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American Literature Timeline

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American Literature Timeline: The First American Literature: Native Americans 1 -Enlightenment (1607-1800): The Age of Faith (1607-1750)

- The Age of Reason - (17501800). 2 - Romanticism (1800-1855) The Transcendentalists (1840-1855). 3 Realism: (1865-1915). 4 Modernism: (1915-1945); 5 Contemporary: (1945-present) The First American Literature: Native Americans 1-Enlightenment (1607-1800): The Age of Faith (1607-1750); The Age of Reason (1750-1800). Indian Literature: -Literature is communicated orally. -Stories are about myths, legends and tales of Indian cultures . -Main characters - animals or plants (enhanced with spiritual forces). -Hundreds of Indian words in everyday American English: canoe, tobacco, potato,moccasin,raccoon,tomahawk and totem. Creation Stories: - Very popular; -Vary among the tribes; -America means "turtle island" in Indian. American Indian poetry: -Poem-songs are generally short an repetitive involving themes that are relevant and often personal, such as healing, hunting, or even love songs. -Lullabies, war chants, love songs, and special songs for children's games, various chores, magic or dance ceremonials chanted. Cherokee morning - The beginning... A histria da literatura norte-americana ocorreu em paralelo com a criao e formao de uma nova nao. Os colonizadores ingleses saram Inglaterra, que no atendia mais as suas expectativas, trouxeram na bagagem expectativas e anseios e esperanosos com a nova terra. First American Writers - Historians and litterateurs agree that American Literature begins in the early 1600s. The first American writers were not American, they were Englishmen. Thomas Harriot (1560-1621): Mathematician and astronomer, expedition to Virginian to survey and map the country. Return to England in 1588 he published his Report of the New found land of Virginia. Captain John Smith (1580-1631): Member of the expedition that founded the second colony in the New World (1607). Named for King James I of England, Jamestown was founded in the Colony of Virginia on May14, 1607. THE KING UNITES THE ENGLISH AND SCOTTISH CROWNS: King James' great aspiration to be the first King of both Scotland and England was realized in 1603 upon the death of Queen Elizabeth. When he ascended to the English throne that year, he had already been king of Scotland for 36 years. He was now known as King James VI of Scotland & I of England. Captain John Smith: An incurable romantic. -His works are not always accurate. - Writings or Advertisements? True Relation of Virginia (1608) - Descriptions of New England (1616) (to persuade the reader

to settle in the New World). Portrait of Pocahontas: Captain John Smith boastfully describes his rescue by Pocahontas, a beautiful maiden Indian princess. Did Pocahontas actually save Captain John Smith, or did Smith make up the story in order to gain popularity? The story is probably untrue, but it is the first famous tale from American literature. 1 - Enlightenment (1607-1800): The Age of Faith (1607-1750) - The Age of Reason (1750-1800) O Puritanismo, movimento que defendia a reforma completa da Igreja da Inglaterra incio reinado de Elizabete I (1558) e continuou por mais de um sculo como uma grande fora religiosa na Inglaterra e tambm nos Estados Unidos. O puritanismo americano foi muito dinmico e influente, desde os primrdios na Nova Inglaterra (1620) at aproximadamente 1740. The Age of Faith (1607-1750): The puritans decided to leave England and migrate to New England hoping for freedom to practice their Puritan religion (Great Migration - 1620 to 1640). Puritans and Pilgrims separated from the Anglican church of England; religion dominated their lives and writings. Puritan Writers: - Constant reference to the bible; - New England - promised land; - The purpose of literature is to edify. How does Puritanism relate to literature? There are debates about the Puritans writing, such as: should Puritan writing be seen as historic documentation, or as literature? - Puritans practice of examining their lives for acts of good and evil naturally produced creative writing and imaginative expressions. Pensamento Puritano: A forma de pensar dos puritanos era guiada pela religio. Isto explica as caractersticas e produes: sermes, poesias religiosas e documentos de colonizao guiados por fatos religiosos. William Bradford (1590-1657): One of the authors of The Mayflower Compact, due to his responsibilities during the journey to the New World (25 million descendants). Elected Governor upon the death of John Carver in April 1621. History of Plymouth Plantation: 1620-1647: Written over a period of years. - The history the "Pilgrims'" religious and civil settlement in the New World. - Describes The First Thanksgiving at Plymouth. - Historical accuracy. Omits rancorous differences between leaders. The Pilgrims sailed from Plymouth, England, in September 1620 and landed at the place that nowadays is Plymouth, Massachusetts, in December 1620. John Winthrop (1588-1649): John Winthrop was a firm and dedicated Puritan - all events and happenings should be seen and interpreted as a sign from God. During his journey on board the Arbella, he prepared his famous sermon A Model of Christian Charity. From Past to Present John F. Kennedy and Ronald Reagan choose to invoke the Puritan John Winthrop's 1630 sermon "A Model of Christian Charity in their speeches.

