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Binge Eaters and Bulimics Make

Trapped Forever
Hi, Im Debbie. Im sitting here writing this after meeting with my friend and having a lovely cup of coffee and a slice of the most delicious cake and feeling no guilt whatsoever! Nor do I have any desire to continue eating because Im fully satisfied. Im lean, healthy and happy and have been for 15 years. But it wasnt always that way for most of my life because I made every single one of the mistakes listed below and it kept me from being free. Maybe youll recognise some of the mistakes from your own behaviour. And, as you read on, I hope youll realise you too can have freedom and feel fine with food, just like me.

KeepING Them




To ask me any question about bulimia or binge eating or to give me feedback on this special report just click the link below.



Having no awareness of how they think, with thoughts like I dont want to be fat; I dont want to binge anymore; this really doesnt work. Its like trying to not think of a piece of cakehave you not thought of it yet? You see it in your imagination, and then you have to move it out of your mind which requires effort and is hard work! Ok, for you it may be something savoury, like pizza, so try not to think of it with your favourite topping, the smell, the texture, the flavours Ok. STOP! You get the picture? Literally, and the feeling of desire starting to build

Bulimics and binge eaters hold in their mind a fat mentality

up more and more as you focus on what I asked you NOT to do. Your mind doesnt distinguish negations. If you reread the previous paragraph, I clearly asked you to try not to picture cake or pizza, but you couldnt help seeing it in your minds eye. In other words, when you are consistently thinking I dont want to be fat or I dont want to binge your brain has to process the thought with associated feelings and images first before anything else; it has to work harder on something you dont want anyway. Is this starting to make sense?

Another example is a parent saying to a young child, dont sit close to the TV. Many times the child will shuffle forward as they only processed sit close to the TV. They didnt even hear the dont part; they didnt defy you deliberately. Another example is dont spill your milk. Whoops too late!

lean, healthy and happy or maybe youd like to envision yourself as someone who has more confidence. So how would you hold yourself or talk if you were lean, healthy and happy? Can you picture it now? So how would you feel if you had achieved the goal of being lean, healthy and happy? You dont have to see it clearly, just having a sense of it is fine. Know those kinds of thoughts and images give your mind a positive focus and a direction to work towards, working towards what you really want. In fact, following this idea will be the start of real progress in overcoming bulimia or

So what can I do instead, you ask? Well, how about setting a goal along the lines of, I want to be lean, healthy and happy. This is a much clearer instruction for your mind. Imagine, you being

binge eating and enabling easier permanent weight loss, if that is what you want, because learning to eat like a naturally lean, healthy, happy person, in my opinion, is the answer to all sorts of eating disorders. Its certainly one of the secrets on the road to my complete recovery. Its quite a loaded statement lean, healthy and happy. Thats because it covers all aspects of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health. I help people to focus on changing old habitual behaviours along with developing new, more empowering, ones. The side effect is that over time, your natural healthy lean body size shows up. You see, if you were to focus only on being lean, then you could drop a load of heroin or cocaine and achieve that result quite quickly, but you wouldnt be healthy and I guarantee you wouldnt be happy either. Plus youd have a new, expensive addiction to boot, so that route really is not an option. We need the complete package of what lean people do, what brings good health, along with how happy people think and handle emotions or stressful situations with a laid back state of mind and with effective strategies - so they achieve what they really want in life. Luckily, we can now identify those strategies and you can learn them too by using the same mind technology top athletes, the best sales people and top communicators use. You can learn to communicate and understand your own emotional needs and deal with them accordingly: there are better ways to handle them rather than using food, which long term doesnt work.

Another mistake that a binge eater or bulimic makes is that they think about food all of the time, except when they are actually eating it. Its never out of their mind, but the really weird thing is they go totally unconscious after the first two mouthfuls of whatever meal or snack theyre consuming. They keep on shovelling more and more in, completely unaware of what they are doing. Bizarre but true, isnt it? (You may begin to notice more and more how people eat seeing the variety of ways levels and states of consciousness theyre in whilst

