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English, Italian, Romanian Idioms

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Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies Vol.3, No.

1, April 2007 Patterns of Idiomacity in English, Italian and Romanian Antoanela Marta Dumitracu Dunrea de Jos University of Galai, Romania Abstract The paper starts from the idea that the meaning of words in such patterns of Idiomacity is different from their individual meanings. They are at least delexicalized. This is the necessary correlate of co-selection. The selections are not independent, one selection depending on another. Consequently, there must be a result and effect on the meaning of idiomatic patterns as a whole. Key words: idiomacity, idioms, collocations Starting from the idea that patterns of idiomacity are closely related to the national character of a language, to its stylistic peculiarities, the present paper aims at proving that there are quite numerous instances when the patterns of idiomacity in different languages are similar or even identical. To begin with, it should be pointed out that the meaning of the words used in patterns of idiomacity is different from their individual meanings. Words are delexicalized and this is the necessary correlate of co-selection. Moreover, the selections operated at the semantic level are not independent, one selection depending on another. Consequently, there is a result and effect of the idiomatic patterns meaning as a whole. However, a view of idiomacity which does full justice to the rich diversity of word combinations must recognize that the meaning of a combination may be related to those of its components in various ways and must also take into account the possibility of internal variation, or substitution of part for part (Cowie, Mackin, McCaig 1993: XII). The term idiomacity is used to refer to the semantic property of an idiom, whereas the term idiomatology (Hartman 1981 apud Glser 1988: 265) roughly corresponds to

phraseology, i.e. to the linguistic description of set expressions whose meaning cannot be derived from the meaning of their constituent elements. The lexical family is completed by the term idiomatic which refers to the use of expressions that mean something different from the literal meanings of the words making up the respective expressions (Lombardo, Haarman, Morley, Taylor 1999: 298). In an attempt to describe idiomacity, linguists referred to this phenomenon in terms of transferred, isolated or anomalous meaning. Mention should be made of the fact that the idiomacity of a word group is the result of a diachronic process of idiomatization, interpretation of context meanings and of the communicative functions of a set phrase compared to its possible variants. For example, the denotational idiomatic meaning of wet blanket (informal) is a person whose low spirits or lack of enthusiasm has a depressing effect on the others. It also has an expressive connotation which implies a negative value judgement as derogatory and a stylistic connotation at the informal, colloquial level. According to Fernando and Flavell (1981: 19 apud Glser 1988: 270) there are varying degrees of idiomacity correlating with different types of categories of idioms. Their classification of idioms is based on the degree of motivation, therefore on semantic intelligibility. A distinction is made among four categories of idioms:

Transparent expressions, such as to cut the wood, to break the

eggs, which are not idioms, but free collocations with a literal meaning derived from the meanings of the constituent words;

Semi-transparent idioms, such as to skate on thin ice, to add fuel to Semi-opaque phrases, such as to burn ones boats, tarred with the Opaque phrases, such as to pull somebodys leg, to pass the buck

the fire, which can be regarded as metaphors having a counterpart with a literal meaning

same brush, metaphor idioms which are not completely intelligible;


which are full idioms whose meaning cannot be derived from the meanings of the component words. This scale of idiomacity is not very useful and rather vague in that metaphors can hardly be separated from idioms (in classes 2 and 3), considering that metaphorization (along with metonymy) is a general property of idiomacity (id. ibid.).

