PARTS OF SPEECH ACADEMIC ENGLISH ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The following persons have contributed to the development of th is learning material: Content and Structure: Curriculum Developer(s) Leslie Childs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . English Curriculum Content Exper t New Brunswick Community College . . . . . . . . . . Bathurst Project Supervision/Co-ordination: Angela Acott-Smith . . . . . . . . . . . . Project Co-ordinator New Brunswick Co mmunity College . . . . . . . Woodstock Kay Curtis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Literacy Co-ordinator New Bruns wick Community College . . . . . . . Woodstock This document is available full-text on the World Wide Web thanks to the Nationa l Adult Literacy Database. The financial support for this learning materials project was provided by the National Literacy Secret ariat of Human Resources Development Canada. Fall 1998
This support module may be used with BAU-ENG 6.5,Parts of Speech, and IAUENG 2.1 Parts of Speech. BAU-ENG 6.5 OBJECTIVE Upon successful completion of this unit, the learner will be able to 1. identify the eight parts of speech in simple sentences. 2. explain the function of each part of speech. TEACHING POINTS Noun 1 2 3 4 Pronoun 5 6 V erb 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Adjective 14 15 16 17 18 19 common and proper singular and plural possessive nouns (with s) used to name people, places, things personal, i ndefinite, interrogative use to replace nouns identify verbs and verb phrases (e .g. walk, walks, walked, is walking, has walked, has been walking, etc .) singul ar and plural forms of to be (present, past, future) singular and plural forms of t o have (present, past, future) use of basic verb tenses (past, present, future) p rincipal parts of common irregular verbs uses to express action and state of bei ng used to describe nouns and pronouns comparison of adjectives use of er ending t o compare two things use of est ending to compare two or more things use of more and most with longer adjectives comparison of irregular adjectives e.g. good, better, best Level 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 5/6 5/6 5/6 5/6 5/6 PARTS OF SPEECH
Adverb 20 21 22 used to describe verbs: where, why, when, how, how much usually end in ly comparis on of adverbs: e.g. quickly, more quickly, most quickly used to show space and t ime relationship between nouns used to join complete thoughts used to express su rprise, horror, or other strong emotions 3/4 3/4 5/6 5/6 5/6 3/4 Preposition Conjunction Interjection 23 24 25 Learners should be encouraged to use their own writing as well as traditional ex ercises to identify parts of speech.
IAU-ENG 2.1 PARTS OF SPEECH OBJECTIVES Upon successful completion of this unit, the learner will be able to 1. identify the eight parts of speech in written and oral communications.. 2. describe the function of each part of speech. TEACHING POINTS Lev el Nouns (naming) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Types: common & proper concrete & abstract singular & plural possessive (with bo ys, boys and Charles Types: personal (gender, number, person, case) interrogative, indefinite reflexive, reciprocal, demonstrative, emphatic relative Type: action & linking helping (auxiliary) & main = verb phrase active & passive voice Princi pal parts: regular & irregular Tense: simple (past, present, future) perfect (pa st, present, future) progressive (past, present, future) perfect progressive (pa st, present, future) Types: common & proper demonstrative articles (a, an, the) Comparison of adjectives: regular and irregular Types: regular (ly) & irregular ne gative (e.g. not, never); quantitative (e.g. Comparison of adverbs: regular & ir regular Types: simple & compound (e.g. in/in front of) Types: co-ordinate (and, but, or, nor, for, yet, so) correlative (either/or, neither/nor, not only/but al so) conjunctive adverb (e.g. therefore, thus, etc.) subordinate conjunction: (e. g. because, if, when, relative pronoun (e.g. that, which, who, etc.) 7 7 7 Pronoun (naming) Verb (stating: action/existence) 7 7 7 8 8/9 7 7 9 7 7 7 7 8 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 8/9 9 Adjective (describing) 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Adverb (describing) Preposition(joining) Conjunction(joining)
Interjection 30 expressing horror, surprise, etc. 7 Practice is the key to developing mastery of this objective. Practice sentences can be found in every grammar text, in newspapers and magazines, as well as in t he learners own writing. Learners should develop a hands-on approach to identifying parts of speech by regularly using their own writing as a source of practice ma terial.
NOTE TO FACILITATORS AND LEARNERS: 1. The first grammar module,Parts of Speech, presents information and exercises to accompany the objectives of BAU-ENG 6.5., Parts of Speech and IAU-ENG 2.1, Parts of Speech. Sections of this module marked with an asterisk (*) should be completed by learners wanting to complete the BA U-ENG 6.5 objectives. Learners working in IAU-ENG should complete all sections o f this module. If they have previously completed the BAU-ENG programme, those se ctions marked with an asterisk should be reviewed. Facilitators are free to use any support materials appropriate to their learners needs. Additional resource ma terials may be required for those wanting more information on this topic or for those needing more practice mastering certain areas. Alternate support materials may be appropriate. Learners should be very familiar with the parts of speech b efore they attempt Module 6, Parts of the Sentence. Grammar terms are not always consistent. Where possible, this module indicates alternate terminology and way s of handling specific grammar situations. Learners should be familiar with thes e, so that a wider variety of source materials are accessible to them. The accom panying Practice Booklet contains exercises and an answer key in support of spec ific teaching points. Many exercises may, however, be used to practice identifyi ng a variety of parts of speech. Practice is essential to mastery of parts of sp eech. Learners will benefit from using their own writing, newspapers, magazines, and novels as a source for practice sentences. The real purpose for learning gr ammar is to help learner write and speak as effectively as possible. Do NOT writ e in this module. Please make your notes and complete the exercises in your own notebooks so that other learners may also use these booklets. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 WHAT IS GRA MMAR? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 WHY STUDY GRAMMAR? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 WHAT ARE THE PARTS OF SPEEC H? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Nouns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Pronouns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Verbs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Adjectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Adver bs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Prepositions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Interjec tions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Conjunctions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 A CLOSER LOOK AT NOUNS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Rules for forming possessive forms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 A CLOSER LOOK AT PRONOUNS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 A CLOSER LOOK AT VERBS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Principle parts of the verb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Summary of verb tenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Irregular Ve rb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 42 47 48 A CLOSER LOOK AT ADJECTIVES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 A CLOSER LOOK AT ADVERBS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 A CLOSER LOOK AT PREPOSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 CONJUNCTIO NS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 INTERJECTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 SOME COMMON GRAMMAR MISTAKES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 CONCLUSION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 FEEDBACK FORM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
1 GRAMMAR: PART I PARTS OF SPEECH I INTRODUCTION This module is the first of three that focuses on the basics of English grammar you need to speak and write as effectively as possible. Everyone already knows a lot about grammar and uses it correctly most of the time. Whenever people read, write, speak, or listen, they are using their knowledge of grammar. How did the y learn it? When they were learning to talk, they learned the names of things (v ocabulary), the different forms of a word (sings, sang, singing, sung, songs), a nd they learned how to put them into sentences in the right order (syntax) so th ey would be understood and get what they wanted. A. WHAT IS GRAMMAR? Dictionaries define grammar as the rules and explanations which deal with the fo rms and structure of words (morphology1), their arrangement in phrases and sente nces (syntax2), and their classification based on their function (parts of speec h). Like many dictionary definitions, this makes grammar sound more difficult th an it really is. Look at this picture, and then write a simple sentence (about 6 or 7 words) to explain what you see. Be sure to write the sentence in your note book. 1 The root word morph means form. The etymology of syntax shows it meanings putting tog ether. 2
2 Your sentence probably looks something like this. 1. The man is throwing the bal l. 2. The pitcher is going to throw the ball. You might even have written 3. The ball is being thrown by the pitcher. Whatever you wrote, it probably include th e word ball, the action throw, and a word that meant a man. You certainly didnt w rite Ball throwing man the the is. That wouldnt make sense and people hearing or reading your message would be confused. You wrote the sentence the way you did b ecause you already know and use the basic rules of grammar. Heres what probably h appened at lightning speed in your head. First, you saw the picture, and your br ain understood the ideas the picture presented. Then you thought the names (voca bulary) for the things you just saw and arranged them (syntax) in an understanda ble order. Finally, you translated each sound in each word into letters (spellin g) and wrote the entire sentence. In fact, you probably started your sentence wi th a capital letter and ended it with a period (punctuation). You see you really do know lots about grammar! B. WHY STUDY GRAMMAR? Although you do write good sentences most of the time, you may make a few mistakes . Studying grammar is really just learning a new vocabulary so that you can talk about and learn how to correct these mistakes. Understanding grammar also helps you write new kinds of sentences that are more effective and more persuasive. S peaking and writing correctly are very important. Usually the first impression s omeone, including a possible employer, has of us comes from what we say or write and how we say it. People judge us and our abilities by the way we use
3 the language. For example, some people say He sure done good! or He should of went to the dance or Hunters didnt shoot a big amount of deer this year. While the meanin g is very clear, the way it was said (or written) may encourage others to think that the speaker/writer probably doesnt have much schooling or else isnt very good a t expressing him/herself. This module gives you a chance to find and correct any grammar mistakes you may be making. Unless you correct those errors in grammar, you may be unfairly judged, and your true abilities may go unrecognized. C. WHAT ARE THE PARTS OF SPEECH? Although English has hundreds of thousands of words, every one can be placed int o at least one of eight groups, or classifications. The system of classifying wo rds based on their function is known as the parts of speech. The eight parts of speech are noun pronoun verb adjective adverb preposition conjunction interjecti on Learning about the eight parts of speech will help you understand the grammar explanations of some of the mistakes you make and figure out how to correct the m. Because some words can be used in several different ways, you have to look at what a word is doing in a specific sentence before you can classify it (name it s part of speech). For example, look at these sentences. He ran fast so he would nt be late. (describes how he ran...adverb) They will fast to raise money for UNI CEF. (tells about an action...verb) Their fast lasted for three days. (names a t hing...noun)
4 The word fast is spelled the same, but it functions differently in each sentence. II THE BASICS OF PARTS OF SPEECH A. NOUNS Words that name people, places and things are called nouns. The following table lists a variety of nouns. EXAMPLES OF NOUNS PEOPLE PLACES: THINGS: ANIMALS: OBJE CTS: SUBSTANCES: ACTIONS: MEASURES: QUALITIES: cashier province cat fork iron (a ) race kilogram happiness Carol New Brunswick Dalmatian television air (the) dan ce centimetre honesty boys lake bug car gold (the) hits day beauty Nouns can be found anywhere in a sentence, and most sentences contain several no uns. One way to find nouns is to look for the little words a, an, the. The namin g word that comes after them is probably a noun. Sometimes nouns appear without these little words, but you can usually insert them without changing the meaning of the sentence. Paul and his children visited the continent of Africa and saw some lions. Paul is a noun that names a person. Children name people continent n ames a thing Africa names a place lions names a thing. Can you find 10 nouns in this picture?
5 Examine the following sentences carefully until you feel satisfied that you can identify the nouns in most sentences. Paul and his sister went to the zoo to see the elephants. Her lawyer bought an old house in Moncton last year. Finish your work before the big game starts on TV. The Smiths lived on a farm until a week ago when the family moved to town. Ottawa is the capital of Canada, and Frederic ton is the capital of this province. Sometimes people eat more food than their b odies need. French is the first language of some citizens of Ontario. Complete E xercise 1 and 2 in the Grammar Practice Booklet and check your answers in the An swer Key. If you made more than one or two mistakes, you should do more exercise s from other textbooks. You may also choose to use any of the exercises in the G rammar Practice Booklet to find nouns. B. PRONOUNS Pronouns refer to and replace nouns (the names of people, places, and things) th at have already been mentioned, or that the speaker/writer assumes are understoo d by the listener/reader. For example, I want you to read this again. The words I, you, and this are pronouns. In this sample sentence, it isnt necessary to actual ly see the nouns (writer, reader, and sentence) because the writers/speakers meani ng is obvious Examine the sentences below. For each pronoun printed in bold type , think of a noun it could replace. She saw it when they bought it. (e.g. Sue sa w the dog when the boys bought the dog. Everybody was glad when it was over. The candy that we gave them was made last year. What did you buy from them? Write a sentence about this picture. Use pronouns instead of nouns.
6 It barked loudly and then wagged its tail. Some of this is important to me When she heard herself on tape she was embarrassed. We were surprised when they did t he laundry themselves. Who bought those from you? Fill it up, please. Many signe d up, but few were chosen. We planted them, but the birds ate everything. Comple te Exercise 3 and 4 in the Practice Exercise Booklet. If you need more practice, find more exercises either in another text or use other exercises in the Practi ce Booklet itself. C. VERBS The third part of speech presented in this module is the verb, one of the main p arts of every sentence. Here are some hints that may help you locate verbs. 9. 1 0. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. A sentence is not a sentence without at least one verb. V erbs usually tell about an action. Verbs are often found in the middle of senten ces. Verbs may consist of one word. Verb phrases3 may have up to five words. Ver b phrases can be interrupted by small words like not, never, always. Verbs chang e their form to tell about actions taking place at different times. For example, We walked to the store yesterday can be changed to show the action happening in the future. We will walk to the store tomorrow. The word walked became will wal k; therefore, they are verbs. Here are some sentences that show verbs at work. Notice that some verbs have mor e than one word and are sometimes interrupted by small words that are not part o f the verb. 3 Phrase...a group of words that belong together.
7 The pitcher threw the ball to the catcher. The runner flew down the race track. The farmer used all the water in his pond. The dog was chasing its tail. I have finished the laundry. Have you written that letter? They had already bought her present. I have never seen anything like that before. Paul can do anything. Trac y will be buying her wedding dress in New York. My dad thought that he could sel l his old car for more. She might have been being chased before her car smashed into the bridge. Most students are usually sitting on the steps when the teacher arrives. Some special verbs are a little more difficult to find because they do not show any action. When you find the words am, are, is, was, and were used in a sentence between two nouns, you have found one of these special kinds of verb s. My sister is a nurse; I am a teacher; our father was a millwright. Sometimes these special verbs are used to show how a person is feeling or to describe a qu ality. Alex and Jim were unhappy with their marks. She is beautiful and talented . They were always honest. Learning to identify verbs takes lots of practice. Co mplete Exercises 5, 6, and 7 in the Practice Exercise Booklet. Find more exercis es if necessary and use them until you feel satisfied that you can accurately pi npoint verbs in most sentences. D. ADJECTIVES To talk or write about a person place or tree. To add descriptions to those re of what you mean, you add detail rich, old. Words that tell more about or thing, you use nouns like girl, house, nouns that give the reader a clearer pictu words in front of the noun like little, blue, nouns or pronouns are called adjectives.
8 An adjective is a word which describes or modifies a noun or pronoun. A modifier is a word that limits, changes, or alters the meaning of another word. Therefor e, an adjective limits, changes, or alters the meaning of a noun or pronoun. Adj ectives are usually placed before the noun. the white, puffy clouds a happy, car efree child some tall, stately trees a rich dark chocolate layer cake five huge leafy bushes Heres another way of thinking of adjectives. Imagine that you are in a large meeting room full of people. Your boss tells you, Give this piece of pap er to the woman. The only problem is that there are twenty-three women in the roo m. To which one should you give the paper? Your boss might have said the tall wom an. The word tall is an adjective and somewhat helpful, as only six of the women are tall. To which tall women should you give the paper? Perhaps your boss said, the tall, blond woman with the red dress. The words tall and blond are adjectives that help you pick out a specific woman from a large group. In other words, the se adjectives limit the noun woman to one specific person. The group of words wit h the red dress is also a form of adjective that helps limit the meaning to one p articular person. You will learn about these groups of words later in this modul e. Examine the sample sentences below for a better understanding of adjectives. I have a car. I have a blue car. I have a small dark blue car. The first sentence does not tell anything about my car, only that I have one. Th e second adds the adjective blue. This descriptive word makes the sentence more interesting and helping the reader see your car in his/her minds eye. The meaning o f the word car has been limited from all the cars in the world to only those tha t are blue. The third sentence adds even more details. Other adjectives like shi ny, new, cool, powerful could be added that would further limit the meaning of t he word car or tell what kind it is.
9 One of the secrets of good writing is to include lots of details (adjectives),so the reader can accurately see the picture you are describing in his/her minds ey e. Adjectives also tell how many, as in many people, several candies, and four c hildren. Words which limit the noun by telling which one or ones are also adject ives. Such adjectives include this, that, these, and those, as in this car, that coat, these boots, and those houses. These are demonstrative adjectives. This b ook belongs to Pete; those pencils are Teds. This and those are adjectives becaus e they come in front of the nouns book and pencils. This and those modify or lim it the meaning of the nouns book and pencils. The words this, that, these, and t hose can be used as either adjectives or pronouns. Compare these two sentences t o clarify the difference between their use as adjectives and pronouns. This belo ngs to Pete; those are Teds. (pronouns) Pete bought this Ford, and Ted bought tha t Chevy. (adjectives) This and those are pronouns in the first sentence because there are no nouns in the sentence for them to modify. The nouns they stand for or replace were probably mentioned in an earlier sentence. In the second sentence, this modifies the proper noun Ford; that modifies the proper noun Chevy. Compar e the meaning of these two sentences. I have a blue car. I have the blue car. Th e words a and the change the meaning of the word car. Although some grammar book s call them indefinite (a, an) and definite articles (the), others called them a djectives. Either is correct.
10 A REVIEW OF WHAT YOU HAVE READ SO FAR ABOUT ADJECTIVES: L L L L L an adjective is a word that modifies a noun or a pronoun; an adjective tells wha t kind, as in old man, new clothes, bad taste, and cold day; an adjective tells how many, as in many days, few hours, couple of dollars, and two cities; an adje ctive tells which one or ones, as in those books, this restaurant, these compute rs, that building; articles are also adjectives - a, the, and an. Sometimes nouns can be used as adjectives. Glass, kitchen, and school are usuall y nouns. Used in the following ways, however, many grammar books call them adjec tives: I could see that he had a glass eye. Hang the kitchen clock above the ref rigerator. Do you know the value of that school book? In cases like these, if yo u are asked to identify the part of speech for glass, kitchen, or school, there are two right answers: noun and/or adjective. Examine these sentences that demon strate this use of adjectives. The big orange school bus pulled up beside those leafy maple trees. Adjectives are sometimes hard to find. A good trick to remember is that adjectives are almost always placed next to the nouns that they modify.
11 Write a sentence or two about this man that clearly describes him to someone who cannot see the picture. Underline all the adjectives you used. Complete the Exercises 8 and 9 on adjectives in the Practice Exercise Booklet. F ind more exercises if necessary and use them until you can accurately pinpoint a djectives in most sentences.
12 E. ADVERBS You have just learned that adjectives modify nouns and pronouns. Another type of describing word or modifier is the adverb. Adverbs limit, change, or alter the words they modify. 1. ADVERBS MODIFY VERBS He is driving. This sentence tells you only that a person is doing an action. If an adverb is added, you will find out how he is driving, where he is driving, or when he is driving. How is he drivin g? Where is he driving? When is he driving? 2. He is driving quickly. He is driv ing away. He is driving now. ADVERBS MODIFY ADJECTIVES In the following sentence, the noun sunset is described as beautiful. What part of speech is the word beautiful. The campers saw a beautiful sunset. Beautiful i s an adjective modifying the noun sunset. If you want to tell how beautiful it w as, you can add something in front of the adjective. The campers saw a very beau tiful sunset. The campers saw a truly beautiful sunset. When a word is added tha t expresses how beautiful the sunset was, or to what extent it was beautiful, th at word is called an adverb. Thus very and truly are adverbs modifying the adjec tive beautiful.
13 Here are some of the words that can be used as adverbs in front of adjectives. e xtremely somewhat a little completely really tremendously particularly especiall y perfectly unusually 3. ADVERBS MODIFY OTHER ADVERBS Adverbs may also be used t o modify other adverbs. The dog ate quickly. The adverb quickly modifies the ver b ate and shows how the dog ate. By adding another adverb, we can find out how q uickly the dog ate, as follows: How quickly did the dog eat? The dog ate very qu ickly. WORDS ENDING IN LY Many adverbs are often made by adding ly to an adjective. ADJECTIVE bright easy soft full careful quick *first, change ll to l *first, ch ange y to i ADD -LY brightly easily softly fully carefully quickly ADVERB * Check the dictionary if you are unsure about the correct spelling of any word.
14 WORDS THAT ARE ALWAYS ADVERBS Some words can only be used as adverbs, never as ad jectives. A list of these words follows. The only way to remember these words is to memorize them, and learn to recognize them in sentences. well4 quite very al most always usually often surely not never so (He was so happy.) In the section on verb phrases, you learned that some small words can be found i n the middle of verb phrases, but they are not verbs. Those words are adverbs. H e was always asking questions. He will never tell another lie. Eric will not sho p on Sundays. I have often wondered about the moon. WORDS THAT MAY BE ADVERBS OR ADJECTIVES A few words can be used as adverbs or adjectives. Three examples of such words are early, fast, and late. The train arrived early. (adverb) Penny dr ives fast. (adverb) A student is late. (adverb) It was an early train. (adjectiv e) Penny is a fast driver. (adjective) There is a late student. (adjective) Complete Exercises 9 and 10 on adverbs in the Practice Exercise Booklet. Find mo re exercises if necessary and use them until you feel satisfied that you can acc urately pinpoint adverbs in most sentences. 4 usually an adverb - can be an adjective to describe a persons health
15 F. PREPOSITIONS Preposition are joining words, sometimes called connectives, which are used to s how a time, place, or ownership relation between two nouns/pronouns or a noun an d a verb. Prepositions and the nouns/pronouns that follow them are always groupe d together and treated as a single grammar unit, called prepositional phrases. p reposition Time: after Place: under Ownership: of + + + + noun or pronoun the pa rty the table our town = prepositional phrase = (after the party) = (under the t able) = (of our town) Prepositions are always the first word in a prepositional phrase. Prepositional phrases are used to add more detail to a sentence. The following sentence gives no details about the person or her actions: The girl walked. Where did the girl walk? Perhaps she walked around the building: The girl walked around the buildin g. The word around is a preposition which tells the relationship between the gir l walked and the building. Other prepositions show different relationships betwe en the girl walked and the building: Consider these prepositions. The girl walke d through the building. The girl walked into the building. The girl walked behin d the building. The girl walked to the building. The girl walked beside the buil ding. The girl walked near the building. In each sentence above, the preposition al phrases give more information about the verb walked by telling where she walked . Adverb phrases can also be used to tell how, in what way, when. Anything that modifies a verb is an adverb; therefore, these prepositional phrases, telling wh ere she walked, are called prepositional adverb phrases.
16 Prepositional phrases can also be used as adjectives to modify a noun or pronoun . The colour of that paint is just right. The driver in the 96 Ford was responsi ble. The sweaters on the shelf match these jeans. The books in that bag are your s. Some boxes from Japan were delivered yesterday. They rented the house on the corner. The presents under the tree were delivered this morning. In each example above, the prepositional phrase adds details about the noun. Because these phra ses function as adjectives, they are called prepositional adjective phrases. Her e are some common prepositions: about above across after against along among at before below beneath beside betw een beyond by down during except for from in inside into of off on out outside over past since through toward under until up with without within Complete Exercises 10 and 11 on prepositions in the Practice Exercise Booklet. F ind more exercises if necessary and continue to practise until you can accuratel y pinpoint prepositions and prepositional phrases in most sentences.
