequency. The AF blocking device is designed and the reactor/capacitor ratio defined at p = 7 % or 8 % according to these important details. (p = 7 % for audio frequencies > 160 to 190 Hz, p = 8 % for audio frequencies > 190 to 228 Hz).

High harmonic filtering with simultaneous AF blocking is provided by the impedance curve for the units, see Fig. 8/4. The high impedance in the range of the audio frequencies to be blocked can be seen as well as the low impedance for the 5th and 7th harmonics.


Fig. 8/3 300 kvar (6 x 50 kvar) in a cabinet 2275 x 800 x 625 mm with AF blocking circuit

Fig. 8/4


Siemens SR 10.6 1998

Order Number Structure for 4RF3 Power Factor Correction Units with Special Reactor Connected Capacitors, 4RF4 Extension Units
with AF blocking < 250 Hz and simultaneous high harmonic filtering Position 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

4RF = Power factor correction units with reactors 3 = Basic unit with audio frequency blocking (AF) for AF < 250 Hz 4 = Extension unit (without controller) with AF blocking for AF < 250 Hz 4 = Unit with combined reactor connected capacitors 6 = Unit with reactors (7 % or 8 %), with upstream audio frequency blocking device Compensation rating in kvar 01 = 20 kvar 02 = 25 kvar 05 = 50 kvar 10 = 100 kvar 20 = 200 kvar 30 = 300 kvar 40 = 400 kvar, etc. For system voltage 1 = 230 V 60 Hz1) 2 = 230 V 50 Hz1) 3 = 400 V 50 Hz 7 = 415 V 50 Hz1) 4 = 440 V 60 Hz1) 5 = 525 V 50 Hz 8 = 600 V 60 Hz1) 6 = 690 V 50 Hz Type of construction A = On base plate in sheet-steel housing or cabinet B = Modules in housing or cabinet, vertical busbar at back E = Branches (components are distributed over a number of base plates) in housing or cabinet F = Modules in housing or cabinet with vertical busbar at front IP degree of protection of housing or cabinet A = IP00 B = IP20 D = IP40 E = IP22D F = IP54 Number of steps in unit e.g. 04 = 4 steps 06 = 6 steps 08 = 8 steps 88 = 9 steps 10 = 10 steps, etc. -Z = Additional details Y01 + plain text details of existing audio frequency and, if required, for special versions, accessories or deviations from catalog

Order number

4 R F 3 6 3 0 -

3 F B 0 6


1) On request. Siemens SR 10.6 1998


4RF5 Capacitor Modules with Reactors

Type-tested switchgear assembly (TSK) according to EN 60439-1, IEC 439-1 for formation of power factor correction units with reactors Comprehensive range of types for 600 mm and 800 mm cabinet width, recommended cabinet depth is 600 mm Ratings from 5 to 100 kvar per module With 8US1 front busbar adapter system, copper bars E-Cu 30 x 10 mm and LV HRC fuse switch-disconnectors Available for various system voltages



Field of application Design Mounting information Electrical connections Technical data Selection and ordering data for 4RF53 modules with combined reactor connected capacitors 4RF56 modules with reactors (5.67 %) 4RF57 modules with reactors (7 %) 4RF58 modules with reactors (8 %) 4RF59 modules with reactors (14 %) Dimension drawings Order number structure 9/2 9/2 9/2 9/2 9/2

9/3 9/3 9/4 9/3 9/4

9/5 to 9/7 9/8

4RF5 Capacitor Modules with Reactors


n Field of application
4RF5.. capacitor modules with reactors are employed for forming power factor correction units with reactors. The modules are suitable for use in low-voltage power systems with a high harmonic content, corresponding to a proportion of non-linear load > 20 % of the upstream transformer rated power.

n Design
The 4RF5.. modules on a galvanized sheet-steel chassis are fitted with dry-type 4RB5 MKK power capacitors with capacitor contactors or 3TF contactors and with discharge devices for the fast discharge of the capacitors (4EJ99 discharge reactors or resistors). For connecting the modules together and for the connection to the power system via cable, each 4RF5.. module has a 60 mm busbar adapter system with copper bars E-Cu 30 x 10 mm mounted at the front. The module construction is identical for 4RF56 p = 5.67 % 4RF57 p = 7 % 4RF58 p = 8 % 4RF59 p = 14 % 4RF53 with combined reactors.

The 4RF5.. modules are simply inserted into the section on these drawer brackets and mounted on the supporting pillar with self-tapping screws. See page 7/5 onwards for complete units formed from 4RF5 modules. The module width for 600 mm cabinet width is 536 mm. The module width for 800 mm cabinet width is 720 mm. Therefore, the modules can be passed without problem through the cabinet door opening, but the width of the base plates should be taken into account when selecting the supporting pillars. Where required, supporting pillars for certain cabinet types can also be supplied on request, see Accessories on page 13/2.

Technical data
Standards EN 60439-1, IEC 439-1, EN 60831-1 +10 %

Permissible voltage increase over 8 h daily Power loss within the modules Ambient temperature

approx. 5 W/kvar

- 20 to + 50 C, 24 h average, short-term + 55 C up to 65 dB with high harmonic contents up to 3000 m above sea level, above 3000 m on request IP00 Icf = 100 kA fuse type Siemens NH-gl/gG or equivalent IN up to 100 A Ipk = 75 kA Icw = 42 kA / 1 s

Noise level

Site altitude

Degree of protection Rated short-circuit current Icf for protection by module fuses

n Electrical connections
On the power side the 4RF5.. modules are connected via the busbar system at the front. The module busbars are connected using extra copper connecting lugs E-Cu 30 x 10 mm. Under Accessories on page 13/2 copper connecting lugs are available. For other lengths the copper connecting lugs must be provided by the customer. One 4RF5.. module per section includes special busbar parts suitable for terminating the connecting cables. On the control side the 4RF5.. module connection to the power factor controller and to the control voltage is provided by control lines which are to be suitably laid (e.g. in cable ducts) by the customer.

Short-circuit strength of busbars at front 30 x 10 mm

n Mounting information



The mounting holes on the 4RF5.. modules are universally suitable for 20 mm and 25 mm pitch. In Siemens power factor correction units supporting pillars with 20 mm pitch and thread entries for selftapping screws are used. Two drawer brackets which must be first mounted on the supporting pillar are used with each 4RF5.. module.

Fig. 9/1 4RF5 module with 1 x 50 kvar for 600 mm cabinet width

Fig. 9/2 4RF5 module with 2 x 25 kvar for 800 mm cabinet width

Fig. 9/3 4RF5 module with 2 x 50 kvar for 800 mm cabinet width

Fig. 9/4 4RF5 module with 2 x 50 kvar for cable connection, 800 mm cabinet width


Siemens SR 10.6 1998



4RF56 Capacitor Modules with Reactors (5.67 %)

with adequate blocking of audio frequencies > 350 Hz

Selection and ordering data

For system voltage AC 400 V 50 Hz control voltage 230 V 50 Hz >400 V 50/60 Hz


Switchable as

Capacitor equipment

kvar 50 50 100 100


Number x kvar

Capacitor modules with filter reactors, with discharge device, with built-in busbars Order No. 4RF56 05 - 3BB42-2 4RF56 05 - 3BA42-2 4RF56 10 - 3BB42-2 4RF56 10 - 3KB42-2

Weight approx.

Cabinet width

Dimension drawing

kg 63 52 98 100

mm 800

No. 9/7 9/8 9/9 9/10

2 x 25 4 x 12.5 1 x 50 4 x 12.5 2 x 50 8 x 12.5 Module for cable connection1)

4RF56 modules for system voltages 525 V AC 50 Hz or 690 V AC 50 Hz are constructionally identical to the 400 V modules. The order number changes at the 8th position from -3 to -5 or -6 according to page 9/8.

From system voltages (UN) 500 V upwards, an external 230 V control voltage or control transformer UN/230 V is needed. 4RF56 modules for other system voltages are only available on request.

4RF58 Capacitor Modules with Reactors (8 %)

with adequate blocking of audio frequencies > 210 Hz

For system voltage AC 400 V 50 Hz control voltage 230 V 50 Hz 525 V 50 Hz control voltage 230 V 50 Hz


Switchable as

Capacitor equipment

kvar 50 50 100 100 50 50 100 100


Number x kvar

Capacitor modules with filter reactors, with discharge device, with built-in busbars Order No. 4RF58 05 - 3BB42-2 4RF58 05 - 3BA42-2 4RF58 10 - 3BB42-2 4RF58 10 - 3KB42-2 4RF58 05 - 5BB42-2 4RF58 05 - 5BA42-2 4RF58 10 - 5BB42-2 4RF58 10 - 5KB42-2

Weight approx.

