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So What Is ThetaHealing?

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BodyWorx choose peace now

4THEKIDS Excuses begone

an island in our globalised village, anyway. Inner self-sufficiency, therefore, is not only possible, but seems to be the very thing we are called to do now. This approach arms us in the best possible way to deal with the great variety of outward, worldly disturbances to which we are currently being increasingly exposed. It's fundamentally both an attitudinal change (see our story on how people are coping in Zimbabwe, page 16, as an example of adapting to seriously difficult conditions) and a shift of our internal landscape, so that we are far less affected by untoward or unexpected outer upheavals. The beginning of this process is to slow down, at least now and again, reconnect with yourself, catch your breath, both literally and figuratively (see our story on managing your mind and brain, page 24), and understand that life is best experienced by living from the inside out and not the other way around. Peace is, ultimately, a state of mind, not a condition of SOCiety. Indeed, without a growing number of people achieving an inner harmony and balance - in spite of outer turbulence - the chances of peace being something real in our lives, either individually or collectively, diminishes dramatically. In these times of change, then, what we must change most of all is ourselves - and our attitude to change. All life, all of history, shows that change is inevitable and is, ultimately, good, albeit frequently disturbing and troubling in the short-term. Cultures and socio-political systems mired in decades or centuries of rigidity, imbalance and inhumane relationships can only change through some degree of upheaval and disturbance, as we have been seeing in the Arab countries of North Africa and elsewhere in recent times. Few are they who can say these changes are not long overdue. And so too, both at the macro scale of the planet as a whole, whose resources we are using up too fast and/or are polluting too quickly for natural recovery systems to cope, and at the micro scale, in ourselves, where all the 'stuckness' of the past has been holding us back from whole new, more adaptive ways of being. With major ongoing revolutions on several fronts - bio-tech, emergent 'green' industries and IT - all moving at unprecedented, break-neck pace, even as the planet itself begins to shiver, shake and change its climatic behaviour in weird and unpredictable ways as it reacts to our increasing impacts upon it, humanity is in the grip of the most rapid, far-reaching tidal wave of change it has probably ever faced. Now, then, is the time for each of us to fall back on our inner resources, to find our own centre and not rely on outer authority and systems; to be ready to make the most of the best aspects of the changes sweeping our world. If we do so, the tomorrow we face is not bleak, inhospitable and marginally survivable, but comfortable and comforting, inclusive, adaptive and adaptable. We are being called to make a collective 'software upgrade' in our individual - and thereby collective - thinking so that we can learn to live in peace with each other and our environment. It is a huge challenge but we have no choice - and while making the great leap to the next stage in our evolution as a species may be very hard, it will also open the door to a future which is truly beyond our wildest dreams for a brighter and better way of being. We, at Odyssey Magazine, invite you, our readers, to take another step with us in the great human journey into self-discovery and self-mastery so that we may all live lives that are full, worthy and, on the whole, gOOd. Chris & The Team Paulo Coelho, The Manual

for Climbing Mountains,

page 104, is one of the most widely-read and influential authors in the world. This is his latest contribution, exclusive to Odyssey




Maria Ascencao,

Minding the
figures health

Clutter, page 38, is one of

SA's highly-regarded in the complementary industry-She


has been a CEO

2 CJ

and marketing whizz who built-up her own company from scratch. Andre Burger, Healing Within, page 73, is a trained engineer. He discovered, through serious illness, his gift of healing. He currently practices as a healer in Cape Town and teaches meditation and spiritual knowledge. Karen aarenscne, the co-founder Peace - Is

Now the Time? page 12, is

and Executive Director of the South African Peace Alliance - a NPO calling on government establish a Department to of


Theta Healing in SA, page 76, is

Eric Richardson, an author, spiritual teacher and therapist as well as a Rainbow Children's Teacher.

Pritam Khalsa, The Power of

Hormones, page 42, trains

yoga teachers and conducts healing sessions in Cape Town, working with Kundalini Yoga and tapping. She currently lives in a sustainable! eco-village in Robertson.