17 G. INTERJECTIONS Perhaps the easiest part of speech to find is the interjection. An interjection is a word or group of words used to express strong feeling. It can be an actual word, or merely a sound and is followed by an exclamation mark (!) or a comma. U nlike all the other parts of speech, the interjection is not linked in any way t o any other word in the sentence. Following are some examples of interjections: Wow! Oh, no! Never! Fantastic! No! Oh! Ouch! Fabulous! Ah! Wow! Do Exercise 12 in the Grammar Practice Booklet. H. CONJUNCTIONS Conjunctions, like prepositions, are also joining words or connectives. Conjunct ions are used to join words, phrases, or clauses5. Conjunctions can be found in any position in a sentence except the very end. Before you can really understand clauses, you will need to work through Module 6, Part of the Sentence. For the purpose of this module, you can use the elimination method to find conjunctions. It works like this: identify all the words you can in a sentence, those that ar e left over are probably conjunctions. Look at these examples. When lightning st ruck the old barn, it burned quickly ? noun verb adj adj noun pronoun verb b The word when looks like it might be an adverb, but does it tell you at what t ime? No, the word itself doesnt add any new information. What it does do is intro duce a group of words that tells specifically when something happened. Clauses are mini-sentences stuck into real sentences and which need special joining words (conjunctions) to attach them.. 5
Joe and Mike followed the young cub, but they noun ? noun verb adj adj noun o could not catch it. verb adv verb pro The words and and but are conjunctions. And joins two nouns; but joins two compl ete ideas. Complete Exercises 13 and 14 on conjunctions in the Grammar Practice Booklet. Then complete Review Exercise 15 before you continue with this module. Evaluate your learning so far! Which statement below best describes you? I understand parts of speech. I can usually identify the parts of speech correct ly. I am beginning to get the basics of parts of speech. I am a little confused about parts of speech. I am totally lost. Based on how you rated your understanding of parts of speech, what do you think you should do next? Review? Start again? Do more practice work? Go on to the nex t section?
19 III A CLOSER LOOK AT NOUNS Nouns are words that name a person, place, or thing in a sentence. A. TYPES OF NOUNS Nouns are classified according to their meaning. COMMON NOUNS AND PROPER NOUNS A word which names a person, place or thing in gene ral is called a common noun. Examples: waiter, dog, province, girl, house, car, and city. When a word names a particular, or the only, member of a class or grou p it is called a proper noun. Proper nouns are always capitalized. Examples:Paul (the name of a particular person ), Doberman (the name of a particular kind of dog), New Brunswick (the name of a particular province), and Ottawa (the name of a particular city). Do Exercise 16 and 17 in the Practice Booklet. 2. CONCRETE NOUNS AND ABSTRACT NOUNS If a noun names something that can be detected by the fi ve senses, it is called a concrete noun. Nouns like table, house, car, brain, cl oud, sky are concrete nouns. On the other hand, if a noun refers to qualities wh ich do not exist in the real world and cannot be felt, tasted, seen, heard or to uched, they are categorized as abstract nouns. Examples: honesty, pride, beauty, swiftness, friendship, height, speed, faith 1. Do Exercise 18 in the Practice Booklet. 3. COLLECTIVE NOUNS Collective nouns nam e groups or collections of people, places and things. Examples: team, crowd, her d, flock, audience, jury, committee, panel. Collective nouns have both singular and plural forms: one committee, six committees. Example: Six trials are schedul ed so the judge called six juries.
20 Singular collective nouns can have a singular meaning (the group is acting as a single unit) or a plural meaning (the group is acting as individuals). Here are two examples that illustrate this point. The jury is announcing its decision. Th e jury are stating their opinions. In the first sentence, the jury is acting as a single unit; everyone agreed on one decision. In the second case, each juror i s acting as an individual, and there are many different opinions. The team is bu ying new uniforms. The team are buying new uniforms. In the second set of exampl es, the first sentence describes a situation where the team has held several fun draisers and the team as a unit will order and pay for the clothes. The second s entence reports that each member of the team will shop for and buy the uniform h im/herself. Do Exercise 19. MASS NOUNS Most nouns refer to things that can be co unted like apples, steaks, miles, chairs, bracelets, dollars, and are, therefore called count nouns. Mass nouns, however, are similar to collective nouns, but r efer to non-living things which cannot be counted: They are always used in the s ingular even though they refer to many items. Some grammar books call these mass nouns as non-count nouns. Examples: meat, land, furniture, jewellery, money, fo od, timber, gold, clothing, equipment. Certain words and phrases are always used with non-count nouns. an amount of jewellery (non-count) a number of rings (cou nt) a little meat (non-count) a few steaks (count) some furniture (non-count) se veral chairs (count) less clothing (non-count) fewer shirts (count) Here are som e examples of correct usage. The farmer bought a large number of cows, so he nee ded a huge amount of grain. 4.
21 His construction company owns several graders but only a little excavating equip ment. We bought several chairs and some bedroom furniture. My uncle owns a few a cres in the country and a little land nearer town. Be sure when you write or spe ak that you use the correct words to go with each type of noun. B. FORMS OF NOUNS Grammar is also the study of the changes in spelling of form that words make as they perform different functions in a sentence. SINGULAR AND PLURAL Nouns may be singular referring to one, or plural, referring to more than one. Most nouns cha nge their form by adding s when they are plural. However, there are exceptions to every rule - and exceptions for the exceptions. Module 4, Spelling, explains the basic rules and the exceptions for forming plurals. POSSESSIVE NOUNS Common and proper nouns can sometimes be further classified as possessive nouns. A possessi ve noun shows ownership, belonging, or that something is part of something else. They are easy to find in a sentence because they always include an apostrophe () . 2. 1. Libbys front teeth Evas big smile Gregs tiny nose
22 RULES FOR FORMING POSSESSIVE FORMS OF NOUNS Conditions If a noun is singular and does not end in s If a noun is singular and ends in s, be guided by the way you say the word Possessive Form add an apostrophe () plus s to the noun Examples - th e neighbours car - the childs toys - Glorias career - New Brunswicks art - D oriss store - my bosss approval - Denniss car - witnesss description - John Hastings store - Jesus parables - Phillips farm - Mary Parsons garden - stud ents lounge - witnesses story - librarians club - the Jones party - the ladi es room - oxens hooves - mens choir - womens wear - childrens toys - if a new syllable is formed in the pronunciation of the possessive, add an apo strophe plus s - if adding an extra s would make the word seem awkward or hard to pr onounce, add only an apostrophe If a noun is plural, and already has an s at the end add only an apostrophe () If a noun is plural and does not end in s add apostrophe () s Now examine the following phrases: the boys bicycles the boys bicycles Which phrase refers to one boy? Which refers to several boys? How can you tell? If the apostrophe follows a singular form of the noun, it indicates that one per son owns the item. If it follows the plural form of the noun, it shows that seve ral
23 people own it. Examine these phrases. How many people own the house? The party i s going to be at my friends house. Look at the word with the apostrophe. It was a lready plural before the apostrophe was added, so the house is owned by two or m ore friends. Now examine these phrases: the ladys room the ladies room Which phrase probably indicates a bedroom? Which likely refers to a washroom? Wh y? What grammar mistake is almost always made on the doors of public restrooms? Look at the illustration below. Which phrase correctly describes the man? the babies grandfather the babys grandfather How about the picture to the right? Which sentence is the best description of th e whole picture? The books covers are different colours. The books covers are diff erent colours. Babies grandfather is correct The books covers is correct
24 Pay attention to the position of the apostrophe when you read or write because i t gives you important information about who owns the item(s). Hints for Using Po ssessive Nouns 1. The possessive form of a noun is rarely used in formal writing with plants and non-living objects. For example, it is better to write "the leg s of the table" instead of "the tables legs" or "the leaves of a tree" rather t han "the trees leaves." However, it is acceptable to use the possessive form fo r common expressions referring to time and measurement, such as two weeks vacat ion five dollars worth one hours time Avoid using two or more possessives toge ther in a sentence. Heres an example: Sarahs boyfriends mothers house is for s ale. The above sentence contains 3 possessives. Only one is acceptable. A better version of the sentence would look like this: The house belonging to the mother of Sarahs boyfriend is for sale. Examine the following sentence. Then, create a rule to explain what you found. Mary and Susans mother arrived yesterday. You s hould have written something like this: When two or more people own something toget her, you use an apostrophe only with the owner who is mentioned last. 5. If both nouns are possessive, each one owns a separate thing. Marys and Susans houses are on the same street. 2. 3. 4. Do Exercises 22, 23, and 24 in the Practice Booklet.
25 IV A CLOSER LOOK AT PRONOUNS Pronouns replace nouns that were mentioned earlier. The following paragraph cont ains no pronouns. Our cats name is Spot. Our cat is black and white. Our cats body is mostly white. Our cat has four black paws. Our cat has a long black tail. Ou r cat purrs a lot. Our cat never scratches. Our cat likes to play. My mother, my father, two brothers, and three sisters love our cat. Whats wrong with this para graph? How does it sound? Would you want to read a whole book that was written l ike this? Why not? When the paragraph is rewritten, using pronouns to replace so me nouns, it sounds more natural and interesting, and less repetitive. Our cats n ame is Spot. It is black and white. Its body is mostly white but its four paws a re black. It has a long black tail. We call our cat Spot. It purrs a lot, and it never scratches. Spot likes to play. Everyone in our family loves the cat. TYPES OF PRONOUNS Pronouns are divided into eight groups depending on their meani ng and how they are used in a sentence. It is for you!
26 A. PERSONAL PRONOUNS Personal pronouns are used frequently in English to make writin g and speaking more interesting. These Personal Pronouns I, me, my, mine we, us, our, ours, you, your, yours he, him, his she, her, hers it, its, they, them, their, theirs they, them, theirs, their CAN BE USED IN PLACE OF: your name your name and the names of other people the name of someone else you a re addressing boy, man, male girl, woman, female plants, objects, actions, subst ances, and other things you would not refer to as "he" or "she" people Do Exercise 26 in the Practice Booklet. Personal pronouns can be classed by numb er, person, gender, and case. The grammar term number means singular or plural. The pronouns I, you, he, she, it are singular forms; the words we, you, they are plural. Pronouns are also grouped by person. I and we are first person pronouns and refer to the writer/speaker, obviously the most important person(s) in the me ssage. You is classed as second person because the person referred is present. H e, she, it, and they are called third person pronouns because the person(s) refe rred to is not present. Person 1st person Singular I, me, my, mine Plural we, us , our, ours you, your, yours they, them, their, theirs 2nd person you, your, yours 3rd person he, him, his, his she, her, hers it, its
27 * If the pronoun you is used to refer to one person, then it is considered singu lar. (I want you to close the door.) If, on the other hand, you is used to desig nate a group of people, it is considered plural (Class, I want you to be on time .) The term gender refers to nouns and pronouns. Nouns which name a male person are called masculine: waiter, actor, aviator. Nouns which name a female person a re called feminine: waitress, actress, aviatrix. The pronouns he, him, his show masculine gender, and she, her, hers show feminine gender. The pronoun it which shows no gender is called neuter and is used to refer to plants, animals, and in animate objects which are singular. In English, plural pronouns, we, you, they, etc. are used to replace plural nouns, regardless of gender. Case is a term used in grammar to talk about the special forms of pronouns needed when they are use d in different places in a sentence. Module 6, Grammar: Part 2, explains case in greater detail. Do Exercise 27 in the Practice Booklet. Some of personal pronou ns are used to show possession or ownership. my, mine your, yours his, his her, hers, its, --our, ours their, theirs whose, ----Read the following sentence whic h does NOT contain possessive pronouns. Mary is standing by the door. That coat belongs to Mary. The sentence could be rewritten, using the possessive pronoun h ers to replace the second Mary and the part of the sentence belongs to. Mary is standing by the door. That is her coat. OR Mary is standing by the door. That co at is hers.
28 Very important: Possessive pronouns do not need apostrophes because the spelling the word itself shows that it is possessive. The words its, youre, and theyre are not possessive pronouns; they are contractions of it is, you are, and they are. Examine these sentences and learn the difference. Its always funny when the dog c hases its tail. Youre going to be surprised when you see your new sister. Their a partment will be for rent when theyre transferred to Saint John. 1. PRONOUN SELECTION What do you think is wrong with the following sentence? Peop le are often told that if they want a good job you have to stay in school. The o nly pronouns in the sentence are they and you. Both pronouns replace People, a n oun which means a group of people who are not present at the time of speaking. O f course, the pronoun you can also refer to a group of people, but they must be present. The people referred to in this sentence are , however, not present at t he time of speaking. The pronouns, therefore, do not match, but they should matc h. The sentence should be corrected. A lot of people have been told if they want a good job they have to stay in school. Heres another common error in pronoun se lection. My mother and me rushed into the house. The pronoun "me" is not correct in the right case. The sentence should read: My mother and I rushed into the ho use. An easy way to select the right personal pronoun, (I/me, he/him, she/her, w e/us, they/them is to test the pronoun alone. For instance, you can test the sen tence above by reading it, using only the pronoun. Me rushed into the house. You know that does not look right or sound right. It should read I rushed into the house.
29 It is obvious now that the correct pronoun is I. Look at this sentence. Mr. Smith gave John and I three letters to mail. This sentence may look and sound correct, but it contains a basic grammar mistake that lots of people, even well-educated ones, make. You can find the error by imagining that Mr. Smith gave to letter t o only one person. Mr. Smith gave I three letters to mail. Just as in the exampl e above, you can hear and see that this is not correct. The pronoun me is the co rrect form, and the sentence should be corrected like this. Mr. Smith gave John and me three letters to mail. The next two examples show a very common error, he ard often in speech. Are yous going to the movie tonight? The error may seem obv ious in print, but be careful when you are speaking. Many people make this mista ke. When speaking to one OR more than one person, the pronoun you is the correct choice. Yous is not a word. Give me them pencils so I can sharpen them. The pro noun them is never used with a noun. The correct word to use in this sentence is those. Give me those pencils so I can sharpen them. Do Exercises 30, 31, 32, an d 33 in the Practice Booklet.
30 2. PRONOUNS AND THEIR ANTECEDENTS Margaret rode her bike to the mall. The pronoun he r replaces the possessive noun Margarets and refers to the proper noun Margaret at the beginning of the sentence. In this sentence, the noun Margaret is the an tecedent of the pronoun her. An antecedent is the noun or nouns a pronoun refers to or replaces. The noun Marg aret is the antecedent of the pronoun her. The only reason for knowing about antecedents at this point in the course is to improve your sentence writing. The pronoun must agree with the antecedent it rep laces. This means that the pronoun and its antecedent must match. Read this sent ence. An employee must always be ready to give their best service to each custom er. What is the antecedent of the possessive pronoun their; in other words, who is supposed to give the best service? The antecedent of their is employee. Is th e noun employee singular or plural? Is the pronoun their singular or plural? To make this sentence grammatically correct, employee and the pronoun which replace s it their must agree. This means that the pronoun and the word it replaces must match. There are two ways to correct this grammar mistake. Make both words plur al, or make them both singular. Employees must always be ready to give their bes t service to each customer. OR An employee must always be ready to give his (or her) best service to each customer. Note: When it is impossible to tell whether an employee (mechanic, person, student, teacher, etc.) is male or female, it is now considered more appropriate to write the singular form of the sentence this way. An employee must always be ready to give his/her best service to each custo mer.
31 Here is another place where using the right pronoun is essential. Al and Tim act ually cleaned his apartment yesterday. The sentence is not clear.. Whose apartme nt was cleaned? Did it belong to Al? Tim? Al and Tim? or someone else entirely? When the pronoun agrees with its antecedent, the sentence will read Al and Tim a ctually cleaned their apartment yesterday. If the apartment belongs to someone e lse entirely, the pronoun his is still incorrect because it has no antecedent. T he reader doesnt know who his refers to because the writer hasnt mentioned anyone else. The corrected version is Al and Tim actually cleaned Marks apartment yester day. How would you rewrite the sentence if the apartment belonged only to Al? Al and Tim actually cleaned Als apartment yesterday. Sometimes when you are writing a story or an essay, the antecedent does not appear in the same sentence as the pronoun which replaces it. Carla and Jack left for vacation yesterday. They wen t to Tahiti. The pronoun they replaces the antecedents Carla and Jack in the pre vious sentence. When you proofread your own writing, you should read it through just looking for correct agreement of pronouns and their antecedents. Do Exercis es 34 and 35 in the Practice Booklet. B. INDEFINITE PRONOUNS In the following sen tence, Everybody should sit in his or her seat until the plane has stopped. ever ybody is a pronoun. Because it does not refer to any particular person or thing, it is an called an indefinite pronoun. The pronoun everybody is singular. When referring to everybody, use a singular pronoun like he/his, or she/he. Do not us e the plural pronouns they/their to
32 replace everybody. Incorrect: Everybody should sit in their seat until the plane has stopped. Even though it may sound right because you have heard it so often, i t is NOT correct. The correct version is Correct: Everybody should sit in his/he r seat until the plane has stopped. Other singular indefinite pronouns include a ny anybody anything anyone everyone everything everybody either neither another everything everyone each nobody no one none nothing somebody someone something A few indefinite pronouns are plural. The pronoun they/their is the proper choic e for replacing or referring to such indefinite pronouns. Plural indefinite pron ouns include: several all both Do Exercise 36 in the Practice Booklet. few some many
33 C. DEMONSTRATIVE PRONOUNS This very small group of pronouns is extremely useful in making clear sentences. Singular this that such Plural these those such Use this and these to point out something close to you; use that and those to re fer to things that are farther away. The word such can be used as either singula r or plural. (e.g. Such a horse is hard to find.(singular) Such horses are hard to find. (plural) Demonstrative pronouns are used to replace a noun or nouns. Gi ve her the book. Give her this. Book is the antecedent of this Eat the pie. Eat that. Pie is the antecedent of that. Give her the books. Give her these. Books i s the antecedent of these Eat the pies. Eat those. Pies is the antecedent of tho se. Take his coat and hat. Take them. Coat and hat are the antecedents of them. Remember to look for the antecedent before you decide that this, that, these, an d those are demonstrative pronouns. If you cannot find the antecedent, the words are not demonstrative pronouns. I know that you are honest. (Not a demonstrativ e pronoun) Buy those pork chops. (Not a demonstrative pronoun) I sold some cakes , but I gave those to Mary. (A demonstrative pronoun) Do Exercise 37 in the Prac tice Booklet.
34 D. REFLEXIVE PRONOUNS Reflexive pronouns are used when the receiver of the action is the same person as the doer. In other words, if someone does something to himse lf or herself, the action is expressed using a reflexive pronoun. Tammy cut hers elf on the broken glass. The children frightened themselves with ghost stories. Singular reflexive pronouns: myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself Plural r eflexive pronouns: ourselves, yourselves, themselves Notice the two different se cond person forms of the reflexive pronoun. If the sentence is directed to one p erson, use the singular form yourself, but if it refers to a group, use the plur al form yourselves. Andy, you must be careful not to push yourself too far. Play ers, watch yourselves out there on the field today. Although it may sound and lo ok correct, there is no such word as themself. Check the dictionary. Can you find the word themself? Can you explain why not? E. EMPHATIC PRONOUNS Emphatic pronouns6 look exactly like reflexive pronouns but they are used to emp hasize a noun or another pronoun. For example, when you want to point out that y ou did something all by yourself, you might say, I fixed the car myself. or I, m yself, wouldnt pass judgement on him. Singular emphatic pronouns: myself, yoursel f, himself, herself, itself Plural emphatic pronouns: ourselves, yourselves, the mselves Examples: You, yourself, are better able to answer that question. They a rranged their trip to Toronto themselves. I inspected the tree itself before dec iding it was dead. 6 Some grammar texts call this group intensive pronouns.
35 F. RECIPROCAL PRONOUNS There are only two reciprocal pronouns: each other, one anot her. Example: The friends started listening to each other and their relationship impr oved. She taught her children to help one another. Do Exercise 38 in the Practic e Booklet. G. INTERROGATIVE PRONOUNS When you ask a question about someone or som ething, you often start with an interrogative pronoun. Interrogative pronouns: w ho7, whom8 whose, which, what Example: Who is going to the dance next week? Whom will you ask about the schedule? Which do you like best, CDs or tapes? What are you going to wear tomorrow? You will see the words who, whom, which, that in many sentences. If they are not used to ask a question, they are not interrogative pronouns. The man who lives there recently walked to Miramichi. We saw the boat which was damaged by the wha le. Do Exercise 39 in the Practice Booklet. H. RELATIVE PRONOUNS Relative pronouns are used to insert special grammar structures called clauses i nto a basic sentence. The term clause really means extra bits of 7 Module 6 explains how to use who and whom correctly. Module 6 explains how to use who and whom correctly. 8
36 information in a sentence, expressed in a special way. Module 6, Parts of the Se ntence explains their use in detail. Relative pronouns: who, whoever, whom, whom refer to people which............................................... to refer to things ref er to people/things Examples: The man who is wearing the red shirt just robbed t he bank. The teacher whom you met trained in France. I saw the television progra m which was banned in the States. I almost forgot that it was your birthday. The driver that stopped didnt get a ticket. The driver who didnt stop got a ticket. W e went to see her favourite movie which was playing in Woodstock. Do Review Exercises 40, 41, and 42 in the Practice Booklet.
37 V A CLOSER LOOK AT VERBS The third part of speech presented in this module is the verb, one of the main p arts of every sentence. In fact, a sentence is not a sentence without at least o ne verb. A. TYPES OF VERBS A verb is a word that expresses action or state of bei ng. 1. ACTION VERBS Most verbs are action verbs. They show that something is being done or that some thing is happening. They refer to actions that can be observed with the five sen ses, such as The children ran after the dog. The horse jumped the fence. The ros e grew very quickly. He caught the ball easily. She drives very carefully when i ts snowing. Make twenty short sentences like the ones above. Underline the verbs you used. Make sure they express a physical action you can actually observe. Act ion verbs may also show mental action that cannot be seen or observed. She thoug ht about what she had done. They realized their mistake. That accounted for his absence. David decided to move to Woodstock. You can guess the answer? Trish rea lly loves her husband. Do Exercise 43 in the Practice Booklet.
38 2. STATE OF BEING VERBS A very small number of verbs express a state of being. These non-action verbs ar e sometimes called linking verbs or copula verbs. They show that something or so mebody exists. Examples of these types of verbs include: I am here. We were scar ed. You are hungry. You will be successful. John is tired. They were unhappy. Sh erri is an accountant. He was a good friend. The dog was friendly. A list of non -action or linking verbs includes LINKING VERBS am is are have been are Compare these sentences. I am happy. I am a student. I ate the apple. In the first sente nce the verb am describes the writers state of being and happy describes how the wr iter is feeling. This is one way to use a state of being or linking verb. In the se cond sentence, the noun student and the pronoun I refer to the same person, and the sentence means that I = a student. In other words, the writers state of being is as a student. This is the second use of the state of being or linking verb. Module 6 , Parts of the Sentence presents more information on linking verbs. On the other hand, the verb in the third example ate definitely describes an action. As well , I and apple do not refer to the same thing. The verb ate is an action verb, no t a linking verb. was were has been will be become (all forms) being be had been will have been seem (all forms)
39 A few verbs can be used as either action verbs or linking verbs. Here are the mo st common ones. smell grow taste sound feel look If these verbs are used to desc ribe a physical action, something that can really happen or that is observable, they are considered to be action verbs. Martha tasted the chili. Bob smelled the smoke from the forest fire. He felt the water before he jumped in. Tom grew 3 i nches last year. The engineer sounded the locomotives horn at the crossing. The i nvestigator looked carefully at the evidence. If these same verbs are used to ex press a state of being, or the fact that something has certain qualities, they a re consider to be linking verbs. The chili tastes good. A bowl of chili does not have taste buds or a mouth and, therefore, cannot perform the physical action o f tasting. Examine the sentences below where these verbs are used as linking ver bs. (Notice that you can replace each of these linking verbs with the verb seem or is or become.) The smoke smelled stronger now. The sculpture felt smooth. The music sounded perfect in the arena. The evidence looks convincing in this case. The sky grew dark before the storm. Do Exercise 44, 45, 46, and 47 in the Pract ice Booklet. B. 1. FORMS OF VERBS AUXILIARY OR HELPING VERBS In the previous secti on, the verbs you identified consisted of only one word. He walked to school eve ry day.