Cabinet width

Dimension drawing

kg 63 52 98 100 63 52 98 100

mm 800

No. 9/7 9/8 9/9 9/10 9/7 9/8 9/9 9/10

2 x 25 4 x 12.5 1 x 50 4 x 12.5 2 x 50 8 x 12.5 Module for cable connection1) 2 x 25 4 x 12.5 1 x 50 4 x 12.5 2 x 50 8 x 12.5 Module for cable connection1)


4RF58 modules for other system voltages are available only on request.

4RF53 Capacitor Modules with Combined Reactors (12.5 % and 5.67 %)2)
with adequate blocking of audio frequencies > 160 Hz to 190 Hz

For system voltage AC 400 V 50 Hz control voltage 230 V 50 Hz Rating Switchable as Capacitor equipment kvar 50 100 100 kvar Number x kvar Capacitor modules with filter reactors, with discharge device, with built-in busbars Order No. 4RF53 05 - 3BB42-2 4RF53 10 - 3BB42-2 4RF53 10 - 3KB42-2 Weight approx. Cabinet width Dimension drawing kg 60 112 114 mm 800 No. 9/7 9/9 9/10 1 x 50 combined 4 x 12.5 2 x 25 separate 1 x 100 combined 8 x 12.5 2 x 50 separate Module for cable connection1)

4RF53 modules for other system voltages are available only on request.

1) Note: When forming capacitor sections connected to the power system via connecting cables, one of the capacitor modules (preferably the lowest in the section) must be ordered with busbars for the cable connection. These modules have a K at the 9th position of the order number. See under Accessories on page 13/2 for copper connecting lugs E-Cu 30 x 10 mm for the connection of two modules.

2) Order p = 5 % in plain text for audio frequencies > 180 Hz to 190 Hz.

Siemens SR 10.6 1998


4RF57 Capacitor Modules with Reactors (7 %)

with adequate blocking of audio frequencies > 250 Hz

Selection and ordering data

For system voltage AC 400 V 50 Hz control voltage 230 V 50 Hz


Switchable as

Capacitor equipment

kvar 25 25 50 50 50 50 50 100 100


Number x kvar

Capacitor modules with filter reactors, with discharge device, with built-in busbars Order No. 4RF57 02 - 3BA40-2 4RF57 02 - 3BB40-2 4RF57 05 - 3BB40-2 4RF57 05 - 3BA40-2 4RF57 05 - 3KA40-2 4RF57 05 - 3BB42-2 4RF57 05 - 3BA42-2 4RF57 10 - 3BB42-2 4RF57 10 - 3KB42-2

Weight approx.

Cabinet width

Dimension drawing

kg 23 28 40 45 48 63 52 98 100

mm 600

No. 9/2 9/3 9/3 9/3 9/5 9/7 9/8 9/9 9/10

1 x 25 2 x 12.5 2 x 12.5 2 x 12.5 2 x 25 4 x 12.5 1 x 50 4 x 12.5 Module for cable connection1) 2 x 25 4 x 12.5 1 x 50 4 x 12.5 2 x 50 8 x 12.5 Module for cable connection1)


525 V 50 Hz control voltage 230 V 50 Hz

Modules for 600 mm cabinet width only on request 50 50 100 100 2 x 25 4 x 12.5 1 x 50 4 x 12.5 2 x 50 8 x 12.5 Module for cable connection1) 4RF57 05 - 5BB42-2 4RF57 05 - 5BA42-2 4RF57 10 - 5BB42-2 4RF57 10 - 5KB42-2 63 52 98 100 800 9/7 9/8 9/9 9/10

4RF59 Capacitor Modules with Reactors (14%)

with adequate blocking of audio frequencies > 160 Hz

For system voltage AC 400 V 50 Hz control voltage 230 V 50 Hz


Switchable as

Capacitor equipment

kvar 5 10 10 20 20 40 40 25 50 50


Number x kvar

Capacitor modules with filter reactors, with discharge device, with built-in busbars Order No. 4RF59 05 - 3BA40-0 4RF59 10 - 3BB40-0 4RF59 10 - 3BA40-0 4RF59 20 - 3BB40-0 4RF59 20 - 3BA40-0 4RF59 40 - 3BA40-0 4RF59 40 - 3KA40-0 4RF59 25 - 3BA40-0 4RF59 50 - 3BA40-0 4RF59 50 - 3KA40-0 4RF59 50 - 3BB42-0 4RF59 50 - 3BA42-0 4RF59 01 - 3BB42-0 4RF59 01 - 3KB42-0

Weight approx.

Cabinet width

Dimension drawing

kg 23 36 33 56 44 64 66 46 66 68 85 63 126 128

mm 600

No. 9/1 9/4 9/1 9/4 9/2 9/4 9/6 9/2 9/4 9/6 9/7 9/8 9/9 9/10

1x 5 1x 5 2x 5 2x 5 1 x 10 1 x 10 2 x 10 2 x 10 1 x 20 2 x 10 1 x 40 4 x 10 Module for cable connection1) 1 x 25 2 x 12.5 1 x 50 4 x 12.5 Module for cable connection1) 2 x 25 4 x 12.5 1 x 50 4 x 12.5 2 x 50 8 x 12.5 Module for cable connection1)


4RF57 and 4RF59 modules for other system voltages only on request.

50 50 100 100


1) Note: When forming capacitor sections connected to the power system via connecting cables, one of the capacitor modules (preferably the lowest in the section) must be ordered with busbars for the cable connection. These modules have a K at the 9th position of the order number.

See under Accessories on page 13/2 for copper connecting lugs E-Cu 30 x 10 mm for the connection of two modules.


Siemens SR 10.6 1998

Capacitor Modules with Reactors

Dimension drawings

Dimension drawing No. 9/1

Dimension drawing No. 9/2

Dimension drawing No. 9/3

Dimension drawing No. 9/4

Siemens SR 10.6 1998


Capacitor Modules with Reactors

Dimension drawings

Dimension drawing No. 9/5

Dimension drawing No. 9/6

Dimension drawing No. 9/7

Dimension drawing No. 9/8


Siemens SR 10.6 1998

Capacitor Modules with Reactors

Dimension drawings

Dimension drawing No. 9/9

Dimension drawing No. 9/10

Siemens SR 10.6 1998


Order Number Structure for 4RF5 Capacitor Modules with Reactors


10 11 12 13


4RF = Power factor correction units with reactors 5 = Module Reactor/capacitor ratio p 3 = With combined reactors 6 = 5.67 % 7=7% 8=8% 9 = 14 % Compensation rating 01 = 20 kvar 02 = 25 kvar 05 = 50 kvar 10 = 100 kvar Deviations for 4RF59 05 = 5 kvar 10 = 10 kvar 20 = 20 kvar 01 = 100 kvar, etc. For system voltage 1 = 230 V 60 Hz1) 2 = 230 V 50 Hz1) 3 = 400 V 50 Hz 7 = 415 V 50 Hz1) 4 = 440 V 60 Hz1) 5 = 525 V 50 Hz 8 = 600 V 60 Hz1) 6 = 690 V 50 Hz Type of construction A = Branches, components are distributed over a number of base plates B = Module, all components mounted on one base plate K = Module with copper bars for cable connection L = Cost-optimized design Switchable module steps, number of contactors A = 1 step (1 contactor) B = 2 steps (2 contactors) C = 3 steps (3 contactors), etc. Module short-circuit protection 0 = No module fusing 1 = LV HRC fuses in LV HRC base 2 = LV HRC fuses in LV HRC disconnector 3 = Circuit-breaker (type without fuses) 4 = Busbar adapter system with LV HRC disconnector Base plate width 0 = 536 mm 1 = 580 mm 2 = 720 mm Temperature monitoring of filter reactors 0 = None 1 = PTC thermistor in reactor plus thermistor tripping device 2 = Thermostat in reactor -Z = Additional details, if required for special versions, accessories or deviations from catalog

1) On request.


