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DosageCalculation Review Booklet

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Bishop State

Department of Nursing

Dosage Calculation Review Booklet

Adopted 4/1/10; Revised 7/7/10 1




Clinical experience in nursing requires safe administration of medication via all routes. All nursing students must demonstrate proficiency in dosage calculations by meeting the requirements below in order to administer medications during the clinical rotation. Procedure: In order to continue the administration of medications and maintain proficiency in dosage calculation, the student will: 1. Take a dosage calculation exam (not to include multiple choice items) administered in designated nursing courses NUR 105, 106, 107, 108, 201, 202, and 203. 2. Master the dosage calculation exam with a score of 90%. 3. Have a maximum number of two (2) attempts to achieve the required score prior to attending clinical. 4. Have two (2) different exams, to achieve the medication administration requirement each semester. 5. Take the dosage calculation exam even if repeating a course. 6. If the student is unsuccessful on the first attempt, a second exam will be scheduled. 7. If NUR 105 & 106 are taken together, the student will only be required to take the dosage exam once (with two attempts). If unsuccessful after the second attempt, the student must withdraw from both courses. If courses are taken separately (NUR 105 and NUR 106), an exam will be required for each course. Violation of Policy: Students who do not achieve 90% on dosage calculation exam after two (2) attempts will not be allowed to progress to next prospective class. Refer to reinstatement policy. Suggested preparation for dosage calculation exams to include, but is not limited to: 1. 2. 3. 4. Dosage calculation computer software in the Nursing Computer Lab Textbook: Pickar, Gloria D., Dosage Calculations, Albany, NY, Delmar Co. Henkes Med Math textbook Dosage Calculation Review Booklet

Revised 8/07; 6/08; 4/09; 7/09; 5/10


Bishop State Community College Dosage Calculation Review Study Booklet Table of Contents
Page Number(s) Conversion Table . Conversions Facts. Conversion Practice Problems. Oral and Parenteral Calculations Oral and Parenteral practice problems.. Reconstitution of Drug. Reconstitution practice problems Pediatric drug calculations.. Rounding children dosages and weight.. Pediatric Practice problems. Intravenous fluid administration. Calculating IV infusion Time .. Calculating IV Fluid Volume ... Practice Problems (IV Time and Volume)... Practice IV Problems.. Critical Care IV Calculations IV Medication Ordered/min.. IV Medication Ordered/Kg/Min Advance Dosages Practice Problems. Practice Problems Answers The Official Do Not Use List... References. 4 5-6 7 8-9 10 11 11 12 13-14 15 16-19 20 21 21-22 23-24 25-26 26 27 28-29 30-32 33 34

Conversion Table to be Memorized Conversion Table

Metric Volume Weights: Apothecary/ Household to Metric 1 L= 1000 mL 1 gr = 60 mg 15 gr = 1 g Metric Weight 1000 mcg = 1 mg 1000 mg = 1 g 1000 g = 1 kg Length 1 inch = 2.5 centimeters Liquids 1 mL = 1cc 1 mL = 15 gtts 1 mL = 15 minims 1 mL = 60 microdrops 4 mL = 1 dram 5 mL = 1 tsp 15 mL = 3 tsp 15 mL = 1 Tbs 30 mL = 1 oz 1 Tbs = 3 tsp 8 dram = 1 oz 240 mL = 1 c 500 mL = 1 pt 2 c = 1 pt 1000 mL = 1 qt 32 oz = 1 qt 1 L = 1 qt 1 L = 1000 mL 4 qt = 1 gal 2.2 lbs = 1 kg Solutions 1 g per 100 mL = 1% solution 25 g per 100 mL = 25 % solution 100 g per 100 mL = 100% solution

Conversions: Metric, Apothecary, and Household System

Converting from one unit to another using the conversion factor method Recall the equivalents Multiply or divide Rule to convert from a larger to a smaller unit measurement, multiply by the conversion factor. Think: Larger is going down to smaller, so you will multiply. Larger Smaller Multiply (X) Example: How many cups are in 3 quart? You know that 1 quart =4 cups. Cups are smaller than quarts. THINK: LARGERSMALLERMULTIPLY(X) The conversion Factor is 4 cups /1 quart Multiply by the conversion factor Quarts (larger unit) X conversion factor (cups/qt) = cups (smaller unit) 3 qt X 4 cups/qt = 12 cups

Rule to convert from a smaller to a larger unit of measurement, divide by the conversion factor. THINK: Smaller is going to larger, so you will divide. Smaller Larger Divide ( Example: How many quarts are in 8 cups? You know that 1 qt= 4 cups. The conversion factor is 4 cups/1 quart. Quarts are larger than cups. Divide by the conversion factor because it takes fewer of the quart unit to equal the same amount of the cup unit. THINK: SMALLER LARGER Divide 4 cups/qt = 2 qt 8 cups )

Things to consider when Drug Calculation Problems require Conversions 1. Look at what is available and what you want to give. Ask yourself the question, Are the drugs in the same units of measure?


