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World Alert-The End of The World: A Journalist Report of Times by Joe Wright

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World Alert- The End Of The World

A Journalist Report Of Times By Joe Wright

I cannot confide in my mind any longer. The world has simply banished all reasonable thought, and I am left here, somewhere in the middle, the Maras of unclaimed feelings. Who am I you ask? Why I am everyone in this electronic, moral panicked world! We have simply become lost within our own heads, adrift due to information overload I shouldnt wonder. The electronic age, the age of consumerism. In this article I would like to explore and review the changes I have observed in the general populace. And how we must surely change, or face oblivion. I am not so complacent, that I believe humanity will be cured, because it is my observance that we are perhaps the sole disease of our own destiny, although I do feel an absolute change in the mind may save us yet. The mind is where everything in this world was born, and it is here where we must all come together to save ourselves. The nuclear bomb that will be dropped, the flesh you fry destined for your dinner plate, the fist you will throw in redemption will all form in the minds of the individual. May we also remember at this point that the mind is also the birthplace of love, kindness and everything good you have ever done or observed. Intelligence- the human word for a person who has the ability to think and learn. We have perhaps reached the epicentre of such a term, which has since become deformed in a spectacular murder frenzy. The fruits of intelligence have wrongly been placed on the measure of material. A person believes now that they can live and die, confiding in their lifes worth of a mortgaged home which has solely engaged the work of that existence (An embarrassing cycle of pure pain). This cycle is completely fine on its own, but its not alone. This cycle exists extensively throughout the human population. People have lost their souls, and are willing to benefit themselves at the expense of anyone. Perhaps this is simply human nature, to seek the best deal possible. It seems rather odd to me however, that we seem to want to pretend that we are superior beings in ways that SUIT OURSELVES. For example: I was born to this earth, presumably as a free soul. Is it then reasonable to force me to conform to a set type of living with laws I never made, developed in a world I did not build, by people I most likely have no care for. We are told that we are free, yet a funnel has seemingly been placed in the brains of a majority of western world citizens that forces us to live in the most bastardised way. A five day working week in a character destroying penal complex, which sacrifices both the health and longevity of a life, spectacularly rewarded by frivolous material. Its odd to me that these people find disparity between themselves and whores! Of course this lifestyle has existed for many years. The hearted working class, of which I was born, is a life I know very well. Although can we not trace the current workers back to slaves of previous dynasties? It may hurt, and it is certainly controversial, but why do we not all seek more? Of course we do seek more, but we squander this idea by assuming that more is larger material goods Surely what gives the modern human an advantage over generations gone by is that we are an intelligent race, far more so than ever before. We have simply become complacent in our spectacular minds I fear.

The dreaded Facebook! A website which has completely revolutionized the way we consume information. Our news is now the world around us, edited by..... THE WORLD AROUND US. A worldwide instant publishing tool. Who wouldve dreamed it? With websites such as Facebook, we can now make the news, form an opinion on the news, and interact with anyone in the world on the news! First of all we must realize that news is simply information/knowledge (Whatever you wish to call it). Sallys holiday photos are not equivocal to goings on in the middle east, but its all clumped together on our newsfeeds. Perhaps societys ethical crises revolves from no sense of disparity? We have been bombarded behind all reasonable comparison with information of all kinds, constantly. Personally I use Facebook almost every day, and I am prone to scanning the aforementioned news feeds for hours per day. What a past time of our species; sitting down with a lifeless box, interacting with it, searching for things we have previously had no real care to learn! Of course, there are some fine minds whove taken to the keyboard to enrich fellow users with thought provoking information. The Arab Spring for example begun as a result of conspirers, who planned uprisings and demonstrations as a result of Facebook. Nine out of ten Egyptians and Tunisians responded to a poll that they used Facebook to plan protests and spread awareness. Furthermore, Facebook and the internet in general is deemed so free that many countries ban its usage! Here is a map which details internet censorship by country Pervasive censorship Substantial censorship Selective censorship Under surveillance Little or no censorship Not classified / No data Internet Censorship Of The World