Bulimics and binge eaters obsess continually about food

consuming food). Binge eaters look and see that the plate is empty, yet many times they hadnt even tasted much of it, let alone received total enjoyment or complete satisfaction from it. Also if theyd eaten really fast, they may still be in the overeating trance and go on the hunt in the kitchen for even more! Stalking the cupboards, standing at the fridge in a daze, wondering what to eat next, what can I have? In a frenzied psycho way looking for fulfilment from the fridge and trying to fill the void with food. Does this make
sense? Have you done this in the past? Do you still do it? I used to too. Ive been there and Ive done that. But not anymore! Incidentally you may not know that eating really fast triggers various chemical reactions to fire off in the brain, which can feel a bit trancy. Its a doped state of mind where, temporarily, time stands still, but then when the inevitable comedown happens, all the guilt followsanger, self disgust and self loathingsometimes triggering more bingeing behaviour, which is a destroyer of self esteem, especially as you mentally beat yourself up with inner verbal abuse. You fat... what did you do that for you failure cant stick at anything useless, just for starters; then the real self abuse follows. Even if your self esteem was intact before, it wont be after that performance! You feel out of control, food becomes your drug and its taking over in mind 24/7. The depth of your despair! Yet no one seems to understand or have any viable answers. I know how you feel: I felt that way too once for far If you feel like this or have Many bulimics and binge eaters dont know how to find the right help because what is on offer, Ive found, is not very good. Youve lost touch with what its like to eat normally. You have forgotten how to eat like a healthy person does. Youve lost your way and that is so sad as food issues can take over your life depriving you of healthy, happy relationships and friendships. Maybe there are times when you dont go out because you feel you are having a fat day. Or you cannot face the trial of a meal with friends because, for you, the thought of it all is just too traumatic. Its an ordeal to get through. Its easier to make some excuse to stay in, but even then you may end up bingeing because everything feels wrong wrong wrong. too many years you too can be free like me.
experienced any of the ways described, I can help you. Over many years of trial and error, I have learned and elicited what those elusive lean, healthy and happy people do, drawing together the skills from each area, of how to be lean, how to be healthy and how to be happy. As Paul McKenna says, The trouble with happiness is we dont practice it and that is so true! Ive devised plans to make it easy for you to learn and master each in-built, natural strategy, to become lean and to have health, happiness with emotional intelligence. As you master those strategies then the need to binge goes away naturally. You wont need to spend years in therapy or counselling rummaging through the past to find out exactly when you got broken. No! You already know that its all in your head! Sometimes you feel it isnt even about the food anymore either, but you dont This is what I have used on myself in the past along with working with hundreds of others over the yearsplanting suggestions in trance so your unconscious can explore other even more effective I have recorded many hypnosis CDs which helps guide you to retrain your thinking to become a naturally lean, healthy, happy person and theyre available at a cost affordable to all from only 15. My programmes are like a complete therapy session in a box at a fraction of the price of a one to one session, and you can listen to them in the comfort of your own home. know what to do. Why go through all that pain again? I only teach what Ive found really works, just like reprogramming a computer or loading better software to help you change old, ineffective ways of thinking.
ways to help you to be lean, healthy and happy; instructing your mind to show you new empowering ways I may not even have considered yet. Drawing together in a cohesive way a kaleidoscope of reasons to be lean, healthy and happy as you focus for a change. The beauty of my hypnosis is that through years of attending more than 50 courses (many of them at least seven days long) with Paul McKenna and the hypnotist Paul rates the best in the world, Dr Richard Bandler, Ive mastered hypnotic language to create a state of harmony in mind whilst setting up communication and negotiation with the 90% of mind below the surface that we seldom consider. Yet this is the intelligence which keeps our heart beating, blood flowing through our veins, ensures we breathe automatically whilst keeping a regular temperature, along with healing, renewing and repairing our bodies constantly the intelligence within does all this at the same time, 24/7, 7 days a week, 365 days per year, for decades and decades and its all outside of our conscious awareness! Using your unconscious mind will help to connect to the truth and wisdom within of allowing food to be just a pleasurable part of your life, where it belongs, not a pain that tortures you continuously. You can have freedom from food issues foreverjust like me.


So they are triggered to eat every time they are tired, being totally unconnected to the real purpose of feelings and emotions. In fact all roads lead to Rome (at the moment). For many binge eaters

Bulimics and binge eaters mistake tiredness for hunger

process ways to handle your emotions, evolving and maturing with emotional intelligence, handling the stresses of life with a greater ease. One simple way to get you started is to ask your mind

and bulimics, if they are tired, they eat. If they are stressed, they eat. If they are bored, they eat. If they are fed up, they eat some more. Upset, lets eat. Happy, lets eat. Lonely, well ok, lets eat. Insecure of course. Eat! Frightened or fearful. Eat. Emotionally emptyhere we go againeat You can learn to stop this destructive behaviour and to interpret your feelings and unravel their true meanings so you can