Siemens SR 10.6 1998

Order number

4 R F 5 6 1 0 -

3 B B 4 2 -2 - Z

4RF6 Fixed Compensation Units with Reactors

Environmentally friendly, dry MKK technology (metalized plastic foil, compact shape), built into sheetsteel housing 5 to 50 kvar per housing, PCB-free, impregnated with nitrogen. High current carrying capacity and partial filtering of existing harmonics Reliability due to internal overpressure cut-off protection in the capacitors, high switching capability and temperature monitoring in the filter reactors for p = 5.67 % Ready for connection, with discharge device and filter reactor, also version with LV HRC fuse switch-disconnector


Field of application Design Technical data Selection and ordering data for 4RF6 fixed compensation units in sheet-steel housing Order number structure 10/2 10/2 10/2

10/3 10/4

4RF6 Fixed Compensation Units with Reactors


n Field of application
4RF6.. fixed compensation units with reactors are supplied for use in low-voltage power systems with high harmonic content corresponding to a proportion of non-linear load greater than 20 % of the upstream transformer rated power. Fixed compensation units with a built-in fuse switchdisconnector are preferred for transformer fixed compensation applications.

Technical data
Standards Permissible voltage increase over 8 h daily Power loss within the units Ambient temperature Noise level Site altitude EN 60439-1, IEC 439-1, EN 60831-1 + 10 % approx. 5 W/kvar - 20 to + 35 C, 24 h average, short-term + 40 C up to 65 dB with high harmonic contents up to 3000 m above sea level, above 3000 m on request IP20 mm2 16 35

n Design
The 4RF6.. fixed compensation units are formed from 4RB5 dry-type MKK power capacitors, a filter reactor, discharge device and terminals for cables. The 4RF6.. units are supplied in sheet-steel enclosures. 4RF66 fixed compensation units p = 5.67 % are fitted with temperature monitoring of the filter reactor and include a contactor for this purpose. The thermostat integrated into the reactor trips the contactor when an overload occurs. Automatic reclosure occurs after a certain period.

Degree of protection Cable cross-sections up to 25 kvar 30 to 50 kvar

K_110.eps K_111_1.eps

Fig. 10/1 Fixed compensation unit 50 kvar, p = 5.67%

Fig. 10/2 Fixed compensation unit 50 kvar, p = 7% with fuse switch-disconnector


Siemens SR 10.6 1998

4RF6 Fixed Compensation Units with Reactors

Selection and ordering data


For system voltage AC 400 V 50 Hz control voltage 230 V 50 Hz 525 V 50 Hz control voltage 230 V 50 Hz 690 V 50 Hz control voltage 230 V 50 Hz


Order No.

Weight approx. kg

Dimensions HxWxD mm 450 x 600 x 271 900 x 600 x 350 450 x 600 x 271 900 x 600 x 350 450 x 600 x 271 900 x 600 x 350

kvar 25 50 25 50 25 50 4RF66 25 - 2EB40-2 4RF66 50 - 2EB40 2 4RF66 25 - 2EB52-2 4RF66 50 - 2EB52-2 4RF66 25 - 2EB68-2 4RF66 50 - 2EB68-2

4RF66 fixed compensation units with 5.67% MKK capacitors with reactors with discharge device and temperature monitoring of the filter reactor, in sheet-steel housing with ventilation slots in degree of protection IP20; shortcircuit protection is provided by the protective equipment of the load to be compensated. 4RF66 fixed compensation units with 7% MKK capacitors with reactors with discharge device and terminals, in sheetsteel housing with ventilation slots in degree of protection IP20; short-circuit protection is provided by an LV HRC fuse switchdisconnector. 4RF69 fixed compensation units with 14% MKK capacitors with reactors with discharge device and terminals, in sheetsteel housing with ventilation slots in degree of protection IP20.

45 78 45 78 45 78

400 V 50 Hz

5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50

4RF67 05 - 2BB40-0 4RF67 10 - 2BB40-0 4RF67 15 - 2BB40-0 4RF67 20 - 2BB40-0 4RF67 25 - 2BB40-0 4RF67 30 - 2BB40-0 4RF67 40 - 2BB40-0 4RF67 50 - 2BB40-0

22 24 30 30 40 64 64 70

450 x 600 x 271

450 x 600 x 271

400 V 50 Hz 5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50

Version without LV HRC switch-disconnector available. The order number changes at the 9th position from B to A, see page 10/4.

4RF69 05 - 2AB40-0 4RF69 10 - 2AB40-0 4RF69 15 - 2AB40-0 4RF69 20 - 2AB40-0 4RF69 25 - 2AB40-0 4RF69 30 - 2AB40-0 4RF69 40 - 2AB40-0 4RF69 50 - 2AB40-0

30 35 40 50 60 65 75 80

450 x 600 x 271

450 x 800 x 271

4RF6 for other system voltages available on request.


Fig. 10/3 50 kvar fixed compensation unit, p = 7%

Fig. 10/4 50 kvar fixed compensation unit, p = 14%

Siemens SR 10.6 1998



Order Number Structure for 4RF6 Fixed Compensation Units with Reactors


10 11 12


4RF = Power factor correction units with reactors

6 = Fixed compensation with MKK capacitors, nitrogen impregnation

Reactor/capacitor ratio p 6 = 5.67 % 7=7% 8=8% 9 = 14 % Compensation rating e.g. 05 = 5 kvar 25 = 25 kvar 40 = 40 kvar 50 = 50 kvar 01 = 100 kvar, etc. Type of construction 2 = In sheet-steel housing, IP20 5 = In sheet-steel housing, IP54 6 = In 8HP moulded-plastic housing 1) 7 = On base plate, IP00 Cable connections A = 8WA terminals B = Connection to LV HRC switch-disconnector C = Stud terminals D = Direct connection to the filter reactor E = Connection to the contactor Not assigned B = Not significant


For system voltage 24 = 230 V 60 Hz1) 40 = 400 V 50 Hz 41 = 400 V 60 Hz 42 = 415 V 50 Hz 44 = 440 V 60 Hz1) 48 = 480 V 60 Hz 52 = 525 V 50 Hz 61 = 600 V 60 Hz1) 68 = 690 V 50 Hz Temperature monitoring of filter reactors 0 = None 1 = PTC thermistor in reactor plus thermistor tripping device 2 = Thermostat in reactor

1) On request.


Siemens SR 10.6 1998

Order number

4 R F 6 7 5 0 -

2 A B 4 0 -2

4RF14 Passive Tuned Filter Circuits for Filtering of Harmonics


n Field of application
4RF14 tuned filter circuits are used in systems with a converter load > 50 % of the total load or if the local power supply utility requires filtering of self-generated harmonics. Up to 90 % of the 5th, 7th, 11th and 13th harmonics are filtered. The filter circuits can only be combined with power factor correction units with reactor connected capacitors.

Design Filter circuit units are supplied ready for connection in sheetsteel cabinets with ventilation slots and degree of protection IP20. If required, they can be combined from separate filter circuits which are designed for the filtering of the 5th, 7th, 11th and 13th harmonics. Depending on the rating they consist of one or several branches. The individual branches comprise: n Fuse switch-disconnector with fuse monitoring n LV HRC fuses for short-circuit protection n A contactor for switching the branch n A filter reactor with thermal overload protection n Low-loss MKV power capacitors (technical data on request) n Discharge reactors for quick discharge The following standard branches are available:
Permissible harmonic current A Capacitor rating

Fig. 11/1 2 x 175 kvar filter circuit for 504 A harmonic current in a cabinet 2275 x (2 x 600) x 625 mm, degree of protection IP20 , front view


For system voltages 400 V 50 Hz and 525 V 50 Hz 42 63 84 125 166 188 252 For system voltage 690 V 50 Hz 90 110 130 163 105 131 156 195

29 44 58 87 115 130 175

The quoted ratings are valid for all harmonic currents occurring. Branches for other system voltages on request.

Field of application Design Operating principle Connection Project planning Technical data 11/1 11/1 11/2 11/2 11/2 11/2

4RF14 Passive Tuned Filter Circuits for Filtering of Harmonics


n Operating principle
The branches can be switched manually or via a central control command. An electrical interlock only enables the branches for the higher order harmonics to be switched in when those for the lower order harmonics have already been switched in circuit. Filter circuits compensate the inductive reactive power with their capacitor rating, but they are not controllable. If an improvement in the power factor, cos , is also desired, power factor correction units with reactors can be connected in parallel.

Technical data
Standards Permissible voltage increase over 8 h daily Power loss within the systems Ambient temperature Degree of protection Colour Site altitude EN 60439-1, IEC 439-1, EN 60831-1 + 10 % approx. 5 W/kvar - 20 to + 35 C, 24 h average, short-term + 40 C IP20 (without bottom panel) RAL 7032 up to 3000 m above sea level, above 3000 m on request

n Connection
Each cabinet is separately connected via lines or power cable to the power system. The feeders are normally protected by LV HRC fuses.

n Project planning
The selection of the filter circuits is made according to the harmonic currents of the converter on the feeder transformer. Furthermore, the harmonic content of the higher level network and the short-circuit reactance at the connection point must be known. In order to specify a filter circuit suitable for operation, an enquiry is required giving details of the power system conditions. If necessary, the harmonics must be measured, see Catalog SR 10.2 in the catalog index on pages 14/6 and 14/7.


