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Contemporary Issues in Energy and Buildings in Malaysia: Focus On R&D and Policies

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Contemporary Issues in Energy and Buildings in Malaysia: Focus on R&D and Policies



Azni Zain-Ahmed1,2

Faculty of Applied Sciences, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam, MALAYSIA
Centre for Research and Innovation in Sustainable Energy (RISE), Institute of Science, Universiti Teknologi

ABSTRACT: Despite uncertainties in the price of fuel and likewise, energy, the demand has not
abated in the ASEAN counties, especially Malaysia. Much needs to be done in terms of searching
and development of alternative energy sources and energy efficient measures to curb the effects
and impact of energy consumption and utilisation. Research and development in energy in buildings
has been carried out since the 1980’s. The areas that were given much focus were on energy
efficiency, renewable energy technologies and applications such as solar heaters, solar drying
and thermal comfort studies. Recent research activities include thermal performance modeling
advanced innovative daylighting systems, advanced materials and innovative building design.
Funding for research and development in the energy sector however has shown some increase
due to the National Science and Technology Policy 2 which prioritized renewable/alternative
energy as an area. This paper presents the current status of energy consumption in buildings, the
policies that support the energy sector and some recent R&D activities in Malaysia and suggestions
for the way forward.
Keywords: Energy, Buildings, R&D, Policies


Heyzer (2008) reported that by the year 2030 the energy demand in Asia and the Pacific region will
make up half of the world’s quota at the projected rate of 2.75% growth per annum. Fossil fuels
such coal, oil and gas shall still make up 80% of the total energy sources. However, it is estimated
that through energy efficiency measures, 12% of the consumption can be reduced. This would also
mean that the use of alternative clean energy can also decrease the dependency on fossil fuels
which are well-known to be non-sustainable nor environmental-friendly. Although the Asia and
Pacific region has 45% of the world’s total hydroelectric power and 35% of the total solar and
geothermal potential, but only 9% of the total energy potential has been exploited. This seems to be
good news to the countries in this region and therefore it is imperative to formulate strategies to
harness sustainable sources of energy. In order to further reduce energy consumption, energy
efficiency measures should be fully practiced and this can be done in several ways in the building


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2.1 Energy Source

The main source of energy in Malaysia is petroleum products. The energy trend from the year 2000
until 2010 from other sources (natural gas, electricity and coal and coke) is shown in Figure 1. The
percentage of energy from petroleum however has declined due to the Fuel Diversification Policy
created in 1999 which is shown in Figure 2 (Malaysia, 2006). By 2010, the largest energy demand is
still from petroleum products (62%) and followed by electricity (19%) with a gradual increase from
natural gas (16%). Demand for coal and coke is somewhat stabilized.

Figure 1: Final Commercial Energy Demand by Source (2000-2010)


Figure 2: Percentage of Final Energy Demand by Source (2000-2010)


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Contemporary Issues in Energy and Buildings in Malaysia: Focus on R&D and Policies

2.2 Energy Demand

In Malaysia, the largest consumer of energy is the transport sector which accounts to almost half of
the total commercial energy demand followed by the industrial sector and the residential and
commercial sector as shown in Figure 3.


Figure 3: Final Commercial Energy Demand by Sector (2000-2010)

By 2010 the transport and industrial sectors will still remain the largest consumer of energy
accounting to 80% of the total energy consumed (Figure 4). The increase in energy demand is due
to the increased quality of life and spending power leading to an increase in electricity consumption.
Many Malaysians now travel a lot more than they used to and this reflected in the increase of
energy consumption in the transport sector. The Malaysian Government has benchmarked the energy
consumption against Denmark, Germany and South Korea as stated in the 9th Malaysia Plan to
improve energy efficiency (Malaysia, 2006).

