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Advanced Thermodynamics

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ADVANCED THERMODYNAMICS Instruction Duration of University Examination University Examination Sessional Unit - 1: Review of Thermo dynamic Laws and

Corollaries Transient Flow Analysis Second law of thermodynamics Entropy - Availability and unavailability Irreversibility Thermo dynamic Potentials Maxwell Relations Specific Heat Relations Mayers relation - Evaluation of Thermodynamic properties of working substance Unit - 2: P.V.T. surface Equations of state Real Gas Behaviour Vander Waals equation - Generalised compressibility Factor Energy properties of Real Gases Vapour pressure Clausius Clapeyron Equation Throttling Joule Thompson coefficient. Non-reactive Mixture of perfect Gases Governing Laws Evaluation of properties Pychrometric Mixture properties and psychrometric chart Air conditioning processes Cooling Towers Real Gas Mixture. Unit 3 : Combustion Combustion Reactions Enthalpy of Formation Entropy of Formation Reference Levels for Tables Energy of formation Heat of Reaction Aiabatic flame Temperature General product Enthalpies Equilibrium.Chemical Equilibrium of Ideal Gases Effects of Non-reacting Gases Equilibrium in Multiple Reactions. The van Hoffs Equation. The chemical potential and phase Equilibrium The Gibbs phase Rule. Unit - 4: Power cycles, Review Binary vapour cycle, co-generation and Combined cycles Second law analysis of cycles Refrigeration cycles.Thermo Dynamics off irreversible processes Introduction phenomenological laws Onsagar Reciprocity Relation Applicability of the phenomenological Relations Heat Flux and Entropy Production Thermo dynamic phenomena Thermo electric circuits. Unit - 5: Direct Energy Conversion Introduction Fuel Cells - Thermo electric energy Thermo-ionic power generation -Thermodynamic devices Magneto Hydrodynamic Generations Photo voltaic cells. Suggested Reading: 1) 2) 3) P.K. Nag, Basic and Applied Thermodynamics,TMH,2008. J.P. Holman Thermo Dynamics, Mc Graw Hill Sonnatag & Van Wylen Fundamentals of Thermo dynamics Wiley Publications 4) Obert Edward. F. & Young Rober L, Elements of Thermodynamics McGraw Hills 5) Younus.A.cengel & Michael A. Boles Thermodynamics an engineering approach sixth edition,TMH 6) Adrian Bejan Advanced Engineering Thermodynamics 3rd Edition Wiley Publications,2006 3 Periods/week 3 Hrs. 80 Marks 20 Marks

ADVANCED HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER Instruction Duration of University Examination University Examination Sessional UNIT- I

3 Periods/week 3 Hrs. 80 Marks 20 Marks

Brief Introduction to different modes of heat transfer; Conduction: General heat conduction equation-Initial and Boundary conditions Steady State Heat Transfer: Simplified heat transfer in 1D and 2D Fins. Transient heat conduction; Lumped system analysis- Heisler charts-semi infinite solid-use of shape factors in conduction - 2D transient heat conduction product solutions UNIT - II Finite Difference methods for Conduction: 1D & 2D steady state heat conduction problems implicit and explicit methods. Forced Convection: Equations of Fluid Flow Concepts of Continuity, momentum equations Derivation of Energy equation - Methods to determine heat transfer coefficient: Analytical Methods - Dimensional Analysis and concept of exact solution. Approximate Method Integral analysis UNIT - III External flows: Flow over a flat plate: Integral method for laminar heat transfer coefficient for different velocity and temperature profiles. Application of empirical relations to variation geometrics for Laminar and Turbulent flows. Internal flows: Fully developed flow: Integral analysis for laminar heat transfer coefficient Types of flow Constant Wall Temperature and Constant Heat Flux Boundary Conditions - Hydrodynamic & thermal entry lengths; use of empirical correlations. UNIT - IV Free convection: Approximate analysis on laminar free convective heat transfer Boussinesque Approximation - Different geometries combined free and forced convection Boiling and condensation: Boiling curve Correlations- Nusselts theory of film condensation on a vertical plate Assumptions & correlations of film condensation for different geometrics. Radiation Heat Transfer: Radiant heat exchange in grey, non-grey bodies, with transmitting, reflecting and absorbing media, specular surfaces, gas radiation radiation from flames UNIT - V Mass Transfer: Concepts of mass transfer Ficks Law of Diffusion, diffusion in gases, diffusion in liquids and solids , the mass transfer coefficient , evaporation processes in the atmosphere & convective mass transfer Analogies Significance of non-dimensional numbers. Suggested Reading: 1. Necati Ozisik Heat Transfer TMH 1998 2. Incropera Dewitt Fundamentals of Heat & Mass Transfer John Wiley 2007 3. Yunus Cengel Heat Transfer: A basic approach TMH 2008. 4. R.C.Sachdeva Fundamentals of Engineering Heat & Mass Transfer New Age International Publications 2010. 5. G.M.Sparrow& R.D.Cess Radiation Heat Transfer , 2008 6. J.P.Holman Heat Transfer Tata Mc Graw Hill, 2008

