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Basic R Easy

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UCLA Department of Statistics Statistical Consulting Center

Basic R
Brigid Wilson

April 5, 2010

Brigid Wilson Basic R UCLA SCC


I. Preliminaries II. Variable Assignment III. Working with Vectors IV. Working with Matrices V. From Vectors to Matrices VI. More on Handling Missing Data VII. The Help System VIII. Datasets in R IX. Overview of Plots X. R Environment XI. Common Bugs and Fixes XII. Online Resources for R XIII. Exercises XIV. Upcoming Mini-Courses
Brigid Wilson Basic R UCLA SCC


Part I Preliminaries

Brigid Wilson Basic R UCLA SCC

Preliminaries Software Installation

Installing R on Mac

Go to

and select MacOS X. Select to download the latest version: 2.10.1 Install and Open. The R window should look like this:

Brigid Wilson Basic R UCLA SCC

Preliminaries Software Installation

Installing R on Windows

Go to

and select Windows. Select base to install the R system. Click on the large download link. There is other information available on the page. Install and Open. The R window should look like this:

Brigid Wilson Basic R

Variable Assignment

Part II Variable Assignment

Brigid Wilson Basic R UCLA SCC

Variable Assignment Creating Variables

Creating Variables I
To use R as a calculator, type an equation and hit ENTER. (Note how R prints the result.) Your output should look like this:
1 2

2 + 5 [1] 7

Brigid Wilson Basic R UCLA SCC

Variable Assignment Creating Variables

Creating Variables II
To create variables in R, use either <- or =:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

# Approach 1 a =5 a [1] 5 # Approach 2 b <-5 b [1] 5

Brigid Wilson Basic R UCLA SCC

Variable Assignment Creating Variables

Creating Variables III

Caution! Be careful when using <- to compare a variable with a negative number!
1 2 3 4 5 6

# Assign a value to a a <- -2 # Is a less than -5? a <-5 a [1] 5 # Expected FALSE

Brigid Wilson Basic R UCLA SCC

Variable Assignment Creating Variables

Creating Variables IV
Use spaces so that R will not be confused. It is better to use parentheses instead.
1 2 3

a <- 5 a < -2 [1] FALSE

Brigid Wilson Basic R UCLA SCC

Variable Assignment Creating Variables

Creating Variables V
Caution! It is important not to name your variables after existing variables or functions. For example, a bad habit is to name your data frames data. data is a function used to load some datasets. If you give a variable the same name as an existing constant, that constant is overwritten with the value of the variable. So, it is possible to dene a new value for .

Brigid Wilson Basic R UCLA SCC

Variable Assignment Creating Variables

Creating Variables VI
Caution! On the other hand, if you give a variable the same name as an existing function, R will treat the identier as a variable if used as a variable, and will treat it as a function when it is used as a function: c <- 2 #typing c yields "2" c(c,c) #yields a vector containing two 2s.

Brigid Wilson Basic R UCLA SCC

Variable Assignment Creating Variables

Creating Variables VII

Caution! As we have seen, you can get away with using the same name for a variable as with an existing function, but you will be in trouble if you give a name to a function and a function with that name already exists.

Brigid Wilson Basic R UCLA SCC

Working with Vectors

Part III Working with Vectors

Brigid Wilson Basic R UCLA SCC

Working with Vectors Creating Vectors

Creating Vectors I
Scalars are the most basic vectors. To create vectors of length greater than one, use the concatenation function c():
1 2

d = c (3 ,4 ,7) ; d [1] 3 4 7

The More You Know... The semicolon ; is used to combine multiple statements on one line.

Brigid Wilson Basic R UCLA SCC

Working with Vectors Creating Vectors

Creating Vectors II
To create a null vector:
1 2

x = c () ; x NULL

Brigid Wilson Basic R UCLA SCC

Working with Vectors Creating Vectors

Creating Vectors III

Creating a vector with equal spacing, use the sequence function seq():
1 2

e = seq ( from =1 , to =3 , by =0.5) ; e [1] 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0

Creating a vector of a given length, use the repeat function rep():