The Oxford Dictionary of English Idioms (1993) uses the term idiom with reference to all kinds of set expressions and provides a top-down approach to idioms distinguishing four classes of such word groups:

Pure idioms - petrified or congealed phrases resulting from the process of idiomatization of a fixed word group: e.g. kick the bucket, blow the gaff, carry coals to Newcastle;


Figurative idioms, which are on the border of idioms, hardly allowing

any variation: e.g. to burn one s boats, to beat ones breast, to go to the dogs, to burn the candle at both ends;

Restricted collocations (semi-idioms), combining one constituent with a

transferred meaning and one with a literal meaning. Such collocations are possible variants of noun idioms with a certain collocational range: e.g. a cardinal error/sin/virtue; 4. Open collocations, which are free or loose syntactic structures with each constituent used in a common literal sense. The grading of idiomacity (Weinreich 1972 apud Glser 1988: 271) according to the semantic relationship of those constituents of a group which have a transferred, idiomatic meaning and those which have a literal meaning allows a different classification of idioms into three classes: 1. Unilateral idioms, which are made up of one self-explanatory constituent, e.g. cold war, black market;

Bilateral idioms, which are made up of two constituents having both transferred meaning, so that the meaning of the idiom cannot be derived from the meanings of its constituents, e.g. early bird, white lie;


Multilateral idioms, which cover such nominations and propositions as: The classifications provided cover only some of the most important aspects

once in a blue moon, a bird in the hand or beggars cannot be choosers. involved in the complex phenomenon of idiomacity. However, they have been chosen due to their usefulness for the purpose of the paper. The impressive number and variety of domain-related idioms are factors which have conditioned and determined the selection of only one class of idioms, namely that of colour idioms, to serve my intention of pointing out similarities and dissimilarities between

patterns of idiomacity in English, Italian and Romanian. However, such an approach can be extended to any other domain-related idioms as well. Colours are part and parcel of human life. People are surrounded by colours and not few are the instances when colours influence peoples state of mind and heart. Colours are also important to people from the perspective of the things they symbolize. There are numerous situations when different cultures share the same view with respect to colour symbols. For instance, red is the colour commonly accepted as a symbol of love, white is the mark of purity and yellow is the colour symbolizing jealousy. Common views on colours and on their significance are traceable not only at the level of human experience, but also at the linguistic level, and idioms are perfect illustrations of the similar or identical way in which colour terms are integrated and used in different language systems. It should be mentioned here that, although the three languages under discussion, i.e. English, Italian and Romanian, have a series of colour idioms in common, the number of such word groups corresponding to the each of the colour terms analysed varies substantially from one language to another. (see appendix 1). With respect to the integration of these idioms in the different classes suggested by the classifications provided, it should be pointed out that there are situations when the three languages under discussion share the same pattern of idiomacity, others in which only two languages have common idiomatic structures, and instances when certain idioms are singularly used in one of the three languages, proving thus the national character of the respective patterns. Transparent expressions and semi-transparent phrases are the most representative classes for the cases of shared patterns of idiomacity between English, Italian and Romanian. Idiomatic word groups such as: a white night, to be as red as a (boiled) lobster, to be the black sheep of the family, to give green light, to have blue blood, have the same representation and meaning in Italian and Romanian: a white night una notte bianca noapte alb , to be as red as a (boiled) lobster essere rosso come un gambero a fi rou ca un rac (fiert), to be the black sheep of the family essere la pecora nera della famiglia a fi oaia neagr a familiei, to give green light dare onda verde a da und verde, to have blue blood avere il sangue blu a avea snge albastru/nobil.

