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2010 Highway Capacity Manual

Joel Marcuson, PE Jacobs Engineering ICRT Ch 26 Chair, 2010 HCM

2010 HCM Format / Schedule

2010 HCM Format

2010 Highway Capacity Manual
TRB Publicatio ns Highway Capacity Volumes HCQS Contact Research
1. Concepts 2. Uninterrupted Flow Facilities 3. Interrupted Flow Facilities 4. Applications Guide

5th Edition

Chapter 26 (Adopted): Interchange Ramp Terminals Chapter X (Evaluation Copy): Local Urban Streets NCHRP Report XXX: Analysis of Freeway Weaving Sections

Copyright statement and legal notices Webmaster

NCHRP 3-92 Project Schedule

2007 2008 2009 2010

Gap-filling research complete

First draft complete Final draft complete

Committee review between meetings as individual draft chapters are completed

Incorporation of New Research

NCHRP 3 3-60 (Interchange Ramp Terminals) NCHRP 3 3-64 (HCM Applications Guide) NCHRP 3 3-65 (Applying Modern Roundabouts in the United States) NCHRP 3 3-70 (Multi(Multi-Modal Arterial Level of Service) NCHRP 33-75 (Analysis of Freeway Weaving) NCHRP 33-79 (Predicting Travel Speeds for Urban Streets) NCHRP 3 3-82 (Default Values for HCM) NCHRP 3 3-85 (Guidelines for the Use of Alternative Traffic Analysis Tools) NCHRP 20 20-7 (Two(Two-lane Highways) TCRP A A-15A (Transit Capacity and Quality of Service 2nd Edition) NCHRP 3 3-92 Signalized Intersection Methodology (New Delay Method and Structure Changes reflecting Modern Actuated Control) Gap Acceptance for Six Lane TwoTwo-Way Stop Controlled Intersections 75 Mph Speed Flow Curve for Freeways


2010 HCM - Roundabouts

Roundabouts: Need for improved HCM procedure Anchor to empirical U.S. performance Ability to analyze multilane roundabouts Able to be calibrated to local and/or changing conditions

Roundabouts Key Findings

Key Operational Findings from NCHRP 572 U.S. roundabouts currently exhibit lower capacities than observed in other countries Capacity clearly sensitive to geometry in the aggregate (number of lanes) Secondary effects of geometry on capacity (e.g., lane width, diameter) masked by variations in driver behavior LaneLane -byby-lane analysis of multilane roundabouts needed

Roundabouts Procedure
Can be calibrated to locally measured critical headway and follow follow-up headway Sensitive to turning movement assignment to individual lanes Sensitive to lane utilization User has ability to assign traffic by lane to match existing or projected conditions RightRight -turn bypass lanes
Type 1: Yielding Type 2: Non Non-yielding (acceleration or add lane)

PCE adjustment for heavy vehicles PHF adjustment for peak 1515-minute flows LOS definitions

Roundabouts Alternative Tools

2010 HCM will explicitly recognize that HCM procedures are not the only way to analyze problems Applicability of alternative tools to roundabouts Geometric configurations not included in model Oversaturated conditions requiring multiple multiple-period analysis Interaction effects with other intersections Overview of characteristics of applicable alternative tools for roundabouts Deterministic tools (e.g., SIDRA, RODEL) Simulation (e.g., VISSIM) Need for calibration



WEAVING -A New Way to Measure Length


WEAVING - No More: Configuration Types (A,B, and C) Unconstrained vs. Constrained Operation New Variables Describing Configuration: LCMIN = minimum number of lane changes for all weaving vehicles to successfully complete their desired weaving maneuvers. NWL = number of lanes from which a weaving maneuver can be made with no more than one lane change. Two-Sided Weaving Segments Considered as a Special Case

(a) A Five-Lane Ramp-Weave Section

Examples of Configuration Parameters

(b) A Four-Lane Major Weave Section (No Lane Balance)

(c) A Four-Lane Major Weave Section (With Lane Balance)

Determine the Capacity of the Weaving Section Two Controls on Capacity

Capacity of the weaving section occurs at a point where the average of all vehicles in the section reaches 43 pc/mi/ln. Capacity of the weaving section occurs at a point where the weaving vehicle demand flow rate reaches: 2,400 pc/h for cases in which NWL = 2 3,500 pc/h for cases in which NWL = 3 If cw < v, Level of service F exists. If cw v, continue to estimate speeds, densities, and LOS.

