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North Carolina Wing - Dec 2012

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Carolina WingSpan
The Official Newsletter of the NC Wing, CAP

December 2012

Final Salute
It is my sad duty to report the passing of Chaplain (Lt Col) Wade Gibson on 2 December. Chaplain Gibson had served NC Wing as Wing Chaplain for several years. Please keep his family in your thoughts and prayers. The service was held on 5 December. More information and the obituary can be see online at David E Crawford, Col, CAP Commander, North Carolina Wing

Additional Final Salute on the Following Page ...

Congratulations to Asheville's Captain Rheta Perkins and Lt.Col. Wally Courtney for making it into the national CAP magazine. Captain Perkins can be found on page 30 with the credit for the picture going to Lt.Col. Courtney. Clint Parker, Captain Asheville CAP PAO

Carolina WingSpan is published under the direction of: NCWG Commander - Col. David E. Crawford NCWG Vice Commander - Lt. Col. Max NCWG Chief of Staff - Lt. Col.. Andy Wiggs Office of Public Affairs: NCWG Public Affairs Officer, Maj. Don Penven NCWG Deputy PAO Lt.Col. James Williams NCWG Deputy PAO Lt. Col Conrad D'Cruz NCWG Deputy PAO Capt. Carey Cox NCWG Deputy PAO 1st Lt. Larry Mathis NCWG newsletter "Carolina WingSpan" editor Maj. Donald Penven Send submissions to: "Carolina WingSpan" is the official newsletter of the Civil Air Patrol, North Carolina Wing HQ, U.S. Air Force Auxiliary

Capt. Rheta Perkins, Hurricane Sandy Mission Scanner


Cover Photo: Annual Christmas Tree Lighting. Gov. Bev Perdue (Center) with Senior members and Cadets from the Raleigh-Wake Composite Squadron. Photo Courtesy of NC Governors Office

Final Salute
Members of the CAP Command Council, It is with great sadness that I inform you of a tremendous loss suffered by Civil Air Patrol. Three of our members died on Tuesday evening, when the small plane they were flying in crashed in Jackson, Mississippi. The members that passed away are Col John E. Tilton, Jr., CAP, Lt Col David Williams, CAP and Capt William C. Young, CAP, and they all provided numerous years of dedicated service as part of the Mississippi Wing. As many of you know, Col John Tilton was a member of the Board of Governors from August 2007 to November 2009. He was currently serving as the Director of Safety for the Mississippi Wing, and has previously held such positions as the National Safety Officer, Southeast Region Commander and Alabama Wing Commander during his time in CAP. Lt Col David Williams was currently serving as the Stan/Eval and Counter Drug Officer for the Mississippi Wing as well as the Operations and Stan/Eval Officer for a local unit, and Capt William C. Young was currently serving as a Finance Officer for a unit in the Mississippi Wing. The Piper PA-32 aircraft was not part of the CAP fleet, and the members were not taking part in a CAP mission during the time of the crash. Each of us in the Civil Air Patrol family are shocked and saddened by this loss, and I ask that you keep the victims, their families and friends in your thoughts and prayers during this very difficult time. Very Respectfully, Don Rowland National Executive Officer

Shelby Squadron Hosts Basic First Aid Class

By: 2nd Lt. Tony Bradley, MER-NC-050 PAO On Saturday December 8th cadets and seniors took part in a basic first aid class hosted by the squadron and taught by EMTs from Dallas Rescue. The class covered many aspects of first aid, from splints and slings to bandages, personal protection, hot and cold weather injuries, and shock. On top of teaching the members how to treat injuries until help arrives, the instructors spent time teaching the cadets and seniors just how to facilitate help arriving as fast as possible, which can mean life or death in certain situations. Tips include: Staying calm when calling 911, speaking clearly, knowing where you are, relaying your location properly, and communicating what is happening and what you see to the 911 operator. The class rounded out with situational awareness, this included paying attention to what is around you and not just focusing on the person that is hurt and making sure you arent injured in the process of helping someone else. The squadron would like to extend our thanks to EMTs Ricky Cureton and Lt. Angel Cureton of the Dallas NC Rescue Squad for taking time out of their schedules to plan and teach this class.