Anne Bradstreet (1612?-1672): Focuses on domestic and religious themes. - She is passionate and writes with simplicity and charm. - She opens her heart and in her writings. - Reader can see the feelings in the heart of an American woman in seventeenth century. New World - sickness, lack of food and primitive living conditions. - She refused to give in and return to England and instead made the best of her new life. - She struggled to raise eight children, take care of her home and she still found time to write. - Hard life, but she proved to be a strong woman and this internal resolve is reflected in her writings. When Anne Bradstreets first publication of The Tenth Muse Lately Sprung Up in America was released, the idea that she was a virtuous woman had to be stressed. John Woodbridge, her brother-in-law, had to write: "By a Gentle Women in Those Parts" on the title page to assure readers that Bradstreet did not neglect her duties as a Puritan woman in order to write, by making it clear that she found time for her poetry by giving up sleep and using what little leisure time she had. The Age of Reason: (1750-1800) O contexto poltico da Amrica do Norte era inquietante e iniciavam as primeiras conversas sobre a independncia dos estados da Amrica do Norte. Incio da verdadeira literatura americana: -Declarao de Independncia, 1776, foi um marco fundamental para criar a verdadeira literatura americana. - A partir deste momento criada a identidade nacional. - A literatura autntica de uma nao comea sempre com a ideia de independncia e os sentimentos de igualdade, liberdade e fraternidade (BOSI, 2004). Thomas Jefferson redigiu a Declarao de Independncia dos Estados Unidos. A Inglaterra recusou-se a aceitar a independncia e declarou guerra contra as colnias. Comisso escolhida para redigir um documento com essa resoluo em termos simples e concisos. Comps-se essa comisso de Benjamin Franklin, John Adams e Thomas Jefferson (redator) entre outros. essencial compreender que depois da Declarao de Independncia a sociedade tambm passou pelo processo de formao de uma nova nao. Resumindo: a sociedade, assim como a literatura, passou por um processo de formao. The Age of Reason (1750-1800): Significant in America concerning political events. -Reflects in society and literature. - The Declaration of Independence 1776. The Constitution 1789. Writers are not fiction writers. Contrary to puritan concepts. - Writers were certain that man could be better and improve. -Basic concepts to develop a happy society based on justice and freedom. Thomas Paine (1737-1809): Active in local affairs in England. - Radical propagandist and voice of the common man. - Criticized monarchical government and the alleged virtues of the British constitution. - In London he met Benjamin Franklin who helped him to immigrate to America. Common Sense (1776) - Established his reputation as a revolutionary propagandist. -Sold 500.000 copies. -States that all the arguments for separation of England are based on simple facts, plain arguments and common sense. -Many Americans saw and interpreted him as an attack on Christianity and an assertion of atheism. - In America and in England, Thomas Paine was ridiculed and depicted as a threat to Christianity and to democracy. Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790): An apprentice - James's Courant (newspaper owned by

