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Hydrogen Atom 2D

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International Journal of Theoretical Physics, Vol. 39, No.

8, 2000

Raising and Lowering Operators for a TwoDimensional Hydrogen Atom by an Ansatz Method
Jing-Ling Chen,1 Hong-Biao Zhang,2 Xue-Hong Wang,3 Hui Jing,2 and Xian-Geng Zhao1
Received March 18, 2000 Raising and lowering operators of a two-dimensional hydrogen atom are derived by an Ansatz method.

1. INTRODUCTION AND GENERAL DEFINITION OF RAISING AND LOWERING OPERATORS Raising and lowering operators are important in quantum mechanics [16]. For a physical system described by an observable H, the eigenproblem HE EE can be solved exactly via its raising and lowering operators without dealing with the Schro dinger equation. In quantum mechanics, the factorization of H into raising and lowering operators for the discrete spectrum is a property of Hilbert space and is not restricted to any particular representation [7]. If H has a discrete spectrum, then it can be written as H Ennn n (1)

where the n are the complete and orthonormal basis states of H. Thus oneway factorization

Laboratory of Computational Physics, Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics, P.O. Box 8009 (26), Beijing 100088, China; e-mail: 2 Theoretical Physics Division, Nankai Institute of Mathematics, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071, China. 3 Department of Mathematics, Hebei Normal University, Shijiazhuang 050016, China. 2043
0020-7748/00/0800-2043$18.00/0 2000 Plenum Publishing Corporation


Chen, Zhang, Wang, Jing, and Zhao

+ H E0 is provided by operators which have the following spectral decompositions: + (En1 E0)1/2n1n n (En1 E0)1/2nn1 n (2)

These mutually adjoint operators perform the raising and lowering operations +n (En1 E0)1/2n1 n (En E0)1/2n1 From (1) and (2), one has ] F [H, where F (En1 En)nn n (5) (4) (3)

is an adjacent energy interval operator, since Fn (En1 En)n. in (4) to allow it to operate [Here we have place F to the right of directly on the eigenfunction n; this will simplify the calculations]. In particular, when F , (4) corresponds to the usual one in a harmonic oscillator. When F is a function of H, i.e., F f (H ), (4) becomes ] f (H ) [H, (6) which is the case shown in ref. 1. Equation (4) or (6) is the general definition of raising and lowering operators expressed by a commutation relation. Note for a specific that the explicit forms of the raising and lowering operators Hamiltonian system need not be mutually adjoint [1]. The energy levels and wave functions of a two-dimensional (2D) hydrogen atom are well known. Raising and lowering operators for a two-dimensional hydrogen atom (especially for the radial part of the wave function) have been discussed by a factorization method [1, 8, 9]. The purpose of this paper is to derive them by an Ansatz method based on the general definition of raising and lowering operators [see equation (4)]. The plan of the paper is as follows. Since a 2D hydrogen atom can be connected to a 2D harmonic oscillator by the KustaanheimoStiefel (KS) transformation [1019] and the raising and lowering operators of a harmonic oscillator are already well known, in Section 2 we briefly review the physical background that we need. In Section 3, we establish the raising and lowering operators for a 2D hydrogen atom by an Ansatz method, and make some comments.

Raising and Lowering Operators for 2D H Atom


2. KS TRANSFORMATION AND DILATATION OPERATOR We start with the time-independent Schro dinger equation for a 2D hydrogen atom, H E, H p2 2 r (7)

where is the reduced mass of the hydrogen atom, e2, p2 2 2 2 2 2 i1 ( /xi ), the xi being the Cartesian coordinates, and r (x1 2 1/2 x2) . We now transform the problem into a 2D harmonic oscillator via the KS transformation. With the variables u1 and u2 this transformation can be written
2 x1 u2 1 u2,

x 2 2u 1u 2


2 Under the transformation we have r u2 u2 1 u2, and xi and ui are usually realized by

x1 r cos , and u1 r cos , 2

x2 r sin 2


u2 r sin


The Schro dinger equation (7) becomes

1 1 8 u2

2r i1 ui


After multiplying by r and taking r u2 into account, we find

1 8


2 Eu2 u 2 i


This may be cast into the form of a Schro dinger equation for a 2D harmonic oscillator after first stipulating that E 0 (for bound motions), and making the definitions m 4, We obtain (E/2)1/2,


or 0 , with

1 2m

m2u2 2 u 2 i1 i 2 1



Chen, Zhang, Wang, Jing, and Zhao

1 2m

2 2 m 2u 2 i1 ui


0 and are the pseudo-Hamiltonian of a 2D harmonic oscillator and the pseudo-energy eigenvalue, respectively. In the usual way, we now introduce a set of two lowering and raising operators for the 2D harmonic oscillator, bj b j u , m 2 2m u
j j

(16) ( j 1, 2)

u m 2 2m u

where [bi , b j ] ij, all other commutators being zero, and [0, bj] bj , Thus (15) becomes 0
[0, b j ] bj


b b 1
2 j1 j j


Now writing in the occupation number representation as n n1n2 n1 n2 n1n2, which can be obtained by (b 1) (bj ) 0, we immediately obtain from (14) (n1 n2 1) 1 1 2 2a (n 2) (n1, n2 0, 1, 2, . . .) (19)

