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ABSTRACT The Duval Triangle is widely used to identify faults in equipment such as transformers, reactors, bushings and cables filled with mineral oils. New versions of the Triangle are proposed for other types of equipment, fluids or applications: the Duval Triangle 2 for load tap changers (LTCs) of the oil-type, where normal operation involves arcing in oil; the Duval Triangle 3 for equipment filled with non-mineral oils (e.g., natural and synthetic esters and silicones); the Duval Triangles 4 and 5 for low-temperature faults in mineral oils, where stray gassing of the oil may interfere with diagnosis; and the Duval Triangles 6 and 7 for low-temperature faults and stray gassing of natural esters in service. INTRODUCTION Dissolved gas analysis (DGA) is very useful to detect faults in electrical equipment. When looking at DGA results, several parameters must be taken into account to evaluate how potentially harmful for the equipment the fault may be [1, 2]: the rate of gas formation and the concentration of gases formed [3]; the type of fault involved (electrical or thermal); and the location of the fault (in oil or paper). Several diagnosis methods are available to identify the type of fault involved, such as the Rogers and Duval Triangle methods. These methods apply directly to equipment filled with mineral oil such as transformers, reactors, bushings and cables. However, in equipment such as LTCs of the oil-type, arcing occurs during normal operation and this should be taken into account in the diagnosis. In equipment filled with non-mineral oils such as natural and synthetic esters, gas formation patterns are not exactly the same as with mineral oils. And stray gassing of oil may interfere in some cases with the diagnosis of low temperature faults in the equipment. New versions of the Duval Triangle have therefore been developed for such cases [4]. How and when to use them, is reviewed in this paper. THE CLASSICAL DUVAL TRIANGLE 1 FOR TRANSFORMERS The classical Duval Triangle 1 (Figure 1) was developed for equipment filled with mineral oil such as transformers, reactors, bushings and cables. Seven different types of faults are indicated in the Triangle: PD = partial discharges of the corona type; D1 = discharges of low energy; D2 = discharges of high energy; T1 = thermal faults of temperatures < 300C; T2 = thermal faults of temperatures 300C < T < 700C; thermal faults > 700C; and DT = mixtures of electrical and thermal faults. The Triangle uses 3 basic gases which are related to the increasing energy content of the fault: methane (CH 4), ethylene (C2H4) and acetylene (C2H2). The relative % of these 3 gases are the triangular coordinates to be used in the Triangle. If the concentrations of the 3 gases are: (CH4) = x , (C2H4) = y and (C2H2)= z, in ppm , their relative % can easily be calculated as (% CH4)= (100 x / (x + y + z)) , (% C2H4) = ( 100 y / (x + y +z)) and (% C2H2) = ( 100 z / (x + y +z)). For example, if x = y = z = 100 ppm, (% x) = (% y) = (% z) = 33.3%, which corresponds to only one point in the center of the Triangle, as shown in Figure 2. Triangular coordinates for the other versions of the Triangle presented in this paper can be similarly calculated, using the same 3 gases or different ones. Algorithms are available to calculate these triangular coordinates and to identify the fault zone where the DGA point is located. Graphical triangular paper such as in Figure 2 is also available to display the point in the Triangle manually with more precision. The triangular coordinates of zone boundaries of Triangle 1 are indicated in Figure 1.

2009 Doble Engineering Company -76th Annual International Doble Client Conference All Rights Reserved

The classical Duval Triangle 1 for transformers filled with mineral oil FIGURE 1

Example of DGA point in the Triangle: CH4 = C2H4 = C2H2 = 100 ppm; %CH4 = %C2H4 = %C2H2 = 33.3% FIGURE 2 THE DUVAL TRIANGLE 2 FOR LOAD TAP CHANGERS OF THE OIL-TYPE Although the Duval Triangle 1 has been used in the past for load tap changers (LTCs) of the oil-type [5], this requires experienced DGA users taking mentally into account the fact that arcing in LTCs is part of their normal (arc-breaking in oil) operation and should not be confused with a fault. The Duval Triangle 2 for LTCs of the oil-type (Figure 3) was developed to make this distinction easier. DGA results corresponding to the normal operation of all types of LTCs examined so far (air breathing, sealed, etc) have been observed to occur in the normal zone N of Triangle 2. For some specific types of LTCs, however, the normal zone N is smaller than indicated in Figure 3. It is therefore recommended to determine its exact size by using DGA results from individual units of this specific type which have been newly installed or where normal operation is ascertained. Any DGA results appearing outside the N zone are an indication of some type of abnormal operation.

