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The Cost Reduction Challenge - April 09

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The Cost Reduction Challenge

Dublin Chamber of Commerce
April 23, 2009

April 23, 2009

Market Challenge

The Market
• Credit crunch
• Recession
• Declining revenues
• Tighter margins
• Fixed cost base
• Negative returns for shareholders
• Cash flow

The Challenge
• Increase revenue/margin
• Reduce cost
• Generate cash

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PwC CEO Pulse Survey 2009

• Cost is the top challenge for CEO’s, followed by growing market share and
financing the business
• The turmoil has impacted investment plans and access to finance the most
• Survey reveals that businesses will have taken decisive action by the end of
2009 (this combines action taken in 2008 and planned action in 2009):

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Market Challenge – Cost Reduction

PwC Points of View:

The current global environment creates a new imperative for companies in

all sectors to embed sustainable cost reduction programmes

• Cost management is now the priority issue for the foreseeable future - fundamental re-
thinking regarding business strategies, operating models and cost structures will all be
• The baseline for cost analysis must be aligned to current forecast revenues
• An understanding of the true profitability of each business is essential
• The cost focus must be enterprise wide
• Many organizations confuse “cost postponement” with total cost management
• A well organized end-to-end program is needed
• Consistent investment in cost control is required
• The tone at the top is key
• An executive dashboard is required to monitor results
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Cost Reduction Cost Control Culture

Agenda Strategy

KPIs’ / Metrics

Role of Finance
Profit & Loss
Balance Sheet
Cost of Sales Sourcing
Margin structures
Op Ex

End-to-end processes

IT Systems

April 23, 2009

Key Challenges

• Revenue / Margin
• People Costs
• Supply Chain
• Procurement Spend
• Finance
• Cash Management
• IT
• Structures
• Metrics
• Project Management

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Key Challenges


Limited cross selling across organisations;

Rebate issues – not consistent in chasing recoverability;

No visibility of margins end to end;

Ownership and accountability of management, sales & buyers.

What Others are Doing:

 Developing activity based models to better understand margin by product;
service; customer; channel; etc
 Revisiting bonus / commission schemes
 Mapping order-to-cash value chain for effective business management
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Key Challenges


Incentives not aligned to strategic objectives;

Skill-sets not appropriate to role requirements;

Tackling non base-pay costs;

Overcapacity and inefficient work practices.

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Tackling Non Base-Pay Costs

Review staff related cost areas: Assess headcount levels:

• Overtime
• Review roles to ensure they are value add roles –
• can the amount of overtime be reduced
essential activity
• can the uplift % be reduced
• can overtime be compensated by time-in-lieu • Carry out a process review – map end-to-end
• Leverage a flexible cost base – processes with swim lanes for responsibilities and
• outsource or centralise non core services identify duplication, looking to release capacity
• adopt a mix of permanent & temporary staff • Review part time working, unpaid leave, leave of
• Salary freeze absence, job share, sick leave
• Review incentives / bonuses
• align to benefit delivered
Pay Cuts / Redundancy:
• align to key strategic objectives
• Review pension benefits / structures • Consider pay cuts first
• Reassess fringe benefits • Where redundancy is required, better to have a
• Review utilisation within shifts targeted redundancy approach, clearly defining
scope with HR department
• New hires approval – need business case
• Minimise external cover for absenteeism • Leverage cost efficient redundancy packages –
options to structure packages to yield most to
• Performance management – look at
underperformance and address issues employee at least cost to employer

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Inefficient Work Practices

1. Order to Cash Review

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Customer Establish Process Pick & Stock Deliver Issue Collect Credit Manage Manage
Set-up Credit Order Pack Management Goods Invoice Cash Monitoring Promotions Customer
Limit Shipment Service

2. Procure to Pay
1. Supplier 2. Raise 3. Receive 4. Receive 5. Pay 6. Manage 7. Pay
Set-up requisition Goods Invoice Invoice Supplier Expenses

3. Record to Report
1. Financial 2. Record & 3. Journalise 4. Run period 5. Prepare
Data Mgt Validate Data transactions end procedures Financial &
MI reports

6. Bank 7. Budgeting 8. Forecasting 9. Fixed

reconciliation Asset Mgt

April 23, 2009

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Process Flow
Lean project example

ASD gathers PI sends

PI reviews PID request
Information No back to ASD
PID request Meets PID
And requests initiation requesting to
a complete required
PID be opened information
Via email 15 minutes
60 minutes Yes 1 minute

Pi sends email PID is reviewed

Meet Friday To PAP board ASD Capacity Weekly
Pi Creates PID At Weekly Analyst PAP meeting
In Milestone