40 My Aunt Teresa feels sick. A verb can sometimes be made up of more than one word , called a verb phrase. Within a verb phrase, the word that expresses the action is called the main verb and the other words that tell when the situation took p lace are called auxiliary verbs. I will travel to Halifax on the train. Sue and Greta were finishing the decorating. We have thought about a vacation this winte r. Did you write that poem? In the above sentences, will, were, have, and did ar e helping or auxiliary verb. Travel, finishing, thought, and write are the main verbs. Think about how the auxiliary verbs change the meaning in the sentences b elow. I am eating my dinner now. Before calling, I had eaten my dinner. When you called, I was eating my dinner. I will eat all the cookies before the sale. I w ill have eaten my dinner by 6 oclock. Sometimes, will can be a main verb, as in I willed all my property to my children. When will comes before a main verb, howe ver, it is a helping or auxiliary verb.) Here are some other words that can be u sed as helping or auxiliary verbs. has have had would could should may might mus t can am is are was were has have had shall will do does did have been, has been , had been am being, are being, is being, was being, were being
41 As you have just seen, some sentences have more than one helping or auxiliary ve rb. I will have saved enough money by Christmas. Both will and have are auxiliar y verbs. The main verb is saved. Although rare, it is possible to have as many a s four helpers in one verb phrase. At 5:00 p.m., the new engine will have been b eing tested for 57 hours. I have never driven in a big city before. Here tested is the main verb, and will have been being are the auxiliary verbs. In some sent ences, the main verb is separated from the auxiliary verb or verbs by other non-v erbwords. I should have enough saved by Christmas to buy a special gift. The word enough is not a verb nor an auxiliary verb. Saved is the main verb, should and have are the auxiliary verbs. Here is a list of some of words that you may find in the middle of a verb phrase, but which are never part of the verb phrase. not never scarcely always usually sometimes please enough hardly almost just Do Exe rcise 48 in the Practice Booklet. 2. VERB TENSES Verbs are the most important part of the sentence. In fact, you cannot have a se ntence without a verb. Verbs express states of being or things happening today, in the present; before today, in the past; as well as what will happen after tod ay, in the future. In order to talk about the present, past, and future, we need to use different forms of verbs, sometimes with the help of auxiliary verbs. Ev ery verb has FOUR main forms, called PRINCIPAL PARTS OF VERB.
42 PRINCIPAL PARTS OF THE VERB I PRESENT walk9 carry has, have II PAST walked carried brought sang hit TICIPLE walked carried brought sung hit done been ing carrying bringing singing hitting doing being bring sing hit do am, are, is did was, were had III PAST PAR had IV PRESENT PARTICIPLE walk having
We use these forms of verbs to write and talk about things that happen at differ ent times: past, present, and future. Decide when the action in each of these ve rbs took place: past, the present or the future. How can you tell? 1. The childr en had heard the story. 2. The children are reading the story. 3. The children w ill be hearing the story. 1. Past 2. Present 3. Future...the auxiliary helps ind icate the time Although English has many verb tenses, this module explains four common tenses. simple tenses perfect tenses progressive tenses perfect progressi ve tenses 9 This form becomes walks, carries, brings, etc. in the third person singular.
43 a. Simple Verb Tenses These verb tenses are used to express actions in their simples t form. There are three forms of the simple tense: past, present and future. Sim ple past I walked to the store today. To create this tense use the second princi pal part of the verb, from Column II. Simple present He walks to school. To crea te this tense use the first principal part of the verb, from Column I. Simple fu ture They will walk to the movies tomorrow. To create this tense use shall or wi ll as auxiliaries along with the first principal part of the verb from Column I. Notice that the future tense always contains an extra word: shall or will. Toda y, will is almost always used when speaking about the future, but the correct writ ten form uses shall in the first person, I and we; will in the second and third pe rson. I shall walk to the store. We shall walk home You (singular-one person) wi ll sing a song. You (plural) will write that test. He will talk to them They wil l attend the lecture. She will make the cake. It will be here. SUMMARY OF SIMPLE TENSES TENSE Simple past Simple present Simple future AUXILIAR Y none none will or shall PRINCIPAL PART Column II - past Column I - present Col umn I - present EXAMPLE I walked I walk, he walks They will publish b. Perfect Tenses The three forms of the perfect tense (past, present and future) a re used to express a single action which has been, or is about to be, completed. The perfect tenses are often used to show which of two actions happened first. It is built using
44 some form of the auxiliary to have (has, have, had, shall will have) plus the pa st participle (Examples of past participles are shown in Column III of the chart called Principal Parts of the Verb.) Past perfect - I had answered your letter before you called me. Because this is the past perfect, it uses had, the past fo rm of to have as its auxiliary. It is easy to see that the action happened in th e past, but also notice that the answering took place before the calling. I have completed my assignment. He has finished his work. Despite its name, this prese nt perfect verb tense tells about actions that happened in the past, but the act ions happened more recently (closer to the present) than if the past perfect ten se were used. Compare the two sentences below to understand the difference in me aning between the two tenses. The truck has delivered the load of topsoil. - Pre sent Perfect The truck had delivered the washing machine. - Past Perfect Which a ction happened farthest in the past? Which action happened most recently? You ca n see that the present perfect refers to action that happened more recently. The third form of the perfect tense is the future perfect. Future perfect - He will have launched the boat before the storm hits. I shall have showered before you arrive. Here the time frame is a little more difficult to see, but it is clear t hat the boat launching will definitely take place before the arrival of the stor m. The future perfect uses the future form of the verb to have (shall have or wi ll have). Here all the action definitely takes place in the future, but see how one action (launching and showering) takes place closer to the present than the other. Present perfect -
45 SUMMARY OF PERFECT TENSES TENSE Past perfect Present perfect Future perfect AUXI LIARY had has, have will have, shall have PRINCIPAL PART Column III- past partic iple Column III- past participle Column III- past participle EXAMPLE We had walk ed He has sung I shall have done c. Progressive Tenses The progressive tenses also describe actions in the past, pre sent and future. When you want to describe actions that continued over a period of time, you use one of the progressive tenses. This tense is constructed by usi ng some form of the verb to be (am, is, are, was, were, shall be, will be) plus the present participle from Column IV in the chart. Past progressive: Gilda was washing the dishes when he arrived. Notice how the action of washing dishes take s place over a period of time. This tense is constructed by using the past form of the verb to be (was, were) plus the present participle from Column IV (washin g). Present progressive: The children are watching a puppet show. Here, too, the action of watching takes place over a period of time, and the auxiliary is the pr esent form of the verb to be (am, are, is) plus the present participle form from Column IV (watching). Future progressive: Eventually, they will be selling only new computers. In this case, the action described in this sentence will be taki ng place over a period of time, at sometime in the future. The future form of to be (will be, shall be) acts as the auxiliary along with the present participle from Column IV (selling).
46 SUMMARY OF THE PROGRESSIVE TENSES TENSE Past Progressive AUXILIARY PRINCIPAL PAR T was, were EXAMPLE Column IV-present participle He was eating Column IV-present participle You are eating Column IV-present participle We will be doing Present Progressive am, are, is Future Progressive will be, shall be Perfect Progressive Tenses The perfect progressive tenses are a combination of t he perfect tense and the progressive tense. Perfect progressive tenses are creat ed by using forms of both to have and to be as auxiliaries. The main verb in the perfect progressive tenses is taken from Column IV, the present participle. Pas t Perfect Progressive: This man had been asking too many questions. My sisters h ad been discussing my birthday party. Present Perfect Progressive: My groceries have been costing too much lately. He has been saving his money to buy a car. Fu ture Perfect Progressive: I shall have been watching TV for hours by then. They will have been driving for sixty hours when they arrive. RECOGNIZING VERB TENSES The key to naming verb tenses lies in recognizing the auxiliary verb and the pr incipal part of the main verb it uses. Sheila had answered all their questions. 1. Begin by identifying the whole verb phrase...................had answered 2. Identify the auxiliary. Here the auxiliary is had from the verb to have 3. Which tenses use the auxiliary to have?........................the perfect tenses 4. Is the auxiliary in the past, present or future.................had is in the pa st form. The verb phrase had answered is in the past perfect tense. As a final c heck, look at the main verb. Is it in the form of a past participle (Column III) ? Yes. Then, this is truly an example of a past perfect tense. Try this one your self. The students will be walking to school from now on. d.
47 Identify the verb phrase will be walking Identify the auxiliary verb will be Thi s comes from to be Tense is progressive What form? will is future The verb tense is future progressive Remember one of the best reasons for learning about verb tenses is so that you will recognize the complete verb phrase in a sentence, and choose the correct form when writing. There are other tenses, but you learn the m later. The following chart is a combination of all the summary charts dealing with verb tenses. SUMMARY OF VERB TENSES TENSE Simple Past Simple Present Simple Future Past Perfect Present Perfect Future Perfect Past Progressive Present Pro gressive Future Progressive Past Perfect Progressive Present Perfect Progressive Future Perfect Progressive AUXILIARY none none shall or will had has, have shal l/will have was, were am, is, are shall/will be had been has/have been will have been PRINCIPA EXAMPLE L PART Column II Column I Column I Column III Column III Column III Column IV Column IV Column IV Column IV Column IV Column IV I walked He sings They will sing We had hit She has carried I shall have rung He was hear ing You are finding She will be fitting I had been sitting He has been filling W e will have been biting Do Exercises 49 and 50 in the Practice Booklet.
48 IRREGULAR VERB As you may have noticed, some verbs form their principal parts by changing their spelling. These verbs are called irregular verbs. The next chart lists a few of these irregular verbs. If you are unsure about the correct form o f a verb, just use the dictionary. Look up the verb. If it is an irregular verb, the dictionary gives its principal parts right after the entry word. If there are no words written in bold type, it is a regular verb and all you need to do is a dd s,ing or ed to form its principal parts. IRREGULAR VERBS PRESENT throw feel spring ring drink bring burst eat rise raised swim cut PAST threw felt sprang rang dran k brought burst ate rose raised swam cut PAST PARTICIPLE thrown felt sprung rung drunk brought burst eaten risen raised swum cut lain laid lie (to recline) lay lay (to place) laid Do Exercise 51 in the Practice Booklet.
49 3. ACTIVE AND PASSIVE VOICE A final way to categorize verbs is as active voice or passive voice, based on s sentence structure and meaning. Verbs when used in the active voice look like th is in a sentence. The VIA train hit the truck at 7:43 P.M. on a stormy night. In sentences using active voice, the person or thing that did the action is usuall y mentioned first and the thing that received the action is mentioned last. When you hear or read a sentence, you naturally place the most importance on the thi ng you hear first, so in this example, the VIA train has the strongest focus. On the other hand, sentences that use verbs in the passive voice look like this. T he truck was hit by the VIA train on a stormy night. The truck was hit on a stor my night. In this case, the focus is now centred on the truck because it is ment ioned first. The effect of using a passive voice is to downplay the doer of the acti on. Many beginning writers use a lot of passive voice verbs in their writing. Goo d writing generally avoids the passive voice because it takes away from and weake ns the message. There are only a few occasions when the passive voice is useful. One of them is to reduce someones or somethings responsibility for an action. For example, if you worked for VIA and were afraid that the company might be sued f or negligence, which of the three sentences above would you write? The one which downplays the railways responsibility is The truck was hit on a stormy night. Thin k about how you report bad news. Often it is phrased in the passive. Kids are re ally good at using the passive to avoid responsibility. My report card got lost. ...(by me). I had an accident and the fender was crumpled. (by me). Heres an easy way to find passive verbs. Read the sentence and see if you can find a phrase t hat starts with by..someone/something. If you can, the verb is probably passive. I f you cant find a by phrase, try to insert one of your own. That house was designed by a famous architect. The candles were melted. (by whom? by what? the he at.)
50 It is important to know how to reduce the number of passive verbs you use in you r writing. Passive verbs make your message weak and ineffective. When you proofr ead your work, you should always read it through just looking for passives. When you find them, restructure the sentences to place the doer of the action at the b eginning of the sentence. For example, if you find a sentence that looks like th is Mark was bitten by a vicious dog. you should rewrite it, putting the doer at th e beginning. A vicious dog bit Mark. At the party, CDs were played and local new s discussed. This would be more effective if the verbs were in the active voice. At the party, the guests played CDs and discussed local news. Do Exercises 52, 53, and 54 in the Practice Booklet. Complete Review Exercises 55, 56, 57, 58, 59 , and 60 in the Practice Booklet. Although Lois could barely keep up, she still grabbed Clarks arm and ........ Fin ish the story in 5 or 6 more sentences. How many verbs did you use? What tenses did you use? Proofread your story and lo ok for passive verbs. Make sure your story uses only active verbs.
51 VI A CLOSER LOOK AT ADJECTIVES Adjectives are describing words which add details about the nouns in a sentence. Adjectives are usually placed BEFORE the nouns or pronouns they modify. However , adjectives can occasionally be found AFTER nouns and pronouns. The trees, tall and leafy, lined the driveway. The man with the umbrella stood in the rain. Wri ters choose to place the adjectives after the noun to get a special effect. Adje ctives which follow a noun are always surrounded by commas. The clouds, puffy an d white, sailed across the autumn sky. A child, busy and happy, is the best thin g a mother can think of. The survivors, pale and fearful, huddled in the ambulan ce. A sentence with a linking verb uses adjectives like this: The trees were tal l and stately. The clouds were white and puffy. I am happy about winning the lot tery. The counsellors were very angry. The words tall, stately, white, puffy, ha ppy, angry are all adjectives. They are placed after the linking verb and give m ore information about the person or thing which comes before the verb. These are a special kind of adjective called a predicate adjective. You will learn more a bout these predicate adjectives in Module 6. Here are some more examples of adje ctives used with linking verbs. The book is heavy. The tourists are American. I am frustrated with my sons behaviour. Max was late again today. The boys will b e hungry. They became nervous when they heard the thunder. It seems to be injure d. Do Exercises 61 and 62 in the Practice Booklet.
52 VII A CLOSER LOOK AT ADVERBS Adverbs are describing words which add details to the sentence by modifying verb s, adjectives, and other adverbs. Adverbs often end in ly. Review the section on a dverbs on page 10 at the beginning of this module before continuing. DISTINGUISH ING BETWEEN ADJECTIVES AND ADVERBS The word good is an adjective and the word wel l is almost always used as an adverb. He wrote a good answer. In this sentence, use the adjective good because it modifies a noun and tells more about the noun answer. Well is usually an adverb. In the sentence below, well modifies the verb answered and that tells how the questions was answered. He answered the questio n well. Exception: The word well can be used as an adjective when used in relati on to how someone feels. How are you? I am well. Or I feel well. Using the wrong m odifiers is a common mistakes both in speaking and writing. To use them properly , you must know which part of speech is needed in the sentence you are creating: an adverb or an adjective. Practice is the best way to master adverbs and adjec tives. Do Exercises 63, 64, and 65 in the Practice Booklet. COMPARISONS USING MO DIFIERS Sometimes a sentence compares two or more things. When comparing two thin gs, add er to most modifiers, either adjective or adverb. If the sentence sounds a wkward, you use the word more in front of the adjective or adverb instead of add ing er. bright: This light is brighter than that one. quick: The spaniel is the qu icker of my two dogs. nice: This sweater is nicer than my red sweater. comfortab le: This chair is more comfortable than mine.
53 fast: soon: He walked faster than I did. They left sooner than we did. When comparing two things, DO NOT add er to adverbs ending in ly. Use the word more in front of the adverb instead. carefully: Barbara drives more carefully than Pa t. Chop the pepper more finely than the onions. finely: Usually, the suffix er is not added to ANY modifier with more than one syllable, such as the adjectives be autiful and gorgeous. beautiful: Todays sunset is more beautiful than yesterdays . bravely: He acted more bravely than this brother. Often, more than two things are compared. Some of the rules change when comparing more than two things. Inst ead of adding er, add est. Do not add est to adverbs ending in ly, and use most with ifiers of more than one syllable. nice: Our view is the nicest of all the ones o n this street. kind: My math teacher is the kindest I have ever had. fast: He al ways drives fastest at night. sickly: Tom is the most sickly guy I have ever met . quietly: Of the four, this cars motor runs most quietly. peaceful: The time I spend at the lake are the most peaceful hours of my day. IRREGULAR COMPARISONS Some words do not form comparisons simply by adding er, est, or by using more or most. These words actually change their form. Vanilla ice crea m tastes good, strawberry tastes better, but chocolate tastes the best of all. I t is not correct to say gooder, goodest, or more good. Examples of other irregul ar modifiers follow.
54 SINGLE FORM Little Many Much, some Well Bad, badly Far COMPARING TWO Less More More Better Worst Farther, further COMPARING THREE OR MORE Least Most Most Best Worst Farthest, furthest ABSOLUTE ADJECTIVES Still other words cannot be used in comparisons, because of their meaning. These words are called absolute adjectives - words such as, corre ct and dead. An answer on a test is either correct, or not correct. It cannot be more correct, or correcter. If something is dead, it is dead. It cannot be less dead or more dead.
55 EXAMPLES OF ABSOLUTE ADJECTIVES complete conclusive eternal final immaculate lev el perfect perpendicular perpetual right round spotless square supreme unanimous unique CHOOSING THE CORRECT MODIFIER When making comparisons, some writers make mistakes because they cant decide whether to use an adjective or an adverb. It is no diff erent than distinguishing between adjectives and adverbs at any other time. If t he word modifies a noun or a pronoun, an adjective is necessary. If the word mod ifies a verb, an adjective, or another adverb, use an adverb. He is real happy i s incorrect. Happy is an adjective and needs an adverb to modify it. The correct adverb is really; therefore the correct version is He is really happy. Do Exerc ise 66 in the Practice Booklet.
56 VIII A CLOSER LOOK AT PREPOSITIONS Prepositions are little words that show the relatio nship between nouns/pronouns or tell when, where, how the action in a verb took place. Prepositions are always part of a group of words called a prepositional p hrase. Some grammar textbooks list prepositions in two categories: simple and co mpound. Review the list of prepositions on page 13 of this module before continu ing. Compound prepositions, sometimes called complex prepositions, consist of tw o or more words which are treated as a single unit. Example: They were standing in the middle of the football field. in the middle of is the preposition in the middle of the football field is the complete phrase Here is a list of some compo und prepositions. in front of the house by means of a tow rope on top of the hil l in addition to their good health ahead of everyone in spite of his good intent ions except for my sister out of kindness as far as the gas station These prepos itional phrases can be used as adjectives that modify a noun/pronoun or as adver bs that modify a verb. after the accident = prepositional phrase preposition + n oun The noun or pronoun which completes the prepositional phrase is called the o bject of the preposition. There are three prepositional phrases in the sentence below. The students at Superior School went to the library with her. at Superior School, to the library, with her The underlined nouns or pronouns are called the object of the preposition. Prepo sitions are also sometimes called connectives because their function in a senten ce is to connect the modifier with the thing it modifies. Always use the persona l pronouns me, you, him, her, it, us, them after a preposition. Do Exercise 67 a nd 68 in the Practice Booklet.
57 IX A CLOSER LOOK AT CONJUNCTIONS (BAU- recognition only) Conjunctions are also join ing words and are sometimes called connectives. A conjunction may join words, ph rases or clauses. TYPES OF CONJUNCTIONS A. CO-ORDINATE CONJUNCTIONS Co-ordinate co njunctions join words that are the same part of speech: a noun with a noun; an a djective with an adjective; and so on. There are only seven coordinate conjuncti ons: and for but yet or so nor Some people use the mnemonic FANBOYS to remember them. The cat and the dog alway s eat and sleep together (2 nouns; 2 verbs) After the hike and before dinner, th ey peeled vegetables and told stories. (2 prepositional phrases; 2 verbs) The yo ung and restless children ran quickly and effortlessly. (2 adjectives; 2 adverbs ) The girls sang, and the boys danced. (2 complete ideas) I want to go, but I ca nt find the time. (2 ideas) You can write a report, or you can make a speech. (2 ideas) I cant finish this dessert, nor* can I drink my coffee. (2 ideas) She coul dnt attend school, for she had no money. (2 ideas) He always gets lost, yet he ne ver carries a map. (2 ideas) It rained, so they cancelled the outing. (2 ideas) * Notice how the word order changes when this conjunction is used. B. CORRELATIV E CONJUNCTIONS This small group of joining words are similar to co-ordinate conj unctions, but they are always used in pairs. not only/but also Example: Harold w as not only late, but also at the wrong address.
58 Example: neither/nor Harold was neither on time, nor at the right address. either/or Haro ld was either late, or lost. whether/or I dont care whether Harold gets here or not. both/and Both Harold and Steve arrived two hours late. Example: Example: Example: C. CONJUNCTIVE ADVERBS Conjunctive adverbs are used to join two complete sentences that are very closely related in meaning. Lightning struck the old farmhouse. Th e old farmhouse burned to the ground. Although these could be two unconnected ev ents, in this case, the house burned down because it was struck by lightning. A writer might choose to say Lightning struck the old farmhouse; therefore, it bur ned to the ground. Lightning struck the old farmhouse; consequently, it burned t o the ground. When a conjunctive adverb is used to join two complete sentences, place a semicolon in front of it and a comma after it. Here is a list of some co mmon conjunctive adverbs. therefore moreover thus consequently as a result howev er nevertheless hence otherwise besides anyway instead meanwhile furthermore sti ll If these words do not join two complete ideas, they are adverbs. Compare It s nowed last night; therefore, we didnt go. We did, however, call them to explain. Do Exercise 69 in the Practice Booklet before continuing.
59 SUBORDINATE CONJUNCTIONS Another group of words are often used as conjunctions. T hese are called subordinate conjunctions. They are used to join two ideas which otherwise would require two separate sentences. She was confused. She didnt ask a ny questions. Although she was confused, she didnt ask any questions. The road wa s slippery. The truck drivers stopped carefully. The truck drivers stopped caref ully because the road was slippery. I will be able to come sometime. I am not su re when that time will be. I am not sure when I will be able to come. Here are s ome examples of other subordinate conjunctions at work. We stopped at the grocer y store after we bought gas. If I were you, I would start studying now. Since sh e got that job, she hasnt been able to go to school. You wont be able to write you r GED unless you sign up now. As soon as you can, make sure Mark is alright. Her boyfriend will do whatever she asks. Notice that every sentence that contains a subordinate conjunction has at least two complete verb phrases. Module 6 explai ns this in more detail. Here are some common subordinate conjunctions. after* si nce * whether although while where as than* why as if though when because unless how before* until* even if if The words with an asterisk (*) may sometimes be u sed as prepositions. You must look at the sentence carefully to determine whethe r these words are used as prepositions or conjunctions. If the word is a preposi tion it will be followed by only a noun or pronoun. If it is a subordinate conju nction it will be followed by a noun and a verb. Module 6, Parts of the Sentence gives more details on identifying subordinate conjunctions. Look at the followi ng sentences and decide which contain subordinate conjunctions and which have pr epositions. D.
60 Before the party started, we went to the store. Before the game, they bought pop corn and a drink. Because she lost her wallet, she couldnt go to the concert. Bec ause of her loss, she was unable to afford the plane ticket. Since I won the lot tery, I decided to buy a new car. Since the election, the politicians have staye d in Fredericton. The best way to learn how to identify conjunctions is to pract ise. Do Practice Exercise 70 in the Practice Booklet. E. RELATIVE PRONOUNS Relative pronouns, which you learned in the pronoun section, are also used as co njunctions. These words are relative pronouns: who, whom, which, that, whomever, whichever. Do not confuse them with interrogative pronouns, used to start a que stion or pronouns. Example: That club always has good entertainment. (Demonstrat ive adjective) That is a good idea! (Demonstrative pronoun) Ivan said that he wi ll be working. (Relative pronoun) What did you say? (Interrogative pronoun) They guessed what I was giving them for Christmas. (Relative pronoun) Who is the des ignated driver? (Interrogative pronoun) The driver who was hired last week was l aid off. (Relative pronoun) Most students need more practice identifying preposi tions and conjunctions than can be provided in any one textbook. All grammar boo ks contain exercises suitable for extra practice. It is the students responsibili ty to decided when he/she needs extra work and to locate the practice exercises he/she needs. The instructor may suggest sources for supplementary work. You can practice identifying parts of speech using sentences from the newspaper or maga zines. You can write your own or trade with a class mate. As well, any of the ex ercises in the Practice Exercises Booklet may be used to practice identifying pa rts of speech. Do Exercise 71 in the Practice Booklet.