It is interesting to notice that the idiomatic pattern to be as red as a lobster and the corresponding Romanian structure may have the additional semantic feature [+ boiled]. Moreover, it also has variants in the three languages, such as: as red as a beetroot/rose/ turkey-cock rosso come un peperone/ pomodoro rou ca sfecla/ sngele/ focul/ para focului which are also frequently used by the speakers of the three languages. Non-native speakers of one of these languages are unlikely to misuse such idiomatic structures because their structure is very similar or identical and the meaning can be derived from the meanings of their constituents. There are also cases when transparent phrases are represented in a similar way only in two of the three languages. For instance, to be as black as thunder has a different representation and a rather limited collocational range in comparison with the Italian eseere nero come linchiostro/ il carbone and the Romanian a fi negru ca cerneala/catranul/ abanosul/ crbunele/ fundul ceaunului/ noaptea/ pcatul/ corbul/ pana corbului/ smoala/ tciunele. Furthermore, mention should be made of the fact that semi-opaque phrases, i.e. those metaphor idioms which are not completely unintelligible, are in most cases culture specific. Idiomatic structures such as: a white lie, a white/ blue-collar worker/job, to be in the red have a totally different representation in Italian or Romanian: a white lie una bugia pietosa o minciun inocent, a white/blue-collar worker un impiegato/ un operaio un funcionar/ muncitor, to be in the red essere in debito a avea datorii. The same situation can be traceable when metaphor idioms such as: il pericolo giallo, essere vivo e verde, accetazione in bianco or a aduna bani albi pentru zile negre have to be rendered into English. However, the semi-opaque English idiom black list which means list of suspects has formally and semantically equivalent structures both in Italian and Romanian: la lista nera lista neagr. There are instances when the semantic content of a word group is preserved in two of the three languages, but with a change in the colour term used. For example, the semiopaque phrase a blue film may be translated into Italian by using a semantically equivalent structure, un film a luci rosse, but the colour terms used in the two languages are obviously different.

Opaque phrases, i.e. the full idioms whose meaning cannot be derived from the meanings of the component words, represent a challenge when different language cultures are brought into contact. The fact that the words making up such phrases are never used with the literal meaning makes their semantic decoding impossible for the non-native speakers. The number of colour-related opaque phrases used in English is quite high, but Italian and Romanian are also well represented: E: a white elephant, to bleed somebody white, a red neck, a red tape/ tapist, blue chip, blue funk, a bolt from the blue, once in a blue moon, to have the blue devils, a true blue, black dog, in someones black books. I: arte bianca, di punto in bianco, prendere il bianco per il nero, andare in rosso, essere al verde. R: a merge/cuta pn n pnzele albe, burt-verde, a avea o bil neagr. Given the reduced semantic intelligibility of such idiomatic structures, special attention should be paid when transferring them from one language into another. As suggested by Croitoru & Dumitracu (2006), colour idioms such as: to be in the red, to be worth a red cent, to draw a red herring, to go into the red, to see red, green as grass, black and blue, to be in the black, etc. have to be translated by using the modulation strategy, which allows the transformation of English structures into patterns or strings specific to Italian and Romanian. This differs from the translation of transparent and semitransparent phrases, which has nothing to do with modulation due to the (partial) formal and semantic equivalence between the three languages. Moreover, mention should be made that, irrespective of the types of idioms taken into consideration, translators need to have a well-developed phraseological competence. They have to know the ready made phrases used in various registers in the language cultures bought into contact, as well as to match them and to evaluate them from a sociolinguistic point of view (Croitoru, Dumitracu 2005). The classification of idioms into pure, figurative, restricted collocations and open collocations is also worth taking into consideration, as it is a means of raising the speakers awareness with respect to the degree of formal and semantic flexibility in the case of such word groups.

Considering the class of colour idioms, one should mention that idiomatic word groups such as: to be caught red-handed, to have the blue devils, once in a blue moon, to be the pink of politeness /perfection, to see pink elephants, to show the white feather are petrified structures which allow no variation in English. Similarly, idiomatic word groups such as the Italian: essere vivo e verde, essere al verde, and the Romanian a aduna bani albi pentru zile negre, a merge/cuta pn n pnzele albe, display the same rigidity, being considered pure idioms. Figurative colour idioms are situated on the border of pure idioms, being structures which hardly allow any variation: e.g. to have red ideas, to see the red light, to be blue with cold, to be a green hand, etc., or vedere tutto rosa, essere verde dinvidia, essere nella verde eta, a fi galben de invidie, vnt de frig, negru de mnie, etc. In opposition with the first two classes, restricted and open collocations are more accessible to the speakers due to the fact that they have at least one constituent used with the literal meaning: a red neck, a blue book, a blue-eyed boy, a blue film, the yellow press, a black list, the black sheep of the family. From this point of view a parallel can be drawn between restricted collocations and semitransparent phrases on the one hand, and between open collocations and transparent phrases, on the other. To conclude, I should say that the existence of common patterns of idiomacity in English Italian and Romanian, i.e. languages of different origins, proves that idioms cannot always be regarded as strictly culture-bound elements. Moreover, they seem to be the result of o commonly shared human experience. Although idioms accessibility is hindered in many cases by formal and semantic restrictions they represent an extremely interesting and valuable resource equally challenging for non-native linguists and common speakers. Appendix 1 Colour idioms in English, Italian and Romanian
English Italian Romanian

