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EvidenceBased Medicine Workbook

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The key takeaways are that this workbook introduces general practitioners and other health professionals to evidence-based medicine and provides methods to find and apply the best evidence to answer clinical questions.

The aim of this workbook is to introduce general practitioners and other health care professionals to the concept of evidence-based medicine and to show them simple methods to find and use the best evidence to answer their clinical questions.

This workbook will help develop skills in asking clinical questions, searching for answers, and using the answers to make clinical decisions.

Evidence-based Medicine Workbook

Finding and applying the best research evidence to improve patient care

Written by Paul Glasziou, Chris Del Mar and Janet Salisbury

Evidence-based Medicine Workbook

Finding and applying the best evidence to improve patient care

Based on workshops presented by:

Professor Paul Glasziou Centre for Evidence-Based Practice The University of Queensland, Australia and Oxford, UK Professor Chris Del Mar Centre for General Practice The University of Queensland, Australia

Concept development and writing by Janet Salisbury, Biotext, Canberra, Australia

BMJ Publishing Group BMJ Books is an imprint of the BMJ Publishing Group All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording and/or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publishers. First published in by BMJ Books, BMA House, Tavistock Square London WCH JR

British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library ISBN

This workbook has been developed from workshop handouts used at evidencebased medicine workshops run by the Centre for Evidence-Based Practice, Centre for General Practice, The University of Queensland. Its development was supported by the Australian Department of Health and Ageing under the Primary Health Care Research Evaluation and Development Strategy.

Production management by Biotext, Canberra Design by Peter Nolan, Clarus Design, Canberra Cartoons by Ian Sharpe, Canberra Printed and bound in Spain by Graphycems, Navarra

Introduction to this workbook

Medical practitioners, particularly GPs, are overloaded with information. They simply cannot keep up with reading all the scientic literature and other information that arrives on their desk every week. Even when they have time to read some of it, it is dicult to identify which information will be most useful in clinical practice and to recall the most up-to-date ndings when they need them. But every day doctors encounter questions that need to be answered in order to make the best decisions about patient care. This is where evidence-based medicine (EBM) comes in. The aim of this workbook is to introduce general practitioners and other health care professionals to the concept of EBM and to show them simple methods to nd and use the best evidence to answer their clinical questions. The workbook is practical and interactive, and will develop your skills in: asking clinical questions searching for answers using the answers to make clinical decisions. At the end of this workbook, we hope that you will feel condent that you can nd the best quality evidence for almost any clinical question that comes your way and, with a little practice, use it to improve your clinical practice, all within a few minutes.


How to use this workbook

This workbook has been based on the evidence-based medicine workshops run by the Centre for Evidence-Based Practice and Centre for General Practice, University of Queensland and contains information and exercises to help you learn how to use evidence-based medicine (EBM) in your clinical practice. The workbook is divided into three main parts: Part 1 (purple) contains an introduction to EBM and some clinical examples to show how it can be applied. Part 2 (blue) describes the practical application of EBM. It is subdivided into ve modules, each describing an important stage in the EBM process (how to formulate a question, how to track down the best evidence, how to critically appraise the evidence, how to apply the evidence and how to evaluate your progress).

Part 3 (yellow) contains information on useful internet sites and EBM resources and a number of useful articles for further reading. If you attend one of our workshops, you will nd that this workbook contains all the information that will be presented during the workshop. This means that you do not need to worry about writing down a lot of notes or copying down slides. Just relax and concentrate on the sessions. There are spaces in the kit for you to write down information during the interactive sessions and record the results of your EBM activities during the day. The workbook has also been designed as a plain English resource document for anyone who is interested in learning more about EBM to study at their leisure or share with colleagues in small group training sessions. In either case, we hope that you nd it useful. So that we can improve the workbook in future editions, please provide us with your feedback.


Part 1: Introduction to evidence-based medicine
What is evidence-based medicine? Some evidence-based cases

3 14

Part 2: The steps in EBM

EBM step 1: Formulate an answerable question EBM step 2: Track down the best evidence EBM step 3: Rapid critical appraisal of controlled trials EBM step 4: Apply the evidence EBM step 5: Evaluate the eectiveness and eciency of the process

23 43 61 87 93

Part 3: Resources and further reading

Useful sources of evidence Further reading Index

99 103 130

What is evidence-based medicine?

Clinical practice is about making choices. Shall I order a test? Should I treat the patient? What should I treat them with? The decision depends on the doctors knowledge, skills and attitudes, and on what resources and tests are available. The patients concerns, expectations and values also need to be taken into account. The term evidence-based medicine (EBM) was rst used by a Canadian, David Sackett and his collegues at McMaster University in Ontario, Canada in the early 1990s. They have subsequently rened the denition of EBM as integrating the best research evidence with clinical expertise and patient values to achieve the best possible patient management. EBM is about trying to improve the quality of the information on which decisions are based. It helps practitioners to avoid information overload but, at the same time, to nd and apply the most useful information.

the integration of best research evidence with clinical expertise and patient values
Dave Sackett

Co m p

f clinical decis ion ts o n e m n o

Sackett DL, Stranss SE, Richardson WS et al. Evidence-Based Medicine. How to practice and reach EBM. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone, 2000. Photograph reproduced with permission.

ing ak

Steps in EBM
Doctor's knowledge of evidence, skills, attitude

Clinical decisions

Patient values, concerns, expectations

EBM uses a series of steps: 1. Formulate an answerable question. 2. Track down the best evidence of outcomes available. 3. Critically appraise the evidence (ie nd out how good it is). 4. Apply the evidence (integrate the results with clinical expertise and patient values). 5. Evaluate the eectiveness and eciency of the process (to improve next time).

Health system access rules (PBS, Medicare funding, etc)

Concern about litigation

EBM, which has largely replaced the older term clinical epidemiology, is sometimes also called evidence-based practice. This latter term highlights the important point that the evidence that we are talking about is empirical evidence about what actually works or doesnt work in practice. It is not scientic evidence for a mechanism of action (such as a biochemical pathway, physiological eect or anatomical feature). Many factors aect the outcomes of medical activities: the underlying mechanism is only one of them. EBM is about actual clinical outcomes.

Why do we need EBM?

Unfortunately, there is a large information gap between research and clinical practice. Because so much research is published all the time, clinicians understandably are unaware of most of it, or do not have the tools to assess its quality. Researchers, on the other hand, do not understand the information needs of clinicians and continue to present their work in a way that is not easily accessible to busy practitioners. In 1972, British epidemiologist Archie Cochrane highlighted the fact that most treatment-related decisions were based on an ad hoc selection of information from the vast and variable quality scientic literature, on expert opinion, or, worse of all, on trial and error.

Professor Archie Cochrane was a medical researcher in the UK who contributed to the development of epidemiology as a science. In an inuential book published in 1972 (Eectiveness and Eciency), he drew attention to the great collective ignorance at that time about the eects of health care. He recognised that doctors did not have ready access to reliable reviews of available evidence. In a 1979 article he said: It is surely a great criticism of our profession that we have not organised a critical summary, by speciality or subspeciality, adapted periodically, of all relevant randomised controlled trials. References:
Cochrane AL (1972). Eectiveness and Eciency. Random Reections on Health Services, Nueld Provincial Hospital Trust, London (reprinted in 1989 in association with the British Medical Journal). Cochrane AL (1979). 19311971: A critical review, with particular reference to the medical profession. In: Medicines for the Year 2000, Oce of Health Economics, London.

Cochrane proposed that researchers and practitioners should collaborate internationally to systematically review all the best clinical trials (that is, randomised controlled trials, or RCTs), specialty by specialty. His ideas were gradually taken up during the 1980s by Iain Chalmers and one of the rst areas of clinical practice to be reviewed in this way was care during pregnancy and childbirth. Systematic reviews of RCTs of dierent aspects of obstetric care soon showed some anomalies between the clinical trial evidence and established practice. This highlighted the gaps that existed between research and clinical practice and started to convince some doctors of the benets of an evidencebased approach to bridge this gap.

The Cochrane Collaboration was found in response to Cochranes call for systematic, up-to-date reviews of all relevant randomised controlled trials of health care. In the early 1990s, funds were provided by the UK National Health Service to establish a Cochrane Centre in Oxford. The approach was further outlined at an international meeting organised by the New York Academy of Sciences in 1993 and at the rst Cochrane Colloquium in October 1993, when The Cochrane Collaboration was founded.
Cochrane logo produced with permission from The Cochrane Collaboration

This work has been continued though the international Cochrane Collaboration, which publishes systematic reviews of RCTs electronically in the Cochrane Library of Systematic Reviews. This database, which we will be looking at in detail later in the workshop, is available free online in many countries: and follow the prompts.


1972 A RCT was reported showing improved outcomes for preterm babies when mothers were given a short course of corticosteroid before the birth. 197289 Six more RCTs were published which all conrmed 1972 ndings. During this time, most obstetricians were still unaware that corticosteroid treatment was so eective and so did not treat women about to give birth early with corticosteroids. 1989 First systematic review published. 198991 Seven more studies reported. Corticosteroid treatment reduces the odds of babies dying from complications of immaturity by 30 to 50% but thousands of babies have died or suered unnecessarily since 1972 because doctors did not know about the eectiveness of the treatment.

The ecainide story

The history of the use of the drug ecainide to treat heart attacks in the United States in the 1980s is a dramatic example of the gap between research and clinical practice, and the reliance on evidence of a mechanism rather than an outcome. In 1979, the inventor of the debrillator, Bernard Lown, pointed out in an address to the American College of Cardiology that one of the biggest causes of death was heart attack, particularly among young and middle-aged men (2064-year-olds). People had a heart attack, developed arrhythmia and died from the arrhythmia. He suggested that a safe and long-acting antiarrhythmic drug that protects against ventricular brillation would save millions of lives. In response to this challenge, a paper was published in the New England Journal of Medicine introducing a new drug called ecainide a local anaesthetic derivative that suppresses arrhythmia. The paper described a study in which patients who had just had heart attacks randomly received placebo or ecainide and were then switched from one to the other (a cross-over trial). The researchers counted the number of preventricular contractions (PVCs) as a measure of arrhythmias. The patients on ecainide had fewer PVCs than the patients on placebo. When the ecainide patients were crossed over to the placebo, the PVCs increased again. Suppression of arrythmias in 9 patients (PVCs = preventricular contractions)
50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Placebo Flecainide Placebo Flecainide

The conclusion was straightforward: ecainide reduces arrythmias and arrythmias cause heart attacks (the mechanism); therefore, people who have had heart attacks should be given ecainide. The results were published in the New England Journal of Medicine and ecainide was approved by the United States Food and Drug Adminstration and became fairly standard treatment for heart attack in the United States (although it did not catch on in Europe or Australia).

PCVs/12 hours

Almost immediately after the rst trials were complete, however, other researchers had started gathering information on the survival of the patients (the outcome) instead of the PVC rate (the mechanism). This showed that over the 18 months following treatment, more than 10% of people who were given ecainide died, which was double the rate of deaths among a placebo group. In other words, despite a perfectly good mechanism for the usefulness of ecainide (it reduces arrhythmias), the drug was clearly toxic and, overall, did much more harm than good. Cardiac arrythmia suppression trial (CAST)

Overall, the ecainide story raises two important issues: We need a better way to nd information, even when we do not know that we need it. In other words, upto-date, good-quality research ndings need to be available to all medical practitioners on a routine basis. The type of research is important. We must move away from a traditional mechanistic approach and look for empirical evidence of eectiveness using a clinically relevant outcome (eg survival, improved quality of life).

95 % Alive


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Unfortunately, because the initial studies had been widely published in medical texts, it was a long time before doctors caught up with the subsequent poor outcome data, which did not attract as much attention. Meanwhile, about 200,000 people were being treated with ecainide in the United States by 1989. Based on the trial evidence, this would have caused tens of thousands of additional heart attack deaths due to the use of ecainide. Although there was published information, doctors were systematically killing people with ecainide because they did not know about the good quality outcome-based research.

References (ecainide):
Anderson JL, Stewart JR, Perry BA et al (1981). Oral ecainide acetate for the treatment of ventricular arrhythmias. New England Journal of Medicine 305:473477. Echt DS, Liebson PR, Mitchell LB et al (1991). Mortality and morbidity in patients receiving ecainide, ecainide, or placebo. The Cardiac Arrythmia Suppression Trial. New England Journal of Medicine 324: 781788. Moore TJ (1995). Deadly Medicine, Simon and Schuster, New York.

What does the ecainide example tell us?

In the ecainide example, the initial research was widely disseminated because it was based on a traditional mechanistic approach to medicine and because it oered a cure. The subsequent outcomes research may not have been widely disseminated because it was counterintuitive and negative in terms of a potential treatment. Doctors continued to prescribe ecainide because they believed that it worked. They did not know that they needed to look for further information.

So much evidence, so little time

Doctors need to be linked to the medical research literature in a way that allows them to routinely obtain up-to-date, outcomes-based information. However, most medical practitioners, particularly GPs, are overloaded with information. Unsolicited information received though the mail alone can amount to kilograms per month and most of it ends up in the bin. The total number of RCTs published has increased exponentially since the 1940s. A total of 20,000 trials are published each year (with over 300,000 in total) and approximately 50 new trials are published every day. Therefore, to keep up to date with RCTs alone, a GP would have to read one study report every half hour, day and night. In addition to RCTs, about 1000 papers are also indexed daily on MEDLINE from a total of about 5000 journal articles published each day. The amount of medical research
5000 per day 2000000 1800000 1600000 1400000 1200000 1000000 800000 600000 400000 200000 0

Kill as few patients as possible

A book by physician and medical humorist Oscar London called Kill as Few Patients as Possible gives a set of rules for clinical practice. Rule 31 oers some advice on how to keep up to date with medical research: Review the world literature fortnightly.

Medical articles year

1000 per day 50 per day

Trials 25000 Number of RCTs year 20000 15000 10000 5000 0



Parliament house flagpole (81 m)

'50 '55 '60 '65

'70 '75 '80 Year

'85 '90 '95

A year of MEDLINE indexed journals

At best, most GPs give a selective sample of the literature a cursory review, but very little is properly assessed and almost none inuences what they do in practice. Doctors may feel guilty, anxious or inadequate because of this (see the JASPA criteria), but it is not their fault there is just too much of it. There needs to be a better way.

JASPA criteria (journal associated score of personal angst)

Can you answer these ve simple questions:

J: A: S: P: A:

Are you ambivalent about renewing your journal subscriptions? Do you feel anger towards particular authors? Do you use journals to help you sleep? Are you surrounded by piles of periodicals? Do you feel anxious when another one comes through the letterbox?

Score (Yes = 1; No =0): 0 anyone who scores zero is probably a liar! 13 normal range >3 sick, at risk for polythenia gravis and related conditions Modied from: Polythenia gravis: the downside of evidence-based medicine. British Medical Journal (1995) 311:16661668.

How do doctors try to overcome information overload?

Write down some education activities that you and your organisation engage in and how much time you spend on them.

Your education activities

How much time do you spend on each?

You have probably included a selection of activities including attending lectures and conferences, reading journals, textbooks and clinical practice guidelines, electronic searching, clinical attachments and small group learning. You may also have included talking to colleagues or specialists. But everyone has the same problem of keeping up to date and your colleagues may be out of date or just plain wrong. If they have got the information from somewhere else, you need to know where they got it so that you can check how good it is. Textbooks are always about 510 years out of date. Faced with all the alternatives, how do you actually choose what to do in your continuing education time? If you are honest, your choice probably depends on what you are already most interested in rather than what you dont know about.


Continuing medical education (CME) has been a mainstay of doctors professional development but no-one has ever shown that it works. When doctors choose their courses, they choose things that they think they need to know about. But as we have seen, the most important information is what they dont know they need! We need a system to tell us we need to know something. In a trial of CME, a random sample of GPs were asked to rank 18 selected conditions into either a high preference set, for which they wanted to receive CME or a low preference set for which they did not want further education. Physicians with similar rankings were paired and randomised to either: a control group whose CME was postponed for 18 months; or an experimental group who received CME at once for their high preference topics and were also provided with training materials for their low preference topics and asked to promise to study them. The outcomes were measured in terms of the quality of clinical care (QOC) provided by each of the physicians before and after CME (determined from clinical records). The results showed that although the knowledge of experimental physicians rose after their CME, the eects on QOC were disappointing with a similar (small) increase in QOC for both the experimental and control groups for their high preference conditions. By contrast, for low preference conditions, QOC rose signicantly for the experimental physicians but fell for the control group. A review of didactic CME by Davies et al (1999) also concluded that formal sessions are not eective in changing physician performance (see Part 3: Resources and further reading).

Conclusions of CME trial

1. When you want CME, you dont need it. 2. CME only works when you dont want it. 3. CME does not cause general improvements in the quality of care.

Sibley JC, Sackett DL, Neufeld V et al (). A randomised trial of continuing medical education. New England Journal of Medicine :.


Overall, as we have seen, there is too much information but we still need it. The quality of most of the information is also very poor: most published information is irrelevant and/or the methods are not good. Finding the highquality evidence is like trying to sip pure water from a water hose pumping dirty water, or looking for rare pearls. High quality/relevant data pearls
High High quality, relevant (=`pearls')

Doctors information needs

Study 1 (interns) 64 residents in 2 hospitals were interviewed after 401 consultations They asked an average of 280 questions (2 per 3 patients) Pursued an answer for 80 questions (29%) Others not pursued because of: lack of time, or because they forgot the question Souces of answers: textbooks (31%) articles (21%) consultants (17%)

Clinical relevance Low Low Validity


Study 2 (GPs)

How many questions can doctors answer each day?

Many questions arise every day as a result of seeing people in clinical practice. Two papers have been published about this: one of interns in a hospital setting and one of GPs. In both cases, the researchers asked the doctors to note every time a question arose and what information they needed. The study of 100 GPs showed that they each wrote down about 10 questions over a two and a half day period. The GPs tried to nd answers for about half of these. The most critical factor inuencing which questions they followed up was how long they thought it would take to get an answer. If the doctor thought the answer would be available in less than a couple of minutes, they were prepared to look for it. If they thought it would take longer, they would not bother. Only two questions in the whole study (ie 2/1000) were followed up using a proper electronic search.

103 GPs in Iowa collected questions over 2.5 days A total of 1101 questions were collected Pursued answers for 702 questions (64%) Spent less than 2 minutes pursuing an answer using readily available print and human resources Only 2 questions (0.2%) led to a formal literature search References:
Green ML, Ciampi MA and Ellis PJ (2000). Residents medical information needs in clinic: are they being met? American Journal of Medicine 109: 218233. Ely JW, Oshero JA, Ebell MH et al (1999). Analysis of questions asked by family doctors regarding patient care. British Medical Journal 319:358361.


Information gathering
There are two ways in which we all get information: push and pull.

Push new relevant and valid results

The push method of getting our information is when we extract information from the variety of sources that we receive, across a wide spectrum of topics that may interest us. This is sometimes called just in case learning. For EBM, the best sources for the push approach to improving knowledge are where the pearls have already been selected from the rest of the lower quality literature. Some good sources of information where this has been done include: Evidence-Based Medicine a journal containing information from clinicians around the world who spot articles that pass rigorous validity criteria and are important to clinical practice. The journal is published every two months and has no original articles but it gives a condensed version of the original paper. Also available on the internet at: Clinical Evidence is a compendium of evidence based literature searches. It is updated and published every six months as a book and CD. It is arranged by specialty and just states the best existing evidence for an intervention. If there is no evidence, it says so. It does not include opinions or consensus guidelines. The editors decide what questions are relevant but the book is based on what doctors need. Doctors can look up information when they need it (the pull method of obtaining information). Clinical Evidence is available on the internet at:

Balance your information: pull and push

Push is when we receive information from a variety of sources and on a variety of topics and extract what we think we need for our practice (just in case learning).

Pull answers in less then two minutes

In this workbook we focus on how to formulate questions and pull answers out of the literature in less than two minutes! This is sometimes called just in time learning. In the next sections we will look at some case studies where EBM methods were used and then nd out how to frame a question to make it easier to answer. Then we will learn about how to use MEDLINE and the Cochrane databases to electronically search for the information we need and, nally, how to use the results. Pull is when we deliberately seek information to answer a specic question (just in time learning).


Some evidence-based cases

In this session, we will discuss several case studies that show how EBM can help in a range of clinical situations. You can then think of your own clinical question which you would like to answer at the workshop.

Case study 1: persistent cough

A 58-year-old who was visiting her GP about another matter, said, as an aside: Can you do anything about a cough? She had had a persistent cough for 20 years with various treatments but no cure. She had been referred twice to physicians. The GP searched PubMed (the web-based version of MEDLINE) using Clinical Queries, which is a category of PubMed designed for clinicians (see pages 5254). The search for persistent cough revealed that the most common causes of a persistent cough are: postnasal drip asthma chronic bronchitis The GP thought the cough was most likely to be due to asthma, and prescribed appropriate treatment for asthma as a rst line of treatment. The patient thought she had already tried that treatment and that it did not work but tried it again anyway, without success. However, the search also showed that gastro-oesophageal reux is a less common but possible cause of persistent cough (10% of cases), which the GP had not known before. The GP therefore recommended the patient to take antacids at night and raise the head of her bed. After one week her cough disappeared for the rst time in 20 years and has not come back since.

How did EBM help?

This case raises interesting questions of what doctors should know. It was written up in the British Medical Journal and published as an example of how EBM can help GPs. However, some physicians wrote in saying that everyone should know that gastro-oesophageal reux was a possible cause of cough. The author replied that although respiratory physicians might know this information, GPs did not necessarily know it. An anaesthetist wrote in to say that after reading the article he had been treated for gastro-oesophageal reux, which had cured a cough he had had for 30 years! Conclusion: EBM can help you nd the information you need, whether or not you should already know it.

Glasziou P (1998). Evidence based case report: Twenty year cough in a non-smoker. British Medical Journal 316:16601661.


Case study 2: dog bite

A person came to the clinic with a fresh dog bite. It looked clean and the GP and patient wondered whether it was necessary to give prophylactic antibiotics. She searched MEDLINE and found a meta-analysis indicating that the average infection rate for dog bites was 14% and that antibiotics halved this risk. In other words: for every 100 people with dog bites, treatment with antibiotics will save 7 from getting infected; or treating 14 people with dog bites will prevent one infection. The second number (14) is called the number needed to treat (NNT). The GP explained these gures to the patient, along with the possible consequences of an infection, and the patient decided not to take antibiotics. On follow-up it was found that the patient did not get infected.

Empirical measures of outcomes

Outcomes are commonly measured as absolute risk reduction (ARR), relative risks (RR) and number needed to treat (NNT). The risk of infection after dog bite with no antibiotics = 14% (0.14) The risk of infection after dog bite with antibiotics = 7% (0.07) The ARR for antibiotic treatment = 14 7 = 7% (That is, 7 people in every 100 treated will be saved from infection.) NNT = 100/7 = 14 (That is, you would need to treat 14 dog bite patients with antibiotics to prevent 1 infection.) RR of infection with antibiotics compared to without antibiotics = 0.07/0.14 = 0.5 (50%) NOTE : It is best to quote the ARR or NNT in discussions with patients. RR is harder to put into context because it is independent of the frequency of the problem (the event rate), in this case, the rate at which people with dog bites get infected. Further information on these measures is given in EBM Step 4 (Rapid critical appraisal).

How did EBM help?

In this case EBM helped because the empirical data were easy for the patient to understand and she could participate in the clinical decision. As the culture of health care changes further towards consumer participation in health care decision making, patients will demand this type of information.

Cummings P (1994). Antibiotics to prevent infection in patients with dog bite wounds: a metaanalysis of randomized trials. Annals of Emergency Medicine 23:535540.


Case study 3: microscopic blood in the urine

One of us, then a healthy 47-year-old male, was acting as a patient in a medical exam. The students accurately found microscopic traces of blood in his urine when they tested it. He went to his GP and was retested a month later. The blood was still there. The GP suggested conventional investigation: an ultrasound and cystoscopy. It was time for a search of the literature for evidence of the eectiveness of these procedures. He searched for a cohort study of 4050-year-olds with haematuria with longterm follow-up and for RCTs of screening for haematuria. He used the search categories prognosis and specicity and the search terms haematuria OR hematuria. He got 300 hits. Two papers were very relevant (see box). The presenter concluded that blood in urine is not a good indicator of bladder cancer and did not have the cystoscopy test.

Study 1
10,000 men were screened. About 250 (2.5%) had haematuria. These men were asked to visit their GP and about 150 (60%) did so. Of those, only three had a serious problem. Of these: 2 had bladder cancer 1 had reux nephropathy. This shows that there is about a 1 in 50 chance of having a serious disease.

How did EBM help?

The lesson from this case concerns the practical versus the empirical. Doctors tend to think along the lines of:
Blood does not belong in the urine so it must be coming from somewhere. It could be coming from a potentially serious cause, such as bladder cancer.

Study 2
A urine test to 20,000 men as part of a work-based personal health appraisal. Follow-up studies of the men who were positive for haematuria found three cancers per year, or 1.5 cancers per 1000 person-years. However, the people who were not found to have haematuria were also followed up and the rate of cancer was exactly the same as for the people with haematuria.

Empirical questions, on the other hand, ask about outcomes in this case whether conventional investigation leads to better health outcomes. In this case, the evidence (surprisingly) showed no benet from this, because microscopic haematuria seems to be no more prevalent among those who later develop urological cancer than those who do not. Once again, this allows patients to participate much more fully in clinical decisions.

EBM can also help reduce litigation

This case raises the issue of possible litigation. What if the patient is not tested and later develops a serious disease? However, because EBM improves communication between doctors and patients and allows patients to share decision making, it protects doctors from litigation (most litigation happens when there is a breakdown in communication). EBM analyses have already been used in the courts and have been well accepted. Such empirical evidence has saved doctors from trouble when opinion may have damned them.

Del Mar C (2000). Asymptomatic haematuria in the doctor. British Medical Journal 320:165166.


Case study 4: painful shoulder

A -year-old male complained of a painful left shoulder for several weeks. His GP had often used cortisone injections for such shoulder pain, but was now not sure if this was a good idea because she had seen a recent trial of cortisone injection for tennis elbow which showed good short-term improvement but the long-term outcomes were worse than with watchful-waiting or physiotherapy. A search of the Cochrane Library found a systematic review of randomised trials of several treatments for shoulder pain, which was last updated in . Based on two small trials (with a total of patients), the authors concluded that subacromial steroid injection showed some short-term benet over placebo. A further search of the Clinical Trials Registry identied a more recent trial that compared physiotherapy, manipulation and corticosteroid injections in a total of patients. It showed that corticosteroid injections had shortterm benets (up to year) with a absolute increase in cure at weeks. However, when long-term outcomes were measured ( years), about half the patients had some recurrence and there was no dierence between the three groups. References:

How did EBM help?

The search revealed studies that answered the GPs question and provided useful information for the patient. The GP was able to advise her patient of three things: he would probably improve even without treatment a steroid injection would help to relieve pain in the short-term (up to year) a steroid injection would make no dierence in the long term ( years). Based on this information, the patient was able to make an informed decision about whether to have the injection or not.

Green S, Buchbinder R, Glazier R, Forbes A (). Interventions for shoulder pain (Cochrane Review). In: The Cochrane Library, Issue , . Oxford: Update Software. Winters JC, Jorritsma W, Groenier KH et al (). Treatment of shoulder complaints in general practice: long term results of a randomised, single blind study comparing physiotherapy, manipulation, and corticosteroid injection. British Medical Journal :.


Summary of case studies

The case studies show that EBM has several advantages: Medical practitioners, especially GPs, cant know everything. EBM helps doctors keep up to date across a very wide spectrum of information. MEDLINE and similar databases have several advantages. For medical practitioners, they are a way of nding up-to-date information that is not biased and is of good quality. Because the search is based on questions rather than possible answers, doctors can nd information without having heard about it before. In other words, they can nd information that they do not initially know they need, but which, as we have seen, is important for good clinical practice. The evidence can be used to quantify outcomes (empirical evidence). It allows people to assess the likelihood of beneting from a particular treatment or activity rather than just considering the underlying mechanism. Patients like this empirical approach because it is easier to understand and allows them to share in decision making. Decision making can be shared between the doctor and patient based on empirical evidence of risks and benets. This reduces the chances of future litigation. Electronic searching can reveal other useful information that is of benet to the patient.


Participants own clinical questions

Now we will work out how to turn your day-to-day questions into structured questions that can be answered in a similar way to the case studies above. In the space provided below, write down a question in relation to either yourself or one of your patients. If you are stuck, write down the last patient you saw and we will work out a question. In the next section (page 23), we will look at how to turn your questions into a form that can be used to search the medical literature in less than two minutes. Then we will use the computer lab to nd answers to them.

Write down a clinical question here




EBM step 1: Formulate an answerable question

First principle
First, you must admit that you dont know. As we have already seen, it is impossible to know everything. EBM gives you a method to nd answers to questions without having any prior knowledge of what you ought to know.

Steps in EBM:
1. Formulate an answerable question. 2. Track down the best evidence of outcomes available. 3. Critically appraise the evidence (ie nd out how good it is). 4. Apply the evidence (integrate the results with clinical expertise and patient values). 5. Evaluate the eectiveness and eciency of the process (to improve next time).


The PICO principle

Questions often spring to mind in a form that makes nding answers in the medical literature a challenge. Dissecting the question into its component parts and restructuring it so that it is easy to nd the answers is an essential rst step in EBM. Most questions can be divided into 4 parts: 1. The population or participants 2. The intervention or indicator 3.The comparator or control 4. The outcome Who are the relevant patients? What is the management strategy, diagnostic test or exposure that you are interested in (such as a drug, food, surgical procedure, diagnostic test or exposure to a chemical)? What is the control or alternative management strategy, test or exposure that you will be comparing the one you are interested in with? What are the patient-relevant consequences of the exposure in which we are interested?

All clinical or research questions can be divided into these four components, which we call P I C O. It is important to use all four parts of the question, if possible.

Remember the PICO principle

P Population/patient I Intervention/indicator C Comparator/control O Outcome


Dierent types of questions

By far the most common type of clinical question is about how to treat a disease or condition. In EBM, treatments and therapies are called interventions and such questions are questions of INTERVENTION. However, not all research questions are about interventions. Other types of questions that may arise are as follows: 1. What causes the problem? AETIOLOGY AND RISK FACTORS 2. What is the frequency of the problem? FREQUENCY 3. Does this person have the problem? DIAGNOSIS 4. Who will get the problem? PROGNOSIS AND PREDICTION In each case the P I C O method can be used to formulate the question, as shown in the following examples. The same approach can be used to research qualitative questions about health issues of a more general nature (PHENOMENA). In this case, the question will consist of P and O only. The studies that you will need to search for are dierent for the dierent types of questions and we will discuss this further in the next section (see EBM step 2: Track down the best evidence).


