Edesign Report1
Edesign Report1
Edesign Report1
Joel Croce Berk Basar Matthew Cheung Nishant Gaddam 4/26/2013 Team 8 Abstract
The goal of this design project was to design a more sustainable campus that will save the campus and environment energy, water, food, and transportation costs. The campus already uses natural gas buses to transport students around campus, but there are many other unsustainable parts of this campus. The project allowed us to choose between a system or subsystem to redesign. We chose to redesign the entire water system that the campus uses. We found a solution by the processes of benchmarking, patent search, literature review, and concept generation. Researching where most of the campuses water comes from lead us to the idea that the bathrooms are a large part of that amount. The solution was redesigning each dorm bathroom. This means redesigning every appliance including the toilets, urinals, and showers to save as much water as possible. The final designs save the campus nearly 350,000 gallons of water per day and meet the requirements of this project. The designs use less water and recycle water for different appliances to minimize the excess water used by students on campus.
1.0 Introduction
Seimens provided the task of designing a more sustainable campus to all the engineering design groups. This project looks into aspects of energy, water, food, and transportation. The project will be to redesign certain aspects of the campus that are unsustainable. Each team had to choose between a subsystem or system to redesign. We as a group decided towards redesigning the water system for the entire campus. We first had to research the campuss water system as it stands today to assess how much water the campus is using. We then looked into alternatives involving all of the appliances in dorm bathrooms because this is where most of the water usage originates. We benchmarked other possibilities and generated a few concepts to find our final design. The outline of our report begins with Section 2 which is our problem statement that will state the problem at hand and how we plan on fixing it. Section 3 of the project is our research stage. This includes a literature review, patent search, and external search. All is done to generate a background and lead us into the right direction. Section 4 introduces our design objectives, which will then lead into section 5, which includes our concepts and benchmarking of other alternatives. Section 6 is our final design and implementation plans. We will describe our final design along with show our implementation plans for all of our designs. To conclude the report section 7 is our conclusion which will obviously conclude our project and our successes.
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5.0 Methodology
We have a considerable amount of options that could be implemented. We stem from waterless urinals to a whole new shower swipe system that could save countless gallons of water per year. We need to test all of these concepts with what is already in place on campus and compare to see if these are even possible.
5.2 Benchmarking
We decided to benchmark different types of urinals to see which would be most sustainable for the campus. We researched two waterless urinals and two urinals much like what the campus uses currently. We found that the waterless urinals are the most profitable because they dont use any water and the urinals currently use two gallons. We also decided to benchmark showerheads to see the result from that. We researched 3 sustainable showerheads and one showerhead like we currently use. The shut-off shower head was most sustainable and proved most profitable.
These are visuals of the urinals benchmarked. The Sloan wes-500 urinal is by far the most sustainable compared to the other three.
Increasing water input: Harnessing rainwater: Placing gutters and water drainage pipes on each building in Penn State could store the water in tanks underneath the ground that could then be used for toilets or urinals in buildings. The water would flow into water tanks underneath the ground that would be connected to the water source used for urinals and toilets. This wouldnt cost a large sum of money and could save the campus gallons of water.
7.0 Conclusion
Through the process of: benchmarking, concept generation, and external search, we designed a better more sustainable campus. Our design will save the campus thousands of gallons of water each year while inputting water that the campus has not seen before. The recycling system will be very difficult to implement mainly because of the cost to reconstruct. That being said our design will make the campus more sustainable but the actual cost of implementation might be next to impossible. The sustainable showerheads, however, will reduce the amount of shower water by half and is very easy to implement. The waterless urinals are very unique and very easily implemented virtually eliminating the use for the urinals used currently. We completed this project with new ideas that will completely reconstruct the water system that Penn State uses today and we look at our project as a success.
(VBE-423) EcoFlow Low Flow Shower Head - Chrome. (n.d.). Flossers, Sonic Toothbrush, Shower Heads, Faucets, Neti Pot | Waterpik. Retrieved April 25, 2013, from http://www.waterpik.com/shower-head/products/fixedmount/ecoflow/VBE-423