over and over again this question: What do I need to learn to move on, to make my life better? This is a question that trains your mind to look for solutions. Another good question to ask is: What must I do to improve things? By using those questions as a mantra over and over, in time you will programme your brain to consistently look for the answers that will be unique to you.
I learned a new word on a course I attended with Peter Thomson recently verisimilitudewhich means to thine own self be true. When you accept and become true to yourself, your life becomes so much easier! That word and its meaning dropped into my mind and gave me the idea to write this report to you as I would to a friend, because in a way, if youre reading this far then you are. We are similar, its just Ive learned to break free and what better thing can I do for my friends then help them if I can. Im not going to say that it will be really easy because it may not be for you plus it may take a little time, but the results will be worth it. In the trance part of my CDs I give instructions to those unpleasant emotions and feelings to deliver their messages in a way that you can evolve and learn from them, gaining something positive with what they are trying to teach you, understanding you need to focus more and more on solutions as a destination, rather than feeling bad over and over and then drugging yourself with food in an attempt to avoid your pain.


Is this starting to strike a chord with you?

There is a saying that most people dont plan to fail, they fail to plan; theyll spend more time planning a good holiday than their life. My work is holistic. I aim for you to be healthy, happy and lean, covering all areas. The complete package takes care of your emotional needs whilst teaching you the elusive strategies of a true healthy, lean person. Its not really about being in control; its about being in tune: mind, body and spirit working for you for a change, giving you peace of mind and freedom from food issues forever.


Bulimics and binge eaters are totally unaware that those urges or calls to binge only last a few minutes. Once you accept this truth, there are many strategies I can give you, not only to help through the urgent time, but to eliminate them completely. Here is one simple tool you can use right nowit will instantly give you your power back. You can manage urges. Its easier than you think. Know you will only ever have to manage two or three minutes at one time of those urgent moments. Understand the freedom that just knowing that can give you as there are hundreds of minutes throughout the day free from any urgency of thinking whatsoever. This is such an important point that Im going to repeat it!

Bulimics and binge eaters misunderstand the nature of urges

Know you will only ever have to manage two or three minutes at one time of those urgent moments. Understand the freedom that just knowing that can give you as there are hundreds of minutes throughout the day free from any urgency of thinking whatsoever. You see, we think that procrastination is bad: Ill diet Monday, but Monday never comes. And even the thought of the future diet makes some overeat, almost like they are storing up extra food in their bodies, like the squirrel does with his nuts for the predicted harsh, hungry winter ahead. At least he has a valid reason for his nutty behaviour! Autopsies have shown we as humans are overfed, but although we eat too much, we are also undernourished. This is because much of the processed food we are consuming is missing the vital nutrients our bodies need, which also goes some way explain why you have the constant cravings and are always hungry (I can help with that too). But first I want to give you a simple phrase that will help you with these urges. Say to yourself Ill have it later in answer to those urges repeating it over and over in those few minutes so that you ride those waves and drown out those inner urgent voices. Its easier for your mind to consider than a no, which automatically starts an internal battle I want it no you cant have it I want it etc.., because youre not saying never, you are just saying later, calm down Ill have some later Saying to a child who wants a biscuit, yes, you can have it later after youve eaten your vegetables more often than not will be accepted by that child as a valid response. Were all children inside, with a mixture of complex behaviours and responses to situations, many of which confuse us and could do with an upgrade with more flexibility in your way of processing your thoughts. Finding and learning the technology and psychology of NLP, which I have studied since 1989, is like the Owners Manual for your mind. We came into this world with a brain, but no one ever showed us how to use it and sometimes its not that user-friendly! NLP is like discovering that manual on how to change thinking patterns, behaviours and habits to much more useful empowering effective ones, allowing you to be lean, healthy and happy now.



How can it help me?
So what is NLP? The N refers to neuro, which relates to our nervous system and how your brain codes information through your senses from pictures we have in our minds eye, whether we are aware of them or not, to how we talk to ourselves and then the feelings that we generate with the sense of smell and the sense of taste. L refers to linguistic. Its the language and physiology we use, including our use of words, and our gestures and postures, as well as how we code and attribute meanings to our internal representations, or re-presentations, of the world. Its how we communicate with ourselves both internally and externally. We can get stuck and repeat habitual phrases to ourselves without realising we are disabling ourselves, sometimes inadvertently programming us for a life time of struggle. Remember the first mistake in this report: I dont want to binge? Dont think of delicious cake or pizza. Look how that made you focus on what you didnt want. Incidentally, if pizza or cakes are problems for you, then my Ditch the Dairy CD will sort this out very quickly so the desire is either gone completely or down to a neutral, where you could take it or leave it, just as a naturally lean person would. All my recordings have a full, no quibble 60-day money back guarantee. So you have nothing to lose but the excess weight, whether its physical or emotional weight. Why not take a look at all my CDs on or www. and find the help you need.