EMTs Ricky Cureton & Lt Angel Cureton explaining how to calmly contact 911 and what information is needed.

Lt Cureton demonstrates how to properly support the neck.

The cadets and seniors of the first aid class.

Cadet Bell and Cadet Weaver learn the proper way to apply rolled gauze.

PHOTOS BY Tony Bradley, 2d Lt, CAP

C/SrA Upton learns how to properly dress a small head wound on Sergeant Willis.

CAP-USAF: NC Wing is Highly Successful

After having time to thoroughly review the draft report provided by the Inspection team, I want to provide some highlights from the report and recognize some individuals whose efforts were key to the well deserved result the Wing received. To set the stage, the last Compliance Inspection of NC Wing was conducted in December 2008 which resulted in the grade of EXCELLENT under the prior grading scale. That inspection took place just prior to Col Roy Douglass assuming Command of the Wing. The grade of HIGHLY SUCCESSFUL that we just received is due in no small measure to the leadership of Col Roy Douglass during his 3 1/2 years as Commander of the North Carolina Wing. The last 2 Compliance Inspections show that over the last 8 years under the leadership of Col Larry Ragland (NCWG/CC 20052008) and Col Roy Douglass (NCWG/CC 2009-2012), Lt Col John Kay (Interim NCWG/CC June-July 2012) and myself, NC Wing has performed in an exemplary manner. The results of the most recent inspection of North Carolina Wing, as I mentioned, are the measure of the program wing wide, not just at the wing HQ. The following are some highlights of the inspection results and key contributors: Aerospace Education: HIGHLY SUCCESSFUL, Maj Paul Twiddy & Lt Col Jim Williams Cadet Programs: HIGHLY SUCCESSFUL, Capt Michael Gallandt/CP and 1st Lt Joel Lipsey/DDR Emergency Services: HIGHLY SUCCESSFUL, Maj Chris Bailey/DOS, Capt Neal Gay/DC Mission Support: HIGHLY SUCCESSFUL, Maj Jason Bailey/LGT, 1st Lt Kevin Knox/LGS, Lt Col Wes Surratt/LG, Lt Col Eric Grant/FM, Kathy Gaddy/WA, Maj Don Penven/PA Command (Safety, IG,Command): SUCCESSFUL, Legal: HIGHLY SUCCESSFUL, Capt Matt Phillips/JA Several areas were called out in particular by the Inspection Team for emphasis all of which received HIGHLY SUCCESSFUL ratings: AE CP Operational Mission Management (ES) Communications Supply and Transportation Finance PA Legal Additionally the Inspection Team Training program which Lt Col Jack Donahue and Lt Col John Kay led during the last year was called out for recognition and was mentioned as part of the improvement in the Inspection process in the wing. There were many other members whose efforts were extremely important to the final results. I would like to thank Col Roy Douglass and Lt Col John Kay for their leadership during their tenures of Command of the Wing during the period covered by the Compliance Inspection along with Lt Col Andy Wiggs who as Chief of Staff was the glue that held the preparation process together over the last 18 months. Again, thanks to every member for the outstanding job being done across the wing. David E. Crawford, Col, CAP Commander, North Carolina Wing

Historically Speaking
This months column is a reprint from Civil Air Patrol Coastal Patrol Base 21s Yearbook. I felt it might be interesting to look back at New Years 1943. The following are the first few entries for January 1943. The personnel of CPB 21 looked forward to the New Year with great anticipation for better times as we do today. They looked forward to more service in the war and found it to be a year of extreme sacrifice to come. The following 3 entries cover the first 8 days of January 1943: January 1 There was not much celebration Christmas or New Years just a few local parties, for flights had to go on as usual. A few were lucky enough to get a day or two at home. For the rest it was business as usual. January 5 With the help of six trucks loaned us by the Army, Earl Taylors tractor and the county convicts, everybody pitched in to build runways. Sand and clay were hauled in from a nearby sand pit and the fellows took turns driving the army trucks down to Maysville, NC, to bring back marl to surface the runways. We hope to finish it in a week. Meanwhile we are still operating from Bogue. January 8 Speaking of building runways here IS news. We got word today that Representative Barden had just received word that the Navy has approved plans to build us an up-to-date airport. We hear that final approval is up to the CAA Board. Now this sounds just too good. Whod think of building an airport for just little us? This leaves us with another little question. When will the Navy come in? Phil Saleet, Lt Col, CAP Historian

