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It Takes A Child To Raise A Village: Mykayla's Story

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cant write this piece. That is the feeling that haunts me, clutters my thoughts and chokes my words before they have a chance to form. How can I do this little girl justice and capture her spirit on the printed page? I ask myself. Im not that good, my insides scream, she deserves so much better; shes already bearing a burden far beyond her tender years. But I have to and I will lean on Mykayla and let her courage be my inspiration as it has been for so many others. This brave little girl came into my life in the unlikeliest of circumstance, stole my heart and delivered a message for us all: The world is a much better place when viewed from the eyes of a child. I have two boys, men now, and while theyve both had their fair share of scrapes, Ive never had to listen to the type of news that Brandon Krenzler and Erin Purchase had to endure last July. Their seven-year-old daughter, Mykayla, had T-Cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia and it had metastasized to her brain and spinal fluid. It was aggressive and potentially fatal. I wasnt in the room that day but somehow its hard to silence the sound of two shattering hearts that is ringing in my ears. Terror must have filled the minds of all those present. All except one, brave little Mykayla. She is hope personified and a fighter whose weapons of choice are light and love. I understood the origins of Mykaylas bravery when her parents vowed to do anything to save their daughter and decided that Mykaylas best option was treating the illness with cannabis. The treatment itself isnt the risky part. Rather, the danger comes from the obstruction created by corporate interests, closeminded politicians and law enforcement who at this time control the plant. Or think they do. Brandon and Erin set their fears aside and with the help of altruistic caregivers, established a comprehensive treatment for Mykayla that combines cannabis therapy, juicing and oil with visits to her oncologist. At this time, it appears to be working and all who have been

touched by this little girl know what a miracle and gift to the world that truly is. My first encounter with Mykayla and her family came when I discovered through a friend that they needed help. Being there when it counts is what our community is about. We are the first responders. This isnt grandstanding or an opportunity to exploit a situation for attention to further ones own agenda, this is about a little girls life. I knew I had to be involved. I reached out to two wonderful and beautiful ladies, Anna Diaz and Madeline Martinez, cannabis reform powerhouses in Oregon who are always at the ready to lend a hand. Madeline owns The World Famous Cannabis Cafe and she generously and without hesitation offered up the venue for the Brave Mykayla Fundraiser. Together, they mobilized the volunteers required and Anna coordinated the entire event, ensuring that it would be a night to remember. It was. My end was easy now that I knew I didnt have to do any of the heavy lifting - thanks again, Anna. I am fortunate to be surrounded by many compassionate souls among my contributors, readers, suppliers and advertisers and, without exception, all who were contacted gave either time, money or support to this beautiful family. One even handed me $1,000 for Brandon anonymously, completely selfless, a pure heart. Once again, Mykayla was teaching us a lesson about our community: While we are diverse and sometimes contentious, this movement has at its heart compassion and the desire to do whats right. She was teaching us to suspend the world for a little bit and to experience the warm glow that emanates from humanity at its best, kindness and unity, oneness. She was teaching us to view the world with awe and wonder againthrough the eyes of a child. Mykayla wasnt able to attend the event in person because of health concerns, although she did end up stealing the show via her Skype appearance, capturing the hearts of all in attendance. I was to meet Mykala and her family the next day at their favorite restaurant and this was the part that really had me scared.

Hellos plague me as much as goodbyes and meeting Mykayla had me doubting my abilities to affect her positively. What do I say to her? Is she fragile? Will I make it worse? These were some of the questions that tormented me as the time approached. They vanished instantly with the little girls embrace. She deftly put me at ease with her smile and melted my heart by informing me that she had named the stuffed animal I had brought for her - an Arctic Wolf to remind her of Canada, where Im from - after me. Mykayla shared some of her future plans and wishes. She gushed about some of the amazing people who have helped her during her journey. What Mykayla didnt mention were all the people she had helped by example and courage. But she didnt have to because, as I learned subsequently, I was one of them. I was in the middle of a long road trip that began at the same time when Mykaylas parents heard the devastating news. I was feeling a little lost and lonely, unsure of my path, only knowing that I needed to keep moving. Some time ago, while I was in rehab, I Little angels are real found myself struggling with the concept of a higher power. I hadnt felt my soul for such a long time; I was in despair. I was searching for something that I couldnt see but knew I wanted. I wasnt looking for the conventional, but for some tangible source of spirituality. I realized that the rooms full of addicts and the fallen were my higher power. Suddenly, my mind and heart came together. The feelings I