Its therapy in a box! Ditch the Dairy is a complete programme which will help you to eliminate cakes, pizzas and other dairy products from your diet for good
The P in NLP stands for programming and is taken from the world of computers. In a sense, the way that computer data is stored, coded and transformed is similar to how our minds function. Using NLP we can delete and install new mental software in our mind to change how we think along with how we act. alone means you can install strategies to eat like a lean, healthy person does at the deepest unconscious level because Ive used hypnosis and NLP language to reprogram your thinking in a healthy beneficial way. Then when you are ready, follow the exercises on the other tracks as my CDs are like a complete therapy session in a box at the fraction of the cost


If something isnt working, its time to upgrade and put in a better programmeall of my CDs concerning food including Stop Binge Eating, Weight Loss Made Easy, Stop Overeating, Beat Bulimia, Ditch the Dairy, Stop Chocolate Addiction, Lean for Life, have the help you need to overcome binge eating forever. Every one is different and if you use them together, over time you will free yourself from all your issues with food. Just listening to the trance track

of seeing me personally. And the beauty is that you can listen to them over and over again. You will be multi-tasking as well, relaxing while being programmed with a kaleidoscope of reasons and instructions to eat like a lean person does and, more importantly, enjoy it too. The more you listen, the quicker the results. Its like advertising to your brain, selling to yourself the things you really wantto be at peace, to like and accept yourself now and feel ok again with food.

Our state of mind affects our behaviour and with NLP we can change states to more positive ones very quickly. The modalities of NLP are what we see visually, hear aurally and feel kinaestheticallybasically the big picture or the overall sound or feel to a situation. Sub modalities are smaller components within each modality of how you represent (or re-present) things to yourself and by changing those, you can make all the difference (you dont even have to understand any of this either for it to work, you just have to listen regularly, my words will do the rest). If you are interested, let me give you some examples, if you hear someone say he was in my facewhat they mean is this is how they are imagining it in their mind. The image is too close for comfort. Or we hear others say I need to get some distance from this. This also tells us they too have information too close. People who fear interviews tend to do this: they make themselves feel tiny and insignificant, but the interviewers larger and more intimidating. Then act accordingly, like a scolded youngster asking please can I come and play in your crowd? while running an internal movie of being rejected so they speak in a totally disempowering way. If you run your thinking in this debilitating way, consciously or unconsciously, I can help change this for good, shrinking down your issues with food along with transforming the way you handle your emotions to give you back your power. There are single-track CDs for Overcoming Grief,

All of my CDs around food offer the help you need to overcome binge eating forever. Every CD is different and if you use them together, over time you will free yourself from all your issues with food.
Healing that Heavy Heart, Stop Worrying and Create a Wonderful Life strategies of lean, healthy and happy people, my CDs will help you to retrain your thinking to integrate those skills too. The reason I go for the lean, healthy and happy strategy is because, as Ive said before, it covers all areas: mind, body and spirit, leading to both emotional and physical health. This is so important. The first time I lost weight and became slim, I only stayed there a week as inside of me I felt I didnt deserve to feel that good. I unconsciously sabotaged myself to put on half a stone of fat very quickly. So I went back to an uncomfortable Im not quite there yet as it felt more familiar, if that makes sense! And so I spent years yo-yo-ing and bingeing trying so hard to get back to my ideal weight before I found I needed to change what I believed about myself first or I would always sabotage any success. Once I did that my life became much easier.


as well as multitrack recordings such as Overcoming Anxiety, Stop Panic Attacks, Stop Being Angry, Freedom from Jealousy, Overcome Childhood Abuse and others Im working on, adding to the list all the time so I can help make life better. If you have

an idea for a CD, contact me at and I may well record it (ones Im focusing on at the moment are how to feel beautiful no matter what you look like and lose those last 7lbs.) I will teach you. Just like a recipe can show you how to create a new dish; if you follow the instructions, then the results will be very close to the experts. A recipe is like a strategy or a plan. It is a stepby-step process. Mastering the


Diets dont work. They really dont. Their failure rate is well over 90%. Study after study shows that. Its a multibillion dollar industry that has a vested interest in your failure. Weve been misled, given false hope over and over, sold a lousy deal and been trapped by what could essentially be described as one of the biggest lies ever told. I want you to never ever diet again. How much more evidence do you need? Paul McKenna is the top UK hypnotist and pioneer of a new way of losing weight by harnessing the power of your unconscious mind with hypnosis and NLP. Independent studies show he has over 70% success rate. Ive

