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The Fundamentals of
Human Resource
Part 1 explains the fundamentals of human resource development. The topics
covered act as a foundation for parts 2 and 3. These fundamentals encompass
a wide range of issues including an analysis of the relationship between the
theory and practice of the concept.
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The Context of Human
Resource Development
Learning objectives:
By the end of this chapter you should be able to:
Q Define and explain the concept of globalization
Q Discriminate between different perspectives on globalization
Q Explain how globalization is impacting on work and organizations
Q Appreciate the implications of globalization for the practice of human
resource development
Q Understand the relationship between national human resource
development and national vocational education and training
In order to achieve these objectives it is important that you not only read the
chapter carefully but also complete the activities and review questions, and
undertake some of the suggested further reading.
Indicative content:
n Different perspectives on globalization
n The key drivers of economic globalization: advancements in technology and
communications, global competition, and changing organizational
n The developing economies of China and India
n The implications of globalization for the practice of HRD within organizations
n The role of national vocational education and training (NVET)
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Key concepts:
Supply chain
Human resource development (HRD)
Human capital
Social capital
National human resource
development (NHRD)
National vocational education and
training (NVET)
n The emergence of national human resource development (NHRD)
n Global approaches to NHRD
n The implications of NHRD for HRD practitioners
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1.1 Introduction
A variety of terms have been used by academics and practitioners to describe the topic
covered in this book: training, training and development, employee development, learn-
ing and development, and human resource development (HRD). Do these different
terms mean different things? Or, can they be used inter-changeably? Who is responsible
for HRD in organizations: HRD practitioners or line managers or both? What are the
responsibilities of the learner? What is the relationship between HRD and human
resource management (HRM)? Why do academics rather than practitioners prefer the
term Human Resource Development (HRD)? The aim of this book is to provide answers to
these questions. This is not an easy task as there are multiple perspectives on the meaning
and purpose of HRD which can confuse anyone who is unfamiliar with the topic. Much
of the academic literature published over the last decade has been characterized by an
ongoing and robust debate on these different perspectives. This has been important for
three reasons: it has strengthened the breadth and depth of HRD theory; it has generated
empirical studies on different aspects of HRD practice; and, it has helped to establish the
academic credibility of the subject. But there is still a sense that the academic and practi-
tioner communities are not as closely inter-twined as they should or could be; although
tensions between theory and practice are not conned to the eld of HRD but appear to
be endemic in the management and organizational sciences generally (Kuchinke, 2004).
It is not the purpose of this chapter to critique the relationship between the academic
and practitioner communities and the implications that this has for the theory and prac-
tice of HRD. This is covered in the next chapter where you will gain an insight into the
often ambiguous and contested nature of the concept. Chapter 2 will focus in particular
on an analysis of the two principal perspectives on HRD: the performance and humanist
perspectives. These perspectives have fuelled some of the most controversial debates
about the meaning and purpose of HRD. To date these debates have been dominated by
Anglo-American perspectives but this is now changing as more indigenous perspectives
on HRD emerge across Europe, the Middle East, and Asia. This reects the way in which
the theory and practice of HRD are evolving within the context of a dramatically chang-
ing world.
Globalization has witnessed the deregulation of markets, the relocation and outsourc-
ing of production and service facilities, particularly to China and India respectively, and
the inter-connectedness of markets, principally as a result of increasingly sophisticated
information and communications technologies, symbolized by the Internet. This has
resulted in changes to how many organizations are structured, how they are managed,
how they conduct their operations, and how they plan for the future. Globalization is not
a new phenomenon but what differentiates this current phase from previous ones is
the sheer scale. The number of countries affected, the volume of trade, and the rate of
growth are far greater than in any previous phase (Stark, 2005). Inevitably globalization is
having a huge impact on the role, nature, and purpose of HRD in organizations of all sizes
and sectors across the world. However, much of the literature on HRD has been written
from the perspective of large private sector organizations (i.e. national and multinational
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corporations). Examples taken from the public and non-prot sectors tend to be used less
frequently by authors. This is also the case with small and medium sized enterprises
(SMEs). Yet, public sector organizations are signicant employers in most developed
countries and non-prot organizations play a crucial role in addressing a wide range of
humanitarian issues around the globe and make a signicant contribution through a
wide range of training initiatives. While smaller businesses are now able to compete glob-
ally and, in many countries such as Australia and Finland, are critical to the national
economy. Consequently, throughout the book I shall endeavour to highlight the chal-
lenges that different sectors and types of organization pose for the theory and practice of
HRD. Similarly, when referring to the practice of HRD it is important to understand that
this involves several stakeholders, in particular the HRD practitioner, the line manager,
and the learner at an operational level, and the HRD practitioner and senior manager at a
strategic level. The contribution made by each of these stakeholders varies considerably
depending on the context. This will be illustrated throughout the book using case exam-
ples drawn from a wide range of contexts.
1.2 Globalization
What is globalization?
It is easy to understand why people often use the expression the world is getting smaller.
Cheap ights have opened up new holiday destinations; news coverage from around the
world now unfolds in real time on a 24/7 basis; more people are migrating to other coun-
tries than ever before; the Internet is enabling instant access to just about any aspect of
social, cultural, scientic, and economic life in other parts of the world; and, the mobile
phone has revolutionized communications. Some observers believe we are in the process
of creating a form of cultural homogeneity as once disparate communities are connected
together in a new, global society (Water, 1995; Kingsnorth, 2008); a trend Gray (2000)
refers to as de-localization. An example of this is the decline in the number of languages
in the world, currently around 6,900, but predicted to fall by anywhere between 50 and
90 per cent over the next hundred years (MacGillivray, 2006).
From an economic perspective globalization is about the primacy of an integrated
global market which transcends national markets and frontiers (Wolf, 2005): each day
more than US$1.5 trillion ows across international borders (Cunningham, 2004). The
Key concept Human resource development
Human resource development (HRD) encompasses a range of organizational
practices that focus on learning: training, learning, and development;
workplace learning; career development and lifelong learning; organization
development; organizational knowledge and learning (see chapter 2 for a
detailed explanation).
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underpinning principle is that global markets create competition which ensures better
products and services at better prices (Marquardt, 2005). However, for this to work there
needs to be deregulation of markets: organizations need to be able to compete freely
against each other and without the hindrance of any trade restrictions (for instance,
national trade barriers and tariffs). Unfortunately, the lowering of trade barriers is not
without its problems as was illustrated by the trade dispute in Europe during 2005: the
ending of ten-year quotas on the import of cheaply produced clothes and shoes from
China triggered a temporary embargo which resulted in stockpiles of goods in ships and
warehouses at UK and European ports. Retail outlets warned that failure to release these
goods would result in higher shop prices and, consequently, it was the consumer who
would be penalized.
Until very recently globalization has always been associated with the transnational or
multinational corporation which is characterized by the geographical dispersion of busi-
ness operations (Shoobridge, 2006). Leading Western brands have become global brands,
for instance: the Apple iPod, Google, Microsoft, HP, GAP, Nike, and Coca Cola. When
considering these multinational corporations you have to think in terms of billions
of dollars or pounds, for instance: Hewlett-Packards annual revenue of US$73 billion
is more than double the GPD of Kuwait (The Times, 12 February 2005: 66); Wal-Marts
annual turnover exceeds the GDP of all but 22 countries (Rothkopf, 2008); and Google
has a market value of US$120 billion (The Independent, 12 May 2006: 47). The downside is
that the market power of dominant companies such as Microsoft can result in a virtual
global monopoly that makes the emergence of new, innovative competitors almost
impossible (Stiglitz, 2007).
Key concept Globalization
Globalization is about the creation of a borderless global economy that allows
unhindered movement of finance, products, services, information, and people.
Global brands
Recent research has revealed that for consumers in Europe the most trusted global
brands are those of non-government/non-prot organizations such as Greenpeace,
WWF, and Amnesty International. The values of these organizations have a univer-
sal appeal to consumers.
Independent on Sunday (Business section), 14 August 2005: 4.
