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Apmo2012 Sol

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The document discusses solutions to 5 problems from an APMO exam. The solutions involve triangle geometry, number patterns, and inequalities.

The solution finds that the three triangle areas must be equal (2) by setting them equal and manipulating the equations.

Numbers must be inserted in the grid such that the sum of each row and column is at most 1.


Solution: Let us denote by x = P AB , y = P BC and z = From y:z= BCP : XY Z the area of the triangle XY Z . P CA. BP F : AP F = (x 1) : 1 Let

ACP = BF : AF =

follows that z (x 1) = y , which yields (z + 1)x = x + y + z . Similarly, we get (x + 1)y = x + y + z and (y + 1)z = x + y + z . Thus, we obtain (x + 1)y = (y + 1)z = (z + 1)x. We may assume without loss of generality that x y, z . If we assume that y > z holds, then we get (y + 1)z > (z + 1)x, which is a contradiction. Similarly, we see that y < z leads to a contradiction (x + 1)y < (y + 1)z . Therefore, we must have y = z . Then, we also get from (y + 1)z = (z + 1)x that x = z must hold. We now obtain from (x 1) : 1 = y : z = 1 : 1 that x = y = z = 2 holds. Therefore, we conclude that the area of the triangle ABC equals x + y + z = 6. Problem 2. Solution: If we insert numbers as in the gure below (0 s are to be inserted in the remaining blank boxes), then we see that the condition of the problem is satised and the total number of all the numbers inserted is 5. 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0

We will show that the sum of all the numbers to be inserted in the boxes of the given grid cannot be more than 5 if the distribution of the numbers has to satisfy the requirement of the problem. Let n = 2012. Let us say that the row number (the column number) of a box in the given grid is i (j , respectively) if the box lies on the i-th row and the j -th column. For a pair of positive integers x and y , denote by R(x, y ) the sum of the numbers inserted in all of the boxes whose row number is greater than or equal to x and less than or equal to y (assign the value 0 if x > y ). First let a be the largest integer satisfying 1 a n and R(1, a 1) 1, and then choose the smallest integer c satisfying a c n and R(c + 1, n) 1. It is possible to choose such a pair a, c since R(1, 0) = 0 and R(n + 1, n) = 0. If a < c, then we have a < n and so, by the maximality of a, we must have R(1, a) > 1, while from the minimality of c, we must have R(a + 1, n) > 1. Then by splitting the grid into 2 rectangles by means of the horizontal line bordering the a-th row and the a + 1-th row, we get the splitting contradicting the requirement of the problem. Thus, we must have a = c. Similarly, if for any pair of integers x, y we dene C (x, y ) to be the sum of the numbers inserted in all of the boxes whose column number is greater than or equal to x and less than or equal to y (C (x, y ) = 0 if x > y ), then we get a number b for which C (1, b 1) 1, C (b + 1, n) 1, 1 b n.

If we let r be the number inserted in the box whose row number is a and the column number is b, then since r 1, we conclude that the sum of the numbers inserted into all of the boxes is R(1, a 1) + R(a + 1, n) + C (1, b 1) + C (b + 1, n) + r 5. Problem 3. Solution For integers a, b and a positive integer m, let us write a b (mod m) if a b p +1 n p is divisible by m. Since n pn +1 must be a positive integer, we see that p n must n 2 hold. This means that if p = 2, then 2 n must hold. As it is easy to show by induction that 2n > n2 holds if n 5, we conclude that if p = 2, then n 4 must be satised. And we can check that (p, n) = (2, 2), (2, 4) satisfy the condition of the problem, while (2, 3) does not. Next, we consider the case where p 3. Suppose s is an integer satisfying s p. If sp ps for such an s, then we have (s + 1)p = sp 1 +
p s

1 s

ps 1 +

1 p

1 1 s =p p Cr r < p p r ! r =0 r =0

ps 1 +
r =1

1 2 r 1

< ps (1 + 2) ps+1 Thus we have (s + 1)p < ps+1 , and by induction on n, we can conclude that if n > p, then np < pn . This implies that we must have n p in order to satisfy our requirement pn np . We note that since pn + 1 is even, so is np + 1, which, in turn implies that n must be odd and therefore, pn + 1 is divisible by p + 1, and np + 1 is also divisible by p + 1. Thus we have np 1 (mod (p + 1)), and therefore, n2p 1 (mod (p + 1)). Now, let e be the smallest positive integer for which ne 1 (mod (p +1)). Then, we can write 2p = ex + y , where x, y are non-negative integers and 0 y < e, and we have 1 n2p = (ne )x ny ny (mod (p + 1)),

which implies, because of the minimality of e, that y = 0 must hold. This means that 2p is an integral multiple of e, and therefore, e must equal one of the numbers 1, 2, p, 2p. Now, if e = 1, p, then we get np 1 (mod (p + 1)), which contradicts the fact that p is an odd prime. Since n and p + 1 are relatively prime, we have by Eulers Theorem that n(p+1) 1 (mod (p +1)), where (m) denotes the number of integers j (1 j m) which are relatively prime with m. From (p+1) < p+1 < 2p and the minimality of e, we can then conclude that e = 2 must hold. From n2 1 (mod (p + 1)), we get 1 np = n(2
p1 2 +1)

