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Even Odd 2009 LDST 2013

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Department of Computer Science Even/Odd Semester Supplementary Examination 2013 2nd Semester Batch 2006, 2007, 2008, & 2009

Logic Design & Switching Theory (CS-201)

Instructions: Attempt any Five Questions. All questions carry equal marks. Draw neat & clean diagrams where necessary. Time Allowed: 3 Hrs. Max. Marks: 60

Q1. (a) What is the highest decimal number that can be represented by each of the following number of binary bits? (i) Three (ii) Seven (iii) Thirteen (b) Generate the binary sequence for each decimal sequence. (i) 3 through 14 (ii) 15 through 28 (iii) 64 through 75 (c) Convert the following hexadecimal numbers to binary numbers. (i) 8A5 (ii) B7D Q2. (a) Switches arranged in series in the following figure, act like what type of logic gate?

(b) Given a NAND gate and inverters, draw how you would produce an OR Function? (c) Given an AND gate and inverters, draw how you would produce a NOR function? Q3. (a) Draw the logic circuit represented by each of the following expressions. (i) AB + CD (ii) (A+B) C (iii) A+B[C+D (B+C)] (b) How the XOR gate is constructed using Basic Logic gates (NOT, AND, OR). Also derive mathematically the Boolean expression for the XOR operation. Draw the circuit diagram for the final expression derived. (c) With the derived expression in part (b) as a starting point, develop an expression for exclusive-NOR gate using De Morgans theorems and any other rules or laws that are applicable. Q4. (a) Identify the Boolean rule(s) on which each of the following equalities is based:(i) AB + CD + EF = AB + CD + EF (ii) AAB + ABC + ABB = ABC (iii) AB (C + C) + AC = AB + AC (b) State and describe the commutative laws of Boolean algebra for two variables. (c) Determine the values of A, B, and C that make the sum term A + B + C equal to 0. Q5. (a) Using Boolean algebra, simplify the following expressions as much as possible. (i) AB + ABC + ABCD + ABCDE (ii) ABC [AB + C (BC + AC)] (b) Apply De Morgans theorems to each expression: (i) (ii) A+B+C+D AB (CD + EF) + ABCD

(c) Prove mathematically the following Boolean rules. Also verify using truth tables. (i) A + AB = A (ii) (A+ B)(A + C) = A + BC Q6. (a) Convert the following Boolean expression into standard SOP form (i) (ii) ABC + AB + ABCD WXY + XYZ + WXY

(b) Determine the binary values for the following standard SOP expression is equal to 1. Page 1/2

ABCD + ABCD + ABCD (c) Convert the following SOP expression into equivalent POS expression ABC + ABC + ABC + ABC + ABC Q7. (a) Define the gated D-latch; draw its logic diagram and truth table. (b) Determine the Q output waveform, if the inputs shown in the following figure are applied to a gated D-latch, which initially RESET.

(c)Draw the circuit diagram of a half-adder and write down the equations for sum-bit and a carry-bit. Q8. (a) From the following truth table do the following (i) Write the un-simplified SOP expression. (ii) Use a Karnaugh map to simplify the Boolean expression from part (i) C 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 Input B 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 A 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Output X 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0

(b) Implement the following operations using NAND gate. Draw the neat and clean circuit diagram. Also mention the output expression on each stage of the circuit: (i) OR (ii) AND (iii) NOR (iv) Negative-OR (c) Define Shift Registers in brief.

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