Fig. 11/2 2 x 175 kvar filter circuit for 504 A harmonic current in a cabinet 2275 x (2 x 600) x 625 mm, degree of protection IP20, rear view


Siemens SR 10.6 1998

SIMEAS C Power Factor Controller and 4RY66 Controller Modules

For power factor correction in low-voltage power systems With intelligent control and multi-function display, all important data at a glance Apart from the power factor correction function, the SIMEAS C supplies a large amount of information about the condition of the power system C/k value adjustment is made automatically Four-quadrant operation Manual/automatic operation Simple operation and communication with a PC via an optical RS232 interface

SIMEAS C controller Description Technical data Selection and ordering data Wiring diagram, dimension drawing 4RY66 controller modules Description Technical data Selection and ordering data Dimension drawings Order number structure

12/2 12/3 12/4 12/4


12/5 12/5 12/6 12/7 12/8


SIMEAS C Power Factor Controller


n Design
The controller is accommodated in a housing for door mounting. Degree of protection n IP54 front n IP20 back, safe against finger contact On the front there are two keys for operation and a display for showing the measured values. The terminals and terminal diagram are found at the back. An optical RS232 interface is provided for communication with a PC.

The controller can be used with measurement voltages from 200 V to 690 V AC 50/60 Hz and with 1 A and 5 A current transformers. The supply voltage is 230 V AC 15 % 50/60 Hz.

Multi-function display


n Connection

Operating principle The SIMEAS C power factor controller has six output relays. With these relays up to six capacitor branches can be controlled in any step function ratio. The switching state is then shown on the display. With a deviation of the power factor cos and at 60 % of the rating of the first capacitor, the capacitor required for the correction is computed and the appropriate branch switched in. The controller has the task of switching all branches, as far as possible, with equal frequency. The controller operates with time delays of 30 seconds on switching in and 3 seconds when switching off, as set ex-works. As with the discharge time, both times can be parameterized via the optical interface. Switching in occurs only after the discharge period has expired which is set to 30 seconds. With the SIMEAS C power factor controller there is a choice of the following four operating modes: n Display: Automatic mode with display of the measured values n Manual: Manual mode n Input 1 2 3 4: Input mode n Error: (View/delete error message) The operating mode is changed by simultaneously pressing the plus and minus key.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Export Reference Display U, I, P, Q Harmonics Transformer ratio Dimensions Harmonics Capacitive Inductive Switched outputs Display of operating mode


Siemens SR 10.6 1998


SIMEAS C Power Factor Controller


n Automatic mode
In the automatic mode the following quantities are shown on the display: n cos 1 n cos 2 (e.g. night operation) n Apparent current (A) n Measurement voltage (V) n Active power (kW) n Apparent power (kVA) n Reactive power, present (kvar) n Reactive power, deviation from set cos n Reactive power of capacitors switched in n Harmonic voltage U5 (%) n Harmonic voltage U7 (%) n Harmonic voltage U11 (%) n Harmonic current I5 (%) n Harmonic current I7 (%) n Harmonic current I11 (%) The main advantage: All the important data can be obtained at a glance.

Technical data
Standards EN 50081-1 EN 50082-2 EN 61000-4-7 EN 61010-1 EN 50160 230...690 V 15 %, 50/60 Hz 230 V 15 %, 50/60 Hz 2.6 VA .../1 A or .../5 A max. 6 A (10.5 A) < 0.02 VA (.../1 A); < 0.5 VA (.../5 A) the transformer ratio must be entered for a correct display, setting range 1..1000/..A all switched-in units are switched off consecutively 250 V AC / 30 V DC 5A max. 8 A 106 with I 0.6 A 6 A quick-blow

Measurement/system voltage Supply voltage Power supply consumption Transformer current Power consumption of current measurement Transformer ratio

Transformer failure Relay switching capacity (6 branches + fault signal) Inrush current Service life Short-circuit protection Response times Switch-off time (parameterizable)1) Switch-on time (parameterizable)1) Extended by a factor of 4 when the load changes occur too frequently Target is < 60 switchings / h Block time (parameterizable)1) Delay of switch-on time by discharge time Mounting position Ambient temperature Storage temperature Air pressure Relative humidity Degree of protection Terminals Tightening torque Dimensions H x W x D Weight cos setpoint cos 11) cos 21) (e.g. night operation)

n Rotating field
The principle measurement condition is that the current is measured from one phase and the measurement voltage from the two other phases. The SIMEAS C automatically corrects any incorrectly rotating field.

3 to 99 s, standard = 3 s 5 to 99 s, standard = 30 s

5 to 99 s, standard = 30 s front vertical - 25 C to + 55 C - 25 C to + 75 C 75 to 106 kPa 40 to 95 % IP 54, terminals IP 20 max. 1.5 mm2 without end sleeves max. 1 mm2 with end sleeves 0.6 Nm 144 x 144 x 70 mm 785 g adjust. from 0.8 ind. to 0.98 cap. terminals 16/17 open = cos 1, closed = cos 2 the cos setting can also be made via an optocoupler terminal connection data open-circuit voltage 12 V short-circuit current 1 mA internal resistance 4.7 k surge proof (externally) to 24 V approx. 20 ms automatic

n Optical interface
An optical interface is located at the back of the controller, enabling the controller to be parametrized or its data read out via a readout head and the RS232 interface on a PC, e.g. n Switching times n cos n Transformer ratio n Measured values

No-volt release (protection against switching at phase opposition) C/k setting Fault signalling


NO (NC) 250 V AC 50 Hz, 5 A 30 V DC

Measurement accuracy, display

U < 1.5 % P, Q, I < 3 % cos < 0.01 harmonics < 10%

values stored are non-volatile

1) Parameterizable = Can be set using RS232 PC interface.

Data memory

Siemens SR 10.6 1998


SIMEAS C Power Factor Controller

Wiring diagram

Selection and ordering data

Meas./ system voltage 50/60 Hz AC 200 to 700 V

Control and supply voltage 50/60 Hz AC 230 V 15 %

Current transformer connection

Order No.

Weight approx.

kg .../1 A and .../5 A 4RY84 03-0EB11 0.8

Dimension drawing



Siemens SR 10.6 1998

4RY66 Controller Modules

for SIMEAS C controllers


n Field of application
4RY66 controller modules enable the door mounted SIMEAS C controller to be connected to the power factor correction unit on both the power and the control sides. The power factor controller is connected to the controller module via a multi-pole control cable.

Technical data
Standards Permissible voltage increase over 8 h daily Ambient temperature Site altitude Degree of protection Rated short-circuit current Icc for protection with MCCB EN 60439-1, IEC 439-1 + 10 % - 20 to + 50 C, 24 h average, short-term + 55 C up to 3000 m above sea level, above 3000 m on request IP20 (safe against finger contact) Icc = 100 kA MCCB to be used according to module parts list

n Design
The 4RY66 modules on a galvanized sheet-steel chassis are fitted with an MCCB (Moulded-Case Circuit-Breaker) and a control terminal strip. Controller modules with built-in fan assembly also contain three fans and a bimetallic thermostat.

n Mounting information
The mounting holes on the 4RY66 modules are universally suitable for 20 mm and 25 mm pitch. The 4RY66 modules are mounted on the supporting pillar using self-tapping screws. The module width for 600 mm cabinet width is 536 mm or alternatively 580 mm. The module width for 800 mm cabinet width is 720 mm. Therefore, the modules pass without difficulty through the cabinet door opening, but the base plate width should be taken into account when selecting the supporting pillars. If required, supporting pillars for certain cabinet types can be supplied on request, see Accessories on page 13/2.

n Electrical connections
Connection to the external power system conductors L1, L2 and L3 is made via the MCCB. L1 provides the supply voltage for the controller and the control voltage for the controller outputs. L2 and L3 provide the measurement voltage for the controller (please refer to the operating instructions for the controller). All contactors in the power factor correction unit are connected to the control terminal strip in the controller module. Connection of the power factor controller, mounted in the cabinet door, is made via a multi-pole numbered control cable. A control transformer must be employed for system voltages > 415 V without external control voltage supply, see Accessories, page 13/2.