If the drugs are not in the same units of measure, convert one.


It is best to convert to the metric system , since it is a decimal system and you will not have to deal with fractions.


Sometimes you must convert within the same system of measure to make like units. Example: grams to milligrams.


Two steps.

A. B.

Convert the dose from the system in which it is ordered to the system in which it is available. Calculate the amount needed to obtain the desired dose.

Practice Problems 2-2: Directions: Convert the following problems, do not round your answers. The answer to the problems can be found at the end of the chapter. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 0.5 g = __________________mg 4 kg = __________________lb 225 mg = ______________ g 1,555 mcg = ___________ mg 0.125 mg = _____________mcg 0.008 g= _______________ mg 0.1 mg = _______________ mcg 0.02 g = ________________ mg 3,000 mL =_____________ L 0.15 L = __________ mL 100 mL = _________ L 2.5 L = ___________ mL 775 mL = _________ L 0.6 L = ____________mL gr v ss =_______________ mg gr vii ss = ______________g 300 mg = gr _____________ gr 1/150 ______________mg 90 mg = gr _______________ 400 mcg = gr _____________


The answer to the problems can be found at the end of the booklet.

Drug Calculation (Calculation of Oral and Parenteral Medication)

To prepare you to calculate medication doses, one way is to use the 3 step approach. The three steps are: 1. 2. 3. Convert Compute Critically think

Step 1: Convert make sure the medication dose ordered is in the same system of measurement and measurement unit as the medication available. For Example: If a medication was ordered in grains and the medication is available in milligrams, you would need to convert the ordered medication to milligrams. Physician order: Codeine gr ss p.o. every 4 hours for pain prn. Supply: Codeine 30 mg per tablet To solve the problem, first you would have to convert gr ss to 30 mg Step 2: Compute, computing requires you to determine the data needed to solve the dose problem, to set up the problem correctly and to calculate an answer. Use a formula method or ratio proportion method to solve the problem. Step 3: Critically Think: critical thinking requires you to ask your self if the answer you obtained seems correct, logical, and sensible. Also ask yourself: Is there to many tablets or capsules to be giving at one time? Dose the dose seem too small or too large for a safe dose? If so, do not give the medication and then re-evaluate your calculations.

The formula Method: is one method use for calculating medication doses. D XV=A H

D= Desired H= dosage of medication available or on hand V= volume that the medication is available, such as one tablet or milliliter A= amount of medication to administer An example: Medication Order: Erythromycin 750 mg Medication Available: Erythromycin 250 mg tablets Example: 1 750 mg X 1 tablet = 1.5 tablet 250 mg Example: 2 Medication ordered: Pepcid 20 mg oral suspension p.o. b.i.d. Medication available: Pepcid oral suspension 40 mg/5 mL 20 mg X 5 mL = 2.5 mL 40 mg

The Rule for Maximum Dosage Volume to be Administered Per Intramuscular Injection An average 150 lb adult = 3 mL (maximum for deltoid site is 2 mL) Children age 6 to 12 years = 2 mL Birth to 5 years = 1 mL
The Rule for Rounding Parenteral Dosages Round the amount to be administered (X) to tenths if the amount is greater than 1 mL, and measure in a 3 mL syringe. Measure amounts of less than 1 mL rounded to hundredths and all amounts less than 0.5 mL in a 1 mL syringe. Amounts of 0,5 to 1 mL, calculated in tenths, can be accurately measured in either a 1 mL or a 3 mL syringe. Never round a Heparin calculation amount, measure accurately in a 1 mL syringe.

Practice Problems: 2-3 Calculate the following problems, the answer should include the appropriate unit, example (1 capsule) 1. Medication order: Phenobarbital gr 1 Medication available: Phenobarbital 60 mg/mL


Medication order: Furosemide 60 mg Medication available: Furosemide 100 mg/mL Give: ______________________ 3. Medication order: Digoxin 0.125 mg Medication available: Digoxin 0.05 mg/mL Give: ______________________ 4. Medication order: Gantrisin 1.5 mg Medication available: 0.5 mg per tablet


Medication order: Versed 4 mg Medication available: Versed 10 mg/2 mL



Medication order: Hytrin 15 mg p.o. Medication available: Hytrin 5 mg capsules

Give: ________________________


Medication order: Prednisone solution 40 mg Medication available: Prednisone 5 mg/1mL

Give: ________________________


Medication order: Heparin 6000 units SubQ Medication available: Heparin 10,000 units/mL Give: ________________________ Medication order: Capastat 0.6 g IM Medication available: Capastat 1 g/1.5 mL Give: ________________________ Medication order: AquaMEPHYTON gr Medication available: AquaMEPHYTON 2 mg/mL Give:___________________________



The answers to the practice problems can be found at the back of the booklet.


