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Chapter 7 Solutions: Network+ Guide To Networks, 5 Edition

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Network+ Guide to Networks, 5th Edition

Solutions 7 1

Network+ Guide to Networks, 5th Edition

Chapter 7 Solutions
Review Questions
1. Which of the following WAN topologies comes with the highest availability and the greatest cost? d. Full mesh 2. Which of the following elements of the PSTN is most likely capable of transmitting only analog signals? a. Local loop 3. A customer calls your ISPs technical support line, complaining that his connection to the Internet usually goes as fast as 128 Kbps, but today it is only reaching 64 Kbps. He adds that he has tried dialing up three different times with the same result. What type of connection does this customer have? b. ISDN 4. What is the purpose of ISDNs D channel? b. To carry call session information 5. Suppose you work for a bank and are leasing a frame relay connection to link an automatic teller machine located in a rural grocery store with your banks headquarters. Which of the following circuits would be the best option, given the type of use this automatic teller machine will experience? c. SVC 6. On an ISDN connection, what device separates the voice signal from the data signals at the customer premises? b. Terminal adapter 7. Which of the following WAN technologies operates at Layer 3 of the OSI model? d. None of the above 8. What technique enables DSL to achieve high throughput over PSTN lines? a. Data modulation 9. Suppose you establish a home network and you want all three of your computers to share one broadband cable connection to the Internet. You decide to buy a router to make this sharing possible. Where on your network should you install the router? c. Between the cable modem and the workstations

Network+ Guide to Networks, 5th Edition

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10. How does ATM differ from every other WAN technology described in this chapter? c. It uses fixed-sized cells to carry data. 11. You work for an Internet service provider that wants to lease a T3 over a SONET ring. What is the minimum Optical Carrier level that the SONET ring must have to support the bandwidth of a T3? a. OC1 12. Which two of the following are asymmetrical versions of DSL? a. ADSL c. VDSL 13. What technique does T1 technology use to transmit multiple signals over a single telephone line? b. Time division multiplexing 14. Where on the PSTN would you most likely find a DSLAM? a. In a remote switching facility 15. The science museum where you work determines that it needs an Internet connection capable of transmitting and receiving data at 12 Mbps at any time. Which of the following T-carrier solutions would you advise? c. Ten T1s 16. A local bookstore that belongs to a nationwide chain needs a continuously available Internet connection so that staff can search for the availability of customer requests in the database stored at the bookstores headquarters. The maximum throughput the store needs is 768 Kbps. Which of the following options would best suit the store? c. ADSL 17. What part of a SONET network allows it to be self-healing? a. Its double-ring topology 18. Which of the following may limit a DSL connections capacity? b. The distance from the customer to the carriers switching facility 19. You work for a consulting company that wants to allow telecommuting employees to connect with the companys billing system, which has been in place for 10 years. What do you suggest as the most secure and practical means of providing remote LAN access for this application? b. Dialing into a terminal server that is connected to the same network as the billing system server 20. Why is broadband cable less commonly used by businesses than DSL or Tcarrier services?

Network+ Guide to Networks, 5th Edition

Solutions 7 3

c. Because most office buildings are not wired with coaxial cable 21. Youre troubleshooting a problem with poor performance over a WAN connection at your office. Looking at the smart jack, you see the Tx light is blinking green and the Rx light is not illuminated. What can you conclude about the problem? d. It is likely due to faults in your service providers network. 22. Your company has decided to order ADSL from its local telecommunications carrier. You call the carrier and find out that your office is located 17,000 feet from the nearest CO. Given ADSLs potential throughput and your distance from the CO, what is the maximum downstream throughput you can realistically expect to achieve through this connection? c. 2 Mbps (Note: This applies to Full Rate ADSL, whose maximum potential downstream throughput is 8 Mbps.) 23. In which of the following situations would you use RDP? a. To enable someone else to control your workstation, which is running a Windows operating system 24. You have decided to set up a VPN between your home and your friends home so that you can run a private digital telephone line over your DSL connections. Each of you has purchased a small Cisco router for terminating the VPN endpoints. Which of the following protocols could you use to create a tunnel between these two routers? a. L2TP 25. A VPN is designed to connect 15 film animators and programmers from around the state of California. At the core of the VPN is a router connected to a high-performance server used for storing the animation files. The server and router are housed in an ISPs data center. The ISP provides two different T3 connections to the Internet backbone. What type of connection must each of the animators and programmers have to access the VPN? d. Any type of Internet connection

Hands-On Projects
Project 7-1 In this project, students create and configure a dial-up (modem) connection to an ISP on a Windows XP workstation. This requires access to a phone line and an ISPs dial-up account(s). Students will also need to know the ISPs dial-up parameters, such as the access server phone number, a valid username and password, and so on. Project 7-2

Network+ Guide to Networks, 5th Edition

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In this project students verify that the dial-up connection they created in Project 71 functions properly and then modify some of the parameters to see how their changes affect the connection process. Steps 1 5: Students verify that their dial-up connection works. Steps 6 11: Students modify the server type setting in the dial-up connection configuration and try connecting again. Step 11 should result in an error, such as The Remote Access Server is not responding. Steps 12 19: Students modify the TCP/IP Properties of the dial-up connection and try connecting again. Step 19 should result in an error regarding the inability to assign an IP address. Project 7-3 In this project, students establish and test a dial-up networking connection on a workstation running Windows Vista. Project 7-4 In this project, students confirm that the dial-up networking connection they created in Project 7-3 functions properly, and then they modify some of its parameters to see how their changes affected the connection process.

Case Projects
Case Project 7-1 Several WAN options allow Wilkes offices, staff, and clients to exchange data over long distances. For office-to-office connectivity, students might suggest Tcarrier, SONET, or ATM, or even direct Ethernet over fiber connections to create WAN links. For home-to-office connectivity, students might suggest home Tcarrier, DSL, or broadband cable solutions. (Wireless WAN connections, such as WiMAX, are also a possibility, though these arent discussed until Ch. 8.) For mobile-user-to-office connections, dial-up networking is a possibility, but because of its lower bandwidth capabilities, not a likely scenario. A better option would be remote networking or Web-based interfaces that allow the mobile user to connect in any number of ways, depending on the situation (for example, WiFi from a hotel, DSL from another office, etc.). Case Project 7-2 Students should point to VPN connections as the best solution for secure remote connections and demonstrate an understanding of the preferred protocols for using VPNs. Case Project 7-3 Students should draw a WAN diagram that includes home-to-office, office-tooffice, and mobile-to-office links. The diagram should indicate the locations of users and how the Internet plays a role in this WAN. As necessary equipment, students should point out the DSL modems required for home users DSL

Network+ Guide to Networks, 5th Edition

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connections, VPN-capable routers, SONET interfaces, and the media in each office necessary to connect devices and end users.

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