4RY66 controller module


4RY66 controller module with built-in fan assembly

Siemens SR 10.6 1998


4RY66 Controller Modules

for SIMEAS C controllers

Selection and ordering data Controller modules with MCCB (Moulded-Case Circuit-Breaker) and a control terminal strip

For system voltage 50/60 Hz V 230

Cabinet width

Mounting panel width

Order No.

Weight approx.

Dimension drawing

mm 600 600 800 600 600 800 600 600 800 600 600 800

mm 536 580 720 536 580 720 536 580 720 536 580 720 4RY66 03-2AA30 4RY66 03-2AA31 4RY66 03-2AA32 4RY66 03-3AA30 4RY66 03-3AA31 4RY66 03-3AA32 4RY66 03-5AA30 4RY66 03-5AA31 4RY66 03-5AA32 4RY66 03-6AA30 4RY66 03-6AA31 4RY66 03-6AA32

kg 2.8 2.9 4.0 2.8 2.9 4.0 2.8 2.9 4.0 2.8 2.9 4.0

No. 12/1 12/2 12/5 12/1 12/2 12/5 12/1 12/2 12/5 12/1 12/2 12/5

380 to 415

440 to 6001)


Controller modules with MCCB, built-in fan assembly (airflow rate 930 m3/h), bimetallic thermostat and control terminal strip

For system voltage 50/60 Hz V 230

Cabinet width

Mounting panel width

Order No.

Weight approx.

Dimension drawing

mm 600 600 800 600 600 800 600 600 800 600 600 800

mm 536 580 720 536 580 720 536 580 720 536 580 720 4RY66 03-2FA30 4RY66 03-2FA31 4RY66 03-2FA32 4RY66 03-3FA30 4RY66 03-3FA31 4RY66 03-3FA32 4RY66 03-5FA30 4RY66 03-5FA31 4RY66 03-5FA32 4RY66 03-6FA30 4RY66 03-6FA31 4RY66 03-6FA32

kg 7.9 8.0 9.2 7.9 8.0 9.2 7.9 8.0 9.2 7.9 8.0 9.2

No. 12/3 12/4 12/6 12/3 12/4 12/6 12/3 12/4 12/6 12/3 12/4 12/6

380 to 415

440 to 6001)


The built-in fan assembly is controlled via a bimetallic thermostat arranged on the controller module. Its trip value is continuously adjustable up to +60C. The airflow is directed upwards and aids the extraction of the dissipated heat below and above the controller module. The cabinet roof should contain ventilation slots. Only use 4RX98.. fan assemblies; please refer to the Accessories on page 13/2

The supply voltage for the power factor controller and the fans is 230 V 50/60 Hz. 1) A control transformer is needed, see Accessories on page 13/2, if the control voltage is not provided externally. The MCCB (Moulded-Case Circuit-Breaker) is a miniature circuit-breaker serving as the short-circuit protective device for the measurement and supply voltage of the controller and for the control voltage of the controller outputs.



Siemens SR 10.6 1998

4RY66 Controller Modules

for SIMEAS C controllers

Dimension drawings

Dimension drawing No. 12/1

Dimension drawing No. 12/2

Dimension drawing No. 12/3

Dimension drawing No. 12/4

Dimension drawing No. 12/5

Dimension drawing No. 12/6


Siemens SR 10.6 1998


Order Number Structure for 4RY66 Controller Modules


10 11 12


4RY = Power factor correction units

Corresponding power factor controller 66 = Controller module for SIMEAS C controller

Not assigned

Transformer connection 3 = Suitable for 1 A and 5 A

For system voltage 2 = 230 V 3 = 380 V to 415 V 5 = 440 V to 600 V 6 = 690 V

Accessories A = Without accessories F = With built-in fan assembly

Not assigned A = Not significant

Module short-circuit protection 0 = No module fusing 1 = LV HRC fuses in LV HRC base 2 = LV HRC fuses in LV HRC disconnector 3 = Circuit-breaker (type without fuse) 4 = Busbar adapter system with LV HRC disconnector

Base plate width 0 = 536 mm 1 = 580 mm 2 = 720 mm 3 = 745 mm for SIKUS distribution units B3, T2 6 = For 600 mm SIVACON C section 8 = For 800 mm SIVACON C section


-Z = Additional details, only required for special versions, accessories or deviations from catalog


Siemens SR 10.6 1998

Order number

4 R Y 6 6 0 3 -

3 A A 3 2 -Z


Discharge reactor

System voltage 50/60 Hz AC 400 up to 690 V


Capacitor rating

Discharge time

Order No.

Weight approx.

kvar up to 25 up to 50 up to 100 up to 25 up to 50 up to 100

s < 5 < 10 < 20 < 10 < 20 < 40 4EJ99 00-0EG

kg 0.5

230 V

Fig. 13/1 4EJ99 discharge reactor

Dimension drawing

Discharge reactors satisfy the requirements for permanently connected discharge devices as well as providing discharge times of just a few seconds. The 4EJ99 discharge reactor produces only extremely low losses due to its high resistance on alternating current. When the capacitors are switched off, very quick discharge is provided by the low ohmic resistance of about 5 k.
Circuit Dimension drawing 13/1

BLR-CC Power factor controller The BLR CC04 controller is exclusively built into power factor correction units of low ratings. As a single unit the device can only be obtained on request.

n Automatic matching to any size of capacitor n Digital display of power fac-

n Individual, digitally adjust-

Fig. 13/2 BLR-CC power factor controller

Cabinet base The bases consist of four removable covers and are supplied mounted. They are sprayed in RAL 7022 colour.


tor, set parameters and system data n No-volt release on network interruption n Terminal connection (pluggable) n Transformer current .../5 A (.../1 A only on request)

able parameters, such as cos setpoint, switching time, step limit, etc. n Fault signal (visual) cos setpoint not attained n Fault signal contact cos not attained, as option, quote A43 in order details, see page 13/2.

Base height mm 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200

Cabinet dimensions Width mm 600 600 800 800 1200 600 600 800 800 1200

Order code Depth mm 400 600 400 600 600 400 600 400 600 600 A20 A21 A22 A23 A24 A25 A26 A27 A28 A29 Siemens SR 10.6 1998







Additional ordering details: A -Z should be added to the full order number for a correction unit or module and the appropriate order code stated. Example: A 300 kvar correction unit without reactors on 400 V 50 Hz is to be fitted with a five-wire connection. Order No. 4RY18 30 - 3FE06-Z A36 Accessories can also be ordered directly with the appropriate order number 4RX9....

Order No. or order code 4RX9001

Description of additional equipment

Optical readout head for SIMEAS C controller for the optical RS232 interface provided on the controller for parameterization and data transfer via PC. Optical head with PC connecting lead and software Back-up fuse for small P.F.C. units Fault signalling contact for BLR CC controller Built-in control transformer for 4RY/4RF power factor correction units (controllers, contactors, fans) State primary voltage in plain text, secondary voltage 230 V 50 or 60 Hz PS(S1) = 0.25 kVA, up to 550 kvar 4RY / up to 300 kvar 4RF PS(S1) = 0.63 kVA, up to 1200 kvar 4RY / up to 850 kvar 4RF Built-in control transformer for controller modules State primary voltage in plain text, secondary voltage 230 V 50 or 60 Hz only supply voltage for power factor controller and fan PS(S1) = 160 VA Special paint per enclosure/cabinet State RAL code in plain text Five-wire connection for 4RY/4RF P.F.C. units

A40 A43

A12 A13 A14


Capacitor contactors 3RT16.. see Catalog Controls and Distribution 1998/99 Order No.: E20002-K1002-A101-A8-7600



Transport blanking cover 144 x 144 mm mounted in the cabinet door in front of the controller (only required for controller, mounted on DIN rails in cabinet)


Controller adapter for installing the SIMEAS C power factor controller on DIN top-hat rails instead of the 4RY83 controller


Built-in filter fan Size 3 filter fan 8MR3113-0MA incl. fusing and thermostat, outlet filter size 3-4, 8MR3113-0AA, other filter sizes on request


Transformer terminals for testing and isolating power circuits without interrupting operation Copper connecting lugs 1 set (3 pieces) of copper lugs E-Cu 30 x 10 mm for connecting two 4RF5 capacitor modules with front section busbars For module width 536 mm For module width 720 mm

4RX9403 4RX9404

4RX9620 4RX9622

1 set of supporting pillars for 8MF/8ME cabinets for mounting 4RY56 and 4RY5... capacitor modules with 720 mm base plate width For cabinet height 2000 mm For cabinet height 2200 mm Fan assembly module Control voltage 230 V 50 Hz, with built-in thermostat, airflow rate 930 m3/h, power consumption 123 VA 536 mm module width for 600 mm cabinet width 580 mm module width for 600 mm cabinet width 720 mm module width for 800 mm cabinet width 1 discharge resistor for 3TK42 contactor for use on all system voltages low ohmic resistance, switched via auxiliary contacts NC contact of 3TK42 contactor for < 10 s quick discharge of the capacitor switched by the contactor. Two resistors must be used per contactor.


