The Purposeful Primitive: From Fat and Flaccid to Lean and Powerful - Using the Primordial Laws of Fitness to Trigger Inevitable, Lasting and Dramatic Physical Change
8 Weeks to 200 Consecutive Lunges: Build Stronger Legs by Working Your Glutes, Quads, Lower Back, and Hamstrings | at Home Workouts | No Gym Required |
300 Lunges a Day 30 Day Challenge: Workout Your Back, Butt, Hips, and Legs While Gaining Better Mobility and Stability With This Lower Body Exercise Program | at Home Workouts | No Gym Required |
100 Pull-Ups a Day 30 Day Challenge: Gain Muscle, Massive Strength, and Increase Your Pull up, Chin up Rep Count Using This One Killer Exercise Program | at Home Workouts | No Gym Required
One Exercise, 12 Weeks, Herculean Legs: Transform Your Lower Body With This Lunge Strength Training Workout Routine | at Home Workouts | No Gym Required |
One Exercise, 12 Weeks, Broad Back: Transform Your Upper Body With This Pull-up Strength Training Workout Routine | at Home Workouts | No Gym Required |