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At the same time the efcacy of the traditional organization structure, based on the
division of labour, hierarchy, mass production, and large size has lost ground to alternat-
ive structural principles (Alvesson, 2004) which can offer organizations greater levels of
exibility and adaptability. Since the turn of the century there has also been signs of a
transfer of power from the multinational corporation to the individual (Friedman, 2006).
As a result of convergent advances in information and communications technology (both
hardware and software) it is now possible for individuals to collaborate and compete glob-
ally. Size is no longer a key determinant of whether an organization can be described as
global. An anecdotal example of this is when I was chatting to another delegate at a busi-
ness conference who described the company she owned as being global. I asked her what
this meant and she replied: I run a business which specializes in importing and exporting
high quality wines around the world. I have two people working for me and we do every-
thing over the Net. The transfer of knowledge, which is particularly critical for multina-
tional companies (Liu et al., 2006), has been aided considerably by these technological
developments. Indeed technology has made possible collaboration among large numbers
of workers thus enabling some companies, such as General Electric, to become a talent-
intensive mega-institution (Bryan and Joyce, 2007).
To date the concept of globalization has proven highly contentious, having both
its supporters and its detractors. Multinationals are often portrayed as villains (Stiglitz,
2007) and Klien (2008) argues that even natural disasters are being viewed as market oppor-
tunities, a trend she describes as disaster capitalism. One of the key problems is the per-
ceived primacy of the American approach to business although Kay (2004) notes that
Europeans have always demonstrated some scepticism about its suitability as a universal
Working life in Asian firms
Despite the convergence of business practices that is claimed to be a feature of eco-
nomic globalization there are still huge variations between countries. The bulk of
Asian firms are small town and village enterprises which are underpinned by family
and community ties. This results in organizational cultures characterized by cohesion
and uniformity and where employees are prepared to work hard for long hours. The
principal business drivers for all sizes of firm are productivity, cost reduction, and
profit. HR practice is still predominantly administrative in larger firms. It is not viewed
as a strategic function and most directors are not interested in soft measures. The
principal purpose of induction is to instil loyalty and many employers are reluctant to
provide additional training. Employees who wish to expand their knowledge and
skills so that they can get a better job have to do so in their own time through private
study (relying on support from family and friends). Those with foreign qualifications
have better career prospects because they are viewed as talented employees.
Harry, W. 2007. East is East. People Management, 29 November: 368.
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model. The different perspectives have been summarized as pro-globalization and anti-
globalization in table 1.1.
As can be seen from table 1.2 the principal drivers of globalization are: advancements
in technology and communications, global competition, and changing organizational
structures. These have impacted on businesses in a variety of ways (described in the table
Provides an integrated
global market through
the removal of barriers
to free trade.
Promotes the mobility
of financial capital
across the globe.
Foreign direct investment
(FDI) by multinational
corporations stimulates
the transfer of technology
and management practices
to less developed countries.
Economic convergence
over time resulting in an
equalization of wages
across the globe.
Global markets create
competition which ensures
better products and
services at better prices.
Globalization is best driven
by a Westernized form of
free-market capitalism.
Globalization can be a
force for good: economic
integration is a prerequisite
for tackling global issues
such as poverty.
A flawed economic concept that has failed to deliver on its early
promise. It is characterized by a process of homogenization that
poses a threat to individual nation states (e.g. the erosion of
national cultures and the distinctiveness of the local communities
that make up nation states).
The movement of financial capital from the rich developed
nations to the poorer developing nations has been relatively
modest. There is an increasingly polarized global distribution of
income and wealth between the nations of the North and South.
Wealth remains in the North.
FDI by multinational corporations is actually restricted to a few
There is a lack of any economic convergence: income inequality
between the developed and less developed nations is actually
increasing. Wages may have increased in developing economies
but are not keeping pace with wages in developed countries. Also
there are downsides: lack of job security, long hours, and poor
working conditions. The migration of low-skilled work to Asia and
the Far East also means supporting low-skilled indigenous
workers in Western countries is becoming unsustainable.
Global markets are producing cheaper products but
manufacturing processes are posing a threat to the world
environment: they are characterized by a competitive exploitation
of natural resources and a lack of adequate conservation
strategies. They are unlikely to deliver the sustainable
technologies needed to tackle environmental problems.
Globalization should not mean the Americanization of other
economies and cultures.
An economic focus is too narrow: globalization should be seen
primarily as a social process. The short term financial interests of
developed countries do not always coincide with the needs and
well-being of citizens in developing nations.
Table 1.1 Different perspectives on globalization
Sources: Gray, 2000; Turner, 2001; Stiglitz, 2002; Kay, 2004; Boon et al., 2005; Dymski, 2005; Jenkins,
2005; Marquardt, 2005; Saul, 2005; Wolf, 2005; Baddeley, 2006; Friedman, 2006; MacGillivray, 2006;
Gualerzi, 2007; James, 2007; Mishkin, 2007; Stiglitz, 2007; Kingsnorth, 2008; Klein, 2008; Sachs, 2008.
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as organizational requirements). Historically technology has always had a signicant
impact on society, from the invention of the printing press through to the invention
of the telegraph. Today some of the major trends in technology are: the speed at which
technological changes are occurring, the gains in efciency as processing speeds increase,
the increasing degree and complexity of connectivity, and the greater ease with which
organizations can produce customized products and services (Ulrich and Brockbank,
2005). Improvements in technology and communications have helped to make the world
become atter as people make connections across organizational and national bound-
aries and collaborate and compete in real time on a 24/7 basis (Friedman, 2006; Fung
et al., 2008). Not surprisingly the Internet is closely associated with globalization. Today
businesses, whatever their size, can use the Internet to promote their products and/or services
(see Media-watch box). This type of e-commerce has been fundamental in helping SMEs to
carve out niche markets on a world stage. For instance, Finland has been particularly
adept at exploiting the Internet for e-commerce having one of the highest Internet con-
Drivers of globalization
Technology and communications
Digital technology (speed, efficiency)
Portability (laptops, palmtops, mobile phones)
Workflow/collaboration software (24/7
working, higher productivity)
Connectivity (Internet, intranets)
Customization (products, services)
Global competition
Integrated global market
Free market capitalism (US Model)
Global brands
Offshoring (labour intensive and low
Outsourcing (low value-added activities)
Disintegration of supply chains and
fragmentation of production processes
(having different parts of the process carried
out in different countries to minimize costs)
Organizational structures
Mergers, acquisitions, and alliances
Migration of work (manufacturing,
services and specialist/knowledge functions)
Workforce demographics (diversity: gender,
ethnicity, age)
Health (longer life spans in developed
Organizational requirements
Global leadership (understanding global
markets; matching management practices
to the needs of a global business)
Adaptable and flexible organizational
structures (e.g. flexible firm; integrating
offshore and outsourced elements of the
firm; matching structure to innovation
Managing supplier chains (implications
of outsourcing and offshoring; preparing
managers for international assignments)
Managing a diverse workforce (external
and internal labour markets)
Updating core competencies and skills
Innovation (better products and services
but at a lower cost; shorter product life
Knowledge management systems for
knowledge creation, sharing, and transfer
Retention of intellectual capital
Cost reduction (e.g. labour)
Increased productivity (quality of service)
Market expansion
Table 1.2 The impact of economic globalization on organizations
Sources: Dowling and Welch, 2004; Kay, 2004; Price, 2004; Dymski, 2005; Friedman, 2005; Ulrich and
Brockbank, 2005; Amighini and Rabellotti, 2006; Bardham, 2006; Gough et al., 2006; Jenkins, 2006;
Johnson, 2006; Bryan and Joyce, 2007; Boxall and Purcell, 2008; Fung et al., 2008
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nection rates globally (Ohmae, 2005). Technology is also helping emerging economies to
develop much faster than their Western counterparts were able to in the past (Turner,
2001). Although organizations feel compelled to use new technology it is not a panacea
as a series of failed and over-budget projects in the UK public sector has illustrated (for
instance, the NHS National Programme for IT with a budget of 6 billion has been projected
to cost anywhere up to 30 billion). There is also a dark-side to technology with increased
surveillance of employees through CCTV in some countries and the use of electronic
tagging in some distribution centres to monitor the employees completion of tasks.
