Tetractys Spread
Tetractys Spread
Tetractys Spread
Introduction Four Elements 1. Earth 2. Water 3. Air 4. Fire Three Principles 5. Salt 6. Quicksilver 7. Sulphur Two Seeds 8. Moon 9. Sun One Fruit 10. Stone Additional Information on Tetractys
The Tetractys spread makes use of this most sacred symbol of the Pythagoreans, and thus it is the most suitable spread to use with the Pythagorean Tarot. One of Pythagoras' aphorisms says: What is the Oracle at Delphi? The Tetractys, the very thing which is the Harmonia of the Sirens. And the most solemn oath of the Pythagoreans is: Nay! By him that gave our family the Tectractys, which holds the Fount and Root of everflowing Nature. Ou ma ton hameterai geneai paradonta Tetraktun. Pagan aenaou Phuses Rhizma t' ekhousan. (For additional information, see Back Design in Introduction and the More about the Tetractys.) Although Williams (168-9) describes a Tetractys spread, ours is somewhat different. In our Tetractys spread the cards are laid out in the alchemical arrangement given in a 1766 Nuremburg manuscript, and reflect the numerical structure of the Tetractys as given by Plato (Timaeus), Theon, Proclus and other Pythagorean sources.
(click for more on Tetractys) Each plane (row) is laid out from left to right. First are the Four Elements, then centered above them the Three Principles, then the Two Seeds, and finally the One Fruit. In general terms, the left side of the Tetractys (loci, or positions, 1, 5, 8, 10) constitutes the Transpersonal Axis, and represents aspects of the situation that are larger than the individual. This axis is the path of evolution, by which the World Soul proceeds from itself. The right side (loci 4, 7, 9, 10) is the Personal Axis, representing aspects that are individual in nature. This axis is the path of involution whereby the World-Soul returns to itself. Thus the two axes begin and end at the apex (locus 10), representing the World Soul, where they are coincident. The intermediate loci (2, 3, 6) represent aspects that mix the personal and transpersonal natures. (Mead 162-8) In the following description the loci are numbered in the order they are laid out, not according to their Pythagorean values (for which, see More about the Tetractys); the names are given in Latin and Greek as well as English.
Four Elements
The Four Elements refer to the mundane world and the different ways the ego experiences it; Pythagorean doctrine calls this plane Mundane (evolution) and Physical (involution). The elements also correspond to the four functions of consciousness identified by Jung (sensation, feeling, thinking, intuition). The remarks made about the four suits of the Minor Arcana also apply here. In this spread the elements are arranged from most to least dense, representing a gradation from more collective to more individual experiences.
Three Principles
The Three Principles refer to our experience of time and change; Pythagorean doctrine calls this plane Planetary (evolution) and Psychic (involution). (Note, my assignment of these loci to the astrological crosses, which is based on Hamaker-Zondag, 56-67, differs from Williams, 168-9.)
control over the situation. The Quicksilver locus is closely related to the Water and Air loci, which are below it, since our present choice is based on emotional appraisal (Water) and rational analysis (Air) of the situation. The fluid present thus involves both synthesis (cool Water) and analysis (warm Air).
Two Seeds
The Two Seeds refer specifically to the unconscious and conscious parts of the psyche, but generally to all dark-light oppositions; Pythagorean doctrine calls this plane Ethereal (evolution) and Spiritual (involution). Williams (168-9) calls these loci Tenebrae (Darkness) and Lux (Light), and assigns them to Yin and Yang, which is consistent with the Pythagorean interpretation that follows.
One Fruit
The One Fruit refers to the Unus Mundus (One World) or the Self, the integrated psyche; Pythagorean doctrine assigns this plane to the World Soul (Anima Mundi).
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