1 2

f = rep ( NA , 6) ; f [1] NA NA NA NA NA NA

Brigid Wilson Basic R UCLA SCC

Working with Vectors Some Vector Functions

Some Useful Vector Functions I

To nd the length of the vector, use length():
1 2

length ( d ) [1] 3

To nd the maximum value of the vector, use the maximum function max():
1 2

max ( d ) [1] 7

Brigid Wilson Basic R UCLA SCC

Working with Vectors Some Vector Functions

Some Useful Vector Functions II

To nd the minimum value of the vector, use the minimum function min():
1 2

min ( d ) [1] 3

To nd the mean of the vector, use mean():

1 2

mean ( d ) [1] 4.666667

Brigid Wilson Basic R UCLA SCC

Working with Vectors Some Vector Functions

Some Useful Vector Functions III

To sort the vector, use sort():
1 2 3

g <-c (2 ,6 ,7 ,4 ,5 ,2 ,9 ,3 ,6 ,4 ,3) sort (g , decreasing = TRUE ) [1] 9 7 6 6 5 4 4 3 3 2 2

Caution! Although T and F work in place of TRUE and FALSE, it is not recommended.

Brigid Wilson Basic R UCLA SCC

Working with Vectors Some Vector Functions

Some Useful Vector Functions IV

To nd the unique elements of the vector, use unique():
1 2

unique ( g ) [1] 2 6 7 4 5 9 3

Alternatively, to nd the elements of the vector that repeat, use duplicated():

1 2 3



Brigid Wilson Basic R UCLA SCC

Working with Vectors Some Vector Functions

Some Useful Vector Functions V

To determine if a value is missing (NA), use This is useful for nding missing values and removing them, or doing something else with them.
1 2 3

a <- c (1 ,2 ,3 , NA ,6) is . na ( a ) [1] FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE

But some functions do not tolerate missing values.

Brigid Wilson Basic R UCLA SCC

Working with Vectors Some Vector Functions

Some Useful Vector Functions VI

Caution! mean(a) [1] NA mean(a, na.rm=TRUE) [1] 1.5

Brigid Wilson Basic R UCLA SCC

Working with Vectors Some Vector Functions

Some Useful Vector Functions VII

To get the number of missing values in a vector,
1 2

sum ( is . na ( a ) ) [1] 1

There are other ways to handle missing values. See ?na.action.

Brigid Wilson Basic R UCLA SCC

Working with Vectors Some Vector Functions

Some Useful Vector Functions VIII

One nal common function you can use on vectors (and other objects) is summary.

summary ( a )

Min. 1st Qu. 1.00 1.75 NAs 1.00

Median 2.50

Mean 3rd Qu. 3.00 3.75

Max. 6.00

There are many, many other functions you can use on vectors!

Brigid Wilson Basic R UCLA SCC

Working with Vectors Comparisons in R

Comparisons in R

Symbol ! & < <= > >= == !=

Meaning logical NOT logical AND logical OR less than less than or equal to greater than greater than or equal to logical equals not equal

Brigid Wilson Basic R UCLA SCC

Working with Vectors Subsetting with Vectors

Subsetting with Vectors I

To nd out what is stored in a given element of the vector, use [ ]:
1 2

d [2] [1] 4

To see if the elements of a vector equal a certain number, use ==:

1 2


Brigid Wilson Basic R UCLA SCC

Working with Vectors Subsetting with Vectors

Subsetting with Vectors II

To see if any of the elements of a vector do not equal a certain number, use !=:
1 2


Brigid Wilson Basic R UCLA SCC

Working with Vectors Subsetting with Vectors

Subsetting with Vectors III

To obtain the element number of the vector when a condition is satised, use which():
1 2

which ( d ==4) [1] 2

To store the result, type: a=which(d==4); a

Brigid Wilson Basic R UCLA SCC

Working with Vectors Subsetting with Vectors

Subsetting with Vectors IV

We can also tell R what we do not want when subsetting by using the minus - sign. To obtain everything but the 2nd element,
1 2 3

d <- seq (1 ,10 ,2) d [ -2] [1] 1 5 7 9

Brigid Wilson Basic R UCLA SCC

Working with Vectors Subsetting with Vectors

Subsetting with Vectors V

We can use subsetting to explicitly tell R what observations we want to use. To get all elements of d greater than or equal to 2,
1 2

d [ d >= 2] [1] 3 5 7 9

R will return values of d where the expression within brackets is TRUE. Think of these statements as: give me all d such that d 2.