Global competition is increasing as more and more businesses enter the global market-
place, particularly from China and India. These two countries are not only experiencing
rapid economic growth but are developing their own indigenous forms of capitalism
rather than replicating the prevailing Westernized model of capitalism, which is based
on liberal democratic principles (Ferguson, 2006). Both countries are creating jobs but
are focusing on different sectors. So far China has been concentrating on manufacturing,
construction, and transport and has adopted a classic Asian strategy of exporting low-
priced manufactured goods to the West (Das, 2006). Her competitive advantage comes
from a combination of cheap labour and modern production facilities (Kynge, 2006).
Meanwhile India has been concentrating on services and software design and has relied
on domestic rather than export markets (Das, 2006). As a result the software development
sector in India has grown signicantly and is diversifying from offering basic services to
developing high level software development. Leading companies, such as Motorola,
Hewlett-Packard, and Cisco Systems, now rely increasingly on Indian software develop-
ment teams for next generation products with Bangalore becoming Indias own silicon
valley (The Independent on Sunday, 21 August 2005, page 8, Business section). However,
there are also examples of signicant manufacturing success: India is now the worlds
third largest maker of small cars. The growth of the Indian automotive industry has been
underpinned by low wage costs and the adoption of Japanese manufacturing techniques.
Over 100 indigenous companies are now valued at over a billion US dollars, including
Bharat Forge, Jet Airways, Wipro Technologies and Tata Motors (Das, 2006). Unfortu-
nately, there is a downside to this growth, particularly in China: the consequent damage
to the environment (see chapter 14).
The Sixtus monastery in Flanders has been receiving 2,000 hits a day on its website
after beer made by its Trappist monks won a prestigious quality award. As a result
supplies of the beer quickly became exhausted.
Independent, 10 August 2005: 19.
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Organizations have had to make structural changes in order to keep pace with global
trends. The increase in mergers, acquisitions and alliances reects the extent to which
multinational corporations are using size and brand name to exploit global markets. At
the same time many organizations have had to relocate or outsource elements of the
supply chain in order to take advantage of lower labour costs in other countries.
Developments in China and India
The rst three examples illustrate the pace at which the Chinese and Indian eco-
nomies are developing. The fourth and fth examples give an insight into the
downside of rapid economic growth.
By April 2006 China had overtaken Britain as the fourth ranked economy in the
By early 2006 China had overtaken Japan as the worlds largest holder of foreign
reserves, some 490 billion.
India is investing 35 billion to upgrade its road network.
Chinas famous Yellow River is disappearing and what water remains is heavily
polluted. Riverside cities such as Lanzhou and Shizuishan are now among the most
polluted in the world. This situation is contributing to a growing water crisis as the
country drains its rivers dry.
India has experienced riots as people in the northern parts of the country reacted
violently to widespread power cuts that left homes without electricity or water. The
economic boom may be creating a wealthy consumer class but the country is strug-
gling to improve the basic infrastructure demanded by the rest of the countrys popu-
lation. The government has pledged to provide power for everyone by 2012 but this
highly ambitious target is unlikely to be achieved.
The Times, 17 April 2006: 32.
Sunday Times, Business section, 9 April 2006: 14.
Guardian, 2 May 2006: 25.
National Geographic, May 2008: 14669.
The Times, 3 May 2008: 41.
Key concepts The supply chain
The supply chain is the network of organizations that are involved in the
processes that create value for customers in the form of products and/or
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A wide range of products previously manufactured in the US and Europe are now made
in Asia and China from toys to footwear and clothes. More recently, there has been an
increase in the outsourcing and offshoring of more complex, non-routinized functions
such as research and development (Bardham, 2006): some 125 of Americas leading com-
panies now have research and development facilities in India (Das, 2006). In the US the
jeans manufacturer Levi Strauss has outsourced much of its design activity (Johnson,
2006). Consequently, a wide range of products and services are now handled by customer
service staff in the Asian sub-continent, from the preparation of tax returns by Indian
accountants to the initial analysis of medical scans for American hospitals by Indian doc-
tors (Friedman, 2006). The good level of English language skills of many graduates gives
India an advantage over many other countries such as China. This advantage can be seen
in sectors, such as nancial services, where the outsourcing or off-shoring of call centres
to India has enabled many organizations to drive down wage bills while at the same time
employing well educated employees. India is a popular choice for UK companies (People
Management, 1st June 2006, page 13). Companies that have set up offshore call centres
include: Prudential, HSBC, Lloyds TSB, Barclays, and Royal and Sun Alliance; while those
that use Indian-owned services include BT, British Airways, and the NHS.
When analysing the impact of globalization on an organization try to think about the
social and environmental implications as well as the economic. If you want to know
more about these then read chapter 14.
Developments in the Middle East
China and India are not the only countries currently experiencing huge investment
levels. Massive investment is a characteristic of several Middle East countries
although this is a result of revenues from oil and reects a need to invest and diver-
sify as a long term strategy for when oil reserves are exhausted. For instance, Saudi
Arabia, which has the largest economy in the Middle East, has embarked on a 350
billion investment programme in order to diversify its economy away from a
dependence on oil. Meanwhile Dubai, which has a population of one million, is
spending 140 billion to transform itself into a capitalist powerhouse that will
increase the number of visiting tourists from 6 million to 10 million by 2010.
The Times, 14 January 2006: 64; The Sunday Times, Business Section, 21 May 2006: 3.
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The large populations of China and India are enabling these two countries to achieve a
global domination that eluded countries like Japan and South Korea. A potential brake on
growth may occur because of rapidly rising wages and a requirement to address envir-
onmental issues but it is likely that by the middle of this century China and India will be
the worlds two dominant economies, closely followed by Russia, with its vast stock of
natural resources, particularly oil and gas.
1.3 The implications of globalization for HRD
For those working in an international context globalization presents HRD practitioners
with the opportunity to deliver a wide range of HRD interventions that add value to
an organization. In order to achieve this they need to work in partnership with key stake-
holders at both a strategic and operational level. Managing these stakeholder relation-
ships is a challenging and complex task and is inuenced by how the HRD function is
structured (see chapter 13). To be successful HRD practitioners must understand global
trends and the issues that matter most to their stakeholders (Ulrich and Brockbank,
2005). This knowledge needs to be integrated with an understanding of the global eco-
nomy and different national HRD policies and practices (Swanson and Holton, 2001);
and an understanding of cultural differences and how these can impact on formal and
informal workplace learning (Marquardt et al., 2004). In addition HRD practitioners must
know how to design, deliver and evaluate strategic global training in a multinational
environment (Petranek, 2004). This enables the HRD function to design interventions
that are linked to the achievement of organizational goals. For business corporations
most of these goals will be nancially oriented.
Marquardt (2002, 2005) argues that HRD should adopt a leadership role to ensure
globalization brings benets to humanity. In a similar vein Bierema and DAbundo
(2003) argue for socially conscious HRD which involves promoting ethical and socially
responsible management and leadership. These ideas reect two things: rst, the growing
inuence on organizations of business ethics and corporate social responsibility (CSR),
which are the focus of chapter 14; second, the inuence of a humanist perspective on
learning and HRD, which is discussed in the next chapter. The problem for many HRD
practitioners is that a leadership role remains an aspiration rather than a reality.
A further problem is that there has been limited and inconsistent evidence that HRD
interventions do add value by impacting positively on employee and organizational
performance. For instance, there are doubts about the effectiveness of management
Find two publications (e.g. articles, books, or book chapters) that adopt different per-
spectives on globalization. Summarize the arguments in each and then share your
analysis with a colleague or fellow student who has carried out the same activity.
What are the similarities and differences between your summaries?
