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Z7 Hull Classification Surveys: IACS Req. 1992/rev.11 2005

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Z7 (1990)
(Rev. 1 1990) (Rev. 2 1992) (Rev. 3 1994) (Rev. 4 1996) (Rev. 5 July 1998) (Rev.6 April 1999) (Rev.7 Nov. 2000) (Rev.8 Mar. 2002) (Rev.9 Oct. 2002) (Rev.10 April 2004) (Rev.11 June 2005)

Hull Classification Surveys

CONTENTS 1. General 1.1. Application 1.2 Definitions 1.3 Repairs 2. Special Survey 2.1 Schedule 2.2 Scope 3. Annual Survey 3.1 Schedule 3.2 Scope 4. Intermediate Survey 4.1 Schedule 4.2 Scope 5. Preparation for survey 5.1 Conditions for Survey 5.2 Access to Structures 5.3 Equipment for Survey 5.4 Survey at sea or at anchorage TABLE 1 MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR THICKNESS MEASUREMENTS AT SPECIAL SURVEYS TABLE 2 GUIDANCE FOR ADDITIONAL THICKNESS MEASUREMENTS IN WAY OF SUBSTANTIAL CORROSION TABLE 3 MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR INTERNAL EXAMINATION AT HULL SPECIAL SURVEYS OF FUEL OIL, LUBE OIL AND FRESHWATER TANKS TABLE 4 SURVEY REQUIREMENTS FOR AUTOMATIC AIR PIPE HEADS AT SPECIAL SURVEY

Note: 1. Changes introduced in Rev.7 are to be applied by all Members and Associates from 1 July 2001. 2. Rev.10 deletes para. 5.4.5 and is effective from the date of adoption by Council (21 Apr 2004). 3. Change introduced in Rev.11 are to be uniformly implemented from 1 July 2006.