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The Duval Triangle 2 for LTCs of the oil-type FIGURE 3 Five zones of abnormal operation or faults are identified in the Triangle 2 for LTCs of the oil type: T3 = severe thermal fault with heavy coking of contacts (T > 700C); T2 = severe thermal fault with coking of contacts (300 C < T < 700C); X3 = fault T3 or T2 in progress, with light coking or increased electrical resistance of contacts; or discharges of high energy D2; D1 = abnormal discharges of low energy D1; X1 = abnormal discharges of low energy D1, or thermal fault in progress. Faults T3 and T2 are caused by overheating of contacts, carbonization of the oil and coking (carbonization) of the contact surfaces. They are the easiest faults to identify and to find by visual inspection. The recommended actions are usually to repair or change the contacts and change the oil. Faults occurring in the X3 zone are mostly due to faults T3 or T2 in progress. The T3/T2 gases formed are mixed with gases coming from normal operation N and therefore appear in the intermediate zone X3. In some cases, these faults induce a light coking of contacts which can be detected by visual inspection. In other cases, a thin invisible film is formed at the surface of the contact, which can be detected only by electrical resistance measurements on the contact. Faults in the X3 zone may also be due in some cases to strong abnormal arcing D2 in the LTC. To distinguish between faults D2 and faults T3/T2 in progress, change the oil and run a few LTC operations. If the new DGA point is closer to the N zone than before, this likely indicates a fault T3/T2 in progress, since it takes time for the contact temperature to rise and affect the normal arc-breaking gassing signature. If the new DGA point remains at the same place, it is rather a fault D2. Signs of strong arcing D2 can be found visually by inspection. Abnormal arcing of low energy D1 may also in some cases be found by inspection. Zone X1 is still under investigation and waiting for actual cases in service to be reported. The triangular coordinates of zone boundaries (in %) are, for zone N: (CH 4 = 19; C2H4 = 23; CH4 = 2; C2H4 = 6); zone T3: (C2H4 = 50; C2H2 = 15); zone X3: (C2H4 = 23; C2H2 = 15); zone T2: (C2H4 = 23; C2H2 = 15; C2H4 = 50); zone D1: (CH4 = 19; C2H4 = 6; CH4 = 2; C2H4 = 23); zone X1: (CH4 = 19; C2H4 = 23). THE DUVAL TRIANGLE FOR LOAD TAP CHANGERS OF THE VACUUM BOTTLE-TYPE In LTCs of the vacuum bottle-type, normal arc-breaking operation occurs in the vacuum-bottle, not in the cooling oil around it, from which the oil sample is taken for DGA. So, any gases formed in the cooling oil are abnormal and caused by an actual fault, as in the main tank of the transformer. The classical Duval Triangle 1 should thus be used for such equipment. In practice, gas levels are almost always very low in the cooling oil of most LTCs of the vacuum bottle-type.
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In some LTCs of the vacuum bottle-type, however, the normal operation of the selector switch located in the cooling oil may involve sparking in oil. For such types of LTCs of the vacuum bottle-type, the Duval Triangle 2 should be used, and the normal zone N identified. THE DUVAL TRIANGLE 3 FOR ALTERNATIVE FLUIDS Alternative fluids such as natural and synthetic esters are increasingly used because they are less flammable and less harmful for the environment in case of spills. This has raised questions as to whether completely new DGA interpretation methods are needed, or if existing methods used for mineral oils can simply be adjusted for them. It appears that only minor adjustments are necessary, between zones D1/D2, T1/T2 and T2/T3 of the Duval Triangle 1. The Duval Triangles 3 indicated in Figure 5 can thus be used for silicones, Midel 7131, FR3, and BIOTEMP.



