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ADM 2350 Final Exam Winter 2007 Version 1 Solns Revised For Booth

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ADM 2350 Final Examination Name: __________________________

April 20, 2007 Version #1 Solutions Student ID #: _____________________

Section D, Prof. Rentz (Tues. 8:30 AM 10:00 AM & Fri. 10:00 AM 11:30 AM)
Section E, Prof. Dodonova
Section F, Prof. Khoroshilov
Section G, Prof. Gandhi
Section H, Prof. Rentz (Tues. 1:00 PM 2:30 PM & Thurs. 11:30 AM 1:00 PM)

Statement of Academic Integrity
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tables, dictionaries or other study aid unless an explicit written note to the contrary appears
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I have read the text on academic integrity and I pledge not to have committed or attempted
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will receive a final exam grade of zero.
General Instructions:
1. Please CIRCLE YOUR SECTION and SIGN the academic integrity statement above.
2. There are SIXTEEN pages and TWO parts to this exam.
3. Please put your Name and Student ID# on ALL SIXTEEN pages.
4. This is an open book and open notes exam. Notes are any handwritten or printed
materials, including but not limited to, previous assignments, quizzes, and exams plus
their solution sets.
5. The use of scientific and financial calculators is encouraged.
6. Laptop computers or any other devices that can be used for communication are
NOT permitted.
7. Please do NOT take apart the pages of this exam.
8. You have 3 hours to work this exam. In order to finish this exam, it is highly recom-
mended that students allocate no more than 1 hour to Part I and 2 hours to Part II.
ADM 2350 Name: ________________________________
April 20, 2007 Student ID#: ___________________________
Part I: (1 hour) There are TWENTY QUESTIONS in this part of the exam. Each question counts 1
mark. Choose the one answer that BEST answers each question. No credit is given for a wrong
answer, an omitted answer, or more than one answer to a question.
11. 1Which of the following is NOT one of the things that causes a corporation to have a significant advantage
over a partnership or a proprietorship?
a. Limited liability.
b. Ease of transfer of ownership interest.
c. Unlimited life.
d. Elimination of double taxation.
e. Ability to retain earnings and thus convert income from personal income to capital gains.
f. Both a. and b.
2. The primary goal of a publicly-owned firm serving its shareholders should be to
a. Social responsibility.
b. Maximize EPS.
c. Minimize the chances of losses.
d. Long-run survival.
e. Maximize shareholder wealth.
f. All of the above.
13. 1Your uncle would like to minimize his interest rate risk and default risk but would still like to invest in
corporate bonds. Which of the possible bonds below best satisfies your uncle's stipulation?
a. AAA bond with 10 years to maturity.
b. BBB perpetual bond.
c. BBB bond with 10 years to maturity.
d. AAA bond with 5 years to maturity.
e. BBB bond with 5 years to maturity.
f. AAA perpetual bond.
14. 1You have just purchased shares in the Health Tech long-term bond fund, which is a mutual fund that
invests in long-term corporate bonds. This constitutes a(n)
a. Direct transfer of funds.
b. Indirect transfer through an investment dealer.
c. Indirect transfer through a financial intermediary.
d. Indirect transfer through an over-the-counter market transaction.
e. Both b. and d.
f. None of the above.
ADM 2350 Name: ________________________________
April 20, 2007 Student ID#: ___________________________
15. If the discount rate INCREASES from 10% to 20%, the present value of a lump-sum to be received 4
years from now
a. Gets larger without limit.
b. Stays unchanged.
c. Gets larger.
d. Gets smaller without limit.
e. Gets smaller.
f. Cannot tell from the information provided.
6. One of the basic relationships in interest rate theory is for a given change in yield to maturity, the _______
the time to maturity, the _______ the change in price.
a. longer; smaller
b. shorter; greater
c. shorter; smaller
d. longer; greater
e. Both c. and d.
f. Both a. and b.
7. Which of the following is (are) workable assumption(s) for the valuation model, P
= D
/( k
- g) if it is to
give the total present value?
a. Growth is NEGATIVE.
b. There will be NO growth.
c. The growth rate will EXCEED the required return.
d. The required return is HIGH (30%).
e. All of the above are workable assumptions.
f. Answers a., b., and d. are workable assumptions.
8. Which of the following MAY be true concerning debt and equity?
a. The cost of debt for Firm A is GREATER than the cost of equity for Firm A.
b. The cost of debt for Firm A is GREATER than the cost of equity for Firm B.
c. The cost of internally generated equity for Firm A is GREATER than the cost of externally generated
equity funds for Firm A.
d. The cost of internally generated equity for Firm A is LESS than the cost of debt for Firm A.
e. ALL of the above MAY be TRUE.
f. NONE of the above MAY be TRUE.
ADM 2350 Name: ________________________________
April 20, 2007 Student ID#: ___________________________
19. Typically, the marginal cost of capital (MCC) schedule is either horizontal or rising, which implies that the
cost of capital to a firm rises as it raises larger and larger amounts of capital. The rising section of the MCC
a. Is caused by economies of scale in financing.
b. Would be eliminated (i.e. the MCC schedule would be horizontal) if the firm retained all of its earnings.
c. Results from a change in the debt ratio as the firm expands.
d. Results because the firms beta increases as the firm expands.
e. Results from flotation costs associated with the sale of new common and preferred
f. All of the above.