Interventions cover a wide range of activities from drug treatments and other clinical therapies, to lifestyle changes (for example, diet or exercise) and social activities (such as an education program). Interventions can include individual patient care or population health activities (for example, screening for diseases such as cervical or prostate cancer).

Example 1
A 28-year-old male presents with recurrent furunculosis for past 8 months; these episodes have been treated with drainage and several courses of antibiotics but keep recurring. He asks if recurrences can be prevented. To convert this to an answerable question, use the P I C O method as follows :

P Population/patient I

= patients with recurrent furunculosis = prophylactic antibiotics = no treatment = reduction in recurrence rate of furunculosis

C Comparator/control O Outcome

In patients with recurrent furunculosis, do prophylactic antibiotics, compared to no treatment, reduce the recurrence rate?


Example 2
Je, a smoker of more than 30 years, has come to see you about something unrelated. You ask him if he is interested in stopping smoking. He tells you he has tried to quit smoking unsuccessfully in the past. A friend of his, however, successfully quit with accupuncture. Should he try it? Other interventions you know about are nicotine replacement therapy and antidepressants. Develop a clinical research question using P I C O:

P Population/patient I

= = = =

C Comparator/control O Outcome



Example 3
At a routine immunisation visit, Lisa, the mother of a -month-old, tells you that her baby suered a nasty local reaction after her previous immunisation. Lisa is very concerned that the same thing may happen again this time. Recently, a colleague told you that needle length can aect local reactions to immunisation in young children but cant remember the precise details. Develop a clinical research question using P I C O to help you nd the information you need:

P Population/patient I

= = = =

C Comparator/control O Outcome


Example 4
In browsing one of the medical weeklies, you come across mention of imiquimod cream for treatment of basal cell carcinomas (BCC). The idea of a cream for BCCs is surprising, so you wonder about the eectiveness and particularly the long-term cure rate of imiquimod cream. Develop a clinical research question using P I C O to help answer your query:

P Population/patient I

= = = =

C Comparator/control O Outcome


Aetiology and risk factors

Questions of aetiology and risk factors are about what causes a disease or health condition. They are the reverse of intervention questions because they deal with the harmful outcomes of an activity or exposure. Such questions commonly arise in relation to public health issues, such as whether eating certain foods increases the risk of heart disease, or being exposed to an environmental chemical increases the risk of cancer, and so on.

Example 1
George has come in to your surgery to discuss the possibility of getting a vasectomy. He says he has heard something about vasectomy causing an increase in testicular cancer later in life. You know that the risk of this is low but want to give him a more precise answer.

P Population/patient I

= adult males = vasectomy = no vasectomy = testicular cancer

C Comparator/control O Outcome

In men, does having a vasectomy (compared to not having one) increase the risk of getting testicular cancer in the future?


Example 2
Susan is expecting her rst baby in two months. She has been reading about the potential benets and harms of giving newborn babies vitamin K injections. She is alarmed by reports that vitamin K injections in newborn babies may cause childhood leukaemia. She asks you if this is true and, if so, what the risk for her baby will be. Develop a clinical research question using P I C O to help answer Susans question:

P Population/patient I

= = = =

C Comparator/control O Outcome


Frequency or rate
Questions of frequency (prevalence) are about how many people in the population have a disease or health problem, such as what is the frequency of hearing problems in infants or the prevalence of Alzheimers disease in the over 70s. If the question also includes a time period, such as for cases of inuenza in winter versus summer, it becomes a question of rate (incidence).

Example 1
Mabel is a 6-week-old baby at her routine follow-up. She was born prematurely at 35 weeks. You want to tell the parents about her chances of developing hearing problems.

P Population/patient I

= infants = premature = full-term = sensorial deafness

C Comparator/control O Outcome

In infants born prematurely, compared to those born at full term, what will the prevalence of sensorial deafness be?


Example 2
Mrs Smith has acute lower back pain. She has never had such pain before and is convinced that it must be caused by something really serious. You take a history and examine her but nd no indicators of a more serious condition. You reassure her that the majority of acute low back pain is not serious but she is still not convinced. Develop a clinical research question using P I C O to help reassure Mrs Smith:

P Population/patient I

= = = =

C Comparator/control O Outcome


Diagnosis questions are concerned with how accurate a diagnostic test is in various patient groups and in comparison to other available tests. Measures of test accuracy include its sensitivity and specicity.

Example 1
Julie is pregnant for the second time. She had her rst baby when she was 33 and had amniocentesis to nd out if the baby had Down syndrome. The test was negative but it was not a good experience as she did not get the result until she was 18 weeks pregnant. She is now 35, one month pregnant and asks if she can have a test that would give her an earlier result. The local hospital oers serum biochemistry plus nuchal translucency ultrasound screening as a rst trimester test for Down syndrome. You wonder if this combination of tests is as reliable as conventional amniocentesis.

P Population/patient I

= pregnant women

= nuchal translucency ultrasound screening plus serum biochemistry (rst trimester) = conventional amniocentesis

C Comparator/control O Outcome

= accurate diagnosis (measured by sensitivity and specicity) of Down syndrome (trisomy 21)

For pregnant women, is nuchal translucency ultrasound screening plus serum biochemistry testing in the rst trimester as accurate (ie with equal or better sensitivity and specicity) as conventional amniocentesis for diagnosing Down syndrome?


Example 2
As part of your clinics assessment of elderly patients, there is a check of hearing. Over a tea room discussion it turns out that some people simply ask and others use a tuning fork, but you claim that a simple whispered voice test is very accurate. Challenged to back this up with evidence, you promise to do a literature search before tomorrows meeting. Develop a clinical research question using P I C O to help you with your literature research:

P Population/patient I

= = = =

C Comparator/control O Outcome


Prediction (prognosis)
Prediction or prognosis questions are concerned with how likely an outcome is for a population with certain characteristics (risk factors), such as the likelihood that a man who is experiencing atypical chest pains will suer further heart failure or sudden death within the next few days, or the predicted morbidity and mortality for a person diagnosed with colon cancer.

Example 1
Childhood seizures are common and frightening for the parents and the decision to initiate prophylactic treatment after a rst t is a dicult one. To help parents make their decision, you need to explain the risk of further occurrences following a single seizure of unknown cause.

P Population/patient I

= children = one seizure of unknown cause = no seizures = further seizures

C Comparator/control O Outcome

In children who have had one seizure of unknown cause, compared with children who have had no seizures, what is the increased risk of further seizures?


Example 2
Mr Thomas, who is years old, has correctly diagnosed his inguinal lump as a hernia. He visits you for conrmation of his diagnosis and information about the consequences. You mention the possibility of strangulation, and the man asks: How likely is that? You reply pretty unlikely (which is as much as you know at the time) but say that you will try and nd out more precisely. Develop a clinical research question using P I C O to help you give Mr Thomas more precise details about his prognosis:

P Population/patient I

= = = =

C Comparator/control O Outcome


Questions about phenomena can relate to any aspect of clinical practice, such as physical examination, taking a health history or barriers to successful participation in health care. Such questions usually involve a population (P) and an outcome (O) but not an intervention or comparator.

Example 1
Mary is a mother who is concerned about her child of 3. He has a fever. After you have examined him you conclude that he probably has a viral infection. Mary asks But what if he has a fever again during the night doctor? You want to understand her principle underlying concerns so that you can reassure her.

P Population/patient O Outcome

= mothers of children with fever = principle concerns

For mothers of children with a fever, what are the principle concerns?

Example 2
When giving immunisation injections to children, you notice that many of the children make distinctive facial expressions when they receive the injection and you wonder how these expressions are related to their experience of pain.

P Population/patient O Outcome

= =


Your own questions

1. Write here the clinical issue that you wrote down earlier (page 19).

Identify what sort of question it is (circle): intervention phenomenon aetiology frequency diagnosis prediction

Now build up a research question using P I C O

P Population/patient I

= = = =

C Comparator/control O Outcome


Your own questions

2. Write a second clinical issue that interests you.

Identify what sort of question it is (circle): intervention phenomenon aetiology frequency diagnosis prediction

Now build up a research question using P I C O

P Population/patient I

= = = =

C Comparator/control O Outcome


Types of studies
The types of studies that give the best evidence are dierent for the dierent types of questions. In every case, however, the best evidence comes from studies where the methods used maximise the chance of eliminating bias. The study designs that best suit the dierent question types outlined are as follows: Question INTERVENTION Best study designs Randomised controlled trial Description Subjects are randomly allocated to treatment or control groups and outcomes assessed. As aetiology questions are similar to intervention questions, the ideal study type is an RCT. However, it is usually not ethical or practical to conduct such a trial to assess harmful outcomes. Outcomes are compared for matched groups with and without exposure or risk factor (prospective study). Subjects with and without outcome of interest are compared for previous exposure or risk factor (retrospective study). As above Measurement of condition in a representative (preferably random) sample of people. Preferably an independent, blind, comparison with gold standard test. Long-term follow-up of a representative cohort. Narrative analysis, or focus group; designed to assess the range of issues (rather than their quantication).

AETIOLOGY AND Randomised controlled trial RISK FACTORS Cohort study Case-control study FREQUENCY AND RATE Cohort study Cross-sectional study DIAGNOSIS Cross-sectional study with random or consecutive sample

PROGNOSIS AND Cohort /survival study PREDICTION PHENOMENA Qualitative

In each case, a systematic review of all the available studies is better than an individual study.




EBM step 2: Track down the best evidence

Where to search
The two main databases of information that we will use to search for evidence are:

Steps in EBM:
1. Formulate an answerable question. 2. Track down the best evidence of outcomes available. 3. Critically appraise the evidence (ie nd out how good it is). 4. Apply the evidence (integrate the results with clinical expertise and patient values). 5. Evaluate the eectiveness and eciency of the process (to improve next time).

National Library of Medicine free internet MEDLINE database. The Clinical Queries section of PubMed is a question-focused interface with lters for identifying the more appropriate studies for questions of therapy, prognosis, diagnosis and aetiology.

The Cochrane Library

The Cochrane Library contains all the information collected by the Cochrane Collaboration. It contains the following databases: The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews Cochrane systematic reviews

The Cochrane Controlled Trials Register of clinical trials that have been carried Register out or are in progress. The register contains over 300,000 controlled trials, which is the best single repository in the world. The Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Eectiveness (DARE) Structured abstracts of systematic reviews

Access to the Cochrane Library is free for users in many countries. and follow the prompts Other useful places to search are shown in the Resources and further reading section of this workbook.


The question guides the search

In the previous section we discussed how to break down any type of clinical question into four components:

P Population/patient I

C Comparator/control O Outcome
You can now use these components to direct your search. It is also worth looking for synonyms for each component. General structure of question (Population OR synonym1 OR synonym2) AND (Intervention OR synonym1 OR synonym2) AND (Comparator OR synonym1 OR synonym2) AND (Outcome OR synonym1 OR synonym2)

Question: In adults screened with faecal occult blood-testing, compared to no screening, is there a reduction in mortality from colorectal cancer? Question part Population/setting Question term Adult, human Synonyms Screen, early detection, bowel cancer Death*, survival

Intervention or indicator Screening, colorectal cancer Comparator Outcome No screening Mortality

* = wildcard symbol (nds words with the same stem)


The parts of the question can also be represented as a Venn diagram:



Colorectal neoplasm

Once the study question has been broken down into its components, they can be combined using the Boolean operators AND and OR. For example: represents the overlap between these two terms retrieves only articles that use both terms.


represents the small area where all three circles overlap retrieves only articles with all three terms. Complex combinations are possible. For example, the following combination captures all the overlap areas between the circles in the Venn diagram: OR

Although the overlap of all the parts of the question will generally have the best concentration of relevant articles, the other areas may still contain many relevant articles. Hence, if the disease AND study factor combination (solid circles in Venn diagram) is manageable, it is best to work with this and not further restrict by, for example, using outcomes (dotted circle in Venn diagram). When the general structure of the question is developed it is worth looking for synonyms for each component. Thus a search string might be: AND

Retrieves all articles with either word

Retrieves only articles with both words


The term screen* is shorthand for words beginning with screen, for example, screen, screened, screening. (Note: the wildcard symbol varies between systems, eg it may be an asterisk [*], or colon [:].) In looking for synonyms you should consider both textwords and keywords in the database. The MEDLINE keyword system, known as MeSH (Medical Subject Heading), has a tree structure that covers a broad set of synonyms very quickly. The explode (exp) feature of the tree structure allows you to capture an entire subtree of MeSH terms within a single word. Thus for the colorectal cancer term in the above search, the appropriate MeSH term might be:

with the explode incorporating all the MeSH tree below colonic neoplasm, viz:

While the MeSH system is useful, it should supplement rather than replace the use of textwords so that incompletely coded articles are not missed. The MeSH site can be accessed from PubMed (see How to use PubMed later in this section).


Searching tips and tactics

truncation and wildcard (*) NEAR = AND plus words close together

BOOLEANS IN CAPITALS Group words with ( )

Word must be in TITLE

Finds studies containing either of the specied words or phrases. For example, nds articles with either the word child or the word adolescent. Finds studies containing both specied words or phrases. For example, nds articles with both the word child and the word adolescent. Like , requires both words but the specied words must also be within about 5 words from each other. Excludes studies containing the specied word or phrase. For example, means studies with the word child but not the word adolescent. Use sparingly. Articles retrieved may be restricted in several ways, eg by date, by language, by whether there is an abstract, etc. Use parentheses to group words. For example, nds articles with one or both child and adolescent and one or both of the words hearing or auditory. Truncation: the acts as a wildcard indicating any further letters, eg child is child plus any further letters and is equivalent to . Finds studies with the word in the title. For example, (in PubMed) and (in Cochrane) nds studies with the word hearing in the title. Retrieves studies from a specic source, eg nds articles on hearing in the BMJ. MeSH is the Medical Subject Headings, a controlled vocabulary of keywords which may be used in PubMed or Cochrane. It is often useful to use both MeSH heading and text words.


Computer searching
We bookmark our computers to rapidly go to the Cochrane Library and PubMed. Where you search rst depends on the type of question you have asked. For an intervention question, the best evidence comes from a systematic review of RCTs. Therefore, rst check the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews within the Cochrane Library (see page 43). For other types of questions you should rst search PubMed Clinical Queries. As a general rule you should start searching at the level that will give you the best possible evidence. If you do not nd anything, drop to the next level. For example, for an intervention question, rst use the Cochrane Library to nd out if there has been a systematic review of RCTs that relate to your question. If there is a Cochrane systematic review on your question, this is the best evidence that you will nd anywhere, so you do not need to search other databases because the evidence you nd will not be as good as the Cochrane systematic review. If there is not a Cochrane systematic review, the Cochrane Library may still tell you if there has been another quality systematic review (DARE database). A DARE review is the next best evidence after a Cochrane review so, if there is one you do not need to look further. If there is not a DARE review, check the Cochrane Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) to nd out if there have been any RCTs (or if there are any in progress). If there is not a Cochrane systematic review, a DARE systematic review or even an RCT in the Cochrane Library, you will need to go to PubMed to look for observational data (such as case-controlled studies, cohort studies, or even case series). Start by going to the Clinical Queries section because this will bring up the most clinically relevant studies. The search path you can follow for most questions is shown in the following owchart.


Type of question



Cochrane Library

Cochrane systematic review

No Cochrane systematic review Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effectiveness (DARE)


Systematic review

No systematic review Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL)




PubMed Clinical Queries


RCTs/cohort studies etc. CRITICAL APPRAISAL STOP

No studies PubMed general search/other databases

BEWARE you are now entering territory with lower quality studies!


How to use the Cochrane Library

Go to the Cochrane Library homepage at: and follow the prompts. If you are in a registered country for use of the library you can use the Log on anonymously button to log into the library.

The library includes: The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews with approximately 1500 completed reviews and 1100 protocols (reviews that are currently in progress but not nished) Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Eectiveness (DARE) with about 3000 abstracts of other systematic reviews The Cochrane Central Register of Clinical Trials (CENTRAL), which lists over 350,000 controlled trials that have been carried out or are currently in progress, many with abstracts.

The screenshot on this page is reproduced with permission from update software


To search the library, enter your search phrase in the space provided. The results will show the total hits from the site and the hits from each database. Click on each report to show the details. Cochrane systematic reviews are very detailed but each has a structured abstract with the main ndings. You can also go to the Tables and Graphs section towards the end of the report and click on the studies to see the results of the analysis. These results can often be used to calculate a number needed to treat (NNT). For example, the search terms shows the following systematic review: Local corticosteroid treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome The Tables and Graphs area of the review shows one study where corticosteroid treatment was compared to placebo treatment as the comparator with the numbers of patients showing improvement at 1 month as the outcome. The results showed a statistically signicant benet at one month for the treated group of patients as follows: Number improved % improved at 1 month Hydrocortisone Placebo Percentage improved because of treatment NNT 23/30 6/30 77 20 57 (57 better from 100 treated) 100/57 = 1.75 (ie more than 1 in every 2 patients treated will improve)

(Note: Symptom improvement beyond 1 month has not been demonstrated)


How to use PubMed

Go the the Entrez-PubMed webpage at:

You can search directly from the entry page by typing your search terms into the box at the top. Click Limits to set limits such as date, language and type of article. However, this sort of search does not provide any ltering for quality of the research and you will probably retrieve a large number of articles of variable usefulness. To improve the quality of the studies you retrieve, click on Clinical Queries on the sidebar.

The screenshots on p are reproduced with permission. Source: The National Center for Biotechnology Information, The National Library of Medicine, The National Institute of Health, Department of Health and Human Services


Next, enter the type of question you are trying to answer (ie intervention [therapy], diagnosis, aetiology, prognosis). If you click the Sensitivity button you will get more articles but some may be less relevant. Specicity gives you only highly relevant articles. Finally, enter your search terms in the box and click Go.


More about MeSH headings

From the PubMed entry page, click MeSH Browser from the sidebar. In the next screen click MeSH. Next, click Online searching to enter the search browser. Now you can enter the term you are looking for to get the full MeSH subject heading list for that topic.

PubMed tutorial
PubMed has a detailed tutorial program. Click on Tutorial on the side bar of the PubMed entry page. The tutorial is quite detailed and takes about hours to go right through but it is very helpful.

The screenshot on this page is reproduced with permission. Source: The National Library of Medicine, The National Institute of Health, Department of Health and Human Services


Your search terms

Based on your P I C O and question, write down some search terms and synonyms that you can use for your search: Question 1:

Question part

Question term ( ( ( ( OR OR OR OR

Synonyms )AND )AND )AND )

P Population/patient I Intervention/indicator C Comparator/control O Outcome

Results of search

Remember to consider truncating words and using the * wildcard symbol, for example: child* rather than children. Question 2:

Question part

Question term ( ( ( ( OR OR OR OR

Synonyms )AND )AND )AND )

P Population/patient I Intervention/indicator C Comparator/control O Outcome

Results of search


Question 1:

Cochrane Library search terms used:


Key references:

Results (including absolute risk, NNT, etc if possible):

PubMed search terms used:


Key references:

Results (including absolute risk, NNT, etc if possible):


Question 2:

Cochrane Library search terms used:


Key references:

Results (including absolute risk, NNT, etc if possible):

PubMed search terms used:


Key references:

Results (including absolute risk, NNT, etc if possible):


Reporting back
Report back on what you found out during your literature searching session. Discuss WHAT you found and HOW you found it. Try to include empirical evidence such as the NNT.

Literature search ndings:






EBM step 3: Rapid critical appraisal of controlled trials

In the previous sessions you have found out how to formulate clinical questions and how to search for the best evidence on the internet. If you have been lucky enough to nd a Cochrane systematic review about your question, then you know that at least some quality check of the studies has been undertaken. You might still want to check that, based on the data available, the included studies are valid and the conclusions drawn are correct for your patient. This session will teach you what to look for in individual trials to determine if the results are valid and clinically useful. It can be adapted for systematic reviews too. To illustrate this, we will consider the issue of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) on long-haul ights and whether it is possible to prevent it by wearing elastic stockings.

Steps in EBM:
1. Formulate an answerable question. 2. Track down the best evidence of outcomes available. 3. Critically appraise the evidence (ie nd out how good it is). 4. Apply the evidence (integrate the results with clinical expertise and patient values). 5. Evaluate the eectiveness and eciency of the process (to improve next time).

Prevention of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) on long haul ights

P Population/patient I

= passengers on long-haul ights = wearing elastic compression stockings = no elastic stockings = symptomless deep vein thrombosis (DVT)

C Comparator/control O Outcome

Clinical question: In passengers on long-haul ights, does wearing elastic compression stockings, compared to not wearing elastic stockings, prevent DVT?


Search results:
Cochrane Library of systematic reviews PubMed Clinical Queries (therapy, specic) no hits 1 hit

Scurr et al (2001). Frequency and prevention of symptomless deep-vein thrombosis in long-haul ights: a randomised trial. The Lancet 357:14851489. Authors conclusion: Wearing of elastic compression stockings during long-haul air travel is associated with a reduction in symptomless DVT.

For this search, we obtained one study, a randomised controlled trial, and the authors concluded that wearing elastic stockings helps to prevent symptomless DVT on long haul ights. But how do we know that the results are valid and real? The full article is included on pages 7478 of this workbook. The process that has been developed by biostatisticians and clinical epidemiologists for assessing trials is called critical appraisal. To critically appraise the article by Scurr et al, we need to consider some important factors that may cause a dierence to be observed, either positive or negative, between a treated and control group in a clinical trial. These factors can be summarised as follows: whether the groups were representative and comparable whether the outcome measurements were accurate whether there was a placebo eect whether the results were real or could have been due to chance. The rst three points tell us about the internal validity of the methods used to conduct the trial. The last point is related to the size and variation in the eect seen in dierent subjects.


Critical appraisal
Were the groups of subjects representative and comparable?
Setting up representative and comparable groups If the subjects in a study are not representative of the population to be studied then the outcomes may not be applicable for that population. The best way to ensure that the study groups are representative is to initially select subjects randomly from the whole population of interest, apply relevant inclusion/ exclusion criteria and ensure that the study groups are large enough to provide a representative sample (and hence statistically meaningful results). For comparative studies, once subjects have been recruited for a trial, they must be allocated to either the control or treatment group. If these groups are not as closely matched as possible, then a dierent outcome for each group may be due to one of the nonmatched characteristics (sometimes called confounders) rather than due to the intervention under consideration. Examples of ways in which groups could dier include: age sex socioeconomic group smoker/nonsmoker disease status past exposure to risk factors (there are many more) The best way to ensure that groups are matched is to allocate subjects to them randomly. However, so-called randomisation can be done very well or rather badly. To be eective, neither the trial subjects, nor the investigators must be able to inuence the group each person ends up in (this is called allocation concealment). This is best achieved by using a centralised computer allocation process. This method is usually used for large multicentre trials. For smaller trials, use of an independent person to oversee the allocation (eg the hospital pharmacist) gives a satisfactory result. Methods such as allocating alternate subjects to each group or handing out sealed envelopes are not as good because the allocation is not as well concealed.

Steps in critical appraisal

were the groups of subjects representative and comparable? was the outcome measurement accurate? was a placebo used? could the results have been due to chance?


Other allocation methods are sometimes used, including allocating subjects who present on alternate days or selecting subjects from databases, but these methods do not conceal allocation and are not truly randomised. Whatever method is used for selection of subjects and group allocation, something unexpected can happen so it is important to check that the groups formed are really closely matched for as many characteristics as possible.

How did the DVT trial select and allocate subjects?

Selection Volunteers were recruited by placing advertisements in local newspapers. Passengers were included if they were over 50 years of age and intended to travel economy class with two sectors of at least 8 h duration within 6 weeks. Volunteers were excluded from the study if they had. (various exclusions)
See Volunteers and methods: Participants (DVT trial p1485)

The full article is included on pages of this workbook.

Allocation Volunteers were randomised by sealed envelope to one of two groups

See Volunteers and methods: Randomisation (DVT trial p1486)

Table 1 Characteristics of study groups (DVT trial p1486)

No stockings
Number Pre-study: Age Females Varicose veins Haemoglobin During study: Hours ying Days of stay 22 17 62 (5668) 61 (53%) 41 142 116


61 (5666) 81 (70%)* 45 140

24 16

* P < 0.01


Maintaining representative and comparable groups (1): equal treatment Once comparable groups have been set up at the start of a trial, it is important that they stay that way! The only dierence between the two groups should be the treatment being tested. To achieve this, the placebo or control treatment must be given in an identical regimen to the actual treatment.

Unequal treatment invalidates results

In a trial of vitamin E in pre-term infants (1948), the vitamin treatment appeared to prevent retrolental broplasia. However, this was not due to the vitamin itself but because the babies were on 100% oxygen and the treatment group babies were removed from the oxygen for frequent doses of vitamin, whereas the control babies remained in the oxygen.

Did the DVT trial treat subjects equally?

Blood was taken from all participants before travel. All participants had ultrasonography (US) once before travel (30 had US twice). Blood was collected from all participants before travel. All participants were seen within 48 hours of return ight, were interviewed and completed a questionnaire, had a repeat US and a blood sample was taken.
See Volunteers and methods; Investigators/Evaluation (DVT trial pp14851486)

Maintaining representative and comparable groups (2): analysis of all subjects Trial groups may have been carefully randomised to be comparable and they may have received identical treatment in all but the intervention under investigation, but all this is to no avail if some of the subjects leave the trial and are not accounted for in the analysis. This is because the subjects that leave the trial may have a particular characteristic so that those remaining in the groups are no longer matched. This is called the intention to treat principle.

Intention to treat principle

Once a subject is randomised, he or she should be analysed in the group they are randomised to, even if they never receive treatment, discontinue the trial, or cross over to the other group.


Did the DVT trial follow up all the subjects?

Follow up of subjects 231 subjects were randomised (115 to stockings; 116 none) 200 were analysed 27 unable to attend for subsequent US 2 were excluded from analysis because they were upgraded to business class 2 were excluded from analysis because they were taking anticoagulants
See Trial prole (DVT trial p1486); and Results (pp14861487)

How important were the losses? Were they equally distributed? stockings: 15 lost (6 men; 9 women) no stockings: 16 lost (7 men, 9 women) Did they have similar characteristics? no other information is provided Intention-to-treat analysis Haematological data were included in the analysis only when volunteers were examined before and after travel. All other analyses were done on an intention-totreat basis, which included all randomised participants.
See Volunteers and methods: Statistics (DVT trial p1486)


Was the outcome measurement accurate?

Even if the study groups have been randomly selected and allocated, the results obtained may not reect the true eect if the outcomes have not been measured accurately. The two most important factors that can aect outcome measurements are: measurement bias measurement error Measurement bias Measurement bias reects the human tendency to inadvertantly nudge results in the direction that they are predicted to go. If the subjects know which group they are in then this may aect the way they behave in the trial, comply with the treatment regimen, report their symptoms and so on. If the person who is making the measurement (outcome assessor) knows which group the subject is in, this can inuence the way in which they record the results. These biases can be overcome by using subjects and outcome assessors that are both blinded to which groups the subjects are allocated to. A trial that is set up this way is called a double blind trial and the results of such a study are least likely to be biased. A trial in which either the subjects or the outcome assessors are blinded to the group allocation, but not both, is called a single blind study and the results are less reliable than for a double blind study because of the increased potential for bias. A study in which neither the subjects nor the outcome assessors are blinded is the least reliable type of study of all because of the high potential for bias.

Steps in critical appraisal

were the groups of subjects representative and comparable? was the outcome measurement accurate? was a placebo used? could the results have been due to chance?

BEST Double blind trial: subjects and investigators (outcome assessors) both unaware of the group allocations MODERATE Single blind trial: either the subject or the investigators are unaware of group allocation WORST Not blinded: subjects and investigators both aware of group allocations


How did the DVT trial eliminate measurement bias?

Although the stockings were allocated randomly, the passengers were aware of the treatment (ie not blinded)
See Volunteers and methods: Randomisation (DVT trial p1486)

Outcome assessors
Most passengers removed their stockings on completion of their journey. The nurse removed the stockings from those passengers who had continued to wear them. A further duplex examination was then undertaken with the technician unaware of the group to which the volunteer had been randomised (ie blinded)
See Volunteers and methods: Evaluation (DVT trial p1486)

Measurement error A second problem that can arise for outcome measurements is measurement error. This occurs if outcomes are not measured in the same way for all subjects. It is therefore important to use exactly the same measurement strategy and methods for everyone (both the treatment and control groups). Measurement error

Was a standardised measurement strategy used for the DVT trial?

Measurements were carried out using the same procedures for all volunteers.

Group A

Apparent difference Group B

See Volunteers and methods: Investigators (DVT trial p1485); and Evaluation (p1486)

High threshold used to measure group A

Low threshold used to measure group B


Was a placebo used?

The placebo eect is the so-called eect that is attributable to the expectation that the treatment will have an eect. Placebo eect Trial in patients with chronic severe itching
60 50 Itching score 40 30 20 10 0 Treatment vs no treatment vs placebo for itching Cyproheptadine HCl Trimeprazine tartrate Placebo

Steps in critical appraisal

were the groups of subjects representative and comparable? was the outcome measurement accurate? was a placebo used? could the results have been due to chance?

No treatment

Thus, in a trial where a treatment is compared with no treatment, an eect (even quite a large one) may be due to the placebo eect, rather that to the eect of the treatment itself. This means that whenever it is practical to do so, the control group in an RCT should receive a placebo treatment (eg a sugar pill, or sham procedure) that is indistinguishable from the real thing.

Did the DVT trial use a placebo?

In the DVT trial, volunteers were randomised to two groups, one with and one without elastic stockings. The volunteers who did not receive elastic stockings were not provided with a substitute treatment (placebo).
See Volunteers and methods: Randomisation (DVT trial p1486)


Could the results have been due to chance?

We can never determine the true risk of an outcome in a population. The best we can do is estimate the true risk based on the sample of subjects in a trial. This is called the point estimate. How do we know that the point estimate from the trial reects the true population risk? This is where statistics comes in. We will not go into the statistical methods used here but, suce it to say, that statistics provides two methods of assessing chance: P-values (hypothesis testing) condence intervals (estimation) P-values are a measure of probability. Most research is about testing a null hypothesis (which means a hypothesis that there will not be an eect). If there is an eect (ie the null hypothesis is disproved), the P-value tells us the probability that this was due to chance alone. For example, if the P-value is less than 0.05, it means that the probability that the result was due to chance is less than 5%. This means that we would have to repeat the study 20 times (100/5) for there to be an even chance of the eect occurring by chance alone. This is called a statistically signicant result. Condence intervals (CIs) are an estimate of the range of values that are likely to include the real value. If the CIs for the treatment and control groups are small and do not overlap, we can be pretty sure that the result is real. If the CIs are large and overlapping, we cannot be nearly as condent about what the real result is.

Steps in critical appraisal

were the groups of subjects representative and comparable? was the outcome measurement accurate? was a placebo used? could the results have been due to chance?

What were the results of the DVT trial?