FR3 BIOTEMP The Duval Triangle 3 for alternative fluids (silicones, Midel, FR3 and BIOTEMP) FIGURE 4

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The triangular coordinates of zone boundaries in the Triangle 3 for alternative fluids are the same as in the Triangle 1 for mineral oil, except for boundaries (in %) between zones D1 and D2: (mineral oils: 23; silicones: 9; Midel: 26; FR3: 25; BIOTEMP: 20); between zones T1 and T2: (mineral oils: 20; silicones: 16; Midel: 39; FR3: 43; BIOTEMP: 52); and between zones T2 and T3: (mineral oils: 50; silicones: 46 (extrapolated); Midel: 68 (extrapolated), FR3: 63; BIOTEMP: 82 (extrapolated)). The exact position of zone boundaries for these fluids may change slightly in the future as more and more laboratory comparisons between mineral and alternate fluids are reported (by EPRI, CIGRE and others), as well as inspected cases of faults from transformers in service. Such reported data, however, are valid only if proper Ostwald/ solubility coefficients have been used for the alternative fluids (some of these coefficients are significantly different from those in mineral oils and this will affect DGA results). THE DUVAL TRIANGLES 4 AND 5 FOR LOW TEMPERATURE FAULTS IN TRANSFORMERS FILLED WITH MINERAL OILS The classical Duval Triangle 1 has proved quite efficient to determine the general type of fault occurring in transformers (PD, D1, D2, T1, T2, T3, DT). It is based on the use of 3 basic gases representative of different energy contents in the fault: C2H2 for high energies or temperatures (D2, D1, T3); C 2H4 for medium to high temperatures (T3, T2); and CH4 for medium to low temperatures (T2, T1, PD). For faults occurring in the T2, T1 and PD zones, however, stray gassing of oil may sometimes interfere with diagnosis. Stray gassing has been defined by CIGRE [6] and others as the unexpected formation of gases in oil at relatively low temperatures in the 80 to 250C range. It has been observed mostly in oil manufactured after year 2000, when crude oil supplies and refining techniques were drastically changed by oil producers. The Duval Triangles 4 and 5 have thus been developed to improve the diagnosis of stray gassing and other low temperature faults in equipment filled with mineral oils such as transformers, reactors, bushings and cables. Warning: the Duval Triangles 4 and 5 should be applied only to faults which have first been identified as low temperature faults T2, T1 and PD in the classical Duval Triangle 1. They should not be applied to faults identified in Triangle 1 as faults D1, D2 or T3. The Triangle 4 (Figure 5) uses the 3 so-called low energy gases hydrogen (H2), CH4 and ethane (C2H6). It allows to distinguish between stray gassing of mineral oil at 100C < T < 200C (in zone S), corona PDs, overheating at T < 250C (O), and hot spots with carbonization of paper at T > 300C (C).

The Duval Triangle 4 for low temperature faults in mineral oils Warning: the 3 gases used in Triangle 4 are H 2, CH4 and C2H6 FIGURE 5

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The triangular coordinates of zone boundaries in the Duval Triangle 4 for low temperature faults in mineral oils are (in %): zone PD: (CH4 = 2; C2H6 = 1; CH4 = 15); zone S: (C2H6 = 44; H2 = 9; C2H6 = 24; CH4 = 36; CH4 = 15; C2H6 = 1; CH4 = 2); zone C: (CH4 = 36; C2H6 = 24); zone O: (H2 = 9; C2H6 = 24). The Duval Triangle 5 (Figure 6) can be used to confirm this fault attribution. It uses the 3 so-called temperature gases or hot metal gases CH4, C2H6 and C2H4. As in the case of the Triangle 4, it allows to distinguish between corona PDs, stray gassing of oil (S), overheating (O) and carbonization of paper (C) (plus faults T3 > 700C).