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Z7 cont'd

1. 1.1

General Application

1.1.1 These requirements apply to all self-propelled vessels after construction. 1.1.2 For additional items, refer to Z1. 1.1.3 For additional requirements for hull structure, piping systems and ballast tanks applicable to tankers, bulk carriers, chemical tankers, and double hulled tankers, double side skin bulk carriers and general dry cargo ships, refer to Z10.1, Z10.2, Z.10.3 and Z.10.4, Z10.5 and Z7.1 respectively. 1.1.4 For additional requirements applicable to cargo installations on ships carrying liquefied gases in bulk, refer to Z16. 1.2 Definitions 1.2.1 Ballast Tank A Ballast Tank is a tank which that is being used primarily for salt water ballast. 1.2.2 Spaces Spaces are separate compartments including holds and tanks. 1.2.3 Close-Up Survey A Close-Up Survey is a survey where the details of structural components are within the close visual inspection range of the surveyor i.e. normally within reach of hand. 1.2.3 4 Transverse Section A Transverse Section includes all longitudinal members such as plating, longitudinals and girders at the deck, sides, bottom, inner bottom, and longitudinal bulkhead. For transversely framed vessels, a transverse section includes adjacent frames and their end connections in way of transverse sections. 1.2.4 5 Representative Space Representative Spaces are those which are expected to reflect the conditions of other spaces of similar type and service and with similar corrosion protection prevention systems. When selecting representative spaces, account is to be taken of the service and repair history on board and identifiable Ccritical Structural Areas and/or Suspect Areas. 1.2.5 6 Critical Structural Area Critical Structural Areas are locations which have been identified from calculations to require monitoring or from the service history of the subject ship or from similar ships or sister ships, if applicable, to be sensitive to cracking, buckling or corrosion which would impair the structural integrity of the ship. 1.2.57 Suspect Area Suspect Areas are locations showing Substantial Corrosion and/or are considered by the Surveyor to be prone to rapid wastage. 1.2.68 Substantial Corrosion Substantial Corrosion is an extent of corrosion such that assessment of corrosion pattern indicates a wastage in excess of 75% of allowable margins, but within acceptable limits. 1.2.7 Protective Coatings are to usually be epoxy coating or equivalent. Other coating systems may be considered acceptable as alternatives provided that they are applied and maintained in compliance with the manufacturers specification. 1.2.9 Corrosion Prevention System A Corrosion Prevention System is normally considered either: a full hard protective coating. .1 a full hard protective coating, or .2 a full hard protective coating supplemented by anodes. Hard Protective Coating is usually to be epoxy coating or equivalent. Other coating systems may be considered acceptable as alternatives provided that they are applied and maintained in compliance with the manufacturers specifications. Where soft coatings have been applied, safe access is to be provided for the surveyor to verify the effectiveness of the coating and to carry out an assessment of the conditions of internal structures which may include spot removal of the coating. When safe access cannot be provided, the soft coating is to be removed. 1.2.810 Coating Condition Coating condition is defined as follows: GOOD condition with only minor spot rusting FAIR condition with local breakdown at edges of stiffeners and weld connections light rusting over 20% or more of areas under consideration, but less than as defined for POOR condition POOR condition with general breakdown of coating over 20% or more of areas or hard scale at 10% or more of areas under consideration 1.2.911 Prompt and Thorough Repair A Prompt and Thorough Repair is a permanent repair completed at the time of survey to the satisfaction of the Surveyor, therein removing the need for the imposition of any associated condition of classification.
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1.2.12 Special consideration Special consideration or specially considered (in connection with close-up surveys and thickness measurements) means sufficient close-up inspection and thickness measurements are to be taken to confirm the actual average condition of the structure under the coating. 1.2.13 Air pipe head Air pipe heads installed on the exposed decks are those extending above the freeboard deck or superstructure decks. 1.2.14 Cargo Length Area Cargo Length Area is that part of the ship which contains all cargo holds and adjacent areas including fuel tanks, cofferdams, ballast tanks and void spaces. 1.3 Repairs 1.3.1 Any damage in association with wastage over the allowable limits (including buckling, grooving, detachment or fracture), or extensive areas of wastage over the allowable limits, which affects or, in the opinion of the Surveyor, will affect the vessels structural, watertight or weathertight integrity, is to be promptly and thoroughly (see 1.2.9 1.2.11) repaired. Areas to be considered include: side shell frames, their end attachments or and adjacent shell plating; deck structure and deck plating; bottom structure and bottom plating; watertight or oiltight bulkheads;, or hatch covers or and hatch coamings. items in, and For locations where adequate repair facilities are not available, consideration may be given to allow the vessel to proceed directly to a repair facility. This may require discharging the cargo and/or temporary repairs for the intended voyage. 1.3.2 Additionally, when a survey results in the identification of substantial corrosion or structural defects or corrosion, either of which, in the opinion of the Surveyor, will impair the vessels fitness for continued service, remedial measures are to be implemented before the ship continues in service. 2. Special Survey 2.1 Schedule 2.1.1 Special Surveys are to be carried out at 5 years intervals to renew the Classification Certificate. 2.1.2 The first Special Survey is to be completed within 5 years from the date of the initial classification survey and thereafter 5 years from the credited date of the previous Special Survey. However, an extension of class of 3 months maximum beyond the 5th year can be granted in exceptional circumstances. In this case, the next period of class will start from the expiry date of the Special Survey before the extension was granted. 2.1.3 For surveys completed within 3 months before the expiry date of the Special Survey, the next period of class will start from the expiry date of the Special Survey. For surveys completed more than 3 months before the expiry date of the Special Survey, the period of class will start from the survey completion date. 2.1.4 The Special Survey may be commenced at the 4th Annual Survey and be progressed with a view to completion by the 5th anniversary date. When the Special Survey is commenced prior to the 4th Annual Survey, the entire survey is to be completed within 15 months if such work is to be credited to the Special Survey. 2.1.5 A survey planning meeting is to be held prior to the commencement of the survey. 2.2 Scope 2.2.1 The Special Survey is to include, in addition to the requirements of the Annual Survey, examination, tests and checks of sufficient extent to ensure that the hull, equipment and related piping, as required in 2.2.12, are in satisfactory condition and that the ship is fit for its the intended purpose for the next five (5) year new period of class period of five years to be assigned, subject to proper maintenance and operation and the periodical surveys being carried out at the due dates. 2.2.2 The examinations of the hull are to be supplemented by thickness measurements and testing as required in 2.2.11 and 2.2.12 as deemed necessary, to ensure that the structural integrity remains effective, The aim of the examination is and is to be sufficient to discover Substantial Corrosion, significant deformation, fractures, damages or other structural deterioration, that may be present. 2.2.3 The Special Survey is to include examination of underwater parts per Z3. 2.2.4 The anchors and chain cables are to be ranged, examined and the required complement and condition verified. The chain locker, holdfasts, hawse pipes and chain stoppers are to be examined and pumping arrangements of the chain locker tested. At Special Survey No. 2 and subsequent Special Surveys, chain cables are to gauged and renewed in cases where their mean diameter is worn below the limits allowed by the Society. 2.2.5 All spaces including holds and their tween decks where fitted; double bottom, deep, ballast, peak and cargo tanks; pumprooms, pipe tunnels, duct keels, machinery spaces, dry spaces, cofferdams and voids are to be internally examined including the plating and framing, bilges and drain wells, sounding, venting, pumping and drainage arrangements. Internal examination of fuel oil, lube oil and fresh water tanks is to be carried out in accordance with Table 3. Z7-3
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Z7 cont'd

