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Green Industry Innovation Programme Romania Call For Project Proposals

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Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2009-2014 (Norway Grants)

Green Industry Innovation Programme Romania Call for Project Proposals

The Green Industry Innovation Programme Romania (later referred to as the Programme) is a business development programme aiming to increase competitiveness of green enterprises, including greening of existing industries, green innovation and green entrepreneurship. The Green Industry Innovation Programmes vision is: Good for business and good for the environment. All projects to be funded by this Programme have to aim at a final result of improving the environmental performance of enterprises. The Programme specific outcome is Realisation of business opportunities of greening the European economy. The Programme Operator is Innovation Norway, a state owned entity under the Norwegian Ministry of Trade and Industry and the Norwegian County Municipalities. The highest degree of transparency, accountability and cost efficiency as well as the principles of good governance, sustainability, gender equality and equal opportunities shall apply in implementation of Norway Grants. The total available amount for co-financing of projects in this Programme is EUR 21,623,200. The funding will be made available under the following three schemes: - Individual Projects Scheme EUR 19,408,200. -Small Grants Scheme EUR 2,000,000. The deadline for applications under these two schemes is 15 July at 3. p.m. local Norwegian time. -Fund for bilateral relations EUR 215,000. The deadlines for applications under the Fund for bilateral relations are: - For Travel Support you can apply continuously up to 15 June 2013, at 3 p.m. local Norwegian time; - For Project Development Fund you can apply continuously up to 15 May 2013, at 3 p.m. local Norwegian time.

IMPORTANT: This call text shall be read in conjunction with the Rules and Procedures for the implementation of the Green Industry Innovation Programme Romania.

Call for Project Proposals, v.1.0. 08 03 2013 Green Industry Innovation Programme ROMANIA

Table of contents Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 1 1 General information about Green Industry Innovation Romania ......................................................... 3 2 Eligible activities ............................................................................................................................ 4
2.1 Individual Projects Scheme .................................................................................................................. 4 2.2 Small Grant Scheme............................................................................................................................. 5

3 Eligible Applicants and Partners.................................................................................................... 5

3.1 Eligible applicants within Individual Projects Scheme ......................................................................... 5 3.2 Eligible applicants within Small Grant Scheme.................................................................................... 6 3.3 Eligible partners ................................................................................................................................... 6 3.4 Additional criteria for applicants and partners ................................................................................... 6

4 Minimum and maximum grant amount per project ..................................................................... 7 5 Grant rate and co-finance ceiling.................................................................................................. 7 6 Duration of projects ...................................................................................................................... 7 7 Eligibility of expenditures in projects ............................................................................................ 7 8 Procurement and state aid ........................................................................................................... 8 9 Fund for Bilateral Relations ........................................................................................................... 8
9.1 Eligible activities .................................................................................................................................. 8 9.2 Eligible applicants ................................................................................................................................ 9 9.3 Grant rate and co-finance ceiling ........................................................................................................ 9

10 Project assessment criteria and methodology ........................................................................... 9 11 Mode of Payment ..................................................................................................................... 11 12 Procedure for submission of application .................................................................................. 12 13 Documents of specific importance to the Call / Essential reading ........................................... 12 14 Queries ...................................................................................................................................... 13 More information .......................................................................................................................... 13

1. General information about Green Industry Innovation Programme Romania

The Green Industry Innovation Programme Romania is a programme area under the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2009-2014 (Norway Grants) and shall contribute to the reduction of economic and social disparities in the European Economic Area (EEA) and to strengthen the bilateral relations between Norway and Romania. Under the present Call for Project Proposals, three funding schemes are available for applicants and partners: Individual Projects Scheme, Small Grants Scheme and Fund for Bilateral Relations. The Fund for Bilateral Relations is there to help the programme in achieving the objective to strengthen bilateral relations between Romania and Norway. Romanian and Norwegian entities will be eligible to apply for funds which shall be used to search for partners prior to or during the preparation of a donor partnership project application, the development of such partnerships and the preparation of an application for a donor partnership project.