Figure 4: Final Energy Demand by Sector (2010)


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2.3 Energy Supply

The total energy supply is expected to increase to 3,127.7 PJ by 2010 as shown in Table 1. Crude oil,
petroleum, natural gas and coal and coke will make up more than 95% of the total energy supplied
to the country which means less than 5% is from other renewable sources by 2010 (Zain Ahmed,

Table 1: Primary Commercial Energy Supply by Source 2000-2010

Petajoules (PJ) Percentage (%)

Source 2000 2005 2010 2000 2005 2010
Crude Oil & Petroleum 988.1 1181.2 1400.0 49.3 46.8 44.7
Natural Gas 845.6 1043.9 1300.0 42.2 41.3 41.6
Coal & Coke 104.1 230.0 350.0 5.2 9.1 11.2
Hydro 65.3 71.0 77.7 3.3 2.8 2.5
Total 2003.1 4531.1 5137.7 100.0 100.0 100.0
Source: (Malaysia, 2006)


3.1 Energy and Climate

The energy consumption in buildings is closely related to the climate. The Malaysian climate is
almost similar to its neighbouring Asian countries and the typical Malaysian climate has the following
• Very small variation in monthly temperatures (less than 8°C).
• Mean daily temperature of the hottest month (February/March) is 27.8°C.
• Coolest month (December) is 25.9°C.
• Daily temperature exceed the value of 25°C more than 50% of the time.
• Monthly humidities exceed 70% with a mean annual value of 83%.
• RH exceeds 55% most of the time.
• Wind speeds are quite low with a mean value of 1.2 m/s.
• Prevailing winds blow from the North East, East and South East.
• Rainfall exceeds 200 mm/month for 8 months in a year.
The above characteristics require the main strategies to keep the indoor conditions thermally
comfortable cool are dehumidification, cooling and natural ventilation. In Malaysia, most modern
buildings have resorted to mechanical cooling technologies that inevitably consume fossil energy
vis-a-vis electricity (Zain-Ahmed et al., 2006). As a result, buildings consume about one-third of the
world’s energy and the worldwide energy consumption for buildings is expected to grow from 45%
from 2002 to 2025 (Klee, 2007). In the ASEAN region alone, commercial buildings consume well
over one-third of all electricity and will account for more than 40% of the demand for additional
generating capacity in the near future (MECM, 2001).


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Contemporary Issues in Energy and Buildings in Malaysia: Focus on R&D and Policies

3.2 Energy Consumption in Buildings

The energy consumed is Malaysia is 90% in the form of electricity and when these trends continue,
buildings will consume almost as much as industry and transport combined. It has also been reported
that Malaysia has one of the fastest growing building industry in the world (ABCSE, 2007). Where
energy consumption in buildings is concerned, buildings can be roughly be divided into residential
and non-residential buildings. Commercial buildings in the ASEAN countries consume more than
30% of all the electricity and will demand at least 40% of the additional generating capacity in the
near future. However, more than 40% of the energy consumed can be reduced if energy efficiency
is practiced and sustainable technologies are applied to buildings (Zain-Ahmed, 2008a).
In 2002, 44% of the total energy used in the residential sector in Malaysia was in the form of
electricity. In the commercial sector which includes commercial buildings, 75% of the energy
consumed is in the form of electricity. Commercial buildings consume more than 50% of energy for
lighting and air-conditioning (Ramatha, 1994). There is, therefore, enormous potential in energy
savings from energy efficiency practices in buildings.
The energy demand can be reduced by applying energy efficiency measures coupled with the
use of alternative energy sources or renewable energy for hot water systems, drying systems, water
pumping and the application of photovoltaic systems for the production of electricity. The following
building energy efficiency potentials are attainable (Kannan, 2001), such as 40% to 50% reduction
of energy consumption of new buildings; 15% to 25% in reduction in energy consumption of existing
buildings and a shift of electricity demand for buildings from day to night, thus improving the load
factor on electricity generating equipment for some ASEAN countries.
In the Malaysian residential housing sector, the housing stock is made up of terrace or linked
houses (61%), apartments (27%) and detached (12%). More than 70% of the detached houses are
air conditioned while 62% of the terrace houses and 36% apartments are air conditioned (Kubota,
2006). The current trend indicates that the bigger houses tend to be air conditioned than the smaller
houses and further suggests that the purchasing power of occupants is proportional to the installed
air conditioners.