DVT in stocking group 0 (0%; 95% CI 03.2%) DVT in control group 12 (10%; 95% CI 4.816%) P-value Not quoted in the paper; but results are statistically signicant because CI values do not overlap.
See Results (DVT trial p 1487)

Difference between treated and control groups

= point estimate = confidence interval

Null hypothesis (no effect)

(a) (a) (b) (c) (d)




Statistically significant result (P < 0.05) but low precision Statistically significant result (P < 0.05) with high precision Not statistically significant result (P > 0.05) with low precision Not statistically significant result (no effect) with high precision


However, an intervention can only be considered useful if the CI includes clinically important treatment eects. An important distinction therefore needs to be made between statistical signicance and clinical importance: statistical signicance relates to the size of the eect and the CIs in relation to the null hypothesis clinical importance relates to the size of the eect and the CIs in relation to a minimum eect that would be considered to be clinically important. For example, a reduction in a symptom may be measurable and statistically signicant, but unless it is sucient to avoid the need for medication or improve the quality of life of the patient, then it may not be considered clinically important.
Difference between treated and control groups Minimum clinically important effect

= confidence interval

Null hypothesis (no effect)

(a) Statistically significant

Clinically important




Not statistically significant

Inconclusive True negative

Not clinically important

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Difference is statistically significant and clinically important Difference is statistically significant but not clinically important Difference is not statistically significant and of uncertain clinical importance Difference is not statistically significant and not clinically important


Outcome measures Most often the results are presented as dichotomous outcomes (ie yes or no outcomes that either happen or dont happen) such as cancer, heart attack or death. Consider a study in which 15% (0.15) of the control group and 10% (0.10) of the treatment group died after 2 years of treatment. The results can be expressed in many ways as shown below*. Measure Meaning Example* RR = 0.1/0.15 = 0.67

Relative risk(RR) = risk of outcome RR tells us how many times more likely it is that an in the treatment group divided by event will occur in the treatment group relative to the risk of outcome in the control the control group. group RR = 1 means that there is no dierence between the 2 groups

RR < 1 means that the treatment reduced the risk of Since RR< 1, the treatment decreases the risk of death. the outcome RR > 1 means that the treatment increased the risk of the outcome Absolute risk reduction (ARR) = risk of outcome in the control group minus risk of outcome in the treatment group (also known as the absolute risk dierence) ARR tells us the absolute dierence in the rates of events between the two groups and gives an indication of the baseline risk and treatment eect. ARR = 0 means that there is no dierence between the 2 groups (thus, the treatment had no eect) RRR tells us the reduction in rate of the outcome in the treatment group relative to the control group. RRR is probably the most commonly reported measure of treatment eects. NNT tells us the number of patients we need to treat with the treatment under consideration in order to prevent 1 bad outcome. ARR = 0.15-0.10 = 0.05 (5%) The absolute benet of treatment is a 5% reduction in the death rate. RRR = 0.05/0.15 = 0.33 (33%) OR 10.67 = 0.33 (33%) NNT = 1/0.05 = 20 We would need to treat 20 people for 2 years in order to prevent 1 death.

Relative risk reduction (RRR) = ARR divided by the risk of outcome in control group (or, 1 RR) Number needed to treat (NNT) = 1/ARR


Summary of critical appraisal of DVT trial

Internal validity In the DVT trial, subjects were initially selected on a volunteer basis. Inclusion/ exclusion criteria ensured that the recruited subjects were representative of the population of interest (over 50, travelling long distance by economy class, no previous history of DVT, etc). Although not a very large study, the number of subjects (approximately 100 per group) was sucient to provide a representative sample (and hence statistically meaningful results). Group allocation was random but the method used (sealed envelope) was not a very eective method for eliminating allocation bias. Either due to allocation bias (were women more prepared to wear elastic stockings?) or other factors, there was a statistically signicant dierence in sex ratio between the groups. The groups were well matched for other factors. Once allocated to groups, all subjects were treated equally in the trial and there were only a few losses to follow up. The trial was single blinded (subjects were aware of whether they were wearing stockings or not, but outcome assessors were not). Outcomes were measured using the same methodology for both groups. The control group did not receive a placebo treatment. Conclusion: The trial was moderately well conducted but had some methodological aws that could have aected the outcomes. Results The results showed a large dierence between the treated and control groups with no overlap in CIs. Absolute risk reduction (ARR) NNT Overall conclusion While the results show a reduction in symptomless DVT in long-haul air passengers, the study had some design aws that would warrant further investigation of this issue. = 0.10 (10%) = 1/0.10 = 10



Frequency and prevention of symptomless deep-vein thrombosis in long-haul flights: a randomised trial
John H Scurr, Samuel J Machin, Sarah Bailey-King, Ian J Mackie, Sally McDonald, Philip D Coleridge Smith

Background The true frequency of deep-vein thrombosis (DVT) during long-haul air travel is unknown. We sought to determine the frequency of DVT in the lower limb during longhaul economy-class air travel and the efficacy of graduated elastic compression stockings in its prevention. Methods We recruited 89 male and 142 female passengers over 50 years of age with no history of thromboembolic problems. Passengers were randomly allocated to one of two groups: one group wore class-I below-knee graduated elastic compression stockings, the other group did not. All the passengers made journeys lasting more than 8 h per flight (median total duration 24 h), returning to the UK within 6 weeks. Duplex ultrasonography was used to assess the deep veins before and after travel. Blood samples were analysed for two specific common gene mutations, factor V Leiden (FVL) and prothrombin G20210A (PGM), which predispose to venous thromboembolism. A sensitive Ddimer assay was used to screen for the development of recent thrombosis. Findings 12/116 passengers (10%; 95% CI 48160%) developed symptomless DVT in the calf (five men, seven women). None of these passengers wore elastic compression stockings, and two were heterozygous for FVL. Four further patients who wore elastic compression stockings, had varicose veins and developed superficial thrombophlebitis. One of these passengers was heterozygous for both FVL and PGM. None of the passengers who wore class-I compression stockings developed DVT (95% CI 032%). Interpretation We conclude that symptomless DVT might occur in up to 10% of long-haul airline travellers. Wearing of elastic compression stockings during long-haul air travel is associated with a reduction in symptomless DVT. Lancet 2001; 357: 148589 See Commentary page 1461

Every year the number of passengers travelling over long distances by air increases. Physicians working close to major airports have seen individual cases presenting with thromboembolic problems after air travel.13 Results of retrospective clinical series46 suggest that up to 20% of patients presenting with thromboembolism have undertaken recent air travel. Ferrari et al7 reported a strong association between deep-vein thrombosis (DVT) and long travel (>4 h) in a case-control study, although only a quarter of his patients with DVT travelled by air. Kraaijenhagen and colleagues8 looked at travel in the previous 4 weeks in patients presenting with DVT. They concluded that travelling times of more than 5 h were not associated with increased risk of DVT. The true frequency of this problem remains unknown and controversial. Episodes of DVT can arise without any symptom. Less than half the patients with symptomless DVT will develop symptoms, and only a few of those go on to have a clinically detectable pulmonary embolism.9,10 In surgical series, a link between symptomless DVT, symptomatic DVT, and pulmonary embolism has been established.11,12 Patients undergoing surgical procedures are assessed for risk, and appropriate prophylaxis is implemented.13 We undertook a randomised controlled trial to assess the overall frequency of DVT in long-haul airline passengers and the efficacy of a class-I elastic compression stocking for the duration of the flight.

Volunteers and methods

Participants Volunteers were recruited by placing advertisements in local newspapers and travel shops, and by press releases. The Aviation Health Institute referred many of the volunteers initially screened for this study, which took place in the Vascular Institute at the Stamford Hospital, London, UK. Passengers were included if they were over 50 years of age and intended to travel economy class with two sectors of at least 8 h duration within 6 weeks. Passengers were invited to undergo preliminary screening, which included an examination and completion of a medical questionnaire about previous illnesses and medication. Volunteers were excluded from the study if they had had episodes of venous thrombosis, were taking anticoagulants, regularly wore compression stockings, had cardiorespiratory problems, or had any other serious illness, including malignant disease. The study was approved by Stamford Hospital ethics committee. Volunteers who gave informal written consent were included in the study. Investigators Volunteers who were eligible for inclusion were investigated by duplex ultrasonography (General Electric LOGIQ 700, GE Medical Systems, Waukesha, USA) to detect evidence of previous venous thrombosis. The lower limbs were assessed by two technicians skilled in assessment of venous problems. Examinations were done with volunteers standing. To assess the competence of deep and superficial veins the technicians manually

Department of Surgery (J H Scurr FRCS, P D Coleridge Smith FRCS) and Department of Haematology (Prof S J Machin FRCP, I J Mackie PhD, S McDonald BSc), Royal Free and University College Medical School, London, UK; and Stamford Hospital, London, UK (S Bailey-King RCN) Correspondence to: Mr J H Scurr, Lister Hospital, Chelsea Bridge Road, London SW1W 8RH, UK (e-mail:

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compressed the calf and measured the duration of reverse flow by colour or pulsed doppler sonography. Venous reflux was defined as duration of reverse flow exceeding 05 s. The presence of current or previous venous thrombosis was assessed from the B-mode image, colour flow mapping, and compression assessment of veins during B-mode imaging. Passengers who had evidence of previous thrombosis were excluded. In the first 30 volunteers, ultrasound examination was undertaken 2 weeks before air travel and again within 2 days of the start of the first flight to provide a control interval in which occurrence of spontaneous DVT could be assessed in this population. No acute DVT was detected during this period. The logistics of the study made it difficult for passengers to attend Stamford Hospital on two occasions before travel and this part of the investigation was abandoned in the remaining volunteers. All subsequent volunteers were screened once before they travelled. Blood was taken from all participants before travel for a series of haemostatic tests. Full blood and platelet counts were done on a routine cell counter. We used the Dimertest Gold EIA assay (Agen Biomedical Ltd, Acacia Ridge, Australia) to measure D-dimer. We took the upper 95% confidence limit of normal value as 120 pg/L. We used routine PCR techniques for identification of the factor V Leiden and prothrombin G20210A gene mutations. Randomisation Volunteers were randomised by sealed envelope to one of two groups. The control group received no specific additional treatment; the other group was given class-I (German Hohenstein compression standard; 2030 mm Hg) below-knee elastic compression stockings (Mediven Travel; Medi UK Ltd, Hereford, UK). Participants were advised to put on the stockings before the start of travel and to remove the stockings after arrival for every flight by which they travelled. Although the stockings were allocated randomly, the passengers were aware of the treatment. Passengers arranged their own air travel. There was no collaboration with the airlines, although two passengers were upgraded from economy to business class. Evaluation Passengers reattended the Stamford Hospital within 48 h of their return flight. They were interviewed by a research nurse and completed a questionnaire inquiring about: duration of air travel, wearing of stockings, symptoms in the lower limbs, and illnesses and medication taken during their trip. Most passengers removed their stockings on completion of their journey. The nurse removed the stockings from those passengers who had continued to wear them. A further duplex examination was then undertaken with the technician unaware of the group to which the volunteer had been randomised. Another blood sample was taken for repeat D-dimer assay. In passengers for whom clinically significant abnormalities of the lower limb veins were detected on duplex ultrasonography, including calf vein thrombosis, the volunteers general practitioners were notified in writing so that treatment could be arranged. Statistics Because of insufficient published data we could not precalculate sample size. Since the investigation was intended as a pilot study, we chose a total of 200 passengers. Recruitment was continued until 100 volunteers had been investigated in each group. A finding

479 total population considered 248 excluded 231 randomised

116 received no stockings

115 received stockings

16 did not attend preflight and postflight examinations

15 did not attend preflight and postflight examinations

100 analysed for presence of DVT before and after travel Trial profile

100 analysed for presence of DVT before and after travel

of no case of venous thrombosis in this number of passengers would have resulted in a 95% CI for the rate of DVT of 02%. To measure a thrombotic event occurring in 2% or fewer passengers would require a very large study, and the low frequency would have limited implications for air travellers. Data were analysed by contingency tables and calculation of the differences in proportions,and 95% CIs by a computer program (CIA version 1.1, 1989, BMA Publishers, London, UK). We used median and interquartile range for haematological data since data were not normally distributed. Haematological data were included in the analysis only when volunteers were examined before and after travel. All other analyses were done on an intention-to-treat basis, which included all randomised participants.

Volunteers were excluded before randomisation if they did not fulfil the entry requirements or could not attend hospital for investigation both before and after travel (figure). Thus, 231 of 479 volunteers were randomised. 27 passengers were unable to attend for subsequent ultrasound investigation because of ill-health (three), change of travel plans, or inability to keep appointments (24). Two who
No stockings Number Age (years) Number of women (%) Number with varicose veins Days of stay Hours flying time Haemoglobin (g/L) WBC (109/L) Packed cell volume Platelets (109/L) Number FVL positive Number PGM positive 116 62 (5668) 61 (53%) 41 17 (1332) 22 (1836) 142 (133149) 59 (5073) 044 (042047) 240 (206272) 7 1 Stockings 115 61 (5666) 81 (70%) 45 16 (1327) 24 (1935) 140 (133147) 60 (5069) 044 (041046) 242 (219290) 4 3

Median (interquartile range) shown, unless otherwise indicated. WBC=white blood cells. FVL=factor V Leiden. PGM=prothrombin gene mutation.

Table 1: Characteristics of study groups


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DVT Number Number of women Age (years) Days of stay Hours flying time Haemoglobin (g/L) WBC (109/L) Packed cell volume Platelets (109/L) Number FVL positive Number PGM positive Preflight D-dimer (pg/L)* Postflight D-dimer (pg/L) Stockings 12 7 67 (5868) 18 (821) 21 (1725) 142 (132146) 61 (5770) 044 (042047) 240 (206272) 2 0 44,45,54,66 33,41,54,59,63,91 0

No DVT 188 117 62 (5568) 16 (1327) 24 (1827) 140 (133148) 60 (5071) 044 (042047) 244 (216285) 9 4 ND ND 100

SVT 4 4 67 (6470) 18 (1621) 28 (2533) 130 (125133) 63 (5668) 040 (039040) 264 (237236) 1 1 33,58 36,93 4

No SVT 196 120 62 (5568) 16 (1326) 24 (1835) 140 (133148) 60 (5072) 044 (042047) 241 (214286) 10 3 ND ND 96

Volunteers grouped according to presence of symptomless deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and superficial thrombophlebitis (SVT). Median (interquartile range) shown, unless otherwise indicated. WBC=white blood cells. FVL=factor V Leiden. PGM=prothrombin gene mutation. ND=not detectable (below the limit of sensitivity of the assay, 32 pg/L). *D-dimer values are those individual values greater than 32 pg/L, all other passengers had concentrations less than 32 pg/L.

Table 2: Age and haematological data in 200 passengers examined before and after air travel

were upgraded to business class and two taking anticoagulants were also excluded. A similar number of men and women were excluded in the two groups: six and nine in the stocking group and seven and nine in the no stocking group, respectively. The remaining 200 passengers were invesigated before and after long-haul economy air travel. None of the 31 volunteers who were excluded after randomsiation underwent follow-up duplex ultrasound examination. The characteristics of the two groups were closely matched, but by chance a greater proportion of women were included in the stocking group (table 1). Table 2 shows results of haematological investigations. After air travel, 12 (10%; 95% CI 48160%) passengers not wearing elastic stockings had developed symptomless DVT in the calf that were detected on duplex ultrasound examination. None of the 115 passengers (CI 032%) wearing compression stockings had DVT. A further four people all of whom were wearing compression stockings, developed superficial thrombophlebitis in varicose veins (3%; 1087%). None of the no-stockings-group developed superficial thrombophelbitis (031%). Four of the patients with symptomless DVT were given lowmolecular-weight heparin subcutaneosuly for 5 days and were referred to their general practitioner for further treatment. The remaining eight were asked to take aspirin, referred to their general practitioner, and advised to undergo a further scan and receive treatment if appropriate. General practitioners were kept informed of these developments. The four passengers with superficial thrombophlebitis received treatment, one with aspirin and three with a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (diclofenac). 14 (7%) of the 200 participants examined both before and after travel, were heterozygous for either factor V Leiden (11) or prothrombin gene mutation (four). One person had both gene mutations and had an episode of thrombophlebitis. Two passengers with symptomless DVT were factor V Leiden positive. The full blood count, platelet count, and D-dimer assays provided no prognostic
Number of participants No stockings Aspirin Hormone replacement therapy Thyroxine Antihypertensives, including diuretics Antipeptic ulcer drugs *Includes additions to usual drugs. 9 8 6 10 8 Stockings 11 16 6 12 3

information. The before and after travel questionnaires were examined to identify concomitant medication, including that begun during air travel (table 3). Only two passengers took drugs in addition to their usual medication. Most drugs were evenly distributed in the two groups, although there was a trend towards more patients taking hormone replacement therapy in the stocking than in the non-stocking group (percentage difference 8%,CI 1 to 17%). Several volunteers took aspirin as part of their regular medication.

About one in ten passengers not wearing elastic compression stockings developed symptomless DVT after airline travel, which is a surprisingly large proportion of the study group. The passengers were all aged more than 50 years and undertook long journeys by air (median 24 h), both of which are factors that could increase the risk of thrombosis. As far as we are aware no other workers have undertaken such a prospective study. Other investigators14 have shown postoperative symptomless DVT (detected by radio-fibrinogen scanning) in about 30% of general surgical patients in whom no prophylactic measure was applied. We accept that symptomless calf vein thrombosis is probably not a major risk to health, but the approach might be useful in future interventional studies. Published clinical series have recorded DVTs detected after investigation of calf symptoms. They showed that 1020% of isolated calf vein thromboses extend to more proximal veins.15,16 Pulmonary embolism can arise in about 10% of patients presenting with isolated calf vein thrombosis.15,17 However, patients presenting with symptomatic calf vein thrombosis often have recognised predisposing factors such as malignant disease or thrombophilia.15,16 We excluded patients with a history of serious illness or previous thrombotic episodes and all those with postthrombotic vein damage on duplex ultrasonography. We believe that the thrombi detected in our study were attributable to long-haul air travel. Environmental changes that take place during long-haul air travel may provoke calf vein thrombosis. Once the journey has been completed these factors no longer apply, allowing spontaneous resolution of calf vein thromboses without complication in most cases. In our study no symptomless DVT was detected in the stocking group. In hospital practice there is evidence that graduated compression stockings are effective at reducing the risk of DVT after surgical treatment.18 Our findings strongly suggest that stockings also protect against

Table 3: All drugs taken by volunteers who attended for examination before and after air travel*

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symptomless DVT after air travel. However, four passengers with varicose veins developed superficial thrombophlebitis while wearing stockings. In all four, thrombophlebitis occurred in varicose veins in the knee region which were compressed by the upper edge of the stocking. The prothrombotic gene mutations that we investigated are together present in about 10% of European populations. The combined prevalence of these abnormalities was 7% in our volunteers, but 19% in those developing superficial or deep venous thrombosis. These data should be regarded with caution, in view of the small number of people we studied. D-dimer, a specific degradation product of crosslinked fibrin, measured by a sensitive EIA procedure, is a useful diagnostic aid in detection of venous Failure to detect raised thromboembolism.19 concentrations of D-dimer in passengers with positive ultrasound scans might be related to the short half-life of D-dimer (about 6 h), combined with the long (up to 48 h) time of blood sampling on return from travel. This interval between completion of the final leg of air travel and testing may have affected the usefulness of the test. Additionally, in all volunteers who developed symptomless DVT, the thrombus arose only in calf veins which would also result in a modest rise in plasma Ddimer. Ferrari and co-workers7 have also shown an association between travel and developments of DVT, but only a quarter of their patients with DVT had travelled by air. Although Kraaijenhagen and colleagues8 recorded no association of DVT with travel, many of their airline passengers have flown for less than 5 h. These casecontrol studies also indicate that DVT related to air travel is not a major healthcare problem, perhaps because only a small proportion of the population undertakes long-haul journeys at any time. These investigators included people with several potential confounding factors such as previous venous thrombosis, malignant disease, and recent surgery, whereas we excluded such individuals. Bendz et al20 simulated long-haul flights in a hypobaric chamber and noted substantially increased plasma markers of thrombosis in volunteers exposed to reduced ambient pressure. A major drawback was that they did not have a control group. However, their findings suggest a possible additional mechanism for thrombosis after air travel. We measured D-dimer values but, because of the study design, we could not show an association with the development of symptomless DVT. We accept that our method of recruitment was not ideal, although we did exclude individuals at highest risk. We were concerned that because of their interest in the problem some of the volunteers may have taken steps to reduce the occurrence of venous thrombosisie, by being active during the flight and drinking more fluids. We could not assess the effect that participation in the study had on the behaviour of volunteers while aboard the aircraft. These factors would have applied equally to both our study groups. Whether leg exercises, walking, or drinking water prevent thrombotic events after airline travel remains to be established. The randomisation procedure was not stratified or miminised for any factor, since we regarded this study as a pilot investigation, which resulted in even distribution between the study groups for most factors. Volunteers with the most important predisposition to DVTa previous history of evidence of DVTwere excluded, ensuring that no bias resulted from this factor.21 However, the stocking group contained more women

than men (table 1). There is little evidence that women are more or less susceptible than men to venous thrombosis in the age group we investigated.22 After airline travel, symptomless DVT was more-or-less evenly distributed between men and women (five of 55 men and seven of 61 women, table 3) in the non-stocking group. We used duplex ultrasonography to detect symptomless DVT. Venography was judged unethical in symptomless volunteers. Others have shown23,24 that duplex ultrasonography is a reliable method of detecting calf vein thrombosis, as well as proximal vein thrombosis, in symptom-free patients. In a series of studies the reliability of duplex ultrasonography in the diagnosis of calf vein thrombosis has been compared with venography.2529 The main failing of duplex ultrasonography is that it may underestimate the true frequency of calf vein thrombosis, but it has a specificity of 7999%. Our data may have underestimated the true rate of calf vein thrombosis by as much as 30%. The fact that some individuals wore compression stockings until shortly before the post-travel examination is unlikely to have affected the sensitivity of the test. The most important factors determining the reliability of this examination are whether it is technically possible to image the deep veins and the presence of post-thrombotic vein damage.28 All volunteers with post-thrombotic appearance on ultrasonography were excluded from this investigation and none of our participants had severe calf swelling, which would have prevented adequate images of the calf veins being obtained. We believe that the frequency of symptomless DVT that we recorded is reliable.
John Scurr, Samuel Machin, Ian Mackie and Philip Coleridge Smith designed the study. John Scurr and Sarah Bailey-King recruited volunteers. Day to day conduct of study, record keeping and assessment of volunteers and clincial data analysis was the responsibility of Sarah Bailey-King. Ian Mackie and Sally McDonald did the haematological investigations. Overall analysis of data was by John Scurr and Philip Coleridge Smith, and statistical analysis by Philip Coleridge Smith. The writing committee consisted of John Scurr, Samuel Machin, and Philip Coleridge Smith.

We thank staff of Stamford Hospital for providing nursing and administrative support for this study, and for agreeing to undertake the duplex ultrasound examinations. Medi UK Ltd supplied the stockings worn by volunteers and provided a grant to cover the costs of the haematological examinations. John Scurr is presently evaluating a device for increasing blood flow through the legs. He has spoken on behalf of the manufacturer to endorse this product. This research began after the current paper was submitted to The Lancet.

1 Patel A, Fuchs GJ. Air travel and thromboembolic complications after percutaneous nephrolithotomy for staghorn stone. J Endourol 1998; 12: 5153. Milne R. Venous thromboembolism and travel: is there an association? J R Coll Phys Lond 1992; 26: 4749. Sahiar F, Mohler SR. Economy class syndrome. Aviat Space Environ Med 1994; 65: 95760. Nissen P. The so-called economy class syndrome or travel thrombosis. Vasa 1997; 26: 23946. Ribier G, Zizka V, Cysique J, Donatien Y, Glaudon G, Ramialison C. Venous thromboembolic complications following air travel. Retrospective study of 40 cases recorded in Martinique. Rev Med Intern 1997; 18: 60104. Eklof B, Kistner RL, Masuda EM, Sonntag BV, Wong HP. Venous thromboembolism in association with prolonged air travel. Dermatol Surg 1996; 22: 63741. Ferrari E, Chevallier T, Chapelier A, Baudouy M. Travel is a risk factor for venous thromboembolic disease: a case-control study. Chest 1999; 115: 44044.

2 3 4 5


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9 10 11 12 13


15 16




Kraaijenhagen RA, Haverkamp D, Koopman MMW, Prandoni P, Piovella F, Bller H. Travel and the risk of venous thrombosis. Lancet 2000; 356: 149293. Kakkar VV, Howe CT, Flanc C, Clarke MB. Natural history of postoperative deep-vein thrombosis. Lancet 1969; 2: 23032. Negus D, Pinto DJ. Natural history of postoperative deep-vein thrombosis. Lancet 1969; 2: 645. Dalen JE, Alpert JS. Natural history of pulmonary embolism. Prog Cardiovasc Dis 1975; 17: 25970. Coon WW. Epidemiology of venous thromboembolism. Ann Surg 1977; 186: 14964. THRIFT Consensus Group. Risk of and prophylaxis for venous thromboembolism in hospital patients. Thromboembolic Risk Factors. BMJ 1992; 305: 56774. Collins R, Scrimgeour A, Yusuf S, Peto R. Reduction in fatal pulmonary embolism and venous thrombosis by perioperative administration of subcutaneous heparin. Overview of results of randomized trials in general, orthopaedic, and urologic surgery. N Engl J Med 1988; 318: 116273. Kazmers A, Groehn H, Meeker C. Acute calf vein thrombosis: outcomes and implications. Am Surg 1999; 65: 112427. OShaughnessy AM, Fitzgerald DE. The value of duplex ultrasound in the follow-up of acute calf vein thrombosis. Int Angiol 1997; 16: 14246. Meissner MH, Caps MT, Bergelin RO, Manzo RA, Strandness DE Jr. Early outcome after isolated calf vein thrombosis. J Vasc Surg 1997; 26: 74956. Colditz GA, Tuden RL, Oster G. Rates of venous thrombosis after general surgery: combined results of randomised clinical trials. Lancet 1986; 2: 14346. Bounameaux H, de Moerloose P, Perrier A, Reber G. Plasma measurement of D-dimer as a diagnostic aid in suspected venous thromboembolism: an overview. Thromb Haemost 1994; 71: 16.

20 Bendz B, Rostrup M, Sevre K, Andersen T, Sandset PM. Association between acute hypobaric hypoxia and activation of coagulation in human beings. Lancet 2000; 356: 165758. 21 Nicolaides AN, Irving D. Clinical factors and the risk of deep vein thrombosis. In: Nicolaides AN, ed. Thromboembolism: aetiology, advances in prevention and management. Lancaster: MTP, 1975: 193203. 22 Kniffin WD Jr, Baron JA, Barrett J, Birkmeyer JD, Anderson FA Jr. The epidemiology of diagnosed pulmonary embolism and deep venous thrombosis in the elderly. Arch Intern Med 1994; 154: 86166. 23 Robinson KS, Anderson DR, Gross M, et al. Accuracy of screening compression ultrasonography and clinical examination for the diagnosis of deep vein thrombosis after total hip or knee arthroplasty. Can J Surg 1998; 41: 36873. 24 Cornuz J, Pearson SD, Polak JF. Deep venous thrombosis: complete lower extremity venous US evaluation in patients without known risk factorsoutcome study. Radiology 1999; 211: 63741. 25 Westrich GH, Allen ML, Tarantino SJ, et al. Ultrasound screening for deep venous thrombosis after total knee athroplasty. 2-year reassessment. Clin Orthop 1998; 356: 12533. 26 Forbes K, Stevenson AJ. The use of power Doppler ultrasound in the diagnosis of isolated deep venous thrombosis of the calf. Clin Radiol 1998; 53: 75254. 27 Mantoni M, Strandberg C, Neergaard K, et al. Triplex US in the diagnosis of asymptomatic deep venous thrombosis. Acta Radiol 1997; 38: 32731. 28 Robertson PL, Goergen SK, Waugh JR, Fabiny RP. Colour-assisted compression ultrasound in the diagnosis of calf deep venous thrombosis. Med J Aust 1995; 163: 51518. 29 Krunes U, Teubner K, Knipp H, Holzapfel R. Thrombosis of the muscular calf veins-reference to a syndrome which receives little attention. Vasa 1998; 27: 17275.

THE LANCET Vol 357 May 12, 2001


For personal use. Only reproduce with permission from The Lancet Publishing Group.

Reproduced for this workbook with permission from Elsevier.


Critical appraisal of your own trial

Now you can critically appraise one of the articles about an intervention that you identied during your earlier search session or the article on immunisation of infants that is included at the end of this section (see pages 8385). For the chosen article, work through the critical appraisal sheet on the next pages and then: (a) decide whether the internal validity of the study is sucient to allow rm conclusions (all studies have some aws; but are these aws bad enough to discard the study?) (b) if the study is suciently valid, look at and interpret the results what is the relevance or size of the eects of the intervention?


Rapid critical appraisal

Clinical question:

1. Were the treatment and control groups representative and comparable?

(a) Was the selection and allocation of subjects to groups randomsied? What is best? Where do I nd the information? The Methods section should tell you how patients were Ideally, subjects should be selected randomly from the selected and allocated to groups and whether or not population of interest. If another method is used (eg randomisation was concealed. volunteers), inclusion/exclusion criteria should be clearly stated. The number of subjects should be large enough to provide a representative sample. Group allocation should be random, and concealed, preferably using a centralised computer (large multicentre trials) or an independent person (small trials). This trial: YES NO Comment: (b) Were the groups similar at the start of the trial? What is best? If the randomisation process worked, the groups should be similar. If there are dierences, the paper should indicate if they are statistically signicant.