2.2.6 Engine room structure is to be examined. Particular attention is to be given to tank tops, shell plating in way of tank tops, brackets connecting side shell frames and tank tops, and engine room bulkheads in way of tank top and bilge wells. Particular attention is to be given to the sea suctions, sea water cooling pipes and overboard discharge valves and their connections to the shell plating. Where wastage is evident or suspect, thickness measurements are to be carried out, and renewals or repairs made when wastage exceeds allowable limits. 2.2.7 For spaces used for salt water ballast, excluding double bottom tanks, if there is no protective coating, soft coating, or POOR protective coating condition and it is not renewed, maintenance of class is to be subject to the spaces in question being internally examined at annual intervals. Waiver of internal examination at annual intervals for tanks of 12 m3 or less in size, with soft coating, may be considered. Where provided, the condition of corrosion prevention system of ballast tanks is to be examined. For tanks used for water ballast, excluding double bottom tanks, where a hard protective coating is found in POOR condition and it is not renewed, where soft coating has been applied, or where a hard protective coating was not applied from time of construction, the tanks in question are to be examined at annual intervals. Thickness measurements are to be carried out as deemed necessary by the surveyor. 2.2.8 When such conditions are found in salt water ballast double bottom tanks, maintenance of class may be subject to the spaces in question being internally examined at annual intervals. When such breakdown of hard protective coating is found in water ballast double bottom tanks and it is not renewed, where a soft coating has been applied, or where a hard protective coating was not applied from the time of construction, the tanks in question may be examined at annual intervals. When considered necessary by the surveyor, or where extensive corrosion exists, thickness measurements are to be carried out. 2.2.9 Boundaries of double-bottom, deep, ballast, peak, and other tanks, including holds adapted for the carriage of salt water ballast, are to be tested with a head of liquid to the top of air pipes or to near the top of hatches for ballast/cargo holds. Boundaries of fuel oil, lube oil and fresh water tanks are to be tested with a head of liquid to the highest point that liquid will rise under service conditions. Tank testing of fuel oil, lube oil and fresh water tanks may be specially considered based on a satisfactory external examination of the tank boundaries, and a confirmation from the Master stating that the pressure testing has been carried out according to the requirements with satisfactory results. The Surveyor may extend the testing as deemed necessary. 2.2.10 Hatch Covers and Coamings Hatch covers and coamings are to be examined to verify that no unapproved changes have been made, that hatch covers are structurally sound and weathertight, and where mechanically operated steel covers are fitted, satisfactory operation is to be verified. The hatch covers and coamings are to be surveyed as follows: A thorough inspection of the items listed in 3.2.3, including close-up survey of hatch cover plating and hatch coaming plating, is to be carried out. Checking of the satisfactory operation of all mechanically operated hatch covers is to be made, including: - stowage and securing in open condition; - proper fit and efficiency of sealing in closed conditions: - operational testing of hydraulic and power components, wires, chains and link drives. Checking the effectiveness of sealing arrangements of all hatch covers by hose testing or equivalent is to be carried out. 2.2.11 Thickness measurements are to be carried out in accordance with Table 1. Additionally, any part of the vessel where wastage is evident or suspect, the Surveyor may require thickness measurements in order to ascertain the actual thickness of the material. The Surveyor may extend the thickness measurements as deemed necessary. When thickness measurements indicate substantial corrosion, the extent of thickness measurements is to be increased to determine areas of substantial corrosion. Table 2 may be used as guidance for these additional thickness measurements. These extended thickness measurements are to be carried out before the survey is credited as completed. 2.2.12 When thickness measurements indicate Substantial Corrosion, the number of thickness measurements is to be increased to determine the extent of Substantial Corrosion. Table 2 may be used as guidance for additional thickness measurements. All bilge and ballast piping systems are to be examined and operationally tested to working pressure to attending Surveyors satisfaction to ensure that tightness and condition remain satisfactory. 2.2.13 For all ships except for passenger ships, automatic air pipe heads are to be completely examined (both externally and internally) as indicated in Table 4. For designs where the inner parts cannot be properly inspected from outside, this is to include removal of the head from the air pipe. Particular attention is to be paid to the condition of the zinc coating in heads constructed from galvanised steel.

