Financial Analysis of L&T
Financial Analysis of L&T
Financial Analysis of L&T
Ratio analysis involves establishing a relevant financial relationship between components of financial statements. It helps in identifying significant relationships between financial statement items for further investigation. Financial ratios are used to evaluate profitability, liquidity and capital market strength.
Liquidity Ratio:
Liquidity is the ability of a business to meet its short-term obligations when they fall due. An enterprise should have enough cash and other current assets which can be converted into cash so that it can pay its suppliers and lenders on time.
Profitability Ratio:
Profitability ratios measure the degree of operating success of a company. The only reason why investors are interested in a company is that they think they will earn a reasonable return in the form of capital gain and dividends on their investments. Therefore, they are keen to learn about the ability of the company to earn revenues in excess of its expenses. They will not be interested in a company that does not earn a sufficient margin on its sales. Failure to earn an adequate rate of profit over a period will also drain the companys cash and impair its liquidity.
Ownership Ratios:
The ownership ratio is the proportion of households who own their homes as opposed to renting. The ultimate effect on owners who bought before the bubble formed and did not sell is zero. Those who bought when low and sold high profited, while those who bought high and sold low (after the bubble has burst) or held until the price fell lost money. This redistribution of wealth, it is also argued, is of little macroeconomic significance. Ownership is the state or fact of exclusive rights and control over property, which may be an object, land/real estate or intellectual property. Ownership involves multiple rights, collectively referred to as title, which may be separated and held by different parties.
1. Liquidity Ratios
Liquidity implies a firms ability to pay its debts in the short run. Short term liquidity depends on the net working capital of the company. Short term creditors, long term creditors & shareholders are interested to know the liquidity of the company.
1.25 1.19 3.68 22.34
1.9 1.58 67.93 8.07
The above table conveys that the overall liquidity position of L&T in terms of current and quick ratio is average. But it has poor management efficiency which reflects from its receivables turnover and inventory turnover ratio.
2. Profitability Ratios
Indicates the efficiency of the firms activities and its ability to generate profit. Profit can be measured in terms of sales or in terms of assets. Long term creditors & shareholders are interested to know the profitability of the company.
Return on equity:
Return on equity = net income/ average equity Now, average equity = (21846+18312)/2 = 20079 So, return on equity = 3887/20079 =19.35%
TISCO gives 14.68% return on equity. So, the productivity of the capital employed in the L&T is very good. Thus we can say that L&T has employed its resources properly.
The above table conveys that L&T is able to generate good profit in relation to assets but cannot be able to generate good profit in relation to sales. This implies that remedial measures have to be taken from the sales point of view.
3. Ownership ratios
Debt-equity ratio :
Debt-equity ratio= debt/equity Total debt= 7161 So, debt-equity ratio= 7161/21846 =0.33
Debt-equity ratio of TISCO is 0.64. The ratio shows that in L&T the debt portion is less than the equity. This is a very healthy sign for the company because contribution by the shareholders is more than the contribution by the creditors. Degree of protection felt by the lenders is more in L&T than that in TISCO. So L&T dont have any financial risk and it can borrow money if it want expansion.
Therefore :-
PAT+Depreciation+Other non-cash charges+Interest on term loan Interest on term loan + Repayment of the term loan Therefore:3957.89+576.87+583.72 = 2.82 583.72+1228.89