Free Partly Free Not Free

As we can see from the top map, there are high levels of censorship in Freedom Houses Freedom Of The World 2013 Survey the Middle East. This map compares favourably to the map below it, which is a Freedom House survey. Freedom House is an American, non government organisation which monitors freedom of the world based on political rights and civil liberties. As we can see from both maps, areas of the world where internet censorship is deemed appropriate, are the same or similar areas of the world where political, and

civil freedoms are also an issue. I will allow you to ask the question why a population isnt allowed to speak blasphemy of the government of the day I believe we are currently in a time where the internet is fresh to its users. Although rather than web browsing proving to be a fad of our time, I feel transpiration of the online world will mark the beginning of an unbelievable evolution in the contemporary lifestyle of the human. This will include the birth of widespread electronic interaction and the breakdown in physical communication in whatever form. Of course the problem is, when you say to humanity Come and join us on Facebook, and share your mind with the world. Like humanity itself, you will draw large hoards of uninteresting individuals. Not only uninteresting individuals, but manipulative ones. Drawing back to my earlier point of the growing consumerist society we seem to have. If the power of the online world should fall in to scheming hands who can offer fine material goods, in exchange for conscious and moral support, combined with the ever growing literal power of the web, we could fall in to a dystopian style mess, where we are ruled by an ever so powerful central state who wed sold our souls to. Sure, while the internet is a bouncing ball of interchangeable information, things are fine. Add misinformation, breach privacy of its users, prosecute dangerous thinker and youve cooked up a real problem! Lets call it the marketing of an idea. In recent years we have seen the rise of the designer culture. Companies who can now market an idea to the public.... JUST AN IDEA! Products that were previously available, have now been branded, which has in turn seen the consumer develop a far higher emotional worth in their products. Once again this idea seems fine to those who wish to indulge, although its the passive epidemic of this culture which is most concerning. These companies have marketed their products in such a painfully clever way that it is now unfashionable to be an individual. People have been altered in the mind to such an extent, that It would seem that Humans must now buy a collection of interchangeable ideas from the High Street to pass off as their own. Creativity has become so alien to people, that when people who appear to exist outside of this ideas overload world strolls past, they are judged as some sort of maniac! Thats like pinning down an animal, dressing it up in clothes, and then laughing uncontrollably at it, as if the animals appearance can in some way be helped. Oh wait, we do that already. Contentment is another subject lost on me, and is perhaps what these people feed of off. Striping the wood back to give you an example: A caveman would act very much like any other animal, he would live a very fulfilling life whereby he could dig the world, without much care. He would hunt and feed whenever hunger struck (This system seems sensible to me). Although for some reason the caveman decided he would have more time to sit around if he caught twice the food he needed in a day (See where this is going?). Sure enough his plan worked! So much so that he decided to catch food on behalf of the other cavemen, on the condition he was allowed the biggest cave in the area. Sure enough the caveman agreed. His working days were long, but each evening he could return to his cave, which was much larger than any cave for miles around. The other cavemen proposed that if he were to catch more food for them, they would give him their loincloths. After an argument whereby the caveman argued that he did not need the loincloths, as he had his own. He decided that the loincloths would make a fantastic addition to his big cave so he agreed.

The caveman died shortly after, from exhaustion due to the preservation of need he had welcomed. The big cave, full of all kinds of loincloths stood empty thereafter.

It almost seems to me like were all getting ready to stand in line and bow to whoever wants to lead us. I see the modern INDUVIDUAL engrossed in a screen, buying his beliefs from the High Street Church, fuelling his artificial life with an unhappy job he has been told is the only way to live. WELCOME TO THE CHURCH OF MONEY. WE ARE OPEN 9 TO 5, SIX DAYS PER WEEK. WE GOT EVERYTHING YOU COULD POSSIBLY NEED (EVEN THE STUFF YOU DIDNT KNOW YOU NEEDED)

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