Preparing Parenteral Medications from Drugs supplied as a Powder (Reconstitution)

On the drug label or the package insert will state the diluents to be used and the exact amount to be added. When adding a solution or diluents to the powder, you will notice that the directions will state the volume and dose after the solution has been added. For example, the directions may read to add 1.8 mL of normal saline to a vial and when added to the powder, the solution contains a total of 2 mL, and after reconstitution the vial contains

250 mg/mL. The reconstituted amount is what you would use to solve the dose amount. In
this case 250 mg/mL is the dosage supply amount you would use to solve this problem. Use the formula method: A patient is to receive Penicillin 200mg IV every 6 hours. The label on the vial reads: add 1.8

mL of sterile water diluents. On the label it states, after reconstitution the vial will contains 250 mg/mL( the dosage supply amount).
Use the formula method to calculate the dose: D X V =A H 200 mg X 1 mL = 0.8 mL 250 mg You would prepare 0.8 mL to administer in the IV to your patient.
Practice Problems: 2- 4 Calculate the following problems, when the answer calculated is 1 or > mL, leave in the tenth place (1.55 mL change to 1.6 mL), when the answer is 0 or < mL, leave in the hundredth place ( 0.567 mL change to 0.57 mL) 1. Synthroid 150 mcg intravenous is ordered daily. After reconstitution the vial contains a total of 5 mL and there is 100 mcg/mL. Give: _____________ 2. Cefazolin sodium 250 mg IV every 8 hours. Reconstitute with 2.5 mL sterile normal saline. After reconstitution the vial contains 225 mg/mL. Give: ____________ Ampicillin 250 mg IM every 12 hours is ordered. After reconstitution there is 125 mg/mL. Give: _____________ Cefazolin sodium 125 mg IV every 12 hours is ordered. After reconstitution the vial contains 225 mg/mL. Give: __________ Ampicillin 350 mg IM is ordered daily. After reconstitution with 3.5 mL of sterile water, the vial contains a total of 500 mg/mL. Give: ___________ The answer to the practice problems can be found at the back of the booklet





Pediatric Calculations
Accuracy is always important when calculating and administering medications. For infants and children, accuracy takes on a greater importance. A miscalculation may be dangerous due to the small body size, weight, and body surface area of the infant or child. In addition, infants and children differ in their rate of drug absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion when compared to adults. It is vital to follow pediatric protocols and guidelines, and use references to verify medication orders to ensure that drug dosages are correct. The safe dose range (SDR) is the upper and lower limits of the dose range as stated by the drug manufacturer and is reported in an approved drug reference. The safe dose range is usually expressed in milligrams per kilograms (mg/kg) of body weight. When preparing to administer a drug to a child, you must first calculate the daily (24 hour) drug dose ordered by the physician based on kilograms of body weight, and then verify the calculated dose with the range stated in an approved drug reference. Each prescribed dose of medication for a child must be calculated, and you must check the prescribed dose against the SDR to make sure that it is an acceptable safe dose for the child. Two methods are used to calculate pediatric dosages Body weight using mg/kg Body surface area (BSA) The method we will be using is the formula method using the body weight (mg/kg) Formula Method Example: Your patient weighs 40 pounds and the physician has ordered Ceclor by mouth every 8 hours. Step 1: Convert First, convert the childs weight into kilograms by dividing the childs weight in pounds by 2.2 The formula is: 2.2 lbs = 1 kg The childs weigh is 40 lbs, so divide: 40 lb divide by 2.2 lbs/kg = 18.18 kg


Step 2: Compute Now determine the medication dose for the SDR using a calculator and the current pediatric recommendations. Multiply the minimum dose by the weight of the child in kilograms to determine the medication dose. Then, take the maximum dose times the weight of the child in kilograms to get the safe range. Finally, compare the 24 hour prescribed dose with the recommended SDR found in an approved drug reference. The drug order: Ceclor suspension 200 mg orally every 8 hours Medication available: Ceclor suspension 125 mg/5 mL Child weight: 40 pounds (18.18 kg) The SDR is 6.7 to 13.4 mg/kg every 8 hours Minimum safe range: 18.18 kg X 6.7 mg = 121.8 mg Maximum safe range: 18.18 kg X 13.4 mg = 243.6 mg The safe dose range is 121.8 to 243.6 mg every 8 hours. Therefore, 200 mg every 8 hours is a safe dose. To calculate the medication dose using the available Ceclor suspension, 125 mg/5 mL D X V = 200 mg X 5 mL = 1000 mL = 8 mL H 125 mg 125 The answer to the problem is 8 mL Step 3: Critically Think Ask yourself Does this answer seem logical, correct, and plausible? This answer is reasonable and plausible in that it meets the safe standard for the amount of liquid medication given at this time.