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training in leadership skills (Parry and Sinha, 2005). This needs to be placed in the context
of an annual global expenditure on management education generally of $2.2 trillion
(Monaghan and Cervero, 2006). A major research study for the Chartered Institute of
Personnel and Development (CIPD) by Purcell et al. (2003) revealed that it is possible only
to discern some positive associations between specic HR practices and performance.
However, these do include training, career development, communications, and job de-
sign; all of which can fall within the remit of the HRD practitioner working in conjunction
with line managers and other stakeholders. Added value can be measured in other ways;
for instance, effective HRD interventions can contribute to building an organizations
reputation (Clardy, 2005). This brings benets to an organization in any sector. Despite
the lack of any denitive and conclusive evidence HRD functions have become much
more business-focused over the years often operating as prot-centres rather than cost-
centres. At the same time the number of training consultancies, from independents to
international enterprises, have grown. These issues are developed further in chapters 9, 12,
and 13.
The nature and purpose of HRD at an organizational level differs across countries and
regions and between different types of organization. There are examples of sophisticated
indigenous approaches to HRD in the developing economies of India and China,
although training costs are minimized in the Chinese manufacturing sector (see Insights
into practice box). Foreign direct investment (FDI) companies invest in HRD more than
indigenous companies and this is helping in the transfer of HRD practices between devel-
oping and developing economies. This trend is not restricted to Western multinationals.
For instance, the Korean car manufacturer Hyundai has applied some of its own HRM
policies in India, particularly training programmes which have been designed to reinforce
employee loyalty to the company (Lansbury et al., 2006).
Perhaps the greatest challenge facing HRD practitioners working in an international
capacity is how to operate effectively at both a global and a local level (Hall, 2005); to
have the ability to think globally but act locally (Hatcher, 2006). This is important because
it has been increasingly recognized that country and local context inuence the HR
practices of multinationals (Cooke, 2004). A topical example of this is the need for HRD
practitioners in multinationals to have a comprehensive understanding of the cultural
context in China if Westernized HRD practices are to be adapted effectively to the
Chinese environment (Wang et al., 2005: 323). Although many smaller organizations
now operating in the global market place tend not to employ specialist HRM or HRD
practitioners there is still a need for managers to think in this way. Table 1.3 sets out
the key organizational requirements that HRD interventions need to address. The HRD
There are some significant differences between US and UK perspectives on HRD that can
have implications for how you interpret the role of HRD in an organization. When
analysing an organization (e.g. in a case study) make sure that you differentiate
between perspectives rather than simply treat HRD as a universally agreed concept. If
you want to know more about this then read chapter 2.
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Training in China
These examples illustrate the extent to which formal training interventions are a
feature of both the private and state sectors that co-exist in China. The country still
has some way to go in terms of the full range of HRD interventions found in most
developed countries. China is a country that expatriate managers find particularly
challenging to adjust to (Selmer, 2006) and the countrys preference for indigenous
approaches to HRD has led to some Western managers becoming frustrated when
collaborating with their Chinese counterparts (Wang et al., 2005). The third example
reveals how Western approaches to learning and development are starting to impact
on indigenous approaches to training.
A study of a toy manufacturing company in China revealed that new recruits
undertook a 3-month training process but were paid less than half the wage of a fully
trained employee.
The selection of public servants in China involves candidates undergoing pre-job
training. Two approaches are used: (a) a period of internship, under the guidance of
an experienced official, and (b) intensive training, involving attendance on a formal
training course of at least ten days duration. Public servants about to be promoted to
senior positions receive short term position-targeted training, which is customized,
practical and case-based, so that it reflects the demands of the position. Other types of
training available to public servants are: expertise training, usually off-the-job intensive
training, and knowledge-renewing training, which can be delivered in a variety of ways.
Infinite Shanghai Communication Terminals, a joint venture between a US and
Chinese company, has introduced a new training initiative which involves a series of
one day workshops on a range of topics (e.g. communication skills, presentation
skills). The workshops are delivered in Mandarin Chinese by a Chinese consultancy
firm using university premises. The firms HR manager would like to see a move
towards more participatory learning methods by setting up short workshops, to be
held on the firms own premises, which enable participants from the one day work-
shops to share experiences and knowledge with each other.
Cooke, F. L. 2004. Foreign rms in China: modelling HRM in a toy manufacturing corporation. Human
Resource Management Journal, 14 (3): 3152.
Shan, A. 2004. Present situation, problems, and prospects of Chinas public servant training.
International Journal of Public Administration, 27 (3 and 4): 21938.
Sloman, M. 2007. Chinese puzzle. People Management, 11 January: 403.
interventions are categorized as formal interventions and informal activities with both
requiring collaboration between HRD practitioners and senior/line managers to differing
degrees depending on the organizational context. Although these requirements are biased
to multinationals, many affect other types of organization to a lesser or greater extent.
For instance, non-prot organizations operating in several countries or regions and
HRDC01.qxd 1/5/09 6:39 PM Page 16
Organizational requirements
The development of global
Developing leaders who can
think and act from a global
perspective is a critical success
factor for organizations
operating in global markets.
There is a view that
organizations need to create
a unique leadership brand
Adaptable and flexible
organizational structures
There are an increasing number
of mergers, acquisitions,
alliances, and joint ventures,
often involving cross-national
and cultural boundaries.
Management need to help ease
any transition and counter
engrained attitudes that may
hinder the process of change.
Organizations of all sizes seek
some degree of flexibility.
Managing supplier chains
The offshoring and outsourcing
of parts of the supplier chain
(e.g. production) has resulted in
the dispersion of core assets and
the creation of competence
clusters around the globe. The
number of global organizations
has continued to rise and the
HRD interventions and practices
Management development programmes that focus on
the development of leadership skills. This includes in-
house and external programmes (T&D)
Educating managers to behave in ethically and socially
responsible ways. This can be achieved through
workshops, courses, conferences and seminars,
mentoring programmes, and executive coaching (T&D)
Identifying and developing less senior managers
who demonstrate potential senior managerial talent.
This can be linked to organizational systems for career
development and succession planning (CD)
Promoting ethical management and leadership as part of
daily activities (HRD practitioners and senior managers as
role models)
Informal mentoring and coaching (can include upward
Creating and sustaining new forms of organizational
structures with cultures based on cooperation and
collaboration (OD)
Management training in change management processes
Keeping departments and employees affected by an
impending merger or acquisition informed about the
change using multiple communication channels (OD)
Educating management about potential reorganization
options and the implications for the organization and its
workforce of those options (T&D)
Keeping departments and employees affected by an
impending merger or acquisition informed about the
change using informal communication channels
Creating and sustaining new forms of organizational
structures (OD)
Building global teams that can handle problems of
diversity and distance (OD, T&D)
Training local customer service/call centre staff in British
or American language and voice skills (as well as product
and customer skills training). This is important as it helps
create empathy with the customer (T&D)
Table 1.3 The implications of globalization for HRD interventions and practices
(Key: T&D = training and development; CD = career development; OD = organizational development)
Sources: Kim, 1999; Bierema et al, 2002; Jeris et al, 2002 ; Marquardt, 2002; Noe, 2002; Beaumont and
Hunter, 2002; Bierema and DAbundo, 2003; Hytnen, 2003; Iles and Yolles, 2003; Marquardt and Berger,
2003; Rocco et al, 2003; Marquardt et al, 2004; Rees, 2004; Wentling, 2004; Downey et al, 2005; Lien,
2005; Littrell and Salas, 2005; Short and Callahan, 2005; Ulrich and Brockbank, 2005; Wang et al, 2005;
Yorks, 2005; Zhao, 2005; Bardham, 2006; Greer et al, 2006; Littrell et al, 2006; Selmer, 2006; Shoobridge,
2006; Awbrey, 2007; Ulrich, 2007.