The Duval Triangle 5 for low temperature faults in mineral oils Warning: the 3 gases used in Triangle 5 are CH 4, C2H6 and C2H4 FIGURE 6 The triangular coordinates of zone boundaries in the Duval Triangle 5 for low temperature faults in mineral oils are (in %): zone PD: (C2H4 = 1; C2H6 = 15); zone S: (C2H6 = 53; C2H4 = 10; C2H6 = 15); zone C: (C2H4 = 10; C2H6 = 30; C2H4 = 36); zone O: (C2H4 = 10; C2H6 = 53; C2H6 = 15; C2H4 = 1); zone T3: (C2H4 = 36). THE DUVAL TRIANGLES 6 AND 7 FOR LOW TEMPERATURE FAULTS IN TRANSFORMERS FILLED WITH FR3 OILS In the (relatively few) transformers filled with FR3 oils presently in service, C2H6 is often formed in larger amounts than in mineral oil-filled equipment. It is also known from laboratory studies that heating FR3 oil at relatively low temperatures (< 250C), which qualifies as stray gassing of FR3, produces a lot of C 2H6 and sometimes of H2. The Duval Triangles 6 and 7 for low temperature faults in transformers filled with FR3 has thus been developed to improve diagnosis of stray gassing and low temperature faults in equipment filled with FR3 (Figures 7-8). The same gases are used as in the Duval Triangles 4 and 5 for low temperature faults in mineral oils. The stray gassing zone (S) of FR3 is significantly different from its counterpart in mineral oils. The triangular coordinates for the boundaries of zone S of FR3 are (in %): CH4 = 12 in the Triangle 6, and (CH4 = 13; C2H6 = 63) in the Triangle 7. The boundaries for the other zones (PD, O and C involving paper or higher temperatures) are assumed to be the same as for mineral oils, until inspected cases of faults in these zones are reported for transformers in service filled with FR3. DGA results occurring inside the S zone are a lesser concern, since they are less likely to affect the paper insulation.

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The Duval Triangle 6 for low temperature faults in FR3 oils Warning: the 3 gases used in Triangle 6 are H2, CH4 and C2H6 FIGURE 7

The Duval Triangle 7 for low temperature faults in FR3 oils Warning: the 3 gases used in Triangle 7 are CH 4, C2H6 and C2H4 FIGURE 8 CONCLUSIONS New versions of the Duval Triangle are proposed for applications such as LTCs of the oil- and vacuum bottle-type, alternative oils such as natural and synthetic esters, and for low temperature faults, including stray gassing of oils. They are intended as new tools for the maintenance personnel to improve diagnoses and facilitate actions on the equipment.

2009 Doble Engineering Company -76th Annual International Doble Client Conference All Rights Reserved

REFERENCES [1] Guide for the Interpretation of Gases Generated in Oil-Immersed Transformers, IEEE Standard C57.1041991, 1991. Mineral Oil-Impregnated Electrical Equipment in Service- Guide to the Interpretation of Dissolved and Free gases Analysis, IEC Publication 60599 (1999-03), Mar.1999. Duval, M., Calculation of DGA Limit Values and sampling Intervals in Transformers in Service, IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine, Sept/Oct 2008, Vol.24, N0.5, pp.7-13. Duval M., The Duval Triangle for Load Tap Changers, Non-Mineral Oils and Low Temperature Faults in Transformers, IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine, Nov/Dec 2008, Vol, 24, No.6, pp. 22 -29 Duval M., A review of Faults Detectable by Gas-in-Oil Analysis in Transformers, IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine, June 2002, Vol. 18, No. 3, pp. 8-17. Duval M. et al, Joint Task Force D1.01/ A2 - 11 of CIGRE, Recent Developments in DGA Interpretation, CIGRE Brochure # 296, 2006, available from Summary in Electra, No.226, 2006, pp.56-60.






BIOGRAPHY Michel Duval graduated from the University of Toulouse in 1966 with a B.Sc. in chemical engineering, and received a Ph.D. in polymer chemistry from the University of Paris in 1970. Since then, he has worked for Hydro Quebecs Institute of Research (IREQ) on electrical insulating oils, dissolved gas analysis and lithium polymer batteries. A Fellow member of IEEE and the Chemical Institute of Canada, he holds 15 patents, has authored over 70 scientific papers, book chapters or international standards and is very active in several CIGRE, IEC and IEEE working groups. He may be reached at IREQ, 1800 boul.Lionel Boulet, Varennes, J3X 1S1, Canada, or at

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