a white Christmas, a white coffee, a white collar work(er)/job, the white flag, a (little) white lie, a white night, a white paper, the white of the egg, white sale, white sauce, a white slaver, as white as a sheet/ghost/snow, to bleed somebody white, to go white, to show the white feather, to stand in a white sheet;

yellow gum, the yellow of an egg, the yellow press;

il bianco delluovo, il bianco dellocchio, la fiera del bianco, una pagina bianca, arte bianca, una settimana bianca, uno spazio bianco, di punto in bianco , accettazione in bianco, cucitrice in bianco, un matrimonio in bianco, una notte in bianco, pesce in bianco, andare in bianco, dare il bianco a una casa, diventare bianco per la paura, essere bianco come un panno lavato, far venire i capelli bianchi, lasciare in bianco una parola, mangiare in bianco, prendere il bianco per il nero; un film/libro giallo, il giallo delluovo, la febbre gialla, il pericolo giallo, un giallo irrisolto;

albul ochiului, alb ca varul/ zpada/hrtia, noapte alb, steagul alb, zile albe, a aduna bani albi pentru zile negre, a merge/cuta pn n pnzele albe, nici alb nici neagr;rasa alb;

a pinkcollar work(er)/ job, the pink of politeness/ perfection, to be in the pink of condition, to be in the pink of health, to see pink elephants; a red - brick university, the red carpet, a red herring, a red letter day, a red neck, a red rag, red, tape, a red tapist, not to be worth a red cent, to be red with anger, to be/turn as red as a beet/ beetroot/(boiled) lobster/rose/ turkey-cock, to be in the red, to catch someone/ be caught redhanded, to draw a red herring, to go into the red, to have red ideas, to see red, to see the red light; a blue book, a blue chip, a blue collar work(er)/ job, a blue-eyed boy, a blue film/ movie, a blue jacket, a true blue, a in a blue funk, once in a blue moon, a bolt from the blue, out of the blue, to be blue with cold, till one is blue in the face, to disappear/ vanish/ go off in the blue, to have blue blood, to have the blue devils to scream/cry blue murder; a green belt, green hand, a green Christmas, green years, green as grass, to be green, to be green about the gills, to be green with envy, to give someone/get the green light, to have green fingers; grey matter, to go/turn grey black economy, black ice, a black leg, a black list, a black look, black

giallo rosa, romanzo rosa, il mistero si tinto di rosa, vedere tutto rosa; il rosso delluovo, un pesce rosso, un film a luci rosse, andare in rosso, essere rosso come un gambero/ peperone/ pomodoro, essere rosso di rabbia, vedere rosso, rosso di sera buon tempo si spera, la Croce Rossa, uova rosse ;

a se face galben ca ceara/ca fclia de cear/ lmia/ turta de cear, galben de fric, mnie/spaim ,galbeni venetici, friguri galbene, rasa galben, a i se face galben n faa ochilor; a vedea totul n roz;

rou ca un rac fiert/ sngele/ focul/ para foculu/ sfecla/ gotca, Grzile Roii, Armata Roie, ou roii, rou cum e gotca

avere il sangue blu;

inim albastr, a avea snge albastru, tristee albastr, a fi cam albastru;

anni verdi, legna verde nella verde et, essere al verde, essere verde dinvidia, essere vivo e verde;

cielo grigio, materia grigia, una vita grigia; disperazione nera, giornata nera pensieri neri, periodo nero, vedere

