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The Roma Bhs Inggris

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The Roma.

The Roma are believed to have migrated front India more than a millennium ago, settling rst in Persia. then arriving in Europe in the 13th or 14th century. The name 'Gypsy was mistakenly applied by medieval Europeans. who thought all dark-skinned people came from Egypt. Leading a nomadic life. the Roma were often regarded as tramps and accused of thefts and robberies. From the beginning of the 17th century, attempts were made to forcibly assimilate the Roma people by requiring permanent settlement and banning the Romany language. The Roma were particularly persecuted by Nazi Germany. About 500.000 died in Nazi gas chambers and concentration camps. The Roma now nuntber slightly more than S million in Eastern Europe. 2 million more in Western Europe. and about 2 million elsewhere. mainly in North and PART 2 COMMUNICATION VARIABLES South America and North Africa. Romania has the largest number-about 1 million. For decades. Eastern European Communist governments suppressed preiudice against the Roma and banned the nomadic life. As the countries shifted to market economies and many lost iobs. the Roma have again experienced discrimination. Graffiti have now reappeared on walls: Gypsies go away and Gypsies to the gas. The Roma language and culture. including the remembrance of the Holocaust (known in the Roma language as porraimos, or the devouring"). are central to Roma identity throughout the world. The European Union states have made better treatment of the Roma a condition for new members. Critics charge that diese efforts are for the purpose of reducing migration into the more prosperous Western European nations. Japan and Korea. Relationships between japan and Korea reflect deep-seated and long standing preiudice. Historically. Korea had closer ties to China than did Japan. and both Korea and China tended to view _lapan as a troublemaking" state. This view was reinforced time and again by japanese incursions into Korean territory and 35 years of japan`s colonial rule. It has only been in recent times that the South Korean and Japanese govemments have signed mutual friendship treaties. established normal diplomatic relations.and entered into joint economic development agreements. In an act

of historic symbolism.South Korea and japan cohosted the 2002 World Cup soccer games. Despite economic ties. there remains a sense of ban, or bitter resentment. that many Koreans feel toward the Japanese. After _lapan's annexation of Korea in 1910. thousands of Koreans migrated into _lapan seeking employment. Following the great 1923 Kanto earthquake in japan, it was rumored that Koreans were poisoning water supplies. Mob violence left some 6.()(l() Koreans dead. Later, between 1939 and 1945, more Koreans were forced to migrate by the Japanese government to work in mines (Weiner. 1994). During World War ll. the Koreans in _lapan were forced to become _lapanese nationals. Japan`s sutrender to the Allied Forces brought an end to the annexation of Korea. and the majority of Koreans who had been brought to japan under forced immigmtion returned to Korea. but some 5{l(),()(){1 to 60().0U() Koreans remained in _lapan (Fukuoka. 1996).

When the San Francisco Peace Treaty came into effect in 1952. the government of ,lapan claimed that the Koreans then in japan should not be granted Japanese nationality. The descendants of the Koreans who remained in Japan, who may never have been to Korea and who may not speak Korean, are legally foreigners. As the largest minority group in _Iapan. Japanese-bom Koreans are the victims of social, economic. and political preiudice. _lapanese law provides little or no protection against the housing and employment discrimination many Japanese-born Koreans experience. In 1974. the National Council for Combating Discrimination Against Ethnic Minorities (Mintobren) was founded by Korean residents and concemed Japanese to ght for the human and civil rights of the Korean residents in japan. Chapter 4 Barriers to intercultural Communication United States. Ireland got the potato plant from South America. and by the 1840s. one third of Ireland's tilled land was devoted to potato production. A fungus wiped

out 90% of the crop by 1847. and by 1850. one fourth of the population had died or migrated. Some migrated to Australia. and more than 1 million migrated to the United States between 1846 and 1851. Many settled in shantytowns of cities in four states-Illinois. Massacliusetts. New York. and Pennsylvania. Many took iobs few other workers would take: the Irish worked in mines and mills and constructed canals and railroad lines. Editorial cartoons depicted the Irish as lazy, fighting," and drunken. job Available" signs in the period often included the phrase No Irish Need .^.pply." In the largely segregated Irish communities. the moral values of the Catholic Church were important. with a shared language and a physical appearance similar to the dominant English immigrant culture and with improved economic status and political participation. the Irish assimilated into the dominant culture. Surveys continue to show that preiudiced attitudes exist in the United States (Crosby. Bromley. & Saxe. 1980) and that preiudice exists not only between Whites and minority groups but between minority groups as well. > cAss sruov or |Nrencu|.runAt. commumcmou aAnn|sns= cumA Ann THE usman srmas In the United States. a lack of knowledge about China and its history contributes to communication barriers. As you read this section and become more familiar with China and its history. identify examples of the intercultural communication barriers that exist between the two cultures. When and how has the United States assumed similarity to China? When and how have both displayed ethnocentrism? Population ln terms of land area, (Ihina is larger than the United States. It is also the most populated country in the world. Its population was estimated to be 1.5 billion. as of July 2006. or about live times as many people as populate the Lfnited States. China`s population accounts for about one fth of the entire human race. Most Chinese are of lian ethnicity. The country has SS other ethnic groups. There is a large economic gap between the coastal and urban areas and the

less prosperous interior. Overall as the world`s third largest economy ($7.1 trillion gross domestic product IGDPI compared to $l5.8 GNP for the United States). China has led the world in economic growth. It is now the w0rld's sixth largest impoiter and the fourth largest exporter. By 2001, Wal-Mart alone bought $14 billion in merchandise from China.

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