HRDC01.qxd 1/5/09 6:39 PM Page 17
number of employees, primarily
managers, relocating abroad
continues to increase. However,
there is a lack of consistency in
preparing managers for
international assignments. For
instance, many US companies
are sending employees abroad
without any preparation
Managing a diverse
Internal and external labour
markets are becoming
increasingly diverse. For
instance: the skills needs of
immigrant workers; the rising
number of female workers;
employees working beyond the
traditional retirement age. It is
likely that those organizations
with cultures that support
diversity will be better
positioned to retain the best
talent needed to remain
competitive. There is also a need
to improve basic literacy and
numeracy skills among low-
skilled and low-paid employees
Updating core competencies
and skills
The core competencies and
skills needed by employees are
changing rapidly as new forms
of technology are introduced,
new products and services are
developed, new markets are
opened up, and suppliers are
sourced from around the globe
Training local, indigenous managers in modern
management techniques and behaviours (T&D)
Cross-cultural training for managers: educating them in
cultural fluency (i.e. the ability to work effectively
within and between multicultural environments) (T&D)
Increasing the cultural competence of employees
generally (OD, T&D)
Preparing employees and managers for expatriation
(T&D, CD)
Facilitating the activities of global teams
Preparing employees and managers for expatriation
Diversity education and training programmes. These
communicate the importance of diversity and help to
remove barriers, such as employees not understanding
the value of diversity (T&D)
Developing cross-cultural team working and
communication skills. Cross-cultural training,
traditionally restricted to preparing employees for
expatriate assignments, can be used to help domestic
employees interact with colleagues from diverse cultural
backgrounds (T&D, OD)
Training immigrants in technical and customer service
skills (T&D)
Reskilling and retraining of older employees beyond the
traditional retirement age (T&D)
Providing employees with opportunities to improve
their basic literacy and numeracy skills to give them the
potential to break out of the low-wage cycle (CD, T&D)
Promoting cultural sensitivity
Helping employees to understand how they can learn
from team experiences
Systems for the identification and monitoring of core
competencies and skills (OD)
Training and development programmes to enable
employees to upgrade or learn new competencies and
skills (T&D)
The promotion of lifelong learning (CD)
Developing alliances with regional and national
institutions (e.g. Learning Skills Councils in Britain;
labourmarket partnerships in the US) (OD)
The promotion of lifelong learning and facilitation of
informal workplace learning
Organizational requirements HRD interventions and practices
Table 1.3 (contd)
HRDC01.qxd 1/5/09 6:39 PM Page 18
competing for funding need senior managers to have effective global leadership skills;
and, all organizations operating in global markets, from small business to multinationals,
need to understand about change management. Formal interventions and activities have
been categorized as training and development, career development or organizational
development (see key in table). Arguably, all informal activities are forms of organiza-
tional development which depend on a mix of facilitation and coaching skills by HRD
practitioners and line managers.
Find organizational examples of HRD interventions that address any three of the
above organizational requirements. As above, you should use the Internet, textbooks,
articles or any other form of learning resource for this activity.
The need for innovative
products and services. The life
cycles of many products and
services are becoming shorter
and shorter,which places
increasing demands on the
ability of organizations to be
Knowledge management
Knowledge management (KM)
systems are needed to ensure
the effective creation and
sharing of knowledge within an
organization and transfer
around the globe. The latter, in
particular requires sophisticated
Developing a global culture of continuous learning
which instils employees with a spirit of innovation (OD)
Helping employees to unlearn old behaviours and skills
and to learn new ones (T&D, OD)
Creating new ways to work (OD)
Promoting the role of informal groups and social
networks as sources of innovation and problem-solving
Facilitating the activities of informal groups and social
Helping employees to unlearn old behaviours and skills
and to learn new ones
Developing employee competencies in knowledge
creation, sharing, and transfer (T&D)
Creating a learning infrastructure that maximizes
opportunities for organizational learning and knowledge
sharing between organizations (OD)
Improving employee familiarity with technology-based
KM systems through the utilization of new technologies
to deliver e-learning programmes around the globe
(T&D, OD)
Facilitating knowledge management processes involving
both electronic and face-to-face interactions
Identifying and improving opportunities for knowledge
creation, sharing, and transfer
Organizational requirements HRD interventions and practices
Table 1.3 (contd)
HRDC01.qxd 1/5/09 6:39 PM Page 19
In tackling these issues HRD practitioners face ethical challenges. As chapter 14 will
highlight, there have been numerous examples of decisions made by senior managers in
global organizations that have resulted in unethical outcomes (from corruption to the
dumping of waste; from deception to the exploitation of child labour). Corporate social
responsibility (CSR) has emerged as an important aspect of an organizations strategy,
reecting the heightened awareness in society of concerns for the environment and for
ethical practices (for instance, promoting fair trade products). We live in an age when for
some the modern corporation is portrayed as a demonized entity possessing psychopathic
(Bakan, 2004) as well as undemocratic and dysfunctional characteristics (Hatcher, 2004).
Globalization may be driven by a basic human desire for a better life (Friedman, 2000) but
it creates tensions and contradictions for the HRD practitioner that I refer to as the dark-
side of organizations. The ethical issues associated with poor working conditions and pay
are not simply a characteristic of third world or developing cultures but exist already in
developed societies. There are fears that society will become increasingly characterized by
social exclusion (Nijhof, 2005) or economic segregation (Scully-Russ, 2005).
1.4 National HRD and vocational education and
training (VET)
Traditionally HRD texts have referred to national vocational education and training
(NVET) rather than national HRD and this is still the case in much of the current literat-
ure. NVET is focused on developing a countrys human capital and represents a strategic
response to the long term skills needs of its indigenous private, public, and non-prot
sectors. National priorities place considerable emphasis upon transferable skills (Rigby,
2004). Getting this right is critical to the competitiveness of a nations economy (Van
den Berg et al., 2006) and is becoming more difcult in an era of increasing global com-
petition where new economies are emerging and developing rapidly (e.g. China and
India). For instance, many developed countries are still struggling with skills shortages
(see Media-watch box) and across Europe apprenticeship schemes are in crisis (Clarke and
Winch, 2007). The adoption of long term policies may become difcult to sustain as they
come under pressure from short term challenges (e.g. changes in government; economic
recession; mass migration; changes in technology).
The shift from an industrial to a post-industrial knowledge economy in developed
nations has created a rising demand for workers with higher level skills. For instance,
the US has seen an increase in the demand for certied skills training based on national
standards in response to increased employer demands for more highly skilled employees
(Carter, 2005). Much of the demand for higher skills has been addressed at an organiza-
tional level through a combination of strategies encompassing retraining, recruiting from
abroad, offshoring, and out-sourcing. These strategies can be implemented relatively
quickly while changes to a countrys education and vocational training systems can take
years to come to fruition and even then there is no guarantee of success. Arguably,
national VET initiatives are always playing catch-up.
HRDC01.qxd 1/5/09 6:39 PM Page 20
Over the last twenty years many European countries have expanded their training
infrastructures (Ramirez, 2004) and introduced reforms to vocational education and
training in order to make the education sector more responsive to the needs of employees
(Smith, 2006). These reforms have been inuenced by European Union (EU) policy which
is characterized by an emphasis on competence-based approaches to vocational training,
although there are variations between countries. In France vocational and technology-
based baccalaureates have experienced sustained growth since the 1980s and vocational-
based courses offered by universities have been increasing (Ghin, 2007). The UKs
national VET strategy has also focused on vocational qualications (e.g. national voca-
tional qualications or NVQs) although these have met with limited success. Presently,
the UK government is encouraging universities to be more business-facing although
this has met with mixed reactions from various stakeholders. The aim of the EU is
to address variations between countries so that the concept of transferable vocational
qualications can be realized (this is consistent with a move to a single labour market
in Europe). This approach does create problems for individual nations. For instance,
Skills shortages in the UK
People Management is the bi-weekly magazine published by the Chartered Institute
of Personnel and Development. These items illustrate some of the problems facing
UK organizations.
Basic literacy and numeracy continue to be a problem with 3.5 million workers in
the UK lacking these skills.
Despite an estimated employer investment of 23.7 billion in education and
training in the UK, 20 per cent of companies still have skills gaps costing some 10
billion in lost revenue.