Where do I nd the information? The Results section should have a table of baseline characteristics comparing groups on a number of variables (eg age, sex, risk factors). If not, there should be a description of the group characteristics in the Results text. (c) Were the groups treated equally (aside from the experimental treatment)? What is best? Where do I nd the information? Apart from the intervention, the patients should be treated The Methods section should have a follow-up schedule the same (eg additional treatments or tests). and permitted additional treatments etc. The Results section should show actual use. This trial: YES NO UNCLEAR Comment: (d) Were all the subjects that entered the trial accounted for at the end? What is best? Where do I nd the information? Losses to follow-up should be minimal (preferably less than The Results section should show how many patients were 20%, but if few subjects have the outcome of interest even randomised, how many were included in the analysis and smaller losses can bias results). Subjects should be analysed the reasons for losses to follow-up. in the groups to which they were randomised (intention to treat analysis) . This trial: YES NO UNCLEAR Comment:


2. Was the measurement accurate?

(a) Were the subjects and investigators (outcomes assessors) kept blind to which treatment each subject was receiving? What is best? Where do I nd the information? It is ideal if both the subjects and investigators are unaware The Methods section will indicate if subjects were aware of their treatment group (ie if a placebo was used), how of the treatment (double blinded trial). Blinding is less the outcome was assessed and whether the assessors were critical if the outcome is objective (eg death) than if it is aware of the treatment. subjective (eg symptoms or function). This trial: YES NO UNCLEAR Comment: (b) Were the outcomes measured the same way for all groups? What is best? Where do I nd the information? It is important to measure outcomes in exactly the same The Methods section should describe how the outcomes way for both the treatment and control groups. are to be measured. The Results section should show actual use. This trial: YES NO UNCLEAR Comment:

3. Did the control group receive a placebo?

What is best? Where do I nd the information? To eliminate a placebo eect in the outcomes measured, The Methods section will describe the treatment of the control group should receive a placebo treatment. (This experimental and control groups. also allows blinding of the subjects.) This trial: YES NO UNCLEAR Comment:



1. What measure was used and how large was the treatment eect?

2. Could the eect have been due to chance?


Condence interval (CI)

CONCLUSION Internal validity:



General practice
Funding: This work was undertaken while MJ was visiting scholar to the department of family practice, University of British Columbia, Canada. He was funded by the department of primary care and population sciences, Royal Free and University College Medical Schools, University College London, NHS prolonged study leave, and a grant from the Kings Fund. Competing interests: None declared.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Department of Health. NHS primary care walk in centres. London: DoH, 1999 (HSC 1999/116). Wilkie P, Logan A. Walk in centres. Br J Gen Pract 2000;49:1017. Shah CP. Public health and preventive medicine in Canada. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1994. Feldman W, Cullum C. The pediatric walk-in clinic. CMAJ 1984;130:1003-5. Miller GB, Mah Z, Nantes S, Bryant W, Kayler T, McKinnon K. Ontario walk in clinics. Can Fam Physician 1989;35:2013-5. Rizos J, Anglin P, Grava-Gubins I, Lazar C. Walk-in clinics. CMAJ 1990;143:740-5. Bell NR, Szafran O. Use of walk in clinics by family practice patients. Can Fam Physician 1992;38:507-13. Rachlis V. Who goes to after-hours clinics? Can Fam Physician 1993;39:226-70. Burnett MG, Grover SA. Use of the emergency department for non-urgent care. CMAJ 1996;154:1345-51. 10 Grad R, Kaczorowski J, Singer Y, Levitt C, Mandelcorn J. Where do family practice patients go in case of emergency? Can Fam Physician 1998;44:2666-72. 11 Weinkauf DJ, Kralj B. Medical service provision and costs. Can Public Policy 1998;24:471-84. 12 Szafran O, Bell NR. Use of walk in clinics by rural and urban patients. Can Fam Physician 2000;46:114-9. 13 Miller GB, Nantes S. Walk in clinics and primary care. Can Fam Physician 1989;35:2019-22. 14 Borkenhagen RH. Walk in clinics. Can Fam Physician 1996;42:1879-83. 15 Milne P. Could you compete with a walk-in clinic? CMAJ 1987;136:534. 16 Whats wrong with walk-ins? CMAJ 1988;139:63-4. 17 Burak AJ. Walk in clinics. Br Columbia Coll Fam Physicians 1994; October:5-6. 18 Makin MD. McDonalds medicine. Br Columbia Med J 1993;35:151. 19 Milne M. Walk-in clinics. CMAJ 1987;137:532-6. 20 Rizos J. Walk-in clinics. CMAJ 1991;144:631-2. 21 Rowlands J. After hours clinics. Ont Med Rev 1988;55:10-7. 22 Wishart D. BC GPs unite to fight walk in clinics. CMAJ 1987;137:535. 23 Toews B. Walk in clinics add to costs. Br Columbia Med J 1992;34:202. 9

(Accepted 10 July 2000)

Effect of needle length on incidence of local reactions to routine immunisation in infants aged 4 months: randomised controlled trial
Linda Diggle, Jonathan Deeks

Objective To compare rates of local reactions associated with two needle sizes used to administer routine immunisations to infants. Design Randomised controlled trial. Setting Routine immunisation clinics in eight general practices in Buckinghamshire. Participants Healthy infants attending for third primary immunisation due at 16 weeks of age: 119 infants were recruited, and 110 diary cards were analysed. Interventions Immunisation with 25 gauge, 16 mm, orange hub needle or 23 gauge, 25 mm, blue hub needle. Main outcome measures Parental recordings of redness, swelling, and tenderness for three days after immunisation. Results Rate of redness with the longer needle was initially two thirds the rate with the smaller needle (relative risk 0.66 (95% confidence interval 0.45 to 0.99), P = 0.04), and by the third day this had decreased to a seventh (relative risk 0.13 (0.03 to 0.56), P = 0.0006). Rate of swelling with the longer needle was initially about a third that with the smaller needle (relative risk 0.39 (0.23 to 0.67), P = 0.0002), and this difference remained for all three days. Rates of tenderness were also lower with the longer needle throughout follow up, but not significantly (relative risk 0.60 (0.29 to 1.25), P = 0.17). Conclusions Use of 25 mm needles significantly reduced rates of local reaction to routine infant immunisation. On average, for every five infants vaccinated, use of the longer needle instead of the shorter needle would prevent one infant from

experiencing any local reaction. Vaccine manufacturers should review their policy of supplying the shorter needle in vaccine packs.

As part of the UK childhood immunisation schedule, infants routinely receive diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus (DPT) vaccine and Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) vaccine at 2, 3, and 4 months.1 Nationally available guidelines advise practitioners to administer primary vaccines to infants by deep subcutaneous or intramuscular injection using either a 25 or 23 gauge needle but give no recommendation regarding needle length.1 The question of optimum needle length for infant immunisation has not previously been addressed in Britain, despite calls from nurses for evidence on which to base immunisation practice. We conducted a randomised controlled trial of the two needle sizes currently used by UK practitioners to determine whether needle size affects the incidence of redness, swelling, and tenderness.

Oxford Vaccine Group, University Department of Paediatrics, John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford OX3 9DU Linda Diggle senior research nurse ICRF/NHS Centre for Statistics in Medicine, Institute of Health Sciences, University of Oxford, Oxford OX3 7LF Jonathan Deeks senior medical statistician Correspondence to: L Diggle linda.diggle@
BMJ 2000;321:9313

Participants and methods

Participants Eight of 11 general practices approached in Buckinghamshire agreed to participate in the study. Practice nurses recruited healthy infants attending routine immunisation clinics. Parents received written information about the study when attending for the second primary vaccination and were asked if they wished to participate when they returned for the third vaccination. The only exclusion criteria were those normally applicable to a child receiving primary immunisations.1

Reproduced for this workbook with permission from the BMJ Publishing Group


General practice
by practice. Allocations were concealed in sequentially numbered opaque envelopes opened once written parental consent was obtained. Practice nurses were instructed verbally, by demonstration and in writing, to use the technique of injecting into the anterolateral thigh, stretching the skin taut and inserting the needle at a 90 angle to the skin.2 The right thigh was used, with the needle inserted into the skin up to the hub. Outcomes Parents recorded redness, swelling, and tenderness in a diary for three days after immunisation. The size of swelling and redness were measured with a plastic ruler, while the childs reaction to movement of the limb or to touch of the site was graded with a standard scale. We supplied parents with a prepaid envelope to return the diary, and we contacted parents by telephone if return was delayed. At the start of the trial all practices were using the 0.5 ml mix of Pasteur-Merieux DPT/Hib vaccine. However, a change in national vaccine supply necessitated a switch to the 1.0 ml mix of Evans DPT and Wyeth Lederle Hib-Titer. Blocked randomisation ensured that the numbers receiving each vaccine were evenly distributed between the groups. Statistical analysis In order to detect clinically important relative differences of 25% in tenderness and 30% in redness

119 infants attending for 3rd vaccination dose


Vaccination with 25 G 16 mm "orange" needle

Vaccination with 23 G 25 mm "blue" needle

61 infants vaccinated

58 infants vaccinated

3 lost to follow up 1 wrongly entered at 2nd vaccination dose

5 lost to follow up

57 completed trial

53 completed trial

Flow chart describing randomisation sequence

We obtained ethical approval from the local ethics committee. Interventions Infants were allocated to receive their third primary immunisation with either the 25 gauge, 16 mm needle or the 23 gauge, 25 mm needle according to a computer generated blocked randomisation scheme stratified

Baseline characteristics of 4 month old infants and rate of local reactions to immunisation over three days by needle used for vaccination. Values are numbers (percentages) of infants unless stated otherwise
Size of needle Local reaction Baseline characteristics Mean (SD) weight (kg)* Age at vaccination (weeks): 16-17 18-19 >20 Sex Male Female Site of injection: Left leg Right leg Vaccine type: 0.5 ml 1.0 ml Local reactions Redness: At 6 hours At 1 day At 2 days At 3 days Swelling: At 6 hours At 1 day At 2 days At 3 days Tenderness: At 6 hours At 1 day At 2 days At 3 days Any local reaction 9 (17) 4 (8) 0 0 33 (62) 16 (28) 8 (14) 3 (5) 1 (2) 48 (84) 0.60 (0.29 to 1.25); P=0.17 0.54 (0.17 to 1.68); P=0.3 0 (not estimable); P=0.09 0 (not estimable); P=0.3 0.74 (0.58 to 0.94); P=0.009 P=0.4 P=0.4 P=0.4 P=0.2 12 (23) 15 (28) 10 (19) 7 (13) 33 (58) 36 (63) 29 (51) 23 (40) 0.39 (0.23 to 0.67); P=0.0002 0.45 (0.28 to 0.72); P=0.0002 0.37 (0.20 to 0.69); P=0.0005 0.33 (0.15 to 0.70); P=0.001 P=0.0009 P=0.0001 P=0.0007 P=0.002 21 (40) 15 (28) 5 (9) 2 (4) 34 (60) 36 (63) 22 (39) 16 (28) 0.66 (0.45 to 0.99); P=0.04 0.45 (0.28 to 0.72); P=0.0002 0.24 (0.10 to 0.60); P=0.0004 0.13 (0.03 to 0.56); P=0.0006 P=0.007 P<0.0001 P=0.0004 P=0.001 8 (15) 45 (85) 8 (14) 49 (86) 13 (25) 40 (75) 12 (21) 45 (79) 34 (64) 19 (36) 30 (53) 27 (47) 37 (70) 11 (21) 5 (9) 36 (63) 16 (28) 5 (9) 6.7 (0.9) 6.8 (0.9) 23 G, 25 mm (n=53) 25 G, 16 mm (n=57) Difference between longer and shorter needle Relative risk (95% CI); P value Test for trend

*Weight missing for three infants. 0.5 ml vaccine=Pasteur Merieux DPT/Hib. 1 ml vaccine=Evans DPT reconstituting Wyeth Lederle Hib-Titer.



14 OCTOBER 2000

Reproduced for this workbook with permission from the BMJ Publishing Group


General practice
and swelling, we estimated that 250 infants should be recruited for the study to have 80% power of detecting differences at the 5% significance level. In January 2000, problems with vaccine supply necessitated the temporary nationwide replacement of the whole cell component of the combined DPT/Hib vaccine with acellular pertussis vaccine.3 As this vaccine has a different local reactogenicity profile, we decided to stop the trial early. We used 2 tests to compare the proportions of children with each local reaction at 6 hours and 1, 2, and 3 days after immunisation. We compared differences in the size of reaction using a 2 test for trend.

What is already known on this topic

Most infants experience local reactions to routine vaccinations Previous local reactions have been cited by parents as a disincentive to further vaccinations National guidelines on immunisation do not specify a preferred needle length

What this study adds

Local reactions are significantly reduced by use of the 23 gauge, 25 mm, blue hub needle rather than the 25 gauge, 16 mm, orange hub needle supplied by vaccine manufacturers

Of the 119 children recruited to the study, 61 were randomised to the 16 mm needle group and 58 to the 25 mm needle group (see figure). Nine were not included in the analysis (four in the 16 mm needle group and five in the 25 mm group): diaries were not returned for eight, while the ninth was mistakenly included in the study at the second vaccination. Inclusion of this child did not materially affect the results. The two groups had similar baseline characteristics (see table). Over half of the infants vaccinated with the 16 mm needle subsequently experienced redness and swelling (table). The rate of redness with the 25 mm needle was initially two thirds the rate with the 16 mm needle (relative risk 0.66 (95% confidence interval 0.45 to 0.99)), and, by the third day, this had decreased further to a seventh (relative risk 0.13 (0.03 to 0.56)). Similarly, rates of swelling after injection with the longer needle were initially around a third of those after use of the smaller needle (relative risk 0.39 (0.23 to 0.67)), and this difference was maintained for all three days. These differences were statistically significant. Tenderness was less frequent and, although the rates of tenderness were also lower with the longer needle throughout follow up, the differences were not significant (table).

study ensured that the vaccine reached the thigh muscle in 4 month old infants. Although our study was not blinded, parents were not told which needle was used to vaccinate their child. We believe that if knowledge of needle allocation introduced bias into the results, it would be less likely that such bias would be in the direction of the longer needle. These findings are of clinical importance for those involved in administering infant immunisations. In the United Kingdom, where routine vaccines are currently supplied with the shorter needle, a change in the manufacturing process is now required. Any factor that can reduce the rates of adverse reactions in childhood vaccinations has the potential to improve parental acceptance of vaccines7 and would be welcomed by practitioners.
We thank the parents and babies involved in the study, and the following practice nurses at Buckinghamshire surgeries for recruiting infants and administering immunisations: Lyn Hurry, Waddesdon; Lyn Murphy, Whitehill; Carol Gill, Aston Clinton; Judith Brown, Meadowcroft; Cesca Carter, Wendover; Nicky Oliver, Oakfield; Chris Mildred, Wing; Clare Stroud, Tring Road. We also thank Professor Richard Moxon and Drs Paul Heath, Jim Buttery, Jodie McVernon, Jenny MacLennan, and Karen Sleeman from the Oxford Vaccine Group for helpful advice and support and Dr Ann Mulhall for research supervision. Contributors: LD conceived and planned the study, recruited and trained practice nurses, managed data collection, wrote the first draft of the paper, and is guarantor for the study. JD advised on design, produced the randomisation scheme, and undertook all analyses. Both authors had input into the final manuscript. Funding: This study was funded by the Smith and Nephew Foundation through the award of a nursing research scholarship. Competing interests: None declared.
1 2 Department of Health. Immunisation against infectious diseases. London: HMSO, 1996. World Health Organisation. Immunisation in practice. Module 8. During a session: giving immunisations. Geneva: WHO, 1998. ( (accessed 3 October 2000).) Department of Health. Current vaccine issues: action update. London: DoH, 1999. (Professional letter PL/CMO/99/5.) Diggle L. A randomised controlled trial of different needle lengths on the incidence of local reactions when administering the combined injection of diphtheria/pertussis/tetanus (DPT) and Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) to infants at 4-months of age [dissertation]. London: Royal College of Nursing Institute, 1999. Mark A, Carlsson R, Granstrom M. Subcutaneous versus intramuscular injection for booster DT vaccination of adolescents. Vaccine 1999;17:2067-72. Scheifele DW, Bjornson G, Boraston S. Local adverse effects of meningococcal vaccine. Can Med Assoc J 1994;150:14-5. Lieu T, Black S, Ray G, Martin K, Shinefield H, Weniger B. The hidden costs of infant vaccination. Vaccine 2000;19:33-41.

This study showed that both redness and swelling were significantly reduced when the 23 gauge, 25 mm, blue hub needle was used instead of the 25 gauge, 16 mm, orange hub needle to administer the third dose of diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus and Haemophilus influenzae type b vaccines to infants. The differences suggest that, for every three to five infants vaccinated with the longer rather than the shorter needle, one case of redness and one of swelling would be prevented. The needles compared in this study are those most commonly used in general practice.4 As they differed in both length (16 v 25 mm) and bore (25 v 23 gauge), we cannot know which of these factors determined the observed differences in the rates of redness and swelling. However, previous studies comparing injections given at different depths (subcutaneous versus intramuscular) with the same gauge needle have shown similar differences in local reactions.5 6 We suggest that the length of the longer needle used in our

3 4

6 7

(Accepted 22 September 2000)


Reproduced for this workbook with permission from the BMJ Publishing Group




EBM step 4: Apply the evidence

When you are satised that you have found the best evidence for your clinical question, either from a Cochrane systematic review, another high quality review or by critical appraisal of individual studies, the next step is to work out how the results of the search apply to your individual patient using your own clinical expertise and the values and preferences of the patient. The questions that you should ask before you decide to apply the results of the study to your patient are: Is the treatment feasible in my setting? Is my patient so dierent to those in the study that the results cannot apply? What alternatives are available? Will the potential benets of treatment outweigh the potential harms of treatment for my patient? What does my patient think about it? This is sometimes called the external validity, or generalisability of the research results. Although this step is usually given as Step 4, which implies that it is done after Step 3 (Critical appraisal), it is entirely up to you which order you approach these two steps. For example, you will not want to waste time doing a critical appraisal of a study if it obviously will not apply in your clinical setting. On the other hand, you equally will not want to waste time working out the applicability of a study, only to nd that it is a poor study. There is no easy answer to this you will probably need to work it out on a case-by-case basis.

Steps in EBM:
1. Formulate an answerable question. 2. Track down the best evidence of outcomes available. 3. Critically appraise the evidence (ie nd out how good it is). 4. Apply the evidence (integrate the results with clinical expertise and patient values). 5. Evaluate the eectiveness and eciency of the process (to improve next time).


Is my patient similar to those in the study?

As your patients were not in the studies you have researched, you need to use your clinical expertise to decide whether they are suciently similar to the subjects in the studies for the results to be applicable to them. Factors that may aect your decision include: age (the clinical trial subjects may be older or younger than your patient) comorbidity (your patient may have another condition and be taking drugs that could interact with the one tested in the trial) compliance (you may feel that your patient is unlikely to comply with the regimen because of other factors) any other relevant factors. These factors will tell you if your patient is at higher risk than the trial subjects (and likely to benet more than seen in the trial), or at lower risk than the trial subjects (and therefore likely to benet less).


Is the treatment feasible in my setting?

You also need to assess whether the treatment, diagnostic test or other factor described in the study would be comparable in your setting. Amongst the factors that you should consider are: Did the study take place in a dierent country with dierent demographics? Did the study take place in a dierent clinical setting (eg general practice, hospital, emergency department)? Is the treatment or test available and practical in your setting? Can you provide the necessary monitoring and follow-up required? Will your patient be willing and able to comply with the treatment regimen?

What alternatives are there?

If there are other alternative treatments or procedures that you could use, then you need to weigh up which one would be most suitable for your patient, balancing the potential benets and harms of each option. Is doing nothing an option? (This relies on your interpretation of the patients benets and risk of harm and what the patient thinks; see below.)


Will the potential benets of treatment outweigh the potential harms of treatment for my patient?
If possible, from the study results, work out the number needed to treat (NNT) and, for adverse eects, the number needed to harm (NNH). You then need to estimate your patients risk of the outcome in question, which may be higher or lower than the control group in the study. You can then estimate the study NNT and NNH in line with your patients personal risk factors using a method suggested by Sackett et al (2000) called the f method.

The f method for estimating your patients risk:

If your patient is twice as susceptible as those in the trial, f= 2 If your patient is half as susceptible as those in the trial, f= 0.5 Assuming the treatment produces the same relative risk reduction for patients at dierent levels of risk, then: the NNT for your patient = NNT (trial)/f Reference:
Sackett DL, Straus SE, Richardson WS et al (2000). Evidence-Based Medicine: How to Practice and Teach EBM, Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh.

If the NNTs are similar for dierent treatments, look at the NNH for harmful side eects and choose the treatment with least side eects (this will also increase compliance).

What does your patient think is the best option for them?
It is important to take account of what the patient thinks, once you have explained the risks and benets of dierent treatment options. The outcomes that are important to you may not be the same ones that are important to the patient, particularly where quality of life is concerned (for example, if compliance with the treatment is onerous or there are adverse eects).

Badenoch D and Henegan C (2002). Evidence-based Medicine Toolkit, BMJ Books, London. pp3742.






EBM step 5: Evaluate the eectiveness and eciency of the process

It is important to keep records of your clinical questions, research results and critical appraisal of evidence, to follow up patients where you have applied the results of your searches and to record and, where appropriate, publish, outcomes. This clinical audit of your EBM activities will help you to improve what you are doing and to share your ndings with colleagues. Some of the questions you may need to include in your audit are discussed below.

Steps in EBM:
1. Formulate an answerable question. 2. Track down the best evidence of outcomes available. 3. Critically appraise the evidence (ie nd out how good it is). 4. Apply the evidence (integrate the results with clinical expertise and patient values). 5. Evaluate the eectiveness and eciency of the process (to improve next time).

Are you asking any questions at all?

Ask yourself if you have managed to nd the time and motivation to write down your information needs as they arise and in a way that you can follow up to a clinically useful conclusion. If not, you may be missing some opportunities to improve your clinical performance. You could revisit the section on formulating answerable questions (EBM Step 1) and look for other strategies, such as teaming up with some colleagues to take this on as a group. You could also try asking your colleagues What is the evidence for that? whenever they make a pronouncement on the most appropriate management approach to a clinical problem.


What is your success rate in asking answerable questions?

If you are generating questions, you need to ask whether your success rate in framing answerable questions is rising. If your success rate is high enough for you to keep asking questions, all is well. If you are becoming discouraged, however, you could talk to your colleagues who are having greater success and try to learn from them or attend some further professional development workshops on EBM.

How is your searching going?

If you are generating and framing answerable questions, you need to ask if you are following them up with searches and whether you have achieved access to searching hardware, sofware and the best evidence for your discipline. You could also run an audit of your questions against the resources you found most useful to nd answers. Other questions you might like to ask yourself include: Are you nding useful evidence from a widening array of sources? Are you becoming more ecient in your searching? Are you using MeSH headings? How do your searches compare to those of research librarians or other respected colleagues?

If you are having trouble with the eectiveness of your searching, you could consult your nearest health library for further information on how to access and use the available search engines and other resources.

Are you critically appraising your search results?

You should ask yourself whether you are critically appraising your evidence at all. If so, are you becoming more ecient and accurate at applying critical appraisal guidelines and measures (such as NNTs)? You may be able to nd this out by comparing your results with those of colleagues who are appraising the same evidence.

Are you applying your evidence in clinical practice?

Finally, you need to ask yourself if you are integrating your critical appraisals with your clinical expertise and applying the results in your clinical practice. If so, are you becoming more accurate and ecient in adjusting some of the critical appraisal measures to t your individual patients? A good way to test your skills in this integration is to see whether you can use them to explain (and, hopefully, resolve) disputes about management decisions.

Sackett DL, Strauss SE, Richardson WS et al (2000). Evidence-Based Medicine. How to practice and teach EBM, Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh.






Useful sources of evidence

PubMed Clinical Queries PubMed is a free internet MEDLINE database. The Clinical Queries section is a question-focused interface with lters for identifying the more appropriate studies for questions of therapy, prognosis, diagnosis, and etiology.

SUMSearch A super-PubMed: SUMSearch simultaneously searches multiple internet sites and collates the results. Checks for: the Merck manual, guidelines, systematic reviews, and PubMed Clinical Queries entries.

Cochrane Library & Collaboration The Cochrane Library is the single best source of reliable evidence about the eects of health care. The Cochrane Trials Registry contains over 350,000 controlled trialsthe best single repository. The Cochrane Library is available free in many countries. When accessed from any internet address in these countries, it allows the option log on anonymously.

CINAHL is the Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature, and is available through libraries or CKN. Unlike PubMed Clinical Queries, it has no inbuilt lters but some alternatives for CINAHL are suggested at


Appraised studies
Evidence-Based Medicine Bi-monthly journal which summarises important recent articles from major clinical elds (family medicine, internal medicine, obstetrics and gynecology, pediatrics, psychiatry, public health, surgery). (Note: Best Evidence is the cumulated contents of ACP Journal Club (since 1991) and Evidence-Based Medicine (since 1995) in an annual CD.)

PEDro A physiotherapy trials database with over 2300 controlled trials, many of which have been appraised by the PEDro team at the University of Sydney.

BestBETS Provides rapid evidence-based answers to real-life clinical questions in emergency medicine, using a systematic approach to reviewing the literature. BestBETs takes into account the shortcomings of much current evidence, allowing physicians to make the best of what there is. Developed in the Emergency Department of Manchester Royal Inrmary, UK.

Cochrane Library and Collaboration The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews has over 1500 systematic reviews done by the Cochrane Collaboration. The DARE database lists other systematic reviews.


Clinical Evidence Clinical Evidence is an updated directory of evidence on the eects of clinical interventions. It summarises the current state of knowledge, ignorance and uncertainty about the prevention and treatment of clinical conditions, based on thorough searches and appraisal of the literature. It covers 20 specialties and includes 134 conditions. Updated/expanded coverage every six months in print and CD.

Bandolier A monthly newsletter of evidence distributed in the NHS and is freely downloadable.

TRIP Database Searches several dierent evidence-based resources including PubMed, Bandolier, and the ATTRACT question-answering service. Only allows title searches, but does allow AND, OR, NOT.


Further reading
The papers listed below provide further information about EBM, and copies of these papers are on pages 10429. References Holm HA (). Review: interactive, but not didactic, continuing medical education is eective in changing physician performance. Evidence-Based Medicine :. Haynes RB (). Of studies, syntheses, synopses and systems: the S evolution of services for nding current best evidence. Evidence-Based Medicine :. OConnor A (). Using patient decision aids to promote evidence-based decision making. Evidence-Based Medicine :. Comments Summary of a systematic review by Davies et al () of the eects of medical education. Describes the dierent levels of resources for EBM: studies, syntheses and systems. Patient values are important in EBM but integrating them can be dicult. This article describes the state of the art. Discusses the skills needed by medical practitioners to apply EBM principles. Summary of the general principles of EBM. Discusses some of the barriers between research evidence and clinical decision making and how EBM can help. Overview of strategies for the dissemination and implementation of clinical research ndings. Two short examples of EBM in practice.

Guyatt GH, Meade MO, Jaeschke RZ, Cook DJ and Haynes RB (). Practitioners of evidence based care. British Medical Journal :. Straus SE and Sackett DL (). Using research ndings in clinical practice. British Medical Journal :. Haynes B and Haines A (). Barriers and bridges to evidence based clinical practice. British Medical Journal :.

Bero LA, Grilli R, Grimshaw JM, Harvey E, Oxman AD, Thomson MA (). Closing the gap between research and practice: an overview of systematic reviews of interventions to promote the implementation of research ndings. British Medical Journal :. Del Mar CB (). Asymptomatic haematuria in the doctor. British Medical Journal :. Hicks NR, Dawes M, Fleminger M et al (). Chlamydia infection in general practice. British Medical Journal :.



Quality improvement
Review: interactive, but not didactic, continuing medical education is effective in changing physician performance
Davis D, Thomson OBrien MA, Freemantle N, et al. Impact of formal continuing medical education. Do conferences, workshops, rounds, and other traditional continuing education activities change physician behavior or health care outcomes? JAMA 1999 Sep 1;282:86774.

QUESTION: How effective are formal continuing medical education (CME) interventions in changing physician performance and health care outcomes?
Data sources
Studies were identified by using the Research and Development Resource Base in CME at the University of Toronto, the Specialised Register of the Cochrane Effective Practice and Organisation of Care Group, Medline (1993 to January 1999), CINAHL, ERIC, EMBASE/Excerpta Medica, and PsycINFO and by searching bibliographies of relevant papers.

Formal interactive, but not didactic, continuing medical education interventions are effective in changing physician performance.

COMMENTARY Study selection

Studies were selected if they were randomised controlled trials; if they used formal CME interventions of a didactic, an interactive, or a mixed didactic and interactive nature; if they objectively determined either physician performance in the workplace or health care outcomes, or both; and if 50% of the participants were practising physicians. Didactic interventions were those that offered minimal participant interaction (eg, lectures or presentations); interactive interventions were those that encouraged participant activity and provided the opportunity to practice skills (eg, role playing, discussion groups, hands on training, or problem or case solving). Studies were excluded if they used coercive educational activities or provided incentives for learning.
The importance of CME is acknowledged by medical teaching institutions, certifying and licensing bodies, and practising physicians; but the problem is how to deliver an effective product. In Europe, the trend seems to be toward more formalised CME based on traditional formats (ie, having formats that are easy to quantify, such as didactic sessions, and paying less attention to contemporary knowledge about how physicians learn and change). In Norway, we have recertification for general practitioners (GPs) only. GPs who do not meet CME requirements may see a 20% drop in their annual income, but their license to practice is not jeopardised. Linking CME and continuous quality improvement has been a pioneering development.1 The conclusions drawn by Davis and colleagues in this review are similar to those in their previous publications.2 3 All are high quality reviews that examined difficult and important issues. They provide evidence for a redirection of formal CME toward the practice place as a learning arena, the empowering of the learner, and the value of learning that occurs from day to day patient encounters. Furthermore, the broader concept of continuous quality improvement reminds us that other areas of competence (eg, managerial, social, and personal) also need to be nurtured. The implications are that CME providers need to re-examine their role and be more supportive of practice based learning and that any monitoring system must be tuned to support and document activities that have been shown to promote learning and change.

Data extraction
Methodological quality, participant characteristics, nature of intervention (didactic, interactive, or mixed), occurrence of intervention (1 time or series), educational content and format, intervention group size, physician performance, and health care outcomes.

Main results
64 studies were identified. 14 studies (17 interventions) met the selection criteria. 9 of 17 interventions that assessed physician performance and 3 of 4 interventions that assessed health care outcomes showed positive changes in 1 measure. Meta-analysis of 7 studies showed no overall effect of CME interventions (standardised weighted mean difference [WMD] 0.34, 95% CI 0.22 to 0.97). A meta-analysis that included only interactive and mixed CME interventions showed an effect on physician performance (standardised WMD 0.67, CI 0.01 to 1.45). None of the 4 didactic CME interventions altered physician performance. No association between intervention group size and positive outcomes was shown.

Hans A Holm, MD, PhD

Source of funding: National Institutes of Health Fogarty International Center. For correspondence: Dr D Davis, University of Toronto, 150 College Street, Toronto, Ontario M5S 1A8, Canada. Fax +1 416 971 2722.

Norwegian Medical Association Oslo, Norway

1 2 3 Holm HA. Quality issues in continuing medical education. BMJ 1998;316:6214. Davis DA, Thomson MA, Oxman AD, et al. Evidence for the effectiveness of CME. A review of 50 randomized controlled trials. JAMA 1992;268:111117. Davis DA, Thomson MA, Oxman AD, et al. Changing physician performance. A systematic review of the effect of continuing medical education strategies. JAMA 1995;274:7005.