Communications News From MER

The National Communications Group content experts are developing communications courses that you and CAP members in general may find useful. They will be located in the same area of E-services as ICUT. Module T-10-Station Authorization Module. This module has a short power point with 8 Questions. Module T-4A Basic ALE User Module. This module has a short power point with 10 Questions Module T-11, Intra Squad Radio. This module has a short power point with 10 Questions. While it is not mandatory, it is strongly suggested for all members. Members taking this module will receive credit for completion, should we decide at some future date to make this module a perquisite for a program or course. I stress it is not mandatory at this time, but strongly suggested for all members.

Merlin Phillips Lt. Col. CAP Deputy DC Training

Raleigh-Wake Provides Honor Guard at Annual Christmas Tree Lighting

Raleigh, NC - Governor Beverly Perdue presided one last time over North Carolina's official Christmas tree lighting ceremony Thursday evening December 06, 2012. As part of an 11 year tradition, Cadet and Senior Members of the USAF Auxiliary Civil Air Patrols Raleigh-Wake Composite squadron participated in the ceremony by assisting with setup for the bands and the area where Governor Perdue and her special guests would be seated; as well as providing an honor guard along the governors path. Before the event began, Gov. Perdue stood for a photograph with the members of the Raleigh Wake Composite Squadron. Afterward, the members of the Civil Air Patrol lined the sidewalk to provide an Honor Guard for the governor and her guests; among them was Santa Claus! Governor Perdue began the procession by hanging wreaths on the doors of the old Capitol building in Raleigh and ending it by lighting a beautiful Christmas tree (grown in North Carolina) on the south side of Capitol Square. She then spent some time addressing the numerous children present by reading The Night Before North Carolina Christmas. During the lighter moments it was hard to keep a straight face while Gov. Perdue read about Christmas, mixed with Nascar, hush puppies and many other references to North Carolina. After the ceremony, Gov Perdue retired to the Capitol Building and Santa left on his big sled, while cadet and senior members were invited inside the Capitol for warm drinks and cookies.

Asheville Members Solo Flight

It is with distinct pleasure that we announce that Asheville Squadron's own Captain Rheta Perkins soloed yesterday at the Foothills Regional Airport. Well done! The second photo is of Rheta and her instructor after she soloed. We congratulation Captain Perkins on this milestone in her aviation career. Clint Parker, Captain Asheville CAP PAO

Shelby Squadron Holds DDR and Drug Awareness Class

Tuesday December 18th was a very special evening at the Squadron. Members of the Cleveland County Sheriffs Department Narcotics Division spent the evening covering a number of topics including pill diversion, the dangers of drugs, and the consequences of addiction. The latter part of the class covered what to pay attention for and what items are used in meth lab construction. The class began with Investigator Brad Pearson of the Narcotics Division explaining how pill diversion is a growing issue in our society. Kids and adults are raiding their own medicine cabinets for old unused medicines that were prescribed to someone else in the home. He went on to explain the use of medicines not prescribed to you is as illegal as purchasing them on the street and just as dangerous. Investigator Pearson reminded the class to talk to their parents about the proper way to dispose of unused prescription drugs. Lt Bryon Gordon of the Division began his portion of the class with the dangers of methamphetamine. His message focuses on what happens to the human body after the use of meth and other drugs. The members learned the new rules regarding Sudafed and its use in meth manufacturing. The class learned what to look for if they happened to come across the remains of a meth lab, how to identify the key components needed in every lab, and what to do if you see those items. Lt Gordon went on to explain that meth labs can be just as dangerous, if not more dangerous once they have been dismantled. The reason for this being: while in use most labs, however crude, are hidden and mostly out of site from the general public, but once they are finished cooking the meth they throw these items out where ever they want, and it is at this point anyone could come in contact with them. This portion culminated with a hands-on demonstration of what a shake & bake meth lab may look like. Shelby Squadrons DDR Officer Lt Kim McDonald reminds us The recovery rate for drug addiction is at best 18%. Once you start the odds are against you that you will ever stop. Using drugs even once changes your life for the worse! You may never achieve the goals and desires you once had. The Squadron would like to thank the members of the Cleveland County Sheriffs Department Narcotics Division that took the time to prepare and teach this class; Lt Bryon Gordon, Investigator Brad Pearson, and Investigator Tom Watterson. Continued on next page...