v /N S
Density (pc/mi/ln)

Level of Service Criteria:


Freeway Weaving Sections

Weaving Sections on CC-D Roadways or Multilane Highways 0 12 > 12 24 > 24 32 > 32 36 > 36


0 10 >10 20 > 20 28 > 28 35 > 35 v/c > 1.00

Urban Streets

Vision for Chapter 15

Scope Urban street segment and facility evaluation Auto, bike, and pedestrian modes Recognize that sophisticated software tools are available and better suited to some applications Attributes Useful to planner, designer, traffic engineer Pedestrian and Bike Methodology Developed by NCHRP Project 3 3-70

Automobile Methodology
Analysis Unit Segment Includes all movements at signals Can include movements at access points Supports facility analysis Active Access Point Subject Intersection Upstream Intersection

- Subject segment

Actuated Phase Duration Prediction Controller operation inputs Simultaneous gap gap-out Dallas phasing Controller phase inputs Passage time Minimum green Recall Dual entry HCM Chapter 16 -Appendix B

Coordinated-Actuated Operation CoordinatedController inputs Force mode Splits used to estimate force off & yield F.O. F.O. Y.P. points Offset & offset reference point
Offset F.O. F.O. Y.P.

Arrival Flow Profile Prediction Computes adjusted volume Balance flows between junctions Check and honor capacity constraints to entry flows Computes OO-D matrix Distribution of each entry mvmt. to all four exit movements Based on turn turn-mvmt. estimation method in Chapter 10
Upstream Intersection Subject Intersection

Spillback Prediction Sustained queue backs up for length of segment Model prediction Identify time when spillback occurs Uses Indicates green needs to be better allocated Indicates simulation should be considered

Performance Measures
Average travel speed Control delay Stop rate

Interchange Ramp Terminals

Highway Capacity Manual Chapter Interchange RampRamp-Terminals

Joel Marcuson, PE Jacobs Engineering ICRT Ch 26 Chair, 2010 HCM

Background - Purpose 360:

New Interchange Chapter: Develop Accepted Analytic Procedure Single and Dual Intersection Interchanges SPUIs, Diamonds, Par Par-Clos

Chapter 26 Major Changes:

Identify a Process to Analyze Interchanges Level of Service Changed to Reflect Experience Single or MultiMulti-Intersection Device More Complicated than Intersection Analysis More Delay than Typical Intersections OriginOrigin -Destinations Important Operational Impacts of Intersection Spacing Lane Utilization (Particularly LeftLeft-Turns) Demand Starvation (Unused Green) Interchange Selection Process

Chapter 26 Why Needed?

No Guidance Today Pandoras Box of Procedures Used HCM, Intersections Simulation Others No Uniform Method to Check Against Results Good? Bad? Reliable? Cost $30M & Up, Based on Unfounded Analysis

Types of Interchanges
Diamond with continuous frontage roads

Conventional, D >800 ft Compressed, D =400-800 ft Tight Urban, D <400 ft

Diamond with U-turn lanes and service roads

Split diamond interchange (cross roads, one- or two- way)

Partial (half) diamond interchange

Three-level diamond interchange

Parclo A, 2 Quadrants

Parclo A, 4 Quadrants

Types of Interchanges (contd)

Parclo B, 2 Quadrants

Parclo B, 4 Quadrants

Parclo AB, 2 Quadrants

Parclo AB, 4 Quadrants

Unique Operational Characteristics of Interchanges

Unique Operational Characteristics of Interchanges (contd)

Queue presence in the internal link Distance between the two intersections. Demand starvation potential.

Demand Starvation

Level of Service Framework

LOS A B C D E F Delay <15 1515 -30 3030 -55 5555 -85 8585 -120 V/C>1.0, Rq>1.0

Performance Measures and LOS

Average Queue Storage Ratio for each lane group V/C for each lane group Average Control Delay for each lane group, and for each OriginOrigin-Destination LOS determination based on OriginOriginDestinations

Next Steps
HCS+ Now Incorporates Interchanges NCHRP 3 3-60 Extension - Collecting Additional Field Data - Incorporate Nearby Intersections - Include 33-65 Roundabouts HCM 2010 to incorporate New Interchange Method

Software Released HCS+ 5.3 McTrans

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