Brigid Wilson Basic R UCLA SCC

Working with Vectors Subsetting with Vectors

Exercise 1

Create a vector of the positive odd integers less than 100 Remove the values greater than 60 and less than 80 Find the variance of the remaining set of values

Brigid Wilson Basic R UCLA SCC

Working with Matrices

Part IV Working with Matrices

Brigid Wilson Basic R UCLA SCC

Working with Matrices Creating Matrices

Creating Matrices I

To create a matrix, use the matrix() function:

1 2 3 4 5

mat <- matrix (10:15 , nrow =3 , ncol =2) ; mat [ ,1] [ ,2] [1 ,] 10 13 [2 ,] 11 14 [3 ,] 12 15

Brigid Wilson Basic R UCLA SCC

Working with Matrices Some Matrix Functions

Some Useful Matrix Functions I

To add two matrices, use +
1 2 3 4 5

mat + mat [ ,1] [ ,2] [1 ,] 20 26 [2 ,] 22 28 [3 ,] 24 30

Brigid Wilson Basic R UCLA SCC

Working with Matrices Some Matrix Functions

Some Useful Matrix Functions II

To nd the transpose of a matrix, use t():

1 2 3 4

t ( mat ) [ ,1] [ ,2] [ ,3] [1 ,] 10 11 12 [2 ,] 13 14 15

Brigid Wilson Basic R UCLA SCC

Working with Matrices Some Matrix Functions

Some Useful Matrix Functions III

To nd the dimensions of a matrix, use dim():
1 2

dim ( mat ) [1] 3 2

Alternatively, we can nd the rows and columns of the matrix, by nrow() and ncol().

Brigid Wilson Basic R UCLA SCC

Working with Matrices Some Matrix Functions

Some Useful Matrix Functions IV

To multiply two matrices, use %*%. Note: If you use * instead, you will be performing matrix multiplication element-wise.
1 2 3 4 5

mat % * % t ( mat ) [ ,1] [ ,2] [ ,3] [1 ,] 269 292 315 [2 ,] 292 317 342 [3 ,] 315 342 369

Brigid Wilson Basic R UCLA SCC

Working with Matrices Subsetting with Matrices

Subsetting with Matrices I

To see what is stored in the rst element of the matrix, use [ ]:
1 2

mat [1 ,1] [1] 10

To see what is stored in the rst row of the matrix:

1 2

mat [1 ,] [1] 10 13

Brigid Wilson Basic R UCLA SCC

Working with Matrices Subsetting with Matrices

Subsetting with Matrices II

To see what is stored in the second column of the matrix:
1 2

mat [ , 2] [1] 13 14 15

Brigid Wilson Basic R UCLA SCC

Working with Matrices Subsetting with Matrices

Subsetting with Matrices III

To extract elements 1 and 3 from the second column, use c() and [ ]:
1 2

mat [ c (1 ,3) , 2] [1] 13 15

Brigid Wilson Basic R UCLA SCC

From Vectors to Matrices

Part V From Vectors to Matrices

Brigid Wilson Basic R UCLA SCC

From Vectors to Matrices Creating Matrices from Vectors

Creating Matrices from Vectors I

To stack two vectors, one below the other, use rbind():
1 2 3 4

mat1 <- rbind (d , d ) ; mat1 [ ,1] [ ,2] [ ,3] d 3 4 7 d 3 4 7

Brigid Wilson Basic R UCLA SCC

From Vectors to Matrices Creating Matrices from Vectors

Creating Matrices from Vectors II

To stack two vectors, one next to the other, use cbind():

1 2 3 4 5

mat2 <- cbind (d , d ) ; mat2 d d [1 ,] 3 3 [2 ,] 4 4 [3 ,] 7 7

Brigid Wilson Basic R UCLA SCC

More Handling Missing Data

Part VI More on Handling Missing Data

Brigid Wilson Basic R UCLA SCC

More Handling Missing Data Missing Data in Matrices

Missing Data in Matrices I

Start by creating a matrix with missing data:

2 3 4 5

h = matrix ( c ( NA ,3 ,1 ,7 , -8 , NA ) , nrow =3 , ncol =2 , byrow = TRUE ) ; h [ ,1] [ ,2] [1 ,] NA 3 [2 ,] 1 7 [3 ,] -8 NA