4RX9830 4RX9831 4RX9832 4RX9204


Siemens SR 10.6 1998


Selection table for connecting cables and back-up fuses LV HRC fuses to be used for capacitor modules and fixed compensation units



Degrees of protection IP provided by the enclosure 14/4 Max. permissible voltages on 4RB power capacitors Catalog index Subject and order number index Conditions of sale and delivery

14/5 14/6




Selection table for connecting cables and back-up fuses

Rating per cabinet or housing kvar up to 21 25 30 35 40 45 50 60 70 75 80 100 125 150 160 175 200 250 300 350 400 450 500

System voltage 400 V AC 50 Hz Rated current Fuse per phase L1, L2, L3 A 35 63 80 100 100 160 200 250 300 355 400 500 630 2 x 3551) 2 x 4001) 2 x 5001) 2 x 6301) Cable cross-section per phase L1, L2, L3 mm2 10 16 25 35 35 70 95 120 150 2 x 70 2 x 95 2 x 120 2 x 150 2 x 185 4 x 95 4 x 120 4 x 150

System voltage 525 V AC 50 Hz Rated current Fuse per phase L1, L2, L3 A 27.5 54.9 82.5 110 137 165 192 220 275 330 385 440 495 550 50 100 125 200 200 250 300 355 400 500 630 2 x 3551) 4 x 4001) 2 x 5001) Cable cross-section per phase L1, L2, L3 mm2 10 35 35 95 95 120 150 185 2 x 95 2 x 120 2 x 150 2 x 185 4 x 95 4 x 120

System voltage 690 V AC 50 Hz Rated current Fuse per phase L1, L2, L3 A 20.9 41.8 62.7 83.6 105 126 146 167 209 251 293 335 377 418 63 100 125 160 200 250 315 400 500 2 x 3151) 25 35 70 95 120 185 2 x 95 2 x 120 2 x 185 50 16 Cable cross-section per phase L1, L2, L3 mm2 10

A 30.3 36.1 43.3 50.5 57.7 64.9 72.2 86.6 101 108 115 144 180 217 231 253 289 361 433 505 577 650 722

Recommended connecting cables and back-up fuses for power factor correction units The table applies to: Power factor correction units without and with reactors, four-wire PVC three-phase cables with copper conductors (NYY), open-air laying, ambient temperature + 35 C. The table does not apply for deviations with regard to the type of cable, laying method and ambient temperature. The system operator is responsible for the selection of the connecting cables (see DIN VDE 0298 Part 2).


1) With this fusing the following warning notice is recommended Warning, feedback voltage due to parallel cable.


Siemens SR 10.6 1998

Notes: In this table LV HRC fuses only up to size 3 at 630 A are recommend-ed. The table can also be used for the 4RD and 4RF fixed compensation units, if required. Normally, fixed compensation units are directly connected in parallel to the compensated load. The connecting cables must then be selected according to the overcurrent protective device of the compensated load.


Recommended NH-gL/gG fuses on 4RY56 and 4RF5 capacitor modules or in 4RD and 4RF6 fixed compensation units

Capacitor rating

System voltage

Operating current Ie A 31 63 94 126 7 9 14 18 22 29 36 54 58 72 108 144 144 33 66 98 131 131 27 55 82 110 110 21 42 63 84 84

Ie x 1.5

kvar 12.5 25 37.5 (12.5 + 25) 50 (25 + 25) 5 6.25 10 12.5 15 20 25 37.5 40 50 75 (25 + 50) 100 (50 + 50) 100 25 50 75 (25 + 50) 100 (50 + 50) 100 25 50 75 (25 + 50) 100 (50 + 50) 100 25 50 75 (25 + 50) 100 (50 + 50) 100

V 230

A 46.5 94.5 141 189 10.5 13.5 21 27 33 43.5 54 81 87 108 162 216 216 49.5 99 147 196.5 196.5 40.5 82.5 123 165 165 31.5 63 94.5 126 126

Fuse rated current for 4RY56 or 4RD A 63 100 63 and 100 100 and 100 16 16 25 35 35 50 63 80 80 100 63 and 100 100 and 100 250 50 100 50 and 100 100 and 100 200 50 100 50 and 100 100 and 100 200 35 63 35 and 63 63 and 63 125

Fuse rated current for 4RF5 or 4RF6 A 100 200 16 16 25 35 35 50 63 80 80 100 100 and 100 250 50 100 100 and 100 200 50 100 100 and 100 200 35 63 35 and 63 63 and 63 125





Note: e.g. 35 and 63 means that LV HRC fuse links are fitted to two LV HRC disconnectors per module.

Siemens SR 10.6 1998



Degrees of protection IP provided by the enclosure Degrees of protection for power factor correction Power factor correction units which are designed as lowvoltage switching device combinations as per EN 60439 Part 1, DIN VDE 0660 Part 500, IEC 439-1, must be equipped with at least degree of protection IP2X. This does not apply to units on mounting plates or modules intended for installation in existing enclosures. Detailed information on IP degrees of protection provided by the enclosure can be found in DIN VDE 0470 Part 1, EN 60529. Power factor correction units and fixed compensation units in this catalog are equipped with IP20, IP22D, IP40, IP54 and IP65 degrees of protection. The units are constructed in such a way that, at an ambient temperature of + 35 C (mean value over a period of 24 h), the temperature limits are not exceeded without auxiliary cooling. Degrees of protection higher than those provided in this catalog require special design. The capacitor rating in each enclosure must either be reduced or auxiliary cooling (fan or heat exchanger) must be implemented. For this reason, degrees of protection higher than those specified in this catalog should only be requested if this is absolutely essential at the site at which the units are installed due to ambient conditions or for safety reasons.

Protection IP20

First digit Safe to touch and protection against solid foreign bodies 12.5 mm diameter is ensured. Safe to touch and protection against solid foreign bodies 12.5 mm diameter is ensured.

Second digit No protection against water1).

Supplementary letter


Protection against vertical dripping water, even if the enclosure is tilted by up to 15 on both sides of the vertical. No protection against water1).

Protection against access to dangerous parts with 1 mm wire.


Protection against access to dangerous parts with 1 mm wire and protection against solid foreign bodies 1mm diameter is ensured. Protection against access to dangerous parts with a 1 mm wire and against dust is ensured. Protection against access to dangerous parts with a 1 mm wire is ensured and the enclosure is dust-tight.


Protection against splash water.


Protection against jets of water.

Designation The degree of protection provided by the enclosure is designated by the IP code which comprises 2 digits and 2 optional letters (additional letter and complementary letter). The first digit designates the electric-shock hazard protection and the protection against ingress of solid foreign bodies. The second digit designates the protection against the ingress of water. The additional letter denotes the degree of protection with regard to exposure to dangerous parts; the complementary letter indicates the additional qualities for water and weather protection (not relevant for power factor correction). The table above provides an overview of the degrees of protection specified in this catalog.

1) Certain protection against vertical dripping water is already provided as all enclosures have IP20 and IP40 by means of a raised roof. Under certain circumstances, however, splashes from dripping water may penetrate the inside of the cabinet. 2) The degree of protection IP22D is implemented as follows: Ventilation slots in the door covered with 1 mm protection grid, slots in roof covered with 10 mm protection grid and prod-proof roof metal design. This promotes heat dissipation through the cabinet roof. Foreign bodies > 1 mm can only penetrate the cabinet roof if they enter the unit from the bottom to the top through the roof metal construction. The first digit here is 2 for this reason only. The degree of protection IP22D therefore is the optimum solution for most installation sites with regard to heat dissipation and degree of protection.

Siemens SR 10.6 1998


Maximum permissible voltages on 4RB power capacitors Continuous voltages Power capacitors must be suitable for operation with the voltages specified in the adjacent table. The overvoltage values which are permissible without noticeable damage to the capacitor depend on their duration, frequency with which they occur, and the capacitor temperature. It is assumed that the overvoltages in the table which are higher than 1.15 times UN occur 200 times throughout the operating time of the capacitor.