Recalling (E/2)1/2, we obtain the energy levels of a 2D hydrogen atom E En (n 1, 2, . . .) (20)

where a 2/ is the Bohr radius. The wave function n n1n2 can be expressed easily in polar coordinates as nl(u) un1n2 Rnl(u)l(), where () eil (l 0, 1 2, . . .), and Rnl(u) is related to the confluent hypergeometric function. Essentially, nl(u) is also the wave function of a 2D hydrogen atom under the KS transformation shown in (8). From the point of view of a 2D harmonic oscillator, the b j and bj are raising and lowering operators [see (17)], and they transform n into n1 and n1, respectively. Now a question arises naturally: With the known raising and lowering operators of a 2D harmonic oscillator, can one obtain some hints to establish those of a 2D hydrogen atom? The answer is yes. Let us focus on (16), and note that there is an operator (E/2)1/2 in the b j and bj . After acting on n, becomes

Raising and Lowering Operators for 2D H Atom


4a 1 n 1

In this sense, the b j and bj are n-dependent operators as follows: bj(n) b j(n)




, u j ( j 1, 2)

mn uj 2

2m n u j


so when referring to b j(n) and bj(n), they always act on n. Combining (21) with (10), one notes that b j(n1) (which will act on n1) can be obtained from b j(n) through replacing n by n1, or equivalently, through replacing r by r with (n 1/2)/(n 1/2). Hence, the raising operators of a 2D hydrogen atom must contain a kind of operator which can transform r into r; as we know from the literature [1], this kind of operator is just the dilatation operator as follows (for 2D): D n exp

i r p 1 ln ,

n 1/2 n 1 1/2 ( j 1, 2) (22)

D n f (xj) f ( xj),

D n f ( pj) f ( pj / )

Note that (D n ) Dn , and Dn is not defined for n 1. In the next section, we derive raising and lowering operators of a 2D hydrogen atom by an Ansatz method using the dilatation operator.

3. DERIVATION USING AN ANSATZ METHOD We now write (7) in polar coordinates as

2 2 1 1 L2 3 R(r)() ER(r)() 2 r 2 r r 2 r 2 r


where the angular part of the wave function () is the eigenfunction of the ] angular momentum along the third direction L3 i/. Since [L3, r (x1 ix2)/r, from (4) we know that r are raising and , where r r lowering operators of L3 and they shift l() eil to l1(), respectively. Hence the raising and lowering operators for the angular part of the wave function of a 2D hydrogen atom are clear. In the following we establish those of the radial part of the wave functions based on the definition (4).


Chen, Zhang, Wang, Jing, and Zhao

Denote by Q n the raising operator of a 2D hydrogen atom; it should commute with L3, otherwise it will change the angular part of the wave function when it acts on (r, ) R(r)(). Guided by the observation [L3, D n ] [L3, r] [L3, r p] 0 we make the Ansatz
Q n T n Dn ,


T n

i r r p n n a


where n and n are some unknown n-dependent coefficients that need to be determined later. Due to 1 22 i [p2, r] rp , r 2 r p, 1 1 i , r r

r p p r 2i (26)

[p2, r p] 2ip2

D n

r r D n, n 1/2 n 1 1/2

2 2 2 2 D n (n 1/2) p (n 1 1/2) p Dn

we obtain
HT n T n H 2H

1 i n rp r r 2

HD n Dn

n 1/2 (n 1/2)2 2 H 1 (n 1/2) n 1/2 r



[H, T n Dn ] T n Dn

(n 1/2)2 1 H (n 1/2)2

D n D n

1 n 1/2 i n rp n 1/2 n 1/2 r 1 n 1/2 1 n n n 1/2 2 n 1/2 r

2D n

1 (n 1/2)2 (n 1/2)n 2 H (n 1/2) 2a (n 1/2)2


When (28) acts on n, we set

Raising and Lowering Operators for 2D H Atom


1 0, n 1/2

n 1 n 0 2 n 1/2

1 H (n 1/2)n n 0 2a (n 1/2)2


i.e., n 1/(n 1/2), n n, En (/2a)/(n 1/2)2; therefore, (28) becomes

+ [H, Q n ] Qn F ,


(n 1/2)2 1 H n (En1 En)n (n 1/2)2 (30)

is the sought raising operator. By the same Based on the definition (4), Ansatz method, the lowering operators can also be determined. They are 2r i Q , 1 T1 r p a
Q n T n Dn

Q n

(n 2) (31)

r 1 i T n1 n r p a (n 1) 1/2

From r p ir /r, T 1 R10(r) 0, Qn Rn, n1(r) 0, Qn Rn, l(r) Rn1, l(r), and Qn Rn, l(r) Rn1, l(r), we can obtain all the radial parts of the wave functions Rn, l(r). In conclusion, based on hints from the raising and lowering operators of a 2D harmonic oscillator, we have established Q n for a 2D hydrogen atom by an Ansatz method. The n-dependent operators Q n can be expressed in a unified formula as (for n 2): Q n T n Dn

r p 2D
i 1

r 1 1 Dn D n n a (n 1) 1/2 2

(32) If we introduce the operator then n 1 2a H (33)

2a E1
n n


n (n 1/2)n. The dilatation which can be written in terms of n as operator can be expressed as


Chen, Zhang, Wang, Jing, and Zhao

D n


1 i rp1 k!


n 1/2 (n 1/2) 1 ln 1


When D n acts on n, its effect is the same as that of D


1 i rp1 k!


Based on the above analysis, from (32) the n-independent raising and lowering operators Q are given by Q

r p 2D
i 1

r 1 D D a 1


ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was partially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China. REFERENCES
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