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" El patriarca irlandes "




A greeting and'a promise


unto them all we send; Their character our charter is, their glory is our end, Their friend shall be our friend, our foe whoe'er assails
glory and the story of the sea-divided Gaels.

One in name and in fame Are the sea-divided Gaels.


P. J.



T '.f-^ci





Amongst whom I have passed
this story of their


many pleasant years,

from far colonial days to the


end of the

last century,

fondly dedicated

By the Author



from which "The Story of the Irish in Argentina" has been composed was collected, for the most part, from the books, newspapers, magazines and periodicals named in the list given at the end of the book, and almost all of which publications can be consulted in the national and municipal libraries of Buenos The public libraries in Rosario have also been Aires. availed of to some extent. Information picked up in various ways through many years of intimate association with "oldtimers," both Argentine and Irish born, has also been utilized pretty freely, while items of personal experience, and pamphlets and books loaned by friends supplied practically all the other matter incorporated. I must here express my very sincere gratitude to these friends and to the officials of the public libraries, to which I had recourse in the pursuit of my undertaking, for their courtesy and willingness to help me in my search. The labor of compiling this book was not undertaken with any other aim than that of doing a very agreeable service to our race, particularly that part of it whose lot has been cast in the Argentine Republic. I have tried to be moderate and truthful in all my criticisms and statements, and if I have in any way failed in this purpose it was not for lack of good will and honest intention. T. M.


Some Account
of their first


Settlement and Progress

commencing to tell of the Irish people in Argentina and to follow their course from their first and very small beginnings, in times, which in American chronology can be called remote, I think it well to devote some pages to the early history of the race, or races, from which the people I am going to write about is sprung. I shall also occupy a chapter in treating, in a general way, of the great land in which my theme is set. Thus, I bebelieve, will the value of



efforts be heightened for those

who are not, from one cause or another, in a position to make themselves fairly conversant with Irish and Argentine

Someone has said that the history of Ireland has still to be written. The remark, if not made by this someone with a view to appearing wise and witty, was inspired by a wish

work of the many laborious and learned men who have toiled in the field of Irish historical research, and who have left numerous excellent volumes elucidating
to disparage the



every conceivable phase, ancient and modern, of their counIn so far as there is any truth in the remark try's story. a it is equally applicable to every other country that has history stretching back through a number of centuries.

To know

such a liistory well

it is

necessary to read


volumes and





no matter how

and diligent, can write a complete, wholly unbiased, and thoroughly authoritative work. The more I read of history the more I am convinced of the correctness of this view. I have never found two authors describe any
learned, impartial

great historical event of whose description it might be said that one was as good and complete in every way, as the The particular point of view, personal feeling or other. special interest always under- or over-colored some feature,

ignored altogether or lent undue importance to some

cident, or in


some more serious way asserted itself. Thus, for example, in the few well-known cases of the battles of Clontarf, Eontenoy, and in the English invasion of Buenos

how many authors agree in all the details.? I have not met any two that did. Yet every historical work that I have read while lacking something had always some special value of its own. Hence it is that twenty volumes of history written by seven or eight good authors are almost certain

to be seven or eight times more instructive and useful, historically, than twenty volumes written by one good author. So that Ireland, although not possessed of any one great and all-embracing historical work, with her hundreds of

books of history, written by scores of good authors, has her records very complete, many-phased and authoritative. But many books must be studied before her story can be thoroughly comprehended, as is the case with all other counI say so much on tries having a history worth studying. this matter of written Irish history because I have often
been asked:



the best history of Ireland.'*


the histories are very well worth reading, and the best one is the one that deals most fully with the period or depart-

ment of history that one


particularly interested




have occasion to mention some highly recommendable

works before I close this introduction. In pre-Christian times Ireland was colonized at seven distinct periods and by different tribes of no less a number. The first person of whom mention is made as coming to Ireland was a woman named Ceasair and she is said to have brought fifty maids and three men in her train. Her visit Her fate is timed at some short while before the Flood. and that of all her retinue is very pathetically and interestingly told, but has too much of the romantic and, seemingly, impossible about it to be set down as history. Partholan succeeded the lady Ceasair after a very conHis reign is supposed to have siderable lapse of time. commenced about three hundred years after the Deluge. He was a Scythian and must have had a numerous following, to judge from the size of their burial mound at Tallaght in They nearly all died off from some sudden and Dublin. Not long after this a terrible plague that fell upon them. people whom writers call Nemedians, from their leader, Nemeid, possessed themselves of the island, and they, probably, were the originators of the story, true or otherwise, about the fate of Parthalon and his people. Some authors say these Nemedians peopled Scotland and England, led by a chieftain called Briotain Maol, and that it was from this Briotain the island got its name, Britain.

Then began to come the Fomorians from the North of They are sometimes called traders, but mostly regarded as pirates. The word signifies sea-robbers, or what The line between the two occupais latterly called pirates.

and that of pirates, was probably not very distinctly drawn thirty-five hundred years ago. The Firboigs (Bagmen), were a sort of slaves in Greece who were used in the public works of their time, in carrying
tions, that of traders

building and other materials in bags on their backs, to wherever their masters wanted such matter removed. They became, as the Greeks were successful in their wars, very numerous, and one day finding the Greeks in difficulties with


their neighboring enemies,

and acting on the wise is the bondsman's opportunity," they struck work, picked up any useful thing they could lay their hand upon and turned Westward, reaching Ireland in due time. There are writers who disagree with this story and make the word "Firbolg" to stand for men of the Volga (Firvolga), Volgamen instead of Bagmen. Anyhow, they are said to have been the fifth band of colonizers to reach the yi^estern Isle, and so far the most Their domination of the country was short, successful. however, for the Tuatha de Danann people arrived soon after and easily conquered them. These Tuatha de Danann (pron. Tooaha (3e Danann), were very skilled in the arts of chemistry and metal-working, knew something of legerdemain and probably anything that was then to be known of what was called magic. .They were more given to their arts and sciences than to war or agriculture; the Firbolgs were peace-loving and inclined to farming the land; the interests of the two races rarely
some of
old principle, "the boss's difficulty

The subject people was by far the more numerous, but the higher civilization of the other gave it dominance. The simple-minded
clashed, so they lived in comparative peace.

Firbolgs regarded their conquerors somewhat as the aborigines of the West Indian Islands regarded the Spaniards
in the first years of the Discovery.

They, the De Dananns, could do numberless things which seemed to the humble tillers of the soil as only in the power of supernatural be-

was undoubtedly this notion that gave rise to the when life was over in human form these De Dananns went into the green hills- they mostly buried their dead in such places and raths and became fairies, good


belief that

people, gentle folk.

They were

fair or red-haired people,

and the Beansidhe, one of the most important and respected of all the fairy race, is usually red-haired. It is true, however, that her sympathies are exclusively pro-Milesian, but the red hair, her residence in the green hills and raths, and
the very fact that she

a sidhe incline


to give her to the



Dananns, althougli I would like well to be justly able to Their turn of power claim her as one of our own stock. on the island is thought to have lasted about three generaIt came to an end with the advent of the Milesians. tions. I shall have nothing more to say about the first four colonies mentioned in this sketch as they seem to have had no descendant on the island in the time of the fifth or sixth invasion. They probably made no permanent settlements in the land at any time. The offsprings of the two latter colonies were plentiful anH strong when the most powerful and warlike of all of
colonizers, the Milesians, reached her shores. These experienced but little difficulty in overcoming the De Dananns, but a couple of good fights seem to have been made in Connact where the already conquered race lent a hand to their old and not too exacting masters. But the Southern Moytura, on the shores of Lough Mask, near Cong, was to them what Clontarf was in after years to the Danes. The remnant who escaped that fatal day retreated to the isles and mountain fastnesses swept by the Atlantic winds and gave no more trouble to the new-comers. They seem to have died out, as a people, and no trace of them remains except some rude fortress ruins in Galway and Kerry, and the "good people" who have a glorious kingdom of their own, that's as wide as the whole island, and that is likely to last while our deeply spiritual race survives on the island. They have also the honor, it would appear, of giving Ireland her present name as well as a couple of other names less generally known. The story is, briefly, this: There were three princesses, sisters, who acquired equal rights to the queenship of Ireland; they were Eire, from whome Ireland or Eireland, land of Eire, Banba and Fodla. They agreed to reign each in her turn for seven years. Eire took the first turn, Banba next and then Fodla. Each of them had reigned duly and Eire was serving her second term as queen when the Milesians came. This circumstance, it is said, is what has fastened her name to the island more





steadily than that of cither of her sisters.

said, too,

by some that she married one of the Milesian




not, however, the only explanation of the name,

Ireland, but I give

it as the one which seems to me the most with a certain amount of reserve as to some but probable,

of the details in the tradition.


Milesians had



control of the island.


Firbolgs, attending to their farm-work, accepted their

masters about as readily as they did their previous ones. In time the two races intermarried and commingled so that were it not that the older settlers were so numerous and virile in Connact the new-comers would have absorbed them, and, indeed, they have, to all intents and purposes, done
so, for it is

only the learned

of that race,



who can discern to-day any and these only in the counties

beyond the Shannon. The Milesians, from whom the Irish people are principally descended, have a history reaching back to Adam. This may seem an exaggeration, but the genealogies set down in written form fourteen hundred years ago give the names of all the fathers, leaders, chiefs and kings down to that time and we have written records ever since. Japheth, Noah's son, settled his people around the Black and Caspian seas. In time their descendants occupied all South-eastern Europe. Various tribes grew up and spread west and southward in search of new and broader lands on which to make their homes. They began filling up all Southern Europe, and spread, more or less, into Asia Minor and Northern Africa. A chieftain named Brath, who was, we are told, thirty-third in descent from Adam, was promised by an old druid that his people should inherit an island in the west. This Brath had full faith in the words of the druid and always spoke of this prophesied inheritance as "Inisfail," Island of Destiny, and he it was, with his people, who set out to seek it. In time, and after many sojourns here and there, they reached Spain and took possession of the Northwestern part of that country,

and which



called Galicia

land of the



(phonetic spelling), being the founder of the tribe his chil-

dren and their people were called Gaels, and the race still bears the name. Brath's son, Brogan, who headed the nation in his time, built the town of Brigantine, now Coruna, and Briganza in Portugal; he also built a great tower at

Coruna, the remains of which are still to be seen. Milesius this Brogan's grandson, from whom the Milesians. Milesius seems to have been in many ways the prototype of our present Mr. Roosevelt; he traveled much in foreign parts, visited Egypt, was fond of fighting and twice marHis second wife was Scota, daughter of one of the ried. Pharaohs. In due time he ascended the throne of Spain, or that part of Spain which the Gaels held, probably And as it hapGalicia and some surrounding districts. pened when Mr. Roosevelt was at the headship of his nation so did it come to pass with Milesius, a great business crisis came to bother him; there were bad times and want in the land. His people, as people have been doing ever since, put all the blame for their misfortunes on the government. If his term at the head of affairs had been a four-years' one, his chances of being rechosen for the office would scarcely be anything more hopeful than were those of his double in the United States when last that champion wooed the fickle oracle who conveys her decrees through the balBut he had no such troubles to face, and those lot boxes. he had he met very wisely. He reminded his people that the gods were angry with all of them for so long neglecting the injunction laid upon them through their great ancestor by the druid who told them they should seek the Inisfail till it was found, and that they should possess it then. He there and then set to preparing an expedition to go in search of it once more, but died while thus engaged. His eight sons, however, carried out his designs, and the Isle of Destiny was possessed by "our great forefathers," as


Tom Moore

called them.

Milesius' wife survived him


went with her sons to Ireland.

Her name was

Scota, and



she, too, gave a name to Ireland, a gift, indeed, which has been a fruitful source of confusion and misunderstanding In the early ages of Christianity the people in ages after.

of Scotia, Ireland, colonized Alban, or what




Scotland, and, supposedly, to establish a


to the land

or to prove from whence they came, they called it after their native country, as we have seen in times, ever so much more recent. New England and New Spain, in America, Well, called after the native countries of their colonizers.
the two Scotias were spoken so loosely of by old writers

from the Continent that

scholarly, to

it is

often hard, except for the very

in some important references, so wherever

is meant an opportunity offers with any advantage for his land the "canny Scot" of the latter generations has come forward to show that' In his is and always was the true and only real Scotia.

know whether Ireland or Scotland



century of the Christian era a


poet, but

an Irishman born, has some very pretty verses on Ireland,


couplet of which verses runs thus in the trans-


Far westward lies an isle of ancient fame. By Nature blest and Scotia is her name.

The foregoing remarks

are but the merest synopsis of

Other authors hold that they came from the great nursery land of the European races, Scythia,^ overland in generations of wanderings, but ever tending Westward and finally reaching Ireland through Britain. The traces of the Gael in Spain and Portugal would seem to give, what I may call the Spanish route, the greater probability. It is a fact, too, that many of the very old traditions and legends of the Irish people relate in one way or another to Spain. And
^ Scythia, so important a region in ancient history, is not to be found now on the ordinary map. It extended, roughly, from the Baltic Sea to the Sea of Arral in Asia, and from the Caucasus as far northwards as the cold permitted people then to advance with any degree of comfort. The most part of this region is now Russian territory.

the history of the coming of the Milesians by Spain.



in those old romances kings and princesses come and go between the two countries, and lend each other armies and domestic animals, the latter usually enchanted, with a freedom and friendliness as though they were next-door neighBut it is quite possible that both contentions are bors. well grounded, and that a colony of Celts, for they were all Celts and spoke the same language, more or less, came by each route. One by Spain and the other across the European Continent and by Britain. According to Dr. Hyde (Literary History of Ireland, p. 1): *'The Celtic race and the Celtic language sprung from what is to-day

modern Germany, and issuing thence established for over two centuries a vast empire held together by the ties of political unity and a common language over all Northwest and Central Europe." Within these two centuries it is very likely some considerable numbers of this adventurous and subjugating people made their way to Ireland, where they found their cousin Gaels from Spain, and settled amongst them peacefully; and just because they came peacefully and, probably, in no great numbers at any one time, escaped the notice of the chroniclers. There is a great want of agreement among authorities as to the year, or even the century, in which these Gaelic and Celtic settlements were made in

Five hundred years before the birth of Christ the Phoenicians were trading with the island and they used to call it

"The Sacred


PThe "Isle of

Woods" and

the "Isle of

Streams" were other names it had and they, being so correct, would go to show how well it must have been known to writers in those very remote times. Its pastures seem to have been as remarkable for their richness then as they
still are, for a writer in the first century, to confirm his statements as to the luxuriancy with which the grass sprung


in the fields, mentions that the cattle used to burst



Before passing on to the next stock that left its imprint on our race, to some very small extent, it is worth



while to consider briefly the sources of Irish history, that what I have already set down may not be considered as

mere romancing or guess-work of somewhat modern date. The Milesians or Gaels, it is well known, as was the custom with eastern peoples, had learned men set apart for the keeping of the traditions and genealogies of their nation. This order of things was quite necessary as the inheriting of land and certain important offices in the tribe depended The on what might be called the family title-deeds. their whom the Gaels in with Egyptians, Hebrews and the early wanderings in the East often found themselves in It was close contact, had somewhat similar institutions. hold earliest from times to the customary with our ancestors learned most presided over by the periodical conventions men of their nation, and at these gatherings their genealogies and public records were carefully examined, and rectified where necessary. In the third century of Christianity there was a king at Tara, the learned and wise Cormac MacArt, who called together one of these assemblies. Feis is what it was called At that Feis or Convention all the in the Irish language. old annals and records then in existence were gone through and considered with the greatest care, and from them was compiled a history of the nation, which history was called Two hundred years later St. the "Psalter of Tara." Patrick and eight other learned men were appointed by King Leary to do a somewhat similar work, and the famous "Book of Rights" was the result of their labors. Four hundred years later again, towards the close of the ninth century, Cormac MacCuilenan, Archbishop of Cashel and King of Munster, compiled from the aforesaid Psalter of Tara and many other books then in existence, his famous book, the Psalter of Cashel, which book, after a thousand years, can still be seen in the British Museum, London. So that we to-day can consult MacCuilenan's book. MacCuilenan tells us that he consulted MacArt's book, MacArt's commission consulted various books and documents back



to Theirmas, 300 years b. c, and he, Theirmas, of course, had some sort of data out of which to compose his records. I think, in view of these facts, and they are only a few of




that could be adduced to this end, that the hisrecords of Ireland, for some twenty-three hundred



be regarded as fairly trustworthy.

Within a few generations after St. Patrick's time ChrisGreat tianity had become the only religion in Ireland. colleges were already opened and from these great colleges great teachers, great saints, came forth to complete PatOf the colleges, Clonard on the confines of rick's work. what is now Meath and Westmeath, was in the beginning Of it a recent historian has said in the most renowned. **Life of St. Columcille": ''It was from Clonard came forth
those twelve great
of Erin.

men who are called the twelve apostles They were the great men who built up Ireland, and completed the work of Patrick and B rigid." But the

great schools of Erin at this time and for centuries after could be counted by the score; Moville, Armagh, Glasnevin, Fermoy, Durrow, Clonmacnoise, St. Edna's, in Arran, and

Birr are only a few of the more noted ones. These cenand eighth, were the golden age of Erin. Not alone did religion and education flourish in the
turies, sixth, seventh,

land as they never did before or since, but social and political progress also were marked and continuous. A few of the great peaceful reforms effected in that period were the regulating of the bardic order and the correcting of abuses that had grown up with the extravagant pretentions of the order through continuous unchecked privilege; the recognition by treaty of the independence of the Gaelic colony of Scotland; the arbitration of a question of succession to the throne, which would otherwise have brought on a devastating war; the abolition of the system of enslavement of prisoners of war; the relcasemcnt of women
all conditions from the obligation of military service, and many others of less importance. It v/as when this happy period was developing with highest promise that tlie





scourge of another invasion, and the most destructive one

upon the fated isle. The Danes came ruthless Pagans from the north countries. They massacred, sacked and burned with a cruelty and zeal that never thought of quarter, and that seemed to have no aim but plunder and destruction carry away whatever of value was portable, and destroy what could not be carried off. The monasteries and churches, where there was great wealth, in ornaments and sacred utensils, were a special prey of these fierce marauders. The colleges situate close to the seashore, and
so far,

so in easier reach of the plunderers, were the first to be


the island, and for this reason a little

Clonmacnoise, located very near the center of more secure against

was burned half a dozen times, and as often rebuilt, and managed to weather the storms of time and warfare till the "Reformation," when it was finally plundered and suppressed by the English. For about two hundred and fifty years the Northmen They made some kept up their destroying incursions.
dozen or so settlements along the coast of the island, the At one time they overran the chief of which was Dublin. country so completely as to be powerful enough to set up Cruel and brutal a high king or overlord of their own.

Pagan robber could be was


overlord of theirs,






or sent forth a command,








surrounding Lough Ree to come to his court on an island in the beautiful lake on a certain day. Malachy, who was afterwards Ard Righ and who was then a youth of some fifteen or sixteen years of age and remarkably handsome, organized a band of youths


in the districts

like himself,

dressed as



and armed with trusty


skians, the Irish poniard, safely concealed in their princely



set out, as it were, in obedience of the



At a given moment they

his fellow feasters killing

upon Turgesius and or disabling all of them. Bands

in concealment close by.

of Irish soldiers

who were waiting

in their possession,


at a preconcerted signal, attacked the fort whicli was soon

and the daring usurper and oppressor,

who never showed mercy to an enemy, was dealt with in Loaded with chains, the historians tell us, he was kind. taken eastward through Westmeath and thrown into Lough
There were then small Danish pickets scattered all over the Midlands of Ireland, somewhat as the Peelers are at the present time, to spy on and overawe the people. The victory of Malachy was, as it were, a signal for attack on all such outposts and the Danish power was reduced once more to its strongholds on the coast. From then war with the strangers in one part of the island or another was continuous till the great day of Clontarf, Good Friday, 1014, one of the most glorious days in Irish history, or, Brian the Great indeed, in the history of any country. fell that day, farior, but so also, never to rise again, did the power of the plundering Northmen, so long the scourge of the Western Isles. These invaders are commonly called Danes although they came less from Denmark than from Sweden and Norway. They were great fighters, had little fear of God or man, and were as wild and pitiless as the stormy seas on which

they loved to ride in their strong-ribbed, well-manned ships. They made some impression on the race particularly in Dublin, Limerick, Wexford, Dundalk and a few other places where they had settlements, but as to the whole nation
scarcely any

more than did the ancient Tuatha De Danann.

over one hundred and fifty years after Clontarf, and when Ireland had been well on the road to recovery from the wreck and disorganization of her institutions conlittle

sequent on the long strife with the Northmen, the treachery of one of her chieftains plunged her once more into the

misfortunes of invasion and war.

The story





so well

known that

I need give it

sideration here than to say that this

no more conill-starred king's ban-

ishment and return in time with foreign auxiliaries for the re-establishment of his fortunes is not a case singular to



Its counterpart


can be found with more or


variations of detail frequently in history, earlier and even

him "who brought the Normans o'er." not without such examples, and it was to assist the Romanized Britons against their countrymen of the older civilization that the Anglo-Saxons were brought to England, with the result that they remained there imposing their government, language and name on the country. It was, too, an Iberian MacMurrough that brought the scourge of the Moors on Spain, and Poland cannot lay the blame for its enslavement and martyrdom at the doors
later than the time of

Classic history


solely of its neighbors.

The Normans had been about one hundred years in England when MacMurrough sought their aid. They came first in numbers so insignificant that they were only regarded as mercenaries of the deposed king, and their presence in Leinster was merely taken as a matter of concern for the people of that kingdom. There must have been many in Leinster and in the other provinces who felt that MacMurrough had been badly treated, and to whom his success in the effort to recover his kingdom would bring nothing but pleasure. Kings, no matter how bad, are always pretty sure to have many strongly attached to them, and MacMurrough was not without his good qualities in the eyes of numbers of his people, and so with his few Normans, and his trouble being rather a local affair, he was able to set himself up again in his kingdom. The foreigners who came with Dearmuid found the country very rich and beautiful, and meeting so little difficulty in reinstating the deposed ruler, they believed it would be easy to conquer the whole land, and they certainly knew the prize was one worth struggling for. The King of England was informed of all this, and being of the greedy

and martial Norman breed, was not slow in adopting the proposals of his counselors. A strong expedition was prepared, and the

Norman invasion was added to the many Devastating wars followed for centuries afterwards.

The newcomers were an


educated, and for their time, highly

people; good fighters, and with a certain nobility

of mein which the Irish rather liked. A Norman leader fought some clan till he got a footing in that clan's territory, then made an alliance with the half-defeated chieftain of course, if the chieftain was crushed utterly, so much the better. Soon the Norman found means to provoke a quarrel between his new friend and his friend's neighbor; the extinction in time of this neighbor, or another alliance, with, if at all possible, a marriage and fosterages was next entered into; but the strangers were all the time making war and making headway. In a few generations they became Irish, as something different from Norman or English, but I never could think that it was correct to say, as the

Abbe MacGeoghegan has

written, that they "became


Irish than the Irish themselves."

They adopted

the Irish

language and Irish customs, married Irish wives, and like Irish chiefs fought sometimes against the foreigner and sometimes on his side, but their great aim always was, The Irish political system, if it could be called power. such, was a very loose and unwise one for a country having a neighbor like England. The Normans rather aggravated than remedied its faults. Those leaders who are said to have become so Irish, often fought English authority, it is true, but not in the name of the Irish Nation, not as the
chiefs or representatives of

an independent people, but as

wronged or

monarch. Instead of Ireland an independent nation, their principle was, Ireland a dominion of the English King ruled hy the Nor-

rebellious leiges of the English

man lords and for their sole use and benefit. The English monarch was their monarch all the time, and if they fought with him or his officials once in a while, the fight was not
for Ireland's sake, but because they felt that those officials were interfering with their rights and privileges. The more they adopted Irish manners and customs and secured influence in the land the more a subject nation Ireland was becoming.




other colonizers or invaders, with the exception of made so deep an impress on what is to-day the Irish race as those brave, politic, and being politic, unscrupulous. Englishmen of the Norman blood,
the Milesians, have
established their families much more in Leinstcr than any of the other provinces, although the Fitzgcralds of Munster and the Bourks of Connact were two of their most powerful families in Ireland. In Wexford and Wcstmeath there were many great Norman families, and from this fact our colony in Argentina has a larger proportion of Norman blood in its veins than any Irish colony elsewhere in Of Wexford names we find Furlong, Pierce, the world. Rowland, Devereux or Devvery, Cardiff, Redmond, Power and many others. From Westmeath and the Midlands we


meet Dalton, Nugent, Tuite, Dillon, Lacey, Petit, Delemar, Hope, Ledwith, Tyrrell, etc., etc. These families, notwithstanding the origin of their names, are, of course, now as Irish as their neighbors who may have such unmistakable patronymics as Murphy, O'Connor, Geoghegan, Duggan, Maguire, Casey, Murray, Morgan, or Kelly. Ireland is a small country, comparatively, and with the passing of the centuries and the breaking up of the clan or tribe system, by which in former times practically aU the people of a district were known by the clan name, such as O'Rian in Tippcrary, O'Neill in Tyrone, O'Sullivan in West Cork and O'Byrne in Wicklow, etc., the people have mixed and scattered so that one may find now O'Driscolls and MacCarthys in Belfast, O'Kanes and O'Donnells in Cork or Dublin, O'Flaherties in Wexford and O'Tooles and MacLoughlins in Connemara. The foregoing sketch does not purpose to be anything more than the merest glance at the principal events in the history of the formation of the race from v/hich are sprung the people whose coming to and settlement in this country I am going to record and describe in as far as the materials I have been able to collect will enable me so to do. As I have already pointed out, at what to some will possibly



seem unwarranted length, the sources and repositories of Irish history, I deem it convenient here to mention a few of the authors who, I believe, can best assist any reader in whom a desire to know more about the history of Ireland Keating Macmay have been kindled by these pages. Geoghcgan, Moore and Dr. H3^de are the best I know on Magee, Mitchel and A. M. Sullivan are ancient Ireland. good on more modern times ; then there is a host of authors of great learning and ability who have written of special periods or events, notably amongst them Mrs. Green, and the Dublin booksellers have free catalogues of all their

To sum up


part of



we have seen

that before the coming of the Normans the Irish race was almost purely Milesian. The Firbolgan admixture being

probably not one-tenth of the whole, and both being of the Celtic family and likely of pretty close kinship, they may almost be said to be one and the same strain. The Danish alloy is extremely small and except in the few districts mentioned as occupied for some time by them is not noticeable at all. Nor is the Norman strain as important as Norman effect on the national cognominity would suggest. For instance, where a Norman chief, by marriage or the strength and good fortune with which he fought, got the headship of some clan or territory, all the people of that territory, whether one or more clans, usually adopted his name, or were known to their neighbors by his title. Thus in time numbers of Irish families, without a drop of Norman blood
in their veins,

perhaps, ten Bourkes

Norman names. There are, and Pitzgeralds without the least strain of Norman ancestry in them, in any form, for the one of the name that has. So that the Norman tint in the
to have

^ When the above was written I had not read " Ireland's Case," by Mr. Seamus MacManus, but I gladly recommend it to the searcher ^or knowledge It is a small and easily read volume, but I have never before in this domain. seen so much information put in so narrow a compass, and so well put, I wish every Irish- Argentine would read it.



be set down as not very much deeper than

racial color

that of the Firbolgs. The campfollowers of Cromwell who seized the lands were never of the people, nor the people of them, they were

hardly ever more than outlanders and they are, as Standish O'Grady has written, "withering off the face of the earth," or, with the passing of landlordism, have to all intents and purposes withered and need not be considered here. James'

plantation were mostly from Scotland, and they, like James himself, were of the Milesians. They are the Presbyterians

and Orangemen of to-day, but that is only a matter of politics with them, and in lands where they had the luck to get away from that influence they have been one in name and in fame with the rest of their breed. For all the ups and downs of fortune the Irish Race is to-day Milesian, or Gaelic, and the latter is the better term, I think, as more inclusive and of a meaning with more in it. It is the purest race in Europe, its civilization is as old as that of the Greeks, it has done great things for the Christianizing and civilizing of the old world and the new; no one here or elsewhere need ever hang his head for being of that old Race.



the part of this introduction just closed

of the principal sources tion


a sketch

from which the Irish Na-


is formed, so will this be a brief description, geographical and sociological of the country in

which this South American offshoot of that people has taken deep and lasting root. I shall not follow the lines of many other foreigners who have written of the countries of the Rio de la Plata. Nearly all of a goodly number of such authors whom I have perused tell, in almost the same words, how Solis, Cabot,

Mendoza and many other


here and failed or succeeded in their mission.

and colonizers came For me it



be enough to say that Solis, the Spaniard, was the

European who sailed into the Rio de la Plata. He went on shore and the Indians killed him, this was in 1515. Cabot,
a Venetian


Mulhall, like other English writers, calls

an Englishman, came ten years later and proceeded up the Parana as far as Paraguay. This mariner had distinguished himself in the service of England, but differing with the English monarch on account of the latter's failure to duly reward his labors,^ he took service with the Spanish king and was the second commander to reach these shores. The real colonizer, however, was Mendoza who brought a number of men and women, amongst them one hundred and fifty Germans, with the horses, cows and sheep from which sprung in a few years, troops, herds and flocks in wild abundance, and which same stock in later years gave to Argentina its greatest, and up to the days of agricultural advancement,
at the close of the Nineteenth century, its

almost sole

Mendoza founded

the city of the

"Most Holy

Mary of Good Airs," or in Spanish: Santisima Trinidad, Puerto de Santa Maria de Buenos The settlement, however, was constantly Aires, in 1535. harassed by the neighboring Indians and in a few years
Trinity, Port of Saint

Yet twelve hundred



the river, in Paraguay,

progress was being made and communications had been opened across the continent with Peru. Forty-five years after

Mendoza's attempt to found the city of Buenos Aires, a Spanish-Basque, Captain Juan de Garay, laid the foundations of the present city, a little distance north of the site Mendoza had chosen. The names of all the little band who came down the river with Garay and formed the new city are given by De Angelis, and number sixty-four. Amongst them is the name of one woman. Ana Diaz, and one of the men was Pedro Moran. The name, Moran, however, like that of Martin, Colman, Galvan and some others is as much Spanish as Irish. The sixty-four names mentioned I suppose represented as many families, and 1 See De Angelis, v. 2, p. 84.



taking five for an average of the families the new city would seem to have started with a population of some three hundred souls. It is said that some of the first founders, or their children, half Indianized, still lingered around the old settlement. It was then, as was all the territory from

more or

the Portuguese possessions, the present frontier of Brazil, less, westward to the Pacific, under the control of

the Viceroy of Peru. In 1661 it got a governor of its own with a sort of city council called an Audiencia, as did also Paraguay and Tucuman. There is a stone set in the street at the corner of the Cathedral and Plaza de Mayo where Rivadavia and San Martin meet, which was the spot marked

by Garay as the center of the


its history occurred towards the close of the Eighteenth century when what might be termed free trade with Spain, and greatly increased commercial liberty with all the other Spanish colonies, were granted under the governorship of Vertiz. This was the second American-born Spanish subject who had risen to the rank of Governor in these colonies. Hernando Arias, a Cordobes, was the first. Vertiz was a Mexican. They were both good Governors; in truth, the best these countries ever had under Spanish domination. As Americans, sons of the soil, they knew the wants and aspirations of the people better than Spanish-born rulers could, and they sought to serve those wants and respect those aspirations from motives of natural patriotism as much as from feelings of justice and wise statesmanship. Their government was something like native government a kind of

The next

event of importance in



Spanish colonization down to the time of Vertiz may be said to have followed the lines of least resistance in these provinces. In Paraguay, where the Indians were less antagonistic to the encroachments of the Europeans, and where

they were more easily converted to the new order of things, cities were built, missions established and large areas of the country occupied, while far richer lands twelve hundred

miles nearer to the immigrant


of the great river, in

and colonizer, at the mouth Uruguay and Argentina were left

Lujan, a dozen for two hundred years almost untouched. leagues from Buenos Aires, a day's walk, was the western outpost of civilization, while Chascomus in the South and
in the North were border positions where the military were not always able to hold their own, at the beginning of the last century, and when Buenos Aires was already more than 50 years old. The Indians in these parts were bold warriors and

Carmen de Areco, Salto and Pergamino

only yielded to superior force and by slow degrees.


all this

time none but a Spaniard was free to

enter the country.

the results of a long

The English Government, as one of war in Europe, forced Spain to con-

cede her the sole right of importing slaves into Buenos

and an arrangement was come to whereby certain



necessary for the transaction of the slave

In time, by marriage, a few families with English names were estabThese, however, were not the only familished in the city. non-Iberian blood in Buenos Aires in those days. lies of
business were allowed to live in the colony.




or naturalized subject

of the Spanish

monarch could




at least two


Reconquest and the Defense of Buenos Aires, as well as of the Revolution of May, were descended from such subjects, Pueyrredon and Belgrano. The father and the mother of the former being, respectively, French and Irish, while the father of the latter was an Italian born. But these are exceptions, and it is quite safe to say that at the time of the Revolution, outside the port of Buenos Aires, and excluding some prisoners of war and their children, scattered over Mendoza and Cordoba, the people of La Plata Province were wholly of Spanish, Spanish-Indian, negro and pure Indian blood. The history of Buenos Aires from its founding down to the days of the Revolution is very largely the history of what is now Argentina. Although the cities of Tucuman,



Cordoba and Santa Fe are older in years, and have their days of "pride and sorrow" to look back to, their story is rather of local interest, and the historic events in their lives, though important in themselves are, owing to their remote interior positions, wholly of the family affair order. In Buenos Aires it was different. The struggle against the invader and the pirate was fairly continuous from its first days till the reign of Rosas. The city was but two years old when the Englislmian, Fontain, in the name of Elizabeth, seized the island of Martin Garcia, the Gibraltar of the Parana, twenty miles away. The people of Garay's

new foundation, however, made short work of his pretensions, and he never sought to reassert them. Five years
later another English pirate,

the capture of the

his star



Thomas Cavendish, attempted Garay was no longer there;



attack on his

camp by Indians

some three years previously in a midnight in Sante Fe; but the sturdy

met and repelled the freebooter with such spirit and determination that nearly two hundred years went by before another Englishman sought to make his country dominant in the Parana region. Forty years of peaceful development gave wealth and business advantages enough to the rising port to tempt Dutch greed. Those were the days of Van Tromp's sweeping brush of the seas, yet powerful as were the Lowlands arms at that period, one attempt on Buenos Aires was all that Holland ever made; that one lesson the Portenos taught her in 1628 sufficed to convince her that La Plata was not to be hers. The great Louis, who reigned over France for over seventy years with such glory and power, and who boasted that he was the state, sent his Captain Timothy Osmat to add Buenos Aires to France's spreading dominions just thirty years after the Dutch defeat. Osmat's failure was the most complete so far, for when the remnant of his attacking comrades retired to their ships it was without their leader, and all he won for his king in Buenos Aires was a soldier's grave.

The nest
of the


to break the

"good airs"

monotony of peace in the port was a Dane, or as the old Gaehc writers

used to
at sea).

call his ancestors,



a "Lochlannah" (a man powerful was forty-one years after the Frenchman's

few of the actors in that glorious



likely that

day's deed were on the ramparts when the Dane appeared, but men as brave and free took their places and the de-

scendants of the daring Vikings fared no better than the

sailors of the magnificent Louis.

The French landing which occurred the year before the Danish attack was probably only a piratical effort to sack the city, which by this time had the name of being very wealthy. Pointis got away with his life but that was just all the advantage he could claim over his countryman Osmat. And now a period of sixty-three years elapsed before the Portefios were again called upon to meet an invading foe. The city was not this time attacked; but twenty miles away, on the eastern bank of the great river there was a settlement which from its very beginning had been an object of contention between the Spanish and Portu-

am dealing with, however, it English naval expedition sailed was up to it one day in the latter part of 1762 and demanded The commanding officer of the English its surrender. Colonia, the town summoned forces was one MacNamara.
guese powers.


the time I

Spanish territory.


to surrender, replied by calling all its citizens to arms and by appealing to the Government of Buenos Aires for immediate help in its resistance of the enemy. Bombardment and assault followed for some weeks till one day the ships and men from Buenos Aires hove in sight. MacNamara's flagship went smash under the Spanish fire, and in an effort Twenty-five hundred to swim ashore he himself was lost. prisoners and an enormous booty fell to the victors. Lopez quotes a writer who says "Twenty-five hundred prisoners, a great number of cannons and a booty valued at four million pounds sterling were the fruits of the fortunate; victory of November 3, 1762." Funes gives the date of the



The prisoners were sent to Mendoza and Cordoba and may be considered the first nonSpanish settlers in the interior. The last-named author
victory as January 6, 1763.

mentions that these prisoners were very useful because of As a boy Funes their knowledge of various handicrafts. must have personally known some of the captives in Cordoba what a pity he has not told us something as to their personal appearances, manners and customs. There must have been many Irishmen amongst them, for although a treaty made soon after provided for their safe return, many of

them refused to

avail of this privilege,

and I

incline to the

that these were mostly Irish who found captivity under the Spaniards greatly preferable to the liberty Irish Catholics then enjoyed under the English system.

Within ten years of the "fortunate victory" at Colonia

the Portenos inflicted another overwhelming defeat on the

the same invader at the Malvina Islands


secured numerous prisoners which like those taken at Colonia treaty, however, between Spain were sent to the interior.

and England, made in 1775, the one above mentioned, deprived the Buenos Aires Government of the fruits of its
victories, to

a very large extent.

Someone has said, with more terseness than truth, that the Bourbons could never learn anything and never forget

Charles III of Spain, although scarcely the

of world-wide import which

brightest of that regal tribe, learned at least one lesson.

was wittily

commenced with what "the Boston Tea Party," and which cost England the best part of her North American colonies. Charles of Spain was an apter student than George of England and was not slow in putting in practice the knowl-

That one

edge he had acquired. In 1778 the Plate provinces were granted what amounted, practically, to free trade,^ and all who treat of that period in Argentine history bear witness to the progress and social betterment which attended the measure. In this year Buenos Aires saw its first Viceroy,

Hist. Argentina


into the River Plate.


and the largest military expedition that had as yet sailed A new era was opened for this part of Spanish America. Surveys were commenced, boundaries defined, with garrisons set along them sufficiently strong to
maintain them, for the time being, at least. ,The military system was wholly overhauled and organized; hospitals and colleges were regulated and equipped according to the newest and most approved methods ; a census of the population made, and generally everything that good government could effect in a brief period was proceeding encouragingly.

new Viceroy, but Vertiz remained as Governor and military chief, and to him is most largely due the success with which the liberal and intelligent spirit of the Spanish Government of the day was attended. Ceballos returned to Spain after a couple of years and his place was filled by Vertiz to the honor of Spain and the great
Ceballos was the
benefit of the Plate provinces.

are so

Succeeding historical events in hand in recording the story of the Irish in Argentina that I may close this part of my introductory sketch here. Argentina is in area very nearly as large as AustriaHungary, Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Great Britain and Ireland all put together. Its territory extends from the twenty-fifth degree of south latitude to that of the fifty-fifth, or a distance of about two thousand miles. Its western limit is set along the principal peaks of the trackless Andes; its southern extremity is found where the last of the frozen islands of Tierra del Fuego is lashed by the South Polar seas; the Atlantic, Uruguay and Brazil make

much a part

of the

work I have

the line of its eastern border, while its northern boundaries are traced through the tropical forests and plains where

Paraguay and Bolivia are




It has, practically,

degrees of climate in which


with anything
varied, noble




his dwelling nation has scenery more In the west the bold Aconis

man can make

cagua, lord of the Andean heights, the marks of her northeastern limit


hers, while one of the mighty Iguasu,




There are outranking Niagara itself. in Patagonia, as yet almost These forests unexplored, larger in area than Ireland. aiford timber from the hardest and heaviest to the softest and lightest, for almost every known need. In the northern


forests in the

Gran Chaco and

provinces as well as in the Patagonian territories there are mountain regions with valleys, passes, dells, cascades, water

and plateaus as wild and beautiful as any Europe or North America; while all the world beside has nothing to compare with the luxuriant, boundless, solemn but fascinating Pampa.
courses, lakes


natural wealth would take a volume

this to even sketch in useful outline.

much larger For me it must

to mention those of her products at present best

Beef, mutton, pork, in development. wheat, maize, oats, barley, rye, flax, hay, all the root crops and vegetables of Europe; tea (yerba mate), coffee,

known and most

tobacco, wine; nearly


the fruits



Europe, and

many unknown

there, are raised with great success.


mineral wealth of the nation

scarcely yet

The known to

Coal, iron, even scientists in that domain of knowledge. petroleum, copper, tin, lead and the precious metals are said to be plentiful, but as yet only very little has been

done towards developing them.





praisingly of


Most foreign writers have spoken who was English Consul to Buenos

Aires in 1824, says:

"In the Census of 1778, 33 cases

are quoted of individuals then living in the city aged from

ninety to a hundred; and seventeen from one hundred to one hundred and twelve. In the tables of mortality for

1823 and 1824, fifty-eight persons are stated to have died between the ages of ninety and a hundred; six between one hundred and one hundred and ten; three between one hundred and twelve and one hundred and sixteen; one of one hundred and twenty-eight and one of one hundred and thirty." The two last were females. The population of the city was then, according to Parish, about eighty thou-



Mulhall and other writers note the many very old sand. people to be met with throughout the country. Captain

Page, U. S. Navy, writing in the Fifties, has this to say "The salubrity of the Province of Santiago del Estero. Fevers of a malignant type of the climate is unequaled. are unknown. In the whole state there is neither physician nor apothecary." That state, or province, had then fifty The climate is undoubtedly, one thousand inhabitants. thing with another, as good and agreeable as that of any country of similar area in the world, but the foregoing quotations are not to be taken as even suggesting that everybody in Argentina lives to be old, and that doctors

and druggists are entirely needless. The camp, "El Campo," as the country, as distinct from the town, is usually called by all, suffers occasionally from an over abundance of rain, but more frequently from prolonged droughts.

The Argentine country, like most, if not other countries experiences, from time to time, what known as a rainy year, or a dry year. Either one when

phenomenally extreme in
tion of the community.



accompanied by very

considerable loss to the stock-raising and agricultural por-

Up to a generation ago when was comparatively little followed the rainy seasons were less harmful than the long droughts, for although animals, especially sheep, suffered from cold and damp, and not a little from the rankness of the grass, the loss in deaths from these causes was never very considerable; whilst long

droughts, with the consequent failures of all pasture foods, oftentimes reduced people of liberal means to a state of Cases in abundance could be cited of total bankruptcy. owners of from two thousand to ten thousand sheep, who when one of these very prolonged and widely-extended

droughts had run

selves possessed of

its disheartening course, found thembut a few hundred wretched and sickly animals. Frequently in such famine periods the death rate would be so great that the owner could not find hands enough to save even the skins. These visitations are, for-




not of frequent occurrence, perhaps three or four in a generation would be about a fair average of their count. How they affect life in the camp will be seen as we
further on them at present.

proceed through the following pages, so I shall not dwell

Public education has been well attended to since the very beginning of the Republic, and even before the fall of the Spanish regime considerable progress had been made in that When we consider the state of primary educadirection.
tion in even the

most advanced countries in those


conditions in Buenos Aires were nothing to be ashamed of. As far back as 1773 there were ten hundred and twelve
children in the public schools, besides a
in private establishments.

much larger number



this time in Ireland,

were no public schools for the people, and it was a crime, punishable by law, to teach or be taught in the private schools, such as they were. It is to this barbarous condition Davis alludes in his "Penal Days" when he speaks of the people being "forbid to read." Another of the Irish poets of the last century has a verse more explicit of the educational opportunities then afforded to our ancestors, which runs:
rule, there

Where crouching 'neath the sheltering hedge Or stretched on mountain fern The teacher and his pupils met.
Feloniously, to learn.

In 1777 the University of San Carlos was opened.

this date, higher education in the chief city


the banishment of the Jesuits, ten years previously, until


The progress



was almost primary and

higher, was fairly regular, however,

The Revolutionary

this date onward. General Belgrano and Moreno, were enthusiastic believers and workers in the cause of popular education. In 1825, as stated by Parish, there were in the free schools in Buenos Aires and the adjacent
chiefs, especially



3384 boys and 1808




time there



no public school system in Ireland, governed by England. Although there was a printing press in Buenos Aires for many years it was not till 1801 that a regular newspaper was published. "El Telegraf o Mercantil" was started
others sprung success better any up at intervals, with, however, scarcely until 1823 when Hallet, An American, started "La Gaceta Mercantil," a daily paper which continued up to the fall From 1820 there is no more want of of Rosas, 1852. newspapers, but of the number which came, and went their way, excepting Hallet's paper the most important were the "Argos" and the "Lucero." What the people did for a living, as the Americans express it, that is, what the chief business of the country was before the Revolution, will be instructive, and as far as I have been able to find out I hereinafter set it down:

that year, but had a very short



so after Garay's founding of the was no commercial intercourse directly with the colony. Its wants were not very many, and whether they were or not it had little to give in exchange for such articles as it might need. The earliest trade we hear of, although there must have been some trafBc going on for some time before, is recorded in 1595, when one Gomez Reynal got permission from the Spanish Government to bring to Buenos Aires six hundred slaves. This is practically the date at which the commerce of Buenos Aires commenced. Funes, however, tells that in the time of the Governor, Torres de Vega, 1588, a shipment of sugar and hides was sent to Spain, and adds that, these were the first fruits which this province succeeded in exchanging for the superfluous products of European industry. Exportcity there

For a dozen years or

ing hides, furs and, probably, maize, and chandling ships were the chief commercial pursuits for the first century or so of the colony. The home industry consisted in raising food stuffs ; maize, wheat, potatoes and vegetables in general*,



who were on every
In time

fencing in and extending their farms and minding their


stock from the Indians

side their

rather undesirable neighbors.

began to appear



was easier and cheaper to ship the products of the

mines and other industries from the northwestern provinces by the Parana and Buenos Aires route than by the old one,

Panama, and by the middle of the Eighteenth century a ship sailed fortnightly from Cadiz to the River Plate, and it is stated that the average yearly trade of Buenos Aires at that time amounted to more than a million and a half dollars, gold. A large portion of the goods making up this total came overland from Chili and Peru. The transshipping of this freight in Buenos Aires gave considerable employment, but the labor was mostly black, slave and
semi-slave labor.

Mariano Moreno, the ablest South American of his time on matters of political economy, says that in 1806 three hundred ships were trading with Buenos Aires, that they annually carried away more than a million hides, a million pounds of tobacco, forty thousand tierces of Paraguayan tea and large quantities of timber, as well as meat, flour,
wool, furs and other products. He estimates the overland trade at this time with Peru at eighteen million dollars,

and added that Buenos Aires was the only city in America (South America?) that could be called commercial. A little of what writers, native and foreign, had to say about Buenos Aires and its people at this period, will, I am sure, prove of enough interest to excuse me for lengthening these pages with a few quotations. The houses of the city would seem to have been not overstocked with Parish articles of luxury, nor anything too comfortable. the tiles, brick or were of floors "The (1824) says: walls as the and ceiling, seldom hid by roof rafters of the generally furniture them; the make could cold as whitewash of the most tawdry North American manufacture, and a few highly colored French prints serving to mark the extent



Several of the taste for fine arts in South America."^ Aires about Buenos resided in visited or who foreigners

complain that there was no fire in the houses and that in the cold weather they were most uncomfortable. Some of the streets were paved in the old fashion of rubblestone pavement, and it is amusing to read that a certain Viceroy, towards the close of the Eighteenth century, excused himself for not having continued the pavement by explaining that paved streets were injurious to the houses as the jolting of the heavy carts shook them so much that they were in danger of falling. About these houses Parish said, "I was struck with the cheerful aspect of the houses." The sidewalks were very narrow, as may be seen
this time


some of the old streets


arid to

make them more

inconvenient, as pedestrian thoroughfares, the houses had,

when their occupants, as was customary then, leaned over them in restful mood, completely obstructed passenger traffic or turned it
generally, low thrust-out balconies which,

out on the street. The principal streets were lighted with The Portenos were very fond of flowers and oil lamps.


in great

abundance and variety.


writers allude to this pleasing characteristic of the Buenos Aires of the Revolutionary time. The city then lay along

the river front between Retiro and Barracas and extended westward only as far as what is now Irigoyen and Pellegrini
streets, these latter being really the suburbs.


Lopez says:

to the criollo Portenos, there were no Argentinos "The great multitude, the part that

formed the people properly Argentine, was the criollos. Most of them had white skin and European blood, but the general form of the body and physiognomy was entirely different (from the European born residents); they had
eyes lively
tion, critical

and astute, looks full of alertness and penetraand reserved at the same time, reckless indemust not be taken as quite correct, save in a general and descriptions of the interior of some of the patrician houses,

Parish, in this matter,



and numerous

articles of furniture, etc., of those

a very

different tale.



pendence and an absolute want of servility of manner. . - . The limbs of the criollo were in general fine, they w^nted in rugged development, but were very elastic and tempered as spring-steel, while those of the European tended to

The criollo had a delicate and flexible unencumbered body, firmly molded shoulders, neck upright, well-cut features, fine mouth, shapely nose, head well rounded and usually small with light springy step." These were the common people, but he continues: "The well-to-do had much of their ways and they had much of the ways of the well-to-do."
natural heaviness.


difference of resources did not constitute a differ-

was no class which depended on some other for its food and dwelling. This was always a feature of Argentine life from Buenos Aires on to Mcndoza and Salta. The common criollo family was always the proprietor of some land in the outskirts, an acre, at least, planted with peach trees which gave him fuel and whereon he raised plenty of poultry freely. So that if in
ence of class because there
the Argentine colony democratic habits of life prevailed, they were not those of the democracies of the plebeian, needy and half savage which huddled in the large cities, live from hand to mouth; but a proprietary democracy with hearth

and home, with roof and board assured from father to son, and with no servile tasks, which was a relative happiness, but unfortunately impossible to continue when a people reaches the proper age of virility." Parish says he was "struck with the independent air And Mr. Love wrote in 1825: "It is of the people." rarely we see in Buenos Aires a person marked with small pox, vaccination being generally practiced; and very few deformed people. Indeed the generality of them may be called handsome. The young men are well grown, possess good figures, and their manners render them truly agreeable." Mitre, in his "Life of Belgrano," speaking on this subject says: "A profound observer who studied the country in those times said of the criollos: 'They have such an



idea of their equality, that I believe that, even when the king might confer the titles of nobles on any particular

nobody would consider them as such.



himself, could not procure a Spanish (pure blood criollo)

coachman or lackey.' " There was no shoneenism there! Samuel Haigh who visited the country in 1817 writes "The men of Buenos Aires are brave, in his "Sketches": liberal and disinterested, but are somewhat proud and arrogant; the latter qualities if not always excusable are at least easily accounted for, no republic in South America having contributed more to the destruction of Spanish dominion in the new world than their own. They have acquired the epithet of pintor, or boaster, amongst their neighbors (the Chilians), and they are rather disliked by them, but they are in general superior in talent and information to the inhabitants of any of the other republics, which may account for this animosity."




these extracts

in his "Life of

San Martin."

by a little story Mitre During the war of in-

dependence there was given a banquet in Columbia at which

the hero of northern South America was the guest of honor.
it appears was a very vain imperious man. Minister of the Buenos Aires Government was present The happened to be seated opposite the great feast and at the

He, Bolivar,

at him with such an inmight feel in looking at a fine picture or statue. Bolivar was piqued by the unawed demeanor of the Minister and asked, "Who are you?" "I'm the Minister of the Buenos Aires Government," replied the Argentine, carelessly. "I thought so," Bolivar rejoined, "by your proud air." The Argentine nonchalantly returned: "The proper air for a free man." The descendants of the old Spanish colonists, the men who founded the Republic, the criollos of whom the previous paragraphs treat are largely outnumbered by the mass of foreigners and their children who have spread over the country since. But wherever you meet them you find the


The Argentine looked

terest as he



They have

old characteristics have stuck to them.


ingood form, politeness, wit, intelligence known dependence of manner of their ancestors. I have not an Argentine of this stock, rich or poor, that was dull, [Their manners and mawkish, mean-spirited or slovenly. customs have greatly influenced the manners and ways of the children and descendants of foreign settlers, and mostly for the better. ,The old criollo pride and care for the neat-




ness of his person, according to his notions, shov/ themI have often selves in almost all natives of the country.

been amused for the care with which young men, employed in very ordinary labor work, would redress, comb their hair and brush their clothes, oftentimes poor enough clothes, too, when their day's work was over, even though they had




make nor

callers to receive.



however, need not be taken as an attempt on my part to establish that Buenos Aires is the center of Paradise and
all its

people the children of perfection.

The most



to give a few opinions and experiences which



anyone so inclined to form a fair idea of a great city and a great people at the most interesting period of their

I have not found any criticisms of the Argentine woman worth reproducing. Her sphere in the olden time seems to have been mostly in the home and attending to her charitable and religious duties. She took her stand, however, to good effect on the roof-tops of the city with her patriotic brothers, husbands and sons in the glorious Reconquest and Defense; and the public charities of Buenos Aires, than which there are none in the world more meritorious, have been in her hands for a hundred years. She is second to none in virtue and faithfulness, and in this stands immeasurably higher than her brother who is not usually a husband whose faithfulness can with justice be boasted of. What to a stranger from Northern Europe or the United States seems outrageous rudeness on the part of
the Argentinos

their habit of staring at

young women



Sometimes to the extent of leaning into their faces or turning about and gazing after The girls do not seem to take this impertinence, them. not to use any harsher word, badly, and all ages and conditions of men seem to be alike in indulging the ugly and
meet on the
idiotic practice.


leaders in the Revolutionary days

would appear

to have been almost all strictly religious men, at least in

so far as chuch-going would indicate, and yet comparatively Boys attend church few men go to church nowadays. until they make their first communion, then almost suddenly avoid the place as though it were, not alone of no purpose to go, but positively some serious danger to their well-being. Women of all ages attend their religious duties
fairly well.

The Constitution of the Republic is pretty much on the order of that of the United States, the presidential term, however, being for six years, and the chief city of the nation
The population of the whole being the Federal Capital. country at the time of its independence was about threequarters of a million,
sufficiently touched on the discovery, settlegeography, history and natural resources of the region that has become the Republic of Argentina, to give the reader a general idea of the country and its people, the pages which foUow will be devoted to telling about the coming into tliis land of the Irish, how in serving themselves they have served their adopted country, and as well as the memory of worthy deeds of war and peace have left a strain in the complex Argentine nationality that has given much of good health and energy to the whole body. The historic friendship which existed between the Spanish and Irish peoples was noticeable in many ways in all the Spanish colonies of America, and when these young peoples entered on a national career for themselves that old spirit of the motherland did not change, and in the first generait

has increased some twelvefold since

Having now




no immigrants were so welcome to

tions of this Republic


shores as those

who came from

The govern-

ment, and leading public men, almost without exception, have always treated our people with great consideration and sympathy, and it can be said with all truth, and I say


all pride,

no foreigners

in the land

have ever given

the government less trouble or have served it more loyally than the Irish, and, on the whole, there are no more patriotic

Argentines in

all this

proud nation to-day than are


children and descendants.





Field and His Adventures Men op Irish Names Prisoners from COLONIA AND THE MaLVINAS Dr. MiCHAEL O'GoRMAN FiRST-CoMERS The English Invasions Irish Commerce Shooting of MacKenna.


Irishman who set foot on the shores of what is now Argentina did not come to "seek his fortune," nor did he come in the search of adventure or scientific knowledge as was the case with many in the early days. His purpose was greatly more noble than any of these, for he came as the angels of heaven came long before to Bethlehem to announce glad tidings of great joy to multitudes of mankind whose lives were sad and without hope, and whose spiritual world was all darkness and fear.

If Solis, Cabot and Mendoza, unlike Columbus in his first voyage of discovery, had no Irishmen in their hardy crews, then Thomas Fehily, or Field, of Limerick, was the first Irishman to tread on Argentine soil. In any case the records have no Irish name before this one of the Jesuit missionary. It may here be worth while remarking that the first European to reach America was an Irishman, Saint Brendan, who probably, like Field, was on missionary labor


Field was one of


five members of the Society of Jesus from Brazil, where the Jesuits then had a mission, to














history of the voyage and land journeyings


of these five


men has as much adventure and wonder in be found in most novels and romances.

In 1586, as stated by Dean Funes and Lozano, the latter himself a Jesuit, the Order came into the La Plata provinces from Peru. [They were three priests, and estabThey were so effective in lished themselves in Tucuman, their good work that other members of the Order were sought by the Bishop of ITucuman, and in response to the prelate's appeal five priests were sent from Brazil in the following year, 1587. [They were, as stated by Del Techo,



Juan Saloni, Valenciano; Tomas Fields, Manuel Ortega, and Esteban Grao, Portugeses,
I like to be precise in

and Leonardo Arminio, Italiano.

the nationality

these priests as

some writers I have


consulted give Father Field as a Scotchman. error originated I can only suppose, and this

How my



Lozano, who wrote about the year 1740, speaks

of Fields, as will be seen later on, as a British subject; at a later period Charlevoix calls him a Scot, perhaps fol-

lowing the Continental name under which the Irish were known, especially in the monasteries. Mulhall in his book, "The English in South America," follows Charlevoix, but that is not to be wondered at as he wrote his book, seemingly, to suit the English and the pro-English of Buenos

have occasion to substantiate this statement Others than Mulhall, however, who appear to have depended on Charlevoix for their information in this case, state that Field was a Scotchman, but Del Techo's version leaves no doubt as to the missionAires.


as I proceed with this work.

ary's nationality.

That the name Fehily or Field does not appear

native form of spelling

in the

accounted for by the fact that all the non-Spanish Jesuits in the Spanish Missions had to Spanishize their names; thus we find Lozano writing


Fielde whilst others write

in Paris,

Frenchman, writing
frequently, spells

it Fild. Del Techo, a and from whom Lozano quotes



The voyage

from Brazil to Buenos Aires was anything but prosperous, they having fallen into the hands of the pitiless English pirate. Cavendish, who seems to have treated them with great cruelty, I will give as as described by Lozano and other writers. an example of MulhalPs manner of writing history an The "same extract from his work already mentioned. year," he says at page 77, "that Cavendish made his first descent on Patagonia saw an expedition of a very different

character, consisting of the


Jesuits sent to convert

Paraguay, namely Father Thomas Field, a Scotchman, and Father Manual Ortega, a Portugese: their vessel fell into the hands of English privateers off the Brazilian coast, but the sea-rovers respected their captives, and after sundry So far adventures the latter landed at Buenos Aires."
Mulhall; this is Lozano's account of the way the "searovers respected them"; his book was published in 1745. Notice that the author always speaks of the English as The English ships were two in number and pirates.

mounted cannon; the Portugese ship which bore the Jesuits was a merchant vessel. It was in the mouth of the River Plate and about the end of the year 1586 the enAfter telling of being hailed and counter took place.
boarded, Lozano, V.

1, p. 24,

goes on:

As soon

as the

EngHsh took

possession of the boat, although they

did not ensanguine their swords in the seamen, nor in the other passengers, pardoning them liberally their lives, and treating them with humanity, they showed themselves out-of-the-way cruel against the

defenceless Jesuits,


fury, as


and resolved to sacrifice them as victims to their as on account of the state they professed as for

the end that animated their designs, the propagation of the Catholic

Roman Church.

amongst the Gentiles and converting them to the fold of the Because the knife or the rope would give a more toler-

able death than their natural hatred desired they determined to


more long-drawn-out and painful, exposing them to the rigours of hunger, for which end they threw them on the island of Lobos, which is totally desert, and without anything to sustain life, after having


loaded them with injuries and insults, which were the only provisions

with which they supplied them in their helplessness. But soon reflecting that some happy chance might enable them to evade the extreme risk of perishing, they determined at once to free themselves


this fear, returning

them to the

ship to hang

Desirous, before executing to find

them from a yardsomethmg with which to

and even to

satiate their greed they

began to ransack whatever

luggage the missionaries had, and finding many Agnus Deis, which, by the way, the Pope had blest, they let loose their sacrilegious tongues
in horrid blasphemies against the

supreme head of the Church, and

burlesqued with unspeakable contempt the devotion of the Catholics. Nor did their heretic impiety stop here, but scattering them over
the ship's deck commenced, one more daring than the rest of the
ruffians, to outrage

them with

his vile feet.




could no longer bear the outrage, but at such a sight roused in his zeal for the glory of God and for the reverence which is due to sacred
things, he set to oppose

by act and word the

outrage, reprehending

the impiety of the enemies of the faith, and without thinking of his own risk, caught the sacrilegious one by the foot, saying that he would

not permit before his eyes such an irreligious insult, and he pushed him away from the holy relics. The pirate struggled with Father Ortega and trying with fury to continue his evil extricated himself from his hands; but as with the heat of the wine that had risen to his head, for he had drank overmuch, he could not keep on his feet but fell on the deck, and from a slight wound on the head was bleeding some.

who They gave him terrible blows and some gave him sword cuts, after which taking him in their arms they threw him into the water alive that it might be to him a sepulchre. After him they were about to throw the venerable Father Thomas

Here was the


and madness

of the perverse heretics

attacked wildly with impetuous anger.

Fild^, all the vile

crowd shouting that he was unworthy of


being a

subject of the British Queen, and despising the best of her laws, he
religion, by them forbidden, but had gone so far as to make himself a master of its dogmas amongst the But they suspended so violent an Jesuits, her capital enemies. execution for to couple him in death with Father Ortega, whom, it appearing to them too kindly the death he was about to suffer in the

not alone preferred the Catholic

waves, rescued him resolving to give to him as to the other four some kind of a death more cruel, by the steel files. It was this inconsistency in their resolutions that saved the prisoners whom Providence had
reserved for greater works to his glory in

our province and in others;

for cooling



to the chastisment which

with time the ardor of their furious hate they could advert Heaven executed towards the impious heretic
relics, for

who had

the hardihood to outrage with his feet the sacred

at last, although as a wise moralist said, the Divine



with slow steps to avenge, the delay

gravity of the punishment.


usually recompensed in the


soulless heretic experienced in

the truth of this sentence, for

God having borne so long his herecies,


length his merits in

homocides, his robberies and other similar evildoings he had at an awful chastisment. For in the same foot

down the Agnus Deis there burst out a sore which widening insensibly and spreading its poison little by little over all his body it caused him such excruciating pains that notwithstanding the amputation of the foot as a remedy against the evil it killed him in inside of twenty-four hours, and in the midst of torments
with which he trampled


cries his

unhappy soul was precipitated to the abysms.**

Spanish account for any seeming peculiarities of composition or punctuation. And whatever may be thought of the old clergymen's conclusions, there will, I believe, be no second opinion as to the manner in which the "sea-rovers respected their captives." Field and his companions had many adventures and delays in their land journey. Buenos Aires City was then but a collection of a few dozen houses built around the fortress and inside a deep fosse. It was in its seventh year of existence at the time. The journey inland was started by the Parana, where the missionaries had some








original, written

some 175 years ago, which


new troubles and difficulties. They met accidently the Bishop of Paraguay, escaping from the fury of his flock, somewhere in the lower Parana. At first the fathers went to Cordoba and after a short while there separated. Field and Ortega, the latter being Superior, going to Paraguay.
This Irish priest seems to have been a man of great piety and humility, of most exemplary habits, extraordinary perseverance, and one who had great success in his labors. It is told of him that even in the hottest seasons, through all his day and night toils, in that land where the most




delicious fruits are in abundance, he constantly denied himHe lived to be very old, and self the pleasure of their use.

in his labors

tribes of La Guira, Upper Parafrom his brother Jesuits that separated guay, was so far for long periods. He forgotten was oftentimes his existence over eighty considerably been must have died in 1625 and

amongst the

years of age. Del Techo in his history of the Jesuits reports his death as follows:
" In Asuncion died Father Thomas Fields, one of the first Jesuits to Paraguay. He was born in Limerick, a city of Ireland, Being a youth, to avoid the dangers his father was a Catholic doctor. of heresy and to devote himself to the studies, he went to Belgium and soon after to Rome where he was admitted to the Society by Father Everard Mercurian. Before his novitiate was finished he was sent to Brazil. From Rome he went on foot to Lisbon begging his way. In Brazil he accompanied Father 3os6 Auchieta and witnessed the miracles of this latter. When on the voyage to Tucuman he was made prisoner by the English corsairs in the mouth of the Rio de la

who went


and suffered the insults which in their place we narrated. I add that the pirates, amongst whom were some Irish, treated him

worse than the other Jesuits, for they said that with his pro-religiousness and his zeal to propagate Catholicism, he was a dishonor to his nation, and they went near killing him. He was saved by the mercy of the Lord and was in Tucuman and Paraguay where he baptized


many thousands of Gentiles, and effected what we already know" is, the many great works of the mission as told in earlier chapters
of the work.

by the


story of the conversion of the Paraguayan Indians These is an exceedinglv interesting one.

Indians had a tradition that a holy man once preached Christianity to their remote ancestors, and the old Jesuit
writers would seem to have believed that this apostle was Saint Thomas. The Mexican Indians had a similar tradition
believe that this white

went amongst told them about the truths of Christianity, and who, eastward, promising to return again, was

when the Spaniards


them, and


man who

(the Mexicans)

they said, went Saint Brendan


the Voyager, or some of his fellow-discoverers of the New World. It is strange if he could have reached Paraguay, and stranger still if Saint Thomas could have got there. What a pleasant and useful subject it would be for someone, who has time and means for such things, to inquire into! The Indians say that this good man past from La Guira westward, and there is a road through Bolivia which they call after him. In Asuncion there is a rock on which is what appears to be the print of man's feet and here is where they say "Pay Zume" stood while preaching to the people. In Bolivia and Peru there were more or less similar traditions. The Jesuits found a peculiar reverence amongst the Indians for the Cross, and Prescott tells that the Spaniards who went to Mexico with Cortes often met with evidences of the same feelings amongst the aborigines of

that country.
It is mentioned in the "Memorias de Vertiz" that Torres Vera was Adelantado, a sort of temporary Viceroy, in 1588, and that in dividing the Indians and their lands in Corrientes he gave lots to, amongst others, Rafael Farel and Diego (James) Gorden. No doubt both adventurers were Spanish subjects, but quite likely of Irish birth or parentage, the names surely point to such an origin. If Irish they run Field pretty closely for the honor of being the first of our nation to establish themselves in the Plate country. The Mulhalls, who were very fond of making a kind of jokes about the Irish origin of many Argentine names, had it that the common Argentine name, Varella, was only a Spanishized form of Farrell; their humor in this case may have been an exemplification, in a way, of the truth of the saying that many a truth is told in jest. It was easy at the time under notice for Irishmen to become Spanish citizens or subjects. The Irish princes and chieftains were in a deadly struggle with Spain's enemy, England, and the closest possible alliance was aimed at and hoped for in both countries, but especially in Ireland. Alas, as much almost for Spain as for Ireland, that it

failed to




been effected and siifficient assistance given to Ireland to establish and maintain for a few generations her independence her horrible martyrdom for the last three hundred years would have been avoided, the English dominions to-day would be, probably, no more than the Dutch or Danish ones, and Spain would be one

come about!



of the first nations of the world!

And now

jump from

the date of Field's death, in 1625, to the defeat of the During English under MacNamara at Colonia in 1763. the interval no doubt some Irish found their way to the

provinces of Spain, but they came as priests in the Jesuit, Franciscan or Dominican Orders, or as soldiers Thus we or other officials of the Spanish Government.

La Plata

meet such names as Porcell, Ennis, Machony, Smith, amongst the missionaries and Murphy, O'Hara, Corr, O'Donel in military or other official capacities. The Portugese established in the early days of La Plata colonization a settlement on the right bank of the great river at a point which they called Colonia du Sacramento. The place is now known as Colonia, and is an important [The Spaniards claimed city of the Republic of Uruguay. They in due time all that territory by right of discovery. expelled the Portugese from this new settlement and were It was in an expediin turn expelled by the Portugese. tion with the alleged purpose of restoring Colonia to the Portugese that the MacNamara squadron entered the Plate in the year 1762, month of December. The Spaniards of Buenos Aires went to the assistance of their brothers across the river and inflicted a crushing defeat on the English. McNamara lost his life, as already mentioned, but the battle only interests me here because amongst the prisoners taken were many men of Irish names, who were sent to the interior, chiefly to Mcndoza and Cordoba. The Mulhalls mention many prominent Argentines of their time who were descended from these prisoners, but their books have a number of inaccuracies and I do not think they took very much pains to find out to what extent descendants of these


men could be found

Cordoba and Mendoza when they

After the battle of Egmont, Malvina Islands, a treaty was entered into by which the prisoners taken there and at Colonia were given up to England. It is certain, however, that some of them preferred to remain in their new homes, for Mitr<* in his "Life of San Martin," V. 1, p. iS9, gives the names of several families in Mendoza in 1815, descended from these prisoners. English prisoners taken in the invasion of 1806 were also held there until the treaty made with Whitelocke in the year following, and not unlikely some of these captives, also, became settlers in the new land where they were so kindly treated. Mitre writing of San Martin's efforts as Governor of Cuyo to raise an army for the invasion and liberation of Chili and Peru, says "He stimulated the neutral strangers to enlist, and the English residents were the first to respond to this call. They sought to form, at their own cost, a

company of light troops (casadores) with the right to name their own officers, declaring that, 'grateful for the good hospitality and full of enthusiasm for the rights of

man, they could not

see with indifference the risks that threatened the country, and they were ready to take up arms and shed their last drop of blood, if it were necessary, in its defence.' " He goes on "It is curious to record the

names of the English residents



at that time,

who signed

some of whom have left descendants in the Argentine Republic and in Chili. Here they are: Samuel Chonk, Robert Barron, Juan Mass, Santiago de Lindsay, Juan Makechen, Jorge Crafourd, John Heffermon, William McGregor, Daniel Ferguson, W. Malahan, B. Tuckerman, Thomas Knight, Samuel Enocoser (sic), Timote Linch, Hector McNeil, Thomas Martin, John P. Miller, Thomas Bradshaw, William Holmes, John Fleming, Edward Laford, James Mermon, Robert Smith, Jorge Row, Samuel Puch, Samuel Wise, Jorge Gillespie, John Trast, Juan Brown, John Brown (other), William Forbes,



Juan Young, Thomas Appleby, Juan Hefferson, Thomas Hoghes, Samuel Knowles, Juan Rodriguez, Pedro Ayers, Guillermo Hely, Pedro Smith, Jorge Milhan, Juan Humphrey, Juan Ameres, Jose Androsfh, Guillermo Carr, Daniel MacEchan, Jorge Collins, Roberto Johnston, Jacob Brownsen, Julian Malahan, Juan Bautista MacEachen, Thomas Hoghes Benitez, Manuel M. Gockes, Santiago
Fernandez." It will be seen that among these names which Mitre calls English (ingleses), there are many Irish and Scotch. For inIt is clear that many of them are badly spelt. stance, Heffermon is surely, if spelt properly, Heffernan; Hefferson is almost Malahan is probably Manahan. exactly the way Jefferson would be pronounced in Spanish. Hoghes must be Hughes; MacEchen and MacEachan are likely to be brothers and probably MacGeoghegans. This latter name, as we now spell it, is to a Spaniard almost impossible of pronunciation. The Christian names such as Bautista, Manuel, Jorge, etc., would suggest that some of these "English" were born in Mcndoza, and so must have been sons of men captured in Colonia or at the Malvinas, fifty and forty years previous to the date at which they
figure in Mitre's book. The reference to the hospitality with which they were treated, and the wish to have their own officers, men whom they could understand, would be evidence that they were not long in the country, and would suggest that a majority of them arrived in the time of the Beresford attack on Buenos Aires. Be all this as it may,

there is one thing quite clear, and that one thing is, that from 1763 there were some dozens of Irish-born men in the provinces of Mendoza and Cordoba. A few men who have

prominence in the Republic are, it is said, traceable to these prisoners, but the bulk of their descendants have so mingled with the native stock of the country that
risen to

even their names are scarcely idiscernible now. They cannot, of course, be considered as of the Irish colony in the sense that the Irish immigrants and their descendants are.



but no record of our people here could have any just claim to a reasonable degree of completeness and ignore them altogether.

Fifteen years after

battle of


defeat off Colonia, and

eight years after the capture of the English forces in the

Egmont, Malvina Islands, June 10, 1770, another Irish name comes into great prominence in the records of Buenos Aires. This remarkable man does not come as a
missionary, a pirate, a prisoner or an immigrant, but as a man of rare learning and scientific skill, with a great and

important work to perform, and with the Spanish King's This man was full confidence that he will perform it well. Dr. Michael O'Gorman, chief physician of the famous expedition which brought Buenos Aires its first Viceroy, General Ceballos. Gutierrez in his Argentine History sa3''s: "Dr. Michael O'Gorman is considered by some people as the founder of the Medical School of Buenos Aires, and he was the first Protomedicato the country had." Vertiz, who was Governor of Buenos Aires at the time the expedition with the Viceroy arrived, and who became the second Viceroy of La Plata, writes of O'Gorman: "He was ordered to remain in La Plata to regulate the hospitals and economize their costs." On December 3, 1778, Don Jose Galves, one of the ministers of government wrote of the Protomedicato: "By agreement of your honor and that of the Viceroy this subject has remained here for the present for the arrangement
of the hospitals and to correct the abuses notorious




and surgery. His Majesty approves that it may so be effected, and desires, for this reason, you regulate and contribute any help of costs for this work and while he remains charged with this commission." A royal order of September 18, 1779, creates him Protomedicato and Professor of Medicine in the new
in the professors of medicine

Academy of Medicine.

This establishment seems not to have been opened until the following year. In those days it took a long time to get from Spain to the Plate, and yre





can well imagine from the irregularity with which ships

and the time it and would pass should months some that order, in preparations other before the founding ceremony could take place; anyhow, At the openit was in 1780 the institution was first opened. perhaps Latin speech, in ing O'Gorman delivered a notable the reto meet well sufficiently he did not know Spanish became he From that on quirements of the occasion. meet shall Aires, and we prominent in the life of Buenos seems to him again as we go along. After some years he have to have separated from the actual military service and become a sort of director of medical and sanitary affairs in general. It will be worth noticing that just at the time O'Gorman came, 1778, Vertiz had a census made of the city and of the province, as far as Spanish colonization extended, which census gave the following result, within the city: 15,719 Spaniards, 544 Indians, 674 Mestizos (bred from Spanish father and Indian mother), 3153 Mulattos (bred from negro and white parents) and 4115 negroes, mostly slaves. Thus the city had some 24,000 inhabitants. The province, or country outside, under Spanish sway, was comprised within a line which might be drawn from the seashore across to Chascomus, by Monte, to Lujan, to San
sailed, the slowness of the rate of speed,

take, even at the present day, to get buildings

Antonio de Areco, thence to within a few leagues of the Parana, and northward, at this distance from the river, to The Fortin, now Carmen de Areco, include San Nicolas. Salto, Rojas and Pergamino were known, as also Melincue, but only as military posts on the road to Cordoba, and even as such were not always able to keep the wild men in All this district was given in the census aforesaid check.

making a total for city some 37,000. It will be noticed that there are no foreigners included, although there must have been some in the city at the time as the English had their slave market and slave dealers at Retiro at this time. I suppose, however, they were not regarded as of the popuas having a population of 13,000;

and country

districts of




which under the circumstance? was a correct view

to take of them, for they were there as an unwelcome garrison, a mere agency of this English traffic, or as they and
their friends were probably calling

at the time:




it is

and evangelism."

Apart from

such as these

quite certain that other foreigners in

the city had become Spanish subjects before leaving the

There were French, Italian and Irish born people in the city at the time, as for instance, the fathers
of Belgrano and Pueyrredon were Italian and French re-


The mother

of the latter, Rita

Dogan, being

the daughter of an Irishman.

About the year 1798 an English ship was wrecked on

the shores of Patagonia, amongst the crew were some Irish.



Indians into whose hands the unkindly

the Spanish authorities

elements had thrown the survivors of the wreck in due time

delivered them

up to

and they found


to Buenos Aires.


writers have pointed out

that because they were Catholics the authorities treated

them humanely, which would suggest that were they other than Catholics things might have gone rather bad with English and pro-English writers never fail to emthem. phasize this point, and in doing so are not alone unfair but most ungrateful. Anyone who will read the story of the sackings and burnings of the Spanish- American ports and cities for centuries by the English and consider how Beresford's and Whitelocke's men, not to go back to earlier epochs, were treated by the victors here in Buenos Aires, will understand how far from the truth, and how unscrupulously malicious the suggestion is. One of the wrecked navigators was Thomas Craig, then about twenty years of age, he remained in Buenos Aires and did his part in recovering the city from the English in 1806; he was also in the defense against Whitelocke, a year later, and attained to some rank in the patriot army. He married later on a Miss Donovan and lived to be a very old man, 84 years,
dying in 1863.


used to



he, the ship's carpenter





and two other sailors escaped to an island whereon, from wreckage and other materials, they formed a raft which floated them successfully to the main land. They were then but two, however, the other sailor having died on the island. At Buenos Aires they were kept for some time in confinement, but long before the Enghsh invasion he and his comrade were free men. As well as helping to repel the invaders he served with distinction under his fellow-Mayoman, Brown, against Spain and Brazil. He had the title of Captain and a pension in accordance with that rank from For many years before his the Argentine Government.

death he was the foreign-born citizen of longest residence From about the time of Craig's coming we in the city. begin to find Irish names with increasing frequency in the various registers, rolls and notices which go to make up
the political, military and social records of the rapidly ris-

ing city.

Craig and his comrade, whose name I have not

been able to get, although coming to Buenos Aires by mere accident, may be considered the first Irishmen who settled in the country to make a living by the work of their hands. Just at this time, 1800, the name of another O'Gorman meets us, whose family was destined to fill no small place
the political and social life of the Argentine capital. This O'Gorman, Thomas by name, came from France and married a daughter of Madame Perichon, who like so many of her countrymen and countrywomen, was a political O'Gorman seems to have been a man of affairs, for exile. he soon established a considerable shipping business, mostly of a contraband nature. At tliis time the import and export trade of the country was to a great extent in the hands of smugglers, the custom authorities being either in league with the smugglers or utterly incapable of discharging the Don Tomas made money fast, duties imposed upon them. but his French connections could spend it at a much more rapid rate it would seem. He had a brother in London iii commercial life, and on a certain occasion he dispatched a couple of ships laden with raw products to this brother.


following them himself in a faster vessel.



his arrival

in England he got into great difficulties about the shipments and they were seized by the authorities. Delay and disappointment were weighing heavily upon him in London when the news came of his wife's unfaithfulness. He soon after retired to Spain where he became somewhat deranged and ended his days in poverty and alone. Mrs. O'Gorman's relations with Liniers, the hero of the Conquest and Defense, were the scandal of Buenos Aires for many a day and had not a little to do with the after unpopularity and downfall O'Gorman's of the brave but unfortunate Frenchman. house was at 77 calle Paz, now Reconquista, between Sarmiento and Corrientes there was but one number to each house at the time. Mrs. O'Gorman's name was Ana and one of the many terms of opprobrium used against her for her misconduct with the Captain was that of "Ana Boleyn." Gutierrez has much to say on this subject. In June, 1802, Maria Isabel Dogan, widow of A. del Rincon had a house advertised in the "Telegrafo Mercantil," first newspaper of Buenos Aires, for sale. In August of the same year Hugh Macoy has a notice in the same paper

to the effect that he will sell out all his stock of woolens

and hardware cheap, as he must return to Europe at once. In November, 1803, Dr. O'Gorman presided at a meeting of the Medical Academy and certified the fitness of various doctors to practice their professions, amongst them one Dr. David Reid. In the same year a sort of official directory of the city gives Don Justo Linch as Royal Accountant, Dr. Michael O'Gorman as Protomedicato and Captain Michael O'Rian as at the head of the Provincial Militia of the district of Maldonado. He had, in officers and men, one hundred under his command, and considering the place and the kind of people he had to keep in order, and not forgetting the time of his incumbency, I have no doubt Don Miguel had plenty to do for his one hundred
men. Patrick O'Gorman passed his general examination in Sari





Carlos College in 1805. This young man must have been a son of the Protomedicato. In the same year the Protomedicato, himself, edited the instructions which the medical
practitioners should follow in the operation of inoculating with vaccine, thus, as the chronicler relates, doing a great
service to the country

un gran

servicio al pais.

When the English invaded Buenos Aires in 1806 there were many Irishmen in their ranks unwillingly a great

many of them, perhaps the majority of them. At that time, and for some years before and after, it was the common usage with the English Government and military authorities to seize young Irishmen, against whom any
charge, political or otherwise could be proved, and these same authorities had the deciding of when these charges

were or were not proved, and condemn them to terms of

service in either

branch of the military


Thus num-

bers of young Irishmen were forced into the army and

Navy, and particularly the latter, against their will. It was this practice by England of seizing Irishmen that was largely the cause of the war between England and the
United States in 1812.

The English claiming

the right to

overhaul American ships on the high seas and to ';arry away any of the crew or passengers born under the English

for she then, and for


years afterwards, where

able to


her claim respected, held to the principle of,

an English subject once, an English subject forever. Thus in the forces which invaded Buenos Aires in 1806 there were
numbers of Irishmen who yearned for the opportunity to escape from a bondage so cruel and so hated. Beresford having taken the city with such ease, owing wholly to the cowardice of the Spanish Viceroy, Sobremonte, who ran away with the best of the army to Cordoba, hardly waiting
for the first shot to be fired, believed, true Englishman-like,

that the people of Buenos Aires were really glad of his coming to be their master; and, no doubt, there were some
of a sufficiently slavish or traitorous breed to give him,
their sycophantic adulations


their readiness to

by fawn





on him and his officers, some reason for this belief, and to lead him to think that he was popular with the people. Englishmen, in general, feel that they are very superior beings, and that all the world ought to like and admire them, but when they find out their mistake, and that the opposite to what they believed is the real fact, they blame this on the ^'treachery" and "deceit" of the people whom Beresford was a perfect they so snobbishly misjudged. Englishman who feels and acts thus, and, of type of the honor as Englishmen in tricky wanting and in course, as The unthemselves. have always shown similar position favor from Liniers manner which he obtained soldierly in a and then used this favor for his own good against the generous Frenchman, as well as the dishonorable manner of his flight to Montevideo, reminds one of countless similar episodes in the history of England's conquests, especially Having established himself in Buenos Aires he in Ireland. gave orders to his men to mix freely with the citizens of This mixing, he felt, would enable the the seized city.






foreigners, called Spaniards then, to see of

were, by what a superior

order the English were. He and his officers mingled in very friendly fashion with the society element, and he lost no time in introducing Freemasonry, establishing a lodge at
once, some of che members of which, Pena, Padilla and Lima, soon afterwards betrayed their country to him, and were paid the price of their treachery by the English Government in life pensions. During these days of enjoyment and success for the English, two things were happening, which when they came to the notice of the victors, put a sudden stop to the enjoyment and began to make the success look anything but hopeful of permanency. The "Spaniards" inside and outside the city were busy organizing for its recapture and the expulsion from their country of the so-much-to-be-admired and beloved superior personages who had vouchsafed to come amongst them. A good many of their own English

soldiers were


having their throats cut in the taverns and lanes of the town by patriotic criollos of the less formal and distinguished order of society, while a larger number still, made up of their Irish bondsmen were escaping to the
outskirts of the city,




cases joining the forces

Amongst that were being organized for the reconquest. the joining who these latter was one, Michael Skennon, prisoner, patriots under Pueyrredon fought, and was made Perdriel where this in the first battle of the Reconquest. battle was fought is not far from what is now La Paternal
Railroad Station. Beresford hearing of the preparations marched out from the Fort on the night of the 31st of July. On the following morning he came in contact with Pueyrredon's men and the battle was at once commenced. The English were gaining in a frontal attack; Pueyrredon charged them on the flank with his raw cavalry and while staggering the column for a moment narrowly escaped falling into the hands of the enemy, his horse having been killed under him. Skennon had charge of a cannon and although his comrades had fallen back, whether under orders or in panic is uncertain, he remained firing on the enemy, utterly reckless of the The gun was rushed, he fell prisoner, and consequences. strapped on a gun carriage he was taken into the city and shot in front of the fort. His execution must have taken place about where the statue of Belgrano now stands. Mitre, who tells the story in his "Life of Belgrano," seems to think it was a great concession on the part of Beresford that he allowed him to be attended in his last moments by a minister of his own religion, and indeed, this, too, in the face of the fact that his proclamation of religious liberty was posted up all over the city a few days He adds: "He fought for his Catholic faith previously. against the heretic English side by side with the Argentines." Mitre was, I believe, only about twenty years of age when he wrote this, his knowledge of world politics at the time could not have been very great, and he need not be too




hardly judged for the view he takes of Skennon's purpose. is a very erroneous view, however, as will be seen presently. If Skennon and his fellows did not hate the English and grasp the first opportunity to escape from the captivity in which they were held, and do what in their power lay to assure their new freedom by the destruction of their cruel captors, they would be less than human. The many thousands of Irishmen who fought with all the strength of their bodies and all the fervor of their souls side by side with their non-Catholic comrades under Washington against England were not fighting for their Catholic faith against the heretic, but for human freedom and against the enemy of their native country and of the country in which they were fighting. Skennon was comforted in his last moments

by the

sibly because the English

ministrations of the Bishop of Buenos Aires, poswould allow no less a dignitary

it may be that he understood English, and was on this account the most capable to perform the solemn duties of the occasion. Skennon is probably the first non-Spanish foreigner who fell in defense

of the Church within their lines, or

of the liberty of Buenos Aires.

public comm.emoration,
after Garibaldi

if it

He ought to have some were only the calling of a street

after him, especially so since

we see public places called actually fought against the country. Several comrades of Skennon took part in the Recon-


quest, or at least joined the Argentines.


movement among the Irish



sailors that

So strong was when

discovered Beresford at once issued an order forbidding the Irishmen in his forces to leave barracks. But the order came a little late, for already a goodly number had effected
their escape,

and were under the protection of the Spanish

.This is the date of the first considerable influx of Irish into the citizenship of Buenos Aires; but as there

were no Irish women then in the country it is fairly certain that but few of them married. ,The stirring times of the second invasion which took place a year later, and the
Revolution with


years of warfare which soon after



followed tHese exciting events attracted many of the refugees, so that few of them founded famihes and it is not easy

to-day to meet with anyone who will trace his origin to those of our race who came thus strangely, but honorably, to Argentina's hospitable shores. Before proceeding to consider the effect the second

English invasion, in 1807, had upon Irish colonization in Buenos Aires, it is worthy of mention that Charles O'Donnell commenced in this year giving military instructions This Don Carlos will be heard from again in in Cordoba.
the educational line.

But eleven months had gone by from the Reconquest when another attempt, and one that proved more disastrous than the previous one, was made by England to seize Buenos Aires and thus possess herself of Spain's La Plata provinces. Some historians, for reasons difficult to understand, if wholly free from mercenary motives, try to popularize the belief that England had no purpose in her two last attempts to seize Buenos Aires, save those of friendliness towards the Spanish colonists and the opening up of the country to the trade of the world. But this proposition does not look so well when inquiry is made into trade relations and conditions in the Plata ports in those days, and when it is
seen that the English General, Whitelocke, gets the enor-

mous salary of twelve thousand pounds a year and the high sounding title of Governor General of South America. It will not be amiss here to mention that it was for purposes of trade and the "opening up of the country" that England went first to India, she is there still, and we have been hearing ever since her getting in there of periodical famines and shootings of patriotic Indians. No doubt there can be got Indians who will write that her coming to their country was a great blessing to it! "Trade" is a handy
imperialistic or piratical term, if

you succeed it matters little under what name, if you fail, well it was only a bit of a business matter, anyhow. In this second expedition there were many officers anH


of Irish birth.


the 88th


One whole regiment was purely Irish, Rangers. The English commanders

must have had deep fears of the loyalty of these men, and must have felt that most of them were, or ought to
have been Skennons, for they sent the unfortunate fellows into the conflict with rifles and ammunition, but refused them the flints wherewith to fire the pieces. Even the flag of the regiment was held at headquarters instead of being unfurled above the front rank. Duif, the regiment's first officer, said he left it in the rear, feeling beforehand what The men were formed in two was going to happen. columns, the one under Col. Duff, the other under Vandeleur; the first marched down what is now Bartolome Mitre, the other taking calle Sarmiento for its route. Duff lost half his men before he reached San Miguel church, where there was a strong barricade; he tried to break into this church but failed and took refuge with his men in a house close by, and surrendered. Vandeleur's section got on some seven hundred and fifty yards further and were reduced to a little over two hundred when they surrendered. Many of the wounded were taken care of, most kindly, by the householders along the streets where they fell, and no doubt the fact of their being CathoKcs and countrymen of Skennon and his fellow refugees of the previous year militated a good deal in their favor. When the count of killed, wounded and missing was made there were two hundred and eight under the latter heading, and I think we may safely conclude that a large majority of these, if not all, were So that there must have been a considerable Irishmen. number of our countrymen in the city when the Revolution


was accomplished.

In 1810 we begin to find advertisements and business notices in the newspaper, the only one then in Buenos Aires, "Correo de Comercio" (Commercial Post). Here is one such advertisement that I believe will be interesting in two ways; it is published on the 7th of April, 1810, and is to the effect that Marcos Riley, Captain of a Spanish ship,



from Buenos Aires with a mixed cargo in which were So that there was something of a wool of wool. business being done in 1810 and a man with a SpanishIrish name was a party to it. Dr. O'Gorman figures again
five bales

in the public eye this year.

letter to the

He writes a very encouraging Protector of the Public Library, and in terms which show him to be a man of the most enlightened ideas; he also contributes a donation of very important and valuable books to the institution. An advertisement in the "Correo" for December ISth, says he, the Doctor has an American coach of luxury for sale, and that he lives in Santo Domingo Street, now Belgrano, three and a half
squares out.

A couple of advertisements met with in the "Correo" about this time, although in no way relating to the subject of this book, will be worth quoting as throwing a little ray of light on an almost forgotten phase of Buenos Aires social life in the dying days of the old regime and first dawn of the new era. November 7th, 1810: "Senor Juan de Lafranca sells two negro women, one of them with a baby, in S80 pesos, free of conveyance, and the other, without certificate, for 300 pesos. The one with the baby will be about twenty-six years of age, and the other about twenty years of age. Whoever may want to buy them can call on their owner, the aforesaid Lafranca; he lives in Torres St., in front of the drug store, behind San Miguel." In another issue of the same paper a widow Funes offers for sale a "servant maid of twenty years of age, with milk." Advertisements like these, and of and for wet nurses were very common in this old paper. As there was always, from the remotest times, a considerable trade between Spain and the West and South of Ireland it is natural to suppose that this intercourse extended to the Spanish- American countries. As a matter of fact ships came and went between Irish ports and those of Spanish-America quite commonly in the latter decades of the 18th century, and the "Exile from Mayo," at an earlier



date still, laments "on the deck of Patrick Lynch's boat" to have to be going to "leave his bones in Santa Cruz far from his own Mayo." Irish commerce was then, however,

more with Mexico and the West Indies than with the lower South American ports. But Munster and Connact harbors were not the only ones from which Irish trading ships
sailed to the countries of the romantic

Spanish Main.


the fateful and glorious day on which the people of Buenos Aires broke forever with Spanish rule. May 25th, 1810, a ship "La Esperanza," commanded by Captain John Stewart, sailed from Belfast, arriving at Buenos Aires on August 27th of the same year, with, according to the "Correo de Comercio," the following items in its cargo: Cotton goods,

delph-ware, a piano, a monochord, five boxes of hats, five boxes of cotton-britains, five boxes of cotton-linen, one hundred and twelve pipes of alcohol, a box of saddles, a coach, seven boxes of articles for private use, one box do., two boxes of thread, one box of linen thread, one leather

pouch, thirty tons of coal, fourteen tons of iron, one ton of iron hoops, nine-and-a-half tons of iron pots ; all conThe saladera business signed to Miguel Antonio Saenz.

had already been in progress and Robert Staples started in the business on his own account in September of this year at the Ensenada of Barrigan. When the General Congress met. May 22, 1810, to decide whether or not they should depose the Spanish Viceroy, Cisneros, one of the members was Don Justo Pastor Linch, Administrator of the Royal Customs, and he voted
not to wholly depose the Viceroy. Next year there is a new newspaper, "La Gazeta," and here are a couple of interesting items from it, although they are somewhat outside my range: Under date of September

John MacKenna signs in Chili the document which was, practically, the declaration of independence of that country. Writing from Lima under date of October 3,

1811, Brigadier Fleming speaks thus of England's double"It would, therefore, be an absolute contradiction



hand the
interests of

to sustain with one




and destroy them with the other hand in America, thus reducing her power and strength to fight the common enemy"

Fleming strengthens


argument as to EngUsh

duplicity by explaining that he knows the English so well for being an "individuo britanico," a British subject, of
course, an Irishman.

How wisely he wrote will be proved diplomatic dealings with the England's by a study of early days of the Revolution the In Argentine patriots. encouragement and word-ofunofficial much she gave them had obtained from them for her she mouth sympathy until Plate ports. In due time with the free trade "services" Argentina that of rising and seemed to be Spain's star policy was fixed to at once England's bright; none too informed was promptly circumstances and Spain suit the that if she confirmed England's trade privileges now established in the Plate, she, England, would bind herself not to supply the patriots with any more war materials. Strangford, who pretended to be very friendly with the Revolutionaries, while the trade arrangements were being worked up, was then England's representative at Rio de Janeiro, where the patriots had also a representative, but a change of policy being now necessary, a change of ministers was the easiest way of saving appearances. Strangford was recalled, and the new minister. Chamberlain, came with orders not to "disturb the operations of His Catholic Majesty's troops against his rebellious vassals." Garcia, the agent of the Buenos Aires patriots in Rio at the time, wrote them: "But let me repeat for the thousandth time the independence of America is not Great Britain's wish" This may seem something of a (Lopez, V. 6, p. 159). digression from the path I have proposed to lead my readers along, but will be found to be interesting and useful as showing how correctly Fleming judged, and also on what unsound bases the fabric of "English assistance" in the founding of South American independence is built up. Writers, English and Argentine, have gone suspiciously out



of their way to make it appear that England was the great friend of the patriot cause in Argentina, while the opposite Thus that Irish-Argentines may not is really the truth.

be misled by such writers I shall have to touch on matters of this kind once in a while. May, 1812, the "Gazeta" reports Mrs. Mariana and Mrs. Catalina Linch as receiving grants from the authorities of

Buenos Aires.

There must have been a great de-

mand for iron pots in the country in revolutionary days, for in May of this year I find that the "Zephir" arrived from Belfast with 688 of them; she had also ten tons of
coal, three boxes of barrel-staves,
rels of wine.



two carts and two barPatrick Linch dispatched month same

an American schooner, George T. Mackey, captain, with a general cargo. Don Patricio would seem to be some way specially connected with the United States, and one of the


families of this country, at the present

There were probably two Lynch families then in Buenos Aires, one Irish-Spanish and the other Irish-American, or Irish-Mexican;^ there was also Timote Lynch, the son of the prisoner of war, in Mendoza. In this same month and year there is a list of subscribers to a patriotic fund in which the name of Benito Lynch figures for four doUars. There must at this time have been a large agriculture and milling industry carried on in the vicinity of the capital, for I find that both flour and wheat were being exported. Patrick Lynch figures in June as receiving an American ship from Philadelphia with goods consigned to him. A couple of months later the "Favourite," under command of Capt. Everard arrived from Dublin, but her cargo is not
time, claim to be of Irish-American descent.

The Provisional Government

issued a decree in Septem-

1 Lavelle's song, " The Exile from Mayo," written about the middle of the 18th century, laments the fate of its subject, who is sailing " on the deck of Patrick Lynch's boat " from Mayo to leave his bones in Santa Crijz. Possibly thefsame Lynches; they are in the sapip business, anyhow.




ber, 1812, allowing strangers to


consignments whole-

and to attend to the discharge and embarkment of cargoes. From this it can be seen that Patrick Lynch was

a native of the country, as he was already long in that and the naturalized citizens, Winton and Miller, in these transactions are always termed "citizen," but no
such qualifying epithet is attached to Don Patricio's name. saladera established by Staples two years before was MacNeile advertised for sale by Staples and MacNeile. was a Scotchman, the saladera was in Ensenada. In a list


patriotic subscribers from Cordoba published in the "Gazeta" there is no more Irish looking name than Escot; most likely the son of some one of MacNamara's men whose name was Scott, but whether Irish, Scotch or EngAmongst the numerous promotions lish does not appear. in the national army, gazetted in December, 1813, is the name of Francis Lynch to the grade of 2nd lieutenant. In a list of contributors to a fund for the maintenance of the widows and orphans resulting from the battle of Salta MacNeile, Macare to be found the following names Farlane, MacPhial, Darby, Maclnnon, Dillon and Brown. They were merchants of Buenos Aires, and I believe, with the exception of Dillon, all Scotch. At that time the Scotch were the most prominent business men in the city. There



another interesting list of subscribers published this year, that of contributors of horses to the national army. It includes, probably, all the stock-raisers within convenient
reach of the capital, but there

is no Irish name on it, nor, any other non-Spanish name, from which it would seem that no outlanders had established themselves as yet beyond the city limits. With the recording of a most lamentable tragedy I will close this chapter. MacKenna, the Chilian patriot, came on a mission from his country to the Buenos Aires Government. The ill-starred Carrera family of that country had some quarrel with him previous to his leaving on said mission, as they had with O'Higgins and many of the other




After the defeat at Rancagua the brothers

from Chili, and while in Buenos Aires, one of the younger of them renewed the old controversy with MacKenna and in a duel shot the brilliant Irish-Chilian who had already made so honorable a name for himself. The three Carrera brothers were some years later executed in Mendoza for various acts of treason to Argentina. They were jealous, unscrupulous and vengeful, but their story is an extremely
sad one.




Michael Davitt, the son a Mayo peasant, and was bom on June 22nd, 1777, at Foxford. Whether eviction drove him, like Davitt, from his native fields is not recorded, but his father took him to the United States when he was nine years of age, and some three years after America, at the end of eight years of a tremendous struggle, had estabIt is stated that Brown's father lished her independence. had a friend in Pennsylvania and that to this friend he made his way with his family, when he reached the American shore. Very soon after the arrival of the immigrants

the friend died, from yellow fever, as did also the elder Brown. William was now an orphan, his people were in poor circumstances, and he, by this time, probably ten or eleven years old, took service on a coastwise trading ship as cabin boy, or as it meant on such craft, servant of all work to the skipper. He evidently had a bent for the sea and stuck to it from that on. He sailed to many parts of the world as the years went by, and while engaged on an English ship was made prisoner by the French, then at war with England. He was imprisoned in the fortress of Verdun, now being battered to ruins by the German cannon, from which he made his escape, but was rearrested and lodged in Metz, then a French stronghold. From this place, too, he contrived to effect his escape and succeeded in reaching Germany. The tale Mulhall tells about the Grand Duchess of Wiirtemburg, "who was an English princess," interesting herself in his adventures and befriending him and his com-

rade in misfortune so generously,





I have been

able to find out on the matter,


mere romancing. A couple of distressed and obscure fugitive sailors do not usually find Grand Duchesses so accessible and hospitable. But this was Mulhall's way. He never fails to avail himself of an opportunity to bring his countrymen under some obligation to their enemies, and to show the world what good, kindly people these enemies are, I am afraid he does not

when the bare he wants them. He was, however, a personal acquaintance of Mrs. Brown and may have got some facts from her that others had not access to. Brown made his first trip to the River Plate in the year 1809. Two years later he returned again to Buenos Aires. The La Plata provinces had rebelled against being govhesitate to indulge in a little imagination

do not


in as

erned from Spain, although they had not yet declared their independence of the mother country; so far they had only

been fighting for what we have latterly come to know as home rule, nevertheless, it was war to the death between the Spanish forces and the insurgent colonists. Buenos Aires

and the country inside to the extent, roughly speaking, of what is at present the Argentine Republic was in the power of the patriots, although on the western and northern frontiers, now Chili and Bolivia, respectively, the Royalists were in large force and quite confident of the reconquest of all the rebelled territory to the east and south, even to the city of Buenos Aires, which was the heart and soul and
right arm of the revolutionary struggle. But although for hundreds of leagues landwards not a shred of Spanish

authority remained, eastward, within sight of the fortress

of Buenos Aires, Spanish warships rode defiantly on the

yellow bosom of the great river.

Montevideo was still a stronghold of Spain and was, as might be expected, being used as a base of operations against the armed colonists

on the opposite bank of the river. Buenos Aires was blockaded and all sea-borne trade with the place forbidden. This was the condition Brown found himself face to face with when he arrived off Montevideo, in his ship "Eloisa"

in 1811.


He had

doubly valuable

a valuable cargo which he knew would be he once got it beyond the blockade lines. Sailing close to the south shore of the great estuary, with

his ship

by the not over vigilant blockaders, went aground and became a wreck. He saved some of the cargo, getting it ashore with such little damage as permitted its sale, and with the aid of an American, one William P. White,^ disposed of the goods to such advantage as enabled him to buy another ship, a schooner, which he With this ship Brown and White called the "Industria." sought to establish something in the nature of a coastwise trade; the Spaniards, however, seized the ship and the enterprise failed. This misfortune, seemingly so disastrous to Brown's business prospects, was the event which his indomitable grit made the deciding factor and happy chance of all his glorious career. He had great faith in himself, his courage was infinite, and he was possessed of great commonsense; but he had another little quality which on this occasion prompted him to the deed which was the "open Sesame" to fame for himself, and to what was to him of greater satisfaction still, of service beyond measure to the country of his adoption, and to the cause of human progress. This little quality it would not be just to call a desire for revenge, although something not far from it. But Brown's, as he many a time proved, was a nature utterly above
the hope of slipping

any such unworthy




had, however, what I


a passion for getting even with anyone


who gave him

rather a

the worst of the game, or for paying back an old score,


the instance under consideration was


virtue than anything

The "Industria" was


the loss might be indemnified, and


to try these ways.

but there were ways in which it was Brown's purpose addition to the indemnity the In
Buenos Aires and was accused of

White figured

in the English invasion of

giving valuable information to the invaders.

of that charge

He managed

to clear


somehow, and stood high at times with the one occasion banished by them.


but wag on



Founder of the Argentine Navy



enterprise might afford the satisfaction of getting square

with the Spaniards who had caused him so much loss and disappointment. He, very likely in conjunction with White, searched the beach resorts and boat-slips along the shore from the Retiro to the Riachuelo and picked up a couple of dozen English-speaking sailors to whom he could ex-

whom he could safely rely. They were Irish, English, Scotch and American; with them he
plain his purpose and on

manned two

little sail-boats,


in the guise of fishermen

beat about until they had got within reach of a Spanish cruiser which had ventured too far away from the fleet.