Brandon, Erin, Mykayla and myself

experienced in those rooms became my saving grace. I hadnt felt that feeling in years until that night when our community had gathered with only love in their hearts. Together, we made a life better. And through Mykaylas unflinching courage, she made our lives better and taught us whats really important. In that room at the World Famous Cannabis Cafe, we had the unique opportunity to taste hope and wonder, something I thought I had lost once. All because I forgot to see the world as Mykayla does - through the eyes of a brave child. Thank you, Mykayla, for helping me.


to help a strong, brave little girl with leukemia who, over the past year, has become a sort of role model to many of us.
THE WORLD FAMOUS CANNABIS CAFE was the setting for the Brave Mykayla Fundraiser, which saw plenty of live music, food including quite the memorable dessert bar from Rabbithole Edibles - a conference room overflowing with items donated for the silent auction and an unrivaled amount of generosity. The evening kicked off with welcome remarks from emcee Valeesha, Madeline Martinez and Anna Diaz, the event coordinator, then the first musical act, Andrew Russell, took to the stage and set the perfect mood for attendees bidding on auction items with his heartfelt acoustic set. Soul Progression were on next and offered up a jazzy vibe with some great vocals, as the party got into full swing and, thanks to the help of the cafes awesome sound guys, Doug and Joe, Mykayla was able to watch the party via Skype. She also called the numbers for the raffles and everyone got a chance to say hello and see the amazing young girl the event was benefitting. In between sets, I presented Brandon Krenzler, Mykaylas father, with $1,000 from an anonymous donor and then, Get Down Jones rocked the house, as the silent auction heated up and got not so silent. DJ Brain Food finished off the night with his funky beats and gave everyone that last blast of energy they needed to make it to the end until it was time to count up the proceeds and hand them over to the wonderful Brandon and Erin.

Soul Progression

Brave Mykaylas got the top of the cake all to herself!

Gift Baskets auction World Famous Cannabis Caf

Anna Diaz and Madeline Martinez Rabbithole Edibles




and Mykayla and her family are no exception. While having a smoke outside, waiting for the night to begin and collecting my thoughts, I had the privilege of meeting Frankie and Erin Wallace, two of Mykaylas caregivers. I never know who Im going to meet on the road, nothing ever prepares you for that, but sometimes magic happens and you get to meet angels on Earth.
WHAT DREW YOU TO OREGON AND TO YOUR NEW VOCATION? Prior to moving to Oregon we had been cannabis enthusiasts for quite some time when we learned of Rick Simpsons work. Intrigued but skeptical, we started with a simple Google search and were amazed at the amount of credible information that was available. The more we researched, the more we became convinced that the medicinal benefits reported could possibly be true. We knew, in order to learn the truth, we needed to relocate to a state that allowed medical cannabis. We chose Oregon for two reasons: its cannabis laws are some of the most liberal in the country as it is one of few states that allows out of state residents to have an Oregon medical card and we had family here willing to help us get started. TELL ME A LITTLE ABOUT YOURSELVES AS A COUPLE WHO NOT ONLY LOVE EACH OTHER, BUT WORK TOGETHER AND ARE EACH OTHERS SUPPORT IN AN OFTEN PERILOUS MISSION... WHAT HAS YOUR WORK MEANT TO THE RELATIONSHIP? We have always been very close and dreamed of working together. However, growing and healing people with cannabis may have been beyond our wildest dreams. Our relationship has been continually strengthened by the many challenges and obstacles that one could imagine coming with this vocation, especially when treating children. Although we are in full compliance of Oregon state law, we live with the possibility that any day the feds could knock on our door and put us in prison for the rest of our lives. That awareness, along with the numerous brave patients we meet who face their illnesses with such positive attitudes, is a continuous reminder of how precious each day of life truly is. We cherish each other and our time together and strive not to take anything for granted, especially each other. HOW DID YOU MEET MYKAYLA AND HER FAMILY? HOW HAS THE BEAUTIFUL LITTLE GIRL IMPACTED YOUR LIFE? Strangely enough, though they lived on the other side of the state, we made their acquaintance through mutual friends months before Mykaylas diagnosis. We instantly felt a connection with this family and became close friends. We had always known Mykayla to be a healthy and energetic seven-year-old, so when we received the call that Mykayla had been diagnosed with leukemia and would receive chemotherapy promptly, we were in complete shock. Her treatment required her familys immediate relocation from Eastern Oregon to Portland. With plenty of room here and time being crucial, our new friends became our new roommates. In many ways, we have received the education of a lifetime through one brave little girl. If you will, we have had the benefit of seeing her treatment come full circle. From wellness through leukemia and back