Benjamins brother, James). - Began writing letters at night and signing them with the name of a fictional widow, Silence Dogood. Letters were very critical and full of advice particularly interested on the issue of how women were treated. -Letters were published and were a great success and everyone wanted to know who was the real Silence Dogood. Almanacs, The Bible and newspapers were the literature present in American Colonial households. Almanacs were very important because they were useful information for farmers and sailors. Poor Richard Almanac is one of his works that clearly portray Benjamins writing style. The publication appeared continuously from 1732 to 1758. It was a best seller for a pamphlet published in the American colonies; print runs reached 10,000 per year. Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826): Chief author of the Declaration of Independence (1776). -Third President of the United States (1801-1809). -Representative of democracy and the rights of man in America. -Declaration of Independence was written during a very hard and violent moment in American history. -There are no emotional appeals.- Document states clearly and logically why America wanted and demanded independence. - Jefferson contributes with his beautiful writing which makes it a true masterpiece. 2 - Romantism Romanticism (1800-1855): O esprito romntico parecia especialmente apropriado para a democracia americana: nfase no individualismo; afirmao do valor da pessoa comum. O que inspirou os autores do movimento romntico norte-americano?Natureza,patriotismo,religio,e assim criaram obras poticas experimentais e inspiradoras. The Romantic Movement in America : originated in Germany and England (late 18th and early 19th centuries) France - America (1820) -Romanticism takes root in Germany and England and Inspires the French Revolution, influencing art, literature and music. Mark Twain(18351910) :O estilo baseado na fala americana, vigorosa ,realista e coloquial ,consequentemente, proporcionou aos escritores norte-americanos uma nova valorizao da sua voz nacional. Por ser do interior, captou as grias peculiares e humorsticas e esprito. Iconoclasta (diz-se daquele que ataca crenas estabelecidas ou instituies veneradas ou que contra qualquer tradio). Para Twain, assim como para outros escritores americanos do final do sculo XIX, o realismo no era apenas uma tcnica literria, era uma maneira de falar a verdade e destruir antigas convenes. Portanto, era profundamente libertador e potencialmente hostil sociedade. Samuel Clemens Mark Twain (1835-1910): Novels Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, which has since been called the Great American Novel; The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.

Stephen Crane (1871-1900): Attacked patriotism, individualism, organized religion; confronted the meaninglessness of the world. A sua primeira obra, Maggie: a girl of the streets, constitui o primeiro momento. Obra mais importante Red badge of courage (A insgnia vermelha da coragem), que um documento extraordinrio sobre a guerra de secesso. When the book was announced in Publisher's Weekly on 5 October 1895, Crane was basically unknown. Red badge of courage has never been out of print. Filmes baseados em livros: Muitos filmes so baseados em obras da literatura mundial. Algumas adaptaes ficam muito boas, j outras, nem tanto. Mas o importante que, cada vez mais, percebemos o interesse da indstria cinematogrfica em recriar os conflitos, dilemas e fantasias das obras literrias. Modernism (1915-1945) Contemporary (1945 - present) The Great Depression - end of the 1920s and during the 1930s was an economic crisis that disillusioned people about the economic stability of the country and once again Americans had major changes in life. Direito ao voto garantido pela 19a Emenda Constituio, aprovada em 1920 faz as mulheres se sentiram liberadas e ocupam funes pblicas na sociedade. Mulheres Americanas: Cabelo curto (a la garonne) - Bernice Bobs Her Hair usam vestidos curtos estilo melindrosa. Writers and authors told a new story about Americans, expressing real American life. The writings presented characteristics that contrasted to realism. Modernism is introduced. Modern American literature exposed topics that were relevant to Americans. Racial relationships - Gender roles sexuality. Very significant period in American history and American literature. Literature was not the only way to express American life. -Painting-Music artists used the feelings, textures and sounds of the city to influence the color, texture and look of their creative projects. F. Scott Fitzgerald (1896-1940): After the shock and chaos of World War I, American society enjoyed unprecedented levels of prosperity during the "roaring"1920s. Prohibition, the ban on the sale and manufacture of alcohol eighteenth amendment. Made millionaires out of bootleggers and led to an increase in organized crime. O Grande Gatsby (1925): garante seu espao na literatura americana, o sonho americano do homem que se fez sozinho (self made man). Fitzgerald captou e retratou a vida de esplendor e desespero dos anos 1920. The novel The Great Gatsby can be best described as a narration of a series of events as viewed through the eyes of the important central figure - Nick Carraway - around who a story takes form.