The following definitions are used in this Programme: Environmental friendly technologies include technologies which are less environmental harmful than the technology in use today, encompassing technologies and processes to manage pollution (e.g. air/water/soil pollution control, waste management) and to use resources more efficiently. Green products and services are goods and services having less of an impact of the environment (less polluting and less resource-intensive) or less impact on human health than traditional equivalents and which are economically viable. Material efficiency and waste management are improved material flow in manufacturing and supplychain, use and re-use of recycled materials (including waste handling and management), development of new or improved products based on recycled materials and innovation that change production and consumption patterns. Greener management and production processes are improvements related to the way the business operation is carried out, like management, business models, standardization, certification, Human Resources (HR), smart purchasing, supply chain management, green energy interventions that support the greening of enterprises activities and processes, initiatives related to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), cooperation with networks/clusters etc. Eco-innovation Eco-innovation is defined as any form of innovation aiming at significant and demonstrable progress towards the goal of sustainable development, through reducing impacts on the environment or achieving a more efficient and responsible use of natural resources. Releasing effect Projects shall constitute of activities that would not have been carried out without grants from this Programme, i.e. activities that the enterprise are obliged to implement shall not be funded. Innovation By innovation we mean something new. Innovation at enterprise level includes product/service innovation, process innovation, organizational innovation, market innovation (not adaption), with the aim to increase the environmental performance of the enterprise.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Through corporate social responsibility (CSR), the business sector contributes to a positive social development, strengthens its own competitiveness and acts in compliance with universal norms and values. (See Innovation Norways Policy Statement on CSR Guiding Principles for CSR integrated in the electronic Application Form for examples and ideas.) Project A project is defined as an economically indivisible series of activities with clearly identifiable aims and activities designed in such way that in the end addresses the main objective of the programme. An application for a project may include one or more sub-projects. Donor partnership projects Is defined as cooperation between at least one legal entity in Romania and at least one legal entity in Norway, implementing a joint project and where all entities are independent of each other and perform relevant tasks in the completion of the project. The project should be planned and implemented together and the project partners should share the result. Long-term cooperation, beyond the project lifetime is recommended. The requirement regarding independence means that no direct ownership interest in other partners is allowed. The partnership must be established prior to application. Private enterprises in Romania Private enterprises legally established in Romania are eligible Applicants for all schemes under this Programme. Their activity is closely related to the main objective of the Programme revealed by current activities undertaken so far in this respect. Non-governmental organization in Romania A non-governmental organisation is defined as a non-profit voluntary organisation established as a legal entity, having a non-commercial purpose, independent of local, regional and central government, public entities, political parties and commercial organisations. Norwegian entities Are legally established in Norway acting as project partners performing relevant key tasks during project implementation and have proven working experience needed for specific project activities. Norwegian partner entities must have been in operation for at least 1 full fiscal year prior to the application.

2. Eligible activities 2.1 Individual Projects Scheme: This Programme can provide support for Individual Projects that will develop and implement activities within the enterprise applying for funding, in one or more of the following areas: 1. Development, implementation and investment in innovative environmental friendly technologies; 2. Development of green products and services; 3. Material efficiency and waste management; 4. Development and implementation of greener management and production processes.

Other activities are also eligible under Individual Projects Scheme, but only as secondary activities and if they are relevant for the proposed project. These activities could be: Marketing activities (local/regional/national fairs, market research etc.); Training programmes; Creation/development of business networks, resource centers for eco-businesses; Sharing best practices on eco-business between Norwegian and Romanian entities.

2.2 Small Grant Scheme Small grant scheme will target initiatives that will aim to develop and implement eco-innovative business development. All Romanian regions are eligible for funds, but there will be a special focus on business development in less developed areas. For relevant information and definitions, see the Rules and Procedures. Eligible projects should contribute to sustainable development of the communities in which they will be implemented. Eligible projects should target development of eco-businesses that provide local solutions to local problems.

IMPORTANT: Please note that, under the Individual Project Scheme and Small Grant Scheme, projects must contribute directly to one or more of the outcome indicators set for the Programme: 1. Environmental technologies successfully adapted for use in new areas; 2. New environmental technologies successfully developed; 3. New or improved green products and services; 4. Eco-initiatives related to material efficiency and improved waste management; 5. Innovative initiatives to increase the efficiency in business operations; 6. Green jobs created. Indicator no.6 Green jobs created could be chosen only in conjunction with another Programme indicator. Applications submitted by private enterprises shall include at least one small component related to establishing an active CSR approach in the enterprise;

3. Eligible Applicants and Partners 3.1 Eligible applicants within Individual Projects Scheme are: Private enterprises, constituted as legal entities in Romania, functioning according to enforced Romanian legislation on commercial companies, respectively: Law 31/1990 regarding commercial companies, republished, with subsequent modifications and completions or Law 346/2004 regarding stimulating establishment and development of small and medium sized enterprises, with subsequent modifications and completions.