Rounding off Childrens Dosages and Weights Generally, when caring for children, calculations are carried out to the nearest thousandth (three digits to the right of the decimal- 0.000) and rounded to the nearest hundredth (two digits to the right of the decimal 0.00). However, when the medication is more than 1 mL, calculate to the nearest hundredth and round to the nearest tenth.


1 mL or more If the dosage is 1 mL or more, calculate to the hundredth place (0.00) and round to the nearest tenth (0.0) Less than 1 mL If the dosage is less than 1 mL, calculate thousandths (0.000) and round off to the nearest hundredth (0.00), a tuberculin syringe is used to measure the dosage in hundredths.
CALCULATIONS USING mg/kg FOR WEIGHT STATED IN POUNDS AND OUNCES Sometimes the weight is stated as pounds and ounces (10 lbs 2 oz). In that case, the ounces must be changed to pounds, and then the pounds can be converted to kilograms. Step 1 Convert First change the ounces to pounds Conversion equivalent: 1 lb = 16 oz 2oz divide by 16 oz = 0.125 pound Add the computed pounds amount to the total pounds as follows: 10 lbs + 0.125 lbs = 10.125 lbs Therefore, the child weighs 10.125 pounds. Next, convert the total weight to kg: 10.125 lb divide by 2.2 lbs/kg = 4.60 (4.6) kg (must drop trailing zero) The childs weight in kilogram is 4.6 kg

When converting pounds (lbs) to kilograms (kg), calculate to the thousandth place and then round to nearest hundredths.
Say if the prescriber ordered Amoxicillin 50 mg by mouth every 8 hours. With the above calculation, the child weight is 4.60 (4.6) kg, must drop trailing zero. The drug reference states that the dose for childrens 20- 40 mg/kg/24 hours. You must determine the safe dose per day and per dose. To set up the problem: 4.6 kg X 20 mg = 92 mg minimum per day 4.6 kg X 40 mg = 184 mg maximum per day 92 mg divide by 3 doses/day = 30.7 mg minimum per dose 184mg divide by 3 doses/day = 61.3 mg maximum per dose Therefore, Amoxicillin 50 mg per dose is a safe amount to give.


Practice Problems: 2-5 1. Order: Ceclor suspension 250 mg orally every 8 hours Supply: Ceclor suspension 125 mg/5 mL Wt: 50 pounds = _______________________kg SDR- 6.4 to 13.5 mg/kg every 8 hours Calculate the SDR Is it safe? _________________ If safe, what would you administer. _____________ If not safe, what would you do? ___________________________________ 2. Order: Lasix Liquid 20 mg by mouth daily. Supply: Lasix liquid 40 mg/5 mL Child weight: 50 lbs The SDR is 2 4 mg/kg p.o. daily What is the weight: ___________kg? What is the minimum SDR? ______________ What is the Maximum SDR? _____________ Is the dose ordered safe? ________________ If so, how much would you administer? ____________

If not, what would you do? ______________________

3. Order: Ibuprofen 60 mg p.o. every 6 hours Supply: Ibuprofen suspension 100 mg/5 mL Child weight: 26 pounds __________kg The safe dose range is 5- 10 mg/kg every 6-8 hours for a maximum of 40 mg/kg/day What is the safe dose range Minimum _________________ dose? Maximum _________________ dose Minimum _________________ daily Maximum _________________ daily Is the dose safe? ________________ If so, how much would you administer? _______ If not, what would you do? _______________________________ 4. Order: Morphine 2 mg subcutaneous every 6 hours Supply: Morphine 1mg/mL for subcutaneous injection Child weighs 46 lbs ______________kg The SDR is 0.1 mg to 0.2 mg/kg/day in 4 divided doses What is the safe range Minimum ________________ daily? Maximum ________________ daily Minimum ________________ dose Maximum ________________dose Is the dose safe? _____________ If so, how much would you give? __________

If not, what would you do? ___________________________________________

5. Order: Phenobarbital 10 mg p.o. every 12 hours Supply: Phenobarbital 15 mg/5 mL Child weighs 38 pounds _____________kg The SDR is 1 to 6 mg /kg in two divided doses not to exceed 100 mg/day What is the safe range Minimum ______________daily? Maximum ______________daily Minimum ______________ dose Maximum ______________ dose The answers to the practice problems can be found at the back of the booklet


Intravenous fluids (IV) Administration

Intravenous fluids can be administered two ways by:
Gravity- is used for short term IV therapy and when precise hourly intake is not absolutely critical. Electronic Pump- is used when precise maintenance of hourly intake is critical for titration of drugs, secondary IVPBs, and for any central line infusion. Gravity Flow The IV bag must hang higher than the patients heart and the higher the bag is hung the faster the IV will flow. The roller clamp is adjusted to regulate the rate of flow. IV fluids that run by gravity must be checked hourly or more often for readjustment of the infusion rate. The infusion rate can vary considerably with changes of position, from running too fast to not running at all. Gravity IVs are positional.