Brigid Wilson Basic R UCLA SCC

More Handling Missing Data Missing Data in Matrices

Missing Data in Matrices II

To see if any of the elements of a vector are missing use
1 2 3 4 5

is . na ( h ) [ ,1] [ ,2] [1 ,] TRUE FALSE [2 ,] FALSE FALSE [3 ,] FALSE TRUE

Brigid Wilson Basic R UCLA SCC

More Handling Missing Data Missing Data in Matrices

Missing Data in Matrices III

To see how many missing values there are, use sum() and (TRUE=1, FALSE=0):
1 2

sum ( is . na ( h ) ) [1] 2

To obtain the element number of the matrix of the missing value(s), use which() and
1 2

which ( is . na ( h ) ) [1] 1 6

Brigid Wilson Basic R UCLA SCC

More Handling Missing Data Missing Data in Matrices

Missing Data in Matrices IV

To keep only the rows without missing value(s), use na.omit()
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

na . omit ( h ) [ ,1] [ ,2] [1 ,] 1 7 attr ( , " na . action " ) [1] 1 3 attr ( , " class " ) [1] " omit "

Brigid Wilson Basic R UCLA SCC

More Handling Missing Data Missing Data in Matrices

Exercise 2

Find the matrix product of A and B if Matrix A= 2 3 7 1 6 2 3 5 1 Matrix B= 3 2 9 0 7 8 5 8 2

Brigid Wilson Basic R UCLA SCC

Getting Help in R

Part VII The Help System

Brigid Wilson Basic R UCLA SCC

Getting Help in R Help with a Function

Help with a Function I

To get help with a function in R, use ? followed by the name of the function.

? read . table

help(function name) also works.

Brigid Wilson Basic R UCLA SCC

Getting Help in R Help with a Function

Help with a Function II

Brigid Wilson Basic R UCLA SCC

Getting Help in R Help with a Package

Help with a Package I

To get help with a package, use help(package="name").

help ( package = " MASS " )

Brigid Wilson Basic R UCLA SCC

Getting Help in R Help with a Package

Help with a Package II

Brigid Wilson Basic R UCLA SCC

Getting Help in R Searching for Help

Searching for Help I

To search R packages for help with a topic, use

help . search ( " regression " )

Brigid Wilson Basic R UCLA SCC

Getting Help in R Searching for Help

Searching for Help II

Brigid Wilson Basic R UCLA SCC

Datasets in R

Part VIII Datasets in R

Brigid Wilson Basic R UCLA SCC

Datasets in R Importing Datasets into R

Data from the Internet I

When downloading data from the internet, use read.table(). In the arguments of the function: header if TRUE, tells R to include variables names when importing sep tells R how the entires in the data set are separated
sep="," when entries are separated by COMMAS sep="\t " when entries are separated by TAB sep=" " when entries are separated by SPACE

Brigid Wilson Basic R UCLA SCC

Datasets in R Importing Datasets into R

Data from the Internet II

stock . data <- read . table ( " http : / / www . google . com / finance / historical ? q = NASDAQ : AAPL & output = csv " , header = TRUE , sep = " ," )

Brigid Wilson Basic R UCLA SCC

Datasets in R Importing Datasets into R

Importing Data from Your Computer I


Check what folder R is working with now:


getwd ()

Tell R in what folder the data set is stored (if dierent from (1)). Suppose your data set is on your desktop:

setwd ( " ~ / Desktop " )

Now use the read.table() command to read in the data, substituting the name of the le for the website.

Brigid Wilson Basic R UCLA SCC

Datasets in R Importing Datasets into R

Using Data Available in R I

To use a data set available in one of the R packages, install that package (if needed). Load the package into R, using the library() function.

library ( alr3 )

Extract the data set you want from that package, using the data() function. In our case, the data set is called UN2.

data ( UN2 )

Brigid Wilson Basic R UCLA SCC

Datasets in R Working with Datasets in R

Working with Datasets in R I

To use the variable names when working with data, use attach():
1 2

data ( UN2 ) attach ( UN2 )

Brigid Wilson Basic R UCLA SCC

Datasets in R Working with Datasets in R

Working with Datasets in R II

After the variable names have been attached, to see the variable names, use names():

names ( UN2 )

To see the descriptions of the variables, use ?:


? UN2

Brigid Wilson Basic R UCLA SCC

Datasets in R Working with Datasets in R

Working with Datasets in R III

After modifying variables, use detach() and attach() to save the results:
1 2 3 4 5

# Make a copy of the data set UN2 . copy <- UN2 detach ( UN2 ) attach ( UN2 . copy ) # Change the 10 th observation for logFertility UN2 . copy [10 , 2] <- 999

Brigid Wilson Basic R UCLA SCC

Datasets in R Working with Datasets in R

Working with Datasets in R IV

To get an overview of the data sets and its variables, use the summary() function:
1 2 3

# Check that the change has been made summary ( UN2 ) summary ( UN2 . copy )

Brigid Wilson Basic R UCLA SCC

Datasets in R Working with Datasets in R

Working with Datasets in R V

Caution! Avoid using attach() if possible. Many strange things can occur if you accidentally attach the same data frame multiple times, or forget to detach. Instead, you can refer to a variable using $. To access the Locality variable in data frame UN2, use UN2$Locality. You can also get around this by using the with function or if your function of choice takes data argument.

attach at your own risk!

Brigid Wilson Basic R UCLA SCC

Datasets in R Working with Datasets in R

Working with Datasets in R VI

To get the mean of all the variables in the data set, use mean():
1 2 3

mean ( UN2 , na . rm = TRUE ) logPPgdp logFertility 10.993094 1.018016

Purban 55.538860

Brigid Wilson Basic R UCLA SCC

Datasets in R Working with Datasets in R

Working with Datasets in R VII

To get the correlation matrix of all the (numerical) variables in the data set, use cor():
1 2 3 4

cor ( UN2 [ ,1:2]) logPPgdp logFertility logPPgdp 1.000000 -0.677604 logFertility -0.677604 1.000000

Can similarly obtain the variance-covariance matrix using var().

Brigid Wilson Basic R UCLA SCC

Datasets in R Working with Datasets in R

Exercise 3

Load the Animals dataset from the MASS package Examine the documentation for this dataset Find the correlation coecient of brain weight and body weight in this dataset

Brigid Wilson Basic R UCLA SCC

Overview of Plots in R

Part IX Overview of Plots in R

Brigid Wilson Basic R UCLA SCC

Overview of Plots in R Creating Plots

Basic scatterplot I

To make a plot in R, you can use plot():

1 2 3 4 5

plot ( x = UN2 $ logPPgdp , y = UN2 $ logFertility , main = " Fertility vs . PerCapita GDP " , xlab = " log PerCapita GDP , in $ US " , ylab = " Log Fertility " )

Brigid Wilson Basic R UCLA SCC

Overview of Plots in R Creating Plots

Basic scatterplot II
Fertility vs. PerCapita GDP
2.0 Log Fertility 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5




log PerCapita GDP, in $US

Brigid Wilson Basic R UCLA SCC

Overview of Plots in R Creating Plots

Histogram I

To make a histogram in R, you can use hist():

1 2 3

hist ( UN2 $ logPPgdp , main = " Distribution of PerCapita GDP " , xlab = " log PerCapita GDP " )

Brigid Wilson Basic R UCLA SCC

Overview of Plots in R Creating Plots

Histogram II
Distribution of PerCapita GDP
30 Frequency 0 6 5 10 15 20 25





log PerCapita GDP

Brigid Wilson Basic R UCLA SCC

Overview of Plots in R Creating Plots

Boxplot I

To make a boxplot in R, you can use boxplot():

1 2

boxplot ( UN2 $ logPPgdp , main = " Boxplot of PerCapita GDP " )

Brigid Wilson Basic R UCLA SCC

Overview of Plots in R Creating Plots

Boxplot II
Boxplot of PerCapita GDP

Brigid Wilson Basic R UCLA SCC




Overview of Plots in R Creating Plots

Matrix of Scatterplots I

To make scatterplots of all the numeric variables in your dataset in R, you can use pairs():

pairs ( UN2 )

Brigid Wilson Basic R UCLA SCC

Overview of Plots in R Creating Plots

Matrix of Scatterplots II
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 14 1.5 2.0













