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Fault is a fault which is accompanied by a shift in position of the blocks of the disconnected (Tisnasomantri, 1998: 87).

There are three kinds of faults based on the fault occurred, the fault vertical, horizontal fault, and tilted fault. A vertical fault trending vertical movement of fault, the fault is the horizontal movement of fault trending tilted fault is horizontal while the shift vertical fault with a horizontal shift. According Mulyo (2004: 192), the general structure of the fault are grouped into three types of faults, ie normal faults, horizontally and reverse fault. Normal faults are faults that wallnya hanging down relative to the footwall. Normal faults have characteristics such as the slope of the fault plane, the fault traces that look almost straight, scratches on the fault line of a general nature, has the escarpment and shaped like a ladder. Horizontal fault is a fault between the hanging wall and foot wall moves to his side and parallel. Characteristics of faults such as flat fault plane has a steep slope up to the vertical, there is a strong erosion pathway, followed structural faults and folds, and forming a depression-related deviations merencong. Reverse fault is a fault which the hanging wall moves her foot up against the wall and has a slope angle less than 45 . Characteristics possessed by a reverse fault, among others, there are mountain folds, situated in an area that has thick sediments, the sliding motion is faster than the erosion process, the fault plane has a slick, has symptoms shuffle structure, and lines can be melonit sesarnya or slippery field with incised lines.


Geological structure is a structure change sedimentary rock layers due to tectonic forces work, so they no longer fulfill the law of superposition in addition also the structure of the geological structure of the earth's crust tectonic deformation products.

The branch of geology that explains in detail the geological structure called GEOLOGICAL STRUCTURE, where the geological structure is the branch of geology that studies the architectural form the earth's crust. Kekutan orogenik Tectonic and geological structures that shape it in the form of stress (voltage). Based on the uniformity of strength, stress can be divided into 2, namely:

A. Uniform stress (confining stress) Namely voltage push or pull with equal strength in all directions from or B. Differential Stress Namely voltage suppress or withdraw from or to one direction only, and may also from or to any direction, but one way is more dominant force.

Introduction to geological structures can be done indirectly through the following ways: a. Geological mapping by measuring the strike and dip. b. Interpretation of topographic maps, namely the appearance of symptoms of the river search, search and morphological contour lines and contour line pattern. c. Aerial photographs. d. Drilling. e. Geophysics, which is based on the properties owned by the rock, which is the method: Grafity, Geolectrik, Seismic, and Magnetic.

General geological structure formed by differential stress. From the aspect of his direction, there are 3 kinds of Differential stress, namely: 1. Compressional stress 2. Tensional stress 3. Shear stress


Rock when subjected to forces or stress will be changed or amended, the geological structure of this thing called "deformation".

Deformation adlah stages as follows:

1. Elastic Deformation (Deformation temporary) This temporary deformation occurs if the stress of work does not exceed the elastic limit stress batuan.Begitu stalled, then the shape or position of rock back to normal.

2. Ductile Deformation Ie deformation beyond the elastic limit of rock batuan.Mengakibatkan changed permanently the shape and volume, so the shape is different to the original form.

3. Fracture Deformation That is a very deformation beyond the elastic limit of rock, resulting in rupture. As is known, the earth consists of various parts of the outermost (the crust), composed by different layers of rocks batuan.Kedudukan than those at any place is not the same, depending on the strength of tectonic mempengaruhiya.

III-3 The existence of the forces that cause rocks uplifted and work-folded and when exposed to weathering and erosion, the rocks will be exposed on the surface of the earth.

Folds Crease is a change in the shape and volume of rock indicated by the rock arch or fold under the influence of a stress (force) acting on the rock is generally indicated by perlapisan perlengkungannya reflection on sedimentary rocks and can also at foliasi metamorphic rocks. In general, the types of lipatanyang most important are as follows: 1. Anticline, which folds the wings have a slope opposite direction. 2. Syncline, which has a wing that folds the second direction of the slope that leads to the same direction. Some definitions of folds: a. Wing folds, which is part of either side of the crease b. Folds peak, the highest point or line from a crease c. Folds field axis, which is a field that cut crease, dividing equally the angle formed by the crease.

d. Folds axis line, which is the intersection between the field axis with the horizontal plane. e. Kick (Strike), which is the direction of the line of intersection between the horizontal and a field concerned with the horizontal plane. f. Slope (Dip), the angle of the scattered and formed by an inclined plane with a horizontal plane and measured perpendicular to it. Folds ( Crease is a change in the shape and volume of rock that indicated by lengfkungan or folded rocks under the influence of a stress (force) acting on the rock. In general reflection coating on the bending shown in sedimentary rocks or foliasi in metamorphic rocks.

Syncline, which has a wing that folds the second direction of the slope that leads to the same direction. Some definitions of folds: a. Wing folds, which is part of either side of the crease b. Folds peak, the highest point or line from a crease c. Folds field axis, which is a field that cut crease, dividing equally the angle formed by the crease. d. Folds axis line, which is the intersection between the field axis with the horizontal plane. e. Kick (Strike), which is the direction of the line of intersection between the horizontal and a field concerned with the horizontal plane. f. Slope (Dip), the angle of the scattered and formed by an inclined plane with a horizontal plane and measured perpendicular to it.

Anticline is a fold back wings that slant toward each other and away from each other opposite (concav shape with convex upward). The central part of the anticline called the anticline core.

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