10. 1The internal rate of return of a NORMAL capital investment project
a. Changes when the projects cost of capital changes.
b. Is equal to the annual net cash flows divided by the project's cost when the cash flows are an annuity.
c. Is computed in a manner similar to the computation of the yield to maturity on a bond.
d. Must exceed the projects cost of capital in order for the firm to accept the investment.
e. Both c. and d.
f. None of the above.

11. Which of the following accounts is (are) NOT part of firms working capital?
a. Plant and equipment.
b. Marketable securities.
c. Cash.
d. Accounts payable.
e. Inventory.
f. Both a. and d.
12. Which of the following statements concerning commercial paper is (are) TRUE?
a. Commercial paper is typically written for terms of one to three months.
b. Commercial paper is NOT listed on a stock exchange.
c. Commercial paper is sold to money market mutual funds, as well as to other financial institutions and
nonfinancial corporations.
d. Commercial paper is a major source of short-term financing for small firms.
e. All of the above.
f. 1a., b., and c.
ADM 2350 Name: ________________________________
April 20, 2007 Student ID#: ___________________________
113. An unusually high turnover of accounts receivable, which implies a very short average collection period,
COULD indicate that
a. The firm is VERY conservative (tough) in its credit policy.
b. The firm has a VERY efficient credit and collection department.
c. Without ANY doubt, the credit department is helping to maximize the value of the firm.
d. All of the above.
e. Both a. and b.
f. None of the above.
14. Which of the following is (are) commonly regarded as being a credit policy variable(s)?
a. Credit period
b. Collection policy
c. Credit standards
d. Cash discounts
e. All of the above.
f. a., b., and c.
15. Which of the following statements concerning drafts is (are) correct?
a. Drafts require the firm to keep LARGER balances in the disbursement account.
b. Firms use drafts to speed up cash collection.
c. When a draft is transmitted to the firms bank for collection, the bank must present
the draft to the firm for acceptance before payment is made.
d. Drafts are cheaper to use than cheques.
e. All of the above.
f. Both b. and c.
16. A firm's marketable securities portfolio, assumed to be held for liquidity purposes, should be
a. Weighted toward LONG-TERM securities because they usually pay higher rates.
b. Weighted toward SHORT-TERM securities because they usually pay higher rates.
c. Weighted toward Government of Canada securities to avoid interest rate risk.
d. Weighted toward SHORT-TERM securities to avoid interest rate risk.
e. Balanced between long-and short-term securities so as to minimize the effects of either an upward or a
downward trend in interest rates.
f. Both c. and d.