Nurses responsibilities for IV flow rates for gravity: Determine the number of milliliters per hour that the patient should receive. Determine the drop factor of the IV tubing. Calculate the IV flow rate from mL per hour to drop per minute. Observe the drip chamber and regulate the rate of flow with the roller clamp until the number of drops per minute is correct. Count the number of drops for one minute. Check the infusion rate hourly or more frequently if necessary.


Drop Factor: The drop factor is the number of drops per mL and depends on the size of the opening in the drip chamber; IV tubing is not all alike. Tubing comes in various drop factors. The drop factor is indicated on the IV tubing package and varies from one company to another.

Macrodrop Tubing:
Examples of 3 sizes of Macrodrop Tubings
Some IV drip chambers deliver 10 drops per mL, others 12 drops per mL and others 15 drops per mL. The amounts below are all considered macrodrops. Macrodrop means a large drop. Large amounts of IV fluids are administered in macrodrops. A general rule when administering more than 100 mL per hour is to select a macrodrop tubing.

Microdrip Tubing: A microdrip chamber delivers 60 drops per mL. Most electronic pump rates are set by mL per hour.


To Solve IV Drip Rate

METHOD: FORMULA Calculation of IV Drip Rate Using an Electronic Pump Solve: The physician orders 1 L of D5 W over 12 hours Formula mL/hour: Total Volume to infuse (mL) Time (h) 1 L = 1000 mL 1000 mL = 83 mL/hour 12
In summary, the electronic pump infusion rate must be set at 83 mL/hour.

= mL/h

METHOD: FORMULA Calculation of IV Drip Rate Using Gravity Flow The physician orders 1 liter of D5 W over 12 hours (83 mL/hr) Drop factor 12 drops = 1 mL Formula: Flow rate drops/minute Volume in mL/h X drop factor = Flow rate in drops per minute 60 minutes/h 83 X 12 = 996 = 16.6 or 17 drops per minute 60 60

In summary, 17 drops per minute will deliver 83 mL per hour.


METHOD: FORMULA IV FLOW RATES FOR PIGGYBACK MEDICATION PER GRAVITY. The patient is to receive Zincef 1 g in 50 mL D5W over 30 minutes Formula: Volume in mL X drop factor = Flow rate in drops/minute Time in minutes 50 mL X 15 gtts = 750 = 25 gtts per minute 30 minutes minutes. 30 In summary, 25 gtts per min will deliver 50 mL D5W over 30

METHOD FORMULA: Calculating The Infusion Time EX. 1000 mL of D5W is to infuse at 125 mL/hour. How many hours will it take for this liter of fluid to be completed? Formula for Infusion Time Total volume to infuse = Infusion time (h) mL/h 1000 mL = 8 hours 125 mL/h
In summary, 1000 mL at 125 mL/hour will take 8 hours.


Calculating IV Infusion Time To calculate the total infusion time: Total volume = Total hours mL/h Example 1 LR 1,000 mL IV to run at 125 mL/h. How long will this IV last? 1,000 mL = 8 hours 125 mL/h Example 2 D5W 1,000 mL IV to infuse at 60 mL/h to begin at 0600. At what time will this IV be completed? 1,000mL = 16.6 h = 16 2/3 h; 2/3 hX60 min/h =40 min; Total time: 16 hour 40 min The IV will be completed at 0600+ 1640 = 2240 (or 10:40 P.M.) You can also determine the infusion time if you know the volume, flow rate in gtt/min, and drop factor: Calculate the infusion time by using the V XC = R formula; T, time in T minutes, is unknown. Use the formula method to calculate time (T): V X C =R T Remember Time (T) is the unknown (use X in your formula)


Rule for Calculating IV Fluid Time and Volume

The formula to calculate IV infusion time, when mL is known: Total Volume =Total hours mL/h The formula to calculate IV infusion time, when flow rate in gtt/min, drop factor, and volume are known : V X C =R; T is the unknown T The formula to calculate total infusion volume, when mL/h are known: Total hours X mL/h= Total Volume The formula to calculate IV volume, when flow rate (gtt/min), drop factor, and time are known: V X C = R; V is the unknown. T
Practice Problems 2-6: Calculate the infusion time and rate (as requested) 1. Order: D5W 500 mL IV at 30 gtt/min Drop factor: 20 gtt/mL Time:__________h and __________min 2. Order: Lactate Ringer 800 mL at 25 gtt/min Drop factor: 15 gtt/mL Time:__________h and __________min 3. Order: Normal Saline 120 mL IV to run at 20 mL/h Drop factor: 60 microdrops/mL Time________h Flow rate__________gtt/min Calculate the completion time and the complete infusion time 4. At 1600 hours the nurse will start Lactate Ringers 1200 mL at 27 gtt/min. The Drop factor 15 gtt/mL. Infusion time: ______________h Completion time____________ 5. At 1530 hours the nurse starts D5W 2,000 mL IV to run at 125 mL/h. The infusion set used is calibrated for a drop factor of 10 gtt/mL. Infusion time: ________ h Completion time________