Seniors and Cadets in the Class PHOTO BY Kim McDonald, 2d Lt., CAP

Investigator Pearson explains prescription fraud and pill diversion. PHOTO BY Kim McDonald, 2d Lt., CAP

The full class was recorded and the full video will be available on the Shelby Squadrons website,, within the next week. Squadron DDR Officer Lt McDonald encourages any other DDR officers to please use the video in your own trainings. You can contact her at: with any questions. ( Tony Bradley, 2d Lt., CAP Public Affairs Officer, MER-NC-050

Cadets and Seniors take part in the hands on portion of the training. PHOTO BY Kim McDonald, 2d Lt., CAP

Lt Gordon explains the dangers of meth labs. PHOTO BY Tony Bradley, 2d Lt, CAP

Editors Note: 2013 is now with us and with the new year come new challenges. Yes... January 31 is the suspense date for submission of your Unit Public Affairs Plan and Unit Crisis Plan. Both of these documents are required by CAPR 190-1. Ive already had a few go-getters submit their plans. Last year your NCWG Public Affairs Office ended up with nearly perfect participation. That means that a few units Never Got a Round Tuit. Well... In case you dont have one, use mine:

Heres a link to a sample Crisis Plan Heres a link to a sample PAO Plan Don Penven, Maj, CAP NCWG PAO

Wreaths Across America - Salisbury

Courtesy of Lt. Col. Jim Williams


NC Wing Professional Development Weekend held at Wake Forest University

Wake Forest University, Nov. 17-18, CAP senior members from around the state of North Carolina, in addition to guests from the Virginia Wing, gathered on the campus of Wake Forest University for the second annual NC Wing Professional Development Weekend (PDW). The facilities, presenters and participants combined to provide a positive atmosphere for a successful PDW. The classrooms were designed for higher learning and included the technology needed to make quality presentations. The classrooms were also designed for comfort, facilitating class participation and enabling attendees to be comfortable during hours of class time. The speakers for the weekend were experienced, prepared and encouraged class involvement. The main presenters for Training Leaders of Cadets (TLC), Squadron Leadership School (SLS) and Corporate Learning Course (CLC) were: Lt. Col Max Benbow, Maj. Jason Bailey and Capt. Matthew Phillips, respectively. Lt. Col Rob Smith, NCWG Director of Professional Development, Col. David Crawford, and Maj. Chris Bailey were also a part of the PDW staff. Additional speakers such as Maj. Bruce MacPherson, Financial Officer for NC-082, spoke concerning their particular specialty. Chaplain Lt. Col. Wayne Byerly, inspired by an armor of God challenge coin, led services Sunday morning for a packed room. The highlighted speaker of the weekend was Col. Sean T. Hannah, USA, Ret., former director of the Center for the Army Profession and Ethic at West Point and current professor of management and Tylee Wilson chair in business ethics at the Wake Forest University School. Col. Hannah conveyed key leadership principles that all members would benefit by applying in their CAP careers. Classrooms and presenters are important factors in a successful PDW, however, it was the participants that really brought things together. Capt. Matthew Phillips created a Wordpress website that was timely and informative. It was clear that the weekend was well organized; perhaps that is why there was such a large turn-out. 21 NC squadrons and three VA squadrons were represented at the PDW: 28 SLS students, 31 CLC and 9 TLC, for a total of 68 students. The students were quick to participate and share their squadron experiences so all could learn. When divided up for small group sessions, the participants blended seamlessly into new teams, eager to complete assigned tasks. Professional Development Weekend could have simply been a weekend CAP members put aside to meet assigned requirements for advancement. However, with excellent planning and execution, professional presentations and active participation from all class members, this PDW gave so much in one weekend: leadership lessons, clarification of CAPs organization, new ideas, and new friendships with fellow CAP members from across NC and VA. Submitted by Leslieann Gourley, 2d Lt, CAP Assistant PAO, MER-NC-082 Winston-Salem Composite Squadron 336/595-7001

