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Punctuation Quick Guide

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LA 3 Mrs. Reed

End Marks/Internal Marks

1. End marks: (. ! ?) Marks end of thought in INDEP. clauses 2. Internal: ( , ; : - ) Marks pauses/emphatic points
a.Semi-Colons ( ; )
a. Independent and Independent Clause connector

b. Conjunctive Adverbs (I was tired; therefore, I took a nap.) c. Separate groups that contain commas (too many commas= messy; use semi-colons to clean-up)

b.Colons: ( : )
a. Starting a list

b. Introduction in letter c. Introducing quotes d. Between a title and subtitle (Writers Inc: A student handbook)

c. Commas: ( , )
a. Dependent & Independent connector (introductory clause, interruption clause, afterthoughts) b. Independent and Independent ClauseCATCH: MUST INCLUDE CONJUNCTION (FANBOY) c. Taking a breath/break in the sentence d. Before names, dates, addresses, Interjections (Hey,) e. Direct Address (But, Mother Gibbs, one can go back) f. Lists or a series g. Separate contrasted information, separate adjectives, or when renaming something (Benson, our uninhibited and enthusiastic terrier,)

d. Hyphens ( - )
a. Compound words (great-great-grandfather) b. Join a letter to noun/participle (Y-turn; T-shirt) c. Between numbers and fractions (21-99)

Hyphens Continued
d. Special series (4-person cabin) e. Join numbers, like dates f. Divide a word (see pg. 496 for word division rules) g. Prevent confusion (re-create, not recreate the image) h. Create new words (self-, ex-, all-, etc.) i. Form an adjective (oven-safe handles)

e.DASHES ( -- )
a. Indicated by TWO hyphens, without spacing before and after NOT THE SAME AS A HYPHEN b. Sudden break c. Introductory series (A good book, a comfortable chairthese) d. Parenthetical material

(A single incidenta tornado that came without warningchanged) e. Interrupted Speech (dialogue) f. For Emphasis

f. Apostrophes ( s )
a. Contractions When you take something away, youll want to add the . b. Form plurals for abbreviated #s, letters, signs, etc. Bs, +s c. Singular Possessive The ships escape plan d. Plural Possessive The cats litter box; the bosses orders e. Compound nouns Father-in-laws birthday f. Indefinite pronouns Everyones, somebodys g. Express time or amount A pennys worth a thousand words h. Shared possession Hoshi, Linda, and Nakivas water skis (all three own the same skis) Hoshis, Lindas, and Nakivas water skis (each own their own)

Quotations: ( )
1. Punctuate things:
Titles of songs, poems, short stories, one-act plays, lectures, episodes of radio/TV programs, chapters of books, unpublished works, electronic files, articles in magazines, newspapers, encyclopedias, or online sources.

2. Special Words
Scare quotes- Technically, these are allowed. They are commonly misused, though, so use with care. Mrs. Reed might have towelllets not go there. o Distinguish a word that is being discussed o A word in unfamiliar slang o A word being used in a special way

YOU MAY USE ITALICS in place of these scare quotes. Please do.

PLACEMENT: 1. But where do they go?

ALWAYS place period and commas INSIDE

o Exception: If the punctuation is not part of the quote (sentence continues, it isnt a question when alone, etc.)
Who said, "Fame means when your computer modem is broken, the repair guy comes out to your house a little faster"? ! or ? go inside if its in the quote; outside if it is part of the sentence!

2. Long Quotations:
More than 4 lines? Follow these steps: o Indent 10 spaces from the left margin. o No quotation marks, unless in the quote itself. Double-space the quote (unless Mrs. Reed says otherwise).

3. Quoting a Quotation (& dialogue)

Single quote marks for quote within the quote For tomorrow, said Mr. Botts, read Unlighted Lamps. Use double quote marks to distinguish a quotation within a quotation within a quotation..Inception, anyone?

4. How to Mark Quoted material

Place before and after direct (verbatim) quotations. In quote, put brackets around ANYTHING (including punctuation) that is not in the actual quote) Original: Conservation pundits point to it as a classic example of the inability to provide good government service. Quotation: Conservation pundits point to it [the U.S. Postal Service] as a classic example

Special Punctuation:
1. Italics/Underlining:
a. In titles for: i. Magazines, newspapers, Pamphlets, books, fulllength plays, films, videos, radio and TV programs, book-length poems, ballets, operas, ii. paintings, long musical compositions, CDs, iii. Legal cases, and the names of ships and aircrafts. b. Special Uses Instead of quotation marks c. Foreign words Not in English d. When Italics are not possible, UNDERLINE

2. Parentheses ( )

a. Set off Explanatory Material

b. With full sentences

a. When it interrupts normal sentence structure Benson (our dog) sits in our b. ? and ! within parenthesis Ivan at once concluded (the rascal!) that I had a. When adding a sentence within another full sentence i. Do NOT capitalize or use a period inside And, since your friend wont have the assignment (he was just thinking about calling you), youll have to make

3. Diagonal/slashes
a. Show a choice

a. Between two words/giving options b. Quoting poetry i. When more than one line, use a slash for each end for each line, with a space on both sides I have learned not to worry about love; / but to honor its coming

4. Ellipsis ()

a. Show omitted words

a. To show when one or more words are being removed from the quote b. At the end of a sentence i. If words are omitted at the END of a sentence, use an ellipsis after the period, marking the sentence conclusion. c. To show a pause (emphasis)

4. Brackets [ ]
a. Set off clarifying information Theyd [the sweat bees] get into your mouth b. Set off added words Adding comments to quotes. [groan] No punctuation needed c. Around a correction, addition to quotes Brooklyn alone has 8 percent of lead poisoning [victims] nationwide, said Marjorie Moore. a. Place brackets around the letters sic (Latin for as such)this means that there is an error in the material When Im queen, mused Lucy, Ill show these blockheads whose [sic] got beauty and brains.

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