They immediately grappled with her, boarded her and brought her in triumph to Buenos Aires. In the light of present-day naval equipments, steam, armor-plate, high bulwarks, quick-firing guns and personnels of many hundreds of men to each ship, this seems an impossible feat. But Brown's time was that of the clumsy sail, the low wooden-walls, the slow and uncertain muzzle-loader, and Combatant ships once within crews of a few dozen men. grappling reach of each other, number and daring of the crews counted for everything. Soon after this feat, which was the talk of all the city in a few hours. Brown was engaged by General Alvear, the then head of the Buenos Aires Government, and who was preparing an army and navy for the liberation of Montevideo and all Uruguay. The fleet which Brown was made commander of consisted of three corvettes, two brigs and seven or eight small river boats. Lopez, the Argentine





"the most glorious


South American mariners," as follows:

"The young Irishman, Don Guillermo Brown, counted 37 years when he took command of the little squadron with which Buenos Aires set out to dispute with Spain the dominion of the waters of the Rio de la Plata. His manner, tranquil and pleasing, his countenance cheerful and open, his air, his words, his habits, were exemplarily modest ^nd gentle. He made no requests, nor was he alarmed at



the defects and imperfections of the armament with which he had to solve the supreme question of the moment. On the contrary he showed the plainest confidence in the result,

we would almost say a


childish confidence,

if it

were not that

depths of that soul, apparently so placid, there burned the conviction that the gifts with which nature had endowed him would be sufficient to supply all deficiencies

and enable him to triumph over the enemies he was about

to engage" (Vol. 4, p. 416). Brown received his appointment as


in the

middle of February, 1814, and on March 8th, following, he sailed out from Buenos Aires to his first battle with the Spaniards. The island of Martin Garcia which commanded
the entrance to the great waterways, the Parana and the Uruguay, and which was strongly defended by the Spanish fleet and a formidable system of fortifications, was his objective. On March 10 he was reinforced to some extent, and next day attacked the Spanish position. He was un-

His pilot falling a victim to one aground within range of the enemies' guns. He was mercilessly cannonaded by the opposing fleet, wliile the other ships of his command having suffered some loss withdrew to safety. Next morning, owing to a favorable wind or a chance rising in the river tide, his boat was released from her embarrassment and he got to Colonia where he hastily repaired her by staunching her battered timbers, and refilled, from the
fortunate in this attempt.
of the first shots of the Spaniards, his boat ran




in that






Spanish cannon had made in his crew. On March 17, St. Patrick's Day, he resumed the combat, landing a party of his men in the teeth of a vigorous fire from the shore guns, and captured the island. One of his men to distinguish himself greatly in the assault on the land forces and entrenchments was Lieutenant James Kenny, leading the 3rd troop company. The Spanish Admiral, Romerata, at once withdrew up the River Uruguay with his ships and never again sailed them past Martin Garcia. Brown reported duly to



Government, got some further reinforcements and sailed main body of the Spanish fleet was gathered. The Buenos Aires Governor, Alvear, was then beseiging the Uruguayan capital from the land side. Brown made a demonstration against the Spanish forces, which were much stronger than his, but as though cowed at the immense superiority of the enemy, withdrew hurThis was a ruse to draw the Spaniard in his purriedly. suit away from the fort guns it worked exactly as he had intended and resulted in the utter defeat of the Spanish In this enfleet and the immediate surrender of the city. gagement. May 16, 1814, Brown was wounded in the leg, After conveying his prizes to Buenos but not severely. Aires and receiving the thanks and plaudits of the Government and people he returned to Montevideo. The Spanish Governor, when the capitulation was arranged, gave himself up to the Admiral. The beseiged garrison, although well supplied with war material, must have been very badly off for food, as the Governor, Vigodet, was in such a state of destitution that Brown generously supplied him, from his own resources, with a considerable sum of money, in gold, to provide for his needs on the homeward voyage to Spain. This unselfish and kindly treatment of enemies was characteristic of Brown in all his dealings. If a public subscription was started for any purpose he was always to the fore with his contribution; if the Government, as it often was in those days, was hard pressed for money, Brown was ready to forego his salary, and although he was never more than a poor man, comparatively, there is not the record of an ungenerous or selfish deed in all his glorious career. A couple of stories often told about him will not
for Montevideo where the

be out of place in connection with this fine trait of his


round very noble character. It was when the battle of Costa Brava was won and Garibaldi who commanded the Uruguayan ships had set fire to his shattered barques and was trying to get to land in a small boat, the Argentine captain, Cordero, hurried to





him a telescope, exclaimed "Look, is escaping in that boat. commander Admiral, the enemy Brown replied: "No, him?" pursue Shall I give orders to and the brave are man, brave a he is let him go in peace; not to be persecuted. Let him go, and may God be with him. If we take him prisoner, Rosas, in a bad humor may put him to death. I don't know why it is, but I have a

Brown and

while handing

feeling that Garibaldi


destined to do great things yet."

This is the way the story is recorded, but I would not say that the recorder did not embellish it somewhat. In March, 1843, Brown was once more before the beseiged city of Montevideo. Bells and guns and lowered flags told of the death, within the city's walls, of the brave and patriotic Argentine statesman. General Martin Rodriguez, now an exile by the wrath of Dictator Rosas. Brown was commanding for the Dictator, but he served the Republic also with and under Rodriguez, who twenty years previously was at the head of the Argentine Government, and now when he learned for whom the mourning was he ordered the flags on the fleet to be put at half mast. Some of his lieutenants reminded him that the fallen patriot was not only of the party to which Rosas was opposed, but was an uncompromising enemy of the dreaded Dictator, and that this action would be likely to provoke the latter's fearful anger.




the most undisturbed, explained to his

kindly anxious friends.


foe of

this moment I don't know whether Rodriguez was a friend or a Don Juan Manuel. I only know that he was a great patriot,

had a great heart and was a noble


and that


what I


His battles were fought with crews picked up chiefly from among the cast-oif or deserted sailors who led a more or less disorderly and wild life along the river front from Ensenada to Retiro. They were good enough as sailors and fearless as fighters, but they were the merest mercenaries, always hard to control and never wholly reliable in the hour of need; their heart was not in the cause and



them with men who would motive in fighting material have a patriotic as well as a selected crews of therefore, He, for the young republic. of the poorest usually These men were native Argentines.

Brown proposed

to supersede

and most uneducated


hardly any others would ven-

ture into labors so trying and dangerous and, with all, so writer who says that these sailors were ill-requited.

sometimes Indians, in the majority, describes them thus: "They did not know how to read, nor even to count, and it was almost an impossible task to teach them the names

and of the movements." But equal to any task in sailoring; he knew that however ignorant his men might be of written words or signs they were all expert card players, and further that
of the ropes, of the sails,

Brown was

the names of all the cards in the pack would be sufficient to go around on all of the riggings and machinery of the ship that he would need to use them hurriedly at. He then gave to these parts, according to their importance, the names So that his orders were given somewhat in of the cards. this wise: "Let loose the ace!" "Make fast the king!" "Tighten the queen, there!" "Slack off the knave!" etc., etc. It seems like a joke, but it is the duly recorded fact. There was no obstacle that Brown's patience, courage, perseverance, good humor, wit in short, his genius could not overcome. His popularity with the Argentines never slackened or paled, unlike that of Admiral Cochrane, who quarrelled with everybody, and was always ready to fight for whoever gave him the largest recompense and never fought for any cause except as a salaried employee. In comparison with these disfiguring features in Cochrane's otherwise splendid career, hear Lopez: "Brown loved the daring deed for the deed itself, and found sufficient compensation in the applause of Buenos Aires and its people, without ever changing his aims or ambitions from the day, in his youth, when he first set foot on the soil of his second, or I should say, the only country he had from that day to th^ Iat day of his long life, and in which he was always





honored and always beloved." With this little sketch I We shall leave our great countryman for the present. shall meet him again through these pages and more about the his great deeds, his adventures, his peculiarities, and
calm end of his stormy
life will

be told.



Dr. John Oughan Dr. O'Gorman Pensioned Captain O'Brien's Bullfight Reception to American Delegates Irish Citizens Lynch's Generosity Jorge O'Brien Estanislao Lynch's Services Othbb O'Briens Raymund Morris.


O'Gormans, Dogans, Cullens and O'Ryans there was a family of Butlers, or Butelers, in Buenos Aires in the early days of the 19th century, and I find that one of them, William, was in December, 1814, promoted from Lieutenant in the Grenadiers to a higher rank in the National Infantry. At this time the Lynches seem to be one of the most prominent families in the city, or, indeed, in the country. Three of them, probably brothers, Justo, Patricio and Benito, subscribe for themselves and their wives fifty-seven dollars cash, twentyeight marks and twelve ounces of worked silver to the patriot funds. A couple of months later, August, 1815, Patricio is made Adjutant Major of the Civic Infantry.
well as Lynches,

In the following year they are to the fore again with subscriptions Patricio, Benito, Estanislao and Justo give six hundred dollars to the public funds. Soon after Benito

and Lynches were only Irish by ancestry and now I turn to one who was Irish in birth and spirit, and whose services to Argentina ought to have made him better known to, at least his own countrymen here, if not to all Argentines. This very remarkable Irishman who aided so materially
gets of the first battalion of Civic Militia,



chosen a city councillor.



the liberating armies in the northwestern country campaigns,

and afterwards





medical science in Buenos Aires was Dr.

and perfect John Oughan.



Although born in Ireland he came in the Carrera expedition from the United States, sailing from Baltimore in the "Chfton" on December 3, 1816, reaching the Plate capital on the 9th of the following February. Carrera, as already shown, was a Chilian and the expedition he got together in the United States, although financed by the Buenos Aires Government, he intended would be used for the liberationHe was well known to be an unreof his own country. lenting enemy of O'Higgins and San Martin and the then governing party in Buenos Aires; so, when he arrived in this city, and his plans became known, Supreme Director Pueyrredon made him a prisoner and placed the new ships and their complements of men and munitions at the service
of the



Oughan passed over

to the liberating

armies under San Martin and remained for some time in

Peru after the independence of the western Republics had

secured. He returned to Argentina in the early He Twenties and at once became a very noted doctor. quarrelled with Parish, the English Minister, and was shamefully persecuted by him and the English then in Buenos Aires, but more about this later on. About the time Dr. Oughan was leaving the United States in a military expedition the purpose of which was to rid South America of Spanish domination. Dr. Michael O'Gorman, who came nearly forty years previously as the physician of a great military expedition intent on making

secure and everlasting that domination, was being pensioned off by the government that replaced the old order of things.


sympathy with the patriotic the new public library, already referred to, show. The pension granted him was two-thirds of his regular salary, which terms must have
it is







been considered exceptionally generous as the order fixing them reminds the public of his great services to the country. Another Irishman who greatly distinguished himself afterwards began to figure in Argentine life in this year,

and the following


story taken from Hudson's "Re-




cuerdos de Cuyo" (Memories of Cuyo), will be found somewhat amusing as well as serving to introduce him. In a

great tournament which San Martin's army gave in Mendoza in the latter part of 1816, amongst other items on the programme were bull-fights, and a Captain O'Brien prepared to display his prowess as a "toreador" in one of them. The bull was let into the arena, O'Brien awaiting

him standing on a table in the center of the scene, the animal gazed in wonder for a moment and then rushed for his antagonist carrying the table before him on his horns. The Captain was very tall and thin and when the bull struck the table he jumped clear over the animal, landing on his feet as the maddened beast crashed forward with his head through the broken boards of the table. O'Brien retired quite undisturbed amidst the wildest applause. This is the earliest reference I have found to this notable Irishman, but he will be often with us from this on for some

was in business in Buenos Aires which came into San Martin's hands, in which he explained that it was said that General San Martin seizes and sacks, without paying their owners, all American ships carrying powder and arms along the Chilian sea-front, and for this reason no American ships cared to pass beyond Buenos Aires. San Martin at once wrote to Don Estanislao Lynch in Santiago de Chile, who was the agent of such ships, asking him to say whether or not there was any truth in the statement. Lynch publishes a letter assuring him that there is no truth in the story, and that it was circulated by the enemy, mentioning that his brother, Patrick Lynch of Buenos Aires, had made all contracts with
in 1818, wrote a letter,

A Don Felipe Reilly, who

County Wicklow man. Buenos Aires, but young as he was his career had already been one of unusual romance and adventure, and in this order it continued to the end. His life, by a Chilian historian, published in 1904, is one of the most interesting little books, of its class,

John Thomond O'Brien was the son


of a wealthy

He was

in his teens

when he

joined the


of liberation in

that I have read.



I have not been the Chilian Government in the matter. able to find out who Don Felipe was, whether Irish, Spanish or Argentine

were plentiful there was an side of Spain This year

The O'Reillys like the O'Donnells Spain, and at the very time I write of Irish-born General O'Reilly fighting on the


in Bolivia.

more subscriptions from Patrick Lynch, and Mr. Buteler also contributes; the fund is for the support of some refugees from Entre Rios. Lynch has
there are
also been liberal to the National Library.

An advertisement in the "Gaceta," 1818, is to the effect that a very learned and high society young lady who proposed to teach the young ladies of Buenos Aires everything
that was good for

house of

young ladies to know, was staying at the Daniel Donohue, near San Nicolas Church. The following report from an American paper is given in the "Gaceta": "On the 26th of March, last, Messrs. Lynch and Zimmerman, rich and respectable merchants of


Buenos Aires, gave a magnificent dinner in honor of the American delegates. They were received in a spacious court tastefully illuminated with brilliant globes over which a beautiful shade hung and from which was gloriously suspended the flags of the United States and South America. Over two hundred young people, distinguished for their opulence and elegance of dress and personal beauty were

according to DeMoussy, that emigraPlata countries commenced, but in the previous ten or twelve years a goodly number of foreigners had gathered into Buenos Aires. They were generally people who came with some capital, in the interest of some business concern, as military adventurers, or men of some profession; few had come as manual laborers or settlers with the purpose of making a home for themselves by the sweat of By this time one can find ample their brow, so to speak. evidence of the existence of a little Irish colony in the city. Craig, John Dillon, Brown, Coyle, Armstrong, Sheridan


in 1815,








in less were prominent names, but there were many others important social grades whose traces it is harder to find. An American youth who landed here in the latter part of 1817 or the early part of 1818, and who afterwards became Col. King, and wrote a book called, "24 Years in Argentina," tells how when he was put off a ship, in the privateering business, he tramped through the streets in search of work, or some one or something he could under-

stand, or

who could understand him, he saw a

sign over

Greatly cheered at the sight about it, he went into look familiar a with so name a of the house, which was a tavern, and found its owner to be an Irishman. Flush gave young King his keep till he found employment, he was soon after in the army and had a very
a door which read "P. Flush."

adventurous career. In this same year the "Gaceta" publishes an advertisement from the British Consul announcing that if Gerard Kavanagh of Waterford will call on him
he will give him some important news. The most interesting event, however, about this time is recorded on the 30th of August, when the first really Irish name amongst those

reported as acquiring citizenship is met with in that of James O'Brien. O'Brien was not the first Irishman to
citizen of the Republic, for Brown and many of who served under him were already citizens ex officio, but his is the first unmistakably Irish name I have met with

become a

as applying for citizenship.

In telling of the Irish in Argentina throughout the years

of the struggle for independence, I have, to a very con-

Argenarmy, and thus must often travel beyond what is to-day the boundaries of the Republic, and especially into Chili. Don Estanislao Lynch is very worthy of recognition here for two noble acts of generosity and patriotism. After the battle of Maipu he inaugurated a subscription for the widows, orphans, and disabled soldiers, which, as well as glorious memories, that great combat left to Argentina and Chili, with a contribution of twenty ounces of gold. And
siderable extent, to follow the campaignings of the





how when San Martin was

in straits for


in Chili he appealed to


Estanislao Lynch, Argentine

citizen, of very respectable position in Valparaiso to get the merchants of the place to come together and subscribe the necessary funds, which the Chilians could not do, to buy the 'Whitman' afterwards the warship, 'Lauturo,' a frigate belonging to the East Indian Co." This first Chilian warship was placed by Senor Guido, Argentine Minister to Chili, under the command of Captain George O'Brien, then in San Martin's army. O'Brien at once sailed out to make prisoner of a Spanish ship, the "Esmeralda." It is said by Lopez that O'Brien took upon himself to capture the ship or to die in the attempt, and that he was a man to comply with his word. The Spanish and Chilian ships met; O'Brien and a party boarded the Esmeralda and the ship seemed theirs when a Spanish bullet through the head ended his life, and the victors of a moment before were now prisoners of the Spanish Captain. Mitre, in his "Life of San Martin," tells that O'Brien's djang words were: "Don't abandon her, boys The frigate is ours." Soon after the "Lauturo" returned to port with a captured ship, and as the account Lopez gives of what happened interests us for the part Lynch played in it, I will give it in short:

When Don

Estanislao succeeded in getting his fellow merchants of Valparaiso, native and foreign, to contribute the

necessary funds, $80,000, to buy the "Whitman" an agreement was made that any prizes she took would be the property of said merchants until the amount subscribed, and interest, should be paid off. The prize brought in was the "San Miguel," with a valuable cargo, the Captain of
the Port held her and her cargo for the Government.


merchants became furious at the seeming treachery; the English owner, Andrews, who had not yet received payment in full for his vessel, with the help of the English Admiral present, took possession of the boat, and but for Lynch, who was a man of great energy, getting the Argentine Minister at Santiago to come immediately to Valparaiso and




have the Englishman paid off, the whole enterprise of the purchase of the "Whitman" would have fallen through most


battle of



as glorious

an event for Ar-

gentina as

for Chili, for although fought and


beyond the Andes

was the Argentine General, San Martin,

with an army almost wholly Argentine that effected the great triumph for South American Independence. One of the men who won high distinction that great day was

O'Brien of the famous bull-fight of Mendoza. John Thomond O'Brien was then somewhere about twenty years of age and had already become a great favorite with San Martin, who made him one of his aids and entrusted to him many very important missions. Mitre calls him San Martin's "inseparable adjutant." In the battle of Maipu it was O'Brien San Martin sent in pursuit of the defeated and fugitive Spanish General, Osorio, and although he did not succeed in overtaking the enemy commander he pressed

him so hard that the Spaniard and his few survivors had to abandon all their luggage, even to correspondence and private documents. He fought through all the Chilian and Peruvian campaigns, and in 1821 when the great Argentine general had liberated these countries, and decided to send the flags he had conquered in his glorious campaigns to the Government of Buenos Aires, the officer he chose to be the bearer of the precious trophies was Colonel don Juan O'Brien, and these flags were deposited with great pomp When the struggle was in the Cathedral of Buenos Aires. over in Peru, and Independence established, San Martin presented O'Brien with the state canopy under which all the Spanish Viceroj^s from Pizarro's time used to walk on state occasions and at official functions. The presentation was public, and the Liberator of the western republics addressed some very complimentary words to the worthy recipient of the historic memento. O'Brien had a very varied career and died at Lisbon He tried his hand in many lines of business, in 1861.



any of them.

but does not seem to have been a success He left two daughters surviving him; about the narrowest escape he had in all his adventurous career was when he brought a message to Don Juan Manuel Rosas which the latter did not like and for which he, the
chiefly in mining,


many days between two minds as to whether he would have the distinguished messenger's head cut off or not, but Don Juan's angel of good counsel, his beloved Manuelita, interceded and the General left the country alive. As with the interesting characters in a novel O'Brien will come up again in this narrative, but I will give here a little story Mitre tells about him, in a goodhumored way. "General O'Brien, in spite of his long residence in America, could never speak Spanish correctly.
Dictator, was for

Thirty years after (the battle of Maipu), in 1849, in Valparaiso, relating an occurrence (of the battle) he said that San Martin had exclaimed: 'Que bruta esta gota Osorio Triunfo nuestra Sol testigo " This is very poor Spanby the ish, but means, what a brute this Goth, Osorio, is Of course San Martin's Spanish sun, the victory is ours!


was correct, and Mitre, with the humor of the true criollo, which was his in plentiful measure, must have greatly enjoyed O'Brien's attempt at repeating it. General O'Brien, like Brown, was always very popular with the people with whom he threw in his lot, but unlike the Admiral he had no toleration for Rosas and openly and bitterly denounced him when he had escaped from the clutches of the dreadful


is still

another O'Brien who took part in the


His name was Sergeant-Major of Mounted rank had the of and he Joseph Grenadiers in April, 1820. In Mitre's book, so often referred to in these pages, he is mentioned as having attended a meeting of officers to elect a Commander-in-Chief, a change in the civil government having nullified the appointment of the actual commandant, it was felt. O'Brien was one of the officers who refused to consider the appointof Independence under General San Martin.




ment of the Commander-in-Chief as ceasing on the grounds This Joseph is the third O'Brien who served, submitted.
with rank, under Argentina's greatest general. An Irishman of whom we very seldom hear, yet


rendered great service to the cause of South American freedom was Raymond Morris. From Mitre's "Life of San Martin," vol. 2, p. 284, I take the following, which is not

"The first the only notice of this distinguished soldier: ship to fly the flag that was to rule the Pacific waters was






battle of


was decided to

flag flying over the port of Valparaiso.


stratagem the 'Aguila' entered the port with sixteen cannon and manned up from the port her command was confided to a lieutenant of the Army of the Andes, Raymond Morris, by birth an Irishman. Her first naval campaign was the rescue of the Chilian patriots, imprisoned on the island of Juan Fernandez, by Osorio and Marco. Among the first of those rescued was the future Chilian Admiral, Manuel Blanco Encalada." Morris, I believe, was a Sligoman. With this short reference to a few of the many of our countrymen who marched in the conquering hosts of the hero of the Andes, through Chili and Peru, I will turn back to the territory where the people it is my purpose to tell about particularly belong. And so my next chapter will commence where the seven currents gave name to the northern part of the Argentine Mesopotamia, and a most interesting, if not always most commendable, character will be with us for a few pages.

After the leave the Spanish Deceived by this and was captured. by seamen picked




Scheme of Irish Immigration

Chaplain, etc.


First Irish


Beresford turned his






the "natives," freely, one of the

men who

interpreted his orders rather too liberally was Campbell. So freely did Peter go amongst the "natives" that he kept going until he got a very respectable distance between himself and his indulgent and considerate

Campbell and some of his friends, unlike poor Skennon, made very few halts, for the purpose of converting the "natives" into good loyal and fond English subjects, There he settled until they got up as far as Corrientes. down, and after some time when he did go into the "converting" line, it was in a fashion of his own invention, and entirely for his own use and benefit, as he saw these things. Lopez, who wrote with Robertson's "Letters," Mitre's "Belgrano" and other works, in which Campbell is referred to as an Irishman, within his reach, says he was English or Scotch. Probably he did not think the question of enough importance to bother looking up his references thereon, and so made the little slip which speaks rather badly either for his memory or for his knowledge of the subject. Mitre, however, in whose boyhood Campbell must have been a good deal talked about, as a sort of dare-devil, outlaw and resourceful guerrilla fighter, somewhat in the order of our Mexican friend of the present day, Pancho Villa, cannot but have met with many who knew him personally, described him as an Irishman and a Catholic. The book of the Robertson brothers, of course, puts his nationality and coming to the country outside all question of

J. B.





met Campbell


already a good deal talked of, locally, on deeds of daring and prowess in the struggle account of his against the Spanish authorities and river forces under Romerata. He held some kind of office in the years fol-

and he was a


lowing when Artigas and his governors ruled in Corrientes. The Scotchman's account of his first meeting with "Don Paythro," as he, in his truly Scotch humor, calls him, is very interesting, but is somewhat spoiled by the author's
evident prejudice against the Irishman, firstly for being an

Irishman and secondly for his having succeeded in effecting his escape from the English army. According to this account Campbell was a tall, red-haired, rawboned man who adopted as far as he could the manners, customs and dress of the natives. In Ireland he had served some time as a
tanner, and when he made his way to Corrientes secured employment in the tannery of a Sefior Blanco, a Spaniard. When the Revolution came on, four years later, he joined in with the patriots and as a guerrilla leader on the Parana, among its many islands, and along its woody shores, as well as on the spreading plains, rendered the patriots very considerable assistance, and was to their enemies, whether Spaniards or Paraguayans, of the Francia persuasion, no Things in the way of fighting, at the time small terror. Robertson fell in with him, being rather dull he proposed settling down to business, on a salary, in the employ of the young Scot. Robertson was in the business of export-

ing everything that could be exported at a profit, the chief articles, however, of the trade were cow and horse hides.

The country was in a very disorderly state, and Campbell, who was evidently an orderly disposed and industrious man,
proposed that for a certain salary he would act as agent for him, restore order in the province and get all the exportable products on the farms and estancias in to his establishments. The canny Scot saw business and profit at once, quickly employed Campbell, and, according to his own account, they soon changed a bankrupt and lawless





region into one of order and prosperity. The story of the progress and success of their enterprise, as told by the brothers, seems, as the saying is, almost too good to be

Robertson made an immense fortune and retired. wars of Artigas, Ramirez and Lopez of Santa Fe, against the Buenos Aires Government brought Campbell



from his paths of peace to the strenuous life once more. His old employer, although with little desire to be friendly to his useful agent, praises him for his organizing powers, good business sense, tireless energy, amazing courage and dexterity with arms, and strict honesty in his dealings. He never shunned a row, no matter what the weapons employed in the combat were, and he never entered one except in self-defense or to make peace; his peace making, it is true, was often of an order, from the health of the combatants' point of view, not greatly preferable to the row itself. The Robertsons say he never used his arms, whether sword,
disable his opponent was as far as ever he wanted to go in a row or local quarrel. When this Scotchman first knew him he had a page or servant, a smaller, dark-complexioned gaucho whom he called Don Eduardo and who came to Corrientes from Tipperary under the same conditions as Don Pedro himself. He was the inventor of what was called "a new fighting tactic," which was a sort of combination of cavalry and infantry in one and the same force. His men carried rifles with long bayonets which they used with equally terrible effect mounted or on foot. They were a new thing at the battle of the Herradura in 1819. Campbell cannot be spoken kindly of by Argentine patriotic writers, nor, indeed, is he. His military activities, after the Revolution, were always on the side of the factious local leaders who made the first civil wars of the country, wars which proved so disastrous to the young Republic, and to which writers trace most of the country's political
pistol or long knife, with fatal intent

misfortunes, even the evil regime of Rosas.

remembered, at the same time, that this


It has to be but the view of




one side to the quarrel, and that in Uruguay they regard Artigas, Campbell's chief as the founder and martyr of

Santa Fe's greatest man, and but for the miserable fate that overtook Ramirez he would stand as high with his people as either of the others do with theirs. These caudillos were, no doubt, a great misfortune for their country at the time, but it is equally beyond question that in the view which they and their followers took of the then conditions they were acting
their liberties, while



It is said that Campbell married a daughter of Artigas, but I have not been able to make out if he left any deAnother Irishman who figured in these parts scendants. He, too, came in the in Campbell's time was one Yates. English invasion and his story, although not so well known, and so picturesque as that of Don Pedro, is very much on the same lines. In all, some twenty or thirty of the Beresford-Whitelocke fugitives made their way to Entre Rios and Corrientes, and most of them took part in the Revolution and the civil wars. Several were in the battle of San Nicolas with Carrera and Alvear, and a few of them fell prisoners to the National Army in the taking of the town.



a very pleasing story told by Miss Pastel, and

It runs

given in Robertson's "Letters," of Campbell having rescued

a white girl from the Indians.


like this:

boat with a small force of his men, sailing northwards on the Parana, when he saw a party of Indians on the Corrientes shores. The Indians, it seems, were regarded as in their right while they kept on the west bank of the river, but they stood as trespassers on the opposite side. Campbell hove to and disembarked to find out the wherefore of this encroachment. The chief

Don Pedro was on board

explained, and while explaining,

Don Eduardo from



perary, discovered one side, in a group, a white


communicated, in
his leader.


own language, the information

making the customary

Don Pedro

accepted the Indian's explanation

signs of

and returned to

his boat,



He at once got all his men under arms, proceeded camp again and demanded that the white girl be forthwith surrendered. The Indian found it very hard to part with her, but Campbell came with his mind made up and the wherewith to make good his demand. The girl was placed duly with a respectable family who clothed and cared
to the

for her.

She had been seized


Cordoba, with others of her

ambush by the Indians, and after months of the saddest life imaginable was thus rescued and restored.
family, in an



dramatic material there


in the story.


ambush in the late afternoon in some lovely glade among the Cordoba woods; the seizure, and the sudden disappearance of the savages into the dark forest; the dawn in some distant tolderia; the quarrel between the tribes, and the
weaker force across the great river "White Man's Land" Campbell's coming ashore with his rough and desperate guards Eduardo's suspicious curiosity and strange discovery, and then the rescue and restoration! This is not the only good and brave deed to the credit of Don Pedro, and although a desperate man who
flight for safety of the

to the

did dreadful things in the border warfare of his day, one

might say of him as was sung of a similar type: "He wasn't no saint, but at jedgement I'd run my chance with Jim 'longside of some pious shentleman who wouldn't shook hands with him."
In 1820 one meets the records of the day. Thus
of some Lynch in all the Dona Rosa Lynch de Castelli, foremost men of the Revolution, has



of one of the

to be denied her pension,

owing to the bankruptcy of the

Benito Lynch is one of the City Councillors who will take over the government of the province in the midst of an anarchical civil conflict between ambitious
military leaders. Don Patricio Lynch is a candidate for the representation of Buenos Aires in the legislature of the state as is also Don Pastor Lynch, whilst Francisco Lynch

state treasury.


a Sergeant-Major, with Colonel Jerome Colman in the armies of Carrera and Alvear, fighting against the Nais

tional Government.



They were amongst

the prisoners at

August, 1820. The year before one of the oldest and most noted Irish-Spanish families in the country came into my notice for the first time when I found Domingo Cullen the owner of a ship, the "Minerva," The Cullens carrying, stone, iron, etc., from Montevideo. back into going were a great Irish family with a history branch of them In the Penal Days a the remotest times. fled to Spain, and from Spain, in the 18th century, some Although Domingo Cullen had of them came to La Plata. his boats plying as aforesaid he was of the Santa Fe family which soon after began to figure prominently in that province, and members of the clan have distinguished themselves in the affairs of the country almost continuously ever

San Nicolas

in the battle of


The years 19, 20 and 21 of the last century were years which upset and undone many in Buenos Aires, but I find the Lynches managing to keep pretty well on top all the Don Justo Pastor was pensioned off from his positime. tion of chief accountant in this latter year. Patrick was then a ship owner and in very close touch with the governHe and three others were appointed a commission ment. to distribute fifty thousand dollars amongst the patrician class. These were the needy amongst families of former prominence whose change of circumstances came to them through their loyalty to the patriot cause. We may be
sure that Dona Rosa Lynch de Castelli was paid that back pension which we noticed a little while since, seeing that Don Patricio was one of the commission charged with the


Richard Duffy was amongst the business men who paid taxes. The Armstrong firm was under the name of Bertram Armstrong this year. Edward Gahan was captain of the Argentine schooner, "Paquete del Rio de La Plata," trading
with the

Uruguayan ports. Whether it is that Irishmen through some natural


easily absorb medical

knowledge or that the Irish people



are as a rule so healthy in their own land as to make the medicine mean's trade a bad one, I do not know, but the country seems always to have had physicians and surgeons
to supply to other lands. There has not been a year since Dr. Michael O'Gorman came to Buenos Aires, to the present day, but some of the leading medical men of Argentina were In 1822 the Academy of Medicine was opened and Irish. one of its fifteen members was Dr. James Lepper, an Irish-

been for some years practicing in the city at already a noted physician and was apthe time. of the public health of the South charge the pointed to area. Municipal the of Section from the "Argos" of April 3, news of little item This

man who had

He was

"On Saturday, 30th ultimo. Colonel the city with the five banners entered O'Brien Don Juan and two standards which His Excellency, the Protector of Peru, consigned to this people in the name of the victorious

be interesting:


In this newspaper I find a long article translated from the "Liverpool Mercury" comparing the religious equality and toleration guaranteed by the new Constitution of The Mexico with those England maintains in Ireland. cominteresting an article is very favorable to Ireland, and ment is published soon after on the state of Ireland. It says the Dublin papers are full of hateful news on this
matter, and that conditions in Waterford and Cork are so

bad that the people are wild against the


priests for re-


As showing how





political affairs has

changed in nearly a hundred years I

it is

extract a news item from the "Argos," a paper seem-

ingly very friendly to Ireland,

able debate in the English




a report of a remarkSir Francis

Burdett made a motion to have something done to relieve conditions in Ireland, and was supported in an excellent speech by Mr. Hobhouse, both Englishmen, but on a vote being taken on the motion it was found that there were four against it for the one in favor of it. Last year, after




a serious rebellion, in which there was a considerable loss life and property, a proposal to "relieve the situation"

met a similar
while putting

save that


was not thought worth

to the vote,

being shouted down almost

as soon as made.

Captain O'Brien came to the city with the flags went right into an arrangement with the Government which provided that he was to go to Ireland and bring out 200 skilled laborers to be employed in public works in Buenos Aires. The suburban town, named Belgrano, after the patriot then recently deceased, was founded to be the residential quarter of the new colony. The terms on which the colonists were to be contracted were all arranged, and the families were to be "moral and industrious," but the scheme, like



Peril he did not long remain inactive, but



and, indeed, of O'Brien's, too, though, this time for want of funds. Belgrano is now

of Rivadavia's,

one of the most important of the suburban townships of the capital, and instead of the dwelling place of imported

the residential quarter of some of the wealthiest


patricians of the land.

The "Argos"

people figure in one


some more news items in which our or another; and hoping that they


prove as interesting to


readers as they did to


when they came my way I shall set down a few of them here. A Mr. Beazly, a stranger, is reported as having insulted in the grossest manner the United States representative, Mr. Forbes, through his friend and secretary, Mr. Duffy. Forbes had no notion to let Uncle Sam be treated with any discourtesy, especially by a stranger, and so he made a serious complaint to Minister of State, Rivadavia, who at once sent the police after Beazly to caution him on his peril not to repeat the offense. The thing happened in a drink-shop in what is now the Paseo de Julio, and
Beazly, the stranger, was, I believe, the grandfather of our Lord Mayor of a few years ago. Whatever changes may have come in the order of busi-



any other phase of our city life, the ways of womankind seem to have been pretty much the same a hundred years ago as they are to-day. Mr. Bevans, a Quaker, arrived this year to do some engineering for the Rivadavia administration. The paper I am quoting from comments on the arrival of the distinguished engineer, and one of the benefits it most hopes to see come through his Because of the influence is a reform in ladies' fashions. delightful simplicity of dress he and his family were examples of the editor recommends all the ladies of the city to at once become Quakers, and thus avoid the awful cost of dress which was then forbidding many a man of small means to dare the responsibility of marrying a wife. Quakerism, on this account is as much to be desired, and as little popular among the fair ones, to-day as it was when
ness, politics, religion or

the "Argos" editor wailed his sorrows, but I am afraid it not a religion for women, and I should not wonder, if it has not been reformed since then, to hear of its having

William Buteler has ceased entirely as a feminine cult. been serving as judge of the first district since the beginning of 1822. As tending to show the interest taken in Irish affairs, here, in the first Twenties I may mention a long account
of a fight between the Orangemen and the Catholics, at Mehera, in the County Derry. The "Argos," unlike some of our present day newspapers, takes no pains to hide the facts or shift the blame for the disgraceful condition of It plainly states that affairs from where it justly belongs. the government policy has been to set faction against faction The "London Times" is quoted as for its own purpose.

saying that the Orangemen sought safety in the military barracks and were there supplied with arms to slaughter the There is an Catholics, a dozen or so of whom were killed. article in the same issue in which it is shown that Ireland and Holland supply the world with butter and cheese. The principal Irishmen in business in Buenos Aires at the end
of 1823, were


Armstrong and Sheridan.





addition to these strong business establishments, which gave employment to many Irishmen, and the smaller business

concerns already named, Mr. Keen had a hotel, Edward O'Neill had a school where he gave night lessons as well as day instruction, Tomas O'Gorman was a grocer, I believe


a son of the O'Gorman who came from France Heppel sold Irish butter at 47 Piedad; Daniel Donoghue kept a boarding house; Francis Bradley was in the liquor business on the Almeda, now Paseo de Julio;

man was


Florence Coyle kept a livery stable at 7 La Plata, now Rivadavia, and between the Bolsa and the Banco de la

Nacion; Richard Hynes sold pictures in



shop in Calle

Victoria; William Jennings was a bootmaker at 106 Bibwell as a

Calle Bolivar; James Coyle had a tailoring as dry goods business he is said to have been the first There are many names Irish shopkeeper of Buenos Aires. besides these given, which may or may not be Irish, such as Smith, Cooper, Wilson, Tailor, McCall, Bagley, Kennedy, etc., which figure in the business advertisements of the day. Kennedy I believe was a Scotchman. There were no Irish, English or Scotch lawyers to be found at this time in the lists, but in addition to Oughan and Lepper there Dr. were Doctors James Donnell and John Sullivan. Michael O'Gorman is not heard of any more, if alive he would be a very old man at this time. There was little or no emigration from France or the South of Europe then and none at all from the northern countries, excepting Ireland and Great Britain. Skilled labor was, therefore, scarce and well remunerated. There were comparatively a



number of new

industries, chiefly saladeras, beef salt-

ing and

curing establishments; and gracerias where fat animals, mares especially, were rendered into grease; brewing houses and other factories, and about this time Sheridan and Harrat started their felt manufacturing. Already the

Las Heras Government had prohibited the importation of flour, and this enactment had given the milling and agricultural industries a considerable impulse within the vicinity




of the capital.

were being opened and paved,

new roads and docks were being made; building, planting trees; fencing in gardens and farms (work which was then done with the spade and shovel, there being no wire fences in those days), all these activities offered ready and profitable employment, and the workmen who most availed of these opportunities, and whose services were most in demand, were

In 1832, the English Minister, Parish, after a

somewhat careful eifort at making a census of the British residents of Buenos Aires, gives their number at from five As the English and Scotch were almost to six thousand. wholly engaged in commerce, and the Irish were mostly workmen, it is reasonable to conclude that they outnumbered, or at least equalled in count the other two elements in what, as a whole. Parish called the British community. This calculation would leave our countrymen in Buenos Aires, in 1832, numbering about twenty-five hundred. Then bearing in mind that there was a considerable influx of Irish immigrants in the five or six years preceding the date of this census, I think it safe to fix the number of Irish in and around the city in 1824 as not greater than five hundred,
probably a little less. And now that I have made something of an attempt at counting them, seen to their employment, shown that their business affairs must have been
fairly hopeful, explained that they were well provided for medically, I will close this chapter by introducing their

and who, by the way, was the first "Irish Chaplain" in Argentina. Father Burke was his name, and like his great namesake of the latter half of the Nineteenth century, he was a Dominican. Santo Domingo Church was then the Irish Church as San Roque was in years afterwards. After the Revolution, and on its account, relations were broken off somewhat between the Pope and the Church in Argentina and a certain amount of disorganization and
spiritual guide,


had spread, it appears, amongst some of the orders; anyhow, on the grounds that such was the case, Rivadavia, who was Minister of State at the time I speak of, and who




had a bent for regulating everything, had a law made to regulate the Church, and this regulating was so planned that it soon amounted to the suppression of all the orders of The priests and nearly all the communities of nuns. Dominican monastery shared the fate of the others, of course; but Love, an Englishman who wrote a little book on Buenos Aires in 1825, mentions Fr. Burke, the Dominican, as being allowed to remain in his monastery "from motives of kindness." To me, however, it would seem that he was left to attend to the spiritual needs of the Irish Catholics. Brown, O'Brien, Dillon and many others had
rendered great service to the patriots in the struggle for
their people, they

freedom, they were practical Catholics and leaders among would have had no hesitation in demand-

ing, as a concession, that the Irish Chaplain be left to at-


tend to the Irish people, and the authorities would grant so reasonable request without a moment's pause. Love was a typical Englishman and hated to admit that the Irish were of any consequence or consideration in Buenos Aires, or anywhere else, hence his "motives of kindness" to Fr. Burke. As an instance of his hostility to our people I will take the case of two Irish doctors who were practicing their profession in the city without the necessary local diplomas. They were summoned before the Medical Board and forbidden to practice further until they could satisfy the Board that they were duly qualified. One of them. Dr. Henry Donelly, stood up at this point, put on his hat and
told the



Examiners that he had a very small

opinion of them.





offended, of

and the offender was ordered to quit the country at once, and to never return. The Englishman tells the story as though it was a sort of street brawl, and speaks of the two doctors as "the Paddies"; but Oughan and Lepper being men of high importance are just, Britishers, with him. In his reference to Father Burke he says he is over seventy years of age and "mucli esteemed by the British as well as the natives, being divested of those
to the law

had recourse



It was in same church of Santo Domingo, and by these very

prejudices which so often disgrace the cloth."



who "disgrace

the cloth" that the parole-breaking

Englishman, Captain Pack, was shielded, at the risk of their

lives, from the victorious defenders of the city in the second English invasion. See how the Englishman, writing eighteen years after, repays the kindness However, apart from his

anti-Catholic and anti-Irish bigotry, Love's book



a very

and useful little volume, one of the most so that I have found as treating of Buenos Aires at that time. Father Burke may, I believe, be considered the first of the long and unbroken line of Irish priests who nobly and untiringly devoted themselves to the service of God and their fellow-countrymen in this land of many dangers and many handships for the last one hundred years.

Sheepfarming, Etc.


story of the Irish people in Argentina, so far,

when not one of warfare on the adjacent waters,

in the English invasions, or in the liberating campaigns of the North and West, has been a record of ordinary efforts in the battle of life here in Buenos Aires This chapter, however, will treat of a turning point City. in their affairs, and will try to trace the first beginnings

new industry which it was their good fortune to be the earliest, the most persevering, and most successful in pursuing, and which has been for them and for the Republic a source of great wealth and advancement.
of the


I begin the story of our people's connection with sheep-


in the

year 1824 as that


the earliest at which

engaged have no doubt there were Irishmen employed in tending sheep some years anterior to this date. However, in 1824 the Government imported more than one hundred head of merino sheep from the Ramboullet breeders, with the purpose of improving the native stock. These animals were purchased by Peter Sheridan, an Irishman, and by an Englishman of the name of Harrat, the two men were in partnership in other lines of business. Sheridan and his brother had been in the importing and exporting trade for some time previous to this purchase of the bred sheep, and evidently must have already made some Mere merchants would hardly instart in sheepfarming. vest a large sum of money in imported rams and ewes unless they had some practical use for them and a place wherein to use them.
I have been able to find proof of Irishmen being
in the business.





neither to the


Government nor to Sheridan and his due the credit of having commenced the improvement of the breeding of sheep in Argentina, but to the North American, Thomas Lloyd Halsey, who was U. S. Consul
Buenos Aires
in 1813.


The story

of this enterprising man's introduction of

sheep to the

venture in

La Plata country has something of adnot usually met with in plain business enterSpain was for long the first country in Europe for

the raising of fine stock, as horn-cattle, sheep, asses and

mules, and the exportation of these species, for breeding

was the Halsey seems to have had some of Meav's ways with him for he decided, whatever the Spaniards or their laws might say, he would have some of their fine sheep on his farm in Buenos Aires or know the reason why. At considerable risk and great cost he contrived to get some thirty-five animals across the Portugese frontier, and shipped to Buenos Aires in 1814. Smuggling in those days was a profitable business all along the Spanish frontier, the officers appointed to prevent it frequently coming out with the largest part of the profits therefrom. Halsey with this plantel set to raising an entirely new breed of sheep, and by the year 1821 had a flock of some four hundred superior animals. A camp fire of the dry cardos, this year, reduced his flock to a number somewhat less than the original thirty-five of the Tain Caorach Halsey^ from Spain. Some authorities say that the campfire in question took place in the year 1819, but Love, who wrote in '25, says it happened in 1821, and he is probably the best authority as he wrote so soon after the mishap. It may be, too, that there were fires in both years. The farm whereon the destroying fire occurred was at Alto Redondo, in the partido of Canuelas, about eight leagues from Buenos Aires. After the misfortune of the fire he
loaning of the historic bull of Cooley.
disposed of the survivors to a

uses at least, was guarded against as jealously as


of the




Sheep Spoil of Halsey.



a farm at Quilmes and thither he brought his new stock to try his luck in the enterprise in


man had

which the American had been so unfortunate.

four or



years after the purchase, his score-and-a-half merinos had increased to the figure at which the cardo fire

had found Halsey's

flock after six years of patient care.

The German then sold half his precious upbringing to a company of men deeply interested in the improvement of
the breed of sheep, whose names were, Aguirre, Rojas and Haedo. These gentlemen took their portion to Corrientes,

and Dwerhagan, because of the coarseness of the then Buenos Aires camps, brought his to Santa Fe. Canuelas, Ranchos, San Vicente and the further out partidos were all pajonales then, and water from natural sources was too
scarce to


these districts suitable for sheep breeding.

The balde

sin fundo, that simple, but, to the early sheep-

farmer, invaluable invention, had not yet come to make the want of streams on a sheep run so small a consideration. If the dry thistles had played with Dwerhagan the same pitiless trick with which they disheartened Halsey he would have been a fortunate man; instead he succeeded sufficiently to be tempted to go northwards with his portion of what I may call the enchanted sheep, for such they would seem. All kinds of bad luck followed the little flock to Santa Fe, and after enduring hardships and disappointments that would drive anyone but a German to the most unconditional abandonment of the enterprise, Dwerhagan gathered up the remnants of his fairy flock and brought them to Uruguay.
All the further information I have been able to glean relative
this portion of the Tain Halsey is that the animals dwindled down and scattered into other flocks, and that poor Dwerhagan went bankrupt.


in the territory of Corrientes struggled

hopes for success on somewhat longer. Haedo became disheartened, returned to Buenos Aires and was very successful in other lines of business. His comrades later on sought to return with the remnant of their
of three
set their

The company




and now very travelled and experienced merinos, but having reached the northern part of the Province of Buenos Aires they found the Lavalle-Dorrego revolution in strenuous progress, their peones deserted the ill-starred animals
and these drifted into other points of sheep here and there on the camp, some were stolen for meat, some were drowned, all were lost to Aguirre and Rojas, but they improved the breed of sheep up around the Arroyo del Medio, and that's the best that can be said of them. But even before Halsey's venture sheepbreeding was attracting some attention, for the "Telegraf Mercantil" in 1802 had some criticisms on the abundance of wool and how little it was being taken advantage of. The following is a translation of a paragraph: "Sheep stock which is in abundance in this district is not appreciated as it deserves. Owners contenting themselves with shearing the little which they need for home consumption and an occasional little lot to be shipped to Misiones. This is all the use that is made of it; its usual value being from six to eight royales the arroba." Later in the same year another paper, the "Semanario de Agricultura," had an article on the improvement of wool by cross-breeding, so the possibilities of the The wars and industry were, at least, being considered. troubles in the mother-country, the English invasions, followed so soon by the Revolution gave native enterprise other things to think of and turn to for many years after, and gave to foreigners the opportunity of establishing this,
Argentina's greatest industry in the nineteenth century.

We have seen already that shipments of wool had been made from the Plate country in Colonial times. Parish, who is a good authority on statistical matters, writes that

1822 there were exported from Buenos Aires 33,417 arrobas of wool, worth one dollar per arroba; in 1829, In 1837 the export had 30,000 arrobas at same price. risen to 164,706 arrobas, and the price to two dollars per
It can be seen from these figures that there was a considerable trade in wool before the end of the first




quarter of the nineteenth century. And without the statistics quoted this fact could be reasoned out from the efforts

and the Government to improve the quality of Parish further says: "To the late Mr. Peter Sheridan and Mr. Harrat Buenos Aires is indebted for this new source of wealth which bids fair to rival in importance the most valuable of her old staple products." No doubt Sheridan and Harrat were the two most successful and enterprising men in the sheep-raising business the country had in the early Twenties, and their care and skill did much to establish it secure and permanently, but they
of Halsey the wool.

In so far as I can founding the first daily newspaper of the country, belongs to Americans, Halsey, in the one case, and Hallet in the other. And as Hallet made the first Irish- Argentine journalist so I believe did Halsey make the first Irish-Argentine sheepfarmer. When the business had grown to enormous extent and proportioned to the Republic immense wealth, of course, it was the duty of the English Minister, as a true Englishman, and in consonance with English principle, to claim the honor This writer of it for subjects of the English Monarch. remarks that when he arrived in Buenos Aires, in 1823, sheep carcases were "used for little else than fuel for brick kilns." This statement is rather sweeping, and I am inclined to think that if the author of it saw such a use being made of the carcases of sheep they must have been those of animals that died from the effects of long drought or a bad rain-storm. For at that time there were several gracerias where it would surely be more profitable to turn them into grease than to dispose of them as fuel for brickwere not the founders of the industry.
find out this honor, as well as that of



again, the people



had an appetite for mutton,

as in 1821

time must have Governor Rodriguez

issued a decree forbidding the slaughter of cows, as cattle

were getting scarce, which would suggest that beef must have been, consequently, too dear for common use amongst
the poor.


as the people were always great meat-eaters





one can imagine that mutton, however despised by the Argentine in happier circumstances, could now find more worthy use than that of baking bricks. Although it can be gathered from the foregoing that sheepfarming was already under way, not for many years yet had it become the principal employment of the Irish immigrant, but there is found from about this time, 1826,
frequent mention of men of Irish names going landward from the city, presumably as herdsmen and corral-makers. Already a considerable number of Irishmen had come down from the United States, probably attracted by the favorable reports on prospects in the new republic published, some time before, by the Commission sent to Buenos Aires in 1818 by the Washington Government. Several of our most prominent Irish-Argentine families, at the present time, are sprung from those immigrants who came from the United States in the Twenties. Love, in the book already referred to, speaks of having met many of these Irishmen, naturalized citizens of the United States, or what he calls "Irish Yankees," and he does not forget to mention how heartily they all hated England. Before turning away from the years I have been deal-

ing with principally in this chapter, I will select a few items

of interest met with in the advertisements of the "Gaceta

Mercantil," Hallet's paper, in





years, '23


The Sheridan Brothers' establishment was at 13 Chacabuco; Thomas Armstrong was also importing and exporting; William Buteler and Anthony Lynch had trains
of freight

the country;

and passenger carts trading with the interior of John F. Kennedy bought a beached ship from Stuart and M'Call; Lynch and Zimmerman made up a new

partnership the Argentine brig "Porteiio Libre" sailed for Rio de Janeiro with freight and passengers under command

Edward Gahan; in a benefit given in the Theater Buenos Aires, in November, Signor Ricciolini and his wife performed the tragedy, "Oscar hijo de (Son of) Oisin"; Tomas O'Gorman had a square of land for sale in
of Captain of

front of the Retiro


Captain Shannon was in command of

the mail boat plying with Montevideo (probably the same The agitation for who was one of Brown's officers).

Catholic Emancipation


apparently from reports

it is

in the

papers, growing steadily in Ireland, and




the tactics of the

had recourse to lately "A certain priest example quoted from the "Dublin Star" tried to exorcise an evil spirit from a man of the name of Halloran by plucking out his tongue. Halloran, of course, died and the priest was suspended for three months." Not too unlike the M'Cann case of a few years ago. The priest's name is not given in either instance. It was a rather crude political sensation, but it worked all right with the Orangemen, who do not usually use their wits, if they have any. Indians were on the warpath around Lujan, Carmen de Areco and Salto this year. Curitipai was the name of their chief, he also did some fairly successful raiding in the neighborhood of Arrecifes towards the close of the year. At 57 Calle Victoria there was a double child on show that had but one chest, although it had two bellies, four legs, four arms and two heads. It was born in Uruguay on June 24, 1824, of South American parents, minors of age. The mother was confined without any nurse assistance, and was then in good health the notice is headed, "Fenomeno." It may be asked: what have these last items to do with the story of the Irish in Argentina? and I answer, nothing at all, but they interested me when I met them, and feeling they may similarly interest my readers, I place them at their

Orange element then resemble those Here is an against Home Rule.




Dr. Oughan and the British Minister " Irish Yankees Irish Chemist Kiernans, Astronomer and Editor More Brown Victories Oughan Again Irish in the Camps ^King, the Scot and the Gael Miscellaneous Government Honors



BrownWestmeath and Wexford Men,



no way relates to the story of the and their descendants in Argentina, " I think it well that I should begin this chapter by recording, to the credit of the young nation, that full liberty to all sects to adore "Almighty God," as the edict has it, was decreed during the Supreme Directorship of Las Heras, the good General and good Governor. It was an act that all true Argentinos should be proud of, and as I am writing for Argentinos, why not remind them of it? Early in January Dr. Oughan's furniture was sold in public auction under orders of the English Minister. Oughan, it appears, had made himself objectionable to the English residents, and the English representative had him confined in a hospital as a lunatic, and in due time shipped to England queer things could be done then in Buenos Aires. Love says, "some eccentricity in his conduct" occasioned the deportation. His house was in Calle Catedral, now Martin. When he got home he instigated proceedSan ings at law against the Consul, in the high courts, and got judgment in his favor. Soon after he returned to Buenos


Irish people

Aires, and, as


shall see,


things rather unpleasant

David H. Connell was carrying on an extensive saddlery business. Somebody had been trying to coax his apprentice to leave him before his apprenticeship was fully served and Connell

for both the English Legation people and himself.





hundred decimos for the identificaAdmiral Brown had his house on for sale it had about twenty Road advertised Barracas the acres of ground to it. John Dillon had his stores at what Mr. McKenna, fresh is now Bolivar and Calvo Streets. opened a tailor shop States, from London and the United one of Mr. Love's probably at 25 de Mayo 15 he was The Government sent out doctors this "Irish Yankees." year to vaccinate, in all directions; every town and settlement in all the Province was visited. Edward Joseph Cranwell, an Irishman, after passing two examinations, was authorized by the Medical Board to practice pharmacy and
offered a reward of one

tion of this

was thenceforward recognized a professor therein. But the most remarkable event in my chronicle for this year is the discovery by Bernard Kiernan of his first comet. Kiernan was a native of the county of Derry and before coming to this country had lived for some years in North America.










astronomy, and I find him going to Cordoba soon after this discovery, presumably to avail himself of the better facilities for observation which the institutions and location He compiled several almanacs and of that city afforded. was employed by the Government as professor of astronomy and mathematics. Later he removed to Soriano in Uru-


his wife's

name was Mary

Devlin, and his eldest son,

James, in 1830, became chief editor of Hallet's paper, "La Gaceta Mercantil," and a couple of years later a partner The "Gaceta" has an with the founder in its ownership. article, October, 1825, on Kiernan's discovery which concludes thus: "We cannot close this article without rendering thanks to Mr. Kiernan for the information he has supplied us with, and we hope he will continue to favor us We shall always find it a pleasure to publish in this way.
whatever intelligence he

though at present


may be pleased to let us have. Almay be that it interests few, nevernot remote when


flatter ourselves that the time is

the study of the noble science of astronomy will be




This gentleman, moved by a laudable zeal for the promotion of this science, is preparing the result of his observations with the purpose of remitting them to the Greenwich astronomical institution, for there is an opportunity here of studying the
general and of more interest to the many.

phenomenon now which there they have not."

Glorious as were the triumphs of


in the

war of independence his feats this year almost minimize them into pettiness. In the campaign against the Spaniards I did not follow the Admiral from battle to battle, nor from cruise to cruise, as to pursue such a course, and
to treat

the details of those homeric years in the career


Mayoman would demand a volume not bulky than what I have designed this whole work should be. Nor do I propose to sketch in even a small way the numerous engagements in which he wreathed in everlasting
of the illustrious

fame the naval banner of Argentina, and made his own name a foremost one among famous seamen. The year was but a few days old when the Government called Brown once more into action. A mighty Brazilian fleet was in front of the city, holding up all commerce in a manner the most ruthless and defiant. David going forth to meet Goliath was, to all appearance, a much more even match for his antagonist than Brown standing out in his schooner to battle with Lobo and his numerous and powerful ships. The first clash with the Imperial forces was on January 15, and resulted in the Argentine Admiral returning to port with the prize of a warship and a transport captured from the enemy. This daring and brilliant feat of seamanship was accomplished under the full gaze of the people of the City, assembled along the shore and on the house-tops. It was something in the form of a reconnoitering raid affected while a few ships were being made ready Early in February the little fleet, for the real contest. consisting of six ships and a dozen small boats manned by six or seven hundred men, being ready, Brown attacked the blockading squadrons. As happened on other occasions,



his captains


some of

played him

false, leaving the

the engagement to the flagship and two others.

flicting severe

brunt of After in-

damage on the enemy ships the Argentine fleet returned to port and the Admiral had the three betraying captains discharged from the service. They were Azopardo, Bouzley and Warms. Within a few days he had his forces
quickly retired to safer quarters.

organized again, but when he went forth anew the enemy He came in with the

Brazilians near Colonia and in the engagement both combatants suffered serious loss but at Martin Garcia he once

more triumphed and seized considerable booty. Again, in March, the blockaders appeared before Buenos Aires, and again did Brown's men fail him in the hour of need. May brought several battles and on Independence Day, the
glorious 25th, in full view of the citizens of the Capital,

he inflicted another tremendous defeat on the enemy who fled pursued by the Argentine ships. Next month the Brazilians returned to the fight and were again defeated, this time more hopelessly than ever before. But the Imperial forces were not yet prepared to give in

and July

closed with a renewal, in great strength, of the blockade,

and the battling and blockading continues on through the Brown's next move was in the order of rest of the year. that of Scipio and while the Imperial ships were tossing idly on the bosom of the Plate he suddenly appeared before Rio de Janeiro in a most threatening mood. He captured and sunk many enemy ships, returning to Buenos
Aires with his prizes towards the end of the year.
noticeable that twelve years previously,

when the Argentine


Navy was




commanders were men of

fully one-half are

Enghsh or Scotch names; now



Spanish descent, while the crews are almost entirely of the country-born. Not one of the captains of the campaign against the Spaniards is any more to be found on the Argentine decks. Michael Brown, the Admiral's brother,


distinguished himself in the campaign of the Pacific, and who rescued the Admiral when he fell into the hands





of the Spaniards at Guayaquil, when last heard of was in He commanded the Hercules on the trip to GalaBrazil. pagos and homewards around the Horn. Owing to danger
of falling into the hands of a Spanish fleet reported to be in the estuary of the Plate the Hercules proceeded on the

venturesome trip to the West Indies. On this trip Brown had an adventure with the EngHsh, out of which he came with great credit, and wherein he made the English officers Michael Brown look extremely stupid and incompetent. Grande; W. Rio at shore put on was health being in weak him in replacing brother-in-law, Admiral's D. Chitty, the Michael that seem would It boat. the the command of returned to Ireland after this, for the Admiral visited a
brother there in the Famine Year. In July the Argentine Ladies presented the Admiral with a flag in recognition of his great services and as a Seiiora Maria Sanchez de Mandeville token of gratitude.

making the presentation



Full of admiration and enthusiasm for your conduct in the deed of the 11th of June, the Argentine Ladies have decorated this banner and elected me to offer it to


name as a small but sincere expression of their gratitude. They hope it will accompany you in the battles you have yet to wage in defense of our country." Brown made no effort to reply in any grand oratorical
in their

but it would be hard to find words to fit the man and the occasion better than the few he used, and which were to the effect that, he highly prized the flag and that it would never be lowered unless the mast it floated from fell, or the ship that bore it went to the bottom. J. H. Duffy through the "Gaceta" cautions people not to believe some calumny which evil-doers were circulating about him, and promises soon to disprove it. He had some question with the captain of an American ship, wrecked on
the coast of Patagonia, as to its cargo. authorities interfered on Duffy's behalf

The Argentine



cargo being


Francis Lynch



Captain of the




Port and has just been acting something of the censor. He has had to severely reprimand the newspapers for giving out news about the fleet which was useful to the enemy very much like what we have been reading in the cables from

Europe regularly
"Gaceta" to the

for the last couple of years.




esting advertisement

one which Mr. Palmer has in the

effect that he

has some whitethorn quicks,

just imported, for sale. The growing of this kind of tree must have proved a failure, for in my time in the country I have seen but two such trees and they are not yet twenty years old, and they have to be watered frequently in the dry weather, to even keep them alive. John Dillon the rich merchant died in September. His wife was a native or a Spaniard, and she had a great funeral Mass celebrated for him in San Telmo church. Mulhall, under the heading "Public Men of English Descent," had this to say of him: "John Dillon, Commissioner General of Immigration in the Argentine Republic, is son of an Irish gentleman of the same name, who came to Buenos Aires in 1807, and estab-

a saladero at Montevideo, as well as a flotilla of traffic. He was the first to start a Buenos Aires, for which purpose he brought out brewery in

schooners for river

workmen and machinery from Europe.

During the war


Independence he lent his vessels free of charge to the patriot Government, and was allowed all the privileges usually re-

There are some and the fact that he started an extensive business in Buenos Aires
served at that time to native citizens."

who say that


John Dillon was born

in Spain,

in Colonial times goes to strengthen this assertion.



two sons who will be heard of further on. James Fitzsimmons, another of Love's "Irish Yankees," advertises a great machine he has for cleaning and grinding grain. John O'Reilly asks people to whom he owes anything and people who owe him to come and settle up accounts. There was a race held at Barracas in November and the name of the winning horse was "Shamrock," owned by Mr. Whit-



In view of the name of the horse we

may suppose

Whitfield to be an Irishman.







the times.
in the one

If last year



hope and expectancy

believed to be capable of coping with the perilous situation then threatening, this year opens in aU the wild enthusiasm of hopes and expectations realized. But deeds of


greater glory than any so far recorded were soon to crown the hero of so many triumphs and of not one single defeat. The day of Juncal, February 9, saw destroyed a splendid
fleet and added some dozen units to the Argennavy; the enemy Admiral was a prisoner with only two Two weeks later, off ships of a fleet of 18 sail escaping. Quilmes, another Brazilian fleet saved itself from utter de-





story of Brown's naval career reads more like a

romance of an enchanted knight or a champion equipped with magic weapons and armor than of that of a man in real life having to do with real men. He seemed to be able to win great victories under any and all circumstances and conditions. If ever a man was a host in himself, and an unconquerable one at that, Brown was that man. No wonder that a people so patriotic, so enthusiastic and so
generous-souled as the Argentinos should give way to the wildest outbursts of rejoicing when such a hero returned to

them, the spreading expanse of their mighty river speckled over with the numerous trophies of his battles. Lopez describes the reception accorded to the great victor on his

return from the Brazilian campaign as follows

" The scene which took place in the city is indescribable. The whole people maddened with the fever of triumph, rushed to the streets and the river side with bands of music and banners to receive Brown, who was momentarily expected to step on shore. Numbers of skiffs had gone out to the anchorage of the squadron to receive the victor mariner, and bear him to the shore making the welkin ring with their thunderous cheers, when freshening a southern breeze the boat in which the hero was coming was borne to the beach at the Recoleta.




There rushed the multitude and instantly raising him on their shoulders carried him without his once touching earth to the Almeda. The Port Captaincy and the adjacent streets were thronged with enthusiastic crowds; and so in the arms of the whole people who poured blessings on him he was borne to the aristocratic caf6, the Victoria, where he remained an hour, durmg which time the people acclaimed him untiringly. From there he was taken to his dwelling

a carriage drawn by the people."

(V. 10, p. 111.)

Thomas and John


Armstrong returned



Aires in February after a visit to the old country.



same ship Dr. John Oughan sent a pamphlet accusing various personages in high places of having tried on two occasions to poison him. There is something strange in

Oughan, as already stated, was sent home as a demented, and his effects sold by the English Consul. The head doctor of the hospital where he was confined refused to give a certificate that he was insane, on the contrary he stated that Dr. Oughan was then, and always had been, in his right mind. The other doctors said he was not and made out the documents to that effect. The pamphlet
this case.


he published has a lot of revelations reflecting so badly on some of the high society people that a person writing in the "Gaceta" asks the public to suspend judgment on the

There were a number of very bitter and letters in the papers against Oughan for some weeks, and so talked of was the subject of the pamphlet that it was commonly referred to as the "question of the day." The Doctor returned while the "question" was in its most exciting stage and was arrested at the instance of the English Minister, Lord Ponsonby. It is remarkable letters in the press are anonythat all the anti-Oughan deduced from be the correspondmous; but this much can ence: his chief enemies are Ponsonby, English Minister, and Parish and Passet, Consul and Vice-Consul, respectively, and that the authorities were not treating him as the law demanded, but rather as the Minister of England wanted. The case has become of such public importance
matter for some time.




He had some
very staunch

by the beginning of


that he has to be released and

given a passport to Chili.

Dr. John Sullivan was also interested in the case, and favored Oughan; the alleged insane Doctor showed very few signs of insanity in the manner in which he conducted his case.
friends as well as bitter enemies.

had to report

People entering and leaving Buenos Aires at this time Rivatheir movements to the authorities davia being at the head of affairs he was bound to have

everybody and everything duly tagged and pigeon-holed. This formality, doubtless, caused a good deal of grumbling and objection for the trouble it occasioned, but it turns out to be a very useful thing as affording a record of arrivals and departures to and from Buenos Aires of people of whom otherwise we would scarcely have ever heard. Thus we find that in May, 1827, Daniel Mackey went to Entre Rios; Edward Hore and John Norris went to Chascomus; in the next month Michael Cromley and Patrick Whalen followed Hore and Norris, and two months later Matt Smith took the same course while Stephen Donnelly went to Canalones. Earlier in the same year Frank Parker left for San Pedro, and at the same time Thomas Jones reported himself as bound for Baradero. These were undoubtedly Irishmen and were probably amongst the first of our people who went to work at any great distance outside the city; they were some of the first real camp Irish. It is true, however, that Irishmen had gone, for one cause or another, to many points in the interior some years previous to the time I write of. I have already referred to Campbell and his friends in Corrientes, and the men of Irish names in San Nicolas with Carrera and Alvear. Colonel King tells a story of meeting an Irishman and a

Scotchman in San Juan in the early Twenties, and the meeting was a rather unfortunate thing for the Colonel. As his account of the affair is very short I will give it in substance here; it conveys a moral, too, that it would be no harm for us to bear in mind even in quieter and much less





strenuous times than were those of the Colonel in his Cuyo King had been a soldier of the Government; his side

had suffered a defeat which had scattered their forces beyond reorganization; he was trying to make his way back to Buenos Aires or to get in touch with the Government army at the nearest point, and so was travelling in disIn conversation guise, for he was in the enemy country. he told all this to a friendly Scotchman whose acquaintance he had made in the town, while taking his bearings. One day, the two friends having a walk, they met an Irishman, a neighbor and acquaintance of the Scot; they all became good friends and continued the walk. A discussion got up between the two neighbors which became so very hot that the Irishman challenged the Scot to fight him over it; the canny one refused, but the law v/as called in to regulate the matter. The American was the only witness and his evidence, as the Irishman was completely in the right, had the effect of casting the Scot in the suit. Next day the Colonel was arrested as an enemy in disguise, a sort of spy, and
narrowly escaped being shot he was detained for a long time and suffered great hardships; he was too confiding. The moral is, never tell things about yourself or anybody else that you do not need to tell. A Major Furnier was court-martialled in August for seizing an English ship. Francis Lynch defended the Major, and did it so well that the court entirely approved

Thomas O'Gorman had a law-suit with about the possession of a house, the court favored O'Gorman, but there is a long argument in the newspapers about it. Michael Rourke, an Irishman, was stabbed by a woman on the night of the 25th of May; but Michael did not think of telling the police about his mishap until the latter part of July, following, at which time the police explained that the lady of the knife had disappeared. Charles O'Gorman and Patrick Hamilton made distinguished passes in the Gimnasio Argentino. Mr. Duffy and two partners, Sissons and Taylor, were buying and selling
Furnier's action.
his brother-in-law



and lands,
in their offices at

estancias, houses

57 Chacabuco

at this time




to meet with advertisements for

go work on estancias. more or less well defined and, in ordinary weather, fairly passable highways to Mendoza and Cordoba the Province of Buenos Aires was, in 1828, without what we now call public roads. Shallows and safe passes on the rivers were known to the professional guides and to the engineer department of the army, but the ordinary man who left the Capital to go to Chascomus, Monte, Mercedes, Areco or Baradero, had no more idea of the course he had to take to get to his destination than had Ponce de Leon of the direct course to the Land of Perpetual Youth when he set out to find that coveted region. There was no such thing as a beaten path over the camp; there were no such things as bridges over the rivers, and the passes that last year or last month were fordable might in the meantime have so shifted or modified themselves, with heavy floods or a fall in the current, as to be no longer safe. All this made communications with the new towns and settlements not on the principal highways exceedingly slow and costly. Efforts, however, were being made by the authorities and by private enterprise to cope with these difficulties, and early in this year a meeting was held at the Sala de Comercio Argentino to devise means whereby to establish quick and regular communications with the Salado district. Mr. Duify was one of the men who urged this scheme. The enterprise must have been very warmly taken up, for, within a few weeks, a mail passenger coach started on its first trip to Chascomus and Salado, making the journey in two days and having accommodation for twelve passengers. William Orr, who, I believe, was an Irishman, and a very well-known business man of Buenos Aires, was elected one of the Directors of the National Bank. Charles O'Donnell advertised himself as an architect and engineer who was ready to do all kinds of surveying. The Court of Commerce made a licensed broker of Adolfo O'Gorman, son of O'Gorman

men and With

their wives to

the exception of the



in the University.


who came from France.


Sabino O'Donnell was professor

Brazil and Argentina had come


The question on which

so sound a diplomat

was still unsettled, and was Brown that he knew that one of the best arguments that Argentina could have at the peace So council was a good strong navy in prime battle trim. he set too to put his st3^1e of diplomacy in action by starting a subscription for the purchase and equipment of addiHis own subscription was one thousand tions to the navy. dollars, and his two boys, William and Edward, then at There are not very many school, gave twenty dollars each. Irish names on the list of subscribers, but our old friend. Dr. John Oughan, is in line with one hundred and fifty The subscription call was being very well redollars. sponded to when peace terms were arrived at between the two combatants. I should note before passing from this
to blows, although being negotiated,

event in the Admiral's career that a short while previously


Government decreed



in the following grateful

forces at the

premiums for him and and generous terms

of General


The naval


WilHam Brown,


to dislodge the

enemy who occupied one

in his

of the interior riverS


castigated the proud flag of Brazil

Uruguay and Parana

and fixed the domination of the campaign of sixty days; and especially in the brilliant deeds of the 8th and 9th of February, last, the Government appreciating in their full value services so distinguished and

glorious, wish that the Chief of the fleet



and elevation to which

his talents

and merits

be able to maintain the raised him,


and that the crews of the ships receive a proportional benefit to

In consequence, the President of the Republic has agreed to and decrees: Art. 1, The General-in -chief of the Fleet, Don Guillermo


shall receive in public funds the



twenty thousand

dollars as a


to perpetuate the advantages of his merit. in


Grogan and R. W. Peacock joined

in Valparaiso.


ship to carry on the business of Sutton

and Gregory; they

an importing business

The four

years, the record of which I close with this



chapter, were very important ones in the founding of the Irish-Argentine colony. In these years arrived in Buenos Aires the two men to whom, it is said, may be attributed
the early coming of so many emigrants from the Counties of Westmeath and Wexford John Mooney and Patrick

Browne, respectively. What particularly induced Mooney to come to Buenos Aires, I have not heard, but Browne came, in the year 1827, representing a Liverpool commercial house, and replacing his elder brother who had filled that position for some couple of years previously. Browne soon went into business entirely on his own account, and was one of the first Irishmen to establish a saladera. It would appear he had two of these concerns, as it is stated by Mulhall that he had one at what is now the Plaza Once, while I have often heard some old Irishmen say that they worked in his saladera at North Barracas. Although business affairs went bad with him in his later life he was very successful in the early years, and brought out and encouraged to come out a great many of his fellow- Wexfordmen, and always befriended them loyally. Mooney settled here about the same time and soon with his neighbor and son-in-law, Patrick Bookey, were the most extensive employers of Irishmen in the country. Mooney, like Browne, brought out many men from his own neighborhood and the fame of the good progress of these of course influenced others, till within ten or fifteen years the preponderance of Westmeathmen in the Irish-Argentine colony was strikingly

Another very well-known Irishman of those days was Bartholemew Foley, a Meathman who came in 1825. He was a man of good education and something of a leader among his countrymen. He took part with O'Brien in organizing a movement to demand Catholic Emancipation, in 1829, and in the early Forties founded a Repeal Club. When Father Fahey formed the Irish Hospital Committee, in 1848, Foley was its Secretary, and in the establishment of the Irish Convent he took an active part; he was, too, I




broker in Buenos Aires. He had two whom was regarded as the leading beauty of Buenos Aires in her day, and who married a nephew of the one and only Rosas. In speaking of remarkable Irishmen of that time I must not forget Patrick
believe, the first Irish

sons, a daughter of one of

Donohue who walked most of the way from New York to Chili and from there across the Andes to Buenos Aires,

He was

arriving here in 1827, at the age of about forty-five years. a Kilkennyman and a great seannachie. He could

the stories he ever heard, and had, as might be

expected, from his strange travels,


many wonderful


ences of his own, and related them with great picturesque-


reached the age of 85.



O'Brien and Emancipation Local Politico Brown GoverSecond Comet The First Irish Chaplain The Irish in Business Strange and Instructive Newspaper Correspondence Irish Tax-payers Comings and Goings of Irishmen Wool-raising Land Tenure Father Miscellaneous Items Michael M'Cartan Boom in Camp Business O'Connell and Galileo O'Brien and the Two Dictators Brown Farming Taxed Irish Oughan Goes Home with a Bride, ctc.




affairs in Ireland

were very much disturbed

for some years previous to the date at which this

Civil war seemed almost inThe Catholics, four-fifths of the people, still ground down and outraged by the remnants of the atrocious Penal Laws still in operation were not in open rebellion,

chapter commences.

only because they had no one to lead them in a

contest with the enemy, and this lack of leaders was the
result solely of the hopelessness of an

open struggle with


the Government, under the conditions of the absolutely dis-


state of the enslaved

and persecuted peasantry.

hopeless though such a struggle might be, the people were so goaded to desperation that an explosion, the conse-

quences of which none could foretell, was possible at any moment. The Buenos Aires papers printed alarming comments and reports from time to time on the critical conditions. Here is a couple of quotations from the "London Times": "We tremble for every breeze that blows from Ireland, and our fears are doubled by every advice we have from there. Ireland is on the point of being devoured by civil war." The article goes on to paint the horrors of the coming strife, closing in these words "Such are the calamities inseparable from the struggle provoked by the






Orange Clubs and accepted by the Catholic multitudes who have nothing of their own to lose and who belong to a race What an indictment, of men ignorant and impetuous." unintentional, of course, of English Government in Ireland! Four-fifths of the people, the native race, having nothing of their own, and densely ignorant after six hundred years

Soon after this is published a report of English civilizing. of a great meeting of Protestants in Fermanagh to protest
against giving the Catholics any more liberty. How proud the Irish Protestants ought to be of themselves, and how


fond the Irish people ought to be of them and their Church! all the world beside provide us anywhere with such a type of Christians? A great meeting of Protestants to

more liberty! And and disciples of the Dutch usurper whom Argentine historians have set up as the great hero of human liberty, beside no less a figure than George Washington. What fools even brilliant men can make of themselves when they venture to expatiate on
protest against giving the Catholics any
these Protestants were the followers

things they



or nothing about!

These press reports of the horrible condition of affairs country were not without their effect on the Irish Our people must have felt parresidents of Buenos Aires. ticularly strong and proud at this period, and no doubt had many friends amongst the leading families of the Capital, for Admiral Brown, the only foreigners ever so distinguished, was then Governor of the country. Meetings were held to devise means of expressing sympathy with and lending assistance to the people at home; many of the
in the old








warmly with the



leader in this

movement was

General O'Brien, the trusted friend of San Martin, but, of course, all the prominent Irishmen of the city, Foley, Armstrong, Sheridans, the Kiernans, O'Gormans, Oughan and many others took part in it. The following circular issued in April, by O'Brien, will give an idea of how closely the progress of affairs at home was being followed by the exiles



in Buenos Aires. The circular was issued in English, but I have been able to get only a Spanish copy of it, which I



Aires, April 28, 1829.

Dear Sir: Many respectable persons, friends of the cause of the Catholics, being of the opinion that ia this session of Parliament will
be decided the great question of Emancipation (although for myself






and in accordance with the desires of these consequence of the state of disturbance in which
I have determined to suspend for a few days

country finds


my efforts to hasten that very important event.



it is

very probable
the friends of


the result

by the next

mail, a meeting will be then

called together, not only of all the Irish,


but also of



religious liberty, of every

coimtry and faith for the purpose of

deliberating upon the most eflScacious way and helping the Universal Irish Association

the other principal members of the society, in placed their confidence, have changed the name of the Catholic Association,

communicating with Mr. O' Council and whom the people have


in the future will be

known by

that of the Universal

Irish Association.

The undersigned judges it necessary to give this public announcement of the cause of his present inaction, that his friends may not
suppose that his
life itself,

zeal, in

a cause which he never can abandon save with


has in any

way grown

The undersigned

further offers to his friends and the public his

gratitude for the benevolence and liberality which they have manifested on this occasion,

and has the honor to

be, etc.

T. O'Brien.

This movement with the purpose of lending assistance

and rewe have of anything like organization or combination amongst the Irish of Argentina. That we hear no more of the movement from
to their friends at


in their struggle for civil

ligious liberty




is explained in the fact that the Emancipation Bill, was popularly called, became law, and that particular question was more or less settled. The disturbed state of affairs here in Buenos Aires, to which O'Brien refers, had

that on

surely not a

may have



to do with the disintegration of whatever

been getting into form under O'Brien's leadership. There is no period in the whole history of the Republic in which its political affairs were so sad and discouraging as just at this time. Revolutions within revolutions and counter-revolutions were the
organization or combination

order of the day in the city and the provinces, and the darkest political crime in Argentina's whole story, the shooting of Governor Dorrego by the insurgent General,

had taken place but a few months previously.


men in the country seemed to have been some uncontrollable mania for rebellion and disorder. The nation was not yet twenty years old, and although nearly half that period was occupied by three fairly orderly and decidedly progressive Directorial terms, those of Pueyrredon, Rodriguez and Las Heras, the other ten years, or so, of this period knew more than twenty different Governors and Dictators. Some of these adventurers,
the best
stricken with

or victims of unfortunate circumstances, as not a few of

them were, scarcely assumed authority when it was wrenched from them again by another turn of the revolutionary wheel, a mutiny, a desertion or the coup of some ambitious military officer. The story is told of an American resident who, wanting to be a little facetious at the expense of the
Portefios, during one of these quick-revolution seasons used

window every morning, the first thing when he had got out of bed, and inquire from the first passer-by that came the way: "Quien manda hoy?" (Who rules to-day?) The Yankee had been having his fun for some days before the knowledge of his mode of diversion came to the man who happened to be ruling that day, but just as soon as it did get to the ruling one's ears the American was left no longer in doubt, for he got a polite but very
to open his

imperative order to be off Argentine territory before sunset He slept that night on an or take the consequences. English gunboat out on the river.


the period of O'Brien's circular political affairs




hardly anything more settled or permanent about them than Failures for some in the days of the American's curiosity. few years before this by various leading Argentine public men to form and maintain a government had led the political group strongest at the moment in the Capital to name

Admiral Brown, Provisional Governor. Brown knew absolutely nothing about party politics, and many a joke has been told as to his utter inability to see any difference between one form of government and another, much less to have any understanding as to the difference between federalHe was respected by all as a fine type ists and unitarians. of frank, upright citizen and good seaman, and the populace adored him for the things he had done as a sea-fighter; it was this adoration by the people which the politicians calculated on to keep their side in power. The Admiral would be Governor in the eyes of the people, but in the government, they, the politicians, would govern the Governor. Lopez dealing with the selection of Brown for Governor
writes in his history, V. 10, p. 362:

"Brown was named Governor in the supposition that he was one of the great favorites of the people. So he had
been, in effect, during the years of the Brazilian blockade.

But neither then nor after was he anything more than a play toy, without contact with the parties or with political passions. Away from his ships Brown was in every way useless. In the streets he was to all an object of affectionate curiosity, but on land he was out of place, without footing. Nobody, in a word, capable of mounting a horse or handling a rifle would think of sacrificing himself for
the political ideas of

Brown. To this may be added that he was not a daring and insolent adventurer like Cochrane, but an honest sailor, brave, modest and sober-minded, almost timid in his manners a sea-lion if you will, but better a child of the billows, a subject of Neptune opportunely thrown up by the waves on the shores of Argentina. A

nature active,

patriot unrivalled in the fight beneath our banner, of a flexible, enamored of the country in which





glory was won and his future established. So destitute was he of political talents that he could never really understand whether a republican president or governor was not just the same thing as a monarch. He served our government without bothering what this or that represented, what it was then or what it was at some other time; and instead of Castillian he spoke a jargon sui generis in vacillating One phrases that scarcely reached beyond monosyllables. her governany of: England and fear thing only had he ment, and two things only did he love, the Argentine flag and his family. In the position in which the intrigues of parties had placed him he was a mystification so strange, that all, in one spontaneous accord, felt the ridiculous extravagance of the invention."


did not in the least ambition the Governorship.

He was

too wise a
the most


not to see that the position was

hopelessly beyond the order of his talents.



unhappy time

in all his varied career.

hope that he might be useful that was threatening the national ruin, and he retired at once from the position when he discovered that his hopes were vain; his resignation appeared on the same day as O'Brien's circular. Although his term in the Governorship added no luster to his already great name, his satisfying none of the parties surprised or annoyed nobody, and it lessened or changed the people's veneration for him not in the least. James McCarty commenced the year advertising a wonderful new apparatus for making soda-water which he has installed in his "Sun Tavern" at 25 de Mayo No. 15. He promises to make soda-water with this machine "superior to anything of the kind hitherto in the city." The American Consul seeks to have Daniel Kilpatrick, John Mallison and Michael Whelen arrested for having mutinied on board the American ship "Rebecca," and having carried away some of her belongings. Messrs. William Murphy and John Barra are empowered to transact all F. S. Barra's business
in the


only accepted

to allay the bitter



while he


absent in Chili.


the fifteen land-holders

named a commission to establish a rural police is Benito Lynch. Domingo CuUen of Santa Fe was on a visit to
Buenos Aires, he was then high in Santafecino politics and represented his government at the National Capital where This year Santiago he was very heartily welcomed. "Gaceta Mercantil," of the editor chief Kiernan became staff of the paper and the on years five he had been some man. was still a very young Early in March, 1830, Bernard Kiernan discovered his second comet, of which he gives a full description in the papers. It was near the most southerly nebulas, which is known as "El Sud." Kiernan was not without his opponents and jealous neighbors, and these people often gave expression to their feelings in the press of their day. But his son being the editor of the principal daily paper left him

much at ease in so far as answering his critics went. The following letter which he published in the "Gaceta" of March 22, will, I am sure, interest many:
Senores Editores de la Gaceta Mercantil: It came to my notice sometime since that the prediction in my almanac of an extraordinary rise in the river on the days 23, 24 and 25 of the present month has had the effect of inspiring fears of a great inundation amongst certain of
the credulous and less instructed of the people.
feel it

I did not, however,

incumbent upon me to dispel such extravagant ideas, which could in no manner be justified from the plain and unequivocal terms in which my announcement was made. But now that Senor Masotte has commenced this task I must declare that the principles which he sets out in the " Lucero " of to-day are the same as those on which I started in my calculations, and which, consequently, make his deductions correct. There is, therefore, no reason to fear any prejudicial consequences from the causes which combine to produce a tide somewhat higher than the ordinary in the days mentioned, unless the wind conspires against us. I am yours, etc. Bernard Kiernan.

The second comet was a great

deal talked of

and written

about, and Kiernan seems to have studied

very closely ancj





his description of it in the "British


and comprehensive.



Irish Chaplain

as such, was Father Patrick

who came to the country, really Moran, a priest of the Arch-

He had a very tedious voyage, for alDublin in November he did not reach Buenos His death occurred on Aires till the following February. one 30th of April, 1830, making his term as Irish Chaplain, here, of a duration of only fourteen months. The "Gaceta" "On refers to his death, editorially, in the following words the 30th of the month just past. Father Patrick Moran, a native of Ireland, and Chaplain to the Catholic Irish
diocese of Dublin.

though he

resident in this city, died.

in the discharge

The deceased had won

and for

the sin-

cere esteem of his fellow-countrymen for his untiring zeal

of his sacred ministry,

His loss will be very tinguished personal qualities. own people, but amongst among his not only felt,

much many

Argentines who cultivated his friendship. The burial took place on Saturday with the assistance of a numerous accompaniment." Father Burke, the old Dominican, died in '28, and soon after, within a few months. Father Moran was
fill his place; thus in 1828 the Irish chaplaincies commenced, unless it be that Father Burke was sent by his Order purposely to meet the requirements of the little congregation of Irish Catholics which began to form in the city from the day that Beresford surrendered to the Portefios and Spaniards. The lesser events of this year may be summarized as follows: James MacCarthy, the same who had the wonderful soda fountain and who was then M'Carty, has opened the hotel, "Tres Reyes" in 25 de Mayo; Grogan and Peacock have taken Edward Morgan into partnership with them; Daniel Harrington, aged 25 years, died in September; John H. Duffy seems to have gone broke as he calls all who have accounts pending with him to come to his private house to try to regulate them in a satisfactory manner; Mrs. Elena Brady died in October; Mrs. Connel

sent to




keeps her hotel still; Oscar son of Oisin is being staged again; Thomas Armstrong was one of the commission of three appointed to oversee the accounts of the National Bank; Sabino O'Donnell passed an examination in physics

and mathematics for which he got a valuable premium in Mr. Brogan books and was mentioned as "surpassing." had a commercial house at Corrientes 67; Mr. Brian had one at Cuyo MS; James Co34e continues his dry goods and tailoring business; Mr. Coffey is a merchant, and Patrick



a grocer.

There was another Grogan

in business

at Piedras 43'; Richard Higgins had a shop in the Recoba and also brick kilns out Flores direction; John Terril had

two carpenter-shops in what are now San Martin and Florida; William Buteler's warehouse was in Piedad 130; Adolfo O'Gorman, the broker, had his office at 66 Cathedral

now San Martin; Peter Bergin was

a coach-builder

Lepper and O'Donnell, both Jameses, are physicians, and John Sullivan is a surgeon all three Irishborn. Armstrong and Sheridan are still the big businessat 153 Mexico;

the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland has proclaimed as dangerous to the peace of the realm the organization known as the "Society of the Friends of Ireland," an association of people of all the religious sects, and that in so doing he has caused great sensation. The proclamation was made just as soon as O'Connell left DubSeveral of the old members of the Catholic Association lin. who had separated from their old chief, seeing the coercive means adopted, have publicly declared that they will be the

men of our community. The "Gaceta" tells how


sustain the



and that the Duke of

difference of English


deceives himself

he hopes to crush by violence

the patriotic spirit of Ireland.

rule in Ireland, after


87 years seems to be that then it was only coercion, now, 1917, it is martial law. In Buenos
Aires a notable difference in this connection

that the

newspapers then were friendly towards Ireland and the cause of liberty, they are now for England and massacre. Not





one of them, save "La Union" and "La Critica" had a of protest to utter against England's shooting of the Dublin patriots last year, nor against the hanging of Casement. Indeed a special correspondent of the "Prensa,"


one Maetzu, went so far as to express the hope that he, Casement, would not be shown any clemency. It is scarcely unfair to suppose that something more than mere sympathy for the Allies was at the bottom of such strange principles

a republican press. The indifference and want of spirit of our people here, at the present time, which is very culpable, cannot wholly account for the attitude of the Buenos Aires press, for whatever individuals or groups of individuals, may do or neglect to do, the cause of liberty is always and everywhere the same, and should be as worthy

at least, a fair


in Ireland as in

Belgium or the


mind, no accounting for the action of the Buenos Aires press in regard to the treatment of the Irish patriots by England, in the recent rebellion, save that said press has been secured to the neces-



therefore, to


sary extent as a part of the English Foreign Service. I do not desire even to hint that the editors have been taken in hand and a quid pro quo arrangement made, but we all know how the constant and very useful friendship of certain able Argentine lawyers has been secured. There was no price fixed beforehand for Padilla, Pena and Lima, but they were good and honored pensioners of the English Government from the day of the betrayal of their country to the day of their death. There are dozens of ways of buying the sympathy and service of a newspaper besides the plain and rather unrefined one of going into the office and counting out the price in gold sovereigns on the editor's or manager's desk. But to return to my theme, the newspapers of Buenos Aires, in 1830, were friendly to the cause of Irish liberty, in 1916 their friendship was for England and Russia, the destroyers of the liberties of more people than all the other nations of the world since Rome fell. For our people the chief event of the next year was the




coming of Father Patrick J. O'Gorman, as Chaplain. The community was now of considerable importance and

increasing rapidly.

The colony

of Irish sought to be estab-

Hshed in Brazil, a

had resulted in failure, had come on to Buenos Aires where so many of their countrymen were in very prosperous circumstances, and where a much more agreeable climate awaited them. At this time, too, there was much more shipping from the United States to the River Plate ports than there was from any of the European countries, and hardly one of these ships came that did not bring Irish But by far the greater part of such immiimmigrants. grants came direct from the homeland, via Liverpool. Archbishop Murray must have been very well aware of the importance and increasing growth of the Irish community here, for although the Chaplain previously supplied it was fated to live in his new field of endeavor but a little more than a year, the good Primate was prompt in providing another pastor for the flock. Father O'Gorman's mission must have been an exceedingly laborious one, for apart from a very large congregation scattered throughout the various parishes of the city, a considerable number of his people had already gone to the camp districts, especially southward. He was not many months in his new scene of activity when some good people sought to make trouble for him,
while before,

and a number of the


because of his not attending to the grave the funeral of a Mr. E. Chambers. It seems that Mr. Chambers had be-

come converted to the Catholic belief and had been attended by Father O'Gorman; the burial, however, was made in the Protestant cemetery and the Chaplain declined to officiate there. The family and some friends of the deceased gentleman could not understand this scrupulosity on the priest's part and so complained of his "bigotry" that he
had to write to the press explaining his position there was quite a little hub-bub about the matter. Thomas Armstrong failed in business, there used to be crises then, too, and is accused in the newspapers by Bernard





Jones with fraud; Armstrong sues Jones to the courts to prove his charges, and there is a tedious law-suit and lots Admiral of correspondence in the papers on the matter. Mrs. Bank; National Brown was made a Director of the of payment the for O'Gorman's house was up for sale, and Ranchos to taxes owing on it; James Maclntire went Francis Carey to Cordoba; John Gorman arrived from Montevideo, and Thomas Egan from Brazil; James Fitzsimmon returned from Cordoba and John Sullivan, aged

30 years, died. James Kerney went to Paysandu, and Dr. Oughan, Admiral Brown and Grogan, Peacock and Morgan subscribed to the fund for the erecting of an iron railing along the beach side of the Almeda. This street, then the promenade of the city, now Paseo de Julio, was along the beach, or fore-shore, and was reached by the inflow of high tides, it was very dangerous in case of run-away horses, as
also for pedestrians after dark, hence the necessity of put-


up a

railing on the open side.




article in

the "Lucero" on English intolerance in Ireland which draws an anonymous reply in the "Gaceta"; it is interesting to
see how much alike the quarrels then and now are; the The "Lucero" writer seems to be very well informed. President of the Medical Faculty and Dr. Oughan have a correspondence in the press on the latter's form of operation for the cure of lythotrisia. Jones and Armstrong still keep up their charges and counter-charges as to the failure of the latter. It is amusing, and somewhat curious, to

read the things that are treated of in the correspondence columns of the papers in those days. Everybody who has anything to complain of or to explain seems to turn to the newspapers with it, and sometimes even very serious charges are made therein. Whether or not such correspondence would be more interesting and edifying than the war-news which fills the newspapers of the present day is a
question not for


to judge, but I


certain a few columns

of that kind of matter would have

copious opinions of

more readers than the the innumerable war experts, who never


warred, except with the pen, which are served up to us daily in these times of endless cant and falsehood. Santiago Kiernan begins the year 1832 with a letter defending his father, who is out of town, from some criticisms
in the "Lucero."

In a few days afterwards he returns to the combat and gives the omnisapienti Senor De Angelis
Jones and Armstrong, too, are in respective trenches still and handling their graygoose quill ametralladoras with great spirit and constancy, and except for the comings and goings of a few of our people there is very little else to be recorded this year. Rosas has been district military commander now for a couple of years and in the contributions made to the upkeep of his army I find a few Irish names, for fairly important sums. These people were evidently in the stock raising
lively handling.



business at that time.


Don Juan Manuel had

already the

of "Restorer of the Laws," and was then building



army which kept him


for twenty years not alone the

all intents and purposes the Here are some of the names I find in the list of contributors to the maintenance of the restoring army Martin Brien, $179; Thomas Sullivan, $760; John Moore, $100; Neal McCulloch, $400; Thomas Sullivan, again, $600; Francis Mahon, $1000. John H. Duffy went to Arroyo de la China, John Butler went to San Antonio de Areco, as did also William Like (Locke?). John B. Kiernan, son of the Astronomer, went to Soriano, Uruguay; Peter Sheridan visited Montevideo, John Carey went to Las Vacas and Michael Hines to Colonia; while James Breslin and Patrick Locke went to Mercedes; J. H. Duffy had scarcely returned to town when he set off again for Colonia, this is the man who went broke a little while ago; James Kearney has made another trip to Paysandu. Dr. Oughan, Michael Bourke, Nicholas Casey and Wm. Murphy went home. Charles Reilly and John Lahy came up from Montevideo, and Patrick Whelehan arrived from Liverpool; William Fitzgerald and Patrick

restorer of the laws but to

very law

Locke came




from Mercedes.

The Government appointed

Peter Sheridan inspector of the Riachuelo Bernard O'Neill died in June and was hurried from Santa Lucia Church,
he was a County
It will be seen

Meath man.

from the foregoing, amongst other things, that already people were beginning to find their way a San Antonio was a considerable distance into the camp.
very old settlement and quite safe from Indians; not so, however, Mercedes which up to this time was called the "Guardia de Lujan," and was the outpost of western civilization. But our people then, and for some time afterwards, tended to the Southern camps. By the year 1833 many of the strong merchants of the
city had gone in for investing in land, and Gowland and Thwaite as well as Sheridan and Harrat were raising stock on a large scale; Sheridan had also at this time a saladera. Amongst the arrivals noted are John D. Murphy, Thomas MacLoughlin, James and Patrick McLean. Michael Kinnely is selling cattle in Lujan. Henry Kenedy, Robert Morgan and Sam McLean left for the United States,

and Richard Murphy for Montevideo.


the patriotic subscriptions raised in


for the

defraying of the expenses in connection with the celebration of the National Feast, Wm. Brown, Wm. Morris, James Sheridan, Edward Brown and Francis Mahon contributed.

from Buenos Aires for Cork early in the year. John H. Bayley, a well-known business man, died in June and was buried from the Merced Church. Armstrong and Jones are still in their trenches and no

The "Reindeer"


sign of peace, for the courts have said nothing yet as to

is right or who is wrong; the courts, even then, had an easy-going way with them. James Kiernan, manager and editor of the "Gaceta Mercantil," has been dealing so strenuously with his literary opponents that the authorities had to remind him that although there is no law regulating what a newspaper may say about people, there is one that takes into account what it may not say. He




makes no objection to being called to order, but explains that the complainants provoked him into letting them hear things about themselves which were not to their liking; the paper was then the Government organ and had, of course, Francis to conduct itself with due decorum and gravity. Lynch, owing to bad health, had to resign his captaincy The very well-known American estanciero, of the port. Samuel B. Hale, in whose employ so many of the old Irish sheep-farmers passed some of their first years, landed in Buenos Aires in December. Hale was very friendly to the Irish and was a generous subscriber always to Irish collections and charitable funds. Admiral Brown started
another public subscription, this time to raise funds for making transitable the Barracas road, he was greatly interested in such works and improvements,
the repairing of and

and was remarkable for keeping his own grounds with such care and taste. 1834. Dr. Lepper is one of the commission of inspectors of hospitals and prisons. Richard Duffy, his wife and three children went to Entre Rios early in the year; William Kelly, William Fleming, John Sullivan and Patrick McLean and his wife went to Montevideo about the same time. Messrs. Doherty, Green, Mooney, Hay den and Dowling arrived in Buenos Aires. Admiral Brown is reported as starting on a trip home and Dr. Oughan has returned once more to Argentina. The "Gaceta" gives a long account of a famous scene

Commons wherein the Prime Minister, to justify his rigorous coercive measures in Ireland, said that the Irish members told him privately that they approved these measures. O'Connell demanded the names of these
in the English


then asked

members; the minister refused to give them; O'Conif he himself, O'Connell, was one of them,


replied, "No"; Shell, with reference to himself, repeated O'Connell's questions; the minister replied, "Yes"; Shell, in the solemnest manner replied that his, the Prime


words were scandalously


There was great





uproar, and to prevent a duel both members were placed under arrest. On the session being resumed O'Connell demanded an inquiry into the Prime Minister's accusations and in due time the inquirers reported that there was not the slightest foundation for the accusations made by the Prime Minister. Altrop publicly admitted his fault in making the charges, Shell accepted, as what else could he English honor and "gentlemanliness" was not alone do.?' fully vindicated but considerably enhanced by the incident; it was one more proof of the Englishman's "love of justice and fair play," and, I suppose, "good sportsmanship" everything that happens to an Englishman proves this, to
the English.

The export

of wool in 1835


estimated roundly at

150,000 arrobas, or nearly four million pounds.


probably, for causes not necessary to consider here, a little more; but this is a very respectable figure, considering that

amount came from the comparatively small district included in three or four parishes, south-west of Buenos Aires. The supplying of such a
practically the whole of this

volume of wool means that something about one million of the sheep of those days must have been shorn. Which fact will further imply the existence of some five or six hundred flocks of the ordinary size, and so fixes the industry as already very thoroughly established. The system of letting out flocks and herds on part ownership to suitable men who would undertake their care and management was in vogue, as will be seen by an advertisement which I will reproduce presently. Land-owners of Irish name are rarely to be met with in these years, and when occasionally found are mostly those of families long settled in the country. This reluctance of foreign-born residents to invest their
capital or savings in land can, I think, be accounted for

by the impossibility of procuring anything like a safe title to such lands. For the first thirty years, or more, of the
Republic laws were made with extraordinary recklessness in the matter of granting lands and making and unmaking

title deeds.




So much was this the case that lands sold and guaranteed by one government were sometimes seized and resold or regranted by a succeeding government with little or no regard for the rights of the party who had invested, perhaps, in good faith. These corrupt and destructive land enactments were continued, from time to time, even to the Rosas regime, and very few Irishmen ventured to make purchases of land before the middle Forties, when Rosas began to settle down to something like a reasonable and
These years, however, of the early Thirties saw the raising of wool a very profitable industry one that required little special training and in which advanced education and scientific knowledge were by no means essentials to success. What the good sheep-farmer needed first and most were good health, strong hands, a courageous heart and a patient, steady mind. No other employment which the country afforded was so suitable to the Irish immigrant fresh, as he was, in nine cases out of ten, from the farms of his native land. The decay of Irish industries had commenced a generation previously, with the passage of the infamous act of Union; there were no public schools in Ireland throughout that generation, so that the Irishmen who came to Buenos Aires in these years were generally poorly fitted for any occupation other than sheep-farming; but they were richly possessed of all the qualities which success in that line of activity chiefly demanded. The insecurity of titles to which I have referred, and the very low rents at which land could be obtained then, made it safer and easier for men not knowing the language, laws, or customs of the country very well to rent so much land as they might need, by the year, or for some short term of years, or to form a partnership with some extensive land-owner on the principle of one-half or one-third ownjust governor.

number of sheep or cattle, or both combined, as the case might be, with loss or gain as the year might result, in proportion to investment. An advertisement which Don Patricio Lynch has in the "Gaceta"
ership in a certain

will give the




of the stock industry than


reader a better idea of conditions in this phase any conclusions I can arrive at The advertisement is dated, June, years after.

The undersigned begs

make known

to his friends

and those

whom this notice may


thirty leagues to the north of the

watered, that are in the province.

Capital he possesses an estate of three leagues of the best lands, well On which lands, before the drought,

were perfectly maintained more than twelve thousand head of cattle, Which has, of horses and eight thousand sheep. moreover, a comfortable flat-roofed house, sheds, herdsmen's houses, plantations, good pens of hard wood posts (nandubay) and a large stock-enclosure (potrero) in which more than six thousand animals can safely be kept, in which stock and in horses and sheep he has

two thousand head

But being short of resources to fully stock these, his lands, with horn cattle and having other lands sufficient for the stock he has, he invites such gentlemen as desire to
invested nearly $150,000.

employ their funds in the lucrative business of pasturage, to supply him, on the terms of half the products and increase, six thousand head
of cattle;

being to the sole account of the proposer

of the care

all costs,


and extraordinary,

and working

of the establishment,


horses necessary therefor, as also all sheep to be killed for the use

of the employees of the estate.