to wellness, weve watched Mykayla endure gruesome treatments with a skip in her step and a smile on her face that never stops. Without pain medication or any of the many prescription drugs they expected her to take, she is winning the battle with cannabis oil as her only weapon. They said she would be extremely sick. They said she would be in and out of the hospital on a daily basis and, well, that day has yet to come. The personal lessons that have come with knowing Mykayla are innumerable and in many ways just beginning to be realized. The courage she has demonstrated while fighting this disease is nothing less than inspirational, winning the hearts and minds of all who meet her. There is a reason we call her Brave Mykayla. YOUVE SEEN THE BENEFICIAL EFFECTS OF CANNABIS FOR MANY AILMENTS FIRST-HAND, WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO SAY TO THE SKEPTICS? A healthy dose of skepticism is advisable to anyone trying to disseminate new information. Cannabis is the most beneficial plant known to man and has been cultivated for as long as we have recorded history. On one hand, the U.S. government has waged war on this plant, spending billions of dollars, jailing countless numbers of its citizens and refusing to take this plant off Schedule 1 status. On the other hand, the U.S. government holds a number of patents on the medicinal value of cannabinoids in their role as neuroprotectants and antioxidants. Pharmaceutical companies are all racing to discover, patent and synthesize all cannabinoids why is that? Because cannabis is medicine! It is also food, fuel, fiber, clothing, etc. It cleans the air and revitalizes the soil. Start cultivating hemp and stop clear-cutting the Rainforest. Does that sound like a good idea? No other plant can do so much for our species and our planet. Yet, it is illegal. We, for one, are tired of waiting for permission that never comes so, if youll pardon the pun, on a grassroots level, human trials have already begun. WHAT DOES THE FUTURE HAVE IN STORE FOR YOU AND YOUR FAMILY? As you know, not a single southern state allows for medical cannabis on any level. One day in the not too distant future that will change. When it does, there will be a great need and very little knowledge available. We do dream of the day when we can take this medicine home to Alabama and the many good people there in need. Until that day, we will continue to educate ourselves and preach the gospel of cannabis. We like to think of it as healing the planet, one human at a time.

I find hope in the darkest of days, and focus in the brightest. I do not judge the universe. DALAI LAMA

Brave Mykaylas Silent Auction

Supported by
Wendy & Melodys Creations
Big Thanks to

Strength and Honor Seeds

Many Thanks to

Special Thanks to

Captain Chris Asaro

Special Thanks to

Green Goddess
Special Thanks to Big Thanks to

Carla Louden

Hajovsky Pecan Farm

Compliments of

Geo Haney

Cliff Maynard Roach Art

Much Appreciation to

Much Appreciation to

Anna Diaz

Special Thanks to

DJ Brain Food
Special Thanks to

Many Thanks to

Prairepups Cottage

Madeline Martinez

Martian Arts Tattoo

Many Thanks to

Doug and Joe

Many Thanks to

Many Thanks to

Andrew Russell

Many Thanks to

Much Appreciation to

Soul Progression

The World Famous Cannabis Cafe

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