64 Volume 5 March/April 2000 EBM

Quality improvement

Reproduced for this workbook with permission from the BMJ Publishing Group



EBM notebook Of studies, syntheses, synopses, and systems: the 4S evolution of services for finding current best evidence
Practical resources to support evidence-based healthcare decisions are rapidly evolving. New and better services are being created through the combined forces of increasing numbers of clinically important studies, increasingly robust evidence synthesis and synopsis services, and better information technology and systems. The need for these resources is spurred by demands for higher quality at lower cost from health services, but the impact of better information resources is being blunted by noisy pretenders promising the earth but yielding just the dirt. Providers and consumers of evidence-based health care can help themselves to best current evidence by recognising and using the most evolved information services for the topics that concern them. The figure provides a 4S hierarchical structure, with original studies at the base, syntheses (systematic reviews) of evidence just above the base, synopses of studies and syntheses next up, and the most evolved evidence-based information systems at the top. Information seekers should begin looking at the highest level resource available for the problem that prompted their search. evidence with the patients circumstances and wishes.1 Rather, the system would ensure that the cumulative research evidence concerning the patients problem was immediately at hand. Furthermore, the users first point of interaction would be a short synopsis to maximise speed of use, but there would be links to syntheses and then to original studies so that the user could delve as deeply as needed to verify the accuracy, currency, and details of the synopsis. Current systems dont reach this level of perfection as yet, but production models exist for parts of such systems. Electronic medical record systems with computerised decision support rules have been shown in randomised trials to improve the process and sometimes the outcome2 of care. However, these cover a limited range of clinical problems, are not necessarily based on current best evidence, and are mainly homebuilt, thus not easily acquired in most practice settings. Given that we have some way to go before current best evidence is integrated into electronic medical records, some excellent, but less developed systems are now readily available. For example, some electronic textbooks integrate evidence-based information about specific clinical problems and provide regular updating. UpToDate (on CD-ROM and the internet [http://]) is one of the leading examples of an evidence-based textbook for general internal medicine at present. However, it is not explicit about the processes it uses to ensure that all relevant evidence is reviewed, assessed, and included, and it isnt integrated into electronic medical records. Scientific American Medicine ( provides similar referencing and updating and is now connected with the aggregated information services of WebMD ( Clinical Evidence (http:// is a new contender with an explicit review process; it integrates evidence about prevention and treatment for a broad and rapidly expanding array of clinical problems in all medical disciplines and provides a model for the 4S approach to building information systems firmly based on underpinning studies, syntheses, and synopses. Clinical Evidence is also available on Ovid ( as a separate title, with integration into Ovids Evidence-Based Medicine Reviews (EBMR) service promised for 2001. Although none of these systems is integrated with electronic medical records, they can be run through the same computers that run electronic medical records so that one need not go to a remote location to find them. Unfortunately, connecting the right information to a specific patients problems requires that clinicians understand evidence-based care principles and that they apply some effort and skill in using the resources. Fortunately, these emerging information systems reduce these burdens considerably.

A perfect evidence-based clinical information system would integrate and concisely summarise all relevant and important research evidence about a clinical problem and would automatically link, through an electronic medical record, a specific patients circumstances to the relevant information. The user would then consult the systemin fact, be reminded by the systemwhenever the patients medical record was reviewed. The information contained in the system would be based on an explicit review process for finding and evaluating new evidence as it is published and then reliably updated whenever important new research evidence became available. The clinician and patient could therefore always have the benefit of the current best evidence. The system would not tell decision makers what to do. Those judgments would need to integrate the systems

Systems Computerised decision support systems (CDSS) Evidence-based journal abstracts



Cochrane reviews Original published articles in journals


When no evidence-based information system exists for a clinical problem, then synopses of individual studies and reviews are the
EBM notebook

4S levels of organisation of evidence from research.

36 Volume 6 March/April 2001 EBM

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A prototype for evidence synopsis for hand-held computers* Based on: Review: Antibiotics do not lead to general improvement in upper respiratory tract infections. Evidence-Based Medicine 1999 JulAug;4:121. Abstract of: Arroll B, Kenealy T. Antibiotics versus placebo in the common cold. Cochrane Review, latest version 8 Apr 1998. In: The Cochrane Library. Oxford: Update Software
Question In patients with acute respiratory tract infections, what is the efficacy and safety of antibiotics (compared with placebo) in curing infection and improving nasopharyngeal symptoms? Study groups Outcomes (n=5 studies, follow up 1 to 7 d) General improvement Experimental: antibiotics (tetracycline, penicillin, ampicillin, amoxicillin, erythromycin, and cotrimoxazole). Control: placebo. Weighted EER 51.2% Weighted CER 52.5% RBR (95% CI) 2% (5 to 10) RRI (CI) Adverse effects 9.7% 3.6% 82% (25 to 340) NNH NS NNH NS

Conclusion: in patients with acute respiratory infection, antibiotics are no more benecial in terms of general improvement than placebo, and they are associated with a non-signicant increase in adverse effects. NS = not statistically signicant; RBR = relative benet reduction. Other abbreviations dened in glossary; RBR, RRI, NNH, and CI calculated from data in article.

next best source. What busy practitioner has time to use evidence-based resources if the evidence is presented in its original form or even as detailed systematic reviews? While these detailed articles and reviews are essential building blocks, they are often indigestible if consumed on the run. The perfect synopsis would provide exactly enough information to support a clinical action. The declarative titles for each abstract that appears in ACP Journal Club and Evidence-Based Medicine represent an attempt at this, for example, Review: antibiotics do not lead to general improvement in upper respiratory tract infections. In some circumstances, this can be enough information to allow the decision maker either to proceed, assuming familiarity with the nature of the intervention and its alternatives, or to look further for the details, which, for an ideal synopsis, are immediately at hand. The full abstract for this item is in Evidence-Based Medicine and Best Evidence, with an abstract and commentary on one page. The synopsis in the table contains the essential information on the treatment effects (or lack thereof, in this case) in a format that could be adopted to wireless palmtop internet devices.

If every other S fails (ie, no system, synopses, or syntheses), then its time to look for original studies. These can be retrieved on the web in several ways. Especially if you dont know which database is best suited to your question, search engines tuned for healthcare content can assemble access across a number of web based services. At least one of these search engines is attentive to issues of quality of evidence, namely, SUMSearch (http:// Nevertheless, the user must appraise the items identified by such a search to determine which fall within the schema presented here. Many will not, especially when convenience of access is favoured over quality. There are also at least 2 levels of evidence-based databases to search directly, specialised and general. If the topic falls within the areas of internal medicine and primary care, then Best Evidence provides a specialised, evidence-based service because the articles abstracted in this database have been appraised for scientific merit and clinical relevance. If the search is for a treatment, then the Cochrane Library includes the Cochrane Controlled Trials Register. SilverPlatter and other bibliographic database companies have specialised versions of Medline. Medline itself is freely available ( PubMed/), and the clinical queries screen provides detailed search strategies that home in on clinical content for diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, and aetiology. If none of these services provides a satisfying result, it is time to go to the main search screen in Medlines PubMed and try there. If you still have no luck and the topic is, say, a new treatment (one your patients have asked about but you dont yet know about), then try Google ( It is incredibly fast and can get you to a product monograph in a few milliseconds. At least you will find what the manufacturer of the treatment claims it can do along with detailed information on adverse effects, contraindications, and prescribing. The Google home page allows you to add a Google search window to your web browsers tool bar. Unless you are a very slow typist, this is the fastest way to get to almost any service on the internet, including all the ones named in this article that are web accessible. Its worth emphasising that almost all the resources just reviewed are available on the internet. The added value of accessing these services on the web is considerable, including links to full text journal articles, patient information, and complementary texts.

If more detail is needed or no synopsis is at hand, then databases of systematic reviews (syntheses) are available, notably the Cochrane Library, which is on CD-ROM and the internet ( and in Aries Knowledge Finder (KF) ( and Ovids EBMR service. These summaries are based on rigorous searches for evidence, explicit scientific reviews of the studies uncovered in the search, and systematic assembly of the evidence to provide as clear a signal about the effects of a healthcare intervention as the evidence will allow. Unfortunately, the Cochrane reviews do not extend to clinical topics other than preventive or therapeutic interventions. Stimulated by the success of the Cochrane Collaboration, the number of systematic reviews in the medical literature has grown tremendously in the past few years; if the Cochrane Library doesnt have a review on the topic you are interested in, it is worthwhile to look in Medline. Better still, Ovid EBMR and Aries KF provide one-stop shopping for both Cochrane and non-Cochrane systematic reviews. For the example of antibiotics for upper respiratory infections, a search on Ovids Best Evidence, Cochrane, and Medline databases retrieves 17 items, including a Best Evidence synopsis and 4 relevant Cochrane reviews. Limiting the search to EBM Reviews (a check box below the search window in Ovid) cuts the retrieved items down to the latter 5. Cochrane reviews are also now indexed in Medline: cold and antibiotics and Cochrane Review brings up 3 items, including Cochrane reviews on antibiotics for acute bronchitis and for the common cold.
EBM notebook

Is it time to change how you seek best evidence?

Compare the 4S approach with how you usually seek evidencebased information. Is it time to revise your tactics? If, for example, it surprises you that Medline is so low on the 4S list of resources for finding current best evidence, then this communication will have served a purpose: resources for finding evidence
EBM Volume 6 March/April 2001 37

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have evolved in the past few years, and searches can be a lot quicker and more satisfying for answering clinical questions if the features of your quest match those of one of the evolved services. This is in no way a knock against Medline, which continues to serve as a premier access route to the studies and reviews that form the foundation for all the other more specialised databases reviewed above. Big rewards can be gained from becoming familiar with these new resources and using them whenever the right clinical question presents itself.
R BRIAN HAYNES, MD, PhD McMaster University Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
1 Haynes RB, Sackett DL, Gray JR, et al. Transferring evidence from research into practice: 1. The role of clinical care research evidence in clinical decisions [editorial]. ACP J Club 1996;125:A146; Evidence-Based Medicine 1996;1:1968. Hunt DL, Haynes RB, Hanna SE, et al. Effects of computer-based clinical decision support systems on physician performance and patient outcomes: a systematic review. JAMA 1998;280:133946.

Conflict of interest statement: Brian Haynes has direct or indirect connections with many of the evidence-based resources used as examples above, including ACP Journal Club (editor), Evidence-Based Medicine (co-editor), Best Evidence (editor), the Cochrane Library (reviewer and former board member and Cochrane Centre director), Scientific American Medicine (associate editor), Clinical Evidence (advisory board), and PubMed Clinical Queries (developer). These resources are used to illustrate the concepts in the paper; there are other, and perhaps better, examples.

38 Volume 6 March/April 2001 EBM

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EBM notebook Using patient decision aids to promote evidence-based decision making
Evidence-based medicine integrates clinical experience with patients values and the best available evidence.1 In the past, clinicians took responsibility not only for being well informed about the benefits and harms of medical options but also for judging their value in the best interests of the patients. More recently, a shared decision making approach has been advocated in which patients are recognised as the best experts for judging values. Evidence-based decision aids are being developed and evaluated to supplement clinicians counselling regarding values and sensitive options so that patients can understand the probable consequences of options, consider the value they place on the consequences, and participate actively with their clinician in selecting the best option for them. This editorial provides a brief overview of patient decision aids by defining them, identifying situations when they may be needed, describing their efficacy, and discussing practical issues in using them in clinical practice. Possible media include decision boards, interactive videodiscs, personal computers, audiotapes, audio guided workbooks, and pamphlets. This definition clearly shows that information is a necessary but not an exclusive element of decision aids. People need to learn how to personalise this information and how to communicate their personal issues and values to their practitioners. Decision aids are meant to supplement rather than to replace counselling, and follow up with a practitioner is a necessary part of providing decision support. The Cochrane Collaboration also defines what decision aids are not.2 They do not include educational materials that inform people about health issues in general ways but that do not support decision making about a specific set of options relevant to the patient. Decision aids are not passive informed consent materials in which a clinician recommends a strategy and then provides information for providing consent. And finally, they are not interventions designed to promote compliance with a recommended option rather than a choice based on personal values.

What is a patient decision aid?

Decision aids help patients to participate with their practitioners in making deliberative, personalised choices among healthcare options. The key elements of decision aids have been described by the Cochrane Collaboration2 as

When do you need a decision aid?

The use of decision aids is usually reserved for circumstances in which patients need to carefully deliberate about the personal value of the benefits and harms of options. Clinicians are beginning to get easy access to high quality summaries of the benefits and harms of management options in such evidence-based resources as Clinical Evidence.3 Kassirer4 lists some indications for explicitly eliciting patients values in clinical practice, including situations where: + Options have major differences in outcomes or complications + Decisions require making tradeoffs between short term and long term outcomes + One choice can result in a small chance of a grave outcome + There are marginal differences in outcomes between options. Patient characteristics may also determine the need for a decision aid. For example, if patients are risk averse or if they attach unusual importance to certain possible outcomes (eg, risks for disease from blood transfusions), a decision aid might be helpful. Another useful strategy for determining the need for a decision aid is to classify treatment policies as standards, guidelines, or options by using Eddys definitions.5 For standards of care in which outcomes are known and patients preferences are generally consistent in favouring an intervention, decision aids may be less useful and conventional informed consent procedures more appropriate. Examples include the use of insulin in patients with type I diabetes mellitus or the use of antibiotics in patients with an infection known to be responsive to antibiotics.
EBM notebook

information tailored to the patients health status

Information is provided on the condition, disease, or developmental transition stimulating the decision; the healthcare options available; the outcomes of options, including how they affect patient functioning; and the probabilities associated with outcomes.

values classification
Values clarification exercises are used to explicitly consider and communicate the personal importance of each benefit or harm by using such strategies as balance scales, relevance charts, or trade off techniques.

examples of other patients

Patients often like to learn from others who have faced the same situation, and aids can give a balanced illustration of how others deliberate about options and arrive at decisions based on their personal situation.

guidance or coaching in shared decision making

Skills and confidence in participating in decision making are developed by guiding patients in the steps involved and by discussing values and personal issues.

medium of delivery
Decision aids are delivered as self administered tools or practitioner administered tools in one to one or group sessions.
100 Volume 6 July/August 2001 EBM

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List of Decision Aids
Condition specic decision aids Breast cancer surgery Atrial brillation and antithrombotic treatment Cardiac ischaemic treatment Delivery format Audio cassette/booklet Audio cassette/booklet Video disc Publication

Health Expectations 1998;1:2336 Med Decis Making 2001;21:16 JAMA 1999;282:73743 J Gen Intern Med 2000;15:72330 Health Expectations 1998;1:5061 J Gen Intern Med 2000;15:68593 J Gen Intern Med 1996;11:3736

Menopause options Benign prostatic hyperplasia treatment Prostate specic antigen testing

Audio cassette/booklet Video/video disc Video cassette/booklet

Patient Educ Counsel 1998;33:26779 Med Decis Making 1998;18:295303 Dis Management Clinical Outcomes 1997;1:514 Med Care 1995;33:76570 J Gen Intern Med 1996;11:3429 Arch Fam Med 1999;8:33340

In contrast, when a treatment policy is classified as a guideline or an option, decision aids may be indicated because outcomes may be less certain or values for the benefits relative to the harms are more variable or unknown. For example, good evidence exists that amniocentesis performed on pregnant women who are > 35 years of age is effective in detecting abnormalities, but not all women choose the procedure because their values about the medical options and potential outcomes differ. Benign prostatic hypertrophy is another example because it has several management options (watchful waiting, drugs, or surgery) and potential outcomes (amount of symptom relief v drug side effects or surgical risks of incontinence and impotence) that each patient may value differently.

and may have difficulty distinguishing the wheat from the free chaff unless certain standards are set in their development. A high quality decision aid should + Be evidence-based, using evidence-based statements of benefits and risks from credible sources; refer to the quality and consistency of empirical studies; and use systematic overviews that extend shelf life and enhance updating + Be balanced in presenting all options (including doing nothing), the benefits and risks of all options, and (when available) examples of others decisions and opinions + Have credible developers with expertise as evidence interpreters, communicators, practitioners, consumers, and disseminators + Be up to date by using expiry dates indicating the expected shelf life of the information, mentioning upcoming trials that may shift policy, and demonstrating linkage to an ongoing and credible evidence analysis process (eg, the International Cochrane overview groups, the US Agency for Health Care Research and Quality evidence centres, and the Canadian Cancer Care Ontario Practice Guidelines Initiative) + Identify conflicts of interests of developers and funding sources + Provide evidence of evaluation describing how the aid improves decision making.

Do decision aids work?

Evaluation studies from a Cochrane systematic overview of trials2 and 2 general reviews6 7 have shown that decision aids improve decision making by: + Reducing the proportion of patients who are uncertain about what to choose + Increasing patients knowledge of the problem, options, and outcomes + Creating realistic personal expectations (perceived probabilities) of outcomes + Improving the agreement between choices and a patients values + Reducing some elements of decisional conflict (feeling uncertain, uninformed, unclear about values, and unsupported in decision making) + Increasing participation in decision making without adversely affecting anxiety. However, the impact of decision aids on satisfaction with decision making is more uncertain. More research is needed on the clinical, behavioural, and service utilisation outcomes of decisions. We also need to know which decision aids work best with which decisions and which types of patients and how acceptable decision aids are to practitioners and to diverse groups and cultures. Questions also exist about the essential elements in decision aids. Although decision aids have been quite beneficial relative to usual care, the differences between simpler and more detailed aids have often been marginal.

how do you access these decision aids?

The Cochrane decision aids review group is assembling a list of all decision aids available and under evaluation. Most aids have been used in research environments for evaluation. The table lists the decision aids that have been developed, evaluated, and made available to others. (For a complete list of decision aids that have been developed, please see programs/clinical-epidemiology/ohdec.) Many of the decision aids are self administered in video, computer, or audio guided workbook formats so that they can be used feasibly in settings with limited personnel and limited time for counselling. Therefore, the time that practitioners can spend on counselling focuses on personal deliberation rather than providing factual information. Some larger health services (eg, health maintenance organisations in the US) also employ telephone health coaches: patients are referred to them to access materials and to ask questions in preparation for follow up counselling with their individual practitioners. This delivery strategy may become more feasible in other countries as tele-health services expand (eg, NHS Direct in the UK and InfoSante in Quebec, Canada).
EBM Volume 6 July/August 2001 101

How do you know a particular decision aid is a good one?

The definition of a patient decision aid is open to broad interpretation, and materials of variable quality have been produced. Consumers expect to receive free health information
EBM notebook

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A critical challenge during the next few years will be developlsdsdsdsldsdsds ing best practices for deploying those decision aids that have been validated in clinical practice so that they are used, they improve counselling, and they promote evidence-based decision making that is consistent with patients values.
ANNETTE OCONNOR, RN, PhD University of Ottawa School of Nursing and Department of Epidemiology Ottawa Health Research Institute Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
1 Sackett DL, Rosenberg WM, Gray JA, et al. Evidence-based medicine, what it is and what it isnt. BMJ 1996;312:712.

2 OConnor A, Rostom A, Fiset V, et al. Decision aids for patients facing health treatment or screening decisions: a Cochrane systematic review. BMJ 1999;319:7314. 3 Barton S, ed. Clinical evidence. London: BMJ Publishing; 2000. 4 Kassirer JP. Incorporating patients preferences into medical decisions. N Engl J Med 1994;330:18956. 5 Eddy DM. A manual for assessing health practices and designing practice policies: the explicit approach. Philadelphia: American College of Physicians, 1992. 6 OConnor AM, Fiset V, DeGrasse C, et al. Decision aids for patients considering health care options: evidence of efficacy and policy implications. J Natl Cancer Inst Monogr 1999;25:6780. 7 Molenaar S, Sprangers MA, Postma-Schuit FC, et al. Feasibility and effects of decision aids. Med Decis Making 2000;20:11227.


We are pleased to announce that EBM online ( is now available to our readers. Features of the site include: x x x x x Full text, downloadable in PDF format Links to primary papers and referencesfull text links to > 200 journals even if you dont subscribe to them Browse by keyword or topic Direct access to Medline Email table of contents alerts

We invite you to take a look at the web site and email us via the feedback facility with any comments. Brian Haynes Paul Glasziou

Journals reviewed for this issue*

Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand Age Ageing Am J Cardiol Am J Med Am J Obstet Gynecol Am J Psychiatry Am J Public Health Am J Respir Crit Care Med Am J Surg Ann Emerg Med Ann Intern Med Ann Med Ann Surg Arch Dis Child Arch Fam Med Arch Gen Psychiatry Arch Intern Med Arch Neurol Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med Arch Surg Arthritis Rheum BMJ Br J Gen Pract Br J Obstet Gynaecol Br J Psychiatry Br J Surg CMAJ Chest Circulation Clin Invest Med Clin Pediatr Cochrane Library Crit Care Med Diabetes Care Fertil Steril Gastroenterology Gut Heart Hypertension JAMA J Am Board Fam Pract J Am Coll Cardiol J Am Coll Surg J Am Geriatr Soc J Clin Epidemiol J Fam Pract J Gen Intern Med J Infect Dis J Intern Med J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry J Pediatr J Vasc Surg Lancet Med Care Med J Aust N Engl J Med Neurology Obstet Gynecol Pain Pediatrics Rheumatology Spine Stroke Surgery Thorax

*Approximately 60 additional journals are reviewed. This list is available on request.

102 Volume 6 July/August 2001 EBM

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loading (18 mg/kg intravenously at 50 mg/min) and an adequate continuing dose, seizures are often successfully controlled. Phenytoin is effective when coadministered with diazepam in treating status epilepticus, controlling 60% to 80% of seizures.4 Brain concentrations of phenytoin peak at 10 minutes and are three to four times those in plasma after injection. Phenytoin has a pH of 12, so intramuscular dosage is inappropriate. Local reactions to phenytoin occur often and thrombophlebitis necessitates frequent changes of cannulas and makes central administration the preferred route. Fosphenytoin has been used for some years in the United States and can be administered intravenously or intramuscularly. Studies have found it to be as effective as phenytoin in treating status epilepticus, with several advantages over its parent drug. In one series of 81 patients with generalised convulsive status epilepticus treated with fosphenytoin 76 became seizure free.5 Another showed that 37 of 40 patients treated with fosphenytoin were seizure free within 30 minutes.6 Intravenous fosphenytoin is tolerated at infusion rates up to three times faster than those for phenytoin, and therapeutic concentrations are established within 10 minutes.710 Intramuscular administration of fosphenytoin has benefits: rapid and complete absorption, no requirement for cardiac monitoring, and a low incidence of side effects.11 12 Patients with neurological or neurosurgical disorders which affect conscious levels, or patients for which the gastrointestinal route is not available, would be well suited to the use of intramuscular fosphenytoin. Side effects are similar to those of parenteral phenytoin: nystagmus, dizziness, pruritus, paraesthesias, headache, somnolence, and ataxia.12 Refractory status is characterised by seizure activity for about an hour in which the patient has not responded to therapy. General anaesthesia is recommended to abolish electroencephalographic and seizure activity and prevent further cerebral damage. Agents of choice for refractory status epilepticus are the newer agent propofol and older thiopentone, whose disadvantages include a tendency to accumulate in fatty tissues, an active metabolite, haemodynamic instability, long recovery time after infusion, and the need for blood concentration monitoring. Continued seizure activity in status epilepticus is associated with neuronal damage. The aim should be to halt this activity urgently. The ideal drug should be 100% effective, administered quickly without compromising conscious level or producing cardiovascular or airway reflex effects, and have no harmful effects. For status epilepticus fosphenytoin is safe and effective in the emergency initiation and maintenance of anticonvulsant treatment and may usefully complement current practices for early control of seizures. M T E Heafield consultant neurologist
Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Birmingham B15 2TH

MTEH has received a fee for speaking on status epilepticus and fosphenytoin at a study day organised by Parke Davis.

Lowenstein DH, Alldredge BK. Status epilepticus. N Engl J Med 1998;338: 970-6. 2 Shorvon S.D. Tonic-clonic status epilepticus. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 1993;56:125-34. 3 Shorvon SD. Emergency treatment of status epilepticus. In: Shorvon SD, ed. Status epilepticus: its clinical features and treatment in children and adults. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994:175-292. 4 Delgado-Escueta AV, Wasterlain LC, Treiman DM, Porter RJ. Current concepts in neurology: management of status epilepticus. N Engl J Med 1982;306:1337-40. 5 Knapp LE, Kugler AR. Clinical experience with fosphenytoin in adults: pharmacokinetics, safety, and efficacy. J Child Neurol. 1998;13 (suppl 1):S15-8; S30-2. 6 Allen FH Jr, Runge JW, Legarda S, Koup JR, Holmes GB, Hunt AJ, et al. Safety, tolerance and pharmacokinetics of intravenous fosphenytoin (Cerebyx) in status epilepticus. Epilepsia 1995;36(suppl 4):90. 7 Jamerson BD, Dukes GE, Brouwer KL, Donn KH, Messenheimer JA, Powell JR. Venous irritation related to intravenous administration of phenytoin versus fosphenytoin. Pharmacotherapy 1994;14:47-52. 8 Elson MA, Loewn GR, Voightman RE, Koup JR, Holmes GB, Hunt AJ, et al. Pharmacokinetics and tolerance of fosphenytoin and phenytoin administered intravenously to health subjects. Can J Neurol Sci 1993;20:S180. 9 Ramsay RE, Philbrook B, Fischer JH, Sloan FB, Allen FH, Runge JW, et al. Safety and pharmacokinetics of fosphenytoin (Cerebyx) compared with Dilantin following rapid intravenous administration. Neurology 1996;46: A245. 10 Ramsay RE, DeToldo J. Intravenous administration of fosphenytoin: options for the management of seizures. Neurology 1996;46 (Suppl 1): S17-9. 11 Ramsay RE, Wilder BJ, Uthman BM, Garnett WR, Pellock JM, Barkley GL, et al. Intramuscular fosphenytoin (Cerebyx) in patients requiring a loading dose of phenytoin. Epilepsy Res 1997;28:181-7. 12 Uthman BM, Wilder BJ, Ramsey RE. Intramuscular use of fosphenytoin: an overview. Neurology 1996; 46 (suppl 1):S24-8.

Practitioners of evidence based care

Not all clinicians need to appraise evidence from scratch but all need some skills
igh quality health care implies practice that is consistent with the best evidence. An intuitively appealing way to achieve such evidence based practice is to train clinicians who can independently find, appraise, and apply the best evidence (whom we call evidence based practitioners). Indeed, we ourselves have advocated this approach.1 Now, however, we want to highlight the limitations of this strategy and suggest two complementary alternatives. The skills needed to provide an evidence based solution to a clinical dilemma include defining the problem; constructing and conducting an efficient search to locate the best evidence; critically appraising the evidence; and considering that evidence, and its implications, in the context of patients circumstances

and values. Attaining these skills requires intensive study and frequent, time consuming, application. After a decade of unsystematic observation of an internal medicine residency programme committed to systematic training of evidence based practitioners,1 we have concludedconsistent with predictions2that not all trainees are interested in attaining an advanced level of evidence based medicine skills. Our trainees responses mirror those of British general practitioners, who often use evidence based summaries generated by others (72%) and evidence based practice guidelines or protocols (84%) but who overwhelmingly (95%) believe that learning the skills of evidence-based medicine is not the most appropriate method for moving . . . to evidence based medicine.3

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lsdsdsdsldsdsds Because of the amount of time required to make

from scratch evidence based decisions, evidence based practitioners will often not succeed in reviewing the original literature that bears on a clinical dilemma they face. Thus, two reasons exist why training evidence based practitioners will not, alone, achieve evidence based practice. Firstly, many clinicians will not be interested in gaining a high level of sophistication in using the original literature, and, secondly, those who do will often be short of time in applying these skills. In our residency programme we have observed that even trainees who are less interested in evidence based methods develop a respect for, and ability to track down and use, secondary sources of preappraised evidence (evidence based resources) that provide immediately applicable conclusions. Having mastered this restricted set of skills, these trainees (whom we call evidence users) can become highly competent, up to date practitioners who deliver evidence based care. Time limitations dictate that evidence based practitioners also rely heavily on conclusions from preappraised resources. Such resources, which apply a methodological filter to original investigations and therefore ensure a minimal standard of validity, include the Cochrane Library, ACP Journal Club, Evidence-based Medicine, and Best Evidence and an increasing number of computer decision support systems. Thus, producing more comprehensive and more easily accessible preappraised resources is a second strategy for ensuring evidence based care. The availability of evidence based resources and recommendations will still be insufficient to produce consistent evidence based care. Habit, local practice patterns, and product marketing may often be stronger determinants of practice. Controlled trials have shown that traditional continuing education has little effect on combating these forces and changing doctors behaviour.4 On the other hand, approaches that do change targeted clinical behaviours include one to one conversations with an expert, computerised alerts and reminders, preceptorships, advice from opinion leaders, and targeted audit and feedback.57 Other effective strategies include restricted drug formularies, financial incentives, and institutional guidelines. Application of these strategies, which do not demand even a rudimentary ability to use the original medical literature and instead focus on behaviour change, thus constitute a third strategy for achieving evidence based care.

Nevertheless, there remain reasons for ensuring that medical trainees achieve the highest possible skill level in evidence based practice. Firstly, attempts to change doctors practice will sometimes be directed to ends other than evidence based care, such as increasing specific drug use or reducing healthcare costs. Clinicians with advanced skills in interpreting the medical literature will be able to determine the extent to which these attempts are consistent with the best evidence. Secondly, they will be able to use the original literature when preappraised synopses and evidence based recommendations are unavailable. At the same time, educators, managers, and policymakers should be aware that the widespread availability of comprehensive preappraised evidence based summaries and the implementation of strategies known to change clinicians behaviour will both be necessary to ensure high levels of evidence based health care. Gordon H Guyatt Maureen O Meade Roman Z Jaeschke Deborah J Cook R Brian Haynes clinical epidemiologists
Department of Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada L8N 3Z5 (

We thank the following for their input: Eric Bass, Pat Brill-Edwards, Antonio Dans, Paul Glasziou, Lee Green, Anne Holbrook, Hui Lee, Tom Newman, Andrew Oxman, and Jack Sinclair

4 5

Evidence-based Medicine Working Group. Evidence-based medicine: a new approach to teaching the practice of medicine. JAMA 1992;268:2420-5. Sackett DL, Richardson WS, Rosenberg W, Haynes RB. Evidence-based medicine: how to practice and teach EBM. London: Churchill Livingstone, 1997:12-6. McColl A, Smith H, White P, Field J. General practitioners perceptions of the route to evidence based medicine: a questionnaire survey. BMJ 1998;316:361-5. Davis DA, Thomson MA, Oxman AD, Haynes RB. Changing physician performance. JAMA 1995;274:700-5. Oxman AD, Thomson MA, Davis DA, Haynes RB. No magic bullents: a systematic review of 102 trials of interventions to improve professional practice. Can Med Assoc J 1995;153:1423-31. Grimshaw JM, Russell IT. Achieving health gain through clinical guidelines II: Ensuring guidelines change medical practice. Quality in Health Care 1994;3:45-52. Hunt DL, Haynes RB, Hanna SE, Smith K. Effects of computer-based clinical decision support systems on physician behaviour and patient outcomes: a systematic review. JAMA 1998;280:1339-46.