ADM 2350 Name: ________________________________
April 20, 2007 Student ID#: ___________________________
117. 1For a NORMAL project, which of the following statements is/are TRUE?
a. The NPV will be POSITIVE if the IRR is LESS than the projects cost of capital.
b. Any project acceptable by the NPV method will also be acceptable by the IRR method.
c. When the IRR equals a projects cost of capital, NPV equals 0.
d. Both a. and b.
e. Both b. and c.
f. All of the above.
18. The DISADVANTGES of the payback approach include:
a. cash flows after the payback period are ignored in the calculation.
b. Payback ignores the time value of money.
c. Payback fails to provide an objective decision-making criterion.
d. Payback is hard to calculate.
e. All of the above.
f. a., b., and c.
19. If the EXPECTED rate of return on a share EXCEEDS the REQUIRED rate,
a. The share is experiencing supernormal growth.
b. You should SELL the share.
c. You should BUY the share.
d. Dividends are NOT being declared.
e. Both a. and c.
f. Both b. and d.
20. A beta value of 0.5 for a security indicates
a. The security has AVERAGE systematic risk.
b. The security has ABOVE-AVERAGE systematic risk.
c. The security has NO systematic risk.
d. The security has BELOW-AVERAGE systematic risk.
e. The securitys systematic risk is TWICE as high as its UNSYSTEMATIC risk.
f. The securitys UNSYSTEMATIC risk is TWICE as high as its systematic risk.
ADM 2350 Name: ________________________________
April 20, 2007 Student ID#: ___________________________
Part II: (2 hours) There are TEN multiple-choice problems in this part. Each problem counts 2 marks for a
total of 20 marks for this part. To receive credit for each problem, you must show your work.
121. You need to start saving for your future education. You will begin studies at age 18, and you will need
$40,000 per year at the END of each of the next 4 years. Today is your birthday. You will make your first
deposit one year from today on your NEXT birthday in an account that pays 6% compounded annually.
Then you will make an identical deposit on EACH succeeding birthday until you make your last deposit
on your 18
birthday. If an annual deposit of $19,871 will allow you to reach your goal, what birthday
are you celebrating today?
a. 15
b. 10
c. 14
d. 16
e. 12
1f. 11
g. 13
Tabular Approach:
Amount needed at age 18 = $40,000 x PVIFA 6%, 4 = $40,000 x 3.465 = $138,600
$19,871 x FVIFA 6%, n = $138,600 FVIFA 6%, n = $138,600/$19,871 = 6.975
From Table III, p. 710, FVIFA 6%, 6 = 6.975 Age = 18 6 = 12
Financial Calculator:
To solve for amount needed at age 18, set P/Y = C/Y = 1, N = 4, I/Y = 6%, PMT = $40,000, FV = 0,
and then CPT PV = - $138,604.22.
To find N, set P/Y = C/Y = 1, I/Y = 6%, PV = 0, PMT = $19,871, FV = - $138,604.22, and CPT N = 6.
Age = 18 6 = 12.
ADM 2350 Name: ________________________________
April 20, 2007 Student ID#: ___________________________
122. GWN Trucking is financing a new truck with a loan of $100,000 to be repaid in 6 annual end-of-year
instalments of $21,632. To the nearest whole percent, what annual interest rate is the company paying?
a. 7%
b. 8%
c. 9%
d. 10%
e. 6%
f. 5%
g. None of the above.
Tabular Approach:
$21,632 x PVIFA i, 6 = $100,000 PVIFA i, 6 = $100,000/$21,632 = 4.623
From Table IV, p. 711, PVIFA 8%, 6 = 4.623
Financial Calculator:
Set P/Y = C/Y = 1, N = 6, PV = $100,000, PMT = - $21,632, FV = 0, and CPT I/Y = 8.00%.
ADM 2350 Name: ________________________________
April 20, 2007 Student ID#: ___________________________
123. What is the present value of a triannual perpetuity DUE of $99.30? That is, the triannual payments occur
at times t = 0, 3, 6, 9, 12, ... and the effective annual discount rate is 10%.
Hint # 1: An ordinary triannual perpetuity would have payments at times t = 3, 6, 9, 12, .
Hint #2: This problem requires the calculation of an effective three-year discount rate.
a. $993.00
b. $300.00
c. $330.00
d. $363.00
e. $331.00
f. $399.30
g. None of the above.

Effective triannual rate = 1.10
1 = 0.331 or 33.1%
PV of a triannual perpetuity = $99.30/0.331 = $300
PV of a triannual perpetuity DUE = $300 x 1.331 = $399.30
Alternatively, we see that the triannual perpetuity DUE has an additional payment of $99.30 at t = 0.
Thus, the PV of a triannual perpetuity DUE = $99.30 + $300 = $399.30.
ADM 2350 Name: ________________________________
April 20, 2007 Student ID#: ___________________________
124. You have just been hired by SATO Industries as a financial analyst. Your predecessor left behind the
following financial calculations for the project ALPHA:
Time t = 0 t = 1 t = 2 t = 3 t = 4
Net Cash Flows -$100,000 $20,000 $40,000 ? $40,000

