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Bronchopneumonia Lesson Plan

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To give an INTRODUCTION 2min Introduction Bronchopneumonia is an illness of lung about Bronchopneumo which is caused by different organism like nia bacteria, viruses, and fungi and characterized by acute inflammation of the walls of the bronchioles. It is also known as pneumonia. It is common in women and causes to the 6% deaths. Streptococcus and pneumoniae Mycoplasma

What do you know about Bronchopne umonia ?


pneumoniae both are the common bacterium which causes bronchopneumonia in the adults and children. Acute inflammation of the walls of the smaller bronchial tubes, with varying amounts of pulmonary consolidation due to spread of the inflammation into peribronchiolar alveoli

and the alveolar ducts; may become confluent or may be hemorrhagic. 2 2min To know about the etiology of Bronchopneumo nia ?

ETIOLOGY Bronchopneumonia hospitalized patients. Bronchopneumonia may occur as a

Lecture method is common in

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What are etiology of Bronchopne umonia ?

complication of some disease. e.g. In children- Diphtheria, Measles, Whooping Cough In adultsInfluenza, Typhoid and

Paratyphoid fever. It is often seen in two extremes of life (in infants and old age) Most bronchopneumonia cases are caused by organisms aspirated from the mouth.

CAUSES 3 2min causes of Bronchopneumo nia ? Bacteria Virus Bacterial pneumonias tend to be the most serious and, in adults, the most common cause of pneumonia. The most common pneumonia-causing bacterium in adults is Streptococcus pneumoniae (pneumococcus). Lecture method Flip chart

Explain the causes of Bronchopne umonia ?

RISK FACTOR 2min To know about the risk factors of Elderly Bronchopneumo Hospitalization nia? Immobilization Immune Deficiency Long Term Illness Smoking

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What are the risk factors of Bronchopne umonia ?

3min To know about the signs and symptoms of Bronchopneumo nia ?


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Fever: Any body temperature that goes above 37C or 98.6F is considered fever already. In bronchopneumonia, fever may be a symptom for having the disease especially if it is accompanied by other symptoms such as colds, coughing, and difficulty in breathing.

Flash chard

What is the signs and symptoms of Bronchopne umonia ?

Cough: Coughing is a natural reaction of the body to the presence of certain elements that may irritate the throat. Moreover, coughing is very important to keep the throat and airway clean and clear, thus making breathing easy.

However, if coughing becomes persistent and especially if it is accompanied by mucus, then it is a sign of something more

serious than ordinary coughing. A person with frequent bronchopneumonia and excessive experiences coughing,

sometimes accompanied by mucus.

Chest pain: Any form of chest pain should be a cause for concern for those affected by bronchopneumonia. Chest pain is frequent and associated with excessive coughing and difficulty in breathing.

A person with bronchopneumonia easily becomes fatigued and experiences

difficulty in breathing especially after doing some strenuous exercise or after playing.

A person with bronchopneumonia not only experiences difficulty in breathing but also feels that there is also the sensation of not getting enough air. As a result, the person

gasps for air frequently. What are the treatment for Bronchopne umonia ?

2min To know about the treatment for Bronchopneumo nia ?

TREATMENT Hospitalization Intravenous Antibiotic Therapy Oxygen Therapy Rest

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If the cause is bacterial, the goal is to cure the infection with antibiotics. If the cause is viral, antibiotics will NOT be effective. In some cases it is difficult to distinguish between viral and bacterial pneumonia, so antibiotics may be prescribed. Pneumococcal vaccinations are recommended for individuals in high-risk groups and provide up to 80 percent effectiveness in staving off




vaccinations are also frequently of use in decreasing ones susceptibility to pneumonia, since the flu precedes pneumonia

development in many cases. 7 6min To know the comlications of Bronchopneumo nia ? COMPLICATIONS Empyema is a condition in which pus and fluid from infected tissue collects in a body cavity. the name comes from the Greek word empyein meaning pus-producing (suppurate). Lecture method Flip chart What are the complication of Bronchopne umonia ?

Pleurisy is an inflammation of the membrane that surrounds and protects the lungs (the pleura). Inflammation occurs when an

infection or damaging agent irritates the pleural surface.

Lung abscess is an acute or chronic infection of the lung, marked by a localized collection of pus, inflammation, and destruction of tissue. Lung abscess is the end result of a number of different disease processes ranging from fungal and bacterial infections to cancer.