Whoever may wish


to treat on this


will please write to



16, explaining


such person can be dealt with.

Patricio Lynch.

Mr. Lynch was typical of the large land-owners of his time in every way, save that his business terms were less liberal than most of them, which possibly accounts for his
having had to advertise for investors. At this time there was a considerable emigration of our people from here to
Patrick Hamilton had his stock farm in Magdalena; Dr. O'Donnell was in charge of the scarlatina hospital and reported four deaths out of one hundred and


forty-four cases treated.



further reports that scar-

a benign desease, and he gives some very interesting It is not exclusively a instructions for its treatment.

malady as was popularly

believed, for he mentions



a person sixty years of age who was then suffering from it. strange news item which I met in one of the papers at this time, and which for its novelty may be worth mention-


was the account of a renegade


who had been saying Mass

freaks were greatly in
societies then.

priest, named Crotty, English in the town of Birr.


Soupers, pervert-evangelizers and

kinds of anti-Catholic

demand by

the Protestant


In 1837 Dr. John Oughan's case was again in the courts The English high and was again decided against him. courts gave Oughan a decree against certain Englishmen in Buenos Aires, but the authorities here refused to execute the judgment of the foreign court. The Doctor appealed to the highest authority, and it is this appeal that is decided now, in a decree signed by Rosas himself, and refusing Oughan's demand. James Kenny and John and George Kearns started for Mercedes early this year; James Dempsey arrived from Uruguay. The "Strangers Guide" (Guia de Forasteros), a scarce but very interesting little business directory, mentions the following amongst the
various classes of business


in the city in 1837.

It will

be noticed that the Irish-Argentine families of



and O'Donnell are becoming as prominent in the business of the Capital as the Lynches were some years earlier. One of the licensed public surveyors is Charles O'Donnell;
Sabino O'Donnell

one of the doctors of the men's hosis

pital; Charles


also Secretary of the National University,

while its second director




Carlos also

held the


of Secretary of the Inspection of Schools.


the same time the assistant preceptor of Conception

Mary O'Donnell and Angel O'Donnell was in charge of the Government School at Guardia del Monte. Dr. Patricio O'Gorman is one of the practitioners
College was Joseph



of Jurisprudence;



lieutenant in the 5th Regiment of

O'Gorman Mounted Militia.


Dr. Patrick O'Gorman is the Irish Chaplain and officiates the Merced Church. Adolfo O'Gorman is dealing in

wool, hides, etc.

Drs. Lepper,



Oughan and O'Donnell


practicing their professions.

Kearney was

standard-bearer to the First Regiment of Mounted Militia; Charles Fitzgerald was second lieutenant in the Fourth Regiment of Mounted Militia. The Bankers Society of Buenos
Aires was presided over this year by Manuel Lynch ; William Buteler was in the exporting business as well as the carrying trade; John Burke had a book-shop in Paz St., No. 8;

Martin Brien had a liquor store in Corrientes St. and a wine store in 25 de Mayo; Daniel Blake had a saddlery in Patrick Bookey had a morocco University St. (Bolivar) factory in Cordoba St. James Coyle still keeps his highclass tailoring business Robert Collins has his stable yard in Cu3^o St. James Carr has a brewery at 11 Federation St. James Dunleavy has coaches and horses for hire in Cuyo St. Peter Duffy works his carpentery at Peru 49 Bart. Fleming's jewelry shop was in Representante St. Patrick Fleming's grocery store is in Cangallo, at No. 11 James Farrell has a liquor shop at 9 Federation St. Robert Hines keeps a grocery store in Piedad St. Bautista Higgins, probably a son of Richard the brick-maker, has an almacen in Federation St. John Kennedy still keeps
; ;

going in Piedad; Francis Lynch has a grocery at 92 Esmeralda St. Manuel Lynch & Co. have their stores on the Almeda; Thomas Liddle had a boot shop and Samuel Lyons a commission agency; Patrick Moore does all kinds of carpentry at his shop in University St. William Morris
his saddlery
; ;

is a coachbuilder and Thomas, brothers I suppose, is a carpenter; James O'Neill has a liquor store, John Shannon

has two cooperages, and William Corcoran is making and repairing watches at 92 Cangallo. There was a second Irish priest in Buenos Aires at this time who used to officiate at San Roque Chapel; his name was Michael M'Cartan. Father M'Cartan was a Parish
Priest in the

County Armagh who had some trouble with Bishop on account of which he left Ireland. He seems to have been even then of a somewhat unsettled dispositioiij



Chili before

for he traveled in England,


North America, the West Incoming to Argentina. He generally

the church authorities everywhere he went, ending up by believing that he was the prophet, Michael, foretold by Daniel, as he used to say, for the deHe wrote a book to struction of all church authorities. prophet, but the only thing prove that he was the aforesaid
differed with

that the two


volumes prove


that the poor

here in '35

man was

and remained as mad as a March hare. He came for a few years, went up to Entre Rios and Brazil where he knocked about for some years and returned to Buenos Father Fahey, whom he always called, Mr. Fahey, Aires. helped to support him for years before that truly good




following sketch of his


published in the
his little

"Standard," June M, 1876, will help to explain book for anyone who may have fallen in with it:


regret to announce the demise of

an eccentric old clergyman


to our readers during the last ten years, Rev. Michael

McCartan, who was born near Belfast in 1798, and came to South America over forty years ago. His first charge was as cura at Gualeguaychu, from which place he was banished for extreme political opinions. For some years he was P. P. of Alegrete, Rio Grande do Sul, and afterwards went to Cuba and the Southern States as tutor in a planter's family. Later on he was assistant cura in a town in Chili from which he crossed over to San Luis, in this Republic. About 1862 he arrived in Buenos Aires and came direct to our oflBce to warn us that the end of the world was at hand. His numerous vicissitudes and trials had affected his mind. This explanation is only just to the memory of the deceased gentleman, as people unduly censured him for some pamphlets which ought not to have been printed. During the last year he was quite lucid, and Canon Dillon gave him hospitality and kindly attended him in his closing days. He died calmly and with perfect resignation, and his funeral will take place to-day from Archdeacon Dillon's residence, 235 Corrientas, at half past twelve.

The published list of tax-payers for the year 1838 is a very long one, and although I have gone through it very carefully I have been able to find very few Irish names in





was made up from Quilmes, Ensenada, Moron, Conchas, San Isidro, San Vicente, San Jose de Flores, Capilla del Safior, San Antonio de Areco, Pilar, Lujan, Canuelas, Baradero, San Pedro, San Nicolas, Arrecifes, Pergamino, Salto, Rojas, Ranches, Fortin de Areco, and Matanzas. In Chascomus Jaime Collins and Santiago Onil



almost surely O'Neill the public offiPeter cials of those days spelt foreign names very badly. Joseph Sullivan paid taxes in Magdalena to the amount of $27 and in Navarro George Keen paid $212. These tax
are taxed.

lists are not absolutely sure proofs as to the ownership or non-ownership of lands in the districts reported from, for But very it was possible to run a year or two in arrears. few of our people, who, if landowners, would be somewhat new as such, would be likely to let their new purchases run into the dangers of arrears of taxes. It is thus quite safe to conclude that practically all the Irish people engaged then



sheep-farming were carrying on their industry on rented The same conditions seemingly prevailed in the city, for although there is a comparatively large number of Irish

people to be found engaged in business, but a few Irish names can be met with in the tax lists. It would seem that
seventy-five years

ago there were far more Irishmen and


Irish-Argentines engaged in shopkeeping and as


Buenos Aires than there are at the present time. The great boom in sheep-farming which began in the early Thirties attracted most of the artisan and small businessmen among our people to the camp, and from about 1840 on for fifty years, few Irishmen on arriving in Argentina thought of seeking any other means of livelihood. As indicating, to some extent, the importance with which sheepfarming was regarded then I may instance the fact that, two books published on the continent of Europe, and treating of sheep-breeding, were translated and widely advertised in Buenos Aires. The Government, too, purchased a large number of bred sheep in Europe and the United States at this time in order to improve the local breed in all more



Apart from Chascomus and a few parishes
first districts to

than 2500.

thereabout, which were the

which Irishmen

gathered in any considerable numbers, Uruguay and Entre Rios seem to have been the regions that had most attraction Thus I for our people in the years we are now come to. going to O'Neill White and Madden, Morris, Hanlon, find

Montevideo, and Kenny, Croft, and Nugent going to Entre

Rios, and such reports occur with great frequency. Advertisements for men and their wives who would be
willing to

go out to work at estancias and

dairies were very




Thomas Galbraith had

a dairy

and one hundred cows which he wanted some man and his wife to go out and run for him. John Downey was out buying cattle for saladera use and John Dougherty had registered as going to Salto. The "Gaceta" keeps its Irish readers well posted on home affairs and is particularly careful in recording O'ConIt gives a long nell's movements and pronouncements. English Commons in report of his suspension from the accused some committee of the connection with his having Lords of perjury. The matter was brought before the Commons and a vote taken as to whether O'Connell was justified in his accusation. O'Connell must have proved his case overwhelmingly and the perjury must have been most open and glaring, for there was a majority against him of only nine. The Speaker then proceeded to inform him that his assertions were false as the House had so decided by a
retorted that the judges found that he was wrong in his statement that the earth revolved on its axis, and, I suppose, on that account it ceased to go round. But for all Dan had to get out, and the first assembly of "gentlemen" in the world was solemnly satisfied that its honor was utterly immaculate. General John O'Brien was now a resident of Peru wherein the famous Dictator, Santa Cruz, ruled. As will be seen, this Santa Cruz was one of the most hated of the Argentine Dictator's many and unconditionally execrated


Whereupon O'Connell


tried Galileo





He, however, knowing that O'Brien was about to visit to his native land, and that he would have to a make Buenos Aires on his journey, took advantage through pass chance of so distinguished a personage passhappy of the
ing from one capital to the other to have a message of conciliation conveyed to Rosas. Most men conversant with the ways of Don Juan Manuel Rosas would beg to be held

excused of the honor of being intermediary in any way between the two Dictators. O'Brien, however, undertook the mission as lightly as though it were only the carrying of a message from a lover to his sweetheart. A strange thing in the suspicious and merciless nature of Rosas is, that

although Brown and O'Brien were trusted friends of his worst and bitterest enemies he always respected them and

had confidence

in their

honor and rectitude.

He, neverthe-

imprisoned O'Brien for daring to bring him the message from the other Dictator. Most likely had O'Brien refused to be the bearer of the note he would have been placed under lock and key, if not shot, by the Peruvian gentleman. It is said that Manuelita saved O'Brien's life, but more about this matter in the next chapter. Admiral Brown is farming at this time for he is reported as selling fat cattle at Quilmes. Mrs. Murtagh, one daughter and a Miss B rigid Murtagh left for Montevideo William Brennan went to Rio, as did also Mary Moore, her five children and Mary Murphy ; Edward Gahan crossed over to Valparaiso. All that was in '39, and the next year Patrick Garaghan was located in the parish of San Vicente

and was selling fat cattle. Martin Brien, William Brown, Burke, Byrne, Buteler, Brown, Colman, Dowling, Downes,

Dogan, Dillon, Ford, Fleming, Kiernan, seven Lynches, two O'Gormans and O'Neil paid property taxes this year, mostly
in the city.

land; he

Dr. John Oughan is about to return once more to Ireis taking with him a wife this time. Oughan was considered a very distinguished member of his profession and as a surgeon made some discoveries that gained him





fame even on the Continent. The president of the Tribune of Medicine of Buenos Aires had a correspondence with him in the "Gaceta" on this subject in 1831. He mentions the Consul General of France making inquiries as to the Doctor's surgical operations and after making some flattering allusions to his recognized talents as a surgeon asks him to explain the operation for the benefit of the Consul, adding, "and in this way augment your great services to humanity." Oughan, of course, complied with the request of the head of the Medical Faculty. The operation mentioned was first performed in 1820, and a Dr. Donnelly was Oughan's assistant in the work. There was a man in Buenos Aires at this time with the peculiar name of Remedios (Remedies) Fitzgerald, he was probably a son of some of Beresford's escaped soldiers and an Argentine mother. Although at the present time we seldom or never hear of any Irish people emigrating to Brazil there was a very constant coming and going between this port and Rio de
Janeiro seventy-five years ago. Most of the Irish colony established in that country about 1830 came afterwards to
Argentina, but

seems not a few of them returned again

to the then Empire.


Reports of arrivals from and de-

partures for Rio of people of Irish name are constant in

paper in the Thirties. Mr. McCann, a Dublin man, who visited Buenos Aires in the year 1842 on behalf of a commercial firm in Liverpool, wrote a book ("2000 Miles' Ride") after his return

his travels in Argentina, in which he says, on the authority of Father Fahey, that Irish residents "including sexes" numbered about 3500, before the all ages and blockade of Buenos Aires, 1841, Anglo-French the of days

home, on

and he mentions that at least three-fourths of these were from Westmeath. It may be objected that this statement is somewhat self-contradictory as Father Fahey had not yet arrived in Buenos Aires at the date mentioned, but Father O'Gorman was here and may have made a census of his flock which Father Fahey made use of. However









the statement in his book,


and the only exception


would be inclined to take to

that they were too conservative.

Previous to the

fall of Rosas, in 1852, and for some time after Irish women were very scarce in Argentina, compared with Irish men, and as a consequence more than a few Irishmen married

into Argentine or other non-Irish families

the children of

such marriages would have grown up as Argentines, and speaking the National language would be so much out of touch with the Irish Chaplain as, naturally, not to be

enumerated amongst his flock. number of our people in 1840

However, we may take the

as not less than 3500.



Rosas McCann's Account ^Newspaper Items Public Contributors Famine in Great Britain and Ireland Miscellaneous Items Adventures in Fancy and Fact Father Michael Gannon Father Fahey's Letter on Rosas Explanations and Comments.


Argentine people have

many men

of great fame,

and they are very fond of preserving the memory


of the great ones of their country.

who know

anything know that Solis was the first European to see their great river, that Garay founded their now great
capital, that Liniers

the hero of the country's salvation

from the English, that San Martin is first amongst its liberators, and is its greatest military genius, that Urquiza and Mitre did great deeds in its struggle towards real freedom and power. But while all these and many other doers of transcendental deeds are patriotically remembered, and duly honored, a man who has not left, by any means, a good or glorious name behind him, and who disappeared from the grim stage of his activities a couple of generations ago IS really more in the people's minds and on their tongues to this day than any of the great ones named, and this man was Don Juan Manuel Rosas "The Dictator." No striking public memorials, nor feelings of patriotic love have kept alive this strange interest in Rosas. The governments which have succeeded him have taken pains that


should be otherwise. Not a street or alley in all the great capital city bears his name, and streets that were named in


honor while he was in power were at once rebaptized when his banishment was effected. His residence, with an intolerance as stupid and as chauvinistic as anything in his own most lunatic decrees, was demolished some years ago




the circumstance and preparation of a grand public As if the destruction of a modest dwelling-

house in the suburbs of Buenos Aires was an act to insure honest and representative government for all time to the Republic. The house wherein the great Dictator lived was as much a historic landmark as the house wherein San Martin was born, and it might be preserved, at least, with as much public usefulness as are preserved the instruments of torture which we see in the museums, and which have a
peculiar interest for most people.

before I took any particular interest in Argentine history I had heard so much about Rosas from the old Irish residents that I some way regarded him as a kind of


George Washington;


try," certainly something not very far from


not the very "Father of his counNo other it.

other man, save Father Fahey, alone, was




and reminiscences.


although they seemed to regard him favorably it was easy Such expresto understand that he was not all goodness. sions as, "he wasn't half as bad as they made out he was" "Weren't they "often he couldn't help doing what he did"

in tone suggested that there

always looking for a chance to kill him," and many similar was another side to the story. What few natives or criollos I knew spoke of Don Juan

Manuel with still greater admiration and much more detail. All had anecdotes and tales to tell about him, some of these decidedly terrifying, but I never heard any accounts of his brutality and heartlessness from the old Irish settlers. It

not, however, in the traditions of the



has been so much that Rosas Books, essays, studied and written about by Argentines. poems and treatises dealing with Rosas and his times are almost innumerable. These facts, then, and the circumstance that he ruled the state like the French king, was the state for some twenty years when Irish emigration to Argentina was in its youthful vigor impose on me the task of telling
holds largest place.

No man



who and what




was, in so



far as I have been able to see and understand him. The man that so many people talked about and are still talking of

must be of interest to a great many. Rosas was sprung from parents of pure Spanish blood, long settled in South America. He was the second born of a family of twenty children, and the oldest of the three of

who were



a youth, his mother,


was an exceedingly shrewd and strong-willed woman, ordered him one day to beg somebody's pardon for some fault he had committed, the future dictator refused to so humble himself, and was taken by the ear and locked in a room on a diet of bread and water with the information that his release would come with his due submission to authority. Docility was evidently not one of the boy's qualities, for that night he contrived to escape from his captivity, stripping himself naked and leaving a note in pencil script to the effect that he was taking nothing with him except what was entirely his own. As well as the spirit of unbending independence there is shown a touch of the humor in this little incident which was a prominent trait of his character
the end. He got to the house of his cousins, the Anchorenas, procured some clothes, and employment on an estancia in the South. He did not break off friendly relations with his mother on account of what had happened, but always remained a most respectful and affectionate son. The stories that are told of his prowess as a horseman are endless and wonderful. In the camp he was a gaucho of the gauchos, became very wealthy and a sort of casique among the peones and half-Indians in all the parishes from Quilmes to the Salado. He was appointed commander of the rural militia and in 1820 lent a very useful hand in the defense of Buenos Aires against the invading hosts of malcontents and marauders from Sante Fe and the trans-Plate From this on he was gaining in the esteem of provinces. the city politicians and leaders. If he had any set principles in local politics at the time they were likely federative,










government of Dorrego and the murderous


execution of that brave

frivolous patriot fixed for ever

in the field against the revolu-


his principles.

He was

defeat at Navarro was only important in that Dorrego was brutally put to death by Lavalle. Had he, Dorrego, been spared it is more than likely there would never have been a Dictator Rosas; as it was it worked the ruin of the Rivadavian or Unitarian party and inflicted on the country a most horrible tyranny Rosas reorganized the scatfor more than twenty years. tered forces of the fallen Governor, in a short while crushed the revolution, and with a good army at his back became
tionaries at the time.


man in all the country. From 1829 February 1852 he was as absolute in the government of the Province of Buenos Aires, and for much of that time
himself the strongest

throughout the whole nation, as he wished to be. To say that he ruled with a rod of iron would be to use a hackneyed phrase merely suggestive of severe firmness. In truth he
ruled by ruse and fraud, and bribe, and every cruel and ignoble means at the disposal of a cunning, well financed

and utterly unscrupulous man. When he came to power he came at the head of a strong army, an army that feared and loved him. It was composed largely of gauchos, the wild half-civilized mixed breeds from the great estancias and small towns between Buenos Aires They were expert horsemen, city and the Indian lands. hardy and enduring as Cossacks, and fearless and cruel as Rosas himself. He was wise enough to know that without a strong and loyal army his term of power would be as ephemeral as that of any of the many governors who had gone before him. So his purpose was from the beginning to see that his trusty forces and affectionate followers should have no reason to doubt of the wisdom of the manner in which they had cast their allegiance. No army in Argentina was ever, before or since, as well cared and generously

As one

instance of the


recorded to this




Rosas' chief



enemy, was shot accidentally, pretty much in the manner that Sergeant Brett was killed in the attack on the Manchester police van, and for which three Irishmen were hanged. He, Lavalle, heard a rough knocking at the door
of the house he was staying in and left his


to in-

vestigate the matter, a soldier, impatient at the delay in

responding to his call, fired a rifle through the lock mortally wounding the Unitarian General. The soldier did not even know it was Lavalle he had killed, but Rosas felt he had done such a worthy thing that he decreed him at once high rank as a soldier, a large monthly salary with extras, In like manner as and three square leagues of land! England formed her "faithful garrison" in Ireland did Don Juan Manuel make it profitable to be one of his faithful. Of course nobody would receive any government patronage except a proved friend. But jobs and emoluments not being in sufficient abundance, although ever on the increase, to secure an absolutely safe number of ardent loyalists, the goods and belongings of banished or fugitive political opponents were at the disposal of the great "Restorer of the

Laws," and with a judicious use of these many more loyal and sincere admirers were enlisted. Confiscations and nullifications became the order of the day, till finally even the Sacraments of the Church were denied to the non-federalists, for the "Restorer" made himself head of the Church also, in so far as his political opponents were to be dealt with. (See Ramos Mexia's Rosas and His Times.) Hardly anyone could be sure of life or liberty in Buenos Aires during
these years of the real reign of terror.


enemies, of

if they once became suspect were in a worse plight still, their names were given to the dread Mazorca, which meant not a formal death decree, with the right to the consolations

course, there was scarcely

any quarter, and friends

of religion, but death sudden and unprovided.

these impressive political arrangements
ful that

In view of not wonder-

Don Juan Manuel had

quite a strong following,



fairly law-abiding

and submissive




"Popular Restorer" was the non-official loyal upholder of the "Illustrious Restorer" and they had a sort of executive section which was called the "Mazorca." This section had many duties to perform, the most imsociety

Red was The


official color, light

blue that of the oppo-

portant one being to cut the throats, or otherwise knife, all such as the authorities of the society marked out as objectionable or suspicious.





done to death by


body was a Colonel Lynch.

men Some

of their lesser duties were to enter the houses of families

whose men folk were

forces in rebellion,

in exile or enlisted

with the Unitarian

and maltreat the women and smash up the furniture, especially if it had anything of the banned
color, blue, about it. On account of this practice on the part of the Mazorca people began to paint their doors, windows and household belongings, red, so that almost everything was red in Buenos Aires. A not very dissimilar thing took place in Philadelphia but a little while before, in the days of the savage, anti-Catholic riots there. Amongst the common depredations of the rioters was the burning of houses in which Catholics lived. Oftentimes the owners of such houses were Protestants and, of course, not objectionable to the Knownothings, so the safeguard of writing, in large letters, on the doors of such houses: "This house belongs to Protestants," was promptly and very
effectively had recourse to. And it was as evil for the house in the city of the Brotherly Love which did not show

that device as


Good Airs that had any but

was for the dwelling in the town of the the orthodox colors on its

windows or doors. Another duty of the Mazorca was to spy out any
fractions of the written or unwritten law.

Thus such


ports as the following were being constantly sent in Sucha-one has a pocket-handkerchief with blue spots on it Soand-so wears blue stockings Another has suspenders of

the forbidden color,

"crimes" was punished.

and so on, and every one of these A man who was seen speaking to





Dona Marcelina

Buteler, a "savage Unitarian," was duly

locked-up for his criminality. Rosas took the Church, in so far as was possible, as

army and the police, and used it as unscrupulously and tyrannically as he did the civil and military forces. He forbid the administration of the Sacraments to his political opponents; he prescribed and modified ceremonies to suit his personal whims, or what he thought his political needs. A couple of instances of his almost idiotic interference in religious matters will be amusing as well as corroborative of what I say. In the "Documents of Belgrano" Jose Caledonio Balbin relates this story: At the time under reference there was a war in Peru the leader on one side was General Santa Cruz Rosas sympathized with the other side in the quarrel, which as good as meant that he was an enemy to the death of Santa Cruz, and one of the measures he adopted in this enmity was to forbid the use of the term "Santa Cruz" (holy
absolutely in his hands as he took the



the teaching of prayers

or cathechism in the

the hated Peruvian of much honor That Rosas issued such an order Balbin, who was a strong supporter of the Dictator, would not believe, he says, until one night, in the lenten time, in San Francisco Church he heard the priest in the pulpit use the words in the inverted form and explain the reason why he so used them. "I left the church," Balbin adds, "firmly convinced that the great American, Rosas, was a confirmed lunatic." The Restorer always pretended great respect for the Church and religion, and in 1836 restored the Jesuits, suppressed by Rivadavia. Some years after he took the whim, or felt it would add to his political prestige, to have a large picture of himself placed on the altars of all the churches. The Parish Priests, as a choice of the lesser of evils, I suppose, submitted to the abominable order, the Jesuits alone refusing. The Restorer and gen-

churches and schools.

In this

way depriving

erous supporter, out of the public funds, of religion at

once pounced upon them and was as ruthless in suppress-



ing them as were Bucarelli or Rivadavia in earlier times. The followers of Rosas were chiefly of the criollo or old native element; they hated the gringo, foreigner, for two reasons. His coming with his greater skill and perseverance, they knew in time would overwhelm and replace them as surely as they, themselves, had overwhelmed and replaced the aborigines, and secondly, their political' opponents were all for the promotion of immigration and the introduction of foreign business methods and improved Rosas was at heart not at all averse to stock breeding.
foreigners, but he allowed his followers the wildest liberty

arousing passion against the stranger, even to public

Here is an extract from a typical harangue of the period, delivered by Deputy, Dr. Manuel Irigoyen, and given in Ramos Mexia's book: "Our duty, gentlemen, is to arouse our sons, reminding them of the injustice that is being done us. The anxiety they (the foreigners) have for keeping us in slavery, and when we have their hair standing of an end, and their eyes flashing, let us put arms in their hands, and let us say to them: " One has almost to laugh at the maniacal 'at the foreigner Rivaexcesses of those infuriated and merciless partisans. breed of davia, when in power, sought to improve the sheep, horses and cattle by introducing European sires and dams. The idea was well taken up by many of the most progressive stock-raisers in the country; Harrat and Sheridan being amongst the first and most successful of these. The new and better breeds were increasing and spreading out to many estancias as the years went by. After Rosas was invested with supreme power everything Unitarian was banned and outlawed, if not by statute by feeling and suggestion. And, will it be believed.? regular bands went through the country slaughtering rams, stallions, bulls and all animals having any signs of foreign blood in them The Unitarians, the party opposed to Rosas, were usually described in decrees and official reports as traitors who had sold themselves to the foreigner, and who were "dirty, disincitements to murder and massacre.




In 1845 the scab pest in sheep, for the assumed very serious proportions; it was supposed to have been introduced to the Plate countries in the foreign sheep, and at once the Unitarians got the addiGovernment tional epithet of "scabby" applied to them. decrees, political manifestoes, business and other advertisements had always to recite the litany of abuse against the Unitarians. Here is the way a religious advertisement published in the "Gaceta," the Government organ, in September, 1839, commenced: "Hurrah for the Federation! Death to the savage, impious Unitarians Death to the dirty, disgusting French enemy of American Independence! Death
gusting savages."

to the seditious, fugitive mulatto, Rivera!


to the

savage. Unitarian assassin, Juan Lavalle!"


Following all was a very pious invitation to come to a Te Deum for the escape of Rosas from an attempt to assassinate
affected a profound respect for religious and practices, for no one knew better than he did the political advantage of a popular belief in his godliness, yet he outraged every truly religious principle. Henry VIII was mild in dealing with recalcitrant priests compared with him. And it may safely be said that some of the clergymen he favored and promoted to high places in the Church in his many years of absolutism are in no small measure responsible for the indifferentism, when not actual anti-clericalism, of the mass of the Argentine people. Of course it is not to be understood from the foregoing remarks that the clergymen were all corrupt then, far from it there were numbers of good, pious, zealous priests in the city, but they had to live their lives unrecognized and without overmuch worldly reward. Don Juan had a great facility for nicknaming people; he was fond of playing tricks and many stories of his Most writers say he was practical jokes are still current. a man of splendid stature and very handsome countenance. Mansilla, however, who was a relative of his, and knew him


The Dictator


intimately, says he


was neither tall nor symmetrical, but somewhat heavy built, and agrees that he had a handsome The Unitarians used to call him a mulatto, although face. it was well known to them that he had red hair, soft white skin and blue eyes. Ramos Mexia considering the proposition of Dr. Ayarragaray that most of Argentina's civilwar troubles were traceable to the negro and Indian blood

the soldier-politician faction leaders, points out that Rosas, Lavalle, Oribe, Ramirez and Rivera Indarte were So, the poor fair-haired, white of skin and blue-eyed. negro and sorely wronged Indian need not get all the blame
for South American devilment.

career of the

Having touched on so many of the bad features in the Tyrant it is but fair to mention some of the characteristics that stand to his credit, for he was not all In his private life he was without reproach indeed, bad. a model man. His early education was little more than rudimentary but he read and studied in his spare hours with great industry and acquired considerable literary abil-


an exceedingly hard worker; very drinking; scrupulously careful and abstemious in his eating of his person as to dress and cleanliness he married young,
all his life

He was


"loving Encarnacion," as he used to fondly call his


and no husband and wife ever lived in truer affection and loyalty than the iron souled Don Juan Manuel and the no less fearless and unrelenting Dona Encarnacion. He was as methodical as a German military chief in his business affairs, and every transaction of his Government, especially where public moneys were in any way concerned, was documented with the greatest care and clearness. Dr. J. M. Ramos Mexia, immediate descendant of one of the most uncompromising of Unitarians, has this to say of the Dictator, with regard to his disposition of the public revenues

"In handling the public funds Rosas never touched a dollar for his own benefit; he lived a sober and modest life and
died in poverty."

In dealing with his opponents he seldom gave quarter,



nor were they a whit more generous with him. With him they were savages and assassins, with them he was a mulatto, a cut-throat, and he and his family would be a disgrace even to Sodom and Gomorrah. We may wonder at the unscrupulousness with which both sides abused each other, and stand aghast at the savage brutality of the men in authority, but let us not be too quick in turning up our

Heaven in holy horror for the deeds of the "assassins" and "cut-throats" of seventy or eighty years ago. This is 1917, and we know what is going on in Europe, the
eyes to

very highly


or Indian blood in their veins.

epithet been thought

where there are no leaders with negro Has any falsehood or vile

to gross or stupid among the anHave we not seen France and England put three German women ruthlessly to death on the suspicion that they were spies? And has not Germany with equal


savagery executed an English nurse, practically in retaliaHas Buenos Aires anything to its shame of more shocking barbarity than the butchery of Skeffington and his comrades in death in Dublin last year by the English? Was the rewarding of the accidental slayer of Lavalle by Rosas a deed of moral depravity half so revolting as the promotion by the English Commandant-General of Colttion?

hurst for the brutal killing of the boy Coad and the plain
assassination of the three unoffending and unaccused jour-

Colthurst, let it not be forgotten, was promoted immediately after the murders referred to, and he had no other action to his account to merit the attention of his


The court-martial


and the promiscuous

shootings of "rebels" in the Irish Capital need not be gone into in order to show that the Mazorca of Rosas was not
irresponsible and effective than the 1916 Prime Minister Asquith in Dublin. Someone has said that human nature is pretty much the same all the world over; so it is, and right in at the core, when you get there, you will find that it is all pretty much that of the








Rosas, probably by mere chance, adopted the worse of

the two leading political principles of his time; that was Had he happened to come to power his greatest mistake.
as a Unitarian he would have persecuted the Federalists,


they stood in his way, as rigorously as he did the Uniand most of those who were his mortal enemies

would be




he triumphed over the

Unitarians was that at the beginning he had the more popular cause, and once in power he had the shrewdness

what measures he should take to secure his position, and had the daring and energy to take those measures at any and all times as circumstances demanded. He was not a statesman; there was nothing great in him except his courage and cruelty. He rose to power by force, he ruled by force, he fell by force, and like Cromwell he left nothing to the world but a bad name. All his political and administrative S3^stem went to pieces with his fall.
to see


great deal of the history of the Irish people here

belongs to the period of Rosas, and amongst the names of

who suffered at his hands are to be met a few Irish. imprisoned O'Brien and, it is said, would have shot him but for the timely representations of the English Minister, but I prefer to believe that it was the tyrant's daughter, Manuelita, as was commonly said at the time, who saved him. I have mentioned that O'Brien's crime was the bearing of a message from the hated Santa Cruz, whose name, not knowing of the famous decree against its pronunciation, he, possibly, mentioned quite freely. In addition to the Mazorca's victim. Colonel Lynch, there was another Lynch and one of the Dillons amongst the banished. Domingo Cullen, Secretary of State for Santa Fe, under Governor Lopez, is said to have known so many dangerous state secrets that he had to be got out of the way with the greatest caution and strategy, as otherwise many very damaging disclosures might be made. Cullen


for some time

after the death of

had been showing signs of disaffection and Lopez broke altogether with the Dictator



Buenos Aires. At once the flood-gates of abuse and were opened against him in the "Gaceta Mercantil," and he was as dirty, disgusting savage and traitorvilification

ous as even the Unitarians. unfortunate Camila O'Gorman

things of the Rosas regime.


frightful story of the one of the most shocking

sister of Canon O'Gorman, and was an The moral state of the handsome girl. this time is said to have been Buenos Aires at of women low, and one of the extraordinary measures taken by Rosas

Camila was the


to cope with this lamentable condition, a result, of his governmental system,

it is


was to collect and banish to the Indian frontier of the south most of the unfortunate women of the city and its surroundings. With the sterner sex he was no less severe; any youths heard using profane or
obscene language in the streets or public houses were taken

up and forced into the army service as buglers, drummers, He knew no remedy for any evil but force always etc. From this the strong hand, always destroy and terrify. mere hint at the conditions in Buenos Aires an idea can be formed of the prevailing social evil and the remedies being applied thereto. Canon O'Gorman had a curate by the name of Gutierrez, a young man who suddenly became more interested in the fair Camila than in attending to his

priestly duties.

In due time the


intimacy between the

young pair became notorious to all, and they fled from the city, nobody knew to where. The Unitarians, in Montevideo, those in Buenos Aires had to keep quiet, were delighted to have a new scandal with which to further heighten the enormities of Rosas and his Government, and they used it unsparingly. The Tyrant, moved mostly by a feeling of hatred of those who had given his enemies such a welcome and useful weapon against him, and to publicly mark

abhorrence of so grave a scandal, ordered both delin-

quents, as soon as apprehended, to be publicly shot^ and so on the morning of August 18, 1848, in his famous

military headquarters, the barbarous sentence was carried


out, the




being within a month of her confine-


the most

inhuman and unpardonable of the


atrocities of that reign of terror.

Brown, though highly regarded by Rosas for his usefulness as a good seaman, was not persona grata with the He never had any politics to play, and could Dictator. not understand why anyone should desire to be in a position So, it is reto rule unless the people wanted him there. extraorRosas lated that when a document conferring on dinary powers was being carried around to be signed by prominent men, the stolid old Admiral shook his head and would not touch it. This to Rosas must have appeared little short of open rebellion, and it is certain no other man in Buenos Aiies could do it and remain at liberty and safe. He was then attending to his farming and leading a very quiet life. Early in '41 the Restorer needed him and he had to relinquish the care of his crops and cattle for the sterner, but, probably, more congenial "life on the rolling deep" once more. The "holy Federation" had to be defended against the "savage Unitarians," and the "viejo Bruno" (old Brown), as the Dictator used to call him, was the man to do it. It was in this campaign that he
Garibaldi, as already mentioned; Coe, also, he overwhelmed and with this comparatively unimportant campaign ended his glorious career of active service in the navy. Ramos Mexia, like Lopez, bears witness as to his


utter carelessness as to what the local parties stood for or believed in, saying "His torpor in the learning of Spanish,

notwithstanding his long residence amongst the criollos, was equal to his want of political interest, he never bothered to find out who was right or who was wrong. His ingenuous loyalty to the government manifested itself in docile respect for who ever occupied the fortress, which was the highest house to be seen from his historic anchoring place." The
fortress was for

ever held



Brown the seat of Government, and whohad a right to order and have his orders obeyed was that he filled the place of temporary Governor





for the Unitarians and soon afterwards was Admiral of the In both positions he merely forces fighting against them. obeyed orders to the best of his ability, and the orders came

from the fortress in each case. When Rosas attained to power in 1829 he revived a law made in 1821, and which in Rivadavia's time had become a dead letter. This law made military service incumbent on strangers in any kind of shop-keeping or public business, artisans and proprietors of real estate were also amenable to its provisions, and although a considerable number of our people remained in the affected business occupations, there can be no doubt this law drove a great


to seek a livehhood in pastoral pursuits.

in the city



who remained


to evade the statutory

prescriptions need not be inquired into here; they may have been beyond the military age or otherwise exempt, or there may have been a way then as well as now by which little infractions of the law could be arranged through a friend; what is certain, however, is, that a goodly number con-

tinued as before in the city and few or none served the

colors compulsorily.



camp our people must have gone

in those first

years of the Rosas period in comparatively large numbers, "The Irish population for McCann wrote in '42 or '43:

very dense in this neighborhood (Chascomus), and they

greatly stand in need of the pastoral care of an intelligent and

affectionate resident clergyman."



"The banks

of the river (Salado) in the neighborhood of Chascomus are

very densely populated with British subjects, chiefly Irish, employed in sheep-farming. Nearly all the Irish are from the County Westmeath." This writer states that he stayed in the houses of a Mr. Murray and a Mr. Handy, that they were very prosperous, had comfortable houses with nice plantations, that Murray's family of sons and daughters were all grown up, that at Handy's, where there was a "fine family of children" they had a "tutor to instruct them." From these facts recorded in '43, it is plain that


Messrs Murray,


Handy and

their neighbors

must have been

settled in their comfortable houses, surrounded by plantaThis Michael Handy tions, for at least ten or twelve years. was a South of Ireland man, probably one of the "Yankee Irish" of whom Love speaks as coming here in 1825 the Mr. Murray in the case was the father of the famous "Big

country when McCann met him, he had come to reside with his family who were But Irish then long settled in the camp and well-to-do. colonization had extended far beyond the Salado in McCann's time, for he mentions that in the Partido of Dolores there
in the

Micky," so well known to all Murray was but a few months

the old Irish settlers.




"British subjects," and in the town of that


than three Irish doctors. In these days of the sheep from the inner camps of the province, and of almost European prices for stock, this little note as to prices and profits common, if not ruling in the sheep industry then, will be to the point here. It is

name no

the passing

from the author

aforesaid Mr.

last quoted,



to the effect that the

to '43,

Handy, some years previous


8000 sheep in the Tandil district at the price of eight pence per dozen, and that of this large number he lost, in killed
for meat and otherwise missing, but one hundred in the

journey of two hundred miles to his estancia. And that when this flock fattened on his land he disposed of the fleeces of some one thousand of them at the rate of five shillings and three pence per dozen. No wonder that Mr. Handy and others of his time and nationality, along the Salado, rapidly became rich. Those were, indeed, "the good
old times."

McCann's book has much useful and interesting information








met with, has so much interested himself in our countrymen, his countrymen, also; and though not of the faith of the majority of his comwriter,


to his time, that I have

patriots, religiously or politically, he


generally friendly


well disposed

towards them.

Within the twenty years





previous to his stay in Argentina, which sojourn lasted six of seven years, the very beginnings of Irish sheep-farming

What a pity that it did not strike him to and record just by whom, and where, and exactly when this already extensive and profitable business, which occupied so many of his countrymen, had been commenced. The Dolores district, where he found a prosperous and numerous Irish colony was dominated by the marauding Indian tribes less than twenty years before he came upon So that no European colony south of the the scene. Salado could have been more than fifteen or twenty years
were made.
find out

old at the time he visited the district.

With the Rosas regime commenced Irish sheep-farming on an extensive scale and notwithstanding the political disorders of the period our people seem to have been strangely immune from injury and disturbance. It is difficult to understand the wild threats of those times against the foreigner and the official shibboleth of "death to the stranger," and at the same time to see by the newspapers which published these blood-curdling menaces that every ship which came into the port brought numerous strangers, few of whom, while minding their own business, were
molested or inconvenienced.



also puzzling to find, after

the denunciations of and violence to the foreign-bred live

stock, that in 1845 one-third of the six million sheep in Buenos Aires were of the detested foreign strain. One

can only account for these singular contradictions between what^ one might expect to be the conditions and what was

reality the fact,



by concluding that Rosas used these and shibboleths merely for political effect to

arouse a sort of false patriotic spirit among the more ignorant and unreflecting of his followers. And that while

outwardly encouraging what I may call criolloism, he took ample care to instruct his police and military authorities that law-abiding foreigners were to have every protection and encouragement. Except in this way I can not explain the extravagant anti-foreigner outbursts of the ofiScial party



while hundreds of foreigners were being put ashore weekly The immigrants of that time were chiefly in Buenos Aires.

Spanish-Basques and probably next to them in number were From the early Forties on to the middle Eighties McCann refers to this stream was continuous and strong.
the Irish.

the disproportion in the



as one of the serious

of Irish men and Irish drawbacks to complete happi-

ness in the sheep-farmer's


observes that the Irish

rarely intermarry with native families.

following few personal items taken from newspaper reports between '40 and '45 will not be without interest


At the battle of QueIn 1841 brachitos Gregorio Dillon, son of the wealthy Irish merchant John Dillon, who died in '26, fought against Rosas and was made prisoner, his life was spared by the tyrant, why, I know not. Dr. James Lepper resigned his directorship of the men's hospital and received the thanks of Rosas for
to some of


his "generous service to the country and to humanity"; Lepper gave the unfavorable condition of his health and John business affairs as the motive of his retirement. Dalton sailed for home; Patrick Whelan of Quilmes subscribed twenty dollars to a fund for the upkeep of the navy John C. Dillon, brother of the prisoner, Gregorio, received his diploma as professor of pharmacy. Rosas, as elsewhere mentioned was the most scrupulous in publishing financial statements and balances, and the follow-

ing are the contributors, with Irish names, of Direct Tax in the year 1842 Thomas Armstrong, Elias Buteler, Francis

Corcoran, James Coyle, John Dalton, Joseph Dowling, Patrick Fleming, David Flynn, Patrick Garaghan, John Kenny, six Lynches, Edward Morgan, John Murtagh, Patrick Murphy, John O'Brien, John Rurke, Peter Sheridan, John Tyrrell and Patrick Whelan. I may have left out a

few Irish names, but the omission,


there be such,



to the extraordinary spelling of the

In this year the poor of Great Britain and Ireland were reduced to such an alarming condition of poverty and want





that collections had to be started

the masses from starvation.
the wealthiest of

over the world to save


England was then, as now, Her Government was spend-

ing millions annually in wars against native tribes in Asia

and Africa whose only offense against "civilization" was that they had goods which England coveted. Her own poor, the masses of her people, were in the most wretched and shocking misery and degradation, and she leaves them to live on the charity of the world, or die of hunger. These have been the conditions in England since that country became the "great hive of Industry"; great wealth amongst the classes, great wretchedness amongst the masses. I often wonder is it ignorance of the real social and political system in England or some influence less excusable that is answerable for such men as Lopez, Mitre, Nunez, Alberti and others like them holding England and her Government up to the world as models to be studied and imitated; when in truth and justice, for the brutal selfishness of that nation, for the immeasurable cruelties and wrongs she has inflicted on other peoples, and the state of misery and debasement she has kept and keeps her own poor in, she ought to be held up to the execration and abhorrence of every nation. In the presence of the appalling want in the United Kingdom the English Queen, then quite young and less hardened and selfish than what it is well-known she afterwards became, appealed, not to her Government but to the charity of the world, for the means whereby her subjects might be saved from starvation. Here in Buenos Aires, in September, the movement to procure funds to that end was taken up and amongst the subscribers I find a great many
Irish names, the collection being, as stated in the appeal, "for the relief of the suffering poor of Great Britain and

Here are some of the Irish names James Brown, James P. Sheridan, Joseph Dowling, James Downey, Patrick Hamilton, Patrick Whealen, Patrick Sherry, David McGuire, David Fleming, Patrick Pue, John Gahan, W. Dunn, P. Moore, William Butler, John Joyce, William



Brown, Thomas Daily, Thomas Sherlock, James Shannon, Terence Moore. This distress of '42 was the beginning of Charity from abroad and the the Irish famine of '47. rousing of the Government to useful if somewhat tardy action, saved the people of England and Scotland from the calamity that was criminally allowed, some believe delibOne erately planned, to fall with such horror on Ireland. thing, however, is perfectly certain: the Government had
In '42 destitution ample warning of what was coming. was already alarming and the "bad times" continued till the awful climax of '47, when hunger, fever and the coffin ships had carried away something about two millions, a little less than one-fourth, of the population of Ireland. From news items in the papers this year I find that Richard Duffy, his wife, three children and two servants went to Gualeguay David Flynn sold a few cattle in Lobos


not the very first Irishman who settled in that Peter Nagle, district, must have been amongst the earliest.

years a resident of Buenos Aires, and Mary Dunleavy, 24 years of age, were buried in the Recoleta.



The next


years have


of general interest that

need be recorded here. The coming of Father Fahey will The first St. Patrick's be dealt with in another chapter. Day celebration that I find any record of took place in '43, but the report of the event, published in the "British

Packet" suggested that the function of this year was not by any means the first of its kind in Buenos Aires. It took the form of a dance, at Walsh's Tea Garden, which lasted all night and was attended by some one hundred merrymakers. The report says the celebration was "as heretofore." In the following year Peter Sheridan, the wellknown merchant and stockman, died at his estancia. He was a Cavanman and 52 years of age at the time of his death. He was the first Irishman in the country to make
a name for himself in the wool-raising business, but sheepbreeding was not his first or only line. With his brother he conducted a strong import and export trade, the house





of Sheridan Brothers being one of the best

Aires in the



known in Buenos had a saladera, and,




Harrat, established a


Harrat was making arrangements to found a woolen factory and that Sheridan dissuaded him from his purpose because of the difficulty of getting suitable hands and of keeping those which they might be able


to train or bring out.

In years agone when sheep occupied the lands from Rosario to Tandil, and when Venado Tuerto was "away outside," the old sheep-farmers used to tell some wondrous tales of chance, mischance, adventure, romance and tragedy of fortunes easily made and easily lost; of happy times of great good luck, and of hardships and disasters which seemed to make man's life in Argentina the mere playtoy of fairies as impish in their gaiety as were those at home in Moyvore who put the two humps upon poor Jack Madden. Those harmless and oftentimes very interesting tales were not always inventions of the narrator nor of the neighbor he heard them from, and many of them had but too real and solid foundation in fact. How floods, or droughts, or civil wars, or cholera, or some overwhelming cyclone destroyed the fruits of a life's toil, was often heard in those days. I remember, amongst others, how a certain well-to-do man came down in the world, according to his own account, and who could know his affairs better than he himself? Here is how he said it happened: The drought for several months had stripped his pastures bare of herbage, and he, as well as all his neighbors, had to seek whereon to maintain his flock. The fact of his camp being better than that of any of his neighbors now turned out to be a real misfortune to him his utter undoing. For while they had to go forth in search of the desired land weeks and weeks earlier they found nearer home the needed pastures. But he, poor man, when he had to treck could find no resting place south of the Arroyo del Medio. Arrived at that river's bank one evening as a great storm




forming, or as he expressed it in his Englishized Spanish, "formaring," to burst from the heavens, he hurried his flock across the little streamlet that eddied drowsily along the bottom of the broad and deep-cut course of the

River of the Half. He had the last sheep across and gathered in the charge of two native peones when the cooling breath of the advancing clouds struck him; there was no time to be lost; he hurried back across the stream to the south bank to fetch his pack horses across, but ere he could get his scanty baggage train in motion the storm

upon him and there was no possibility The rain had been falling back towards the source of the river for some time, it was now pouring on himself as if coming out of a sieve.
of black dust was


making a

single step in safety.



lightened a


he could see the river, a wild



ever widening, but no

Next day by riding many leagues towards the source of the stream he found a place shallow enough to cross, with comparative safety, and when he got to where he had
left his


not a

living thing.


or three dead sheep

away was all he ever saw again of his flock. It had been carried down in the flood to the Parana. Someone asked: "And the peones.?" "Also went down to the Parana." That the foregoing really happened
in a rut a league or so
is unlikely, and it is given merely as a specimen of tales we used to hear, but the following little tale of a tragedy is as true as it is sad: James Quinn, from Tyrone, came to Buenos Aires in 1826. He worked at anything and everything, and made money. Eighteen years of effort and economy in living left him a considerable little fortune, so he would buy a farm. There were many for sale up North, in Capilla, Baradero and Areco, and James with a friend left Buenos Aires to buy one, and be an estanciero himself, with troops of horses, herds of cattle and flocks of sheep! The dream of all his toilsome years coming true! The first obstacle of the pleasant gallop of the two horsemen was the river Conchas. The pass where they were to ford



was at best a difficult one; the river was now flooded. It was not lucky to turn back; the friends ventured in, Quinn first, who shouted to his friend to stay back and see how he would get on; he got to the middle of the current; his horse was carried off his feet; for a moment or two man and horse struggled with the muddy surgings, now under, now partly so, but only a few moments and Quinn's dreams were closed forever. His body was found a week later down towards the Parana and was buried in the English cemetery. So were the tales that men used to tell, but the story of Quinn is true. The spot where fate awaited him is known, though not on his account, to many thousands of Argentine conscripts, for it is a little below the bridge of the Campo de Mayo where they often have had a dip. Deaths, marriages and births are by this time become so common amongst our colony that, except in some special
circumstance, I shall not delay to notice them.

Rev. Michael

Gannon, who seems to be almost forgotten by the Irish people, was then in Buenos Aires and performed the ceremony in the marriage of a Dane, Mr. Hansen, to a Portena, Emily Mahan in March, 1845. The well-known financial expert of Argentina, and former Secretary of the Treasury, Don Emilio Hansen, is an issue of this marriage. There were then three, perhaps four, Irish priests in Buenos Aires, Fathers Patrick J. O'Gorman, Anthony D. Fahey, Michael Gannon, and I do not know if Michael MacCarten had yet gone to Entre Rios. The two latter were not deputed here as Irish Chaplains but they attended the Irish people whenever called upon. Canon O'Gorman, brother of the iUfated Camila, was of the second generation of the HibernoFrench family of that name who settled here in Colonial times, and of course, was an Argentine priest. Father Gannon was an intimate friend of the O'Gorman family and knew of the intimacy between Camila and Gutierrez. In 1847 he was appointed to the parish of Goya in Corrientsj and it w^s at the end of that year that Gutierrez



and Miss O'Gorman fled from Buenos Aires, and for whatever reason, perhaps expecting friendship from Fr. Gannon, made Goya their destination; Father Gannon had them arrested and handed over to the Federal authorities, they were brought back to Buenos Aires and the tragedy of Santos Lugares (what's in a name?) took place on the 18th of August, 1848. Father Gannon's part in the horrible drama is not quite clear, but anti-Rosas' writers on the subject make him play a very odious part. Before closing this chapter in which the mighty and terrible Rosas has figured so largely, and not too favorably, I feel that it is but fair, and I am sure that it will be of deep interest to my readers, to include a letter of Father
Fahey's in refutation of certain allegations against the Dictator and of acknowledgment of his just and beneficent
rule. Sometimes it is hard to judge fairly of men and their methods when we are far removed from their time and sphere of action, and the very opposite of this proposition is not infrequently the case under other circumstances anyhow Father Fahey's letter is very worthy of a place here, because of the man and the circumstances; he was no party politician, and he knew what he was writing about. Here


his letter:






and regret I have read in the Dublin Review a libellous article, in which the policy and acts of H. E. the Governor and Captain General of the Province of Buenos Aires, Encharged with

With no


the Foreign Relations


the Argentine



Don Juan Manuel

de Rosas, are made the subject of false and caluminious aspersions of every description. This upright Magistrate, who extends so much and so enlightened protection to all the inhabitants of this country who has restored the reign of order, and the splendour of the Catholic Religion is traduced in that production with the greatest injustice by distorting the events which have occurred
in this Republic.



the honorable task of refuting,

Though you have performed

a veridical statement of


facts, that revolting libel, I conceive I fulfil

a duty of conscience, and one of gratitude towards this country and its Government, by delivering my opinion and offering my testimony
of corroboration of your views.

so as I

special character of delegate

of Dublin, for the guidance

of the

Most Rev. Dr. Murray, Archbishop


of the Irish Catholics of this country, does not allow


to let that

have had on a former occasion the satisfaction of writing with good effect to Mr. O'Connell, M. P., calling his attention to the prosperous condition of the Irish here under the just and enlightened administration of H. E. General Don Juan Manuel de Rosas. For the sake of distant readers who cannot calculate to what an extent the spirit of malevolence is carried, abusing the press and
diatribe pass in silence, the

misleading respectable persons, I avail myself of this opportunity to

declare, that the aforesaid production, published in the Dublin Review,

so far as regards facts


and the manner of qualifying H. E. the Governor Encharged with the Foreign Affairs of the Argentine Confederation, is incorrect and deceitful. It does not behove me to decide upon the political principles touched upon by its authors; but if they are to have the same effect as those applied at Rome, being of the same revolutionary character, there can be no doubt that all intelligent, good and religious men will turn away their eyes from such aberrations. I see radicated in this country a most profound and universal sympathy for H. E. Don Juan Manuel de Rosas a sympathy shared by all foreign residents here by reason of an upright and beneficent administration protecting the rights and properties of all. That protection has been and is uniformly extended in the most ample manner to the Irish Catholics, to the other British subjects, and to

all foreigners,

as well as to the natives of the country


in the late

struggle were adversaries of the

tion with foreign enterprises.

Government and nation

of the qualities

in conjunc-


which shine most

conspicuously in the conduct of H. E. the Governor, Brigadier


Juan Manuel de Rosas, and in his system of Government, is clemency towards the vanquished, and the most generous liberality with respect to foreigners and their commerce. The moral power which H. E. possesses is shown, amongst other prominent facts, by the circumstance of his governing in accordance with the laws and by free election, while all citizens both in the city


in the


country are armed and keep their arms in their


dwellings, the emigrants

who have

returned to the country included.

There have been no disorders of any kind, no imprisonments, more than six Ordinary crimes are few in number and those which do occur years. Commerce and population have increased and continue are punished. to advance greatly; the influx of foreigners, who meet in this thriving and peaceful country with the greatest security and every facility in the pursuit of industry in their callings or commercial enterprise being very considerable. The Catholic Religion is venerated and protected by H. E. General Rosas, who enjoys the glory of having restored it to its former splendour. Under his honourable and wise administration the public credit in this country has risen to a pitch which it never had attained since her glorious emancipation, and which few countries could reach in times of disquiet and foreign war. All that is stated in the libel inserted in the Dublin Review in regard to supposed crimes and assassinations of a Mazhorca Society in the service of the police, which are fancied in that production is proved at former periods all that is said of the profanation of churches and sanctuaries, and the other suppositions of this stamp, which you have contradicted with conclusive testimony, are but a tissue of
executions, or banishments for political offenses, for

contemptible falsehoods.
istrative acts of

The high

character, the deeds

H. E. General

Don Juan Manuel

and adminde Rosas of which I

have been a witness, always restraining disorders and crimes, and the opinions and convictions of the inhabitants of the country, which I have had so many opportunities to ascertain, give the flattest contradiction to those fables, the absurdity of which was made still more
apparent by the

refutation of


in 1845

by the Foreign

Diplomatic Body resident in this

From the reliance I place in the principles which guide the Catholic Bishops of Great Britain, and their personal qualities, I am convinced that the Right Rev. Vicar Apostolic of the London district, under whose
auspices the Dublin Review

published, will, in


to justice,

to truth and to his high character, proceed in an earnest and enlight-

ened manner to rectify the circumstances of the appearance of the libel in question in so serious a periodical as the Dublin Review. I am Messrs Editors,

Your obedient


Anthony D. Fahey.

I shall

now try




clear a few points which clear-

understand many which might otherwise seem confused or without meaning. The Constitution adopted by the Convention of Tucuman in 1816 had not worked very satisfactorily, and Rivaing


the reader to



who was a statesman

of very advanced ideas, believed

that a radical change in



provisions would hasten and

He had filled head with a lot of French political and social notions which the Spanish statesmen a generation earlier had introduced into Spain and these he would impose on the new Republic. In the early Twenties, as already noticed, he set to regulating the Church, and suppressed the religious His orders of men and most of the orders of women. intentions were, no doubt, good, but like many another good and well-intentioned man, when he got started he did not know where to stop. He introduced new systems of education and teaching which the people did not want and were not yet quite prepared for. These changes made him many enemies among the Church people and more conservative elements in general. His mania for reform lured him
assure great progress in the national affairs.

next to the correction, or better abolition, of the Consti-

somewhat on In other words, he wanted everything in the enormously far extended territories of the Republic, with their few scattered communitution; he sought to establish one in its stead

the lines of that of the United States.

ties of half-wild people, to fall into the most complete order and observe ordinances and mandates as thought they were the citizens of a Pennsylvania township or a Swiss canton. To use a homely but expressive similitude, he

country walk before it knew how to was an ugly fall for the baby republic, and for poor Rivadavia one from which he never rose again, He assumed the Presidency, himself, of the politically. arrangement, and failure, hasty and complete, followed. new From one extreme to another! After a short term of

wanted to make

to creep.





semi-anarchj Dorrego was chosen on the old lines; the new dominant party started in to be as thorough in their own way as were the Rivadaviaists. Another revolution and the barbarous murder of Governor Dorrego followed in quick succession. This revolution was put down after a few months, chiefly by Rosas, a return was made to the old order of things in the matter of national government, with a principle somewhat like: Every province for itself and Rosas for them all. For this he was called "Restorer of the Laws." In 1840 he issued an order which had the Father Fahey is right, effect of suppressing the Mazorca.
I believe, in saying that for six years previously there were no imprisonments or exilings for political opinions. It was probably a case like that of the Spanish ruler who dying had no enemies to forgive, and explained this happy condition of affairs by saying that he had already killed




the time that

lenient there were


fugitives in

Don Juan Manuel began to get some twenty thousand Argentine exiles Montevideo alone, so that it could not be

very easy to get jailable or banishable people just then in

Buenos Aires. It is most


however, in view of what had happened

in the years immediately before his ascendancy to power,

and the circumstances in which he came to that power, that methods more or less such as his were the only hope for the country. That his reign had the effect of steadying
the Argentine character considerably

certain; that he

served the cause of religion there


no proof, but very


to the contrary.

lating as to

There is never much use in specuwhat might have been, but to me, for one, it

seems amply plain that a worse political system than that of Rosas, in a self-governing country, could not have been;

and that nobody came nearer to

a confirmed lunatic.

telling the

truth about
said he

the "Restorer" than his friend Balbin

when he


Three things
in those

in connection with the Irish people here days stand out with interesting prominence: They



took, practically, no part in the political troubles or activities of the opposing parties, not even subscribing, save very

seldom, to




Comparatively very

few of them owned taxable property, especially in the rural districts, as may be seen from the lists of taxed proprietors. And although many of them were extensive sheep-farmers, often owning from ten to fifty thousand sheep, scarcely any of them invested in horn cattle. I have carefully examined the reports of cattle brought into Buenos Aires for twentyfive years previous to 1850 and, I believe, I can quite safely say that not one thousand out of the millions slaughtered It in that period were bought from men of Irish names. the of was the rule in those years to publish the names seller, the buyer and the trooper, as well as the purpose for which the animals were brought in; whether for consumption, for salting, or for rendering into grease. For the latter purpose mares and sheep were also commonly

All through the Rosas reign there was a steady stream

of Irish immigration to the country, but the largest inflow,

and the years following saw each an about 1865. A little while before the end of the Dictatorship large numbers of immigrants from the south of Europe began to arrive who could work much cheaper in the saladeros and factories of the city, as well
so far, was in '47,




the various

trades and arts than

could the Irish

laborers and artisans, which was another cause




of the immigrants from Ireland took

up sheep-farming.

Father Fahey, His Congregation, Labors and Difficulties First List OP Charitable and Patriotic Irishmen Brown Goes Home Miscellaneous Items and Comments.

IT the



now my task

features, so

to trace the outlines and fill in to speak, of the great figure that

rises so largely and lovingly above all others in IrishChaplains our comArgentine memories and traditions. munity in Argentina have had, before and since his time, self-sacrificing, sympathetic, and unfailing in of great merit

their loyalty to the best interests of their people, spiritually

^but in all,

and temporally

not one that stands out as the

great leader, the recognized philanthropist, the


of the

people, the patriarch of his race in this land, save Father

Fahey alone. That Father Fahey may be

in the

called a great



works he effected for

his people, in the benefits

proved he

conferred upon them, in the willingness with which they accepted his control and guidance, and in the affection and
veneration in which his


is still






In his priestly pure re-

ligious zeal, yet with all practical



and good

business instinct, he reminds one

more of the

Irish saints

of the first generations of the Faith in the old motherland than of a nineteenth century missionary in a foreign country.

Of those old


who explained

the mysteries of

them how to till their fields to best advantage, plant fruit-trees, use the idle stream to grind their wheat, or turning from these plainer
religion to their people while they taught

labors led their students through the depths and intricacies of the Hebrew, Greek and Latin philosophies and gram135





matical subtilities, and who passed their leisure hours in writing and illuminating books that are still the wonder and

admiration of the learned of




In the


of St.

stated that that glorious Saint and great The apostle was a good builder, millwright and farmer.

Bishop, Etchen, who ordained him at Clonfad in Westmeath, left his plow in the furrow to administer the Sacrament of Holy Orders to this the greatest Irish priest

than that of Columcille there is no Irish name Fahey had all of the faith, sincerity, wisFather higher. of those great men of Ireland's Golden simplicity dom and have an idea that the times and circumpeople Age. Some They Fahey in some peculiar way. Father favored stances his amongst thrown to be were he not, however. If did be somewhat might his methods to-day, people in Argentina different, but his mission and its effects would be the same as those we know of. The great qualities with which Father Fahey was endowed, and the genius to always apply them well, will never fail of their merit where it is people of There were the Irish race who have to make the award. some five or six Irish Chaplains before Father Fahey's time and some dozens during and since his time, and while all of them have done good work, the measure of which cannot be made in this world, no one of them has towered up like him; he stands to them all as does the dark robed and majestic eucalyptus on the distant plain to its surrounding paradise trees and acacias. Had he been the first Irish Chaplain it might be said that his circumstances were unique as he would thus have the field all to himself to cultivate and fashion as he pleased, but no, he was only the successor to Nor had any other good men who filled the same post. special powers or privileges been conferred on him by his superiors which would give him advantages that no one before him enjoyed. He was just a plain Dominican priest sent by Archbishop Murray of Dublin to the Irish of Buenos Aires to be their Chaplain. All his special privileges and advantages were his own personal qualities, his zeal for the
of them


glory of


God and the good of his own people, and an experience of his countrymen abroad which he acquired in a
sojourn of some ten years in the Middle West of the United States. It was said that he was so highly thought of in his Order that his mission to the United States was mainly to examine and report on the condition of branch houses
in that country.

He was thirty-nine years of age when he arrived in Like that other great Irish Buenos Aires, in 1843. Dominican, Father Tom Burke, he was sprung from an old Galway family; Loughrea having the honor of being his birthplace. His studies were conmienced, I believe, in Kilkenny and were completed in Rome, from where soon after he was sent to North America. Ten years later he returned to Ireland, and his experience of the wild life of the then backwoods' states of Kentucky and Ohio were probably taken into account by Archbishop Murray when that saintly prelate had for the third time to choose a shepherd for the scattered and increasing flock beside the distant Plate. However, his selection on this occasion would seem to go far towards proving the truth of the old belief that there is some kind of charm in third-time attempts. The two first chosen for this mission were not successful in the undertaking; Father Moran dying in little more than a year after his arrival in Buenos Aires, and Father O'Gorman having to relinquish his labors through failing health. There are a great many erroneous and fantastic notions current amongst the Irish-Argentine people as to the condition in which Father Fahey found their progenitors and compatriots when he arrived in their midst. It is quite a
belief that

he started the Irish people in the sheep-

farming business; but the facts I have heretofore adduced as to the commencement of Irish sheep-farming will be sufficient to correct this mistake. In Mulhall's book, "The Engish in South America," a strange enough title under which to place an account of Father Fahey one might say, if one knew not the kind of writers the Mulhalls were, our





introduced and dealt with somewhat extenhis arrival here the writer says, "at the time the prospects of the country and of the Irish Why Mulhall wrote residents were far from promising."

Speaking of

such a statement as that I am not able to explain, except was because of his peculiar weakness for making his countrymen appear always as poorly off and dependent on


else to help

them along.


this as it



without the least foundation in fact. Father Fahey's letter given in the last chapter where he speaks of having written to O'Connell "calling attention to the prosperous condition here" does not suggest anything like


exactly of this time says:

and McCann writing "There is no country where the and the Irish laboring classes are so well rewarded These for many reasons are particularly acceptable." quotations, apart from showing how unreliable is the inunpromising
. .

formation given in the Mulhall book,

will serve to establish

the true condition of the Irish settled in Argentina when

Father Anthony D. Fahey came amongst them. Another very popularly accepted belief is that the good missionary was a great matchmaker; and stories innumerable are told of the many marriages he arranged, and the droll manner in which he brought numerous swains and maids together and united them in life-long happiness and good luck. These stories, commonly, where not wholesale inventions are very generous embellishments and exaggerations of a few fundamental facts. I have heard from some of the priests who knew Father Fahey, and from others, that his practice was to avoid participation in the negotiating of such contracts, and that matrimonial alliances proposed or planned by him were very, very few. As a clergyman with the spiritual good of his people sincerely at heart, and as a wise man of the world, of course, he urged and advised men with any fair prospect, which meant every honest, industrious young


man in the country, to marry and settle And when a young girl in Buenos Aires, where al-




the Irish girls in the country then were, received

a proposal of marriage from an almost unknown man from the camp, nothing could be more natural than for her to seek advice in so serious a step from the trustworthy friend

But beyond this kind of intervention in marriages he rarely went. So that the stories one hears told with such picturesque detail, and

who knew every Irishman

in the country.

oftentimes rich humor, of the sheepfarmer's arrival at the

Once or at the Plaza Constitucion markets, after long and very perilous journeys over roadless plains and swollen
for the slower-moving bullock carts, the sale of the wool, the lively few days following, and then the serious, businesslike call on Father Fahey to get an
rivers, their waiting

order, as


were, from him for a wife, the selection, mar-

riage and the tedious journey in the inevitable bullock-c^rt

back to some mud cabin on the distant plain, are not to be taken too unconditionally. The plains of Buenos Aires in the days when the sheep-farmer had little more to do than let his flock fatten and increase, and to sell wool and hides and grease, were a great place for minor Homers and Oisins, and if their flights of fancy sprung not into the realms of the gods, nor sank with their heroes to the regions of the unblest, they saw some mighty strange visions on the dull and somewhat commonplace pampas that stretched so endlessly around them. A collection of the romances, adventures and tragedies so invented, and embellished according to the taste and talent of each succeeding narrator, would make an interesting volume of modern folklore. An extract from an article by the late William Bulfin in a Buenos Aires publication of the last century's end will reveal Father Fahey and his flock very much in the light of popular tradition and will also give a fairly correct picture of a phase of our people's life in the old days:

God be with

the old times

when the

boys, having established themfor wives.

camp, came into Buenos Aires to look Here again the good Father Fahey was their friend in need.

selves fairly well in the

He knew



girls in

the marriageable

home, knew the particular kind

best possible wife.



knew where they came from at for whom each would make the the matches were made in Heaven as well
the city,
of a




God be with

the rough old

ing after the marriage

honeymoon tour which began the mornwhen the happy pair started for their distant

home in the camp. Their chariot was a big covered-in bullock-cart. The axles were of wood and whistled wedding marches. The motive power was furnished by six oxen. A swarthy Basque armed with a
twelve-foot driving spike

took charge of the show, and that solemn


procession tore through the country at the rate of ten or twelve miles

per day, when the weather was

bridal pair, were stowed

In the bullock-cart, besides the

articles of furniture for

away some necessary


new housekeeper,

also a plentiful supply of shears, top-boots, clay

pipes, cake tobacco,

some bottles of strong water and many other numerous to mention. The expedition reached its destination in two or three or five weeks, according to the weather, and the hero and heroine lived happy for ever after. You can make the same journey to-day by train, rural tramway, or steamboat in six or

seven hours, or


God be with
Aires markets

the old fashioned wool season, before public roads or


railways were dreamed

when the

entire clip



If the

was brought to Buenos weather were bad, the wool

was often weeks and weeks on the road, but the farmers who had arrived in town on horseback meanwhile killed the time after the manner of their kind. They painted all the boarding-houses red, and there were dances and high teas and games of " forty-five " on greasy cards, and at length when the wool arrived and was sold, the bills paid and the balance safely deposited with Father Fahey, there was a grand

There was saddling and mounting There was spurring o'er moor and

in haste,

Those were the days when there were no wire

gallop to the setting sun over open camp,

seldom saw your sheep at all, days of toil and loneliness and sunshine and storm and gay-hearted devilment and fun. God then be with them!
of yourself

fences, when you could when in the thistle season you and when you made money nearly in spite

cane wattle which served as reins and whip to guide and drive.


Such the legends one hears.



tales in individual

The but never necessarily the order of the day. historic bullock-cart was never, for long journeys, a pasPost "galeras" in the Thirties were senger conveyance. running at regular intervals with passengers and mails to all the frontier towns from Pergamino by Mercedes to Chascomus, as may be seen by reference to the newspapers
doubt some people chose, on occasion, to bullock-cart, but rather to take care of goods in transport than through sheer necessity. I may remark, by the way, that Bulfin, as well as the Mulhalls and other writers, spells Father Fahey's name incorrectly. He, Father Fahey, always wrote his name with an "e" beof the time.



by the

tween the "h" and "y." When he commenced his mission in Buenos Aires his parish had an extent not very much less than the total area of Ireland. Two-thirds, at least, of his flock of about four thousand lived very distant from the Capital and were
scattered from Dolores in the South to Baradero in the North, and could be included within a boundary line that

might be drawn from one of these outposts to the other, passing, more or less, through Monte, Mercedes and San Antonio de Areco. Of the three thousand, or thereabout,
outside the city, fully three-fourths lived in the districts of

Ranchos, Chascomus and Dolores. Most of the remaining fourth were in Canuelas, Moron, Merlo, Lujan and Pilar, with a few scattered out in Capilla del Sefior and Zarate. Mercedes, Giles and Areco were then, for our people, "outside camps," and none of them, as sheepfarmers, had
crossed the



Medio or reached the



Chivilcoy for more than twenty years after this time.

Having quickly made himself acquainted with his people no time in visiting those who had ventured to more perilous if profitable scenes and occupations. In Quilmes there was then a goodly number of Irish. Mr. Edward Clark, who kept a dairy, poultry farm and saladera, employed almost exclusively Irish, and we may
in the city, he lost



imagine this place as Father Fahey's first stop on his journey to the Salado district. McCann mentions having met him soon after his arrival in the country in the house The of Mr. Handy on the banks of the river just named. Irish, as we have already seen, were then numerous in that From there to Ranchos, district and further south.

Monte, Canuelas and Lujan was his itinerary, with innumerable deviations to estancias and puestos wherever Irlandeses were to be found in the lonely wilderness. What tremendous physical effort such an undertaking as that journey entailed for a man getting on in years and unaccustomed to horse-riding! In the country then there were no tilburies, surkies, nor "americanos," not even the old brake which thirty years ago was no small style, but which


of light

only used for carting purposes, everything in the camp journeying was done on horseback. On

horseback he had to make all his long and laborious rounds, and amongst people who though kindly and hospitable as any people could be had generally few of the household comforts, even of those days, to welcome the priest to. I cannot resist here quoting again from the article of William Bulfin already drawn on, for an extract now to the point:

God be with

the times

when Father Fahey

started from


Aires on horseback to visit his scattered flock.


forty to sixty

miles a day, he often galloped over the camp, changing horses here

and there as opportunity



a night he slept on his

recao rolled in his poncho, with the thatched roof of a

hut over his head and at times nothing but the starry sky of the Pampa. Many a meal he ate where every guest was supposed to hold the meat in his fingers and use his own long camp knife to the best advantage. Here is a conversation which some of the old hands will still repeat to you. It took place in a hut over forty j^ears ago between Father Fahey and a certain Irishman whom we shall only call by his Christian name which was Mike. ** It's sorry I am, yer reverence, that I haven't a sate to offer you; " if I knew you wor comin' I'd have " Never mind, amock, I'll sit on this cow's head. Go on with your






hardly worth while to call


cookin', yer reverence;

you wor only to come yisterday mornin', I had the eligantest brile that ever was seen, so I had." " I'd sooner have the roast, Mike, and that one you are making
only a bit of a roast I'm makin'.




smells good." " Yis, but the salt



out, yer reverence.



a grain

in the

house since yisterday week." " Well, Mike, we must only do without


I'm too hungry myself


to care about the seasoning




For Mike had served the meal by driving the point of the spit, upon which hung the roast, into the floor of the hut, within convenient reach of his guest. The roast, or asado, which was the entire side of a sheep, filled the air with a savory fragrance, and Mike smiled in modest self approval, for his fame as a " warrant " to cook a roast was well

" There isn't a fork in the place. Father Fahey," he said, apologetically, "but maybe you wouldn't mind using this awl; " and he took
it was buried halfway Here y'ar, yer reverence," and he proceeded to clean it energetically on the tail of his coat. *' Tut, tut: Mike, don't trouble about a fork, and keep your awl to sew your gear." So saying the worthy sog garth produced a serviceable looking " Rogers " from his boot-top, and the banquet began. Later on there was a friendly struggle about the bed, and it was only by strenuous persistence on Mike's part that the priest could be induced to sleep on the stretcher.

that useful instrument from the place where

to the hilt in the wall of the hut.

the reader who has never known the shepherd's Argentina may the better understand the foregoing paragraphs and my own remarks as to the lack of household comforts in the majority of shepherd's huts in the early days of sheep-farming I will lay the article just quoted from under tribute once more. For no writer that I have any acquaintance with has so genuinely entered into the spirit of camp-life, and so accurately and sympathetically described it as Bulfin. After describing the home of a sheep-farmer grown wealthy he pictures this same man's


life in



There was only a mud-wall cabin then instead of the spacious dwelling house of the present. It was designed by the occupant and

built largely


by the labor

of his hands.



present this rancho

to your imagination

I can.

The roof is of rushes or of long sedge, which does not allow a single drop of water to enter as long as the weather is fine. The door is made A hole in the roof serves of stout boards and can be strongly barred. as a chimney, and holes here and there in the walls serve as windows. In one gable of this monumental structure there is an iron spike which is about six feet from the ground and which protrudes about two feet
from the wall. It is for hanging up the carcass of mutton for the maintenance of the family which consists of the squatter, his men and dogs. Leaning against the other gable is an enfeebled ladder from the perilous summit of which can be obtained a limited view of the surrounding camp. The flock, the saddle horses, the cows, and other objects of interest can at times be located, and in fact it is the general political, meteorological, astronomical and military observatory of the colony. Besides the ladder there is no other exterior adornment. Let us therefore glance inside. The same sobriety of tone the same austerity of line the same simplicity of arrangement prevails in the architectural design of the interior. The floor is of virgin earth, with the grass trampled down, with here and there a flea, and here and there a frog, to give it a homely air. Now and then a snake drops in, but not relishing this bloated civilization he departs goes back to the rustling thistle clump outside and tells the other snakes that housekeeping is a sanguinary failure. The space between the walls, like the ocean or the France of Robespierre, is one and indivisible. There is no attempt to raise partitions, and the banqueting hall, the reception room, the library, the sleeping apartments, are all worked into one apartment which cannot be much less than twelve feet by eight. The height is in exquisite He can stand relation to the stature of the occupant and architect. up comfortably without dashing his head through the roof, no matter what may be his hurry. If the floor aspires to approach the roof, or if the roof endeavored to reach down to the floor, the resourceful He scrapes architect procures his spade and normalizes the situation. away some of the earth and heaves it out of the door. The bed, which occupies one corner, is an ordinary stretcher with a tough horsehide instead of canvas. A few woolly skins serve as a mattress and a weatherbeaten and superannuated poncho takes the place of sheets and counterpane. The nightly illumination is supplied by a home-made tallow candle, stuck some degrees out of the perpendicular into the short neck of a square-shouldered bottle that began


life in


the gin trade. There are hanging on the well a kettle, a pot, a frying pan, a drinking cup, a candle mould and a few spare objects of riding gear. A bag of camp biscuit dangles from the roof. An empty packing-case turned bottom upwards, serves as a table. Under

are stored tea, sugar, rice

and other



the black


come along the box

is filled


surrounded by a fosse of four inches deep, with water. This places an impassable barrier before

the devastating march of the enemy, and the box with

treasure remains secure



and splendid isolation. An aged trunk in another corner holds all the squatter's wardrobe and valuables. Chairs or stools there were none. The only seats were two or three skeleton skulls of cows picked up on the open camp. A cow-head stool is not altogether unknown now, but it was a very common piece of furniture in those days. The skull was thrown on the ground with the lower jaw underneath; the forehead furnished the seat, and the horns did duty for superfluous ornamentation. Such as it was, the cow's-head stool was the only seat to be had. If you visited the squatter, you might sit on the bed if he himself was not already in occupation thereof. If the bed was occupied you could sit on the lid of the trunk, unless it had already been smashed in by a former guest. If neither the trunk nor the bed was available, then you had the alternative of sitting on the cow's head or taking chances on the floor. Such, more or less, was the type of the building inhabited by the pioneer sheep-farmer. Near it stood a similar although still less pretentious structure. It was the abode of the herds and workmen. It accommodated in a general way as many as could get in. The surplus population remained outside. Although it was the sleeping quarters of the station hands still there were no beds. In fact the only bed for twenty miles all around you was the horse-skin couch which we saw in the corner of the master's hut. In those days nearly every man's bed was his riding gear, as it is in many cases yet.
in stately

and undisturbed

Bulfin's description is in his well-known humorous vein, with plentiful ornamentation and sometimes, perhaps, what would seem too generous coloring, but there is no invention, no over-drawing, in the picture. And these were the homes,
in the majority of cases, to which Father Fahey's visits were made, and where he oftentimes had to hold stations in his first years of missionary labor in the camps. Of



course in the older settled districts things were better, but

new settlements moving further out were the order of Quickly, however, with a few prosperous the day then. years, the planting of trees and the building of comfortable
houses followed on the pioneer settlements described above. And it was the experience of the rapidity with which im-

provement and comparative comfort came to these first rude and uninviting habitations that impelled Father Fahey to always urge the young and healthy Irishmen whom he knew around town to go to the camp, to become sheep-farmers and land owners. The number of wealthy Irish-Argentines to be met with to-day who owe, in the first instance, their truly enviable positions to those urgings and counsellings of that saintly and wise priest may not be known, but they surely run into many hundreds. With a flock as large and scattered over such an area as was that of Father Fahey, one would suppose, having

how zealously he attended to its spiritual wants, that he could have few spare moments to devote to other labors and interests. Christenings, marriages and burials
in view

were increasing among his faithful; many new arrivals from the old land had to be helped with counsel, recommendations to employers and sometimes more material things had to be done for them. But with all these cares, troublesome and wearying enough in their way, a heavier and more heartaching anxiety came to him with every fresh tidings from the homeland. Famine and sickness and death were spreading over all the beloved old motherland. Multitudes of the people for whose sake he would gladly give his life were falling down by the wayside in the awful agony of hunger. Oh, who will ever adequately picture what were the sorrows of Forty-Seven.? Fully four million people in that

and systematically to the number had been destroyed, the remainder barely surviving, and existing in a condition the most miserable that human beings have ever had to endure. How the Irish priests suffered and toiled in that




tortures of hunger

half that





awful time but One knows.


Father Fahey bore his part appealed to his people in he in that toil. the relief of the famine in hand a lend to Buenos Aires at his house, he went together them called He sufferers.


in '47

amongst them at their work, he searched them out in town and camp and had them give of their savings all they could possibly afford in the helpful effort. Every cent subscribed and the name of every subscriber he had published in the paper that circulated most amongst them. I so much consider the names of those who then subscribed as the first honor roll of our people in Argentina that I give the list
in full.


of the subscribers were at the time but a

few months in the country, and their figuring in this list speaks well for their patriotism and for their ability to get on in business. The whole list, as may be seen, is of great credit to the organizers of the subscription and to
the subscribers.

There are some non-Irish names




the owners of which I hope, and believe, the Irish of those

priest's first

days duly manifested their gratitude. This was the good appeal of its kind to his people and how well they responded to it the number of names that follow will sufficiently explain. There are thousands of Argentine citizens to-day

who can trace themselves

will feel

to these subscribers,

and I hope they

pride in doing so.


30 20


John Gait Smith & Co Thomas Armstrong

Thomas Hughes & Co Patrick McLean

Daniel Gowland

1 oz. 1


Edward Lumb & Co

Patrick Bookey




B. Kiernan and fumily ....

Friend of the Irish Poor. $600c/l

Nash, Wilson & Co Joseph Dowling Alexander Brown


$350 c/1 300 300 200

John Murphy



Edward Cranwell James C. Thompson




Samuel Hale & Co Anthony D. Fahey George Dowdal


" " 50



Andrew Mahon




50 c/1

John Geoghegan

100 c/1 100 100 100 100

John Glennon John Dunegan

Peter Nally

" " 50

Thomas Mahon
Patrick Stafford

John Casey John McLaughlin


50" 50"
50 50
* *




John Finch
Nicholas Finch

100 100 100 100 100 100


James McGuire Larry McGuire Patrick McGuire John Shaughnessy Owen Lynch John Casey
Michael Dillon

Nicholas Kent
Nicholas Clancy

" " 50 " 50

Thomas Melady
David Suffern Michael Murray
Robert Kelly James Furlong Robert Wilson Richard Wilson
Nicholas Murray

50 50

" " " " " "


50 50 50 50

Thomas Murray Thomas Kurnan Andrew Murtagh Brian Rourk

Patrick Kilmont

100 100

John Brown Thomas Gainor

Terence Moore
Patrick Scully

100 100 100 100


Thomas Mahon
James Connor James Norton
Charles Jordan

" " 20 " 20 " 200

Timothy Kelly


100 100 100 100 100 100

Edward Gahan JohnMooney

Patrick Fleming Charles H. Twyford

Patrick Garrahan

200" " 200 " 200 200" 200" 200" " 200 200"

Patrick Fennon

Nicholas Leary

William Stuart
Daniel Gifford

A.R.Smith Edward Wheeler

James Hennessy James Donohue

Dickson & Co John Hughes O.J. Hayes & Co James Tweedie

Anderson, Weller

100 100

Hugh McKay
Edward Lovely John Nannery
Mariano Baudriz
William Kelly



200 200

William R. Walls

Robert Hudson Peter Chalmers James Cook Michael Heavy James Kenny Edmund Mackinlay Samuel Bishop
Bart. Foley

200 200

" " " " "

100 150



Miss Baudriz

50 50 50


James Martin M.Scully





James Wallace

50 50 50

Frederick Hardgrave

100" 100" " 100

* *

W. Dalton
P. Dalton

William Lennon

John Allen Laurence Banin


' '

' ' ''


James Hogan A. McGuire John Kerns James Tuit
50 c/1



Hiram Hunt John Langdon

Richard Hardgraves
William Davies
Alexander Mackinlay

100 c/1

" " 30


" " 40

Owen Kelly M. Quinn M. Nannery M. Raftery M. Lawless M. Donohue

T. McGuire

20" 20" 20" 20"



Anonymous Thomas Gowland

William T. Livingston

" " 100



100 50

20" 50"
" 20

James White, Calle Reconquista

James Murray P.Kelly


Arthur Hardgraves
Joseph Dale
Alfred Horton



J.Wheeler M. Lennon
T. Hevey
E. Quirk


T. McGuire

20" 20" 20" 20" 20" 20" 20" 20" 20" 20" 20"

1 oz.

Henry Hayes Henry Murray




Michael Crilly

100" 100"
1 oz.



William Graham


Bernard Burns

John Garrahan Cornelius Garahan

100 100

James Ferguson


Thomas Kenny
James Dowling

W. Dalton


20" 20"

" "

James McDonnell A North American

James Murray James Fagan Patrick Fagan

" " 20 " 20

100" " 100


Citizen of the U. States


Charles Jackson


J. P.,



Mrs. Dunleavy
Peter McLaughlin John McKernan John Murphy, Jr Michael Lennon James Cummin

Stephen Hallet
Dr. Mackenna


James Steadman
Santiago Bletcher

" " 200 " 100 " 100


100" " 70 " 60 " 60



John Spraggon Peter Rosenblad Robert Leys



" " " 50

" 150 " 100


John White Murphy

50 50 50




Thomas Moore & Bros

Andred Nevil
Daniel Scully

100" " 50 " 150


Edward Mooney William Moran Charles McDonnell

Michael Gardiner
Patrick Culligan


John Shannon
Mrs. Slevin

" " " 50 " 50 " 50





50 c/1
50 50'*

Michael Clavin Richard Fitzpatrick

Patrick Ahern

Walter Hickey

50 c/1 50





Michael Kelly

" " 50

Michael Garahan



John Berry



Kenny Frederick McDonald John Cowan

James Shannon
Patrick Keating

50" 50"


" " 50 " 50

John Kelly Thomas Wire


50" 50" 50"


Jacinto Tellaferro

FarrelReddy Richard Geoghegan Michael Geraghty Peter Martin

Richard Wheeler Patrick Kilmurry

50" 50"

" " 50

Chiney Hickman Daniel Mackinlay William Roach Mrs. Robert Kelly


" " "


Patrick Lynagh

50" 50" 50"

50 30 30

" " 50 " " 50





Bernard Wheeler Michael Tyrrell

Terence McGovern

" "

" " 25 " 20 "

John Moran Thomas Keating

James Synnot
Nicholas Hier


James Reilly Robert Brewer


Mr. Jacobs
Michael Shaughness


James Pendan


Michael Geoghegan


" " " " " " "



John Smith William Horton

20" 20"
20 20 20 20

Edward Moore


" "

John Duffy



William Kelly

50" 50" 50"

50 50

Edward Kelly Thomas Cormack Timothy Cormack

Francis Carey
Patrick Harford

" " 20 "


John Nolan John Malcolm

Michael Healean

50 50 50


Thomas Noghten Peter Banin

JohnBanin Edward Banin
James McCann Mrs. Bookey

" " " " " "


John Gardiner John Ford

Brian Rourk
Sylvester Waters


20" 20"

James Elia Joseph Benetan

20 20

" " "

50 " 50



" " " 20 " 20
20 20



Bridget Mulcahy

50" 50"

James Kilmurry Mary Nolan Catherine Bookey Margaret Bookey Mary Bookey
Patrick Bookey, Jr

Mathew Kernan
Captain Craig

Mrs. James Scully

" " 50 " 50

William Bookey

Thomas Bookey

" " 20" 20"




James Murray
20 c/]


Bernard Wallace

100 c/1
oz. gold

Benevolent Individual


Richard Sutton



20 50**


David Fleming Christopher Kennedy Bernard McConnel ....



25 10

Robert Paterson William Pickle William Hardy


" "

Mrs. C. Hartley
Michael Henly

50" 50" 50"



Robert Nugent Michael Nugent



Latham Chapman Thomas Bell

John Scott James Scott


James Lowery

Thomas Murphy
Peter Sherry

John Clark

100" 100" 100" 100" 100" 100"


Wm. Ramidge
Michael Grinnon


Michael Nally
Patrick Glynn

50" 50" 50" 50" 50" 30" 30" 30" 20"




441-1-10 and was forwarded to the Central

Committee, Dublin.

"El Viejo
from active



familiarly call the Admiral,



Brown as Rosas used to had now been some time retired the Republic was at peace with

neighbors he was granted a leave of absence for several months. He was then seventy years of age and had been
all his life

away from Ireland;


his brother,


I presume,

was then

living in the old land

Admiral turned to spend


and thither the He left Buenos

Aires in July, 1847, and probably got to Ireland in the following September. can imagine what a sad home-


coming it must have been for the pensive and kindly-hearted old man, and what a contrast he pictured between the proud and hopeful land he had just left and the despair and humiliation that was everywhere in the ravaged country he had come to. Yet it was the maligned "Latin" that held sway in the one and the glorified Anglo-Saxon that lorded it in the other! I am not aware that Brown gave expression in any form to the impressions which that visit to his native land made on him, but in view of the appalling conditions which prevailed in the Autumn of that direful year



he must surely have blest the star that took him from under English rule in Ireland. In the Forties the arrival of many Irish immigrants is recorded in the press, and deaths and marriages are of numerous mention. Among the deaths is that of Father
Patrick J. O'Gorman. He was 46 years of age, and was buried in the vault of the clergy in the Recoleta. He had been sixteen years in Buenos Aires but seems to have been
superseded in the Irish Chaplaincy by Father Fahey some years before his demise, he had been ailing for some time. In the middle Forties David Suffern of Belfast came to

Buenos Aires, with his family, and established a saddlery and harness importing business. His son David took a leading part in all Irish-Argentine affairs in the latter quarter of the last century. In January, '47, the following Francis Irish arrived in Buenos Aires by the Sardinia: Carey, Timothy Cormack, John Nally, Patrick Hafford, It Nicholas Kenny, Laurance McGuire, Nicholas Leary. is well to keep a record of the early comers, as someone may yet arise with race-patriotism enough in him for the making of the task of collecting and publishing all such old records and memories of those of our race who came here first, a labor of love and pride, and every item preserved will help him.

Buenos Aires during the Rosas regime was anything but attractive, except for two distinct classes those who set no great value on their lives, and those Although our people remained of very docile conscience. well on the outside of both these classes, their aloofness was not absolute, and the long prominent political and
Political life in


commercial family of Lynch figures occasionally in the Some political news of the days of the Tyranny. of them, as related, had their throats cut, more of them were in exile and their properties were commonly confiscated. Don Estanislao writing from his exile in Chili to his brother Don Patricio in exile in Montevideo caUs Rosas a "maldito gaucho" ("a damned half-savage" mildly trans-


lates the term),
fall as


not so sanguine of his immediate The letter comes into the Dictator's hands and he has it published, adding that the Lynches are traitors, filthy, disgusting savages and ingrates. The ingratitude arises from the fact that on Mrs. Lynch's appeal some of her confiscated property was re-



are some of his friends.

stored to her.

General O'Brien having extricated himself,

by whatever means,






something to say in a Liverpool paper about Don Juan Manuel's manner of administering justice, and the Restorer's papers at once got after the General and belabored him with the utmost liberality of epithets a Unitarian could scarcely be more abominable in their sight. How tame and dull political life has become since then! The press. President, ministers or leaders seldom call anybody a traitor, asqueroso is no longer a political adjective, and even the naked ones of the Chaco are scarcely called


Intervention has been established in the Queen

Province and Ugarte walked out without even throwing up a barricade or mounting a cantonment! What changes in
a life-time Urquiza, if


Such that one can fancy Rosas, Lavalle or or any of them could now express an

opinion, repeating the reflection of a late friend of mine

on the present-day hurlers and foot-ballers in Ireland. My friend was an old sheep-farmer, and a few years ago, when a young priest was here from Ireland, on collecting bent, he, my friend, made anxious and detailed inquiries from the clergyman as to how the old games and pastimes were being kept up at home. The priest was enthusiastic in relating how all the good old ways were being revived and improved upon, and boasted of the safe and scientific way in which the games were being played as compared with long ago "no back strokes, no tripping, no butting, no kicking, no danger at all," flourished forth the clergyman, triumphantly. My old friend gave a bit of a cough that was half a grunt, and with a contemptuous look to one side muttered: "The people are becoming degenerate."

Irish Hospital, Reports of its Committee and Doctor Subscribers TO the Infirmary Fund Armstrong, Kiernan, McCann Rosas and the English Government Father Fahey Thanked by Congress City's Limits in 1850 Governments of the First Forty Years op THE Republic.



was scattered Father Fahey's



and con-

stant and urgent as were

need of his ministrafind time for labors

tions, still he continued to

in its behalf other

than those we may call strictly spiritual. He was but a very short while in Buenos Aires when he was convinced of the great need there was for various institutions for the moral and material protection and comMore chaplains were needed, more fort of his people.

schools, more teachers, more means of helpfulness for a community so exposed to physical and moral dangers. The needed priests in time would come, so would the teachers, in the persons of the good Sisters of Mercy, the schools he dreamed of would arise in time, but all could wait a little all but the succor for the sick poor. With him no call however urgent was so urgent as this one; no need was so great as the need of the sick, and so the founding of an Irish Infirmary was the first great work of benevolence to which the good father bent his efforts. With the

continuance of the famine years of the terrible Forties emigration to Buenos Aires as to the United States and Canada increased rapidly and in a form to cause alarm,
for the condition of the immigrants on their arrival in the




new country was frequently very miserable. Many were extremely poor and no small proportion of them still in the clutches of famine-engendered disease. Of all the many needs of the community, then, a refuge and relief for the sick and wounded was the most pressing, a means to meet the first and most appeahng want of the poor, a hospital had to be provided. The Irish people, always generous when appealed to frankly and in a worthy cause, seconded Father Fahey's efforts spiritedly and the Irish Infirmary was soon a reality. How much of good that institution
of the middle of the last not to be told in this world; but it is no wild conjecture to say that the founders of many proud and worthy families in the Argentina of our day would have gone to early graves in the pauper's pit

did for the Irish immigrants


century, in Buenos Aires,

only for


In view of the great usefulness of this our first Irish institution in Argentina, and because of its historic importance, it is a great pleasure to me to be able to give in full the first report and balance sheet of the Infirmary It is a publication of great importance to the Society.




in recent years as to

view of some strange arguments we whether an Irish Hospital ever

existed or not

Buenos Aires.

The statement

of the

Infirmary Committee, the Doctor's Report and subscribers for the year 1848-9 will settle this fully explain the scope and usefulness of the as well as the nature and amount of public


point and






them down


and I

have no doubt they will deeply interest many of my readers for I know that but very little is now remembered of that once beneficient establishment. It is strange what forgetfulness,



of tradition there


amongst us as


gards the early Irish settlers. The newness of the country, its rapid growth, the heretofore nomadic kind of life of the sheep-farmer, which was the life of most of our people up
to a score of years ago,

and most of


the struggle to



may account for this peculiar charbut can scarcely excuse it. I have frequently met Irishmen and Irish-Argentines who regarded Father Fahey as the first Irish Chaplain, if not the first Irishman who came to the country. I have only met a few who knew that there was such an institution as an Irish Hospital
get on in the world

here before the coming of the Sisters of Mercy, although,

as will be seen, nearly all the Irish of seventy years


contributed to


support and upkeep.

Statement of Accounts, Doctoe's Report and List of Subscribers, Buenos Aires Irish Infirmary,
Oct., 1849.

The Committee of the Irish Immigrant Infirmary beg leave to lay the following statement before the Subscribers,
and they trust that the relief afforded to so many persons will be an inducement to those who have not hitherto contributed to support so valuable an institution. The Infirmary was established for the purpose of receiving sick immigrants, whether men,

women or children, or any poor family from the country, who might be unable to procure medical assistance.
The Committee have had built three additional rooms for the accommodation of female patients ; these buildings together with the expenses incurred for beds and furniture of all kinds suitable to such an institution, have naturally
absorbed a good deal of money. But the strictest economy has been adopted as far as circumstances would permit.

In consequence of the large number of immigrants that landed here in the month of July the Committee were obliged to ask donations from the English and American
this city, and the handsome and generous which they met that call deserves the warmest gratitude of the Committee.






total of subscriptions

$24,490 00



Do. from sick patients


7,410 00


Donations from English and North American Gentle-





current expenses of

the year including the

Matron's salary and assistants were


10,050 00


To To
To To To

paid for building 3 rooms and watercloset

paid for bedsteads, matresses, blankets, sheets,

tables, presses

and chairs

4,500 00

paid Mr. Cranwell for medicines

2,258 00

paid for general repairs of the Infirmary

paid Dr.

4,800 00


for the year


Balance in Treasurer's hands


6,447 10


A. D. Fahet, Chairman of the Committee.

Babt. Foley, Secretary. Patrick Booket, Treasurer.


Aires, Sept. 30, 1849.

Doctor's Report.

The medical report

of the Irish Infirmary for the last

year, ending the 30th of September, and which I

the honor to lay before the Subscribers

now have

as follows:

total number of patients admitted was 158; of 116 were men, 26 women and 16 children. The diseases under which they labored were as follows: Fevers 46, rheumatism 6, wounds 7, diseases of the lungs 8, liver 2, heart 2, lumbago 5, scrofula 2, fever and ague 1, inflammation of the bowels and stomach 23, burns 3, dysentery 7, epilepsy 1, chlorisis 1, cerebral affections 9, hypochondriasis 2j erysipelas 1, postula maligna 1, dyspepsia






contusions 2; 138 were discharged cured, 15


and 5







was also afforded to 17 persons at different periods having

had no accommodation

in the Infirmary.

Of the surgical

cases there were a few of importance, two of the fractures were of a serious nature one a compound fracture of the lower jaw, another of both bones of the fore-arm with

laceration of the soft parts and division of the principal

blood vessels from a gun shot wound; both terminated A third who had a chronic disease of the leg favorably.

and ankle joint of many years' standing, submitted to amputation of the limb and is now in the enjoyment of good health. The establishment has conferred incalculable benefit on the new immigrants who have arrived during the past year, as also on several of our countrymen who came in sick from
the country.
I beg to return

my warmest

thanks to Dr. Browne for

his invaluable services





and punctual attendance at all times to Doctors Dick, Lepper and Al-

meyra, who have on several occasions rendered important


Cornelius Donovan, M. D.
Buenos Aires, Sept. 30, 1849.

List of Subscribers to the Irish Infirmary Fund.

$500 each from the following: Thomas Armstrong, Bernard Kiernan, Patrick Bookey, Patrick Browne, George Dowdal, Rev. A. D. Fahey, Wilfrid Latham.
$300, Patrick Fleming. $200 each: An Argentine, Laurence Brown, Edmund Cranwell, Peter Chalmer, Joseph Dowling, Bartholomew Foley, P. D. Gordon, John Mooney, James McDonnell, John McKiernan, Terence Moore, Austin R. Smith, James Sheridan, Michael Heavy.




$150, James Hennessy. $100 each: Thomas Barry, Nicholas Clancy, James Carthy, Laurance Carey, Captain Craig, Dr. Donovan, Thomas Doyle, John Duffy, David Flynn, John Griffin, William Graham, Henry Hayes, James Kenny, John Kerns, Robert Kelly, Mathew Kiernan, William Kelly, WiUiam Kelly, Joseph Kilmurry, Patrick Lynch, William Lennon,
Peter Murray, Henry Murray, William Moore, John Murray, M. Mullery, Thomas Muleady, Peter Martin, John Murtagh, Thomas Monteleer, Patrick Moore, John Nolan, James Neeson, Joseph Ronan, E. Synnot, Patrick Stafford,
Peter Sherry, David Suffern, John Shannon,

Thomas SimpEdward Wheeler, Robert Wilson, Bryan Wallace.

$90, Michael Kenny.

Thomas McGouran. John Allen, John Browne, Robert Brewer, William Burns, John Burns, John Brenan, Laurence Banin, John Bryan, John Browne, Andrew Burke, Michael Brenan, Michael Burns, John Berry, Casinio Balumbro, Francis Brady, Conor Brenan, James Donohue, Francis Dillon, John Dinegan, Bryan Dinegan, Henry Dillon, Patrick Doherty, Patrick Dalton, John Doherty, James Dalton, John Dillon, Michael Dillon, Patrick Daly, Michael Duffy, Daniel Donovan, James Dunn, William Dalton, James Duffy, Patrick Evers, Henry Eliff, Bryan Eliff, Patrick Farrell, James Furlong, Thomas Fitzgerald, Michael Farrell, A
$50 each:
friend, per B. Kelly, Peter Fitzharris, Christopher Finlay,

$75, Anonymous. $60 each: Terence Daly,

Thomas Finan, Thomas

Fallon, Daniel Cormack, Timothy Cormack, John Connor, Francis Carey, Samuel S. Collins, John Carey, Thomas Carey, John Carey, Joseph Cunningham, John CuUen, Patrick Colmuck, Thomas Carroll, John Cormack, George Cummins, John Crowley, Robert Collins, James Carey, Denis Connor, Michael Conry, Laurence Casey, John Cunningham, Thomas Cormack, John Downey, Peter Dillon, Patrick Duffy, James Downes, Michael Donohue, Patrick Donohue, John Dunleavy, Richard Farrell,



James Ferguson, Patrick Fegan, Patrick Feenon, John Fox, Mathew Farrell, John Fitzstephen, Patrick Glynn, John Geoghegan, Michael Geraghty, John Gardiner, Michael Grennon, Edward Gormly, Michael Gardiner, Michael Geoghegan, Patrick Gardener, Connor Graham, Malachy Gilligan, John Harrington, Jr., Timothy Harrington, John Hogan, Michael Heavy, Jr., Michael Healin, Michael Hussey, Thomas Heavy, John Heavy, Michael Henly, John Hyland, William Hardy, Francis Hoare, James Hussey, Edward Hanly, Nicholas Hier, David Hood, Thomas Joyce, Bernard Joyce, Charles Jordan, John Jackson, Thomas Keating, Timothy Kelly, William Killeen, Owen Kelly, Michael Kelly, Sen., Patrick Kelly, Michael Kelly, John Kelly, Peter Kenny, Patrick Kilimuth, James Kelly, James Kilmurry, John Keen, Christopher Kennedy, James Kilmurray, Patrick Keating, Patrick Kilmurray, Edward Kearney, Patrick Kenny, Edward Kelly, Michael Kenny, Patrick Kilmurray, Nicholas Kent, Francis Kelly, Thomas Kiernan, Patrick Kenny, Michael Lawless, Owen Lynch, James Lewis, John Lawler, Thomas Ledwick, William Lynch, James Larkin, James Lennon, Martin Loughey, Thomas Lanargen, Nicholas Leary, Martin Loughlan, John Lyn, John Linan, Thomas McKeogh, Patrick Murtagh, John McDonald, Laurence McGuire, Patrick McGuire, Andrew Mahon, James McGuire, Thomas Miller, Michael McDonnell, Patrick Moran, Thomas Murphy, Christopher McGuire, John McGuire, Patrick Mahon, Michael Murray, Peter McGrath, Edward Moran, Thomas McGuire, Michael Murray, Patrick McDonnell, John McKeon, James Murray, Hugh McCrawley, Hugh Mullen, Peter McLoughlin, William Loughlan, John McGuire, Patrick Muleady, Michael McCann, Thomas McGeavy, Patrick McLoughlan,

John Murphy, John McLoughlan, Edward McGaw, John Moran, Peter McGuire, Peter Mather, Thomas Murphy, Thomas Scully-Murray, John Mulvany, Michael McDonnell, Patrick McBritony, John Murphy, Peter Millor, Patrick Murphy, Thomas Murray, James Murray, James




Murphy, Peter Martin, Peter Neary, Thomas Nally, Thomas Norton, John Nally, John Naughton, Michael Nally, Henry O'Neill, James O'Neill, James Hallard, Michael Phillips, James Pender, Patrick Pugh, James Quinn, John Ronan, Michael Rooney, Patrick Rooney,
David Robert, William Roach, Michael Rafferty, Farril Reddy, Edward Rickard, John Scally, James Synnot, James Scott, Edward Slammon, James Street, Michael Scully, James Shaughness, John Shaughness, Loughlan Scott, John Shaughness, Thomas Scott, James Scully, James Shaughness, Michael Tyrrell, Patrick Tyrrell, James Tuite, Bernard Wheeler, Richard Wheeler, John Wynn, John Wheeler, James Wallace, Richard Wilson, Michael Walsh, Edward Slevin, Edmund Ward, James Young. Laurence Dullon, John Lynch, Barney Man$40 each ning, Anonymous. $20 each: Thomas Clark, John Cowan, John Dowlan, Michael Gill, George Harris, Patrick Martin, Michael Man:








George Stephens, Christopher Scully.