The Leitch Review of Skills published in the UK in December 2006 highlighted that
the UK would continue to have problems with workforce skills and productivity.
People Management, 29 July 2004: 14.
People Management, 29 December 2005: 9.
People Management, 9 August 2007: 2831.
One of the first things a HRD practitioner should do upon appointment is to investigate
the NVET initiatives available in his/her country of operation. Often funding and other
incentives are available which many organizations, particularly smaller firms, are
unaware of.
HRDC01.qxd 1/5/09 6:39 PM Page 21
Germanys traditional craft-based approach to vocational education and training, which
underpinned the success of its manufacturing sector and was universally admired (Kay,
2004), is now under threat from a combination of the shift to a service-based knowledge
economy and the EUs desire to harmonize VET across Europe (Greinert, 2007). Indeed,
apprenticeship schemes in many countries are in crisis as VET has become increasingly
the preserve of schools and colleges (Clarke and Winch, 2007). Additionally, the recent
growth of interest in on-the-job informal learning (see chapter 11) is now challenging the
efcacy of competence-based qualications (Hager, 2007).
Although NVET encompasses the concept of lifelong learning, which has received
much attention as part of government policy-making, in many European countries this
has been from a rather narrow economic perspective: completing new education courses
and acquiring new skills in order to keep pace with the changing job market (Pring, 2007).
This is consistent with a performance perspective on learning and HRD while a humanist
perspective focuses on how learning can support personal growth and enrich individuals
lives (see chapter 2).
The concept of national human resource development (NHRD) has emerged in response
to global trends that have political, social, and environmental as well as economic
implications. It encompasses a broader range of issues than NVET, such as health, safety,
community, and culture (McLean, 2004) and considers the implications of developing a
countrys human and social capital (Paprock, 2006). As globalization makes the disparities
in education and skill levels between different countries and regions of the world much
more visible (Metcalfe and Rees, 2005) there is an opportunity for HRD practitioners
to lobby for a wider political, economic and social inuence. Chapter fourteen discusses
the implications for HRD practitioners of ethical and socially responsible management.
Although the nature and purpose of HRD at national level differs from one country to
another it is possible to discern ve emerging models of NHRD: centralized, transitional,
government-initiated, decentralized/free market, and small nation (Cho and McLean,
2004). These are dened in table 1.4 along with illustrative examples drawn from a range
of literature.
Outside the US and Europe countries which are moving intentionally toward a NHRD
policy include South Korea, New Zealand, India, South Africa, and Kenya (McLean, 2004).
In China a NHRD policy has emerged in recent years as an important component of the
countrys social and economic development (Yang et al., 2004). In several other countries
Key concept National HRD
National HRD is intended to provide a coherent set of policies for the social and
economic development of a country. It encompasses a wide range of concerns
including: public health, environmental protection, diversity, education, and
vocational training. The way in which national HRD is handled varies from
country to country.
HRDC01.qxd 1/5/09 6:39 PM Page 22
Type of NHRD
government is
responsible for
the provision of
education and
training (a top
down approach)
Illustrative examples
In China today a growing private sector exists alongside traditional
state-owned enterprises as the country shifts from a centrally
planned to a market-driven economy. This has fuelled demand for
skills training. However, this transition is being controlled by the
state whose interpretation of NHRD is heavily influenced by a
socialist concept of human resources. Until recently the principal
focus of the Chinese government has been on general education
rather than vocational education and training. Since 1980 there has
been growing interest in vocational education at school level, but
beyond this the countrys training and development infrastructure
is still relatively weak and disorganizedalthough the situation
is changing as the economy continues to develop. Traditionally
training has been viewed as inferior to education and treated as a
low priority by central government. Consequently training carried
out within private sector enterprises, and which is in principle
heavily regulated by legislation, is rarely monitored. The country has
been criticized for the low quality of its labour market with only one
third of employees in state-owned enterprises having undertaken
some form of vocational education or training. Private enterprises
invest much more heavily in training programmes. VET is offered by
vocational schools and technical colleges. The latter are controlled
by local or regional authorities and tend to focus on qualifications in
nursing, nursery teaching, and banking. Vocational schools are
accountable to the Ministry of Labour and focus on technical skills
training for state-owned enterprises. Larger, more economically
developed cities have better VET provision than smaller, less
developed cities. However, the historic underinvestment in VET has
impacted negatively on the countrys economic development. Many
technical posts remain unfilled and there is a shortage of qualified
managers (consequently management training is an important area
for private sector enterprises)
This is a country that relies heavily on the state for solutions to its
VET problems. Historically, there has been a clear distinction made
between initial training, including formal academic qualifications,
and continuing education and training. Legislation is used to enforce
national policy (e.g. accreditation of prior experiential learning is
legally binding on all private sector organizations). All workers have
an individual right to training and are expected to negotiate their
own training and development needs with their employer. This
includes attending courses that lead to a formal qualification, with
employers paying fees and related expenses as well as altering job
descriptions or offering promotion opportunities upon successful
completion of the course
Table 1.4 National HRD in a selection of countries
Sources: Smith, 1999; Pickersgill, 2001; Xie and Wu, 2001; Venter, 2003; Bartlett and Rodgers, 2004;
Cho and McLean, 2004; Kay, 2004; Lee, 2004; Lynham and Cunningham, 2004; Marquardt et al., 2004;
Osman-Gani, 2004; Rao, 2004; Yang et al., 2004; Bhatnagar, 2005; Carter, 2005; Cooke, 2005; Jeris et al.,
2005; Ohmae, 2005; Xiao and Lo, 2005; Lynham and Cunningham, 2006; Van Horn, 2006; Wynne, 2006;
Xiao, 2006; Halliday, 2007; Keep, 2007; Lewis, 2007; Mhaut, 2007; Winch, 2007.
HRDC01.qxd 1/5/09 6:39 PM Page 23
Reflects a situation
in which the
responsibility for
NHRD is in
transition from a
centralized to a
NHRD initiatives
are initiated by
NHRD policy can be traced back to 1985 when a comprehensive review
of education policy was initiated which subsequently led to a significant
increase in the number of schools, teachers, and pupil enrolments;
although many in the country remain desperately poor and in need of
education. With the opening up of the economy to foreign multinationals
since 1991 the rapidly developing private sector has realized that
competitive advantage comes from an investment in human resources.
In contrast central government have been slow to understand the
implications of a global economy. Rather it is the cities and region-states
that have become integrated in the global economy and it is only
recently that the government has started involving the private sector in
the development of NHRD. A key strength of the country is its higher
education system which has been particularly successful in producing
graduates in science and technology subject areas
The countrys education system is geared towards meeting the countrys
human capital needs (e.g. it is this which determines the courses offered
by universities) and in this way is an integral part of NHRD policy. Political
leaders are deeply committed to developing a better life for the countrys
citizens. Historically the Ministry of Manpower, which is responsible for
the Workforce Development Agency, has been principally responsible
for national policy. However, the government now relies on a tripartite
approach involving cooperation between the government, employers,
and trade unions. For instance, unions provide education and training
to enable members to upgrade their skills; and, distance learning
programmes are available in the private sector. The benefits of
investment in education and training and infrastructure are now showing
through in the shape of a thriving private sector. This sector is also
supported by the Singapore Institute of Management which provides
training each year for over 11,000 managers
The focus of recent governments has been on updating skills and
developing the concept of lifelong learning which is broadly in line
with EU policy. Historically, the UK has been characterized by a market-
driven voluntary approach to vocational training, in which the primary
responsibility for addressing skills shortages has been placed on
employers supported by a range of government-led initiatives. These
include: national vocational qualifications (NVQs) and apprenticeships
(formerly referred to as modern apprenticeships); although the
reality is that vocational education has often been perceived as inferior
to traditional educational qualifications. In 2001 the New Labour
government set up the Learning and Skills Council (LSC) to oversee
education and training for students over the age of 16 (this did not
include university education). The LSC comprises representatives from
employers, learning providers, and community groups. Since its
establishment it has invested heavily in further education programmes
as well as in initiatives such as apprenticeships (in 20045 its total spend
was 9.2 billion). As with previous initiatives this approach has been
criticized. One particular trend that can be discerned is that since the
Type of NHRD Illustrative examples
Table 1.4 (contd)
HRDC01.qxd 1/5/09 6:39 PM Page 24
1980s central government and its agencies have been increasingly taking
control of VET and relegating other stakeholders, such as employers and
trade unions, to a more subordinate role. This incremental process of
centralization is out of step with trends in other European countries, such
as Italy, Holland, Sweden, and Finland which have focused on devolving
responsibility to local social partnerships
The VET strategy adopted by the Australian government in the late 1980s
was an attempt to replicate the UK market-driven approach. In 1988 a
new central government department with responsibility for VET was
created. This replaced previously fragmented state-based systems. Since
then the government has promoted: competency-based training; the
development of nationally recognized qualifications; the amalgamation
of entry-level traineeships and apprenticeships as New Apprenticeships
in order to provide a unified entry-level training system; and, the
development of a national training market in which private training
providers could compete against established systems of state provision.