3.2 Eligible applicants within Small Grant Scheme are: a) Non-profit and non-governmental organizations (NGOs), constituted as legal entities in Romania, functioning according to enforced Romanian legislation on nongovernmental organisations, respectively: - associations, foundations and federations established according to Governmental Ordinance 26/2000 or Law 21/1924 regarding associations and foundations, with subsequent modifications and completions; b) Micro and Small Sized Enterprises, legally established in Romania, functioning according to enforced Romanian legislation on commercial companies, respectively: Law 31/1990 regarding commercial companies, republished, with subsequent modifications and completions and Law 346/2004 regarding stimulating establishment and development of small and medium sized enterprises, with subsequent modifications and completions.

3.3. Eligible partners Donor partnership projects is strongly encouraged and prioritized during project assessment process. This will apply to both schemes - for Individual Project Scheme and for Small Grants Scheme. An eligible donor partnership project shall consist of at least one Romanian legal entity and at least one legal entity from Norway and must demonstrate added value to both parties. Norwegian eligible partners shall be legal entities that are established according to relevant Norwegian legislation. Depending on the project objective and activities, Norwegian partners could be: private enterprises, public entities, higher education establishment, research organizations or non-profit and nongovernmental organisations. Further Guidelines on donor partnership projects under Norway Grants 2009-2014 is available on the dedicated Programme web-site.

3.4. Additional criteria for applicants and partners Additional conditions must be fulfilled by the Applicant and Partner(s) (relevant for both grant schemes): a) the Applicant and the Applicants Partner(s) must have been in operation for at least one fiscal year prior to the application; b) the Applicants main activities are closely related to the activities for which an application is made; c) the Applicant and Partner(s)) and the applicants legal representative signing the application have clean criminal and tax records; d) if the Applicant has one or more Partners, a draft Partnership Agreement defining the Parties different roles and responsibilities, has to be signed by all partners and attached to the application. Moreover, Applicants may not participate in this Call for Project Proposals or be awarded grants if: a) they are bankrupt, are entered in judicial administration or are under liquidation, have suspended business activities, are the subject of proceedings concerning those matters, or are in any analogous situation arising from a similar procedure provided for in national legislation; b) they have been the subject of a judgment which has the force of res judicata for fraud, corruption, involvement in a criminal organization or any other illegal activity detrimental to financial interests, without evidence of substantial correction measures taken in the past years.

4. Minimum and maximum grant amount per project For Individual Project Scheme: The minimum amount of grant assistance applied for shall be EUR 200,000. The maximum amount of grant assistance applied for shall be EUR 1,500,000.

For projects submitted within Small Grant Scheme: The minimum amount of grant assistance applied for shall be EUR 50,000. The maximum amount of grant assistance applied for shall be EUR 200,000.

5. Grant rate and co-finance ceiling For private enterprises and projects that undertake economic activity, i.e. offer goods and services to a market - the grant rate will be in line with the applicable state aid legislation taking into account economic benefits and all other relevant aspects.. For NGOs the maximum grant rate is up to 90 % of the eligible project costs. The grant rate for economic activities undertaken by NGOs will be set in accordance with the applicable state aid rules. The co-financing shall be provided in the form of cash by the Project Promoter and/or by Project Partner(s). All private enterprise applicants shall demonstrate adequate financial solidity and liquidity, if not the Application will be rejected during the assessment. Special Conditions in the Project Contract will address the co-financing issue, such as transfer of some cash co-financing into the project bank account before the release of the advance payment. Another measure for insuring sufficient co-financing will be a mandatory Letter of Commitment from the owners of the private enterprise and from the donor project partner. Man-hour contribution from the Project Promoter and Partner(s) will be accepted as cash contribution, based on approved hourly rates for salaries. Only project promoters that are established as NGOs may contribute up to 50% of the required co-financing in kind. Calculation of the in-kind contribution will be done according to rules set in Rules and Procedures. In case of projects implemented by NGOs, in-kind contribution in the form of voluntary work may constitute up to 50% of the co-financing required by the programme for the project. The Programme Operator shall specify in the Rules and Procedures the appropriate unit prices for voluntary work which shall be in accordance with salary normally paid for such work in the Beneficiary State. 6. Duration of projects The projects must be completed by 30 April 2016, which is also the end of the eligibility period for the implementation of the programme. It is expected that the implementation period of the awarded projects will start at the latest in the first quarter of 2014, which means that you should not plan for a project implementation period for more than 24-26 months. 7. Eligibility of expenditure in projects General principles and detailed provisions for the eligibility of expenditures are described in the Rules and Procedures for the Programme, article 5. For Applicants or projects performing economic activity, the state