$15, John Lumb. $10 each: Michael Cormack, James Finlay,
Mulligan, John Risk, Patrick

Thomas Ward, James Ward, Martin


$200, Herrera & Baudriz. Total, $24,540.

Emergency Collection.
The Committee of the Irish Infirmary beg leave to express their best thanks to the following gentlemen for their
liberal donations



of the sick immigrants

which enabled the institution to relieve a who landed here in


$500 each: Henry Sothern, Esq., H. B. M. PlenipotenMartin J. Hood, Esq., H. B. M. Consul; Messrs. Thomas Armstrong, Hughes Bros., John Gait, Smith &



Edward Lumb & &


Co., Delisle Bros.


Barber & Co., J. Thomas Duguid &



Co., Nicholas

& Co., R. & J. Carlisle & Co., Philip Tompkinson & Edmond Mackinlay & Co., Alexander Rodgers & Co., Zimmerman, Fraizer & Co., Daniel Gowland, Brownell, Stegman & Co., Oliver J. Hayes & Co., Bookey & Bletcher. $300 each: Dickson & Co., Briscoe & Co., Dr. Alexander Brown, Bradshaw, Wankin & Co., Plowes, Atkinson & Co.,

Admiral Brown. $200 each: Samuel Hesse, James White & Co., Getting, Miller & Co., Robert Hudson, Wilson Jacobs, Henry Mullens, James Carthy, George S. Macome, George Ashworth, Renne Macfarlane & Co., Nutual & Co., Patrick McLean & Co., Turner & Co., W. R. Walls & Co., William Anderson. $100 each: A friend, Bagley Bros., Charles R. Home, Capt. Graham.
$50, Isidro Vidal. 1 ton of coal, Thomas Bell, John Langton.

A. D. Fahey, Chairman of the Committee. Bart. Foley, Secretary. Patrick Bookey, Treasurer.

Buenos Aires, Sept. 30, 1849.

important event in the affairs of the Irish of year 1850 was the total destruction, by fire, in the month of January, of Thomas Armstrong's saladera. Armstrong although said to be of the same family as was the infamous betrayer of the brothers Shears was very popular amongst the Irish and justly so. No man was ever more ready to assist his poorer countrymen than he, and, though not himself a Catholic, Father Fahey had no more generous and steadfast friend and helper in everything he sought to do for the spiritual and temporal advancement of his flock. He was a man of the very best business capabilities one of the largest foreign-born landowners, a prominent merchant, owned mills and meat curing



in the




and was for long a director of the Government Bank. In the employment of help in the many lines of business he was engaged in he always gave preference to his own countrymen, and many of them owed their rise in the world, at first, to his help and advice. James Kiernan of the "Gaceta Mercantil," official organ of Rosas, died this year at the age of 44 years, twentyBernard six of which he had passed in Buenos Aires. North from Argentina to Kiernan, his father, came movement the when time America, in 1824. This was the of "Irish Yankees" from the States to the Plate commenced. Kiernan was highly praised at the time of his death for The British his consistency and other good qualities. "But to his Packet said of him amongst other things: credit be it recorded, no one ever dared to impune the sincerity of his motives and professions, the consistency of
his public conduct, or the unsullied

purity of his private



printing office nected with the paper, becoming in time editor and part He must have been a very bright proprietor thereof.

learned the printing business in the Gaceta and remained all the rest of his life con-

young man

for he became editor of the paper within five years of his arrival in the country, and when he was but twenty-four years of age, acquiring an exceptionally ready

for the

of the Spanish language.


started an agency in Buenos Aires, in 1848,

Irish families.

on easy terms, of Irishmen and did business were somewhat peculiar, and I think are worth recording as a curiosity, if for nothing else. The emigrant would be taken to Buenos Aires for ten pounds, cash, if paid in Ireland; for fifteen pounds, cash, if paid in Buenos Aires, with, in both cases, good security for the further payment of seven pounds when the emigrant had earned that much money, but all such emigrants should first present a certificate of good character from the Clergyman and Magistrate of their parish. The enterprise McCann was connected with enabled
bringing out,

The terms on which he



many Irishmen and Irishwomen

come to the Plate, and Father Fahey's reply to the writer on Rosas in the Dublin Review must have resulted in a kind of boom The reply of Buenos Aires among the people at home. drew a letter from Archbishop Murray explaining Father Fahey's standing and responsibilities, which was published with a letter from the Bishop of Buenos Aires and a statea great

ment of the British business men of Argentina in favor of Rosas and his Government. The State Department took the matter up with the English Government, seeking to have the writer of the libellous article in the "Review" brought to justice, but Lord Palmerstown put in the plea for his Government's non-interference, that there was full liberty of the press in the United Kingdom. This is a good speci-


of the English statesman's

regard for truth


liberty of the press" one year, or so, after the suppression

of Mitchel's paper, the Nation and


other nationalist



the probabilities are that most of those, outside

the reply of this Noble Lord believed and the matter dropped for the moment. Later on the whole correspondence was placed before the National Congress and Father Fahey received its thanks for his letter. The question must have placed Rosas and his Government, and his country in a very favorable light before the people of Ireland, and no doubt raised Father Fahey greatly in the esteem and friendship of Don Juan Manuel and his party. It was commonly believed by the Irish of his time that Father Fahey could obtain any favor he desired and which might be in the giving of Rosas. Father Fahey, however, was not a courtier or politician, he had no time for things wholly outside his duties as Irish Chaplain, and any influence he possessed with the Dictator was used for the encouraging and safeguarding of his people in their lawful and honorable pursuits. Struggling through the busy streets of Buenos Aires in these days of rapid automobiles and motorcycles, with their nerve-racking screams and tootings one could almost wish

the Irish,

who read

to be true,




for a revival of the strict laws and their sharp enforcement In the police-court reports of 70 of the Rosas times. years ago it is not a rare thing to meet with records of

on men for galloping their horses in the city and amongst the mulcted one runs across such names as Sheridan, Quinn, and others like, but in truth WhatIrish names are extremely rare in such documents.
fines inflicted


may be said about the Dictator as a politician or statesman he enforced the law, such as it was, and had it duly respected. In that way the Buenos Aires of our time could take a leaf out of his book, with reference to municipal The manner in order, that would prove to its advantage.

which trams and other vehicles are allowed to interrupt pedestrian traffic at the street crossings, and the perfect security with which idle groups of men may occupy the narrow sidewalks, to the inconvenience and annoyance of people passing to and fro about their business, is a serious reflection on those charged with the order and traffic of the streets. I understand there is a law dealing intelligently with these matters but the police have been allowed to let it become a dead letter. According to old maps of the city published in the Federal Almanac for the early Fifties the present splendid thoroughfare, Callao, was then on the Western limit of the Capital, and the Irish Convent soon after established was as much on the outside of the city as the present Irish Orphanage, in Avenida Gaona, was when it was first

In closing this chapter and passing from the reign of Rosas to the new order of things it will be instructive, historically, and useful for reference purposes, to include, chronologically, a list of the governors and systems under which Buenos Aires and the territory which acknowledged its hegemony lived, from the deposition of the Spanish Viceroy, in May, 1810, to the fall of Rosas in February,

The Cabildo was a

sort of aldermanic

body or council



representative of the populace,
politically all-powerful in times

of selectmen very closely






people demanded "Cabildo abierto" (open council meeting) they should have it, and there they made their will known
to the City Fathers,

and that body generally executed



The body which

in time replaced the old Cabildo


called the Consejo Diliberante

(deliberative council), but

has no such power as the old institution.



1810, Independence Day, Colonel Cornelius

Saavedra, President of the Governing Junta which replaced

the Spanish Viceroy, Cisneros.

August 26, 1811, Domingo Mateu replaced Saavedra. December 23, 1811, Government of Triunvirate was established; Feliciano A. Chiclana, Juan Jose Pazos and Manuel Sarratea formed this body. October 8, 1812, the foregoing were superseded, Juan Jose Pazos, President, Francisco Belgrano, and Antonio
Alverez de Fonte.

February 20, 1813, a new body called the Sovereign Assembly, named as the supreme executive authority Messrs. Pefia, Alvarez, Fonte and Julian Perez.

January 31, 1814, the Assembly dissolved the supreme power and created the Supreme Director of State
elected to this office Gervasio Posadas.


January 1, 1815, General Carlos Alvear had himself named Dictator. April 21, 1815, Alvear was deposed and General Rondeau set up in his stead. April 16, 1816, the Junta of Observation named Antonio Gonzalez Balcarce Supreme Director. July 11, 1816, Balcarce deposed by the same Junta. July 29, 1816, Juan Martin de Pueyrredon selected for Supreme Director by the National Congress of Tucuman. Pueyrredon was the first really constitutional and national Governor. He was, as we have seen, of French-Irish He served descent, his mother's name being Rita Dogan.



a term of very nearly three years, thus making, for those times, a remarkable record. July 9, 1819, Rondeau chosen provisional Supreme

January 21, 1820, Rondeau substituted by Juan P.




1820, Rondeau resumed power as Supreme


February 11, 1820, the Cabildo assumed power and

solved the Congress.

February 12, 1820, the Cabildo named Miguel Irigoyen,

Provincial Governor.

February 16, 1820, the Cabildo named Miguel Sarratea, Governor in Perpetuity.

March 6, 1820, Juan Ramon Balcarce had himself named Governor. May 2, 1820, Ildefonso Ramos Mexia was chosen

June 13, 1820, the Cabildo had to resume control, owing Mexia resigning. June 23, 1820, Miguel E. Soler became Governor. June 30, 1820, Soler resigned and the Cabildo governed


1820, Colonel Manuel Dorrego chosen, provi-

sionally, to govern.

September 28, 1820, General Martin Rodriguez elected. Another record. Rodriguez held office more than three years, and governed very well. April 2, 1824, General Juan Gregorio Las Heras Another very good governor; held office nearly elected. two years. February 8, 1826, Bernardino Rivadavia elected by
Congress, President of the Republic.



1827, Vicente Lopez replaces Rivadavia, provielected

August 12, 1827, Colonel Dorrego

the Representative Junta.

Governor by



December 1, 1828, Juan Lavalle has himself declared Governor, but finding that he is anything but popular and having to prosecute his rebellion against Dorrego in the interior of the Province, he has Admiral Brown set up as
his substitute.

August 26, 1829,




Viamonte becomes provisional




1829, General Juan Manuel Rosas


December 17, 1832, Balcarce is elected Governor. November 5, 1833, J. J. Viamonte takes the Governorship again.

October 1, 1834, Maza head of the Congress becomes Governor. April 13, 1835, Rosas is given full power, by the Congress, and he makes various records, February 3, 1852, Battle of Caseros, end of Rosas

Vicente Lopez


chosen, provisionally, to govern.

Another few years of experiences closely akin to those of 1820 follow, and then the light the light of political redemption and progress.


Mercy Established^Troubles and Progress Brown Would be Head Man on His ShipReceives Last Sacraments FROM Father Fahey Mitre's Funeral Oration Cullen, O'Donnell,
Sisters of

CouGHLAN, Turner, Gaona, Malouney.


the fall of Rosas, although the reign of absolutism was over and the establishment of constitutionalism was being earnestly attempted, for

insecurity of

seven or eight years there was far more disturbance and life and property than throughout the reign

Provisional governments, usurpations, the Dictator. revolutions and resignations were the ruling characteristics

for a few years, at least. In view of the suppressions and persecutions of the previous twenty years, that the liberation should have let loose many wild and wicked elements
in a population so mixed, and, in


ways, so primitive

was not at all wonderful. We see just the same thing happening to-day in Russia, having got rid of their despot, to use a common expression, the people don't know what But everything considered the to do with themselves. Argentine nation pulled itself together rapidly and settled down to business admirably. The country had a few great men then. Lopez has this wise reflection on the consequences "Tyranny's worst evil is not in the of the Rosas regime: generous and noble blood which it spills, nor in the other direct evils which it works, but in the endemic decadence

leaves in the public spirit, the vices, the vileness

and the moral disorder with which it leaves poisoned the traditions and the life of the peoples on whose heart its
hatred has fed."


the worst evil alluded to has so con-

siderably and hastily passed



due to the large influx

of foreigners




and the sudden upspring of a new generation


unaffected by the Rosas tradition, but the criollo element,

to which Lopez, of course, referred

not even yet, two

generations after, wholly purified of the traces of the "worst

Unless we try to bear in mind the sudden and sweeping political transitions of that time we will not be able to justly understand the course of certain happenings with which this chapter will have to do.


of the first experiences Father to establish

Fahey got from his and maintain an Irish Hospital was,

and not at all satisApart from the difficulty of

that matrons and nurses duly qualified for hospital work



to procure, costly to keep

factory in other connections.

ligious instruction

providing fancy salaries for attendants, the need of reinstitutions

as a hospital appealed to

and a truly Catholic atmosphere in such him very strongly.

Then many

Irish families, especially in the



were being established.

There were fairly good schools, public and private, for boys whose parents could afford to pay a reasonable school-fee, but such accommodation for girls was wholly lacking, or far from satisfactory, according to the ideas of the Irish settlers of that time, and Fr. Fahey's own notions on that point seem to have been fully in agreement with theirs. His remedy for the difficulty, therefore, was to get a community of nuns from Ireland, who would attend the sick, teach the young, help the needy and comfort the sorrowing. Thus would the financial and

the other diflSculties hinted at be overcome.

But before


of nuns could be brought out from Ireland

would be necessary to provide a home and means of sustenance for them. He secured both in due time, and then proceeded to select an order of nuns whose conventual rules most closely harmonized with the wants of his flock, who, in other words, would be most useful to the Irish immigrants

There were many communities in Ireland to chose from, but the one destined by Providence to


their families.


go Ss





Q z

5 ?

< X




embark on this, for long, laborious and discouraging mission was that of the Sisters of Mercy. There seems to be some uncertainty as to the true facts of this foundation, and how it came about. The tradition is that Father Fahey selected the Sisters of Mercy and applied to Archbishop Cullen to have a company of that Order
chosen for the mission,


they could see their


to under-

But the authoress of the "Leaves from the Annals of the Sisters of Mercy" plainly states that the State and Church authorities of Argentina besought CardiNo doubt there nal Cullen to send the community thither. are documents enough extant in the Diocesan Archives of Dublin and Buenos Aires to set all doubt on the matter at rest, but the difficulty of consulting them at the present

out of


proportion with the importance of the

point involved.

I give here following a few extracts


the "Leaves" just mentioned which will demonstrate the

uncertainty to which I have referred, as well as serve in fixing the date and giving other interesting details of the
establishment of the "Irish Convent":
In 1856 the Sisters of


trod for the


time the straight

and flowery plazas of Buenos Aires A large tide of emigration had been turning towards the Argentine Republic, and these Religious had come at the urgent call of the authorities to minister to the pressing wants of the people, and establish schools and hospitals throughout the territory. The application had been made to the Parent House, and Archbishop Cullen, Mother M. Vincent Whitty, and Mother M. Xavier Maguire took the deepest interest in the first South American foundation, and selected those who were best suited, from the volunteers The priest who managed the business for the Buenos Aires authorities was Canon Anthony Fahey, who had been
superior of the Irish



Rome, and was




the Dublin Metropolitan.

to the satisfaction of

It took

many months

to arrange matters

though the conditions, like to many others of a worth no more than the paper on which they were written. The Archbishop gave a special blessing to the courageous volunteers, bade them apply to him as to a father in any contingency that might arise in their new field of labors and rely
similar kind, ultimately proved to be



on his aid in every emergency. The Mothers gave them many a warm maternal benediction, made every possible arrangement for their spiritual and temporal weal, and followed them with love and prayers
over the vast watery expanse which they themselves crossed more

than once a

little later.

It was, therefore, with deep spiritual joy

and high hopes, that the little band of seven Sisters turned their faces southward, on the feast of the Kings, January 6, 1856, and set out on their toilsome journey from the Liffey to the Rio de la Plata. Cheerfully did they bear the heat of the torrid zone, the monotonous days, the trying tediousness of that lengthy voyage. While most of
the passengers, enervated

by the

fierce tropical sun, lay stretched


dead, they were up and doing.



cooler waters of the South

Temperate Zone and

to them.

beautiful, starry skies

were a


and a joy

After a prosperous but uneventful voyage, their vessel

cast anchor in Rio, where they were detained a fortnight for the repair
of the coasting




steamer in which they were to continue their voyage This time they spent with the Sisters of Charity in one

them by the Emperor Don Pedro. On February 24th, their steamer was in the immense river along whose banks
of the palaces allotted

stretches Buenos Aires. A tugboat brought them near land, and in a few moments they clambered down its sides to the boat that was to

land them opposite their provisional Convent. The Superior was Mother Evangelista Fitzpatrick, the assistant was Mother M. Baptist O'Donnel; Sister M. Catherine Flannigan and Sister M. Joseph Griffin were the only professed besides the mothers; Sister Rose Foley, lay novice, and two postulants completed the muster-roll. Two of
these ladies are

living (1895).

Good Father Fahey awaited them on the quay, and gave them a
most hearty welcome. He declared that the day of their arrival was the happiest he had seen in the fourteen years of his pilgrimage in Buenos Aires. He had a good house in the center of the town prepared for them, and to it they were conducted by this kind father and other friends. The street on which they then lived was called Calle Merced.




of that



now Cangallo, and


house which served as the first Irish Convent was between Esmeralda and Suipacha. When the Sisters went to live in the new Convent and Hospital in Calle Riobamba they sold the old place to Dr. Velez Sarsfield. It is likely it was


in this old house that the hospital of



1848 was established; establishing a hosto set hardly would Fahey for Father property before this had he and building, rented pital in a way, it was in the By 1855. nuns in for the he applied the property of first the '55, bought he this same year, erected, half were institutions Riobama old on which the the whole bought he year next (gold) a square, for $5000 (gold). for Salvador, $10,000 square where is now San

The authoress


of the kindness of the "holy


prelate," Archbishop Escalda; what Buenos Aires looked like at that time, and why it was called that name, accept-

other writers, the erroneous legend about the "good airs" of the place, and goes on to state: "But neither Cardinal Cullen nor the Dublin Mother Superior,
ing, like


understood the circumstances earnestly begged through its magistrate, for a branch of interesting to read what this posed by many to have been
the blood-and-iron man,

of the country which



one Archbishop and


its chief



nun thought

of Rosas, sup-

the cause of religion and good morals:

a ruler highly serviceable to "The despotism of

Don Juan Manuel Rosas, had but when the Sisters of Mercy were invited to the country, and his usurpation had not tended to civilize
recently ceased
the people or improve their moral or Christian sentiments." About the time the Sisters of Mercy arrived in Buenos

Aires yellow fever broke out in a very violent form and

their first labors were in the care of its unfortunate victims.

Having been trained

in such



cially successful in helping the stricken

Dublin they were speand the authorities

appointed them to the charge of the Lazaretto, or hospital of isolation. So conspicuous had they become as public benefactors that the Government, in a sense, held them above the law. A little question, soon after this time arose, some say as to the reception of an Argentine lady into the Order, others again as to the legality of the Order holding property
in its

same time.

own name, perhaps the two incidents arose about the The suppression of the Orders in Rivadavia'a



time had not been repealed and the party who adhered to During the his pohtical faith was now in the ascendant. reign of Rosas these laws lay in abeyance, and it is very
fall that Father Fahey conand commenced the labor of preparing for the founding of the Irish Convent, knowing full well that there would not be any obstacles put in his way by the authorities. Anyhow, when the questions above-mentioned arose other times and other men had come, and it was pointed out that the introduction of a religious order was illegal and that the Sisters and the people responsible for their coming were guilty of quite a serious infraction of the law. Father Fahey, the friend and defender of Rosas who had been for twenty years the merciless enemy and persecutor


before the Dictator's

ceived the idea

of the

men now


power, could not expect to have much

influence with these men, or be very favorably regarded



he was highly respected for his great and un-

restricted benevolence,

were readily recognized.

the Sisters in
interfered with.

and usefulness and untiring zeal of the recent epidemic were also remembered,
his self-sacrifice




and although they were outside the law they were not to be This was a decidedly unsatisfactory state of affairs under a government which suffered such frequent upheavals and reconstructions, and Father Fahey put the alternatives boldly and fairly to the authorities, full legal recognition of the Sisters and security for their property, or they would retire to some country where these rights would not be denied them. This brought the question to a head, and the authorities always willing and anxious to be kindly towards desirable strangers, and particularly well-disposed towards the "irlandeses" arrived at an arrangement which satisfied all concerned and enabled the Sisters to pursue their good work in safety. I think, in view of Father Fahey's public support and approval, as it were, of Rosas, this arrangement by the party then in power speaks very well of the liberality and sincere patriotism of the men who opposed and fought the Tyrant so





In 1858 the new institution in Calle Riobamba, which the authoress of the "Leaves" calls a "spacious hospital" was ready for occupation and from then commences the history of the old house in Riobamba, called by the very old-timers the "Irish Hospital," later the "Irish Convent," and lastly the "Irish Orphanage." Owing to the increased demand on the labors of the community three more M. Liguori Griffin, M. Gertrude O'Rorke and M. Sisters Berchmans Fitzpatrick came in the year the new house was opened, and the following year four others came from Dublin, but three of these found the climate too trying for

their health

and returned to Ireland, only


M. Agnes

The Whitty, of the four, remaining in Buenos Aires. Sisters seem to have been wholly occupied with hospital work at this time, for they had charge of the women's department of the City Hospital. With the opening of the new institution and the re-enforcements from Dublin, however, they started schools, public and private, the public school being free and attended almost exclusively by children of non-Irish descent. The pay-school was composed almost wholly of the daughters of Irish stock-raisers. Portion of the new edifice was used also as a home for Irish immigrant girls out of employment, and about the year
were taken care of. The instituand not for the better by any means, I believe, that the hospital, boarding and public schools, and home for girls have all passed from under its roof and the whole excellent foundation has been devoted
'60 some few
tion has so

orphan changed



to the order of benevolence least thought of in




designing, that of an orphanage for Irish and Irish-Argengirls.




Mercy, after much



struggle, and entirely on their

own account conduct a board-

ing and public schools institution; they have also established

an Irish Girl's Home, where they do excellent work and great charity, but the Irish Hospital, Father Fahey's first and fondest project has disappeared utterly for more than forty years.





Hutchinson, a Wexford man, who was British Consul at Rosario, wrote of the establishment a few years after its
foundation: "No institution exists in the city more praiseworthy than the Irish Convent School and House of Refuge, of which Mrs. Fitzgerald is the present Superioress. This convent has from sixty to seventy juvenile boarders, chiefly the daughters of Irish sheepfarmers in the camp. The edifice is spacious, airy and well ventilated, being near the outskirts of the town. It was founded by the indefatigable Father Fahey, the Irishman's friend, counseller and banker,
as well as spiritual adviser.

Besides a school for the poor, which has upward of 200 day pupils, and a hospital, these good Sisters undertake the care and education of six orphans. The House of Refuge attached to the school is designed as a temporary home for Irish servants out of

Before turning from


this subject I feel


to state,

that although the "Leaves from the Annals of the Sisters



a very interesting work and one to which I


indebted for most of the foregoing information regard-

ing the foundation of the Irish Convent here, the authoress

seems to have let her zeal for the fame of her spiritual sisters carry her to the length of not being quite so regardful of Father Fahey's part in the founding and maintenance of


Institute in

Buenos Aires as she ought to have




further, I think, that she

not at



and authorities. That she, and probably most of the Sisters who founded the Order in Buenos Aires, did not understand the language, the laws, the customs and ways of the country was not the Argentine people's fault. In Rome we are expected to do like the Romans. One thing, which is much, the foundress and the chronicler both take pains to mention carefully that the Community was always well and generously supported pecuniarily in Buenos Aires. If the sixth decade of the nineteenth century saw the raising of a new and proud landmark in the history of the
to the Argentine public




progress of our people in Argentina, it also saw the severing of the strongest link in the chain that bound the now flourishing colony with its weak and obscure beginnings in
the Invasion and Revolutionary days.

In '56 came the Irish nuns; in '58 the Irish Hospital, Irish Schools and Irish Girls' Home were opened in the Irish Convent Building; but in '57, March 2, breathed his last, after a career of such noble services to Argentina as even few of her own patriotic sons have had the fortune of being able to render her, the beloved old Irish Admiral. Brown had attained the age
of eighty years, forty-six of which he of

had past as a resident always very popular, he loved the warm-hearted, impulsive people amongst whom he lived for so long, and they, in turn, more than reciprocated the generous feeling. He had little, however, in common with the Portefio disposition of gaiety, excitability, and exacting formality. But unlike as were his moods to theirs he never looked on them with that superior, patronizing, when not
Buenos Aires.

He was

contemptuous, air that so

with reference to


strangers used to put on


"South American."


sympathized sincerely with the Argentines, he liked their courteous, easy manners, had a great respect for the courage and intelligence of the people, and the utmost confidence in the great future that was before the young nation. Unofficial Brown was scarcely more than a stranger, attending to his private concerns, unobtrusive


in society or politics.

On board

and practically his ship, how-

he was a different man. Going on shore he seemed become o'ershadowed in some mysterious way with all the simple influences that surrounded his Mayo boyhood, but once he turned to sea he was a being of another world. He was, as it were, face to face with the enemy, a state of war existed, martial law was the code under which all and sundry lived, and he was the dictator. There is a little story which well exemplifies this trait in the Admiral's character and as it does not seem to be too well known I will introduce it here. In the height of Rosas's power and abto



occurred to him to
visit his fleet,

bringing with

and a retinue of staff officials commensurate with the dignity and state of the mighty Restorer of the Laws. The tour of inspection was made with all the pomp and ceremony dear to the taste of Don Juan Manuel, for in things of that order he was himself the law and the
his family


prophets, not even his pliant ministers were consulted about such things. The formalities being gone through, din-

ner on the flag-ship followed in due course. The order of precedence was all arranged and the solemn master of ceremonies stood watchful to see it fulfilled. Brown proceeded sternly to the place of honor and silently took his seat. The master of ceremonies and all present, save Don

Juan Manuel and the Admiral, experienced something like a severe electric shock. The official in charge quickly, and with the grace of such functionaries, sought to correct Brown, tactfully reminding him that the head of the feast was the place for the great Supremo, and got the cool and slowly worded reply, in what Lopez called the Admiral's monosyllabic Spanish, that whatever Don Juan Manuel might be on land that on his ships, he. Brown, was head man and would be in the head place. The least the company expected for the old sailor was, of course, banishment, and some of them called to mind that many a man got his throat cut for less. Rosas took the thing very philosophically, and probably keenly enjoyed the humor of the whole situation, for he was richly endowed with the "saving grace." Moreover, Brown was a privileged personage with the terrible Restorer, and, anyhow, he was but a stupid old gringo and so long as he was not a savage Unitarian his notions of etiquette were of little
gave many people Brown was not altogether of sound mind, but it must have been their knowledge of the Dictator rather than what they knew of the Admiral that inspired the strange notion. He was buried in a very prominent place in the Recoleta

The foregoing

and even

a kind of feeling that




Cemetery, and a monument which in its time must have been considered quite a remarkable one was erected to his memory

somewhat into disrepair and of one who figured so memorial is far from being a worthy life of the Reheroic largely, so nobly and so long in the endowed with been have public. His children do not seem to to record anything any special qualities and there is hardly


his wife.

It has since fallen



in a


like this.



ailing, sinking,

for a considerable time before

visited in those

the final call came,

of the country.

and was

days by many

of his old friends and

notice of his condition:


of the prominent public


On January

29, "El Nacional" had this "General Brown continues gravely

The day






viaticum in his

for which the illustrious sailor


duly prepared himself. During this solemn moment he manifested the Christian sentiments of which he was possessed responding in the proper terms to the priest and giving thanks to God for this high proof of mercy to a warrior whom He had saved so often from death, that he


The die peacefully with all the helps of religion. who administered the sacraments to the illustrious patient was the Rev. Mr. Fahey, Chaplain of the Irish." Brown was always a man of strong religious feeling and it is recorded of him that when on board his ship he passed most of the Sunday, when not in actual warfare, in his
cabin reading some religious work.

His funeral, as might

be expected, was very large and attended by special repreColonel Mitre, already a sentatives of the Government.


of considerable note, and a great friend of the late Admiral, delivered the funeral oration, a magnificent piece of oratory, which recounted most of the great deeds of the dead hero and closed in these paragraphs:

admiration of

In descending to the sepulchre Admiral Brown bears with him the all patriots and the love of all good men, and tlie Argen-

navy remains orphaned

of the old father

who watched over




of the Plate.

birth on the stormy


Pacific, the Atlantic,

the Uruguay, the Parand, the Rio de la Plata will be forever the

immortal pages on which will be read his great deeds, and while there floats on these waters one shallop, or flies over them one Argentine pennant the name of Brown will be invoked by every sailor as the guardian genius of our seas.
If some day new -dangers threaten the Argentine fatherland, if some day we should find ourselves obliged to confide to our floating

timbers the banner of

will swell


the conquering breath of the old Admiral


sails, his

ghost will grasp our helm in the midst of the

tempests and his warlike figure will be seen to stand on the top-deck
of our ships in the thick of the

cannon smoke and the din

of the

grappling shouts.

Adieu, noble and good Admiral of the fatherland of the Argentines!

spirits of Rosales, of Espora, of Drummond and of Buchardo arise to receive thee into the mysterious mansions of the tomb, and while they salute thee with palms in their hands, the people of Buenos Aires weep the loss of their illustrious Admiral


Mitre was a close and valued friend of Brown's and after the young Argentine had visited him in the Autumn of 1856, the old seaman sent him his memoirs with a letter in which he said: "I wish to finish this work before I begin the great voyage towards the shadowy seas of death." A grandson of his rose to some rank in the Argentine navy more than a generation ago, but I have not heard anything as to what became of him in after years. Here are some of the Irish names figuring prominently in public affairs between 1850 and 1860, but I shall no more than touch on them, and this mostly with the hope of arousing the curiosity of someone who may have time and opportunities to make closer inquiries as to who they were, and what they did, and as to whether or not their memories are worth preserving. There are many young Irish-Argentines of considerable literary ability, and no want of opportunity to whom such a task should be very grateful and in more ways than one highly profitable. It is a pity there is no Irish-Argentine society to undertake and encourage such research and publish from time to time




some such body, for instance, journals of its transactions It is quite unas the Irish-American Historical Society. known and, indeed, undreamed of, what an amount of matesuch a society would find to occupy its attention all over this country and the neighboring Republic of Uruguay, not to mention the Republics across the Andes.

Joseph Mary Cullen, one of the Santa Fe family, was deputed by the Argentine Confederation, in '54, to arrange terms of peace with the independent Republic of Buenos He was later in the same year elected Governor of Aires. The peace arrangements which he, and his province. Gowland on behalf of Buenos Aires, made were considered at the time a great achievement; the newspapers of the day spoke of him in terms of high praise. At the same time a member of another noted family of Irish origin had prominent place in the ministry of President Urquiza, Captain Santiago O'Donnell. I believe that O'Donnell belonged to the Province of Entre Rios, but there
were O'Donnells


of the


figure officially in

Cordoba before the Independence, and Buenos Aires in the

early years of the Republic.

While the Government, in '59', had Engineer Couglilan, who put up the first water supply plant for the city, making plans for a new port and docks. Engineer Turner was constructing in a Dublin foundry the great iron roof of the Colon Theater. This theater replaced the old Cabildo and stood where is now the Banco de la Nacion. The roof weighed 150 tons and was considered a work of exceptional

But the most interesting character of this time, from an Irish or Irish-Argentine point of view, is the cavalry commander Gaona. This extraordinary man, a Raperee of the
Raperees, for his daring, prowess and incredible escapes from enemies surpasses anything in the stories of Redmond O'Hanlon,

Michael Dwyer or Brennan on the Moor. His parents were Irish-born and removed from Buenos Aires to Paysandu in Uruguay about the year 1827. His father's name was



or McGowan, and as neither one is easily pronounced South American Spanish, the younger people, among their comrades, went by the name of Gaona. This is about as near as any Argentine could get to pronouncing Gowan, as we pronounce it, the subject of this brief sketch accepted His the modification and with it ran his "wild career." people were well-to-do when one of the civil-war factions



of the country seized a considerable portion of his father's property and sold it for their own use and benefit. This outrage to his family, although he was still but young, did not tend to deepen his respect for the authorities, but he had other and more unforgettable cause for setting himself heart and hand against what was regarded as the authority law there was none. In some sort of a quarrel two Brazilians killed one of his brothers, he was then merely a boy, but he swore to avenge his brother's murder, and he kept his oath. He had scarcely reached manhood's years when he slew the two Brazilians. His life from that on for many years was the life of an outlaw. He seems to have taken a special vow against the authorities and in his numerous deadly combats with them would almost appear to be possessed of something of the enchanted life of the classic heroes or the warrior knights of romance. Sarmiento says he was of giant stature and extremely well formed, with nothing in his appearance to indicate the career of violence and hardship which was his from youth. He came across the Parana with Urquiza in 1859 to reduce the Portenos to the state of subjects of the Provincianos, but believing more in the cause of the former, or not relishing the ideas of those he found himself in alliance with, he went over to the ranks of Buenos Aires and fell a prisoner to his former comrades at the battle of Cepeda. By a ruse he escaped from his captors and rendered good service the following year under Mitre at the Pavon. It is told that Mitre, on the eve of the famous battle, wanted a prisoner from the enemy ranks; the two armies were ranged out in battle order and within cannon shot of each





Gaona was given


the mission of providing the needed


was hinted that an ordinary rank-and-file man

was not the kind desired. The redoubtable captain understood, went forth, and came back with a color-sergeant. The story is that he dashed into a squad of the enemy, seized his man by the throat, plucked him off his saddle, turned and sped back with his man thrown across his This is but one of the numerous daring horse's withers. At feats of this interesting and picturesque Irish-Gaucho. Pavon his many previous wounds were added to, but, this notwithstanding, he was amongst the most relentless of the pursuers of the routed Provincianos, and like Owney O'Connor at the battle of Tyrrell's Pass, his sword arm was sore and swollen with overwork before he had finished
with the fleeing
of 32 he

Sarmiento mentions that at the age

had then been eight years without sleeping under

a roof.


the sake of the better understanding of some refer-

ences in the foregoing sketch of Captain Gaona,

and the

keeping of the reader to some extent in touch with Argentine history a word or two on the political conditions of the country at the close of the first half of the last century. When in '52 the Dictatorship of Rosas was overthrown the hero of the event was General Justo Jose Urquiza, previously the chief commander and right-hand man of the Dictator in the northern and nearer provinces. Urquiza was beginning to feel his importance; he was a man of much more liberal ideas than his chief, and rather sympathized with the Uruguayans whom Rosas hated and made war on relentlessly. He also began to feel, and not without
reason, that the great
to be suspicious

Buenos Aires had a tendency and when this suspicion ripened, a thing it usually did rapidly, he had a very effective way of relieving himself of the annoyance they occasioned him. Quiroga and Cullen were regarded as examples. It was easy, therefore, for Don Justo Jose to satisfy his conscience that it was his patriotic duty to


of his principal leaders,



overthrow Don Juan Manuel as soon and as thoroughly as But the people of Buenos Aires while he possibly could. very glad to be rid of one dictator had no intention to sit down under another one, and he a mere "provinciano." The new President proposed making a little town in his own province, Parana, the national capital. Buenos Aires, with
wealth, intelligence and population equal, if not superior, to those of all the rest of the country would have none of this, and after some revolutioning and upsetting of things
in a small

way, set up for itself as an independent republic, or else that Buenos Aires City should be the capital of the

whole Argentine nation.


battle of

Pavon made good

this pretension; negotiations

were duly entered into and the Buenos Confederation and the Republic came to peace. Aires became once more the capital of the nation and as such it has ever since remained. From Uruguay where Goana commenced making a name for himself to Jujuy in the extreme northwest of the Republic is a long cry, but while on this subject of men of Irish name at this period I cannot overlook one who had risen high in the public affairs of his province and who bore such a decidedly Gaelic patronymic as Molouney. Whether he was a descendant of one of the prisoners of the MacNamara expedition or whether he came into Jujuy from Peru or Bolivia I know not, but Peter Paul Molouney was well established in Jujuy in the Fifties and rose to
the position of first
official in

the Government of his state.


did something in the real estate business too, but no

document appeared in the first Sixties without his There are not many Irish in Jujuy, I know, but if any of the few who are there happen to come across these pages I hope they will look up the antecedents and the succedents of Molouney and give the family its proper place


in the records of

our race in this land.



Beginning of Sheepfarming An Old Argentine's Story about Irish Herds A Strange Petition Bulfin on the Sheepfarmer's Life Coming of the Sheep-scab, Foot-rot, Etc.


we turn to track the progress of the early




they extended their


beyond the still narrow limits of the Capital and its environs, we have to move at once quite a distance into the country. There is no gradual spreading from the suburbs outward, as might be expected in a land so sparsely peopled and so comparatively new as was the vicinity of Buenos Aires in the beginning of the last century. The
to seek. is not far being formed a very wise law was enacted which forbid their establishment nearer to the city than a limit of nine leagues. This arrangement,







great stock ranches were


to a great extent, reserved an area, in

city, sufficient for its

handy reach

of the

provisioning with vegetables and other

agricultural products.

And remembering, from


what the roads of a hundred years ago must have been, and that there were then no trains or tramways, we can at once see what a sensible thing it was, on the part of the legislators, to keep the producer and the
consumer of the principal necessary food items as close as possible to each other. By this I do not mean to say that there were no live-stock farms within the limit aforesaid, for there were, as mentioned in earlier chapters, but they were on a limited scale. Halsey, Dwerhagen, Clark, Miller and many others were within the prescribed area, but their farms were small and mostly used for breeding, dairying and fattening purposes.





Thus, when our people took to the sheep industry they to go far afield and into very wild and lonely regions. The Partidos of Canuelas, San Vicente, Ranchos, but most


of all Chascomus, were the principal sheep districts for the

fifteen or twenty years after wool raising became a popular and profitable business. It must not be understood that the Irish immigrants were its chief promoters and beneficiaries at first. Peter Sheridan is the first of our countrymen well known to have invested largely in merino sheep, but in all probability there were many of his countrymen working as herds and corral-makers before he branched out from his commercial pursuits to become famous and wealthy, with his partner Harrat, as the most

important sheep-breeder of his time in Argentina. Several native gentlemen, as already indicated, were engaged in improving and extending the industry about 1825, and earlier, and the Government of the day, inspired by the super-progressive Rivadavia, made every effort to stimulate the industry, importing from Europe several of the most approved strains then procurable. It seems to have been a belief amongst those who were then seeking to promote woolraising that the native of the plains was not the man to make the most out of a flock of sheep. Even to this day he is not generally considered by flock-owners as safe and profitable a herd as would be an Irishman or a Basque. In those days the native had less of the knowledge that goes to make a successful sheep-farmer, for he was less practiced in that line of labor, had all the employment, and of a kind that suited his taste, that he needed, and so was little inclined to the patient drudgery and occasional hardships which were the lot of the shepherd. Spanish immigration was practically forbidden during the time of the struggle for independence and for some years after, so there were then few or no Basques, and thus the Irish were

only suitable






native stock-owners were


at the self-sacrificing

care and labor with which these lighthearted, soft-skinned



very strangers tended the flocks committed to their care. his to gone years many now gentleman, wealthy old native young very when a he had experience an reward, used to tell

man, which is worth retelling as illustrating what I say about the care of the Irish shepherd for his flock. The story, stripped of the picturesque amplifications with which the admiring old criollo used to adorn it, was to this effect: One summer evening when he was a boy, returning from a neighboring estancia, he was overtaken by a sudden rainstorm. His father's estancia was still some leagues away, so he headed for the nearest puesto, or herd's house, on his Night and storm and rain were all on him father's lands. when he reached what he hoped would be a friendly and safe shelter. He was disappointed, however, in finding the shepherd and a youth lately out from Ireland with their dogs, there were then no sheep-corrals as Ave know them now, it would seem, busy in the pelting rain rounding
the sheep

up against the The only door of

sheltering walls of the little dwell-

the house happened to be on the

which the sheep were gathered, and the shepherd would not allow even his master's son to pass through the flock to shelter, for fear of disturbing it, until the storm
side against

would have passed. The men were wet to the skin and wading in deep mud on their watchful round to prevent any stampede. In time the storm had passed and he sought to enter the house, as the darkness was now too dense to venture on the remainder of the journey, but a greater surprise was in store for him; he found all the young and more delicate lambs of the flock with a dozen or two ewes, just yeaned, in possession of the couple of apartments into which the puesto was divided, and he was very authoritatively told that they must not be disturbed before morning. He made the best of his way among his noisy and
inconsolate fellow-occupants to a catre in a corner, not, however, to sleep, as anyone acquainted with or capable of imagining the din and clamor some score of young lambs
inside a house appealing to their



clamorous dams



readily suppose.

outside, can make, of the storm

had spent

When the wrath and there was no longer any


great danger of

carrying the flock in

current to

destruction, the shepherd turned his thoughts to the com-

forting of his guest, and brought him the first of a kettle of hot coffee. The old estanciero, at this point in his
story, never forgot to add, with comic seriousness;



friend, I assure



those ewes and lambs ex-

pressed the least desire to have coffee, every one of them would be attended to before I or that shepherd would get a taste of it." As soon as he got within reach of the parental ear he complained bitterly of the "animal of a gringo" he had spent the night with, who thought more about a point of stupid ewes and crazy lambs than about the comfort of Christians, and recommended that people so "bruto" should be got rid of at once. The wise pareilt heard the complaint with silent attention, merely replying
that he would attend to the matter.

This he did by


creasing the shepherd's interest in the flock so well cared,

and by giving the young "gringo" a


on shares at the


Whether the story was true as told or merely an ordinary incident generously exaggerated is a question of no consequence here; I record it as expressive of the feeling the old native gentlemen entertained towards the Irish as shepherds. But that stronger and better evidence of this feeling may not be lacking I will quote a paragraph from a lengthy petition presented to the House of Representatives in 1852, by Argentines, or as the petition states, "natives of the parishes of Matanzas, Canuelas, Lobos and


del Monte." The petition asking that these "natives" get fair play and protection in the matter of

employment and safety for their families, went on to say: "To-day the owners of flocks turn us away; they look for Europeans for their herds and they generally take these in partnership, solely because they find in them independent


the authorities will not maltreat, with



will interfere


or dare to molest in their business This nor in the sacredness of their domestic hearths. For this reason we are guarantee is not to be ours. despised, for this the stranger is preferred before us, with
all his


rawness (bozaha), with all his industrial inferiority. the cause that makes plain this shameful contrast of so many sons of the soil, yesterday rich, to-day proletariats, beside so many irlandeses but yesterday in rags

and tatters (andrajosos), to-day property owners." It was a hard condition of affairs for the poor native, but I'm afraid few sheep-farmers of that time or any time
since would be willing to bear him out in his assertion as to the "industrial inferiority" of the foreigner, in the sheep

business, at least.




of the beginner in the wool industry


in the early days


to some extent be gathered in an

way from

incidental remarks in previous chapters.


pioneer's house

accurately and inimitably painted


for the reader

by the

Bulfin in some extracts I have already

of his.

pen of the late William made from an article

His description of a day

in a shepherd's life is so

comprehensive, graphic, detailed and faithful that I make

no apology for reproducing it here, as by far the best treatment of the subject I have anywhere seen. It is written, however, of a much later period than the Twenties or even the Thirties. His is what I may call the Pine and Wire Period, when once the shepherd had his sheep in the corral he could look out for himself; but in the earlier days when the corral was secured only by a trench dug all around, the storm easily forced the sheep over the banks and dykes, filling up the latter with the first outflow of the
drifting flock


way was made.

easier to herd the sheep together

drift, out on the open plain, pursued by the first shepherds, but with the advent of the American pine boards and later the wire fences, the secure corrales or pens came to his relief and lessened his hard-

It was thus much and prevent a destructive and this was the method usually




ships considerably. But apart from these little items the record of his day's work and general situation as pictured in the following extract has been true of the pioneer all

through the history of sheep-farming from the time Lanuze invented the bottomless bucket for raising water for the

Lanuze was it was not a bucket at all, but the skin of a horse's body partially closed at one end and fixed to remain open at the other. The contrivance was operated on the same system as the present day bottomless bucket, the latter being only an innovation made by the father of the late Dr. Pelligrini, who acknowledged that he got the idea from Lanuze's contrivance. The canvas sleeve was an attempt at improving Lanuze's horse-skin, but was not a success. Lanuze in his invention did more for the promotion of sheepfarming in Argentina than Halsey, the Government, Sheridan or any of the great sheep-breeders; for without an easy method of raising water the keeping of flocks anywhere away from the great permanent rivers was an impossibility. The semisurgiente windmills, and lately the electric well-borer of Murphy & Co. of Santa Fe, are not half as great boons in their time as was the invention of Lanuze in its era. Says


the way, although the invention of

called the bottomless bucket, "balde sin fundo,"




the hut.

You know more

or less

all it

contains, or



to contain, for in a former chapter I have described a

mud-ranch and

Here are your dogs. Your horses are out yonder, feediug. There are your sheep in the corral. Let us count them 2063, reckoning the lambs, and you have four skins drying on the corral wiring. Those animals m the tail of the flock with the tar mark across the loins are for slaughter; so whenever you want meat you are to kill one of them. They are all toothless, superannuated ewes, but we must be economical none of your larking with fat lambs or plump and solid wethers unless you want to get sent to the right about. And now, good luck to you! Keep your eye open and your spirits as far out of your boots as you can. You will need all the buoyancy that is in your nature to sustain you in your solitude and drudgery. You will need




your manhood to keep you froua




agony and despair





bitter road the Younger son must tread. Ere he win to hearth and saddle of his own.

There has been no rain for months, nor is there a rain cloud or any other kind of a cloud to be seen in the sky. There is a gray haze along the horizon, and through it the sun is coming up red and angry. There is not a blade of grass on the Pampa, every bit of vegetation has disappeared under the blaze of the pitiless sun. As far as you can see, north, south, east and west, there is nothing but the brown and
yellow soil, naked and parched. You are not a visitor to the sheep runs, any longer, my friend. You are one of ourselves a shepherd. You have been about six months in charge. This run of yours lies on the It is about outskirts of the Mulreaney Camp, and seldom visited. five weeks since you saw the face of a fellowman or heard the tone of any human voice but your own. You have been thrown on your own resources with a vengeance. You have had to cook for yourself, wash for yourself, do your own housekeeping and manufacture your own amusement. You have for the last three weeks looked with something like horror at the barren landscape at sunrise, and it has met your tired and drooping gaze at sunset without a change. Your flock of sheep, so strong and healthy when you were left in charge,

has shrunk into a pack of woolly skeletons that die off at the rate of twenty per day. When you open your corral gate in the morning your starving sheep crowd and stagger through it and limp away into the surrounding desoThey prowl over the barren lation to look for something to eat. stretches of clay and sickly bleats and coughs give forth their only manifestations of disappointment at finding such scorching famine

where once the luxuriant grasses grew and tangled and clustered in wild abundance. Those sheep are glad to find stray seeds, scraps of decayed thistle stalks, or any other rubbish. They will even eat the wool from off the carcasses of those that drop down to die, for the sake of the seeds and other odds and ends of vegetable matter which it contains. After a little while they will return again to the hut. They come back for water and you must give them to drink. They are thirsty in proportion to the hunger which is destroying them, and as the sun mounts higher in the brazen sky they bleat and scurry round the corner of the corral on their way to the drinking troughs. The only



water to be had for miles ar'ound lies at the bottom of that well yonder which is about six feet in diameter and about sixty feet deep, and which contains scarcely a fathom of the precious liquid. There is a
desperately thin horse, the only one left to you now; wooden tank and a few drinking troughs; there



a rickety

a rude trestle

over the well, holding an iron pulley from which depends a bottomcanvas bag; there are two hempen ropes, which are lying across

the aforementioned tank;

and nothing else in particular save a few crazy slabs of timber nailed up as a kind of stockade around the mouth of the well to keep the sheep from falling in. With these works

and pumps you are obliged to supply 1500 thirsty skeletons with water. Let me see if I can give you some idea of how it is done. You first saddle the horse. As the girths are tightened home, the patient quadruped heaves a sigh and you heave another. Like everything else around the establishment, both of you are down on your luck. It is easy to perceive that both have seen better days.

also easy to perceive that neither of

you has much hope

for the


You have been

keeping that horse alive for the last five

weeks on maiz and dry alfalfa, a supply of which was sent you from the estancia on the approach of hard times. As you mount, your conscience smites you sorely, for you know in your heart that the animal is nearly worked to death and scarcely able to move his tired limbs. You have a raw hide whip and you have got to use it; for the sheep have to be considered. The horse knows his business, and, as you swing your leg across him, he turns resignedly towards the well. You pick up the ropes from the tank and fasten them to the girth-ring.

The mouth

of the



held open by a strong iron ring, across which

fast to

tied to the other extremity of the bag.

The other rope is " head rope " passes over the pulley, which depends from the trestle, the " tail rope " passes over a wooden roller or cylinder, which is fastened to the tank
runs a bar that


one of the ropes.


at the edge of the well.

You shake

the bag from


the tank and the

foremost, drag-

heavy metal rim causes


to fall into the well,


ging the slack of the rope after

reaches the water.

tells you when Then you turn your horse round and whip him away from the well, when the gentle sport begins. The canvas bag is about six feet long, and as it rises in a curved position, it brings up about ten gallons of water. The poor horse has to stretch and strain under the pull, and you feel heartily ashamed of yourself for being

The hollow bump

reaches the

obliged to add so considerably to his burden. When the sack of water mouth of the well the " head rope " pulls the iron ring



upwards towards the trestle, while the " tail rope " passing over the cyHnder pulls in an opposite direction. The bag is thus straightened out and the water splashes through the narrow end into the tank. At the sound of the water tumbling into the tank, and on feeling the strain lightened, the well-trained horse turns and goes back to the well. The bag drops again, is filled, and the solemn march is resumed. You must whip that unfortunate horse for the first hour or so in order to
supply the

cravings of the flock.


you take the thing easy and

spare the horse, the sheep will walk over each other, walk into the
troughs, try to scramble into the tank, and, very likely, one of


tumble into the well. When you have to dismount and unhitch your ropes in order to lasso a drowning sheep at the bottom of a fifty-foot well you may swear that you have an excellent opportunity of proving to 1500 other sheep that you have






control over your temper.

The sun
tortures for


burning and blazing.


The sheep


tramping round the


troughs raise clouds of dust which the hot wind

into whirling

man and


feet are blistered inside

your heavy


patient horse plods to and fro, snorting occasion-

from his nostrils. Your temples ache and the blood drums madly over them. The air is full of those vibratory fizzling ripples which tell of a temperature that may be anything between 95 and 105 degrees. Hour after hour you ride up and down
ally to drive the invading dust

that well beaten path, in the eddying dust, past the panting sheep,

whipping that exhausted horse and trying to get ahead of your work. Hour after hour the dust gets into your head, your lungs, mingles with the perspiration on your face and neck, and covers you from head to

and cough and

hour those wretched sheep drink and drink and bleat more. I can tell you it is far from romantic. It is the sort of outdoor amusement that will bring the crows' feet under your eyes, and the wee white hairs over your ears and the disappearance of your fresh complexion, and the stiffening of your knee joints, and the dumb aching misery into your heart. There is a dead, petriafter
call for



monotony about it which is worse than the heat and the dust and the blisters and the weary solitude. Toward sundown you get a rest. Having swilled water for about seven hours, the sheep make another raid on the barren camp in quest of more seeds and thistle-stalks, and even clay. A few of them fall down and die; a few more have died during the day These you must skin. While you are skinning, your horse is regaling himself on his dry hay. Your dogs, that have lain all day panting on the shady



now your companions.
follow your skinning
selfish interest

side of the hut, are

and chew each other a little before they can come to any workable agreement in regard to the division of the spoils. At sundown you drag or carry home the skins of the dead sheep and hang them on the wiring or rails of your corral to dry. Now for the banquet! Your shepherd's dinner. Behold! you have high festival black tea, camp biscuit as hard as a stone, some meat cooked on the embers, and a smoke of some brand of Virginian tobacco nearly as potent as dynamite. In due time you go forth once more, and by the united efforts of your dogs and yourself you manage to get the sheep, tired, hungry and sickly into the corral. There! your day's work is done. Shake up the hay under your horse's head, give him a drink and go home to your hut; load that pipe of yours, sit down on the doorstep with your shoulder against the wall, and send up your curling wreaths of smoke and incense to the stars. If memory comes back upon you now, may it be pleasant! May it tell you of distant scenes where the cool breezes are whispering to the leaves of mighty elm or ash; where the woodbine peeps through the ivy around the gnarled hawthorn trunks; where the wild rose bedecks the hedges; where the larch spreads out its feathery branches, like a festoon of giant fern across the burnished glory of the sunset; where the moss-grown old abbey ruin looks so solemn in the waning twilight; where the glad voices answer each other as the young folks scamper over the meadows; where the brook murmurs its eternal story to the overhanging willows and hedges, and where the gleam that steals through the hazels on the hillside and blinks at you across the valley comes from the fire, around which are seated those whose loving thoughts are going out to you in your exile. " Baa! " It is only the bleat of the hungriest sheep in the corral, but it brings you back to your surroundings. It reminds you among other things that you are dead tired and that you are very sleepy. There is not a sound to break the silence but the play of your horse's teeth over his dry alfalfa, or an occasional bleat from the flock. Not a camp cricket is left alive to chirp, not an owl to hoot, not a plover to wail over its loneliness. Heigho! it is terrible. But go to bed you sun-tanned exile; go to bed you unfortunate shepherd! You are too sleepy already to pull off your boots and grease your blistered feet. So here shake yourself up and turn in. Your tired limbs stretch out into night; your dirty face pillows itself on the door-sill; your dogs lie down beside you, and do their dreaming in your company. Your disreputable old hat has tumbled off, and the night wind moves the
with a keen and


tousled hair that hangs over your forehead; and


you are not going to you within doors, after you have learned from the stars that you have been asleep for hours. Pull that old poncho over you now, and get all the rest you can before daybreak, must find you ready for the morrow must find you again at your post for another day of dust and sweat and heat and pulling water and skinning dead sheep. How do you feel?


until the chills drive

have quoted is, of course, but one a side, and enough to make plain not always one of ease and was life shepherd's that the lots of ups and downs and diffiwere There contentment. almost always attended care were and culties, but patience from the beremarkable were people with success, and our which they with rapidity ginning for the steadiness and was McCann 1842 In acquired wealth as sheep-farmers. had then astonished at the wealth some of his countrymen A writer in the Revista acquired in the southern camps. del Plata, in 1853, considering the natural wealth of the

The long extract

side of the story but

it is


of the Province of

Buenos Aires, and the unrivalled

opportunities farming pursuits offered to the right kind

of settlers had this to say by way of confirming his argument: "If anyone wants to be sure of these facts let him ask the numerous Irish immigrants who in ten years rose from the state of mere laborers to that of proprietors of

valuable flocks."

Yet although sheep-farming was now known for thirty years to be one of the most profitable lines of business so far developed in the Plate country it had not made the
progress generally that one might expect. Some would attribute this slow movement for some years prior to the fall
of Rosas to the general stagnation in business which came with the Anglo-French blockade, and others to the virulence which the scab epidemic assumed in the first years of its

appearance in the country.

herds affected
in those


inclined to think that

in addition to these causes, the scarcity of suitable shepit greatly. Argentina did not at all depend days on Europe for the disposal of its wool, and



in that sense of little consequence, for

so the blockade

as the export returns show, in the one year, 1854< alone,

the United States bought

more than half the


total shipped,

and nearly twice

The growth of England. sheep-farming for the first two generations or so of its history seems to keep time, so to speak, with the growth It was the line of activity, of the Irish population here. of all others, that appears to have suited our countrymen This chapter best, or that they seem to have suited best. set out to follow their course as they spread through the southern departments and later moved west and northward, till the tiller of the soil in due time spread after them and generally crushed them out, at least as sheep-farmers, to the far frontiers and new lands, but before we follow them a paragraph or two about the coming of the scab may be informing and interesting to many. So intimately was the early life of the Irish colony here associated with sheep raising that the history of the one



largely the story of the other for the


couple of

generations in the career of the Republic.

fore, interest the people for

It will, thereis




being writ-

ten chiefly, to

know that

in the beginning, in the

days when

only the old criollo and the merino breeds were known there

was no such disease in Argentina as lumbriz, footrot, or scab. The two latter maladies came with the finer and more delicate breeds imported in 1837-8. It is recorded in the Revista del Plata, 1853, that at this time, 1838, a certain importer had on show for sale a number of fine

Saxon rams. All the principal sheep-breeders of the country came to inspect the much talked of new arrivals, and each one had his own opinion of the probable suitability or unsuitability of the animals for the pastures and climate One prominent flock-owner, a sturdy Rosasof Argentina. ite, had no good word to say of any foreign breed, but was especially denunciatory of the latest introduction. The rams were offered at a price per head that at the time
would go far towards purchasing a small flock of sheep




This fact made the old-fashioned estanciero even more reagainst the pampered and belauded strangers. People might be foolish enough to give such prices, but he, no never. His little criollo sheep with their mixture of

merino blood, which, at the end of all, was the same blood, was good enough for him, and he had all the rams of his own that he wanted without paying those foreigners a whole fortune for a dandy that one shower of rain might He had No, he'd have nothing to do with them. kill.

some excellent flocks, and was more than ordinarily inamongst his class; the importer would sacrifice to secure his friendship, or even his neutrality, good deal a to the Saxon rams. He urged him as a man with in regard the interests of the country, and especially those of the great sheep-breeding industry, so much at heart to take a couple of the best of the rams, as an experiment, for one or two years, and if he did not like the result he could return them, and in any case they would cost him nothing. The estanciero yielded; the rams were sent out to his

estancia with the instruction to his

them exactly as the native sires no special privileges for the new-comers, let them take their chances with the rest of the flock. The two Saxons had hidden in their thick fleeces millions of the invisible parasites whose outward sign
of active operation in their nefarious business pursuits


to treat

commonly known as scab. They infected all Don Fulano's beautiful flock, and when winter began making its approach the unfortunate animals were noticed kicking and scratching and biting their burning and irritated pelts, and all this in such a manner, and augmented so as the months went on that when shearing time came there was not as much wool on the whole flock as would buy shears to dag them with. The unhappy estanciero's regard for things foreign got back to its old standard, only more so, and it is said he never in all his life went to a ram show again. There were then no sheep-dips on the market, nor any known remedy for the disease, at least in Argentina. It was




noticed that in wintertime the pest rose to

worst, and

that the fatter the animals were the less they suffered; the

hot weather almost banished it ; and from these facts it was believed that by sweating the animals heavily the malady could be almost got rid of, as though it were only a cold

on the lungs or a spell of neuralgia. From this the custom became common of running the flocks violently and with The fixed regularity so as to make them perspire much. remedy, of course, was soon found to be useless and many

abandoned the sheep-raising business altogether. Such havoc did the pest play with the wool yield that a writer in the review last-named commends the wise practice of the Irish sheep-farmers, "poor men who let nothing go
to waste," he calls them, in holding back their shearing to

by the new growth of wool.

Foot-rot when it first appeared was an even worse disease than scab and more destructive in its effects. Often large numbers of an affected flock were unable to walk from the corral to the pasture area, except on their knees, and if grass was scarce death by starvation was the common result of the disease, for the animals could not get over much ground in search of food. Unlike the scab it soon abated and disappeared, returning only under special circumstances. Scab, on the contrary, spread and became as the years went by, till in a short time virulent more Previous to the every flock in the country was infected. introduction of the foreign bred animals there was no sheep



the country, but once

introduced, the

native breed was just as susceptible to the pest as the most delicate of those brought in from abroad.

Camp Settlements


QuilmesMatanzasMoronCanuelasRanchos Chascomus Dolores Lobos Doctor Fitzsimons' School GuARDiA del MonteLas Heras MerloMoreno Lujan Capilla del SenorZarateBaradero.
our pursuit of the pioneer will commence and wherever he went in any great number I shall follow him with pleasure and try to find out how he fared

AND now

and what tracks he left after him. In Quilmes, Matanzas and Moron some Irishmen found employment in the ordinary agricultural pursuits almost from the first coming of our people in quest of the means of a livelihood. In addition to the dairying and saladera industries, Quilmes had some small sheep and cattle farms, Matanzas had dairying, agriculture and sheep-farming on a somewhat more extensive scale, whilst Moron was the scene of Halsey's first struggle and failure to establish the woolraising industry, it had also several successful agricultural and stock-raising farms. Many of these were owned by foreigners who employed Irishmen, by preference, whenever
they could be found.
able for flock-owners

But these who had to


were never suit-

rent pasturage, owing to

the high value of land, and so they were never areas in which our people could make any settlement except as hired

workmen, that



any considerable extent.

Sheridan saw the possibilities of the wool trade he made the district near Canuelas the scene of his new enterprise, and so that parish and the northern part of the neighboring parish of Ranchos became the first camp locality Irishmen went into. Canuelas, however, being so close to the Capital, land was of comparatively high value,




to dispose of his estate, or a portion of

rarely changed owners and whenever a proprietor chanced it, the price was

beyond the reach of

all except the very wealthy, hence but few Irish families settled there permanently. It was a leading sheep-raising district during the Rosas regime and for some twenty years after. The land was mostly stocked by

owners, and when the flocks were not of the finer class and raised to be disposed of at fancy prices for breeding from, were usually let to shepherds on interest. There were also, of course, many sheep-farmers who rented by the year, but these were mostly on the southern and western portions of the district. Father Fahey attended to its Chaplaincy necessities till Fathers Cullcn and Kirwan came to his assistance in the middle Fifties. In '64 Father Dillon was transferred there from Merlo, but did not remain long in that position and was succeeded by Father Smith who made Lobos his headquarters. The fact that Father Dillon was sent there at the date mentioned would suggest that Cafiuelas must have then been one of the principal Irish Mulhall, in his Handbook, published in 1875, districts. gives in his list of land-holders in the department but one Irish name, that of Mr. Hanlon. Tillage was then making steady advance although the district had still more than a million sheep. It must have seemed a strange misfortune to our countrymen, or as they would probably call it themits


miragh, that the very reverse of the system which

cleared them off the soil in Ireland w^as the soil in



clearing them off

the inner Partidos in


new country.

Sheep and cattle had suppressed the plow on all the fat lands at home and were ruthlessly pressing it year by year further on to the swampy and stony areas here the plow was banishing the sheep and cattle to the outlands and frontier wilds. And so by the end of the nineteenth

century Canuelas as a sheep-farming, and consequently, as an Irish district ceased to exist. It will be remembered that Canuelas was one of the districts from which the complaint came to the Government in '52 that the natives were




being crushed out and undone by the Irish sheepmen. Little they or the Irish thought then that another order of "crushers out" would be on the scene before the years of another generation had flown by. Although portion of Ranchos was occupied by the sheep-

farmers at as early, if not earlier date, as Canuelas, the partido was not as rapidly overrun by flocks as was the securer district to its north. In the Twenties the southern part of this partido reached to the Indian frontier, or near

enough to



heart's desire for

make it something other than a land of men whose only purpose in the country

was the pursuance of a peaceful and profitable industry. Rosas, though not yet a national figure, as comandante of the southern partidos was practicing, to the great advantage of all rightly inclined residents, be it said, those methods which in a few years after he applied to the whole Republic. Evil-doers, whether Indian raiders or criollo
freebooters, found Don Juan Manuel's territory anything but a congenial sphere for their operations, and so the in-

dustrious foreigner, safe in his person and property, steadily

Sheridan, as we have already seen, commenced sheepfarming in this neighborhood. Although it is said his first flocks were pastured in Canuelas, his first estancia, so far as I know, was called "Los Galpones" and was situate in the Partido of Ranchos. To him is given the credit, and I think justly, of proving that sheep were not such valueless animals as before his time they were considered by stock-owners in general. His method was not entirely the introduction of a new breed, but rather the crossing of merino rams and carefully selected criollo ewes. He was thus in a few years able to get up whole flocks of fine sheep with nearly all the good qualities of the foreign-bred animal combined with all the hardiness and climatic suitability of




His example was followed by others and

Ranchos soon became famous for its flocks of fine sheep. Harrat, an Englishman, was in business with him, and later, in 1827, a young Scotchman, John Hannah, joined

sheep, to



Whoever wanted

work good about sheep turned in those years to the "Galpones" and "Las Palmitas," and a writer in the Revista del Plata more
in the stock-raising business.

sheep, to breed sheep, or learn anything

than sixty years ago speaking of earlier times said that to these estancias "gathered, even in those years, the generality of Irish breeders of the hardier and firmer wooled-sheep"
of animals with which to improve their flocks. Sheridan and his partner tried the South Down race when first introduced, but did not like the result of their experiment and let the breed die out, so far as they were concerned. These sheep were introduced by the Government and kept for some time on the State Farm at Chacarita and after turned over in great part to the Sheridan firm, a breeder of the name of Capdevilla getting the remainder, who continued to propagate the race for some time, finally disposing of them to Mr. Bell, a well-known stockman. What has been said of Canuelas as to the value of land and the difficulty of purchasing, is almost equally applicable to the district of Ranchos. The plow, however, did not come so early nor did it move so rapidly when it
in quest

did come as in the more suitable agricultural land of the neighboring partido. With the fall of Rosas all the southern districts underwent a great change, as did, indeed, all the more recently settled partidos. Lawlessness and murder became daily more common, and disastrous Indian raids are recorded from every frontier. A writer in the review, from which I have so often quoted, stated in the latter Fifties that all the settlements south of the 25 de Mayo and Loberias, except Bahia Blanca and Patagones, had already been overwhelmed by the Indians. Settlers around the Salado had for some time been turning their steps northward to the safer and cheaper lands in Lujan, Pilar and Capilla del Senor. Some of our people began acquiring lands about this time and in addition to the Sheridans, Gibbings, Glennons, Shennans and some others established themselves permaTieritlj. Dr. Gibbings, a Corkman, seems




to have been the leading Irishman in the district after the Sheridans, who both died young; Peter in '44 at the age

Hugh, who was a medical doctor and served under Admiral Brown, in '66 at the age of 54. The greater part of the Irishmen in Ranchos, in the days when they were numerous there, must have been hired men or shepof 52, and

herds having their flocks on very poor interest, for the Partido figures badly on the various Irish subscription lists,

that I have been able to collect. The Father Fahey Testimonial in ^65 which was very generally subscribed to throughout the camp had only eight contributors from this

Ranchos was within the chaplaincy district of Chascomus, Fathers Connolly and Curley being the first disPartido.

Earlier the permanently settled there. Buenos Aires made periodical visits to the district as to all the other districts where there were Irish settlers. If our people were not blest with worldly success in Ranchos with the same lavishness as in the newer parishes to which they spread, they seem to have been favored with more security for their lives and belongings. The robberies and shocking murders so constantly reported from other departments were almost unknown in this district. Dr. Gibbings was a very energetic and public-spirited man, held several posts in the administration of the law in his locality, and this may to a considerable extent account for the orderliness of the place. A very sad occurrence, however, took place in the district in the April of '66; in a great thunder-storm the wife and two children of an Irishman, Michael Gannon, were killed by a flash of lightning, while he was engaged with his flock on the open plain. Chascomus seems to have been the most favorable district for sheepfarming when that line of industry first became attractive to foreigners. Not only Irish but a large Scotch colony, also, established itself there before 1830. The first Scotch settlers seem to have been men of considerable capital for several of them bought land at a very early date in the wool-raising industry, and although there were


resident Chaplains of



laborers in the district, the

many Scotch shepherds and

majority of

We have kind of workmen were Irish. seen already that the first passports issued to Irishmen, in
the latter Twenties, were to the Chascomus district, and



years later

McCann found

the Irish populain

tion thereabout, "very dense."

was the case


of the partidos this side of the Salado, the greater part

the newly opened districts from

moved northward and bought land in Cap ilia and Lujan outwards. Still in the Sixties there was a large number of our people settled in that department and it has the honor
of the


of being the first in all the land to build an Irish Chapel. In 1863 a movement was set on foot to this effect, and early in the following year the Chaplain, Father

M. A.

Connolly, commenced the building, on Mrs. MuUady's esthe first

The names of the subscribers to camp chapel of our people have


the building of

to be recorded,


a special right sorry I have not been able to

list of them. As some patriotic Chascomusian, however, may be able to supply the missing names, and take the trouble to do so, I will set down those I have been able to find, thus, at worst, preserving some of them. Here they are: Rev. M. A. Connolly, Messrs. Joseph Graham, James Gardiner, Widow Gardiner, Robert Wilson, James Farrell, Richard Wheeler, Edward Ward, Martin Griffin, John Bouland, William Browne, Andrew Mahon, John Farrell, John Lynn, William Bouland, William Jourdan, Edward Jourdan, Thomas Farrell, Thomas Ward, Nicholas Jourdan, Martin Moylen, John Duffy, John Dervin, James Furlong, Peter Keena, Patrick Cormack, Peter Mitchel, Pancho Hernandez, J. P., Thomas Mullany, John Jourdan, Michael Farrell, Geo. Alverez, George Godoy, John Harper, Thomas MuUady, Francis Cardiff, Mathew Connarton, Annie Cardiff, Mr. Leary, George Cardiff, Thomas Kirk, Pablo Sanchez, Edward Kirk, Michael Killion, John Killion, John Dellomore (Delemar?), Andrew Bannon, Andrew Burke, Patrick Gardiner. The subscribers

secure more than a partial

of the largest sums were



drew Mahon, Thomas Mullady, Thomas

Mr. Wilson, $3000; Messrs. AnKirk, and Andrew

Bannon, $1000 each.

need there was for an Irish Chapel in the district will to some extent be seen when it is known that the very year when the proposal to build the Chapel was taking material shape, Father Connolly prepared and had received their first Communion at Easter, nearly one hundred children. Chascomus was the first place, outside the Capital, in which the Irish Sisters of Mercy established themselves, and dreadfully they suffered there in the awful


year of the Cholera.

Probably no town
so severely

in the Republic felt the dreadful scourge

as did this

old southern outpost.

The only

physician in the town. Dr. Crosbie, with his wife was carried away by the disease. The Annals of the Sisters of Mercy mentions that the Sisters "had an excellent school"
in the

town and add:

'^But after some years the impossi-

bility of getting daily

mass, and other



Rev. Mother to withdraw the Sisters." Saint Patrick's Day used to be celebrated here with a banquet, and at that of

recorded that there was an attendance of



There was only one subscription to the Fahey Testimonial in ^65 recorded from the district, and this is hard to account for as there was no important camp settlement of our people at the time in more convenient reach of Buenos Aires. Probably the district collectors, if any
were appointed, neglected their duty. Like in most camp districts there were some shocking murders of Irishmen in the Chascomus camps. Patrick Larkin and Patrick McCormack were both murdered in the
latter part

of '68; the first was found, stabbed, in the camp, the second stabbed in an argument with a Basque about a race that had taken place a week before. The year '70 was a particularly bad one in this and the neighboring partidos and many of the renting sheepfarmers headed the survivors of their flocks for other


west and northward.

From about



There are very few Irish-born men or women

that time the Irish population of the district has been on

the decline.

to be found there now, but people of Irish parentage or

remoter Irish ancestry are to be met with in considerable numbers, and mostly well-to-do in circumstances. In September, 1872, an Irish priest, Mgr. John Joseph Curley, came here from Rome. He had the title of "Proto Notario Apostolico," and so announced himself. Father John Leahy, who had lately been appointed to the Chaplaincy made vacant

by the death of Father Fahey, felt uncertain as to his own standing and that of Mgr. Curley, and wrote to the Archbishop requesting certain information on the matter, and
that this information be supplied with permission that it be published to the Irish community. The request was fully

granted and Mgr. Curley was shown to have just the same faculties, no more, no less, as Father Leahy and the other Irish Chaplains. It seems Mgr. Curley came very highly recommended; he officiated for some time in the Merced Church and in San Roque, and after returning from a trip to Ireland in 1873, when the Archbishop was making and confirming some appointments among the Irish Chaplains he was named to the district of Chascomus, Ranchos and the southern Parishes. In a reply to or sort of explanation of Father Leahy's publication of the Archbishop's reply to his request, above referred to, Mgr. Curley wrote as follows "I have come from Rome and have been received here to minister specially to the Irish I have received the same faculties as any of the Irish priests Father Leahy's position and mine are alike. I have nothing to say to my brother priests, nor has he, the Curia rules us all. When it is satisfied none of us has anything to say." In the early Eighties, Father Purcell, a young Irishman ordained in Buenos Aires, succeeded Mgr. Curley, who had The Irish been appointed Irish Chaplain of Navarro. Chapel of the district was then called "Mahon's Chapel." Father Purcell was removed to Capilla del Senor in '88, succeeding Father Grennon, lately deceased, and Father




Brady, formerly of the Passionist Order was appointed to Chascomus and neighboring parishes. He was succeeded, in 1898, by Rev. Joseph Geoghegan, an Argentine ordained in Ireland, and who although now deceased, was still Irish
Chaplain in Chascomus, with residence in the Parochial House, when the century and my record close. In the latter Nineties Saint Patrick's Day used to be special services, sermon and large still celebrated with

The Chaplain's district then included Paravicini, Ayacucho, Lopez, Piran, Arboleto and
gathering at Mahon's Chapel.


There has been no regular Irish Chaplain for years, and for the non-Spanish speaking amongst our people the Passionist Fathers give
del Plata.

the district


missions at regular intervals.

From McCann

the fact that three Irish doctors

observes, in the Dolores


settled, as

district within

the few

years preceding '44 that region must have then had a very considerable Irish population. It may, therefore, be

regarded as one of the first three or four the Irish sheepfarmers occupied in large numbers. It was here the uprising against Rosas, in '39, took place,

and as the


tempted revolution




the estancieros and

others connected with

had to


the country, or, being

fortunate, were prisoners in the power of the Dictator.


for rent must then have been easily found and very cheap in that department, and this accident of the politics of the day very likely accounted for the sudden inrush of Irish sheep-farmers in the years immediately following Lavalle's attempt to overthrow the Tyrant. The newcomers, however, only came as renters and comparatively few of them acquired land. It was then relatively too far from the Capital to make sheep-farming on rented land permanently profitable. New districts to the west and north and not half so far away from the market were then opening up and the sheep-men of Dolores did as their fellows in the older partidos, only more so they treked north and westward. Some remained on and their descendants are



but amongst the land-owners enumerated by Mulhall there is none of Irish name. There is no department in the whole Republic, where there was once a large Irish population, that has changed so much, and in which our people have dwindled to such insignificance numerically. With the exception of Chascomus, Lobos is the oldest town in the South, and away from the immediate vicinity of the premier city. It was founded well over a hundred
in its direction.

years ago and was for long the farthest limit of civilization It early became a great Irish center and

numbers of the new


were quick to become landed

in the district, counting


early as 1853 the Irish far outnumbered

any other foreign nationality

souls, the Spanish, chiefly


Basques, coming next to them,

and the English, including Scotch, numbering 41.


turn of the wool produce of the district for this same year reaches the high figure of 10,500 arrobas. So rapidly did our people increase in numbers and wealth that one of the first chaplaincies established in the country was that of Lobos, in '57, I believe. Father Henry Smith, a missionary Whether priest, born in County Meath, was its incumbent. or not he was the very first camp chaplain to be appointed to a set district or not, there is no doubt he was the first camp chaplain to die in office. His death took place on the 8th of May, 1865, at the age of 60 years. He was ordained in the Irish college of Paris, and had been on the mission
for some time in Uruguay.

In the year '61 a very highly educated and somewhat

distinguished Irishman, in the person of Dr.


came to Buenos Aires. He was a native of the County Down, and held a professorship for some years in a London University. Soon after his arrival in Buenos Aires, on
the advice,


said, of

school for boys in Lobos.

Father Fahey, he established a When Hutchinson wrote his

"Gleanings," he mentioned that the Irish settlers of Lobos founded the school; Dr. Fitzsimons published an indignant contradiction of this in a letter to the press, asserting that




he and he alone was the founder. Hutchinson being still in the country, hastened to point out that the Doctor had misinterpreted him, he did not deny that Fitzsimons organized the school, but what he held was that the founding of the school was the building of the house and the paying The Profor it, and the people of Lobos had done that.
fessor remained but one year in Lobos,
solicitation of the



and in '63, at the Archbishop and Father Fahey, it was said, To Patrick's College in Flores, Buenos Aires.

this college


of the sons of the well-to-do Irish sheep-

farmers and business men of the camp and city came. That he was a capable teacher, from the business point of view,


communicating to

his pupils

sound business


struction, I have no doubt.

But that he was a good, or

medium, educator in the true sense of the word, namely, a drawer-out, developer and director of the best qualities and dispositions in the youth entrusted to him must be


for the one simple reason that he sought to

make those youths something wholly

nature intended them to be they were Argentine citizens, born of Irish parents, and he sought to make them into The report of his school for the year English subjects.


from what

1865, as published in the "Standard," is worth quoting from for it to some extent explains many things which

most people have been unable to understand in what is called the educated Irish- Argentine of the generation which is now dying out. Said the report: "If any one history above another claims our attention it is that of England the whose history of an Empire on which the sun never sets language is spoken all over the world; a nation that holds in its hands the destinies of man, and whose constitution is a model for the countries of the earth, or, as it has been justly styled, the admiration of surrounding nations and History is fully appreciated and the glory of its own. We had a convincing proof well taught at St. Patrick's. the students enjoy in this respect of this on Thursday last peculiar advantages under Dr. Fitzsimons, who, during his



connection with the London University, was reputed one of the most distinguished lecturers on the constitutional history of England. The subject matter embraced the

period from the Roman invasion down to the succession of the Stuart dynasty. The students under examination did not stand together, but came up separately to a little pulpit
in the center of the hall. It

was a trying ordeal and well

they acquitted themselves, each returning from the tribune with applause. Master Denis Harrington's resume of the entire history mapping it into periods, showing the rise

each dynasty, with dates of accession, the great constitutional changes indicating the growth of what is termed the British Constitution was executed in masterly style. Hubert Rourke on the Norman dynasty was truly good. Masters Scully, Ham and Kenny on the Plantagenet,


fall of

Lancaster and York, and Tudor dynasties proved themselves to be masters of the subject." And so on with many other unfortunate Irish-Argentine boys whose time was thus being worse than wasted. There were also recitations and declamations all of a piece with the history teaching. There is nothing about Argentine or Irish history. These Argentine boys were evidently not taught to feel any pride in their own or the land of their fathers and thus in ignoring their native country and the country from which their race was sprung, and in setting their minds wholly on the great people and events of a foreign nation, he made

of his boys, in as

far as his history-teaching went, bad

In shutting out from their intelligence all the memory of race and the land of their fathers he denied them the best store of inspiration that boys or men, in any land or time, can feed their minds from. In teaching that there was an English Constitution he was forcing them to take a myth for a fact, there is not now, and there never was, an English Constitution. This alleged constitution that was taught to be the "admiration" and "glory" of the nations around still maintained the cruel and degrading Penal Laws against Catholics and such others as were not

of the



State Church, "by law established" not by the Constitution, note; and further, compelled the monarch, before recognizing him or her, as the case might be, to swear in the most solemn manner that all Catholics, in or out of
his or her dominions,

were idolators


glory and ad-

The when myth about a constitution had not yet taken shape the English King and his nobles had suppressed and plundered the old Church, for their own aggrandizement, and established, by law, the new one, which new one promptly
miration, Mr. Fitzsimons, from the County


and plunder, but on the should have a due proportion of the plunder. These then were the glorious and admirable conditions Dr. Fitzsimons was training his Irish-Argentine
ratified the aforesaid suppression

condition, of course, that


The Empire "on which the sun never sets," I need scarcely stop to mention, is the outward sign and testament of centuries of daylight and darknight robbery, murder and oppression. What a worthy subject with which to encumber and stultify Irish-Argentine minds The youngsters who "proved themselves to be masters" in their knowledge of the Plantagenets, Lancasters
pupils to extol and worship.

and Tudors never heard within

the names of

their school,


would seem,
Liniers or

San Martin, Pueyrredon, Belgrano,

Guemes, and I can well suppose that the mention of the Inny's banks. Tubberneering or the "stony hills of Clare," places in which the parents of his pupils passed their youth, would be taken as extremely vulgar if not actually treasonable b}^ the distinguished professor. Thus the result of Dr. Fitzsimons' "education" was the instilling of a knowledge which in after life his students could not use amongst their associates and friends without making themselves somethings of a nuisance. Many of them went back to the camp from school, and in the midst of more natural surroundings forgot as much as they could of the exotic balderdash they wasted their schooldays in learning, whilst others of weaker mentality and less fortunate environments grew into pretentious snobs and are to-day to a considerable





extent, with those they influenced, the shoneen element in

the Irish- Argentine



the people

who get them-

"Anglo-Argentines" in the press "society notices." I have met a few of Dr. Fitzsimons' pupils who, strange to say, held fast to the old Irish ideals, but most of them turned out poor as Argentines and poorer as Irish.
digression from my glance at the of the Irish in Lobos, but before progress settlement and parting with Dr. Fitzsimons let me add, that, fortunately, He moved to his college in Flores lasted only a few years. where he Parana later to other locations in the city and
I have

made a long

was placed at the head of the National College of Corrientes, and died there in 1871, his son James succeeding him. He was a highly learned man and much respected by the Ministry of Education of the nation. His shoneenism, like that of the Mulhalls, was a circumstance of his bringing-up, perhaps an inevitable one, and also of the abnormal conditions of the times and the country in which his early lot was cast. But we who have fallen upon happier times and know better things must not fail to spread the light when and wherever we can. And now, back to Lobos.



war with Paraguay broke out many were the

manifestations of patriotism through the country, but one

which took a very practical form was the collecting of funds to sustain the wives and families of the National Guard who were called away from their business affairs to the defense

The Irish of Lobos were amongst the first to lend their aid, and the following list of subscribers to the patriotic fund, although probably not complete, is quite creditable to the Irish residents. The collection was handed
of the nation.
in in September, 1865,

and here




of subscribers:

Michael Geoghegan, Patrick O'Neill, Alex. Harvey, Joseph Flynn, Alex. Milne, Edward Walsh, Joseph Morris, Michael Sires, Robert Makleman, Joseph White, Wm. Milne, Joseph Conyngham, John Kersey, Robert Milne, Jas. Robertson, Patrick Smith, Alexander McGuire, Francis Meadow, Mrs. Ann Crosney, C. Thomson, Patrick Casey.




In Lobos, as in nearly all the camp parishes, murders of Irishmen in the early days of settlement were frequent

and terrible. Some of the most shocking and long-remembered were those of the brothers Scally on the Acosta estancia in '64, and that of Mrs. Buckley in '65. The two Scallys and their brother-in-law Reilly were playing cards
one evening in Scally's house, when a neighboring native with whom Scally had some words the day before, walked in and without a word plunged his knife in the stomach of one of the Scallys. In an attempt to defend themselves the other Scally was mortally wounded and Reilly got several

The murderer then went to the local head of police saying that there must be something wrong at Scally's as Mrs. Buckley their sheep were not corralled for the night. was fearfully cut and stabbed by a young native while her husband was away a little distance in the camp bringing
stabs. in his flock.

She had an infant in her arms who, although stabbed by the murderer, recovered. When poor Buckley went to the police to report the crime he was himself placed Such awful under arrest and put to endless trouble. murders and such negligence and stupidity, or worse, on the part of the police, were maddeningly common everywhere throughout the far partidos in those days. Father Kirwan was appointed Irish Chaplain of Lobos immediately after Father Smith's death and continued there


extensive a chaplaincy

made the labors of so more than he could satisfactorily He was succeeded by Father Curran who resigned

failing health

the post in 1877, with the intention of retiring to Ireland, but later accepted the Irish Chaplaincy of Navarro. He was succeeded by Father Davis, an Englishman, who died some six years later in the British Hospital of Buenos Aires.

Guardia del Monte, or Monte as it is was founded in colonial times as an Indian borderlands. It was a stronghold Chascomus, and Lobos at a somewhat later

now commonly
outpost of the
occupied, like

by a few



companies of Spanish soldiers who kept an eye out on Indian movements and who prevented depredations by the Whenever a great body of the savages, when possible. aborigines moved forward the Guardias, or Guards, who
were usually advised of the projected movement by friendly, half-civilized Indians, beforehand, retired northward, all the settlers with their stock and movable properties going ahead Sometimes reinforcements came from of the military. Buenos Aires in time to check the advance of the invaders, and these latter usually suffered so badly that they fell

back further into the desert than where was previously the limit of their undisputed territory. The wild men had little discipline and no fire-arms, their purpose was plunder or the avenging of some wrong or insult of a local or tribal So they rarely made anything like a steady and nature. systematic campaign, but their forays, nevertheless, greatly hampered the progress of the frontier districts. As early as the year Forty, Irish sheep-farmers had spread their flocks over the northern part of this parish, and it was one of the places, like Dolores, which became suddenly occupied; but the occupation here was of a more permanent nature, and Monte is still a somewhat strong Irish center. In the Revista del Plata there is a rather interesting article on what the writer calls "the discovery" by an Irishman of a new and perfectly safe method of castrating



that he witnessed the operation himself,


performed by the "discoverer,"

siders the "discovery" of very great

Monte, in 1847. He conimportance and recom-

mends it to all owners and breeders of horses; for he says, no matter how the weather, or what the season may be castration by this method may be effected with perfect The method in question was rather an introducsafety.
tion than a discovery, for according to the description of


the performance of the operation it was nothing more nor than the form of castration in common practice in

Ireland in such cases.


But Monte seems

to have been the

scene of


performance in

this country.

After the



Rosas Indian raids in the southern districts became more frequent and disastrous, and in the three years, 1854-5-6, the raiders carried away no less than four hundred thousand head of cattle, and, in addition,

burned and destroyed property valued at a million-and-aThis discouraging state of affairs had its half dollars. bad effect on the Irish settlers of Monte and many of them sought for safer lands whereon to abide. Still-and-with-all, by the year 1860 it was a fairly strong Irish settlement, and one meets as estancieros of the district men of such names as, Brady, Bird, Dillon, Whitty, Kenny, Killemet, Hogan, Cloughan, Gilligan and many others. The Irish Chaplain of Lobos attended to Monte and the surrounding parishes, and in the appointment of Father Curran to Lobos in 1874, Saladillo was added on to the chaplaincy. Murders of Irishmen, by natives, in Monte were many and most revolting. Not far from the town, in the year '62, a native attacked an old Englishman, named Davy, Davy struck the native's horse trying to ride him down. off and stabbed the old rider jumped with his stick, the man several times. A young Irishman named John Gilligan,
attracted by the shouts of the old man rode up to the scene and dashed between the native and his victim; the native at once turned on him; Gilligan rode his horse against him, knocking him down and then jumped off to assist the old man who was dying; while thus engaged, and entirely unarmed, the native got to his feet, ran at Gilligan and stabbed him in the stomach, causing almost immediate death. Mr. Ronayne had an argument with a policeman at a shop in the village, in '65, and while the wordy combat was in progress a countryman of the policeman came behind Ronayne and broke in his skull with a blow from an ironhandled whip. On an estancia named "25 de Mayo" a man
living alone in a shepherd's hut, one Cosgrove,

was stabbed a score of places and thrown into his own well, and then everything in his house stolen. And so on. The recording of some of these awful camp murders will be useful to show




who have things so easy in their day the and fears their fathers had to face in founding their families and homes. From the small sheep-farmers of Matanzas and the northwestern part of Canuelas a considerable number of renters spread into Las Heras about 1830 and the years following, but as the land was all in the possession of
to the generation


owners who did not take





ment of horn-cattle and horses from their estates, except at an annual rent which was then prohibitive of woolraising, at a profit, the industry made somewhat slow progress in this district, at the beginning.

In time, however,

some Irishmen acquired estancias, and soon almost all the landowners began to see that sheep were the stock which paid best and in a short time the parish became one of the chief sheep districts of the country. And so numerous and of such importance had the Irish population become by the year '64 that Governor Saavedra had the new church, which the Government had erected there, dedicated to St. Patrick, As in compliment to the Irish residents of the department.
in all the other old settlements convenient to the Capital,

the ever continuous spread of agriculture, and the resultant

increase in the value of land,

and from here as well our people had to move further out. Merlo and Moreno being, like Moron, on the great highway by Lujan to the northern and western provinces were early settled by numerous owners of comparatively small estates, and, except the first named, never figured to any
great extent as sheep-farming regions. Amongst the subscribers, however, to the building of the new church in

made renting for sheep imas from all the near parishes

Moreno in '63 I find: Robert Kelly, Michael Kenny, John McLean, Michael Lawler, Santiago O'Mally, Patrick Hunt, Joseph Fowler, F. Langan, and J. Kenny. As will be seen when we come to it this parish made a very creditable showing in the Fahey Testimonial also. In the subscription list for the families of the soldiers fighting in Paraguay the

following are noted:



Thomas Gahan,

F. A. Pearson, Mrs.

DHlon, Owen Lynch, G. Dillon, T. Lynch, Ed. Dillon, James Berne, William Timson, J. Kenny, J. Foster, J. Laffin, A. Malbran, J. Daly, J. O'Reilly, Ed. Slevin and Con Brennan. When Father Patrick J. Dillon, afterwards Canon, Mgr. and Dean, first came to Argentina he was appointed to Merlo as Irish Chaplain, and in the following year removed to Canuelas, but owing to other duties then

John imposed upon him he did not settle in Canuelas. Dillon was the leading man of Irish name in that district at this time, 1864, although it is said by some that his He held many father came to Buenos Aires from Spain. high government positions and at this time and for many years after was Judge of Moron. There is still a considerable number of families in this district descended from
the early Irish settlers.

After Buenos Aires

in the




the oldest settlement

province, and was established soon after Garay's

like tribes

founding of the Capital, as a stronghold against the warwhose empire commenced just beyond musketshot of the fort and extended to the Andes. The fort was called after the river on which it was established, and the river is said to have got its name from a Spanish officer
therein while engaged in operations against
village sprang up around the fort, composed mostly by men engaged in supplying the wants of

who was drowned

the Indians.

the garrison

cultivators of the soil


and shop-keepers, both

of the most primitive order.

now nearly two hundred

years since

church was built, later it became the of the conquered territory. The treasury of Buenos Aires, with nearly two million dollars in it, was removed there when Beresford invaded the city; after his capture of the Capital he placed some of the principal men of the city under arrest as hostages till all the money would be surrendered to him. Later, after the Reconquest, he was himself sent to Lujan as a prisoner of war, but the greater part of the treasure had already been






These great historic happenings shipped to England. appear a place of no small imLujan make to tend would the life of this country. Yet time in this early at portance
Robertson, who stopped here in 1811 on his way to Paraguay, had this to say of it: "Lujan is a poor place and almost deserted with three hundred inhabitants, more or


has a Cabildo, a beautiful church and spacious

apartments, disposed in quadrangular form for the ecHe mentions having got a very good dinner clesiastics." from the Parish Priest. In the days of the passports I find a number of Irish names amongst those going to or coming from Lujan; but it was not until about 1850 that

became a sheepfarming


After Caseros and the


retreat of Urquiza and his legions, for good,

ployees, and Mulhall, writing in


rapidly to be occupied by Irish flock-owners and their em-

1875, was able to say: "This department belongs almost exclusively to Irish sheepfarmers, Brownes, Hams, Caseys, Garaghans, Kellys, Clavins, Murphys, Maxwells, Cooks, Kennys, Burgesses and Fitzsimmons there being only twelve native estancias of any dimensions." Half the population at that time was Father Thomas Carolan was Lujan's first resident Irish. Irish Chaplain, and his parisliioners presented him with a comfortable dwelling house. He was appointed to the Chaplaincy of Lujan, Pillar and Mercedes in '61, and retired to The people, on his Ireland, owing to bad health in '68. leaving, presented him with a very flattering address and one hundred and eighty pounds in cash. The address was signed by John Browne, Michael Murray, Owen Lynch, Peter Ham, Thomas Ledwith, Michael Fitzsimmons, John Dillon, Robert Kelly, James J. Allen, E. Garaghan, and Lawrence Kelly. Father Carolan was an Ulsterman; he was succeeded in the Chaplaincy by Father Samuel O'Reilly. In 1872 St. Brigid's Chapel at La Choza was dedicated Mr. John BroAvne was the to the Patroness of Ireland. chief seconder of Father O'Reilly in his efforts to found the little edifice. The day of its inauguration was one of great




feasting in the district, with horse-racing, dances, etc., when Canon Dillon of Buenos the religious ceremony was over. Aires, who was a noted preacher, delivered the inaugural

sermon which was said to be a very brilliant one. Mr. in advancing religious and charitable institutions, he also took a leading part in promoting social pleasures and pastimes, and some of the first annual race-meetings in the camp were held on his estancia. The meet of January, '67, at La Choza, when nearly two hundred "irlandeses" attended, was a day long to be remembered in Lujan and its neighborhood, and even still a

Browne was not alone forward

few of those who were present that day are






and they tell it with no small pride. So common and daring had the robbers and murderers become in this district, in the year '70, that the Judge sent the police after some noted desperadoes with orders to shoot them at sight and bring in the bodies. The authorities succeeded in overtaking one of the marked gang and in bringing back his remains. The body was exhibited in the
police station for such length of time as sanitary conditions

would permit. It was believed that these rather drastic measures would be effective in ridding the district of some well-known criminals who infested it, and many of the more notorious of them betook themselves to departments where the authorities were less original in their peace-preservation methods. Yet notwithstanding all this Lujan had its quota of dreadful murders, and even won a sort of prominence for wholesale and bare-faced robberies of horses, ridingAn attempted murder gears, and household belongings.

which resulted fatally for the would-be assassin is so much an incident from a blood-curdling novel, or shilling shocker, of frontier or pirate life, and of such dramatic interest, as the newspaper men say, that I cannot refrain from here recounting it in brief. On the estancia of Senor
Olivera there lived an Irishman named John White, and he was a widower with some small children; he was well-to-do, for he had interest in four flocks of sheep on the estancia



One morning a native whom he knew came to him asking him for the favor of a little mate yerha. White, without a word, of course, gave the man a supply, as what Irishman in the camp ever refused food or drink to any neighbor in want? No more was thought of the affair, and at nightfall as he was returning from the folding of his flock, and near the door of his house, the same native jumped out from behind the other end of the dwelling and stabbed him slightly in the back. He had his little son by the hand, and it was the cry of the child, who saw the native first, that saved the father's life, for by this warning he was enabled to get almost within the door before the stab was inflicted on him and which also prevented the stroke White had barely time being delivered with fatal effect. to partially close his door and with his shoulder against to keep his assailant at bay. He called to his little boy to bring him some weapon, although there was no such article at hand, and this the gaucho knew well, for he muttered in the struggle:


"I'll soon get it for you, myself." was gaining ground in the forcing of the door, the children inside were frantic; the native worked in his hand so far as to inflict another stab on White, this time a deep one, on the thigh, and soon the door was forced. The Irishman tripped his assailant as he burst in, and both came to the ground together but not without the native getting in

White in the struggle got hold of the knife by the blade, and proving the stronger man in the contest he held the gaucho under him, and slowly moving his hand along the blade back to the hilt, till he nearly severed some of his fingers, he wrenched the knife from the fellow's hand and stabbed him in the throat. The gaucho cried out: "O, you have killed me." White answered: "If I haven't I will now," and with one stroke cut his would-be murderer's throat from side to side. The wounded man and the body of the dead man were taken to Lujan together. White was nursed at Father O'Reilly's house and soon recovered. The authorities and the public
another stab.
of his antagonist,




presented him their thanks, formally, for the service he had done in ridding the district of one of its worst criminals. There are still many Irish families in the district of

Lujan, and the Irish Pilgrimage to the Shrine of Our Lady there, every year in which St. Patrick's Day falls on Sun-



forever give



Irish of



for the sons farmers, was opened by Father Emilio George in the beginning of 1877, and it was for some years the principal
Irish school of the country.

College of Lujan,


Catholic sheep-

Lujan that cannot be passed over unnoticed was that one in 1881 when Edward Casey was feasted and honored by all the residents, and especially by those of his own race, for having established in the town a branch of the Provincial Bank and that other one, fifteen years later, much more peculiarly and memorably Irish, when the five beautiful altars to Saints Patrick, Brigid, Columcille, Malachy and Rose of Lima, gifts of Mrs. Morgan of San Antonio de Areco to the great shrine of the


other great days in

Virgin of Lujan, were blessed and dedicated with imposing ceremony and in the presence of an immense gathering, the

nuns and children from the Irish Orphanage

Aires being present as the guests of the
Pilar although one of the small


or dis-



camp partidos

tricts was at one time very largely occupied by Irish sheepfarmers. Its proximity to the city, however, and the numerous small estancias into which it was divided tended

so to enhance the value of land as to

sheep-raising undesirable.
settled there permanently.

purchase for Hence comparatively few Irish Although wool-raising had been


carried on in the district for several years,

it was not until about the year 1850 that Irish flock-owners became numerous, and for fifteen or twenty years after by far the greater part of the flocks that spread over its rich pastures belonged to Irishmen. In '64 a writer mentions that there

were some four hundred Irish people who were generally very prosperous,


the parish, and

He names amongst



Kelly, Nolan, Healy and Peter Healy was one of the pioneer Irishmen of

the principal of these, Messrs.

the place, and as early as 1850 was one of the best

of the

breeders of


stock in the northern camps.


wonders of the time was


his receiving at public auc-

tion, in

for one of his rams, no less a price than sixteen

thousand dollars

(old money).

Auctions in the camp in

those days were something on the style of the ancient Patron-day at home. A great feast was made and sports and games provided for all comers. Healy's auction of the year mentioned seems to have been one of the big events The of Pilar and surrounding parishes for that season. Irish Chaplain at Merlo first and at Lujan afterwards attended also to Pilar.
village was known by name, the parish being that of Exaltacion de la Cruz, which title is the one officially recognized, although seldom heard in popular parlance, "Capilla" being applied to the whole department urban and rural. With the exception of


Some seventy years ago the first Sefior. At that time only the

Irish settled in Capilla


fifteen years later, no department in all the Republic became so suddenly and thoroughly an Irish center as did Capilla del Senor. And as a very large proportion of the lands all around is in the ownership of the children and grandchildren of the Irish settlers of two generations ago, it is still, and likely for long to be, one of the leading Irish districts of the country.

Carmen de Areco, some dozen or

The first Irish stock-men who settled on the lands around Capilla were men who had already acquired considerable wealth and as the laws dealing with the purchase and title-deeds of land were now such as to inspire confidence


of those


settlers invested their

cash capital

in the purchase of estates, so that

by the year


fourth of the parish, more than seven square leagues, was owned by Irishmen; chief amongst whom were, Culligan, Gaynor, Patrick Scully, Fox, Lennon, James Scully,

Tormey, Pew and Harrington.



worth while noting




that sheep-farming was not the sole occupation of camp Irishmen in those days. John Harrington was then trying
agriculture and Capilla, as well as Lujan, had


boot and

shoe-maker at the same period.

Capilla's first

great Irish day was in March, '66, when the Governor of

the Province and the Bishop of Buenos Aires, Saavedra and Aneiros, respectively, came out from the Capital to open the new Church. I may mention, in passing, that Capilla

Church almost wholly to the genLujan was its vicinity. the nearest place to Capilla where a train touched in those days, and hither the Bishop and Governor came from Buenos Aires. With the exact formality for which the
del Seiior




erosity of the Irish residents in

Spanish race


noted the authorities of Lujan received the

distinguished heads of the Church and State and accom-

panied them to the utmost limit of their official territory. At the line of demarcation between the two departments a new set of officials stood ready to receive the aforesaid


and conduct them to the scene of the day's cerejust fifty-one years since this famous day in Capilla, yet I have been able to meet very few who could say they had anything more than a faint remembrance of The conveyance of the distinguished officials from Lujan it. to Capilla was effected in coaches belonging to Irish estancieros of the district, that of James Scully, driven by his son Luke, getting pride of place for bearing Governor Saavedra and some of his suite. Father William Grennon was the Irish Chaplain, and had done much towards bringIt

ing the church to completion.