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Z7 3. 3.1 Annual Surveys Schedule

Z7 cont'd

Annual Surveys are to be held within 3 months before or after each anniversary date of the date of the initial classification survey or the completion of the last Special Survey. 3.2 Scope

3.2.1 The survey is to consists of an examination for the purpose of ensuring, as far as practicable, that the hull, hatch covers, hatch coamings, closing appliances, equipment and related piping are maintained in a satisfactory condition. 3.2.2 For additional items refer to Z1. 3.2.3 Suspect Areas identified at previous Special Surveys are to be examined. Areas of substantial corrosion identified at previous special or intermediate survey are to have thickness measurements taken. Examination of weather decks, ship side plating above water line, hatch covers and coamings Confirmation is to be obtained that no unapproved changes have been made to the hatch covers, hatch coamings and their securing and sealing devices since the last survey. Where mechanically operated steel covers are fitted, checking the satisfactory conditions, as applicable, of: hatch covers; tightness devices of longitudinal, transverse and intermediate cross junctions (gaskets, gasket lips, compression bars, drainage channels); clamping devices, retaining bars, cleating; chain or rope pulleys; guides; guide rails and track wheels; stoppers, etc. ; wires, chains, gypsies, tensioning devices; hydraulic system essential to closing and securing; safety locks and retaining devices.

Where portable covers, wooden or steel pontoons are fitted, checking the satisfactory condition where applicable, of: wooden covers and portable beams, carriers or sockets for the portable beam, and their securing devices; steel pontoons, tarpaulins; cleats, battens and wedges; hatch securing bars and their securing devices; loading pads/bars and the side plate edge; guide plates and chocks; compression bars, drainage channels and drain pipes (if any). Checking the satisfactory condition of hatch coaming plating and their stiffeners, where applicable. Random checking of the satisfactory operation of mechanically operated hatch covers is to be made including: stowage and securing in open condition; proper fit and efficiency of sealing in closed condition; operational testing of hydraulic and power components, wires, chains, and link drives.

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Z7 cont'd Examination of the weld connection between air pipes and deck plating. External examination of all air pipe heads installed on the exposed decks. Examination of flame screens on vents to all bunker tanks. Examination of ventilators, including closing devices, if any.

3.2.4 Suspect Areas In addition, where required by 2.2.7, 2.2.8, 4.2.3, or 4.2.4, internal examination of applicable salt-water ballast spaces is to be carried out. Thickness measurements are to be taken as considered necessary by the Surveyor. Suspect Areas identified at previous surveys are to be examined. Thickness measurements are to be taken of the areas of substantial corrosion and the extent of thickness measurements is to be increased to determine areas of substantial corrosion. Table 2 may be used as guidance for these additional thickness measurements. These extended thickness measurements are to be carried out before the annual survey is credited as completed.

Note: these requirements are not applicable to cargo tanks of oil tankers, chemical tankers and double hull oil tankers, surveyed in accordance with URs Z10.1, Z10.3 and Z10.4. 3.2.5 Examination of Ballast Tanks Examination of ballast tanks when required as a consequence of the results of the Special Survey and Intermediate Survey is to be carried out. When considered necessary by the surveyor, or where extensive corrosion exists, thickness measurement is to be carried out. If the results of these thickness measurements indicate that Substantial Corrosion is found, then the extent of thickness measurements is to be increased to determine areas of substantial corrosion. Table 2 may be used as guidance for these additional measurements. These extended thickness measurements are to be carried out before the annual survey is credited as completed.