aid regulations in EU/EEA will apply. The grant assistance for commercial business is normally limited to the General Block Exemption Regulation (GBER) Eligibility of expenses for financial assistance (aid) will be in line with the following categories: 1) Regional investment and employment aid, Article 13 2) Aid for research and development projects and innovation, Article 30-37 3) Aid for environmental protection, Article 17-25 4) Training aid, Article 38-39 5) Aid for consultancy in favor of SMEs and SME participation in fairs, Article 26-27 In special occasions, financial support will awarded as de minimis support in line with the state aid regulation (max. EUR 200,000 over three fiscal years): 6) de minimis aid Commission Regulation (EC) No 1998/2006. In cases where eligibility provisions in the General Block Exemption Regulation (GBER) are more extensive than the detailed eligibility provisions in the Rules and Procedures for this Programme, the Rules and Procedures will prevail. 8. Procurement and state aid Romanian and European Union legislation on public procurement shall be complied with at any level in the implementation of a project. A project promoter that receives 50% or more of the eligible expenditure of the project shall conduct its procurement for that project in compliance with the national public procurement law, if the applicable thresholds under national law are met. For contract values below these thresholds, but above the national thresholds for direct purchases carried out by contracting authorities under paragraph 9 of Article 1 of Directive 2004/18/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 31 March 2004 on the coordination of procedures for the award of public works contracts, public supply contracts and public service contracts, the project promoter shall follow the simplified procedures (call for tenders) to be observed by contracting authorities. This paragraph applies mutatis mutandis to project partners. It does not apply to NGOs unless the amount of the contract is at or above European Union thresholds set for public procurement. If the partnership consists of undertakings, i.e. entities dealing with economic activity, the grant provided must be in compliance with the relevant state aid legislation (Commission regulation (EC) No 800/2008 of 6 August 2008 declaring certain categories of aid compatible with the common market in application of Articles 87 and 88 of the Treaty (now 107 and 108 of the TFEU), General Block Exemption Regulation (GBER) (Official Journal 2008 L 214, p. 3), and the EU rules on de minimis.

9. Fund for Bilateral Relations A fund, amounting to EUR 215,000, is available in the frame of the Programme to strengthen bilateral relations between Norway and Romania. The fund shall be used to search for donor project partners prior to or during the preparation of a donor partnership project application, the development of such partnerships and the preparation of an application for a donor partnership project. 9.1. Eligible activities The following activities are eligible for grant support:

a) activities related to the preparation of Individual Project applications, such as feasibility studies, financial and economic analyses, and preparation of technical and legal documentation necessary for the application Project Development Fund); b) travel costs (Travel Support Scheme).

9.2. Eligible applicants All Romanian entities, eligible in the frame of the Programme, are eligible applicants for the Fund for Bilateral Relations. Norwegian legal entities are also eligible to apply for support from the Fund for Bilateral Relations. 9.3. Grant rate and co-finance ceiling The maximum grant amount for Project Development Fund support (9.1.a) is EUR 10,000 per application with a maximum grant rate of 50%. The Applicant must secure the full financing of the project. The maximum grant rate for the Travel Support Scheme is 85%. For travel support (9.1.b) the support will be provided as lump sum to cover travel costs and accommodation, but not more than EUR 1,200 for one person per entity. The applicable rules on state aid shall be complied with. Support from the Fund for Bilateral Relations will be given as de minimis aid for enterprises. Specific Guidelines and further information about the application process and procedure can be found at the dedicated Programme web-site.