61 X INTERJECTIONS Interjections are the eighth and final part of speech. Interjection s are exclamations and may be followed by an exclamation point (!) or a comma. T hey are straightforward and simple to use because they are not related to any ot her word in the sentence. Whew! Ouch! Oh! My goodness! Eek! Yuck! Wow, did you s ee The Grateful Dead concert. Boy, that was a funny episode with Robin Williams. Do Exercise 72 in the Practice Booklet. Wow! Yikes! Yippee! Hey! I just won the lottery!
62 XI SOME COMMON GRAMMAR MISTAKES Boy, it is some cold today! Boy, it is very cold today. Boy, it is real cold tod ay! Boy, it is really cold today. Some is a pronoun or and adjective and cannot modify an adjective. This sentence needs an adverb to modify the adjective cold and show how cold it is. Use very cold. If he had went home sooner, he wouldnt ha ve missed dinner. If he had gone home sooner, he wouldnt have missed dinner. The verb phrase is incorrectly constructed. The verb phrase had went is meant to be in the past perfect tense. The past perfect is constructed using the past partic iple from Column III, not the past form from Column II. Use had gone. I done wel l on that test. I did well on that test. The form of the verb tense is incorrect . This sentence requires the simple past tense which created using the form from Column II. Done is the past participle form taken from Column III. Use the simp le past form did. The pictures should of been ready by now. The pictures should have been ready by now. The verb phrase is incorrect. Of is a preposition and do es not belong in a verb phrase. This verb phrase requires the auxiliary have. I aint finished yet. Im not finished yet. There is no such word as aint anymore. Bob said, Very best, Ill go with you next week. Bob said, Of course, Ill go with you next week. English does not include the phrase very best. It is a translation of the French trs bien and does not belong in a correct English sentence. Use a phrase like Of course. Fran had did her best on that test. Fran did her best on that te st. The verb phrase is incorrectly constructed. The verb phrase had did is meant to be in the simple past tense. The simple past is constructed using the princi pal part of verb from Column II. Use did.
63 Polly was real pleased with her new dress. Polly was really pleased with her new dress. Real is an adjective and cannot be used to modify another adjective. Thi s sentence needs an adverb to modify the adjective pleased and show how pleased Polly was. Use really pleased. The officer which stopped me for speeding gave me a warning. The officer who stopped me for speeding gave me a warning. The relat ive pronoun which can only be used to refer to things. The officer is obviously a person, so the correct pronoun is either who or that. He is sure late with his payment this month. Sure is an adjective and cannot be used to modify another a djective late. This sentence needs an adverb to modify the adjective late and sh ow how late he was. Use certainly late, really late, or very late. He is the tal lest of my two boys. He is the taller of my two boys. The word tallest is used t o compare more than two things. In this sentence, only two things are being comp ared; therefore, the correct form of the word is taller. CONCLUSION Getting rid of all the grammar mistakes in your writing and speaking will help you progress more quickly. Unlearning something you have said all your life is not easy. Start by identifying the kinds of mistakes you make without realizing it. Keep a secti on of your notebook for the explanations and corrections of your personal gramma r problems that is set up like the one above. A final word of advice before you move on to Module 6, Parts of the Sentence. Be sure that you are comfortable wit h the parts of speech and can accurately identify them at least 80% of the time. If you understand parts of speech well, learning about parts of the sentence wi ll be much easier. Do another self-evaluation? What do you think you should do next? Review? Write a pre-test? Find more practice exercises?
64 FEEDBACK PROCESS For feedback, please forward your comments to: New Brunswick Community College - Woodstock 100 Broadway Street Woodstock, NB E7M 5C5 Attenti on: Kay Curtis Tel.: 506-325-4866 Fax.: 506-328-8426 * In case of errors due to typing, spelling, punctuation or any proofreading errors, please use the enclose d page to make the proposed correction using red ink and send it to us. For feed back regarding the following items, please use the form below: insufficient expl anations; insufficient examples; ambiguity or wordiness of text; relevancy of th e provided examples; others... * Page number Nature of the problem Proposed solution (include your text if possible)
65 FEEDBACK PROCESS Page number Nature of the problem Proposed solution (include your text if possible) Comments:
ACADEMIC STUDIES ENGLISH Supplementary Exercises GRAMMAR: PART I Parts of Speech FALL 1998
1 Exercise 1: Nouns Copy these sentences into your notebook and then underline all the nouns you can find. Check your answers in the answer key. 1. The dog chased the cat under the porch. 2. Muffins made with blueberries are delicious. 3. My daughter sold her computer to a friend. 4. Robert drove his car to Saint John an d shopped for a new truck. 5. So much snow covered the roads, that even truck dr ivers pulled into motels. 6. The passengers on the ship witnessed the collision with the iceberg. 7. The Titanic sank in a few hours; many husbands and wives we re separated. 8. Penguins live near the South Pole, but these birds arent bothere d by the cold. 9. Many retired couples move to Florida where the weather is warm er. 10. Shediac is closer to the Confederation Bridge than Riverview is. Exercis e 2: Nouns A. Copy these sentences into your notebook and then underline the nou ns. 1. From the top of a small hill, we saw the Northumberland Strait. 2. The oc ean was calm, and the clouds were beautiful. 3. Then, the little boats began to appear. 4. The fishermen were out checking their traps for lobster. 5. Many peop le in this area spend most of their lives on the sea. 6. Local markets are full of mussels, clams, scallops, and lobster. 7. In small villages, canneries prepar e seafood for shipment to Japan. 8. When their boats are full, the fishermen ret urn to their harbours for the night. 9. If the weather is good, their catch is u sually large. 10. Storms make life on the water dangerous. B. Write 10 sentences of your own. Underline all the nouns you used. Exercise 3: Pronouns Copy these sentences into your notebook, and then underline all the pronouns you can find i n this exercise. 1. Many of them came, but few stayed long. 2. Give everybody so mething to eat before they leave. 3. What did you bring with you? 4. Did they te ach themselves how to speak German? 5. After she cut herself, she went for a tet anus shot.
2 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. All of those are expensive. Who likes chocolate? The stones on the beach were gr een, but these are pink. None of us was frightened by that. He gave her several bottles of this. Exercise 4: Pronouns A. Copy these sentences into your notebook and then underli ne the pronouns. 1. Who told us that no one would be at the mall? 2. This belong s to her. 3. She never gave them any of it. 4. Phillip called to tell them about that. 5. What did you give him and his wife for Christmas? 6. We always welcome suggestions. 7. Mine was destroyed by the flood, but the insurance covered it. 8. Give me some! 9. They told about the hardships we survived. 10. Many told abo ut the kindness of strangers. B. Write 10 sentences of your own. Underline all t he pronouns you used. Exercise 5: Verbs Copy these sentences in your notebook an d then underline the verbs. 1. The pitcher threw the ball. 2. The robin perched on a lower branch. 3. Seagulls flew lazily in the light breeze. 4. The New Bruns wick flag cost five dollars. 5. He dreamed about his recent accident. 6. Melissa always walks to work in the morning. 7. She often rode the bus home at night. 8 . His parents thought about him every day. 9. The Christmas tree looked beautifu l. 10. The lions slept in the sun for hours. Exercise 6: Verbs Copy these senten ces in your notebook and then underline the verbs. 1. Sue sat on the bench as we were jogging through the park. 2. John ate his lunch slowly.
3 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. He was enjoying a ham and cheese sandwich. After work, we decided on a movie. Si nce his accident, he has been driving more carefully. You will never guess the a nswer. Are you reading that magazine, or have you finished it? Lucy will send yo u her new address. Finally, the dealer agreed to our price. Everyone wants a luc ky lottery ticket. Exercise 7: Verbs A. Copy these sentences in your notebook and then underline th e verbs. 1. We learned about the effects of the storm from Norma. 2. Many branch es had been broken by the wind. 3. Heavy icy was still bringing down many power lines. 4. Only a few people could stay in their houses without electricity. 5. A fter three days, food became scarce. 6. Volunteers arrived with emergency suppli es. 7. People from nearby communities brought many loads of firewood. 8. Soon, l ife was returning to normal. 9. They are calling it the storm of the century. 10 . We hope that we will not have another ice storm this year. B. Write a paragrap h about an exciting event. Underline all the verbs you used. Exercise 8: Adjecti ves A. Copy these sentences in your notebook and then underline the adjectives 1 . The little girl ran along the dusty road. 2. Six delicious cookies were coolin g on the rack. 3. The dark brown painted dripped on the new white carpet. 4. A b eautiful red rose bloomed in a quiet corner of that flower garden. 5. The old cu rtains were torn and faded, and they flapped in the light breeze. 6. After a few hours, they arrived at the train station, nine miles from Minto. 7. The hockey arena is located on Water Street beside the steel mill. 8. They used paper plate s for the annual picnic. 9. These apples are juicy and red. 10. The long summer months are usually hot and dry. B. Use the paragraph you wrote in Exercise 7B. R ewrite it using enough adjectives
4 to make your reader see the scene clearly. Underline the adjectives you used. Ex ercise 9: Adverbs Copy these sentences in your notebook and then underline the a dverbs. 1. They arrived early for class. 2. Can you come soon? 3. She placed the crystal vase carefully on the table. 4. You cannot drive there! 5. The bus will arrive here at noon tomorrow. 6. Yesterday, the strikers blocked the driveway e ffectively 7. Rick gave his girlfriend an extremely expensive gift. 8. Kate is a truly courageous woman. 9. They finished their work surprisingly quickly. 10. T he weather turned really hot at the beach during this last week. Exercise 10: Ad verbs Copy these sentences in your notebook and then underline the adverbs. 1. C omputers are relatively new devices. 2. Many businesses use them daily. 3. Today , very fast computers are needed. 4. They produce statistics quickly and accurat ely. 5. Generally, they are quite easy to use. 6. Many people have never used a computer. 7. The baby has been very cranky lately. 8. Finally, she wrote the ver y last sentence correctly. 9. She smiled brightly and said that she was really s orry. 10. Politely, he asked for a second helping. Exercise 11: Prepositions Cop y these sentences in your notebook and then underline the prepositions. Draw a c ircle around the nouns or pronouns that complete the prepositional phrase. 1. Pu t your coats on the bed in the guest room. 2. Paula walked through the park and then turned towards home. 3. She hid the presents behind the desk and under the stairs. 4. The colour of her dress was really flattering. 5. The books on airpla nes were placed beside those on trains.
5 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. The chairs on the porch were painted white. Guests with tickets entered first. T he sap from maple trees is boiled into a syrup. We saw six pheasant on the road to Stanley. The man with the long scarf just robbed the store in the mall. Exercise 12: Prepositions Copy these sentences in your notebook. Underline the p repositions, circle the nouns/pronouns that complete them, and then decide wheth er the prepositional phrase is used as an adjective or an adverb. 1. My aunt in Sackville gave several of the antiques to Gene. 2. The camp beside ours was buil t in 1966 by Johns brother. 3. Since the crash, many of the survivors have receiv ed cash settlements. 4. In his new movie, Brad Pitt drives a car from Toronto to Los Angeles. 5. The time of day doesnt matter. 6. The supervisor questioned the quality of her work. 7. A few of our friends from school arrived for supper at J ulies. 8. None of the items on that page are available until July. 9. In 1992, mo st of the money disappeared. 10. The mine owners from Germany sold all of it to them. Exercise 13: Interjections Copy these sentences in your notebook and then underline the interjections. 1. Wow, did you see that jet! 2. Oh no! He lost the puck. 3. Ouch! That hurts. 4. No! Dont touch the brake. 5. Yuck, I hate boiled c abbage. Exercise 14: Conjunctions Copy these sentences in your notebook. Underli ne the conjunctions. Then indicate whether they are joining words, or groups of words (phrases), or complete ideas (clauses). 1. Apples and oranges are good for you. 2. It was a life and death situation. 3. Look under the table and in the c loset.
6 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. I wanted to travel quickly and cheaply, but I couldnt get a ride. We bought the t ickets, so we went to the concert. After we saw a deer, we drove to Doaktown. Be fore he gets sicker, he should go to the doctor. We sent you a full and complete refund when you asked for it. We ran home because it was raining. Until the sno w melts, we will have to stay home. Exercise 15 Conjunctions Copy these sentences in your notebook and then underlin e the conjunctions. 1. Although she missed the bus, she and Lily still arrived o n time. 2. Andy bought it because he liked it yet he never wore it. 3. Betty or Fran will bring the books which you wanted. 4. The waiter who served our lunch w as really nice but slow. 5. I saw the nests that the robins built both on the po rch and in the tree. 6. Until we see it, we wont believe it. 7. If you are ready, we can leave so we will be on time. 8. When they had finished, they gave it to the teacher. 9. Roller blades and skateboards are very popular. 10. CDs are grea t because they have good quality sound. Exercise 16: Review Identify the part of speech of every word in each sentence. 1. Carol and I travelled to Alberta last year. 2. Our friends in Calgary were surprised when we arrived. 3. The tall, ma jestic Rocky Mountains are a truly beautiful sight. 4. Their house was built in 1990. 5. No, you should not take your new camera on your trip. 6. We jogged quic kly through the dark woods. 7. Most of the students listened politely. 8. She wa s giving a short but interesting lecture. 9. We bought a very small quantity of food yesterday. 10. The wind was cold, but the sun was really warm. 11. This boo k cost six dollars. 12. Sheila and he were talking to her when it happened. 13. The American fishermen caught two salmon for lunch. 14. Turn at the lights and g o two blocks west.
7 15. Eric and they learned very quickly. Exercise 17: Common and Proper Nouns a. Copy the following sentences into your n otebook. b. Underline all the nouns. c. Create two columns in your notebook: one for common nouns and one for proper nouns. Place each noun you underlined in th e appropriate column. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Moonlight flickered on the dried leaves on the path from Black Lake. Marsha sent a parcel to her sister in Regina. Bathurst is a small city on the Bay of Chaleur. Robin and his family mov ed to Alberta when the mill closed. Do most people in Italy read the newspaper o n the weekend? English is a language with many exceptions to the rules of gramma r. Maple syrup is produced in rural areas of North America. The hockey arena in Beresford is located near the main street. Early settlers to the Gasp came from F rance and England. The stores on Main Street are planning a large sale and carni val to boost their profits. Exercise 18: Common and Proper Nouns Write ten sentences of your own. Underline all the nouns you used and identify each as either a common or proper noun. Your instructor will correct your work. Exercise 19: Concrete and Abstract Nouns Div ide the words in this exercise into two lists: concrete nouns and abstract nouns . rose happiness school computer skiing bubbles justice cow truth grace stars fe ar
8 Exercise 20: Collective Nouns For each of the collective nouns below, write two sentences. The first should describe the group acting as a single impersonal uni t; the second should describe the group as a collection of people acting as indi viduals. family couple class staff crowd Exercise 21: Mass Nouns Decide which of these sentences using mass nouns needs correction. Write the corrected form in your notebook. 1. Owen has a great deal of assignments to do this week. 2. There was a lot of traffic in town over the holidays. 3. A large amount of deer were shot this season. 4. Ann receives too many junk mail. 5. They bought several rin gs at the auction. Exercise 22: Possessive Nouns A Record the possessive nouns i n the following sentences in your notebook. 1. Marys house is on the corner of Jo nes and Water Streets. 2. Have you seen the dogs leash? 3. He received three mont hs back pay yesterday. 4. Sues friends bought her a sweater in the mens department. 5. Each of the boys bicycles was locked. B Reword each of the following phrases, using apostrophes. the book belonging to the children the biggest fans of Elvis the meeting for the secretaries the memos sent by the bosses the car belonging to my oldest son the mens department the schedule for the buses the paws of the cats the barking of the coyote the pay for two weeks Exercise 23: Possessive Nouns The following sentences contain some words that ne ed apostrophes to show possession. Rewrite the sentences in your notebook and in clude apostrophes where necessary. 1. Bobs uncle lives near Sharons farm.
9 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Charles company owed him two days pay. Marthas sister was worried about her sons health. (one son) Mr. Smith was worried about her sons health. (two sons) The c hilds name is Nora, and the familys name is Boudreau. City Councils regular meet ings are held on Mondays. The students cafeteria will be closed after next weeks graduation. Mr. Childs car was being serviced at Eatons. The womens resums were sent to the companies head offices by the bosses secretary. Marks mother lives a t my sisters, but the companys salesman went to my cousins place. Exercise 24: Possessive Nouns If you had more than two mistakes in Exercise 22, read the section on apostrophes again. Then try these sentences. 1. My uncles fa rmhouse was struck by during last summers storm. (two uncles) 2. The girls hair had been cut short for the twins wedding. (one girl, two twins) 3. A March snow storm is sometimes called winters last lament. 4. Have you seen Mel Gibsons last t hree movies? 5. The skateboarders park had to be closed for repairs to its half pipes. 6. Because of the accident, his wifes income was reduced. 7. Did you see the dragsters collide on Old Oak Road yesterday? 8. Finish your clients reports before you go to Smiths tonight. (one client) 9. Frank and James mail order busi ness is making them a rich mans fortune. 10. The suns rays are too dangerous for us to sit on these lawn chairs for too long! Exercise 25: Possessive Nouns Writ e ten sentences of your own. Each sentence should include at least one possessiv e noun. Make sure your instructor corrects your work before you continue with th is module.
10 Exercise 26: A Review of Nouns Use this review test to check out how well you ha ve learned the grammar points presented so far in this module. As you work throu gh the test, do not look back at the material in the module, and do not peek at the answer key. When you have completed the test, mark your own work, or ask you r instructor to mark it for you. If you had any mistakes, you should review the parts of this section that gave you trouble thoroughly by doing more exercises and /or finding more explanations of the point(s) in another text book. When you are satisfied that you really understand, try this test again. 1. Read the followin g sentence. That is the new car belonging to my neighbour. A correct possessive form of the noun would be A. The new car is my neighbours. B. That is my neighb ours new car. C. That is my neighbours new car. D. That new car is my neighbou r. Name the eight (8) parts of speech. Read the following sentence. There have b een many accidents on the Centennial Bridge which connects Chatham with Ferry Ro ad. The proper nouns in the sentence are A. Centennial Bridge, Chatham, accident s. B. Centennial Bridge, Chatham, Ferry Road. C. Centennial Bridge, Chatham, acc idents, Ferry Road. D. accidents, Ferry, Chatham, Bridge, Road, connects. Rewrit e the following sentences to make the nouns in bold print possessive. A. Laura i s the oldest sister of Pam. B. This is the store belonging to Doris. C. I do not like the apartment belonging to Cheryl Hastings. D. Those toys belong to the ch ildren. E. The police wrote down the descriptions given by the witnesses. What i s a noun? 2. 3. 4. 5.
11 6. Read the following sentence. Our friends lived in Halifax, Nova Scotia, before t hey moved to this town. The nouns in the sentence are A. friends, Halifax, Nova Scotia, this. B. Nova Scotia, Halifax, town. C. friends, town, Halifax, Nova Sco tia. D. friends, Halifax, Nova Scotia, they, town, this. Give a proper noun for each of the following common nouns. A. soda pop B. city C. river D. holiday E. m agazine Write a common noun for each proper noun given below. A. January B. Cana da C. Saint John D. Jupiter E. Dr. Parker There are errors in SOME of the follow ing sentences. Rewrite only the sentences you think are incorrect, correcting th e errors. A. The flowers petals fell to the floor. B. I had a great time last S t. Patricks Day. C. The Morrisons just returned from two weeks vacation. D. Do you remember when ten cents worth of candy was enough to share with your friend s? E. There is a burn mark on the chairs arm. For each word below indicate whet her it is a) common or proper b) concrete or abstract c) singular or plural d) c ount or non-count e) indicate which nouns are collective and/or possessive. 7. 8. 9. 11.
12 The first one is done for you. church beauty armies boys grammar mens trouble boys Church: common, concrete, singular, count mob news equipment jury fragrance surp rise sunrise broccoli mice Canadas meat loyalty March company English horn Lions Club Exercise 27: Personal Pronouns List all the personal pronouns in the following s entences in your notebook. 1. Did you give him his book? 2. I saw them eating th eir lunch myself. 3. He may have taken her coat, but mine is on the desk. 4. Che ryl gave her cold to them. 5. My sister, her husband and their children visited your mother. Exercise 28: Personal Pronouns - Person, Number, Gender A. Practice the terms above by matching the term in the first column with the examples in t he second column. 1. First person plural A. I, me, my, mine, myself 2. Third per son singular B. They, them, their, theirs, themselves 3. Second person plural C. We, us, our, ours, ourselves 4. Third person plural D. She, her, hers, herself 5. First person singular E. You, your, yours, yourself F. You, your, yours, your selves B. Write each personal pronoun in the sentences below in your notebook. B eside each, write its person and number . For third person singular pronouns als o include the gender. Try not to look at the chart above. 1. When I went to the club last night, they took my jacket and your camera. 2. They didnt know it was t heirs until they saw its label. 3. Where are you going with her tapes. You shoul d take yours. 4. They say that we should always mind our own business.
13 Exercise 29: Possessive Personal Pronouns Use each of the seven sets of possessi ve pronouns in a separate sentence. The first set is done for you. Notice that t he pronouns my, your, his, her, its, our, your, their, whose are always followed by a noun. The pronouns mine, yours, his, hers, ours, yours, theirs are used al one. Have you seen my raincoat? That raincoat isnt mine Exercise 30: Possessive Personal Pronouns Write 10 sentences of your own. Each m ust contain at least one possessive pronoun. Be sure to underline every personal pronoun you use. Then identify the pronoun by person and number (i.e. 3rd perso n singular). Exercise 31: Pronoun Selection The following exercise will help ide ntify the problems you have selecting the appropriate pronoun. Rewrite the sente nce in your notebook, using the correct pronoun. After finishing all the sentenc es, check the answers in the answer key. 1. John and (he, him) went to a meeting 2. They were sure that Lisa and (he, him) were going to Miramichi. 3. Jerry too k his brother and (she, her) to town. 4. (You, Yous) are all invited to go to th e concert in Moncton. 5. Give the pencil to Martha or (I, me)! 6. Do you think t hat (he, him) and (I, me) could go to the game? 7. Students often think that (yo u, they) will fail, but (you, they) have to keep trying. 8. I do not want (those , them) sneakers because of (their, theyre) ugly colour. 9. (Its, its) nest was de stroyed and (its, its) not likely to return. 10. A student must try to find (his, her, their) own learning modality. 11. Mom divided the Halloween candy between Stacey and (me, I). 12. (Youre, Your) hard work means that (youre, your) going to pass.
14 Exercise 32: Pronoun Selection Improve the following paragraph. Rewrite it so th at it is easier and more interesting to read. Be sure to replace some of the nou ns with pronouns. Tim Maxwell recently purchased a car. Tim Maxwells car is a 19 89 Buick LeSabre. Although the car of Tim Maxwell is not a new car, the 1989 Bui ck LeSabre had not been driven very far when Tim Maxwell bought the car. The 198 9 Buick LeSabre had travelled only 800 kilometres! Eight hundred kilometres is n ot very many kilometres for a car as old as the car of Tim Maxwell. The car of T im Maxwell is just like a new car. The car of Tim Maxwell had been in an old lad ys garage since the old ladys husband died in early 1990. Exercise 33: Pronoun Selection Each of the following sentences contains one or more pronouns. If the WRONG pronoun is used in a sentence, REWRITE the sentence, using the correct pr onoun. If a sentence is CORRECT, leave it as it is. EXAMPLE: Mary gave she the k eys. Rewrite the sentence, using the right pronoun Mary gave her the keys. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Al met John and she at the movies. Laura and s he had hamburgers for lunch. I took them clothes to the cleaners yesterday. We s ent her some flowers. Mary drove Paul and I to the mall. Leo and her gave yous t he coffee money Monday. Could him and me could go to the game? You and your husb and should prepare yourself for some bad news. They kept the secret from Jack an d I. The man standing outside in the rain is him. Janes best friend is me. Them p eople pushed in line ahead of me!