Complete the total volume (mL) to be infused per 24 hours

6. An IV is flowing at 12 gtt/min and the Infusion set has a drop factor of 15 gtt/mL. Total volume: ______________ mL per 24 hour 7. An IV of D5 W is flowing at 21 gtt/min and the infusion set has a drop factor of 10 gtt/mL. Total Volume:______________mL per 24hour

Calculate total volume and time

8. Order: 0.45% NaCl IV at 45 gtt/min for 4 h. Drop factor: 20 gtt/mL Infusion Time:________________min Volume:______________________ mL 9. Order: D5W IV infusing at 150 mL/h for 2 hour Volume :__________________mL Infusion Time:_______________ min 10.Order: D5 LR IV at 75 mL/h for 8 h Volume: __________________mL Infusion Time: ____________min


Practice Problems: 2-7

Calculate the infusion rate first for gravity flow and then for electronic infusion pump. Round off the answer to the nearest whole number.

1. The physician orders 1000 mL of D5W over 8 hours. Drop Factor: 12 drops = 1 mL a. The IV is infused by gravity. Calculate the flow rate in drops/min ______________________ b. The IV is infused by pump. Calculate the flow rate in mL/h ____________________________ 2. Order: D5W 3,000 mL IV at 125 mL/h Drop Factor: 10 gtt/mL ______________ gtt/min 3. Order: LR 250 mL IV at 50 mL/h Drop Factor: 60 gtt/mL _______________ gtt/min 4. Order: Hyperalimentation solution 1,240 mL IV to infuse in 12 hours Drop factor: 15 gtt/mL _____________gtt/min _____________mL/hr 5. Order: D5 0.45% NaCl 1,000 mL IV to infuse over 8 hour Drop factor: On electronic infusion pump Flow rate: ____________mL/h


6. Order: 100 mL IV antibiotic to infuse in 30 minutes via pump Flow rate: _____________mL/h 7. Order: 50 mL IV antibiotic to infuse in 20 min via pump Flow rate:_____________mL/h 8. Order: 150 mL IV antibiotic to infuse in 45 minutes via pump Flow rate: _____________ mL/h 9. Order: D5W 1,500 mL IV for 12 h Drop factor: 15 gtt/mL Flow rate: ______________ mL/h Flow rate: ______________gtt/min 10. Order: Theophylline 0.5 g IV in 250 mL D5W to Drop Factor: 60 gtt/mL Flow rate: _____________ mL/h Flow rate: _____________gtt/min
The answers to the problems is located in the back of the booklet

run for 2 h by infusion pump


Critical Care IV Calculations

IV Heparin Heparin is an anticoagulant for the prevention of clot formation It is measured in USP units. IV Heparin is frequently ordered in units per hour (units /h) and should be administered by an IV pump.
For precautions the Heparin order, dosage, vial, and amount to give should be checked by another nurse before administration.

Calculating Safe IV Heparin Flow Rate

When IV Heparin is ordered in units/h, use D X Q = R (mL/h) H Rule To calculate IV heparin flow rate in mL/h: D(units/h desired) X Q (mL you have available) = R (mL/h rate)
H (units you have available)

Note: This rule applies to drugs ordered in units/h, milliunits/h, mg/h, mcg/h, g/h, or meq/h. In the formula D X Q = R (mL/h): H D= Dosage desired: units/h H =Dosage you have available: units Q= Quantity of solution you have available: mL R= Flow rate: mL/h Example 1: Order: D5W 500 mL with Heparin 25,000 units IV at 1,000 units/h What is the flow rate in mL/h? Calculate the flow rate in mL/h, which will administer 1,000 units/h D X Q =1,000 units/h X 500 mL= R (mL/h) H 25,000 units 1,000 units/h X 500 mL = 1,000 mL/h =20 mL/h 25,000 units 50 Example 2: Order: D5W 500 mL with Heparin 25,000 units IV at 850 units/h Calculate the flow rate in mL/h D X Q = 850 units/h X 500 mL = 850 mL/h = 17 mL/h H 25,000 units 50

Critical Care IV Calculations: Calculating Flow Rate of an IV Medication to be given over a Specified Time Period IV Medication Ordered per Minute
Rule: To determine the flow rate (mL/h) for IV medications ordered per minute (such as mg/min):