3.3 Building Energy Index and Building Codes of Practice

The energy consumption in buildings is normally given in terms of the Building Energy Index or BEI.
The South East Average BEI is 233 kWh/m2/yr whereby the Malaysian and Singaporean average
are 269 kWh/m2/yr and 230 kWh/m2/yr respectively. The Malaysian Ministry of Energy, Water and
Communication (MEWC) or previously known as the Ministry of Energy, Communication and
Multimedia (MECM) before the year 2004; introduced the Guidelines for Energy Efficiency in Non-
Domestic Buildings in 1989 (Malaysia, 1989) which was meant to be a building code of practice. In
the first version, the BEI was recommended to be not more than 135 kWh/m2/yr. In 2001, it was
improved to include revised equations based on the latest research work on local buildings. As the
energy efficiency awareness was beginning to set in at the time, the BEI of several new buildings
began to demonstrate a decrease in value. The guidelines now were renamed as the Malaysian
Standard MS 1525:2001 (Malaysia, 2001). The purpose of the MS were as follows : to encourage
the design of new and existing buildings so that they may be constructed, operated and maintained in
a manner that reduces the use of energy without constraining the building function, nor the comfort


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or productivity of the occupants and with appropriate regard for cost considerations; to provide the
criteria and minimum standards for energy efficiency in the design of new buildings, retrofit of
existing buildings and methods for determining compliance with these criteria and minimum standards
and to provide guidance for energy efficiency designs that demonstrate good professional judgment
and exceeds minimum standards criteria. The standards were later improved in 2007 to include the
“To encourage the application of renewable energy in new and existing buildings to minimize non-renewable
energy sources, pollution and energy consumption whist maintaining comfort, health and safety of the
occupants” (Malaysia, 2007).


4.1 National Science and Technology Policy 2

The national policy states that the advancement of S& T must be maximized and utilised as a tool for
sustaining economic development, the improvement of quality of life and national security (MOSTI,
2008). In relation to this the policy is aimed at accelerating the development of S&T capability and
capacity for national competitiveness by increasing the R&D expenditure to at least 1.5% of the
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and to achieve a competent work force of at least 60 RSEs
(researchers, scientists and engineers) per 10,000 labour force by 2010 especially in the science and
technology fields. The investment in R&D up to 2000 was only 0.5% of the Malaysian GDP and this
figure is grossly less than other developing countries. In order to address this discrepancy, the
Malaysian Government set aside over RM2 billion for R&D and commercialization activities of
R&D products to increase the country’s competitiveness (MOSTI, 2008). Among the many initiatives
that have been taken under the S&T Policy is the development of a secure knowledge base in the
key technology areas to sustain technology support for Malaysian industry namely: Advanced
Manufacturing, Advanced Materials, Microelectronics, Biotechnology, Information and
Communication Technology, Multimedia Technology, Energy, Aerospace, Nanotechnology, Photonics
and Pharmaceuticals. These areas have been given priority status in terms of granting research
awards to researchers and scientists. As a result, the research focus have been steered towards
these areas and today, we now see an increase in R&D activities and outputs in the areas mentioned
and notably in energy. In seminars around the country, researchers who have been recipients of
such funding, disseminate their findings and results. These research outputs however, may find
some difficulty in putting their products in the market as most of them are initiated by public and
private universities. More efforts need to be taken to assist these researchers to mould them into
technoprenurs or be given a helping hand in the process of commercialisation. At the same time, the
private sector needs to invest or create smart partnerships with universities and the research institutions
to create new products, designs, processes or services that can be quickly accepted by the public.
Most R&D work in public universities is carried out without much help from the private sector or the
industry. Perhaps in the area of R&D, more investment need to be made in the energy sector, be in
for the discovery of new and alternative energy sources or in energy efficiency or in the design of
sustainable buildings and townships.