NPV @ k = 10% = $1,100 to the nearest dollar
Your new boss wants the NPV calculations done for several different discount rates.
Unfortunately, the net cash flow for the third period is unreadable on the computer printout that
you received. To the nearest ten dollars, what is the missing net cash flow for period 3?
a. $22,540
b. $24,790
c. $27,270
d. $30,000
e. $33,000
f. $40,000
g. None of the above.
4 3 2
1 . 1
000 , 40 $
1 . 1
1 . 1
000 , 40 $
1 . 1
000 , 20 $
000 , 100 $ 100 , 1 $ + + + + NPV
79 . 539 , 22 $ 54 . 320 , 27 $ 85 . 057 , 33 $ 82 . 181 , 18 $ 000 , 100 $ 100 , 1 $
1 . 1
46 . 000 , 30 $ 79 . 539 , 22 $ 331 . 1 ?
ADM 2350 Name: ________________________________
April 20, 2007 Student ID#: ___________________________
125. Tony's Pizzeria, Inc., has two bond issues outstanding, both selling for $775.92. The first issue has a
coupon rate of 9% and 20 years to maturity. The second has an identical yield to maturity as the first but
only 5 years until maturity. Both issues are payable annually. To the nearest dollar, what is the annual
coupon interest payment on the second issue?
HINT #1: You may round your calculated YTM on the first issue to the nearest whole percentage point.
HINT #2: If you are NOT using a financial calculator, please use the following formula for calculating the
approximate YTM.
( )
( )



a. $120
b. $49
c. $58
d. $32
e. $41
f. $90
g. None of the above.
Approximation Formula and Tabular Approach:
To the nearest whole percentage point, the YTM = 12%. Now find the coupon interest on a 5-year
bond with a YTM of 12% that sells for $775.92.
$775.92 = (I x PVIFA 12%,5)+ ($1,000 x PVIF 12%,5) = (I x 3.605) + ($1,000 x 0.567)
I = ($775.92 - $567)/3.605 = $208.92/3.605 = $57.95 or $58 to nearest dollar
Financial Calculator:
Set P/Y = C/Y = 1, N = 20, PV = - $775.92, PMT = $90, FV = $1,000 and CPT I/Y = 12.00%.
Set P/Y = C/Y = 1, N = 5, I/Y = 12%, PV = - $775.92, FV = $1,000 and CPT PMT = $57.84.
( )
( )
( ) [ ]
% 90 . 11
80 . 036 , 51 $
24 . 072 , 6 $
000 , 1 $ ) 92 . 775 )($ 2 ( ) 20 (
) 92 . 775 $ 000 , 1 )($ 3 ( ) 90 )($ 60 (
000 , 1 $ ) 92 . 775 )($ 2 (
) 92 . 775 $ 000 , 1 ($
90 $
) 2 (
) (








ADM 2350 Name: ________________________________
April 20, 2007 Student ID#: ___________________________
126. The Dwindling Oil Company (DOC) expects to pay a $20 per share dividend for fiscal 2007 and fiscal
2008. Thereafter, dividends are expected to DECLINE by 5% per year. If investors require a 10% rate of
return, what is a fair market price per share to the nearest dollar for DOCs stock at the BEGINNING of
fiscal 2007.
a. $380
b. $320
c. $139
d. $350
e. $200
f. $400
g. None of the above.
67 . 126 $
) 05 . 0 10 . 0 (
) 05 . 0 1 )( 20 ($


39 . 139 $ 21 . 121 $ 18 . 18 $
21 . 1
) 67 . 126 $ 20 ($
1 . 1
20 $
) 1 (
) (
) 1 (
2 2 1

