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Central and Peripheral Nervous system. b. Hierarchy of Brain Structures. c. Methods of neuro-anatomical research. d. Structure and function of Neuron. e. Neural Transmission. f. Hormones. UNIT.II SENSORY PROCESSING a. Properties of the receptors. b. Visual pathways and visual coding. c. Visual acuity, colour zones, colour blindness and colour vision. d. Theories of colour vision. e. Auditory pathways and auditory coding f. Theories of audition. g. Chemoreceptor- functions and theories. h. Paradoxical cold and synthetic heat. i. Kinesthetics and pain receptors. j. Pain perception theories. UNIT 3: PHYSIOLOGICAL BASIS OF EMOTION AND MOTIVATION a. Physiological correlates of emotion. b. Lymbic system, peripheral and intermediate mechanisms of emotion. c. Autonomic responses in emotional states. d. Endocrine correlates of stress Biofeed back studies. e. Feeding centres in the brain and eating signals obesity and anorexia. f. Thirst receptors. g. Neural mechanism of sleep and sleep disorders. h. Dynamics of sexual behaviours. UNIT 4: PHYSIOLOGICAL BASIS OF LEARNING AND COGNITION a. Cortex and learning, hippocampus and learning and synaptic basis of behaviour . b. The theory of memory consolidation memory in brain damaged individuals. c. Cortical localization language and perception. d. Levels in consciousness formation. e. Split brain studies. Books for reference 1. Schneider,A.M. and Tarshi.B. (2000) Psychology (3rd ed.), New Delhi: Random B ook. 2. Leuka.F. (2001) Introduction to Physiological Psychology (3rd ed.), New Delhi : CBS Publishers and Distributors. 3. Resonzweig.M.R., Breedlove.S.M. and Leiman (2002). Biological Psychology. Sunderland: Sinnuer Associates, Inc. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Semester I Core paper 4 Credit 4 UNITS 1 : RESEARCH 1.1 Basic concepts meaning and characteristics of scientific research factors af fecting, steps or stages in research. 1.2 Types of Research Experimental and Non experimental, Laboratory experiments and Field experiments and quasi experiment, Quantitative and Qualitative Research, E xpost Facto research, Survey research and Types of experiments. 1.3 Ethical Problems in Research. UNIT 2 : PROBLEM, HYPOTHESIS AND VARIABLES 2.1. Meaning and characteristics of a problem, sources of stating a problem, con siderations in selecting the problem, formulation of the problem and types of problems.

2.2. Meaning and characteristics of a good hypothesis, Types of hypothesis, Erro rs in Hypothesis testing and formulation of Hypothesis. 2.3. Meaning and types of variable, Consideration in the selection of variables, Control of extraneous variables Techniques. UNIT 3 : REVIEW OF LITERATURE AND DATA COLLECTION 3.1. Review of literature Purpose, source and preparation of Index Card. 3.2. Data collection Observation, Interview, Questionnaires and Psychological te sts and Scales. UNIT 4 : DESIGNS, ANALYSIS AND REPORT WRITING 4.1. Meaning, purpose and criteria of research design; basic principles in Exper imental designs Types and their analysis techniques; Single subject and small N designs Pre, True and Quasi experimental designs and Expos Facto design. 4.2. Analysis of data: Qualitative and quantitative analysis of the data purpose , conditions and interpretation of major parametric and non parametric statistical techniques . 4.3. General purpose of writing a report, structure and format of a repost (API) , Style of writing, Typing, Evaluating a report and Preparing a research proposal. 4.4. Computer Applications, Personal computers, Computer language, Data bases, Computer simulations, Laboratory experiments using computers. REFERENCES 1. Breakwell.G.M. et al.(2002) Research Methods in Psychology. London: Sage Publications. 2. Broota.K.D. (2001) Experimental Designs in Behavioural Research. New Delhi: W iley Eastern Ltd. 3. Goodwin.C.J.(2003) Research in Psychology: Methods and Designs. New York: Joh n Wiley and Sons, Inc. 4. Kerlinger.F.N. (2007) Foundations of Behavioural Research.

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