Photos on the next page...

Photos by: 2nd Lt. Gourley


Chaplain Lt. Col. Wayne Byerley

Lt. Col Max Benbow

Maj. Jason Bailey

Squadron Leadership School (SLS)

Corporate Learning Course


Shelby Squadron Holds Annual Christmas Party

Shelby Squadron held their annual Christmas party on Saturday December 8th. The event was held at the AmericInn in Boiling Springs, NC. Use of the facilities was donated to the Squadron by the hotel manager and cadet mother, Shelley Bell. The evening was filled with fun and laughter as the families met other members and door prizes were awarded. As the evening winded down a moment was taken to recognize 2d Lt Tony Bradley for his contributions to the squadron this year and a Certificate of Appreciation and an award were presented. The festivities were followed by something not normally seen at Christmas parties; the cadets swimming in the hotels indoor pool. Tony Bradley, 2nd Lt., CAP Public Affairs Officer, MER-NC-050

Guests arriving

Hot Chocolate is served

Photos by: 2nd Lt. Tony Bradley 2nd Lt. Kim McDonald Tonys Award ==>


Winston-Salem Composite Squadron Holds Wreaths Across America Ceremony

Lawrence Joel Veterans' Memorial Coliseum, December 15, 2012
Winston-Salem Composite Squadron gathered to: "remember our fallen heroes, honor those who serve, and teach our children about the sacrifices made by Veterans and their families to preserve our freedoms." Maj. Ron Cheek has arranged WAA ceremonies for the past four years. One of our Cessna 172's circled overhead against the blue sky making a touching addition to the solemn ceremony, as the cadets presented the wreaths at the memorial below.After the preliminary ceremony, the wreaths were transferred indoors. There they were put on display to be seen by the thousands that would be attending the free Holiday Pops Concert with the Winston-Salem Symphony Saturday evening. Leslieann Gourley, 2d Lt, CAP Assistant Deputy Commander of Cadets, MER-NC-082

Cadets Remember Our Fallen Heroes (L-R) Cadets: Joshua Woodard, Wayne Lewis, Landon Roddenberry, Zackary Mikat, Grace NiklasMorris, Garrett Briggs, and Edward Gravley, directed by C/1st Lt Obediah Fire.

Presentation of the Wreaths by Civil Air Patrol during the Wreaths Across America ceremony at the Lawrence Joel Veterans Memorial,

More photos on the next page...


The traditional Civil Air Patrol Search and Rescue Cessna 172 aircraft circles the LJVM Wreaths Across America ceremony to remember and onor our U.S. Veterans.

Cadet Commander C/Lt Col Josiah Gourley with Squadron Commander, Lt. Col. Bill Hawke oversee the Wreaths Across America Ceremony.

Cadet Wayne Lewis presents wreath to remember the fallen, and honor those who have served and those presently serving in the United States Marine Corps. with Color Guard Cadet Eric Compton behind him.