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Z7 cont'd

4. 4.1

Intermediate Survey Schedule

4.1.1 The Intermediate Survey is to be carried out either at or between the second and third Annual Survey. 4.1.2 Those items which are additional to the requirements of the Annual Surveys may be surveyed either at or between the 2nd and 3rd Annual Survey. 4.1.3 A survey planning meeting is to be held prior to the commencement of the survey. 4.2 Scope

4.2.1 The scope of the second or third Annual Survey is to be extended to include the following: For vessels ships between over 5 and 10 years of age, a general, internal examination of representative spaces used for salt water ballast is to be carried out. If there is no hard protective coating, soft coating, or POOR coating condition, the examination is to be extended to other ballast spaces of the same type. For vessels ships over 10 years of age, a general, internal examination of all spaces used for salt water ballast is to be carried out. 4.2.2 If such examinations reveal no visible structural defects, the examination may be limited to a verification that the protective coating corrosion prevention system remains effective. 4.2.3 For spaces used for salt water ballast, excluding double bottom tanks, if there is no hard protective coating, soft coating, or POOR protective coating condition and it is not renewed, maintenance of class is to be subject to the spaces in question being are to be internally examined at annual intervals. Waiver of internal examination at annual intervals for tanks of 12m3 or less in size, with soft coating, may be considered. 4.2.4 When such conditions are found in salt water ballast double bottom tanks, maintenance of class may be subject to the spaces in question being may be internally examined at annual intervals. 4.2.5 In the case of dry cargo ships over 15 years old, other than bulk carriers subject to Z10.2 or Z10.5 or general dry cargo ships subject to Z7.1, an internal examination of selected cargo holds is to be carried out. 5. 5.1 Preparations for Survey Conditions for survey

5.1.1 The Owner is to provide the necessary facilities for a safe execution of the survey. 5.1.2 Tanks and spaces are to be safe for access, i.e. gas freed, ventilated and illuminated. 5.1.3 In preparation for survey and thickness measurements and to allow for a thorough examination, all spaces are to be cleaned including removal from surfaces of all loose accumulated corrosion scale. Spaces are to be sufficiently clean and free from water, scale, dirt, oil residues etc. to reveal corrosion, deformation, fractures, damages, or other structural deterioration. However, those areas of structure whose renewal has already been decided by the oOwner need only be cleaned and descaled to the extent necessary to determine the limits of the renewed areas to be renewed. 5.1.4 Sufficient illumination is to be provided to reveal significant corrosion, deformation, fractures, damages or other structural deterioration. 5.1.5 Where soft coatings have been applied, safe access is to be provided for the surveyor to verify the effectiveness of the coating and to carry out an assessment of the conditions of internal structures which may include spot removal of the coating. When safe access cannot be provided, the soft coating is to be removed. 5.2 Access to structures

5.2.1 For survey, means are to be provided to enable the surveyor to examine the hull structure in a safe and practical way.
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Z7 5.2.2 For survey in cargo holds and salt water ballast tanks, one or more of the following means for access, acceptable to the Surveyor, is to be provided: 5.3 permanent staging and passages through structures; temporary staging and passages through structures; lifts and movable platforms; boats or rafts; other equivalent means. Equipment for survey

Z7 cont'd

5.3.1 Thickness measurement is normally to be carried out by means of ultrasonic test equipment. The accuracy of the equipment is to be proven to the Surveyor as required. Thickness measurements are to be carried out by a firm approved by the society in accordance with UR Z17, except that in respect of measurements of non-ESP ships less than 500 gross tonnage and all fishing vessels, the firm need not be so approved. 5.3.2 One or more of the following fracture detection procedures may be required if deemed necessary by the Surveyor: 5.4 radiographic equipment; ultrasonic equipment; magnetic particle equipment; dye penetrant. Survey at sea or at anchorage

5.4.1 Survey at sea or at anchorage may be accepted provided the Surveyor is given the necessary assistance from the personnel onboard. Necessary precautions and procedures for carrying out the survey are to be in accordance with 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3. 5.4.2 A communication system is to be arranged between the survey party in the tank or space and the responsible officer on deck. This system must also include the personnel in charge of ballast pump handling if boats or rafts are used. 5.4.3 When boats or rafts are used, appropriate life jackets are to be available for all participants. Boats or rafts are to have satisfactory residual buoyancy and stability even if one chamber is ruptured. A safety checklist is to be provided. 5.4.4 Surveys of tanks by means of boats or rafts may only be undertaken at the sole discretion of the Surveyor, who is to take into account the safety arrangements provided, including weather forecasting and ship response in reasonable sea conditions. See footnote*

*Reference is made to IACS Recommendation 39 - Guidelines for use of Boats or Rafts for Close-up surveys.