Brigid Wilson Basic R UCLA SCC





80 100




Overview of Plots in R Creating Plots

Overlaying with points I

To add more points to an existing plot, use points().Here, we will rst plot fertility vs. PerCapita GDP rst where % urban is less than 50.
attach ( UN2 ) plot ( logPPgdp [ Purban < 50] , logFertility [ Purban < 50] , main = " Fertility vs . PPGDP , by % Urban " , xlab = " log PPGDP " , ylab = " log Fertility " )

1 2 3 4 5 6

Brigid Wilson Basic R UCLA SCC

Overview of Plots in R Creating Plots

Overlaying with points II

We then add in the points where % urban is more than 50 and mark these points with a dierent color.
1 2 3

points ( logPPgdp [ Purban >= 50] , logFertility [ Purban >= 50] , col = " red " )

Brigid Wilson Basic R UCLA SCC

Overview of Plots in R Creating Plots

Overlaying with points III

Fertility vs. PPGDP, by % Urban
2.0 log Fertility 0.5 1.0 1.5

10 log PPGDP



Brigid Wilson Basic R UCLA SCC

Overview of Plots in R Creating Plots

Caution! Once a plot is constructed using plot, whatever is contained in the plot cannot be modied. To overlay things on a rendered plot, use one of the following 1 abline - add a line with slope b , intercept a or horizontal/vertical. 2 points - add points. 3 lines - add lines.

Brigid Wilson Basic R UCLA SCC

Overview of Plots in R Saving Plots as a PDF

Saving Plots as a PDF I

Note: The les will be saved in the folder specied with setwd(). To save a plot in R as a PDF, you can use pdf():
1 2 3

pdf ( " myplot . pdf " ) pairs ( UN2 ) dev . off ()

Brigid Wilson Basic R UCLA SCC

R Environment

Exporting R Objects to Other Formats

Part X R Environment

Brigid Wilson Basic R UCLA SCC

R Environment Exploring R Objects

Exporting R Objects to Other Formats

Exploring R Objects I
To see the names of the objects available to be saved (in your current workspace), use ls().

ls ()

[1] "UN2" "a" "b" "d" "data" "e" "f" "h" "mat1" "mat2"

Brigid Wilson Basic R UCLA SCC

R Environment Exploring R Objects

Exporting R Objects to Other Formats

Exploring R Objects II
To remove objects from your workspace, use rm().
1 2

rm ( d ) ls ()

[1] "UN2" "a" "b" "data" "e" "f" "h" "mat1" "mat2"

Brigid Wilson Basic R UCLA SCC

R Environment Exploring R Objects

Exporting R Objects to Other Formats

Exploring R Objects III

To remove all the objects from your workspace, type:

1 2

rm ( list = ls () ) ls ()


Brigid Wilson Basic R UCLA SCC

R Environment Saving and Loading R Objects

Exporting R Objects to Other Formats

Saving and Loading R Objects I

To save (to the current directory) all the objects in the workspace, use save.image().

save . image ( " basicR . RData " )

To load (from the current directory), use load().


load ( " basicR . RData " )

Brigid Wilson Basic R UCLA SCC

R Environment Saving and Loading R Objects

Exporting R Objects to Other Formats

Saving and Loading R Objects I

To save (to the current directory) a single object in the workspace, use save().

save ( stock . data , file = " stocks . RData " )

To load (from the current directory), use load().


load ( " stocks . RData " )

Brigid Wilson Basic R UCLA SCC

R Environment

Exporting R Objects to Other Formats

Exporting R Objects to Other Formats I

To save (to the current directory) certain objects in the workspace to be used in Excel, use write.csv().
1 2

write . csv ( stock . data , file = " stockdata . csv " )

Brigid Wilson Basic R UCLA SCC

R Environment Saving R Commands

Exporting R Objects to Other Formats

Saving R Commands I
To see all of the commands you typed in an R session, click on the Yellow and Green Tablet

Brigid Wilson Basic R UCLA SCC

R Environment Saving R Commands

Exporting R Objects to Other Formats

Saving R Commands II
To save all of the commands you typed in an R session, use:

savehistory ( file = " history . log " )

Brigid Wilson Basic R UCLA SCC

R Environment Saving R Commands

Exporting R Objects to Other Formats

Saving R Commands III

Alternatively, use a .r le to store your commands.
1 2 3 4 5

Go to: File -> New Document Type your commands Save the le as "code.r" Go back to the R Console To run all the commands, use:

source ( " code . r " )

The More You Know... Use the # sign to write comments in your code. Use them!