The gathering at the inauguration of the Church was the largest congregation of Irish yet seen in any camp town, and the procession that conducted the Governor and Bishop to and from the function was imposing and picturesque to a degree far beyond
As anything ever witnessed in the country-side before. soon as these good people of Capilla got their anxieties as to the establishing of a worthy edifice wherein to worship God, reasonably allayed, they seem to have set about



reasonable and useful method of amusing Although there may have been attempts at

high class horse-racing in the district before the year '67, there is no question that the meet of that year may be taken as the starting point in what was for a number of years the most important and successful Irish race-meeting
of some of the race horses and worth preserving. First in the principal race, Mathew Dillon's "Chieftain"; Second, John Shanaghan's "Fenian Boy"; Third, Patrick Murray's "Shamrock"; Fourth, George Bird's "Clear-the-Way," and last, Martin Fox's "Volunteer." But it was not all piety and gaiety with them in The Chapel of the Lord in those now far-off and nearly forgotten times. The dread cholera of the summer of '67-8 overran the parish and turned, for a season, its happy homes into places of fear and sorrow. At times the death-rate of the place rose to 18 per day, and when the awful malady wore off and passed away it was found to have filled more than four hundred new
in the country.

The names

their owners are



Irish residents, however, suffered very lightly.


Irish Chaplain

was the only priest

in the parish at
all Irish-

the time, and he. Dr. Priestly and the apothecary,

men, got great praise from the authorities and public for their unsparing services to all the people indiscriminately. Scarcely was the trouble of the epidemic over when our countrymen found themselves face to face with another serious difficulty. It seems the authorities sought to enforce some kind of a law or regulation by which no foreigner or son of a foreigner could discharge the duties of capataz or foreman on any estancia, not even in the case of a son on that of his father. A very angry meeting of protest was held in the town, at which it was shown that the foreigners owned a decidedly large proportion of the property of the district. The local authorities were often very jealous of the progress and wealth of the strangers and would gladly levy tribute on them in every possible way, but the national and provincial executives were always




extremely fair, and even friendly, to the Irish. Capilla like the gaucho, other parts of the country where the bad native was still at large had its or half-breed of the plains

crimes of murder and robbery, although in a lesser degree than most other rural departments, but this one I am going
to mention, for wanton cruelty and savagery,

quite as

horrible as anything I have found on record anywhere. A thirteen-year-old boy, of the name of Keegan, was sent by his sister, a Mrs. Murray, to Capilla for some little message,

and while on




was about noontide, at a

place called Canada Romero, by a native and chopped and stabbed in the most frightful manner. This shocking crime was committed in broad daylight, and within very short distance of two of the principal The boy was an orphan, police authorities of the district. and by all accounts a most inoffensive youth. No one was arrested, no one was punished, although it was commonly believed the police knew perfectly well who the ferocious
criminal was.

the poor child was attacked

Father John Cullen was Capilla's first Irish Chaplain, he came to the country in 1856, with the Sisters of Mercy,

and attended the northern parishes where his flock was then very widely scattered and not very numerous; he was appointed resident Chaplain in the town of Capilla del Senor in 1857, and retired to Ireland ten or eleven years later. He was succeeded by Rev. William Grennon, a Kings County
man, I
believe, who in '74, after being years in the country, and some seven, went home to recover his health. Father attended the parish in his stead until

eight and a half

or so, in Capilla,
O'Reilly of


Father Davis, an Englishman, was sent out to the place. This latter priest was not popular with the Irish, and few if any amongst them were sorry when Father Grennon returned to his old post. Father Davis was something of an orator and frequently preached in San Roque Chapel in the Capital; he had been for a while in Montevideo before coming to Buenos Aires; he was a missionary priest, and to say that



he was a typical Englishman is to give sufficient explanation as to why he did not get along well with the trulyIrish Irish. Father Grennon returned after a season to his
old post and died in January, 1888; Father Purcell, then

Chascomus, succeeded him and years of the century.



out the remaining


Irish of Capilla del Senor seem to have been always

of an especially public-spirited disposition.



ment or attempted infringement of their rights or privileges, or the good name of their district, was usually met at full tilt and vanquished. In 1881 there seems to have been a very sordid and intolerable kind of monopoly preying on the poor of the place the rich, of course, can always afford to be fleeced. People died in Capilla as elsew^here and when they died, it goes without saying, they had to be buried. But in all the parish there was but one hearse, and this one was owned by a kind of a Charon, duly modernized to meet the times and circumstances, but with business For while the old principles more elastically arranged. Classic undertaker had his fixed obulo fare for one and all

the Capilla


slided his extortions in

accordance with the

circumstances of the family unfortunate enough to need

services. But as at the Styx Crossing there was a Hercules for the case of the little camp town. Father Grennon and a few of his parishioners, Dillon, Gaynor and Scully raised a fund to purchase a public hearse and the Charonian trust or monopoly, I believe the word "trust," in this sense, was not known then, was at an end. There are some new towns throughout the provinces at the present day where

a Father Grennon and his friends are badly needed to bring some of the "pompas funerales" people to a sense of decency in what is usually a sad and always a very solemn necessity





of our

people has


more honorable and continuous Irish traditions than Capilla. It was amongst the first and it is still amongst

the foremost Irish districts of the Republic.


Capilla del Senor the Irish spread into the parishes

of Zarate and Baradero, although
it is



probable there were

a few Irish settlers in the latter department years before any of our countrymen found a footing in Capilla. Patrick

Lynch had a large cattle and sheep ranch in the partido about the year 1830, and in the "Gaceta" of 1827 there are some people of Irish name reported as seeking passports to that district. Zarate had a famous sheep-stealing case some sixty 3^ears ago which almost became an international question. An Irishman named Patrick Wynne settled there on the Castez camp; soon after a noted Basque sheepstealer from Pilar came and rented camp beside him and immediately set to stealing the Irishman's sheep, on the wholesale. Wynne complained again and again to the authorities, but got no satisfaction; he brought the matter before the British Consul but that functionary did not bother much about the case, the "Standard" took it up then, but as his flock was every day dwindling away very noticeably, although the death rate was nothing more than normal, he removed his remaining animals otherwhere. The Basque, whose flock even when in Pilar was the wonder of all the country for its large and continuous increase at all seasons of the year and under every kind of pasture conditions, kept on increasing even after W3mne had left. A wealthy native neighbor who had no small influence with the authorities found it so unaccountable that his flock should be shrinking while his new neighbor's was holding its own, or a little more, called in the police to help him elucidate. The ever-increasing flock was carefully examined and in addition to a good proportion of animals of the investigating neighbor's mark, sheep of twenty-six other brands were found in the corral. The Basque was taken prisoner to "the Castle" of Mercedes and by the time the law and other claimants were satisfied the miraculous increases of the previous years were fully explained and mercilessly reduced. In '64 there were about two hundred Irish in Zarate, according to a report from the place in that year. The principal landowners amongst them were, Morris, Fox and



CuUen. Wool-raising in the district must have begun to fail soon after, for ten years later Mulhall's Hand Book gives the number of Irish then in the district as more than twenty-five per cent less than this figure. At present there are many well-to-do families of Irish parentage or ancestry

and taking into account the number of Irish meat industries of the district, it is probable there is a larger Irish and Irish- Argentine population in Zarate now than ever there was before. In ^55 a number of Irish sheep-farmers settled in Baradero and for ten years or so this number went on increasing; nearly all of them acquiring wealth and many of them purchasing land. So that in '63 the following are listed Wallace, Rourke, Brennan, among the land owners: Macome, Murtagh, Whealan and Parson. A peculiar thing
in the parish,


in the

about the municipal resources of the parish in 1865, is that the tax on billiard tables yielded a larger amount of income than any other taxable item. Agriculture on a large


was introduced into Baradero in 1855 through the by the municipality of the famous Swiss colony.

the first of its kind in the Province, turned out a great success, and ere long the tillers of the soil began making the graziers move on. The district has still a large number of Irish families, mostly all wealthy, or in

The undertaking,

comfortable circumstances.

Camp Settlements Continued Giles Carmen de Areco

San Antonio de ArecoSan Andres de Father M. L. LeahyPatrick Ward Miscellaneous ItemsSalto Rojas MercedesNavarro ChivilcoY Saladillo 25 de Mayo BragadoNuevo de JulioAzul Las Flores ChacabucoSuipacha San PedroArrecifes PergaminoRamalloSan Nicolas.



of the Province,

of the very old towns


Irish center

of some-

what more recent date than Capilla. It is another of the districts where many of our people purchased splendid estancias fifty or sixty years ago for a mere trifle and which are now worth many millions of dollars. In 1863 a movement was started to provide an Irish Chaplain exclusively for the parishes of San Antonio, Giles and Baradero, and the following year a square of ground was bought in the town of San Antonio on which was built a residence for the Chaplain, and which has been continuously occupied ever since by an Irish priest, Father Richard Gearty being the present incumbent. Father Thomas Curran, who came out from Ireland in '62, was San Antonio's first resident Irish Chaplain. He v/as transferred to Lobos after Father Kirwan's retirement from there, and Father Thomas Mullady was appointed to the Areco district, in One of San Antonio's first wealthy Irishthe year 1867. men was Thomas Donohue, who died in '66 he had estancias in this and Arrecifes partidos and owned some twelve thousand sheep. The lands of this district are still largely in the hands of Irish families, and there is no department in the whole Republic, thanks in no small way to the Irish Convent there, where a more thoroughly Irish and patriotic spirit prevails amongst our people. In the year 1895 Mrs.




built, equipped fully, and opened for public use the Clara Morgan Hospital, in memory of her only daughter who died a few years previThe Hosously while visiting the Chicago Exposition. pital is attended by nursing Sisters from the United States, and is an institution of the greatest benefit to the town and surrounding districts. Mrs. Morgan supplies all The Irish its wants out of her own, unmatched munificence. Convent, or Convent of Irish Sisters of Mercy, and the fine new College of Clonmacnoise in this town are also monuments to the piety, generosity and patriotism of Mrs. Morgan and her sister. Miss Maria Mooney, but their foundation does not come within the time of which my book treats. The Partido de San Andres de Giles, or as it is commonly called "Giles" seems to have been occupied by Irish settlers about the same time as San Antonio, but being more remote from the river coast, and any large town, land was more easily acquired there, and so, in the early days of sheep-farming, it was taken up more largely by Irish

Margaret Mooney de Morgan


and purchasers.



1863, the


names on a Church. There is a generous contribution after each one, which fact would suggest that they were not then newcomers or mere hired men, but people of stake in the district and of public spirit enough to see that one of the first needs of a community, a shrine wherein to worship God, should not be wanting. Here is the list I speak of: Edward Macken, George Morgan, R. Hall, W. M'Garry, Joseph M'Guinness, William Cahill, Patrick Wheeler, William Mooney (sen.), William Mooney (jun.), John Graham, John O'Brien, A. McCarthy, William Crinnigan, James Scally, Bernard Hope, John Campbell, Ed. Nolan, Peter Kenny, Thomas Kenny, Edward Morgan, Patrick Hill, Patrick Farrell, John Rooney, Patrick Dowd, Simon Lennon, John Clarke, Joseph Maxwell, Michael Mangan. The good work was not completed with this first giving, and
soon after the following

of subscribers to the building of the Parish

appeared, largely a repetition




L. Tormey, P. Reilly, Jeremiah of the one just given: Tormey, Michael Cormick, Joseph M'Guiness, Michael Kelly, Ann Kelly, R. Hall, J. Roberts, M. M'Garry, Ed. Macken, Ed. Cahill, P. Ham, Patrick Wlieeler, WilHam Mooney, WilO'Brien, A. (jun.), John Graham, J. liam Mooney Bernard Crinnigan, William Scally, M'Carthy, Joseph Nolan, Mullany, Ed. N. Flowers, Hope, John Campbell, J. Patrick Hill, Morgan, George Morgan, P. Kenny, Edward N. Galaher, Michael Mangan, J. Maxwell, Patrick Farrell, These may S. Lennon, Patrick Dowd and L. T. Sawyer.
be considered, I suppose, the original Irish-Gileros it is a very respectable list from a small district. A murder committed in Giles in 1868, apart from the victim being an Irishman, James Feeny, is interesting, in its results, as showing how cautious people should be in


and how unsafe a form a judgment on circumstantial evidence, at least, on some occasions. The case also throws a rather favorable light on the police detective-work of those rather wild times. Shortly after the murder an Irishman of the name of Robert McShane was arrested at his work on the Central Argentine Railway at Rosario, accused of the
close friendship with strangers,
it is




protesting his innocence appealed to the

Company to show that he Rosario on the date of the murder, and for some time before, and was duly discharged. A close watch was kept on his movements, and although he came and went to his work as usual he was again, after some days, re-arrested and lodged in Mercedes jail. He was then asked to account for how he was wearing a scarf of Feeney's and how it happened that under his bed in the lodging house of John Kearney, in Rosario, he had the riding gear of the murdered
time sheets and payrolls of the



man. And this was how it happened: An Englishman, by name, Henry Audley, came to Kearney's to put up for some days; Kearney had no spare bed, but the fellow being a decent looking man, McShane agreed to share his bed with him, taking him for a camp man who had come into



town on business. The supposed camp man was grateful, and to show his recognition of the favor, and it being winter-time and cold, he made McShane a present of a very comfortable scarf, after a day or two he disappeared, and it took the good-natured Irishman a long time and with no small effort to prove to the authorities at Mercedes that he was not a partner in the crime. Argentina has been remarkable from the oldest times for the large number of centenarians it could boast of in its population. In Giles, in 1870, there died a Mrs. Fagan at the great age of 102 years, and her husband who predeceased her by a few years had reached the still higher figure of 106. They were both from Westmeath, and were, each one of them, over eighty years of age on their arrival


Carmen de Areco, up

to recently


as ^'Fortin de

Areco" (outpost, or small garrison, of the Areco), was formerly commonly spoken of by the Irish settlers thereabout as the "Fourteen." The Areco river has its source not very distant from the town and flows by it, and one of its sharp curves lent itself very usefully to the forming of a strong defense for a portion of the fort which the colonial Spaniards established here. Some few Irish found their way into Carmen as early as 1855. The first of them to purchase land there was "Big Mickey Murray," mentioned already as one of the pioneers of the Chascomus district. By 1860 many Irish families had settled in the department, and some of the first subscriptions to the O'Connell Monument fund in 1863 were from the "Fortin." In March of the following year Father Michael Leahy was appointed Irish Chaplain of that and the nearby parishes, and his district extended outward to Salto, Rojas, Chacabuco, Arrecifas, San Pedro and anywhere else, in an outward direction, he found time or occasion to go to. From the date of his appointment Carmen began to figure as the best organized and most distinctively patriotic and progressive Irish center in all the land.

At once he

set to




rooms, clubs, schools and everything that could be for the enlightenment, the moral and social progress and ennoblement of his For a short while previous to his being sent to people.

Carmen he served
Hospital Fahey.

as Chaplain to the Irish Convent and Buenos Aires, and generally assisted Father


first list of


I have

come across

in con-

nection with

Carmen de Areco

that of the subscribers

to the fund for the support of the families of the soldiers

Paraguayan War, July, 1865, and Dowling Bros., Peter Frazier, Thomas Wallace, Bernard Rourke, Nicholas Pearson, W. O'Connell, John Spring, James Carey, Tim Garraghan, John Rivers, Phil Bonner, Thos. Bonner, Archie Creig, John Goldsmith, V. Malone, John Carbery, Mrs. H. Kenny, John Duffy, Francis Dowling, Michael Murray, J. Mullen, J. Mullen (jun.), Michael Murphy & Bros., C. McGuire, J. McGuire, Michael Finnerty, J. Bannon, Michael Daly, P. Duffy, J. McGuire, J. Mahon, M. Murray, James Bannon, Peter Langan, Peter Egan, T. Kenny, J. Prud, J. McDonnell, Andrew Geoghegan, Patrick Doherty, J. Wheeler, J. Bates, P. Langan, Thomas Dooner, Thomas Murray, James Egan, James Mahon, Edward Burke, Jane Burns. The subscriptions amounted to over $12,500. Next year Michael Duffy was appointed Alcalde of the department and John Dowling, Comandante Militar. The famous American estancia, the "Tatay," had already established a graseria; Samuel B. Hale was its founder, a man who was very friendly to the Irish and always gave them preference in his extensive emof the Republic in the

here they

ployments, whether as shepherds or in other capacities. The Tatay used to be regarded as the best equipped and
estate in the northern camps. fund to help the families of the imprisoned Fenians was started in Carmen in '67 and a very respectable sum of money was collected; the good lessons in patriotism and loyalty to the old land so well taught by Father Leahy




fruits in this

showed their
in the


Messrs. J. E. Fin-

nerty and J. T.

Murray wrote

and patriotic


Standard on the subject. In addition to the library established in 1866, the Race Club and St. Brendan's College, the men of Carmen started in '67 the Brehon's Athletic Club, offering many prizes in the form of books to be competed for in the exercises. Mr. John Murphy was secretary of this club. The great Carmen and Salto races A were held this year midway between the two towns. gathering of over two thousand people assembled to witThe principal race horse owners were ness the events. Murphy, Ham, Murray, McGregor, Martin, Dowling and Burke. The Irish College of Carmen, with Father Leahy in control, was opened in August, '69 the next year the great race meeting had to be suspended because of drink having been allowed to be sold on or near the course; many present taking too much and becoming quarrelsome; Messrs. Murray and M. A. Duffy being the chief stewards decided that adjournment was the safest thing to do under

the circumstances.

Thus a few non-Irish

traffickers in al-

legitimate day's enjoyment.

and Drink at such a meeting as this was particularly dangerous, as from the nature of things in the camp every man had to go always armed; and as such gatherings were made up of people of many races, and amongst them not a few who would be a danger, under any circumstances, in a crowd, the suspension of the meeting was a wise and very proper act. This was
coholic drinks were able to forbid hundreds a pleasant

practically the end of horse-racing, on the Irish style, in

Carmen de Areco. The following year, however, saw inaugurated a movement much more to the taste of the good

Chaplain and to the credit of the Carmeleros. It was the proposal to found a Fahey Institute and Boys' Orphanage. It did not then materialize, it is true, but the attempt to realize one of Father Fahey's fondest dreams was there and then commenced. A meeting was called in August, '71, to take steps towards the raising of a monu-


merit to the



of the late Father Fahey.


rainstorm came on the eve of the meeting day and only these few were able to attend: Father M. L. Leahy,

Doherty, M. Murray, J. Murray, T. Dooner, T. McGuire, L. Wheeler, J. Mullen and M. Ward. The meeting adjourned to September 3, follow-

M. Duffy,


when a large gathering of the Irish of the district and resolved, "That the most fitting monument to the memory of Father Fahey would be the estabing,


lishment of the Christian Brothers to take charge of the education of the poor and orphan boys of Irish birth and

This resolution was moved by James Kenny and seconded by J. J. T. Murphy. T. McGuire proposed and M. Grace seconded, "That a Committee consisting of Messrs.

Dowling, Doherty, Murray, Kenny, Dooner be formed to carry out the foregoing resolution and collect funds to that end." Mr. McGuire was added to the comThe following sums were subscribed on the spot, mittee. in pounds sterling: Duffy & Sons, 20; Messrs. Murray,

20; McGuire, 10; Doherty, 5; Mullaly, 3; Grace, 1; Gannon, 2/2; Murphy, 2/2; Lyons, 10; Widow Shanaghan, 1/1 Rev. M. L. Leahy, 20. Father Leahy presided and James Bracken acted as secretary. "The Largo," as this Father Leahy used to be familiarly called, was not the man to take an enterprise in hands and after a brief fit of enthusiasm let it fizzle out and make way for some other grand project to be of like Dermanence, as was then, and still is, so much the fashion with our community in


He lived and labored solely for the good of people and spared himself no effort or inconvenience where their true interests could in any form be served. And accordingly was he loved and all his efforts seconded by

people. No Irish Chaplain, not even Father Fahey, ever enjoyed or earned the whole-hearted loyalty and love

Having taken up the Father of his flock more than he did. Fahey Memorial movement the following statement and list



show with what tenacity and good

of subscribers will

he pursued the project:


the Subscribers,

Carmen de Areco and



At a meeting in town last July, it being found impossible to state amount of Father Fahey's debts, it was determined to initiate a Memorial Fund to pay them off, and with the surplus to erect a suitable monument. The following sums paid in or guaranteed, and for

which I hereby acknowledge myself responsible







Jan. 27, 1872.

Carmen de Areco,

List of Subscribees.

Duffy & Sons, M. L. Leahy, M. Murray, T. McGuire, Mr. Mullaly, P. Doherty, M. Gannon, J. J. F. Murphy, M. Grace, D. Lyons, Mrs. Shanahan, P. Moran, D. McCarthy, Mrs. J. Mahon, Mrs. Mason, C. McGuire, Ed. Kelly, J. B. Dowling, Mrs. Murphy & Sons, Mr. Scally, L. Murray, E. Kenny, J. Furlong, P. Walsh, D. Coughlan, M. Murphy, J. Norton, W. Hyland, H. Mullen, J. Mullen, P. Howlin, J. McCormack, J. Kavanagh, R. Gray, P. Killien, D. Murphy, J. Bracken, M. Murray, B. Degnan, J. Moran, J. Gaynor, E. Fagan, P. Fallon, B. Fagan, W. Lynch, Wm. Brien, Mrs. Kenny, J. Cormick, M. Sheehy,
McGinnis, T. Cordon, T. Dalton, P. Cordon, M. LeMoran, E. Walpole, J. Kelly, J. McLoughlin, M. Rigney, J. Tumulty, J. Lennon, T. Boland, M. Farrell, J. Kelly, J. Creevy, M. Finn, P. Carey, M. Killimed, M. Sheely, A. Corcoran, M. Scallan, J. Reilly, J. McGrath, D. Walsh, P. Ford, Mrs. Burns, P. Kinsella, P. Murphy, J. Flood, R. Murphy, J. Murphy, E. Boyle, James Moore, D. Ney, E. Hayden, Mrs. Rourke, F. O'Neill, J. Doolen, P. Codd, M. Connor, J. Rooney, P. Harkins, J. Doolen, E. Hayden, D. O'Connell, J. Mahon, R. Hammond, B.

strange, J.



Hope, A. Craig, S. Mason, Mrs. Rurke, P. Bryan, P. Whelan, P. Ganisder, Sarah Bryan, J. Gannon, T. Rossiter,

P. Bates, B. Parker, C. Flanagan, P. Martin,


Daly, J. Rourke, H. Anderson, T. Mason, Jr., Miss Mason, Mary Mason, Eliza Mason, J. Mason, Jr., John Bannon, J. Byrne, C. Byrne, D. Brennan, W. Mulligan, M. Murtagh,

Rodgers, M. Daly, T. McLoughlin, J. Finnegan, E. Geoghegan, C. Dennigan, H. Dalton, J. Ward, J. Stewart. Total, $57,699.c/l.



M. Dowd,






W. Murphy, T. Ledwith, J. Rafferty, J. Macken, J. Doyle, P. Downes, L. Ganly, P. Dalton, P. Keogh, Coyley, J. Rooney, J. Walsh, L. Gaul, J. Farrell, P. Farrell, M.
Pierce, Michael Pierce, J. O'Neill, P.


J. Jeffers, J.

F. Gaul, T. Keogh, P. Roche, Dr. Creagh, J. Allen, J. Rock, P. Scally, T. Downes, T. Cleary, J. Downey, J. Crowley, W. Bulger, D. G. Brett, W. Carr, P. Cleary, P. Toole, J. Lynagh, P. Carr, J. Keogh, W. Furlong, M. Browne, Henry Liffe, B. Carbery, J. Furlong, R. Hagen, P. Ennis, L. Carbery, M. Quinn, Mrs. Coady, H. Bannon, B. Mahon, J. Kenny, R. Daly, J. Rochford, W. Richards, Mrs. Hyland, J. Patts, M. Kennedy, J. Brennan, P. Young, W. Gilligan, M. Geoghegan, O. Ward, P. Ward, J. McGuire, J. Scally, J. Dennan, M. Farrell, M. Feeny, J. Heslin, P. Shanly, Mrs. Langan, J. Cormack, J. Downes, J. Kenny, J. Ham, J. Grennan, John Grennan, Sylvester Neighster, J. Mullen, M. Ledwith, P. Geoghegan, L. Egan, J. Wilson, D. Coughlan, M. Lynch, A. McDermott, P. Wallace, M. Gilligan, Joseph Daly, M. Cregan, Joseph Hafford, G. Ledwith, J. Drennan, E. Casey, P. Browne, L. Scally, L. Quinn, T. King, G. McDonald, P. Keogan, P. O'Loughlin, P. Lynn, J. Donohue, J. Lynn, An Irishman.

Gaul, J.

Murphy, P. Cormack, T.

Cardiff, J. Pender, J. Roach, J. Coady, J.

Total, $26,532.c/l.
'^o Tnovemcnt for the

good of the old land was started



Carmen de Areco Leahy was Irish Chaplain of that district. The Fenian Movement had its echo there. In '75 the Home Government (Home Rule) cause was taken up there, and
that did not strike a responsive chord in
while Father

a branch of the organization formed; O'Connell's Centen-

ary was duly celebrated in the same year by a meeting in St. Brendan's College, and in 1880, when the Irish Relief Fund was started, there was sent from the district the largest sum collected in any one locality, about 300. Both the Father Leahys seem to have been nationalists of much more advanced views than the rest of their fellow-chaplains. The Committee formed in Buenos Aires to carry out the collecting of the Relief Fund, although they did their work very creditably, were not very strong from the nationalist point of view, and for that, or some other cause. Father Leahy ignored them and sent his collection directly to certain of the Bishops in Ireland, where he conceived the money was most needed. This action brought, indirectly, a little newspaper controversy between him and Mr. Michael Carroll, the President of the Buenos Aires Committee. Both defended their causes very well, but it can be seen that Father Leahy had no great faith in the Committee and its methods, and in all truth the Committeemen were not of the kind that would ever break many bones in making Ireland a Nation.

A seemingly, from the report of examinations for the year 1875, very successful Spanish-English College, under the control of Thomas G. Nolan, was carried on in Carmen for some time. In '78 the people of Carmen presented Father Leahy with a testimonial of 360 on the occasion of his starting on a trip to Ireland to recruit his health.
although helping him somewhat, did not bring about anything like a permanent improvement and six years later, after long suffering he died in Mendoza, whither he had gone with the hope of husbanding out "life's taper" a little longer. Nine years from this latter date his remains were brought back and interred in Carmen de Areco.




Some two years after the death of the Chaplain another Irishman, a more or less public character, and a very great benefactor of his countrymen, died in Carmen, Patrick Ward.

He came of a famous family of bone-setters in Westmeath, and many a dislocated joint and broken limb from San Antonio to Salto, and from the Parana to Chacabuco, his skillful hands brought to order and usefulness during his The cure, I believe, career of benevolence and kindliness. "runs in the family," and, so, he was not, fortunately, the
last of his line of benefactors.

man came to a house on Dooner's camp one 1886 and asked for a revolver or hatchet or any The men of similar deadly weapon that might be about. the house were not at home and the woman of the house fled to where her sons were engaged with their flock on the plain. A neighbor, by the name of Owens, was consulted, and he said he would go and see what the strange man wanted with the articles asked for. Soon after some shots were heard and when another neighbor went to make inquiries he found Owens dead in front of the house, and the



The police were strange man walking about leisurely. brought as soon as possible, and when they came the strange man, too, was lying dead. He was a maniac, but unknown
in the district.

In 1887 another fund for the advancing of the Irish home was started in Carmen, Thomas McGuire and James Lawless being President and Secretary, respectively, of the committee having charge of the movement, and a sum of over 200 was raised. The next public spirited act of importance which the district had to its credit was the raising of the necessary funds to bring home the remains of its beloved Chaplain from their resting place in far off Mendoza. The Passionists were then in the district, and Fathers Cyprian and Victor took a leading part in this movement. The people erected memorial tablets to both the Father Leahys in the Parish Church of Carmen. I should not forget to mention that McGuire's and Bowling's
cause at



building of the

chapels were both in this district.

Passionist Monastery, near the famous Irish district,


Luna, was commenced in 1892, and opened and occupied some two years later. So much of what I have said of Carmen de Areco is true of Salto that I have scarcely anything, or very little peculiar to the place, to tell. It is older as a settlement and a town than Carmen, but like Carmen was a frontier stronghold at first. In 1820 Miguel Carrera, the Chilian fugitive and Argentine interloper, with a band of traitors, adventurers and Indian confederates assaulted the town, overcame and slaughtered the garrison, desecrated the church, sacked and burned the place and gave as slaves to the Indians its women and children. Father M. L. Leahy was its first regular Irish Chaplain. It became a sheep-farming district about 1860, or perhaps a year or two earlier, and by '64 it had quite an important Irish colony. Messrs. Patrick and William Murphy, M. Murray, John Hyland,

and J. Riddle were then its principal Irish estancieros. As in Carmen, so in Salto, Father M. L. Leahy at once, on

advent to the place,

set to

providing his people with the

and progress. A was founded and a circulating library was established in the town with the following for officers: J. Murphy, W. Murphy, J. Hyland, P. Browne, Ed. Casey, J. Ham; J. J. T. Murphy being secretary. Father John B. Leahy, after serving for a short time as Chaplain to the Irish Convent in Buenos Aires, and, of course, attending the Hospital and Orphanage, and generally assisting Father Fahey, was transferred to the district of his brother and so was, as assistant, Irish Chaplain in Salto, Rojas, Chacabuco and Carmen for some time. His stay, however, on his first appointment to the district was brief, as Father Fahey recalled him again to Buenos Aires in the year '70. Two years after Father
means of moral and
social betterment

club or society called St. Patrick's

Fahey's death he resigned the city Chaplaincy in very broken health and made a short visit to Ireland, On hi


laincy of his brother.


return, and for the third time, he was attached to the Chap-

Like M. L. he was a very ardent

Salto was one of the departments wherein robbery and murder of the foreign settlers in the first years of their coming was of so frequent occurrence as to give the district

a sinister prominence among places of evil fame. And although the strong hand of the law began slowly to assert itself, as late as '76 and '77 some shocking deeds of savagery and crime were committed. An Irishman's puesto

on Kenny's camp was broken into, the man murdered and Same night, on the Hyland all his belongings carried away. estancia, a number of robbers assembled and began driving away the sheep of a lone shepherd. On being awakened by his watch-dogs he boldly sallied out in pursuit and came in range of the robbers, at once commencing to fire shots at them and put them to flight without their carrying away any of his flock. On his return, however, with his rescued
sheep, he found his house robbed of everything


of value, and even his horse and riding gear included in

the spoil.

The year

following, within two leagues of the

town, another Irishman, Martin Lynam, was attacked by two gauchos and died within a couple of hours after he

had received

fifteen stabs

and two revolver-shots.


native family


lived close by, hearing the shouts of the

unfortunate shepherd, hastened to his aid and did what they could to save his life. Our people are to a great
extent secure and prosperous in the camps to-day, but


they should be reminded once in a while of the cost and danger at which the foundations of that prosperity and security were laid. It used to be said that
well, I repeat,

you could not enter Salto by road from any of the neighboring towns without passing over the lands of some Irishman. The saying, I believe, holds true still, although the roads to Salto are more numerous now than they used to be. In 1880 a great Land League meeting was held in Salto, and a branch of the home organization established there.



In the latter part of the year 1880 prosecutions were instituted by the English Government against Parnell and


of his lieutenants in the land



the old


Money was needed

in the first

to defend the political prison-


week of the year 1881 William Murphy

of Salto started the local collection for the "Parnell Defense

Fund," and the following subscribed $7275: W. Murphy, Dennen, A Well-wisher, E. Casey, John Dennen, P. Geoghegan, P. Dalton, R. Doyle, E. Hayden, T. Daly, E. Kenny, P. Regan, J. McDonnell, H. Ravertos, P. McCarthy, J. Geoghegan, J. Reilly, P. McLoughlin, O. Geoghegan, J. Leonard, P. Wallace, T. Leonard, T. Dinnen, C. Byrne, T. Ledwith, J. Leslee, E. Hafford, P. Conway, E. Richard, B. Austin, J. Grennan, W. Bannon, M. Evers, E. Brown, J. M'Cormack, J. Hanlon, M. Neville, S. Keating, A Fenian from Catamarca, Fr. Leahy, J. Green, An enemy of the Downing St. Club, P. Scally, B. McDermott, J. Tuite, P. Connor, P. Killimet, P. McGuire, P. McManus, M. Scally, M. Gannon and E. Moran. In 1884 the Passionist Fathers Victor and Cyprian started their branch house in Salto and opened a school;

they have attended to the chaplaincies of the district ever


Although Rojas as an Irish settlement is of about the same date as Salto it was for twenty years after its opening up the very outpost of civilization in its direction, and its further borders suffered from frequent Indian raids even
into the last quarter of the nineteenth century.



would think, looking at the innumerable farms and homes of Santa Fe and Southern Cordoba, and even to the hills of San Luis, that less than forty years ago tribes of wild Indians were a reality in Rojas! James Ballesty was the first Irishman to purchase land in this department, and for long he was the leading Irish estanciero of the place. And no man, native or foreign born, took a truer or more intelligent interest in its welfare and progress than he. Soon after Ballesty came Tormey,



Fox, Lennon and Hughes, and by ^65, six years after the opening up of the place, it was one of the great sheepfarming districts of the country, and in addition was making great headway in agriculture. Of its 320,000 sheep in that year 65,000 belonged to Irishmen, Mr. Hughes being then the largest owner. In '66 Father Leahy founded its Irish Club and Library, and it was the first district in the country to start the Fenian Prisoners' Fund in '67 the

$3670 thereto; James Ballesty, Thomas Geoghegan, John Lennon, Patrick Murphy, John Tobin, James Tobin, Henry N. Geddes (Scotch), Thomas


Mullaly, Michael Dalton, Nicholas Pirce, G. D., Patrick

Barret, Martin Feeney, David Walsh, Michael Keenan, John

Gannon, Peter Claifey, Terence Toole, John Ledwith, John Cunningham, Christopher Dalton, John Egan, James
Nicholson, Thomas Reynolds, Patrick Ward, Peter Ward, William Boggan, Michael Browne, Michael Scallan, George Furlong, Joseph Murphy, Mrs. Gill, Francis Doyle, William Furlong, Patrick Malone, Patrick McMinnigan, Wm. Harford, John Mullen, James Furlong, C. W., Thomas

James BalConnor, Patrick Ballesty, Timothy Dalton. was chairman of the fund committee, and John Gannon, secretary. As soon as Carmen started the Fahey Memorial in practical form, Rojas at once moved in the matter, and a meeting was called in the same month to consider the project. There was some little opposition not to the cause, but to the men who had taken it up, this, however, was smoothed over and the movement as to the founding of a Boys' Orphanage under the charge of the Christian Brothers unanimously approved. Messrs. M. Tormey, R. B. Browne, and P. Murphy made the Committee to take charge of the movement locally, with Father Leahy for President and Mr. E. O'C. O'Farrell for Secretary. Chacara extended rapidly around Rojas, much more so than in districts twenty leagues nearer to the Capital, and as early as '75 Mr. Ballesty introduced the latest and most approved steam thresliing machine into the parish and let it for hire to the



farmers around, and this enterprise on his part had much

to do with the advance in agriculture, especially in wheat


Much has been said and written of the cruelty of the Spaniards towards the Indians, the truth, as regards the Plate country is that they interfered with the aborigines as little and as seldom as circumstances would allow. Thus, although there were garrisons at Areco, Salto, Rojas, Pergamino, Melincue, Fraile Muerte, and so on to Cordoba and Mendoza on the line of communications, twenty leagues
west of the Viceregal Capital the Indians lived quite unmolested, save when they came eastward looking for trouble.

But as population increased and land became scarce in the protected districts, the garrisons were pushed out somewhat
and the wild men had
without a contest.
as to move back, but never, in those days, Thus when civilization crept westward

it was time to clear a keep the civilized and the uncivilized brothers a safe distance apart, and the Guardia In time with punitive forays, de Lujan was established. peace treaties and expeditions to the desert, "guardas"

far as the outpost of Lujan,

sufficient stretch of territory to

found their occupation gone, and in place of the fosse and stockade the city of Mercedes sprung up. From Lujan and Moreno as well as from the old camps of the near South Irish sheep-men crossed its borders soon after the epoch making day of Caseros. But the movement was not as sudden and as general as in the case of the camps more to the north. However, in the year '60 I find a very considerable population in the parish; and three years later the following subscribed a large sum of money as a reward for the man, or men, who would arrest and bring to Mercedes the murderer of Mr. Kirby and his workman, two Englishmen assassinated on Mahon's camp, shortly before: Rev. Thomas Carolan (Irish Chaplain), John Cotter, Thomas Ledwith, M. Heavy, M. Tyrrell, D. Dowling, L. Barry, O. Owens, T. W. Fitzgerald, W. Dennehy, Martin Synnott, John Dunne, R. Moore, R. Nugent, M. Murray, P.


Walsh, R. Coffey,



Hogan, M. Tyrrell,

Allen, R.

Coughlan, J. Nugent, Michael Lodge, M. Culleton, J.

Gallagher, T. Howlin, T. J. Fitzgerald, D. Casey, J. DinR. Rooney, R. Moore, L. Kenny, Ed. Garraghan,

J. Furlong, Mrs. Cotter S. Dinnan, J. Dillon, J. Slaven, M. Carmody, M. Murray, Patrick Gannon, T. Kilmurray, J. McMahon, J. Martin, Timothy Fahey, T. Ledwith, T. McGuire, Wm. Cleary, Julia McKey, Patrick Scally, G.

James Kenny, M. Gallagher,


Burke, T.

Robbins, M. Kenny, J. Murray, J. Heavy, J. Kelly, Michael Tyrrell, P. Garaghan, P. Dowling, James Doolin, David Lennon, F. Crinnigan, M. McDonnell, T. Evans, Peter Kearney, B. Rourke, M. McDonough, T. Naughton,

Murray and

J. Glass.

report in the same year states

that one-ninth of the land of the department belonged to







Kearney, Kelly, Lowe, Martin, Hallion, Ledwith, McGuire, Tyrrell, Connor, Dillon, Flannagan, McKey, etc.
rather curiously termed,

In '67 the following subscribed $4200 to what they "The Poor of Ireland Fund" it

was, of course, for the same purpose as the fund in other places called the "Fenian Prisoners Fund." Like at all
times here, and never more than at the present day, there were

then in Mercedes some would-be Irish leaders who wouldn't be Irish all out. Those whose names figured in the list

"Poor" fund were the following, and was hardly from them that the fund got its peculiar title: J. Gallagher, B. Furlong, B. Heavy, J. Fay, J. Heavy, James Gallagher, M. Connolly, R. Deane, P. Green, R. Moore, H. Deery, W. Cleary, T. Howlin, T. Scally, T. Geoghegan, L. Heavy, L. Murphy, M. Murray, J. McGuire, J. Dillon, James Duffy, T. Dillon, Rev. T. Carolan, L. Estrange, N. Browne, Peter Moore, M. Kenny, Luke Rooney, Frank Kelly, Dr. Hutchinson, Thomas Miller, T. Cunningham, Michael Healy, James Savage, J. Moran, P. Slammon, M, Slammon, Ed. Garraghan, B. Miller, P.
of subscribers to the

Sullivan, E.


McGreggor, J. Browne, F. Slammon, E. Slammon, D. Bowes, Mrs. Ward and John Ward. The year 1872 is the most important one in the history of the Irish community in Mercedes, for in that year the Irish Sisters of Mercy opened their Convent there, and a
few months later Father McNamara established his school In February the Nuns, at their own expense, rented and furnished a house and started their Very soon after Sefiora Josefa Gonzales school therein.
for boys in the town.

made them a present of a piece of land and at once they commenced to raise money to build a house of their own on this ground, so kindly presented to them.
de Saubidet

couple of months later they issued a circular naming the

following Irish Chaplains collectors of funds for the carry-

Fathers Patrick Lynch, Samuel O'Reilly, James Curran, M. L. Leahy, Thomas Mullady, C. W. Walsh, William Grennon, and Edmund Flannery.
ing out of their project:

Father Leahy declined to act, giving as his reasons, that on the Irish Hospital was all cleared off and the institution in a condition of getting on he could not ask the people for subscriptions for any other charitable enterprise; he would, however, be glad to forward to the Sisters any contributions given him for their purpose. Father Mullady seems to have been the first of the Chaplains to raise a subscription for the Convent, and the year after its foundation published the following list: C. Lestrange, J. Lestrange, Mrs. Nolan, M. McDermott, Mrs. Liffe, S. Mason, D. G. M. Ballanabarna, P. Casey, J. Keegan, P. Hogan, J. Campbell, M. Mulvihill, J. Allen, J. Noonan, P. Thompson, E. Maxwell, J. Dunne, J. Maxwell, W. Rooney, J. Caskell, E. Nolan, J. Vidal, J. Maxwell,
until the debt

John Melia, J. Gallagher, B. Casey, S. Martinez, P. Devereux, Mrs. Devereux, J. O'Brien, L. Hurley, M. Fay, L. Kilimet, T. Mulvey, T. Martin, J. Street, D. J. D., B. Fay, B. Gearaghty, T. Noonan, Mrs. M. Kelly, Mrs. P. Wallace, Mrs. E. Brownson, P. Caskell, P. Mitchell, A. Abbot, P. Keegan, T. Donovan, J. Walsh, P. Connolly,


W. Ryan,


J. Hogan, J. Howard, F. Casey, R. Kirwan, B. M. McDonnell, V. Aldert, J. D. Viera, J. Wheeler, H. Phillips, E. Duggan, P. Kearney, E. Malone, J. Nally,

Cunningham, E. Cunniffe, T. Austin, T. A Friend. Collected by Rev. J. Donlon, P. Moore, P. Donlon, W. P. Lynch, Lujan: Jackson, B. Heavy, T. Heavy, Mrs. Heavy, T. Clavin, T. Langan, J. Dunne, T. Newman, G. Clarke, G. Scally, An Irishman, L. Kirwan, John Cunningham, T. Cunningham, J. Ham, D. Clavin, Mrs. Casey, Mr. Armstrong, Miss Justa Armstrong also subscribed. The total of this first list of

Gaffney, J.


P. Farrell, P. King,

subscriptions published being $21,180.c/l.

Father McNamara's college became at once a success, and had a very encouraging attendance of boys, but in its second year a bad epidemic of measles broke out amongst its pupils and the institution had to be temporarily closed. The Sisters lost no time in pushing on the work of their new Convent, and notwithstanding that they had continued receiving subscriptions and donations, two years after the foundation of the house they issued a statement showing that they were $168,000 in debt, and mentioned that they would have to appeal to the generosity of their country
people for


Like other camp districts Mercedes early started horseracing, and its meets were among some of the best and most largely attended in the country. In 1876 it consolidated with Navarro with the intention of holding but one meet for the two districts, and a difficulty arose as to which place should have the Race-course and meet. After some argument and disagreement they very sensibly left the question to be settled by arbitration. A few years previously, however, when the Race-course was at Altamirana so inordinately enamored of the sport did the people become that when the regular two days' event was over, the crowds refused to be satisfied and kept up the diversion for a whole week. The promoters of the meet tried in vain to bring it to a close at the end of the third day. The gathering, was,



of the people of the district,

of course, of all nationalities


and the disorderly proceedings and set them

rather against such diversions. In 1880 the Irish Convent closed, the Sisters removing

with those of the parent house in Buenos Aires, to Australia. few months later another memorable loss befell the Irish community of the district in the death of their pastor. Rev.

Patrick Lynch, on



At that time

the Chaplaincy

Father and came and Lynch was, like Father O'Reilly, a Longfordman, failing health to Buenos Aires in '67, he had been in for some time and was removed to Buenos Aires to assist Dean Dillon, with the hope that the change would be good for his health, but it had the opposite effect, and he reFather turned to Mercedes where he died, soon after. Mercedes had O'Reilly succeeded him in the Chaplaincy. a Judge O'Connor in 1866, and previous to that time robberies were greatly complained of, the police and the bandits, it was said, making common cause against the



Some of the police, in uniform, were caught broad day-light with the most noted robbers, in stockNo district suffered more from the Cholera lifting raids. plague. An Irish doctor came to the place in '72, Dr. Richard Windle, a Corkman, but he only lived a couple of years, dying in '74. As in all the districts where the first
Irish settlers acquired a considerable portion of the land
is still a flourishing Irish colony in Mercedes, and annual Irish feasts and pastimes are second to none in The Pallotine Fathers, amongst whom are the country. many Irish priests, have given to Mercedes the best and most truly Irish College in the Republic. This Order was established here in 1886 by Fathers B. Feeney, J. P. BanDean Dillon was very anxious ning, and W. Withmee. that the Fathers establish a Boys' Orphanage and a Training School, and with Mrs. Morgan's help, something in the order of a training school was started at Azcuenega, Giles, but was found not to be feasible just then. Father Feeney




was a literary man to some extent, and published a little monthly called "Flowers and Fruit," of a religious nature, but, like the training school, it was not the thing for the time or place, and it had a very short life. Navarro as an Irish settlement is somewhat older than Mercedes, but as it first depended, as it were, on Lobos and afterwards on the more compact and advantageously situated colony of Mercedes, it has not greatly stood out as a As early as self-sufficient center like some of those named.
'63, however, the parish
his is the first Irish

had a pulpero named Sheehan, and name I have come across in that busi-

ness, outside of

Buenos Aires.
Irish Races.


its first

Two years after the district Messrs. Norris, Kenny, Fox,

chief or-

McClusky, Martin, Austin and Manny were the


ganizers of the meet and the principal owners of the race-

The parish was well represented Fahey Testimonial in the same year. In '67


the Father

Races were


said, to

"the best ever held in Mullingar."

There were tents on the course, a band of music, dancing and all kinds of gamesters. Father Curran, in true homeSagart style, cautioned the people to avoid drink and excitement and to keep the peace and such good order as would A cup worth be to the credit of their name and race. $4000 was won by Gahan's "Sebruno" from Murphy's "Saino," the riders being J. Casey and J. Moore, respectively. The racing was for two days, but the meeting did not wholly terminate for nearly a week those were funny times, good times, in the camp. The best of good order, however, was maintained, and it was Navarro's greatest Irish event so far. The racing was kept up for many years in this district, and was one of the very important meets of the camp. On St. Patrick's Day a club was founded to assist the

Irish people in "their struggle for liberty."



ing subscribed $3630: John Fitzgerald, J. McLoughlin, F. O'Louglilin, Peter O'Loughlin, L. Walton, M. Dillon, James

McLoughlin, Owen Gearaghty, M. Daly, J. McLoughlin,



James Kenny, Bartle Fagan, Pat Murray, Pat Brennan, John Kelly, M. Sexton, P. Casey, W. Birmingham, J.

P. Nolan, P. Kelly, J.

Byrne, Ed. Brady, T. Pidgeon, P. Finneran, Moran, Pat McGuinness, J. Clavin,






Father Curran was for some time Irish Chaplain of the district, and in this year his countrymen erected in the Parish Church, a splendid altar to his memory.

Navarro had an Irish Judge, Thomas Kenny, in '81, and his investiture with the office was attended with great ceremony. Reports of the proceedings would to some extent remind one of the installation of a governor or presi-

dent of some important state.


close relations between

and usefully manifested in the function. A special mass was celebrated in the parish church, whereat the new functionary was administered the oath of office, and the day was held a local feast. Empty ceremony and pomp in the official business of a republic

Church and State were

not, on general principles, to be encouraged, but I think

such a ceremony as this one was useful and its continuance on such occasions might be of public advantage. That an
affairs where moral duty are the first principles required should be pledged, in the most public and solemn manner in presence of those whose interests will be in his keeping, cannot but have a good effect both on the administrator and on those to be administered to. There

who has

to deal with so



strict faithfulness to

much in a public pledge, or oath, especially when the parties concerned are face to face with each other every day while the pledge lasts.

Chivilcoy, although


quickly became an Irish settlement

from its very beginning an agricultural district. A return made in 1853, when the department was still new, gave the number of "ingleses" within its confines as ten. There being seven Protestants, and there being no Germans or Americans recorded in the census, it is pretty safe to say that the seven were English,
of considerable importance, was

MGR. O'REILLY. "FATHER SAM " At the time of his death, 1917, dean of the Irish Chaplains



which would make it appear that there could not be more than three Irish in the parish, in all probability. It had then nearly thirty thousand sheep and ten thousand squares of chacara. It would seem that but few Irish gathered in there before the middle Sixties, for there were but two subscriptions, in '65, to the Fahey Testimonial from the parish. In '68 the Municipality appealed to the Archbishop to send them a company of the Irish Sisters of Mercy as no nurses
could be found

who would attend


to the cholera patients,

and conditions
them then here

the town were

most deplorable.

Sisters could not meet one-twentieth part the


The demand on

Buenos Aires, and

so, of course, the heart-

rending request could not be complied with.


of the

new towns, nor, indeed, of the old


rose to importance so rapidly as Chivilcoy.

In twenty years

sprang from the position of a mere camp village into first interior city of the Province. It owes this sudden and steady progress mostly to the fact that a large colony of Italian and Basque agriculturists was planted here in the latter Fifties on very favorable land tenure conditions. Sheep-farming developed also in the district at a rate scarcely surpassed in any other department, and by the year '80 it was one of the wealthiest and most important centers of Irish wool-farmers in the land. An Irish school was opened in the town by a Mrs. Bent in the early Seventies. In 1880 the famous case of the murderous assault on Mr. Patrick Cantlon, by soldiers, under superior orders, gave the place a rather unenviable notoriety. A revolution was in progress, and as in such times there was no prothat of
tection for families, sparsely spread over the plains,


the bands of lawless ruffians and bandits the country in the

who went about


of representing one or other of

the contending factions, on military duty, but mostly to

rob and outrage at their own sweet will, it was the custom with settlers to move their women folk and children into
the nearest town, for protection, until order would be restored. Mr. Cantlon had done this, but had himself re-




mained at



tend his flocks

and protect


he could. It is right to say that single men who let the soldiers have what they wanted in the way of eatables and use the house as they needed were seldom or never maltreated. Cantlon got his family
effects in so far as

town hurriedly when the trouble broke out, and some days later was proceeding to bring them some clothing and other things in the way of supplies which the hurry of leaving did not permit them of providing themselves with on their flight to the town. On his way he had to pass not far from an encampment of soldiers he was hailed by one who demanded his horses; the plucky Kerryman, for such Cantlon was, refused the demand, and when the militaryman drew his sword to enforce his will, the sheep-farmer defended himself so well with his whip that the soldier beat a retreat to the camp to report the engagement. Immediately a picket was dispatched to bring the offender to the camp, dead or alive. Cantlon continuing his journey saw that the picket was on his track, turned off his road and

asked admission at the house of a Basque. Just then the soldiers arrived and informed all present that their orders were to shoot the "gringo." Cantlon hastened inside and six rifle bullets were poured through the door, two of them lodging in his body. He was seized in the most brutal manner, battered and beaten without mercy, although supposed to be mortally wounded, bound and brought to the encampment where the "General" told him he ought to have been put to death at once. He was sent a prisoner
to Chivilcoy where he

was well-known as a most respectable and intelligent man, and the outrage provoked such horror and indignation amongst all classes that he was at once released, and with good surgical attention recovered in a short time. The case was brought before the English Parliament by some of the Irish representatives and the Argentine Government, I believe, offered him some compensation.











He Chivilcoy in 1887, where, thirty years later, he died. fifty years an Irish Chaplain in Argentina, a practical

believer in the simple

he grew wealthy fast, and gave

of that wealth in every charitable

and patriotic cause, Irish

and Argentine, with unstinted




lived to be


of the Irish

Chaplains, was popular with his

good priest and a good Irishman. Saladillo, 25 de Mayo and Bragado were Indian territory for the most part till about the year 1860, when sheepraising was extended gradually from the older districts adjoining. None of these seems to have become centers of
people, a kindly and generous friend, a

attraction for Irish immigrants as did the partidos of the

North of the Province; they each and

a few Irish landowners

all, however, had an early date, and Bragado

between '80 and '90 had a considerable number of Irish residents. The most common account from these places in their first years of settlement are of Indian raids, shocking

murders and wholesale robberies. In 1863 a man was publicly executed in 25 de Mayo who had committed twelve murders and many other monstrous crimes, and he was only twenty years of age. In Bragado a few years later a band of murderers, in which police officials and women figured, broke into the house of a Spanish inn-keeper, murdered him then laid him out to wake, with candles lighted, standing in bottles and a large open book at his head, the account says a Mass Book. Thus arranged they prepared supper and enjoyed a grand One of the females who was feast of eating and drinking. threatened with death by her consort, for her loose habits, went to the authorities, in fear of her own life, and told the whole story. But after all this it took a strong threat of an all-round dose of Lynch-law to make the Justice of the Peace and the Chief of Police take action in the matter. Saladillo, like Salto, and at about the same time, had a double Irish murder one night in June, '75. Two old Irishmen, Michael McCullogh and John Cormack had their



throats cut, almost to the severance of their heads from In '68 there their bodies, by bands of roving assassins.

was a famous case of horse-stealing in the department of 25 de Mayo. Two Irish estancieros, Moore and Kenny, A diligent lost some thirty of the very pick of their horses. search was immediately made for the animals, by their owners, of course, and they were traced to the port of Zarate; but when Kenny came up with them in the port
they were already loaded in a ship about to sail for Brazil. He identified the horses and claimed them before the authorities, but some legal difficulty was found between the jurisdiction





and those of the

Nation, who attended to customs and port affairs, and the

ship sailed

away with

the stolen horses.

Further out and newer are the districts of Nueve de There is little to be recorded Julio, Azul and Las Flores. of these departments, although they have all some Irish John Gaynor, a rich Irishman of Capilla del residents. Sefior, bought and stocked some leagues of land in Nueve de Julio in '65. He was greatly pleased with his purchase and thought it was something very like foolishness to remain trying to make any kind of a living at all on the inside camps, when such camps, and so cheap, could be got outside. He had two Irishmen minding his sheep, and a squad of seven Basques working in the building of a fine mansion on his new estate. One day in the spring of ^65 a band of Indians from the neighboring "long grass" suddenly swooped down on the poor Basques killing five of them, leaving for dead the remaining couple and carrying off horses, carts and everything portable that could be




The sheep being not of this latter category unmolested and the Irishmen got away with their

In the Revista de la Plata is told an interesting story in the commercial life of the town and district of Azul. Life on the outer edges of new settlements was always

and a good








like the


property not very soundly established and business ethics,

manners of the sons of the soil, of a rather primitive order. Hides and grease were the chief marketable products, and as the country for hundreds of leagues around was covered over with herds of cattle and troops of horses there
was a big trade
in the said




who kept

a large business establishment and



fast, supplied all

needed goods to the surrounding

salable articles, and, as well,


and bought


One day a large estancia stocked with cattle and horses. he said to a young gaucho, an employee of one of the
principal cattle ranches of the department.

"How much

salary do you get from that rich

so hard.?"



whom you work

"So much,"

replied the

young man, naming

monthly wage.


a scandal!" exclaimed the kindly

merchant, sympathetically. "Man, you cannot live on that wage, and moreover you will never be anything more than a mere peon if you do not try some other way of making

a livelihood.


don't you go in for collecting hides.?

a shame that a wealthy

pay you a decent wage I'll buy any hides you bring me at night and enable you to make a decent living for yourself." It was agreed. Next night the young man and a friend came at the appointed hour with a bundle of
cow-hides which they heaved over the wall of the merchant's



your master would

yard, and immediately rapped at the private door of the



to collect for the goods just delivered.


operation was repeated steadily for a month or so,

until one day,

by accident, the merchant discovered a hide


with his own

mark on


immediately called his yard-

man, who knew nothing about the arrangement with the young gaucho, to explain how this hide came to be here without his having heard of any of his bullocks having died. The yardman explained that he was mistaken, and that a great many of them must have died as he had been receiving their hides every night now for more than a month. The wrath of the merchant was very temptestuous and the




to all within reach

stupidity of the

yardman was proclaimed

stood well with the police, however, and when his worthy protege would this night come to receive the profit of his traitor traffic he would demand back all of the hundreds of dollars he had paid this perof the trader's voice.
fidious robber for
his fine cattle,

doubly robbing him, in not only killing but having him pay the vile scoundrel for

doing it. The young man presented himself as usual. The merchant fulfilled his promise of threat and demand. But the young man with an almost childish simplicity asked was it not the bargain that he was to bring in the hides and the merchant was to pay for them. "But," stormed the dealer, "not the hides of my own cattle." "Ah, Senor," meekly responded the young man, "you did not mention that; I thought it was all the same to you what herd you got them from, so long as you got hides, and you just pay me now for what I have delivered, or as soon as I call, a couple of friends I have outside will step in and help me to collect, and if you want to apply to the police, why, do so, but I have some friends there, too." The merchant paid up and parted with his young friend on the best of terms. This department had very few Irish before the year '70, and even then it did not become a place of settlement for our people in any great numbers, although a few families purchased land there, and there were many Irishmen engaged on native and other estancias in the district. The place was raided by Indians in '67, and much damage done in the way of house burning and the driving away of stock. There are few Irish there now. Flores was something of an Irish settlement in the year



said that the building of the

town commenced


the year '57, but sheep-farming was then so profitable and popular an employment that all the masons and laborers
left their bricks

and mortar for the chiqueros and sheepFlores was for long the greatest sheep

runs, and generally became wealthy farmers and estancieros

in a short time.

department of the south.

Mr. Paniel

C. Kellj established



a commission agency for the purchase and sale of land there in ^66, and his was said to be the first enterprise

kind opened in any camp town.


parishes of the south there are

In this and the other some Irish families, but

rather scattered and it would be hazardous to even make a guess at how many they number. It would be a very
tedious and heavy labor to search them out and note


down; but


some of our people resident,

in these out-of-

the-way places, would, in their leisure hours, enter down the names of those they know in their district, and any little data as to when they settled there, and whence they came, and send the information to the Irish papers, it would be doing a service greater than any of us may now be aware of, supplying very interesting matter to the papers, and performing a very .patriotic and not unpleasant task. It would be of no particular matter whether the notes were written in the national language or in English, getting such
notes into print, and as correctly as possible

what would

From Mercedes and Carmen de Areco sheep-farmers spread into the nearer parts of Chacabuco about the year '60. At that time the lands where is now the town of Chacabuco were beyond the pale of civilization. The colony of Chacabuco having been founded only in the year 1870, and the town being a place of but some 500 inhabitants five years after when Mulhall compiled his Handbook. The inside portion of the parish must have filled up quite rapidly with Irish sheep-farmers, as the Irish Chapel, "Kilallen," on Michael Allen's land was opened in '68, the opening is
described in the Standard

by the well-known, and brightest

camp-correspondents of those days, "Fontenoy," Mr. Deehan. The two Fathers Leahy officiated. There was a great day's athletic sports, and dances were held after the day's work was done in some of the houses close by. Mr. Allen defrayed almost all the expenses of building the chapel, according to the account referred to. Father Leahy, as was customary with him, wherever the opportunity of-



At the fered, founded a library at the church later on. opening of the library, Michael Kearney, a boy of 14 years, delivered a very remarkable address, for one of his age, on the event of the day.
As the Irish people with their flocks pushed westward and many new estancias were established, "Kilallen" was left far behind and a new chapel was needed. This want was duly supplied by Thomas Duggan in what is known in that district as "Duggan's Chapel," near San Patricio Railway Station. I attended Mass there in 1893 and was surprised at the fine, happy and prosperous-looking congregation that gathered there to the little edifice remote by many leagues from anything with even the pretentions of a village. But many a fair home and wealthy mansion with their white walls peeping through green plantations were visible in every direction on the wide plains. In those

days for leagues and leagues around that locality it was all grass and sheep and horsemen. Some families, however,

came to that Mass


comfortable brakes and coaches, and

there were not half a dozen people in the congregation that

were not Irish by birth or by parentage. The Chapel was Father O'Reilly's district, but it was Father Patrick O'Grady of Mercedes who attended that day, "Father Sam" being occupied somewhere else. In the latter part of 1881 Patrick Mulvihill collected for the Land League, in this parish, $3550 from the following: P. Callaghan, J. O'Loughlin, P. Scott, J. Ward, L. Keenan, T. Egan, J. Reynolds, Hugh McGrath, J. Rush,

W. Carr, M. Creevy, T. Fox, T. Farrell, J. Slaven, P. Reynolds, P. Downey, F. Crinnigan, P. Mulvihill (sen.), J. Conroy, M. Gerety, M. Dalton, J. Egan and P. Mulvihill


Such notorious robbers and generally lawless men were the Judge and Mayor of the town in the middle Eighties, that fifty of the principal land owners petitioned the Government to have the department relieved of them. The district has still a large and flourishing Irish community.



Suipacha was formerly part of the Mercedes department, and the settlement of our people there dates from the The Irish same time as their settlement in Chacabuco.
Chaplain of Mercedes was their Chaplain until the year 1879 when Father Lawrence Kirwan, then some twenty-two years in the country, was appointed to reside in the district and form a new Chaplaincy. In the same year he took sick while saying Mass, was brought back to Buenos Aires and died at the Merced Church, where he had previously been The department Parish priest, in the month of October.
of Suipacha was but a short time established then, and the

Committee appointed by the Irish Catholics

Aires, in '79,



"with a view to make better provision for the religious and educational wants of said community" named as delegates to represent the district and collect funds for After the Committee therein, L. Kenny and T. Kenny. the death of Father Kirwan the parish remained for some time without an Irish Chaplain, Father McNerney came to the district in '84 but did not remain long. The Pallotine Fathers have looked after the Chaplaincy since his time. San Pedro being a river port, at one time of great In importance, is one of the old towns of the Province. the latter Twenties I find a few Irish names amongst those who sought passports to the district, but it was not until about '55 that Irish sheep-farmers reached the place, and then not in large numbers. By the year Sixty, however, a good number of our people had established themselves there and soon purchased large estancias. The first subscriber towards the O'Connell Monument Fund came from this district,





was included




I^eahy's Chaplaincy of

Carmen de Areco,

until the


of Father

Edmund Flannery

About twenty miles, westward, in the open camp, in the year 1875, Father Flannery commenced building his church. The place was then the center of a populous Irish district, and lay from fifteen to twenty miles from the nearest church
or chapel.

Such an


was a deeply


want, indeed,





as the response of those concerned, to the appeal of their pastor, in the matter, proclaims as decisively as it does their

generosity and piety.

The Church and

priest's house

completed and opened to service in 1876. A of the inauguration of the new Chapel had this to say: "The chapel and priest's house built by the parishioners of Father Flannery surpass anything of the kind we have seen in this country. The new buildings are situated on very
high ground; the steeple of the church is visible at a distance of seven leagues. The worthy pastor deserves the
highest praise for his exertions to establish a permanent

were press report

mission in San Pedro, by building there an Irish Church with a residence for a priest attached. The disinterestedness of Father Flannery is well known to his flock;

The church is a The priest's residence is a well-built brick house of five rooms. The land was generously given by Mr. John Harrington, who also
hence their willingness to


handsome building with a handsome


gave a handsome donation towards the erection of the church, heading the list with $10,000.m/c. The building cost 2000 sterling; there is yet a deficit of 500 sterling, but The Irish were well represented at the it will be paid off. ceremony. There were the Harringtons, Mooneys, Austins, Kennedys' Doyles, Youngs, McDonnells, Owens, Newmans, Martins, Griffins, Keoghs, Eustaces, Quinns, Flahertys, Walls, Cullens, Kearneys, Roches, Wheelers, Cummins, Riardons, Nallys, Cloughisseys, Cavanaghs, Hogans, Brownes, Daltons, Kennys, Wades, Streets, Caseys, Brennans and a host of others. Wexford, Longford and Westmeath were well represented." The writer should have said that Clare was also well represented. Soon after the opening Father Flannery pubhshed the following statement: "All the neighboring Irish people and many natives have
subscribed liberally.

The accounts stand thus: Cost of Church, $261,402; amount subscribed, $195,846; balance due, $65,556."

eighty feet long, twenty-six feet wide



and thirty feet in height; it has a tower fifty feet high. Archdeacon Dillon performed the ceremony of consecration. Arrecifes is within the Chaplaincy of San Pedro. It is an old town and was a stage on the old coach road to the Robertson described it northern and western provinces. in 1811 as like Areco, "a miserable village"; it is now a pretty little town and in the midst of one of the richest districts in the whole province. Its occupation by the Irish is of about the same time as that of Salto and San Pedro; and as in these latter departments the occupation was a permanent one, many of the settlers having purchased fine estancias where they or their children still enjoy the fruits The parish is pretty well of their wisdom and industry. represented on the Fahey Testimonial list of ^65, the first



of Irish subscribers I have been able to

was forward in the Fenian Prisoners' Fund, as might be expected from a part of Father Leahy's Chaplaincy, and the following subscribed $3965: Owen Owens, Thomas Dwyer, John O'Brien, Jeremiah O'Brien, Michael O'Farrell, Michael O'Crehan, Paul Quinones (Argentino), Clement Cutelli (Italiano), C. de S. Morales (Argentino),

M. Bird, J. M. Aramburo (Espanol), M. M. de Jose Mendez (Argentino), Mrs. Hogan, J. M., Lawrence Scally, Michael Hogan, Charles Geoghegan, Thomas Hogan, John
Harrington, Patrick Martin, And. Geoghegan, John Finnegan, John Evans, F. P. O'Connor, Patrick Pitt, Thomas

Naughton, Michael Crowley, James Doyle, R. Hayes, Owen Kilmurray, John Wall, James Kehoe, William Greaves, Hugh O'Reilly, John Brennan, Patrick O'Connor, Edward
Molloy, Terence Molloy, William Martin, Edward Wall, N. Finnerty, N. Doyle, J. Crowley, John Crowley, M. O'Leary, M. Connery, P. York, D. Murphy, J. Curran, P. Cormic, M. Griffin, W. Hanly, P. Keenan, E. Cleary, J. Lennon, J.

Baggot, P. Cullen, J. McDonnell, P. Martin. In later Irish movements and charities it has been equally well represented, and it is amongst the very first of the Irish centers in celebrating the Irish National Festival in




a truly worthy and patriotic manner.




spirited Irish


in the parish.

wars and political broils had so weakened the na-

tional authority in the first few years after the deposition of Rosas that in the general encroachment of the Indians

even the old and long settled department of Pergamino was raided by the savages in ^56 and again in '61. These, however,

were the last advances

raids they

made afterwards,

but only in their quick retreat to

further desertwards.

back further and San Pedro the next invasion of Pergamino came, slowly and peacefully, as the shepherd and his flock move, and when Cepeda and Pavon were over, with their varying fortunes, the new order of camp life quickly began to estabHsh itself up to and even beyond the Arroyo del Medio. In '68 the death of Darby Tormey was reported from Pergamino, and it was stated that he was one of the richest Irishmen in the country. Murders and robberies had been as common in the Arrecifes and Pergamino districts as in any others where our people settled, but as their recounting is a harrowing and weary work, I shall pass them by for the most part. The following, however, from its importance for the good of the neighborhood and because some of our people had to do with it deserves to be recorded. It was the year '74, and many murders of strangers had been lately committed in the district, some of the victims being Irish. A murdering party came to a native cabin; the man of the house was sick; his wife on hearing the dogs give alarm went to investigate the cause; she had not gone far beyond the threshold when one of the band threw a poncho over her head her screams brought the sick man promptly to her aid with his knife. He fought like a tiger, killing the first man he met and stabbing all around with great effect. The struggle was short, for a revolver bullet was sent through the poor Those who could fled, leaving two corpses at fellow's head. the door of the hut. It happened near Mooney's estancia, to which, later, one of the wounded men came in a dying


Arrecifes and



Recently celebrated his Golden Jubilee,

now dean

ot the Irish Chaplains


state; he


was attended as carefully and kindly as possible, and soon another man in the same condition made his way to the same house. He was also looked after, but both cases were hopeless. Mr. Mooney sent for the authorities; the men confessed their latest crime and much more; so much more as led to the clearing up of the mystery of many a previous crime, and the arrest of the remainder of the
band, about twenty in all. The first Irishman who settled in that district, John Doyle, was killed by soldiers after the famous battle of Cepeda, fought between the Federation forces and those of

Buenos Aires, led by Urquiza and Mitre, respectively. The first permanent Irish settlers were William Mooney, John Doyle and A. Winter. Ramallo and San Nicolas, especially the latter are comparatively small departments. The former was never of very much importance as a settling place of our people. By the time sheep-farming had spread so far north a considerable part of the land of the parish had been taken up for other purposes; notwithstanding this, however, some Irish families settled there and there are some Irish there Although the same may be said of San Nicolas, as still. regards its camps, the city itself became at one time quite an important Irish center, for here the large and prosperous colony of sheep-farmers and estancieros of the Pavon and Arroyo Seco districts used to do most of their marketing and other business. But the opening up of the many new railroads which cross the Pavon country made Rosario a more convenient place for attending to all kinds of affairs, and San Nicolas became less and less a place of interest from the point of view of this work. In 1887 the killing of Michael Crehan, by the police, aroused great indignation amongst the Irish people of the surrounding districts and proceedings were taken to have the accused brought to

San Nicolas
in his trip to



one of the towns mentioned by Robertson It had then five or six hundred





Thomas Armstrong,

good and worthy

merchant of Buenos Aires, seems to have been the first Irishman to find his way into the district. It was here he got his wife, Miss Villanueva, and with her very large and valuIn San Nicolas the story is still current of able estates.


fight with the


They were both


was some litigation on bors, but not good got mixed and the each belonging to between them. Flocks flock in the camp and Mooney's Basque proposed entering his mark were animals of which driving out the portion in
friends, as there

most plentiful;





permit, but,


course, agreed to have the sheep separated in the usual His neighbor would have his own in the chiqueros.

way way

whether Mooney liked it or not, and when the latter interfered to prevent him from entering his flock, the Basque lodged three revolver shots in Mooney's body. Kier, for this was the Basque's name, did not know the kind of man
he was dealing with, and before he could discharge all his shots he was seized by the throat and lifted bodily off his horse and thrown across the withers of the horse on which

man he was trying to murder was mounted. Mooney took the revolver from his would-be assassin and putting its muzzle against the fellow's breast demonstrated to him how easily he could have full revenge if he wanted to the Basque begged piteously to be spared his life; Mooney said, yes, he would spare him his life as it was such a one as no man of spirit would debase himself by taking, and galloping his horse to the nearest laguna he threw the would-be murderer in the shallow pool, and proceeded on his way to San

Nicolas to have his bullets extracted and his wounds attended to, there are sightly divergent stories of the incident, but the one I give is, in brief, the version I deem most ocMr. Mooney is now an old man, one of the oldest curate.
Irish-Argentines living, and his adventures, experiences and deeds of daring, both in this and the neighboring Republic

Uruguay, would,

in themselves alone

make a volume



ture I can call to mind.


sensational and interesting as any novel or book of adven-

Mr. Carmody formerly president of the Irish Society was an important contractor of railway-building work, in San Nicolas, in '71, and six years later William Foley was appointed Commissioner of the Port. After the founding of the religious houses of the Salesians, for priests and nuns, with their extensive schools, in San Nicolas, the place was seldom without an Irish priest and Irish or IrishArgentine nuns.



frequently assisted or sub-

stituted for a time the Irish chaplains on both sides of the

Arroyo del Medio. Fathers Foran, O'Grady and Diamond were well known to, and very popular with, the Irish of that district, and several young Irish-Argentines who have since become Salisian priests entered the Order in San Nicolas. A number, too, of Irish-Argentine girls, who were educated in the Convent schools of the Salisian Sisters, remained to become nuns or joined the Order afterwards. Father Michael Quinn, one of the first Irish-Argentine priests, in the sense of having both father and mother Irish-born, to be ordained in the country, was stationed here from 1896 as Chaplain to one of the Convents. The schools of the Salesians in San Nicolas were greatly patronized by the Irish in the surrounding parishes in the latter decade or so of the 19th century.

Irish Chaplains



be easily reasoned out all of our people who emigrated to the Plate country did not turn to

the arts of the rising,


munerated labors,
graceria, or to the

war by sea or land, the commerce of young city, the artizan's well rethe heavy toil of the saladera and lonely and risky life of the sheep-farmer.

Irish professional men, especially of the medical order, were proportionately plentiful from the beginning, and Irish teachers and college professors came early and were very acceptable at all times, even to the present day. When
Irish immigration was sought to be stimulated

by govern-

1822, one of the stipulations made with General O'Brien was, that the emigrants were to be accompanied by a chaplain and a physician to be solely at

ment endowment

their disposition and for their use. J. A. Wild, in his book of reminiscences of Buenos Aires, "Setenta Anos Atras," says that 200 Irish laborers, so accompanied, did come in 1822, but I believe he took the making of the arrangement with O'Brien for its actual accomplishment. It is recorded that the arrangement fell through for lack of

Irish should have their

funds at that particular period. But the notion that the own chaplain was an accepted and

approved one as far back as then.


the sketch de-

scribing Father Fahey's first missionary labors something

life of an Irish Chaplain in the and as a considerable number of devoted priests dedicated themselves to this noble and self-sacrificing labor for the last jijnety years, some record of how and when aod whej^e they labored, whg thej ^ej-e ^nd what befell


be gathered of the





them, in so far as the resources at my command will permit, It has often struck me will be attempted in this chapter. as strange that some priest has not undertaken this work as a priest's professional knowledge and special opportunities



tions that a

some one of them for it in numberless relalayman is not likely to think of, and provide

them with materials not so easily in the reach of one like But as such a book as I have set out to write would be hopelessly incomplete without a chapter on the Irish Chaplains, I must attempt its writing with all my unfitness about me, and with the hope to be judged leniently for my shortcomings, as, at least, I mean well and will do

the best I can.

That Irish-Catholic priests had to go to Argentina to attend to the spiritual wants of their fellow-countrymen is not to be taken as indicating a scarcity of priests and
churches in the districts wherein the Irish usually settled, or any unwillingness on the part of the resident clergy to
render every service possible to the foreigners amongst their


situation arose from a quite different

the language. The resident clergy, mostly native of the country or Spanish born, of course, spoke only the Spanish tongue; our countrymen, generally men of limited education, and past the years, even if the time or opportunity available allowed, when people easily acquire a new language, knew only English or Irish, and confessions, prayers and other religious duties and exercises were quite impossible to them in the language of the coun-

and very simple cause

Hence the need of clergymen who understood not alone their words but their ways, and whom they could understand and regard as wholly of themselves, interested in all their joys and sorrows, trustful and helpful as their counsellor and guide, their reliable friend in every difficulty, whether of this or the next world. Such, in brief, is the explanation of a number of Catholic priests officiating in a Catholic country quite apart from the local clergy, and with regulations and
try, at least in a satisfactory manner.



by the

privileges for their special convenience, granted

Church authorities, and which make them seem almost independent of these authorities. As shown some chapters back there had been, before Father Fahey's coming, some three or four Irish priests who attended their countrymen, in Buenos Aires, but seldom
went beyond the


of these, Fathers

Moran and

O'Gorman had come

first filled

at the direct solicitation of the Irish

colony in Buenos Aires.

in obedience to the

Father Burke, a Dominican, who

his Order, possibly for

the post of Irish Chaplain, came to Buenos Aires

arrangements of

the purpose of meeting the needs of the hundreds of Irish


Catholics then in the city; I only offer this as a conjecture. other two. Fathers McCartan and Gannon, were not

Irish chaplains in the sense that

we ordinarily understand,

and they are dealt with

in other chapters.

With the influx of Irish immigrants after the Famine, and the establishment of the Irish Convent with its dependent institutions, Father Fahey's duties became so augmented within the city itself, that the ever-widening extent of the rural districts into which the Irish had spread would have to be left wholly or in very great part unattended to unless a number of Irish priests could be found to follow this ever-shifting and spreading current of colonizers. He consequently made due and urgent application for the number of missionary priests needed to meet the new demand. In 1856 Father Cullen came with the Sisters of Mercy, soon after Fathers Kirwan and Smith, and in a short time young priests from the Missionary College of All Hallows, Dublin, began to come, and from then on there has been no real shortage of chaplains. Father Fahey always kept the newly arrived missionaries for some time in his own house, and under his own careful direction and advice before sending them to the district wherein their ministrations were then most needed. The new pastor after that had mostly to shift for himself, and make the best of his surroundings. The "parish"




him, especially in



newly settled

defined countrymen, had generally no of mearing the from boundaries, but was usually measured far as outward the chaplaincy nearest to him on the inside




had ventured. When this district became more thickly settled, and the settlers felt that they needed more frequent and regularly arranged visits from the Chaplain, and that they were sufficiently numerous to maintain another clergyman, the district was divided and a new chaplaincy formed. Sometimes a chaplaincy would be only co-extensive with one or perhaps two of the parishes or departments established by the Church organization of the country at other times it would be much more extensive, and even an area larger than a couple of counties of Ireland would be covered by it. This part of the arrangement, of course, depended on the number of the faithful to be looked after. Some of what were in the early days imas the Irish sheep-farmers

portant Irish centers with the passing of the years became, by reason of the changes in the values of land, abandoned by the sheep-farmers, and only the few who had good luck or good sense enough to purchase land in the days when So, many of the old chaplaincies it was cheap remained. have long since ceased to exist, their incumbents moving to The the new settlements or retiring from active service. chaplain as a rule took up his residence in the town or village nearest to the center of his "parish"; very soon his flock provided him with a house, horses, saddle and all the other necessaries of his office, or with the requisite

Whatever the labors and diffifunds to purchase these. culties of his mission might be, and however careless individual ones of his parishioners might be in their observance
commandments, he had never any reason to complain of their manner of complying with the fifth precept of the Church. The work of a chaplain in the old days was exceedingly trying. His flock was often scattered over two or three hundred square leagues of country. There are some cases
of some of the



known where the area was of much larger extent, and sometimes took the priest a couple of weeks to attend a sick call. A district, however, the limits of which were ten or fifteen leagues apart was more the order of Father The Chaplain said Fahey's latter years and ever since.
stated hour on a certain Sunday each month in the Parish Church, hearing confessions on the morning of that day in the same church. On the other Sundays of the

Mass at a

to the other churches within his district, if If churches were not such there were, and did likewise. located in convenient reach of large numbers of his people he arranged to have stations on regular occasions at the principal houses, native or Irish, where there were many

month he went

The first such Mass which I attended was celebrated at an old-fashioned estancia in the parish of Carmen de Areco, called the "Azotea" (flatroofed), and was the property of Don Juan Dowling, whose
of his people employed.
beautiful residence was close by.

The congregation was

a very diversified one, and its gathering around the low, flat-roofed building on the wide plains many miles from
the nearest town or village, delightfully picturesque.



that congregation was

its mobilizing and other small more than twenty years after, it will be possible to form some sort of an idea of what an old-fashioned camp-con-

made up, the manner of details which occur to me now,

gregation looked like. The season was early Spring ; not an acre of land so far as the eye could reach over the rich plains had ever yet been touched with a plough, all was clothed in the soft green that followed a generous drenching of very timely


sauce, or weeping willow, loaded with




passing wealth of foliage was, Moore's touching verses:






From which

arms downward again to that dear earth the life that fills and warms its grateful being






sena-sena hedges that surrounded the


thorny which the "Azotea" nestled were full tall catkins; yellow bloom, with their pale green leaves and


peculiar fragrance was shooting up rankly and plentifully within the enclosure; the kindly paradise-tree was shedding its sweet-scented blossom, and

hemlock, secuta, with


the solemn eucalyptus, dark and proud, with

twisted trunk, stood sentinel above


ragged and

Some of the congregation had already arrived, as could be seen by the number of saddled horses that stood tethered to the line of wire paling that ran outside the hedge, others were approaching in the near distance, while farther away,
in whatever direction one looked, the cantering steed was bearing its master or mistress gaily to the sacred tryst. The assembly numbered somewhat less than two hundred, and were gathered from a radius of a couple or three

leagues. Two-thirds of those present were born in Westmeath and Longford or were the children of parents born

there; the greater part of the remaining third being of

Wexford up about

and youngsters made men wore beards, half the gathering. reduced, proband some wild and shaggy, some trimmed
birth or extraction.
All the older


ably with the wool-shears, whilst the young men generally cultivated no further facial adornments than the commonThe elder place, but almost always becoming mustachio.

and more markably


fully developed

men were

for the most part re-

large, rugged, sturdy, intelligent farmers, bear-

I thought, a striking resemblance to the pictures I used to see of the Boers of South Africa. The young men were tall, well-formed, usually rather spare of flesh and dressed quite picturesquely and very sensibly. The shining top-boots, the wide loose pantaloons, the short jacket, nicely knotted silk neckerchief and the Chambergo hat,

made them always appear to men in their line of life, and in The most remarkable the climate to which they belonged. thing about the women was that, although nearly all Irish

characteristic poise,


as ideally dressed for



born, the elder portion of them, at least, they rode a-horse-

back with such ease and security. What I have said of the young men I may say of their sisters, whether as to stature or to dress. One pretty custom which the women have, whether in town or country, which I cannot help mentioning here,

that they never approach the


wearing a hat, but rather with a dark


loosely over their head.

The assembly, after Mass was over, and just as it was about to disperse, was a subject for a painter, and Rosa Bonheur could have found more color and life and natural diversity in the scene than any of the subjects her gifted brush has made famous. Vehicles of any kind but the cart of all work, with its enormous wheels, seven or eight feet high, were very scarce at that time in the camp. A couple of open brakes, a tilbury and one or two covered coaches, all of American manufacture, were the only means of transit, apart from the saddle-horse, availed of by the gathering. Nobody came afoot. The horses were of a race now nearly
extinct, save in

of the criollo strain, or old native breed


remote districts of the country, they were an animal,

day than would be the prettier shaped ones of foreign blood that have replaced them. In color they were as diversified and fantastic as the most varied herd of horn-cattle could
suited to the needs of the


much more


in the beautiful, fresh spring day, with brightness


on almost everything in sight they made a an unaccustomed eye, as they pranced and cantered away with their happy riders, long to be remembered with wonder and delight. The priest was one of the Passionists, a Tipperaryman, Father Cyprian. He had come some seven or eight leagues, from Salto, the evening before, heard confessions all the morning, preached after Mass and returned home in the evening. He, however, made the trip to and fro in a coach, whereas in the earlier times all such journeys had to be made on horseback, and even still in rainy weather, when the roads are in many cases

and young



to impassable to any kind of a drive, the Chaplain has often trust to his steed to get to where his duties call him.



Sunday Mass was never


the matter of


hardship and

in the duties of the Chaplain, for

in that case he could take, to

some extent,


in accordance with distance and conditions of the weather. With sick calls it was a different matter, there was but one measure to be adopted, and that one stood for all dis-

tances and weather conditions

the spot.

or even

get out and attend them on person lay as far as ten stricken the Often times not infrequently this and away, twenty leagues

journey had to be made, perhaps, for the most part at night. Roads, even at the present time, after a few days' rain can hardly be said to exist, as such, and yet for the last forty years a great deal has been done in the way of making and repairing them,^ what then must they have been when in many cases their very course was scarcely known to any except special guides.'' In those days the rivers had very few or no bridges in the remote camps, and usually had to be forded wherever opportunity best ofIn times of flood the water at those fording places rose above the rider's knees and not at all rarely the horse

had to make the crossing as much by swimming as by wading. After 1860 the chaplains who came to the country were mostly young men fresh from the seminary and who had undergone a course of training specially designed for They were priests going on missionary work abroad.
usually very zealous

men who spared themselves



that was for the good, spiritual and temporal, of their charge. Few of them lived to be old men, and many of

few years ago I remember living in a


town within

five leagues of

the Capital, and through which two lines of railway passed.


of these


wholly interrupted and the other partially so by an unusually long continued rainfall. The baker, butcher and milkman had to deliver their goods on

horseback owing to the impassable state of the roads and the streets of the town. This will give an idea, to those unacquainted with Argentina, what our roads
are like in rainy winter weather.




them, like Father Fahey, himself,


martyrs, one might

had dedicated themIn the proper place their names will be given with some account of their lives in so far as I have been able to learn authoritatively about them. The foregoing with the realistic sketch copied from Bulfin's essay describing Father Fahey 's itinerary among his scattered flock will give
say, to the great cause to which they

the reader a means of forming a fairly correct idea of what the life of the Irish Chaplain was in the days when an order

of things prevailed that have passed forever out of Argentine


The present and

three previous Archbishops of Buenos

Aires have always taken the warmest and most kindly interest in the Irish, and have never failed to assist them in providing chaplains and teachers in every way in their

power, and to confer very special honors and privileges on the Irish priests. I believe the Irish Chaplains are the only
priests in the country that have been allowed to dress in

The fact ecclesiastical garb. much of their journeyings had to be done on horseback made the use of the long soutane and broad-leafed flat
any other than the prescribed
that so

hat a great inconvenience, so the authorities readily dis-

pensed with the dress formalities in their case and allowed

them to use a garb that


much more

to their convenience.


I have given a list of Directors


and Governors of

the nation from

founding as an independent entity, for

reference, I shall follow a

in regard to the Irish Chaplains

somewhat similar course and priests who devoted

I cannot say

themselves in any


to our people here.

for certain that I have been able to secure the names of all

the clergyman who served in this order, but if any have escaped my search in this direction their term in such labor must have been short and little noticed. Father Burke, a priest of the Dominican Order, attended to the Irish people in Buenos Aires up to 1828, when he died at an advanced age.



Father Patrick Moran, first Irish Chaplain sent to the country, arrived February, 1829, died in May 1830. Father Patrick J. O'Gorman, arrived October, 1831, died March 3, 1847, buried in the vault of the clergy,

Father Michael M'Cartan came to Buenos Aires, on his in 1835 is noted in the "Guia de Forasteros" for 1837, as one of the two Irish Chaplains; officiated in San Roque. Left Buenos Aires soon after this date, returned in the early sixties, died here in 1876. Father Michael Gannon officiated in Buenos Aires in 1843. Went north after about four years, when last heard of, 1850, was Parish Priest of Bellavista, Corrientes. Father Anthony D. Fahey arrived in Buenos Aires, January 17, St. Anthony's Day, 1844; died February 20, 1871. Father Cullen wrote in '89 that Bishop Kinsela of Ossory, at the request of Archbishop Murray, selected Father Fahey from the Black Abbey of Kilkenny for the mission to Argentina. Born at Loughrea, Galway, 1804. native of Dublin, Father Fahey's Cullen, John Father

own account,

first assistant,

came out with the Sisters of Mercy in 1856. He wrote more than thirty years afterwards: "My first mission was to the 'camp' as the open land country is termed. I went through all the parishes north and south, eighty leagues in length. This was a work of three months'
I then settled down at Capilla del Seiior with charge of the Irish in eight parishes. I was constantly on horseback on circuit. In those days there were no railways." Father Cullen, who was an order priest, returned in

1868 to




Haverford West, England, and

of age.

died in Dublin,

May, 1891, 77 years

Father Lawrence Kirwan was ordained in Montevideo and came over from there early in 1857. Almost immediately on his arrival here Father Fahey sent him to minister to the Irish Catholics in the Malvina islands, from which place he returned in April of the same year; was Chaplain
in various districts a?id died

October 1^, 1879.



Father Patrick Donovan, like Father Kirwan, came over from Montevideo in 1857. He was a brother of Dr. Ordained Cornelius Donovan of the first Irish Hospital. Chascomus and Magdalena in Chaplain in Paris was Irish

a native of Cork; died in Buenos Aires, May 5, 1868. Father Henry Smith came in 1859, died in Lobos,



Father Thomas Carolan, North of Irelandman; came in 1860; was Chaplain in Lujan; returned to Ireland in 1868. Father Patrick J. Dillon, native of Ballyhaunis, Mayo; ordained priest at the age of twenty-one, for Argentine
mission; arrived in Buenos Aires in 1863. Was a man of great brilliancy, energy and tact in handling affairs; won

was an good Irishorator of exceptional power; on the whole a heart of Dublin, Died in man, but somewhat erratic. disease, June, 1889, at the age of 47 years. Father M. A. Connolly was Chaplain of Chascomus and



in lay

as well as

clerical life;

district at the beginning of 1864,

but I have not been able

to find the exact date of his coming or retiring.



the first Irish Chapel in Argentina.

Father Michael L. Leahy came in '63, and in March, was appointed Chaplain of Carmen de Areco, Salto, Chacabuco, San Pedro, Arrecifes, Rojas and as far north and west as there were any Irish to look after. Native of Kerry, was delicate, and from overwork developed consumption; went to Mendoza in 1884 to recover his health and died there, June 1, same year. Nine years after his body was brought back and buried in the Parish Church of Carmen de Areco. Age, 42 years. Father William Grennon, native of Kings Co., came also in 1863, died in Capilla del Senor, first days of Jan'64,

uary, '88.

Father Edward Cavanagh seems to have come to Buenos Aires about the year 1865 died in Bragado, February, Served as Chaplain in Buenos Aires and many of 1880.






Father Callaghan came from Dublin about the same time as the last named, but does not seem to have remained
long in the country.

Father James
in 1881,


Curran came


1862; died



a native of Co. Meath, and 46 years of age when he died. On his arrival in Buenos Aires he spent some time with Father Kirwan in charge of Father Fahey's college where is now the San Salvador. The people



Navarro erected a costly altar to his memory in 1882. Father William M. Walsh, native of Navan, came to Buenos Aires a Franciscan student, was ordained Decemof


Served as Irish Chaplain, within his Order,

Buenos Aires and assisted occasionally in some of the camp districts; was ordered home in 1873; subsequently was sent on the mission to Australia. Father Patrick Lynch, ordained in Dublin, All Hallows, in '67 by Bishop Moriarty, with Fathers O'Reilly and Mullady, for the Argentine mission; was appointed on his arrival, same year, to be Chaplain in Mercedes, Chivilcoy and Suipacha. After a long illness died in Mercedes, May 15, '80; was a native of Co. Longford. Father Thomas Mullady, native of Westmeath, came '67; Irish Chaplain of San Antonio de Areco, Giles and in Baradero for some thirty years; retired to Ireland in 1903; died a few years ago in Moate. Father Samuel O'Reilly, born in Longford, college comrade of the two previous, was Chaplain of Lujan, Mercedes and Chivilcoy successively; died in the latter named place a few months ago, with nearly fifty years' service Monsenor O'Reilly was a very simple-living to his credit. man; was all his life a generous giver to every charity, Irish and Argentine, yet amassed considerable wealth which
he left at his death, principally, to Irish charities and religious communities. He was a ready writer and never

who said aught that was or unfair of his country; an unassuming but very good Irishman.
feared to face anyone in the press



Father John B. Leahy, ordained All Hallows, '69; came to Argentina immediately after; for a while assisted his brother, M. L., in the Chaplaincy of Carmen de Areco; succeeded Father Fahey as city Chaplain; always in poor health he was unable to continue the duties of the city district tried various changes of air went home in '82 and on the voyage from Spain to Ireland died, July, 1882;

buried at sea.

Father Edmund Flannery, college, ordination and date coming as the last named; native of Cork; appointed Chaplain of San Pedro, Ramallo, Arrecifes, Pergamino, San Nicolas and the Santa Fe country wherever he was needed; still on active service, and the Dean of Irish Chapof


Father John Joseph Curley (Mgr.), came from Rome was appointed Chaplain of Chascomus and the southern parishes; succeeded Father Curran in Navarro where he died. Father J. P. Gormley, Irish born, nephew of Mgr. Curley, was ordained in Buenos Aires, December, '80; died of small pox in May, 1882. Father John Davis, Englishman, came in 1869; gave Missions in Buenos Aires and Montevideo; Chaplain for some time in Capilla del Sefior, later in Lobos; died in Buenos Aires, March, 1883. Father Anthony McNamara was a widower when he returned to Ireland from Buenos Aires, studied and became a priest; came back in '72, opened a college in Mercedes; assisted the Irish Chaplains of his district; later removed

to Brazil.

Father John Purcell, Irish born, was ordained in Buenos March 1879; Chaplain in Chascomus and Capilla del Senor died in the latter named place.

Father John M. Sheehy, came to Rosario in 1888; has been Irish Chaplain of Santa Fe ever since native of County


Father Richard E. Gearty came to Rosario in 1895;

assisted Father


Sheehy for some time; returned to Ireland

following year; succeeded Father Mullady in San Antonio de Areco where he is still Irish Chaplain; native of County

Father Black was an Irish sheepfarmer on the southfelt that his call was to the priesthood; sold his flock, went home and in due time was ordained; went to Australia, did not get on well there, returned home, got connected with the Dresden enterprise and came to Buenos Aires as Chaplain to the immigrants. After the failure of the Naposta colony, remained in Buenos Aires, fell into bad health and died in great poverty, June, 1899; was buried from the Balvanera church by the Cura of that parish, who had been for long his only friend. Seems to have not been of entirely sound mind. Father P. J. Brady had been a Passionist but withdrew from the Order and became Irish Chaplain of Chascomus and all the southern district; he fell into bad health and retired after a few years. Father Joseph Geoghegan, Irish-Argentine, ordained in Ireland, served as Chaplain in Mercedes for some time; succeeded Father Brady in Chascomus and district; died a couple of years ago in Pergamino. There were other Irish priests who, though not Chaplains in the sense this chapter recognizes, bore a part in attending to the spiritual wants of our people. One of these was Father Burke of the Dominican Order. By the way, the Burkes seem to have a special fondness for that Order, our first Irish Chaplain, as stated, was a Dominican Burke, and who has not heard of the great Father Tom? The present Father Burke was active in the early seventies, and in '79 was Prior in Buenos Aires and took part freely in Irish affairs died in San Juan, October, 1882. There was a Father McNerney in Suipacha in the middle Eighties, but did not remain very long. In recent years, apart from the Passionist Fathers, who do most of the Irish Chaplain labor now, there are many Irish and
ern camps when he



Irish-Argentine priests in the Palotine, Salesian, Franciscan and other Orders as well as amongst the secular clergy, who

The Irish attend to their people whenever called upon. Chaplains at present in the country, solely as such, are Father Fathers Flannery, Sheehy, Gearty and O'Grady. Patrick O'Grady, Irish Chaplain of Capilla del Seiior, although not very many years in this charge, is the oldest
Irish priest in active service, he being


in his eighty-

year; a native of Limerick he was for some years head of the Palotine Order in this country. Father Henry Gray, Lazarist, at present in Lujan, has spent some forty years in the country, has always been at the call of his
people and aided the Irish Chaplains in missionary and other

The Camp Schoolmaster 'and Ne'er-do-well


Irish settlers for the first couple of generations or more had some queer ideas as to the bringing up of their children. One of the things they were

usually most anxious to do effectually in that direction was

to prevent their children from learning the language


ways of the country

which these children had to live. Their intentions were good, but the result decidedly to the disadvantage of the children and, consequently, to the IrishArgentine colony. The poor native in those days was a

rather lawless and unlovely character, while rich and poor

alike in the

country districts were,

in the eyes of the Irish

shamefully immoral, in the sexual sense.



father and mother were, therefore, quite satisfied that the


intercourse their boys or girls had with such neighit

bors the better

would be for them. Whatever good fruit and I am sure it bore much, one of its effects was that one could in times gone by often meet Irish-Argentine men and women who had scarcely sufficient use of the language of their country to buy the clothes they needed to wear or to sell the products of their labor. Many comical stories springing from this strange notion of the settlers are current among the people still. One story from the Carmen de Areco district will here serve the double purpose of showing the truth of what I have just stated as to the inability of some to speak their native language, and that such inability was not always an unmixed evil. Back in the Sixties, long before conscription was put regularly in force, a young Irish-Argentine was arrested for not duly presenting himself for registry in the National Guard, or
this exclusiveness bore,




State Militia. An Irishman of influence in the district and who, I beHeve, was a Justice of the Peace, interested himself He saw no way out of the in behalf of the young Porteno. say that he was born young man difficulty but to have the In a land country. the in Ireland and was not long in

where the rural order of occupation with most of the people was nomadic few families remained long in the same district; so, as there was no evidence at hand as to the birthplace of the young man, the J. P. proposed to the military man to question the accused thoroughly on the matter and decide for himself, from the manner in which he spoke the national tongue, as to whether he was native or foreignborn. The officer thought, under the circumstances, that it was a fair manner of test and set to work. The questioned, knowing little or nothing what the catechizing was about, answered with great frankness, but in phrases mostly unThe expresintelligible and in a pronunciation all his own. sion of sternness on the commandant's face soon began to change to one of pity mixed with contempt, and turning to the sergeant who had brought in the prisoner, with a sarcasm that must have bitten the poor man very deeply, delivered judgment thus: "Go on you fool, did you not have intelligence enough to know that this was only a poor gringo?" The story is also told of an Irishman who hearing his eldest son repeat some Spanish phrase, learned that day in the sheep-pen from the peons who were working in the flock, threatened the boy that if he ever heard him speak a word of Spanish again, unless when he had to, that he would send him oif to the school in Buenos Aires a boys' school had then just been started. Many such tales could be repeated, but it was by no means because parents did not understand the great need there was for educating their children that this strange feeling prevailed. Far from it; there were hardly any people in the world who made greater sacrifices to have their children taught, in what they conceived to be the best and safest way. And it was the universal desire to have them instructed thus that was mostly



responsible for the peculiar order of individuals which this

chapter proposes to treat of. Who the first camp schoolmaster was, when he existed and where he operated, I do not propose to decide, for certain. It is known, however, for McCann mentions the
fact, that

district of


Mr. Handy, on the banks of the Salado, in the Chascomus, had one in his employ in the year But there may have been, possibly, some earlier

practitioners than this "bit of a philomath," as Darby the Blast called himself, who "taught his little school" at Mr.


McCann does not say how long he had but as Handy had "a fine family" and was then been there already quite rich, it is likely the camp tutor was not then an entirely new institution. 1835 would be about as early as there could have been any need for a family teacher amongst our people in the camp, so I will take Mr. Handy's trainer of "the tender soul" as the first of his genus that


of on all the wide plains of the Plate.


the rise

of families went on the

number of teachers naturally

creased until by the year Sixty they were as much a feature of our system of colonization as was the chaplain, almost.

But only

as a feature of the system could there be

relationship established between the master

any and the clergy-

The great majority of the teachers in the early many ways the most unfit men imaginable to entrust the instruction and education of children to. They were, as a rule, men whom we would to-day describe as
times were in

"undesirable citizens," failures at everything else they had


They were mostly men

tion; deserters

of poor or scarcely any educafrom English or American ships, outcasts

from commercial or professional callings, because of their weakness for strong drinks, or once in a while a ne'er-dowell who taught for a few months here and a few months there merely as resting spots on the vagrant course of Such were the camp life he had marked out for himself. schoolmasters, in general. But the order was never without some very worthy men. Conscientious, well educated, highly



moral men, some of whom became wealthy estancieros and men of prominence in other walks of life. I may name, as one amongst the latter class, the late Michael Dineen, for many years editor and proprietor of the Southern Cross. I have often heard it said, by men competent to judge, that Dineen was, by far, the most learned man of his race in Argentina, in his time. In later years a very superior class of men have devoted themselves to this line of business and it is quite a rare thing now to meet with one of the old-fashioned type of schoolmasters. My purpose in these pages is to preserve something of the memory

now almost vanished the historic "Camp This sketch, therefore, while seeking to deal with an interesting phase in the life of our early settlers will, from this on, be mostly devoted to the works and ways of what I may call the conspicuously unfit of the tutor order of the olden time, and items pertaining thereto. The schoolmaster, if a fairly young man was expected to take a hand in all the work of his employer, and, more or less, to teach when there was nothing else to be done. If too old, or for some other reason too infirm for the harder work of the chiquero he was expected, at least, to be able to assist in the lighter work of the dipping (curing), dagging, marking and shearing of the flocks. The good woman of the house, too, at times when the former operations were not in season could always find him little jobs around the home to occupy his idle moments before and after class hours. He was expected to have a quite thorough knowledge of carpentry, ordinary painting, shoemaking, gardening, house-repairing, such as making floors, patching broken walls and mending leaking roofs. These things, of course, were never mentioned as a part of the educator's duties when the employment arrangements were being entered into, and scarcely any of them was ever performed, notwithstanding the kind mistress's persevering and most diplomatic insinuations, entreaties and suggestions. In this connection all the well-meaning mothers had a saintly
of the old order,




injunction of Father Fahey's which they never neglected to keep before the wayward minds of the teachers; and it was to the effect, that when a man has nothing to do in the camp it would be better for him to dig holes in the ground and fill them up again than remain any length of time

for so occupied the devil has no opportunity to


new hand might for some weeks show symptoms of a willingness to meet some of the requirements of his employeress, but the symptoms usually began to wilt and wane soon after the extensiveness of his extra duties unfolded themselves before him, and by the time he received his first month's pay he was generally in full disagreement with Father Fahey's reported principle and the moral and industrial philosophy of his mistress.
a man's mind with bad thoughts.