Systems for emergency care

Integrating the components is the challenge
he British governments announcement of the first 36 new NHS walk in centres is the latest in a series of important changes in the provision of immediate access services over the past 20 years.1 A study of first contact out of hours care in England 16 years ago recorded only attendances at accident and emergency departments, general practitioners home visits and telephone advice, and visits by deputising services.2 Contacts with regional trauma centres, minor injury units, general practitioners out of hours cooperative treatment centres, community phar-

BMJ 2000;320:9556

macies, and community mental health teams, for example, were either negligible or non-existent. The recent development of triage and advice telephone services, such as NHS Direct,3 has further complicated the picture, and now the government proposes 36 walk in centres (with more under consideration) to offer a service to the public, when the public need it and where the public need it.1 These services, based in shops, health centres, and hospitals will be nurse led, with access to general practitioners in some cases, and will offer extended opening hours, including


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influence public health policies and priorities; link their name to prestigious non-governmental organisations, United Nations agencies, and doctors; affect the direction and outcome of research; create dependency; create public confusion about the real causes of poverty. Of course they have a responsibility to research and improve products, and of necessity they must employ scientists. But such involvement inevitably creates a conflict of interest, and this is why corporations go to such lengths to ensure that their scientists sit on influential committees such as the Committee on Medical Aspects of Food, Codex Alimentarius Commission (the commission that produces recommended food standards for the world), the new Food Standards Agency, or the European Scientific Committee for Food. Some of these committees have already had an important influence on food laws and the public and are part of the reason that UK law is so weak and that so few women in Britain breast feed. Surely the public should be able to trust that such public bodies do not favour commercial interests over public health. As long ago as 1983, Professor John Reid of the University of Cape Town said to industry representatives at the 12th annual meeting of the World Sugar Research Organisation: There is a hidden agenda in

Education and debate

the research support business. Those who accept your [industries] support are often perceived to be less likely to give you a bad scientific press. They may come up with the results that cause you problems, but they will put them in a context in a way that leaves you happier than had they emanated from someone not receiving your support. My own observation and comment is that this hidden effect is powerful, more powerful certainly than we care to state loudly, from the point of view of honour either in science or in industry. It takes a lot to bite the hand that feeds you. The world is facing many difficult problems that need the close attention of everyone concerned with public health. If sustainable solutions are to be found, surely it is imperative that adequate public funds are set aside for this purposeinstead of money that has already been allocated by industry for an entirely different purpose, namely marketing.
1 Mehdi T, Wagner-Rizvi T. Feeding fiascopushing commercial infant foods in Pakistan. Islamabad: Network for the Rational Use of Medication, 1998. (Available from Baby Milk Action.) Sokol E, Thiagarajah S, Allain A. Breaking the rules, stretching the rules. Penang: International Baby Food Action Network, 1998. (Available from Baby Milk Action.) Taylor A. Violations of the international code of marketing of breast milk substitutes: prevalence in four countries. BMJ 1998;316:1117-22.

Getting research findings into practice Using research findings in clinical practice
S E Straus, D L Sackett
In clinical practice caring for patients generates many questions about diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment that challenge health professionals to keep up to date with the medical literature. A study of general practitioners in North America found that two clinically important questions arose for every three patients seen.1 The challenge in keeping abreast of the medical literature is the volume of literature. General physicians who want to keep up with relevant journals face the task of examining 19 articles a day 365 days a year.2 One approach to meeting these challenges and avoiding clinical entropy is to learn how to practise evidence based medicine. Evidence based medicine involves integrating clinical expertise with the best available clinical evidence derived from systematic research.3 Individual clinical expertise is the proficiency and judgment that each clinician acquires through clinical experience and practice. Best available clinical evidence is clinically relevant research which may be from the basic sciences of medicine, but especially that derived from clinical research that is patient centred, that evaluates the accuracy and precision of diagnostic tests and prognostic markers, and the efficacy and safety of therapeutic, rehabilitative, and preventive regimens. This paper focuses on what evidence based medicine is and how it can be practised by busy clinicians.

Summary points
Practising evidence based medicine allows clinicians to keep up with the rapidly growing body of medical literature Evidence based medicine improves clinicians skills in asking answerable questions and finding the best evidence to answer these questions Evidence based medicine can provide a framework for critically appraising evidence Practising evidence based medicine encourages clinicians to integrate valid and useful evidence with clinical expertise and each patients unique features, and enables clinicians to apply evidence to the treatment of patients

This is the fifth in a series of eight articles analysing the gap between research and practice
NHS Research and Development Centre for Evidence Based Medicine, Nuffield Department of Clinical Medicine, Oxford Radcliffe Hospital NHS Trust, Oxford OX3 9DU S E Straus, deputy director D L Sackett, director Correspondence to: Dr Straus sharon.straus@ Series editors: Andrew Haines and Anna Donald
BMJ 1998;317:33942

The practice of evidence based medicine is a process of lifelong self directed learning in which caring for patients creates a need for clinically important information about diagnoses, prognoses, treatment, and other healthcare issues. The box at the bottom of the next page illustrates the five steps necessary to the practice of evidence based medicine.


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Education and debate

lsdsdsdsldsdsds Asking answerable clinical questions

Formulating clear, focused clinical questions is a prerequisite to answering them. Four components of the question must be specified: the patient or problem being addressed; the intervention being considered (a cause, prognostic factor, or treatment); another intervention for comparison, when relevant; and the clinical outcomes of interest.4 The intervention could be from a clinical trial (for example, a drug) or from nature (for example, sex or age). To illustrate how many questions may arise in the treatment of one patient consider a 65 year old man with a history of cirrhosis and ascites secondary to alcohol abuse who presents to accident and emergency with haematemesis. The patient is taking a diuretic. On examination he is disoriented and looks unwell but is afebrile. His blood pressure is 90/60 supine and 70/50 while seated; his heart rate is 100 beats per minute while supine. In addition to spider naevi and gynaecomastia he has ascites. Bowel sounds are present. Dozens of questions may arise in treating this patient; some are summarised in the box opposite. The questions cover a wide spectrum: clinical findings, aetiology, differential diagnosis, diagnostic tests, prognosis, treatment, prevention, and self improvement.4 Given their breadth and number, and knowing that clinicians are likely to have only about 30 minutes in a week to address any of them,5 it is necessary to pare the questions down to just one. This can be done by considering the question that would be most important to the patients wellbeing and balancing it against a number of factors including which question appears most feasible to answer, which question is most interesting to the clinician , and which question is most likely to be raised in subsequent patients and could provide information for them. For this patient the question becomes: in a patient with cirrhosis and suspected variceal bleeding does treatment with somatostatin decrease the risk of death? Questions to be asked in treating patient with cirrhosis and haematemesis
Clinical findings Which is the most accurate way of diagnosing ascites on physical examination: fluid wave or shifting dullness? Aetiology Can gastrointestinal bleeding cause confusion in a patient with cirrhosis and ascites? Differential diagnosis In a patient with cirrhosis and ascites which is most likely to cause gastrointestinal bleeding, variceal haemorrhage or peptic ulcer disease? Diagnostic tests In a patient with suspected alcohol abuse is the use of the CAGE questionnaire specific for diagnosing alcohol abuse?6 Prognosis Does gastrointestinal bleeding increase the risk of death in a patient with cirrhosis? Treatment Does treatment with somatostatin decrease the risk of death in a patient with cirrhosis and variceal bleeding? Prevention Does treatment with a blocker decrease the risk of morbidity and mortality in a patient with cirrhosis, ascites, and varices? Self improvement To improve my understanding of the pathophysiology of ascites would I gain more from spending an hour in the library reading a textbook or spending 15 minutes on the ward computer looking at the CD ROM version of the same textbook?

Searching for the best evidence

A focused question sharpens the search for the best evidence. Strategies that increase the sensitivity and specificity of searches have been developed and are available both in paper4 and electronic forms (for example, at the site established by the NHS Research and Development Centre for Evidence-Based Medi-

Steps necessary in practising evidence based medicine

Convert the need for information into clinically relevant, answerable questions Find, in the most efficient way, the best evidence with which to answer these questions (whether this evidence comes from clinical examination, laboratory tests, published research, or other sources) Critically appraise the evidence for its validity (closeness to the truth) and usefulness (clinical applicability) Integrate the appraisal with clinical expertise and apply the results to clinical practice Evaluate your performance

cine at URL: Librarians also may be helpful in guiding and assisting searches. The types and number of resources are rapidly expanding and some of them have already undergone critical appraisal during development. Most rigorous of these are the systematic reviews on the effects of health care that have been generated by the Cochrane Collaboration, readily available as The Cochrane Library on compact disc,7 and accompanied by abstracts for critically appraised overviews in the Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effectiveness created by the NHS Centre for Reviews and Dissemination.7 A systematic review from The Cochrane Library is exhaustive and therefore takes years to generate; reviews from the Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effectiveness can be generated in months. Still faster is the appearance of clinical articles about diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, quality of care, and economics that pass both specific methodological standards (so that their results are likely to be valid) and clinical scrutiny for relevance and that appear in evidence based journals such as the ACP Journal Club, Evidence-Based Medicine, and EvidenceBased Cardiovascular Medicine. This selection process reduces the amount of clinical literature by 98% to the 2% that is most methodologically rigorous and useful to clinician.8 In these journals, the evidence is summarised in structured abstracts and a clinical expert adds commentary to the article which allows the reader to place the findings in context. An electronic publication, Best Evidence, combines the contents of the ACP Journal Club with the contents


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of Evidence-Based Medicine in an easily searched compact disc.9 In caring for the patient with cirrhosis and gastrointestinal bleeding a search of The Cochrane Library using the term variceal bleed identified the Cochrane review that evaluated the use of somatostatin versus placebo or no treatment in acute bleeding oesophageal varices.10 Some evidence based materials also appear on the internet, including those of the Cochrane Collaboration (URL: and some sites include clinically useful evidence about diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment. For example, the site established by the NHS Research and Development Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine (URL given above) permits browsers to apply the specificity of shifting dullness and the sensitivity of a history of ankle swelling to diagnose patients thought to have ascites; this information could be used to answer some of the questions posed in the diagnosis of the patient with cirrhosis. If the foregoing strategies for gaining rapid access to evidence based medicine fail clinicians can resort to the time honoured and increasingly user friendly systems for accessing the current literature via Medline and Embase, employing methodological quality filters to maximise the yield of high quality evidence.

Education and debate

(clinicians who produce them become more effective in searching and critically appraising evidence) than to potential users (since the summaries undergo little peer review and may be useful mainly for their citations).

Critically appraising the evidence

Once clinicians find potentially useful evidence it has to be critically appraised and its validity and usefulness determined. Guidelines have been generated to help clinicians evaluate the validity of evidence about diagnostic tests (was there an independent, blind comparison with a gold standard of diagnosis?), treatment (was the assignment of patients to treatments really randomised?), prognostic markers (was an appropriate sample of patients assembled at a uniform point in their illness?), and clinical guidelines or other strategies for improving the quality of care.4 11 Worksheets for applying guidelines to determine whether findings are valid are also available (see the address of the NHS Research and Development site given above). The trend towards publishing more informative abstracts also makes it easier for clinicians to determine whether research findings are applicable to their patients. For the patient with cirrhosis and haematemesis, an assessment of the Cochrane review finds that it is valid, and the results showed that somatostatin did not have a statistically significant effect on survival. The confidence interval for the effect on mortality was wide, suggesting that larger studies need to be done to find definitive answers.9 After finding an article and determining if its results are valid and useful, it is often helpful to file a summary so that it can be referred to again or passed along to colleagues. One way to do this is to prepare a one page summary that includes information on the patient, the evidence, and the clinical bottom line organised as a critically appraised topic (CAT).12 CATmakers (for constructing, storing, and printing information on critically appraised topics, and for calculating likelihood ratios and numbers needed to treat) are becoming more widely available, as are websites where they can be stored or retrieved (see the NHS site described earlier). Information on critically appraised topics are more useful to those who produce them

Applying the evidence

Applying the results of critical appraisals involves the essential second element of evidence based medicine: integrating the evidence with clinical expertise and knowledge of the unique features of patients and their situations, rights, and expectations. Only after these things have been considered can we then decide whether and how to incorporate the evidence into the care of a particular patient. In the case of the patient with cirrhosis and haematemesis, there was insufficient power in the review to determine if the risk of mortality would be reduced with the use of somatostatin. The study did report that one unit of blood was saved in treating each patient, but this is unlikely to be considered cost effective. Another factor to consider is whether endoscopic services are available for sclerotherapy or ligation of varices, and if somatostatin should be used in the interim if endoscopy is not readily available. Accordingly, the decision of whether to treat the patient with somatostatin would have to grow out of a therapeutic alliance with the patient who would have to be informed about the potential risks and benefits of this treatment.

Evaluating your performance

To complete the cycle of practising evidence based medicine clinicians should evaluate their own performance. Clinicians can evaluate their progress at each stage by asking whether their questions were answerable, by asking if good evidence was found quickly, by asking if evidence was effectively appraised, and by asking whether the integration of the appraisal with clinical expertise and the patients unique features left them with a rational, acceptable management strategy. This fifth step of self evaluation allows clinicians to focus on earlier steps that may need improvement in the future. For example, for the patient with cirrhosis and haematemesis we can assess the application of the evidence about the treatment of variceal bleeding and

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Education and debate

determine whether we discussed the risks and benefits lsdsdsdsldsdsds of treatment with the patient and whether the patients own values were incorporated into our discussion. cal expertise, sound external evidence can be applied efficiently and effectively to our patients problems.
Funding: SES is supported by the R Samuel McLaughlin Foundation. Conflict of interest: None.
1 2 Covell DG, Uman GC, Manning PR. Information needs in office practice: are they being met? Ann Intern Med 1985;103:596-9. Davidoff F, Haynes RB, Sackett DL, Smith R. Evidence-based medicine: a new journal to help doctors identify the information they need. BMJ 1995;310:1085-6. Sackett DL, Rosenberg WMC, Gray JAM, Richardson WS. Evidence based medicine: what it is and what it isnt. BMJ 1996;312:71-2. Sackett DL, Richardson WS, Rosenberg WMC, Haynes RB. Evidence-based medicine: how to practice and teach EBM. London: Churchill Livingstone, 1997. Sackett DL. Using evidence-based medicine to help physicians keep up-to-date. Serials 1996;9:178-81. Bush B, Shaw S, Cleary P, Delbanco TL, Aronson MD. Screening for alcohol abuse using the CAGE questionnaire. Am J Med 1987;82:231-5. The Cochrane Library [database on disk and CD ROM]. Cochrane Collaboration. Oxford: Update Software; 1998. Updated quarterly. Sackett DL, Haynes RB. 13 steps, 100 people, 1 000 000 thanks. Evidence Based Med 1997;2:101-2. Best Evidence [database on CD ROM]. Philadelphia: American College of Physicians, 1996. Gotzsche PC. Somatostatin or octreotide vs placebo or no treatment in acute bleeding oesophageal varices. In: Gluud C, Jorgenson T, Koretz RL, Morabito A, Pagliaro L, Poyunard T et al, eds. Hepato-biliary module, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews [updated 23 April 1997]. The Cochrane Library. Cochrane Collaboration; Issue 2. Oxford: Update Software; 1998. Updated quarterly. Oxman AD, Sackett DL, Guyatt GH for the Evidence-based medicine working group. How to get started. JAMA 1993;270:2093-5. Sauve JS, Lee HM, Farkouh ME, Sackett DL. The critically appraised topic: a practical approach to learning critical appraisal. Ann R Coll Physicians Surg Canada 1995;28:396-8. Ellis J. Mulligan I, Rower J, Sackett DL. Inpatient general medicine is evidence based. Lancet 1995;346:407-10. Geddes JR, Game D, Jenkins NE, Peterson LA, Pottinger GR, Sackett DL. What proportion of primary psychiatric interventions are based on randomised evidence? Qual Health Care 1996;5:215-7. Gill P, Dowell AC, Neal RP, Smith N, Heywood P, Wilson AK. Evidence based general practice: a retrospective study of interventions in our training practice. BMJ 1996;312:819-21. Kenny SE, Shankar KR, Rentala R, Lamont GL, Lloyd DA. Evidence-based surgery: interventions in a regional paediatric surgical unit. Arch Dis Child 1997;76:50-3.

Can medical practice be evidence based? Recent audits have been encouraging; a general medicine service at a district general hospital affiliated with a university found that 53% of patients admitted to the service received primary treatments that had been validated in randomised controlled trials or systematic reviews of randomised controlled trials; an additional 29% of patients received care based on convincing nonexperimental evidence.13 Three quarters of all of the evidence had been immediately available in the form of critically appraised topic summaries, and the remaining quarter was identified and applied by asking answerable questions at the time of admission, rapidly finding good evidence, quickly determining its validity and usefulness, swiftly integrating it with clinical expertise and each patients unique features, and offering it to the patients. Similar results have been found in a study performed at a psychiatric hospital,14 general practitioners office,15 and a paediatric surgery department.16 Practising evidence based medicine is one way for clinicians to keep up to date with the exponential growth in medical literature, not just by more efficient browsing but by improving our skills in asking questions, finding the best evidence, critically appraising it, integrating it with our clinical expertise and our patients unique features, and applying the results to clinical practice. When added to conscientiously practised clinical skills and constantly developing clini-

3 4

5 6 7 8 9 10

11 12

The articles in this series are adapted from Getting research findings into practice, edited by Andrew Haines and Anna Donald, and published by BMJ Books.

13 14



A memorable patient Happy ending

She had been admitted that Saturday morning as an acute abdomen, but the surgical registrar could not make a diagnosis and passed her over to the paediatricians. My senior house officer emphasised her concerns with her first sentence to me over the telephone: If you dont see her shell die. The girl was almost 4 years old, quiet, and toxic. Severe abdominal pain and vomiting continued. The abdomen was scaphoid and not significantly tender. X ray examinations were unhelpful. The diagnosis was obscure, but it was clear that necrosis was setting in and we persuaded the surgeons that the abdomen should be opened. There had been a massive herniation of the malrotated small bowel through a hole in the peritoneum. Once released the circulation seemed to recover and the surgical registrar closed up after some 40 minutes. She improved but 18 hours later she collapsed in severe pain and peripheral circulatory failure. I sought advice from Professor (now Sir) Christopher Booth, who gave me the names of surgeons who practised interval resection for patients with mesenteric thrombosis. By Sunday morning I had gathered sufficient evidence of the success of such management, via long distance telephone calls, to be able to persuade the consultant to resect as much as necessary. He agreed so long as the parents do not blame the surgeon if she dies on the table. Theyll blame you if you dont even try, I thought. Out came 10 feet of gangrenous bowel. She was left with only six inches of jejunum and seven of ileum but, critically, all the duodenum and colon and the ileocaecal valve. She immediately looked better and back on the ward we fed her on solid food from the fourth day. After many weeks we sent her home still vomiting. Her mother, despite six other siblings to look after, was, I felt, better able than the ward to feed and refeed her as often as she needed. She came to outpatients regularly and gained no weight for five months. Very weak, she was carried everywhere, but then one day I heard her little footsteps as well as her parents approaching the consulting room door. I knew that she was better before I saw her. She had gained two pounds. The only supplements were childrens multivitamins and extra vitamin Dno folate and no B12. She did not need them. She did need a low fat diet (over which we compromised in order to maintain her appetite) and some iron later in her teens. The retroperistalsis subsided and the remaining bowel grew and its mucosa hypertrophied, but as a girl she refused any further investigation so I could not study this recovery. She grew into a slender, beautiful, and otherwise healthy young lady. I went to her wedding. She is now 37, has three lovely children, all breast fed after appropriately supplemented pregnancies. She is fully active and a recent health check found nothing to cause concern and more bowel than the doctor had expected. Her healthy survival has much to do with the plentiful provision of solid food in the early days and her parents dedication. Patricia Mortimer, retired paediatrician, Enfield



1 AUGUST 1998

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25 Gaube J, Feucht HH, Laufs R, Polywka S, Fingscheidt E, Mller HE. Hepatitis A, B und C als desmoterische Infektionen. Gesundheitswesen 1993;55:246-29. 26 Vlahov D, Nelson KE, Quinn TC, Kending N. Prevalence and incidence of hepatitis C virus infection among male prison inmates in Maryland. Eur J Epidemiol 1993;9:566-9. 27 Crofts N, Steward T, Hearne P, Xin YP, Breschkin AM, Locarnini SA. Spread of bloodborne viruses among Australian prison entrants. BMJ 1995;310:285-8. 28 Anon C, del Olmo JA, Llovet F, Serra MA, Gilabert S, Rodriguez F, et al. Virus C de la hepatitis entre la poblacion penitenciaria de Valencia. Rev Esp Enferm Dig 1995;87:505-8. 29 Ford PM, White C, Kaufmann H, MacTavish J, Pearson M, Ford S, et al. Voluntary anonymous linked study of the prevalence of HIV infection and hepatitis C among inmates in a Canadian federal penitentiary for women. Can Med Assoc J 1995;153:1605-9. 30 Polych C, Sabo D. Gender politics, pain, and illness. The AIDS epidemic in North American prisons. In: Sabo DF, Gordon F, eds. Mens health and illness. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 1995:139-57.

Education and debate

31 Nelles J, Fuhrer A. Drug and HIV prevention at the Hindelbank penitentiary. Abridged report of the evaluation results. Mandated by the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health, Bern 1995. (Also available in German and French.) 32 Nelles J, Fuhrer A, eds. Harm reduction in prison. Strategies against drugs, AIDS and risk behaviour. Bern: Lang, 1997. 33 Nelles J, Fuhrer A. Kurzevaluation des Pilotprojekts Drogen- und Aidsprvention in den Basler Gefngnissen. Bern: Bundesamtes fr Gesundheit, 1997. 34 Pape U, Bttger A, Pfeiffer C. Wissenschaftliche Begleitung und Beurteilung des geplanten Spritzentauschprogramms im Rahmen eines Modellversuchs der Justizbehrde der Freien Hansestadt Hamburg. Konzeption eines empirischen Forschungsprojekts. Hannover: Kriminologisches Forschungsinstitut Niedersachsen, 1996. (Forschungsbericht Nr 54.) 35 Meyenberg R, Stver H, Jacob J, Pospeschill M. Infektionsprophylaxe im Niederschsischen Justizvollzug. Oldenburg: Bibliotheks- und Informationssystem der Universitt Oldenburg, 1996.

(Accepted 5 May 1998)

Getting research findings into practice Barriers and bridges to evidence based clinical practice
Brian Haynes, Andrew Haines
Clinicians and healthcare planners who want to improve the quality and efficiency of healthcare services will find help in research evidence. This evidence is increasingly accessible through information services that combine high quality evidence with information technology. However, there are several barriers to the successful application of research evidence to health care. We discuss both the prospects for harnessing evidence to improve health care and the problems that readersclinicians, planners, and patientswill need to overcome to enjoy the benefits of research (box). The aim of evidence based health care is to provide the means by which current best evidence from research can be judiciously and conscientiously applied in the prevention, detection, and care of health disorders.1 This aim is decidedly ambitious given how slowly important new treatments are disseminated into practice24 and how resistant practitioners are to withdrawing established treatments from practice even once their utility has been disproved.5 The barriers to the dissemination and timely application of research findings in the making of decisions about health care are complex and have been little studied. They include many factors beyond the control This is the fourth in a series of eight articles analysing the gap between research and practice
Faculty of Health Sciences, McMaster University, 1200 Main St West, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada L8N 3Z5 Brian Haynes, professor of clinical epidemiology and medicine Department of Primary Care and Population Sciences, Royal Free and University College London Schools of Medicine, London NW3 2PF Andrew Haines, professor of primary health care Correspondence to: Professor Haynes bhaynes@fhs. Series editors: Andrew Haines and Anna Donald
BMJ 1998;317:2736

Summary points
The aim of evidence based practice is to integrate current best evidence from research with clinical policy and practice Practitioners have difficulty finding, assessing, interpreting, and applying current best evidence New evidence based services (such as electronic databases, systematic reviews, and journals that summarise evidence) make accessing current best evidence feasible and easy in clinical settings Progress is slow in creating evidence based clinical policy and in ensuring that evidence and policy are applied at the right time

of the practitioner and patient (such as being in the wrong place when illness occurs) as well as factors that might be modified to advantage (such as doing the wrong thing at the right time). Rather than attempting

Problems in implementing evidence based medicine and possible solutions

Problem The size and complexity of the research Difficulties in developing evidence based clinical policy Difficulties in applying evidence in practice because of the following factors: Poor access to best evidence and guidelines Organisational barriers Ineffectual continuing education programmes Low patient adherence to treatments Solution Use services that abstract and synthesise information Produce guidelines for how to develop evidence based clinical guidelines

Use information systems that integrate evidence and guidelines with patient care Develop facilities and incentives to encourage effective care and better disease management systems Improve effectiveness of educational and quality improvement programmes for practitioners Develop more effective strategies to encourage patients to follow healthcare advice


25 JULY 1998


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Education and debate

The patient's circumstances The patient's wishes

The evidence Applying the policies

that healthcare services can be improved despite cutbacks in spending that are occurring in many countries. Unfortunately, many loose connections exist between research efforts and clinical practice, not the least of which is that preliminary studies far outnumber definitive ones, and all compete in the medical literature for the attention of readers.7

Generating evidence from research

Developing evidence based Synthesising clinical policies the evidence

Making clinical decisions

Steps from research to practice

The boxes to the right of the wedge (figure) represent the three steps that are needed to harness research evidence for healthcare practice. These steps include synthesising the evidence; developing clinical policy from the evidence; and applying the policy at the right place, in the right way, and at the right time. All three steps must be negotiated to form a valid connection between evidence and practice. Synthesising the evidence Most results from research appear first in peer reviewed journals, but the small number of clinically important studies are spread thinly through a vast number of publications; readers are bound to be overwhelmed. Models for critically appraising evidence have been developed and disseminated,8 but applying these is time consuming. The newest bridges that can be used to overcome this barrier include abstracting services that critically appraise studies in which the results are ready to be applied to clinical settings; these appraisals are then summarised in a journal.9 10 Many more of these new types of journals are being developed so that eventually most clinical specialties will have their own. More importantly, the Cochrane Collaboration has pledged to summarise all randomised controlled trials of healthcare interventions, and The Cochrane Library is now a robust resource.11 Along with these new services, advances in information technology can provide quick and often inexpensive access to high quality research evidence at the patients bedside, in the clinicians office, or at the clinicians home.8 12 Computerised decision support systems are maturing and allowing research findings to be taken one step further by fitting the evidence into patient specific reminders and aids to decision making embedded in clinical information systems.13 These innovations are making the practice of evidence based health care much more feasible. Creating evidence based clinical policies To be both evidence based and clinically useful, clinical policy must balance the strengths and limitations of all relevant research evidence with the practical realities of the healthcare and clinical settings.14 This is a problematic step because of limitations in both the evidence that is available and in policy making. Clinical practice guidelines developed by national groups may help individual practitioners but the expertise, will, resources, and effort required to ensure that they are scientifically sound as well as clinically helpful are in short supply, as witnessed by the conflicting guidelines issued by various professional bodies.15 National healthcare policies are often moulded by a range of non-evidence based factors including historical, cultural, and ideological influences. Moreover, when national guidelines or healthcare policies encourage
BMJ VOLUME 317 25 JULY 1998

The path from the generation of evidence to the application of evidence

to dissect all these barriers, we present a simple model of the path (figure) along which evidence might travel to assist practitioners in making timely healthcare decisions. We will consider some barriers along this path and some bridges that are being constructed over the barriers.

Generating research evidence

The path begins with biomedical research: the shape of the wedge symbolises the process of testing innovations in health care and eliminating those that lack merit (figure). The broad edge of the wedge represents the initial testing of innovations, which usually occurs in laboratories; many new products and processes are discarded early in the testing process. Products or processes with merit then undergo field trials; these initial studies aim to assess toxicity and to estimate efficacy. Many innovations fail, but a few merit more definitive testing in large controlled trials with important clinical endpoints. It is only when studies are successful that serious efforts at dissemination and application are warranted. Increasingly, behavioural interventions, surgical procedures, and alternative approaches to the organisation and delivery of care are being subjected to similarly rigorous evaluation. The biomedical and applied research enterprise represented by the wedge is vigorous, with an annual investment of over $55bn (34.4bn) worldwide.6 The amount of money spent on research provides hope


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clinicians to perform procedures that are not evidence based, the unnecessary work acts as a barrier to the implementation of other well founded knowledge. Guidelines for guidelines have been developed that will help if followed.16 Evidence and guidelines must be understood by practitioners if they are to be applied well; understanding new material is a slow process that is not aided by traditional continuing education offerings.17 Additionally, local and individual circumstances of clinical practice often affect the delivery of care, and national guidelines must be tailored to local circumstances by local practitioners; this tailoring of guidelines to local circumstances is a process that is only just beginning to occur.18 Evidence can be used by individual practitioners to make policies, but few practitioners have the time and skill to derive policies from research evidence. The difficulties in developing sound policies are perhaps the greatest barriers to the implementation of research findings. Clinicians are in the best position to be able to balance research evidence with clinical circumstances, and must think and act as part of the team planning for change if progress is to be made. Applying evidence based policy in practice The next step in getting from research to practice is to apply evidence based policy at the right time, in the right place, and in the right way. Again, there are barriers at the local and individual levels. For example, for thrombolysis for acute myocardial infarction to be delivered within the brief time in which it is effective, the patient must recognise the symptoms, get to the hospital (avoiding a potentially delaying call to the family physician), and be seen right away by a health professional who recognises the problem and initiates treatment. For many people in many places this is still not happening.19 20 In some cases, particularly for surgery and other skilled procedures such as invasive diagnostic testing, a lack of training may constitute a barrier to implementing research findings. The complexity of guidelines may also thwart their application.21 Organisational barriers to change must also be dealt with, for example, by ensuring that general practitioners have access to echocardiography to diagnose heart failure before starting treatment with angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors.22 Changes in the organisation of care (including in disease management), improvements in continuing education, interventions to improve quality among practitioners,17 and improvements in computerised decision support systems,13 are beginning to make inroads into the last steps that connect research evidence with practice. Unfortunately, these may all be undermined by limitations in the resources available for health services. Additionally, inappropriate economic measures may be used to evaluate healthcare programmes23 though cost effective interventions may require considerable initial investment and have delayed benefits (this is especially true in the implementation of preventive procedures).