Raleigh-Wake Composite Squadron Holiday Banquet

At the end of each year, the Raleigh-Wake Composite Squadron hosts a Holiday Banquet for Cadets, Senior Members, and their families to enjoy dinner, deserts, prizes, promotions, awards and recognition. The event requires a lot of manpower provided by the Cadets. There was a lot to be set up in order to make the evening the success that it was. We had C/2d Lt Devyn Williams and C/Capt Katie Zobel compile pictures from every event of the year to create a music video presentation. The night before, a select few cadets met at the Zobels house to bake, ice, and decorate hundreds of cupcakes for desert in addition to the dinner that was catered. The event began with the Color Guard posting the colors, a prayer lead by Chaplain Capt Sunman and introduction of the Head Table. After everyone had a chance to eat, C/2d Lt Devyn Williams and C/Capt Katie Zobel presented the music video of all of the pictures captured over the year, followed by one of the main components of the event: Cadet Promotions. The following Cadets were promoted at the banquet: - C/A1C Nicholas Pantlin to C/SrA C/A1C Toby Vestal to C/SrA C/SSgt John Newsom to C/TSgt C/TSgt Amilyn Kober to C/MSgt C/MSgt Marc Kober to C/SMSgt C/SMSgt Rebecca Smart to C/CMSgt C/SMSgt Ari Brown to C/CMSgt C/SMSgt Brick Ingle to C/CMSgt C/SMSgt Ryan Almich to C/CMSgt
Raleigh-Wake Color Guard

C/CMSgt Devyn Williams to C/2d Lt C/CMSgt Grey Hodson to C/2d Lt C/MSgt Erica Adams to C/SMSgt and to First Sergeant

After our Cadet promotions, Deputy Commander for Cadets, Maj Zobel, and Cadet Commander, C/Capt Zobel, announced the awards voted upon by the cadet staff and Senior Members involved with the Cadet program. The following were awarded: - Respect Award to C/SrA Nicholas Pantlin Detective Michael S. Phillips Award to C/SSgt Graci Gordon, C/SSgt Christa Gordon, and C/MSgt Braxton Robertson Cadet Staff Member of the Year to C/2d Lt Devyn Williams Cadet Officer of the Year to C/2d Lt Eric Pantlin Cadet Programs Staff Member of the Year to SM Bill Robertson

Cadet of the 2012 Award went to C/MSgt Amilyn Kober Following the Cadet awards, the Squadron Commander, Capt Rich Laviano gave a very thoughtful comment of the Squadron activities for 2012, walking the audience from his Squadron Commander appointment to the reiterated objective of having close and concerted activities between Seniors and Cadets, making our Squadron the largest and most successful in the North Carolina Wing. The evening was concluded with Capt Laviano and Maj Peter Bohler, Deputy Commander, presenting the Senior awards. The following appreciations and achievements awards were announced: Continued on next page...


SM Richard Zobel for Dedication and Leadership for the Cadet Program 2d Lt Brian Flynn for Squadron Aerial Photography Education and Training 2d Lt Terri Richards for Dedication to Staff Operations 1st Lt Randy Lindsey as Squadron Finance Officer Capt. Joel Lipsey as Squadron Logistic Officer Capt Marcus Howard as Squadron Personnel Officer Maj Timothy Tessin for Dedication to the Cadet Program Maj Peter Bohler as Squadron RDU Security Officer Maj Terri Zobel and Capt Susan Lowery for Dedication and Leadership in the Cadet Program Capt Jose Guzman for the Squadron Communication Capability Revitalization 1st Lt Alberto Griffa for the Squadron Emergency Services Training Program Senior Member of 2012 Award went to 1st Lt Alberto Griffa for his effort in the IT department and in the ES program. Final thoughts and prayer concluded the very well organized event, while cadets stayed to help clean up the Banquet Hall and then went home with another successful year behind the Squadron!

Eric Pantlin, C/2d Lt, CAP, Cadet Executive Officer Raleigh-Wake Composite Squadron

Capt. Laviano presents appreciation award to Lt. Col. Bohler

Capt. Laviano presents appreciation award to Lt. Col. Tessin

1st Lt.Griffa receives Unit Member of the Year Award from Capt. Laviano


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