Bulimics and binge eaters (and people who want to lose weight) believe that diets have the answer
assisted him many times since 1995 helping on most of his weight loss courses, sometimes by running skills sets or mini workshops for him on the day for the participants to reinforce the new skills they were learning. As well as assisting Dr Richard Bandler, the co-founder of NLP, Ive taken what Ive learnt and built on it. Ive continued to search for answers on how to overcome bulimia, bingeing, (Id stopped bulimia myself with NLP, but I still binged) and how to find and maintain the ideal weight easily so from my unique perspective of coming from the inside of having issues with food myself, as a result, I have developed
even finer distinctions, tools and exercises which really work. (I would recommend Pauls work as I couldnt have developed my ideas without his input and because of him Ive been able to take things even further.) Asking questions such as what else is needed? What am I not noticing that could be useful? Whats missing from this? What else? How can I become lean, healthy and happy? And how can I enjoy the journey? Now theres a thought. Try not to think of how easy it could be to learn now how to be healthy, lean and happy. This is a much more useful way to use negation as it also paces any scepticism in your thinking of I dont think I could be healthy, lean etc... By trying to Not think of how good it would feel to be at one with myself, in tune with my bodys needs, enjoying being lean, healthy and happyI dont know whether you can see it now. When I shared with Paul that I invite clients to keep a success/ feel good journal to record what is working for them as a resource to build on, he later went on to produce his 90 days to success. Now I cant claim it was because of me, but us NLPers do run with good ideas and Ive learnt so much from him, keeping a success journal works especially well when things dont go to plan, as over time, you will have loads of positive notes of times when you noticed you behaved differently, in a positive self empowering way around food. You may not believe this could work for you, but perhaps consider now recording any successes. Choosing to focus on what you ultimately want will help on your journey. Noting in your journal, maybe at


an event when you would have overeaten or binged (before during or after the event), and you noticed you felt calmer and more in control around food, maybe happier too, because these kinds of happenings written in your journal start to add up as you train your mind to look for more of what works. As you pay attention to those, you reinforce what is working by jotting them down. This will help keep everything in perspective and, as many clients have said, actually prevented one slip up from continuing into a bad day/week/ month and so on. What if you started to keep a simple success or happiness journal now where you capture what is working for you whilst building and training your mind to give you even more feedback of what is going well and the positive reinforcement, which helps keep you on track? How about focusing on success for a change? I have a curious mind with the fact I am inquisitive by nature and, having had weight issues as a child, followed by bulimia, this led me to persist in discovering unique insights to give you even more tools to really help overcome your eating dis-orders and repair your faulty relationship with food so you can be free. I also had the opportunity to help some of the 30% who didnt succeed with Paul McKennas methods, as he sent me many referrals over the years. Just to state again 70% success compared with the 90% plus failure of conventional dieting is pretty good going, dont you think? So seeing those it hadnt worked for gave me insight and motivation to help them too. Im not saying I cured all of those people because that isnt true. What I teach requires a certain commitment from you but trust me, its better than what youre doing now. I have helped many to go further towards being happier, healthier and leaner than
theyve ever been. The definition of insanity is to keep doing the same thing yet to expect a different result. Wouldnt it be better to model your behaviour on something that works? Let me help you. Go online for more details of how I can help you to choose the CD that appeals to you right now at Binge eaters and bulimics and others with issues around food sometimes starve themselves during the day. This programmes the mind to think that it is in famine mode. So as soon as they allow themselves to eat, it makes them rampant with their food! Theyve trained themselves to tap into primitive survival templates. They feast before the next famine sets in. This is what theyve unwittingly retrained their mind to do and sometimes the mind even helps by switching off the appetite during the day so you dont even feel hungry because its learned that the feast is coming later, which of course is what happens, but you didnt know why until now. Whether its starving or dieting, you cant wait to be free and when its time to eat there is no stopping you; youre completely out of control. Its insane! There is a better way: learn to eat like a lean, healthy, happy person does. Does this make sense?


To ask me any question about bulimia or binge eating or to give me feedback on this special report just click the link below.



They wont. Youve binged and say to yourself I wont do that again But of course you do. Unless you massively change your conscious and unconscious beliefs, you will keep on doing the same: unfortunately, at the moment, you are hard wired for it. The diet industry has programmed you. But its time for a new upgrade to one that really works! Im inviting you to learn from me the answers and enjoy the freedom Ive had for over 15 years in being lean, healthy and happy, including having a baby and losing the baby weight easily. I want to help you to live your life fully, releasing the obsession with food and allowing you to master habits to keep you lean for life.