ADVANCED INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES Instruction Duration of University Examination University Examination Sessional UNIT I SPARK IGNITION ENGINES :Spark ignition engine mixture requirements Fuel Injection systems Monopoint, Multipoint injection, Direct injection Stages of combustion Normal and abnormal combustion Factors affecting knock Combustion chambers. UNIT II COMPRESSION IGNITION ENGINES: Stages of combustion in C.I. Engine Direct and indirect injection systems Combustion chambers Fuel spray behavior Spray structure, Spray penetration and evaporation Air motion Introduction to Turbo charging. UNIT III POLLUTANT FORMATION AND CONTROL: Pollutant Sources Formation of carbon monoxide, Unburnt hydrocarbon, NOx, Smoke and Particulate matter Methods of controlling Emissions Catalytic converters and Particulate Traps . Methods of measurements and Introduction to emission norms and Driving cycles. UNIT IV ALTERNATIVE FUELS: Alcohol, Hydrogen, Natural Gas and Liquefied Petroleum Gas- Properties, Suitability, Merits and Demerits as fuels, Biofuels. UNIT V RECENT TRENDS: Modification in I.C.engine to suit bio-fuels- Lean Burn Engines Stratified charge Engines homogeneous charge compression ignition(HCCI) engines and GDI concepts Plasma Ignition Measurement techniques Laser Doppler, Anemometry Suggested Reading: 1. Obert, E.F.Internal Computation Engines Harper & Row, Publishers N.Y3rd edition 1973. 2. GILL, P.W.and Smith (Jr,J.H, fundamentals of Internal combustion Engines, Oxford & IBH publishing Co.New Delhi, 1967. 3. Heywood, J.B, Internal Combustion engine fundamentals, McGrave Hills, Book Co, New York, 1988. 4. Taylor C.F.and Taylor, E,S,The Internal Combustion Engine in Theory and Practice, M.I.T.Press, 1968. 5. Mathur,M.L.and Sharma,R.P.,Internal Combustion Engine,Dhanpat Rai & Sons, Delhi, 5th Edition 1990. 6. Ganeshan, V., Internal Combustion engines, Tata Mc Graw Hills Publishing Co.Ltd, New Delhi 1984. 3 Periods/week 3 Hrs. 80 Marks 20 Marks

COMPUTER AIDED MODELLING & DESIGN Instruction Duration of University Examination University Examination Sessional 3 Periods/week 3 Hrs. 80 Marks 20 Marks

UNIT-I Introduction to CAD, Criteria for selection of CAD workstations, Shigle Design Process, Design criteria, Geometric modeling, entities, 2D & 3D Primitives. 2D & 3D Geometric Transformations: Translation, Scaling, Rotation, Reflection and Shearing, conlatenation. Graphics standards: GKS IGES, PDES. UNIT-II Wire frame modeling: Curves: Curve representation. Analytic curves lines, Circles, Ellipse, Conis. Synthetic curves Cubic, Bezier, B-Spline, NURBS. UNIT-III Surface Modeling: Surface entities, Surface Representation. Analytic Surface Plane Surface, Ruled Surface, Surface of Revolution, Tabulated Cyliner. Synthetic Surface-Cubic, Bezier, B-spline, Coons. UNIT-IV Solid Modeling Techniques: Graph Based Model, Boolean Models, Instances, Cell Decomposition & Spatial Occupancy Enumeration, Boundary Representation (B-rep) & Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG). UNIT-V Advanced Modeling Concepts: Feature Based Modeling, Assembling Modeling, Behavioural Modeling, Conceptual Design & Top Down Design. Capabilities of Modeling & Analysis Packages such as solid works, Unigraghics, Ansys, Hypermesh. Computer Aided Design of mechanical parts and Interference Detection by Motion analysis. Suggested Reading: 1. 2. 3. 4. Ibrahim Zeid, CAD/CAM, Theory and Practice, Mc Graw Hill, 1998. Foley, Van Dam, Feiner and Hughes, Computer Graphics Principles and Practice, 2 nd Ed., Addison Wesley, 2000. Martenson, E. Micheal, Geometric Modelling, John Wiley & Sons, 1995. Hill Jr, F.S., Computer Graphics using open GL, Pearson Education, 2003.