Voltage factor times UN

Maximum duration


UN is the r.m.s. value of the sinusoidal AC voltage for which the capacitor is designed and rated
constant Maximum mean value during the entire operating time of the capacitor. Exceptions are permitted for switch-on times of less than 24 h. (For more detailed information see IEC 831-1) System voltage fluctuations

System frequency


1.1 1.15 1.2 1.3 System frequency with harmonics

8 h daily 30 min daily 5 min 1 min

Voltage increase at low load (for power factor correction units, the capacitors are switched off by the controller in this case)

Such that the capacitor current does not exceed 1.5 times the rated capacitor current.

Note: In systems without reactors, the rated voltage UN of the capacitor can always coincide with the rated voltage of the system in which the capacitor is operated. It is not necessary to use 4RB capacitors with a higher rated voltage UN (e.g. 415 V AC or 440 V AC) in a system with a certain rated voltage (e.g. 400 V AC 50 Hz).

In systems with reactors, the voltage increase which occurs at the capacitor terminals as a result of connecting the reactor and capacitor in series must be considered. The voltage Uc at the capacitor terminals is calculated using the formula:

Uc =

Un 1 p
400 V = 430 V 1 007 .

e.g. Uc =

p = reactor/capacitor ratio e.g. 0.07 for 7 % Un = system voltage e.g. 400 V AC.

Siemens SR 10.6 1998


Catalog Index

Catalog Index of the Power Transmission and Distribution Group (Protection and Substation Control Systems Division)

Title Power Quality Fault Recorder OSCILLOSTORE Fault and Digital Recorder SIMEAS R Power System Quality Analysis OSCILLOSTORE Active Filter and Power Conditioner for Distribution Networks SIPCON P/S Low-Voltage Capacitors and Power Factor Correction Units SIPCON T Analog Protective Relaying Static Analog Network Protection Relays Static Analog Machine Protection Relays Static Analog Ancillary Protection Equipment Hand and Electrical Reset Tripping Relay 7PA20 Trip Circuit Supervision Relay 7PA21 Pilot-Wire Differential Relay 7SD24 Microprocessor Based Overcurrent Relay 7SJ55 High-Speed Busbar Differential Relay 7SS10 High Impedance Differential Relay 7VH80 Auto-Reclose Relay 7VK14 Numerical Protective Relaying Numerical Protection Devices Operation and Evaluation Software for Numerical Protection Devices Relay Selection Guide SIPROTEC 7SJ600 Overcurrent, Motor and Overload Protection SIPROTEC 7SJ601 Overcurrent Protection 7SJ41 Definite-Time Overcurrent Protection Relay 7SJ511 Numerical Overcurrent-Time Protection (Version V3) 7SJ512 Numerical Overcurrent-Time Protection (Version V3) 7SJ512 Numerical Feeder Protection SIPROTEC 7SJ531 Numerical Line and Motor Protection with Control Function 7SJ551 Multi-Function Protection Relay SIPROTEC 7SA510 Distance Protection Relay (Version V3) SIPROTEC 7SA511 Distance Protection Relay (Version V3) 7SA513 Line Protection Relay (Version V3) 7SA518/519 Overhead Control-Line Protection Relay (Version V3) 3VU13 Miniature Circuit-Breaker 7SD502 Line Differential Protection with Two Pilot Wires 7SD503 Line Differential Protection with Three Pilot Wires 7SD511/512 Current Comparison Protection Relay (Version V3) for Overhead Lines and Cables 7UT512/513 Differential Protection Relay (Version V3) for Transformers, Generators and Motors 7SS5 Station Protection Auxiliary Current Transformers 4AM50, 4AM51, 4AM52 and Isolating Transformers 7XR95 Introduction to Earth-Fault Detection 7SN71 Transient Earth-Fault Relay 7XR96 Toroidal Current Transformer 7VC1637 Earth-Leakage Monitor 7SK52 Motor Protection Introduction to Generator Protection 7UM511 Generator Protection Relay (Version V3) 7UM512 Generator Protection Relay (Version V3) 7UM515 Generator Protection Relay (Version V3) 7UM516 Generator Protection Relay (Version V3) 7UW50 Tripping Matrix 7VE51 Synchronizing Unit 7VP151 Three-Phase Portable Test Set (Omicron CMC56) 7XV72 Test Switch 7SV50 Numerical Circuit-Breaker Failure Protection Relay 7SV512 Numerical Circuit-Breaker Failure Protection Relay 7VK512 Numerical Auto-Reclose/Check-Synchronism Relay 7SM70 Analog Output Unit 7SM71 Analog Output Unit 7SV7220 Power Supply Unit SIPROTEC 7RW600 Numerical Voltage, Frequency and Overexcitation Relay Centralized and Remote Control of Siemens Portection Relays (Overview) Operating and Analysis Software DIGSI V3


Order No.

SR 10.1 SR 10.1.1 SR 10.2 SR 10.5 SR 10.6

E50001-K4010-A101-A1-7600 E50001-K4011-A101-A1-7600 E50001-K4020-A101-A1-7600 E50001-K4050-A201-A1-7600 E50001-K4060-A101-A1-7600

R 1.1 R 1.2 R 1.3 R (Extract) R (Extract) R (Extract) R (Extract) R (Extract) R (Extract) R (Extract)

E50001-K4501-A111-A1-7600 E50001-K4501-A121-A1-7600 E50001-K4501-A131-A1-7600 E86010-K4500-A151-A1-7600 E86010-K4500-A161-A1-7600 E86010-K4500-A131-A1-7600 E50001-K4500-A361-A2-7600 E50001-K4500-A241-A2-7600 E86010-K4500-A321-A1-7600 E86010-K4500-A141-A1-7600

LSA 2.0.1 LSA 2.0.2 LSA 2.0.3 LSA 2.1.15 LSA 2.1.16 LSA 2.1.10 LSA 2.1.3 LSA 2.1.4 LSA 2.1.30 LSA 2.1.9 LSA 2.4.2 LSA 2.1.17 LSA 2.1.11 LSA 2.1.12 LSA 2.1.14 LSA 2.1.8 LSA 2.2.1 LSA 2.2.2 LSA 2.2.3 LSA 2.2.4 LSA 2.2.5 LSA 2.2.6 LSA 2.3.1 LSA 2.3.2 LSA 2.3.3 LSA 2.3.4 LSA 2.4.1 LSA 2.5.1 LSA 2.5.2 LSA 2.5.3 LSA 2.5.4 LSA 2.5.5 LSA 2.5.6 LSA 2.5.7 LSA 2.6.1 LSA 2.6.2 LSA 2.7.1 LSA 2.7.2 LSA 2.7.3 LSA 2.7.5 LSA 2.7.6 LSA 2.7.9 LSA 2.7.10 LSA 2.8.1 LSA 2.8.2

E50001-K5702-A011-A1-7600 E50001-K5702-A121-A1-7600 E50001-K5702-A031-A2-7600 E50001-K5712-A251-A2-7600 E50001-K5712-A261-A1-7600 E50001-K5712-A201-A2-7600 E50001-K5712-A131-A3-7600 E50001-K5712-A141-A3-7600 E50001-K5712-A411-A1-7600 E50001-K5712-A191-A4-7600 E50001-K5742-A121-A3-7600 E50001-K5712-A271-A1-7600 E50001-K5712-A211-A2-7600 E50001-K5712-A221-A1-7600 E50001-K5712-A241-A1-7600 E50001-K5712-A181-A2-7600 E50001-K5722-A111-A2-7600 E50001-K5722-A121-A2-7600 E50001-K5722-A131-A2-7600 E50001-K5722-A141-A2-7600 E50001-K5722-A151-A2-7600 E50001-K5722-A161-A1-7600 E50001-K5732-A111-A2-7600 E50001-K5732-A121-A1-7600 E50001-K5732-A131-A1-7600 E50001-K5732-A141-A1-7600 E50001-K5742-A111-A1-7600 E50001-K5752-A111-A1-7600 E50001-K5752-A121-A2-7600 E50001-K5752-A131-A2-7600 E50001-K5752-A141-A2-7600 E50001-K5752-A151-A1-7600 E50001-K5752-A161-A1-7600 E50001-K5752-A171-A1-7600 E50001-K5762-A111-A2-7600 E50001-K5762-A121-A1-7600 E50001-K5772-A111-A1-7600 E50001-K5772-A121-A1-7600 E50001-K5772-A131-A1-7600 E50001-K5772-A151-A1-7600 E50001-K5772-A161-A1-7600 E50001-K5772-A191-A1-7600 E50001-K5772-A201-A1-7600 E50001-K5782-A111-A1-7600 E50001-K5782-A121-A1-7600