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ThetaHealing is described as an amazing healing and self-development modality that is spreading like wildfire throughout the world. With thousands of people claiming its benefits in over 15 countries, ThetaHealing has reached South Africa where people can now qualify as practitioners. Eric Richardson reports.

tends to be characterised by an internal focus) we can easily tap into the quantum field where we can activate and witness amazing physical, emotional and spiritual healing. Although we all access theta (4-7Hz or cycles per second) while asleep, theta healers or practitioners learn how to access this state instantly while awake by shifting their consciousness and connecting with the 'Creator of all that is', or what some may call the 'Universal Mind', 'Source Enerqy', 'the Light', 'God', 'the Almighty', and so on. Once 'connected', and predominantly in the theta state, the trained practitioner is said to be able to work directly with the client's body, even down to fundamental levels such as their DNA and genes. Our DNA carries the blueprint to our physical and psychological makeup, storing memory of our genetic characteristics down the ancestral line. Some illnesses can be transferred through the genes to the next generation but with ThetaHealing the DNA is believed to be repaired, so that the disease is not recreated .. After gaining permission and identifying

eveloped byViannaStibal intheuSA, ThetaHealing maintains that when we are predominantly in the theta brainwave state (which is very slow, and

imbalances in the body, the theta healer can activate and witness cellular changes from what is referred to as the 'master cell' in the pineal gland. By working with the morphogenetic field (see work by Rupert Sheldrake on this, or by Carl Jung on his version, the collective unconscious), the practitioner 'teaches' the client's body , to replace the old dying cells with new healthy cells. In other words, the practitioner can help eradicate the illness by encouraging the body to 'replace' diseased cells with healthy, well-functioning ones. Instant or near-instant healings of physical illnesses are consequently said to be possible. This was revealed to Vianna Stibal after her healing from cancer, according to her account. The ThetaHealing practitioner can also activate dormant DNA, including in the mitochondria. Mitochondria produce the energy to run cells in our bodies. Once a person's DNA is 'activated', the activation will replicate through the body for three to six months. DNAactivation restores our original abilities, including what some call 'psychic' aspects, allowing us to manifest our desires (and fears) very quickly. Although it is not clear as to why these components were 'deactivated' in our past, it is believed that once reactivated, our own 'spiritual gifts'



awaken one by one. With DNA activation, we are said to become genetically hardwired to be six-sensory, our health stabilises, and we gain the ability to heal ourselves, all with grace and ease according to practitioners of this system. The key to ThetaHealing is what is called the 'Four Level Belief Work' which people should experience prior to the DNA activation. This enables a person to release limiting beliefs and fears before becoming (potentially) a 'master manifester'. The practitioner can help a client quickly and simply to locate and reprogram limiting beliefs, assumptions, feelings, emotional patterns and blocks stored deep within his/her subconscious mind. Different from most other energy and spiritual healing modalities, ThetaHealing is said to potentially help a client to instantly change the unconscious causes of his/her life or health challenges without hands-on healing, tapping, machines or hypnosis. ThetaHealing is based on the well-known idea that our body and life problems are connected to limiting beliefs and assumptions that create programs held on a subconscious level. Negative beliefs create negative programs which, in turn, affect our consciousness and energy states, and our bodies and the universe simply respond to these programs, regardless of whether or not they are serving our best interests. While in the theta brain wave state, the practitioner identifies and helps cancel the negative programs on each level (core, genetic, history, or soul level) that are negatively affecting the client. For example, a child with an abusive parent may have learnt that loved-ones cannot be trusted. She or he may grow up being afraid of her/his father. This fear may be projected on to other men, making it hard for her/him to love and trust men. The subconscious belief system of a girl child who grows up with such an experience - developed and entrenched over time - will try to protect her from further trauma by keeping men at a distance. It may draw conclusions like: 'Men cannot be trusted', 'I deserve to be abused', or 'If I love I will be hurt'. These core beliefs (not necessarily known to her on a conscious level) will affect the way she perceives the world - and who she gets close to. Although she may think she can simply discard the hurtful experiences and messages, it is not that easy. Our beliefs create our reality - and we see and experience the world through the lens of those beliefs, conscious or not. So the fear (with associated subconscious beliefs) will send out 'vibes' which attract more of the same, not because the universe wants to 'punish' us, but because we are constantly called to become ever more conscious