ENGINEERING RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Instruction Duration of University Examination University Examination Sessional 3 Periods/week 3 Hrs. 80 Marks 20 Marks

UNIT-I Introduction: Scope of research, objective/motivation, characteristics and prerequisites of research. Research needs in engineering, benefits to the society in general. UNIT-II Review of Literature: Role of review, search for related literature, online search, and web-based search conducting a literature search. Evaluating, Organizing, and synthesizing the literature. Identifying and describing the research. Finding the research Problem. Sources of research problem. Criteria/Characteristics of a Good research UNIT-III Planning for Research Design. The Nature and role of Data in Research. Linking Data and Research Methodology. Validity of Method. Planning for Data collection. Choosing a Research Approach. Use of Quantitative / Qualitative Research Design. Feasibility of Research Design. Establishing Research Criteria. Justification of Research Methodology. Research Proposal preparation. Characteristics of a proposal. Formatting a research proposal. Preparation of proposal. Importance of Interpretation of data and treatment of data. UNIT-IV Exploring the data. Description and Analysis of Data. Role of Statistics for Data Analysis. Functions of Statistics, Estimates of. Population. Parameters. Parametric V/s Non Parametric methods. Descriptive Statistics, Points of Central tendency, Measures of Variability, Measures of relationship. Inferential Statistics-Estimation, Hypothesis Testing. Use of Statistical software. Data Analysis: Deterministic and random data, uncertainty analysis, tests for significance: Chi-square, students t test. Regression modeling, direct and interaction effects. ANOVA, F -test. Time Series analysis, Autocorrelation and autoregressive modeling. UNIT-V Research Report Writing Format of the Research report. Style of writing report. References and Bibliography. Technical paper writing/Journal report Suggested Reading: 1. Paul D. Leedy and Jeanne E. Ormrod. Practical Research: planning and Design( 8th Edition) 2. A Hand Book of Education Research - NCTE 3. Methodogy of Education Research - K.S. Sidhu. 4. Research Methodology. Methods & Technique: Kothari. C.R. 5. Tests, Measurements and Research methods in Behavioural Statistical Methods- Y.P. Agarwal 6. Box and Jenkins; Time Series analysis, Forecasting and control, Holden Day, Sanfrancisco 7. Holman, J.P.: Experimental Methods for Engineers, McGraw Hill Int., New York.

THERMAL AND NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS Instruction Duration of University Examination University Examination Sessional 3 Periods/week 3 Hrs. 80 Marks 20 Marks

Unit - 1: Introduction Sources of Energy, types of Power Plants, Direct Energy Conversion System, Energy Sources in India, Recent developments in Power Generation. Combustion of Coal, Volumetric Analysis, Gravimetric Analysis, Flue gas Analysis. Steam Power Plants: Introduction General Layout of Steam Power Plant, Modern Coal-fired Steam Power Plants, Power Plant cycles, Fuel handling, Combustion Equipment, Ash handling, Dust Collectors. Steam Generators: Types, Accessories, Feed water heaters, Performance of Boilers, Water Treatment, Cooling Towers, Steam Turbines, Compounding of Turbines, Steam Condensers, Jet & Surface Condensers. Unit - 2: Gas Turbine Power Plant: Cogeneration, Combined cycle Power Plants, Analysis, Waste-Heat Recovery, IGCC Power Plants, Fluidized Bed Combustion Advantages & Disadvantages. Unit -3: Nuclear Power Plants: Nuclear Physics, Nuclear Reactors, Classification Types of Reactors, Site Selection, Methods of enriching Uranium, Applications of Nuclear Power Plants. Nuclear Power Plants Safety: By-Products of Nuclear Power Generation, Economics of Nuclear Power Plants, Nuclear Power Plants in India, Future of Nuclear Power. Unit -4: Economics of Power Generation: Factors affecting the economics, Load Factor, Utilization factor, Performance and Operating Characteristics of Power Plants. Economic Load Sharing, Depreciation, Energy Rates, Criteria for Optimum Loading, Specific Economic energy problems. Unit - 5: Power Plant Instrumentation: Classification, Pressure measuring instruments, Temperature measurement and Flow measurement. Analysis of Combustion gases, Pollution Types, Methods to Control. Suggested Reading : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. EL- Wakil, M.M., Power Plant Technology Mc Graw Hill, New York, 1985. Weis Man, J.and Eckert, R, Modern Power Plant Engineering, PHI, New Delhi, 1983 Arora and Domkundwar, A course in Power Plant Engineering, Dhanpat Rai & sons 2002. P.K. Nag, Power Plant Engineering, TMH, 2003 R.K. Rajput Power Plant Engineering Lakshmi Publications, 2008 P.C.Sharma, Power Plant Engineering Kotaria Publications. 2007.

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