15 Exercise 34: Pronoun Selection Rewrite the following sentences, replacing the un derlined word or words with an appropriate pronoun. 1. The boys tried out for th e football team. 2. Tracys children are giving Tracy a surprise party. 3. The d og belonging to you has run away again. 4. The blue coat in your closet is a coa t belonging to me. 5. The dogs ears are pointed. Exercise 35: Pronouns and Ante cedents A. Explain in your own words what an antecedent is. B. Rewrite these sen tences in your notebook. Draw an arrow from the antecedent to the noun it replac es. 1. The president should take his office seriously. 2. Some managers write th eir business letters themselves. 3. The students asked for new books. The instru ctor will give them those. 4. The jury were presenting their opinions. 5. Our fa mily is not large. It gathers once a year for a reunion. 6. One of the girls wil l receive her trophy at the banquet. 7. My family are always ready to support th eir relatives. 8. We ourselves were happy to participate. 9. The merchants gave donations. These will be used to buy Christmas toys. 10. A student should always be on time for his or her class. Exercise 36 : Pronouns and Antecedents Rewrite the following sentences so the meaning is clearer. 1. Philip gave her her prese nt. 2. Norm and Al filled his basket with apples from Fredericton. 3. The class asked their mother to help at the bake sale. 4. The police officer told him that he deserved the ticket, and he should pay it. 5. The audience clapped for their performance.
16 Exercise 37: Indefinite Pronouns Complete the following sentences by choosing th e correct pronoun. Write each corrected sentence in your notebook. 1. Does anybo dy know (his or her, their) Social Insurance Number? 2. Each of those buyers sho uld consult (his, her, his or her, their) supervisors. 3. Max and Helen sang at (her, his, their) mutual friends wedding. 4. None of the boys has paid for (his , their) own bus ticket. 5. Several of the men have paid (his, her, his or her, their) dues. 6. No one should submit (his or her, their) report later than tomor row. 7. The deer hurt (her, his, its) leg when it jumped the fence. 8. A few for got (his, her, his or her, their) lunches. 9. Many hens have escaped from (her, their) pen. 10. A few of us have received (his, her, her or his, their, our) mar ks. Exercise 38: Demonstrative Pronouns A. Underline the demonstrative pronouns in t hese sentences. 1. This is the one I want to buy. 2. Did he really say that? 3. Such cannot be true! 4. Give me all of these and some of those. 5. Whose book is that on the floor? B. Write at least five sentences of your own that use demons trative pronouns. Be sure that they are not attached to a noun. You will learn a bout the use of this, that, these, and those as describing words later. e.g. Wri te This is mine. Do not write This book is mine Exercise 39: Reflexive, Emphatic , Reciprocal Pronouns Underline the all the reflexive, emphatic and reciprocal p ronouns used in the following sentences. Then tell which is which. 1. He cut him self when she was cleaning the kitchen. 2. The soldiers hoisted each other over the stone wall. 3. Wash the car yourself this time. 4. The players patted one an other on the back after they scored. 5. You will have to drive yourself to the h ospital. 6. I myself wont put up with that.
17 7. 8. 9. 10. Marg and Steve built their new house themselves. She limited herself to less tha n 1600 calories a day. A nurse should protect himself or herself from infectious diseases. We laughed when we watched ourselves on TV. Exercise 40: Interrogative Pronouns Underline only the interrogative pronouns in the following sentences. 1. Who stole the money? 2. What did you bring for lunc h? 3. The man who won is my friend Steve. 4. He hasnt decided what he wants to do next. 5. Whom should we reward? 6. Which of them belongs to Marla? 7. Ian is th e one who knows that. 8. Which is the fastest way to the airport? 9. What have y ou done with the keys? 10. He said many things which I didnt understand. Exercise 41: Review of Pronouns A. Read this entire section on types of pronouns again, making notes as you go. How many different groups of pronouns are there? What is the first letter in the name of each group? As a mnemonic to help you learn all these names, can you create a catch word or silly sentence using these first le tters. B. List all the pronouns in the following sentences. Beside each one give as much information as you can about it. 1. When you talk about that accident, it always gives me the shivers. 2. The children themselves saw it. 3. What would anyone do with that? 4. She asked herself if any of the dresses really suited h er. 5. He reported to his boss that those which you bought were too expensive. 6 . That is definitely the kind of book that someone like you would read. 7. The d ealer totalled their bill and then asked them how they would pay it. 8. My first attempt was a failure, but later I had learned from it. 9. Which is right? Ther e are two choices; both of them look correct. 10. The furniture was destroyed, b ut the house itself was undamaged.
18 Exercise 42: Review of Pronouns Underline and identify each pronoun used in thes e sentences. 1. All of my friends saw that movie starring Whoopi Goldberg. 2. Wh o brought the ketchup and mustard for the hotdogs? 3. Did they give themselves a pre-test before writing that exam? 4. You didnt give that to them, did you? 5. T he couple who just arrived on the plane kissed each other. 6. Sherri took your b oots, but he took mine. 7. We can tell you who leaked that information to the pr ess! 8. We did most of the work ourselves, but the contractor poured the cement. 9. Always ask yourselves, What can I do to help those less fortunate? 10. Somethi ng is missing from this recipe. Exercise 43: Review of Pronouns 1. Match the term on the left with the example o n the right. 1. 1st person plural A. these 2. interrogative pronoun B. each othe r 3. reciprocal pronoun C. our 4. relative pronoun D. its 5. indefinite pronoun (plural) E. everybody 6. demonstrative pronoun F. what 7. indefinite pronoun (si ngular) G. themself 8. possessive pronoun H. himself 9. reflexive pronoun I. whi ch 10. a word that doesnt exist J. its K. few 2. What is the function of a pronou n? 3. Rewrite these sentences using the correct form of the pronoun. a. b. c. d. e. Sheila and (her, she) went to the automatic teller. He cut (himself, hisself ) on that rusty can. Have you read the article in the Times Transcript about you and (I, me). The dog (who, which) is barking lives next door. The cat often cha ses (its, its) tail.
19 f. g. h. i. j. 4. Be sure and tell her where (your, youre) house is. Mr. Hutchins bought (their, th ere, theyre) old car. Dont buy (those, them) shoes; (theyre, their, there) too expe nsive. My aunt always sends a card to Angela and (he, him). She says that Jimmy and the boys usually cut the wood (themselves, themself) Write a paragraph (abou t 6 or 7 sentences) about a pet. Underline every pronoun you have used. After Bi ll gave his employees their bonus, he told them to spend it wisely. Which statem ent below is not correct. A. it is the antecedent of bonus. B. Bill is the antec edent of he C. employees is the antecedent of them D. bonus is the antecedent of it 5. 6. Which sentence below is correct? A. B. C. D. Everyone should buy their own ho ckey equipment. Volunteers, give yourself a hand for a great fundraising effort. Do you think there house is big enough? The cab drove Mike and me to the airpor t. 7. Which group of words below correctly completes this sentence. After the holid ays, A. us and the kids returned to Rexton. B. we and the kids returned to Rexto n. C. the kids and ourselves returned to Rexton. D. the kids and them returned t o Rexton.
20 8. For each underlined pronoun, identify its type and give as much information a bout it as you can. A. Few of them knew the right answer. B. Those are mine. C. The companies which produce these CDs handle their advertising themselves. D. Wh o knows anything about this? E. Buy yourself something expensive. Exercise 44: A ction Verbs A. Write ten sentences that use verbs that express a physical action that can be observed. B. Think of some other verbs that express a mental action . Use each one in a sentence. Ask your instructor to review your work. Remember even if the verb is expressing a mental action, it is classed as an action verb. Exercise 45: Linking Verbs Write at least 10 sentences that use linking verbs. Check with your instructor to make sure you have used only linking verbs in your sentences. Exercise 46: Action Verbs and Linking Verbs Copy these sentences int o your notebook. Then underline the verbs. For each verb that you identify, indi cate whether it is an action or a linking verb. 1. The dog jumped over the fence . 2. The baseball hit the boy in the face. 3. His car smashed into a bridge. 4. We watched a movie last night. 5. The students were happy about their marks. 6. My sisters name is Paula. 7. Mr. Smyth was my uncle. 8. They will be angry about your forgetfulness. 9. We were afraid of the storm. 10. We feared the storm. 11. The little mouse squeaked loudly. 12. There were fourteen people in that class last year. 13. My old roommate from college drove to Fredericton last night.
21 14. 15. The policeman believed their every word about the robbery. The puppy carefully t asted his new food. Exercise 47: Action Verbs and Linking Verbs In your notebook, identify the verbs in the following sentences and record whether they are action or linking verbs. 1. The pie smells good. 2. He looks taller than Mario. 3. The sailors looked in tently at the horizon for signs of another ship. 4. The children became excited before the snow storm. 5. Because of the dust, we coughed all day. 6. You know m y aunt, the bookkeeper at Colpitts. 7. Close the door to the garage, please. 8. H e felt the smoothness of the fur pelt with his hand. 9. I felt sick after the pa rty. 10. Wolves always howl at the moon. 11. She fell down the stairs and broke her leg. 12. Madonna sings and dances well. 13. Suddenly, he slammed the door an d drove down the lane. 14. That newspaper publishes editions in both Toronto and Vancouver. 15. This stew tastes good on a cold winters night. Exercise 48: Actio n Verbs and Linking Verbs The verbs smell, taste, feel, grow, sound, and look ca n be used as both action and linking verbs. Write two sentences for each verb: o ne with an action verb, the other with a linking or copula verb. Exercise 49: Au xiliary Verbs and Main Verbs In your notebook, indicate the main verb in each of the following sentences, and the auxiliary or helping verb(s), if any. You may want to create a chart like the one on the next page.
22 SENTENCE MAIN VERB HELPING VERB(S) (IF ANY) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Heather will rarely drive the car in winter. He must have taken my jacket by mis take. We played ball against their team Saturday. That would have confused anyon e! Would you please flip the hamburgers? There was a good show on TV last night. Mitchell has lived here all his life. I will not be going, not after the last t rip. The men should have eaten that supper by now. The washing machine has broke n down. Have you ever heard such nonsense. He might have consulted a doctor. Sue may never have been given that letter. I shall never agree to his proposal. A c hild can easily learn this song. Exercise 50: Identifying Verb Tenses Name the verb tenses in the following sente nces. 1. Today, Carl kicks the ball across the field. 2. Today, Carl is kicking the ball across the field. 3. Tomorrow, Carl will kick the ball across the field . 4. Carl has been kicking the ball that way for years. 5. Today, Carl has kicke d the ball across the field six times. 6. Tomorrow, Carl will have kicked the ba ll across the field. 7. Yesterday, Carl had kicked the ball across the field.
23 8. 9. 10. You will be leaving Bathurst tomorrow, wont you? My aunt was giving lectures in A siatic culture this summer. He had been learning Chinese at school. Exercise 51: Identifying Verb Tenses 1. Which one of the following sentences is written in the future perfect tense? A. When they arrive, we will serve dinner. B. At 8:00 pm we will have served dinner. C. By the time they arrived, we had al ready served dinner. D. Were afraid we have served dinner too early. 2. Which o ne of the following sentences is written in the present progressive tense? A. I am completing my income tax return early this year. B. I will have completed my income tax return before the deadline. C. I had completed my income tax return b efore April 30. D. I have completed my income tax return. Which one of the follo wing sentences is written in the past perfect tense? A. I recently received a le tter from my friend in Ottawa. B. I think I will soon receive a letter from my f riend in Ottawa. C. Do you think I will have received a letter from my friend by next week? D. I had received a letter from my friend in Ottawa. Which one of th e following sentences is written in the simple past tense? A. They have lived he re for two months. B. They will have been living here for two months by the end of the week. C. They lived in Halifax before moving here. D. They have lived in Halifax and Charlottetown. Which one of the following sentences is written in th e simple future tense? A. He is finished painting my house. B. He will finish pa inting my house soon. C. He will be finished painting my house by tonight. D. He has finished painting my house. 3. 4. 5.
24 6. Which one of the following sentences is written in the present perfect tense? A. She has designed a logo for the company. B. She will design a logo for the comp any. C. She is designing a logo for the company. D. She designed a logo for the company. Write a sentence in the future perfect tense using the verb to wash. Wr ite a sentence in the present perfect tense using the verb to talk. Write a sent ence in the past progressive tense using the verb to sign. Write a sentence in t he future progressive tense using the verb to need. Use the past perfect progres sive tense in a sentence. Use the present perfect progressive tense in a sentenc e. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Exercise 52: Irregular Verbs 1. Write a sentence in each of the 12 tenses using the verb to cut. Indicate the tense used after each sentence. Write a sentence i n each of the 12 tenses using the verb to do. Indicate the tense used after each sentence. Be sure to have your instructor correct your work. Write a sentence i n the future perfect tense using the verb to know. 2. 3
25 4. Indicate the tense of the underlined verbs in the following sentences. Write you r answers in your notebook. SENTENCE A. B. C. D. E. F. G. I am feeling better al ready. My son did his homework last night. The disaster relief team has sprung i nto action. By the time you get to school, the bell will already have rung. The train will be making three stops before Montreal The butcher had already deliver ed our order. Barry threw the ball to first base. TENSE? Exercise 53: Active and Passive Voice Identify the verbs in the following senten ces by underlining them. Then decide if the verb is in the active or passive voi ce. 1. I was frightened by the storm. 2. My car ran out of gas on the Resources Road. 3. I might have forgotten to add your name to the list. 4. The child was s truck by a stray bullet. 5. My heart was broken. 6. Stephen King has written man y best sellers. 7. The strike vote is being called for next Monday. 8. That docu ment was written in Halifax in 1774. 9. Our MLA will be voted into office again in the next election. 10. Local workers will be hired to build the new mall. 11. The audience will be arriving in the next hour. 12. Sandras writing is improving daily. 13. We have been searching for answers to our questions. 14. After the e lections, the votes were recounted several times. 15. I have just been thinking about you.
26 Exercise 54: Active and Passive Voice Practice changing verbs from the passive t o the active voice by rewriting all the passive verbs you identified in the sent ences in the previous exercise. Exercise 55: Active and Passive Voice Write five sentences of your own in the active voice. Write five sentences of your own in the passive voice. Change the passive verbs to active ones. Exercise 56: Review of Verbs A. Look at the words below. Decide which words are nouns and which word s are verbs. run still horse dog fly farm house calm storm sail motor book B. No w look up each word in the dictionary. Is there more than one entry word with th e same spelling? Which of these words can be used as both a noun and a verb? How many of these words can be other parts of speech besides nouns or verbs. This w as a trick exercise to remind you that you cannot tell what part of speech a word is unless it is actually written in a sentence. All by themselves, words cannot have a part of speech. Once they have been placed in a sentence, they start to f unction by carrying the writers meaning to the reader. It is at this point that a word develops into a part of speech. C. Write two (or more) sentences for each word above that demonstrate its uses as various parts of speech.
27 Exercise 57: Review of Verbs Underline every verb and verb phrase in the sentenc es below. For each one you identified, write everything you can about it. The fi rst one is done for you. 1. He has never drunk stout before. Verb Phrase: has dr unk Person, Number: 3rd person singular Tense: present perfect Voice: active Not e: to name a passive verb tense, reword the sentence in the active voice and nam e that tense. 2. The tour guides will show you the way to the restaurant. 3. Hav e you eaten here before? 4. Marcie had been asked to the recital by the committe e. 5. Mel has been asking for trouble for months. 6. Lunch will be served at twe lve oclock sharp. 7. The surgeon spoke quietly to the patient. 8. I shall be seei ng you again next week. 9. The child was severely bitten, so the dog was destroy ed. 10. New friends are silver, but old ones are gold. 11. The couple usually wa lks to the office. 12. I am doing my homework now. 13. The music will have been playing for several hours. 14. He is dating a beautiful doctor. 15. The houses h ad just been repainted. Exercise 58: Review of Nouns, Pronouns, and Verbs List t he nouns, pronouns, and verbs in each sentence. 1. The plane landed at Gander be cause of the ice on its wings. 2. My sister always rides her bike to the office. 3. Everything that Tom says about them is true. 4. The men were unhappy with bo th of those. 5. That company buys only the best automotive parts from us. 6. My sister was teaching herself Spanish. 7. Something should be done about each of t hese problems. 8. They might not find each other at the airport. 9. What were yo u thinking? 10. When everyone is finished, they will announce the results.
28 Exercise 59: Review of Nouns, Pronouns, and Verbs List the nouns, pronouns and v erbs in each sentence. Then give as much information as you can about each. 1. K evin gave me Marions card. 2. Aunt Gladys lives at my mothers now. 3. The jury is discussing its decision. 4. The chefs are always being asked for their recipes. 5. All of these will sell well. Exercise 60: Review of Nouns, Pronouns, and Verb s Follow the directions from in the exercise above. If you have too many mistake s, identify and review the area that is giving you problems. 1. I am happy about your decision. 2. Your choices seem logical. 3. Luke is talking to his girlfrie nd on the phone. 4. Where was he going? 5. Why havent you written that letter yet ? 6. How much money will you need next week? 7. He had watched TV for more than an hour. 8. Oprah has changed peoples attitudes towards honesty. 9. Tony will hav e finished his course by next June. 10. We were walking along the beach just bef ore the accident. Exercise 61: Review of Nouns, Pronouns, and Verbs Follow the d irections from in the exercise above. If you find you are still confused about s ome points, ask your instructor to find alternate resource material, study it, a nd then return to these review exercises and try them again. 1. He smelled the f resh bread, and his mouth watered. 2. The storm grew worse as night approached. 3. It was a dark and stormy afternoon. 4. They were anxious about their reservat ions in Cuba. 5. Many of the colours in these rooms are being changed by the dec orator. 6. Her relatives were eating lunch on the porch because of the heat. 7. Those were made in China; these come from Sackville. 8. What has anyone seen lat ely. 9. Will you complete that survey?
29 10. Liz had driven herself to Central Hospital. Exercise 62: Adjectives In the following sentences, indicate the adjectives and the noun each modifies. Dont forget articles. Write your answers in your notebo ok. SENTENCE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. The road was rough and uneven. An old ru sty car is parked in my space. The child licked the sugary sweet icing from a bi g spoon. A ragged string dangled from the dusty light bulb. I have had a boring, depressing day. Invite those six people. This trip takes several days Do you li ke spicy, Mexican food? We bought Shelley and Tims house. Adjectives Nouns 10. The little girl had big, sparkling blue eyes. 11. 12. 13. These parcels are heavy. Our cousins were eating huge, juicy apples. Give them some light summer c lothes. 14. Karls hockey skates are dull. 15. Two cats, sweet and lovable, sat on the din ing room table.
30 Exercise 63: Adjectives List all the adjectives in this paragraph. The young hik ers walked through the dark woods. A few boys knew that they were lost, but most simply enjoyed the sweet smell of dried pine needles and autumn leaves that lit tered the ground. The weather was warm, and the hills were gentle, but as they c ontinued on their way the sunlight became paler. The youngest boys started to as k their Scout leader when they could stop and eat their sandwiches. He told them that they would have to wait until they reach the little lake on the other side of the steep blue ridge ahead. After two long hours, the group of tired boys st ill had not reached the isolated lake that was their final destination, and one older boy suggested that they set up camp beside a babbling brook. They set up t heir canvas tents, lit a huge crackling fire, and ate their supper. Just as they were climbing into their snug sleeping bags, they saw a beam of light, bright a nd narrow, piercing the inky darkness. With relief, the leader realized that the y were six miles south of where they should have been. The car was obviously tra velling on the Black River Road and they were only a mile or two from Mr. Jensens chicken farm. They werent lost at all! Exercise 64: Adverbs Record the adverbs y ou find in these sentences in your notebook. Decided what kind of information ea ch gives: how? when? where? how much? what kind? 1. Yesterday, Bob read the mate rial carefully. 2. They were dressed too casually for the banquet. 3. Where is t he grocery store now? 4. Why was his work finished so quickly? 5. His ideas were quite useful in completing the project more efficiently. 6. He arrived there la ter with an extremely important message. 7. I have never seen such expensive jew ellery. 8. The circus was really exciting. 9. Simon is not a very good driver. 1 0. Krista almost never goes to the arena.
31 Exercise 65: Adverbs Modifying Verbs, Adjectives, and Adverbs List the adverbs i n this exercise. For each adverb, tell whether it modifies a verb, adjective or adverb. 1. Dave asked politely for another piece of pie. 2. Thoughtfully, the ol d man chewed his dinner. 3. Make sure that you review daily. 4. The apples had b een tightly packed in the box. 5. Tim was very happy about his success. 6. I am sincerely grateful for your help. 7. His deeply tanned body told of hours in the sun. 8. You must travel very fast if you are going to get there in time. 9. The soldiers were really tired after their training. 10. She strolled leisurely dow n the mall. Exercise 66: Distinguishing Between Adjectives and Adverbs Choose th e correct modifier. Indicate the type of modifier, i.e: adjective or adverb. Wri te your answers in your notebook. Write an explanation of your choice. Example: Answer: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. She danced (graceful, gracefully) across the stage.( ) She danced (graceful, gracefully) across the s tage. (adverb) ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Leah behaves (good, well). Sheila feels (sad, sadly) about the death of her dog. I am not (really, real) sure if I will have a party. The directions were (simpl e, simply) to follow. I dont feel (good, well). The repairs went (slowly, slow) . The change in speed was (gradually, gradual). You work too (serious, seriously ) sometimes. We feel (awful, awfully) about what happened. These chocolates tast e (good, well). Firefighters must respond very (quick, quickly). Lynn spoke in a (calm, calmly) voice after the accident. Tiger Woods putted (bad, badly) on tha t last hole! The lights shone (brightly, bright) in my eyes. Paul did (good, wel l) on his second drivers test.
32 Exercise 67: Comparisons with Adjectives and Adverbs Write the correct form of t he modifier for the following sentences in your notebook. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. W ho is the (smaller, smallest, most small), Cathy or Diane? My heart beat (rapidl ier, more rapidly, more rapid) with each step. It snowed (most, more) in January than in February. The damage to the other car looked (worse, more badly, worser ) than the damage to mine. Tom thinks math is (difficulter, more difficult) than grammar exercises. He is the (elder, eldest) of the candidates. This idea is (m ore unique, unique, most unique). Exercise 68: Prepositions A Choose a preposition to join the following parts of sentences. How many different prepositions will fill in the blank? For example: Carl drove the bank. Answer: Carl drove to, from, around, near, beside, etc. the bank. 1. Dawn fell the horse. 2. Earl worked him. 3. I will meet you the front entrance. 4. The horse galloped the field. 5. Smoking is not allowed the buildin g. B In the next part of this exercise, find and underline the prepositions. 1. They searched for shells and pebbles along the beach at the end of the day.. 2. Krista searched among the rubble for pictures of her mother and father. 3. I can never find a sales clerk or a cashier in this store! 4. I think all the odd soc ks in the world end up under my sons bed. 5. Be careful walking near the tree w ith the hornets nest! 6. Down the hill and around the corner came the three los t children. 7. The cat with the sore ear comes to the door every day at noon. 8. The houses beside the store on top of the hill were built in 1960 by my son. 9. Have the women in your group chosen a theme for the conference? 10. The prize f or the best costume was given to the clown with the funny hat. C Now that you ar e familiar with finding prepositions go back to the beginning of this exercise a nd find the noun(s) or pronoun(s) which follow each preposition. Write the whole prepositional phrase in your notebook.