10 minutes
Work Time
Deadline? Yes

To add new PID
To PAP meeting

4 days
PAP meeting

10 minutes
And reviews
ASD request

7 days
Review of ASD
Capacity Review

10 minutes
Pi deletes
PID in
and notifies
5 minutes
2 hours
7 days

Direction given
PAP Board

PAP Board
Review PID

No ASD Capacity
Approval? Yes

Pi submits Yes
PID is reviewed PID status
ASD Capacity PID to local CIT
Updates Board for At Weekly PID approved? Changed to
CIT Board Approved in
Demand plan review
meeting Milestone
55 minutes
minutes No
5 minutes 2 days
5 minutes
PID Cancel PID
Update PID to be
Returned to
PI for updated Or
Requested cancelled?
April 23, 2009
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New Process Flow

ASD gathers
Time Removed
PI reviews PID request PI sends
Information No back to ASD
And requests PID request Meets PID
initiation requesting to ---11
20 Days
4 Days
a complete required
PID be opened information
Via email 15 minutes - -26
16 min
60 minutes Yes 1 minute

Pi sends email PID is reviewed

Meet Friday To PAP board ASD Capacity Weekly
Pi Creates PID At Weekly Analyst PAP meeting
Deadline? Yes To add new PID
In Milestone Tuesday assigned Review of ASD
To PAP meeting PAP meeting
agenda And reviews Capacity Review
No ASD request
10 minutes 10 minutes
Wait 4 days 10 minutes
Pi deletes 7 days
PID in Cancel
Milestone 7 days Direction given Review PID
and notifies By
PAP Board No ASD Capacity
No Review
5 minutes Complete?
Yes PAP Board
Approval? Yes

Pi submits Yes
PID is reviewed PID status
ASD Capacity PID to local CIT
Updates Board for At Weekly PID approved? Changed to
CIT Board Approved in
Demand plan review
meeting Milestone
5 minutes No
5 minutes 2 days
5 minutes
PID Cancel PID
Update PID to be
Returned to
PI for updated Or
Requested cancelled?
April 23, 2009
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New Process Flow

Pi submits Yes PID status

Pi open PID to local CIT PID approved? Changed to
PID Board for Approved in
review Milestone

No 5 minutes

Returned to to be
PI for updated Or
updates Time Saved
Update PID cancelled?

15 minutes Cancel PID

Up to 20 days and 36 minutes

Pi deletes
PID in ASD Capacity
and notifies Demand plan
5 minutes
5 minutes

April 23, 2009

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Key Challenges


No clear visibility of the value chain – sales to cost of sales to inventory to margin;

Inventory forecasting deficiencies;

Not rationalising product ranges and promoting slow moving stock;

Logistics – optimising minimum order quantities; route management; etc.

What Others are Doing:

 Mapping the value chain for efficiency & effectiveness
 Re-configuring logistics approach
 Applying operational disciplines

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Key Challenges


Rationalising the supplier base and leveraging consolidated demand to improve

supplier prices and terms;

Regular review, negotiation and appropriateness of supplier contracts;

Tackling spend categories - usage & price.

What Others are Doing:

 Establishing ‘Procurement Projects’ to leverage best value in
- price;
- terms;
- usage.
 Optimising the Procure-to-Pay process
April 23, 2009
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Optimising Procure-to-Pay Process

Management effort and resources I must develop my

What value own local practices to
can overcome limitations
procurement of central
add? procurement

No external
Procurement of practices or
Conflicting does not costs
priorities in the Procurement
follow best
business activities are
not aligned
How do we
Strategy People Process Systems procurement

A lot of effort is
being drained …
• Strategy/vision is not • No alignment of • No formal supplier • Procurement processes
aligned with overall Procurement assessment are supported by
business accountabilities • Lack of consistent manual, paper based
• Limited strategic • Central procurement processes across the systems
partnerships with initiatives are not business • Procurement not
suppliers supported locally • No formal receipting of integrated with other
• No leverage of group • Limited capabilities for goods or services to business systems
purchasing power procurement best support invoice matching • Procurement system
• Procurement has low practice • Large supplier base (for does not provide access
to key data
profile, viewed as safety) including ‘one-time Procurement
tactical vendors’

April 23, 2009

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Key Challenges


Inefficient month end close process;

Lack of cost transparency – visibility of profitability; value for spend; hidden cost?;

Opportunities to leverage shared services and/or outsourcing;

Poorly integrated internal systems;

Manual processes – excel hell; paying suppliers by cheque.