Bulimics and binge eaters think things will improve on their own
Does this make sense to you? Do you want to feel freedom from food issues forever? If you have underlying beliefs like Im greedy, Im not good enough or I never succeed at weight loss because youve been trapped by the Great Big Diet Lie, then you must change those thoughts about yourself. When I work with clients this is one of the first things that has to be addressed. Otherwise it will lead to continual self sabotage of any short term success. Just like it did for me all those years ago, when my belief was I dont deserve to feel this good the first time I reached my ideal weight. Does that ring true? Do you sabotage your success ? You can dissolve many limiting beliefs in seconds. There are so many ways to do this. Heres a really simple one now: say your worst criticism to yourself. Im greedy or I dont deserve to be slim, Im not good enough or Im a failure. Now listen again, but imagine a tiny little fluffy ducklingwe will call him Donaldsitting on your hand. Now imagine Donald saying those phrases in that cute voice and with the difference in the tonality and delivery of the same message. It doesnt sound so true does it? Or as believable! Consider now, those internal voices are like parasites youd given residence to and its time to evict them now. When they comment you could hear yourself say the parasites are talking or even echoing back in Clients have said my voice stays with them gently helping, guiding and laying down behaviours of naturally lean, healthy and happy individuals, until it becomes second nature to feel totally comfortable with food again; or for some people, for the very first time, ultimately gaining inner peace. a chipmunks voice or use some of the many other exercises taught on my CDs. On many I use your unconscious to replace those nasty voices with an inner supportive coach as my voice goes with you to encourage and help on your journey to master more useful habits with emotional intelligence to free you to be your best. The side effect, as you are learning new skills by focusing on mastery of the new habits, is weight drops off all by itself.


24 I want you to be able to let those thoughts just wash over you, like water off a ducks back, where they are meaningless mind chatter that you pay no attention to as you learn to take back the control of your thoughts and to be (or find again) your authentic self, where you are happy with who you are with verisimilitude. You master lean strategies to become healthy and at one with yourself for a change. For more information, go online to now and trust your instincts to guide you to the products that are relevant to you right now. Or maybe youd like to join me on one of my Birminghambased weight loss courses or put your name down now for my future online webinar seminars where Id like to help on a weekly basis to motivate you to stay on track. As Ive said to many clients whose lives Ive helped to turn around in a very short space of time, I wish Id had someone like me to have helped me all of those years ago rather than having to go through all the trial and error to be where I am now.


These short term, sometimes drastic approaches dont retrain your thinking or relationship with food so like a piece of elastic you boing back to where you were before you started. This dieting failures. I lost three stones on Atkins: but all they did was dream about bread and cakes, so as soon as they stopped dieting they allowed themselves just one The floodgates opened and four stones piled on in weeks! Ok, so Im exaggerating slightly, but thats the mental merry-go-round starting again isnt it? They go totally unconscious with their eating and only wake up months later when the damage is done and the weight has returned or, for the bulimics, its as if youd been through an old-fashioned way of thinking traps so many

Binge eaters also believe in this magic bullet, this new product, pill, potion or diet
mangle back and forth on this horrible tortuous journey that robs you of your personality and your life. Afterwards a little calmness returns along with the belief if only I could just stick to that diet again, it worked for me No it didnt! Your breath stank, you obsessed about food, your system was just dying to be free of the diet, so once you opened the door and had a little treat there was no way your mind would let you go through the hardship and deprivation again. So now you know why its so difficult to diet. In fact the first three letters should be a clue: no one really wants to die! Can I ask you this question again? Wouldnt it be better to learn to eat like a lean, healthy, happy

26 person does instead? To finally put food in its proper place where you can enjoy it in a normal healthy way and eating socalled forbidden foods as part of your daily fare, eating to live for a change and enjoying it too. Freedom from food issues forever. Not living to eat and feeling trapped as so many people are, but finally feeling fine with food instead, so you stop digging your grave with your teeth. Binge eaters and bulimics also usually have faulty plans which just wont work. They are being seduced by the nature of the addiction. For example, a heroin addict spends months detoxing and getting clean, but then they meet a mate who says fancy some gear? Most people dont plan to fail, they fail to plan. Or perhaps the plans they follow Binge eaters and bulimics make exactly the same error. They see and feel the initial rush of pleasure, but they fail to run the complete movie of how their behaviour feels over time. When you link the inevitable end result to the initial desire then the power of addiction immediately dissolves. On my recordings, I will show you how to end the addictive cycle for good. An image pops into mind along with an instantaneous good feeling and they decide to score and get high again. They dont run the whole moviethey dont imagine what its like to fall into the gutter and get peed on by some low-life. are from the diet mentality, which as weve learned, study after study shows, sets you up for failure. I connect with your unconscious the 90% of the mind that is below the surfaceto make it easier for you to succeed. But you will have I can teach you the difference that will take a little time and commitment from you and with my help, your journey will be easier and much more fun than you can even imagine.