O romance relata o caos da Primeira Guerra Mundial. A sociedade americana vive um nvel sem precedentes de prosperidade durante a dcada de 20(1920), assim como a sua economia. A proibio de produo e consumo de bebidas alcolicas, ordenada pela 18 emenda, fez grande nmero de milionrios fora do circuito de venda de mercadorias e provocou um aumento do crime organizado. Fitzgerald, assim como Nick Carraway, idolatra os ricos e o glamour da poca, ele no se conformava com o materialismo sem limites e a falta de moral, que traziam consegue certa decadncia. Fitzgerald wrote frequently for The Saturday Evening Post. This issue from May 1, 1920, containing the short story Bernice Bobs Her Hair, was the first with Fitzgerald's name on the cover. The marriage was mixed both destructive and constructive. Fitzgerald drew largely upon his wife's intense and flamboyant personality in his writings, at times quoting direct passages from her letters and personal diaries in his work. Ernest Hemingway (1899-1961): A man can be destroyed but not defeated. O Velho e o Mar (1952), breve romance potico sobre um pobre e velho pescador - rende o Prmio Pulitzer em 1953; o Prmio Nobel em 1954. Considerado pela crtica literria o mais popular romancista americano. Seus interesses so basicamente apolticos e humansticos, ento ele universal. Wrote of war, death, and the "lost generation" of cynical survivors. His characters are not dreamers but tough soldiers, and athletes. Sometimes the characters are intellectual, but they are deeply scarred and disillusioned. His life ends very sadly, he was troubled by his family background, illness, and the belief that he was losing his gift for writing, Hemingway shot himself to death in 1961. Como Fitzgerald, Hemingway se tornou porta-voz de sua gerao. Mas ao invs de retratar seu glamour fatal, como fez Fitzgerald, que nunca lutou na Primeira Guerra Mundial, Hemingway escreveu sobre a guerra, a morte e a gerao perdida de sobreviventes desiludidos. Seus personagens no so sonhadores, mas toureiros, soldados e atletas dures. Se intelectuais, so profundamente marcados e desiludidos. Sua marca registrada o estilo claro desprovido de palavras desnecessrias. For Whom the Bells Toll (1940) -Great critical and commercial success, which exposes the realities of the Spanish Civil War. "For Whom the Bell Tolls" is the second single from the Bee Gees"For Whom the Bell Tolls" by Metallica. An old man goes to sea looking for fish, the story is 15% dialogue and 85% the scenario is the old man and the sea, it may seem boring, but in fact it's exciting. Writing style was very different Get to the point style Use few words reader would get the feeling and understand .At the time authors were overly descriptive. Appealed to the greater of the masses. Use of atmosphere. Feel the setting (seeing and feeling what the characters saw and felt) His stories are still popular (short yet exciting). William Faulkner (1897-1962): Unless you're ashamed of yourself now and then, you're not honest. Prolific writer who became very famous during his lifetime. Shied away from the spotlight as much

as possible. Nobel Prize for Literature (1950)- Language is innovative in structure, form and style. Beautifully lyrical and poetic. -Used various writing styles. Narrative from the traditional storytelling. Page-long sentences and forcing the reader to hold in mind details and phrases that are meaningful only at the end of the story. Soldier's Pay (1926): First novel - youngsoldier returning from the war physically and psychologically disabled. Sanctuary 1931: A young woman is raped by a murderer she finds sanctuary in a brothel. Deliberately conceived to make money. Contemporary (1945 - present): Literatura contempornea: No final do sculo 20 e incio do sculo 21, a mobilidade social e geogrfica das massas, a internet, a imigrao e a globalizao apenas enfatizaram a voz subjetiva em um contexto de fragmentao cultural. Alguns escritores contemporneos refletem uma inclinao em direo a vozes mais calmas e acessveis. (VANSPANCKEREN, Kathryn). The USA is one of the most varied nations in the world. Dynamic population of about 300 million. Literature in the United States today is vividly diverse, exciting and evolving. 30 million foreignborn persons who speak various languages and dialects. Approximately one million new immigrants arrive each year, many from Asia and Latin America. Contemporary American literature is the presence of books by non-American authors and books on international topics. Reading clubs proliferate; Book fairs; Literary festivals; Poetry slams (events where youthful poets compete in performing their poetry) attract enthusiastic audiences. Peter B. High the writers that are part of Contemporary American literature are seen as Popular Fiction, and are regarded as writing light or popular literature. These authors are qualified as not serious writers, however, their stories are read and loved by millions of Americans and people from all over the world. Os best sellers podem ser ser classificados como Literatura? Por qu? Jerome David "J. D." Salinger (1919 - 2010): J. D. Salinger (1919 - 2010): Novel The Catcher in the Rye - Adolescents are featured or appear in all of Salinger's work, from his first published short story. Identified closely with his characters, and used techniques such as interior monologue, letters, and extended telephone calls to display his gift for dialogue. The Catcher in the Rye Frank Herbert (1920-1986): Critically acclaimed and commercially successful American science fiction author. Dune took six years of research and writing to complete. Anne Rice ( 1941): Her books have sold nearly 100 million copies. One of the most widely read authors in modern history. The Vampire Chronicles and The Mayfair Witches; Interview with the Vampire (1976): Louis recounts how he became a vampire.