After that auspicious date the whole routine of his labors

usually suffered some modifications.


visited the nearest

pulperia, or shebeen, and remained there for a couple of

days; sometimes longer, oftentimes as long as his money His return to his employer's home was usually made between the hours of midnight and the first dawn. Thus the youngsters were saved the scandal of seeing their teacher in a condition of lapse from the ways of moral dignity and rectitude. He was unwell next day and did not
call his

class together until afternoon.


he might dislike the varied recreations and exercises the lady of the house was always ready to provide for him, he seldom or never objected to taking a hand with the men

hard was only and the gossip and jokes of the neighbors, who habitually gathered to lend a hand in the work, were much more to his taste than the kind of relaxations his well-meaning and economical mistress would like to provide him with. The teacher generally enjoyed about the same salary as the man of all work around the farmstead, had his place at the family board, and shared the school-room with some of his elder male pupils as dormitory. He had a horse and riding gear of his own.
in the sheep-pens, for the labor although

for a few hours in the morning,



a few traps, in the way of spare clothing, and perhaps a He taught few books treating of nothing in particular. his pupils how to read and write and "do sums" these men were mostly good at spelling, sufficiently well acquainted with grammar to know that there were nine parts of speech, were often capable of strikingly beautiful handwriting, and

could find their way^ through puzzling mazes of arithmetic

enough to be able to keep a safe distance ahead of One of the chief difficulties for their most advanced pupil. the parents in this system of education was the religious instruction. Catechism and prayers had to be taught, in fact were of first importance all the time. Both father and mother in almost all cases were well and carefully grounded in these particulars, but had little time and less capacity for giving religious instruction, and the teacher, especially those of English or North American nationality, when not

Protestant were certain to be agnostic or atheistic. As teachers, of course, they never hesitated to instruct the children in the catechism and teach them the prayers they found therein some of these teachers became Catholics, and even practical and pious ones. But for all that there were

oftentimes grave suspicions and fears as the following story,


me long ago by an old Kilbegganman, will illustrate. certain Ballinacarrigaman lived alone in a shepherd's hut

far out on the broad plains; he was a deeply religious man of simple but very unbending faith; Free Masons, atheists

and the Old Boy himself were all about one and the same One evening late a North American who followed the teaching profession rode up to the hut on a very sorry looking mount. The stranger, after the hospitable ways of the country, was invited to dismount and stay for the night. But just then it dawned on the host that he had seen and heard of his guest before. Supper was provided and as
to him.
the traveler set to appeasing his appetite, the host set to thinking out a plan whereby he would be able to ease his

mind on a matter that had begun to trouble him just as soon as he had recognized his guest as a certain school-


master he had once heard discussing religion
pulperia, just after he


in a Baradero had arrived in the country. It would go very hard on him to put any man out of his house after night had fallen, and that too so far from any human habitation, but hard or no hard, unless his visitor had changed his views on religion since their previous meet-

ing they could not both sleep under that roof that night. He was lying on his catre, smoking his pipe and watching
the American as he helped himself in the dim light of the
thick, soft tallow-candle.

This was how he commenced to put into execution his plan for the discovery of the guest's present state of mind on religious matters "What trade do you follow. Mister,

any harm to ask you?" "By no means, my friend, is it of any inconvenience to me to inform you on a matter of such insignificancy. I pursue no trade, in the proper sense of the word." "Ay, but proper or improper, sure you must do something for a living, and you don't seem to be an estanciero, nor a puestero of anyone's.?" "You have judged rightly, good friend, I have never been so fortunate as to have risen to either grades on our social scale; for a living an existence I have been teaching the rudiments to the families of some of your worthy countrymen in various parts of this vast country." "Teaching what.?" "Well, the primary elements of education." "Ah, then, you're a schoolmaster.?"
is it




man of great learning and ought know nearly everything.?" "One of the things on which nearly all of the really learned men of the world are agreed is that man knows but few things for certain, and these few of small moment
"Then, you must be a

compared with the things he knows not of." "Ah, I see I see Well now here's a thing that it's not very hard to know and" turning his feet o\it of the catre





rising to a sitting posture made theworld ?"



see if

you have

"Who made

the world?" "Yes, just, who made the world?"

"That incomprehensible Will

to the eye of inspired faith

the countless millions of worlds

that Power Whose that Hand "


invisible save


"That'll do now that'll do! I suspected, me boyo, from the beginning what you were. Out with you, out of here now devil a night ever you'll sleep under my roof; and so that you may know better the next time, God made the world! and if you learned a little of the catechism when you were getting off all your grand rhetoric you'd be a better man, so, go on now with yourself." That was one type the American. An Englishman who was of a very morose and unlovable temperament was teaching in a house where there was a very large family of somewhat young children, and although he was a strong, healthy man, he would never give a hand in the sheep-pens where all the rest of the family, husband, wife and children used at times to be hard at work in the cold mornings of winter. It was noticed, though, that he was always out bed very of nimbly at the first sound of the table's being set for coffee. The weather was very cold and as for some days there was no work to be done with the flock the family slept a little late, but one of the boys who knew the master's weakness for hot coffee got out of bed and with cups and saucers made a rattling on the dining-room table The good man as if coffee was just about to be served. of the birch and scowl stepped into the dining room very lightly and rubbing one hand in the other, but found the table bare and no stir in the whole concern. Not a word was uttered, his horse was got in readiness, and before any

of the family, except the apt pupil of the cup-and-saucer

got on foot he had left some leagues of camp between him and his late employer. The boy, for good reasons, kept his own counsels, and the mysterious flight of the



teacher was by all attributed to some mental derangement or some unearthly influence, until his denunciation, from his new location, many leagues away, of the felonious and
irreverent conduct of his last employer echoed faintly over

the intervening "partidos."

Here is another tale which I submit as exemplifying another type of this fraternity. The hero in the present case spent his youth around where "Shruel's silent graveyard looks across the Inny's breast," as Leo wrote. It was Christmastime and he was on what in Ireland we would he was knocking about with a view call the "Shoughraun" to falling in with someone who wanted, or who knew someone who wanted, a teacher. At a house where he called up some members of another family had called on a friendly visit. In the calling family was a boy with a certain amount of grammatical knowledge, and not a little pluck, for a country youngster. The man on the shoughraun, as was natural for one in his position, was anxious to impress the company with a thorough comprehension of his capability and high standing as a teacher. To this end he felt that nothing could be more effective than a rehearsal of the names of some of those whose families he had brought the light of learning to, and so he held forth in this wise: "It was me that taiched Mr. So-and-So's family, an' I taiched for two years at such-and-such an estancia," etc., in this order until the boy with the unexpected turn for grammatical propriety sought to tranquillize his aroused curiosity by remarking: "I thought that word should be Haught' instead of *teached?' " The master in very nettled tones retorted: "How dare a pup of your years presume to correct a man of my beard?" The "pup" is now a well-known

Irish-Argentine priest.


these stories are all of long ago, here


one of

quite recent times.

I had, myself, the pleasure of


the master in this little episode. He was a very traveled man, a great bore when sober, a somewhat pleasant fellow with a little drink in, but utterly intolerable when he had

taken over


of the "appetizer," as he used to call his

favorite beverage.

He knew enough


be a very good

teacher; at the time I write of he was in the employ of

an Irish-Argentine family, and had steered what might be midway course for a good while. One day he returned from the pulperia after a rather prolonged absence from the class-room. The mother of his pupils feeling that she was under some obligation to express her displeasure for the example he was setting those he was expected to be guide and model to, told him that any further deviation from the straight onward and upward line would mean a separation between him and his class. The man of letters felt this a gross infringement of his rights and privileges as a free man in a free country, and an indignity to his person and profession for which neither explanation nor apology could be accepted. He went to his room, which was also his school-hall, and collecting his belongings into a small bundle, he gathered bed, bedding and other belongings of the school, carried them forth, dropped them down some fifteen or twenty meters into the well close by, picked up his bundle and proceeded on his way in search of occupation in some place where the dignity of his person and profession would be held in higher consideration. These few tales somewhat illustrative of the character and capability of the great majority of the men who taught most of the Irish- Argentine families, at least in their young days, up to very near the end of the last century, are chosen almost at random from stories innumerable which can be heard related in all the departments, and which if collected would make a droll and not uninteresting volume. Colleges, where English is taught, are now plentiful, and where families still follow the old custom of employing a private teacher they are careful to select one of high moral In the olden time this character and assured capability. could not be done and the parents had no resource but to "make the best of a bad matter." One characteristic in those camp schoolmasters of the errant type which may
called a



have operated usefully, in a negative way, was that they never stopped long enough with any one family to greatly
influence the ethical sense of any,
in contact with them.

young or


who came


in their earlier careers


have been their failings, in their magisterial days drink

their besetting sin.

They were

neither an evil nor an

unconditional blessing; they were far from just what could

be desired, but they were the nearest thing to it that could then be procured. Without them, such as they were, the

couple of generations of Irish- Argentines would, from the educational point of view, be in very sorry state.

In the early days very few men born in the country

turned to the occupation as a means of a livelihood, but latterly a small number have tried it, some of them with

marked success, and many Argentine-born women and girls are engaged in what some poet called the "delightful task." But scarcely anything of the old order remains. Spanish
holds as high,


not higher place, in those home-colleges as Parents have in too many cases passed from one

extreme to the other in their ideas as to the language their children should know first, and English, such a very useful tongue to know, is frequently neglected where its imparting

would cost no more effort than



daily use

by the parents

Irish-Argentines are very forwithin the family tunately placed, they can by very slightly concerning themadvantage selves endow their children with the very great will be they world, of the two principal languages of the

acting very foolishly

of this good fortune.


they do not fully avail themselves


The camp schoolmaster, no doubt,


other features of

land, settlement of our people in this great new passed where systems and conditions change so rapidly, has life of our forever, and because he was a part of the old otherpeople I have deemed his memory worth preserving;
wise, a generation or

two hence,


would hardly be known

that he ever existed.



The "Atorrante"

a Spanish word which I think is best by the word "tramp." But the word, in the sense that I use it, is much more comprehensive than the English word which I give as its equivalent, for it also takes in the knock-about, the unfortunate rake,

translated into English


"the hard case" and perhaps some other divisions of the species whose philosophy of life is somewhat out of agreement with that of the majority.

with the hard thirst, the and the man the Americans call the "weary brother," Buenos Aires in the years gone by was truly the land of heart's desire. Wherever the wayfarer turned he could have food and lodging for the bare asking of them; sometimes he did not even need to humiliate
the lazy man, the




of migratory propensities

himself to the extent of asking.

At nearly every


man's house he could dismount, "claim kindred there, and have his claim allowed"; drink was exceedingly cheap and excessively strong; horses of an age and mettle proper to the unexacting and easy nature of the true atorrante could be had usually for nothing, and on occasion the generous owner of such stock would not hesitate to offer a small bonus with the animal, so as to encourage the new proprietor to pursue his career onward. The climate, too, was most propitious, so, as might be conjectured, under such a number of favorable circumstances, the genus increased in number. I must say before going any further I am not interested in atorrantes of any nationality except my own, and numerous as at one time they were I do not believe that it could be said that any of them were to the manner born. Most, if not all, of them had started well and honorably, and many of them had risen in their earlier years to circumstances of comparative wealth and comfort. But Argentina is the land par excellence of ups and downs, for
quick successes and equally quick failures.

long season's



drought or any one of several bad epidemics in sheep might destroy the fruit of several years' hard labor. There is a

pecuHar tendency to fatalism in the native Argentines, and whether from climate or from association many of our people get tinged with the same notions. The endless level of the lonely Pampas, too, like much looking on the sea, or much thinking on eternity, inspires a certain melancholy in
some natures and these two spiritual conditions in a man living alone are very dangerous when disappointments come and the drink-shop is in easy reach. Combine with these the seemingly easy life of the knock-about and you will, I think, be on the right track towards understanding why so many of our people "went to the bad," as the saying is.



atorrantes, however, reached the same degree

of perfection

yes, perfection in, or

mastery of their


For whatever be

one's order or grade the greater extremes

in his

he gets to in that line the more perfect he


Thus we hear people say someone


a "perfect fool"; someone else is a "perfect madman" and someone else again is a "perfect blackguard," hence we may have perfect atorrantes. The most advanced were those who crouched about the camp towns watching to see someone in from the estancias and sheep-runs, with the hope of begging a few cents

to procure a mouthful of alcoholic drink with,

who obtained

what served for their daily bread from neighborly charity and slept in some bam or untenanted house at night. There are wrecks like these in every community, and I shall pass on to the next grade by merely remarking that it does not speak well for the philanthropy of our many millionaires and very wealthy people that there is no home to shelter
such unhappy ones, except the native institutions, in their last few weary years. The element in the next grade is a much less sorry one.


did an occasional day's work of the lighter kinds, such as tidying up wire fences, digging fuel in the corrals or cutting weeds and so established a claim to hospitality and a few dollars. This class would stay in the same place



a month or more were there nothing in the way of hard work on the programme. But just as soon as any preparations for, or talk of, working the flock, stacking hay or digging a well or ditch, were seen or heard some unexpected, but urgent, demand for the presence of the journeyman elsewhere was remembered and attended to, with regret, of course, but promptly. Stories in plenty are told of ruses and stratagems planned and practiced by sheep-men when they would be beginning to feel that their guest, or Sometimes a guests, were wearing out their friendship. farmer whose sheep would be perfectly healthy would begin to make the usual preparations for an early morning in the sheep-pens, and maybe ask some passing neighbor if he would come to give a hand in the morning at sunrise at the "curing." The neighbor under such circumstances could never come, and the guest discovered, after some thought, that to-morrow was exactly, and unfortunately, the very day he had promised Don Such-a-one, some leagues away to help him with his sheep a man he was under a great compliment to, and with whom he would not break


word for anything. One of this class in his professional rounds happened to call up at the house of a sheep-farmer whom he found to They were both be an old friend of his in other times.
glad to see each other. The farmer was never without a drop and the heart to divide it. He made his guest quite at home, as he was himself all alone, and the visitor might be found to be a little useful in more ways than as mere company. The drink went around quite freely for some days; the company was jovial and very reminiscent, the drink, food and uses of the house had been shared equally by the two friends, but in the performance of the many little
labors in and around the place there was no such cordial

The host was most

politely allowed to discharge

by his courteous In raising the glass to his lips in the numerous libations of the previous days the visitor never once forgot
the duties without the least interference



than its to repeat the same toast, which for other reasons host. the to tiresome getting monotonous reiteration was in was drink of store The day came when the last of the his to faithful ever guest, the hands of the two friends ; the

good manners and



toast, raised his



repeated: "I look towards you, Mr. So-and-So," and received the unexpected but very suggestive response: "Well,

you can look to hell out of here now, for there's no more in the demijohn!" Another type of the order which, although least numerous, had much more of the historic, universal and unmistakable tramp, was one that traveled all the country, north, south and west, as far as civilization extended in unbroken expanse, and did his journeying on foot. Unlike his North American brother he seldom stole rides on the cargo trains,
but occasionally made a deal with his host or employer, as the case might be, to the effect that if said host, or employer, would take him to the nearest railway station and pay his fare on the train to some place of a moderate distance away he would, unlike Poe's unwelcome visitor, "take This class usually sought his form from off his floor."
house work cooking, by preference. They seldom remained less than a week with any employer, and in the very fine weather not often for a longer period. They rarely learned to go a-horse-back and so, for the greater part, passed their lives on foot. They would sometimes be a year or two, or even five, away from a given district, but you might meet
in Tandil, Santa Fe, Lujan or Venado Tuerto, always, however, the same, taking it easy and ever pleased to meet


an old acquaintance. On such occasions they were always after suffering some very serious disappointment through the unfair impositions or exactions of some inconsiderate emploj^er, but were then just on their way to take up a permanent and very lucrative position at the estancia of a most respectable gentleman who was extremely anxious to

As well as being the fewest in number they were the least interesting of the fraternity. They were
secure their services.



of a product of Old



became really Argentinized. But, days of the better class atorrante are gone. The largest and most respectable class of the confraternity have yet to be dealt with, and were of the knockabout and unfortunate rake variety, much more than of the pure tramp and hard-case types. They were what might be called the fathers or founders of the order in our community, and the two first grades dealt with were something of a development of, or better, a degeneracy from the These had no aversion to work, under original standards. certain circumstances, on the contrary, they were commonly

and never French chivalry, the

the best horsemen, the best shearers, the best lassoers, the
best horse-tamers, in the country,


this superiority as

day's-work men may have been the cause, to a great extent, of their roving and unsteady life. Wherever they put up for a day or two they were quite willing to make full recompense for the hospitality extended to them, in any kind of work that might be to be done. No races or cattlemarking were held anywhere within four or five leagues of In the shearing their whereabouts but they took part in. season they were able to reserve from gambling and drink a sufficient amount of their wages to buy a few necessary articles of clothing, but beyond this their economic sense seldom led them. In shearing-time a rainy day or two came as a real God-send to them, as the work would have to be suspended for a start. Then they could enjoy, without loss of time

and in their own fond fashion, the during the previous fine days of heavy toil. Gambling on the taba,^ running challenge-races made among themselves, or with some neighboring sheep-farmer,
through their

fruits of their labors

* A kind of pitch and toss, all in one, in which the instrument of the game is a bone from the ankle joint of a cow or bullock duly smoothed and prepared.


side of the taba (bone) remaining




uppermost after it is pitched a length of meters decides the win or lose of the throw. It is an inter-


and very


gamblmg game.


generally the shape these enjoyments took.


or making things lively in the nearest liquor shop was At night a

of them usually gathered at the house of some to be not too particular as to the com-



man known

pany he kept or the manner in which he conducted his home affairs. In such places the national beverage of the day, cana^ went round more in accordance with the financial resources of the company than with any canon of good
morality or hygienic safety. If the break in the weather day or so all the men were not sure to return to the shearing on the moment of its mending, but if the
lasted a

unfavorable days chanced to continue for a week or more, even the most unreserved would be on hand in time and probably sober. A story of the old days from the Capilla

Seiior district


help to


clearer this


man's house phase of the better class atorrante life: It was broken weather; half a dozen of the shearers had gathered at the puesto of a shepherd on the estancia where the shearing was being done; the shepherd was a man of great size and strength, and reputed a not very desirable person to get into any serious difficulties with. His employer recommended him to keep such of the shearers as might hang around his place as much as possible under control, so that when a take-up would come on the weather they might be found fit for immediate service. It was also suggested that it was not meant by this that they were to be subjected to anything resembling actual monastic discipline, lest some of them become disaffected and retire to some neighboring estate where a fuller and more congenial

form of individual liberty prevailed. The big man said that would be all right, that the fullest liberty, consistent with the safety of life and limb would be allowed till the weather should show signs of taking-up. His rule was according to his promise. No man was interfered with so long as he conducted himself in a manner at all worthy of his state. But there were lapses, and not a few, and the big man had to interfere* The chief virtue of his intervention on such








had, at least, the tacit approval of all After a day or two it was noticeable the non-combatants. that the self-billeted forces became less mutinous, and were enjoying their days of rest in a manner that might be

and that

justly described as fairly harmonious.

So far there were

no restrictive measures taken as regarded the drink quesBut the sky cleared one day, the rain ceased, and tion. there were various other signs that the weather was getting on its good behavior. The big man gave out the edict that if no rain fell during the afternoon or night shearing would
be resumed next day, and there was to be no more cafia brought to the house; the store on hand might be con-

sumed, but every man was in honor and duty bound to be on hand in the morning and the night should be spent in rest and recuperation. The order was not to be questioned, although some of the audience devoutly wished for a good But no; the farewell shower before the night came down. rain had taken its leave as it had come, suddenly, and there were no lingering, tearful partings, to put it that way. Orders were for an early retirement and no singing or carousing during the night, and every man to be on foot But ere the witching hour arrived the thirst at daylight.

some of the


had become


the liquor-shop was


a league away,

and as was un-

thinkable to be forced to endure such inhuman torture in

a free country.

One of the wakeful

was handed

the result of a surreptitious collection of funds, bade gallop in



the night-horse, nor waste time in dressing or saddling, and

haste into Capilla before the liquor shop closed.

fleecy sheep-skin


was thrown on the horse's back, somegroped around for a demijohn, the envoy put
he found, not noticing

his feet in the first pair of boots

that they were very large, and soon was urging his steed through the darkness towards the village. The enterprise

prospered so that within an hour the fiery fluid was being put around amongst the thirsty, the panting steed was in




place again, but the rider noticed, for the first time that he had put one boot on, and he further discovered that the feetwear he had lately been in were not his own but This was the most serious part of the those of his host.
night's insubordination, but

was hoped

to be gotten over

by each and all of the compromised ones standing firm in the denial that anybody had stirred out of the encampment
during the night. The big man was astir with the first dawn, he could find but one of his boots this was strange further investigation as to the whereabouts of the missing item of the foot-gear

revealed signs of some





the settlement

during the night the sleep of some of the men did not seem a quite natural one; the tethered horse had perspired heavily, a thing unusual with animals standing in the open air and fetlock deep in cold mud. Horse-tracks in the direction of the village, the same tracks in an opposite direction, the mud still wet on the one boot he had signs and tokens enough. The tracks must be followed at once before some-



should come the

way and

find the boot.



boot on the road, no boot in the liquor-shop. The angered and disappointed man was returning to his dwelling when he met a neighbor and fellow-countryman from Lough-na Valley. The neighbor surprised to see the big man out so early, in such unwonted humor and bare of one foot, inquired what had happened. The tale, as the reader may imagine, was related with some amplifications and sequences which suggested danger to the injured man's guests. The neighbor, with a praiseworthy aim, sought to make light of the incident, that, anyhow, the boot alone was no use to anyone, and that after whoever had found it, had taken a bit of a rise out of him he would surely return it. The aggrieved one replied to all this soothing delivery: "Sure, man alive, I'm not thinking the loss the ould boot in itself, and if they weren't there it's a pair of alpargatas I'd have on me, but don't you see it's the boot
off the foot


that I kick them with."



In the sheep-camps a few of this grade of the atorrante The changed remain, but in altered circumstances. times have stripped them of most of their independence. Many of them in the olden times used to return to the ways of righteousness and wisdom; many a one of them,

too, suffered the penalty of their dissolute ways in ultimely and violent deaths. It was easy to become an atorrante when labor was scarce and food very plentiful, the reverse


the order of things.



man who

puts the


of the rover and knock-about before him choses the hardest

and most miserable career that Argentina knows to-day. There are tramps and knock-abouts in great abundance in the country now, but they are of other nationalities, and for the most part scarcely to blame for their sorry plight. As said already, it is a country of change and disappointment, and many a fair promise and fine hope are daily
dashed to earth forever herein. What the future may bring to the country no one may tell, but like the schooUnasters of the early days, the Irish atorrante, a product, to a large extent, of his kindly surroundings, has passed for good. They were a strange order of society, more to be sympathized with than censured. They had what, I suppose, they thought a good time; may they all live now in a still brighter and fairer land, than even Buenos Aires was when they knew it

The Mulhalls and "The Standard"

heard it said, and seen it written, that it was Michael Duggan that was mainly instrumental in founding the newspaper, "The Standard." He is said to have interested a number of Irish wool-farmers in the enterprise, getting them to subscribe a fund whereon the paper was established. I have not been able to find any proof that this tradition is well-founded, although I have made inquiries amongst old Irish- Argentines who should be


able to confirm or corroborate the legend

if it


The paper at its first foundation in fact. a weekly sheet, doubled over, simple affair

had any real start was an

making four pages. It had advertising enough right from the beginning to more than pay the cost of getting it out. Which cost at the start could hardly be so much as one hundred dollars a week of our present money; there could,
therefore, be no need for a big fund for the starting of

such a paper. The story of Duggan's collecting money for probably originated in this way. Michael Duggan was then a well-known man amongst the Irish sheep-farmers as wool and hide broker and consignee, he was acquainted with most of them, and Michael Mulhall when he founded the paper appointed, as may be seen by notice published at the time, Michael Duggan as one of his agents for its sale. Duggan, seeing the advantage of having a newspaper to defend and assert the rights of the English-speaking community, and being a personal friend of Mulhall, induced many, if not most, of his countrymen with whom he came in contact to become subscribers in the ordinary way. When Michael Mulhall came to Buenos Aires, in 1860, he





San Martin where he taught Engand various other languages. He was a highly educated man, having served for some time as professor in Carlow College. I believe he went to Rome to continue his studies
started a college in Calle

for the priesthood, but not having a vocation for the clerical

he decided on coming to Buenos Aires where his brother,

living for

Edward Thomas, had been








1861, the first number of "The Standard" apIn the following year Edward gave up sheep-

farming, at which he had but poor success, and joined his brother in the newspaper enterprise. The paper had already taken well and was going ahead, and it is told that Michael
said to

Edward on

for us to

his starting with him in the journalistic "Look here now, in this business there is a chance make fame for ourselves." Whereupon Edward "To hell with fame, let us make money out of

Be this tale true or not, it pretty well expresses the policy of the paper under Edward's control and ever since.
Michael Mulhall and Edward had undoubtedly good
business ability and were ready and clever newspaper writers. The}^ quickly made the paper a success, assuming the role of champion of all English-speaking residents, as well as

that of Germans and foreigners in general. They did very great service in exposing and denouncing outrages committed against settlers, especially against their own com-

and they never hesitated to denounce in the boldest terms the neglect or partiality of the authorities in bringing evil-doers to justice, nor did they refrain, when occasion

demanded, from denouncing with spirit the inactivity or incompetency of the English consular agent and his officials here in such matters. In the Sixties, following the many changes of government and the numerous revolutions of the previous ten years, murder and all kinds of lawlessness were rampant in the camp districts; there was not a parish of the country wherein our people were then settling but had its good fame deeply stained by some dreadful murder and frequent robberies. Not one of these came under the notice



of the Mulhalls but was thoroughly ventilated and the crime charged up to the account of the authorities and even to

every effort was not made to catch and punish the criminals. How hard and constant a fight they made on behalf of the law-abiding and industrious settlers



and with what


can best be understand by a perusal

of the volumes of their paper for those years.


Michael Mulhall was not what we would call to-day a nationalist, but in his time he was quite a respectable one. He was a true O'Connellite and, therefore, deeply loyal We would to "our gracious Queen," as he used to write.

call him a shoneen now, but that was the political cult of most of our public men under the O'Connell influence until the Fenian awakening came to save the masses and make The revival of "Liberals" and West-Britons of the few. the Irish National spirit dates more from the advent of Fenianism than from the coming of the Gaelic League. That in time the Mulhalls turned the paper into an out and out English organ is not a thing that we should have any wonder for. Loyal as they were to their O'Connellism and to "our leige Lady, the Queen" they were more loyal to the rather commonplace principle of get on in the worlds and if the success of their paper lay in a policy of sturdy and exclusive Irishism, that would surely be the Their paper never got line of their journalistic march. sufficient support from the Irish-Argentine people to keep it alive, and although there were in 1864 some twenty-five thousand Irish in the province of Buenos Aires they did not number one-third of the fifteen hundred subscribers to the "Standard," according to the Mulhalls themselves. Dependent on their own efforts, loyalists at heart, and ambitious to get on, they tended daily more and more to the side that gave them most support, till finally their paper came to be the recognized organ of the English community in Buenos Aires. Of the three brothers Michael seems to have been the one of most literary ability and spirit. As a statistician





he rose to considerable fame, but the two books on Argentine compiled in partnership with his brother Edward are far from satisfactory or safe as authorities on the subjects on which they treat. As a few striking examples of the carelessness and want of information they frequently exhibited throughout these volumes, I will quote: "Handbook of the River Plate," page 92; "The Recoleta Cemetery is now little used here the inhabitants of the city were interred for three centuries." When these words were written the Recoleta, as a burial place was scarcely fifty years old. All burials previous to 1824 having been made in and around


the Catholic churches.


it is



previous to this date had,

true, a little

burial place

near the Retiro which was really the

first cemetery opened Buenos Aires. Whenever reference was to be made to any well-to-do Irishmen the Mulhalls usually set them down

as Englishmen.

very misleading instance of this kind

of pandering to the British and snob element amongst the

met with on page 26 of the volume already menRosario is being described in the year 1875, and the following is tacked on, with what intent let the reader decide: "Excursions may be made by rail to the colony of Bernstadt, or on horseback to the fine English estancias in the valley of the Pavon." There was not then a single English estancia in the valley of the Pavon, and I doubt if there was even an English resident or employee. There



were, however, a score or so of very prosperous Irish famiscattered over the district, and being prosperous they
should, of course, be put to the credit of England.


Edward Mulhall


mostly attributed this kind of syco-

To connect a dancing pavilion and amusements grounds, which some Englishmen had invested money in, with some historic and remarkable happening they have this in their "British in South America," page 330: "The venerable Dean Funes, the historian used to frequent the gardens, and was one day found dead seated oji his usual bench." Young


Mitre, in his


had just entered by some of his friends, when he dropped down where he stood and expired. J. A. Wild, in his "70 Alios Atras," bears out Mitre, and mentions that he remembered the dead man being carried into his father's house, the elder Wild being one of the friends who urged the illustrious old patriot and statesman to visit the place. Further on in the same volume, at page 325, is set down this "historic" incident: "Dona Clara (an English woman) was the widow of Captain Taylor, who pulled down the Spanish and hoisted the Argentine flag at the fort in 1810." It would scarcely be necessary to tell any Argentine schoolboy who had past the kindergarten stage that there was no Argentine flag for some years after 1810. Nor that when the patriots of Buenos Aires revolted against the governmental system under which they lived there was no fighting or seizure of the fort; the Viceroy was simply deposed and popular government established by vote of the Cabildo, the new authorities just then being as loyal to the
of the Dean, tells that he

the garden for the

time, urged

Spanish flag as were the old. The foregoing are only a few of many glaring misstatements and errors in the Mulhall books, and are merely noticed here to give an idea of the political bias of their authors and to show how untrustworthy these volumes are as authorities on the matters with which they deal. Before parting with these books, however, I would like to point out the absurdity of the story quoted from Miller on page 284 of "The British in South America." The fact, of course, that it was calculated to show up the great power for good of England, the "savagery" of the Spaniards, and had a very palatable dash of the stage Irishman in it, made It is to the effect that its claim on their pages irresistible. the Spaniards had a row of men, half naked, standing on a beach somewhere in the northern part of South America waiting to be shot by court-martial, when a sailor belonging to an English war-ship ran up to one of the doomed ones, whose white skin attracted his notice, and asked the



condemned if he were an Englishman. Of course he wasn't, he was an Irishman, so was his interlocutor, and after a
real stage-Irishman dialogue the latter made off to his English officer, got him in due course to go and half-frighten the lives out of all the Spaniards in that part of the country and save that of the man with the very white skin. It

very like the ways of courts-martial. A sailor getting and going to one of the doomed men, having a long and quite free conversation with him, getting back and having an interview with his commander, and then the comis all

off his ship

mander upsetting all the military arrangements of the place. But at the end of it all one feels glad that it was with the Spaniards in South America this Irishman had to deal, a hundred years ago, instead of with Maxwell and Colthurst in Dublin in the year of our Lord 1916. To boom the English was hardly more grateful to the Mulhall taste than to clown their own countrymen, and this peculiar want of national self-respect, one of the political mortal sins, made many enemies for them among the enlightened and more Here is a typical editorial spirited of their compatriots. joke from the "Standard," 1866: "An error appeared in our impression of Sunday making Col. Palleja speak of
horses as horned cattle: the Col.
derive Argentine

not an Irishman."


names from Irish family names was another form of humor (?) they found great pleasure in indulging in. Thus Nunez was Nooney, Aguirre Maguire, Bareto O'Barret, and so on, although I doubt if even their English admirers could discover much to enjoy in this peculiar order of wit or humor, or whatever it was offered for. If they had never written their books their memory would be less unhappy, for with all their faults they did many a good service to our people, and the "Standard" in its first twenty years had much that was very useful and little that was
very objectionable in it. Their business principle seems to have been to boom themselves, flatter their friends and work hard. They wrote their own copy, were their own news-gatherers, did their own typesetting, operated them-




the old-fashioned hand-power printing


which they turned out the paper, folded

to their city subscribers delivering

machine on and went around

I have often been

by people, whose word I have no reason to doubt, that they many a time saw Edward Mulhall out on horseback as far as Flores, early in the morning delivering his paper. Whatever may be thought or said of their political principles their industry, commonsense and wise moral courage were highly commendable. This, of course, was in the early and difficult days of the paper's life. In a few years it The became the leading business paper of the city. "Prensa" and the "Nacion" which have since risen to be among the great daily papers of the world did not then exist. The private lives of the Mulhalls were clean and honorable, and although they were not popular with the masses of their own countrymen they were generally held in high respect by the leaders and public men of their adopted


They were generous


in subscribing to every Irish


Catholic charity and always willing to lend a helping hand

any cause that did not conflict with loyalty to "our leige Lady." When the Englishwoman tried to assassinate O'Donovan Rossa in New York, in 1885, the "Standard" said editorially: "His wound is not a dangerous one, but
this fact causes general regret, as it is generally held every-

where in America that he richly deserved to be killed." This is a vile libel on Rossa and on the people of the United

the Union,

Rossa was a good and highly respected citizen of and if he was guilty of any misdemeanor the law

of the land provided the remedy, but assassination, of even

an enemy of "our
loyalty at any cost



not generally approved

in the great Republic.


the Mulhalls should prove their

Edward took an active part in public was scarcely a foreigner in the county,
wielded a greater influence therein.


and there

on an occasion, while


who For saying in his paper was yet young and vigorous, that
in his



"God made the country and man made the town, but the devil made the Municipality of Buenos Aires," he was sued
by that body to the courts, and government was called on Of to banish himself and his paper out of the country. course the courts took the commonsense view of the case and the joke remained on the city fathers. Edwal*d, in time, assumed full control of the paper, Michael withdrawing to The Ireland where his fame as a statistician rose high. elder of the brothers seemed always able to keep more in the public eye. He made several attempts to found IrishArgentine societies or clubs, but was always a most pronounced failure in these efforts. F. H. Mulhall, the youngest of the three brothers, edited the "Southern Cross" for
a couple of years in the latter Seventies, but did not make much of a success of the paper. None of the family, except
Michael, seemed to be possessed of any real Irish spirit, and I doubt, even if they tried, if they could write a newspaper that would appeal to any of their countr3^men save those of the snobbish element. It is a remarkable thing that four
of the family connected with the "Standard" died within a little over a year. E. T. and F. H. in February, 1899',


in the following year, Michael G., the founder of the paper, and W. F., a son of Edward's, passed away. They were a Dublin family, very Catholic and very loyal.

Hutchinson and His Books


Proposed Irish Agricultural Colony Testimonials to Ship Captains Lists of Immigrants Martin O'Connor Saves Lives " First Aspiration " of the Irish O'Connell Monument Subscription Father Fahey Honored Miscellaneous Items ^Testimonial to Father Fahey The First Irish Society.


are now at the year 1860, and as affording a glimpse at Buenos Aires, its ways, affairs, politics and prospects at this time, one of the most useful books I have met is a volume called "Gleanings," by an Irishman, Thomas Hutchinson. He was English Consul
at Rosario for some years, but took a deep and sympathetic interest in the progress of the country generally, and made

laborous investigations as to its possibilities as a cotton producing region. In view of the almost prohibitive prices of flesh meat at the present time it will be, perhaps, interesting to quote these couple of
into the markets:






good leg of mutton can be bought

best beef

for one shilling.

The very

seldom higher in

price than from a

penny to three half-pence per pound." To-day it is only the rich who can afford to pay the price of the "very best beef," and even they complain that they cannot get it, as all the best is exported to Europe in one form or another. He notes with pleasure that the most successful sheep-farmers in the Republic are his own countrymen, and also remarks the preponderance in numbers of Westmeathmen and Wexfordians over those from the other Irish counties. Apropos of this fact a little joke of Father John Leahy's, which his seminary and early missionarydays' friend. Father Flannery, often
of place here.
tells will not be out Father John was from the Kingdom of Kerry, and he used to tell that when he was going to




provinces, but

school he had to learn that Ireland was divided into four when he came to Argentina he found that the

geographies were all wrong, and that the divisions were, Westmeath, Wexford, and all the rest Connact. Hutchinson was not a too fond admirer of the Argentine peasant, the gaucho, and this little sketch, though not
quite fair,

keenly descriptive as far as



"Set a

Gaucho to dance and he moves as if he were on a procession to his execution; ask him to sing, and he gives utterance to sounds resembling an Irish keen, accompanied with nasal drones suggestive of croup; put him to play the guitar, and you feel your flesh beginning to creep, for the tinkling elicited is as if a number of sick crickets were crackling Even the trumtheir legs over the fingers of the player. peteer of our troop sounds the reveille and other calls as if

The they were fragments of the 'Dead March in Saul.' Gaucho is only true to his type when he assumes the form
of a Centaur."

Hutchinson can never have seen the "gato"

danced, nor have passed a day with the gaucho in the

shearing pen.
I never hear


military bugle calls are, indeed, doleful.

I think of the frozen solitudes of the "Passing of the Andes," or that picture of Lavalle's

them but

soldiers bearing his


dead body through the mountain break. army under any and all circumstances is a solemn and a sad thing and this plaintive note on the bugle, after all, is not quite unbecoming. Hutchinson like every man who is worth while had his non-friends, and the tale was circulated here in Buenos Aires that he got his appointment and preference from the English Government for betraying his friends. He was an Irishman and was, it is said, one of O'Connell's secretaries. As such he was in the know of all the Liberator's movements and plans, and kept the Government advised thereof. As the Repeal movement was an entirely open one I do not see where the secrets to be given away could come from. I do not give the story as having any foundation in fact, or the opposite, for I have not made any investigation of
the purpose of an




and I merely mention it here as a piece of interesting Those who knew the man speak kindly of him, and his writings give one to understand that he was a rather good type of an Irishman. But speaking of his writings, gossip comes forward again with an unfavorable word, and says that, to his wife, who was a very brilliant Irishwoman, and served for some time as governess in the French royal

family of Bonaparte, belongs the authorship of his books. Between them let it be they were both very interesting char;

worth reading. In '67 when there was a bad epidemic of cholera in Rosario they rendered great service to the poor and stricken of the city, for the Consul was an eminent medical man, and his wife was instrumental in establishing a sanatorium to cope with the plague. Numbers of people in Rosario owed their lives to them. Everything they did was for charity, and instead of any profit accruing to them from this they spent their own means freely in the good work. The Provincial Governor gratefully mentioned the Doctor's services


their books are well

in his

message to the legislature



Alsina in his history of immigration shows that it was in the year 1857 that a real turning of European emigration towards the River Plate commenced. In twenty years

from that date more than three hundred and forty thousand immigrants arrived in Buenos Aires, and although a very small proportion of that vast host of peaceful invaders came from Ireland it is not the less true that Irish emigration to Argentina reached its greatest numerical strength in the Sixty decade. Several of the best sheep districts were then opening up, the battle of Pavon in 1861 closed all serious internal troubles, enabled the army to be devoted to the widening and securing of the frontiers of civilization, and wherever anything in the semblance of safety was hoped for there the sheep-farmers spread in. And every extension of the sheep-keeping area meant further requirements of Irish immigrants, hence the high-water mark of Irish immigration in these years. The governments. National and Pro-



were awaking to the needs of encouraging the inflow of Europeans and the destructive and prolonged Civil War in the United States contributed greatly to the success of their efforts. Cullen, in Santa Fe, had a special law made for facilitating the settlement in his province of agricultural immigrants. And the fact that Santa Fe, although one of the small provinces, is the second in importance in the Republic to-day is, in no small measure, due to this intelligent fostering of agriculture. About the same time President Mitre assumed the reins of National Government, and one of his first acts was to encourage the founding of an Irish agricultural colony on the same lines as other agricultural colonies were formed. To this end he took Father Fahey and some other of the leading Irishmen of Buenos Aires at the time into his confidence with the result that a large tract of land near Bahia Blanca was granted for this purpose. The scheme, however, did not prosper. With no railways and few or no coastwise steamers Bahia Blanca was very far away in '62. In those days ships sailed directly for the River Plate, and the Buenos Aires Fianna, in its seventh number, published a few years ago, gave some interesting data, collected from newspapers of the time, with reference to the sailing in the latter part of the year '56 of the "Waterwitch" with 115 emigrants "all from the neighborhood of Mullingar." This was probably the largest number of passengers that left by any one boat from Ireland for Argentina up to that date. In '62 the "Raymond" beat this record by twentyone, she landing in Buenos Aires, on October 1st of that In August, 1863, year, 136 passengers from Ireland. the "Rosalie" discharged 50 immigrants, one passenger, a man named Spens from Ballinacarriga, having died on the Later in the same year, in October, the "Rayvoyage. mond" beat its previous record by one, landing safely 137 immigrants; and still later, December 27, another batch arrived by "La Zingara," full number not stated, but I

some forty names to a testimonial of praise to the




Captain of the boat and his officers for their kindness, and is mentioned that some of the passengers went ashore without signing the document; in all there were, probably, some fifty or sixty. These figures do not by any means include all the Irish immigrants who arrived between '57 and ^65, possibly, not even half the number, but I give them as showing what a strong inflow of Irish there was then. It was customary, it would appear, for the passengers to give expression of their gratitude to the ship's Captain and ofllcers for the kindness and care shown by these on the voyage. How much such testimonials were deserved,
of the real feelings of the subscribers they not worth while considering now. I suppose they were a sort of trade advertisement gotten up by the interested parties and passed around to be signed, as a matter of course. Be this as it may, I am glad to avail of them to add to the record of the names of, if not the first, some of the early comers and founders of the IrishArgentine colony. Thus in unexpected places and through strange accidents and chances one often meets with very useful and interesting historical data. There must be many documents, old subscription lists, newspaper cuttings, and private correspondence in the homes of many of the descendants of the first Irish settlers that would be of great value in the compiling of a complete record of the founding of the Irish Argentine colony. Let us hope that they will be some day given to the light. Following is a list of pas-


how much


sengers by the ships above named, not


but such as I

could find

"Raymond," arrived Oct. 1st, 1862: J. G. F. and family, C. C. Power, Andrew Kirwan, M.D., W. Mahony and family, J. Pigot, H. McCracken, J. Robinson, H. Leader, H. Gormley.



P. Fitzsimons









Phelan, James Molphy,

signers of testimonial.


Nally, Michael M'Dermott,

Con Conroy, James Dean, Michael Kenny, George Quinn





"La Zingara,"

arrived Dec. 27, 1863



Richard Howlin, Nicholas Doyle, Christopher Molloy, John Brosnan, Patrick Berne, Michael Flanagan, Michael Molloy, Michael Dolan, John Cooper, Thomas Harrington, Patrick Beirne, Thomas McLoughlin, John Higgins, Thomas McLoughlin, Michael Dunleary, Peter Ward, Thomas Hughes, Owen Ward, John Leavy, James Leonard, Patrick Fitzpatrick, James Shrule, James Fox, Michael Griffin, William Spellman, Michael Casey, Michael Farrell, Joseph McGovern, Patrick Kilmarney, Thomas Carney, Thomas Harrington, Michael Molloy, John Bacon, James signers of Farrell, Andrew Culligan, William Spellman


Of the passengers arrived on the "Raymond," Oct. 6, "They all seem 1862, "The Standard" reporter said: strong, healthy and respectable, and bear a striking contrast to the embryo orange-venders and lottery-ticket sellers from the Mediterranean. The Rev. Mr. Fahey was most untiring in his exertions to see that they were properly
accommodated. Thanks to his noble exertions all our fellow-countrymen were properly taken care of. About sixty or seventy were placed in the Emigrants' Asylum, but owing to the want of beds and separate apartments for the females, the greater part were removed to private lodging houses." The steerage passengers of this trip presented the Captain, J. F. Sanders, with a silver cup and an address for his kindness. Dr. Gibbings, Ranchos, wrote as follows to the same officer:


me by my

thankful to you for your care and attention to the men sent brother from Ireland. Their account of the voyage and

your consideration

of them, is very flattering to you. If in any way I can be of service to you here, it shall be most grateful to me to be so. Yours faithfully,

Michael Gibbings.

happened in the early days of 1862 which gave a young man from Galway, named Martin O'Connor,




a good deal of well-deserved fame. A certain boat-master, or skipper, being the worse for over-festivity, indulged in some queer antics in a small boat, upsetting it and spilling its contents, part of which he was himself, into the water.

O'Connor being a good swimmer went to the rescue and

saved two of the drowning, at the risk of his
over-festive officer being one of them.


The young man was


greatly lauded for his brave deed.







registry of transactions in the ordinary course of affairs

show that Irishmen were already in very considerable prominence in city and country. An article translated from the "Nacion Argentina" by the "Standard" in September, '62, is, I think, worth quoting in this connection: "On Saturday last was sold by auction under the Cabildo
a suerte of estancia, about three-fourths of a league square, for the sum of $l,010,000.m/c. The land is situated in the Partido of Lujan, about seventeen leagues from town, and has
realized the largest price ever


lately sold

known in this country. Senor a league of camp for $1,300,000. m/c,

but this included some splendid plantations, fine buildings, Buenos Aires etc., with a better situation and richer lands. The is now beginning to reap the fruits of her sacrifices. era of prosperity for the Republic is heralded by facts and figures which nobody can deny. We see this in the fall of specie, $30 per doublon, and in the increase of the value of land. It is unnecessary to state that the purchaser was an Irishman. Who can pay $l,010,000.m/c. for three-fourths of a league unless an Irishman? It was also an Irishman who bought Senor Ledesma's estancia. The fact is that Irishmen pay for land what no one else can afford; and hence they are becoming owners of the best lands in the province. There are whole partidos in the north belonging exclusively to Irishmen. At this rate no one can compete with them. Presevering and laborious, their first aspiration, their leading passion is a flock of sheep and after that a piece of ground whereon to feed them. Thanks to this the Irishmen



tion in the country.

for ten years back have been working an incredible revoluIn the midst of our wars, in spite of

disturbances, drought and depreciation of produce they have kept up the value of land and gradually increased the figure to an amount which the most sanguine could never have

"Pastoral industry must undergo a change in sight of It is ascertained that a field of green alfalfa will support seven times as many sheep as verdant camp, and if the alfalfa be cut, double that number. We
the rise of land.

have yet to bring a hundred thousand sheep to feed on a if we do not wish to remain a hundred years Meantime it is but just to acknowledge that Irishbehind. of the great pacific and moralizing apostles men are the We hope they revolution in which we are all following.
league of land

continue to buy land by the million."



unwilling to pass from this very generous and in-

teresting tribute to the Irish immigrant without reminding

the reader that

it is

that age-old characteristic of the race

calls their "first

which the editor of the "Nacion Argentina"

Irish Nation.

aspiration," their "leading passion," that has left us the


was the longing for a land they could


own that brought our remote ancestors "from beyond


the sea" to that


of Destiny which the race has ever since

"first aspiration,"


was that old

that "leading pas-

sion" that led the descendants of those ancestors to fight

the Dane, the Norman, the Tudor, the Cromwellian, and the landlords, Cromwell's spawn, and finally triumph over



for the land of the Destined Isle

is still

in the


of the Gael.

And but

for that "first aspiration," that

the Irish people would be no

"leading passion," to get the land, and to keep, as Parnell


"a firm grip" of


of a nation to-day than are the Jews.

It was often said in years gone-by, as we frequently hear repeated in these times, that the Irish of Argentina, considering their great wealth as a whole, were far from over-generous in their assistance of patriotic or charitable




Whatever truth there may be


in that charge, as

regards the present generation,

following item in

would seem to be much

better grounded in the case of the previous one, as the

my record for the year 1863 will, I bebut I do not admit that it is well grounded in either case. A movement had been started lately in Dublin for the building of a monument to the memory of O'Connell. Michael Mulhall, good loyal O'Connellite that he was, reported the movement duly in his paper and gave it
lieve, testify,

A subscription was started, John his warmest approval. Kehoe of San Pedro contributing the first $100.m/c. At frequent intervals for several months Mulhall urged on his Irish readers to lend a generous hand in so worthy and
patriotic a cause, but the result of all his efforts did not

reach twenty pounds sterling; yet as we have just seen

there were Irishmen buying million-dollar estancias at the

and whole partidos were passing into their possession. be said that Mulhall's influence and popularity were not very great amongst the Irish people, and I am inclined to that belief, myself, but one would think that the memory of O'Connell, only twenty years after the monster meetings, should appeal to his Catholic fellow-countrymen in Argentina with somewhat greater effect than is expressed in an outpouring that rises no higher than 19-13-0. Wherever I can find the names of any of our people who in the olden days did anything in the cause of patriotism or charity I gladly set them down, for they deserve to be remembered, and to this end the subscribers to the O'Connell Monument Fund follow: John Kehoe, San Pedro; T.


Fallon, Buenos Aires;

de Areco; E. Lennon, Capilla del Thomas Ledwith, Mercedes J. T. "Kilcoursey," Patrick Fleming, Dwyer, do. Eugene Lynch, John
; ;

M. G. Mulhall; M. McDonagh, C. Sefior; M. P. Rosenblad,

Fitzgerald, C. de Areco




Edward Casey,

Laurance Tormey, Suffern Bros., J. O'Connor, San Antonio de Areco Thomas Fox, Gerald Kobbins, John O'Connor, Dr. Fermin Irigoyen, Lujan; George Comyn, Thomas



Kearney, Rev. John Cullen, Miss Anne Cathcart (Scotch). The highest subscription was one of three hundred dollars made by Patrick Fleming, an old resident of Buenos Aires and who was brother of Archbishop Fleming of St. John's

Newfoundland; nearly
lars each.


the others were one hundred dol-

Edmund Dwyer was

a Tipperary

man and head

of the gas-works of Buenos Aires.

I have given the ad-

dresses of the subscribers wherever noted.

There was some open opposition to the movement, but the chief difficulty seems to have been that the people took practically no in-

in it. A correspondent rather approvingly remarked, when the fund was closed, that but one of the half-dozen or more Irish priests in the country at the time could see his way to giving a subscription. Complaint was also made that it would be better to spend any money that could be got in relieving distress in the West of Ireland, which was dire, indeed, at the time. Still it is a strange fact that a fund for the building of a memorial to the Liberator, who, no matter how opinions may differ, was a great Irishman and a great benefactor of his people, kept open and strongly urged for six months was patronized by only about one in every thousand of our wealthy Catholic



in Argentina.

Of the twenty-five subscribers of

the less than twenty pounds sterling, three were non-Irish.

Irishman, not a Spanish citizen, to Buenos Aires, Thomas Craig, died, at the advanced age of eighty-four years.

In this year the

settle in

It was in May, 1864, that President Mitre conferred the honor of Canon on Father Fahey. The decree of the Soldier-President conferring this high distinction on the Irish Patriarch, "Patriarca Irlandes," as he was called, is a document very worthy of being inserted here. Although it would be almost impossible to find two men who rose to the first position in their nation more opposed to each other in political principle and governmental systems than Dictator Rosas and President Mitre they were at one in their respect and esteem for Father Fahey, and both of them took occa-


sion to manifest their distinguished regard for him.



the decree:

Buenos Aires, May 19, 1864. Repubhc has ordained and decreed Art. 1. The Reverends Dr. Edward 0' Gorman and Anthony Fahey are hereby named honorary Canons of the Cathedral Church


President of the Argentine


Art. 2.




be communicated, pubHshed and registered.

Mitre, President.

Eduardo Costa,


Canon O'Gorman was a native of Buenos Aires and grandson of Thomas O'Gorman who, although seemingly an Irishman, came to Argentina from France, on account, it
would appear, of the




many Franco-Irish
had to


who clung

to the

Bourbon cause

They usually turned fly from France in those days. towards Spain and later to the Spanish- American colonies. Their descendants can be met with still in Mexico, the West I call to Indies, and the Republics of South America. mind the case of one of these, Patrick Daly by name, who established himself near the city of San Juan, in Puerto Rico, naming his estancia "San Patricio." The English in 1797 sought to take the city of San Juan, but failing to force their way past the Moro Castle into the harbor, they
made a landing some
and learning that

miles to the east of the city

and finding

the principle estancia of the place called


owner was a Senor Daly, they treated it the way their descendants treated the Boer farmsteads a hundred years afterwards, destroyed every stick and stake of it. Daly and many other French exiles were within the walls of the city and it is related that to some of these French, who were trained gunners, was largely due the successful holding of the forts and the final expulsion of the

amongst our wealthy countrymen of Argentina is not, by any means, a new characteristic. As soon ag our people began to get wealthy, some of them
of Irish spirit




began to get snobbish. To be of the English, to be with the English, to be thought English, in a word to ape the English, and so deserve their condescending smiles of recognition, would seem to have been the aim, laboriously and at large cost, sought by many of those and by their children as far back as fifty or sixty years ago. The Irish Hospital had then to be abandoned so that our new-rich might be more free to support the English institution without seeming to desert their own. To-day it is only sought to hand the Irish Girls' Orphanage over to a little group of purseproud, Anglicized Irish- Argentine ladies. There is no English Girls' Orphanage here, hence, I suppose, the present move to undo an Irish institution that is really Irish. Still the Orphanage is not to be destroyed altogether, it is only to be made sufficiently English to suit the tastes of these Irish-Argentine, English-Red-Cross ladies; so we are not

A study of these matters, at the time I refer to, would be rather disheartening were it not
getting anything worse.

that by making an honest and careful comparison between

our rich people of then and now, we must arrive at the we are not losing ground in that direction. We have, it is true, a greater number of these undesirables amongst us now than ever, but in the olden time they were
conclusion that
left to

work their evil way almost unquestioned, now there a very general spirit of rebellion against them which holds them well at bay. In these days we hear a great deal about the difficulty of raising money by subscription to support
the Irish Girls' Orphanage, and various causes are assigned for






come forward.


these causes sufficiently explain the condition or

no I shall not wait to consider, but the following letter from Father Fahey will amply prove that the paucity referred to is not a new characteristic of our people, nor that of the present is the first time that we had differences of The letter opinion about the conduct of our institutions. "Buenos is headed, "The British Hospital," and runs:




The Editors





of the British Hospital I was


In reading over the report of the Secretary


surprised at the state-

ment 'that many poor Irishmen were admitted often on the recommendation of Irish clergymen.' I have never recommended any poor Irishman to the charity of that hospital,
for the simple reason that I could not administer the


Sacrament to him when dying. I have endeavored to provide for every sick countryman that called on me either
in the Irish or native hospital, as circumstances required.

The appeal which


the Sisters of

Mercy made

to the Irish

people last year for support for their hospital, met with

($100 gold), from subscribers; they received two donations which enabled them to erect three rooms, and they are still expecting that some charitable countryman will enable them to complete the buildings.

success, they scarcely received $5000. m/c.

"If the Directors of the British Hospital would refuse admittance to the Irishmen who would refuse to pay, they would avoid the expense which they now complain of. The
Sisters of Mercy are doing all they can to fit up wards both for men and women; many of the latter come in from the camp, and cannot find a place sufficiently adapted to

their circumstances.

"I should be glad to see both the hospitals well supported,

as they are calculated to do an immensity of

good to


poor, destitute British subjects.

am your

obedient servant.

A. D. Fahey." At this time there was a

solidate or

little movement on foot to conmerge the two hospitals. As may be seen from the foregoing Father Fahey was in no way in favor of this, and gave very good reasons why. There is scarcely a list of subscribers to the British Hospital at this period, when the appeal of the nuns for the Irish Hospital met with the response of one hundred dollars, gold, but numbers of To help the Irish Hospital, I supIrish names occur in. pose, appeared to our new-rich like acknowledging one's poor relations, and many people, come suddenly into wealth,




are not greatly given to that kind of virtue.

Orphanage were not supported then any more than now by regular annual subscriptions, and they could no more have subsisted at that time, or at any period since, than they can now, save for the very generous donations and bequests which they received from the, comparatively, few.
Hospital, Girls'

Home, and

Father Fahey, it is well known, lived in a condition bordering on actual poverty all his life in Buenos Aires. He founded hospitals, a convent, schools, orphanages, homes for the cure and care and comfort and betterment of his people, but a house or a home for himself he never had. His lodgings did not even afford reasonable accommodation for a man of his state and multifarious, if voluntary, re-

Some of his friends in Buenos Aires, knowproposed on the quiet to offer a testimonial of their esteem and admiration of his great services in the shape of a sum of money that would enable him to buy a house for himself, and in due time the presentation came off. A short address was presented, with the money, to Father Fahey, and as the address and his reply thereto will better explain the purpose and disposition of the fund than anything I can say, I shall gladly give both, and following them, in pursuance of what I have set myself as a sort of binding principle as regards lists of names connected with any worthy object, I shall give the whole list of subscribers:
all this,



Aires, July 12, 1865.


the Rev. A. D. Fahey, Buenos Aires,

Dear Rev. Sir: Some months ago

here, that a suitable opportunity

was agreed upon by a number of your friends had then arisen, for uniting your countrymen, both in town and camp districts, in a general expression of their unaltered regard for you personally, and of presenting you at the same time with some slight recognition of the many services received by them at your hands during your many years' residence in Buenos Aires. I have now much pleasure in inclosing herewith a list of the subit


scribers to this object,


and of placing in your hands the sum of $76,500 by the committee. Had the amount been larger, the propriety of presenting it to you in a more permanent, if not more useful, form would have been considered, but a variety of circumstances have contributed to influence and retard the anticipations formed by the committee. Even now it has been found necessary to
currency, collected
close the subscription list without


of the


districts or the subscriptions

having received the returns from promised by others.

Nevertheless your acceptance of the above amount in




quested as an evidence of the esteem of so

shared in by several of different to be associated in so well merited a testimonial.

many of your co-religionists persuasions, who voluntarily desired

add that, individually it is gratifying to me to be communicating so pleasing a record of the friendship entertained for you a friendship which will, I trust, become daily more strengthened. I am, dear Rev. Sir, on behalf of the Committee, your very faithful servant, Michael Carroll, Hon. Secy.







Michael Carroll, Esq., Hon. Secy., etc..

Aires, 13th of July, 1865.


dear friend

I wish I could convey to



adequate terms the emotion I

experienced in receiving this token of your good will towards me;

however, that


impossible for




I do thank you, thank you

in itself of great value, yet




present you so kindly offer




be assured that

there were not something

more attached




But know full well it also conveys feelings of affection, and is accompanied by those sentiments of good will that would render the most trivial gift
the price of silver or gold, I should set a very slight regard on

valuable, and, therefore, I do indeed thank you.

services I

have never sought for any testimonial of this kind for any little may have rendered my countrymen; having devoted my life to the service of the poor, I seek no other remuneration in this life for



Having no particular use for this money I shall hand it over to the Sisters of Mercy, who have incurred a heavy debt, in extending their schools and enlarging the hospital attached to their establishment.

I beg



convey to the gentlemen composing the committee

the expression of


sincere gratitude.

am deeply indebted for the kind sympathy you have shown me on all occasions. I regret sincerely that we are so soon to be deprived of your valuable society in this country; but wherever your future destiny may be you may rely on having the sympathy and good wishes of a large number of friends in Buenos
yourself individually I

I am,




Yours very


A. D. Fahey.





of subscribers and subscriptions:

Collected by the Hon. Secy.

Co., Buenos Aires, $2000; Thomas Armstrong, Michael Duggan, $2000; John Hughes, $2000; $2000; W. Leslie, Patrick Browne, Patrick Bookey, Francis Mahon, Terence Moore, Thomas Fallon, The Editor of "The Standard," George Temperley, A Friend, Ed. Wallace, $1000

Maua &

each; T. St. G. Armstrong, Daniel Maxwell,




John Hyland (Salto), $500


Collected by T. Fallon.


(Chascomus), M. O'Rourke


Jos. Clavin

(Chivilcoy), J.



(Lujan), Mrs. Corcoran (C. de Areco),


M. Healy Allen, M.


(C. de Areco), J. Lennon (Quilmes), Mr. Hood, $500 each. Richard Norris (Navarro), John Mahon (Merlo), $2000 each. A Friend (Mercedes), Thos. Gahan (Merlo), Jas. Murphy (Merlo), $1000 each. David Fahey (Dolores), Thos. Young (Pilar), Patrick Cormack (Merlo), $200 each. P. Kenny (Lujan), R. Hannan (Lujan), $100

Collected by Me. Michael Hipwell.

M. Hipwell (Pavon), A. C. Armstrong, do., J. P. strong, do., E. D. Dowling, do., $200 each.



Collected by John Duffy.


John Duffy & Sons (C. de Areco), $5000; Peter Duffy, do., $500; Mrs. Murphy, do., J. Cormack, do., J. Bannon, James do., A. Parle, do., Chris. McGuire, do., $200 each.
Gilhgan, do., $250. Mrs. Byrne, do., J. Stewart, do., J. Finnegan, do., J. Conlan, do., M. Daley, do., M. M'Dermott, do., M. Cassidy, do., Patrick Kerr, do., Thos. Dennin, do., A. Cormack, do., D. Brennan, do., H. Dalton, do., B.

Rogers, do., $100 each.

Collected by Mr. Ramos,

C. de


Michael Finnerty, J. B. Dowling, $500 each; Peter

Egan, $200.

Collected by P. Martin, Arrecifes.

Patrick Martin, $200; A. Geoghegan, P. Cullen,
Graves, E. Molloy, $100 each.


Collected at "The Standard" Office.

M. Lawless (Lujan), John McGuire (Navarro), $1000


Collected by Mr. Barry.

John Whelan (Pilar), John Casey (Chivilcoy), $500 Ed. Wallace (Pilar), Ed. Jordan (Magdalena), $100



Collected by T. Daly, Ranchos.

P. Lawyer,

W. Lawyer,


Riardon, $200 each;

O. Casey, T.

Coughlan, P. Connarton, M. McMahon, T. Daly,







Collected by Mr. L. Casey, Navarro.

Laurence Casey, $2000;
P. Casey


S. Lalor,



ray, J. Murray, J. Geoghegan, R. Geoghegan, $200 each.


Brother, $600.

Collected by Robert Kelly, Moron.

R. Kelly, $5000; Jas. Casey, $300; W. Smith, P. Whelan, M. Casey, J. Carey, $200 each; J. Keegan, P. AUen, P. Whalen, B. Finn, D. McYolan, P. Kenny, $100 each; W. Daley, J. Hafferty, $50 each.

Collected by Mr. Armstrong, Jr.

Henry Dose, B.
O'Dwyer, $300 each.


$500; J. A. Reddington, J. G.

Collected by Mr. Michael Murray, Leones.

Laurence McGuire (Merlo), Laurence Kelly, do., $1000 each; T. Naughton, do., W. Cleary, do., $200 each; Ed. Cleary, $100; P. KeUy (Leones), $200; M. Murray (Leones), $1500; Ed. Murrogh, do., $200; J. Duffy (Mercedes), J. Devitt, do., T. Dillon, do.,

$200 each;

J. Gal-

lagher, do., T. Gaynor, do., $100; P. Kelly (Giles), $100;

Protestant Admirer of Father Fahey, $1000.

Collected by Mr. George Morgan, San Antonio.

G. Morgan, Ed. Morgan, Patrick Wheeler, $1000 each;
L. Tormey, R. Nugent, E. Mackern, $500 each; D. rington, $200; M. Morgan, M. Eliff, $100 each.


Collected by Michael Duggan, Buenos Aires.

T. McGuire, T. Murray, T. Clancy, Jos. McLoughlin,
Jas. Ferguson,

$500 each.


Collected by F. Mahon.
James Anderson, Buenos
Aires, $500.


Interest on Deposit, $2097, less expenses, $347.


Amt. handed to Fr. Fahey, $76,500. Hon. Sec. B. A. 12/7/65.

of $76,500

Net, Michael Car-

The sum


at first sight appear quite

days were only worth two pence each. Reduced to gold dollars the amount stood a little over one thousand, five hundred dollars, a not very large sum to be sure, but considering the number of subStill ten times that figure, scribers, decidedly generous. would not be, under the circumstances, a response to the
large, but the dollars of those

wonder at or boast about. editorial item in the "Standard" of January, '67, affords some statistics in connection with the Irish Convent deserving of notice. The establishment had sixty boarders, forty-four orphans and a free school for three hundred
call to


native children.


Irish Hospital, just then completed,

was an

"where many old men and women are cared for." The Government gave no support to the Sisters, "not even a vote of thanks." In 1867 and for some couple of years before there are frequent references in the Buenos Aires papers, to the Fenian movement in Ireland and in North America, especially is this so in the "Standard," and considering that the Mulhalls were such ardent loyalists their treatment of the Irish patriots and their movement is entirely creditable. The contrast in the treatment of the Irish revolutionaries of that period and of those of last year by the same paper is the difference between gentlemen of a certain amount of self-respect and mere hired ruffians. The Mulhalls who founded the "Standard" were not grand models of the high type Irish patriot, but they were men of character and decent lives and they would never set their columns free to



in the scribbling renegades and panderers who last year, most the paper the days of the Dublin uprising, made the blackguardly anti-Irish thing that has come off a printing

press in

years. scarcely necessary to say here that the Fenian movement brought an entirely new spirit into the Irish




This, or something to this effect, was said of the Ireland movement also, but it was scarcely meant


Irelanders sang grand songs and said fine things, but their purpose, whatever it really was, never got down to the hearts of the people as did that of

The Young

the Fenians.

The coming of the Famine with all its hormay have had much to do with this, but the fact is the

their movement easily enough, whilst Fenianism defied its worst and is still a living, inspiring and even growing force. Its call was felt here in Buenos Aires and resulted in a number of men joining together

Government suppressed

and forming the first truly Irish national which we have any reliable record. The 1843 does not seem to have been more than and I have not been able to find more
references to

organization of

Repeal Club of a nominal thing, than occasional

The organization

started in '67 was called


Irish National

Society of Buenos Aires," and the

founders issued a manifesto setting forth the principles and purposes of the new society. It was to be Irish, members enjoying the fullest freedom of opinion, there was to be a reading room where men from the camp could meet and exchange ideas with each other and with their city friends. The first officers were D. P. Carmody, President; J. G. O'Farrell, Vice-President; J. J. Moran, Treasurer, and J. The society gave its first banquet F. Ledwith, Secretary. Mr. O'Farrell in celebration of the 25th of May, 1867. presided the banquet, and took care to say that the society was not a Fenian organization as some people had said, but Still the decorations on the contrary was non-political. consisted of Argentine, Irish and United States flags, there was no Union Jack, no "God Save the Queen," not even a


toast to


"Her Majesty."

Mr. O'Farrell might be a very

loyal man, but his renunciation of Fenianism for himself

and his fellow members somehow reminds one of that lady who did "protest too much." Mr. O'Farrell was the manager of an English company and we know how much, for we have had experience of it in our own time, the public





a very artistic harp entwined in shamrocks, and on a band beneath the harp the words, Erin go Bragh. Its permanent rooms were at Calle Mexico 72. It did not long survive Mr. O'Farrell's protest of its non-Fenianism he was not the only one of the officers who was employed by English business concerns. This same circumstance has worked the failure of many an Irish society in Buenos Aires and other places Why men so placed are always in Argentina since '67.
its shield

The organization had

explain, but I

allowed to get to the top of such organizations I cannot am convinced that while such is the order in

our efforts at organization we

shall never

have an active

and useful Irish society

in the country.

Appeals from Father Fahey Subscriptions Catholic Association Miscellaneous Items.


toll of

nearly all the nineteenth century Buenos Aires was periodically visited by dreadful and destructive plagues, cholera

and yellow fever being the


most common and


They attacked and imposed

mortality on all nationalities, more or less equally, the poor, as is invariably the case in times of epidemic,



Probably the worst and most de-

structive visitation of cholera ever experienced in the coun-

try was the one which commenced in the closing months of 1867 and continued far into the following year. Our poor, of course, had their share in the suffering, and Canon

Fahey, a father, and more than a father, to his people, found himself harder pressed than ever to cope with the
shocking needs of the case.
in the city


stories told of those times

and especially try, are indeed heartrending, but what must

in the country,


in the counit

have been

to be face to face with the terrible realities every

day for

almost every family in the country death, sudden and most agonizing. In some cases whole families were swept away in a day or two. Oftentimes corpses lay for several days unburied and the most gruesome tales are told of deaths and burials. But one story, not altogether gloomy, and the strangest I have heard related was of a little infant girl whose parents and brothers and sisters had all perished of the dread malady in a shepherd's house far away in the lonesome camp. The

many months.



baby was just able to creep, and when it began to want of food it crept out of the house and worked






along into a thick growth of weeds. No one may tell how, nor after what length of creeping and wailing, it reached a spot in the tall weeds where there was a large litter of very young pigs, the baby got amongst them and was nourished for some days by the sow, until some neighbors came to bury the dead family and missing the baby searched about for it and found it well in the sow's nest. The story may seem like a fiction, but I heard it told for truth in the year

1893, on the occasion of the marriage of a certain young woman who was said to be the lady in the case. Cases of men digging pits to bury some of their family and dying themselves before the fallen ones could be placed in the grave are said to have been quite common, and many a time I have heard it told that men, in this way, frequently dug their own graves. It was common then to bury the people wherever they died, especially when this happened far from any cemetery, but I believe the remains were in most cases of this kind taken to the cemeteries after the dread epidemic had run its course. The "Appeal" from Father Fahey which follows tells its own tale, and is a part of the record of services and
sufferings of the Irish Sisters of

Mercy and

of the never-

to-be-forgotten old Sagart himself:

The unhappy circumstances under which

the country


at present

have thrown additional expenses on our charitable instituso that it is impossible to meet the many calls without public


receive a poor

have rented a house in the neighborhood of the Irish Convent to widow and ten or eleven orphans, who have been deIrish Hospital continues to tender important services to the

prived of their parents by the prevaiHng sickness.


poor, especially to the female portion, the

this year has

number of which admitted been considerable. At present there are upwards of forty patients, between men and women.

The Sisters of Mercy have had 103 boarders during the past year, 60 only paid for their boarding, $250 per month, the remaining 43



were the children of poor people, and several of them orphans, supported and educated gratuitiously by the Sisters. In addition they had a day school for the poor native children which averaged from 80 to 100 daily.

At the present moment the Sisters are visiting all the sick poor, them medicines and nourishment, and rendering them the most

important services. Such instances are well deserving of the public support and I am sure it is only necessary to make them known in
order to excite the public sympathy.

A. D. Fahey,


Aires, Dec. 24, '67.

SuBSCEiPTioNs Acknowledged Same Date.

The "Standard," $1000 D.








Roynane, $1000.
terror and alarm on the Plate

The year 1868 came with

in virulence,

countries, for the cholera epidemic, every

day increasing had spread out over Uruguay with even greater destructiveness than that with which it was devastating Argentina. Many of those who could afford the cost of distant travel fled the city, but the masses had no alternative
to remaining, for the country districts to a very wide exif anything, more and plagued than the city itself. The appeal issued by Father Fahey on Christmas Eve was meeting with little or no response. The Sisters of Mercy were overwhelmed with the increasing demand on their resources and their labors, and if monetary assistance was not soon forthcoming they would have to abandon the unfortunate people to their fate, in so far as shelter, food and medicines were concerned. The greater part of our wealthy countrymen lived in the country and were hard to be reached, heavy sorrows had fallen upon many of them, and something like panic had seized upon all. In no other way can the poor response to Father Fahey's appeal be accounted for. Still the poor could not be abandoned; his faith in the charity

tent on either side of the great river were,




and generosity of his people was deep, and on January 8th he appealed to them once more. This second exhortation met with better success, but still was far from meeting with a spontaneous and general response by the people, as will be seen by the list of subscribers, generous, individually, but extremely spare in number. I will give the second from an editorial in "The circular with an extract
Standard," prefacing

Chascomus and the equally melancholy condition of the suburbs have been met by the Even Sisters with a heroism that only Religion supplies. yesterday when the Official Returns show a decided diminu-

"The awful

state of things in

tion in the mortality the Sisters in the neighborhood



Convent had sixty visits in the day to make; whilst the sad news from Chascomus arrived at mid-day that one of the Sisters had been violently attacked, and was not The little hospital at the Convent expected to survive. here is now so crowded that it is with difficulty the patients can be attended. Of course the stock of medicines has been long since exhausted, and each day the poor Nuns have to defray the expenses of supporting a large number, both indoor and outdoor, as to most of the ranchos which they visit, they take soup and bread and other necessaries. "Hard indeed must be the heart of him who refuses ^o aid these Angels of Mercy in this hour of gloom, and dull

man who


insensible to

the sublime satisfaction of

having given humanity."


mite to help in the cause of suffering







frightful circumstances

under which the country



at present renders

necessary that every individual should do


he can to mitigate the consequences of so awful a visitation. Whilst Priests, both in town and camp, are hourly exposing their
lives for the benefit of the

people entrusted to their care; and whilst

the Sisters of




true heroines of charity



themselves night and day, both in this city and in Chascomus, under the most awful circumstances, I consider it a special and rigid obli-

whom Divine Providence had blest with the goods of this world, to come forward generously and aid us by liberal
gation on our countrymen,

The English

public have acted nobly towards our charities; and I

am sure our own countrymen will not be outdone by them in generosity.


Our expenses are great we can save the people.


our labor




it is all


faithful servant,

A. D. Fahey.

The Sisters received at once the following subscriptions: Thomas Armstrong, $3000; Edward Lumb, $2000; "The
Standard," Joseph Ronan, T. B. Coffin, Anonymous, P. $1000 each; Barry and Walker, $800; Frederick Wanklyn, Terence Moore, $500 each; Francis Mulhall, $300;

Kelly, Onesy y Mosquera, $200 Mackern Bros., T. N. J. L. S., $100 each; H. A. S., A. Fulton, $250 each; J. H. Green, $100; Mr. Freyra, Rev. Mr. Smyth, Anonymous, C. Somers, Mrs. Porter, Mrs. Slevin, $50 each. Later on the following acknowledgments were made by the Sisters and Father Fahey for the same purpose: Mrs. H. A. Green and Children, Flores, $450 Mrs. Reilly, $200 Miss Bridget Murray, $100; Miss Rose Dougherty, $100;


W. Moore, $250; John


each; Curuchi

$100; J. Murray, do., $300; J. Maguire, do., $200; M. Cormack, do., $100; Peter Ham (Lujan), $1000; Ed. Morgan (Giles), $1000; J. Butler, calle Corrientes, $1000; W. Murphy (Salto), $1500; J. Browne (La Chosa), $1000. By the Sisters of Mercy: Mrs. C. Lumb and Children, $250; Miss Gates, $200; Mary Savage, $100; Mary Murray, $100; Rose McCarthy, Eliza Wallace, Maria Wallace, Kate Moran, Maria Moran, Ann Ledwith, Rose Ledwith, Margaret Hughes, Mary Ganly, $100 each. John Butler, Mrs. Elortondo, Robert Kelly, $500 each.

Miss Ann Owens, $50; J. Wilson, M. Murray (Leones), $2000; J.



Fr. Fahey,




afterwards came to be the Irish Catholic Association, with its Central Committee wliich in recent years has caused so much agitation and party feeling amongst our community, had its origin, in a sense, in 1869. Previous
to then

the Irish charities and institutions and move-

ments for Irish charitable purposes had their beginning and control in the hands of Father Fahey and the Sisters of Mercy. There was a committee of five trustees for the holding of the property from the year 1851, but this committee, as such, exercised no power or authority in the
direction or

management of

affairs connected with the in-

These institutions were now of very considerable property value, the annual outlay for their upkeep and development was well beyond what the Sisters of Mercy, by their own efforts, could realize Father Fahey was already becoming old and the unrelenting strain of the last few years of terrible stress was telling plainly on his health. It was clearly necessary, and at once, to place some of the burden he had borne so long on other shoulders. The com;

munity was far-spread and wealthy, let representatives of that community in all its cliief districts come forward now and help to carry on the good work. His plan was to form a commission in whose name the property would be held, and who would be responsible, in a measure, for its preservation and direction. In other words, a body of representative men who would see to the raising of the necessary funds for the due operation of the institutions, and to the proper use and disposition of such funds. Father Fahey does not exactly name a committee of management, but he announces that he retires from the temporal management himself, and fixes that collectors whom he names
to raise the funds shall deal directly with the Sisters of
institutions under their care. The Irish always the department of the charitable institutions in Calle Riobamba, and previously in Calle Merced, now Cangallo, which enlists Father Fahey's most earnest solicitude. The Irish Girls' Orphanage was only an acci-

Mercy who have the





dent or consequence of the Irish Girls' Boarding School. girls came to the Boarding School from the camp


before the ordinary term of school

with parents in fairly good circumstances who life, sometimes before a

year, was over, found themselves orphans or the children

of parents reduced to poverty, and not infrequently found themselves both orphaned and poor, such was then, and

the uncertainty of the



position, especially, of course, the landless

and business campman. The

boarding school thus gradually became a school for orphans and the children of insolvent parents. So that the Irish Girls' Orphanage may be said to have never been founded at all, but came as a development of the charitable institutions founded for other purposes, while the Irish Hospital was from the beginning, so to speak. When Father Fahey began his mission in Buenos Aires there were few Irish Orphans to be looked after, but sick and disabled workmen in those days of little protection for the laborer and utterly unsanitary city conditions, were numerous and of dismal fate, and to these poor people his sympathy and help went out more than to any other class of sufferers. A hospital for these poor people was, thereEvery other fore, with him the thing of all most needed. department of benevolence, schools, orphanages, immigrant girls' home, etc., were good and had his ardent and continual approval and support, but all his public expressions and best efforts from the commencement of his labors in Buenos Aires showed that an Irish Catholic Hospital was the first wish of his heart and the constant aim of his life. Here is the statement which I regard as the origin, or what led to the founding of the Irish Catholic Association:

"Irish Hospital.

"The innumerable benefits conferred by this institution on a large number of our poor countrymen and women dur-



ing the past year deserves the warmest approbation of our The frightful scourge which afflicted the countrymen.

country during the months of January and February compelled many, both from the camp and the city, to seek relief in this charitable asylum, and the care and attention they received from the Sisters of Mercy are too well known
to require repetition.

"The sadness

of the




impossible to

collect funds in the country during the year to meet the expenses attending the institution, so that I was obliged

borrow money frequently to meet the monthly expenses, one month with another five the average of which was thousand dollars; having also to pay the funeral expenses of many poor persons who left no means. As the prospects

of the country are now better, I am induced to appeal to the charity of our countrymen to contribute generously to

the support of this excellent institution.

As my health and

age render me unable to attend further to the temporal


of the hospital, I consider

better to


throughout the different districts of the camp and city, and to name Messrs. Michael Duggan & Co., treasurers, who will publish the list of subscribers, and pass the money received to the Sisters of Mercy, whose receipt also the treasurers will publish in acknowledgment of same. "The following are the names of the collectors appointed for this purpose: Messrs. Michael Duggan & Co., Plaza 11 Septiembre; Messrs. Donovan & Bentham, Plaza Constitucion; Messrs. Thomas Gahan, Merlo; Robert Kelly, Moreno; John Browne, Lujan; Peter Ham, Lujan; Michael Murray, Mercedes; Thomas Ledwith, Mercedes; Michael Murphy, Carmen de Areco; Thomas Kenny, Carmen de Areco; J. and P. Murphy, Salto; J. Ballesty, Rojas; G. Morgan, San Antonio de Areco Nicholas Clancy, San Antonio de Areco; M. Murphy, Arrecifes, M. Hipwell, Pavon;


Carmody, Rosario

M. Dougherty, San Pedro M. Bren;

nan, Baradero; E. Lennon, Capilla del Senor; J. Scully, Capilla del Seiior; P. O'Neill, Lobos; R. Gahagan, Jr.,



Lobos; N. Furlong, Monte; D. E. Kelly, Las Flores; J. Ronan, Chivilcoy. "A. D. Fahey. "Buenos Aires, November 6, 1868."
In a great number of ways our people figure in the

of Buenos Aires within the years between 1860 and 1870,

and a


notice of them, a passing glance at them, I



sure will not be without

interest for

some readers,

at least.

William Lennon, a Westmeathman, died in Buenos Aires He came to the country in 1833, was fifty-four years of age when he died and had been a wool-broker for many years. Daniel O'Hare goes into print protesting against the bigotry of the "Commercial Times" in attacking and libeling the Catholics of Buenos Aires, stating that the Catholics are twenty times as numerous as the Protestants and that they are deeply religious and tolerant. As to how religious the Catholics were then I know not, but they have always seemed to me very much too tolerant, that is, when one considers the treatment they receive from their non-Catholic critics both here in our midst and insome of the Protestant countries. Most of these bigoted and libelous critics are or have been "missionaries" amongst us who received special favors and kindnesses from our press and authorities, and who abuse and misrepresent the "benighted Catholics" as the most effective way of appealin '61.

ing to the generosity and charity of the supporters of the "Mission." Mr. M. T. Dooley was a competitor of the Standard editor in the teaching of all the languages.

Patrick Bookey was a Municipal Councilor. Mr. Geoghegan had his hotel in Calle San Martin, in front of President Mitre's house and Mrs. Burns kept her lodging house



for Michael
in 1825.

now Calle Lavalle. A subscription was started Morgan who came from the County of Down
years after his arrival he was seized and fight for his adopted


put on board an Argentine warship to



country he served while there was anything to be done and never got a cent for his time, and his case was by no means He had been a baker, forced mariner, and shepsingular. Whoherd, and was then 70 years of age and destitute. ever invented the phrase, history repeats itself, gave the

world a very true and useful saying, and although a bit hackneyed I take advantage of it to introduce a little historic fact which occurred the next year after the collection Some Irish immigrants arrived for poor Michael Morgan. in Buenos Aires just after the Paraguayan War broke out fighting men were badly wanted at the time and a person pretending to employ the new-comers made arrangements with them as to work, wages, etc., telling them that the estancia they were wanted on was in San Pedro, and put them on the river boat to that place. The unfortunate men were never landed at San Pedro, but shipped to Paraguay to fight Lopez. Some of them got back alive and are still in the flesh, but most of them, I believe, perished by the sword or by the way. In 1865 Fathers Callaghan and Kavanagh came to Buenos Aires, the former who used to preach in San Roque, did not remain long; the latter died at his nephew's in Bragado in February, 1880. Father Walsh, a student from Navan, was ordained at the Franciscan Church in 1866. Mr. Fallon's lottery agency was considered a lucky place to buy tickets, as many Irishmen purchased tickets there which drew large sums of money, and not a few of our estancieros of to-day are pointed to as amongst the lucky ones of those times. In the year '67 more than six hundred Irish immigrants arrived in Buenos Aires, and in this decade a number of the first settlers of our people passed away. Among them being Mrs. Hanlon who came in '22, Bart. Foley, James McGuire, Patrick Donohue, Drs. Conyngham and Brown, all of whom came within a few years of Mrs. Hanlon's arrival. Dr. Conyngham was father of Dr. Conyngham of Entre Rios. Dr. Brown was the famous "silent Scotch doctor" of whom Wild tells the story which his, the Doctor's,





servant, a very loquacious Andaluz was once heard to relate "Look here, I have been four It ran thus: to a friend. years in the service of the Doctor and by the Virgin of

him say a word more and yoke her.' " The well as on his reticence, as Spanish Doctor's the on joke is came to Buenos Brown female. a horse the makes for he the Navy entered year following the in and 1825 in Aires someknew he namesake; his countryman, famous our under appointed soon was and surgery and medicine about thing He was called the Scotch Doctor because Fleet Surgeon. Scotland, but both his parents were from here came he Irish, and some say he was born in the North of Ireland Like Conyngham, who was also an Ulsterman, himself. he was a Catholic, and they are both buried in the Recoleta. In '68 Father Patrick Donovan, a Corkman, one of the old Irish Chaplains and brother to Dr. Donovan died. Same year the Sisters of Mercy opened their Irish Immigrant Girls' Home at 248 Calle Chacabuco. The first subscriptions towards its support, published, were from James McGuire, Mercedes, and from Thomas Cunningham and his "puesteros," $500 and $400 respectively; other subscriptions acknowledged soon after were from Father Samuel O'Reilly, $500; John Brown, Lujan, $500, and
the Miracles I have never yet heard than, *Juan, take her, the horse, out,

Patrick Doherty, $200. Amongst those mentioned as taking the white veil or being professed in the Irish Convent were, Misses Norris and Kenny, Navarro; Miss Tormey, Giles; Miss Murphy, Lobos; Miss Garrahan, Mercedes. The institution is reported in a flourishing condition, the Fahey testimonial having been devoted to liquidating its hospital debts. Colleges of a satisfactory kind were scarce in Buenos Aires at this time, Father Fahey's endeavor to establish an

Irish Catholic College having failed some years previously, he publicly recommended the Vincentian schools, where Mr.

McNamara was teaching, to his people. Fr. Patrick J. Dillon had been distinguishing himself for some years for his great learning and early in '69 was made a Canon of



the Cathedral of Buenos Aires, in recognition of his unusual attainments as a scholarly priest. Some of the Irish names

then prominent in Buenos Aires were: Henry O'Gorman, Chief of Police; John Coughlan, engineer of various public works; McGovern, Sullivan and Quinn, builders and public

works contractors; Armstrong, O'Shea, Duggan, Donovan, Kenny, etc., merchants and brokers. Edward O'Gorman was Commissioner of Charities; Mr. O'Connor, Captain of the Port; O'Gorman and Dillon were judges, also, and the principal Irish medical man seems to have been Dr. Healy. Mr. Geoghegan had a very serious question with the English Consul, Parish, about debts due him by certain British subjects who had died in his hotel. On Geoghegan making his claim on the estate of his deceased guests for their hotel expenses. Parish is accused of having told him that he was an Irishman and to go and apply to Ireland for payment. The case attracted a good deal of attention at the time, and, from what can be gathered from the newspapers of the day, it would appear as if Geoghegan had been rather badly treated. About this same Mr. Geoghegan many comical stories used to be told by the old-time Irish who made his hotel, the Victoria, their stopping place when in from the camp. Here is one of the old yarns: There was some particularly serious revolution on and the police of the city gave orders to have all doors closed after a certain hour of the night, and that anybody that might be found on the street, without entirely satisfactory reasons, after that hour would be locked up for the night. A cernot very particularly law-abiding or sober-minded Irishman was in from the camp, and although staying at the Victoria, took a run around this particular evening amongst the other hotels where he expected to meet some of his countrymen on business like his own. He did not get home exactly in accordance with the police regulations, and knocked at Mr. Geoghegan's door somewhat after hours. Geoghegan was in no hurry to open the door and while doing so gave his guest a bit of his mind about the



kind of hours he, the guest, was keeping, and muttered something about the poHce laws. As soon as he opened the door, the campman caught him by the night clothes, pulled him outside, stepped in and locked the door. Mine host lost his temper, as may be imagined, beat the door with his hands and clamored so loudly for admission that a couple of the nearest policemen hurried, with drawn sabers, to the scene of the midnight uproar, and in spite of all his protestations

marched Geoghegan


to the Police Station.

The campman made arrangement for someone else to settle up his hotel account and was well on his way for where his

were morning.



Geoghegan got




Sixty-nine and Seventy were years of great depression.

Father Fahey DiesFever Funds
Anti-clericalismThe Irish Hospital


far the heaviest sorrow, and undoubtedly the most serious misfortune, that had fallen on our people
in the River Plate since their first

coming to this '71, when Father them in new land of destiny overtook in the figured priest Fahey died. So much has this great anyinto enter previous chapters that there is no need to works His thing like a biographical sketch of him here. remain, and his memory is fondly cherished by the people, and their children, whom he so well served. And many of his countrymen who came to this country long after he had passed to his reward respect and revere his memory and tell of the great obligations our people are under to him with affection and pride as pure and enthusiastic as do those who were his personal and favored friends. The memory He of Father Fahey is not failing or falling into decay.


not be one of the canonized saints of our race, but

to those of Gael blood in Argentina he will always hold a

place not very far below that of Saint Patrick and Saint

And but for the disunions and jealousies that at such frequent intervals, and for so little cause, turn our community into warring factions or disgusted spectators of

miserable squabble, some public recognition by the Municipality, in the naming of some street after him, would ere now be effected. Father Fahey was twice honored by

the highest authority in the land for his public service, and



we sought in proper form to have his memory preserved, somewhat after the manner above indicated, the City Government would not be less generous than Rosas and Mitre. Father Fahey was a tall man, stately of build, with a Those who still countenance, plain, but somewhat severe. remain of the generation who knew him personally, and they


quite few, say that he rather repelled than attracted

but once he spoke his countenance underwent a change which made one feel quite at change, a complete He was always cheerful and him. with conversing ease in words, scarcely ever jocose and manner in his quite direct
first sight,

and never what we would

tall silk hat, a garb that

call familiar.

fashion of the secular priests in Ireland

and must have seemed very strange on It a priest sixty or seventy 3^ears ago in Buenos Aires. for it taken have people most stated and has often been
in frock-coat


dressed in the

granted that he died of yellow fever, for that dreadful epidemic was then raging in the city, and the last sick-call he attended was that of a poor Italian woman stricken with the malady, but the certificate of his death signed by two He medical men, states that he died from heart disease. trouble. heart of had complained for some years previously He felt very unwell on Thursday evening, but did not take

and when the following day a doctor was called in he pronounced the patient suffering from a bilious attack. He was still attending to his duties, but within doors, on Saturday, and expressed himself as expecting to be out and attending to all his duties in a few days. Sunday a change for the worse came, and as the dawn of Monday morning was rising his great spirit passed into the light of eternal
to his bed,


Our people have never

seen his like since in Argentina,

and although the same kind of labor is not any more to be done here, or anywhere else amongst our people, there

sore need for a great pastor in the Irish Argentine flock

This great pastor will, of course, some day our people are fated not to be lost to the old ideals of the race, and our community will surely yet proof to-day.
arise, for




own Fahey, not




own McHale or


Mulhall, who was a close friend of Father Fahey, says he was born in 1804, while Connolly, in his "Weekly Telegraph," and who was equally intimate with him, gives 1805 as the year of his birth. These two editors in their report
of the funeral

make statements, though


of small importance,








"Standard" explains that owing to a

rule of their order the

Sisters of Mercy could not attend the funeral, and the "Telegraph" draws attention to the pathetic sight of these sisters weeping at the grave when all the mourners had turned away. Some French sisters attended the burial who may have been taken for the Irish nuns. It was the desire of the Archbishop to have the remains interred in the Cathedral, but as the law forbids such burials the body was borne to the vault of the clergy in the Recoleta. For many years some uncertainty prevailed as to where the body of Father Fahey was resting. The late William Bulfin, as editor of the Southern Cross, made careful investigation into the matter and in 1901 the remains were located, a few years later they were incased in new coffins and transferred to another vault of the clergy, and in 1911 to their present resting-place under the splendid Celtic cross near the principal entrance to the cemetery, and but a dozen yards or so from where the bones of the most famous Irishman that ever came to South America, Admiral Brown,

are moldering to ashes.

A year or so before he died Father Fahey called in, from the Carmen de Areco district. Father John Leahy to assist him in his ever-increasing duties. The young priest was highly esteemed by the old Chaplain, and it was this young priest he wished should succeed him in the chaplaincy of Buenos Aires. One of Father Leahy's first public acts in his new capacity was to call attention to a little attempt to start sectarian trouble made by certain English and Scotch rcsi-



who inaugurated a "British Subjects' Fever Fund"

to be distributed


by the English and Scotch chaplains. He an effort to introduce the "No Irish Need Apply" principle into Buenos Aires. Protests and explanations followed in lively haste. Another fund was and no little spirit Fever Fund," "Irish the called opened, right to say that only is matter. It the over evoked was deprestrongly residents Scotch and English the of most good relations that the might disturb that anything cated existed between the great body of the two nationalities all through their previous life in Buenos Aires. There were always some little bigots and mischief-makers, chiefly amongst the English element, but their influence or opportunity up to this time had not been quite favorable to their Messrs. Green and Bell, initiators of the fund purpose. that started the controversy, wrote denying any intention on their part to make such distinctions as suggested by Father Leahy, "The Standard," and others. Both gentleas

men were generous contributors

the past, and, no doubt,

to all charitable funds in

had nothing of sectarianism in their minds when they started this movement, they were, it was said, prompted to it by others, and notwithstanding their very ireful disclaimer it was plain to be seen that Father Leahy and the other protestors had reason to complain as things were. But in the light of these days of saner and
manlier patriotism is it not humiliating to us that such a protest should be made by our leaders.? Why should the
Irish of Argentina claim a part in a "British Subjects'

Fund.?" Some say that we are losing in patriotic spirit, but I very deeply doubt that any Irish Chaplain or respectable Irish journalist would to-day think for a moment of uttering a complaint for our people being kept sternly outside the "British Subject" circle. Such, however, were then the evil ways of our leading, or I should say, our straying and crawling. We have still, unfortunately, amongst us many who creep and crawl, and a few who stray, but whatever these may feel in their hearts they



would hardly dare to raise a growl and whine in the public press because our poor were discriminated against in the doling out of charity provided for subjects of the English monarch. There were threats that subscriptions would be withdrawn if the restrictions complained of were not discontinued, and proposals to add Father Leahy and the American Chaplain, Mr. Jackson, to the distributors were made, but the "Irish Fever Fund" was already started and meeting with a most encouraging response. The "Standard"
wrote March 22, 1871

"Fever Relief Fund.

"The humane gentlemen who undertook the task of getting up a subscription on the Bolsa for the widows and
orphans of the present epidemic found everywhere a ready response to the noble appeal. Already more than $28,000 have been handed in, and we hope to see the sum double. We were right in saying that the English residents are always ready to relieve their countrymen and lend a helping

hand to

suffering humanity.


opened a


at this


and have received some

donations, but we learn that the fund collected on the Bolsa is to be exclusively devoted to the poor of the English and

Scotch congregations. "Under these circumstances we have the list at our office a new heading:



to give


Fever Relief Fund/

and beg that those who have already handed us sums of will kindly let us know whether we are to acknowledge the amounts on this understanding. "We trust that our English and Scotch friends who have so liberally come forward for their own congregations




It must be will also contribute to the Irish Relief Fund. borne in mind that while the English and Scotch congregations have subsidies from the British Government the Moreover a certain class of the Irish residents have none. Irish community is suffering heavily under the epidemic; we allude to the servant girls, who have to wait by the sick


and many of whom have already their fidelity and heroism."

fallen victims to


starting of the Irish Fever

general approval and support. Leahy and the numerous protests published were timely and justified will be seen by the many non-Irish names in the following list of subscribers. As the occurrences occasion-

Fund met with very That the alarm of Fr.

ing the fund have been indicated already no explanatory

list can be required here. Subscribers per "The Standard": "The Standard," An Irishman, Mr. Webb, J. J. Revy, General Paez, J. Barrett, J. Leesmith, A Friend, S. Haycroft, J. Aungier, J. Browne, "Stand-by O'Gorman," C. E., G. Brown, M. Duggan, D. Duggan, Thomas Drysdale & Co., Bessie Browne, Kate Scannell, Zimmerman & Co., Thomas Armstrong, Thomas Duggan, A Friend, J. Casey, Blunkhurst & Co., Two Anti-Snobs, L. M. Brown, Con Langan, Paul Tragoni, Rusticus Fortin, J. M'Kieman, Kenny Bros., J. Doolin, J. Walker, Drabble Bros., Patrick Busner, M. Barron, Ter. Moore, N. L., Graham, Watson & Co., B. R. Kenny, S. Pecher. Per Father J. B. Leahy: Miss Nannery, T. Ryan, L. M. Browne, Miss Frahill, Bridget Ham, Mrs. A. Garrahan, Mrs. M. Colligan, Mrs. M. Kenny, Mrs. G. Clarke, Mrs. A. Ballesty, Ed. Garrahan, Pat. Manny, Ed. Kenny, J. Garrahan, J. Donohue, D. Garrahan, Owen Manny, M. Mallady, B. Donohue, M. Healy, Geo. Clarke, Luke Rooney, J. Kenny, Pat Colligan, T. Murray, Peter Daly, P. Smith, E. Eustace, F. Davis, J. Sharpies, Mr. Tippet, T. Regan,

introduction of the

Anne Murphy, Pat.

Donohue, Rev.


Friend, F.



B., Florence

S. Reilly, F.


J. Quinn,





Maria Quinn, John Quinn, Andrew Quinn, Rose Murray, Margaret Connor, J. Fagan, T. Stockdale, T. Nicholson, E. Dillon, Pat. Moore, John Moore, A Friend, per M. J.
Moore, per Michael Hearne, Chivilcoy, $6549. San Antonio de Areco: Michael Brennan, Mrs. J. O'Connor, Mrs. Mooney, Miss Mooney. The principal individual sums were "A Friend," $000 Drysdale & Co., $1000; Kenny Bros., $1000; Terence Moore, $1000; the other sums ranged from $500 down to


several years

Buenos Aires had been suffering from

some of the worst maladies known to the human race and small-pox had followed one after the other in epidemics the most harrowing and destructive. Yet the awful gloom and sorrow with which they filled almost every family in the land were unavailing to restrain
cholera, yellow fever,

the demoniacal passion of hate in the breasts of the anti-

While everybody, almost, was seeking to do whatever in each one's power lay to alleviate the general sufferclerics.

ing these envenomed creatures came forward with charges that the priests and nuns were shirking their responsibilities and were false to their duties. A very pointed and un-

answerable reply to those charges was duly forthcoming, and because it was delivered by an Irish priest, and because

lets in

phases of

life in

a useful and interesting gleam of light on some the city at that moment, I present it here.


had already won high distinctions among the clergy of the Archdiocese, and was one of the
Dillon, its author,

professors of the chief seminary of the country as well as an Irish chaplain. Of all the strange manias that the mind

peoples, is the one most utterly deworthy sentiment and manly ideal. For the anti-cleric, of the order I refer to, there is no patriotism, no religion, no morality, no social ideal, no political policy but the one, and that one covers all the unconditional
structive of every

man suffers from among the Latin

I think anti-clericalism, as one meets



There may be good in and no

abolition of the Catholic clergy.

everything save only the "clerigos," the "frailes,"


opportunity must ever be lost to say foul things of them. is sometimes really pathetic and frequently quite ridiculous the extent to which this ugly passion dominates the

of its victims.




the letter:

48 Reconquiste, March 24, 1871.


this calamitous epoch,

it is

when our



plunged in mourning

under a dire epidemic

some people dedicate themselves to the care of their suffering brethren. The Comision Popular deserves the praise of all, and will reap the reward which the
consoling to see that

Almighty promises when he for me."



what you do

for the poor

you do


Sisters of

Charity and the Irish nuns are untiring in assisting

at the sick-bed and taking charge of poor orphans, giving help


consolation wherever they go.

diligent in their labors,

The clergymen

of the city are


and I regret to

see that a


of the


mision Popular has thought proper to deprecate the neglect of the

parochial clergy.


Buenos Aires did their duty during the cholera, and with zeal and charity, making every sacrifice for the good of the poor people attacked by the epidemic. They not only administer them the sacraments, but also in many cases give them pecuniary
clergy of
it still


Meantime, wherever a priest takes a coach the fare is double or sometimes treble, as has happened to myself. And yet some people will say that we neglect our duty!

hours whether as a clergyman or infirmarian, at the Lazaretto or in private houses; and I am authorized to say that my fellow Canons are as ready as myself. In an attack on the clergy I am bound to take up the challenge.

We call Heaven and our fellow-citizens to be our judges. inform the Comision Popular that I am at their service at

I hereby


At a moment
speeches, but

we should all unite, and not waste time in men. Instead of empty projects, let us help the poor people who are dying of want and misery. Let the Comision Popular continue its good work, and the recording Angel will enroll their names in the Book of Life.
like this



Canon Dillon.




question of merging the Irish and British Hospitals in one, or of discontinuing the Irish Hospital altogether, was mooted some years before Father Fahey's death, but



amongst his man, who always

good sense and predominating influence countrymen of the good priest and good Irishfelt

that the Irish colony should be in-

dependent of the charity of others, and fully sufficient unto itself in all its needs, prevailed to keep the Irish Hospital and other Irish institutions intact while he lived. Soon after he had passed to his reward, however, the movement against
the Irish Hospital was again revived.

Father John Leahy,

who succeeded Father Fahey

in the Irish Chaplaincy of

Buenos Aires, seems to have done everything in his power to have the wishes and purpose of his predecessor and friend fully and honorably complied with. He collected subscriptions, issued appeals to the people for support, published balances and reports and in general took the liveliest and most intelligent interest in its well-being. Of so much im-

portance to the Irish-Argentine people do I deem this matter of the Irish Hospital that I shall devote the remainder of this chapter to giving in a collected narrative, although it is gathered from a period of eight or nine 3^ears, all the information I have been able to collect in connection therewith. There are, no doubt, many letters,
Irish families here in

documents and statements in the archives of some Buenos Aires that would be very valuable to complete and elucidate the full history of the rise and fall of the institution, and I hope these pages, as well as preserving and making public property of what I have been able to get together, will have the good effect of bringing to hght the missing links and the corroborating or correcting facts and complements of the story. The Irish Hospital, as already shown, was founded by Father Fahey in 1847 or 1848, and all through his life it was the institution he felt to be most needed, most useful, and the one, above all others, he struggled hardest to establish and maintain. From reports, statements, critiofficial



in as

it will be seen that the inprosperous a condition as any charity hospital in the city at the time of Father Fahey's death; that it was fulfilling its mission nobly and to the great benefit of our people; that soon after disagreements and bickerings amongst its directors and managers were en-

cisms and balances to follow


gendered and excited, and that slowly it was neglected, obstacles placed in the way of its usefulness and finally reduced to such a nullity as a hospital, that the Sisters, the best nurses and teachers the country had known, so far, had to leave, as the Archbishop said in his efforts to arouse interest in their behalf, "because they had little or nothing to do here." The Trustees, Directors and Committees had managed so well that within nine years after the demise of Father Fahey, the Irish Hospital was destroyed, the Irish nuns gone out of the country and the institutions which he labored for more than twenty years to establish closed and abandoned, and the Irish orphans and invalids scattered elsewhere. Here is Father John Leahy's Statement and Balance Sheet for 1871

Buenos Aires,


Year's Day, 1872.



As you are aware the management of the Irish Hospital fell into my hands at a most trying time, and it needed all the faith I had in the generosity of my countrymen to induce me, not only to retain the patients then in the Hospital, but also to receive the numerous cases caused by the yellow fever. The sudden death of the lamented Father Fahey left the Hospital without funds to support it for a week, every thing looked gloomy and unpromising, when I appealed to the Irish to give their immediate and generous assistance, and save our community from the disgrace of having to close the Hospital doors, just when they should be thrown open widely and unhesitatingly. Thank God! the result has amply proved that my confidence was not




A sickening horror creeps over me as I remember the scenes of multiwant I had to witness during the yellow fever; but if I could call any recollection of that dreadful time happy, I may name three memories that at least were cheering amidst the otherwise universal gloom: I refer to the assistance by the heroic Irish Sisters of Mercy, the invaluable services rendered by the Irish Hospital, and the spontaneous and practical sympathy shown by the Irish people. Many of our community, especially of the Irish girls, who were received in the Hospital, and under God owe their recovery to the care and kindness of the Sisters would otherwise have but little chance of survive ing. Even those who succumbed to the insidious disease had every care and consolation that could reconcile them to the approach of
death, while outside of the Hospital they would, in nearly every case,
linger to the

end without a friend to speak to them

least kindness during


any language,

to render

them the

or to close their eyes in


I only repeat

now what

I said a thousand times before:

the self-sacrificing priest to

whom we owe

every charitable institution


have, had only lived to see this, the last of his foundations a center

it was during the yellow fever for those whose interand protection held, perhaps, the highest place in his anxiety, he would have reaped a large return for all the trouble the Irish Hospital caused him; and few knew better than I did how heavily the debt contracted in establishing the Irish Hospital weighed upon him until

of salvation, as


the last


of his



the Hospital never again be needed for so sad a purpose, or

be called upon to meet so terrible a want as it filled up during the past stricken months of 1871. When I applied to you last March, to aid me in keeping the Hospital open, I promised to give you at the termination of the year a detailed account of donations, expenses, administration, etc. If I am not I sufficiently explicit in this, press of business must be my excuse. shall be glad to answer any pertinent inquiries made, no matter how minute. At the time of Father Fahey's death there were nine patients in the Hospital. Since then close on one hundred have been admitted. The average number of patients daily since March has been 115.44ths. The immediate expense as accounted for by the Sisters in charge, has been $34,600, the average weekly expense has been $556.9. 11th. Average weekly expense for each patient $7.539. 34.23rds, a little less than $7.1-6th m/c.