Education and debate

there are still steps to be taken. Firstly, the practitioner must define each patients unique circumstances; this includes determining what is wrong with the patient and assessing how it is affecting the patient. For example, the cost effectiveness of lowering cholesterol concentrations with statins is highly dependent on the patients own risk of adverse outcomes.24 Secondly, the practitioner must then ask if the patient has any other problems that might influence the decision of which treatment is likely to be safe and effective. For example, carotid endarterectomy is highly effective for symptomatic carotid stenosis25 but patients must be physically fit enough to have surgery. Evaluating the patients clinical circumstances requires clinical expertise, without which no amount of research evidence will suffice. Also, and increasingly, the patients preferences, values, and rights are entering into the process of deciding on appropriate management. Thus, patients who are averse to immediate risk or cost may decline surgical procedures, such as endarterectomy, that offer longer term benefits even if they are physically fit to have surgery. Research evidence must be integrated with the patients clinical circumstances and wishes to derive a meaningful decision about management, a process that no cookbook can describe. Indeed, everyone is still ignorant about the art of clinical practice. Although there is some evidence that exploring patients experiences of illness may lead to improvements in their outcomes,26 more research is needed into how to improve communication between clinicians and patients if we are to enhance progress in achieving evidence based health care. Additionally, there is a growing body of information available to patients that is both scientifically sound and intelligible, and many consumer and patient groups have made such material widely available.27 Interactive media are being used (but not widely) to provide information to assist patients in making decisions about options for diagnosis and treatment.28 Finally, patients must follow the prescribed treatment plan; increasingly they are doing this independently because of the availability of effective treatments that allow ambulatory, self administered care, and also because of cutbacks in health services that necessitate more self care. We can help patients continue their care, but we are not so successful in helping them to follow our prescriptions closely, which dissipates much of the benefit of treatment.29

Successfully bridging the barriers between research evidence and clinical decision making will not ensure that patients receive optimal treatment; there are many other factors that might prevail, for example, the underfunding of health services and the maldistribution of resources. Nevertheless, incorporating current best evidence into clinical decision making promises to decrease the traditional delay between the generation of evidence and its application, and to increase the proportion of patients to whom current best treatment is offered. Quick access to accurate summaries of the best evidence is rapidly improving. The means for creating evidence based clinical policy and applying this policy judiciously and conscientiously are under

Making clinical decisions

Once the evidence has been delivered to the practitioner and the practitioner has recalled the evidence correctly and at the right place and time,
BMJ VOLUME 317 25 JULY 1998

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Education and debate

development with help from health services research lsdsdsdsldsdsds and information research.
1 2 3 Sackett DL, Rosenberg WMC, Gray JAM, Haynes RB. Evidence based medicine: what it is and what it isnt. BMJ 1996;312:71-2. Mair F, Crowley T, Bundred P. Prevalence, aetiology and management of heart failure in general practice. Br J Gen Pract 1996;46:77-9. Mashru M, Lant A. Interpractice audit of diagnosis and management of hypertension in primary care: educational intervention and review of medical records. BMJ 1997;314;942-6. Sudlow M, Rodgers H, Kenny R, Thomson R. Population based study of use of anticoagulants among patients with atrial fibrillation in the community. BMJ 1997;314:1529-30. Antman EM, Lau J, Kupelnick B, Mosteller F, Chalmers TC. A comparison of results of meta-analyses of randomized control trials and recommendations of experts. JAMA 1992;268:240-8. Michaud C, Murray CJL. Resources for health research and development in 1992: a global overview. In: Investing in health research and development: report of the ad hoc committee on health research relating to future intervention options. Geneva: World Health Organisation, 1996:217. Haynes RB. Loose connections between peer reviewed clinical journals and clinical practice. Ann Intern Med 1990;113:724-8. Sackett DL, Richardson SR, Rosenberg W, Haynes RB. Evidence-based medicine: how to practice and teach EBM. London: Churchill Livingstone, 1997. Haynes RB. The origins and aspirations of ACP Journal Club. Ann Intern Med 1991;114 (suppl 1):A18. (ACP Journal Club.) Sackett DL, Haynes RB. On the need for evidence-based medicine. Evidence-Based Med 1995;1:5. The Cochrane Library [database on disk and CD ROM]. Cochrane Collaboration. Oxford: Update Software; 1996-. Updated quarterly. Hersh W. Evidence-based medicine and the internet. ACP J Club July-Aug 1996;125:A14-6. Johnston ME, Langton KB, Haynes RB, Mathieu A. Effects of computerbased clinical decision support systems on clinician performance and patient outcome. A critical appraisal of research. Ann Intern Med 1994;120:135-42. Gray JAM, Haynes RB, Sackett DL, Cook DJ, Guyatt GH. Transferring evidence from health care research into medical practice. 3. Developing evidence-based clinical policy. Evidence-Based Med 1997;2:36-8. Krahn M, Naylor CD, Basinski AS, Detsky AS. Comparison of an aggressive (US) and a less aggressive (Canadian) policy for cholesterol screening and treatment. Ann Intern Med 1991;115:248-55. 16 Carter A. Background to the guidelines for guidelines series. Can Med Assoc J 1993;148:383. 17 Davis DA, Thomson MA, Oxman AD, Haynes RB. Changing physician performance: a systematic review of the effect of educational strategies. JAMA 1995;274:700-5. 18 Karuza J, Calkins E, Feather J, Hershey CD, Katz L, Majeroni B. Enhancing physician adoption of practice guidelines: dissemination of influenza vaccination guideline using a small-group consensus process. Arch Intern Med 1995;155:625-32. 19 Doorey AJ, Michelson EL, Topol EJ. Thrombolytic therapy of acute myocardial infarction. JAMA 1992;268:3108-14. 20 Ketley D, Woods KL. Impact of clinical trials on clinical practice: example of thrombolysis for acute myocardial infarction. Lancet 1993;342:891-4. 21 Grilli R, Lomas J. Evaluating the message: the relationship between compliance rate and the subject of a practice guideline. Med Care 1994;132:202-13. 22 Aszkenasy OM, Dawson D, Gill M, Haines A, Patterson DLH. Audit of direct access cardiac investigations: experience in an inner London health district. J R Soc Med 1994;87:588-90. 23 Sutton M. How to get the best health outcome for a given amount of money. BMJ 1997;315:47-9. 24 Pharoah PD, Hollingworth W. Cost effectiveness of lowering cholesterol concentration with statins in patients with and without pre-existing coronary heart disease: life table method applied to health authority population. BMJ 1996;312:1443-8. 25 European Carotid Surgery Trialists Collaborative Group. MRC European carotid surgery trial: interim results for symptomatic patients with severe (70-99%) or with mild (0-29%) carotid stenosis. Lancet 1991;337:1235-43. 26 Stewart M. Studies of health outcomes and patient-centred communication. In: Stewart M, Brown JB, Weston WW, McWhinney IR, McWilliam CL, Freeman TR, eds. Patient centred medicine. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 1995:185-90. 27 Stocking B. Implementing the findings of effective care in pregnancy and childbirth. Milbank Q 1993;71:497-522. 28 Shepperd S, Coulter A, Farmer AU. Using interactive videos in general practice to inform patients about treatment choices. Family Pract 1995;12:443-7. 29 Haynes RB, McKibbon KA, Kanani R. Systematic review of randomised controlled trials of the effects on patient adherence and outcomes of interventions to assist patients to follow prescriptions for medications. The Cochrane Library [database on disk and CD ROM]. Cochrane Collaboration; 1997, Issue 2. Oxford: Update Software; 1997. Updated quarterly.

7 8

9 10 11

The articles in this series are adapted from Getting Research Findings into Practice, edited by Andrew Haines and Anna Donald and published by the BMJ Publishing Group

12 13



A memorable patient Mountain power

Marks cystic fibrosis was not diagnosed until he was 9 years old. When I first knew him, five years later, he already had advanced lung disease and was small for his age. Mark hated being small. He saw himself as the little lad with the cough, a description he had once inadvertently overheard. Nevertheless, at this time, he had ambitions for his future and was extremely articulate about them, as indeed he was about everything. After sitting his GCSEs at 16, Mark was longing for the sixth form. Sadly, he never made it. Instead he spent his last two and a half years mainly at home during which time he had to face all his aspirations, one by one, going out through the window as he became progressively more ill, chair bound, and eventually oxygen dependent. Despite this, Mark came to cope with a sort of growing inner peace. There were many factors responsible for Marks remarkable degree of acceptance. Among them were his innate personality and the support of his parents. But they were convinced, and I agree with them, that an experience he had in his last term at school made a profoundly important contribution. This was a weekend spent with a group of his school mates at an organised retreat. A topic for discussion with an essay to write were a part of it. The topic, ironically, was What are my reasons for wanting to go on living. I will never forget Marks first outpatient attendance after that weekend. He looked just as wan and ill as ever but there was a radiance about him I had never seen before. I asked him what had happened. He told me that he had had this wonderful weekend which had restored his confidence in himself. The only incident of the weekend he recounted at the time was of an outing on the last afternoon to climb a mountain. Now, there was no way that Mark could climb a mountain; that was crystal clear to everyone, but it seemed that there was no way that these young people would allow him not to climb the mountain. So they carried him up. One by one, one after another, they put him on their shoulders and carried him up until, on reaching the top, Mark was higher than anyone else. This taught Mark a lot of things. In particular, in relating to people, his age and illness did not matter. Also, that if he could accept help, not easy at 16, it paid dividends. In fact, for the remainder of his life that mountain experience became symbolic for us both in facing and overcoming setbacks. But that was not all. It was only after Marks death that his parents found the notebook from that weekend. In it was his essay on why he wanted to go on living. In this he described how he wanted to become an independent person, not just the little lad with the cough. At the back of the notebook every child who was there had written a personal tribute to Mark about his courage and his personality. These sincere and undoubtedly unexpected tributes must have done much to restore Marks battered self image and, as he put it, his confidence in himself. Mark, so articulate and so anxious to talk, gave me an invaluable insight into what it meant for a bright, achieving youngster to face a progressively disabling illness and untimely death. His was the voice which spoke for all children, similarly placed, who were unable or reluctant to talk about themselves.
Olive McKendrick, retired paediatrician, Liverpool We welcome articles up to 600 words on topics such as A memorable patient, A paper that changed my practice, My most unfortunate mistake, or any other piece conveying instruction, pathos, or humour. If possible the article should be supplied on a disk. Permission is needed from the patient or a relative if an identifiable patient is referred to. We also welcome contributions for Endpieces, consisting of quotations of up to 80 words (but most are considerably shorter) from any source, ancient or modern, which have appealed to the reader.



25 JULY 1998

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1 2 3 4 Department of Health. Changing childbirth: the report of the Expert Maternity Group. London: HMSO, 1993. Pinkerton JV, Finnerty LL. Resolving the clinical and ethical dilemma involved in fetal-maternal conflicts. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1996;175:289-95. Bolaji II, Meehan FP. Post caesarean delivery. Eur J Gynaecol Obstet Reprod Biol 1993;51:181-92. Meehan FP, Rafla NM, Bolaji II. Delivery following previous caesarean section. In: Studd J, ed. Progress in obstetrics and gynaecology. Vol 10. London: Churchill Livingstone, 1993:213-28. Savage W, Francome C. British caesarean section rates: have we reached a plateau? Br J Obstet Gynaecol 1993;100:493-6. Sultan AH, Kamm MA, Hudson CN, Thomas JM, Bartram CI. Anal sphincter disruption during vaginal delivery. N Engl J Med 1993;329: 1905-11. Sultan AH, Kamm MA, Hudson CN, Bartram CI. Third degree obstetric anal sphincter tears: risk factors and outcome of primary repair. BMJ 1994;308:887-91. 8 9 10 11

Education and debate

Al-Mufti R, McCarthy A, Fisk NM. Obstetricians personal choice and mode of delivery. Lancet 1996;347:544. Dolan B, Parker C; Bowley S; Whitfield A; Bastian H, Conroy C. Caesarean section: a treatment for mental disorder? BMJ 1997;314:1183-7. Snooks SJ, Swash M, Mathers SE, Henry MM. Effect of vaginal delivery on the pelvic floor: a 5-year follow up. Br J Surg 1990;77:1358-60. Weinstein D, Benshushan A, Tanos V, Zilberstein R, Rojansky N. Predictive score for vaginal birth after caesarean section. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1996;174:192-8. Sultan AH, Stanton SL. Preserving the pelvic floor and perineum during childbirthelective caesarean section? Br J Obstet Gynaecol 1996;103:731-4. Hemminki E, Merilainen J. Long-term effects of caesarean section: ectopic pregnancies and placental problems. Am J Obstet Gynaecol 1996;174:1569-74. NHS Executive. Consent to treatment; summary of legal rulings. Wetherby: Department of Health, 1997. (Executive letter EL(97)32.) What is the right number of caesarean sections? [editorial]. Lancet 1997;349:815.

5 6

12 13

14 15

Getting research findings into practice Closing the gap between research and practice: an overview of systematic reviews of interventions to promote the implementation of research findings
Lisa A Bero, Roberto Grilli, Jeremy M Grimshaw, Emma Harvey, Andrew D Oxman, Mary Ann Thomson on behalf of the Cochrane Effective Practice and Organisation of Care Review Group
Despite the considerable amount of money spent on clinical research relatively little attention has been paid to ensuring that the findings of research are implemented in routine clinical practice.1 There are many different types of intervention that can be used to promote behavioural change among healthcare professionals and the implementation of research findings. Disentangling the effects of intervention from the influence of contextual factors is difficult when interpreting the results of individual trials of behavioural change.2 Nevertheless, systematic reviews of rigorous studies provide the best evidence of the effectiveness of different strategies for promoting behavioural change.3 4 In this paper we examine systematic reviews of different strategies for the dissemination and implementation of research findings to identify evidence of the effectiveness of different strategies and to assess the quality of the systematic reviews. This is the seventh in a series of eight articles analysing the gap between research and practice
Institute for Health Policy Studies, University of California at San Francisco, 1388 Sutter Street, 11th floor, San Francisco, CA 94109, USA Lisa A Bero, associate professor Unit of Clinical Policy Analysis, Laboratory of Clinical Epidemiology, Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche Mario Negri, Via Eritrea 62, 20157 Milan, Italy Roberto Grilli, head continued over
BMJ 1998;317:4658

Summary points
Systematic reviews of rigorous studies provide the best evidence on the effectiveness of different strategies to promote the implementation of research findings Passive dissemination of information is generally ineffective It seems necessary to use specific strategies to encourage implementation of research based recommendations and to ensure changes in practice Further research on the relative effectiveness and efficiency of different strategies is required

Identification and inclusion of systematic reviews

We searched Medline records dating from 1966 to June 1995 using a strategy developed in collaboration with the NHS Centre for Reviews and Dissemination. The search identified 1139 references. No reviews from the Cochrane Effective Practice and Organisation of Care Review Group4 had been published during this time. In addition, we searched the Database of Abstracts of Research Effectiveness (DARE) ( crd) but did not identify any other review meeting the inclusion criteria. We searched for any review of interventions to improve professional performance that reported explicit selection criteria and in which the main outcomes considered were changes in performance or outcome. Reviews that did not report explicit selection

criteria, systematic reviews focusing on the methodological quality of published studies, published bibliographies, bibliographic databases, and registers of projects on dissemination activities were excluded from our review. If systematic reviews had been updated we considered only the most recently published review. For example, the Effective Health Care bulletin on implementing clinical guidelines superseded the earlier review by Grimshaw and Russell.5 6 Two reviewers independently assessed the quality of the reviews and extracted data on the focus, inclusion criteria, main results, and conclusions of each review. A previously validated checklist (including nine criteria scored as done, partially done, or not done) was used to assess quality.7 8 Reviews also gave a summary score (out of seven) based on the scientific quality of the review. Major disagreements between reviewers were resolved by discussion and consensus.

Additional data can be found on our website


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Health Services Research Unit, Department of Public Health, Aberdeen AB25 2ZD Jeremy M Grimshaw, programme director Mary Ann Thomson, senior research fellow Department of Health Sciences and Clinical Evaluation, University of York, York YO1 5DD Emma Harvey, research fellow Health Services Research Unit, National Institute of Public Health, PO Box 4404 Torshov, N-0462 Oslo, Norway Andrew D Oxman, director Correspondence to: Dr Grimshaw j.m.grimshaw@ Series editors: Andrew Haines and Anna Donald

Results and assessment of systematic lsdsdsdsldsdsds reviews

We identified 18 reviews that met the inclusion criteria. They were categorised as focusing on broad strategies (such as the dissemination and implementation of guidelines5 6 911), continuing medical education,12 13 particular strategies (such as audit and feedback,14 15 computerised decision support systems,16 17 or multifaceted interventions18), particular target groups (for example, nurses19 or primary healthcare professionals20), and particular problem areas or types of behaviour (for example, diagnostic testing,15 prescribing,21 or aspects of preventive care15 2225). Most primary studies were included in more than one review, and some reviewers published more than one review. No systematic reviews published before 1988 were identified. None of the reviews explicitly addressed the cost effectiveness of different strategies for effecting changes in behaviour. There was a lack of a common approach adopted between the reviews in how interventions and potentially confounding factors were categorised. The inclusion criteria and methods used in these reviews varied considerably. Interventions were frequently classed differently in the different systematic reviews. Common methodological problems included the failure to adequately report criteria for selecting studies included in the review, the failure to avoid bias in the selection of studies, the failure to adequately report criteria used to assess validity, and the failure to apply criteria to assess the validity of the selected studies. Overall, 42% (68/162) of criteria were reported as having been done, 49% (80/162) as having been partially done, and 9% (14/162) as not having been done. The mean summary score was 4.13 (range 2 to 6, median 3.75, mode 3). Encouragingly, reviews published more recently seemed to be of better quality. For studies published between 1988 and 1991 (n = 6) only 20% (11/54) of criteria were scored as having been done (mean summary score 3.0); for reviews published after 1991 (n = 12) 52% (56/108) of criteria were scored as having been done (mean summary score 4.7). Five reviews attempted formal meta-analyses of the results of the studies identified.12 17 19 23 25 The appropriateness of meta-analysis in three of these reviews is

uncertain,12 17 19 and the reviews should be considered exploratory at best, given the broad focus and heterogeneity of the studies included in the reviews with respect to the types of interventions, targeted behaviours, contextual factors, and other research factors.2 A number of consistent themes were identified by the systematic reviews (box). (Further details about the systematic reviews are available on the BMJs website.) Most of the reviews identified modest improvements in performance after interventions. However, the passive dissemination of information was generally ineffective in altering practices no matter how important the issue or how valid the assessment methods.5 9 11 13 21 26 The use of computerised decision support systems has led to improvements in the performance of doctors in terms of decisions on drug dosage, the provision of preventive care, and the general clinical management of patients, but not in diagnosis.16 Educational outreach visits have resulted in improvements in prescribing decisions in North America.5 13 Patient mediated interventions also seem to improve the provision of preventive care in North America (where baseline performance is often very low).13 Multifaceted interventions (that is, a combination of methods that includes two or more interventions such as participation in audit and a local consensus process) seem to be more effective than single interventions.13 18 There is insufficient evidence to assess the effectiveness of some interventionsfor example the identification and recruitment of local opinion leaders (practitioners nominated by their colleagues as influential).5 Few reviews attempted explicitly to link their findings to theories of behavioural change. The difficulties associated with linking findings and theories are illustrated in the review by Davis et al, who found that the results of their overview supported several different theories of behavioural change.13 Availability and quality of primary studies This overview also allows the opportunity to estimate the availability and quality of primary research in the areas of dissemination and implementation. Identification of published studies on behavioural change is difficult because they are poorly indexed and scattered across generalist and specialist journals. Nevertheless, two reviews provided an indication of the extent of research in this area. Oxman et al identified 102 randomised or quasirandomised controlled trials involving 160 comparisons of interventions to improve professional practice.11 The Effective Health Care bulletin on implementing clinical guidelines identified 91 rigorous studies (including 63 randomised or quasirandomised controlled trials and 28 controlled before and after studies or time series analyses).5 Even though the studies included in these two reviews fulfilled the minimum inclusion criteria, some are methodologically flawed and have potentially major threats to their validity. Many studies randomised health professionals or groups of professionals (cluster randomisation) but analysed the results by patient, thus resulting in a possible overestimation of the significance of the observed effects (unit of analysis error).27 Given the small to moderate size of the observed effects this could lead to false conclusions about the significance of the effectiveness of interventions in


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The way forward
Interventions to promote behavioural change among health professionals
Consistently effective interventions Educational outreach visits (for prescribing in North America) Reminders (manual or computerised) Multifaceted interventions (a combination that includes two or more of the following: audit and feedback, reminders, local consensus processes, or marketing) Interactive educational meetings (participation of healthcare providers in workshops that include discussion or practice) Interventions of variable effectiveness Audit and feedback (or any summary of clinical performance) The use of local opinion leaders (practitioners identified by their colleagues as influential) Local consensus processes (inclusion of participating practitioners in discussions to ensure that they agree that the chosen clinical problem is important and the approach to managing the problem is appropriate) Patient mediated interventions (any intervention aimed at changing the performance of healthcare providers for which specific information was sought from or given to patients) Interventions that have little or no effect Educational materials (distribution of recommendations for clinical care, including clinical practice guidelines, audiovisual materials, and electronic publications) Didactic educational meetings (such as lectures)

Education and debate

both meta-analyses and qualitative analyses. Few studies attempted to undertake any form of economic analysis. Given the importance of implementing the results of sound research and the problems of generalisability across different healthcare settings, there are relatively few studies of individual interventions to effect behavioural change. The review by Oxman et al identified studies involving 12 comparisons of educational materials, 17 of conferences, four of outreach visits, six of local opinion leaders, 10 of patient mediated interventions, 33 of audit and feedback, 53 of reminders, two of marketing, eight of local consensus processes, and 15 of multifaceted interventions.11 Few studies compared the relative effectiveness of different strategies; only 22 out of 91 studies reviewed in the Effective Health Care bulletin allowed comparisons of different strategies.5 A further limitation of the evidence about different types of interventions is that the research is often conducted by limited numbers of researchers in specific settings. The generalisability of these findings to other settings is uncertain, especially because of the marked differences in undergraduate and postgraduate education, the organisation of healthcare systems, potential systemic incentives and barriers to change, and societal values and cultures. Most of the studies reviewed were conducted in North America; only 14 of the 91 studies reviewed in the Effective Health Care bulletin had been conducted in Europe.5

This overview suggests that there is an increasing amount of primary and secondary research in the areas of dissemination and implementation. It is striking how little is known about the effectiveness and cost effectiveness of interventions that aim to change the practice or delivery of health care. The reviews that we examined suggest that the passive dissemination of information (for example, publication of consensus conferences in professional journals or the mailing of educational materials) is generally ineffective and, at best, results only in small changes in practice. However, these passive approaches probably represent the most common approaches adopted by researchers, professional bodies, and healthcare organisations. The use of specific strategies to implement research based recommendations seems to be necessary to ensure that practices change, and studies suggest that more intensive efforts to alter practice are generally more successful. At a local level greater attention needs to be given to actively coordinating dissemination and implementation to ensure that research findings are implemented. The choice of intervention should be guided by the evidence on the effectiveness of dissemination and implementation strategies, the characteristics of the message,10 the recognition of external barriers to change,13 and the preparedness of the clinicians to change.28 Local policymakers with responsibility for professional education or quality assurance need to be aware of the results of implementation research, develop expertise in the principles of the management of change, and accept the need for local experimentation. Given the paucity of evidence it is vital that dissemination and implementation activities should be rigorously evaluated whenever possible. Studies evaluating a single intervention provide little new information about the relative effectiveness and cost effectiveness of different interventions in different settings. Greater emphasis should be given to conducting studies that evaluate two or more interventions in a specific setting or help clarify the circumstances that are likely to modify the effectiveness of an intervention. Economic evaluations should be considered an integral component of research. Researchers should have greater awareness of the issues related to cluster randomisation, and should ensure that studies have adequate power and that they are analysed using appropriate methods.29 The NHS research and development programme on evaluating methods to promote the implementation of research and development is an important initiative that will contribute to our knowledge of the dissemination of information and the implementation of research findings.30 However, these research issues cut across national and cultural differences in the practice and financing of health care. Moreover, the scope of these issues is such that no one countrys health services research programme can examine them in a comprehensive way. This suggests that there are potential benefits of international collaboration and cooperation in research, as long as appropriate attention is paid to cultural factors that might influence the implementation process such as the beliefs and perceptions of the public, patients, healthcare professionals, and policymakers.

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Education and debate

The results lsdsdsdsldsdsds of primary research should be systematically reviewed to identify promising implementation techniques and areas where more research is required.3 Undertaking reviews in this area is difficult because of the complexity inherent in the interventions, the variability in the methods used, and the difficulty of generalising study findings across healthcare settings. The Cochrane Effective Practices and Organisation of Care Review Group is helping to meet the need for systematic reviews of current best evidence on the effects of continuing medical education, quality assurance, and other interventions that affect professional practice. A growing number of these reviews are being published and updated in the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews.4 31
This paper is based on a briefing paper prepared by the authors for the Advisory Group on the NHS research and development programme on evaluating methods to promote the implementation of research and development. We thank Nick Freemantle for his contribution to this paper. Funding: This work was partly funded by the European Community funded Eur-Assess project. The Cochrane Effective Practice and Organisation of Care Review Group is funded by the Chief Scientist Office of the Scottish Office Home and Health Department; the NHS Welsh Office of Research and Development; the Northern Ireland Department of Health and Social Services; the research and development offices of the Anglia and Oxford, North Thames, North West, South and West, South Thames, Trent, and West Midlands regions; and by the Norwegian Research Council and Ministry of Health and Social Affairs in Norway. The Health Services Research Unit is funded by the Chief Scientist Office of the Scottish Office Home and Health Department. The views expressed are those of the authors and not necessarily the funding bodies. Conflict of interest: None.
1 2 Eddy DM. Clinical policies and the quality of clinical practice. N Engl J Med 1982;307:343-7. Grimshaw JM, Freemantle N, Langhorne P, Song F. Complexity and systematic reviews: report to the US Congress Office of Technology Assessment. Washington, DC: Office of Technology Assessment, 1995. Mulrow CD. Rationale for systematic reviews. BMJ 1994;309:597-9. Bero L, Grilli R, Grimshaw JM, Harvey E, Oxman AD, eds. Effective professional practice and organisation of care module, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. The Cochrane Library. The Cochrane Collaboration; Issue 4. Oxford: Update Software; 1997. Implementing clinical guidelines: can guidelines be used to improve clinical practice? Effective Health Care 1994; No 8. Grimshaw JM, Russell IT. Effect of clinical guidelines on medical practice: a systematic review of rigorous evaluations. Lancet 1993;342:1317-22. Oxman AD, Guyatt GH. The science of reviewing research. Ann N Y Acad Sci 1993;703:123-31. Oxman AD. Checklists for review articles. BMJ 1994;309:648-51. 9 Lomas J. Words without action? The production, dissemination, and impact of consensus recommendations. Annu Rev Public Health 1991;12:41-65. Grilli R, Lomas J. Evaluating the message: the relationship between compliance rate and the subject of a practice guideline. Med Care 1994;32:202-13. Oxman AD, Thomson MA, Davis DA, Haynes RB. No magic bullets: a systematic review of 102 trials of interventions to help health care professionals deliver services more effectively or efficiently. Can Med Assoc J 1995;153:1423-31. Beaudry JS. The effectiveness of continuing medical education: a quantitative synthesis. J Continuing Education Health Professions 1989;9:285-307. Davis DA, Thomson MA, Oxman AD, Haynes RB. Changing physician performance: a systematic review of the effect of continuing medical education strategies. JAMA 1995;274:700-5. Mugford M, Banfield P, OHanlon M. Effects of feedback of information on clinical practice: a review. BMJ 1991;303:398-402. Buntinx F, Winkens R, Grol R, Knottnerus JA. Influencing diagnostic and preventive performance in ambulatory care by feedback and reminders: a review. Fam Pract 1993;10:219-28. Johnston ME, Langton KB, Haynes RB, Mathieu A. Effects of computerbased clinical decision support systems on clinician performance and patient outcome: a critical appraisal of research. Ann Intern Med 1994;120:135-42. Austin SM, Balas EA, Mitchell JA, Ewigman BG. Effect of physician reminders on preventive care: meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials. Proceedingsthe Annual Symposium on Computer Applications in Medical Care 1994;121-4. Wensing M, Grol R. Single and combined strategies for implementing changes in primary care: a literature review. Int J Quality Health Care 1994;6:115-32. Waddell DL. The effects of continuing education on nursing practice: a meta-analysis. J Continuing Education Nurs 1991;22:113-8. Yano EM, Fink A, Hirsch SH, Robbins AS, Rubenstein LV. Helping practices reach primary care goals: lessons from the literature. Arch Intern Med 1995;155:1146-56. Soumerai SB, McLaughlin TJ, Avorn J. Improving drug prescribing in primary care: a critical analysis of the experimental literature. Milbank Q 1989;67:268-317. Lomas J, Haynes RB. A taxonomy and critical review of tested strategies for the application of clinical practice recommendations: from official to individual clinical policy. Am J Prev Med 1987;4:77-94. Gyorkos TW, Tannenbaum TN, Abrahamowicz M, Bdard L, Carsley J, Franco ED, et al. Evaluation of the effectiveness of immunization delivery methods. Can J Public Health 1994;85(suppl 1):14-30S. Mandleblatt J, Kanetsky PA. Effectiveness of interventions to enhance physician screening for breast cancer. J Fam Pract 1995;40:162-71. Silagy C, Lancaster T, Gray S, Fowler G. The effectiveness of training health professionals to provide smoking cessation interventions: systematic review of randomised controlled trials. Qual Health Care 1995;3:193-8. Lomas J, Anderson GM, Domnick-Pierre K, Vayda E, Enkin MW, Hannah WJ. Do practice guidelines guide practice? The effect of a consensus statement on the practice of physicians. N Engl J Med 1989;321:1306-11. Whiting-OKeefe QE, Henke C, Simborg DW. Choosing the correct unit of analysis in medical care experiments. Med Care 1984;22:1101-14. Grol R. Implementing guidelines in general practice care. Qual Health Care 1992;1:184-91. Donner A, Birkett N, Buck C. Randomisation by cluster: sample size requirements and analysis. Am J Epidemiol 1981;114:906-14. NHS Research and Development Programme. Methods to promote the implementation of research findings in the NHS: priorities for evaluation. Leeds: Department of Health, 1995. Freemantle N, Grilli R, Grimshaw JM, Oxman A. Implementing the findings of medical research: the Cochrane Collaboration on effective professional practice. Qual Health Care 1995;4:45-7.



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The articles in this series are adapted from Getting Research Findings into Practice, edited by Andrew Haines and Anna Donald and published by BMJ Books.

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Statistics Notes Time to event (survival) data

Douglas G Altman, J Martin Bland
Correspondence to: Mr Altman continued over
BMJ 1998;317:4689

In many medical studies an outcome of interest is the time to an event. Such events may be adverse, such as death or recurrence of a tumour; positive, such as conception or discharge from hospital; or neutral, such as cessation of breast feeding. It is conventional to talk about survival data and survival analysis, regardless of the nature of the event. Similar data also arise when measuring the time to complete a task, such as walking 50 metres.