to do your part by listening. If you wanted a degree, or to pass your driving test, you wouldnt go to just one lecture or lesson and expect 100% success would you? So why expect a pill or short-term diet to fix things forever? Pills and/ or diets dont fix anything. You know they dont work long term for 90% of us. Its a Fact. The answer to all eating disorders is to learn to eat how a lean, healthy, happy person does and

that will make a big difference to how you behave around food and how you feel, so you too can have freedom from the obsession of food and have your life back. Its so confusing. Who do you trust? Some big corporation? Or someone who has been on your journey and discovered the true answer to emotional freedom? Where food is a joy, in its proper place. I have learned how to be healthy, happy and lean for well

28 over 15 years. After years of trial and error, I finally discovered what really works, ensuring lifelong success with food in its proper place. I said to one client, if I could go ping with a magic wand and automatically all the obsessions about food were removed from your mind, what would you think about instead? She paused and tears rolled down her face as she had a powerful realization asking who am I apart from this obsession? For me it was an absurd question, hating exercise and being the second fattest child at school, always the last to be picked at any sports, only been to the gym twice, only ever done two aerobics classes, feeling really inadequate and uncoordinated, thinking Im never going to get this... life. Let me coach you for your success. As Ive said previously, I like to ask possibility and loaded questions, one of which, I asked many years ago, was how can I exercise, enjoy it and get paid for it?

Its a terrible thing to be lost.

Yet after asking that question, I You can reconnect to your dreams againsome may need revising and evolvinglife is to be lived and enjoyed. Ive been to the same dark places youve been to many, many times, but truly its past. Being healthy, happy and lean is a wonderful place to be. Join me! I cant promise that it will be easy, but it will be a darn sight easier than what you are doing at the moment. And the rewards are phenomenal in all areas of your It keeps my tummy flat (as flat as a womans should be its not a wash board). My hobby allows me to feel feminine, dress up in the most beautiful outfits, Ive met wonderful people through it, I feel beautiful too. Its given me self cant recall how quickly the idea came to me, but it changed my life completely and I discovered a passion for something that doesnt feel like exercise at all. acceptance and a reason to move my body in a graceful, powerful, feminine way; can you guess what it is? Id been forcing myself to go to these dance classes for about 36 months, I only enjoyed it when the hour was up, but Id kept going, and then I thought, Id like to teach this, so had extra private lessons Here are some photos of me in my costumes. with my teacher for nearly two years and then set up my own belly dancing classes I teach four a week, I love it, really love it. I make my classes fun, and Ive made some wonderful friends through it and Im paid to exercise too how cool is that?


Life is to be lived let me help you with my self help CDs at or or

and let me know how youre doing.



This is my story, just in case you are interested.

The present. Im Debbie
Williams. Im an NLP Trainer and Hypnotherapist, Clinical Consultant to Just Be Well at No.1 Harley St and have acted as an assistant to Paul McKenna and Dr Richard Bandler since 1995. Ive cured myself of bulimia and I want to show you how you too can overcome your issues with food. Over the years Ive helped lots of people with all sorts of eating disorders using the technology of NLP along with hypnotherapy. I overcame bulimia myself by developing a unique way that really works. I grew up being the second fattest girl in my school, until she left. Then it was just me. I was bullied and always the last to be picked for any team at sports. Back then I decided I didnt much care for people as they could be so cruel. I met my future husband when I was about 14 and married him at 18 because I thought no one else would want me It didnt work out. At 19, on the day of my dads funeral, mum told me all of my how to increase self-esteem, I just felt a lot of blame for my mother, which didnt help me to get well. And my anger was encouraged so that, along with feeling sorry for myself, I got trapped into a victim mentality which caused me to binge even more to compensate. A terrible vicious cycle continued for years and years and yet no one knew.

History or rather her story. I had bulimia for over

10 years from 1983 after my dad died, (whom I loved dearly). I initially tried counselling and psychotherapy, but they actually made me feel worse. I had low self esteem issues which were never addressed. I wasnt shown dads relatives looked on me as being Charlies bastard child. This was her warped view of the situation and totally untrue, but I didnt know that at the time. Id only found out months earlier that he had adopted me at about four years of age, so overnight I had lost my wonderful father and nearly all of my family. I went on to live in a caravan and at one point hooked up with a violent I love my life today. Its been my privilege to help many others get over their bulimia, binge eating and other food-related disorders. Now I would love to help you get well too. partner. I got no support at all from my mother and even tried to top myself one night, but failed. I was even crap at that (thank goodness!)