e e
ADM 2350 Name: ________________________________
April 20, 2007 Student ID#: ___________________________
127. M&M, Inc., is considering the purchase of a new machine that will REDUCE manufacturing costs by
$20,000 annually BEFORE taxes. The new machine will be in CCA Class 8 with a CCA rate of 20%. The
firm expects to sell the machine immediately after the end of its 2-year life for $20,000. No new equipment
in the same CCA will be bought at that time. The firm must INCREASE net working capital by $15,000
when the machine is installed. However, this net working capital will be freed up at the end of the
machines economic life. The firm's marginal tax rate is 40% and it uses a 10% cost of capital to evaluate
projects of this nature. If the machine costs $40,000 what is the NPV of the project to the nearest hundred
1a. $13,600 CCA Formula Method:
b. $12,000 Step 1: $20,000 x (1 - .4) x PVIFA
= $20,826
c. $52,200 Step 2: [1.05/1.10][(0.4)(0.2)($40,000)/(0.1+0.2)] = $10,182
d. $51,100 Step 3: $20,000/1.1
= $16,529
e. $1,000 Step 4: - [1/1.1
][(0.4)(0.2)($20,000)/(0.1+0.2)] = - $4,408
f. $500 Step 5: $15,000/1.1
= $12,397
g. None of the above. Step 6: - $40,000 - $15,000 = - $55,000
NPV = $526
Note: Steps 2 and 4 above correspond to Steps 2A and 2B in the Ch. 14 PowerPoints used for the current Booth
text. Hence, Steps 5 and 6 above correspond to Steps 4 and 5 of the current text
Cash Flow Analysis Method:
Net installed cost $40,000
Salvage, t=n $20,000
Year 0 1 2
Starting UCC $0 $40,000 $36,000
CCA $0 $4,000 $7,200
Ending UCC $0 $36,000 $28,800
Revenues $0 $0 $0
Operating costs $0 -$20,000 -$20,000
Net revenues $0 $20,000 $20,000
Year 0 1 2
Net installed cost $40,000 $0 $0
A-T net revenues $0 $12,000 $12,000
CCA tax shield tn $0 $1,600 $2,880
NWC $15,000 $0 -$15,000
Salvage, t=n $0 $0 $20,000
PV tax shield t>n $0 $0 $2,347
Net cash flow -$55,000 $13,600 $52,227
Net present value $526
Approx. IRR 10.59%
ADM 2350 Name: ________________________________
April 20, 2007 Student ID#: ___________________________
128. Consider the following information developed from Beta Inc.s financial statements for the year 2006.
Average inventory = $20 million
Average accounts receivable = $21 million
Average accounts payable = $20 million
Annual credit sales = $273.75 million
Cost of sales = $182.5 million
What were the companys operating and cash conversion cycles in 2006?
a. 68 days, 28 days
b. 68 days, 40 days
c. 40 days, 28 days
d. 28 days, 40 days
e. 28 days, 68 days
f. 40 days, 68 days
g. None of the above.
Inventory conversion period = (Average inventory/Cost of goods sold) x 365 days =
($20M/$182.5M) x 365 days = 40 days
Receivables conversion period = (Average accounts receivable/Annual credit sales) x 365 days =
($21M/$273.75M) x 365 days = 28 days
Operating cycle = Inventory conversion period + Receivables conversion period = 40 days + 28 days = 68 days
Payables deferral period = (Average accounts payable/Cost of goods sold) x 365 days =
($20M/$182.5M) x 365 days = 40 days
Cash conversion cycle = Operating cycle Payables deferral period = 68 days 40 days = 28 days

ADM 2350 Name: ________________________________
April 20, 2007 Student ID#: ___________________________

129. A firm's payments policy is to stretch payments to its supplier who sells on terms of 2/10, net 30.
Payment is made in 60 days and the cash saved is invested in a money market mutual fund paying 12%
interest. This policy is because the firm has a net to the nearest whole percentage point.
HINT: Use the APR formula below to find the approximate cost of trade credit:



Period Discount period Credit discount Percentage

discount Percentge
a. Profitable; gain of 3% interest
b. Profitable; gain of 15% interest
c. Unprofitable; loss of 3% interest
d. Unprofitable; loss of 15% interest
e. Profitable; gain of 37% interest
f. Cannot determine from the information provided.
g. None of the above.

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
% 90 . 14
10 60
% 2 % 100
% 2 365
% % 100





period Discount period Credit discount

ADM 2350 Name: ________________________________
April 20, 2007 Student ID#: ___________________________
130. Gamma Corporation is considering extending credit to a group of potential customers that previously
was not viewed as eligible for credit. Using various sources of information, the company expects that for
this group, the average collection period would be about 73 days and 10% of the customers in the group will
NOT pay their bills. Also, the company will need to make $20,000 additional investment in inventory as a
result of additional credit sales to the group. The companys required pre-tax rate of return on its current
assets investment is 25%. The company has a variable cost ratio of 80%.
What is the break-even level of additional credit sales that the firm would need to justify the extension of
credit to the group?
a. $50,000
b. $100,000
c. $200,000
d. $250,000
e. $300,000
f. Cannot determine from the information provided
g. None of the above.
S(1 0.80) 0.25 x 73 x (S/365) 0.10 x S - 0.25 x $20,000 = 0
S(0.20 0.05 0.10) = $5,000 or S = $5,000/0.05 = $100,000

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