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Living A Beast Life

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Living a Beast Life

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Living a Beast Life

"Man, know thyself" was written at the entry ways of the Egyptian Mystery Schools. The Egyptians understood that knowledge of self was the most valuable knowledge one could possess. Its opposite, ignorance of self, was the source of all the ills in the world. The English word self is "nafs" in Arabic. It means "soul." In Sanskrit, the true self is called "atman." The Egyptians called it the Ba. To know oneself is to know one's true soul (atman or Ba). The soul has seven divisions that the Egyptians called the khab, khaibit, ka, ab, shekem, khu and Ba. The khab is the gross physical body. The khaibit is the molecular body that's sometimes called the animal spirit. It is this gooey type of substance - sybolized as "clay" in some scriptures - that's responsive to astrological influences. The ka is the personality or pattern of habitual emotional, physical and mental traits people mistake for their selves. The ka is indicated by our rising signs in astrology and is sometimes called the astral double. The Ab is man's moral (mental) self. It is meant to dominate the khaibit animal spirit. The shekem is the potential omnipotence within human beings. Shekem power has to be cultivated via spiritual initiation.

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Living a Beast Life

The khu is the latent omniscient faculty within people. It has to be called out of dormancy via spiritual initiation. The Ba (atem, atman) is the world soul, the one being who permeates all existence. This is where God resides in (wo)man: "I am in my father and my father is in me." When consciousness reaches the Ba plane one experiences unity with God and all things. The Ba experience is a prerequisete for unity and peace in the world. Until one has experienced oneness (Tauhid), then unity is but a slogan or a theory. After the Ba experience, unity becomes the reality that underlies all illusory separateness and division. The fusion of Ka, Ab and Ba is symbolized by the meccan Ka'aba. If a person is unaware of the seven spirit divisions, their function and natures, he is lacking a knowledge of self. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught that a savage was a person who's lost the knowledge of his self and was "living a beast life." By that definitiion, anyone who's lost the knowledge of the Ba (atem) is a savage. In spiritual language "beast" and "animal" usually symbolize the heavenly animals, the zodiac. Zodiac means "circle of animals," i.e., the Aries ram, Taurus bull, Leo lion, Scorpio serpent, etc. Initiates strive to transcend their zodiacal influences to become "liberated". When we have mastered our astrological charts we've "mastered the beast." The Bible asks: "Who is able to make war with the beast?" By electromagnetic force the planets exert pressure on the khaibit (animal spirit). The khaibit effects the chakras which stimulate the glands to secrete various hormones. Those hormones then stimulate feelings which stimulate thoughts which stimulate actions. Civilization involves "domesticating" those zodiacal animals so that they obey and serve you. This is indicated in the Quran by the angels bowing to Adam (Atem) and, in the bible, by man being given dominion over the fowl (Scorpio), fish (Pisces) and beasts of the field (Taurus).

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Living a Beast Life

Civilization begins by ignoring the emotions and transmuting negative emotions into life force. Mastery of the Egyptian Men Ab breathing and Taoist Six Healing Sounds is crucial to achieving freedom from the tyranny of the negative emotions. One who lives according to zodiacal influences is savage. The majority of people, then, are actually savages, cavemen and women stylishly dressed in Amani suits and lovely skirts but totally consumed with indulging animal passions and "creature comforts." The current human condition is what is known as the "fall of Adam" (Atman or Ba). The Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught that the civilized man's duty was to teach the savages and that we was to be punished if he failed in his duty. "Punishment" symbolizes self-imposed austerities (like fasting or other deprivations) for failing to rule over the lower parts of being. This is also what the Quran means by beating your wife if she acts in a lewd manner. The "wife" symbolizes the emotional part of the self. "Four wives" symbolize mastery of the four magical elements: earth, air, water and fire. Spiritual cultivation proceeds from the bottom (physical body) to the top (atman or Ba). Thus the Quran says that God made man from "black mud fashioned into shape." When the Honorable Elijah Muhammad said "we must do something for the self" he meant that we have to take action to develop our atman (Ba soul).

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Living a Beast Life

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