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Z7 cont'd


Special Survey No. 1 Age 5 1) Suspect areas throughout the vessel. Special Survey No. 2 5 < Age 10 1) Suspect areas throughout the vessel. 2) One transverse section of deck plating in way of abreast a cargo space within the amidships 0.5L Special Survey No. 3 10 < Age 15 1) Suspect areas throughout the vessel. 2) Two transverse sections within the amidships 0.5L in way abreast of two different cargo spaces. 3) 4) Internals in forepeak and afterpeak tanks. 4) 3) All cargo hold hatch covers and coamings (plating and stiffeners). Special Survey No.4 and 15 < Age Subsequent 1) Suspect areas throughout the vessel. 2) A minimum of three transverse sections in way of cargo spaces within the amidships 0.5L. 3) 4) Internals in forepeak and after peak tanks. 4) 3) All cargo hold hatch covers and coamings (plating and stiffeners). 5) All exposed main deck plating full length. 6) Representative exposed superstructure deck plating (poop, bridge, and forecastle deck). 7) Lowest strake and strakes in way of tween decks of all transverse bulkheads in cargo spaces together with internals in way. 8) All wind- and water strakes, port and starboard, full length. 9) All keel plates full length. Also, additional bottom plates in way of cofferdams, machinery space, and aft end of tanks. 10) Plating of seachests. Shell plating in way of overboard discharges as considered necessary by the attending surveyor Notes: 1. Thickness measurement locations are to be selected to provide the best representative sampling of areas likely to be most exposed to corrosion, considering cargo and ballast history and arrangement and condition of protective coatings. 2. Thickness measurements of internals may be modified at the discretion of may be specially considered by the Surveyor if the hard protective coating is in GOOD condition. 3. For vessels ships less than 100 meters in length, the number of transverse sections required at Special Survey No. 3 may be reduced to one (1), and the number of transverse sections required at Subsequent Special Surveys may be reduced to two (2). 4. For vessels ships more than 100 meters in length, at Special Survey No. 3, thickness measurements of exposed deck plating within amidship 0.5 L may be required.

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Z7 cont'd
STRUCTURAL MEMBER Plating EXTENT OF MEASUREMENT Suspect area and adjacent plates. Suspect area. PATTERN OF MEASUREMENT 5 point pattern over 1 square meter. 3 measurements each in line across web and flange.



Tank 1), 2), 3)

Special Survey No. 1 Age < 5

Special Survey No. 2 5 < Age < 10

Special Survey No. 3 10 < Age < 15

Special Survey No. 4 and Subsequent Age > 15 Age > 15

Fuel Oil Bunkertanks - Engine Room - Cargo Length Area

None None

None One

One Two 4)

One Half, minimum 2 4)

Lube Oil





Fresh Water





Notes 1) These requirements apply to Ttanks of integral (structural) type. 2) If a selection of tanks is accepted to be examined, then different tanks are to be examined at each special survey, on a rotational basis. 3) Peak tanks (all uses) are subject to internal examination at each special survey. 4) At special surveys no 3 and subsequent surveys, Oone deep tank for fuel oil in the cargo length area is to be included, if fitted.


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Z7 cont'd

Special Survey no. 1 age< 5

Special Survey no. 2 5 < age < 10

Special Survey No. 3 and subsequent age > 10

- Two air pipe heads, one port and one starboard, located on the exposed decks in the forward 0.25 L, preferably air pipes serving ballast tanks. - Two air pipe heads, one port and one starboard, on the exposed decks, serving spaces aft of 0.25 L, preferably air pipes serving ballast tanks. (1) (2)

- All air pipe heads located on the exposed decks in the forward 0.25 L. - At least 20% of air pipe heads on the exposed decks serving spaces aft of 0.25 L, preferably air pipes serving ballast tanks

- All air pipe heads located on the exposed decks

(1) (2)

(1) The selection of air pipe heads to be examined is left to the attending Surveyor. (2) According to the results of this examination, the Surveyor may require the examination of other heads located on the exposed decks.

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