33 D Each prepositional phrase you found is working as either an adjective or an ad verb in its sentence. If it limits the meaning of a noun or pronoun, it is a pre positional adjective phrase. If it is telling where, when, why or how the action of the verb took place, it is an prepositional adverb phrase. Look at each prep ositional phrase and decide if it is used as an adjective or adverb. Heres an exa mple. The blond woman with the red dress sat on the bench at 5:00 p.m. with the red dress............prepositional adjective phrase modifying woman on the bench.. ..................where:...prepositional adverb phrase modifying sat at 5:00 p.m.. ....................when.....prepositional adverb phrase modifying sat Exercise 69 : Prepositional Phrases List the prepositional phrases in this exercise. After e ach one, tell whether it is used as an adjective or an adverb. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. The men on the roof worked for two hours in the heat. During the n ight, the rest of the water drained from the basement. He lived near the mall wh ich was located to the north of the city limits. The women in the kitchen looked under the tables and in the closet. The old lady with the big hat cut into the line in front of me at the store. On Fridays, all of the staff at the radio stat ion eats lunch at the old mill. In the middle of a big spacious lawn, the design er placed a beautiful statue. Because of the storm, the volunteers did not hear about the revised forms. Since his return, the children from the day care at the church have walked around the block every day. After his graduation in 1992, he answered an ad for a job in Manitoba. Exercise 70: Conjunctions - Coordinate, Correlative, Conjunctive Adverbs Underli ne the conjunctions in the following sentences. 1. I asked her to wait for me, b ut she went home on the bus. 2. The chili was not only spicy hot, but also steam ing hot. 3. Will you watch television tonight or go to the mall? 4. Either Anna and I will go, or Lynn and Joan will take our place. 5. Skiing is both fun and g ood exercise. 6. She neither washes windows nor cleans ovens.
34 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. We will go; however, we will not pay our own fare. Neither Cal nor Emma wanted t o leave. Not only will I attend, but also I will perform. I made supper; meanwhi le, the children swam in the pool. They searched under the bridge and beside the river. Tired but happy, the team returned home. The weather was snowy, yet he d ecided to drive anyway. He was the designated driver, so he just drank pop all n ight. He organized his study time; as a result, he felt prepared. Exercise 71: Conjunctions Copy these sentences and underline the subordinate con junctions you can find. 1. He paid for her ticket because he liked her. 2. Since I first met Sheila and her, she has always been very polite. 3. I wont be able t o go even though I have the money. 4. After the whale beached itself, some local citizens rescued it. 5. I know where they have hidden the treasure, but I dont h ave a map. 6. Since the maple trees were damaged in the storm, they will be cut down. 7. I wonder why they are leaving so early. 8. Mark knows more than I do ab out that case. 9. It isnt certain whether they will come or not. 10. The engineer from Mainframe explained how they would build the bridge. 11. Before they read the instructions, they couldnt fix it themselves. 12. After the lecture, the stud ents asked if they could stay. 13. Although he is stronger, he couldnt turn it. 1 4. Because you were late, you missed it. 15. Thieves broke in while we were away . 16. The roads were slippery because the snow was followed by rain. 17. Althoug h it was quite sunny, the wind was cool. 18. I dont know how I will get there. 19 . If you are short, you cant reach that cupboard. 20. The story explained why peo ple believed in the ghost. 21. He always talks as if he were an expert. 22. Unle ss the Leafs win this game, they are out of the playoffs. 23. Les is five inches taller than I am. 24. After he won the gold medal, he turned pro. 25. You just answered my questions before I asked them.
35 B. For each sentence above, put brackets around the subordinate conjunction and all the words that belong with it. The first one is done for you. He paid for her t icket (because he liked her). Exercise 72: Relative Pronouns A. Copy these sentences into your notebook. Under line all the relative pronouns. 1. He reported that he had seen the incident. 2. Are you sure that you are right? 3. I know who bought the Fullers house. 4. The monkeys which escaped from the zoo were recaptured. 5. The women who volunteered for the sale will work on Tuesday. 6. I just introduced you to the man whom I m et at the club. 7. My sister, who lives in Utah, came for a visit. 8. Cars that cost more than $20,000 arent worth the money. 9. Detectives investigated the thef t which Miles reported. 10. That book that you bought last month is very interes ting. Exercise 73: Interjections Write TEN (10) sentences beginning with an inte rjection. Use both exclamation points and commas to punctuate your sentences.
36 Exercise 74: REVIEW EXERCISES (BAU and IAU) Identify the part of speech of every word in each of these sentences. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Dogs make good pets for y oung children.(7) The pioneers settle quickly on the small farms around Gloucest er. (10) Your ancestors lived beside the sea; mine lived near Moncton. (10) Does he often go to the beach during the summer? (10) Those big, chunky pots sell fo r nine dollars, so you can buy several of them.(15) I do not think about their p roblems now because I dont have time. (14) Casually, the thieves surveyed the nei ghbourhood until they spotted the right house.(12) Everyone recognized his coura ge and strength even if he did not. (11) Lilacs always smell wonderful in spring . (6) Mark smelled the skunk and left the area immediately. (9) The students in this program are very hard workers. (9) She believes in his ability. (5) The fra il, old lady is safe but unhappy at the seniors home. (12) He has always been a r eally excellent hockey coach. (9) You must never show your fear of snakes to you r children. (11) 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. There are a total of 150 words in this review. Count the number of correct answe rs. If you have less than a 120, you may consider asking your instructor for mor e practice.
37 Exercise 75: Review Exercise (IAU only) These sentences are a little more diffic ult. Identify the parts of speech of each word. 1. 2. Fred sat on the fence and ate his lunch while the others went into town. (15) Usually, the chairs were pla ced near the windows, but today they are in a circle. (14) I had been studying f or three hours, and I still dont know it. (14) Very quickly, they finished their work. (6) They had been writing their essays before they went there .(10) After they had mowed the lawn, they bought lunch .(9) Because they have cashed their c heques, they have some money. (10) Although the storm was very intense, the dama ge was minor. (10) Since the accident, the victims have recovered quite well. (9 ) Because of her problems, Sue often seeks my advice. (8) Have you ever seen tho se boats in the harbour before? (10) The elderly waiter who served us beer is an old friend of hers. (13) Who thinks that these train tickets are ours and those are theirs. (12) Where did you hide the candy which I bought? (9) Ouch, that kn ife is so sharp that I cut myself badly. (11) Miles brother is extremely intellig ent even if he cant pass those provincial exams. (13) 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.
38 17. 18. 19. Hey Eric, did you complete that work on those cars during the weekend? (13) Fina lly, his clever tricks have failed. (6) The Canadian economy is becoming worse v ery quickly. (8) There are 200 words in this exercise. If you correctly identified 160 of them, y ou can continue with the pre-test for this module which you can find in the back of this book. If you encountered some problems or are confused about some aspec ts of parts of speech, try to pinpoint the areas you need to review based on the mistakes you made. Ask your instructor for supplementary work.
39 BAU ENGLISH - PRETEST 1. Read this paragraph. Michaels first job was with Bearski n Airlines as a bush pilot. He regularly flew supplies and construction equipmen t from Edmonton to Yellowknife. Sometimes he carried groceries like milk, fruit, and meat. Once he even transported a hockey team to a small settlement on the A rctic Ocean. He loved the beauty of the landscapes he saw and the honesty of the people he met. He was pleased with his success and happy in his work. In the pa ragraph above, find one example of each of the following: (11) a. Common noun g. Count noun b. Proper noun h. Non-count noun c. Concrete noun i. Possessive noun d. Abstract noun j. Singular noun e. Collective noun k. Plural noun f. Noun use d as an adjective 2. Rewrite these sentences, using apostrophes correctly.(9) a. Mollys pay cheque was for two weeks work. b. Sallys covered a whole month of wo rk. c. Mollys and Sallys rent was due on the apartment they shared. d. The ladys hats were bought at the Duncans store. e. Those repairs will take more than a w eeks work. f. The six workers complaints were very reasonable. g. The horses hoo ves needed new shoes. Match the term on the right with the correct example on th e left.(8) A. What 1. 3rd person singular B. Someone 2. possessive noun, plural C. We 3. interrogative pronoun D. Their 4. means it is E. Its 5. indefinite pronou n F. Its 6. 1st person plural G. Pauls 7. 3rd person plural H. Sisters 8. non-count noun 9. possessive noun, singular 3.
40 4. Write the four (4) principal parts of these verbs. (15) walk cut sing think driv e List all the prepositional phrases in these sentences.(11) 1. The mice ate all of the cereal in the cupboard. 2. During the week, we work for Mr. Linton. 3. W ill you please wash your dishes after supper? 4. He always uses a cane since his accident. 5. The teacher with the beard is Mr. Charles. 6. The leaves on the tr ees whispered softly in the light breeze. 7. The wagon with the red wheels was p arked beside the general store. Write two (2) sentences using interjections. (2) Write the verb or verb phrase in each sentence.(10) 1. The crows flew toward th e swamp. 2. They were afraid of bears. 3. John is always talking to his boss lat ely. 4. They ate six lobsters each. 5. Are you cutting her hair? 6. The merchant s have not sold many souvenirs. 7. I was the first one there! 8. Next summer, we will go to Disneyland. 9. His Ford has always run well. 10. Paula will rent a c ar in Boston. Write a sentence comparing two people. Use the correct form of the adjective good. Write a sentence comparing two things. Use the correct form of the adjective comfortable. Write a sentence comparing two actions. Use the corre ct form of the adverb quietly. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
41 11. Write a sentence comparing more than two actions. Use the correct form of the ad verb loudly. Write a sentence comparing two actions. Use the correct form of the adverb early. Identify the part of speech of every word in these sentences.(41) 1. Our new neighbours have three young children. 2. Many of these disks belonge d to Jebs friend. 3. That team is going to Mount Carleton soon. 4. Hey! What are you cooking for supper. 5. Several of the men from the camp were always discussi ng the bad weather. What are the correct pronouns in the following sentence? Jos h and (she, her) were the first to arrive. 1. she and them 2. Her Read this para graph. Michaels first job was with Bearskin Airlines as a bush pilot. He regularl y flew supplies and construction equipment from Edmonton to Yellowknife. Sometim es he carried groceries like milk, fruit, and meat. Once he even transported a h ockey team to a small settlement on the Arctic Ocean. He loved the beauty of the landscapes he saw and the honesty of the people he met. He was pleased with his success and happy in his work. In the paragraph above, find one example of each of the following: (11) a. Common noun g. Count noun b. Proper noun h. Non-count noun c. Concrete noun i. Possessive noun d. Abstract noun j. Singular noun e. C ollective noun k. Plural noun f. Noun used as an adjective 12. 13. 14. 1. 2. Rewrite these sentences, using apostrophes correctly.(9) a. Mollys pay cheque wa s for two weeks work.
42 b. c. d. e. f. g. 3. Sallys covered a whole month of work. Mollys and Sallys rent was due on the apar tment they shared. The ladys hats were bought at the Duncans store. Those repair s will take more than a weeks work. The workers complaints were very reasonable. The horses hooves needed new shoes. Match the term on the right with the correct example on the left.(8) A. What 1. 3rd person singular B. Someone 2. possessive noun, plural C. We 3. interrogative pronoun D. Their 4. not a personal pronoun E. Its 5. indefinite pronoun F. Its 6 . 1st person plural G. Pauls 7. 3rd person plural H. Sisters 8. non-count noun 9. possessive noun, singular Write the four (4) principal parts of these verbs. (15 ) walk cut sing think drive List all the prepositional phrases in these sentence s.(11) 1. The mice ate all of the cereal in the cupboard. 2. During the week, we work for Mr. Linton. 3. Will you please wash your dishes after supper? 4. He al ways uses a cane since his accident. 5. The teacher with the beard is Mr. Charle s. 6. The leaves on the trees whispered softly in the light breeze. 7. The wagon with the red wheels was parked beside the general store. Write two (2) sentence s using interjections. (2) Write the verb or verb phrase in each sentence.(10) 1 . The crows flew toward the swamp. 2. They were afraid of bears. 3. John is alwa ys talking to his boss lately. 4. They ate six lobsters each. 4. 5. 6. 7.
43 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 8. Are you cutting her hair? The merchants have not sold many souvenirs. I was the first one there! Next summer, we will go to Disneyland. His Ford has always run well. Paula will rent a car in Boston. Write a sentence comparing two people. Use the correct form of the adjective goo d. Write a sentence comparing two things. Use the correct form of the adjective comfortable. Write a sentence comparing two actions. Use the correct form of the adverb quietly. 9. 10.
44 11. Write a sentence comparing more than two actions. Use the correct form of the ad verb loudly. Write a sentence comparing two actions. Use the correct form of the adverb early. Identify the part of speech of every word in these sentences.(44) 1. Our new neighbours have three young children and a dog. 2. Many of these dis ks belonged to Jebs friend. 3. That team is going to Mount Carleton soon. 4. Hey! What are you cooking for supper. 5. Several of the men from the camp were alway s discussing the bad weather. What are the correct pronouns for the following se ntence? Josh and (she, her) were the first to arrive, and (they, them) were the first to leave. A. she and they B. her and they C. she and them D. her and them 12. 13. 14. 15. How many nouns does this sentence contain? Wetlands, including ponds, marshes, a nd swamps, are home to many kinds of plants and animals A. B. C. D. Five Six Sev en Eight
45 16. How many pronouns does this sentence contain? What can you tell me about each of them? A. B. C. D. Five Three Two Six 17. Nouns are words that A. join groups of words or sentences. B. include the names of persons, places, things, and qualities. C. describe substances, animals, and people. D. are used to take the place of pronouns. Our hockey team has played Fl orenceville before. The complete verb in this sentence is A. playing Florencevil le B. be playing C. has played D. playing They have never lost a game against th at team. The complete verb in this sentence is A. have lost B. never lost C. los t D. lost against The homeless man, ragged and dirty, was very hungry. The adjec tives in this sentence are A. ragged, dirty, very B. ragged, homeless, was, dirt y C. the, ragged, homeless, dirty, hungry D. the, ragged, homeless, very, dirty, hungry 18. 19. 20.
46 21. The following sentences make comparisons. Only one sentence uses the correct mod ifier. Which one? A. B. C. D. Which donut is the biggest, the chocolate covered, or the glazed? This fall is the prettier of all the falls I can remember. I thi nk Toronto is farther away than Ottawa. He insists his cold is badder today than it was yesterday. 22. Which one of the following sentences is correct? A. B. C. D. The ONeills are se lling their trailer. They are moving to Moncton. Yesterday, I bought a pair of s neakers. Them sneakers are really great! Everybody who wants to enter the contes t should put their form in the box. Did anybody lose their car keys? I found one . 23. Correct the grammar errors in these sentences. Rewrite the corrected version on your paper.(9) A. Them skates are real good. B. Him and me went to the Ashleys h ouse. C. He divided the candy between Sarah and I. D. Everyone must sign their t ime sheet before leaving. E. The dogs blanket wasnt in its house when the storm hi t. TOTAL: 133
ANSWER KEY: BAU ENGLISH - PRETEST 1. 2. Answers will vary. a. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. A. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. walk cut sing think drive Mollys, weeks Sallys Molly and Sa llys ladys, Duncans weeks workers horses or horses Explain the meaning of your choice. What Someone We Their Its Its Pauls sisters walked cut sang thought drove Interroga tive pronoun Indefinite pronoun 1st person plural 3rd person plural 3rd person s ingular means it is possessive noun, singular possessive noun, plural walked cut s ung thought driven in the cupboard for Mr. Linton walking cutting singing thinki ng driving 3. 4. 5. of the cereal during the week after supper since his accident with the beard on the trees with the red wheels Answers will vary. in the light breeze beside the general store 6.
48 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. flew, were, is talking, ate, are cutting, have sold, was, will go, has run, will rent Answers will vary. Answers will vary. Answers will vary. Answers will vary . Answers will vary. 1. Our......pronoun/adjective neighbours......noun three... ...adjective children.....noun a......adjective 2. Many.....pronoun these......a djective belonged.....verb Jebs.....noun, possessive 3. That......adjective is... ..verb to.....preposition soon.....adverb 4. Hey.....interjection are.....verb c ooking.....verb supper.....noun 5. Several.....pronoun the......adjective from.. ...preposition camp.....noun always.....adverb the.....adjective un new.....adjective have.....verb young.....adjective and.....conjunction dog.. ...noun of.....preposition disks.....noun to......preposition friend.....noun te am.....noun going......verb Mount Carleton.....noun What.....pronoun noun for.....preposition of.....preposition men......noun the.....adjective were .....verb discussing......verb bad.......adjective
49 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. A D A B C A C C A A. 2. 3. 4. 5. Those skates are really good. He and I went to Ashleys house. He divided the candy between Sarah and me. Everyone must sign his or her time sheet before leaving. The dogs blanket wasnt in its house when the sto rm hit.
50 IAUENG - PRETEST 1. Identify the part of speech of each word.(51) A. Cheryls idea s are better than mine are.(6) B. An extremely loud clap of thunder rattled the windows.(9) C. Are you really happy that they are coming here?(9) D. Oh no, Matt will not have the money before the tour leaves Woodstock.(11) E. Each of these would have been correct, but the answers that you changed are now wrong.(16) In which one of the following sentences is the verb to loan written in the past per fect tense? A. John loaned the maps to Erins husband. B. John has loaned the ma ps to Erins husband. C. John had loaned the maps to Erins husband. D. John wil l loan the maps to Erin husband. Name the tense of each verb. A. B. C. D. E. 4. Beth handled the dog very well today. The dentist was examining my teeth thorou ghly. A month from now, I will call you. The Sullivans have a new boat. Nimoy ha s been playing that role for over twenty years. 2. 3. Some nouns in the following sentences require apostrophes to show possession. Re write the sentences and make the necessary correction. (7) A. Sheilas mother liv es next door. B. I bought those pants in the childrens department. C. The Martin s bought Nicoles old washing machine. D. The bosses letters are always long and dull. E. The kitten pulled on its mothers ear. F. The renovations to the Jones h ouse gave him three weeks work.
51 5. Match the term on the left with the name on the left. (8) a. Indefinite pronoun 1. What b. Relative pronoun 2. Myself c. Personal pronoun 3. Someone d. Reciproc al pronoun 4. Yourselves e. Reflexive pronoun, singular 5. Which f. Emphatic pro noun, plural 6. Us g. Demonstrative pronoun 7. These h. Interrogative pronoun 8. Themself 9. Each other Which one of the following sentences is the verb to watc h written in the simple future tense? A. We watched the ships come in that night . B. We will watch the ships arrive tonight. C. We will have watched the ships a rrive before dark. D. We are watching the ships arrive tonight. Read the followi ng sentence. Anne and Jim left for Cape Breton today to spend Christmas with the ir families. The proper nouns in the sentence are A. B. C. D. Christmas, Cape Br eton, Anne, Jim. and, for, to, with. today, families. left, spend. 6. 7. 8. Which of the following is the proper possessive form for the car belonging to my neighbours? A. B. C. D. my neighbours car. car belonging to my neighbour. my ne ighbours car. my neighbours car.
52 9. Which of the following is the proper possessive form for the club of university women? A. B. C. D. universitys womens club. university womens club. universit y womens club. universitys women club. 10. Which of the following is the proper possessive form for the strap of the camera ? A. B. C. D. the cameras strap. the cameras strap. the camera strap. the came ras straps 11. Write one sentence correctly using each of the following adverbs.(6) early quite almost fast easily quickly (You should write a total of SIX sentences.) Read th e following sentence:(4) I will complete this course by April of next year. A. B . C. D. Rewrite the sentence and underline the complete verb (the main verb and any auxiliary verbs). Write the tense of the verb. Rewrite the sentence, changin g the verb to the future perfect tense, Underline the complete verb in your new sentence. 12. 13. Choose the best conjunctions to join the parts of the following sentences.(3) A. B. C. Ron was late he stopped for me. Do you like chocolate cake white cake? I shovel snow mow lawns.
53 14. Pronouns have been left out of the following paragraph. Rewrite the paragraph, u sing pronouns as you think are necessary.(5) Shirley has a pet ferret named Furr y. The ferret belonging to Shirley was named Furry because of the soft fur of th e ferret. As far as I can see, the soft fur of the ferret belonging to Shirley i s the only good thing about the pet ferret belonging to Shirley. The ferret belo nging to Shirley bites at every opportunity, and the ferret belonging to Shirley does not smell very pleasant. 15. Read the following sentence:(4) We lived in New Brunswick all our lives. A. B. C . D. Rewrite the sentence and underline the complete verb (the main verb and any auxiliary verbs). Write the tense of the verb. Rewrite the sentence, changing t he verb to the present perfect tense, Underline the complete verb in your new se ntence. 16. In the following sentences, indicate the adjectives and the noun each modifies. 1. I heard a great new song on the radio.(5) 2. Monicas sneakers are always dirty and dusty.(3) 3. Monfords old barn, large and unpainted, looked abandonned.(6) 4 . Our children dont like the icy, cold water.(4) 5. Their sporty new car, red and expensive, is too flashy.(6) A. List five (5) linking verbs.(5) B. Use each in a sentence.(5) Write three (3) sentences with interjections.(3) 17. 18.
54 19. Choose the correct modifier. Indicate whether the modifier is an adjective or an adverb.(10) A. Ted damaged his car (bad, badly). B. The entire team did not fee l (well, good) after the meal. C. The managers had a (private, privately) meetin g. D. Ken gets behind at school because he works (slow, slowly). E. He answered those questions (real, really) (well, good). Write five sentences using FIVE DIF FERENT auxiliary verbs.(5) Read the following sentence:(4) I feel the raindrops on my face. A. B. C. D. Rewrite the sentence and underline the complete verb (th e main verb and any auxiliary verbs). Write the tense of the verb. Rewrite the s entence, changing the verb to the past perfect tense, Underline the complete ver b in your new sentence. Write a sentence containing at least one example of each of the eight parts of speech. Write each word of your sentence in a line down t he page. Indicate after the word the part of speech of each word (see example fo llowing).(8) 20. 21. 22. A. B. Example: A. Cindy writes letters. B. Cindy - NOUN writes - VERB letters - NOUN 23. Find five examples of prepositional phrases anywhere in this test.(5)
55 24. Record and name all the conjunctions in these sentences.(10) A. Ruth and Steve w ill either write or telephone. B. While they were away, they visited Len and Jen nifer. C. A storm was forecast; therefore, we cancelled our trip. D. Have you se en the movie that is playing downtown. E. The man who wrote that book is in town today. F. Your work is good, but it still needs more work. G. They completed th e report which we requested, yet we never received it. Correct the grammar error s in these sentences.(12) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. I bought some of them apples f rom he and Jim. He had went there several times before. The driver could of fini shed this if I had had the time. The lawyer will do all the work hisself. The to urists changed a large amount of dollars at the airport. Could him and me rent a movie? He sure done good on his last test. Each of the students should buy thei r own textbook for this course. 25. Total 192
56 ANSWER KEY - IAU ENGLISH - PRETEST 1. A. Cheryls.....noun, possessive are.....ver b than.....conjunction are.....verb. An.....adjective loud.....adjective of..... preposition rattled.....verb windows......noun Are.....verb really.....adverb th at......conjunction/pronoun are.....verb here.....adverb Oh no.....interjection will.....verb have.....verb money......noun the.....adjective leaves......verb E ach.....pronoun these.....pronoun have.....verb correct......adjective the.....a djective that......conjunction/pronoun changed......verb now......adverb ideas.. ...noun better.....adjective mine......pronoun extremely......adverb un thunder.....noun the.....adjective you.....pronoun happy......adjective they. .....pronoun coming.....verb Matt.....noun not.....adverb the.....adjective befo re......conjunction tour......noun Woodstock.....noun of.....preposition would.. ...verb been.....verb but......conjunction answers......noun you.....pronoun are ......verb wrong......adjective B. C. D. E. 2. C
57 3. A. B. C. D. E. A. B. C. D. E. F. a. g. B A C B B
Simple past Past progressive Simple future Simple present Present perfect progre ssive Sheilas childrens Nicoles bosses mothers Jones weeks 3; 7; b. h. 5; 1 c. 6; d. 9 e. 2; f. 4 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Answers will vary. A. 2. 3. will complete Simple future will have completed 13. 14. Answers may vary. Answers may vary.