Account from
1st of March, 1871, to 1st of January, 1872

Irish Hospital

Paid to Sisters Paid to Sisters Paid to Dr. Lausen

6,000 8,555

Paid to Undertaker To Contribution from San Pedro paid to Father Fahey

750 200

To publishing of 1st Circular To publishing of 2nd Circular To Outdoor Relief To Loss by false bill



To Subscriptions To Received from







I feel confident that these figures will establish the economy with which our Hospital has been managed, and shall be the most satisfactory appeal to you to contribute your generous and charitable assistance. You will see that nothing more than energy and union is needed to place the Irish Hospital on an independent footing, and leave each year a balance in its favour sufficient to raise a hope that before many years pass over there shall be a reserve fund adequate to place the Hospital beyond danger of such a crisis as it has past through last March. I am not ignorant, and I grieve to be compelled to acknowledge it, that in quarters where, if I knew the country less, I would expect the most strenuous support, the Irish Hospital seems to have won but little sympathy. I would prefer to believe that the parties I refer to seek for an excuse to cover their want of generosity, rather than sup-

pose them so slavishly anti-national as to argue that the Irish Hospital



any other similar institution merely because it is Irish. any case, that they had contented themselves with the mite they persuade themselves into saving, and not commit the
inferior to

to God, in


injustice of


making themselves the propagandists of an injury to the sick will say that if such and such a thing were to be had in the Irish Hospital they would readily subscribe, etc. How applicable the old adage, " Live horse and you'll get grass." The outlay must be regulated by the income and keeping in view the present state of the Hospital funds, to claim more from it than is absolutely needed lacks even the shadow of decency and justice.


There has not been a single application for admission refused,


the patient could, with propriety or justice to the Sisters and the sick,

be received, while the Hospital has been under my charge. For admission nothing more has been, or shall be needed than a letter from any of the Irish pastors, when the Hospital funds are sufficient
to warrant such a proceeding, the authority to give orders for admission

be proportionately increased.

As you are aware the


Chaplains form the present Board of Directors.

I beg to call your attention to the fact that your immediate assist-



required, as the balance given shows.

Despite every care I

know that many names shall appear strangely altered from the original. To avoid mistakes I give the following districts. Subscriptions shall be acknowledged in the papers when received and by circular at the
end of the year.

Hoping the favour


your subscription, and wishing


you the

blessing of a

Happy New

Year, I am. Yours,

B. Leahy.

District of Mercedes: William Cleary, Michael Murray, Michael Murray, Jr., P. Green, J. Synnott, M. Cormack, O. Cormack, W. Cormack, T. Lestrange, F. Gilligan, W. Duff, M. Thornton, J. Fitzgerald, J. Deane, W. Cormack, J. Cleary, B, Magara, J. Kelly, J. McLaughlin, P. Farrell, M. Muckedon, J. Boyce, J. Farrell, B. Cormack, N. Duff, Mrs. McCarthy, C. McDermott, T. Synnott, J. Gallagher, T. Gainor, A Friend, T. White, S. Whitty, W. Ganly, J. Naughton, C. Conlon, F. Gilligan, P. McCormac, P. Daly, J. McCormac, C. Laughery, W. Duff. Total from Mercedes, $3380. District of Lujan: Rev. S. O'Reilly, J. Browne, E. Slammon, E. Slammon, Jr., John Slammon, M. Slammon, P. Slammon, A Friend, T. Stanton, R. Whitty, J. Casey, J. Roche, P. Doyle, O. Keena, Mrs. Murphy, George Bird, P. Murray, J. Murray, D. Bowes, Mrs. Bowes, W. Murray, Mrs. Anne Murray, J. Nolan, J. McCrune, E. Kelly, Mrs. Whelan, J. Keegan, O. Moran, J. Moran, E. Flanagan, J. Duff, O. Killian, O. Keegan, M. Curry, W. Casey, J. Scally, M. Casey, W. Murray, T. Gahan, T. McGuire, J. Philips, H. Makay, J. Deane*



P. Kelly, J.

M. Thornton,
Lujan, $4160.



Atkins, D. Shanley.


District of Lobos: Mrs. Neale, B. Fox, J. Farrell, Mrs. Killemet, Mrs. Downey, Mrs. Furlong, Mrs. Keena, Mrs. Heylen, Mrs. Moran, Mrs. Nolan, Mrs. E. Moore, F. Dolan, J. Gaynor, P. Conroy, B. Hannon, J. Bryan, M. Gaynor, E. Tallon, Mrs. Dillon, Mrs. Murphy, T. C. Philips, Mrs. Walsh, Miss F. Murphy, Miss Hannon, Miss Conroy, Miss Lawler, N. Devereaux, J. Taylor, J. N. E. Walsh,

E. Cormac,
E. Rorke,


Seery, J. Cormac.

Chascomus: Morgan, $1000.

District of

McGuire, T. Fitzgerald, Widow D. Dillon, Lobos Total, $4720. Mrs. Mahon, $500. San Antonio de Areco; E.

Capilla del Senor: P.


San Pedro: A. Geoghegan, W. Murphy,

hessy, Mrs. E.

M. Mahon, $130. McLaughlm, W. Cahill, O. Owens,


Curran, C. Ford, C. Ford,

T. Cloug-

Hayes, P.

Wynne, P. Allen, H. E. Ford, P. Doyle, P. Toole, R. Dwyer, M. Conroy, J. H. Bennet, Luke Doyle, G. Quinn,
G. Russell, A. Quinn,

J. Eustace, P. Eustace,



(Under the

contributions from San Pedro, I take the opportunity to remark that

Mr. M. Dougherty had handed

Irish Hospital previous to Father Fahey's death.

account for the Hospital receipts

some generous donations to the Although I only and expenses since it fell under

still I would wish to publish the list of subscriptions Mr. Dougherty. The list furnished has been lost, and when its loss was discovered it was too late to seek a copy of the amount at present acknowledged; $750 has been already handed over



received per

to Father Fahey.
District of


B. Leahy.)

Carmen de Areco:




K. Murphy, P. Mara, M. S. J. Murray, M. Daly, M. MoUoy, M. Carroll, J. Dowd, J. Flynn, P. Carrigy, P. Ward, J. J. F. Murphy, Mrs. Shoughnessy, J. W. Bryan, J. Egan, T. Kearney, A. Fox, J. Daly, P. Clark, J. Donovan, J. Moran,
Crawford, T. Glennon, M. Williams, T. Council, T. Calligan, Casey, P. Kerr, P. Keegan, Mrs. Allen, M. Fitzgerald, J. Burns, Mary Farrell, M. Mullens, J. Mullens, J. Cormack, P. Killian, R. Gray,

L. M. Leahy, W. Murphy, J. Miss K. Roche, Miss M. J. Kehoe, Miss Murray, J. T. Murray, J. Garry, J. Scally,

T. Longworth, J. Cavanagh, P. Dowling, D. Murphy, T. Coleford,

P. McGuire, T.



Shaughnessy, R. Murphy,



W. Flood, J. Flynn, D. Nee, P. Duffy, P. Harkin, E. Hayden, P. Codd, M. Doyle, P. Kinsella, M. Connor, J. Murphy, A Friend, T. Scott, M. Burke, L. Minor, M. .McDonnell, M. Scallan, Mrs. Burke, M. Connors, M.
C. Brady, T. Fallon,


Kinsella, J. Flood, C. Merlin,




P. Ledwitli, J. Smith, P. Dowling, J. Bowling, A. Pierce,

M. Dowd, A

Friend, B.


Cassidy, T. Cox,

M. Murtagh,



Lyons, H. Dalton, B. Rogers, D. Brennan, W. Mulligan, Mrs. Burns, B. Gaynor, A. Finnegan, N. Daly, M. Ward, J. Duffy & Sons,
T. McGuire,

M. Wade,

E. Nally,


Quinn, R.


J. Carroll,

Ward, Mrs. Barry, D. McCarthy, J. Keenahan, D. Brien, J. J. Murphy, P. Cormac, J. Pender, J. Keogh, J. McDuff, Miss M. Roche, Miss M. Henry, Miss S. Keogh, J. Roach, M. Quinn, Mr. Bannin, W. Savage, P. Langan, T. Collins, L. Quinn, L. Scally, T. Kenny, Mrs. Coady, Mrs. Wheeler, P. Scally, J. Farlong, P. Brown, J. Brown, T. Codd, R. Pierce, J. Coady, M. Clavin, J. Kenny, J. Crowley, J. Furlong, J. Rochford, T. Keogh, H. Kern, B. Mahon, T. Ledwith, J. Rafferty, J. Rooney, J. Macken, J. Doyle, P. Egan, J. Ballesty, W. Grier, J. Tobin, T. Mullady, J. Cunningham, P. Barrett, W. Boggin, T. Reilly, H. Ferguson, J. Jeffers, P. Roe, T. Reynolds, P. Ballesty, M. Murray, L. Leary, M. Dernian, P. Claffey, P. Dernian, J. Burke, T. Macombe, J. Daly, G. Tormey, P. Murphy, J. Murphy, G. Furlong, F. Pierce, T. Pitt, Mrs. Rourke, P. Bates, F. Mason, J. Mason, H. Anderson, S. Mason, W. Allen, M. Daly, M. Murphy, C. Flanagan, E. Allen, Mrs. Mason, M. Brien, E. Brien, P. Lynch, J. Ryle, M. Egan, J. Farrell, J. Cormack, M. Sheehy, J. McGuire, T. Dalton, J. Mc Guinness, J. Tumulty, P. Cordan, J. Moran, M. Lestrange, E. Walpole, J. Kelly, J. McLoughlin, J. Handen, J. Lennon, P. J. Regan, P. Hogan, A Friend, J. Stuart, J. Allen, T. Hogan, Mrs. Stuart, J. Thomson, D. Ryan, J. Boyle, B. Torres, J. Street, M. Rigney, T. Ledwith, M. Murray, Mrs. J. Street, M. Gannon, E. Fagan, P. Fallon, J. Bracken, P. Dougherty, Mrs. Dougherty, Mrs. T. Kenny, Mrs. P.
E. Kelly, B. Hope,

Mrs. Burke, P. Geoghegan, J. Grennan, G. Ledwith, J. Wilson, M. Linch, M. Ledwith, J. Farrell, A. McDonald, P. Wallace, P. Daly, J. Grennan, J. Neaster, J. Mullen, M. Lynch D. Coughlan,

T. Egan,


Ham, M.

Casey, T. Farrell,


W. Ham, E. Harford, J. Harford, C. Harford, M. Geoghegan, Mrs. Hyland, E. Shannahan, Ward, W. Gilligan, T. J. L., P. Nally, J. Brown, W. Garrahan,

Kenny, J. Dinnan, J. Leonard, Hard-Up, Mrs. Gilligan, J. Gilligan, Mr. Plant, Mrs. Plant, Mrs. McDonagh, Mrs. Kenny, M. Tormey.


Total, $20583.

Buenos Aires:
each; $1500.

B. Leahy,

M. Duggan, and Kenny

total of $38,183.00.

Bros. $500

Making the grand

From Father Leahy's "Circular" it can be gathered that the Irish Hospital rendered very great services to our sick





poor during the yellow fever epidemic; that it was sufficiently supported by the camp Irish to meet all its wants and leave a small balance; that it met with strong opposition in certain quarters, "slavishly anti-national," because

was Irish; that the Irish Chaplains were then


its direct-

but a couple, were collected outside the millionaires and others of the city, more than half the whole amount coming from Father Michael Leahy's parish. And also that the Hospital was very well and economically managed, and that a satisfactory statement and balance sheet of its workings was promptly published. During the year Seventy-two Father Leahy's health utterly broke down, and early in the year Seventy-three he had to resign the Chaplaincy of Buenos Aires and return to Ireland in an effort to restore his wasted vitality. At once the trouble about the Irish Hospital was renewed, and the Trustees (for although the Chaplains were directing the Hospital, and the Sisters carrying on the schools and supporting the orphans on their own resources, the whole property was held by Trustees) issued a circular which shows that everything was not going well. I must
ors; that the subscriptions,
direct the reader's attention, just here, to the fact that

which has been so often mentioned is not a will at all, but a deed made by him some twenty years before his death, transferring the Irish property, which up to then was solely in his name, to five Trustees, of which five he was himself one. The "Circular" referred to, with a short letter thereon, by the surviving Trustees follows, being copied from the "Standard" of March, 1873:

"Father Fahey's

within the last twenty-five years, or so,


the Editor,


beg of you to rectify the mistake that has occurred in the notice pubHshed in to-day's paper regarding the meeting to take place at the Irish Convent on the 25th at 11 o'clock, a. m.


there stated that the Trustees were nominated in the year



1861, whereas they were appointed since 1851, from which period

they have continued in the same capacity until the present day. We beg of you also to insert the inclosed letter, which has already

been forwarded to the clergymen, but which we wish to make as

public as possible.


have the honour to remain yours


Patrick Bookey, James McDonnell,

John McKiernan.

Rev. and Esteemed


the undersigned


appointed by the Rev. Anthony

in the year 1851, to hold the property of the Irish


situated in Calle

Tucuman and Rio Bamba

Governor of


take the liberty

of addressing you, in consequence of a

ship, Dr. Aneiros,


upon us by His Lord-

this Archdiocese.

His Lordship wishes the designs of the Rev. Anthony Fahey to be

carried out so as to insure to the Irish



the beneficent results

was intended to produce. To secure and perpetuate these

results, it will

be necessary for us

to hold a meeting of fifty of the principal Irishmen in the country;

according to the conditions specified by the deceased Anthony Fahey

in his

deed of transfer, (5th



his Lordship for the interest he thus shows in our country people, and we trust you also will cooperate warmly, on your own part, in this laudable design. We propose to hold the meeting on the property itself at the Irish Convent, in Calle Tucuman, on Tuesday the 25th day of this next month of March. For this purpose we beg of you to talk the matter over with the


most grateful to

respectable Irishmen of your district,

eight of the principal


to get


to delegate

among them,

as their representatives at the


Should any of the delegates be unable to attend the meeting in it will be sufficient if they give authority to some one of the eight thus delegated to act for them on the occasion. But that this authorization may be legal, it will be necessary for each to sign a paper, empowering the intending delegate to act and vote
in their stead;

nothing more will be needed.



beg of you
in all confidence as


a Clergyman, as an Irishman,

and as a

friend of the Irish Convent, to assist at the meeting,

and also

to favor us with a speedy reply

We have the honour to remain, etc.

Patrick Bookey, James McDonnell, John McKiernan.

would appear from the above letter of the Trustees was being made not only to suppress the Irish Hospital, but also the Irish Convent. The urging of each Chaplain, "as a friend of the Irish Convent," to come to the meeting is open to no other inPatrick Bookey had then been for some terpretation. thirty years treasurer and a principal subscriber to every charitable and patriotic Irish movement that had been started in Buenos Aires, and for nearly all that time one of Father Fahey's closest and most trusted friends. The Sisters of Mercy had practically to support the Irish institutions Hospital, Orphanage and free schools by their own endeavors, the income from their pay-school and what they could collect from those within their reach being their only resources. After some meetings were held new Trustees were appointed, and the Sisters for the moment relieved of the burden of maintaining the Hospital. In September '73 they issued the following statement of account and of their position:

to the Chaplains that an effort

Irish Hospital Report.


quite six months have elapsed since

we found ourclose




choose whether to



Catholic Hospital, or to assume ourselves the responsibility of collecting funds; we chose, without hesitation, the latter

and the confidence we thereby manifested


the good spirit and generosity of our countrymen, has not we are proudly happy to say, in the slightest degree been



as, since then,

made by which
collecting funds

in future


will be

arrangements have been saved all anxiety about


new Trustees of the Hospital Ground



having taken this charge upon themselves we consequently wish to fulfil now, albeit prematurely, the promise we made in our circular last Easter of publishing an account of all In future this responsibility, so monies received by us. far as regards the Hospital, no longer devolves on us. Donations received by the Sisters of Mercy towards



Anthony McNamara, Rev. E. Kavanagh, $100; Thomas Kenny, Once, $500; Daniel Maxwell, $1000; M. Murray, Mercedes, $1000; M. Tyrrell, Mercedes, $500; J. Dillon, Mercedes, $500; M. Heavy, Mercedes, $100; J. Feely, $500; J. Connor, $100; J. Ronan, Chivilcoy, $500 L. Browne, $100 John Hughes,
; ;

Patrick Lynch, $1000; Rev. $500; Don Fco. Torroba, $500;

$500; Patrick Browne, $500; J. Anderson, $200; Thomas Reddy, $500 T. Gainor, Dolores, $500 T. Kilmurray, 25 de Mayo, $300; J. Furlong, $50. Total, $9450. Here are acknowledged only the donations actually received, without any mention of the many kind promises given of regular annual subscriptions. Special thanks are due to the spirited individuals who by their prompt contributions were the means of saving the Irish Hospital from
; ;

being even temporarily closed.


of patients received this year


to Aug.



Maximum number

in Hospital, twenty-five.

Number remaining Number of deaths Number discharged cured Number discharged incurable
Report on Five Deaths.


57 3


Cancer of

1 1




of these were in advanced state of disease



The remaining

cases were principally fever, rheumatism,



and brain



ophthalmia, with isolated cases of broken ankle, sunstroke, emollition of the brain, lymphangitis chronica. Operations Extraction of Cataract, 1 ; Indecromia, 1 ; Extraction of

sequestered bone, 1,


Cash Statement.
$9450 2750 5700


Donations as given above Various donations to Sisters



Fuel and light

$9754 1521

Extras Undertaker Doctor (5 months) do Porter
Salaries, wages, etc., discharged freely

1548 300 2500 1700

by the



The "new Trustees" spoken

result of the meeting called

of above were a



the Irish Hospital Committee or Commission and were the

by the old Trustees for March In a few days after the statement of accounts of the Sisters was published these new Trustees issued the following rules and list of collectors:


Irish Hospital Code.


pital of




Hospital be called the Irish Hos-

Buenos Aires.



the Hospital be open to subscribers in

case of sickness.

Rule 3. That the following be considered subscribers: Persons paying $100 currency yearly, and workmen or "peons" in the camp in receipt of $400 or less salary, on
payment of $50. Rule 4. That any person paying $1000 yearly

be considered a patron of the Hospital with privilege of sending two free patients yearly; and those paying $500,
of sending one.



That no

patient can be admitted without a

written order from some party

duly authorized to give

same, except in urgent cases, when the Sisters of Mercy

can determine as to admission of applicants. Rule 6. That only subscribers shall have the privilege
of voting at General Meetings.



That an Annual General Meeting be held on

the 15th of August, for the appointment of Committee of

Management for ensuing year, to which Meeting the outgoing Committee will submit a statement of receipts and expenditure during their term. Rule 8. That the internal management be under the direction of the Sisters of Mercy, as it has been up to the





who are non-subscribers be ad-

mitted, on bringing testimony of poverty from any authorized person.


10. Should the Hospital accommodation so per-

who can aiford to pay may be admitted, on payment of $50 per day. Rule 11. That no case of small-pox or virulent contageous fevers can be received; but that arrangements shall
mit, non-subscribers



for the reception of such cases in some of the

City Hospitals.




That no person


remain in the Hospital


after the Doctor decides that he

13. Persons

to leave.

whose reason

disturbed cannot be



14. All

be deposited in the Mercantile

monies collected for the Hospital shall Bank of the River Plate.

Collectors Appointed.

Thomas Daly, Robert Wilson. Ranchos: John Magdalena: Edward Wallace. Mahon, John Connolly. San Vicente John Daly, Nicholas

William Bohan, Patrick Guardia de Monte: O'Gorman, Thos. Mahon. Lobos: Thomas Gahan, Felix Dolan, Edward Moore, John Geoghegan. Canuelas William Lambert. Las Heras: Edward Murphy, Lawrence Merlo: Owen Lynch, Casey, Ed. Ham, James Ballesty. Thomas Fox, Edward Dillon. Pilar and Moreno: Robert Kelly, Pierce Whelan. Lujan: Thomas Savage, Peter Murphy, Thomas McGuire, Michael Gardiner, Michael Corry. Navarro: Thomas King, James Carthy, James Dillon, Michael Fitzsimmons, James Norris, Patrick McGuire. Mercedes: Thomas Ledwith, Michael Tyrrell, Thomas Kearney, Richard King, Edward Kenny, William Cleary, James Kelly, Thomas Gahan, Michael Heavy. Chivilcoy: Michael Hearne, John Ronan, Michael Kelly, John Casey, Joseph Clavin. Chacabuco: James Casey, Michael Allen, Patrick MulvihiU, James Kenny. Salto: James Ham, William Murphy, John McGuire, Edward Casey, Thomas Kenny, John Crowley. Rojas: Patrick Murphy, Thomas Reardon, Mathew Tormey. Pergamino: John Fox, Thomas Nicholson. Arrecifes: Patrick Martin, William Allen, Mathew Browne. San Nicolas: Nicholas Hogan, Michael Farrell. San Pedro: John Harrington,

Thomas Young, Edward Wynne, Denis




Baradero Nicholas Clancy, Hubert Rurke Michael Brennan. San Antonio de Areco: Hugh Duggan, Paul O'Neill, Edward Morgan, Patrick Hogan. Giles: John



Cunningham, Edward Tormey, Owen Maxwell. Capilla del James Gaynor, Edward Culligan, Edward Lennon, Sefior: John Kenny, James Scully, James Fox. Carmen de Areco John Dowiling, Michael Murray, Thomas Doner, Patrick Dougherty, Thomas McGuire. Zarate: John Carey. 25 Edward Dennehy, Thomas Kilmurray. Salade Mayo: Thomas Cormack. Ensenada Dr. Daley. For the dillo Edward Mulhall, Patrick Browne, John Feely, City: Michael Barry, Thomas King. The Irish Clergymen and
: : :

Trustees are likewise Collectors. The above-named are authorized to give orders of admission to the Hospital in conformity with the rules of
the Institution.

September 10, 1873.

Casey, Hon. Sec.

The new organization must have commenced




tions in a most extraordinary manner, for within a few

the object of public and severe censure




the Irish Chaplains, in a body, and the Trustees

are called

upon Here

name a committee



the in-

the next circular on the subject:



the undersigned Irish priests have seen with regret that the


of the Irish Hospital has been taken out of the hands of our respected, most worthy and self-sacrificing Sisters of Mercy.

With sorrow we have learned of the annoyance to which these have been subjected during the last three months by some well-meaning but
misguided and thoughtless gentlemen. Relying on the cooperation of our parishioners, we pledge ourselves to support the Irish Hospital and to maintain it in the same spirit


it was founded by the much lamented Father Fahey. Persons desirous of contributing to this Charity will please send

their subscriptions to


of the Irish Chaplains, or to



Chaplain of the Hospital. We do not wish anyone to collect money for this or any other
charitable object connected with the Irish mission,

except those



who have
the approbation of His Grace the Arch-

appointed by us and

our wish that the Trustees of the Hospital


a General

Meeting of the people to name a Committee of Management. The sooner this is done the better. This Committee we hope to see composed of laymen and clergymen. We are proud to say that there is not a single Irishman in any of our parishes objectionable for the post of director; therefore, let it be distmctly understood that we object to no person that may be named by the General Meeting. We shall cooperate to the best of our power with the committee to support the Hospital, for we are convmced of the necessity of maintaining an
which affords such advantages to our poor fellow-countryhave always served the people faithfully in good and evil report; we have made their interests ours, participating in their joys, and sharing equally of their sorrows. We intend still to follow the same good course, and hope by the faithful discharge of our duty to draw still closer the chain of love that unites the Irish priests and Irish people. Signed: Patrick Lynch, Jas. J. Curran, P. J. Dillon,





Anthony McNamara, William Grennan, Thomas

Au-es, Dec. 6, 1873.

Immediately after the foregoing was published, Edward

Casey, the secretary of the new organization, called a General Meeting of the Irish people at the Irish Hospital, in the name of the Trustees, and in "compliance with the
wish of some of the Irish clergymen," as the summons had

For this General Meeting the following Balance and Statement was published:
Irish Hospital Report, 1873.
Collected in Buenos Aires

Dolan Collected by Edward Lennon Collected by John Carey

Collected by Felix

$4500 2320 1300 1500

$9620 9267
$ 353





After receiving the last-mentioned sum, November, 1873, we found that it was more than probable that the Trustees would resign the management and therefore decline receiving any more subscriptions. About $30,000 were returned to subscribers, collections ceasing in the camp at the same

continued, we would at the present

no hesitation in saying that had the collections moment have a balance to the credit of the Hospital of not less than $100,000.

We have

Thomas Duggan, Treasurer. Edwaed Casey, Secretary.

circular of the Chaplains, as a measure against the

"annoyance" to which the Sisters were being subjected by the new management of the Irish Hospital, called on the people not to support this order of things, but to cooperate with them, the Chaplains, "to support the Irish Hospital and to maintain it in the same spirit in which it was founded by the much lamented Father Fahey."
forty-three years since this question arose, so few of the people, who took an active part in and there being a somewhat it can now be consulted, similar question agitating our community at the present


moment, the matter of the Irish Orphanage, it is difficult to get the few who remember the facts of the case to give information which they fear might be used for or against
either side in the controversy of to-day.


it is


plain from the hints in the statement of the Chaplains that


was being sought to turn the Hospital from the purpose and principles it served in Father Fahey's time. The new Committee took huff, returned, as shown in their statement, $30,000 to the subscribers, and presented their resignation
collectively with the following explanation:

"The undersigned for reasons which they think unnecessary to explain, decline to take the management of the Irish Hospital, and have delayed this long their resignations
in the

hope that by a


patience they would be enabled




to place the institution on a footing which would

a credit to the Irish people. "They return their best thanks to their countrymen for the high honor paid them, and assure them that they will

and prosBuenos Aires, February 7, 1874. Peter Ham, John Browne, John O'Connor, James Ballesty, T. St. G. Armstrong, Thomas Duggan, Owen Gahan, Edward Garahan, Edward Casey, Michael Duffy, John
ever preserve the greatest interest in the success

perity of the Institution.

Murphy." As giving some

idea of the scope

and circumstances of

the Irish Hospital and other institutions under the care of

the Sisters of Mercy, and as revealing other items of interest in the

year 1874, I insert the following

to the Messrs. Mulhall:



Canon DiUon

I beg to thank sincerely the.^Buenos Aires Thespians


for their generous donation


($7454m/c) to the Irish Hospital. This admirably managed by the Sisters of Mercy, has

rendered, during the last year, the most signal assistance to Irish,
English, Scotch and American Catholics and Protestants.

The Thespians deserve well of their countrymen; for providing them with rational amusements and they have not been forgetful of the poor and sick. May God grant them that reward which is the sure fruit of the prayers of the widow, the orphan and the destitute.


behalf of the






my house, I appeal to

the charity of


fellow-countrymen, I appeal to their generosity to

me in relieving the immediate wants of many families now out employment. The good Sisters of Mercy clothe and feed thirty orphan children. How they manage to do so is a mystery to me. I sincerely hope that some pious and charitable persons will assist the poor Sisters in this
trying time,

when everything


so dear.


Poor people who require medicine will be supplied to me, I am. Gentlemen, Yours sincerely,

by apply-

Patrick Canon Dillon,


From about


time on we begin to hear of collecOrphanage, and daily less and less about The Chaplains and the Nuns are evithe Irish Hospital. dently losing the fight to keep it open and true to its original purpose. By Cannon Dillon's letter we see that it
tions for the Irish

was now no longer exclusively Irish, as he mentions English, Scotch and Americans amongst its inmates. This fact and the divisions arising therefrom soon had their effect amongst the subscribers and supporters of the institution, and in a few years there was no more Irish Hospital. The Sisters came in for some of the blame of the failure of the Hospital; and as was quite natural when pro-Irish Hospital and anti-Irish Hospital factions were formed they had to appear as taking sides. We see the same to-day, though not to such an extent as then. Some people, speaking from hearsay, will tell you that they wanted to have everything their own way. Much of the property of which they had charge was their own, but controlled by trustees and committees it was inevitable that there should be clashing of interests and authorities. The discredit, however, of the disruption of the Irish Hospital and School seems to be entirely with the people who assumed to direct and maintain these institutions and not being able to have their own will in the running of them wrecked them. The camp people and the Irish Chaplains sympathized with the Sisters, so did the Archbishop, in so far as it was judicious for him to go. The Rev. Mother writing in 1877, said: ". we have some steady, quiet opposers in those who ought to help us. The Irish as a body are scattered some fifty to a hundred miles out in the camp you see we cannot
. .

deal directly with them."^

boycott of the Sisters

in the

Such was the opposition to or of Mercy and their institutions that

"But, and especially since


letter it is said:

the burning of the college (that of the Jesuits), we are left

powerless for good."

In '79 the Sisters announced their



intention of leaving Buenos Aires within a few months, and

Archbishop Aneiros on hearing the distressing news issued

this pastoral:




3, 1879.


the Parish Priests of the city and the country of our Archdiocese.

must call your attention to the Sisters of Mercy who have a and chapel in this city, in Calle Rio Bamba, and in the town of Mercedes, opposite the Railway Station. They came here 23 years ago from Dublin, brought out by the Irish community, then under the direction of the late estimable chaplain. Father Anthony Fahey. From this circumstance an impression gained ground that their services would be rendered exclusively to their countrymen; and the death of Father Fahey and the fact that the Irish being widely scattered over the country have resulted in the
Sisters being

asked to leave for other countries, as they declare they

have little or nothing to do here. These pretensions have alarmed me and remind me that the Sisters have a charitable and special calling for the education of poor children, visiting the sick and affording protection to unemployed young women of good character, objects of the highest interest for immigrants and the Irish community as well as for the whole camp and city population, which frequently requires such good offices. Although Buenos Aires has, fortunately, many important charitable institutions, how can it be said that there are more of them than are required, or even enough of them, while the population is increasing through immigration from all parts of the world, and the existing institutions have such very scanty resources.

Where everything is new it is not surprising that many things are They must be made known. The object of this circular is to enjoin you to let your parishioners know the great services which the Sisters of Mercy, can render, and recommend them to avail themunknown.
selves of such charitable services.


desire that

confine yourselves to reading this circular from the pulpit, but

you do not simply by every


suitable to your holy calling endeavour to obtain for the Sisters

Mercy as much employment as they can wish. Heaven will reward your charity, and on our part we
Frederick, Archbishop


bless your.



Leaves from the Annals of the

Sisters of



the efforts of the the Sisters


good Archbishop came too late; had their arrangements made, and were glad to get away from a scene where useless suffering and disappointment were their lot through nearly all their nine years Lest any suppose that I may since Father Fahey's death. be prejudiced in what I write on this matter I shall make a few quotations from articles which the incident called Said the "Standard," September 28, forth at the time. of such a useful community redeparture "but the 1879: these ladies are supposed to which flects on the nationality represent, and points to defects which no patriotism can Two days later screen from the most merited criticism." "The causes which have brought the same paper said:
about the departure of the Sisters of Mercy
. .


a stern

The subject is so grave that and abiding reproach. it must be dealt with notwithstanding the many consideraIn the tions which to the present has imposed silence." following April it had a long and vigorous editorial on the same subject, a few paragraphs of which I give here: "The Irish college was attempted by the late lamented Father Fahey, and whether for the want of support, or other cause, it was found not to succeed. The property was transferred for a small sum, and upon conditions reserving certain privileges to the Irish people, for the education of their boys.
in the


college that has risen


upon that

Irish property in the Calle Callao

the stateliest to-day

whole of this Republic. Irish Hospital flourished for a few years, and whether for want of patients or of support, or through defective management, its doors were closed and it became a thing of the past.


"The Irish Convent in the Calle Riobamba, which for 23 years was the most thriving of all Irish institutions, is to-day shut up, the nuns gone to Australia, and the
trustees eagerly publishing notices calling meetings in order

to discover

what to do with the concern." Father Martin Byrne, the Dublin priest who founded



the Passionist Order in Buenos Aires, contributed two lengthy articles to the newspaper just quoted from, on the 21st and 22nd of April, on this question, which was the

among our community at the time. long to quote in full, but a few sentences from them will be to the point as showing what he thought of the trustees and committees under whose management and direction the Irish Hospital and Irish Convent of Father Fahey collapsed. He has no hesitation in saying that the trustees of the Convent drove the Irish Nuns out on the pretext of getting in better teachers, and he goes on to say: "I have met the girls taught by the Irish Sisters as mothers, wives and sisters throughout the camp, and where on earth can better women in any of these orders be found? Their not having taught fast dancing is the only
chief topic of discussion


letters are too

defects he heard complained of." He denounces the Trustees as dishonest in their dealing with the Irish people and with the new Order of nuns that was then being
is criticizing was employing these nuns, although the matter was already arranged and the Community on its way from Chili. He also draws attention to the fact that the Sisters of St. Vincent de Paul were besought to take in and care the Irish Orphan Girls when the Sisters of Mercy were leaving, but are not good enough to get the Irish Convent. One of his most interesting observations is that the Trustees and Committees would make life impossible for the new Order of nuns as they did for the Sisters of Mercy, and this forecast, as will be seen was quite correct. He mentions having been given the Irish Convent for the establishment of his own Order but with so much opposition and so many restrictions that he gave it back to the Trustees and would not accept it from them, "with all the debts paid off if they gave him three million dollars for doing so." He further states that the same gentlemen were then making war on him and trying to make his mission a failure they succeeded, too.

brought from



the meeting he

called to decide the question of


From what
I have been able to gather


from the sources

of information at


disposal, I incline to the belief that

the wealthy amongst the Irish

community of those days,

especially in the city, were so desirous to have themselves

that they

considered a part of the British element in the population, felt it a duty to discourage and suppress, in so

far as they could, any and every institution or organization

a pretension to being exclusively Irish, and that tended to keep the Irish a separate and distinct The Irish Hospital was an "all creeds all nationality. races" aifair in its dying years. When the Sacred Heart Sisters reopened the Irish Orphanage under the direction of these wealthy men it became an "all creeds all races" institution, too, and very soon began to fail. Several of the wealthy men who were of the Irish Hospital Commission, after the institution had failed, became enthusiastic collectors for, donators to, and directors of the British Hospital. In fairness and truth I must record that when they could have things as they wanted them they were generous and friendly towards the Irish charitable institutions, but their tendency was always to de-Irishize them. They desired to be themselves, and to make the IrishArgentine people, something very different from what God had intended, they left only failure and discord in their track. The very wealthy Irish of Buenos Aires brought to ruin the Hospital which Father Fahey and the comparatively poor Irish founded thirty years before. "Be what you ought to be or you'll be nothing," was the great'

with anything

These wealthy Irishmen and friends have been to them nothing, and their sons, born in Argentina,

San Martin's, motto.

who ought

to have been their people's leaders

themselves "Britanicos."

Fahey Memorial Fund Dr. Sarsfield's Insults ^The Saint Patrick's Society The Ladies' Irish Beneficent Society First Subscriptions TO the Irish Orphanage The General Brown Club Miscellaneous Items Founding of the Southern Cross Thomas Armstrong Dr.

Collection for Patagonian Schools Collection for Canon Dillon Various Items Meeting to Form Permanent Irish Catholic Organization Other Items.





of subscribers


collectors of Irish

charitable and patriotic funds figuring in this

it is


somewhat noticeable how


names of women are to be found. This can only be accounted for by the married women leaving such matters almost wholly to their husbands, and by the unmarried

women having been





personal expe-

that our Irish


are always more ready and

generous in works of charity and patriotism than their brothers, and I was very happy to find that when the

and patriotic Father John Leahy was Chaplain

of Buenos Aires he remembered them and gave them an

opportunity to show the spirit and faith that was in them.


following contributions to the

amounting to $38,370.m/c. was, as

the Irish girls and Irish

will be seen

Fahey Memorial Fund, from the list

Buenos Aires.
I do

of subscribers, to a great extent the patriotic tribute of



not say that the

list is

absolutely complete, but I give the

names as I found them: Mary Casey, Winifred Ward, Margaret Hughes, Ellen
Dolan, Bridget Colclough, Bridget Corcoran, Mary Duffy, Mary McDonnell, Mary Bobbins, Ellen Egan, Kate Ennis,
F. P.,

Anne Egan, Mary Hughes, Margaret







Mary Sommers, Kate


Murray, Margaret




Mary Carmody,

Mary Fox, Anne Fox,

Catherine Bohan, Catherine Casey,

Bridget Daly, Anne Macken, Mary Hickey, Mary Gilligan, Bridget Ham, Mary Lynn, Bridget Kenny, Mary Farrell, Catherine Freeman, Margaret Sheen, Catherine Dillon, Margaret Dillon, Mrs. Flood, Mrs. Cullen, Mrs. Griffin, Julia Glennon, Julia Garry, Ellen Ganly, Mary Gillen, Mrs. Cullen (2nd donation), Mrs. Butler (2nd donation), Mrs. Griffin (2nd donation), Michael Kelly, John Duffy, Michael

Murray, Michael Farrell, John Harrington, John Butler, Edward Murphy, T. Acheval, P. Muntilli, Thomas Armstrong, John Hughes, M. G. and E. T. Mulhall, H. Quinn, E. Ford, J. Fagan, D. Cranwell, Kenny Bros., P. Browne, F. Donovan, J. Hennessy, S. Haycroft, M. Barry, J. Feely, F. Dennehy, C. Connolly. In 1871 Sarmiento was president of the Republic, and immigration, colonization, education and general advancement were the topics of discussion with every man who
thought himself a statesman or political economist. It appears the President asked his minister, Dr. Velez Sarsfield,
said to be descended
Irish immigrants

from the same family as the hero of

Limerick, for an opinion as to the merits of English and


compared with those of other coun-

effect. Sarsfield, then a rather sour and choleric old man, surprised everyone who heard or read what he had to say by indulging in a wild and

or something to that

and misrepresentation paid special attention to the Irish, his own race, declaring that they were retarding the progress of the country, by their idleness, want of cleanliness and general backwardness, and that they brought dirt and misery with them everywhere they went. The outburst
quite ill-tempered outbreak of abuse

of all immigrants.


storm of protest and refutation and the following from one of the articles replying to the old man is very interesting as showing what the Irish colony in rural
called forth a

Buenos Aires was at the time: the campana of Buenos Aires


Irish population in


to twenty







There are 135 Irish estancias containing 125 leagues of land, the very cream of the Province. These 135 estancias
with their improvements and stock represent a capital of The Irishmen who at least two hundred million dollars.

have flocks on rented camps, or in partnership with men of other nationalities, possess about three million sheep. The wool sold this year in Buenos Aires belonging to Irishto 900,000 arrobas, what the value of this crop is Dr. Velez can easily calculate, the price averages "The about $85 per arroba." (About $1,610,000 gold.) Nacion" criticized the old man very sharply and appealed to the President to remove him from office as he was alSarmiento being himself something ready in his dotage. of a Hibernophobe, as he proved some dozen years later, of course, did nothing to reprove or disown his Minister's

men ascends

miserable calumnies.

In the latter part of 1872 some of the leading Irishmen commenced to agitate the founding of a strong Irish society on the lines, more or less, of the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick in the United States, and on March 16th of the following year the first public organizing meetThe objects of this new society were ing was to be held. all excellent, and in its time it did some very good work. "No political Here is a paragraph from its first manifesto or sectarian importance should be given to this scheme, since it aims at neither; the sole and principal object being to bring the Irish colony in the River Plate more together; to give shape to their influence; to see that the requirements of the city parish of Buenos Aires are properly atof Buenos Aires












and making due provision for orphans and destitute countrymen; to found in Buenos Aires, as soon as the funds will
divine mission of teaching the poor, caring the sick


admit, a clubroom with lecture hall where Irishmen can These are the objects of this Society; nothing

higher or grander

aimed at."










16, 1873, were:




Thomas ArmDuggan and E. T. Mulhall,




WilHam Rawson, Daniel Maxwell; Rev. William

M. Walsh, Irish Chaplain, Buenos Aires, Secretary, with James Browne for Assistant-Secretary, Thomas Duggan
being Treasurer.

Edward Mulhall seems

to have been the

moving spirit in this patriotic and charitable effort. One of the humors of the enterprise was, that while its purpose, amongst others, was to "foment emigration from Ireland

the Plate"




the very


Dr. Velez


who had just been saying that

the Irish were

most undesirable immigrants, to become a member of the club, and the good Don Dalmacio replied with "much pleasure," that he might be counted upon as one to help

bringing out the "dirty, lazy people who were retarding

the progress of his country."

Buenos Aires was always

hard to understand; it was with reason Rivadavia once said that the Portenos were a race of Napolitans. What they enthusiastically applauded or vituperated one day they were quite capable of doing the opposite with in a day or two after, and with all earnestness and sincerity in both cases. But the Portenos of to-day are seemingly much less fickle; like all the world they have set their minds on making money, and the dollar cult makes men conservative. The
Prospectus of the society ran:

and benevolent and forward the Irish charities of Buenos Aires, to foment emigration from Ireland to the Plate, and to bring the whole Irish community of this Country to unity of action for the furtherance of Irish


St. Patrick's Society is a charitable


Its object is to aid




It freely

therefore, essentially an Irish Benevolent Society. admits to the right of membership persons of

other nationalities


sincerely sympathize with the cause,



their assistance in carrying out

and gratefully acknowledge


charitable intentions.

"The Society
tions, its


therefore, Irish in its institution, chari-

table in its object,

and Catholic in its scope and aspiramotto being those beautiful words of our Saviour

Jesus Christ. " 'I was hungry and you gave

me to eat I was thirsty and you gave me to drink; I was a stranger and you took me in; naked and you clothed me; sick and you visited

Although the Society so clearly declares itself Irish and it had many non-Irish and non-Catholic members, The appear rather contradictory. which conditions furthering of Irish interests was its all-including object, yet the largest benevolent work it did was the helping to bring down from Paraguay to Buenos Aires the sick and starving remnant of the "Lincolnshire Farmers" colony, sought to be established in the Republic up north by some Englishmen. It, however, looked after Irish immigrants and did The fundamental a great many very useful services. declaration of its charter members, with the names of said members are deserving of a place in such a work as this, but for fuller particulars as to workings and continuance Here is its in existence, see "Standard" for years 1873-4.

declaration of purpose:



men by

these presents that we, the under-

signed have agreed to found in the city of Buenos Aires, a mutual benevolent Society, to be called the 'Saint Patrick's

Society,' for the

purpose and objects




the by-laws of said Society, this day approved at a general

meeting of members, and which said by-laws are here annexed; and we mutually pledge ourselves to conform to all
the rules and regulations therein expressed, and to afford to said Society our best support and assistance. In witness

of March, in the year of our

whereof we have signed our names hereto, this 16th day Lord 1873. Thomas Arm-


strong, Richard Lett, Joseph Rodgers, Peter


Ham, Edward

Morgan, George Morgan, Michael Lowe, R. H. Murray, John Feely, James Barrett, Patricio Moore, James Kenny, Arthur Cowan, Patrick Browne, T. B. Geoghegan, Patrick Ham, John Kiernan, Henry Quinn, F. J. Hore, James Weston, T. St. G. Armstrong, Louis B. Brennan, F. X. Pippet, Patrick Gannon, M. J. Barry, L. M. Brown, John Leavy, John Fulsan, Thomas Duggan, J. B. Leahy, J. N. Larkin, P. T. Creagh, F. H. Mulhall, J. S. W. Leary, P. D. Lynch, Joseph Creagh, Ant. G. Taffe, M. Duggan, James Casey, Michael Crawford, M. G. Mulhall, E. T. Mulhall, John Power, T. B. Coffin, John Kiernan, William Rawson, Dalmacio Velez Sarsfield, Hugh Duggan, Dan Duggan, John Duggan, James Nicholson, J. B. Browne, Michael Hearne, Owen Gahan, J. P. Browne, Dr. Carhart, Patrick Daly, Martin Shine, Edward Caceras, F. Donovan, J. F. Kelly, T. Sheil, M. Murphy, J. B. Gahan, Wm. O'Dwyer, J. A. Fay, Stephen Whitty, J. C. Murtagh, J. T. Murphy, John Feenan, E. D. Tallon, Michael Ryan, Hugh Rourke, John J. Huggard, J. G. Manning, J. Cassidy, E. Moran, Timothy Sullivan, Wm. M. Walsh, James Gaynor, Frederick Dennehy, Samuel O'Reilly, John Moore, Thomas Mullady, Edward Dillon, John Campbell, D. C. Kelly, R. Gibbings, Ed. Hearne, James Cunningham, Thomas Nicholson, E. G. Gahan, Jacob Walsh, William Mackern, Jervaice Carney, Mgr. Curley, L. M. Leahy, Chris. Walsh, E. Flannery, John Murray, John Fox, James Fox, Thomas Dooner, Joseph McAllister, M. Murtagh, Richard Gamble." These were all wealthy and influential men, they all pledged support and assistance, yet the Society broke down in less than two years for want of "support and assistance." Amongst the names of the members of this "Irish Society" it is somewhat curious to find the
following: Mitre, Costa, Riverola, Heinrichs, Ollendorff, Plaza, Montero, Haulstaat, Billinghurst, Krietish and some

In Seventy-four the Society brought to the notice of the



tricts, the continual

Government the lawless state of affairs in the camp dismurders and robberies of the industrious and law-abiding, and petitioned the Governor to take immediate and effective measures to put down this veritable reign of terror. The petition was signed by almost all the influential and prominent men of the city and province, and did much towards bringing about reforms in the manner of executing the laws in the rural departments.


November, when Father Walsh, who was a Franciscan priest, was transferred by his superiors to Australia, the Society marked its appreciation of his services as secretary by presenting him with a gold watch, a free ticket home and about forty sovereigns. It got into debt the next year, and there were disagreements and huffs and quick abandonment, and plenty of the old cry, "the Irish can agree upon nothing," just as if the Society was Irish in anything but name. Its library and other belongings had to be sold to meet its debts, and after a splendid start and a year Wherefore I or so of most useful work it went under. am not able to say. If it tried to do less it would probably have been able to weather the storm longer, for the storm is one of the things that surely awaits every Irish If it depended enterprise that is started in Buenos Aires. less on the outsider, too, and stuck more to being what it purported to be it would, I think, have done better, it surely would not have done worse. Its failure disgusted many and was often thrown in the face of people who dared attempt any kind of an Irish organization in Buenos Aires for years after. Miss Colclough tells in her history of the Ladies' Irish Benevolent Society, that when her sister and herself were organizing the next attempt at an Irish society, "people told us that if they had millions they would not give one farthing to, or become members of, any Irish society because of St. Patrick's Society having been put down." And again, "Mrs. Brennan (her sister), in ignorance of the excited feeling that existed on the subject of St. Patrick's Society had named ours, the 'Ladies' Irish



Benevolent Society,' but Canon Dillon requested her to change Benevolent into Beneficent." Thus it may be seen that the St. Patrick's Benevolent Society did not die a natural death and that its last days were anything but

happy and
saying, but


"What you

for one to see^

don't see won't trouble you," is a cute old sometimes happens that it would be better for thus might be avoided a worse trouble,

later on, than the one the seeing



Mrs. Col-

clough Brennan when she commenced the founding of the "Ladies' Irish Beneficent Society," had not seen, or had

no knowledge, of what had just happened the St. Patrick's Benevolent Society; if she had it might have troubled her a little but it would probably have saved herself and her She friends from a prolonged and much heavier trouble. was a Wexford woman, had conducted a college in Manchester, England, for some time, came to Buenos Aires in 1869, and opened a young ladies' college at the corner of Maipu and what is now Lavelle. In 1875 she got suddenly possessed of the idea of establishing an Irish ladies' society. From the fact that her husband had died a couple of years after her arrival in the country and that her business lay mostly with Argentine families she had little intercourse with her own country people, and knew hardly anything about the questions and controversies they had been trying to solve and settle for many years before. Her idea was the forming of a society to build an Irish Church, establish a boys' Orphanage, an English school, a hall, reading rooms, a home for poor Irish women, and in short do everything, and a little more, that the St. Patrick's Society proposed doing, with all its millionaire members and backers, but which it so signally and suddenly failed in. Both societies sprang into power and prominence with a rapidity and enthusiasm which their founders in the beginning had not dared to hope for, and the inevitable reaction met the two at about the same stage of their existence.










or the fact that they had not disbursed their had no debts to meet, held out, after a manner,
creation had succeeded in

funds, and

much longer than the masculine

doing, but

latter years were years of struggle, dreary

Troubles about funds, accusations and diviin the Society and got so talked Miss Colclough felt it a duty in '79 to publicly that of write a history of the Society, and publish a very complete Balance Sheet. The little book is now very scarce. Here is how it opens

and hopeless.

made such headway




so favourably


as the Ladies' Irish Bene-

ficent Society

sprung into existence on the 25th of March, 1875, the

of this Society

Feast of the Incarnation.




had been


some time con-

templating organising efforts for obtaining the universally desired

spiritual consolation of


having a Catholic Church, the Priests of which speak English, the special devotions, sermons, catechetical instructions and customs would all be English, and the very edifice

belong to the Priests and to the congregation.

on the




their Priest,

Archdeacon Dillon,

St. Patrick's


preceding, regarding a Church in which to

of Ireland's Patron, decided

celebrate the

Commeration Mass

them on

immediately taking steps to accomplish the desired object. The necessity of an Orphanage for Boys, and of English Catholic Schools

Boys rich and poor was looked upon by Archdeacon Dillon as no less necessary, and, with the hopefulness of ladies, it was not doubted that funds would pour in for such laudable objects. The members, therefore, foreseeing that in a short time the Church and Boys' Schools would be fully established, added to the programme of their Society the institution of a Home for Married Women with (or without) children. The works of the institution of the Sisters of Mercy are most admirable and most necessary boons to the Irish to have a Catholic home for poor orphan girls, an hospital for men and women, a house of mercy for respectable unmarried women and servants, and a Catholic boarding and day school for those who can pay; but a poor married woman, with two or three small children depending on her, is no less an object of sympathy, and the ladies of the Ladies'


Irish Beneficent Society, being all in



cumstances and having poor women.



or less independent circan materially assist those

The above named

objects having

become dear

to the hearts of the

originators, the Ladies' Irish Beneficent Society




them, to aid and assist the Irish Mission in this city. The Very Rev. Archdeacon Dillon lent it his earnest support and council. The programme was laid before the Archbishop, and fully explained to him: he gave it his sanction and entire approbation. The Very Rev.

Archdeacon Dillon, as Irish Parish


is its

patron and protector.


ladies of the Society propose devoting themselves to aid in supply-

most pressing exigencies of the English-speaking Catholic comin Buenos Aires, by every means in Ladies' power, and beyond the reach and beneath the dignity of a priest. Some have thought that it has been by mistake that the Society has been named the
ing the


Ladies' Irish Beneficent Society, instead of the Irish Ladies' Beneficent

It has not



The majority

of those


will benefit

by the accomplishment

of the objects of the Society


but English, Scotch and North American Catholics are equally

anxious for an English Catholic Church, and have united together with
the Irish ladies. The Argentine and foreign ladies have also warmly sympathised with the Society's efforts. It would, therefore, be neither just nor grateful to call the society the Irish Ladies' Beneficent

The programme

of the Ladies' Irish Beneficent Society

was publicly

read by Cuthbert Shoolbred, Esq., at the First Annual Conference of

the Society, held by kind permission in the palace of chorena, 68 Calle Corrientes,

Don Juan Ana

of the


27, 1875, in the presence of

and important assembly, and under the protection Rev. Archdeacon Dillon.


The name

of the reader of the




not very

Irish looking, nor

that of the owner of "the palace" in

which the reading and the "important assembly" took place. One of the notions which our society makers then and for many a year after could never get away from was, that it

was absolutely necessary to have as many as possible who were not Irish in these Irish societies. The result was always failure. The first officers of the Society were Mrs. Brennan,



Miss Justa Armstrong, Treasurer; and Miss Margaret Colclough, Secretary. The Society held a concert in the Coliseum in August and a Grand Bazaar in SepBoth were unprecedented successes, President tember. Avellaneda and Mrs. Avellaneda taking part in the latter. The Bazaar brought jealousies among the ladies, as such
things usually do.

Some people being

said to have been

made too much


of while others were neglected.

There were

about the accounts, Bazaar with a dance. Dean Dillon refused, for some reason or other, to turn over to the Society, or lodge in bank in its name, a large sum of money subscribed, and as a result of the Bazaar, and duly proceeded to dissolve the Society. Mrs. Avellaneda and her friend, Mrs. Blanco, invited some dozen or so of the ladies to the house of the latter on a Sunday afternoon Canon Dillon also came. Mrs. Avellaneda announced that she had a proposition of Canon Dillon's to make, and it was to this effect, that the money of the Irish Society be divided on the Irish Nuns, the newly arrived Irish immigrants, and the Irish poor of the city. Mrs. Brennan, President and Founder of the Society, invoked the statutes as an impassable barrier to Mrs. Avellaneda's motion, and Canon Dillon replied that the Society should be dissolved on that very moment. He demanded a vote on the question, notwithstanding Mrs. Brennan's protest, and as he asked the ladies separately for their vote, Mrs. Bent answered him that he wanted to auction this Society as he did the St. Patrick's Society. There was a Spanish Friar at the meeting, representing Father Burke, O. P., and who took the part of the Ladies strengthening them so against the attacks of the Canon that the meeting had to break up without anything being resolved. Next issue of the "Southern Cross," Canon Dillon's paper, had the following editorial announcement

and objections were

raised to closing the



Ladies' Irish Beneficent Society, in compliance with the

priest, the Irish, as well as native ladies,

wish of their

who formed



Ladies' Irish Beneficent Society, have
solve the Society for the present.



come to the conchision to disThe times are bad and unfavourcalled

The clergyman

in charge of the mission here returns his sincere

thanks to



who kindly assisted him when and who have again expressed themselves to
the ladies


upon to what they

always were, obedient to the voice of their pastor. The articles which remained in charge of Canon Dillon, since the last Bazaar held by the Ladies' Irish Beneficent Society, will be sold, and the proceeds given to the Irish Sisters of Mercy to help to support

many orphans under

their care.

(Aug. 24, 1876.)

The "Standard"

of the next

Sunday had the following

Ladies' Irish Beneficent Society The Ladies of the above Society beg to correct an error made in the Southern Cross of Thursday, last,

which was, that they had come to the conclusion

Society for the present.

of dissolving the

This rumour


likely to cause the



inconvenience, as


give rise to the idea that the Society's


postponed, which

as the articles on their

is impossible, although there be a crisis, hands would become valueless by lying by.

The Ladies conclude by

has neither dissolved

assuring their patrons that the Society

nor had any idea of doing so.

bitter war between Some people took sides



on was fought a

the So-


to such

an unreasonable extent, and said such hard and uncharitable things as would be scarcely believable if we had not the experience of the recent and unfinished Irish Catholic Association quarrel to convince us of the possibilities of such

Notwithstanding all, the Society struggled on and held a Bazaar which Canon Dillon and his friends opposed with more spirit than good taste and Christian charity. It was something of a success, everything considered, but, of course, nothing to be compared to the one of the previous year. Of that one, September, 1875, the "Tribune" wrote: "We believe that not a single family

of position in this city will refuse to assist at this charitable




from the day they land

in the




make themselves liked for their industry and honorable conduct. The Irishman does not come to exploit, he makes himself of the country, marries and settles down for good.
Rarely does a rich Irishman leave the country; there is a mutual regard between Irishmen and Argentines. And how could it be otherwise? South America can never forget the Irish heroes who contributed to conquer its rights, consolidate peace, and further constitutional and republican Honor then to the noble and generous countryinterests. men and descendants of O'Brien, Devereux, O'Higgins, MacKenna, and Brown! Prosperity to the Ladies' Irish
Beneficent Society!"

Dean Dillon when about to leave for Ireland, on Government business, in 1881, made up his differences with the Ladies and handed them over the bank book which had been such a prolific source of scandal, bitterness and enmity among the Irish community for the previous five or six years. The whole deposit amounted to less than one thousand dollars, gold. The Ladies had won out after a miserable wrangle that did more harm, and created more scandal and disgust amongst our people than even the case of the No doubt there was a good deal of fault Irish Hospital. on both sides of the quarrel, and it is not for me to say The Archbishop was which one had the greater share. friendly to the Ladies and it is strange that he did not see to having Canon Dillon come to something like a working agreement with them. In all the fine talk and notions about Churches, Schools, Orphanages, Homes, etc., there was not a thought or exIt was just one pression of true Irish national principle. more of those unnatural creations of the "all creeds, all classes" order, honestly enough conceived, perhaps, but always impossible of achieving any lasting and real success, especially in religious and social affairs. The following little paragraph, descriptive of the Bazaar-hall decorations, will
let in all

the light that will be necessary to the taking of

its friends, in

the measure of this Irish Society and

so far


as Irish principle went.










"The view presented in the interior of the Coliseum on some of the busier evenings of the Bazaar was extremely striking and animated. The ladies had shown a refined and artistic taste in the decoration; there was an harmonious blending of colors on all sides, with the absence of anything to offend the eye with gaud and glitter. The harp of Erin mingled in amicable folds with the Argentine blue and white, and the Union Jack of old England, hung in graceful Imagine the festoons at either extremities of the Hall." "refined artistic taste," the "harmonious blending," and the

The English flag in such a place is than an unpardonable insult to every intelligent and self-respecting Irishman invited there, while to Englishmen of the same order, and similarly invited, the Irish flag ought to be no less an affront, unless they take it, as they usually do, as a toleration, on their part, of a silly playtoy to keep "Paddy" in humor. Here is a list of the ladies who formed the Society at its inception: Councillors, Mesdames Avellaneda, Fernandes Blanco, Bowers, Patrick Browne, Coverton, Cranwell, Davis, G. Dillon, E. Dillon, Latham, Maxwell and Miss O'Mara Brennan. Active and honorary members Msdmes. Anderson, Bent, Boneo, Brennan, Cambaceres, Caneva, Cardenas, M. O'Connor, Cullen, Cunningham, Dos, Deckleman, Douthat, Delemere, E. Daly, Dundson, Doynel, Fastrich, Fay, Flood, Furlong, Gomez, Gowland, Hovel, Howard, Hyde, Hansen, Hansen, Harelaos, Hines, Joseph Kiernan, T. Kenny, Lascombs, Moore, McBrittain, S. T. D. Murphy, Naughten, O'Curry, Porter, Quintana, Quirk, Shine, Suffern de Smith, Tregent, Terries. Misses Azabala, L. E. Ball, Brennan, Bent, F. Brown, M. Brown, A. Browne, A. Butler, L. Butler, K. Butler, Christiane, M. O'Connor, Conyngham, M. E. Dillon, Conyngham, Douthat, Conyngham, H. Erhart, M. Erhart, M. Griffin, M. Graham, B. Gannon, M. Griffin (San Pedro), E. Hayes, F. Hayes, K. Hines, Killeen,
"amicable blending!"





Kavanagh, K. A. Kelly, Kavanagh, Latham, Kavanagh, Lennon, Mahon, Lennon, Murphy, Murray, Middleton, McBrittain, A. McComb, F. McComb, E. McLoughlin, M. M'Guire, B. M'Guire, K. Murray, S. M'Goey, Pilloca, M. Ryan, D. Ryan, A. Rourke, M. Rourke, Kate Whelan. Mesdames Dillon, Lady subscribers of various sums: Misses B. Monte, Dheil, Devereux, Murphy, Delemere.
Leavy, E. Boswell, Mary Bowes, Julia Ivers, Deleany, J. Castro, M. Smith, N. Naughten, K. Ennis, C. Scally, K. A. Tormey, A. Farrell, K. Leavy, M. Martin, M. Malone, Cleary, M. SpaUen, C. Ward, J. Leavy, A. Taaffe, W. Dillon, Mary Griffin, M'Cue, E. Tippin, R. Ronan, B. Mesdames O'Curry, D. Murphy, Collectors: O'Neill. McBrittain, Douthat, Conroy, Bowers, Misses Anchorena, E. Killeen, A. Rourke, M. Rourke, K. Hayes, E. Hayes, A. Fantana, S. Huergo, M. Mullady, M. Pico, P. Pico, T. Esteves, R. Mamery, O'M. Renan, A. Renan, S. Iturrios.




be noticed that
it is


of the names in the


are not Irish,

to be borne in

mind that


of the wealthy Irish and Irish- Argentine ladies of

the time married into families other than of their


The years

Sixty-nine and Seventy were years of great

and things were unusually bad with camp people. In the latter year the Sisters of Mercy began to receive subscriptions for the Irish Orphanage; previous to then they supported it out of their own resources. I do not

mean by

this that



was maintained by sub-

scriptions, but simply that the

work by subscriptions. that year, and his is the first subscription, reported expressly for that purpose that has come within my knowledge. The
Sisters were then collecting also for their Irish Girls' Home, but in Seventy-seven they announced that they did not seek any more subscriptions for that institution, as it was then almost self-supporting, and the httle it lacked in that direction was supplied by voluntary contributions, chiefly from

Nuns were helped in that Owen Lynch subscribed $950.m/c.

Argentines and from English Protestants, In the following



year they opened a school on their own account at Calle Solis 112. Same year they acknowledged receipt of $2745.m/c.,
for the Irish Orphanage handed to them by Father John Leahy, and collected by Patrick Maxwell, from the following Patrick Mara, Ed. Casey, M. Sarterana, Patrick Ward, M. M'Cormack, Owen M'Cormack, Mrs. Kenny, James Browne, Thomas Wallace, Michael Gannon, Patrick Deane, P. Bates, Patrick Wade, Peter Burke, Thomas Mara, Michael Kean, Ed. Bobbins, Bernard Daly, John Killeen, Patrick Kenny, Patrick Wallace, Ed. Gallagher, William Gilligan, Ed.

Moran, John Cleary, John Mahon, John Tippin, Margaret Maxwell, M. Dunne, Bernard Dignan, William Barry, John Keenahan, James Egan, John Slavin, John Lynn, Alex Gilligan, M. Ann Rurke, D. M'Carthy, John Wallace, John
small collections acknowledged

In Seventy-nine there were various by the Sisters, that of Miss A. Gardiner, $3545. m/c. being the largest. With this year
closed the first mission of the Irish Sisters of

Scally, Patrick Maxwell.



charge at the time they left for Australia were placed with the French Sisters of St. Vincent de Paul. The sale of some property they held realized about $3000, gold, and they empowered two gentlemen to liquidate their other affairs. On February 8, 1880, they sailed away, and the Irish Convent, after twenty-four years of inestimable service to the Irish people of Buenos Aires, was closed. The author of the "Leaves from the Annals of the Sisters of Mercy" seems to think
children in

The orphan

the authorities of the country in


some way responsible for

untimely termination of their mission, but in this she altogether at variance with Father Martin Byrne, the

press of Buenos Aires, the Archbishop, and tradition.


Irish are a race of optimists.

In the old land our

people have lived, so to speak, on faith and hope for



generations of savage assault on their religious

faith cannot be said, in truth, to have

had any


their feelings towards that faith save to inspire

on them to


more steadfastly to


Twice that number of genera-



and more, of war and every known order of persecution and penalization against their national creed and aspirations have not in the least changed their belief and hope that their country will yet "take her place among the So that Pearse last year, Emmet nations of the world." a hundred years before, Phelim O'Neill a century-and-ahalf earlier still, and all the others who like them proclaimed their faith and hope with their life-blood were but fulfilling the inspired pledge made to Rome by Donal O'Neill six hundred years ago. Our nation has lost much, but it has saved much, and it never willingly gave up anything that Despair and surit was to the honor of the race to hold. render are not of our way, whatever other faults we may But this is a somewhat high and far-fetched inhave. troduction to a very small matter, and my excuse for indulging in these reflections, which may seem not altogether relevant, is that they help to vary the narrative, that it is a holy and a wholesome practice to keep in mind some of the principal articles of our political faith, with the names


and that one of the best of our character-


as a people, should not alone be asserted, but also

proved, and having said this much, to the past be the past, and back to the men and events of our own day and our
local surroundings.


failure of the Irish Hospital with its trustees


committees, the sudden disruption of the St. Patrick's Society, the divisions


bitter strife that obtained in the

Ladies' Society do not seem to have in the least discouraged



believed that the Irish of

Buenos Aires ought to

be united, and ought to have a strong organization to assert

and safeguard and defend all their interests. end in view a meeting was called at Larroudet's Hotel, Plaza Once, on March 1, 1879. Here is the purpose of the meeting as published: "To organize the Irish citizens
their rights



into a

body to secure representation

in the Legislature of

the Province, and fuller representation on local boards and


There were present, Ed. Casey, M. Hearne,



John Moore, L. Garraghan, Patrick Ham, J. Murphy, Ed. Murphy, J. B. Gahan, J. P. Browne, Mr. Dillon, W. D. Lowe (Herald), F. H. Mulhall (S. Cross), W. Cook, J. Cowes, Mr. Ramsay, C. Davis, J. Dowling, Mr. Kelly, F.
Dennehy, and many others.

Canon Dillon acted

as secretary.

Edward Casey presided and There were many speeches.

Father Dillon dwelt on the great wealth and importance of the Irish in Buenos Aires Province, and how little power they had even in things that were so much to their interest. Mr. Lowe approved the proposition strongly, saying he had been advocating in his paper for years such a movement on the part of the Irish. Letters of approval and adhesion were read from Dr. Nelson, Ed. Tormey, James McGuire, J. Dick, P. Wallace, M. Tyrrell, P. Lawler, James Martin, James Reardon, Joseph Fox, and H. N. Thompson. David Suffern moved and J. Murphy seconded: "That a club be formed to carry out the ideas expressed in the circular, to push the registration of the voters and to treat with other political centers about putting forward one candidate or more at the next election." A committee was then formed to carry out this proposal, made up thus: Ed. Casey, President, Ed. Murphy, V.P. Archdeacon Dillon, Sec. Charles Davis, Second Sec. P. Ham, Treasurer. Committee: E. Ham, L. Garraghan, D. Suffern, J. Murphy, W. Cook, Owen Gahan, John Moore, J. B. Gahan, Ed. Tormey, J. P. Browne. These officers and committee lost no time in going into action, and in April, under the name of the General Brown Club, issued a manifesto proclaiming the objects they aimed at, which were all round reform, and in an especial manner reform of the criminal tribunals and their mode of procedure; also protection and encouragement for immigrants; and the moral and material
; ;

uplift of the "paisano." It further called for a general meeting to ratify the Club and its objects, this meeting to be held on April 26 at the Hotel Anchorena, in Calle Corrientes. The meeting called came off duly there were some

three hundred members present; the Committee's proposals




members, with a few additions, named In to direct the organization for the year entered upon. the place in take December, preparing for the elections to following year, it published a platform to be worked for by its members and their friends. Its scope was national and provincial. Let me name some of the reforms it sought
to bring about, as given in




Commercial Code; 2nd. Reduction of export duties; 3rd. of navigation laws, light-houses and lazerettos; The 4th. Fostering of immigration; 5th. Public economy. foregoing had to do with national affairs, here are some of its proposals for the Province: 1st. Promulgation of Municipal regime in camp and city, without prejudice to the reforms required by the latter; 2nd. Completion of City Improvements; 3rd. Trial by jury in criminal cases; 4th. More public roads; 5th. Provincial Bank reform; 6th. Security for life and property in the camp; 7th. Reform of tax on consumers; 8th. Economy in public expenditure. Whatever, if any, may have been the shortcomings of the General Brown Club, a want of ambition was not any of them. The high and worthy ends it set before it to accomplish were entirely in keeping with the honored name it


chose for



of the minor events of the Seventy-Eighty decade


be worth

recording in

Canon Dillon made a

Aires in '71


in '70

condensed form are: O'Brien was Super;

tramways in Buenos Engineer Coughlan was appointed head of the Department of Bridges and Highways of the Province same year; John Butler and John Mooney, pioneer Irish sheepMooney was farmers, died in '71 and '73, respectively.
intendent of the building of the
to be the

comers and was a saladerista, he is said started the big emigration from Westmeath to Buenos Aires. The pupils at the Irish Convent gave a dramatic performance in Seventy-three and chose a play with the very "respectable" and "classy" title of "Gwendoline and King Alfred." I do not know just what




man who


the play


may have



but I take





it strongly to the young ladies numerous the for wholly and that it is responsible almost


acted and audienced

Alfreds and "Alfreditos" which we find in Irish Argentine The lady in the case cannot have appealed families to-day.
to their fancy so touchingly for I have no recollection of

having met an Irish- Argentine Gwendoline so far. Whatever our troubles at present may be, with our "Soldier'sFunds" people and our wealthy "Britanicos," with Ballynacarrigy names, we have got on something in our schools,

from the "English Constitution" and "King In March, 1874, the Archbishop made the following appointments and confirmations of previous appointCanon Dillon to be Irish ments among the Irish Chaplains Chaplain of Buenos Aires City; James Curran to that of Navarro, Monte and Saladillo; Patrick Lynch to that of Mercedes and Chivilcoy; M. L. Leahy and J. B. Leahy


to that of Carmen de Areco, Salto, Rojas and Chacabuco; William Grennon to that of Capilla del Senor and Zarate; Thomas Mullady to that of San Antonio de Areco, Giles and Baradero; Edmund Flannery to that of San Pedro, Arrecifes, Pergamino and San Nicolas John J. Curley to that of Chascomus, Ranchos and southern parishes; Samuel O'Reilly to that of Luj an. Pilar, Moreno and Merlo. On the "Feast of All Saints" Canon Dillon issued a circular stating that he was about to found a "Weekly Catholic Newspaper in the English language." The following is a paragraph from the circular "To supply the want of an Irish and Catholic organ in the country *The Southem Cross' will appear on the 1st of January. I hope the paper will be found on the table of every Irish and English house in the Argentine Confederation. I have already experienced the love you bear to your Religion and the Land of your Fathers, and, consequently, count upon you for support. The tone of the paper will be liberal (like the Freeman of Dublin). The paper will not adhere to any particular party in this country. The events of the week will be narrated with those comments which proceed from



a strictly impartial pen. The paper will contain general English and North American news, and the Catholic news of the world, as well as the news of the country in which we live. To be enabled to do this, I have already appointed correspondents in Dublin, Rome and New York." The paper was to cost twenty dollars a month, about two It came duly as promised in dollars, present currency.

Mr. Barry assisted the Canon at first in getting out the paper, and later Frank H. Mulhall became It appears its editor and manager, under Father Dillon. to have found it pretty hard to get on, and there were many complaints of its lack of enterprise and usefulness as a newspaper, in its first years. Mr. Mulhall retired from its service in October '79. I should mention that in the year 1870, Mr. W. Connolly started an Irish paper called the "Weekly Telegraph." It lasted only about two years. For some time the "Southern Cross" was published in the office of "The Standard" and at its inception the Mulhalls were very friendly towards it and gave it every encouragement. In the middle Seventies there was a strong revival of Irish emigration to Argentina, especially from Westmeath.
the circular.

After a residence of nearly sixty years, Thomas Armstrong, the famous Irish merchant, banker, estanciero and
manufacturer, died, June 10, 1875. Armstrong was one of the most successful business men that ever came to Buenos

He was a trusted friend and counsellor of almost Argentine governmental administration from the Directorship of Rodriguez to the Presidency of Avellaneda. He lived and died a Protestant, but no man ever did more to help and advance his Catholic fellow-countrymen than




and the Irish charitable and other institutions of the had no friend, through all his life, so generous as he



be said with



that without

could not have established and maintained the Irish charitable institutions of his time. He was of the family of "Shears Armstrong,"

Thomas Armstrong, Father Fahey



although not a descendant of the betrayer of the patriot brothers. His daughters who were half Argentine in blood, and wholly so in birth and associations, married into some His son, T. St. of the leading families of their country. George Armstrong, married in Portugal and became a noble I suppose, now that Portugal is a Reof that Kingdom. Like their public, he has become plain Mr. Armstrong.
father, the

Armstrong family took a warm

interest in all

local Irish affairs.

Dr. Gibbings, another of the early Irish settlers died a year after Armstrong. He commenced sheep-farming in Ranchos in the days of Sheridan and Harrat and like these acquired fame as a breeder of sheep. When President Mitre went to Ranchos to found the Parish Church there he was Gibbings was a Corkentertained at Gibbings' estancia. man and a Protestant he served the Argentine Government in various capacities, and a good story is told of his trying one time to serve a writ on Bishop Medrano. It appears there was some difficulty in finding an Argentine to serve the document on the Bishop. Gibbings had no scruples in the matter. He was told that he would find the prelate at the Catalanes restaurant at lunchtime every day, and that he would know him as the ugliest man in the place. Gibbings looked around and selected Thomas Armstrong. The rich merchant protested that he was not a bishop nor

any way

liable before the courts.


writ was for the ugliest


in the place,

was no use, the and Gibbings

swore that he was not only the ugliest man in the place but the ugliest in all Buenos Aires. In Seventy-seven Father Savino published the following report which goes to show that our people in the camp were expected to do more than support their own clergy "Having been instructed by His Grace the Archbishop of this

Diocese to collect from the Irish estancieros of this Province subscriptions towards the building of two schools which are about to be founded in Patagonia for the conversion


civilization of the Indians, I will

now beg you

to publish



of subscribers, thanking in the name of His Grace, as well as on my own part, the Irish comArchbishop, the above all others by their spirit themselves which munity who render this mission ever grateand charity of piety and
ful to them, calling

down upon

themselves, at the same time,

I also


abundantly the blessings of Almighty God.

sincerely thank the Irish Chaplains who by their charity and zeal have helped so much in a work which is so greatly to the glory of God and so beneficent to the country." Then

names of two hundred and twenty-eight subscribers from the partidos of Giles, San Antonio, Baradero and Bragado who contributed $20,193.m/c. At this time the Irish Hospital was dying for want of support, and the fact
follow the

reminds me that while certain Irish charitable institutions which we have to-day are languishing for want of support, and while the Salvation Army are picking up and proselytizing Irish- Argentine children on the streets of Buenos Aires and Rosario, tens of thousands of dollars are collected amongst us for the propagation of the Faith among black,

brown and yellow tribes beyond the seas, as also for the support and comfort of mighty England's plundering armies. Here in Argentina we seem to have always had some queer notions as to duty, charity and patriotism. It is hard to place the responsibility for these peculiar notions in such matters we have for long been more or less divided and straying. Since the death of Father Fahey we have had no such thing as a leader of any great influence, but an abundance of small caliber, would-be chieftains who each grinds his own ax as best he can, hence we do little of real good for ourselves as a community and are victimized by many. Canon Dillon, at this time, went to Paraguay to recover his health, and on his return an appeal had to be made by some of his friends to the people of the camp to help in
his support, as the Irish in the city
sufficient to

were not contributing keep him. (See newspapers of September, '77.) This seems a very strange case, for Canon Dillon, in so


far as I have been able to discover, was always


much more

popular with the rich than with the poor among his countrymen, and at that time there was a very considerable

number of the two classes of our people in the Capital. With the Irish, unlike other nationalities here, it would appear that the poor and people of medium circumstances
are a


better dependence for the support of a Chaplain

than the very wealthy.

as this one


necessity of such an appeal

would lead one to believe that the Canon did not measure up to the type of priest to whom the term He was Sagairt aruin is sincerely applied by the Irish.


in politics for a city Chaplain.

One of the Franciscan Missionaries made public at this time a strange story of a little Irish-Argentine boy whom he found captive with the Indians. The boy had been carried away in a raid on the neighboring settlement by the Tandil tribes, and in his three years of captivity had lost nearly all of the Spanish he knew, and to add to his difficulty in telling about himself to the Friar, he had a bad stammer. He was only seven or eight years of age when carried away by the wild men, and as well as the priest could make out his name was Peter O'Hara. His captors would give him up for a price, and Father Donati appealed for the amount to the Irish people. On St. Patrick's Day, 1879, Father John Purcell celebrated his first Mass at the Merced Church. He was ordained in Buenos Aires, and
afterwards served as Irish Chaplain in Capilla del Seiior.

In Seventy-nine the fencing in of estancia lands by their proprietors was a question before the legislature, and was, strange as it may seem, sturdily opposed by the estancieros,



that the proposed enactment,




forced, would be ruinous

origin, probably, in


of them.

and enhad its



attempt at political jobthe defeat of the

it if


The General Brown Club made

scheme one of its principal objects; be taken as a proposal that would,

may, consequently,
carried into effect,




be particularly harmful to the Irish sheep-farmers.

project failed.


June the Archbishop




Catholics to take into consideration the religious and educational wants of the Irish people in the rural districts.

The meeting appointed

a committee to report on the matter and adjourned to the 16th of the following month. Michael Carroll and James Browne were president and secretary,
respectively, of the committee.


the meeting in July



resolved as follows:
in the opinion of this meeting it



form some permanent organization representing the Irish Catholic community of the city and province of Buenos
able to
Aires, with a view to


better provision for the religious

and educational wants of said community. "nd. That the Committee hereafter to be named,



hereby, authorized to appeal for subscriptions to the

town and camp with a view to a guarantee fund for the purposes aimed at in the first resolution.
Irish people in


That the


duty of the Committee acting


conjunction with His Grace the Archbishop, be to endeavor to introduce a community of Irish priests, to aid those
already here in the religious and secular education of the
Irish population,



possible to provide also a


adequate system of education for the daughters of Irish




the Committee to be


at this meeting

be appointed from year to year, one-third of the number


by rotation, but being eligible for reand that proper steps be taken to obtain legal status for the Committee in representation of the Irish Community, and with a view to holding properties or monies in trust for same, and that the number of town members
retiring each year

be limited to

of Buenos Aires for the time being be honorary president of the Committee, and that

That the Archbishop


several Irish Chaplains,



resident here and in the camp,

empowered President, Vice-President and Secretary from


be honorary members of the same. "6th. That the Committee be





That the following persons be named members of Committee hereby appointed to carry out the objects indicated in the preceding resolutions, with power to add to their numbers, viz.: "For Buenos Aires: M. Duggan, M. Carroll, E. Casey, E. T. Mulhall, Thomas Duggan, and J. P. Browne. For the Wm. Salto: Camp Suipacha: L. King, T. Kenny. Murphy, Peter Hyland. Navarro: Owen Gahan, James Carthy. Chascomus: Thomas Mahon, Robert Wilson. Ramallo: Baradero: Nicolas Clancy, Michael Brennan. John Connor. Chacabuco: Michael Allen, James Casey. Lujan: John Browne, William Casey. Mercedes: M. Tyrrell, Wm. Cleary. San Antonio P. O'Neill, John Duggan. Giles: Edward Morgan, John Cunningham. Capilla del Senor: Edward Tormey, Edward Culligan, Edward Lennon. San Pedro John Harrington, L. Doyle. Carmen de Areco: John Dowling, T. Maguire. Rojas: P. Murphy, Michael Tormey. Pergamino: J. Fox, Michael Farrell. Pavon: Richard Hammond, Nicholas Hogan. Mar Chiquita: David Fahey, Michael Reddy. 25 de Mayo: Ed. Dennehy, James Kavanagh. 9 de Julio: A. Kilmurray, Eugene Keenan. Saladillo: Michael Elliff, Wm. Leyden, Pila: T. Daly. Arrecifes: James Cunningham, P. Martin. Ranchos R. Slammon. Ensenada D. Daly. Chivilcoy M. Hearne, Patrick Ronan, Patrick Green. Moreno: James Reilly. Marcos Paz: John Murphy. This Committee to immediately commence organizing a general subscription throughout the districts in which there were Irish settlethe


the Sisters of

The meeting discussed the expected retirement of Mercy from the country and expressed a wish that they would reconsider their decision, many present

promising, on this contingency, more generous support of

their efforts


than in the past; a resolution of thanks to
also voted.

them was

The foregoing list of district reprea pretty safe index of the localities wherein Irish settlers were plentiful, and of who were the most prominent amongst them at the end of the Seventies. In

head of the Gas Company National Society, went to Rosario to establish a whisky distillery. Dr. Pecan, the old and popular Irish physician of Buenos Aires, came here from London in 1875. Dr. Daniel Donovan, son of
'71, J. S. O'Farrell, previously

and President




Dr. Cornelius Donovan of the Irish Hospital of the Famine period, was called to the bar this year. The old house at the corner of Reconquista and Cangallo where Father Fahey lived for more than a quarter of a century was sold by a mortgage bank same year. It used to be called "Father Fahey's Corner." Many a wealthy Irishman's career of good fortune started in a bit of plain fatherly advice in that old house, or rather in its modest upstairs apartments. In 1878 Edward Mulhall visited Ireland and wrote a very interesting series of articles of travel for his paper, some of which he headed "Rambles in Ireland." Thirty years later another Irish editor in Buenos Aires, William Bulfin, followed pretty much the same course and called his work "Rambles in Erin." The latter was probably quite unconscious that he was in many places following in the footsteps of the former and sometimes almost copying him. Fathers McDonnell and Southwell of the Carmelite Order and Father Martin Byrne of the Passionist Order




Buenos Aires in '79. They were, I believe, who came from Ireland on a collecting

the first


latter in addition to collecting

in this country,

founded the Passionist



and his efforts, sojourn, recall, perand vindication will be dealt with in my next


Founding of the Passionist Order in Buenos Aires Pamphlet Thereon BY Leading Irish-Argentines Comments, etc.



the Archbishop of Buenos Aires, was

truly zealous for the forwarding and securall his

and he had a very special care for that part of it made up by It. was this the Irish immigrants and their children.
ing of the religious interests of

solicitude which impelled him, in the year 1877, to write an urgent and detailed request to the Archbishop of Dublin for a community of Irish priests who would establish themselves in Buenos Aires, and devote themselves to the religious and secular education of the Irish settlers and their descendants in Argentina, and which again, in 1879, urged him to call the meeting of Irish Catholics to which reference is made towards the conclusion of the last chapter. A letter he wrote to Rome about the time of the meeting in Buenos Aires, which he called, is important as showing his interest in our people, and for other reasons, and I give it

here following:

Letter to Cardinal Nina, Papal Secretary of State

Aires, 25th June, 1879.

Most Eminent Lord



great and special predilection for the Irish people resident in


me to write this merit your consideration and approval.

this Archdiocese induces

which, I hope, will

The number

of Irish in this



about 28,000 and they are

scattered over a superficies of about 7,400 leagues;

by reason

of the

which they

lead, the families live at a considerable distance of their spiritin


from one another. This is a great difficulty in the way ual assistance, although ten Irish priests are engaged





well-known fact that the Irish population is undergoing a great change in their customs and ideas, and this change, particularly among the young of both sexes, is causing serious alarm for their spiritual good.


position of the Irish


rendered more


by the

fact that

they have accumulated immense wealth by their industry.

future of the Irish



a timely remedy be not brought to

Missions are most necessary in the camp, in order that the


be instructed in the


and taught

to practice its


holy precepts.

necessary also to provide for the education of the rising genIf there

eration of both sexes.

can be found

in Ireland a religious




men who

dedicate themselves to missions and education,

sending three or four of them here at once,

by we can immediately begin

the holy work.

In case


should be


to find a Congregation



themselves to missions and education,

bers of two different

would be well to procure memcommunities: the one specially for missions, the

other for schools.

These are

tion to realize them, I

my wishes, and if I should be so happy as to be in a posiam convinced that an incomparable good would

most deserving population. In order that a perfrom the work of missions among this people, the presence of a religious community is necessary, because no matter how zealously the secular clergy may labour individually, no matter what sacrifices they may make, each one cannot attend to all, nor do all they might desire to do.
be effected for

manent good may



Irish people are deserving of all possible care.


your emi-

will kindly

take into consideration what I have written, and inter-

you will do a great act of charity, and leave to posterity a monument of your zeal in the purity of the
est yourself in favor of this work,

of this people.

The necessary funds



pay the passages and


establish the religious

Orders of both sexes in this Archdiocese


be ready whenever Your


with an answer.

With profound respect, Frederick, Archbishop of Buenos Aires.

As mentioned
collecting mission.

already, Father

Martin Byrne, a young

Passionist from Dublin, was already in the country on a

the aforesaid July meeting, presided over

The permanent committee appointed at by Edward Casey,


lishing a


commenced negotiating with him on the matter of estabbranch of his order in Buenos Aires. The Irish Convent, then about to be vacated, was given to him for that purpose, but there were oppositions and conditions connected with the transaction which made his retaining of the establishment impossible, and the arrangement was broken off. Father Byrne was a very spirited Irish Nationalist; he inaugurated and agitated the Irish Relief Fund in 1880, and although something had been done, in a quiet
way, in the latter part of the previous year to this end, was only when he took the matter up and wrote upon it and preached about it that a great patriotic effort was made amongst the Irish all over the country. He gave Missions in many of the districts where the Irish were numerous, and visited all of them, everywhere preaching and practicing the true religious and political spirit, and principle for Irish and Irish-Argentine Catholics to feel and follow. His popularity with the mass of the people increased accordingly. In the question between the Irish Nuns and the Trustees and Committee in charge of the Irish property, he took the side of the Sisters and wrote and said some very severe things of the men who were responsible for depriving the Irish people of a community which had rendered them such invaluable services in the past, who were still ready to continue those services, and who were then so immensely needed by our poor people. This action on his part aroused the opposition, not to say enmity, of some very influential people and he was anything but a persona grata in certain circles. However, arrangements were arrived at between the Committee and Father Martin as to the establishment of the Passionist Order in Buenos Aires, and these arrangements were in every way approved of by the Archbishop. The terms were in brief these: The Committee, on behalf of the Irish people, agreed to pay the Passionist Order in Dublin a large sum of money in exchange for a certain number of Irish priests, of their Community, who were to come to Buenos Aires and

establish a


branch of their Order
in the city,

and who would

attend to the spiritual wants of the Irish Catholics.


money was

paid, but the General of the Order, in

began at once putting in conditions contrary to the terms and spirit of the agreement entered into between the Irish Committee of Buenos Aires and Father Martin, representFather Byrne would stand ing his Provincial in Dublin.


his bargain, the General at once ordered

him home and


other priests from the United States and Italy in

The Irish community protested that their want and their arrangement were for Irish priests and they would support no others. Then commenced a campaign of intriguing, double-dealing and deceit on the part of the Passionist authorities that would be a disgrace to any body of men professing to be Christians, much less an order of priests. The deceit succeeded; the Order was founded on Irish money but turned out to be for Italian and other purposes as much as, or more than, for any Irish end or aim. As years went by this condition of affairs grew worse until the Italianization of the Province, and the turning of the Irish property from its original purpose became such a public scandal that protests, loud and unmeasured, arose from various Irish sections and parties. A number of the leading Irishmen and Irish-Argentines compiled a pamphlet called "The Passionist Order in Argentina" "A statement of the question pending between its Superiors and the Irish Community," and from this pamphlet I will quote as to the founding of the Order here and to the deceits and
his stead.

double-dealings referred to.


the following well-known gentlemen, lay and clerical,

of Buenos Aires were responsible for the pamphlet there can be no suspicion of the production being anti-Passionist

Thomas Duggan, Santiago G. O'Farrell, Patricio Dowling, Edward Morgan (Colon), Rev. L. E. McDonnell, James E.
Ballesty, Santiago Feeney, Rev.

Bowen, John Nelson, Julian Duggan, John Moore, Santiago James M. Ussher, Edward

the pamphlet says:




Duggan, Charles Duggan,



introduction to

The Committee, who


are studying the best


to arrive at a

settlement of the difficulty pending between the Passionist Order

phlet in order that our people

and the Irish-Argentine community, have decided to publish this pammay have an exact knowledge of the question, and be in a position to form a well-founded opinion for themselves.

What we

in the following

ask has been very clearly condensed by Dr. O'Farrell paragraph which we quote from the letter signed by a

and handed to the Rev. Superior-General of " Nuestra solicitud puede concretarse en esta proposicion: entendemos que la Orden tiene la obligacion de hacer derigir las iglesias y casas que tiene establecidas en esta Capital Federal y en la Provincia de Buenos Aires por sacerdotes irlandeses, y como unico medio eficaz de que se llene ese proposito, debe establecerse definitivamente que dichas casas dependan de la provincia irlandesa." (Translation: Our demand may be reduced to this proposition: we believe that it is an obligation on the Order to have the churches and houses which it has established in this Federal Capital and in the Province of Buenos Aires governed by Irish priests, and as the only sure means whereby this end can be fulfilled, it must be established definitely that said houses be dependants of
of gentlemen

the Passionist Order two years ago:

the Irish province.)

In other words, we
should be Irish, that


that the Passionist houses in this country,

that their atmosphere, so to say, should be

that their Superiors and most of the priests in

them should be
have as a special

Irish or Irish- Argentine;

and that these

priests should

mission in this country the spiritual welfare of the Irish people, to


they should act as chaplains in this city and in the localities not attended by other Irish Chaplains. As a means to this end, we request that these houses be placed under the Hibernian province of
the Passionist Order. the only practical

This was the original understanding, and

see to settle the difficulty.

it is

way we

If the Passionist

Superiors see any other reasonable


of satisfying our just request

and propose an agreement, we are

willing to take it into consideration,

provided that our rights are duly respected.

As can be

easily seen,


are not asking for anything extraordinary.

We do not ask

that the Passionist Fathers give up their Churches and

Monasteries; but that


receive a guarantee that these will always



be destined to the object for which the Irish people contributed to build them and for which they have always supported them, that is, that the Churches be in charge of Irish or Irish-Argentine priests, whose special mission it would be to attend to the Irish people, and that the houses be the residences of these priests. We do not want these houses to be converted into Italian missions, and we do not consider it fair to the young Irish-Argentine novices and students in the Order in this country that they should be Italianizedy as is now being done, or is about to be done, in what is called the Italian house in Jesus Maria, and by the incorporation of Italian
Passionists from Europe.

We consider that the Italian Passionists are as good as the Passionists of

any other

nationality; but


are strongly of opinion that they

or their Superiors should apply to their

own countrymen

for the


to build houses to

and churches

for themselves

their Italian people


they wish to minister.

We would not offend them by thinkit

ing that they are not intelligent enough to understand that


not be expected that our small Irish community should be expected to build and support the Passionist houses for the benefit of the immensely

numerous and immensely wealthy Italian population in Argentina. We do not for one moment pretend that the Passionist Fathers,
Irish or Irish-Argentine, should not extend their spiritual ministrations

to people of other nationalities,


they think well to do so; nor do


pretend that in their houses Passionists of other nationalities must not Nothing could be farther from our minds, provided that we reside.
all that to which we consider we have a just claim. Neither do we pretend that the Passionist Order should leave the country; on the contrary we should be very sorry if it did so; but if

are attended to in

the Superiors find no other alternative, in order to guarantee to us that



not lose what we have a right

to, then,






being of course understood that in this case, they should be ex-

pected to leave the properties.


think this alternative would be

very unfair to the Irish-Argentine priests of the Order, and to some of the other members, who are in no way responsible for what has

happened, and who, we

feel certain

parties to the injustice that has been

reason to presume that none will

at the facts that

would never, and could never, be and is being done, and we have be more astonished then themselves





Since the Rev. Father General of the Order could not see his

way to

answer the note which he received from us two years ago, and to which he promised a reply within six months, the Committee have decided



with the approval of His Grace, Mons. Espinosa, Archbishop of this city, and of his Lordship Mons. Terrero, Bishop of La Plata, and after
consultation with His Grace Mgr. Locatelli, Papal Internuncio here,
to lay the whole case before the Ecclesiastical Courts of
final settlement.






preparing the documents, antecedents,

and expect to have all ready in a few weeks. In the meantime we have decided to publish this statement. In it we are taking special care to make no assertion which we cannot prove. We will quote copiously from private correspondence dealing with the question at issue, principally from letters past between the
data, etc.,

Superiors of the Passionist Order in Europe and the Fathers out here.
as the public may be astonished at this fact, and ask how we came by such correspondence, we answer that we got it from the Ecclesiastical Courts in Rome. When Father Martin Byrne returned to Europe from this country, he got into difficulties with the General, and was expelled from the Order. But he appealed to the Holy See, and in


discussing the case, the question of the Passionist Mission in Argentina


studied. For this discussion nearly three hundred documents, mostly the private correspondence above mentioned were presented

on both sides. The judges decided against the General, and Martin was readmitted to his Order. We now have authentic copies of all that correspondence as well as of the other documents
as proofs

Since Fr. Martin left here over thirty years ago


to very


of us


serious misgivings regarding the relations

between the Passionist Community and ourselves. We felt that everything was not correct; that there was a misunderstanding somewhere, but it was difficult to affirm anything definite. Now we see the whole situation in a new light, and we know exactly where we stand. The object of this publication is to enlighten our people on the matter and to ask them to second the action of the Committee, who have taken up the question with the object of obtaining a final settlement. We intended publishing this statement a couple of months ago; but His Grace Mons. Espinosa, at the request of the Passionist Superiors and hoping to find some amicable solution, intervened. After some delay he informed the Committee that it was impossible to do anything here, and that the only course was to take the matter on to Rome for a final solution. At one of its numerous meetings, the Committee were unanimously
of opinion that until this question

satisfactorily settled, all relations

with the members of the Passionist Community as such, should be



suspended and that all support should be withdrawn from it. And now we ask all the Irish-Argentine Community to act on these lines. It will be easily understood that we do not advise this step out of any personal animosity against the individual members of the Order here, whose responsibility in what has been done, we are not in a position
to exactly determine.

The reason

for this proceeding



Since the Passionist

in this

Superiors maintain that the mission of their



not to attend specially to the Irish people, it is evident that the The Irish people are under no obligation whatever towards them. sooner all concerned know that we are in earnest, the sooner our difficulty will

be solved, either one way or another.



October, 1913.

Following the foregoing introduction are a couple of pages recapitulating some of the events which led up to the founding of the Community here, which events have been touched on in dealing with other matters in chapters previous to the present, and also taking up the denial of the Passionist Superiors that any agreement was entered into as to the new foundation being established for the special benefit of the Irish- Argentine people, and then is inserted tliis letter as evidence of the groundlessness of said denial
Buenos Aires, 20th July, 1879. Dear Father Martin: A Committee I suppose you have heard how the meeting went off. has been named to provide means to bring out a number of Irish priests for religious and educational purposes. Before the Committee does anything, I hope to see you again. I doubt if it would be wise to bring priests of any Order existing here, as Do you' Irish interests would soon become subservient to others. think there would be a fair probability of your Order establishing a house here? The present is an important time for the Irish Community

A false

step will throw us back for years.

Edward Casey,
President of the Permanent Committee.


this further interesting

seen, negotiations

data follow: "As can be were commenced with the object of bring-



ing out Irish priests for religious and educational purposes, on the lines laid down in the document above quoted. The
in this country.

was that the Passionist Community was established The conditions under which this was done, are given by Fr. Martin himself in a document addressed to His Holiness Leo XIII, in which he declares, referring to the Passionist Mission in Argentina, the following which we quote verbatim:
I established

upon the following

conditions, (a)

sion should be for the benefit of the Irish Colonists,

That the Misand be possessed

and worked by priests of the same nationality from our British Province. (6) That this province should receive the private donations which the Colonists gave definitely for the Province and in exchange These donations are elsewhere called the surplus funds for priests. of the Mission, (c) That all funds and foundations should be supplied by the Irish, as, in fact, they were supplied by the Irish, (d) That no foreign Passionist, and nominatim no Italian, could possess any of the foundations or its revenues. Besides the above clear statement, we reproduce the following letter sent four months later by Fr. Martin to his Provincial, Father Alphonsus O'Neill: "Presentation B. V. M., 2l/ll, 1879. Dear Rev. Father Provincial: If the 405 (four hundred and five pounds) drawn by Edward Casey on the Bank of Ireland and sent three weeks ago, is not to hand, advise Bank. I lost or mislaid the duplicate cheque. The enclosed 1000 (one thousand pounds), was subscribed by 7 or 8 friends in the last eight days This money has nothing to do with the ordinary collection, but is destined to compensate you for a journey to Rome and for taking two priests from home work to help me here When the men arrive another cheque for an equal or greater amount will be forthcoming In conclusion, I have to remind your Paternity that if the men be not sent, my honour and yours and the Order's is at stake that the cheque will be returned uncashed Your affectionate son in J. C, F. Martin, C. P.

few more pages are occupied in showing that the General in Rome and the Provincial in Dublin were not in agree-

ment as to the principles on which the foundation could be made, but that both gave Fr. Martin, Mr. Casey and the Archbishop to understand that the agreement entered



into between the representatives

of the Irish community and the Passionist delegate would be respected, and the authors proceed: "One of the first steps of the SuperiorGeneral was not to allow the Irish Provincial to send the priests promised; another was to send other members of the Order to take the Mission completely out of the hands of But this was not so easy, and susthe Irish Passionists. pecting that Fr. Martin was in the way, on June 30, 1880, he wrote to him ordering him back to his province within Mgr. Aneiros thought this was not reasonthree months. able and wrote to the General explaining matters and asking him to send out the priests promised. Fr. Martin wrote also to all the Consultors of the Order in Rome, giving

regarding the situation. As a result of this correspondence the General did not insist on Fr. Martin's withdrawal, and wrote to him saying that he would send out two religious as his delegates to study the whole question and report to him, and that afterwards he would take a final



The delegates were Father Timothy Pacita, an and Father Clement Finigan, an American, both from the Province of the United States. They arrived in Buenos Aires on the 14th of December, 1880." It is stated on page 17 that everybody from the Archbishop down understood that the original agreement was being carried out. Father Timothy, for the General, named Fr. Martin Superior, got him to procure from Mr. Casey 400 to bring home with him, and in February, 1881, left for Rome. Mr. Casey then gave the Fathers left in Buenos Aires, Martin and Clement, a house of his, rent free, at 1316 Calle Victoria, and this was the first Passionist establishment
in Argentina.

Every paragraph in the little pamphlet is interesting, but the following few especially so, as affording useful historical data, and as giving an idea of how strangely men's consciences may be at variance as to what is right and just, in regard to things seen from different points of view of

and race



In the


days of June, 1881, Fr. Nilus Matrojanni, Italian, Fr. Fedelis Kent-Stone, North American, and Brother Ubaldo, Italian, Acting under instructions from his Superior-General, Fr. arrived. Nilus immediately assumed the Superiorship of the Mission, and took
possession of the retreat in this city


of the furniture in

San Roque

This furniture consisted of benches of polished cedar wood, confessional, etc., acquired by Fr.
Chapel, then called the Irish Chapel.

Martin and paid

course Irish property.

and returned to had come out completely ignorant of the real state of affairs. In a few weeks he understood the whole situation, and also arrived at the conclusion that it would be wrong to take the mission out of the hands He immediately of the Irish Province and refused to contmue acting.
wrote several

by subscription among the Irish people, and was of At this juncture Fr. Martin left the country But. Fr. Nilus, as Fr. Timothy before him, Ireland.

to his Superior-General in

Here are a few extracts from these



Rome explaining On June 6th,


1881, a few days after arriving, he wrote.

" Fr. Clement


a manner which he has that your Paternity has treated Fr. Martin not deserved. It grieves me that your Most Rev. Paternity said

nothing to

Things look rather turbid. about all this imbroglio Martin and Fr. Clement) seem to think that the 30,000 Irish in this republic, are a burden on their shoulders and that it is our obligation to work for them, as their way of thinking is that if we do not work for. them, we shall lose our prestige with them, and that in consequence the foundation must perish. This is equivalent to saying that without their help we cannot live in this country." He goes on




to say that he foresees

his instructions.


obstacles " to the carrying out of

And one week


on June 14th, Fr. Nilus wrote

again mentioning that he suspected Fr. Martin's intention in going to Europe was to insist that Irish priests be sent out, and he adds: " His
(Fr. Martin's)

whole strength
it is


in the first letter written

Paternity accepting the foundation to be

by your made by Fathers from



strange people,
blessed Irish,

we are left in a strange place, depending on a necessary for us to follow and labour for these

Father and to have something to subsist upon Clement continues to lament. He says that we have come to ruin all that Fr. Martin has done in two years ... he knows that the people have already commenced to grumble because we do not as Fr. Martin did, and I believe they think we have been the cause of his departure. And moreover, how reconcile so many promises made by him .

to those persons

who have

given so


to have Irish priests




remedy the promises made by him publicly from the
Fathers should be
all for

altar, that the


who speak



again as he was about to leave for Europe:


life have I taken the pen in hand with such trepidaand with so much sorrow and repugnance, as in this moment to write to your Most Rev. Paternity. After such days and nights of martyrdom, both of mind and body, at last the step is made Fr. Martin has left us, so to speak, in a net from which we cannot extricate ourselves unless he returns. This is the same as to say that, compelled by necessity, we must do everything to make him return. His departure has caused such an impression that not only have the best benefactors withdrawn from us, regarding us with suspicious eyes, but also the Irish Priests who have in a meeting declared that they will not have Missions. And the worst of it is that none of us has the manner of acquiring the goodwill of those


tion of heart,


could help us."