Step 1: Calculate the dosage in mL/min D X Q = R (mL/min) H Step 2: Calculate the flow rate of the quantity to administer in mL/h: mL/min X 60 min/h = mL/h In the formula D X Q = R (mL/min)
H D= Dosage desired: mg/min H= Dosage you have available: mg Q= Quantity of solution you have available: mL R= Flow rate: mL/min Example #1: Order: Lidocaine 2 g IV in 500 mL D5W at 2 mg/min via infusion pump. You must prepare and hang 500 mL od D5W IV solution that has 2 g of Lidocaine added to it. Then, you must regulate the flow rate so the patient receives 2 mg of lidocaine every minute. Detemine the flow rate in mL/h. Step 1. Calculate mL/min Apply the formula D X Q = R (mL/min) H D = dosage desired = 2 mg/min H = dosage you have available = 2 g = 2,000 mg Q= quantity of available solution = 500 mL D X Q = 2 mg/min x 500 mL =R (mL/min) H 2,000 mg 2 mg/min X 500 mL = 2 mL/min = 0.5 mL/min 2,000mg 1 4 Step 2: Determine the flow rate in mL/h. You know there are 60 minutes per hour, so you can multiply by 60 min/h. mL/min x 60 min/h = mL/h 0.5 mL/min x 60 min/h = X mL/h 0.5 mL x 60 min = 30 mL/h min h Regulate the flow rate to 30 mL/h to deliver 2 mg/min of lidocaine that is prepared at the concentration of 2 g per 500 mL of D5W IV solution


IV Medication Ordered per Kilogram per Minute An electronic infusion device is always used to administer fluids mL/hour. To determine the flow rate (mL/h) for IV medications ordered per minute (such as mg/kg/min): 1. Convert to like units, such as mcg to mg, lb to kg 2. Calculate desired dosage per minute: mg/kg/min x kg = mg/min 3. Calculate the dosage flow rate in mL/min: D X Q =R (mL/min) H 4. Calculate the flow rate in mL/h of the volume to administer per minute: mL/min X 60 min/h = mL/h Example: Order: 250 mL of IV solution with 225 mg of a medication to infuse at 3 mcg/kg/min via infusion pump for a person who weighs 110 lbs. Determine the flow rate in mL/h Step 1. Convert mg to mcg: 1 mg = 1,000 mcg; 225 mg = 225,000 mcg Convert lb to kg: 1 kg = 2.2 lb; 110 lb = 50 kg Step 2. Calculate desired mcg/min. 3 mcg/kg/min X 50 kg = 150 mcg/min Step 3. Calculate mL/min D X Q = 150 mcg/min X 250 mL = H 225,000 mcg 150 mL/min= 0.166 mL/min = 0.17 mL/min 900 Step 4: Calculate mL/h. You already know that 1 hour = 60 min. mL/min X 60 min/hour = 0.17 mL/min X60 min/hour = 10.2 mL/h = 10 mL/h The rate is 10 mL/h


Practice Problems: 2-8 Calculate the problems: 1. Order: Thiamine 100 mg per Liter of D5 W IV to infuse at 5 mg/h ________________ mL/h Order: A patient is to receive D5W 500 mL with Heparin 20,000 units at 1,400 units/h _________________ mL/h Order: Xylocaine 1 g IV in 250 mL D5W at 3 mg/min. _________________mL/h Order: Dobutamine 250 mg IV in 250 mL D5W to infuse at 5 mcg/kg/min. Pt weighs 80 kg. _________________ mL/h Order: Cardizem 250 mg in 250 mL of 0.9 % NaCl to infuse at 10 mg/hour __________________mL/hr Order: Dopamine 400 mg in 250 mL of 5% dextrose and water infusing at 9 mL/hour. The patient wt. 92 kg. How many mcg/kg/min is the patient receiving? _______________ mcg/kg/min _______________mcg/hour _______________mg/min _______________mg/hour Order: Morphine sulfate 100 mg in 100 mL of 0.9% NaCl infusing at 3 mL/hour. How many mg/hour is the patient receiving? ________________ mg/hour ________________mg/min _______________mcg/hour _______________mcg/min








Order: Nitroprusside 100 mg in 250 mL of 0.9% NaCl infusing at 65 mL/hour. The patient weighs 72 kg. How many mcg/kg/min is the patient receiving? ______________mcg/kg/min ______________mcg/hr ______________mg/min ______________mg/hr Neo Synephrine 50 mg in 250 mL of 5% dextrose in water infusing at 36 mL/h. How many mcg/min is the patient receiving? _______________mcg/min _______________mcg/hr _______________mg/min _______________mg/hr Dopamine 400 mg in 250 mL of 5% dextrose in water infusing at 35 mL/hour. The patient weighs 67 kg. How many mcg/kg/min is the patient receiving? ____________mcg/kg/min ____________mcg/hr ____________mg/min ____________mg/hr The answers to the problems can be found at the end of the booklet.




