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Edem - Introduction: PDF Processed With Cutepdf Evaluation Edition

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EDEM - Introduction

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PDF processed with CutePDF evaluation edition

What is DEM?


Discrete Element Modelling a way of simulating discrete matter

DEM captures the dual nature of granular media which behaves both like a solid and a fluid The bulk behavior emerges from the collective interaction of each individual object

History of DEM


1960s: Existing continuum models have discontinuities introduced into them 1971: First recognizable form of DEM for looking at rock mechanics problems 1979: Extended to granular material (not just rock) 1992: DEM defined as any computer program that:
(i) Allows finite displacement, rotation, and detachment of discrete bodies (ii) Recognizes new contacts as the calculation progresses

Throughout the late 90s and early 00s, the number of publications referencing DEM grows exponentially

Why use EDEM?


Over 70% of industrial processes involve particles BUT The majority of particle handling and processing operations are empirically designed Measurement and control is difficult and costly. EDEM is used by engineers worldwide to increase profits by: Reducing the need for physical prototypes Troubleshooting operational problems Designing more efficient processes by providing hard-to-measure information on bulk and particle-scale behavior Saving expensive trial and error



EDEM = Engineering Discrete Element Method:

Easy-to-use Graphical User Interface CAD compatible State-of-the-art DEM solver Powerful DEM data visualization & analysis toolkit Couples with ANSYS CFD and ANSYS FEA

Integrated Environment


1: Create materials, particles, geometry and physics models using the EDEM Creator 2: Define run-time and simulation settings and process the simulation using the Simulator

3: Use the Analyst to visualize your results, create animations and videos, graph the results and export data



Prototype properties of mass, volume and inertia are calculated automatically from the sphere positions and sizes; A CAD geometry can be imported to fit the multisphere particle; Particle properties can also be calculated from the CAD template; Able to simulate particles of any format; Simulate adhesion and cohesion: capture particle agglomeration and clogging.



Particle size distribution can be defined based on the particle prototype Particles have static properties that cannot be changed during the simulation
e.g. mass, volume, moments of inertia

Particles have variable quantities that change as the simulation progresses

e.g. force, torque, velocity, angular velocity

Example results of a normal distribution of mass-scaled particles



Geometry can be imported from a CAD file (IGES, STEP, ProE, FLUENT Mesh, STL, ACIS, Parasolid and Catia); EDEM can create basic shapes such as cylinders, cones, rectangles and polygons; Dynamics (translations, rotations) can be applied to geometry sections; Geometry is automatically meshed into triangular elements when imported; Geometry mesh elements have variable quantities such as force, torque, velocity and angular velocity.



A particle factory is used to introduce particles into a simulation The particle factory generates particles from the defined particle prototype Particles can be generated on any virtual geometry surface or inside a geometry volume
The particle factory can also define:
Particle prototype, size, position, velocity orientation, angular velocity

A virtual factory surface shown generating varied sized particles



During processing, the EDEM domain is split into a grid The grid is used to speed up the detection of contacts between elements Optimum calculation speed varies between a grid size of 2x minimum sphere radius to 6x minimum sphere radius
2-3 RMin is preferable

A smaller RMin size generates more grid cells. This requires more memory (RAM)

Contact Detection


Using the grid settings, EDEM performs an analysis loop to detect contacts between elements
Particle-to-particle and particle-to-geometry contacts are detected Once a contact between two elements has been detected, contact properties (such as particle prototype, size, and relative velocity) are passed to the contact model to calculate the force

Once the force is calculated, the particles and geometry elements are re-positioned and the contact detection loop re-started

Contact vector shown between two spheres

Analysis Loop


EDEM Advantages


Able to simulate any equipment; Able to simulate particles of any shape; Simulate cohesion and adhesion to capture agglomeration; Real size particle simulation:
Reach up to 4 million particles; Particle scale up is unnecessary for most of the cases.

Integrated environment:
Easy set up Powerful analyses tools

Complex geometry movement:

Rotation and translation; Moving plane model (conveyors).

Some direct results...


Wear reduction:
Chutes, conveyors, off-road trucks, screens, mills, crushers, etc

Correct material distribution:

Screens, blast furnaces, conveyors, mills.

Correct the flow:

Chutes, mills, reclaimers, silos (rat holes, avalanche), conveyors (misalignment)

Reduce dust generation:

Chutes, conveyors

Avoid clogging, pillage. Improve efficiency! Reduce costs! Faster, cheaper and smarter solutions!

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