Khaled Hosseini (b. 1965): Was born in Kabul, Afghanistan in medical practice, Hosseini began writing. Afghanistan in the final days of the monarchy to the present, The Kite Runner is the unforgettable, beautifully told story of the friendship between two boys growing up in Kabul. - Describes the rich culture and beauty of a land in the process of being destroyed. His first novel, The Kite Runner. Dan Brown (b. 1964): In an interview, Dan Brown was asked if the novel The Da Vinci Code is true. He answered: The Da Vinci Code is a novel and therefore a work of fiction. While the books characters and their actions are obviously not real, the artwork, architecture, documents, and secret rituals depicted in this novel all exist (for example, Leonardo da Vincis paintings).

Unidade 1 a) The Native Americans contributed significantly to American Literature. Comment about the characteristics of Native American Literature. The first American literature refers to Native Americans. During this period, all literature is communicated orally. The stories are about myths, legends and tales of Indian cultures, basically focusing on nature. b) When does North American literature begin, according to historians and litterateurs? Historians and litterateurs agree that North American literature begins in the early 1600s. However, there are registers of works before this period. In fact, the first American writers were not American; they were Englishmen. c) Thompson (1966) fala sobre a essncia da literatura, que entreter os leitores e que isso foi esquecido pelas escolas. O autor destaca ainda que as escolas fazem com que a literatura se torne chata. Voc concorda? Justifique e comente sobre alguma obras da Literatura Americana que voc leu que atingiu o objetivo de entret-lo. Resposta pessoal. Unidade 2 a) Anne Bradstreet was America's first poet. Describe her writing style. Anne Bradstreets writings were quite typically Puritan. Some critics state that in the beginning her writings were poor in style, probably because her writings are very simple. However, her writings show a woman of high intelligence and ideals who was very much in love, and had unconditional faith. b) Thomas Paine foi um poltico britnico, alm de panfleteiro, revolucionrio, radical, inventor, intelectual, e um dos Pais Fundadores dos Estados Unidos da Amrica. Ele viveu na Bretanha at os 37 anos, quando imigrou para as colnias Britnicas na Amrica, em tempo de participar da Revoluo Americana. Cite as principais obras e como estas contriburam tanto na poltica como na