Practice Problem Answers Practice Problems Answers: 2-2 1. 500 mg 2. 8.8 lb 3. 0.225 g 4. 1.555 mg 5. 125 mcg 6. 8 mg 7. 100 mcg 8. 20 mg 9. 3 L 10. 150 mL 11. 0.1 L 12. 2500 mL 13. 0.775 L 14. 600 mL 15. 330 mg 16. 0.5 g 17. gr 5 18. 0.4 mg 19. gr 1.5 20. gr 0.006666 ( gr 1/150) Practice Problems Answers: 2-3 1. 1.5 mL 2. 0.6 mL 3. 2.5 mL 4. 3 tablets 5. 0.8 mL 6. 3 capsules 7. 8 mL 8. 0.6mL 9. 0.9 mL 10. 5 mL


Practice Problems Answers: 2-4 1. 1.5 mL 2. 1.1 mL 3. 2 mL 4. 0.56 mL 5. 0.7 mL Practice Problems Answers: 2-5 1. 22.73 kg: 145.5 mg- 306.9 mg: yes: 10 mL 2. 22.73 kg: 45.5 mg: 90.9 mg: No: I would not administer any medication: Call the MD to verify order 3. 11.82 kg: 59.1 mg: 118.2 mg: 236.4 mg:472.8 mg: Yes: 3 mL 4. 20.9 kg: 2.1 mg: 4.2 mg: 0.53 mg: 1.1 mg: No: I would not administer any medication: Call the MD to verify order 5. 17.27 kg: 17.3 mg: 103.6 mg: 8.7 mg: 51.8 mg Practice Problems Answers: 2-6 1. 5 h: 33 min 2. 8 h 3. 6h 20 min 4. 11 h 7 min: 0300 the next morning 5. 16 h: 0730 the next morning 6. 1,152 mL 7. 3024 mL 8. 240 min: 540 mL 9. 300 mL: 120 min 10. 600 mL: 480 min


Practice Problems Answers: 2-7 1. 25gtt/min:125 mL/hr 2. 21 gtt/min 3. 50 gtt/min 4. 26 gtt/min:103 mL/hr 5. 125 mL/hr 6. 200 mL/hr 7. 150 mL/hr 8. 200 mL/hr 9. 125 mL/hr: 31 gtt/min 10. 125 mL/hr: 125 gtt/min Practice Problems Answers: 2-8 1. 50 mL/hr 2. 35 mL/hr 3. 45 mL/hr 4. 24 mL/hr 5. 10 mL/hr 6. 2.6 mcg/kg/min: 14,400 mcg/hr: 0.24mg/min:14.4 mg/hr 7. 3 mg/hr: 0.05mg/min:3000 mcg/hr:50 mcg/min 8. 6 mcg/kg/min: 26,000 mcg/hr: 0.43 mg/min: 26 mg/hr 9. 120 mcg/min:7200 mcg/hr: 0.12 mg/min:7.2 mg/hr 10. 13.9 mcg/kg/min: 56,000 mcg/hr:0.93 mg/min:56 mg/hr


Do not Use
U 9unit) IU ( International Unit)

Official Do not use List Approved by Joint Commission Potential Problem Use instead
Mistaken for 0 (zero), the number 4 (four) or cc Mistaken for IV ( intravenous) or the number 10 (ten) Mistaken for each other Period after the Q mistaken for I and the Q mistaken for I Decimal point is missed Can mean morphine sulfate or magnesium sulfate Confused for one another Write unit Write International Unit

Q.D., QD, q.d., qd (daily) Q.O.D, QOD, q.o.d, qod (every other day) Trailing zero (X.0 mg) Lack of leading zero (X mg) MS MSO4, and MgSO4

Write daily Write every other day

Write X mg Write 0.X mg Write morphine sulfate Write magnesium sulfate

Additional Abbreviations, Acronyms and Symbols

> (greater than) < (less than) Abbreviations for drug names Apothecary units @ CC Misinterpreted as the number 7 (seven) or the letter L Confused for one another Misinterpreted due to similar abbreviations for multiple drugs Unfamiliar to many practitioners Confused with metric units Mistaken for the number 2 (two) Mistaken for U (units) when poorly written Mistaken for mg (milligrams) resulting in one thousand- fold overdose Write greater than Write less than Write drug names in full Write metric units Write at Write mL Or ml or milliliters (mL is preferred) Write mcg or micrograms


Applies to all orders and all medications,-related documentation that is handwritten (including free-text computer entry) or on preprinted forms. Exception: A trailing zero may be used only where required to demonstrate the level of precision of the value being reported, such as for laboratory results, imaging studies that report size of lesions, or catheter tube sizes. It may not be used in medication orders or other medication-related documentation.


References Abernethy, Amy Pickar, Pickar, Gloria D., Dosage Calculations, 8th Edition, Thomson Delmar Learning, 2008 Boundy, J.F, Stockert, P.A., Calculation of Medication Dosages, 6th Edition, Wolters, Lippincott Williams &Wilkins, 2008 Janney, Caroline, Calculation of Drug Dosages, 7th Edition, Design and Production: Carl Schreier, Homestead Publishing, Moose, Wyoming and San Francisco, California, 1996, 2000, and 2009


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