I AM: The Bread of Life
I AM: The Bread of Life
I AM: The Bread of Life
1) Today, lets take a look at Johns purpose for writing his gospel. Read John 20:30, 31. Why does he say he has recorded the actions and words of Jesus? 2) What does Jesus say about his word in John 5:36? 3) Chapter 6 records one of Jesus most well-known works, a miraculous feeding. Lets read through this miracle and determine what it shows about who Jesus is. Read John 6: 1-14. What happens on that hillside? 4) This miracle is recorded in all four of the gospels. Choose one other account to read and look for added details. Write down what you find. 5) What does this miracle show about who Jesus is? 6) Go back to John 6:14. What do the men call Jesus? Surely, Jesus is The Prophet (Deut. 18:15); however, He is the Messiah. Jesus identifies the desire of their hearts in John 6:26. They had no desire for a spiritual Savior. Instead, they wanted a Physical Supplier. 7) How is our society the same way? 8) Are there times when you recognize the same attitude in your own heart? Ask God to help you desire a Savior more than a supplier every day.
Day 2: 1) Today we will experience another miracle of Jesus. This account shows us more about who He is and how all the earth is subject to His word. Read John 6:15-21. Compare the accounts of this same event from Matt. 14:22-33 and Mark 6:45-52. Describe what happened. 2) Why did Jesus leave the crowds and go to the mountains alone? 3) The people wanted a political king. They were consumed with seeking their own comfort, provision and position. Jesus clearly stated His purpose for coming and clearly demonstrated His deity through miraculous signs. Yet, just like the disciples could not recognize Jesus on the water, the people still did not recognize Jesus as Savior. Why do you think both groups were so confused about His identity? 4) By the time Jesus and the disciples left the boat at the shore, how many miracles had Jesus performed that very night. 5) Take a look back at your own life over the past year or two. Where can you see Jesus working? 6) Thank Him for His miraculous hand in your life. Day 3: 1) Today, we will hear Jesus make a powerful statement about His identity. As you read our passage, remember everything the disciples had just seen and experienced. Lets read John 6:22-36. Who is present in this passage? (vv. 22-23). 2) Verse 24 gives the purpose for the people traveling across the water. Why did they come to Capernaum? 3) Jesus gets right to the heart motive of the people as they are seeking Him. What does He say about them coming to find Him? How does He instruct them and us, in verse 27? 4) Verses 28-29 are the answer to the question of works-based religion. What does Jesus say is the work of God? 5) As if the miracle of feeding upwards of 20,000 people (5,000 men, along with women and children) was not enough to prove the deity of Christ, the people began to ask for a miracle like the Hebrews received in the wilderness. Ignoring the truth right in front of them, the Present fulfillment of past signs, the people press for an ongoing sign of proof to Christs deity. 6) In verses 32-35, Jesus describes Himself as the Bread of Life. In using this description of Himself, Jesus says He is the t_______ bread. (v. 32) He (the Bread) comes from the
F________ (32). He calls Himself the bread of G_____. (v. 33) He says He comes down from H______ and gives l___________ to the world. 7) Copy verse 35. Circle the promises Jesus makes to those who believe in Him. 8) People still chose not to believe in Jesus, despite His clear claim. Based on the conversation throughout this chapter, why do you think people still did not (and do not) believe? Day 4: 1) Lets read verses 37-51. What does Jesus say about those who will come to Him? 2) In verses 37-40, Jesus states His purpose and Gods will. His purpose is to do Gods will. How does Jesus describe the will of God in these verses? 3) Verses 41-43 show the mounting displeasure of the Jews with the message of Jesus. Pinpoint the heart of their complaint. 3) Again in verses 44-47, Jesus explains how to have everlasting life. He is very clear about the way to salvation. The message of salvation has never changed. Illustrating that Truth, Jesus refers to Isaiah 54:13. Take a look at that verse. Thinking of the Ultimate Object lesson in Jesus, how does God teach us about salvation? 4) In verses 48-51, Jesus contrasts this living Bread with the manna given in the wilderness. Exodus 16 describes the giving of the manna and the peoples reaction to it. Although daily manna pictured Christ in the sense of being a daily provision for physical sustenance, it did not have the sustaining power to save them from physical or spiritual death. How does Jesus explain the difference between wilderness bread and Living Bread? 5) Jesus is our sustenance every day. And, He is all we need for eternal life. Just as you bow your head and thank God for your daily physical bread, spend some time now thanking Him for His provision of the Bread of Life. Day 5: 1) Today, we will see a huge contrast between the hearts of those in the first verse we read and the heart of Peter in the last two verses. Lets read verses 52-69. This passage shows that Gods word demands a heart response. What are the two heart responses you see reflected in the words and actions of those who have heard Jesus speak of Himself as the Bread of Life? 2) Jesus speaks about eating His flesh and drinking of His blood. Although the spiritual significance of this passage may bring a picture of communion to our minds, communion had not yet been set in place. Jesus was speaking of taking in and accepting his sacrifice on the cross. In order for us to have eternal life, the Truth of the cross must become the truth of our life. Take a look at 1 John 3:24. At salvation, the Holy Spirit comes to dwell within us. We take in the spirit of God. The life of Jesus becomes the life within us. Do a quick word study on the word abide (v. 56) for a deeper understanding of these verses. 3) Sadly, many would not accept the message of Jesus words. They refused to push past their fleshly misconceptions and hear His Spiritual Truth. How does Jesus respond to their complaints? 4) Peter makes a beautiful declaration in answer to Jesus questioning of the disciples. Copy verses 68-69. Make his declaration your anthem today. When you are tempted to look elsewhere for words of wisdom and advice, let Peters words remind you there is nowhere else to go but to Jesus. Run to Him and praise Him for that Truth today.