The push for nationally recognized qualifications mirrors the UKs
strategy for NVQs (see above) as well as the EU aim for transferable
vocational qualifications among all member states. Unlike the situation in
many European countries the demand for apprenticeships has remained
buoyant. However, much of the training based on competency standards
has been criticized for being too short term, fragmented and enterprise
The federal government plays a limited role in VET with principal
responsibility resting with individual states and below, although the
1990s did see increased promotion by central government of certified
skills training in order to address skills shortages (e.g. electricians).
Vocational education in high schools has been viewed traditionally
as an option for underachieving students to help them prepare for
employment. However, new models are now emerging which are not
based solely on the needs of employers but offer a more rounded
education experience. However, many employers are complaining that
schools are not teaching basic skills effectively and that more needs to be
done to address the needs of lower-paid and lower-skilled workers. In
terms of higher education the US is seen as leading the world with the top
universities being private institutions. As with VET the federal government
does not provide any central direction that is commonly found in Europe
but does inject substantial research funding into the sector
Pacific Islands
These provide a unique regional response to NHRD. The goal of regional
inter-governmental organizations is to promote the sustainable
development of the region to ensure that quality of life is maintained.
This is reflected in the mission of the Pacific Institute of Management and
Development, which provides management education to managers in
the private and public sectors. This is achieved through a combination
of education qualifications (e.g. MBA), short courses, seminars, and
conferences aimed at senior managers, and applied research and
Type of NHRD Illustrative examples
Table 1.4 (contd)
education and
training are the
responsibility of
the private sector
with indirect
support from
Small nations need
to cooperate and
share resources
through regional
HRDC01.qxd 1/5/09 6:39 PM Page 25
there are the rst signs of emergent approaches to NHRD. For instance, Sri Lanka has
launched skills development projects based on competency-based training in order to
build a much closer partnership between the private sector and vocational training (Jeris
et al., 2005). However, there are still signicant gaps in the literature. For instance, little
attention has been given to Middle East countries although several countries, Bahrain,
Kuwait, Jordan, Oman, and the United Emirates have NHRD programmes (Metcalfe and
Rees, 2005). In Saudi Arabia the government is attempting to tackle unemployment levels
through a policy of replacing foreign workers with Saudis and forcing the public sector
to recruit Saudis for jobs that do not exist rather than by strengthening the countrys
approach to education and vocational training (Al-Dosary and Rahman, 2005). In North
Africa, Morocco has started by focusing on primary education and improving enrolment
at this level (Cox et al., 2005).
HRD in the United States and Australia
These two examples contrast HRD practices in two developed countries: the US and
Australia. The US has a strong tradition of adopting a structured and systematic
approach to formal training interventions (see chapters two and five) yet ensuring the
knowledge, skills and attitudes learnt on these interventions is transferred to the
workplace remains a major problem.
Manufacturing companies in the US are pushing decision-making and problem
solving down to frontline production employees. A variety of formal training inter-
ventions are being used to do this, including: classroom-based instruction, on-the-job
training, and training workshops. However, research indicates that transfer of learn-
ing back to the job is poor.
Survey data from the 1990s indicates that expenditure on training by Australian
corporations is increasing and yet the organization of training in Australia tends to
be ad hoc and unsystematic (for instance, formal methods for the identification of
training needs are rarely used). The majority of enterprises do not employ qualified
trainers or produce written training plans.
Brockman, J. L. and Dirkx, J. M. 2006. Learning to become a machine operator: the dialogical
relationship between context, self, and content. Human Resource Development Quarterly, 17 (2): 199221.
Smith, A. 1999. International brieng 4: training and development in Australia. International Journal of
Training and Development, 3 (4): 30113.
Identify one national training initiative from your own country and investigate how
successful it has been.
HRDC01.qxd 1/5/09 6:39 PM Page 26
1.5 The implications of national HRD for HRD practitioners
HRD practitioners require a good understanding of the full range of national HRD initi-
atives for the country they are working in. This becomes more complex when they are
working in an international context and need to be familiar with any number of national
HRD policies. In turn these policies will inuence HRD strategy and practice in a variety of
ways as can be illustrated by returning to the ve models proposed by Cho and McLean
In the centralized model HRD practitioners in indigenous and FDI enterprises will have
to manage the implications of any restrictions created by the tight political control
exercised by central government.
In the transitional model HRD practitioners have the opportunity to make an import-
ant contribution to the development of national HRD because this model reects a
tripartite approach that draws upon the government, unions, and employers.
The government-initiated model is dependent on the quality and appropriateness of
government initiatives in meeting the needs of organizations. For instance, in the UK
successful participation in the Investors in People scheme, which recognizes excellence
in an organizations investment in human capital, can strengthen the role, status, and
contribution of HRD.
The decentralized/free-market model offers HRD practitioners the opportunity to be
part of the primary force that is driving national education and training policy.
With regard to the small-nation model Cho and McLean (ibid) make the point that it is
difcult for countries to make this work. It is likely that the majority of organizations
within such countries lack the necessary HRD expertise.
Engaging with national HRD enables the HRD practitioner to adopt a broader and more
strategic perspective on the role of HRD. For instance, lifelong learning can be integrated
into an organizations HRD strategy (see chapter 3); basic skills, such as numeracy and lit-
eracy, can be improved through learning and development interventions (see chapter 5);
and, viable apprenticeship schemes and vocational qualications can be used to address
specic performance-related problems (see
for more details). From a wider political and societal perspective Marquardt et al. (2004)
argue that HRD practitioners can assist national governments in ensuring globalization
provides long term benets for society. Whilst this role is likely to be restricted to a small
minority of practitioners it does merit serious consideration in an era where ethically and
socially responsible management is receiving increasing media attention (see chapter 14).
Stewart and Tansley (2002) also argue that HRD practitioners can work together with
employers and government to support new approaches to learning. The need for this
approach is echoed in pleas for solutions to global problems that are based on nations col-
laborating and tapping into the expertise and creativity of the non-government sector
(Sachs, 2008). This should include building on the HRD expertise of global non-prot
organizations (see Insights into practice box).
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Training provided by non-profit organizations
The majority of training provided by non-profit organizations is externally rather than
internally focused as illustrated by these examples. HRD interventions are, in effect,
an integral aspect of the brand identity of these organizations (see also Media Watch
Box above):
The provision of training has been a key feature of many Oxfam projects. For
instance, a joint project between Oxfam Australia and the Chicomo Rural Development
Project in Mozambique on sustainable water supplies in remote rural communities
involved training local communities in how to maintain and repair water pumps:
Maintaining a functional hand pump and creating a sense of ownership of the water
source are essential and require more than a single training session and a formal
handover of the hand pump and borehole to the local community (Mann, 2003: 66).