10. Project assessment criteria and methodology This article refers to assessment of Individual Projects Scheme and Small Grants Scheme. Innovation Norway will assess all project proposals based on the criteria for eligibility, selection and award set out in the Rules and Procedures on the implementation of the Green Industry Innovation Programme in Romania. Innovation Norway will supplement the internal Programme Team with external experts when needed. Innovation Norway will perform a review of applications received within the deadline set out in the Call for Project Proposals and if any shortcomings are found concerning the formal/ administrative criteria, these can be corrected by the Applicant upon written request from Innovation Norway. Applicants whose applications are rejected at this stage shall be informed in writing and will have two weeks to appeal that decision to Innovation Norway. Applications meeting the formal/administrative criteria, as well as the eligibility criteria, will then be subject to a full assessment organised by Innovation Norway. Innovation Norway may use external experts in the assessment process. The National Focal Point in Romania (Ministry of European Funds) will be invited go give its reasoned opinion on the projects prior to the decision of Innovation Norway. Project applications must comply with a specified set of assessment criteria. The said criteria are based on the objectives and outcome that the Programme seeks to achieve. Objectives and principles of good governance, sustainable development and gender equality are cross-cutting issues that shall be considered as part of the assessment process, as well as Corporate Social Responsibility.

The application assessment criteria are divided into the following sections:

1. Administrative criteria a) The application has been filled in according to the instructions given in the Call for Project Proposals, Rules and Procedures and in the electronic Application Form and all mandatory documentation is attached to the application; b) The application and requested supported documents are submitted and presented in English; c) The appropriate electronic Application Form has been used. 2. Eligibility criteria a) Applicant i. The Applicant is constituted as a legal entity in Romania. ii. In the case of donor partnership project, a draft Partnership Agreement defining the partners different roles and responsibilities has to be signed by all partners and attached to the application; iii. The Applicant (and any partner(s)) has been in operation for at least one fiscal year, and their main activities are closely related to the activities for which the application is made; iii. The applicant (and any partner(s)) and the legal representative signing the application have clean criminal and tax records; b) Project i. The proposed project is relevant for the Programme specific outcome and within the eligible activities defined in the Call for Project Proposals; iii. Grant minimum and maximum amounts and co-financing rates are complied with and the project implementation period is no longer than the deadline for cost eligibility; iv. No overlapping/double funding arises from the applications for a similar project from EU/EEA/International Financial Institution/bilateral or other sources; v. The project is in compliance with both EU and national legislation in Romania (in particular public procurement, state aid and environment requirements). 3. Technical and financial assessment criteria i. The entity/entities have the necessary human resources and the technical and financial capacity to implement the project and support its costs; ii. The project is mature, i.e. technically viable and feasible in terms of time schedule, budget and value for money; iii. If applicable, the quality of the partnership agreement, the division of tasks and responsibilities among partners is established and described and each partner has a significant contribution to the project activities; iv. The project is adequately supported by a risk mitigation plan; v. The quality of the planned arrangements to publicise the project and disseminate the results and impact (Publicity Plan); vi. The Project Promoter and the Partners adhere to Corporate Social Responsibility (initiatives on company level) Projects supported by this Programme shall include at least one small component related to establishing an active CSR approach in the enterprise; vii. The project meets the Programme specific expected outcome and the eligible activities set out in the Call for Project Proposals; and demonstrate a high degree of improvement of the environmental performance of enterprises and/or environmental impact during project implementation/upon project completion


viii. The project is in compliance with relevant cross-cutting issues in the Application Form (on project level); ix. The grant awarded has a releasing effect on the project; x. The project is in compliance with Romania national, regional and local plans or strategies; xi. The project has added value, i.e. the socio-economic profitability; xii. The project incorporates clear sustainability measures, i.e. the durability of the project after the implementation deadline; xiii. The project contributes to the overall objectives of Norway Grants 2009-2014 (reduction of economic and social disparities in the European Economic Area and to strengthen the bilateral relations between Norway and Romania). . 4. Additional assessment criteria for all projects promoted by private enterprises: i. Project profitability; ii. Assessment of financial reports/certified accounts; iii. Operating risk rating; iv. Credit score rating; v. Business model/business plan; vi. Innovation level; vii. Intellectual Property Rights status; viii. Market potential and competitiveness. 5. Selection and award The assessment criteria above will be scored in a rating from one to six points (1 lowest, 6 highest). The scoring will constitute a basis for an assessment profile. Each of the assessment criteria may be a critical success factor, a factor that can jeopardize the whole project. The scoring profile will be the basis for the prioritizing for the project proposals. The main principle will be that those projects with the highest scoring, as a result of the assessment process, will have the highest probability to be awarded a grant. Other elements in the prioritizing of projects: Proven availability of the required co-financing.