Siemens SR 10.6 1998

Catalog Index

Catalog Index of the Power Transmission and Distribution Group (Protection and Substation Control Systems Division)

Title Substation Control and Protection Input/Output Unit 6MB522 Input/Output Unit 6MB523 6MB511/6MB512 Substation Control Master Unit and 7SW511/7SW512 Relay Data Concentrator 6MB520/6MB521 Input/Output Units 6MB513/514 Compact Control Master Unit and Relay Data Concentrator 6MB524 Bay Control Unit 6MB525 Mini Bay Unit (MBU) 6MB5510 Station Control Unit 6MB552 Compact Remote Terminal Unit 6MB5530-0 Minicompact Remote Terminal Unit 6MB5530-1 Minicompact Remote Terminal Unit for Cable Shield Communication 6MB5540 SINAUT LSA COMPACT Remote Terminal Unit 6MB5515 Station Control Unit Control in SINAUT LSA Substation Control and Protection Status Indications in SINAUT LSA Substation Control and Protection Analog Values in SINAUT LSA Substation Control and Protection Metering in SINAUT LSA Substation Control and Protection Voltage Control with Input/Output Units 6MB520/6MB521 Network Synchronization with Input/Output Units 6MB520/521 Operation with Two Control Master Units Node Functions in SINAUT LSA Substation Control and Protection System Management with the SINAUT LSA Substation Control and Protection System LSADIAG - Testing and Diagnostics System for SINAUT LSA Substation Control and Protection LSACONTROL - Control and Monitoring LSAPROCESS - Process Information Analysis LSA 678 Standard Cubicle


Order No.

LSA 1.1.1 LSA 1.1.2 LSA 1.1.3 LSA 1.1.4 LSA 1.1.6 LSA 1.1.7 LSA 1.1.8 LSA 1.2.1 LSA 1.2.2 LSA 1.2.3 LSA 1.2.4 LSA 1.2.5 LSA 1.2.6 LSA 1.4.1 LSA 1.4.2 LSA 1.4.3 LSA 1.4.4 LSA 1.4.5 LSA 1.4.6 LSA 1.4.7 LSA 1.4.8 LSA 1.4.9 LSA 1.5.2 LSA 1.5.3 LSA 1.5.5 LSA 1.6.1

E50001-K5701-A111-A4-7600 E50001-K5701-A121-A2-7600 E50001-K5701-A131-A2-7600 E50001-K5701-A141-A1-7600 E50001-K5701-A161-A1-7600 E50001-K5701-A171-A1-7600 E50001-K5701-A181-A1-7600 E50001-K5701-A211-A2-7600 E50001-K5701-A221-A1-7600 E50001-K5701-A231-A1-7600 E50001-K5701-A241-A1-7600 E50001-K5701-A251-A1-7600 E50001-K5701-A261-A1-7600 E50001-K5701-A411-A1-7600 E50001-K5701-A421-A1-7600 E50001-K5701-A431-A1-7600 E50001-K5701-A441-A1-7600 E50001-K5701-A451-A1-7600 E50001-K5701-A461-A1-7600 E50001-K5701-A471-A1-7600 E50001-K5701-A481-A1-7600 E50001-K5701-A491-A1-7600 E50001-K5701-A521-A1-7600 E50001-K5701-A531-A1-7600 E50001-K5701-A551-A1-7600 E50001-K5701-A611-A1-7600

Siemens SR 10.6 1998


Subject and Order Number Index

Subject index
Page Accessories Active filter (Catalog SR 10.5) Ambient temperature Back-up fuses Blocking factor BLR CC controller Branch Cabinet base Capacitance stability Capacitors Capacitors with reactors Capacitor contactors Catalog index C/k value Combined reactor connected capacitors Conditions of sale and delivery Connecting cables Connecting lugs Control transformer Controller adapter Controller BLR CC Controller modules 4RY6 Degrees of protection IP Discharge device Discharge reactor Discharge resistors Discharge time Dynamic power factor correction (Catalog SR 10.5) 13/1-13/2 14/6 14/4 13/2, 14/2, 14/3 1/6 13/1 1/5 13/1 1/5 2/1-2/6 1/6, 2/4 13/2 14/6-14/7 1/5, 12/1 8/3, 9/3 last page 14/2 13/2 13/2 13/2 13/1 12/5-12/8 14/4 1/5, 2/3, 13/1 13/1 2/3, 13/2 1/5, 2/3, 13/1 14/6 Fan assembly Fan, fan module Filter circuits Filter fan Filtering Fixed compensation Fuses NH gL/gG Harmonics Impedance factor Impulse withstand capability Inrush current Linear loads MKK capacitors Modules Module fuses Modules with reactors Modules without reactors Motor capacitors Non- linear loads No-volt release Number of steps Optical interface Optical readout head Ordinal number Overvoltage Page 12/6, 13/2 12/6, 13/2 1/5, 11/1-11/2 13/2 1/5 2/2, 3/1-3/5, 10/1-10/4 14/2, 14/3 1/6 1/5 1/5 1/5 1/5 2/1-2/6 6/1-6/6, 9/1-9/8, 12/5-12/8, 13/2 14/3 9/1-9/8 6/1-6/6 1/5 1/6 12/3, 13/1 1/6 12/3 13/2 1/6 14/5 Power capacitors Power factor controller SIMEAS C Power factor correction units with reactors Power factor correction units without reactors Power loss (see Technical data) Power system analysis (Catalog SR 10.5) Precharging resistors Protective cut-off Reactor/capacitor ratio p Resonance Response time RS232 interface Self-healing SIKUS cubicle-type distribution units SIMEAS C controller SIPCON T Small power factor correction units Step function ratio Tuned filter circuits Voltage increase Voltage on capacitors Page 1/5, 2/1-2/6 12/1-12/4 7/1-7/12 5/1-5/5 14/6 1/5 1/6, 2/2 1/6 1/6 1/5, 12/3 12/3-12/4 1/6 4/4 12/1-12/3 1/6 4/1-4/8 1/6 1/5, 11/1-11/2 14/5 14/5

Order number index

Order No. 4EJ99 4RB5 4RD5 4RF14 4RF16/26 4RF17/27 4RF18/28 4RF19/29 4RF34/44 4RF36/46 4RF53 Page 13/1 2/1-2/6 3/1-3/5 11/1-11/2 7/4-7/5 7/6-7/7 7/8-7/9 7/10-7/11 8/3 8/4 9/3 Order No. 4RF56 4RF57 4RF58 4RF59 4RF66 4RF67 4RF69 4RW3/4/5/6 4RX91 4RX92 4RX98 Page 9/3 9/4 9/3 9/4 10/3 10/3 10/3 on request 2/3 2/3, 13/2 13/2 Order No. 4RY16 4RY18/28 4RY19/29 4RY36 4RY38/48 4RY39/49 4RY56 4RY66 4RY84 Page 4/3 5/1-5/5 4/3-4/5 4/6 5/4-5/5 4/6 6/1-6/6 12/5-12/8 12/4

Responsible for: Techncal contents: Olaf Koppe Siemens AG, EV S PQ2, Nuremberg General editing: Gabriele Pollok Siemens AG, EV BK T, Erlangen
Order No.: E50001-K4060-A101-A1-7600 Printed in Germany KGK 0698 15.0 88 En 100355 6101/U716

Conditions of Sale and Delivery

Conditions of Sale and Delivery Subject to the General Conditions of Supply and Delivery for Products and Services of the Electrical and Electronic Industry and to any other conditions agreed upon with the recipients of catalogs. We reserve the right to adjust the prices and shall charge the price applying on the date of delivery.

The technical data, dimensions and weights are subject to change unless otherwise stated on the individual pages of this catalog. The illustrations are for reference only.

Export Regulations In accordance with the present provisions of the German Export List and the US Commercial Control List, export licences are not required for the products listed in this catalog. An export licence may however be required due to countryspecific application and final destination of the products. Relevant are the export criteria stated in the delivery note and the invoice regarding a possible export and reexport licence. Subject to change without notice.

Trademarks All product designations used are trademarks or product names of Siemens AG or of other suppliers.

Dimensions All dimensions in this catalog are given in mm.

Bereich Energiebertragung und -verteilung Geschftsgebiet Sekundrsysteme Postfach 4806 D-90026 Nrnberg

Siemens Aktiengesellschaft

Order No.: E50001-K4060-A101-A1-7600

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