The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies have pro-
vided: training for emergency response teams in Panama and Argentina; training
for the prevention of SARS in East Asian countries; and, training in water sanitation
and other relief techniques for members of regional disaster response teams in West
Mann, E. 2003. Sustainable water supply for a remote rural community in Mozambique. Greener
Management International, 42, Summer: 5966.
Marquardt, M., Berger, N. and Loan, P. 2004. HRD in the Age of Globalisation. New York: Basic Books.
A secondment to a non-profit organization or a period of voluntary work is an excellent
way of developing your HRD skills and broadening your knowledge base.
This chapter defined and explained the concept of globalization by drawing upon two
contrasting perspectives. The dominance of the economic perspective was highlighted and
discussed. The principal drivers of globalization were identified as advancements in techno-
logy and communications, global competition, and changing organizational structures.
The implications of these for organizations were highlighted and summarized in table 1.2
(the impact of economic globalization on organizations). Particular attention was given
to the emerging economies of China and India and the potential for a shift in economic
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power from the developed nations of the West to these developing nations in Asia and the
Far East. The organizational requirements that emerged from this discussion were used as
the starting point for an analysis of the implications of globalization for the practice of HRD.
These were summarized in table 1.3 (the implications of globalization for HRD interventions
and practices).
It was argued that particularly for those working in an international context globalization
presents HRD practitioners with the opportunity to deliver a wide range of HRD interventions
that add value to an organization. But to achieve this they need to work in partnership with
key stakeholders at both a strategic and operational level. This theme is developed further in
the next chapter and is one of the key themes in this book. The discussion on national HRD
explained how the previous focus on education and vocational training is being replaced by
a much broader perspective that incorporates a range of social and environmental issues.
Consequently, the twenty-first century poses a great many challenges for practitioners and
managers in the implementation of HRD practices. In moving forward both line managers
and HRD practitioners will need to develop and/or improve new competencies; and, in some
cases, they will also need to engage with the wider community and contribute to the agenda
for national HRD.
Review questions
1 How can the concept of human resource development be defined?
2 What are the principal perspectives on globalization?
3 Summarize how globalization is impacting on organizations generally. What are the
principal implications for human resource development practices?
4 Is it really possible for business corporations to operate ethically in a global economy
when their primary goal is to maximize profits? Can you identify any examples of good
and bad practices?
5 Why is the concept of national HRD important for the future development of countries?
Suggestions for further reading
1 Bierema, L. L. and DAbundo, M. 2003. Socially conscious HRD. In A. Maycunich
Gilley, J. L. Callahan and L. L. Bierema (eds.) Critical Issues in HRD: A New Agenda
for the Twenty-first Century. Cambridge, MA: Perseus Publishing.
This book chapter explains the concept of socially conscious HRD.
2 Dirani, K. 2006. Exploring socio-cultural factors that inuence HRD practices
in Lebanon. Human Resource Development International, 9 (1): 8598.
This is an interesting article because it explores the nature of HRD in an Arab country.
The Arab countries remain a much neglected topic in the literature on HRD.
3 McLean, G. N. 2004. National human resource development: what in the world
is it?, Advances in Developing Human Resources, 6 (3): 26975.
A very short article that summarizes the concept of national HRD.
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4 Marquardt, M., Berger, N. and Loan, P. 2004. HRD in the Age of Globalisation. New
York: Basic Books.
There is an abundance of useful material in this book especially on specic countries
and regions.
5 Stiglitz, J. 2007. Making Globalisation Work. London: Penguin Books.
There are many texts on the subject of globalization but this one offers a particularly
searing critique.
Case study
National HRD in Finland, Russia, and South Africa
HRD practice in Finland is diverse as it is primarily the responsibility of the employer with
some steering from government through legislation and government-led initiatives such
as the Finnish Workplace Development Programme. The labour market in Finland is charac-
terized by high levels of education. Since the mid-1990s adult education and training has
become an increasingly important feature of national policy and is available in over 1,000
institutions although the majority of adult learning takes place within organizations in the
form of training provision or workplace learning. For young people who decide upon a voca-
tional route after comprehensive school there are a wide range of training options to choose
from: there are 75 initial vocational qualifications. This type of training is offered by educa-
tion institutions and as apprenticeship schemes. Training is a mix of theoretical studies and
practical sessions plus on-the-job training in actual workplaces. Higher education is studied
at universities or polytechnics with the latter having a vocational orientation. Finland has
been able to realize the benefits of a knowledge-based economy achieving excellent levels
of productivity, innovation, and competitiveness. National VET has been heavily influenced
by the EU commitment to the development of a learning society and competence-based
training, particularly in the public sector. SMEs in Finland demonstrate high levels of innova-
tion which reflect the countrys prioritization of investing in research and development. This
has also been reflected in the past in HRD practice in Finnish organizations which has been
regarded as being quite innovative; drawing upon a wide range of HRD interventions includ-
ing the implementation of new types of training course, the facilitation of workplace learning
and the utilization of organizational intranets.
Today Russia is no longer characterized by Soviet-era practices or a labour market that is
under the direct control of central government. Instead, Russian enterprises are being forced
to improve their ability to recruit and retain human capital. Since the early 1990s there has
been a significant reduction in state-sponsored vocational training and a consequent
increase in opportunities for private training and education companies, along with the set-
ting up of their own training and development facilities by subsidiaries of foreign companies.
The once world class higher education sector is now run down but still produces every year
over 200,000 science and technology graduates (there are some 3,500 universities and
research institutes in the country). However, access to a good education can often depend
on parental connections and corruption is rife.
South Africa
The situation in South Africa has been deeply influenced by recent political, social, and eco-
nomic developments and the legacy of apartheid. A significant proportion of the population
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is unemployed and has low skill levels. The country is also experiencing skills shortages at the
high and intermediate levels. National government is committed to developing the coun-
trys human capital and has used legislation to promote vocational education and training.
In 1995 the South African Qualifications Act was introduced with the aim of promoting
national standards for training through transferable qualifications and the accreditation of
prior learning. In 1998 the Skills Development Act was an attempt to make employers treat
training more seriously and included the introduction of a training levy and a requirement
that firms produce and submit an organizational skills development plan. Since the ending
of apartheid the government has introduced measures to address racial imbalances in educa-
tion, high levels of unemployment, and skills shortages in science and technology.
Hytnen, T. 2003. International brieng 14: training and development in Finland. International Journal of
Training and Development, 7 (2): 12437.
Bonnin, D., Lane, T., Ruggunan, S. and Wood, S. 2004. Training and development in the maritime
industry: the case of South Africa. Human Resource Development International, 7 (1): 722.
Lynham, S. A. and Cunningham, P. W. 2004. Human resource development: the South Africa case.
Advances in Developing Human Resources, 6 (3): 31525.
Ardichvili, A. and Dirani, K. 2005. Human capital practices of Russian enterprises. Human Resource
Development International, 8 (4): 40318.
Kraak, A. 2005. Human resources development and the skills crisis in South Africa: the need for a
multipronged strategy. Journal of Education and Work, 18 (1): 5783.
Ohmae, K. 2005. The Next Global Stage: Challenges and Opportunities in Our Borderless World. Upper
Saddle River, NJ: Wharton School Publishing.
Walburn, D. 2005. The Lisbon Agenda: regional performance in a two speed Europe: the important
contribution of local programmes of SME support. Local Economy, 20 (3): 3058.
Lynham, S. A. and Cunningham, P. W. 2006. National human resource development in tansitioning
societies in the developing world: concept and challenges. Advances in Developing Human Resources,
8 (1): 11635.
Lucas, E. 2008. The New Cold War: How the Kremlin Menaces Both Russia and the West. London:
Education and training in Finland http://virtualnland. (accessed 29 May 2008).
Case questions
1. Using the five models proposed by Cho and McLean (2004) how would you categorize
each countrys approach to national HRD?
2. To what extent should employers be taking responsibility for basic skills training in areas
such as numeracy and literacy?
Online resource centre
Visit the supporting online resource centre for additional material that will help you with
your research, essays, assignments, and revision.
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