Brigid Wilson Basic R UCLA SCC

Common Bugs and Fixes

Part XI Common Bugs and Fixes

Brigid Wilson Basic R UCLA SCC

Common Bugs and Fixes Syntax Error


syntax error

Possible causes: Incorrect spelling (of the function, variable, etc.) Including a + when copying code from the Console Having an extra parenthesis at the end of a function Having an extra bracket when subsetting

Brigid Wilson Basic R UCLA SCC

Common Bugs and Fixes Trailing +

Trailing +

Possible causes: Not closing a function call with a parenthesis Not closing brackets when subsetting Not closing a function you wrote with a squiggly brace You can escape this sticky situation by hitting the ESCAPE key to exit your command.

Brigid Wilson Basic R UCLA SCC

Common Bugs and Fixes Error When Performing Operations

Error in ... : requires numeric matrix/vector arguments

Possible causes: 1 Objects are data frames, not matrices 2 Elements of the vectors are characters Possible solutions: 1 Coerce (a copy of) the data set to be a matrix, with the as.matrix() command 2 Coerce (a copy of) the vector to have numeric entries, with the as.numeric() command
Brigid Wilson Basic R UCLA SCC

Useful Links for R

Part XII Online Resources for R

Brigid Wilson Basic R UCLA SCC

Useful Links for R


Brigid Wilson Basic R UCLA SCC

Useful Links for R

R-Seek Search Engine

Brigid Wilson Basic R UCLA SCC

Useful Links for R

UCLA Statistics Bootcamp Resources

R Bootcamp is a day-long introduction to R. Handouts and datasets from Bootcamp 2008 can be found on Ryan Rosarios website:

Brigid Wilson Basic R UCLA SCC

Useful Links for R

UCLA Statistics Information Portal

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Useful Links for R

UCLA Statistical Consulting Center E-consulting and Walk-in Consulting

Brigid Wilson Basic R UCLA SCC


Part XIII Exercises

Brigid Wilson Basic R UCLA SCC


Exercise 1

Create a vector of the positive odd integers less than 100 Remove the values greater than 60 and less than 80 Find the variance of the remaining set of values

Brigid Wilson Basic R UCLA SCC


Exercise 2

Find the matrix product of A and B if Matrix A= 2 3 7 1 6 2 3 5 1 Matrix B= 3 2 9 0 7 8 5 8 2

Brigid Wilson Basic R UCLA SCC


Exercise 3

Load the Animals dataset from the MASS package Examine the documentation for this dataset Find the correlation coecient of brain weight and body weight in this dataset

Brigid Wilson Basic R UCLA SCC


Solutions I
1 2 3 4

e1 <- seq ( from = 1 , to = 100 , by = 2) e1 .2 <- e1 [ e1 <= 60 | e1 >= 80] var ( e1 .2) [1] 931.282

Brigid Wilson Basic R UCLA SCC


Solutions II

3 4 5 6 7

A <- matrix ( c (2 , 3 , nrow = 3 , byrow B <- matrix ( c (3 , 2 , nrow = 3 , byrow A%*%B [ ,1] [ ,2] [ ,3] [1 ,] 41 81 56 [2 ,] 13 60 61 [3 ,] 14 49 69

7 , 1 , 6 , 2 , 3 , 5 , 1) , = TRUE ) 9 , 0 , 7 , 8 , 5 , 8 , 2) , = TRUE )

Brigid Wilson Basic R UCLA SCC


Solutions III

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

library ( MASS ) data ( Animals ) ? Animals cor ( Animals ) body brain body 1.000000000 -0.005341163 brain -0.005341163 1.000000000

Brigid Wilson Basic R UCLA SCC

Part XIV Upcoming Mini-Course

Brigid Wilson Basic R UCLA SCC

Upcoming Mini-Courses

April 7 - R Programming II: Data Manipulation and Functions April 12 - LaTex I: Writing a Document, Paper, or Thesis April 14 - LaTeX II: Bibliographies, Style and Math in LaTeX April 19 - LaTeX III: Sweave, Embedding R in LaTeX For a schedule of all mini-courses oered please visit .

Brigid Wilson Basic R UCLA SCC

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