a fi verde, a spune verde n fa, valet de verde, burt-verde. a da und verde, a vedea stele verzi, a visa cai verzi pe pereti, piele verde, femeie de verde, a i se face verde naintea ochilor, adio si-un praz verde. post negru, bursa neagr, lista neagr, magie neagr, a avea o bil

magic, a black mark, black market, the black sheep of the family,a blackout, a blackspot, as black as thunder, not as/so black as one/it is painted, in black and white, in someones black books, to be black and blue, to be in the black, to swear black is white;

tutto nero, assumere dipendenti in nero, eseere nero come linchiostro/ carbone, essere di umore nero, mettere nero sul bianco;

neagr, a fi oaia neagr a familiei, a fi negru ca cerneala/ catranul/ abanosul/ crbunele/ fundul ceaunului/ noaptea/ pcatul/ corbul/ pana corbului/ smoala/ tciunele, a vedea/a i se face negru n faa ochilor, a vedea totul in negru, negru pe alb, nici ct negru sub unghie, ras neagr, a face albul negru, a avea- ai fi inima neagr, a face cuiva zile negre;

References Cowie, A. P., R. Mackin, Isabel R. Mc Caig, 1993. Oxford Dictionary of English Idioms, London: Oxford University Press. Croitoru, Elena, Antoanela Dumitracu 2005. Collocations and Colligations in Specialized Texts in Specialized Discourse: Theory and Practice, Galai, 28-30 October, 2005, (forthcoming). Croitoru, Elena, Antoanela, Dumitracu 2006. Modulation in Translation Corpora in Translation Studies: Retrospective and Prospective Views, Galai, 16-17 June 2006, (forthcoming). Glser, Rosemarie 1988. The Grading of Idiomacity as a Presupposition for a Taxonomy of Idioms in Hllen Werner, Schulze, Rainer Understanding the Lexicon. Meaning, Sense and Work Knowledge in Lexical Semantics, Tbingen: Max Niemeyer Verlag. Lombardo Linda, L. Haarman, J. Morley, C. Taylor 1999. Massed-Medias. Lingustic Tools for Interpreting Media Discourse, Milano: Edizioni Universitarie di Lettere, Economia, Diritto. Sinclair, J. 2004. Trust the text. Language Corpus and Discourse. London: Routledge. Corpus Avdanei, Constana 2000. Construcii idiomatice n limbile romn i englez Iai: Editura Universitii Al. I. Cuza. Banta, A., L. Levichi, Andreea, Georghioiu 2002. Dicionar frazeologic romn-englez, Bucureti: Editura Teora. Cowie, A. P., R. Mackin, Isabel R. Mc Caig, 1993. Oxford Dictionary of English Idioms, London: Oxford University Press. De Dominicis, Franca (coord.) 2001. Dizionario Garzanti. inglese italiano, italiano inglese, Italy: Garzanti Linguistica, Utet SpA. Dumistrcel, S. 1997. Expresii romneti. Biografii-motivaii. Institutul European, Iai. Hanachiuc-Poptean, Gabriela 2004. Dizionario romeno-italiano, italiano-romeno, Bologna: Zanichelli Editore Spa. Prlog Hortensia, Teleag, Maria (coord.) 2000. Dicionar englez romn de colocaii verbale, Bucureti: Editura Polirom. Seidl Jeniffer, W. McMordie, 1997. English Idioms, London: Oxford University Press.

Antoanela Marta DUMITRACU DATE AND PLACE OF BIRTH: 07. 03.1978, GALAI ADDRESS: Mazepa I, Rosiori Street, no. 4 bis, bl. BR.16 B, ap. 31, Galai 800066; TELEPHONE : fix - 004/0236/ 462596; mobile - 0742/070907 E-MAIL :, NATIONALITY: Romanian OCCUPATION: English language tutor INSTITUTION: Dunrea de Jos University of Galai, Faculty of Letters and Thelogy, the Department of English Language and Literature


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