58 15. lived Simple past have lived.......present perfect a, great, the.. Monicas, dirty, dusty.......sneakers Monfords, old, large, unpainted, aban donned........barn Our.....children the, icy, cold.......water their, sporty, ne w, red, expensive, Answers may vary. Answers may vary. badly.... .adverb well.....adjective (after a linking verb) private......adjective slowly. .....adverb really......adverb well......adverb Answers may vary. feel simple pr esent had felt....past perfect Answers will vary. Answers will vary. and.....coordinate conjunction while.....subordinate conjunction therefore.....conjunctive adverb that.....relative pronoun who.....relative pronoun c onjunction conjunction. either/or.....correlative conjunctio n conjunction 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24.
59 25. I bought some of those apples from Jim and him. He had gone there several times before. The driver could have finished this if he had had the time. The lawyer w ill do the work himself. The tourists changed a large number of dollars at the a irport. Could he and I rent a movie? He certainly did well on his last test Each of the students should by his or her own textbooks for this course.
ACADEMIC STUDIES ENGLISH Answer Key for Supplementary Exercises GRAMMAR: PART I Parts of Speech FALL 1998
1 ANSWER KEY Exercise 1: Nouns 1. dog, cat, porch 3. daughter, computer, friend 5. snow, roads, drivers, motels 7. Titantic, hours, husbands, wives 9. couples, Fl orida, weather 2. muffins, blueberries 4. Robert, car, Saint John, truck 6. passengers, ship, c ollision, iceberg 8. penguins, South Pole, birds, cold 10. Shediac, Confederatio n Bridge, Riverview Exercise 2: Nouns A. 1. top, hill, Northumberland Strait 3. boats 5. people, are a, lives, sea 7. villages, canneries seafood, shipment, Japan 9. weather, catch Answers will vary. 2. ocean, clouds 4. fishermen, traps, lobster 6. markets, mussels, clams, scallo ps, lobster 8. boats, fishermen, harbours, night 10. storms, life, water B. Exercise 3: Pronouns 1. Many, them, few 3. What, you, you 5. She, herself, she 7 . Who 9. None, us, that 2. Everybody, something, they 4. They, themselves 6. All, those 8. Stones, these 10. He, her, this Exercise 4: Pronouns ( The second part of answers will vary) A. 1. Who, us, no o ne 2. This, her 3. She, them, any, it 4. Them, that 5. What, you, him, his 6. We 7. Mine, it 8. Me, some 9. They, we 10. Many B. Answers will vary.
2 Exercise 5: Verbs 1. Threw 4. Cost 7. Rides 10. Slept Exercise 6: Verbs 1. Sat, were jogging 4. Decided 7. Are reading, have finished 10. Wants Exercise 7: Verb s 1. Learned 4. Could stay 7. Brought 10. Hope, will have Exercise 8: Adjectives 1. Little, the, dusty 4. A, beautiful, quiet, that, flower 7. The, hockey, the steel 10. The, long, summer, hot dry 2. Perched 5. Dreamed 8. Thought 3. Flew 6. Walks 9. Looked 2. Ate 5. Has been driving 8. Will send 3. Was enjoying 6. Will guess 9. Agreed 2. Had been broken 5. Became 8. Was returning 3. Was bringing 6. Arrived 9. Are calling 2. Six, delicious 3. The, dark, brown, the, new, white 5. The, old, torn, faded 6. A, few, train, six the, light 8. Paper, the, annual 9. These, juicy, red Exercise 9: Adverbs 1. Early 2. Soon 3. Carefully 4. Not , there 5. Here, tomorr ow 6. Yesterday, effectively 7. Very, lately 8. Truly 9. Surprisingly, quickly 1 0. Really, really Note: for class, on the table, at noon, at the beach, during t his last week are also adverbs because they answer the questions when, where, wh y. These grammar points will be dealt with in a later section. If you identified them as adverbs, you are really thinking.
3 Exercise 10: Adverbs 1. Relatively 4. Quickly, accurately 7. Not, late 9. Bright ly 2. Daily 3. Today, very 5. Generally, quite 6. Never 8. Finally, very, correctly 10. Politely, really Exercise 11: Prepositions 1. On the bed, in the guest room 3. Behind the desk, u nder the stairs 5. On airplanes, beside those, on trains 7. With tickets 9. On t he road, to Stanley 10. With the long scarf, in the mall 2. 4. 6. 8. Through the park, towards home Of her dress, On the porch From maple trees, into a syrup Exercise 11: Prepositions 1. In Sackville prepositional adjective phrase modifyi ng the noun aunt, Of the antiques prepositional adjective phrase modifying the p ronoun several To Gene: prepositional adverb phrase modifying the verb gave 2. B eside ours: prepositional adjective phrase modifying the noun camp In 1966: prep ositional adverb phrase modifying the verb was built By Johns brother: prepositio nal adverb phrase modifying the verb was built 3. Since the crash: prepositional adverb phrase modifying the verb have received Of the survivors: prepositional adjective phrase modifying the pronoun many 4. In his new movie: prepositional a dverb phrase modifying the verb drives From Toronto: prepositional adverb phrase modifying the verb drives To Los Angeles: prepositional adverb phrase modifying the verb drives 5. Of day: prepositional adjective phrase modifying the noun ti me 6. Of her work: prepositional adjective phrase modifying the noun quality 7. Of our friends: prepositional adjective phrase modifying the pronoun few From sc hool: prepositional adjective phrase modifying the noun friends For supper: prep ositional adverb phrase modifying the verb arrived At Julies: prepositional adver b phrase modifying the verb arrived 8. Of the items: prepositional adjective phr ase modifying the pronoun none On that page: prepositional adjective phrase modi fying the noun items Until July: prepositional adverb phrase modifying the verb are 9. In 1992: prepositional adverb phrase modifying the verb disappeared Of th e money: prepositional adjective phrase modifying the pronoun most
4 10. From Germany: prepositional adjective phrase modifying the noun owners Of it : prepositional adjective phrase modifying the pronoun all To them: prepositiona l adverb phrase modifying the verb sold Exercise 12: Interjections 1. Wow 2. Oh no 3. Ouch Exercise 13: Conjunctions 1. And words (2 nouns) 2. And words (2 noun s) 3. And prepositional phrases 4. And adverbs But ideas 5. So ideas 6. After id eas 7. Before ideas 8. And adjectives When ideas 9. Because ideas 10. Until idea s Exercise 14: Conjunctions 1. Although and 2. Because yet 3. Or which 4. Who bu t 5. That both...and 6. Until 7. If so 8. When 9. And 10. Because Exercise 15: R eview 1. Carol noun and conjunction I pronoun 4. No 5. Yuck 2. Our friends in pronoun/adjective noun preposition
5 travelled to Alberta last year verb preposition noun adjective noun Calgary were surprised when we arrived Their house was built in 1990 noun verb adjective conjunction pronoun verb pronoun/adjective noun verb verb pr eposition noun 3. The adjective (article) 4. tall adjective majestic adjective Rocky Mountains nou n majestic adjective are verb a adjective (article) truly adverb beautiful adjec tive sight noun No you should not take your camera on your trip Most of the stud ents listened politely interjection 6. pronoun verb adverb verb pronoun/adjectiv e noun preposition pronoun/adjective noun pronoun 8. preposition adjective (arti cle) noun verb adverb 5. We jogged quickly through the dark woods pronoun verb adverb preposition adjective (article) adjective noun 7. She was giving a short but interesting lecture pronoun verb verb adjective (article) adjective conjunction adjective noun
6 9. We bought a very small quantity of food yesterday pronoun 10. verb adjective (article) adverb adjective noun preposition noun adve rb The wind was cold but the sun was really warm Sheila and he were talking to her when it happened Turn at the lights and go two blocks west adjective (article) noun verb adjective conjunction adjective (article) noun ver b adverb adjective noun conjunction pronoun verb verb preposition pronoun conjun ction pronoun verb verb preposition adjective (article) noun conjunction verb ad jective noun adverb 11. This book cost six dollars adjective noun verb adjective noun 12. 13. The American fishermen caught two salmon for lunch Eric and they learned very qu ickly adjective adjective noun verb adjective noun preposition noun noun conjunction p ronoun verb adverb adverb 14. 15.
7 Exercise 16: Common and Proper Nouns Common Nouns Proper Nouns 1. moonlight, lea ves, path Black Lake 2. parcel, sister, Marsha, Regina 3. city Bathurst, Bay of Chaleur 4. family, mill Robin, Alberta 5. people, newspaper, weekend Italy 6. la nguage, exceptions, rules, grammar English 7. maple*, syrup, areas North America 8. hockey*, arena, street Beresford 9. settlers Gasp, France, England 10. stores , sale, carnival, profits Main Street * Depending on the grammar text you consul t, the word maple may be considered either a noun or an adjective. Exercise 17: Common and Proper Nouns Answers will vary. Exercise 18: Concrete and Abstract No uns Common nouns: rose, cow, school, computer, stars, bubbles Abstract nouns: ju stice, happiness, truth, grace, skiing, fear Exercise 19: Collective Nouns Answe rs may vary. Exercise 20: Mass Nouns 1. Owen has (many, several, a few, etc.) as signments to do this week. 3. (Many, several, a large number of, etc.) deer were shot this season. 4. Ann receives (too much, many pieces of, a lot of, a large amount of, etc.) junk mail. Exercise 21: Possessive Nouns A. 1. Marys 2. dogs 3. m onths 5. boys B. the childrens book Elviss biggest fans the secretaries meeting the b osses memos my oldest sons car the mens department 4. Sues, mens
8 the buses schedule the coyotes barking the cats paws two weeks pay Exercise 22: Possessive Nouns 1. Bobs uncle lives near Sharons farm. 2. Charles com pany owed him two days pay. 3. Marthas sister was worried about her sons health. (o ne son) 4. Mrs. Smith was worried about their sons health. (two sons) 5. The chil ds name is Nora, and the familys name is Boudreau. 6. City Councils regular meeting s are held on Mondays. 7. The students cafeteria will be closed after next weeks g raduation. 8. Mr. Childs car was being serviced at Eatons. 9. The womens resums were sent to the companies head offices by the bosses secretary. 10. Marks mother lives at my sisters, but the companys salesman went to my cousins (cousins)* place. * Dep ending on the meaning, either would be correct. Exercise 23: Possessive Nouns 1. My uncles farmhouse was struck by during last summers storm. (two uncles) 2. The girls hair had been cut short for the twins wedding. 3. A March snow storm is some times called winters last lament. 4. Have you seen Mel Gibsons last three movies? 5. The skateboarders park had to be closed for repairs to its half pipes. 6. Becaus e of the accident, his wifes income was reduced. 7. Did you see the dragsters col lide on Old Oak Road yesterday? 8. Finish your clients reports before you go to S miths tonight. (one client) 9. Frank and James mail order business is making them a rich mans fortune. 10. The suns rays are too dangerous for us to sit on these la wn chairs for too long! Exercise 24: Possessive Nouns Answers will vary. Exercis e 25: Review of Nouns 1. A correct possessive form of the sentence would be C. T hat is my neighbours new car.
9 2. The eight parts of speech are: 1. nouns 2. pronouns 3. verbs 4. adjectives 5. ad verbs 6. prepositions 7. conjunctions 8. interjections The proper nouns in the s entence are B. Centennial Bridge, Chatham, Ferry Road. Rewrite the following sen tences to make the noun indicated by bold print possessive. A. Laura is Pams ol dest sister. B. This is Doriss store. C. I do not like Cheryl Hastings apartme nt. D. Those are the childrens toys. E. The police wrote down the witnesses de scriptions. A noun is a word which names a person, place, thing, or quality. The nouns in the sentence are C. friends, town, Halifax, Nova Scotia. Answers will vary. Check your answer with your instructor. The following is an example of ans wers you might have chosen. A. soda pop - Pepsi, 7-Up, Coca-Cola, Orange Crush, Sprite B. city Moncton, Saint John, Fredericton, Edmundston, Bathurst, Campbellt on, Halifax, Truro, Ottawa C. river St. John River, Miramichi River, Little Rive r, Salmon River, New River D. holiday Christmas, Easter, Boxing Day, New Brunswi ck Day, Thanksgiving, Labour Day, Canada Day E. magazine - Canadian Living, Chat elaine, Consumer Reports, Discover, Entertainment, Inside Sports, Sports 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
10 Illustrated, Parents 8. Write a common noun for each proper noun given below. (E xample: New Brunswick - province) A. January month B. Canada country C. Saint Jo hn city D. Jupiter planet E. Dr. Parker doctor A. B. C. D. E. 10. The petals of the flower fell to the floor. I had a great time last St. Patricks Day. no corr ections Do you remember when ten cents worth of candy was enough to share with your friends? There is a burn mark on the arm of the chair. 9. church - common, concrete, count, singular mice - common, concrete, count, plura l mob - common, concrete, collective, count, singular beauty - common, abstract, non-count, singular Canadas - proper, abstract*, count**, singular, possessive n ews - common, abstract*, non-count, singular armies - common, concrete, collecti ve, count, plural food - common, concrete, non-count, singular gold - common, co ncrete, non-count, singular boys - common, concrete, count, plural, possessive lo yalty - common, abstract, count, singular jury - common, abstract*, collective, count, singular/plural grammar - common, abstract, count**, singular March - pro per, abstract, count, singular fragrance - common, concrete, count, singular mens - common, concrete, count, plural, possessive company - common, abstract*, coll ective, count, singular surprise - common, abstract, count, singular trouble - c ommon, abstract, count, singular English horn - common, concrete, count, singula r
11 sunrise - common, concrete, count, singular boys - common, concrete, count, singu lar, possessive Lions Club - proper, abstract, collective, count, singular, Lions p ossessive broccoli - common, concrete, count, singular and plural * debatable ** could be counted if referring to more than one, e.g. Upper /Lower Canada, Frenc h/English Canada, etc. Exercise 26: Personal Pronouns 1. Did you give him his bo ok? 2. I saw them eating their lunch myself 3. He may have taken her coat, but m ine is on the desk. 4. Cheryl gave her cold to them. 5. My sister, her husband a nd their children visited your mother. Exercise 27: Personal Pronouns - Person, Number, Gender A. 1. First person plural C. We, us, our, ours, ourselves 2. Thir d person singular D. She, her, hers, herself 3. Second person singular F. You, y our, yours, yourselves 4. Third person plural B. They, them, their, theirs, them selves 5. First person singular A. I, me, my, mine, myself B. 1. I - 1st person singular they - 3rd person plural my - 1st person singular your - 2nd person sin gular 2. They - 3rd person plural it - 3rd person singular theirs - 3rd person p lural they - 3rd person plural its - 3rd person singular 3. you - 2nd person sin gular/plural her - 3rd person singular feminine you - 2nd person singular/plural yours - 2nd person singular/plural 4. They - 3rd person plural we - 1st person plural our -1st person plural Exercise 28: Possessive Personal Pronouns Answers will vary. Exercise 29: Possessive Personal Pronouns Answers will vary. Exercise 30: Pronoun Selection
12 1. he 5. me 9. Its, its 2. he 6. he, I 10. his, her 3. her 7. they, they 11. me 4. You 8. those, their 12. Your, youre Exercise 31: Pronoun Selection Answers will vary. Have your instructor check you r answer. The following is an example of how you may have rewritten the paragrap h. Tim Maxwell recently purchased a car. It is a 1989 Buick LeSabre. Although hi s car is not a new one, it had not been driven very far when he bought it. It ha d travelled only 800 kilometres! That is not very many kilometres for a car as o ld as his. His car is just like a new one. It had been in an old ladys garage s ince her husband died in early 1990. Exercise 32: Pronoun Selection 1. Al met Jo hn and her at the movies. Read the sentence without John . Al met she at the mov ies. That doesnt sound right. Your other choice is her, so try Al met her at the movies. Her is the right choice. Laura and she had hamburgers for lunch. I took those clothes to the cleaners yesterday. The pronoun them never goes with a noun . We sent her some flowers.. Mary drove Paul and me to the mall. Read the senten ce as though only one person got a ride. Mary drove I to the mall. Now its easy t o tell that me is the wrong pronoun to select. Leo and she gave you the coffee m oney on Monday. To find the right choice, read the sentence as though only the w oman gave the money. Her gave.... The word yous does not exist. Could he and I c ould go to the game? (Try the sentence with each pronoun separately, and break u p the sentence as follows: Could him go to the game? 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
13 Could he go to the game? The second sentence sounds better. Now the other pronou n choice. Could me go to the game? Could I go to the game? Again, the second sen tence sounds better. Therefore, the correct pronoun selections in this sentence are he and I.) 8. You and your husband should prepare yourselves for some bad ne ws. The pronoun yourself is singular. In this sentence, two people should be pre paring themselves. The plural version of this pronoun is the right one.
14 9. They kept the secret from Jack and me. Read the sentence as if only one person d id not know the secret. They kept the secret from I. The man standing outside is he. (This is tricky and may not sound right.but try switching the sentence arou nd. Him is the man outside. He is the man outside. The second choice makes more sense, and is the correct pronoun selection in this instance.) Janes best frien d was I. Use the same strategy as in sentence 11. Me was Janes best friend. I w as Janes best friend. Decide which sentence sounds the best. The obvious choice is the pronoun I. Those (or these) people pushed in line ahead of me! This mist ake is often heard in speech. The pronoun them is NEVER used to go along with a noun. 10. 11. 12. Exercise 33: Pronoun Selection 1. They 2. Her 3. Your 4. Mine 5. Its (Remember t hat the personal pronoun has not apostrophe. Its means it is. Exercise 34: Pronouns and Antecedents A. Your instructor will check your answer. B. 1. esident 2. Their, themselves........managers 3. Them........students; those..... ..books 4. Their.........jury (used in this sentence as a plural) 5. It.......fa mily (used as a single unit) 6. (Girls is not the antecedent. Only o ne person received a trophy.) 7. (showing that each individual family member acts separately) 8. Ourselves......we 9. These......donations 10. His or her.......student (3rd person singular, the gender is not clear)
15 Exercise 35: Pronouns and Antecedents Answers may vary. (It is important to unde rstand that too many pronouns make the meaning of a sentence unclear. As well, a pronoun always refers to the noun closest to it (in front of it) 1. Philip gave her a present. (Philip bought the present.) Philip gave her Donnas present. (Don na bought the present.) Philip gave her the present that he had bought for Maril yn. 2. Norm and Al filled Als (or Norms) basket with apples from Fredericton. Norm and Al filled Jims basket with apples from Fredericton. 3. Each member of the cl ass asked his or her mother to help at the bake sale. 4. The police officer told the driver, You deserved this ticket, and you should pay it. 5. The audience clap ped for the actors performance. Exercise 36: Indefinite Pronouns 1. Does anybody know his or her Social Insurance Number? 2. Each of those buyers should consult his or her supervisors. 3. Max and Helen sang at their mutual friends wedding. 4. None of the boys has paid for his bus ticket. 5. Several of the men have paid their dues. 6. No one should submit his or her report later than tomorrow. 7. T he deer hurt its leg when it jumped the fence. 8. A few forgot their lunches. 9. Many hens have escaped from their pen. 10. A few of us have received our marks. Exercise 37: Demonstrative Pronouns A. 1. This 2. That 3. Such 4. These, those B. Answers will vary. 5. That Exercise 38: Reflexive, Emphatic, Reciprocal Pronouns 1. Himself reflexive.....a n action he did to himself 2. Each other reciprocal 3. Yourself one else washed it 4. One another reciprocal 5. Yourself reflexive 6. Myself em phatic
16 7. 8. 9. 10. Themselves Herself Himself, herself Ourselves emphatic reflexive reflexive reflexive Exercise 39: Interrogative Pronouns 1. Who 2. What 3. ----4. ---6. Which 7. ---8 . Which 9. What 5. (To) whom 10. ---Exercise 40: Review of Pronouns 1. Some students use PRIDE with 3 Rs and 2 Is. ( PRRRIIDE) P personal R reflexive R reciprocal R relative I indefinite I interrog ative D demonstrative E emphatic B. 1. you.....personal pronoun, 2nd person, sin gular or plural, refers to person(s) who are present that.....demonstrative pron oun, singular it.....personal pronoun, 3rd person singular, neuter (no gender), replaces the noun accident me.....personal pronoun, 1st person singular, refers to person who is speaking 2. themselves......emphatic pronoun, 3rd person plural , refers to the noun children it......personal pronoun, 3rd person singular 3. W hat.....interrogative pronoun anyone.....indefinite pronoun, singular that.....d emonstrative pronoun 4. She.....personal pronoun, 3rd person, singular, feminine herself.....reflexive pronoun, 3rd person, singular, feminine any......indefini te pronoun her......personal pronoun, 3rd person, singular, feminine 5. He...... personal pronoun, 3rd person, singular, masculine
17 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. his......personal pronoun, 3rd person, singular, masculine, shows possession, mo difies the noun boss that.....relative pronoun, used as a conjunction to join tw o ideas those.....demonstrative pronoun, plural, refers to a plural noun mention ed previously which.....relative pronoun, used as a conjunction to join two idea s you......personal pronoun, 2nd person, singular or plural That.....demonstrati ve pronoun, singular that......relative pronoun, used as a conjunction joining t wo ideas someone......indefinite pronoun you......personal pronoun, 2nd person, singular or plural their.....personal pronoun, 3rd person, plural, masculine and /or feminine, shows possession, modifies the noun bill them......personal pronou n, 3rd person, plural, masculine and/or feminine they.....personal pronoun, 3rd person, plural, masculine and/or feminine, refers to a plural noun mentioned pre viously it......personal pronoun, 3rd person, singular, no gender, refers to a s ingular noun mentioned previously. My.....personal pronoun, 1st person, singular , shows possession, modifies the noun attempt, refers to the person speaking I.. ...personal pronoun, 1st person, singular, refers to the person speaking I.....( as above) it.....personal pronoun, 3rd person, singular, neuter, refers to a whol e idea (the first attempt was a failure) Which.....interrogative pronoun both.... ..indefinite pronoun, plural, refers to the noun choices them.....personal prono un, 3rd person, plural, refers to pronoun both which refers to the noun choices itself......emphatic pronoun Exercise 41: Review of Pronouns 1. all.....indefinite pronoun my.....personal pr onoun 2. who.....interrogative pronoun 3. they.....personal pronoun themselves.. ....reflexive pronoun 4. You.....personal pronoun
18 that.....demonstrative pronoun them.....personal pronoun you......personal prono un 5. 6. who......relative pronoun each other......reciprocal pronoun your...... personal pronoun (used as an adjective) he......personal pronoun mine......perso nal pronoun, possessive We......personal pronoun you.....personal pronoun who... ..relative pronoun that......demonstrative pronoun We.....personal pronoun ourse lves......emphatic pronoun yourselves......reflexive pronoun what.....interrogat ive pronoun I.......personal pronoun those.......demonstrative pronoun Something .......indefinite pronoun 7. 8. 9. 10. Exercise 42: Review of Pronouns 1. 1st person plural interrogative pronoun recip rocal pronoun relative pronoun indefinite pronoun (plural) demonstrative pronoun indefinite pronoun (singular) possessive pronoun reflexive pronoun a word that doesnt exist 2. C. F. or I. B F. or I. K. A. E. J. H. G Pronouns are used to replace or refer to nouns and to make sentences more intere sting and less repetitive.
