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Mathematics Departments

Quiz 9: Ordinary Dierential Equations I


c 2002 Last Revision Date: November 21, 2002

The following functions can be used in this quiz: acos, asin, atan, cos, cot, exp, ln, log, sin, sqrt, tan, x with acos=arccos, asin=arcsin, atan=arctan, cot=cotan, exp(x)=e and sqrt(x)= x. Also the number e is known and one may write = p. Multiplication is denoted by and powers use . For example 2e 3 sin(x) = 2 e ((1/3) sin(x)). Click on Begin Quiz to start. Answers are available after End Quiz.
Begin Quiz Answer each of the following questions.

1. The solution of y (x) = y (x) + sin(x) that satises y (0) = 0 is y (x) = 2. Compute the solution of y (x) = (y (x))2 + 1 that is dened for x (0, ). y (x) = Correct answer:
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3. Here are some claims for the dierential equation u (x) + u(x) = ex u(x). This dierential equation . . . A. is separable; B. is of rst order; C. is linear; D. is autonomous; E. is a logistic equation; F. is not linear but named after Bernoulli; G. has a bounded solution. The correct claim(s) are: 4. Compute the solution of v (x) + 4 v (x) + 5 v (x) = 0 that satises v (0) = 1 and v (0) = 2. v (x) = Correct answer:
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5. Let a and b denote two nonzero dierentiable functions dened on R. Suppose that y1 (x) and y2 (x) are two dierent solutions of y (x) = a(x)y (x) + b(x) (1) A. The functions y1 (x) and y2 (x) intersect each other exactly once. B. The functions y1 (x) and y2 (x) do not intersect each other. C. The function y (x) = 0.8 y1 (x) 0.5 y2 (x) is a solution of (1). D. The function y (x) = 0.3 y1 (x)+0.7 y2 (x) is a solution of (1). E. For every c1 , c2 R is the function y (x) = c1 y1 (x)+ c2 y2 (x) a solution of (1). F. For every solution y (x) of (1) there exist c1 , c2 R such that y (x) = c1 y1 (x) + c2 y2 (x) for all x R. The correct claim(s) are:

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6. Here is the plot of a direction eld. Which is the corresponding dierential equation?




-0.5 -0.5





y (x) = x y (x) y (x) = x (y (x))2

y (x) = x y (x) y (x) = x (y (x))2



7. One of the graphs is a picture for the solution of y (x) = y (x) ey(x) that satises y (0) = 1.
6 4 2

-0.5 -2



The corresponding color is: green blue red yellow grey (Hint: is the solution increasing, decreasing or oscillating?)



8. Consider the dierential equation u (x) = 1 (u(x)) . A. There is exactly one solution that satises u(0) = 0. B. There is exactly one solution that satises lim u(x) = 1.

C. There is exactly one solution that satises lim u(x) = 1.


D. There is exactly one solution that satises u(1) = u(1). The correct claim(s) are:

9. How many solutions y : R R of xy (x) + y (x) = 2x are dened on all of R? Write an integer number or infinity. Correct answer:
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10. The green curves correspond to the functions fc (x) = 2 ln(x c) for c R. The red curve contains (0, 0) and intersects the graphs of the fc perpendicular.
2 1


-2 -1 -2

For the red curve: Correct answer:

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After nishing the quiz one may browse through the solutions on the following pages. Also shift-click on Ans jumps to the answer.
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Solutions to Quiz

Solutions to Quiz
Solution to Question 1. This dierential equation is linear so we rst solve the homogeneous equation y = y to nd y (x) = cex . Next we may proceed by cleverguessing or by variation of constants (substituting y (x) = c(x)ex ): y (x) = c (x)ex + c(x)ex and y (x) + sin x = c(x)ex + sin x yielding c (x)ex = sin x and hence c (x) = ex sin(x).
1 x e (sin(x) + cos(x)) + c1 (using integration by We nd c (x) = 2 parts twice). Hence, for c1 R, x y (x) = c(x)ex = 1 2 (sin(x) + cos(x)) + c1 e .

Plugging in the initial condition: y (x) =

1 2

(ex sin(x) cos(x)) . Back to Question 1



Solutions to Quiz


Solution to Question 2. This dierential equation is separable so we rewrite to y (x) =1 1 + (y (x))2 (and notice that we do not loose anything since 1 + y 2 = 0). A primitive of the left hand side is arctan (y (x)) . Hence arctan (y (x)) = x + c
1 which we may change to y (x) = tan (x + c) for x + c 1 2 , 2 . 1 By the condition that the domain contains (0, ) we nd c = 2 :

y (x) = tan x 1 2 = cot(x). Back to Question 2



Solutions to Quiz


Solution to Question 3. Separable since we may rewrite to u (x) = f (u(x)) .g (x) : u (x) = (ex 1) .u (x) . First order because of u as highest order appearing. Linear since we may rewrite to u (x) = a(x).u(x) + b(x): take a(x) = ex 1 and b(x) = 0. It is not autonomous since ex appears. It doesnt look like a logistic equation u (x) = c x (1 x). p Bernoulli gave his name to u (x) = a(x).u(x) + b(x). (u(x)) . The function u(x) = 0 is a solution and is bounded. Back to Question 3