of what actually drives us at the deepest levels. Unless the beliefs contributing to distrust of men, as in the above case, are transformed, the universe will keep proving her right - and she will probably keep getting hurt by men who cannot be trusted, so maintaining a cycle of struggle until a breakthrough takes place and the unconscious programming is made conscious and its power converted from negative to positive. While in the grip of unconscious negative beliefs, she .may experience depression or illness since it's hard to stay healthy when one has toxic beliefs and emotions affecting one's interaction with the world. To change her life, and to help her from self-sabotaging behaviour, her subconscious core beliefs need to change. She will also need to learn how to trust, love and be loved without fear. Louise Hay was perhaps the first person to bring to mainstream awareness the direct connection between negative thoughts and disease or illness in the body. She also pioneered the repeated use of positive affirmations that over time will be anchored in the subconscious to become the dominant 'vibration' or thought pattern. With ThetaHealing this process is sped up significantly. With the client's permission, a certified ThetaHealing practitioner will be able to help by permanently 'pulling' or releasing the disempowering programs which are not serving his/her highest and greatest good. Unfortunately, if the client in our example has lived with fear of men for a long time, her body may have become addicted to the peptides associated with this painful feeling. The cells may actually crave these chemicals, and may send a message to the brain to manufacture more. The brain starts thinking negative thoughts which fire off the neurons that create the peptides to feed the body's addiction. The practitioner knows how to bypass the filter between the conscious and the subconscious mind, and is said to be able to witness new empowering programs and feelings being 'down loaded' into the client. Once these limiting subconscious beliefs have been changed, and her DNA and body have been taught the new beliefs and feelings, she will heal accordingly. The new positive beliefs will create

ThetaHealing is based on the well-known idea that our body and life problems to limiting beliefs and are connected

assumptions that create programs held

on a subconscious level.


positive thoughts that create peptides which send wonderful feelings through the body. Not only that, but the woman will also send out different 'vibes' that will affect her external world too. Through ThetaHealing, a person is able to align themselves to who it is they really are at the level of soul, and to manifest joy and abundance by working with the law of attraction more consciously. Vianna Stibal, whose first book is now published by Hay House, describes ThetaHealing as a way to tap into clear answers. She says: 'It enables the participant to find limiting beliefs and change them instantly. No long goals, no reading affirmations, no voodoo-who-do, just a simple realisation and decision to change them and then witnessing the Creator instantly change them.' ThetaHealing enables people to be self-reliant, self-responsible and self-empowered by working holistically with the mind, body, soul and spirit. The three-day beginner's course is now offered in South Africa. It introduces ThetaHealing techniques and the five brainwave types, and focuses on activating the dormant components of

that allow you to change life patterns held in place by core, genetic, historic and soul beliefs, either self-inflicted or externally imposed. The student learns to identify his/ her own subconscious beliefs and assumptions, as well as to practice 'pulling them' for others in the class. This practice quickly reveals systems of belief that might take traditional psychotherapy years to uncover, showing the body how to replace limiting beliefs or feelings with positive ones which support health and healing. Issues of safety are emphasised, especially when facilitating genetic changes in the body. Other topics and exercises include tapping into your intuitive with abilities, learning discernment when to the working laws of higher energies, an introduction

manifestation, balancing seretonin and noradrenaline levels, 'pulling' heavy metals and radiation, attracting soul mates, working with and across the 'seven planes of existence and cosmic laws', and the protocols for facilitating the healing of a great variety of conditions and diseases. By the end of the

within each participant. The chronos, or to reverse the aging process, and

workshop, the participant should have experienced much

healing and growth, and will be an internationally certified ThetaHealing practitioner.

'youth and vitality' chromosome, is activated, the telomeres are strengthened students experience an opening to what can be called the 'unconditional love of the Divine or Creator of all that is'. The heart of this class is the practice of techniques

For more info on Eric Richardson and ThetaHealing in South Africa see ad below.

ThetaHealing Instructor, Eric Richardson, presents internationally' recognised, life-changing ThetaHealing certification courses
throughout South Africa.
learn this amazing quantum healing system and get tools which enable you to: Discover the root causEi;t all vbur health and life problems. Treat the cause and not just the symptoms. Instantly change sub-conscious beliefs and feelings that have kept you from manifesting health, abundance, peace and joy. Instantly heal karmic baggage, and release contracts. oaths and vows that no longer serve you. Meet spirit guides and guardian angels. release wayward spirits and psychic hooks. activate your DNA, and raise your vibration. Be able to do this for friends. family and clients too.


Practitioner's course (level 1) 18-20 March 2011 or 20-22 June 2011 Advanced practitioner's course (level 2) 25-27 March 2011 or 27-29 June 2011 Intuitive Anatomy (level 3) 11-31 August 2011 (excl. weekends)

For more

Practitioner's course (level 1) 27-29 May 2011 Practitioners course (I~vel 1) 10-12 June 2011 or to subscribe to ThetaHealing SA's newsletter:

into, free e-books Contact


078 613 0603

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