19 3. a. she d. which g. their j. themselves Answers will vary. A. is incorrect D. is correct b. himself e. its h. those c. me f. your i. him 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. B. correctly completes the sentence. A. B. C. D. Few.....indefinite pronoun, plu ral Those.....demonstrative pronoun, plural mine.....personal pronoun, 1st perso n, singular, shows possession which.....relative pronoun themselves.....reflexiv e pronoun, 3rd person, plural, refers to companies Who.....interrogative pronoun anything......indefinite pronoun, singular this......demonstrative pronoun, sin gular yourself......reflexive pronoun, singular something......indefinite pronou n E. Exercise 43: Action Verbs A. Answers will vary. B. Answers will vary. Exercise 4 4: Linking Verbs Answers will vary. Exercise 45: Action Verbs and Linking Verbs 1. jumped.....action 2. 3. smashed.....action 4. 5. were.....linking 6. 7. was.. ...linking 8. 9. were.....linking 10. hit.....action watched.....action is.....linking will be.....linking feared..... action
20 11. 13. 15. squeaked.....action drove.....action tasted.....action 12. 14. were.....linking believed.....action Exercise 46: Action Verbs and Linking Verbs 1. smells.....linking 2. 3. looked.. ...action 4. 5. coughed.....action 6. 7. Close......action 8. 9. felt.....linkin g 10. 11. fell, broke.....action 12. 13. slammed, drove.....action 14. 15. taste s.....linking Exercise 47: Action and Linking Verbs Answers may vary. Exercise 4 8: Auxiliary Verbs and Main Verbs looks.....linking became......linking know.....action felt.....action howl.....a ction sings, dances......action publishes.....action SENTENCE MAIN VERB drive taken played confused flip was lived going eaten HELPING VERB(S) (IF ANY) will must have ---------would have would ------has will be should have 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Heather will rarely drive the car in winter. He must have taken my jacket by mis take. We played ball against their team Saturday. That would have confused anyon e! Would you please flip the hamburgers? There was a good show on TV last night. Mitchell has lived here all his life. I will not be going, not after the last t rip. The men should have eaten that by now.
21 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. The washing machine has broken down. Have you ever heard such nonsense. He might have consulted a doctor. Sue may never have been given that letter. I shall nev er agree to his proposal. A child can easily learn this song. broken heard has have consulted might have given agree learn may have been shall can Exercise 49: Identifying Verb Tenses A. kicks.....simple present B. is kicking.. ....present progressive C. will kick......simple future D. has been kicking..... .present perfect progressive E. has kicked.....present perfect F. will have kick ed......future perfect G. had kicked......past perfect H. will be leaving......f uture progressive I. was giving......past progressive J. had been learning...... past perfect progressive Exercise 50: Identifying Verb Tenses 1. B. 2. A. 3. D. 4. C. 5. B. 6. A. 7. They will have washed the laundry by then. Answers may vary . 8. He has talked to the Lions Club before. Answers may vary. 9. Vanessa was sig ning her lease. Answers may vary. 10. The couple will be needing even more room soon. 11. It had been snowing for three days. Answers may vary. 12. We have been thinking about you lately. Answers may vary. Exercise 51: Irregular Verbs
22 1-3. Answers may vary. 4. A. Present progressive B. Simple past C. Present perfe ct D. Future perfect E. Future progressive F. Past perfect G. Simple past
23 Exercise 52: Active and Passive Voice 1. Passive 2. Active 3. Active 4. Passive 5. Passive 6. Active 7. Passive 8. Passive 9. Passive 10. Passive 11. Active 12. Active 13. Active 14. Passive 15. Active Exercise 53: Active and Passive Voice Answers will vary. Exercise 54: Active and Passive Voice Answers will vary. Exer cise 55: Review of Verbs Remember that it is impossible to decide on a words part of speech until it is used in a sentence. Exercise 56: Review of Verbs 2. Will show 3rd person plural simple future active voice 4. Had been asked 3rd person s ingular past perfect passive voice 3. Have eaten 2nd person (singular or plural) present perfect active voice Has been asking 3rd person singular present perfect progressive active voice 5.
25 6. Will be served 3rd person singular simple future passive voice The waiter will ser ve Shall be seeing 1st person singular future progressive active voice 7. Spoke 3rd person singular simple past active voice 8. 9 a). Was boy 10 a) rd person singular bitten 3rd person singular, simple past passive voice The dog bit the Are 3rd person plural (m or f) simple present active voice 11. Walks 3 singular simple present active voice Will have been playing 3rd person future perfect progressive active voice
9 b) Was destroyed 3rd person singular (neuter) simple past passive voice The vet destroyed 10 b) Are 3rd person plural simple present active voice 12. Am doing 1 st person singular present progressive active voice Is dating 3rd person singula r present progressive active voice 13. 14. Had been repainted 3rd person plural, neuter past perfect passive voice The paint er had just repainted Exercise 57: Review of Nouns, Pronouns, and Verbs Nouns Pro nouns Verbs 1. planes, Gander, ice, wings its landed 2. sister, bike, office my, her rides 3. Tom everything, that, them says, is 15.
26 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. men company, parts sister, Spanish problems airport ---results both, those us my, herself something, each they, each other you everyone, they were buys was teaching should be done might find were thinking is finished, will announce Exercise 58: Review of Nouns, Pronouns, and Verbs 1. Kevin.....noun, proper, con crete, singular gave.....verb, 3rd person, singular, simple past, active voice m e.....pronoun, personal, 1st person singular Marions......noun, possessive, prope r, concrete, singular card......noun, common, concrete, singular 2. Aunt Gladys. ....noun, proper, concrete lives.....verb, 3rd person, singular, simple present, active voice my......pronoun, personal, 1st person, singular, possessive, mothe rs......noun, possessive, common, concrete, singular 3. jury......noun, common, c oncrete, singular, collective is discussing.....verb, 3rd person, singular, pres ent progressive, active voice its......pronoun, personal, 3rd person, singular, possessive decision......noun, common, concrete, singular 4. chefs.....noun, com mon, concrete, singular are being asked......verb, 3rd person, plural, present p rogressive, passive voice their.....pronoun, personal, 3rd person, plural, posse ssive recipes.....noun, common, concrete, plural 5. all......pronoun, indefinite , plural these.....pronoun, demonstrative, plural will sell.....verb, 3rd person , plural, simple future, active voice Exercise 59:Nouns, Pronouns, and Verbs 1. I......pronoun, personal, 1st person singular am......verb, linking, 1st person singular, simple present decision.......noun, common, concrete, singular 2. Your ......pronoun, personal, 2nd person, singular or plural, possessive choices..... noun, common, concrete, plural
27 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. seem......verb, linking, 3rd person, plural, simple present Luke.....noun, prope r, singular is talking.....verb, action 3rd person, singular, present progressiv e, active voice his.....pronoun, personal, 3rd person, singular, masculine, poss essive girlfriend.....noun, common, concrete, singular phone.....noun, common, c oncrete, singular He.....pronoun, personal, 3rd person singular was rb, action, 3rd person, singular, past progressive, active voice You......pronou n, personal, 2nd person, singular/plural have written.....verb, 2nd person, sing ular/plural, present perfect, active voice letter.....noun, common, concrete, si ngular money.....noun, common, concrete, non-count, singular you......pronoun, p ersonal, 2nd person, singular/plural will need......verb, 2nd person, singular/p lural, simple future, active voice He.....pronoun, personal, 3rd person, singula r, masculine had watched.....verb, 3rd person, singular, past perfect, active vo ice TV......noun, common, concrete, singular hour......noun, common, concrete, s ingular Oprah.....noun, proper, concrete, singular has changed.....verb, 3rd per son, singular, present perfect, active voice peoples......noun, common, concrete, plural, possessive attitudes.....noun, common, concrete, plural honesty.....nou n, common, abstract, singular Tony.....noun, proper will have finished......verb , 3rd person, singular, future perfect, active voice course......noun, common, c oncrete, singular June......noun, proper We.....pronoun, personal, 1st person, p lural were walking......verb, 1st person, plural, past progressive, active voice beach.....noun, common, concrete, singular accident.....noun, common, concrete, singular. Exercise 60: Review of Nouns and Pronouns 1. He.....pronoun, personal, 3rd, sing ular, masculine smelled......verb, action, 3rd, singular, simple past, active vo ice bread.....noun, common, concrete, non-count, his......pronoun, personal, 3rd , singular, masculine, used as an adjective
28 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. mouth.....noun, common, concrete, count, singular watered.....verb, action, 3rd, singular, simple past, active voice storm......noun, common, concrete, count, s ingular grew......verb, linking, 3rd, singular, simple past, night.....noun, com mon, concrete, count, singular approached......verb, action, 3rd, singular, simp le past, active voice It.....pronoun, personal, 3rd singular afternoon......noun , common, concrete, count, singular They.....pronoun, personal, 3rd, plural were .....verb, linking verb, 3rd person, plural, simple past reservations......noun, common, concrete, plural Cuba......noun, proper Many.....pronoun, indefinite, p lural colours.......noun, common, concrete, plural are being changed.....verb, 3 rd person, plural, present progressive, passive decorator......noun, common, con crete, singular Her.....pronoun, personal, 3rd person, singular, possessive rela tives......noun, common, concrete, plural were eating......verb, 3rd person, plu ral, past progressive, active voice their.....pronoun, personal, 3rd, plural, po ssessive lunch.....noun, common, concrete, count, singular porch.....noun, commo n, concrete, count, singular heat.....noun, common, concrete, non-count, singula r Those.....pronoun, demonstrative, plural were made......verb, action, 3rd, plu ral, simple past, passive voice these.....pronoun, demonstrative, plural come... ..verb, action, 3rd, plural, simple present, active voice Sackville.....noun, pr oper, concrete, What.....pronoun, interrogative has seen.....verb, action, 3rd, singular/plural, present perfect, active voice Will complete.....verb, action, 2 nd, singular/plural, simple future, active voice survey.....noun, common, concre te, count, singular Liz.....noun, proper, concrete, singular, feminine drove.... .verb, action, 3rd, singular, past perfect, active voice herself.....pronoun, re flexive, 3rd, singular, feminine Central Hospital.....noun, proper, concrete
29 Exercise 61: Adjectives Adjectives Nouns modified 1. The, rough, uneven road 2. an, old, rusty car my space 3. the child the, sugary, sweet icing the, big spoon 4. a, ragged string dusty, light* bulb 5. a, boring, depressing day 6. those, s ix people 7. this trip several days 8. spicy, Mexican food 9. Shelley, Tims* hous e 10. The, little girl big, sparkling, blue eyes 11. these parcels 12. our cousi ns huge, juicy apples 13. some, light, summer* clothes 14. Karls*, hockey*, dull skates 15. two, sweet, lovable cats the, dining room* table * These words are te chnically nouns but when used to describe another noun, they can be identified a s adjectives. Exercise 62: Adjectives The young hikers walked through the dark w oods. A few boys knew that they were lost, but most simply enjoyed the sweet sme ll of dried pine needles and autumn leaves that littered the ground. The weather was warm, and the hills were gentle, but as they continued on their way the sun light became paler. The youngest boys started to ask their Scout leader when the y could stop and eat their sandwiches. He told them that they would have to wait until they reach the little lake on the other side of the steep blue ridge ahea d. After two long hours, the group of tired boys still had not reached the isola ted lake that was their final destination, and one older
30 boy suggested that they set up camp beside a babbling brook. They set up their c anvas tents, lit a huge crackling fire, and ate their supper. Just as they were climbing into their snug sleeping bags, they saw a beam of light, bright and nar row, piercing the inky darkness. With relief, the leader realized that they were six miles south of where they should have been. The car was obviously travellin g on the Black River Road and they were only a mile or two from Mr. Jensens chick en farm. They werent lost at all! Exercise 63: Adverbs 1. yesterday.....when 2. 3. errogative adverb 4. Why......interrogative adverb 5. useful 6. t here.....where 7. 8. 9. 10. never...when exciting not......negati ve almost......when casually now.....when quickly effici later.....when important efficiently good never.......when Exercise 64: Adverbs Modifying Verbs, Adjectives, and Adverbs 1. politely modifi es the verb asked 2. thoughtfully modifies the verb chewed 3. daily modifies the verb review 4. tightly modifies the verb packed 5. very modifies the adjective happy 6. sincerely modifies the adjective grateful 7. deeply modifies the adject ive tanned 8. fast modifies the verb travel; very modifies the adverb fast 9. re ally modifies the adjective tired 10. leisurely modifies the verb strolled Exerc ise 65: Distinguishing Between Adjectives and Adverbs 1. Well. The sentence desc ribes how she behaves. An adverb is needed to
31 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. modify the verb behaves. Good is an adjective, so well, an adverb, is the best c hoice. Sad. Feels is a linking verb and it needs an adjective to complete it. Sa d is an adjective; sadly is an adverb. Really. Sure is an adjective completing t he linking verb am. An adverb is required to modify the adjective. Really is an adverb; real is an adjective. Simple. An adjective is needed to complete the lin king verb were. Simple is an adjective; simply is an adverb. Well. Although well is usually an adverb, it is used as an adjective when speaking of someones healt h. Slowly. An adverb is needed to describe how the work was done. Slowly is an a dverb modifying the verb went. Gradual. This is another linking verb which needs an adjective to complete it. Gradual is an adjective; gradually is an adverb. S eriously. An adverb is needed to describe how the work is done. Seriously is an adverb; serious is an adjective. Awful. Feel is a linking verb which needs an ad jective to complete its meaning. Awful is an adjective; awfully is an adverb. Go od. Taste is a linking verb. Use the adjective good to complete it. Quickly. An adverb is needed to describe how firefighters should respond. Quickly is an adve rb; quick is an adjective. Calm. An adjective is needed to modify the noun voice . Calm is an adjective; calmly is an adverb. Badly. An adverb is required to des cribe how he putted. Badly is an adverb; bad is an adjective. Brightly. An adver b modifies a verb. Brightly is an adverb describing how the light shone. Well. T he adverb well describes how Paul did on his drivers test. Exercise 66: Comparisons with Adjectives and Adverb 1. Smaller. Comparing two pe ople 2. More rapidly 3. More. Comparing snowfall for two months 4. Worse (compar ing two things) 5. More difficult (comparing two things) 6. Eldest. Comparing mo re than two 7. Unique. Unique is an absolute adjective and cannot be compared.
32 Exercise 67: Prepositions A. Answers will vary. B. 1. For, along, at, of (at the end of) 2. Among, for, of 3. in 4. in, under 5. near, with 6. down, around 7. w ith, to, at 8. beside, on, of, in, by (on top of) 9. in, for 10. for, to, with
33 C. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. D. 1. For shells and pebbles, along the beach, at the end, of the day (at the end of t he day) among the rubble, for pictures, of her mother and father in this store i n the world, under my sons bed near the trees, with the hornets nest down the hill , around the corner With the sore ear, to the door, at noon beside the store, on top, of the hill, in 1960, by my son (on top of the hill) in your group, for th e conference for the best costume, to the clown, with the funny hat for shells a nd pebbles.....adverb.....why along the beach.....adverb.....where at the end... ..adverb......when of the day.....adjective......modifies the noun end among the rubble.....adverb.....where for pictures......adverb......why of her mother and father.....adjective.......modifies the noun pictures in this store......adverb ......where in the world.....adjective......modifies the noun socks under my sons bed......adverb......where near the trees......adverb.....where with the hornet s nest.......adjective.....modifies the noun trees down the hill.....adverb.....w here around the corner.......adverb.....where with the sore ear......adjective.. ...modifies the noun cat to the door.....adverb.....where at noon......adverb... ..when beside the store......adjective.....modifies the noun houses on top...... adjective......modifies the noun houses of the hill......adjective.....modifies the noun top on top of the hill......can be considered as one prepositional phra se. Some grammar books call on top of a compound preposition. in 1960.....adverb .....when by my 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
34 9. 10. in your group....adjective.....modifies the noun women for the jective.....modifies the noun theme for the best costume......adjective......mod ifies the noun prize to the clown.....adverb.....where, how with the funny hat.. ....adjective......modifies the noun clown Exercise 68: Prepositional Phrases 1. on the roof.....adjective.....modifying th e noun men for two long in the heat......adverb.....h ow, where 2. during the night......adverb.....when of the water.....adjective... ...modifying the noun rest from the basement......adverb.....where 3. near the m all......adverb......where to the north......adverb......where of the city limit s.....adjective.....modifying the noun north 4. in the kitchen......adjective... ..modifying the noun women under the tables.....adverb.....where in the closets. ....adverb.....where 5. with big hat......adjective.......modifying the noun lad y into the line.....adverb.....where in front......adverb.....where of me......a djective......modifying the noun front in front of me......adverb.....where (can be identified as a single phrase) at the store......adverb.....where 6. On Frid ays.....adverb.....when of the staff....adjective.....modifying the pronoun all at the radio station.....adjective....modifying the noun station at the old mill .....adverb......where 7. In the middle.....adverb......where of a big spacious lawn.......adjective.....modifying the noun middle in the middle of a big spacio us lawn.....adverb.....where 8. Because of the storm.....adverb......why from th e day care......adjective.....modifying the noun children at the church......adj ective.....modifying the noun day care around the block......adverb....where 10. After his graduation......adverb.....when
35 in 1992......adjective......modifying the noun graduation for a job......adjecti ve.....modifying the noun ad in Manitoba......adjective......modifying the noun Manitoba Exercise 69: Conjunctions 1. but 2. 3. or 4. 5. both, and 7. however 8. 9. not only, but also 10. 11. and 12. 13. yet 14. 15. as a result Exercise 70: Conjunctions 1. because 2. 4. after 5. 7. why 8. 10. how 11. 13. although 14. 16 . because 17. 19. if 20. 22. unless 23. 25. before B. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. not only, but also either, and, or, and 6. neither, nor neither, nor meanwhile b ut so since where than before because although why than 3. 6. 9. 12. 15. 18. 21. 24. even though since whether if while how as if after He paid for her ticket (because he liked her). (Since I first met Sheila and her ), she has always been very polite. I wont be able to go (even though I have the money). After the whale beach itself, local citizens rescued it. I know (where t hey have hidden the treasure), but I dont have a map. But is a conjunction joinin g two separate and complete ideas. (After the maple trees were damaged), they we re cut down. I wonder (why they are leaving so early). Mark knows more (than I d o about that case). It isnt certain (whether they will come or not). The engineer from Mainframe explained (how they would build the bridge).
36 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. (Before they read the book), they fixed it themselves After the lecture, the stu dents asked (if they could stay). Compare the use of after. In sentence 12, afte r is a preposition. Why? (Although he is stronger), he couldnt turn it. (Because you were late), you missed it Thieves broke in (while we were away). The roads w ere slippery (because the snow was followed by rain). Compare this with, The roa ds were slippery because of the snow. (Although it was quite sunny), the wind wa s cool. I dont know (how I will get there). (If you are short), you cant reach tha t cupboard. The story explained (why people believed in the ghost). He always ta lks (as if he were an expert). (Unless the Leafs win this game), they are out of the playoffs. Les is five inches taller (than I am). (After he won the gold med al), he turned pro. You just answered my questions (before I asked them). Exercise 71: Relative Pronouns 1. that 2. that 4. which 5. who 7. who 8. that 10 . that Exercise 72: Interjections Answers will vary. Exercise 74: Review A 1. do gs noun make verb good adjective pets noun for preposition young adjective child ren noun 3. 6. 9. who whom that 2. The adjective (article) pioneers noun settle verb quickly adverb on preposition the adjective (article) small adjective farms noun around preposition
37 Gloucester noun 3. your ancestors lived beside the sea mine lived near Moncton T hose big chunky pots sell for nine dollars so you can buy several of them adject ive (pronoun) 4. noun verb preposition adjective noun preposition verb prepositi on noun adjective/pronoun 6. adjective adjective noun verb preposition adjective noun conjunction pronoun verb (aux) verb (main) pronoun preposition pronoun 8. Does he often go to the beach during the summer I do not think their problems no w because I do not have time verb (auxiliary) pronoun adverb verb (main) preposi tion adjective noun preposition adjective noun pronoun verb (aux) adverb verb (m ain) adjective/pronoun noun adverb conjunction pronoun verb (aux) adverb verb (m ain) noun 5. 7. Casually adverb the adjective thieves noun surveyed verb the adjective neighbour hood noun until conjunction they pronoun Everyone recognized his courage and strength even if he pronoun verb adjective/pronoun noun conjunction noun conjunction pronoun
38 spotted the right house 9. Lilacs always smell wonderful in spring verb adjective adjective noun noun adverb verb adjective preposition noun 10. did not verb (aux) adverb Mark noun smelled verb the adjective skunk noun and conjunction left verb the ad jective area noun immediately adverb She believes in his ability pronoun verb pr eposition adjective/pronoun noun 11. The students in this program are very hard workers The frail old lady is safe bu t unhappy at the seniors home adjective 12. noun preposition adjective/pronoun noun verb adverb adjective noun adjective adjective adjective noun verb adjective conjunction adjective preposi tion adjective adjective/noun noun 14. 13. He has always been a really excellent hockey coach pronoun verb (aux) adverb verb (main) adjective adverb adjective adjective/noun noun
39 15. You must never show your fear of snakes to your children pronoun verb (aux) adverb verb (main) adjective/pronoun noun preposition noun pr eposition adjective/pronoun noun Exercise 75: Review B 1. Fred noun 2. sat verb on preposition the adjective fenc e noun and conjunction ate verb his adjective/pronoun lunch noun while conjuncti on the adjective others noun went verb into preposition town noun 3. I had been studying for three hours and pronoun verb (aux) verb (aux) verb (main) prepositi on adjective noun conjunction 4. Usually the chairs were placed near the windows but today they are in a circle V ery quickly they finished their work adverb adjective noun verb (aux) verb (main) preposition adjective noun conjunct ion adverb pronoun verb preposition adjective noun adverb adverb pronoun verb ad jective/pronoun noun
40 I still do not know it 5. They had been writing their essays before they went th ere Because they have cashed their cheques they have some money 9. Since the acc ident the victims have recovered pronoun adverb verb (aux) adverb verb (main) pronoun pronoun verb verb verb adje ctive/pronoun noun conjunction pronoun verb adverb conjunction pronoun verb verb pronoun noun pronoun verb adjective noun preposition adjective noun adjective n oun verb verb 10. 6. After they had mowed the lawn they bought lunch conjunction pronoun verb verb adjective noun pronoun verb noun 7. 8. Although the storm was conjunction adjective noun verb very intense the damage was minor Because of her problems Sue often seeks my adverb adjective adjective adjective verb adjective preposition adjective/pronou n noun noun adverb verbs adjective/pronoun
41 quite well 11. Have you ever seen those boats in the harbour before adverb adverb verb pronoun adverb verb adjective noun preposition adjective noun adverb 12. advice noun The elderly waiter who served us beer is an old of hers Where did you hide the c andy which I bought adjective adjective noun conjunction verb pronoun noun verb adjective adjective preposition pronoun adverb verb pronoun verb adjective noun conjunction pronoun verb 13. Who thinks that these train tickets are ours and those are theirs pronoun verb conjunction adjective adjective/noun noun verb pronoun conjunction pronoun verb pronoun interjection adjective noun verb adverb adjective conjuncti on 14. 15. Ouch that knife is so sharp that 16. Miles brother is extremely intelligent even if he noun/adjective noun verb adverb adjective conjunction pronoun
42 I cut myself badly pronoun verb pronoun adverb can not pass those provincial exams 18. Finally his clever tricks failed verb adverb verb adjective adjective noun adverb adjective/pronoun adjective nou n verb 17. Hey Eric did you complete that work on those cars during the weekend The Canadia n economy is becoming worse very quickly interjection noun verb pronoun verb adjective noun preposition adjective noun pr eposition adjective noun adjective adjective noun verb verb adjective adverb adv erb 19.