The distinguishing feature of survival data is that at the end of the follow up period the event will probably not have occurred for all patients. For these patients the survival time is said to be censored, indicating that the observation period was cut off before the event occurred. We do not know when (or, indeed, whether) the patient will experience the event, only that he or she has not done so by the end of the observation period.


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24 Anderson TJ, Rivest J, Stell R, Steiger MJ, Cohen H, Thompson PD, et al. Botulinum toxin treatment of spasmodic torticollis. J R Soc Med 1992;85:524-9. 25 Lepore V, Defazio G, Acquistapance P, Helpignano C, Powes L, Lambert P, et al. Botulinum A toxin for the so-called apraxia of lid opening. Mov Disord 1995;10:525-6. 26 Brin MF, Blitzer A, Steward C. Laryngeal dystonia (spasmodic dysphonia): observations of 901 patients and treatment with botulinum toxin. In: Fahn S, Marsden CD, DeLong MR, eds. Advances in neurology. Dystonia. Philadelphia: Lippincott-Raven, 1998:237-52. 27 Tsui JKC, Bhatt M, Calne S, Calne DB. Botulinum toxin in the treatment of writers cramp: a double-blind study. Neurology 1993;43:183-5. 28 Jitpimolmard S, Tiamkao S, Laopaiboon M. Long term results of botulinum toxin type A (Dysport) in the treatment of hemifacial spasm: a report of 175 cases. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 1998;64:751-7. 29 Trosch RM, Pullman SL. Botulinum toxin A injections for the treatment of hand tremors. Mov Disord 1994;9:601-9. 30 Simpson DM. Clinical trials of botulinum toxin in the treatment of spasticity. Muscle Nerve 1997;20(suppl 6):S169-75. 31 Boyd R, Graham HK. Botulinum toxin A in the management of children with cerebral palsy: indications and outcome. Eur J Neurol 1997:4(suppl 2):S15-22. 32 Sheean GL. The treatment of spasticity with botulinum toxin. In: Sheean GL, Barnes MP, eds. Spasticity rehabilitation. London: Churchill Communications, 1998:109-26. 33 Maria G, Cassetta E, Gui D, Brisinda G, Bentivoglio AR, Albanese A. A comparison of botulinum toxin and saline for the treatment of chronic anal fissure. N Engl J Med 1998;338:217-20. 34 Cuillier C, Ducrotte P, Zerbib F, Metman EH, de Looze D, Guillemot F, et al. Achalasia: outcome of patients treated with intrasphincteric injection of botulinum toxin. Gut 1997;41:87-92. 35 Shelley WB, Talanin NY, Shelley ED. Botulinum toxin therapy for palmar hyperhidrosis. J Am Acad Dermatol 1998;38:227-9. 36 Naumann M, Zellner M, Toyka KV, Reiners K. Treatment of gustatory sweating with botulinum toxin. Ann Neurol 1997;42:973-5. 37 Bhatia KP, Mnchau A, Brown P. Botulinum toxin is a useful treatment in extensive drooling of saliva. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 1999;67:697.

Clinical review

(Accepted 16 August 1999)

Evidence based case report Asymptomatic haematuria ... in the doctor

Chris Del Mar
The patient was waiting in the consulting room; everything was nearly ready. The occasion was the examination in general practice for fifth year medical students. We run an objective structured clinical examination. For this part, the student had to measure the patients blood pressure (the patient was actually someone recruited from our general practice), test his urine using a dipstick, and report to the examiner within the five minutes between bells. Just one thing was missingthe midstream sample of normal urine for testing. Because I did not want to disturb the volunteer patient, I collected it from myself. I measured the patients blood pressure again (this had to be done after every 10th student)it was stable. And I tested the urine to check it was normalit was not. For the next two hours, students either told me (or, in the case of those less skilled at this technique, did not tell me) that there was a trace of blood in the urine. This was not a problem as far as the examination was concerned because the marking was not affected by the test result. But it was a problem for me. What should I do? I tested my urine again a week later, and when I found it was still positive I sent a specimen to the laboratory. The report stated that urine culture was negative but confirmed the presence of normal red cells (30/ml). Conventional medical teaching had taught me that bleeding must come from somewhere. The model that sprang to mind first is summarised in the table. I then checked with a textbook of surgery.1 I had forgotten tuberculosis and schistosomiasis as causes of haematuria. A textbook of medicine2 suggested further assessments, including checking my blood relatives for urine abnormality and carrying out haemoglobin electrophoresis and 24 hour urinary estimations of urate and calcium excretion. If all these investigations were negative, intravenous urography, cystoscopy, and renal computed tomography were proposed, with indefinite regular follow up thereafter. The essential feature of this model is that identifying the lesion anatomically or physiologically is the key to managing the problem. Early diagnosis of some of the serious causes of

haematuria such as transitional cell carcinoma might affect the outcome favourably by enabling treatment to be given. With other causes such as minimal change glomerulonephritis, early diagnosis is unlikely to affect mortality or morbidity. I consulted my general practice colleague. His approach was similar. He ensured that I had checked my urine microscopy and culture to establish whether the blood was haemolysed or not, and he measured my blood pressure. He wondered whether my bicycle riding might be the cause, and suggested I recheck the urine after a month or two. If test results were still positive, it looked as if the cascade of likely events would include ultrasonography, urine samples for malignant cells, and then probably referral to a urologist for consideration of cystoscopy and intravenous urography. We probably wont find any cause for it, he said. I think this was to reassure me. I had time to think about adopting an evidence based approach.

Centre for General Practice, University of Queensland, The University General Practice, Inala, Queensland 4077, Australia Chris Del Mar professor c.delmar@mailbox.
BMJ 2000;320:1656

Formulating the question

The most difficult part of adopting evidence in practice is formulating the question. This involves quite a different way in thinkingaway from patho-anatomicalphysiological questions towards empirical ones. What is the chance of having a serious condition with asymptomatic haematuria? What sort of study did I want? Ideally, it would be huge study of general
Causes and management of haematuria
Site of bleeding Generalised Lower renal tract Disease Bleeding diathesis Prostate hypertrophy or cancer; urethral inflammation; bladder lesion or cancer Transitional cell carcinoma; ureteric calculi Cancer; calculi; vascular abnormalities; reflux nephropathy; glomerular lesions Management Check bleeding and coagulation profiles; treat accordingly Cystoscopy; treat accordingly

Ureteric lesions Renal lesions

Ultrasonography or intravenous urography; treat accordingly Check blood pressure; ultrasonography or intravenous urography; treat accordingly


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Clinical review
practice academics in their 40s who had unexpectedly lsdsdsdsldsdsds sufficiently serious dip into the published reports to answer my clinical question. Another study on young men in the air force shed a little light on factors associated with microscopic haematuria. Neither exercise, recent sexual intercourse, nor flying were associated with microscopic haematuria, although recall of a history of urethritis was.7 My bicycling was probably unrelated.

found haematuria during their academic duties. And the outcome would be a cohort study with a long follow up to see what illness occurred.

Searching for evidence

The standard textbooks on my shelf were no help in providing the evidence, so I consulted The Cochrane Library (on CD Rom). This would have been the most convenient source of data and is strong on evidence for different treatments, but unfortunately it does not yet include routinely collected data on the course of diseases and conditions. Since The Cochrane Library did not help, I decided to search Medline. My search strategy was simple,3 and probably sensitive at the expense of being less specific: the term used was (incidence or explode (mortality or (follow-up studies) or mortality or prognosis: or predict: or course)) and (hematuria or haematuria). Inspection of titles helped me discard immediately about half the 230 hits, but reading through the printout of abstracts of the remainder took an evening. There were no systematic reviewsthe best form of evidence.4 Two articles were clearly useful because they described large studies with long term follow up of people with negative and positive dipstick test results. I obtained the full versions of the papers from the library.

The clinical decision

What should I do now? I decided that the chance of having an adverse outcome was not sufficiently high for me to bother with further investigations. I would adopt a management policy of expectant observation. I have watched for frank haematuria or any other new signs, and I check my urine every three months (the haematuria has remained, but there has been no increase in the concentration of red cells over the past year). I have applied my own values to the clinical decision. If, in similar circumstances, a patient of mine elected to proceed with further investigations, I would comply. This does not address matters of gatekeeping (resource allocation), which probably should be dealt with away from the consultation.

How has an evidence based approach helped? The main difference was the change in clinical thinking that allowed me to break away from the patho-anatomicalphysiological approach and adopt an empirical one. These steps are not easy. Searching the published reports is still awkward and time consuming. Some answers are difficult to find. How long, for example, should we carry on looking before concluding that there seems to be no published work to guide us? We also need a forum of peers and those skilled at evidence based medicine in which test out our ideas so that we can reassure ourselves that we are not completely off course. If health authorities are serious about promoting evidence based medicine in clinical practice, they may have to consider providing a service (perhaps like pathology, radiology, or referred specialist opinions) to help clinicians to take these steps.
Paul Glasziou constructively read earlier drafts and checked, with Geoff Hirst, that I was not completely off course; my thanks to both. Funding: None. Competing interests: None declared.
1 Tipcraft RC. Urinary symptoms. Investigation of the urinary tract. Anuria. In: Mann CV, Russell RCG, William NS, eds. Bailey and Loves short practice of surgery. London: Chapman and Hall Medical, 1995:904-14. Denker BM, Brenner BM. Cardinal management of renal disease. In: Fauci AS, Braunwald E, Isselbacker KJ, Wilson JD, Martin JB, et al, eds. Harrisons principles of internal medicine. New York: McGraw Hill, 1998:258-62. Del Mar C, Jewell D. Tracking down the evidence. In: Silagy C, Haines A, eds. Evidence based practice in primary care. London: BMJ Publishing, 1998:21-33. Sackett DL, Richardson WS, Rosenberg W, Haynes RB. Evidence-based medicine. London: Pearson Professional Publishing, 1997. Ritchie CD, Bevan EA, Collier SJ. Importance of occult haematuria found at screening. BMJ 1986;292:681-3. Hiatt RA, Ordonez JD. Dipstick urinalysis screening, asymptomatic microhematuria, and subsequent urological cancers in a populationbased sample. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 1994;3:439-43. Froom P, Gross M, Froom J, Caine Y, Margaliot S, Benbassat J. Factors associated with microhematuria in asymptomatic young men. Clin Chem 1986;32:2013-5.

The evidence
In a British study, 2.5% of more than 10 000 men screened for asymptomatic haematuria by dipstick testing had positive results, of whom 60% were investigated further by their general practitioners.5 Three had a serious condition that was amenable to curetwo had bladder cancer and one had reflux nephropathy. This study seemed to be fairly close to my ideal. It gave a prognosis of the outcome someone like me (my situation being similar to screening) would expect. It suggested that I was unlikely to have a serious condition that was amenable to cure. Of course, even this may be an overestimate of the benefits of screening. Perhaps those three people would have developed symptoms such as frank haematuria or dysuria sufficiently early to negate the beneficial effect of screening on their prognosis. Another study was done in California.6 Over 20 000 middle aged people were screened by dipstick for haematuria. An unexpected positive result was found in nearly 3%, 99% of whom were followed up. Over the next three years, three patients developed urological cancers (two prostatic and one bladder). This study is more relevant because it looked at the outcome of people whose dipstick test was not positive; their probability of developing urological cancer was no less than that of people whose dipstick test was positive. According to this study, the likelihood of my developing urological cancer was 0.5%, whether I had haematuria or not. Were the studies of good enough quality? As they were studies of patients selected for screening, they were probably the best match with my situation that I could hope for. The second study, particularly, seemed to address a variety of potential selection biases. In the absence of a formal meta-analysis, this seemed to be a

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(Accepted 19 April 1999)


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lsdsdsdsldsdsds Clinical review

Evidence based case report Chlamydia infection in general practice

N R Hicks, M Dawes, M Fleminger, D Goldman, J Hamling, L J Hicks

Directorate of Public Health and Health Policy, Oxfordshire Health Authority, Oxford OX3 7LG N R Hicks, consultant Hollow Way Medical Centre, Oxford OX4 2NJ M Dawes, general practitioner M Fleminger, general practitioner D Goldman, general practitioner J Hamling, general practitioner L J Hicks, general practitioner Correspondence to: Dr N R Hicks nicholas.hicks@
BMJ 1999;318:7902

How common is chlamydia infection, and who should be investigated and treated for it? Is the net benefit of investigation worth the cost? At a recent discussion in our general practice it soon became apparent that our views and practices varied widely. Was there any evidence to help us reach a consensus? We resolved to try and find out.

Summary points
Chlamydia infection is the commonest treatable sexually transmitted disease in the United Kingdom; it is most common in sexually active women aged under 20 Serological studies suggest that chlamydial infection may account for a large proportion of cases of tubal infertility and ectopic pregnancy 60-80% of genital chlamydia infections in women may be asymptomatic In one randomised trial, screening high risk women and treating those found to be infected reduced the incidence of pelvic inflammatory disease by about half in 12 months Access to the internet allows valid, relevant information to be identified and retrieved quicklybut appraising the evidence and deciding how best to reflect it in practice takes considerably longer

Case report
Ms A, a 20 year old secretary, was worried because she had had vaginal discharge and irritation for three days. The discharge was slight, clear, watery, and nonoffensive, and she had no abnormal vaginal bleeding. Ms A had changed her sexual partner two months previously. Soon after this she had contracted genital thrush, which responded to topical clotrimazole. She uses a combined contraceptive pill and does not use condoms. Ms A has no other sexual partners, and thinks it unlikely her partner has. However, she has little knowledge of his previous sexual history. The only noteworthy finding at vaginal examination was that Ms As cervix bled easily when swabbed. A high vaginal swab was taken from the posterior fornix, and two swabs were taken from the endocervix and the urethraa standard cotton swab and a plastic shafted chlamydia swab respectively. Ms A was prescribed doxycycline (200 mg for seven days) and metronidazole (400 mg three times daily for seven days). A few days later the laboratory reported that chlamydia had been detected. Ms A was invited back to the surgery and was upset to be told that she might have had a sexually transmitted disease. She and her partner were referred to the local sexually transmitted diseases clinic for further investigation and follow up.

ated with proactive case finding or whether any net benefit would be worth the resources consumed.

Search for evidence

It is frequently written that the first step in evidence based practice is to turn the clinical problem into an answerable question.1 This proved more difficult than we first thought, as we wanted answers to several questions: x Is genital chlamydia an important cause of clinically important morbidity? x Does antibiotic treatment reduce subsequent morbidity in asymptomatic, sexually active women infected with chlamydia? x If so, is case finding in our population likely to be a cost effective way of reducing clinically important morbidity? Easy access In the past, we might first have looked to standard textbooks for our answers. However, textbooks held in libraries are now more difficult to access from general practitioners homes and surgeries than are online electronic databases. In addition, traditional textbooks are rarely written in a way that is sufficiently transparent to enable readers to determine how the authors reached their conclusions. More worryingly, the opinions expressed in textbooks may either be out of date even before publication or inconsistent with valid and relevant evidence.2 We therefore decided to
BMJ VOLUME 318 20 MARCH 1999

Our uncertainty
The case of Ms A prompted discussion in the practice about who we should investigate and treat for chlamydia. Of course, we all wanted to prevent our patients suffering avoidable morbidityfor example, pelvic inflammatory disease, infertility, and ectopic pregnancyand we also wanted to use the NHSs scarce resources as wisely as possible. But some of us thought there was no place for chlamydia investigation in primary care, arguing that as chlamydia tests were expensive and insensitive, patients should be treated for chlamydia whenever this organism was suspected clinically. Others felt it important to obtain a microbiological diagnosis wherever possible, and, as chlamydial infection can be asymptomatic, thought we should be searching for asymptomatic casesfor example, among sexually active women attending for cervical smears or for contraceptive advice. However, none of us knew how common chlamydia was in our practice, nor were we certain that treating an asymptomatic infection reduced subsequent morbidity. We did not know the magnitude of any benefits and harms associ790

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Clinical review
look lsdsdsdsldsdsds for answers to our questions using the information we could access from home or the surgery. Categories of evidence We thought our questions were unlikely to be original. Similar questions ought to have been addressed by anyone drafting evidence based guidelines. We also thought that a great many original research papers would have been published about chlamydia, and that it would be an inappropriate use of our time to attempt to obtain, read, and appraise every relevant article. We therefore decided to search for recent systematic reviews about chlamydia; evidence based guidelines about the detection and treatment of chlamydia; and randomised controlled trials of treatment or case finding, or both, and treatment of asymptomatic chlamydia published after the most recent systematic review or evidence based guideline that we retrieved. NRH offered to spend up to one hour searching at home for relevant material using a computer connected to the internet. Where to search? Before searching, NRH checked the one relevant textbook he had at home.3 It did not answer our questions. The next stops were Best Evidence4 and the Cochrane Library,5 searching with the single word chlamydia. The search of Best Evidence identified five articles, none of which had promising titles. The Cochrane Library search produced two completed Cochrane reviews, both about chlamydia in pregnancy, and three reviews listed on the Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effectiveness. None of these looked relevant, so the next step was the internet. Controlled trials The first stop was Bandoliers home page ( A search using chlamydia rapidly led to the full text of an article on treatment of chlamydia.6 This article noted that the Centers for Communicable Disease in the United States had recently changed its recommended treatment for chlamydial infection from oral doxycycline (100 mg twice daily for 7 days) to a single dose (1 g) of azithromycin.7 Bandolier had searched Medline for trials comparing doxycycline with azithromycin in the treatment of symptomatic and asymptomatic genital chlamydia and confirmed that both were effective treatments. Bandolier had also looked at cost effectiveness, and it concluded that although azithromycin was more expensive, if compliance were better the higher drug costs would probably be offset by lower costs associated with pelvic inflammatory disease, chronic pelvic pain, ectopic pregnancy, and tubal infertility. Perhaps the most startling information in this article, however, was the epidemiological data: chlamydia is the commonest curable bacterial sexually transmitted disease in the United Kingdom and the organism is most likely to be isolated in sexually active women under the age of 20 years, with rates in excess of 350 per 100 000 population (0.35%). Recent guidelines and systematic reviews The next step was to search for recent guidelines and systematic reviews. Medline Express for 1996, 1997, and January-March 1998 was searched with WinSpirs.
BMJ VOLUME 318 20 MARCH 1999

Chlamydia trachomatis: the cause of the commonest treatable sexually transmitted disease in the United Kingdom

A search for the medical subject heading (MeSH) term chlamydia in all subheadings produced 813 articles. This search was then limited by publication type to meta-analysis (1 article), guideline (2), review academic (5), review (83), and randomised controlled trial (10). Browsing the titles showed that one of the guidelines had been prepared by the Canadian Task Force on the Periodic Health Examination,8 which has a reputation for using a rigorous approach based on systematic evidence to developing guidelines. The full text of the guideline is available free on the world wide web ( Canadian task force review This text cited 201 references. In using a systematic approach to reviewing published reports and developing its recommendations it had considered many of the questions to which we sought answers. The text reported that in North America, as in Britain, chlamydia is the commonest sexually transmitted disease, and is two to three times as common as gonorrhoea. As in Britain, infection is most prevalent among sexually active women aged 15 to 19 years. In six Canadian studies, 1-25% of women tested were infected. Other risk factors and indicative signs were multiple sexual partners, a new partner in the previous year, no barrier method of contraception, low socioeconomic status, intermenstrual bleeding, cervical friability, and purulent cervical discharge. However, 60-80% of infections in women are asymptomatic. But what startled us most was the statement supported by 18 references that serologic studies suggest that at least 64% of cases of tubal infertility, and 42% of ectopic pregnancies are attributable to chlamydial infection. Unfortunately, the guideline authors did not comment on the strength of inference that could be drawn from these 18 papers. Does case finding reduce morbidity? But was there any evidence that case finding and treating asymptomatic infection reduced morbidity? The guideline authors could identify only one controlled study in a non-pregnant population. The reference cited a paper presented to the International Symposium on Human Chlamydial Infections, which was unlikely to be retrievable quickly and cheaply. However, scanning the 10 randomised trials that had

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lsdsdsdsldsdsds Clinical review

been identified from Medline indicated that the same study had been published later in the New England Journal of Medicine.9 This article was readily retrieved the next day from the hospital library. (It could have been retrieved that night from online access to the BMA Library.) The article reported a randomised controlled trial conducted in Seattle, in which 2607 asymptomatic women were randomised to an invitation to investigation for chlamydial infection (cervical swabs sent for enzyme linked immunosorbent assay and culture) and treatment if positive or to a control group given the usual care. Women were followed for 12 months.The chlamydial infection rate in control women was 7%. The rate of clinically defined pelvic inflammatory disease in the 12 months after randomisation was reduced by 56% (relative risk 0.44, 95% confidence interval 0.20 to 0.90) in the intervention group compared with the control women. The absolute risk reduction was 1.1%; 2% of the control group developed pelvic inflammatory disease during follow up compared with 0.9% of the women in the intervention group. In other words, in Seattle, 91 sexually active women aged 18-34 years had to be invited for investigation for chlamydia to prevent one case of pelvic inflammatory disease. The study did not provide information about the impact of case finding on tubal damage, ectopic pregnancy, or infertility. Nor did it comment on any harm that may have resultedfor example, from treating women whose results were falsely positive, from mistaken reassurance of women given false negative results, or from the social implications of being told that one has an asymptomatic sexually transmitted disease. Nevertheless, we thought that this was an important study. Studies in British general practice But was the prevalence of chlamydia likely to be as high as 7% among any readily identifiable groups of our patients? We wanted some prevalence data from British general practice. Among the reviews identified on Medline was an article with a promising title.10 This article cited nine prevalence studies of chlamydial infection undertaken in British general practices. The prevalence of infection ranged from 2% among asymptomatic women aged 15-40 attending for a cervical smear in Fife, Scotland, to 12% among women aged 16-44 requesting termination of pregnancy in inner city east London. The prevalence was also 12% among the mainly social class 3 women aged 19-58 attending for a cervical smear in an inner city Glasgow practice, and it was 11% in premenopausal women undergoing a speculum examination for any reason in a central London general practice. prevalence of chlamydial infection was 7%, inviting them for investigation and treatment where necessary reduced the rate of pelvic inflammatory disease by half in 12 months. This suggested to us that much of the morbidity caused by chlamydia may be preventable. The evidence that we have seen did not allow us to identify unequivocally a single best practice for deciding in whom and how to investigate and treat chlamydia. Given that there is substantial geographical variation in chlamydia prevalence, we think that it is unlikely that a case finding policy can be devised that is equally cost effective for all practices in the United Kingdom. However, the data do suggest that systematic case finding and treatment of chlamydia could reduce potentially life-ruining morbidity for appreciable numbers of British women. Thus, we have decided that in the absence of national guidance we want to discuss and agree a way forward with other local practices, genitourinary physicians, microbiologists, gynaecologists, family planning clinics, and the health authority. One important next step might be to measure the prevalence of chlamydia infection in selected groups of our practice populations. What about Ms A? We now know that she had several risk factors for chlamydiashe was young, sexually active, had a new sexual partner, and had a friable cervix. We should therefore have suspected chlamydia infection. Until there is a local guideline, we have agreed that whenever we suspect chlamydia we will offer to take chlamydia swabs and treat with doxycyclineunless compliance may be a problem, in which case we will use azithromycin. We will also refer patients and their partners to the genitourinary medicine clinic. Although the evidence we found did not answer our questions completely it was the best evidence that we could find. We could not escape making a decision about what to do for our patients, as to do nothing would be a decision in itself. Our search took less than an hour plus a 10 minute trip to the library. Reading and discussing the material we retrieved took rather longer, perhaps three hours. We learned a lot and made a decision about patient management that is based on the best evidence we could find. We think that our time was well spent.
Competing interests: NRH has received lecture fees for speaking at postgraduate education meetings for general practitioners sponsored by the manufacturers of azithromycin.
Sackett DL, Richardson WS, Rosenberg W, Haynes RB . Evidence-based medicinehow to practice and teach EBM. London: Churchill Livingstone, 1997. 2 Antman EM, Lau J, Kupelnick B, Mosteller F, Chalmers TC. A comparison of results of meta-analyses of randomised controlled trials and recommendations of clinical experts. JAMA 1992;268:240-8. 3 McPherson A, ed. Womens problems in general practice. 3rd ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992. (Oxford General Practice Series 24.) 4 American College of Physicians. Best evidence: linking medical research to practice 1997 [CD Rom]. Philadelphia: American College of Physicians, 1997. 5 The Cochrane Library [database on disc and CD Rom]. Cochrane Collaboration; 1997, 1997 Issue 4. Oxford: Update Software, 1997. 6 Chalmydial STD treatment. Bandolier 1996;3(28):4-6. (http:// 7 Levine WC, Berg AO, Johnson RE, Rolfe RT, Stone KM, Hook EW III, et al. Development of sexually transmitted diseases treatment guidelines 1993. Sex Transm Dis 1994;21(suppl):96-101. 8 Davies HD, Wang EE. Periodic health examination, 1996 update: 2. Screening for chlamydial infections. Canadian Task Force on the Periodic Health Examination. Can Med Assoc J 1996;154;1631-44. 9 Scholes D, Stergachis A, Heidrich MD, Andrilla H, Holmes KK, Stamm WG. Prevention of pelvic inflammatory disease by screening for cervical chalmydial infection. N Engl J Med 1996;334:1362-6. 10 Stokes T. Screening for chlamydia in general practice: a literature review and summary of the evidence. J Public Health Med 1997;19:222-32. 1

What we learned and decided

Chlamydia is a much more important public health issue than any of us had suspected. We were all surprised at just how common it can be among young, sexually active women. We were also surprised that serological studies suggest that chlamydia may account for at least two thirds of tubal infertility and nearly half of ectopic pregnancies. Furthermore, we were impressed with the randomised controlled trial from Seattle which showed that in women in whom the

(Accepted 2 September 1998)

BMJ VOLUME 318 20 MARCH 1999

Reproduced for this workbook with permission from the BMJ Publishing Group


Page numbers in bold type refer to gures, those in italics refer to tables or boxed material.

absolute risk reduction (ARR) 15, 72 aetiology 25, 301 clinical questions 301 study types 41 allocation concealment 63 allocation methods, randomised trials 634, 64 appraised studies 100 Bandolier 101 BestBETS 100 blinding 67 Boolean operators 45, 45, 47 CINAHL 99 clinical audit 938 answering questions, success 94 application 94 search results 94 clinical care, quality (QOC) 11 clinical decision making 3 clinical epidemiology see evidence-based medicine (EBM) Clinical Evidence 13, 101 clinical practice 8 clinical questions 19, 25 aetiological risk factors 301 answering audit 934 general practitioners 12 assessment 934 in critical appraisal 801 development using PICO see PICO principle diagnosis 345 disease frequency (prevalence) 323 evidence searching see evidence searching formulation 23, 2342 interventions 269 prediction (prognosis) 367 solutions 39, 40 study types 41 clinical trials, randomised see randomised controlled trial (RCT) Cochrane, Archibald 4, 45 Cochrane Collaboration 4, 5 Cochrane Library 43, 50, 100 address 50, 99 applications 17

searching 48, 501, 567 path 49 communication 16 see also information condence intervals (CIs) 70 confounders 63 continuing medical education (CME) 1011 quality of clinical care, eects 11 trial 11, 11 critical appraisal 62, 7985 assessment 94 rapid 801 steps 63, 67, 69, 70 cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL) 99 decision making 16 clinical 3 informed (patients) 15, 16, 17 diagnosis 25 clinical questions 345 study types 41 disease prediction see prognosis education activities 1011 electronic information searching 43 see also Cochrane Library; MEDLINE; PubMed empirical outcome measures 15 evaluation stage 938 Evidence-Based Medicine 13, 100 evidence-based medicine (EBM) 2196 acquiring evidence 43, 4360 applying evidence 87, 8792 components 3 controlled trials 61, 6186 dened 3 evaluation 93, 936 principles 120 question formulation 23, 2342 requirement 45 evidence-based practice see evidence-based medicine (EBM) evidence searching 4360 application to patients 8792 computer 48 electronic 43 paths 49


PICO principle and 55 success rate 94 tips/tactics 47 see also Cochrane Library; information; journal articles; MEDLINE; PubMed external validity 87 f method 90, 90 frequency (prevalence) see prevalence generalisability 87 general practitioners (GPs) answering questions 12 communication with patients 16 evidence-based cases 1418 information overload 89 ecainide example 67 overcoming 1011 information requirements 12 medical literature, keeping up with 89 incidence 32 information gathering 13 push and pull methods 13, 13 GPs, requirements 12 interns, requirements 12 medical literature 89 overload 89 overcoming 1011 quality 12, 12 resources 97103 CINAHL 99 Cochrane Library see Cochrane Library Internet 13 MEDLINE see MEDLINE PubMed see PubMed SUMSearch 99 TRIP database 101 see also journal articles searching see evidence searching intention to treat principle 65, 65, 66 internal validity 62, 73, 801 internet resources 13 interns, information requirements 12 interventions 25, 267 clinical questions 269 study types 41 JASPA criteria 9 just in case learning 13 just in time learning 13 learning 13 litigation, reduction 16

measurement bias 67 measurement error 68, 68 MEDLINE applications 15 keyword system (MeSH) 46, 54, 54 number of journals 8, 8 null hypothesis 70 number needed to harm (NNH) 90 number needed to treat (NNT) 15, 15, 72, 90 outcome randomised controlled trial (RCT) 72 patient(s) informed decisions 15, 16, 17 opinion 90 risk calculation 90, 90 PEDro 100 phenomena 38 study types 41 PICO principle 2637 denition 24, 24 information searching 55 placebo 69 point estimate 70 Polythenia gravis 9 prediction see prognosis prevalence 25 clinical questions 323 study types 41 prognosis 25 clinical questions 367 study types 41 PubMed 14, 43, 52, 53 address 52 application 14 clinical queries 99 search path 49 tutorial 54 using 523 P-value 70 quality of clinical care (QOC) 11 questions to be asked see clinical questions randomisation 63 randomised controlled trial (RCT) allocation concealment 63 allocation methods 634, 64 application to patients 889 factors to consider 889 blind 67, 67 chance results 702 condence intervals (CIs) 70


confounders 63 critical appraisal 6186 follow up 66 measurement bias 67 measurement error 68, 68 null hypothesis 70 number 8 outcome measures 72 placebo 69, 69, 69 P-values 70 randomisation 63 representative/comparable groups 6378, 65 treatment setting 89 relative risk reduction (RRR) 72 relative risks (RR) 15, 72 research collaborations 45 literature 8, 8 see also information; journal articles RCTs 8

risk factors 25, 301 clinical questions 301 relative risks (RR) 15, 72 study types 41 Sackett, Dave 3, 3 SUM search 99 synopses 101 syntheses 100 treatment alternatives 89 benets v harm 90 risk calculation 90, 90 settings 89 TRIP database 101 validity external 87 internal 62, 73, 801 Venn diagram 45


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