After the assessment of the project proposal has been performed, Innovation Norway will make the final grant decision. Applicants shall be notified of the decision of Innovation Norway to support or reject their application. All applicants will receive information about the final results concerning financing within tentatively 5 months after the closure of the Call. A list of approved projects will be published on the dedicated Programme web-site. Further information on the project assessment criteria and methodology can be found at the dedicated Programme web-site

11. Mode of Payment Grant assistance shall be given as reimbursements of already incurred documented costs according to an agreed Disbursement Plan.


The Project Promoter (Applicant) has the opportunity to apply for an advance payment in line with the requirements in the Rules and Procedures. Interim payments will be made on the base of interim reports with description of results and impact together with financial statements. All financial statements on claimed expenses in project reports shall be confirmed by a certified auditor, audit requirements will be detailed in the Project Contract. Commitments and payments will be carried out in Euro (). Payment claims (incl. advance payment) forwarded from the Project Promoter to Innovation Norway shall be in Euro ().

12. Procedure for submission of application Only electronic applications, submitted to Innovation Norway, Oslo, in English, will be accepted. A Project Implementation Plan, a detailed activity based project Budget, Letter of Commitment, a Procurement Plan, a Publicity Plan, a draft donor Partnership Agreement a Disbursement Plan and CVs of the core project management team must be provided by the Applicant, as part of the application. (All these are mandatory attachments to the electronic Application Form and it will not be possible to send in the application without these attachments.) The electronic applications and templates for the mandatory supportive documents are available on the dedicated Programme web-site through which project applications are to be submitted.

13. Documents of specific importance to the Call / essential reading: In addition to the Call, the following documents shall be read by Applicants and eventual Partner(s) when preparing the project application: - Executive Summary of Programme Document; - Standard Terms and Conditions for EEA/Norway Grants operated by Innovation Norway; - Rules and Procedures on the implementation of the Green Industry Innovation Programme Romania; - Specific Guidelines for the Fund for Bilateral Relations. - Guidelines for the Application Form (will be available on the web-site by end of April 2013); The Following documents are mandatory attachments to the electronic Application Form: - Template Project Implementation Plan; - Template Detailed Activity Based Budget; - Template Disbursement Plan; - Template Procurement Plan; - Template Letter of Commitment. - Template Partnership Agreement (if relevant); - Publicity Plan; - Relevant Registration Certificates; - Clean Criminal and Tax Record; - C.V.s for project management team; - Certified annual accounts; - Project Document (Business plan/Business model/Project description);


Some links to useful documents/important reading are also uploaded on the dedicated Programme website: - State aid overview (General Block Exemption Regulation); - State aid - Vademecum; - Romanian legislation on public procurement; - European Enterprise Network in Romania; - The Norwegian Trade Portal; - The NGO portal; - Guidelines to potential partners from donor state (Norway). - Information in Romanian (National Focal Point in Romania); - The Norwegian Embassy in Bucharest; - EEA and Norway Grants. - Business Plan example

14. Queries Questions or further need for clarifications shall be sent in writing to the Programmes e-mail address until 30.06.2013. Queries will normally be replied to within 35 working days. A Frequently Asked Questions section (FAQ) will be published on the dedicated Programme web-site based on questions received from potential applicants and partners. The FAQ will be updated on a regular basis. More information Entities interested in applying for grant support from Green Industry Programme can access all relevant information and application submission forms at For clarifications please contact: Ms. Anne Lise Rognlidalen, Programme Manager, Oslo Tel: +47 976 85 755 Ms. Daniela Chifan Programme Officer, Bucharest Tel: +40 21 20 34 845 Mr. Mihai Stefanescu Programme Officer, Bucharest Tel: +40 21 20 34 844 Mr. Knut Ringstad, Senior Adviser, Oslo Tel: +47 416 58 524 Programme e-mail address

More background information about the EEA and Norwegian Financial Mechanisms is available on:


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