3min To know about the diagnostic test for Bronchopneumo nia

DIAGNOSTIC TEST 1. ABG is a test done to measure how much oxygen and carbon dioxide is in your blood. It also looks at the acidity (pH) of the blood. Usually, blood gases look at blood from an artery. In rarer cases, blood from a vein may be used.

Lecture method

Black board

What are the diagnostic test for Bronchopne umonia?

2. CBC Complete blood count (CBC) test measures the following:

The number of red blood cells (RBCs) The number of white blood cells (WBCs) The total amount of hemoglobin in the blood The fraction of the blood composed of red blood cells (hematocrit) The mean corpuscular volume (MCV) -the size of the red blood cells CBC also includes information about the red blood cells that is calculated from the other measurements:

MCH (mean corpuscular hemoglobin)





concentration) The platelet count is also usually included in the CBC

3. Chest X ray chest x-ray is an x-ray of the chest, lungs, heart, large arteries, ribs, and


4. Pleural fluid culture is a test that looks at a sample of fluid from the space around the lungs to find and identify disease-causing organisms. 5. History and Physical Examination 6. CT of Chest 7. Pleural fluid gram stain 8. Sputum gram stain

9. Sputum Smear Examination

PREVENTION 2min To know about the preventions Lecture Pneumococcal Vaccine of method The pneumococcal polysaccharide bronchopneumon ia vaccine helps protect against severe infections due to the bacteria Streptococcus pneumoniae. This bacteria frequently causes meningitis and pneumonia in older adults and those with chronic illnesses. The vaccine has not been shown to prevent uncomplicated pneumonia.

flipchart What are the preventions for bronchopneu monia ?


2min To know about the medical MEDICAL MANAGEMENT management for Antibiotics are prescribed by the doctor bronchopneumon ia should be taken regularly as advised.

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Supportive treatment includes hydration,

What are the medical management for bronchopneu monia ?

antipyretics, antihistamines, or nasal decongestants.

Bed rest is recommended until infection shows signs of clearing.

Oxygen therapy is given for hypoxemia Respiratory support includes endotracheal intubation, high respiratory oxygen concentrations, and mechanical ventilation.

For groups at high risk for communityacquired pneumonia, pneumococcal vaccination is advised.

Increased fluid intake to thin viscous and tenacious secretions


To know about 2min the nursing NURSING MANAGEMENT management for bronchopneumon ia Assess for fever, chills night sweats, pleuritic-type pain, fatigue, tachypnea, use

Lecture menthod

flipchart What are the nursing management for bronchopneu monia ?

of accessory muscles, bradycardia or relative bradycardia, coughing, and purulent sputum, and auscultate breath sounds for consolidation

Note changes in temperature, pulse; amount , odor, and color of secretions; and breath sounds

Frequency and severity of cough Encourage bronchial hygiene, such as increased fluid intake and directed coughing to remove secretions.

Put patient into moderate high back rest for lung expansion and clearing, and to cough effectively and prevent retention of mucopurulent sputum. Lecture menthod Flash card What is health teachings for bronchopneu monia ?


2min To know about the health teaching for


bronchopneumon ia ?

Instruct the SO to have patient a oxygen therapy for continuous normal breathing, and or breathing exercise.

Instruct the SO to keep the patient away in open place such as in road and dusty place, to prevent inhalation of airborne microorganisms.

Instruct the SO to maintain the patient proper diet that she can tolerate, such as fruits, to promote wellness. Advice the SO to monitor patients fluid intake or adequate hydration, to help her body re-hydrate to prevent fluid imbalance.

Instruct SO to assist patient in performing self-hygiene activities to help her maintain her activities of daily living.

Manisha College of nursing

Lesson plan on Bronchopneumonia

Submitted to Mrs. C.R. Shamsheer begum madam M.Sc(N) Principal Dept. of child health nursing Manisha college of nursing

Submitted by Mrs Nimisha Rajan M.Sc.(N), 2 nd year Dept. of child health nursing Manisha college of nursing

General Objective

On completion of the class the students will be able to understand the disease condition Bronchopneumonia so as to apply this knowledge in their future practice with a positive attitude.

Specific objective: On completion of the class the students will be able to; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Define the condition Enlist the incidence Discuss the related Anatomy Identify the etiology Enumerate the classification Discuss the pathophysiology Identify the clinical features Enlist the diagnostic measures Discuss the goals of medical management Discss the medical management Enlist the complications of shunt Discuss the nursing management

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