What some have said:Testimonial:

Ive been a regular to Weight Watchers and for the first time in those 40 years this last month Ive felt what its like to feel freedom around food. I went out recently with my daughter and had a wonderful toasted tea cake with lashings of butter, thoroughly enjoyed every delicious mouthful with no guilt, Debbies right it filled me up for hours with a warm glow, it was very rewarding and totally satisfying to have what I really wanted and to not have to deny myself anymore. My daughter was somewhat surprised and unconvinced at my attempts to explain what I was doing allowing myself to enjoy my food. I felt I didnt explain myself very well but I totally feel the concept of what Debbie has taught me. It makes so much sense and Ive lost 11lbs this month and Im loving what Im doing .

J Davis

32 The plan is simple and easy to stay on track. Im doing the second weight loss course with Debbie. Im so motivated now as so many positive changes have happened. This is really the only way out of my eating disorder! Thank you. The manic feelings about food seem to have calmed down. I love listening to your voice. Its the first time I feel Ive really experienced hypnosis. Many I had a sausage sandwich for breakfast this morning and I really enjoyed it. I wouldnt have allowed myself to of had that before, until I went into binge mode. It feels a bit strange at the moment, but good. Im learning with Debbies help to enjoy food again and to be free. She is an inspiration and because she has been where I am now I feel she really knows me and can help me finally overcome years of bingeing and self loathing. You seem to really understand me! The doctors didnt. It all makes perfect sense and the This is working, I can see a way out of my bulimia, Im having more and more good days now and the CDs really help. Becky I feel I can do it now, I have fact that youve fully recovered is inspiring and gives me a light to follow. Lisa What you say on the recording is exactly how I want to be, I look forward to my relaxation and I keep hearing new interesting things each time I listen and Im definitely eating less. Rachel times I wake up as you are counting me back out, I dont know where I go and dont care as Im feeling positive again. Thank you. Claire First the desire for chocolate went, then crisps and cola. I just dont want them anymore.

Sarah Reagan

Jayne T

Samantha four of your CDs and they are all different, which is great as Ive bought hypnosis CDs before and they can get boring very quickly. You have obviously taken great care in making them and it shows as there is a lot of content that I feel my mind is absorbing as you guide me into relaxation. Ive been searching for a long time for help, you name it Ive tried it, and I feel now Im finally on the right path. JW This is different, Ive lost half stone just by listening to Stop Overeating and More Self Esteem I havent tried to change anything, yet Im feeling happier as well. DJ Debbie Williams is a skilled and effective NLP Trainer and hypnotherapist with an amazing sense of humour and great compassion. Paul I first met Debbie Williams in a NLP Master Practitioner seminar, where she was working as an assistant for Dr Richard Bandler. One day, during the training, she As a producer, writer and composer, I come across a lot of hypnosis products, few of demonstrated her skill in hypnotic language patterns. To be frank, her adeptness and Debbie is a highly skilled practicing hypnotherapist, I totally recommend her excellent recordings that contain a vast range of knowledge and usable tools drawn from her many years of experience working with clients. They just work. which are as good as Debbie Williams work. Her CDs are of the highest standard, with an excellent and intricate use of hypnotic language as well as a great vocal delivery that only comes from someone who is highly skilled in the fields of NLP and hypnosis. Nick



Steve Tromans, No 1 Harley Street, London W1


34 subtlety really knocked me out. I mean, REALLY knocked me out. Debbie is one of the best hypnotists and Neuro-Linguistic Programmers I know. And I know quite a few. Matthew patterns and imaginative use of metaphor within her work as a hypnotherapist and NLP Trainer. Her hypnosis recordings are abundantly creative, insightful, humorous, illuminating and very very effective, they reflect her years of training with some of the worlds greatest hypnotists A wonderful opportunity to be entranced by Debbies humorous and creative style of hypnosis and NLP. Weaving delightful tapestries of language, Debbie takes the pain out of the gain and gets you moving. Not to be missed. Peter

Wingett, Editor, NLP LIFE


and almost two decades of her expertise in private practice as a hypnotherapist. These CDs provide powerful tools for use by any professional, organisation or individual with a serious interest in fast, lasting change work. I highly recommend you discover this for yourself and invest in some of the very best hypnosis recordings available worldwide today.


Debbie Williams is a skilled and gifted master of some of the most exquisite language

Tania Spain

Go online nowand if you buy three CDs email me and Ill send a fourth one free.
Love and Light


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