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Contemporary Issues in Energy and Buildings in Malaysia: Focus on R&D and Policies

4.2 National Energy Policy

The Malaysian Government has put in place the plans, strategies, initiatives and incentives to diversify
the sources of energy for sustainable development and to improve the quality of life for the population.
However, there exist some challenges that hamper the development of sustainable energy. There
should be more concerted efforts in formulating the policies and strategies to further accelerate the
development of this energy source and its related technologies. It has been seen that the more
successful projects have been partially funded by global organizations and investment by the
government itself. The Malaysian Building Integrated Photovoltaic project and the supplementary
Suria 1000, the demonstrations projects in the form of the Low Energy Office (LEO), the Zero
Emission Office (ZEO) and Energy Commission Diamond Buildings are proof of the effectiveness
of the strategies formulated and the overall impact it has on the Malaysian society (Zain-Ahmed,


Presently, many public and private universities have embarked on various research and development
work in sustainable buildings or energy-efficient building technologies for future applications in
building.. As an example, the Centre for Research and Innovation in Sustainable Energy (RISE) at
Universiti Teknologi MARA has was established to conduct research in the development and innovation
of new technologies and its research fellows have embarked on several major projects. These
projects have produced a few innovative technologies such as the a fibre optic daylighting system
(Sulaiman et al., 2005), solar assisted integrated lighting and ventilation system (Ahmed et al., 2006)
as shown in Figure 5, an insulation material based on oil palm empty fruit bunches (Figure 6) for
roofing and potential building materials (Mohd Noor et al., 2006). Currently, an advanced polymer
for energy efficient glazing material is being developed, its properties tested and in the near future to
be laminated and tested on the field. Advanced solar cells using nanotechnology is also being studied
using local organic materials as a base (Mohamad et al., 2007). RISE has also collaborated with a
local construction company to build twin test cells for energy performance tests of building materials
and new technologies. During the time of writing, the test cells are being used in collaboration with
a manufacturing association to test roofing insulation materials. In future the Twin Energy Efficiency
Test Cells (Figure 7) shall become part of a research facility for tropical buildings which would be
the first in the ASEAN region.


Barriers that hinder the development of sustainable sources and technologies need to be removed.
More appropriate incentives (i.e. tax deduction on renewable energy technology, improved financing
and green fund) need to be introduced to promote the utilisation of renewable energy. Other than
that, the capacity of key players needs to be enhanced as well. These key players include government
decision-makers, industries, utilities, financial institutions and universities.
In the energy sector, the policies and strategies are already in place to diversity energy sources
and power general. Incentives have been given to various sectors especially in the development of


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Figure 5 : Integrated Daylighting and Ventilation Figure 6: EFB Based Insulation Material

Figure 7: Twin Energy Efficiency Test Cells

biofuels, solar and photovoltaics. In the building sector, there needs a firmer policy and focused
strategies to increase the acceptance of energy efficiency measures and the use of sustainable
approach to building design and construction. The only strategy that has been out in place is the MS
1525:2007 which in reality is not mandatory. It has also been suggested that innovative financing
from international bodies need to be solicited.
Finally, perhaps there is an urgent need to create a National Energy and Environment R&D
Policy to strengthen or consolidate current policies where there exist weaknesses or lacks specific
initiatives to improve the energy solutions. More emphasis must be given to R&D funding for the
energy and environment area. With these added incentives, R&D shall grow faster and be more
productive in the long run.


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Contemporary Issues in Energy and Buildings in Malaysia: Focus on R&D and Policies


The author thanks Universiti Teknologi MARA, the Ministry of Higher Education and the Ministry
of Science, Technology and Innovation for supporting this work and Putra Perdana Construction
Sdn Bhd for the collaborative project.


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