1. CFD analysis of mixture formation in a S.I. two-stroke 50 cc engine with direct injection and charge stratification
1.1. Direct-injection and charge-stratification in two-stroke engines
Although motorcycles are much less than cars it should be considered that the percentage of two-wheelers (mainly with two-stro ke engines) running in cities is very high, with a significant contribution to urban pollution. As a result, at least in Europe and in the other developed countries, two-wheeler emissions are subjected to increasingly stringent regulations that will exclude the conventional two-stroke S. I. engines with carburettor or indirect injection from the market in a short time, on account of their typical very high emissions of unburned hydrocarbons. The solution is direct fuel injection that allows scavenging the cylinder just with air. It prevents the loss of fuel from the exhaust port due to mere short-circuiting and to piston upward stroke before the exhaust port is closed. Direct fuel injection, combined with proper solutions, also allows getting charge stratification, facing another well-known negative aspect of carburetted two-stroke engines: bad combustion and/or misfire at light load, which as well cause large exhaust emission of unburned hydrocarbons and poor fuel economy. This problem is due to air-intake throttling, which reduces the scavenging ratio, leading to excessive ratio of residual gas to fresh charge. To avoid air throttling, combustion must be kept efficient with excess air thanks to charge stratification: in the region of ignition, the mixture should be stoichiometric or slightly rich at every engine load and speed, with the rest of the combustion chamber filled with lean mixture or pure air.
The injection rate and the spray cone angle experimentally verified in a constant volume chamber have been assumed in the calculation. CFD simulations have been performed at 4000 and 7000 rpm at light load and full load and proved stratification correctness and full load satisfactory charge homogeneity.
CFD analysis was conducted to understand the feasibility of the HCPC concept and to identify the parameters that control and influence this novel HCCI combustion. A CFD code with detailed kinetic chemistry (AVL FIRE) was used in the study. The code was also validated by means of experimental data from conventional HCCI and diesel combustion. In the HCPC concept the compression is performed by an external reciprocating compressor which drives the air into a tank sized to keep the pressure nearly constant and which performs the same compression work accomplished by the engine piston in a four stroke engine. The high-temperature compressed air is transferred to the cylinder through an inlet valve during the engine combustion phase. Contemporary with the air transfer, fuel is injected into the transfer duct, which evaporates and mixes with the air, bringing about the conditions needed for homogeneous combustion.
4. Examination of Initialization and geometrical details on the results of CFD simulations of diesel engine
4.1. Introduction
CFD has gained acceptance as a tool for engine design and to evaluate changes to engine operating parameters. In order to save computational time, an axisymmetric combustion chamber can be assumed if the engine has a centrally located injector with a prescribed number of equally spaced holes. However, this assumption necessitates sacrificing details of the engine geometry. For example, machining done to the piston and cylinder head to accommodate the valves is not laid out in an axisymmetric fashion. The additional volume created by these features also contributes to the volumetric compression ratio. The clearance between the piston and the head at TDC, referred to as the squish height, is often not constant in actual engine geometry. To be able to make the axisymmetric assumption some compromise must be made to adequately account for the squish height since its value has a significant effect on the squish flow created when the working fluid moves from the outer edges of the cylinder into the smaller bowl diameter during the compression process. The same phenomenon is responsible for the increase in swirl as the total volume decreases and the corresponding reduction in swirl as the volume increases in the expansion stroke. The swirl flow is an important operating parameter to consider when initializing a CFD simulation of diesel engine combustion. Often full optical characterization of the flow field is not available. Although studies using PIV, LDV and hot wire anemometry are available for particular engines, initial swirl conditions for CFD simulations are often derived from steady-state flow bench experiments. Here the head is mounted to a cylindrical section which matches the bore size and ranges from 1 to 1-1/2 bore diameters in length. An impulse swirl meter converts the angular momentum of the flow to a torque and is located at the bottom of the cylindrical section. The valve lift is then varied over its operating range and the corresponding flow and torque numbers are integrated over the lift profile and a composite swirl number is determined.
The torque was calculated considering the pressure and shear forces acting in each face of the honey comb wall. The comparison between numerical and experimental data shows a very good agreement. The torque is predicted with CFD with an error of 8% and the mass flow rate with an error of 16% demonstrating the consistency of this model to predict the swirl ratio.
emissions have a greater sensitivity to the geometry details than CO. There is a distinct difference in the behavior of the soot oxidation curve after 10ATDC .
5. Education
5.1. Leonardo Da Vinci courses attended:
Scientific English course Introduction to the software Mathematica Equazioni Differenziali della Fisica Matematica English course at CLI, level C1 achieved
6. Teaching activity
During the year 2006 the student was teaching assi stant for the class of Thermal Engines for Traction at the University of Pisa. The student held together with his re search group a seminar at Lamborghini S.p.A. with the topic: Direct injection in S.I engine. The student during the PhD has been a supervisor of 6 theses in the field of internal combustion engine simulations.
7. Publications
1. Zanforlin S., Musu E., Frigo S., Gentili R., Direct Injection and Charge Stratification in a 50 cc TwoStroke Engine: CFD Studies and Test Bench Results, 2006 Fall Technical Conference of the ASME Internal Combustion Engine Division, pp 1-8, Sacramento (CA),vol. CD & ASME Paper ICEF2006-1545, (2006) 2. Musu E., Frigo S., De Angelis F., Gentili R., DellOrto P., Evolution of a Small Two-Stroke Engine with Direct Liquid Injection and Stratified Charge SETC 2006, pp 1-11, San Antonio (TX),vol. CD & SAE Paper 2006 32 0066 (2006) 3. Tamagna D., Musu E., Gentili R., A Preliminary Study Towards an Innovative Diesel HCCI Combustion 2007 Fall Technical Conference of the ASME Internal Combustion Engine Division, pp 1-14, Charleston (SC),vol. CD & ASME Paper ICEF2007-1743 (2007) 4. Musu E., Reitz D.R., Gentili R., Comparison Between KIVA and AVL FIRE in Diesel and HCCI Engine Simulations Research Poster, Diesel Emission Reduction Consortium (DERC) Meeting, June, 7 2008, Madison (WI) (2008). 5. Musu E., Gentili R., Cacciatore D., CFD Study of GDI for Lamborghini V12 engine, 63 Congresso Nazionale ATI Associazione Termotecnica Italiana, , 63 Congresso Nazionale ATI, pp 1-6, Palermo,vol. CD (2008)