literatura. As obras de destaque: Common Sense The Crisis Age of Reason Em seus escritos, ele criticou o governo monrquico e as alegadas virtudes da Constituio britnica. Ele tambm participou ativamente da luta pela declarao de independncia para a Amrica e o estabelecimento de uma Constituio republicana. c) Benjamin Franklin reconhecido como um homem extremamente verstil - estadista, cientista, escritor e inventor, consequentemente ele se tornou-o um dos homens mais conhecidos e admirados do mundo na segunda metade do sculo XVIII. Uma das principais contribuies de Benjamin Franklin foi Poor Richard's Almanac, comente sobre as contribuies polticas e literrias de Benjamin Franklin. Benjamin Franklin participou e contribuiu ativamente para a causa da Revoluo americana, at hoje ele citado como um dos maiores estadistas do pas. Franklin tambm mostrou uma grande influncia na educao na Pensilvnia. Em 1749 ele escreveu Propostas relativas Educao da Mocidade na Pensilvnia; sua publicao conduziu ao estabelecimento em 1751 da Academia da Filadlfia, que veio depois se tornar a Universidade da Pensilvnia. O currculo que ele sugeriu era ento uma mudana considervel no programa de estudos clssicos em voga. O ingls e idiomas estrangeiros modernos seriam enfatizados como tambm matemtica e cincia; Unidade 3 a) Qual a relao entre Walt Whitman (1819-1892) e Emily Dickinson (1830-1886). Na poesia, Walt Whitman (1819-1892) praticamente inventou o mito da Amrica democrtica, com sua expansiva sensibilidade democrtica, sua forma inovadora, sem rima e com verso livre, e sua celebrao franca da sexualidade, ele alterou os caminhos da poesia americana. Os elos entre o romantismo e uma sensibilidade mais moderna seriam produzidos por Emily Dickinson (18301886) seu estilo imagstico, de idias abstratas expressas e construdas muitas vezes em torno de objetos do cotidiano produziu alguns dos melhores versos da literatura americana. b) Comente sobre as possveis causas da popularidade de Melville diminuir aps a publicao de Moby Dick. Os temas abordados (complexos e elaborados) no desapertavam interesse no leitores. c) A queda da casa de Usher um conto do escritor Edgard Allan Poe. Trata-se de uma narrativa perturbadora como todos os contos do autor. O ttulo A queda da casa de Usher anuncia, de certo modo o desfecho. Comente sobre a elaborao da narrativa e o desfecho da obra. Todos os fatos, nomes e acontecimentos so meticulosamente pensados para se obter os resultados desejados, pressupostos para a elaborao da narrativa vale relembrar, o efeito de terror e medo causado pelo estranho, atravs de um tom de tristeza e melancolia. A queda da casa de Usher anuncia, de certo modo, no prprio ttulo, qual ser o desfecho da histria, ou seja, a destruio da casa. Unidade 4 a) How does Mark Twain represent Realism (or Realistic elements) in his writing? In a realistic manner with the intention of revealing the obscure stories. b) Stephen Crane foi um romancista poeta e jornalista. Ele nasceu em Newark, New Jersey, foi o 14 filho de um ministro metodista. Ele morreu quanto tinha 28 anos A sua primeira obra, Maggie-a girl of the streets, constitui o primeiro momento do Movimento Naturalista Americano. Comente sobre as principais caractersticas desta obra.

Maggie-a girl of the streets um romance. A histria de uma menina muito jovem favela levada a excessos brutais pela pobreza e solido. Considerou-se to sexualmente franco e realista, que o livro teve de ser impresso em particular no incio. Ele eventualmente foi saudado como a primeira expresso genuna do Naturalismo Americano. c) O romance Adventures of Huckleberry Finn considerado em geral a mais importante contribuio de Twain para a literatura, como disse Ernest Hemingway: Toda a literatura moderna americana adveio de um nico livro de Mark Twain chamado "Huckleberry Finn" () No havia nada antes. No houve nada to bom desde ento. Comente as caractersticas da obra Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Huckleberry Finn traz um olhar largo e inclusivo nos efeitos da guerra na psique americana e da criminalidade da escravido.Neste contexto, casais foram subjugados pela destruio, ele viu, e desenvolveu uma composio simples, de homem e menino, negro e branco, escravo e homem... e graciosamente os fixa com horas infinitas discutindo as famlias, os problemas e, indiretamente, o lugar deles na sociedade ps-guerra. Part A - Choose the correct answer for each question. 1. Which season of the year the narrator is describing his story? - Autumn (Fall). 2. Which particular building is he watching with sadness? - The house of Usher.3. With what does he compare the depression of his soul? - The next day after an opium experience. 4. What does he propose to himself? To stay in the house for a couple of weeks. d) His best friend desired to see him. 5. What did the letter say to him? - His best friend desired to see him.

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