What Others are Doing:

 Re-configuring Finance Function to meet needs of business
 Investing in people and systems to improve processes
April 23, 2009
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Objectives: Demands Focussed on Three Areas

Finance objectives have to be balanced between the

requirements for Insight & Action, Compliance &
Control and Efficiency.

Compliance and Control: The accountability of CFOs Insight

Current view
means compliance and improving control have been
top of the agenda in recent years. The future finance Aspirational
function needs to optimise compliance and control to
establish a sustainable cost effective control
environment which meets today’s requirements as well
as being flexible for future changes in regulations.

Efficiency in finance means performing tasks in a

timely and cost effective manner to achieve the defined
quality by making use of Leading Practice approaches,
Tools and Sourcing. Also the finance function must be
more robust and scaleable to support future business

Insight is at the heart of the vision of the future finance

function. It can take the form of corporate performance Compliance Efficiency
management (CPM), business analytics, corporate
information logistics and straightforward management & Control

April 23, 2009

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Developing Role of Finance Function

To bring a greater focus on delivering insight to the business the roles that are undertaken by a high
performing Finance function are changing from that of Scorekeeper to Caretaker and from Commentator to
Business Partner
Business Skills
Commentator Value adding activities
Business Partner

eg Shift from reconciliation to insightful analysis

eg Earn place at the decision making table

Reactive Proactive

eg Automate &
Seek process efficiency eg Monitor Service Level Agreements

Score Keeper Accounting Skills Caretaker

Mandatory activities

Current Profile

Target Profile
April 23, 2009
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Key Challenges


Order to cash inefficiencies, especially invoicing, credit notes & rebates;

Cash management – visibility; forecasting; and centrally controlled;

Management of Working Capital – lack of ownership.

What Others are Doing:

 Moving from monthly to weekly cash forecasting
 Identifying and eliminating sources of inefficiency in receivables & inventory mgt
 Establishing and driving targets for DSO; DSI; DPO
 Aligning working capital management targets to personal performance metrics

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Key Challenges


Inadequate IT skills match to business requirements;

Lack of systems integration;

Poor management information systems.

What Others are Doing:

 Re-investing in systems to improve efficiency and effectiveness
 Restructuring IT to meet needs of business
 Automating manual activities

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Key Challenges


Shared services or outsourcing opportunities not being leveraged;

Terms of outsourcing contracts not being challenged.

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SSC Value Chain

•Deploy IT Systems
• Create Center of
Excellence •Retain Capability to
Meet Business Needs
• Eliminate Duplicate Job
Activities •Enhance Control
• Leverage Scale
Centralize Standardize •Provide Consistent &
• Allow Business to Accurate Information
Focus on More
Strategic Needs •Strengthen Business
Colleague Continuity Plan
People & Satisfaction

• Value added
Realize the Implement
• Increase Automation
Reporting Benefits Best Practices • Utilize Benchmarking
• Enhance Customer Focus
• Deploy desk
• Share Support for Technology/ Tools
Mergers & Acquisitions
• Implement Major
• Provide Risk Mitigation Process Improvements
• Flawless Control • Leverage Multiple
Environment Locations
April 23, 2009
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Why choose Outsourcing?

Exploit External Reduce Operating Costs

Management Expertise

Focus Increased transparency

Improve Company s Co
Focus es of costs

si n

Increased control

During turbulent economic
Share Risks conditions

Function May Be
To Manage


Access To World-Class
vi c

Improve Services Capabilities

e Re
Service Standards
Resources Not
Available Internally

April 23, 2009

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Key Challenges


Lack of relevant KPIs to support corporate performance management;

Metrics not aligned or inappropriate relative to strategy

Lack of performance reports / desktop reports;

What Others are Doing:

 Defining a small number of key metrics, which link business activities and
promote ownership, responsibility and accountability
 Investing in the development of integrated KPI dashboards

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How Companies are Communicating Performance

- indicators to guide the reader
- focussed rather than full detail
- simple graphics

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Key Challenges


Multiple projects, minimal resources

Projects not being delivered within timeline and/or budget

Benefits not being realised

What Others are Doing:

 Establishing Project Offices within their business to:
- Train staff in the disciplines of project management
- Prioritise projects and assign resources
- Plan & design each project – ownership; delivery milestones; benefits
- Monitor progress of each project and support as appropriate
- Ensure benefits proposed are delivered April 23, 2009
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Cost Control Culture

• Lead from the top

• Policies & Procedures

• Zero based budgeting

• Short interval control

• Involve everyone

• No ‘sacred cows’

• Spend every dollar as if it were your last – get value from money spent

April 23, 2009

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Thank You!

Garrett Cronin
01 792 8807

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