Solutions to Quiz


Solution to Question 4. The rst step for linear equations with constant coecients is to test with v (x) = ex . One nds 2 + 4 + 5 = 0. Splitting o squares one obtains ( + 2) = 1 and the solutions of this quadratic equation are = 2 i. In complex form v (x) = e(2i)x + e(2+i)x . We prefer the real form v (x) = c1 e2x sin x + c2 e2x cos x. with c1 , c2 R. The initial conditions v (0) = 1 and v (0) = 2 imply c2 = 1 and c1 2c2 = 2. Hence v (x) = 4e2x sin x + e2x cos x. Back to Question 4



Solutions to Quiz


Solution to Question 5. / If two solutions intersect then they satisfy the same initial value problem. A rst order linear dierential equation as in (1) with a given initial value has a unique solution. Hence, if two solutions intersect then they are identical which contradicts the statement that the solutions are dierent. Plugging y into the dierential equation one nds y (x) = a(x)y (x) + .3 b(x) and .3 b(x) = b(x). Now the computation ts. The computation only ts when c1 + c2 = 1 and not for all ci . The dierence v (x) = y1 (x) y2 (x) solves v (x) = a(x)v (x). Hence the general form of the solution of (1) is y (x) = y1 (x) + C v (x) = (1 + C )y1 (x) C y2 (x), which can be written in the given form. Back to Question 5



Solutions to Quiz


Solution to Question 6. In the rst quadrant the direction eld points upwards which means that the right hand side of the dierential equation should be positive. This is the case for y (x) = x y (x) and y (x) = x (y (x))2 In the fourth quadrant the direction eld is pointing downwards which is the case for y (x) = x y (x) and y (x) = x (y (x))2 Hence the only candidate left is y (x) = x y (x). Back to Question 6



Solutions to Quiz


Solution to Question 7. One should remark that y ey < 0 for all y R. Hence any solution to the dierential equation is decreasing. Only the blue graph has that property. Back to Question 7



Solutions to Quiz


Solution to Question 8. 2 The dierential equation u (x) = 1 (u(x)) is separable. So the rst step means separating: u (x) 1 (u(x))

= 1 or 1 (u(x)) = 0.

The second option gives two solutions: u(x) = 1 and u(x) = 1. The fraction in the rst option is split as follows:
1 2

1 u(x)

1 2

1 + u(x)

u (x) = 1.

The anti-derivative gives 1 1 ln |1 u(x)| + ln |1 + u(x)| = x + C 2 2 and further reductions give ln 1 + u(x) 1 + u(x) = 2x + C and = e2x+C . 1 u(x) 1 u(x)



Solutions to Quiz


Finally with c = eC we obtain c e2x 1 with c R. c e2x + 1 Here are the graphs of some solutions: u(x) =
2 1 -6 -4 -2 -1 -2 2 4 6

There is one solution with u(0) = 0, namely u(x) = There are many solutions with lim u(x) = 1.
x x

e2x 1 e2x +1 .

Only one solution exists with lim u(x) = 1, namely u(x) = 1. And two solutions exist with u(1) = u(1), namely u(x) = 1 and u(x) = 1. All others are strictly monotone. Back to Question 8



Solutions to Quiz


Solution to Question 9. The dierential equation x y (x) + y (x) = 2x is linear. Hence we rst solve x y (x) + y (x) = 0 as a separable d.e.: y (x) 1 = implying ln |y (x)| = ln |x| + c0 y (x) x
1 1 which simplies to y (x) = C x . Substituting y (x) = C (x) x gives

C (x)

1 1 C (x) 2 x x

+ C (x)

1 = 2x x

that is C (x) = 2x. We nd C (x) = x2 + c1 and the general form of the solution becomes 1 1 y (x) = x2 + c1 = x + c1 . x x Except for c1 = 0 all these functions have an asymptote at x = 0. The only solution that is dened on R is for c1 = 0 : y (x) = x. Back to Question 9
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Solutions to Quiz


Solution to Question 10. The green curves belong to fc (x) = 2 ln (x c) . The red curve y = g (x) in (x, y ) has direction perpendicular to the y = fc (x) through that point. Hence g (x).fc (x) = 1. Since y = 2 ln (x c) implies x c = e 2 y we obtain from fc (x) = that 1 1 1 1 2 y = 1 e 2 g (x) . g (x) = = 1 2 (x c) = 2 e 2 fc (x)
1 1

2 xc

This dierential equation for g is separable, 2e 2 g(x) g (x) = 1, and 1 is solved by 4e 2 g(x) = x + C. Simplifying leads to g (x) = 2 ln y = 2 ln
1 4

(x + C )

and using g (0) = 0 we nd C = 4. The red line satises

1 4x

+1 . Back to Question 10



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