n (mod (p + 1)),

which implies that p + 1 divides n + 1. Therefore, we must have p n, which, together with the fact n p, show that p = n must hold. It is clear that the pair (p, p) for any prime p 3 satises the condition of the problem, and thus, we conclude that the pairs (p, n) which satisfy the condition of the problem must be of the form (2, 4) and (p, p) with any prime p. Alternate Solution. Let us consider the case where p 3. As we saw in the preceding solution, n must be odd if the pair (p, n) satisfy the condition of the problem. Now, let q be a prime factor of p + 1. Then, since p + 1 divides pn + 1, q must be a prime factor of pn + 1 and of np + 1 as well. Suppose q 3. Then, from np 1 (mod q ), it follows that n2p 1 (mod q ) holds. If we let e be the smallest positive integer satisfying ne 1 (mod q ), then by using the same argument as we used in the preceding solution, we can conclude that e must equal one of the numbers 1, 2, p, 2p. If e = 1, p, then we get np 1 (mod q ), which contradicts the assumption q 3. Since n is not a multiple of q , by Fermats Little Theorem we get nq1 1 (mod q ), and therefore, we get by the minimality of e that e = 2 must hold. From n2 1 (mod q ), we also get np = n(2
p1 2 +1)

n (mod q ),

and since n 1 (mod q ), we have n 1 (mod q ) as well. Now, if q = 2 then since n is odd, we have n 1 (mod q ) as well. Thus, we conclude that for an arbitrary prime factor q of p + 1, n 1 (mod q ) must hold. Suppose, for a prime q , q k for some positive integer k is a factor of p + 1. Then k q must be a factor of np + 1 as well. But since np + 1 = (n + 1)(np1 np2 + n + 1)
p1 p 2 p 1 p 2


n n + n + 1 (1) (1) + (1) + 1 0 (mod q ), k we see that q must divide n + 1. By applying the argument above for each prime factor q of p + 1, we can then conclude that n + 1 must be divisible by p + 1, and as we did in the preceding proof, we can conclude that n = p must hold. Problem 4. Solution: If AB = AC , then we get BF = CF and the conclusion of the problem is clearly satised. So, we assume that AB = AC in the sequel. Due to symmetry, we may suppose without loss of generality that AB > AC . Let K be the point on the circle such that AK is a diameter of this circle. Then, we get BCK = ACK ACB = 90 ACB = CBH and CBK = ABK ABC = 90 ABC = BCH, from which we conclude that the triangles BCK and CBH are congruent. Therefore, the quadrilateral BKCH is a parallelogram, and its diagonal HK passes through the center M of the other diagonal BC . Therefore, the 3 points H, M, K lie on the same straight line, and we have AEM = AEK = 90 . From AED = 90 = ADM , we see that the 4 points A, E, D, M lie on the circumference of the same circle, from which we obtain AM B = AED = AEF = ACF . Putting this fact together with the fact that ABM = AF C , AC AM =F we conclude that the triangles ABM and AF C are similar, and we get BM C. By a similar argument, we get that the triangles ACM and AF B are similar, and

4 AM AB AC AB therefore, that CM = F B holds. Noting that BM = CM , we also get F C = F B , BF AB from which we can conclude that CF = AC , proving the assertion of the problem.

Problem 5. Solution: Let us note rst that if i = j , then since ai aj n ai aj n

2 a2 i +aj , 2

we have

2 a2 n n i + aj n = > 0. 2 2 2

1 2 2 If we set bi = |ai | (i = 1, 2, . . . , n), then we get b2 1 + b2 + + bn = n and nai aj 1 nbi bj , which shows that it is enough to prove the assertion of the problem in the case where all of a1 , a2 , , an are non-negative. Hence, we assume from now on that a1 , a2 , , an are all non-negative. By multiplying by n the both sides of the desired inequality we get the inequality:

1i<j n

n2 n n ai aj 2

and since
n(n1) 2

n nai aj

= 1 + niaijaj , we obtain from the inequality above by subtracting

a a

from both sides the following inequality: ai aj n n ai aj 2

1i<j n

We will show that this inequality (i) holds. If for some i the equality a2 i = n is valid, then aj = 0 must hold for all j = i and the inequality (i) is trivially satised. So, we assume from now on that a2 i < n is valid for each i. 2 a2 +a2 ai +aj Let us assume that i = j from now on. Since 0 ai aj i2 j 2 holds, we have
2 ai aj 1 (ai + aj )2 ai aj = 2 2 2 2 2 . a +a a +a n ai aj 2 (n a2 i ) + (n aj ) n i2 j n i2 j ai +aj 2


2 Since n a2 i > 0, n aj > 0, we also get from the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality that

a2 a2 j i + n a2 n a2 i j from which it follows that (iii)

2 2 ((n a2 i ) + (n aj )) (ai + aj ) ,

(ai + aj )2 2 (n a2 i ) + (n aj )

a2 a2 j i + n a2 n a2 i j

holds. Combining the inequalities (ii) and (iii), we get ai aj 1 n ai aj 2 = 1 2 a2 a2 j i + 2 n ai n a2 j

1i<j n

1i<j n

1 n a2 i 2 i=1 n a2 i n = , 2 which establishes the desired inequality (i). =

i=j n

a2 j n a2 i

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