Father Nilus was,

vinced, as the extracts


Fr. Timothy, thoroughly con-

his letters show, of the unfair treatment meted out to Fr. Martin, that the General was trying to depart from the terms of the original agreement, and that by persisting in this course he was seriously damaging the honor of his Order and making almost certain the failure of the attempt to found the Commimity in Buenos Aires. He left the Plate in July, 1881, in fear and trembling, on a mission to meet Fr. Martin in Paris and with him to proceed to Rome to discuss matters with the General, but that dignitary would not allow him to even come near the


Poor Fr. Nilus' letters are one long wail of despair and sorrow for the scandalous obstinacy, if not
Eternal City.
worse, of the General. The pamphlet summarizes the extracts to which I have referred, and partially quoted, thus:

The above quotations


give us a fair idea of the results of the Gen-

conduct. The Archbishop displeased, because the Passionists he got established in the country for the Irish, were not going to act up to their promises; Fr. Nilus, the General's





on the brink of despair, after refused to receive him and all because he reported truthfully and would not consent to do what he thought was wrong, that is: break the agreement that had been publicly made and publicly accepted by all parties.

envoy and

local Superior

getting into disgrace with the General



oldest priest

now remaining was Fr. Clement


gan, a North American, a zealous man, a good preacher and

Very popular with the Irish people. He entirely approved Fr. Martin's plans for founding the Community in Argentina, and would be no party to the General's plans of getting the Irish to sow the seeds and of turning the harvest over
to the Italians.

The authors


quoting from say:

After Fathers Martin, Timothy and Nilus left the country, Fr. Clement remained as Superior, with Fr. Fidelis and the Italian lay brother, Ubaldo. Fr. Clement was of the same opinion as Fathers Timothy and Nilus regarding the agreement made by Fr. Martin

with the Irish people.

In Fr. Nilus' letter to the General, we find

several references proving that he considered that Fr. Martin's agree-

ment should be

carried out.

Here are a few quotations

. . .




laments that your Paternity has treated Fr. Martin

a manner

which he has not deserved. Fr. Clement considers Fr. Martin Being unum et a martyr, and hopes in a great triumph for him idem with Fr. Martin, he (Fr. Clement) will only give his reasons
. . .

justifying their


of working."

so on through many extracts too lengthy to quote, must but I make place for the short comment which the authors pass on them, and which pretty well sums them up


Evidently from the foregoing, Fr. Clement was not of the same
opinion as the Superior-General, and could not see his


to break



notwithstanding his





Superior for three short months, he was replaced by Fr. Fidelis

who was

designated to take his place and to carry out the General's plan, which

Fathers Martin, Timothy, Nilus and Clement considered impossible, because they saw it was unjust and should be wronging the Irish

The plan was to make the Passionist mission in this country an Italian or international one, and the difficulty consisted in doing



four Passionist

so without losing the support of the Irish people.


who proceeded
and withdrew.

Fr. Fidelis as Superiors,

Father Fidelis

saw that this was not then took the work in hands.

ing on for these facts

The gentlemen who compiled the pamphlet I am drawall knew the Rev. Father Fidelis Kentof them, were do better than biographical sketch of him by them:

Stone intimately, most of them,

close personal friends of his,




I cannot

give this



must now speak about

Fr. Fidelis Kent-Stone, the actual Pro-

vincial Superior of the Passionist


in this country.
it is


what has passed and what

actually passing,


tell the plain truth. Not to do so now, that we know the facts, would be an injustice to ourselves and to posterity. We find ourselves involved in the present question, and in our

opinion treated very wrongly, because our people thirty years ago,

placed implicit faith in him as a priest, never suspecting that he could

be acting as he then did, and is now doing. So we must deal with Fr. Fidelis as he appears to us in the light of the facts of which we now

have knowledge.

We are willing to

recognize that Fr. Fidelis was specially suited for

the work that had been committed to him.


He was a man of the world,

learned and diplomatic; he had occupied important positions in the

denominations to which he belonged, before he became a

of the Passionist Order.

convert from Protestantism;

now a member

he had been a secular priest, and was His attainments and varied

experience enabled


to take the Irish-Argentine

difficulties of



hands and notwithstanding the

the situation, to success-

fully carry out the plans of the Superior-General.


do not for a

moment suppose that he would ever act contrary to the dictates of his own conscience; but we do think that the line of conduct he followed when dealing with our community was wrong.


a delegation of Irishmen two years ago spoke to the actual

Superior-General, Fr. Jeremias, not the same Superior


sent Fr.


thirty years ago, he said he needed to consult a person


could inform


exactly on the question raised.

referred to

Fr. Fidelis,


The person he called down by cablegram from the

United States and named Provincial of the Passionists in this country. Consequently it cannot be said that we are mistaken when we


affirm that


he who is principally responsible for the existing he who is acting against the interests of the Irish people here; carrying out the General's plan now as he did thirty years And we must deduct that it is due to his advice and information ago. that we have received from the actual General of the Order no answer

to our petition.



he who


carrying out at this



Italianization of the Passionist Mission according to the intention of

the Italian Superiors of the Order in

that he

Rome, pretending at the same time


acting in the best interests of the Irish people

guarding their rights in every way.

The first act of Fr. Fidelis in Buenos Aires, so far as we know, was one of very doubtful loyalty to his Superior, Fr. Clement. In a report to the General in June, 1881, he said amongst other things: ** From the day of our arrival here he (Fr. Clement) has done all he could to oppose any change of the programme, and he has said to us and to outsiders that his intention was to ask to be recalled if Fr. Martin did not return." On page 27 of the pamphlet I find: ** He mentions how Fr. Martin's departure was a great relief to his mind because his presence was the principal obstacle to the carrying out of the General's plan of establishing an Italian or international mission
. .

with the pecuniary support of the


And he

mined to carry




thirty years later,

tells how he is deterwhen another Passionist

General finds himself in

Fr. Fidelis, called


over the same issue, the same

down from

the United States

by cablegram

to con-

tinue his


of carrying out the original plan, has the courage to

the Irish people, assembled in Holy Cross on St. Patrick's



in 1911, that the Passionist Mission in this country

a Hiberno-

Argentine Province.

your own Province, he gives the Rev. Superior-General his opinion of the different Passionist Fathers who had already been in Buenos Aires. He says amongst other things: ** Fr. Martin is a zealis

" It

yours," he said,




On August

11, 1881,

ous and amiable young man, and writing against him I feel like a traitor.
tione sua, venit, vidit, fugit.

Timothy what can I say? He was prudens in genera(He was prudent in his generation, he came, he saw, and ran away.) The sole act of his administration was a blunder For Fr. Nilus I feel only compassion. He had very



good intentions, but not having the necessary strength to execute them, he nearly went out of his mind Fr. Clement is good and innocent. I love him, I respect him, but most Rev. Father, it seems too clear to me that he has suffered loss here lost much of the spirit of recollection. He is much devoted to Fr. Martin, co-operated with
. . .



in everything,

and now he does

all in his
. .

power to continue


the undertakings of the same Father

From our

arrival here,

there has been an opposition of opinion between us in regard to our



can I do?


instructions of our Superiors are for


the will of

God ...

I recognize Fr.

Clement as


Superior ad

interim; I

obey him

in all that

not opposed to the obedience due to

Notwithstanding the scandal passed, it seems to your Paternity me that it would be possible to collect here in a little time sufficient money to build a Monastery of moderate size in the vicinity of this city. The Irish are generous, and when they understand well the alternative that we must either do this or go away, I hope that we shall be in a position to establish ourselves according to our rule. It would be necessary to commence with the Irish; there is nothing to hope from the others at present. I have suggested that perhaps we might

money by subscription, none to be received amount be subscribed. I do not see any other way our good name in this country.
get this

until a certain
of establishing

The General had

to him the right

at last hit

upon what must have seemed

Fr. KentStone had no scruples about agreements entered into, and more than complied with by the parties who were to finance the arrangement. We have seen what he thought of the four previous Superiors who felt that the bargain made between their Order and the Irish-Argentine community ought to be respected. He now announced that the Church to be built was not to be Irish, and also delivered his "alternative,"
to carry out his designs.


and the pamphlet


This information coupled with Fr. Martin's departure and the

non-arrival of the Irish priests promised, disgusted the gentlemen

Committee of which Mr. Casey was president, and culminated, Things what was already looked upon by many as a public scandal came to a crisis. The Passionists had to abandon San Roque Chapel. The Archbishop, who was already displeased with the preceding events, it appears, ordered them to close a small chapel they had opened in their private residence; and from the time Fr. Fidelis was named
of the



to the middle of 1882, that


during six or eight months,

the Passionist Fathers were practically isolated, and did nothing publicly

excepting to attend some sick



was evident that the


Irish people in general


were leaving them

strictly alone,

proving thereby

that they would have nothing to do with

tions stipulated with Fr. Martin.



on the condi-

But although boycotted to a great extent, Fr. Fidelis managed to maintain himself and his small community. It is not easy to understand how he did this unless there were funds from the time when the Passionists were regarded as wishful to stand by their bargain, but he soon began to prevail upon some of the humbler class of our people,
was one of love and charity and that it was a religious obligation to support him. He knew the Irish well from his experience in the United States. Then was circulated the report that Fr. Martin had left the Order in disgrace. Soon after this he, Fr. Martin, wrote to some of his former friends in Buenos Aires urging them to support the Passionist Mission, for the sake of the good work it was doing and because of the great necessity our people had in the city for priests who could instruct and help them; and these things, to be perfectly fair, the Passionists then did, and always do, with a The Irish girls zeal and constancy worthy of all praise. were got to form some sort of a committee who waited on many wealthy Irish people in the city, with a view of making
especially the servant girls, that his mission

a collection for the Passionists. They contributed themselves, as has ever been their wont in such cases, with the greatest generosity and succeeded in winning some people to their cause, amongst the most important of whom was Dean Dillon, whose paper, the "Southern Cross," was there-

San Roque after at the service of the Passionist Mission. being closed against him, Fr. Fidelis somehow managed to get permission to say 1 o'clock mass in the Balvanera
Church and to preach a sermon in English there every Sunday he was thus gaining ground. The Irish girls, two hundred and fifty in number, had already issued an appeal as "Catholic Irish girls resident in Buenos Aires and earning our own subsistence." The "Appeal," a very politic and well thought-out document, was, of course, written by Fr.



and scarcely one of the girls whose names were to it until it appeared in the "Southern Cross" or the "Standard." It had the desired effect, and both these newspapers commented on it in friendly and encouraging terms; thus many people began to forget the cause of the trouble and lend their assistance to the good work. In September, 1882, the Superior purchased the ground on which now stands Holy Cross Church, and at once set about constructing a little temporary chapel with zinc and other materials purchased from the Managers, the Exhibition at Plaza Once, then recently closed. With such energy did he push on this work that within a few months after he had got possession of the ground he had service in the little zinc edifice, and on January 6, 1883, formally inaugurated Holy Cross Church. Whatever may be said of the methods and aims of Fr. Fidelis it must be admitted that he worked with great industry, perseverence and diplomacy. It is recorded that none of the dozen or so Irish priests then in the country attended the opening ceremony of the new church. There was still such a feeling amongst the subscribers of the money paid the Passionists on the agreement with Fr. Martin that Fr. Fidelis thought it good policy to make this declaration on the day of the inauguration "People might say what they please, but this was the fact it was an Irish Church, it was their Church and nobody could deny it," and the authors of the pamplilet follow with this very pointed comment and
ever saw



referred before to the fact that Fr. Fidelis

was not dealing openly with our people. We understand that he announced in Balvanera on a certain occasion to a limited congregation that the proposed Church would not be an Irish Church, and now only a few months later, he tells us that it is an Irish Church and that nobody can deny it. On which occasion did he speak sincerely.'*" About this time the leading subscribers and parties to the agreement with Fr. Martin demanded that he comply with his part of the contract, that of sending out Irish priests, or else return the money paid to the Order on this




Neither was done, and law proceedings were Community in Dublin. There was some more passing of notes between the General in Rome and the
started against the

Branches of the Order in Dublin and Buenos Aires, and 1884 Fathers Victor Carolan and John MacMullen reached Buenos Aires from Dublin. There was a new General, Fr. Bernard Silvestrelli, who seems to have satisfied in some way the Irish representatives in Buenos Aires, for the law proceedings were discontinued as was also anything
early in
in the


of serious opposition to Fr. Fidelis




to him,

I have mentioned


some pages back that Fr. Martin from the Passionist Order, I must, in justice

clude here a few paragraphs

and for the interesting information they contain infrom the authors who have
this, for long,

taken so much pains to establish the facts in so very vext question. Here they are
In the
first months of 1884 Fr. by the General, who needed


went to Rome, probably

For, as

direct information regarding Fr.

Martin's connection with the Passionist Mission.

before, Fr.



Martin had been expelled from his Community, because he kept on insisting that the original agreement should be respected, and appealed to the Pope on this point against the Superior-General. Before his expulsion he could not go to Rome because his General
persistently refused his permission during all these years.

But the

moment he found

himself free, he proceeded thither, and insisted in his

appeal, that justice be done to the Irish people, and presented a

new appeal

against his


expulsion, claiming readmittance.

Fr. Fidelis

went to


as principal witness against Fr. Martin.

in the Ecclesiastical Courts,

Xm commissioned
the decision.

was a very important case

and Leo

five Cardinals to

study the question and draw up

The second

point was gained completely by Fr. Martin.

in his favour,


Court decided

he was readmitted to the Order


and the Superior-General was condemned in costs. But the first point was not decided. The Court resolved:
constare de jure actoris; "





did not appear that Fr. Martin

Irish people

was authorized by, or had the necessary powers from, the



this question.

Argentina or the Irish Passionist Province to ask for a solution to So it remains pending down to the present day. And

the Committee


are pubUshing this statement, are going to lay


with others, before the Ecclesiastical Courts in Rome. We draw attention to these things here, for they are another proof
of the trouble

and annoyance the Passionist foundation



Aires has given, and will probably yet give, the higher authorities
of the Order, because their dealings with our people

have not been

nor sincere, and we do not think we can be contradicted when we say that it all looks as if their plan had always been to get our money and our support under false pretenses. And we also mention the above facts to prove that Fr. Fidelis has

been constantly opposed to the interests of our people. On that account he was named local superior over thirty years ago; for that he was over in Rome giving evidence against Fr. Martin; and now again, with that same object another Superior-General has called him down

by cable from North America and got him named Provincial Superior over this Province to which he does not belong, for he is a member of
the United States Province of the Passionist Order.

With the foregoing quotation I take my leave of this The authors mention very timely and useful little work. that they have hundreds more of documents and reports bearing on this question which they have not published and that they are stUl collecting such material. I hope they will
soon see their


to give to the public the fruits of their

labors in this matter of such deep historical interest to the

Irish-Argentine people.

of this their first publication

this exclusiveness

Only a limited number of copies was issued, and these for disI think

tribution amongst carefully selected individuals.

on the part of the authors was a mistake. There is nothing in the pamphlet to damage the reputation of the Passionist Fathers, as a body; on the contrary, it proves that the majority of the priests from the beginning were anxious to act in good faith with the Irish people. Why then not send it broadcast and enable everyone to see and judge openly for themselves.? What the public would learn is that all the harm came from the authorities at Rome
being, to



very mildly, inordinately zealous for the


welfare of their


own people; and from the fact that a very and rather unscrupulous Anglo-American, who had no sympathy with anything Irish, had wielded a controlling influence over the foundation almost from its start, and who, when he was not the actual head of the Community, always contrived to have men of his own stamp, and who would do his bidding, in its posts of influence. The open agitation to which the exposures in Mr. Padraic MacManus' review, Fianna, in the early part of 1911, brought the years of grumblings and discontent of the people, were the real driving power of the Committee, as they opened the eyes of the public to the wrong that had been and was being done, and those of the Passionist authorities to the danger that lay before their Order in Argentina if they persisted in their disregard of the rights of the Irish-Argentine community. The Committee were the medium of the settlement but Fianna was the compelling force.^ An agreement was arrived at, and the announcement made at the lunch in Holy Cross Monastery on St. Patrick's Day, 1914, in presence of Archbishop Espinosa, Fr. Fidelis and a gathering of some two hundred Irish and Irish- Argentine men, lay and clerical, that a new Province, the Argentine Province, of the Passionist Order had been formed, and that from that on the Passionist Community in this country would be under no
foreign control, except in so far, of course, as the rules of
the Order permitted the General to exercise a certain jurisdiction.

This arrangement, although far from what the

people contended for, was accepted by the Committee, as it was believed it would prevent all further Italianization, and
Anglicization from North America, of the Order.

The Pasnotwithstanding their zealous labors in the dis-

charge of their ministerial duties, became objectionable to many, chiefly from their pro-English leanings, especially in
^The authors

err in thinking, as

they state on page 30, that the Father


Fidelis-Clement Mission given at the San Francisco Church was the


kind in Buenos Aires.

In May,


Father Martin gave a very successful

Mission at San Roque.



Boer War,
their cringing lack of Irish prin-

the days of the



their constant tendency towards Anglicizing the

Irish-Argentine community.
possible the absolute

The new arrangement made abandonment of these hateful and deIrish-Argentine priests
it is

moralizing dispositions.

They will be able to put the right spirit into their Community if they have the desire. The men of the Order in Ireland are among
expected, be soon in full control of the Province.

the most patriotic and uncompromising nationalists in the

Irish priesthood.
is now no reason why Irish- Argennot be equally faithful to their people and the traditions of their race. I believe they will be; and more, I am sure they will be, if the Irish- Argentine people


tine priests should

want them so to


The Gen. Brown Club Active Another
Irish Colony Scheme The Convent Property Sacred Heart Nuns Come to Buenos Aires Irish Relief Fund Another Irish Society Irish Immigrants Wanted Departure of Father Martin Byrne ^The Irish Orphanage ^Thb Dresden Miscellaneous Items.



year 1880 was one of great activity and of some important events among the Irish of Argentina. Just at its dawn the General Brown Club came out

of candidates for election to the Legislature.

John Dillon and Charles Davis were the only Irish names in their list. The Club had scarcely named its candidates and published its platform when it split to pieces. It was composed of all creeds and all races. One of the planks in its
platform proposed compulsory curing of scab in sheep. A very proper measure to seek to realize. Father Martin, travelling in camp, started the "Relief
of Distress in Ireland


committee of prominent Irlandeses waited on Governor Tejedor with a request for a grant of twenty leagues of land on which to found an Irish colony. The Governor was friendly to the scheme, but explained that to dispose of so large an area of public lands he would have to have a special law made, and he recommended the committee to have some Senator take the matter up for them with a view of getting a special law passed, or on the other hand to ask for a smaller area. Some Senators were seen, but would not agree to the Committee's proposition unless the English Government paid the passage of five hundred or one thousand families out as colonists, or failing that that the Irish at home
or in Buenos Aires pay the passages. Messrs. Michael Duggan and E. T. Mulhall then wrote to Mr. John Lentaigne,



Inspector of Convent Schools in Ireland, asking him to put

English Government: "That if Government would defray the passages, about 10,000, of five hundred families, the Irish of Buenos Aires would raise as much money as would support the five hundred families for one year, and that the Argentine Government would give the immigrants twenty leagues of land." The English Government would be very glad to get so many Irish families
this proposition before the


out of Ireland just then it was, indeed, the stated policy of England's "great statesman," Gladstone, to reduce the
to help to lose them to Get them to Australia or Canada, by all means, but to an independent state was another thing, and the scheme fell through. The Irish Convent property was now lying idle, and Archbishop Aneiros called another meeting of the Irish residents at his house, to consult as to what was best to do with it. The meeting was a rather small one as another meeting had already been called, by some leading Irishmen, for the same purpose to meet a few days later. Those present, however, were of the opinion that it was not desirable to change the purpose for which Father Fahey had intended the institution and agreed that an effort should be made to bring out another Community of Sisters to replace those gone away. The meeting just referred to was called by the Trustees of the Convent and other properties and came off on April 22, 1880. The following report of the proceedings thereat is from the editorial columns of "The Standard:" "The meeting at the Irish Convent called by the Trustees, was largely attended yesterday. Nearly all the Irish Chaplains and most of our representative Irish estancieros were present. Mr. E. T. Mulhall was voted to

Irish population

but had no notion

the British Empire.

Mr. James Browne as Secretary. The Chairread the notice convening the meeting, and the deed of Transfer by the late Canon Fahey to the Trustees, and in a few short remarks explained the object of the meeting
the chair with





Mr. Patrick Bookey, on behalf of the





Trustees, fully explained the history of their trust and the

present position of affairs.

The Rev. John Leahy spoke

an Irish
of the
also spoke to the

to the necessity of preserving the institution for


The Rev. Largo M. Leahy

Mr. Carroll concisely defined the position

Trustees of the Convent and Hospital, and dwelt on the necessity of at once taking steps. The Rev. Father O'Reilly
addressed the meeting on the necessity of keeping the Convent for Irish uses, and adhering to our traditions.


other gentlemen spoke, and the best


of opinion

and friendly

feeling prevailed, all expressing a wish to mainin

tain intact the Irish institutions

the city; finally the

moved by Mr. Thomas Duggan, and seconded by Mr. Dillon and passed unanimously: Refollowing resolution was
solved, that the Trustees be requested to call

on the Arch-

bishop, and explain that the Irish people require of the

teach a



the Convent


passed: 1st. That they

superior school. That they keep an Irish 2d. Orphanage, and that the sense of the meeting is, that the use of the Convent be only given on these conditions. The Secretary read a letter from Dean Dillon regretting his inability to attend the meeting; owing to the Archbishop's absence he was obliged to officiate in the Cathedral. Mr. Armstrong moved a vote of thanks to the chairman, and the meeting, which held for about three hours, dissolved." A movement had been for some time on foot to establish a branch of the Community of Sisters of the Sacred Heart in the place of the Sisters of Mercy, and the meeting at the Archbishop's house and the one at the Irish Convent, the report of which I have just given, were both called to consider, or ratify, although not ostensibly so, this proposition. These meetings are the beginning of the history of the Sisters of the Sacred Heart in Buenos Aires, and although it was from Chili the first Company of these Nuns came, the Rev. Mother and some of her companions were Irish born. The Committee of Trustees appointed by the meeting of April 22, had various interviews with the Arch. .




bishop, and finally agreed to an arrangement.


time Father Martin Byrne and another Committee, partly

composed of the same gentlemen who had control of the make arrangements for the establishing of the Passionist Order, so that the good Archbishop must have felt very pleased to see his "great and
Irish Convent, were trying to
special predilection for the Irish people resident in this arch-

When the Committee had completed their arrangements with Dr. Aneiros they called another meeting of the Irish people for the 18th of May, 1880, and as this is the starting point of a new era in the history of the Irish Convent and Orphanage, I cannot do better than give the whole account of what took place at The meeting was the meeting, as reported in the papers. held in the Convent building. Mr. Patrick Bookey moved and Mr. Michael Duggan seconded, that Mr. E. T. Mulhall take the chair and Mr. J. P. Browne act as secretary. This was agreed to and the chairman opened the proceedings by ordering the minutes of the last meeting, held the 22d of April, to be read. These were read and approved. The secretary then read a memorandum drawn up by the Archbishop's Secretary to be signed by the Trustees of the Convent. This paper the Trustees placed before the meeting before signing, as it contained a clause by which the Trustees would have held themselves responsible for all previous debts which might be due by the Convent; it was not approved of. The Secretary then read a letter from the Archbishop's Secretary to the Superioress of the Sisters of the Sacred Heart and the reply given to same. This was deemed satisfactory, as it contained a clear acceptance of the conditions under which the Convent would be given to the said Sisters, viz. 1st, the establishment of a superior school; 2nd, teaching a poor school; 3rd, keeping an Orphanage. Mr. Bookey stated that with this favorable reply the mission of the Trustees to the Archbishop ended and it only remains to hand over the Convent to the Sisters of the Sacred Heart and so comply with the resolutions
diocese" being so happily satisfied.





adopted at the last meeting. Mr. Carroll stated that it was desirable to ascertain what claims the Sisters of Mercy had on the Convent as so far no specific statement of accounts had been presented by the Sisters or their attorneys. This was generally approved of and after some further discussion in which Father Martin and others took part, Mr. Carroll moved and Mr. Farrell seconded the following resolution: That the Trustees be and are hereby authorized to leave the Convent to the Sisters of the Sacred Heart for a term of five years, renewable at the Trustees' option, at a nominal rent of $50 m/c. a year, subject to the conditions submitted to the Archbishop and accepted by the Sisters, and that these conditions form part of the deed or lease. This was unanimously agreed to. In answer to inquiries about the furniture of the Convent it was stated that part of it was donated and consequently belonged to the Convent. The furniture of the poor schools likewise belonged to the Convent. The furniture of the Convent and schools belonged to the Sisters of Mercy and an inventory was shown; it was understood that the Sisters of the Sacred Heart could buy this if they desired from the representatives of the Sisters of Mercy. Mr. Bookey stated that the repairs to the building, whitewashing, painting, would amount to about $25,000 m/c, accounts of which he held for inspection and publication. The Trustees were authorized to collect subscriptions for the repairs of the Convent.

The meeting then adjourned.

In a few days after the meeting called to consider the
giving of the Irish Convent to the Sisters of the Sacred

Heart, to be exact, on the Slst of May, the said Sisters took possession of the institution. Thus the meeting was, as Father Martin had already pointed out, not called to decide on the matter, but to accept what had already been
it. The Sisters of Mercy, however, being now gone from the country no better choice of a Community could be made than the one ratified by the meeting of the 18th of May. Rev. Mother Fitzgerald took over the Irish

decided for



orphans, temporarily being cared for by the St. Vincent

Paul Sisters. From the Irish Relief Fund, started by Father Martin, now closed, and about which more presently, she was handed over a balance of $1230 m/c, and Mr. John Moore soon after placed at her disposal a sum of $26,416 m/c, which he received from the Sisters of Mercy, at their leaving, as funds of the Irish Orphanage. Father Mullady, E. T. Mulhall, Mgr. Curley, Father John Leahy, Father Purcell and many other prominent men busied themselves to raise funds for the reopened Orphanage, and its first Report, published September, 1881, showed the encouraging items of $138,537, income, and a balance on hand of $42,543. The Report further stated that there were seventy-five orphans in the institution, that the free school had an attendance of one hundred and fifty children and that there were fifty-four paying pupils. Dr. Lausen attended the institution free and Drs. Colbourne and Pecan had offered their services, also free. Rev. Mother Fitzgerald and her devoted company seemed to be giving every possible satisfaction and were receiving

unstinted praise.

The most important


event in these years, from an Irish

patriotic point of view, was the collection for the Irish Relief

In the latter part of 1879, the great distress in Ire-

land, owing to the partial failure of the crops

and the

tyrannical exactions of the landlords, was a question of the

home and abroad. was the occasion of Pamell's first public mission to the United States, and the response made to his appeal by the Irish in North America and their friends saved a large proportion of the people in the old land from a repetition of the horrors of Forty-seven. In every country where the Irish had settled, the appeal of the leaders at home was heard and generously barkened to. About November, '79, some start was made in Buenos Aires towards organizing a collection, but it was not until Father Martin, then visiting the northern camp districts of Buenos Aires, wrote some stirdeepest concern for the Irish people at





ring letters on the subject that a real effort was made. A meeting was held at the end of January, '80, in Buenos Aires, at which a sum of $55,000, old money, was subscribed Messrs. M. Duggan, W. by twenty-seven contributors. Murphy, Moore, Casey, Gahan and Ham contributed about Contributions then began to pour four-fifths of that total. Hardly a parish in in with great rapidity and generosity. the country where there were any Irish but was heard from in quick haste. On May 23rd, four months after the inauguration of the movement, the Committee closed the fund and published their balance thus: $571,318 had been collected; $41,780 had been subscribed by Argentines and
others, apart



English and Scotch.

3,802-9-8 had been remitted to the Lord

The sum of Mayor of Dublin,

the remainder of the $571,318, as mentioned some pages

back, was handed over to the Sisters of the Sacred Heart

to help them in their newly opened

Orphanage and Schools.



contribution was a quite creditable one for the Irish

Argentine community of nearly forty years ago, and

the more so as there were no very large subscriptions, two

hundred dollars, gold, and but few of them, being the high water mark of individual generosity. It was by far the largest sum raised since or before by the Irish of Argentina for any one purpose. In the spring of 1881, Father Martin, ever diligent in the interests of his people, called together, at the then Passionist retreat, a number of Irishmen for the purpose of taking measures to organize an Irish society. The project never got beyond the initial stages, for Father Martin was soon after ordered home by his Superiors. But the proposal is interesting for the points of view from which it was advocated and from which it was discouraged, and from the fact that the new organization was to be called the Irish Catholic Association ^the first mention I have met of that title. The new association was to be for the "literary and moral development of young Irishmen and the sons of Irish


Dean Dillon expressed

himself as

strongly in




favor of the proposed society and hoped it would be started, at all possible. Dr. Grace, fresh from the United States,
dwelt on the great benefits derived from such clubs in his country and their usefulness in improving the education of

Mr. Davis opposed the project, and stated that would not succeed, that young Irishmen in the country would benefit themselves more by learning Spanish and entering, earnestly, into the political life of the country, if born here, than by remaining secluded and limited to the tradiFather tions, customs and language of the old country. Martin could not agree with Mr. Davis, but on the contrary expected the best results from such a club as that under discussion. Dean Dillon feelingly lamented the utter indifference of young Hibemo-Arg^tines towards the land of their parents, their lukewarm religious spirit and general departure from the old ways. Mr. Feely believed a society like the one proposed had a better prospect of success in the camp than in the city, for in the city Irishmen were comparatively few and rarely came together. Mr. James Gahan was doubtful of the future of such a society. Mr. King made several comparisons to show the possibilities of a strong society on the lines stated. There was much discussion after this fashion and Mr. Michael Duggan advised the inscribing of the names of those in favor of the proposal, to find out whether or not it was popular. Mr. Edward Casey was not in favor of a literary society as there was one already in the city embracing all persuasions and classes. There was some more expressions of opinion and suggestions, and Father Byrne, still optimistic, after reviewing the pros and cons in the proceedings stated that he would canvass his friends and acquaintances on the subject and see if he would find adherents enough to enable him to launch the enterprise. The intrigues against him, by members of his own household, were already well under way; he received the cold shoulder from many of his friends and there was no more heard of that particular Irish Catholic

young men.






event of greatest public interest to our people in

1881, the purpose of Father Martin's recall was not then fully understood, was the appointment of Dean Dillon, by the President of the Republic, as a commissioner to go to Ireland to promote emigration from there to this country.
Provincial Deputy and stood high Argentine public regard. It speaks well for the esteem in which Irish emigrants were held by the National Government that they sent a special mission to Ireland to entice more of those people to come to Argentina. The scope and purpose of Father Dillon's commission is best explained in the official document advising him of his appointment and I

The Dean was already a





Ministry of the Interior,

Rev. Dean Dillon,

Aires, April 16, 1881.

you that by decree of the 13th instant, His Excelha thought proper to send you on a mission to foment Irish emigration to the Argentine Republic.
I beg to inform
lency, the President of the Republic,


will leave for

mission for the present

Europe, for this purpose, as soon as possible. Your is limited to making known the advantages the

Argentine Republic offers to honest and industrious emigrants, the

natural wealth, beautiful climate, the customs of

inhabitants and

the free principles of




will also

announce that
to emigrate to

the Executive will petition Congress in the next Sessions for pecuniary

support to help the agricultural emigrants

this country.

who wish

You may,

therefore, assure those families that




to this Republic that they will obtain

board and lodging on their any part of the Republic until they are finally settled; they may also reckon on a concession of land sufficient to meet all their agricultural
free of charge,

from this Government; arrival, and railway passages





transmit to this Ministry a


full detailed

account of your

proceedings in this respect through the


of the


Department and acting


accordance with the Commissary General




Carlos Calvo.

During your mission you

obey these provisional instructions



you receive more ample ones.

to submit to the Government, the agents, or sub-agents,

At the same time you are at liberty what you deem

necessary for the success of your mission in Ireland.

God guard you!

A Del
There was a great banquet given


honor of the Dean


as he was about to leave on his mission to Ireland.

the leading Irish and Irish-Argentines

the city were

and many toasts were drunk and eloquent speeches David Sulfern toasted the health of the Irishmen and Irish- Argentines then holding public office, and said amongst other things: "Around this table are Deputies, Judges, Commandants and Bank Directors ^worthy proof of the services of Dean Dillon who in the Southern Cross always stands up for his country." His mission to Ireland, however, was not a success, but through no fault of his. In his report presented to his Government in January, 1882, he explains his failure by saying he had nothing to offer compared with the free passages and free lands offered by the British Colonies, and the pre-paid passages of friends in

He mentions Bishop Ireland's plantation scheme in Minnesota, where he bought a large tract of land and brought out families giving each family one hundred acres. He suggests the paying of the passages of suitable families, giving them support and sixty-acre farms of good land not too far out, the settlers to pay back the outlay in eight years. He calls the Land League, "a just and semirevolutionary movement," and says that Ireland will never be well governed till she has her own parliament in Dublin.
the United States.

The report

mentions, also, that three million of the Irish population has disappeared from the country because of starvation and emigration in the space of thirty years. The Land League, he tells, is against emigration, but believes that if the Government would give proper inducements a number of families would come out and that such action on the part of the Government "whilst benefiting this country, would be a great service to the unfortunate but honorable people of





Large banqueting rooms must have been very scarce ago in Buenos Aires, for it is reported that the inevitable banquet which was given for the Dean's return was spread in Michael Duggan's barraca, or store-house, in Calle Victoria, and here the Governor and many of the Government officials and all the principal Irish of the city gathered to eat and drink and do the Dean honor. So much has been said in previous chapters on Father Byrne and his mission to Argentina that I am loath to dwell on his departure at any length, but as containing information that ought to be preserved to our community I will have to give the following couple of extracts from an edi"The Irish comtorial in the "Standard" of June 12, 1881 munity in the River Plate will hear with regret of the departure of Rev. Father Martin Byrne for Europe on Wednesday, next, a clergyman who in the discharge of his sacerdotal duties gained the esteem and respect not only of his countrymen but also of all foreigners, irrespective of their religious persuasions, who had the pleasure of his acquaintance. During his two years' residence in the Plate he visited most of the Partidos in the camp, holding missions in the various country towns, called on most of the farmers at thein houses whilst in town reopened San Roque Church, which for the last quarter of a century was known as the Irish Catholic Church of this city; he founded a house of
thirty-five years

his order,


opened a school for boys, organized a society of amongst the Irish Catholics in the city, took

charge of poor orphan boys, who he placed in the industrial school of San Carlos ; in one word his career in this country has been one continuous list of good deeds, and we cannot allow this Rev. gentleman, who has proved so useful to our community to leave us without some expression of thanks for his valued services." The article continues in this strain for considerable length and ends in these words: "If it is permitted to us to offer a remark to the superior of his order we must say that his field of action is infinitely wider



and better amongst his countrymen in the River Plate than narrowed up in his monastery at Harolds Cross." From the calming down of the little storm raised by Father Fidelis and his General in Rome through their cajoling the Irish people here, as recounted in Chapter XXII, till the coming of the Dresden immigrants in 1889, the Irish Orphanage and its affairs hold, by far, the largest place in Irish public matters in Buenos Aires. The prosperous and promising start made under the management of the Sisters of the Sacred Heart, notwithstanding all the best efforts of these good ladies, began to lag about the middle of the decade, and inside of a couple of years more deficits: and debts have to be recorded in every report of the Institution. Large and unexpected outlays have to be made, increased numbers of children claim help and subscriptions are not as generous and numerous as they used 'to be. The new association, into whose care the institution has passed from the old Trustees, are no better able to solve its problems than were these. There are plans and projects in plenty to this end; new buildings, new means of raising revenue, sales, purchases of new grounds, etc., but the great difficulty remains unsolved. And here we are, thirty years later, with, if not the same difficulties, others just as unsolvable, seemingly. I shall list the principal happenings as they took place, briefly, of course, but with sufficient detail for a mere record of not very important events. Collections were common in the city and in the camp, although not well responded to at all times, which fact goes without saying, as there was frequently a shortage of funds. At a Committee meeting, in May, '82, it was agreed to change the name of the Orphanage to that of the "Father Fahey Orphanage," and to build a new wing to the institution, the cost of which would be about $170,000. There were then 92 orphan children in it. Hot foot on top of the meeting just referred to another one was held by the Committee, in Mr. Edward Casey's office, at which it was resolved to build a spick and span new orphanage at a cost

of $250,000.




Mr. Casey presided at this meeting, Mr. T. George Armstrong acting as secretary, and there were present. Committeemen, Dean Dillon, Patrick Bookey, T. Duggan, John Murphy, Laurence Garraghan and E. T. Mulhall. There was some discussion as to how the necessary funds would be raised and a committee was named to collect These gentlemen comin town and camp for the purpose. posed the new Committeee for the city, Messrs. Bookey and Armstrong; Dean Dillon, E. Casey, Garraghan, Ham, T. Duggan, J. J. Murphy and M. Duggan for the camp, with power to add to their number. This meeting also resolved

to secure legal standing for the organization.

A couple of weeks later another meeting changed the decisions arrived at as recorded, the city collectors being increased and the camp Chaplains being left to form their own local collectIn August the Nuns issued their second ing committees. annual Report, which was to this effect: Children in the Orphanage Commencing year, 70; entered since last Report, 50; went out to service, 19; returned to their families, 12 ; in the institution at end of June, 89. Collected, $86,076 donations, $55,115; given for certain children, $30,330;

total receipts, $214,114; expenses, $194,578; balance, $19,536. A quantity of old clothes, remnants and various kinds of wearables were also acknowledged as received.

Father O'Reilly wrote a very spirited letter on the parsimony with which the Irish were supporting their Orphanage, soon after the Balance Sheet appeared, saying that they might very reasonably feel ashamed of themselves in this matter. In response to his letter there were many subscriptions, five Garraghans and Miss H. Kenny, together, contributing $10,100; Father O'Reilly, himself, sent in $2500. A list of subscriptions toward the building of the new Orphanage, estimated at $250,000, had these as the first sums contributed: M. Duggan Bros., $20,000; E. Casey, $10,000; J. J. Murphy, $5000; L. Garraghan, $5000; E. T. Mulliall, $2500; T. St. George Armstrong, $3000; J. B. Gahan, $2500; P. Ham, $10,000; J. B. Dowling, $5000;



E. R. Murphy, $3000; T. Drysdale, per E. T. Mulhall, $5000 ; John Duggan, $2000. There is a very pleasant item The Mayor of to be recorded just as the year '82 ends.

Orphanage and expressed himself as more work of this splendid institution. And was question that should be taken up for it a further said solution, what to do with these girls when they left the Orphanage girls that would make such good wives should not have to go out as servants. No educated Argentine girl should have to go to service, he said, and as a token of his sympathy with the institution that was doing such great work for the Municipality he would exonerate the institution from the payment of pavement taxes due of the amount of $29',000. In the following May a general meeting was called to establish a society to take over the Irish property from the old Trustees and to decide on procuring legal standing for the new society, but as only forty persons assembled The next Report by the Sisters nothing could be done. shows some progress an income of $255,788, and a balance on hand of $28,450. Building Fund receipts, $204,961, expended on building cost of new building, $270,000. It is
the city visited the

than pleased at the

noticeable that the estimate



$20,000 short of the real

Notwithstanding contributions, donations and a theatriby Mr. Latham, which netted seven hundred pesos, an appeal had to be issued for funds for the support The appeal was of the Orphanage in the middle of '84. directed to "Englishmen and Scots" as well as to the Irish community, and it stated that the want of funds was "becal benefit, given

coming of regular periodical occurrence." The Report of the Sisters for the year gave 44 children as entering, 13 as going out to service and 14 as returning to their families, It gave the further interleaving 113 in the Orphanage. esting information that three of the orphans were baptized, 26 confirmed, 35 made their first confession and 27 their In '85 there were two lotteries of $20,000 first communion. each drawn for the benefit of the Orphanage, yet the Com-





mittee, presided over

by Michael Duggan, had to say:


regret to have again to call the attention of our rich countrymen in the camp to the heavy deficit which the balance

month shows, and we trust that when acquainted with the figures they will come forward and subscribe liberally to the support of the most essential of our institutions. Nothing can be better or more economical than the present administration of the Orphanage, but the support and maintenance of 116 orphans cost money, and we must all be prefor this

pared to give a little more than hitherto in view of the large number of orphans in the establishment." The Annual Report gave 41 children as entering, 14 as going out to service, 28 returning to their families and two deaths, leaving 110 The story of the year '86 is almost a in the Orphanage. repetition of that of the previous year. In June of the next year a meeting was held at Mr. Casey's oflSce, Mr. Carroll presiding, at which it was decided to sell the Orphanage, and a deputation was named to consult with the Rev. Mother on the proposal. After due consultation and consideration another meeting of the Committee was held, in October, whereat it was agreed to sell all the property to the Nuns, then in possession, for the sum of $225,000. Messrs. Carroll and Casey were president and secretary, respectively, of this meeting. The annual report, after the usual census of the orphans, etc., records a deficit of $2438, and gives the following few interesting details: Expenses, food, $8070 per orphan, $71.40; clothing, blankets, etc., $1734 per orphan, $15.35; carpenters, $1466 per orphan, $13; fuel, medicine, etc., $971per orphan, $8.60. Total, $12,241 Average, $9 monthly per orphan. per orphan, $108.35. This little complaint was also published: "We cannot too often regret the fact that several of our countrymen have

died recently leaving large fortunes, forgetful of the Irish


As soon
decided to



was announced that the Committee had


the property there was a quite lively outburst

of protest against the proposal, and, indeed, from very varied



points of view; the insufficiency of the reasons for the sale given by the Committee, the suspiciously low price proposed to be accepted and the associations and traditions connected

with the old place being amongst the principal grounds of Some argued that the sale was advisable from objection.
the point of view of getting a large piece of ground to start

a creamery and industrial schools on, for both sexes, and

for the taking of the institution altogether out of town.

Fruit and vegetable growing were also amongst the proposals for the new order of things to be established. But one of the very strange arguments put forward in favor of the

was that the institution was too large; and this, too, by some of the gentlemen who a few years before had been parties to the spending of $270,000 in making the enlargements. Because of this largeness, it was further argued, the place in the future would be "an enormous tax" on the public charity. But the opposition to selling was so great that the Committee let the matter lie in abeyance all through '88, and a general meeting was called for September of next year to elect a new Committee, or "TrusIt was in this agitation tees," as they used then be called. against the sale of the Hospital and Convent property that the point was raised, that according to Father Fahey's
selling of the place

"will," fifty Irelandeses should agree to the sale before it

could be legally carried out, and so far no such number had

attended any of the meetings held for this purpose. Just before the holding of the September, '89, meeting it was

announced that Michael Duggan had bequeathed to the institution $50,000, and as the debt, at the time, was only some $4000, this stroke of good luck strengthened the antiThe meeting came off on the 10th of sellers very greatly. the month, and was attended by some one hundred persons,
voted against the sale, ten declining to vote On the meeting refusing to ratify the bargain entered into by the Committee, Dr. Lamarca proposed
eighty of
for or against.


advancing his offer, in behalf of the Nuns, by the sum of $112,000, but the meeting took the matter very seriously





and would agree to nothing on that day save to empower new Committee to take the matter up and report their progress at a new general meeting. The following gentlemen composed the new Committee: Fathers O'Reilly and Flannery, Messrs. Carthy, Casey, Kenny, T. Duggan, Ham, J. Moore, O'Farrell, Suffern, Dinneen, Tormey, Dowling, O'Curry, Browne and Gahan. There were some very sharp criticisms of the outgoing Committee for their having so disappointed the Sisters of the Sacred Heart in selling what they had no authority to sell, and after two years' delay and uncertainty retiring from office and breaking up the bargain altogether. The Committee, however, acted in good faith, but made the mistake of thinking that the general meeting would see things with their eyes. At this meeting all those who voted had to sign the minutes of the proceedings. Dr. O'Farrell was chosen President of the new Committee, and his term started with a deficit of nearly eleven thousand dollars. His Committee seem to have made a very good beginning, for in the following June they were able to announce that they had cleared off almost all the eleven thousand dollars debt. They added, too, that the Sacred Heart nuns had purchased a place for themselves and were about to retire from the Orphanage and that the Committee was then looking for a teaching community of nuns to take over the institution, and that a general meeting would be held in August to consider this matter. The sale of the old Orphanage and the building of a new one was also to be considered, but as the crisis and revolution of that year had brought land value down to a very low level everybody was an anti-seller for the moment. The Report of the new Committee, published in September, while giving a greatly reduced number of orphans in the institution, was generally satisfactory,
especially as regards the liquidating of the debt. The following statement was made by the President, Dr. O'Farrell "It is likewise our pleasing duty to state that the Committee has had constantly in view the necessity of reforming the



management of the Orphanage, in order that the may, on leaving, be in every respect fitted to hold useful and honorable positions in life, and lay the foundaThat it may be so we tions of thrifty, virtuous families.

hold three things necessary; 1st. That the Community of ladies having charge of the establishment shall act under the supervision of the Committee, thereby securing the due carrying out of the wishes of the public who support the

To make of the Orphanage, as far as possible, an industrial school, attaining thereby a double object diminution, however trifling, of the expenses of the establishment and the instilling into the youthful breast love of work and confidence in the happy fruits of the noble principles of "Self Help"; 3rd. To devote, if not all, at least
house; 2nd.

the greater part of the premises to the use of the orphans.



necessary on sanitary grounds as well as to secure

scope for the development of the industrial school; in a word, to have the institution what it ought to be; first and foremost an Orphanage, a fact we must constantly bear




also stated at this meeting that the Sisters

to return to the Orphanage, that they would arrive at the end of the year, and that their management of the institution would be on the lines indicated in


Mercy were about

the statement just quoted.

The Dresden, About the middle of the year '87, Mr. Buckley O'Meara went to Ireland, in the name of the Argentine Government, to foment emigration to this country; Mr. John Dillon, a brother of the Dean, had also a similar commission, and the two gentlemen operated conjointly. Their progress in convincing Irish families that Argentina was the real promised land for emigrants, however, was slow, but by the end of the year 1888 they had enticed a considerable number of the humbler class, chiefly from the cities and large towns, to take the risk and try if there was anything in all the great promises. So in the month of January, '89, the famous "City of Dresden" sailed from Cork for Buenos Aires with some eighteen hundred passengers. The Irish





and newspapers in Buenos Aires were opposed to from the first, for they knew that the Government was not willing to make suitable provision for immithis enterprise

grants of the class the agents were likely to induce to accept their proposals, and many articles and letters were written

The scheme was also discouraged in Ireland, and to the opposition here and in the old country may be attributed the delay in getting the required number of families. I have often heard it said that some of the emigrants were convicts undergoing terms of imprisonment in Limerick and Cork Jails, who were released, on condition that they would join O'Meara's emigrants, and not return to Ireland. Be this as it may, it is well known that a small number of the immigrants were utterly unfit for the life they were expected to turn to on their arrival in Buenos Aires. These immigrants are often spoken of in very deprecatory terms by people who themselves, or their parents, came to Argentina under circumstances differing very little from those of the passengers by the "Dresden." It is hardly necessary to say that very few of our people came to this country seeking a field for the investment of their surplus cash; and it is nothing to be ashamed of that the founders of some of our wealthiest and most respected Irish-Argentine families of to-day when they came in '47 and the years immeto this effect.
diately following that black epoch were very glad to avail

of the charitable helps provided for such wants as theirs by the loving and noble souled Father Fahey. The great majority of the passengers by the "Dresden" were honest, industrious, respectable families, and many of them have proved the mettle that was in them by the success they

have achieved in different walks of life in this land. The treatment they received on their arrival here was, if not actually criminal, on the part of the Argentine Government, most disgraceful, and it has turned the steps of many an emigrating Irish family to other shores than these of La Plata since then. When the emigrants were about to sail, O'Meara wrote




and future usefulness "About two hundred and fifty Irish families composed of the best of the agricultural, laboring and artizan classes. Amongst these families the estanciero will find what has been a long-felt want good, steady, honest and hard-working men, who will till his land, turning over a furrow in good old English style, mind his sheep after a few months' experience of the country's ways, with far more care and intelligence than has hitherto been shown; and, above all, those fortunate enough to secure one or two of these families can safely look forward to being well served for a number of years, and dispense with the worry of continually looking out for suitable servants. The wives and daughters of these families are cooks, parlor, house, and dairy maids, laundresses and well up to other female country work. Respecting the artizans, the heads of the families and sons are skilled carpenters, blacksmiths, joiners, fitters, etc., etc., and not to They have all been chosen be surpassed in their trades. with great care regarding character and suitability to emigrate to the Republic. To a colony each family would be a cheap acquisition at a hundred pounds." Dineen in the "Southern Cross" and the Mulhalls in the "Standard," when their opposition to the enterprise proved
as follows as to their number, character

unavailing, did


they could to arouse the interest of the

Mulhall, once more, tried to estab-

community for the decent providing of the immigrants


on their


a society composed of English, Irish and Scotch, as there were people of the three nationalities amongst the
for want of united effort."

immigrants, and to "unite the races who were losing caste Samuel B. Hale lent his office

for the purpose of holding a meeting in February, a few days before the arrival of the "Dresden," to make arrangements whereby the immigrants would be attended to. The meeting was a large one, "made up of the principal merchants, bankers and estancieros of the Province," so said Mr. John Drysdale, who presided thereat. Mr. Gartland, an Irish-American, announced through Father Gaughran





that he would take fifty famOies, giving each forty squares

of land, about a hundred Irish acres, and means of subsist-

ence for at least a year.

The British Minister wrote to say that accommodation would be provided informed that he was at the Immigrants Hotel for the expected passengers, and that the food there was good and plentiful, as he had seen. But the Minister seems to have been very easily satisfied or wholly deceived by his informants, for here is what Father S. M. Gaughran, O. M. S., wrote of the "accommodation and food": "Allow me, an eye-witness, to give your readers some idea of the treatment which the new-arrived immigrants
have received at the Hotel de Imigr antes. Anything more scandalous could not well be imagined. The 1800 passengers from the 'Dresden' were allowed to land on Saturday when the authorities well knew there was no accommodation for them. Many hundreds of these poor people had not received orders for the hotel before leaving the ship, and weary hours were spent in the struggle to get to the table where these orders were issued. Then, the orders obtained, strong men could fight their way through the throng of Italians into the dining hall, but the weak, the women and children were left supperless. It was soon evident that unless some special arrangements were made even the shelter of a roof could not be obtained. At the instance of Mr. Johnston, the Director promised to clear out the dining hall after supper and to

women and children The promise was not kept.

allow the

to sleep there for the night.

Men, women and children, hungry and exhausted after the fatigues of the day, had to sleep as best they might on the flags of the court-yard. To say they were treated like cattle would not be true, for the owner of cattle would at least provide them with food and drink, but these poor people were left to live or die unaided by the ofiicials who are paid to look after them, and without the slightest sign of sympathy from these officials.


told that as a result a child died during the night of

In England those responsible would be prosecuted for manslaughter, but in this land of liberty no one



On Sunday things were nearly as bad, and were it not for the generosity of Mr. Duggan and Mr. Johnston and other gentlemen, who themselves provided food and helped to serve it out, other deaths might have had to be recorded. No one who witnessed these scenes of helpless, hopeless despairing misery can forget them until his dying day; and aU must pray that, until the arrangements which humanity and decency would prompt have been made, no more immigrants from the British Isles may arrive in Buenos As many of these poor people are badly clad and Aires. in want of bed-clothes, the Superioress of the Irish Convent,

Tucuman, 1905, kindly consents to


receive clothes,

blankets, etc., for the immigrants."

The "Dresden," somehow,

an ugly memory

amongst our people, although the smallest bit of fault does not attach, in connection with it, to any one but the Government and their agents, Messrs. O'Meara and Dillon. The Immigration Department of those days was, like most other Government Departments, mostly an institution for the upkeep and maintenance of a group of party hangers-on who had no more thought of honestly earning the salaries they drew, and seeking to advance the interests and raise the honor of their country than they had of believing that "gringos" (foreigners) could be anything but an injury and a menace to the country. The wealthy Irish of the city, and, indeed, all who were appealed to, did everything possible to help and
relieve the

immigrants, and in addition to those already

referred to, the nuns of the Irish Convent, Dr. Newberry,

Mr. Mullaly and Mrs. Lace earned the special gratitude of the immigrants and of all who had a sympathetic interest
in them.

Running over some of the names and events worth noticing in the decade '80-'90 I may mention that Father John
Peter Gormley, nephew of Mgr. Curley and native of Ireland, was ordained priest in Buenos Aires in December, '80, and died of smallpox in May, '82. In '80 there was a British American Relief Committee in Buenos Aires, on which were





M. Duggan, M. Carroll, E. T. Mulhall, Forrester and Dean Dillon. This Mr. Carroll was the promoter of the Father Fahey Testimonial in 1865, and he took a leading part in the Irish Relief Fund movement in '80. He was a Galway man and came to Buenos Aires in the year 1860, from Manchester, as a clerk in the firm of Bates & Stokes, rising afterwards to be manager of a house of that company in Mexico and later in Lima. He seems to have been a man of considerable oratorical power, a great worker, and an organizer of more than ordinary ability; he was very pronouncedly what we now call a shoneen. He kept very forward in the Irish affairs of his day, such as they were, and made himself particularly busy getting up some sort of a
reception to the chips of British royalty


visited this

city in '81, thereby gaining the public thanks of the English

got his children educated in England, and Being employed in English concerns he, of course, had no alternative, when he took part in public affairs, to being more loyally English than the English themselves. Like many of our present-day Irishmen, he was as Irish as was good for his business. The Irish Hospital now being suppressed, Mr. John Browne collected from sixty persons of Irish name, $4850 for the
died in Montevidio in 1896. British Hospital.


In 1881 Father M. L. Leahy collected among the Irish Chaplains and forwarded to Archbishop Croke, "to express
their sympathy for the Irish farmers," the sum of $6500 from the following M. L. Leahy, Edmund Flannery, Samuel O'Reilly, Mgr. Curley, Thomas Mullady, Fr. Gray, $1000 each, and J. J. Purcell $500. The Holy Cross College (Irish) in December, '81, at its examinations had its hall decorated with United States and Argentine flags, a select company invited, and closed its proceedings with "Auld Lang Syne!" Father Fidelis Kent-Stone presided. There was something of a movement in '82, largely the work of Michael Dinncen, to establish a kind of local Land League for the good of the landless Irish sheep farmers in Argentina. He




sole con-

was then new as Editor of the "Southern Cross,"

trol of

which he held for about ten years, the late William Bulfin joining him as associate Editor in 1892. He retired altogether from the paper a few years later and died in his native Bandon in October, '96. Dinneen had been some time previously a professor in the University of Chili and was about to open a college in San Pedro when the editorship of the paper was offered to him. He was a highly educated man, a decidedly able writer, and he is said to have translated some of the Classics into Gaelic. It was under liis control that the "Southern Cross" first began to show anything like sturdy Irish national spirit. In 1883 Dinneen reviewed Sarmiento's book, "The Conflict of Races in America," and was a little severe on the old Argentine statesman. Sarmiento was a very dogmatic kind of man and as full of the well-known native amor propio as any old man could be; he flew into a wild passion and abused and vihfied the whole Irish race. With him Tammany Hall, the famous New York political party organization, and the Catholic Church in that city were all one, and all Irish; Father Fahey was a domineering boss who kept the Irish in ignorance under him, the Irish Nuns were not fit to be teachers of Argentines, and at home would be only servant girls, etc., etc. This outburst of the old Mason made something of an incident, for nearly all the papers took him up for the bitterness and injustice of his attack on so respected and deserving a portion of the community. There were numerous letters and articles in the press replying to him, and the "Standard," recommending that the matter be dropped, as not worth bothering so much about, very neatly remarking that the old man was only living on a worn out fame, and was now like a fallen lamp-post whose light was out and which was itself only an obstacle on the way. Don Domingo, or "Don Yo," as he used to be
called, in allusion to his egotism,

who was a good patriot, a generally wise statesman, and a delightful writer, was probably sorry afterwards for this unseemly fit of temper for he publicly renounced Masonry and wrote a rather seii-





Masons and and foreigners against each other. The St. Patrick's Day Banquet in '84 was attended by Mayor Alvear, and ladies were present at the feast, Dinneen seems to have been the organizer of the celebration and preThe General Brown Club was reorganized this year sided. and changed its name to that of the Almirante Brown Club. It was Argentine, political, and open to everybody, but specially bent on "making the voices of the English-speaking Portenos heard in the Senate." It was organized and kept up by Irish, but that was all that was Irish about it Dean Dillon was its new president. The year following another Irish club was founded, this time non-political. Dean Dillon was prominent in helping and encouraging this one too, and it soon had premises at 233 Reconquista, with a piano and billiard table of its own. Like so many other Irish clubs and societies it made a very promising start and then fell into decay and disappeared as suddenly as it had come into existence. It commenced the year '86 with a cash balance on hand and 120 town and camp members in good standing. Eight or ten of its leaders paid in a guarantee fund of $100 each, Dinneen made an offer of 200 books to start a library with. Dr. O'Farrell, Deputy Murphy, the Sufferns, the Dean, the Editor and many other men of influence were in the club, but it went the way of all the others of its long family in Buenos Aires, in due course. I must introduce a matter here which, as it was one of the wonders of its time among our people and for long a topic of interested conversation, may be worth keeping account of. It was the floating of the famous Curumalan Company by Edward Casey, its capitalization being four million dollars, gold, and the following being its chief assets 100 leagues of land at $25,000 per league, $2,500,000; 53,400 mares at $3 per head, $160,200; 110 thoroughbred stalhons at $5000 each, $55,000; 40 thoroughbred stallions at $200 each, $8000; 110 mares at $200 each, $22,000; 50 thoroughbred mares and stallions at $1000 each, $50,000;

advising people to cease setting





22,000 cows, including a herd of fine bred animals, at $7 each, $154,000; 95,000 sheep, including imported rams and a fine bred flock, at $1.50 each, $137,500; 160 leagues of land at $1500 per league, $195,000; settlement estancia house, sheds, etc., $105,000; Pigue and Arroyo Corto lands,
$107,300. The Company failed. In '86 the Passionists opened their monastery. Holy Cross, and the Pallotine Fathers, B. Feeney, J. P. Banning and W. Whitmee, arrived and founded their Order in Mercedes.


at once set to collecting funds to

repair the old Convent of the Sisters of

fit up and Mercy and suc-

ceeded rapidly.

In '82 the General Brown Club began

agitating the question of a statue to the old Admiral from

by him at the battle Four years later the monument was unveiled at Among the wellthe little camp town of Adrogue known Irishmen who died in the Eighties were Michael Murray, "Big Mickey," who came out at the age of 22, in


to be cast from cannon taken

of Pozos.

1835, and was one of the very early and very successful Three years later, Patrick Bookey, after sheep-farmers. half a century's residence in the country, passed away at Bookey took a prominent part in all Irish the age of 73.
charitable and patriotic

serving as treasurer and

and property. Michael Duggan, the richest Irishman in Argentina, if not the richest Irishman in the world, followed the other two wealthy Westmeathmen to the better land, five years after the latter, in '88. He was forty years in the country and came when but a boy of twenty. He began, undoubtedly, at the bottom rung, and, in so far as the acquiring of wealth went, got several steps above the highest of his countrymen.
trustee for nearly all the early Irish funds

He was

a simple living man, charitable and generous, and

always was ready to help his own people. Unlike too many of our wealthy Irish of to-day he always preferred his own countrymen in every branch of his vast business, nor thought it lent him any importance or advantage to fill the better paid posts in his coiicerns with men pf other breed, John





Browne, another pioneer Irish settler, went home on a visit to his native Wexford and died a few weeks after his arrival. He had been nearly fifty years in Argentina. This decade was a decidedly severe one on the Irish Chaplains and priests connected with the Irish mission here, as it carried away no fewer than ten of them.

Return of the Sisters of Mercy Sale of the Old Irish Orphanage Building of the New One The Founding op the Boys' Orphanage Items fron 1890 to 1900.


last decade of the nineteenth century commences with the Sisters of Mercy back in the old Convent

they founded a full generation previously, and from which they had been absent for ten years. One of their first acts on resuming their activities was to open an Irish Girls' Home. The Orphanage, which had been in financial difficulties for some years immediately before, once more made New interest was aroused and a very encouraging start. the next Report of the managing committee declared the institution out of debt, for the first time. It received nearly

$20,000 that year and had on hand at the end of the term somewhat more than $2000; the number of orphans, however, was but slightly over sixty. The movement to sell the old property was again renewed in the following year and the Central Committee and the Passionist Fathers were negotiating a deal by which the unfinished building, now the Monastery, at Arroyo Luna, was to become the new Irish Orphanage. The majority of the Committee were in favor
of the transaction


notion of a self-supporting agri-

with them.

still a favorite hobby So far had the arrangements in this matter gone that a great meeting was held at the new building in June, '91, to popularize the idea, and a special train was chartered to bring a contingent from Buenos Aires to see the advantages of the new place, and be convinced of the soundness of the transaction. The buUding up to date had cost $73,000, owed about $23,000, and would still need some

cultural and industrial school being




$15,000 or $20,000 to finish it. Dr. O'Farrell, President of the Central Committee, Messrs. O'Curry and Suffern and The feeling of several of the Irish Chaplains were present. the meeting was undoubtedly, in so far as it was expressed, A lively newspaper correspondence, in favor of the deal. however, was started following the meeting and a strong opposition to the arrangement developed; some holding that the meeting was utterly unrepresentative of the real supporters of the Irish Orphanage, whilst others insisted that It was then reported that sickit was quite the other way. ness had broken out in the old Orphanage, smallpox and measles, which was alleged as something of a reason for the selling of the place. Dr. Gannon was then giving his attendance free to the institution and received the thanks of the Committee for his services. At this same meeting of the Committee the President explained the position in which the negotiations with the Passionist Fathers stood, urging at the same time that the bargain be closed. Mr. Moore opposed the arrangement on many grounds, but chiefly because the place was so much out of the way. Dinneen would overcome this objection by placing the institution under the control of a local committee who could attend to its affairs without much inconvenience. Father O'Reilly was fully in agreement with Mr. Moore, and in addition, strongly objected to taking over a concern unfinished and in debt; his remarks were very pointed and convincing. Mr. Kenny proposed closing the bargain on condition of the building being finished and all debts paid off by the Passionist Fathers. There was a long discussion in which it was stated that Father Gray would bring out a Community of Brothers from Ireland to conduct the institution, and this further, though little known, historical fact also came to light. Mr. Moore
stated that out of all the chapels and institutions the Irish people had built they had nothing they could now call their own except the Irish Orphanage, and that had gone very near

San Salvador property which was taken over by the Jesuits on condition of always
slipping out of their hands like the



having two Irish priests in their institution to attend to the Dr. O'Farrell replying to this statement said, he examined the title-deeds of that property and he found not one word about any such condition in them. Mr. Suffern liked the idea of the transaction, but thought it was too important a matter to be settled by a committee meeting only, and proposed that a general meeting be called to pass on it. On a vote the bargain was decided upon by On six to three, pending the sanction of a general meeting. the news of these proceedings getting abroad, so strong became the opposition to the proposed arrangement that the Passionists withdrew their proposals, and the question was dropped. For the next couple of years the affairs of the Orphanage were prosperous, there being a balance on hand at the end of each term, while the number of children taken care of rose to above 130. But in June, 1893, at a general meeting composed of sixty-four persons it was once more decided to sell the property of the Irish Catholic Association, and another contest was inaugurated. The validity of the general meeting just held was questioned by the antisellers, and how strong their case was may be seen by the following letter of Mr. David Suffern. This letter is of interest here, as is obvious, for other reasons than the arguments it puts forward: "Father Fahey's will stipulates that for the sale of the grounds, etc., on which the old Convent stands, the written consent of fifty Irishmen must be obtained. At a meeting held on the 10th of September, 1889, at which nearly 100 Irishmen were present, the then elected Committee was empowered to sell, so far as talk went, but in reality, during the four years that the Committee held ofBce, only 32 Irishmen signed the authorization. On the 18th instant, another general meeting was held at which the advisability of selling was again discussed. The newlyelected Committee was authorized to sell, and 64 signatures were attached to the authorization, but they were not signatures of 64 Irishmen. The following is an analysis of these
Irish people.


(a) Irishmen


who signed and voted "for" the sale M. Dinneen, M. G. Mulhall, P. S. Conway, Patrick Cole, Felix W. Dolan, J. S. Royston, Thomas Nevin, E. J. Byrne, James Reynolds, Bernard Feeney, Edward Alpin ( ?), J. Foley Kelly, M. Brown, Louis Greaven, L. M. Kelly, M. C. Eustace, W. Bulfin, M. J. Kehoe, Walter Duffy, Rev. E. O'Reilly, T. F. Murphy, Rev. P. O'Grady, Robert Downey, Ed. Hanly, F. H. Mulhall, Thomas Atkinson, James Ham,

Rev. H. Gray, James F. Feeney in all 29. (fo) Irishmen who signed on understanding that they merely bore witness to result of division, but voted "against" Rev. S. O'Reilly, and Messrs. Diego Carthy, James Savage, Gmo. Crinnigan, M. J. Byrne, Michael Seery, John Spcirin, James Donnelly, John Cunningham, William Cavasale



Irishmen: 39.


J. F.

who signed and voted "for"


Messrs. S. G. O'Farrell, Ed. Tormey, John Moore, Michael

Gahan, Stgo. Connaughton, T. A. Gahan, Jose Geoghegan, Stgo. Kenny, T. F. Kenny, Jose Murray, R. McGovern, Dionisio Harrington,^ Juan Leonard 15. (d) Argentines who signed but voted "against" sale Ed. Morgan, G. M. Mooney, and David Suffern 3. (e) Argentines, "menores de edad" (minors), who signed, and voted for sale G. R. Kenny, Thomas Gahan 2. E. (/) Orientales who signed and voted "for" sale Kenny, Rd. Kenny. (g) North Americans who signed and voted "for" sale C. H. Doherty and John F. Cochrane. (h) Englishmen who signed and voted "against" sale



Dillon, Rev.

Rev. J. J. C. Petty.
Different nationalities, 25; total signatures, 64.
I have been somewhat lengthy in the analysis so as to give

who were present an opportunity

If I have classified

of impugning it. any Irishman as Argentine or vice versa

corrected, saying that he

Mr. Harrington

was Irish-born.



and the gentlemen write to me (my address is S063 Cordoba) before 5th of July next, and on his honor point out the
mistake, I will rectify with same publicity as this, but one

or two errors will not alter the main point at issue.

the validity of the authorization to
sell rests



on the

signatures of Irishmen, I will leave the 25 of different nation-

and deal only with the 39. Gray and Mr. J. F. Kelly did not vote although they signed the first as per letter and when the division took place the other two gentlemen were making out the scrutiny of the election. To avoid discusalities

on one


(a) Frs. O'Grady and

sion, however, I will

admit that


three voted for the sale,

and I


even admit that through some subtlety of the

law the ten signatures of (b) may be construed into having aquiesced in it; but twist and torture logic as you will you cannot make 50 out of 39. Consequently, the 18th of June authorization is utterly useless and the new Committee cannot act upon it. Father Fahey's foresight has thus three times (sale to S. H. Nuns, 1889, '93 Committee and 18th of June attempt) saved the Convent, and the fact that it has not yet been possible to get 50 Irishmen to consent to (Whilst the sale clearly proves their views on the matter. I write. Irishmen are signing protests in Arrecifes, Giles, San Antonio and other "partidos" against 18th of June attempt.) Hitherto the resistance to the sale has been only of a passive nature, and if another general meeting be called with this object let camp Irishmen come into town and in unmistakable terms make known their wishes to the effect
that "it

the unalterable decision of the Irish


not to


the Irish Convent and Orphanage."


we must now not "rest on our laurels" but "be up and doing." The Orphanage cannot continue as at present. It is only the forbearance of the Board of Health that allows the actual number of inmates. An effort must be made to rebuild, and for this money must be forthcoming. Let subscription lists be started at once in camp and town. Let the wealthy give their thousands and the poor their mite, but let us all give.





is not to be turn out the alternative one but sold, there remains then to establishment, and Orphans, close the doors of the

money cannot be

obtained, and as the place

our everlasting shame place over it the following inscription "Here was the Irish Orphanage." In the discussion which the June general meeting called forth, a lady wrote that Father Fahey bought the portion of the Rio Bamba property on which was the Irish Hospital, expressl}^ for that purpose, and that portion of the Hospital was to be a home for old men, and that the property was never intended by him to be used for anything else. It is strange that while Father Fahey's "will," as to the selling of the property, has been stickled for so hard and so long, scarcely anybody has bothered, since soon after his death, to respect his wishes as regards the Irish Hospital and home for old men. In the September following a general meeting gathered. Father Flannery presiding. Dr. O'Farrell pressed his plan for the sale of the old and the building of a new Orphanage. Here are some of the figures $250,000 could be got for the old place, a suitable site of 13,300 square varas could be got for $40,000, and by expending $150,000 on a building to hold 300 there would still be $50,000, or more, to be invested in house property as an endowment to the institution. Not to sell would entail the collecting of $150,000 to make

the necessary repairs and additions, the Municipality insist-

ing that the present building ought to only house 60 children. Father Flannery gave place to Mr. M. G. Mulhall,
sale. Mr. Suffern and Mr. E. J. Byrne stated that the property, at the way property was selling in the neighborhood, was worth more than $300,000. Recent sales close by had brought $35 the vara, and there were 10,000 square varas in the Convent and Orphanage grounds. In the discussion as to finding a suitable out-of-town site. Father O'Reilly suggested Lujan as the most convenient; others had, of course, other sites they thought more favorable, and it ap-


order to speak in support of the


strongly opposed



peared that a sale was certain to be agreed to, yet when it came to counting the votes it was found that 81 were against a sale and but 31 in favor of the proposal. The Central Committee finding their plans had not the public approval, resigned, and a new, anti-selling Committee, of which James Carthy and David Suffern were president and secretary, respectively, was elected. This new adminthat of keeping the Orphanage istration found its task running and at the same time complying with the demands so impossible that it called a of the Health Department general meeting in the following December and presented its resignation. A new Committee was then chosen on the understanding that the old institutions would have to be sold, and that as soon as possible. Dinneen presided at this meeting, and there was a very lively passage at arms between him and Mr. Andrew Geoghegan, because of some remarks Geoghegan made about the Irish. Dinneen was a very fighty man someone once called him the fighting editor and Geoghegan was not a bit more meek than he, and it was an

odd and somewhat pathetic thing to

see that

really turbulent spirits in the assembly, of about

day the only 60 men,

were two of the oldest of those present. The late Dr. McDonnell, who has since figured so prominently in Irish Catholic Association affairs, then lately returned from Rome, made his first appearance at an I. C. A. meeting that day. Bulfin and E. J. Byrne acted as tellers in the election, Suffern serving as secretary. The new Committee appointed a
sub-committee, to treat for the sale of the institutions, con-

Dr. O'Farrell, Patrick Ham and Felix Dolan. General meetings and extraordinary general meetings were the regular order then, and in the following February another one met O'Farrell presided and there were 120 people present, 71 of whom were Irish born, of these 66 approved of the selling of the Convent and Orphanage and the long contest on that point was ended. The names of those taking part in this meeting merit being recorded and so I will give them following. Members
sisting of




Committee present: O'Farrell,

for sale:


Ham, Byrne,

Dolan, Dinneen, Greaven, Moore, O'Grady, Gannon.

men who signed


John Kenny,



Meaney, 0. Burrows, J. Richards, S. Barry, J. McCormick, M. Browne, Wm. Quinn, M. Finnegan, J. Sperin, F. Duffy, D. Ronan, P. Whelan, E. Hannon, J. Donnelly, T. Duggan, G. Foley, E. J. Byrne, Wm. Leyden, P. Doherty, J. P. Ryan, M. Eustace, P. S. H. Conway, Wm. Ussher, Luke Doyle, J. Moore Kelly, A. Ennis, P. Dunne, J. Dunne, P. Feely, Mr. Doherty, Wm. Bulfin, B. Feeney, M. Duggan, P. Byrne, Patrick Cole, N. Cunningham, T. Daly, M. Mclnes, P. A. Mulhall, M. Hearne, N. Fitzgerald, A. Daly, E. Hearne, J. Keegan, M. Murphy, J. Kenny, D. Kiernan, J. Cunningham, J. Bowen, J. Gallagher, P. McCarthy, J.

M. Dowling, R. HamSavage, T. F. Murphy, J. Loughlin, John Burke. Next year, in the month of April, the property was sold to the Christian Brothers. The transaction was pushed through in such a hurry and so secretly that not even all
Shields, T. Nevin, J. Kilduff, L. Daly,


knew about the bargain being closed. Father O'Grady at once resigned his membership as a protest against this unnecessary hurry and secrecy. In the published criticisms of the sale it was shown that lands within a few squares of the Irish property were sold for from $50 to $100 per square vara, cash down, while that of the Orphanage was negotiated at $40 per square vara, the price to be paid in instalments running over a period of some
the Committee
six or seven years, the

outstanding balance to bear interest

V^^ ^^^^ P^i* annum. The bargain seems to have been a most extraordinary one; the papers of the time may


be consulted for very full information on the question.


February of 1897 a meeting was held in Mr. Ham's office at which the Committee decided to buy from Mr. Thomas Duggan, for the lump sum of $90,000, the land on which the Orphanage now stands, containing, it was announced, 115,000 square varas. It was further announced that of this sum, $50,000, bequeathed by the late Michael Duggan



to the Orphanage, would be considered already paid, leav-

The proposed new building would be $150,000, the institution to have a chapel and accommodation for WO children and a staff of nuns sufficient to teach and care for that number
ing the Committee to provide only $40,000.
cost of the

of inmates.

In the following


the Committee, Messrs.

O'Farrell, Byrne, Moore, Gannon, Carthy, Suffern, Feeney,


Dolan, Fitzgerald,




and Murphy, met at the Orphanage and accepted the plans of Messrs. Inglis and Thomas. The plans were highly praised by the Committee for their "architectural beauty, general distribution, comfort and hygiene."


sale of the old buildings with the discussion of the

transaction which followed must have greatly dulled the

public interest, for a general meeting to elect officers for a

new term, held in the following October, only brought together 35 persons, the solitary representative of the camp

Kegan of Navarro. Dr. O'Farrell, presiding, took care at this meeting to explain that the $50,000 allowed by Mr. Thomas Duggan in part payment for the land purchased from him by the Committee was given "in fulfillment of the late Michael Duggan's dying wish." He further announced that the late Thomas Gaynor of Piran had left half his fortune, some $70,000, to the Orphanage. At this meeting it was proposed to give a square of land and $50,000, as a gift, to the committee of the Boys' Orphanage. The proposal, however, on being questioned, was dropped for the time being, but two years later, on the motion of Mr. Bulfin, it was agreed by majority of a general meeting to give 10,000 yards of the land, where the present Hurling Field is, corner of Nauquen and Bellavista, to the Ladies of St. Joseph for this purpose. In February, 1899, the new Orphanage was occupied and on March 19 was formally opened. The Central Committee in control, had already become very unpopular with the masses of their countrymen. The selling of the old and the building of the new Orphanage were transactions anyIrish being J.



thing but satisfactory, and when it was found at the formal opening of the institution that the Irish Nuns had been replaced by Italian Sisters, the English flag raised at the

inauguration and the English Minister brought out to patronize the function there was much disquieting suspicion and general indignation. Added to all this, the accounts
of the Association were mixed



Mr. Ham's business

accounts, and could not be publicly audited, so when the

next general meeting came on, September following the opening of the new place, the Committee's Report was, on the motion of Mr. Padraic McManus, seconded by Mr. Patrick

McCarthy, rejected. Several of the Committeemen resigned, and until a new Committee was elected, in the following March, the requisite number of members to duly constitute a business meeting of the Committee could not be got

although nearly all the gentlemen forming the Committee lived in the Capital. The general meeting of March, 1900, is interesting in the light of after events as well as for the proceedings thereat. Father Patrick O'Grady and Rev. Dr. McDonnell acted as chairman and secretary, respectively, and both were proposed for these honorable positions by Mr. McManus. The meeting had to elect a Central Committee, and immediately on the polls being declared nine of the gentlemen selected declined the trust re-

posed in them; the nine coming next highest on the poll were then announced as elected, and four of these refused to serve. The difficult condition in which the outgoing Committee had left the affairs of the Association being given as the reason for not being willing to take on themselves such a responsibility. In presence of the outcry we hear in these times against Committees of the I. C. A. it will be to the point to include here an extract from one of the many letters which then appeared in the press criticizing the Committee that had been deposed; it might be taken almost as an extract from some of the criticisms being pubAfter referring to the various lished at the present time. refusals to act on the new Central Committee, says the critic

in question


"Could any censure or reproof for bad management be more complete? The men responsible for bringing the only Irish institution we have to its present deplorable condition count without their host when they imagine they can get the priests to again act on a Committee with them." However, a Committee having the confidence of the Irish people was soon after got together, and one of their first official acts was to issue a statement of the conditions they were confronted with. It commenced by explaining that the Christian Brothers, who then owed the Association $172,000, with some back interest, were willing now to pay off this sum at a discount of 10 per cent. The Association at the time being paying 9 per cent for money borrowed by the previous Committee agreed to make terms with the Brothers at a discount rate of 8 per cent. The arrangement was duly entered into, but because of some delay that was suffered in the getting through of the legal documents and formulas the Brothers claimed an interest of some $1300, which claim, however, they settled by taking half that amount. These gentlemen, notwithstanding the inexplicably favorable terms they had got out of the Irish Catholic Association, seem to have been anything but friendly in their dealings with the institution, and they practically pulled down the old Orphanage over the heads of the children and the Sisters before the new buildings were ready to receive them. It is a remarkable fact, and one that I would very much rather not to have to record, that in every deal we have had in connection with this property since Father Fahey's transfer of the grounds of the Salvador to the


to the Salesian architect's bunglings of a few

years ago, our people have always got the worst of the bargains.

No wonder that the great majority of them are With opposed to any such transactions at the present time all the deductions and discounts the Committee received very nearly $164,000. Of this amount $94,000 went to pay a debt due Mr. Ham, and the statement went on to say the architects were owing a sum not exactly known, that there



was a lawsuit by the builders for $43,000 pending, and that a large sum was needed to make some urgent repairs on the new building. Because of all these debts, dues and demands the Committee had to make a strong appeal to the public for subscriptions to keep the institution going. And this within a few years after the sale of the old property and the fine Gaynor bequest! The statement I have been referring to was signed by the following Committee: Rev. Father Flannery, Rev. L. E. McDonnell, P. Ham, Rev. Patrick O'Grady, E. Tormey, D. Morgan, Rev. J. M. Ussher, Rev. M. Quinn, M. J. Byrne, Frank Rath, James Connaughton, L. Casey, Edward Morgan, John Moore, James Carthy, P. Dowling. From the death of Father Fahey, S9 years previously, the Irish Convent and property had been under the control of the non-nationalist, or what has come to be called the "Shoneen," element of our community, and during that time the Irish Hospital was suppressed, the Irish Nuns twice removed from the institutions, the Irish property disposed of three or four times, in as far as the controllers could dispose of it, and finally the disastrous transactions touched upon in the foregoing pages were consummated. The
history of the institution since the expulsion of the element

way satisfactory, but great advancement has been made on the old order of things. The
referred to has not been in every
is now a truly Irish-Argentine one, with a right purpose and right ideals, and guided by a spirit which reflects credit on the free land and faithful old race to which it belongs. It has always had brave and generous friends; its property, at a moderate calculation, is at present worth over two million dollars, current money; that it exists at all is due to the good sense and good spirit of the common people who so often gathered to its rescue in days of danger. Soon after the "Dresden" immigrants were settled in Naposta little items of news began to find their way back to Buenos Aires, to the effect that things were not progressing satisfactorily in the new colony, and by the end of 1890


reports of keen distress, even hunger,






people were in general circulation. Great efforts were made by some charitable people to tide the colonists over what was thought would be but a passing spell of unpropitious

happenings; but the wail from that then far-oif land continued to come more piercing and appealing, and early in

1891 the colony had to be brought back to Buenos Aires. bad. There was revolution, and, as a consequence or a cause thereof, that frequent and hope-

The years had come

destroying condition of Argentine economic


"the crisis,"

was on the land. Mr. Gartland suffered like everyone else who speculated, and was unable to do all he had promised, and undoubtedly meant to do, for the colonists, so in the first months of the year the greater part of the settlers arrived in Buenos Aires, in the greatest distress and misery. Proposals were made to send the weary and disappointed families to the Delvalle lands in Pehuajo, but while arrangements to this effect were under way it was seen that something should be done for those who were unfit for any kind The female children whose parents were of camp work. unable to take care of them were admitted to the Irish Orphanage, and a movement was started for the founding of an institution, more or less similar to the Girls' Orphanage, in which needy boys could be taken care of. The first public steps in this direction seem to have been made, some say at the suggestion of the Governor of Buenos Aires, others at that of the British Minister, on the 17th of April, when a meeting was held at the Irish Orphanage to undertake the matter. Fathers O'Reilly, Gray, Dr. O'Farrell and some other gentlemen were present, and it was announced that the Government would contribute $4000 towards the support of an orphanage and school if founded, and in
addition provide school furniture.
call the

The meeting

decided to

new organization "The Fahey Institute," and that The followit should be managed and controlled by ladies. ing were thereupon chosen for this work: Mrs. M. Mulhall, Mrs. Dr. Hanly, Mrs. Thomas Duggan, Miss Ryan, Mrs. Dr. O'Farrell, Mrs. Nelson, Mrs. Achaval, Mrs. Dr. Murphy,



Mrs. Hughes, Mrs. Dillon, Mrs. Lacroz, Mrs. Martin, Mrs. Galbraith, Mrs. MacAdam, Mrs. J. Duggan, Mrs. H. Duggan, Mrs. Robinson, Mrs. Carthy, Mrs. Garraghan, Mrs. Soon after a house Kirk, Mrs. Kelly, and Miss Moore. Fathers, for $80 Lazarist from the was rented of six rooms Messrs. M. Mulhall monthly, at 146 Calle Cochabamba. Government the treasurers, and and T. Duggan were named The idea of a boys' donation was promptly handed in. orphanage was among the dreams and hopes of Father Fahey, and others after his death, notably Father M. L.

Leahy and Dean Dillon, had urged its need, and now that was more of a necessity than ever it was well taken up, and subscriptions came in so generously that from the very

start the undertaking

became a


So, on the 19th


May, 1891, with

thirty-three boys of the returned colon-

The terms made ists of Naposta, the institution opened. with Father Freret were $80, currency, per month for rent of house, and $4.10, gold, per head per month, for support and teaching of the boys. Thus was founded the Boys'


institution that

was very much needed and

that has done a great deal of good amongst our community.

The Rules governing the institution, as published in 1892, read as follows: 1st. That none but destitute children be admitted, and that all are free of charge. 2nd. That the Orphanage be open equally to all English-speaking boys between the ages of five and ten years, and that in the case of Protestants they must bring a written request from Her Majesty's Consul or from one of the resident Protestant clergymen. 3rd. That no child having any infectious disease be admitted. The management of the new institution were looking out for a more suitable location and concern for their

Orphanage from the beginning, and

of the




gested the one in Capilla del Senor was chosen, at a cost of

$8500, the area of land then secured being 2400 square varas. The new establishment was placed under the care of Mother Catherine Dowlan, of the Order of St. Joseph, an Irish nun, with two Argentine Sisters, and on the 5th of




accommodation for

April, 1893, was occupied.

It afforded

100 boys then;


has since been enlarged and improved conlast tenth of the nineteenth

Of the minor events of the

century in Buenos Aires not very many are worth recording, but a few of particular interest must be noted to correct some popular mistakes and to help to round out the chapter.

There had for some time been murmurings and hints as to certain moneys collected by Father Leahy for the raising of a tribute to Father Fahey's memory. Where was the money ? What became of it.? Who got it? and so on. In 1892 Mr. M. J. Byrne asked, through the press, if it was known what had become of it, and the Editor of the "Standard," than whom there was then no one living better posted in the
matter, replied to the inquiry to this effect:

The money by Father Leahy was used to pay the expenses of

Father Fahey's burial, but was not sufficient to this end, a balance of $10,000, old money, about two hundred dollars gold, remaining short. The committee who had the matter in hand borrowed this sum from the following gentlemen: M. Duggan, John Hughes, T. Gahan, Kenny Bros., M. and E. Mulhall, $2000 each. This amount was still due the lenders, but it was mentioned that they had practically renounced all claim to it. I have often heard it said that Thomas Armstrong defrayed the expenses of Father Fahey's funeral, but from this it appears that he must only have provided the money necessary on the moment and that the fund referred to was devoted to its repayment, no debt remaining over save that to those mentioned. Another fund about which there was some question was that on hand at the time of the historic "Parnell Split." This money was,
of course, subscribed for Irish political purposes, and, as

amongst our countrymen everywhere else in the world, the Split divided our ranks here, some standing by Parnell and some facing the other way, so for some time an agreement could not be come to as to which division of the old Party this money should be paid to. In February, '94, however,



some 400, almost all the money then in the treasurer's hands, were remitted to Justin MacCarthy for the benefit of the Irish Evicted Tenants. It is well that these things should be made known and the truth plainly recorded, for rumors of any misapplying of funds raised for public purposes work

community and the weakening of the we need and ought to have in each other. From their early years in Buenos Aires the Sisters of Mercy were owed a sum of money by Father Fahey, and through him by the Irish people; some said the amount of this sum was three hundred pounds, others said it was confor the discredit of our

confidence and trust

siderably more, but whatever the exact figure ought to have


when the old Convent was sold the Sisters were given a sum of twenty-five thousand pesos, currency, with which
to provide themselves with a Convent.

They immediately

this work and on the 1st of November, 1896, Archbishop Castellanos laid the foundation stone of their present


home, Estados Unidos and 24 de Noviembre Streets. It is now the parent house of the Irish Sisters of Mercy in Argentina and has a fine boarding school and a large free school for girls. The boarders are, of course, mostly Irish- Argentine girls, but girls of other nationalities are also admitted. In 1896 Dr. L. E. McDonnell, with the following committee, founded a Catholic Total Abstinence Society in the South City district M. Hart, E. J. Brown, T. W. Kennedy, W. Brown, M. Burke, J. Barber, J. Holmes, D. McCarthy, W. McKlusky and T. E. Gormley. The society did some good work while it lasted, but amongst a class of men whose employment shifts them about a good deal from place to place it is hard to keep such an organization together for very long, and in time it dwindled away. When the Gaelic League of Ireland was six years old, and had already become a movement plainly with a destiny before it, the advanced Irish nationalists of Buenos Aires felt the time had come when they should not alone proclaim their allegiance to Irish Ireland but lend a willing hand in



of its realization.

So, in

May, 1889,





branch of the Gaelic League of Argentina was founded at a meeting in the Passionist Monastery. The undertaking was well organized and carried out and met with ready and generous support, the membership of the branch immediately running up to 170. The committee to manage the organization elected at this meeting was composed of J. E. O'Curry, President; Patrick Conway, Vice-President; D. Suffern, Treasurer; James Savage, Pro-Treasurer; Michael O'Breen, Secretary; Padraic McManus, Pro-Secretary. The Gaelic movement took sudden and strong hold on the Irish people here, and no other community, anywhere, in proportion to its numbers, has given more generous financial aid to carry on the struggle at home, ever since, than have the Gaels of

than the coming, in organized form, had been started under the name of the Porteiio Club. Like so many of its predecessors it had a fairly promising start, and as an actual, living organization worked its way out beyond the limits of this book's reach and right into the twentieth century. It was of the social order, a manner of society there ought to be very ample room for amongst our people


of Irish Ireland to Buenos Aires another Irish club

in this great Capital.



item in this story of the Irish in Argentina

Field had to be specially

introduces the, even then, old and bitter quarrel between the

and the English nations.

persecuted by the English pirates, into whose hands he had

fallen, for

no other reason than that he was an Irishman.

noted in the century which ended


last incident to be

more than three hundred years later is itself a part of the same old quarrel. England is, as usual, out pirating; not South America but South Africa is the scene of her operations this time, the two Boer Republics are being destroyed. The sympathy of Irishmen everywhere went forth to the victimized Republics, and how otherwise could it be with their own memories? There was then an English priest, Father Vaughan, in Buenos Aires, collecting money, mostly


from the


and he

set to

organizing a great high mass

for the fallen English soldiers at which the Irish priests and

people were called on to


and so show Argentina that

they were a party, in sympathy at least, to the piracy. What happened was that the Irish priests and people protested vehemently against turning a sacred rite to the use of effecting a mere political trick, and as an expression of their true
in the

organized a solemn memorial mass for the fallen Boer cause. So unpopular became Father Vaughan's proposal, when fully exposed, that he had to abandon the

idea altogether, whilst the services held for the victims of


Government brought together an immense concourse of

Irish-Argentine people and their friends.


incident did

not betray very real religious spirit on either side, and that such occurrences have to take place is to be deplored, but
they are inevitable, and they will last and grow more serious


persists in her injustice to Ireland.

In Santa F and Other Provinces



within the
far as

first settlers is

Fe is well memory of men not yet very old, but so I know only one of what might be called the Thomas Armstrong still left to tell the tale.
settlement of our people in Santa

acquired vast estates in this province years before sheepfarming, as a real industry, extended to such a distance from the Capital, and on his lands on the upper Pavon he had

some Irishmen employed as early as 1860. A few years some families crossed the provincial border into the Peyrano district, and the earliest purchase of land, by an Irishman, I have heard of was effected in that locality in '64. In the following year the testimonial to Father Fahey had four subscribers from Pavon, already, however, there were a few Irish families settled in Rosario, attracted thither, no doubt, by the new railway works started in the beginning
of '63.

When Hutchinson visited the battle-ground of Pavon, a few months after the historic fight, there were no Irish in the district. In 1865 the Widow Garrahan, with her sons,
Timothy and James,
so far north.
settled at

the first of our people, in the sheep-raising business,

Arroyo Seco, and they were who got

The next year brought a little colony of four from Baradero, with some seven or eight thousand This was the first really important treck to Santa sheep. Fe, the treckers being James Conway, Michael Grennon, Daniel Ryan and Michael Murray, the latter the only one of
the four



surviving. They settled midway between the Medio and the Pavon on the estate of Senor The Garrahans were Longford people, and Tim







Garrahan had the fame of being the

Irishman in Ar-

gentina; the other four families were from the borders of

Westmeath and Kings County, and were

closely akin to each

other. Sheep were then so scarce in Santa Fe and of so poor a quality that the flocks of the newcomers were regarded The largest with wonder and admiration by the natives. flocks theretofore in that district numbered only a few hundred and were, comparatively, of very inferior quality.

The constant spread


of the area needed for sheep-raising

Buenos Aires province, the consequent upper tendency of rents and the good accounts being heard of the Santa Fe camps soon brought many more settlers, and by a dozen years or so from the coming of the pioneers the Pavon region and the lands on to Aceval and Saladillo were pretty fully occupied with Irish sheepfarmers, amongst whom may be found the following Wexford names Pierce, Mitty, Donnelly, Hogan,, Mackey, Scallon, Jordan, Martin, Hier, Fortune, Cardiff, etc., whilst Hammond, McGuire, Mahon, Seery, O'Connor, Murray, Boohan and Metcalf came to reinforce the Westmeath detachment. Ussher and Shannahan were from Galway and Cork respectively. These are only a few of the first settlers, and who are nearly all represented in

the district


In 1865 an enterprising gentleman from County Clare, named Henry Barclay, came to Santa Fe with the purpose
of obtaining a grant of land from the Government of the Province whereon to establish a colony of his county people. The negotiations in the affair were slow and unsatisfactory, and Barclay died in Rosario before anything came of them. The next couple of years saw the sheepmen penetrate as far outward as Melincue and as far northward as Roldan. Among the migrants of this year, '67, came Patrick O'Shea from the district of San Antonio de Areco, getting, as the Pole seekers used to say, farthest north, with sheep, up to his time. Three years later his son, Patrick, entered the Franciscan Order in San Lorenzo, and in time became one of the best


Irish priests in the country.





Franciscan became the most noted and beloved, so far, among our Santa Fe colony a little sketch of his life here will be to
the point.

He came

with his parents and other members of his

Wexford when he was but three years old, and grew up with them in the disIn his twenty-first year he entered trict of San Antonio. the Monastery and ten years later was ordained to the priestfamily from Moyglass in the County of


In the

fifteen years of his life as

a priest he


the posts of honor and responsibility in his community

in the last


year of his


founded a new house of his

Order, that at Echosurtu in Rosario. He had an extraordinary faculty for acquiring languages, and as well as in
Spanish, preached in English, Basque, Italian, German, French, and in various dialects of Itahan. These linguistic acquirements made him specially effective as a missionary, and there was not a colony of Europeans in Santa Fe ProvHis visits to the Indian ince that he did not minister in. tribes, which his Order had done so much to civilize and protect, were rich in good to the wild people and plentiful

dangers and hardships for the missionary. But Father O'Shea did not confine his missionary labors wholly or even chiefly to the struggling colonists from the European conIt is quite tinent or the savage communities of the desert. safe to say that there was not an Irish family in Santa F^, in his time, that he did not find out and visit, especially in the days before there was established a regular Irish Chaplaincy in Rosario, while throughout the Province of Buenos Aires he was as well known as any of the official Irish Chaplains. A man of vast experience and keen sense of humor, it was not strange that he had a wonderful fund of stories,

and of adventures among the untamed aborigines and the scarcely less rude colonists of the remote settlements, and no one could recount a tale with more drollery and grace than he could. Many and pleasant are the stories and sayings he has left among his people, and they are still remembered and retold when some incident or recollection brings




the simple-minded, kindly-hearted Franciscan, and patriotic

in the old days.

Irishman, to the minds of those who knew and loved him He was a man above the medium in height,

formed, dark complexioned, with a round, pleasant, though not handsome, face. In some attack on a remote mission by bad Indians he suffered several wounds, one of which disfigured his nose very much, but this disfigurement did not bother him greatly and it helped to give point to more than one or two of his jokes. ^ The present writer had a friend long ago in Rosario, who at times had the habit of getting too festive, and on these occasions he usually knocked his nose, which was naturally large, against something, even, I am sorry to say, it not infrequently came in contact with mother earth herself. Father O'Shea met him one day while the traces of some of these collisions were still painfully visible, and looking at him with an air of comic sympathy he asked: "Musha, Mike, what happened your nose?" "Oh, Father," Mike answered, a little perwell

turbed, as he feared a lecture, for his questioner could give

a very biting one when he wanted to, "I was looking for something in the dark and knocked against the back of a


priest closed


his lips

very tightly, gave an

in the

expressive shake of his head and merely commented: "Well,


you keep on looking for things

that you'll soon have as handsome a nose as


dark own."


His life was one of incessant labor, in all circumstances and conditions, yet no one ever came in contact with him but was brightened and cheered by his pleasant word or timely joke. He fell sick in his new monastery at Echosurtu, returned to the old house in San Lornezo and passed to the reward of his goodness in the first days of 1895. He brought into his Order two young Irish Argentines, the late Father Nicholas Metcalf and the present Father Lorenzo C. Murray, both natives of the Parish of Zarate, and who were
1 There is also the story that Fr. O'Shea got this injury by a half blind coach driver running into a lamp-post with him once upon a time when he was hurrying to catch a train.



ordained to the priesthood in the years 1899 and 1900, respectively.


lands occupied by the Irish sheepfarmers in Santa

Fe, extending along the Parana, at the beginning,


close to

Rosario and westward some eight or ten leagues from the great river, were amongst the best sheep camps in all the country, and those who settled there made fortunes fast. A sheep-man from Pavon, Timothy Galvin, published a statement in the latter Seventies, to the eifect that in two years he made sufficient money, from one flock of sheep, to retire on to Ireland. Of course this is not a very definite statement, as he does not mention how much his sufficiency should amount to, but ordinary flocks were said to yield as much as twelve or fifteen hundred dollars, gold, per annum, clear profit, which in those days was a quite considerable sum. The region, as might be expected, soon became overrun with sheep, and no part of the Republic was more thickly settled with Irish families till the last five or six years of the century, when agriculture became more profitable than pastur-

Horace Greeley's young man, go wisdom and good fortune to invest their savings in the purchase of land, and to-day a large proportion of the pretty and comfortable estancias all across southern Santa Fe and far into Cordoba are the property of happy and prosperous Irish-Argentine
age, and flocks


to, like



the early settlers had the



the crossing of the



Medio by the


Irish sheepfarmers coincides pretty closely the first settling

The place had then about twenty thousand inhabitants, some one-half of whom were Although up to a short while before this foreign-born. period the town was of little or no importance it was not without a very interesting history, as far as it went back. Francisco Godoy brought a little band of tame Indians, Calchaquilles, from the north of the Province and established them, in 1725, at what was then called Paso de los Arroyos. This little tribe had been Christianized and in their chapel
of Irishmen in the city of Rosario.




had a greatly beloved image of the Virgin of the Rosary, which image had a history somewhat like that of the Virgin of Lujan, and great miracles were believed to have been effected through devotion to Our Lady, as represented in this statue. The fame of these miracles spreading abroad into other districts and towns many people came from great distances to the little chapel to make offerings to, and receive favors from, the Ever Blessed Mother, so that the place came to be known far and near as the Capilla del Rosario de los Arroyos,^ later shortened to Capilla del Rosario, and finally to Rosario, as at present commonly known. In 1801, Tuella, a Spanish government official in the place, wrote that the town had eighty houses, all told, and probably some three hundred inhabitants. Santa Fe was not then, nor for long after, a Province, and the district, which ran from the Carcarafia river southward to the Arroyo del Medio and westward from the Parana as far as the Indians allowed, had about six thousand of a population, and was part of the Province of Buenos Aires. It may be of some consolation, although surely of no encouragement, to gardeners and fruit growers in this many-ways favored region to know that when the chronicler just named wrote his record of Rosario the chief pest of the whole district was the black ants. They were the great enemy of all fruit and vegetable cultivation, and after one hundred years' struggle to destroy them they are still the bane and despair of the man who tries to keep a garden or an orchard. Rosario has the honor of being the scene of the first raising of the Argentine national flag. At half-past six o'clock on the evening of February 27, 1812, in front of the town, Belgrano flung to the breeze, for the first time, the glorious White and Blue as a banner for his people. But this is not the only glory of the district. Not quite a year from this date went by when San Martin gave the locality another classic day in that mighty charge of his cavalry down from the Monas1

Chapel of the Rosary of the Streams.



tery of San Lorenzo on the approaching and fated Spaniards. Balcarce burned the place in the civil wars of 1819

only 16 out of 180 houses escaping the destruction. Urquiza made the town his headquarters when mobilizing for his march to Caseros, and it was he, soon after, established it a The plagues of cholera and yellow fever city and a port.

scourged it piteously in the Sixties, as I have mentioned in referring to the noble services of Hutchinson and his wife
in those

days of


Of the small Irish colony in the city in '67, one, William Fitzpatrick, a Queens County man, was drowned in the Parana and later Barclay succumbed to one of the prevailThe first Irish names I find as of people in ing plagues. public business are those of James Keenan and William Kehoe. The Irish colony was quite small in the city when Keenan started his hotel in the "Bajada," and it was for
years the rendezvous or club, as it were, of our people whether campmen, town residents, or newcomers, and continued so up to Keenan's death in '88. To the Irish Relief



started in 1880 I find the following contributors, and


they include nearly

Shea, miah,

the Irish families then in Rosario and

the district outside: James Keenan, T. C. Donovan,


Thomas Frayne, E. Hayes, Peter Boland, Thos.

W. H. Lane, J. Marshall, Walter Gregory, E. Scallan, Stephen Mackey, P. Jordan, P. Cowan, L. Walsh, R. Hammond, J. Pierce, N. Hogan, Phil Hier, John Donnelly, S. Gaul, P. Cullen, Mr. J. Cleary, Mrs. P. Cullen, John Kehoe, Daniel Ryan, Louis Mitty, W. S., E. E. T., F. Doyle, J. Gaynor, Mrs. Garrahan, Mrs. A. Garrahan, M. J. Grennon, James Conway, Mike Murray, Mrs. B. Grennon, John O'Brian, Hugh Fergus, Ben Lea, R. Thompson, J. G. Bruce, E. V. Macken, G. Baker, Rev. J. R. Wood, J. M. Gay, W. Kehoe, H. Parkman, H. O. Gray. The result of the colThree years later lection was nearly $28,000, old money. same purpose was made by Nichocollection for the another which amounted Pavon amongst his neighbors, las Hogan of that those Pavoneros were very which shows to $2723, and




and generous. The following were the contributors N. Hogan, Mrs. Hogan, P. Hogan, E. Owens, L. Mitty, J. Mitty, J. Walsh, J. Pierce, Mrs. Hier, Mrs. Donnelly, Rev. J. Foran, J. Nicholson, Mrs. J. Leahy, P. Cullen, D. Ryan, M. Murray, S. Furlong, D. Whelan, Jas. Flaherty, P. Toban, J. Cleary, R. Stewart, Mrs. T. O'Toole and Patrick


losses of sheep suffered in the

bad years of the


Eighties compelled


struggling sheep farmers

to try

some other

line of business,

and a considerable number of

those turned to railroad work, and Rosario being then the

headquarters of several of the principal railway companies the Irish population of the place increased greatly in a few years. The city had already a couple of Irish doctors, McGuinness and Frend, the former well remembered by the old people, and the latter still, as for the past thirty years,
the popular and trusted medical adviser of practically
the Irish community of that region of Santa Fe.

But a great

want then was an Irish priest who could devote all his time and zeal to his own country people, and in 1888 this desideratum was happily satisfied in the coming of the Rev. John M. Sheehy, a young priest of the Diocese of WaterFather Sheehy at once set ford, a native of Michelstown. to providing his flock with a chapel and the necessary house accommodation for a resident chaplain. In the early days of '89 a meeting to adopt measures for the building of an Irish church was held at Mr. Warner's house, in Calle Puerto, now San Martin, whereat the following committee was named for the inauguration of the enterprise: Rev. J.

M. Sheehy, A.

J. S. White, William Kehoe, W. M'Garrell, R. Warner, W. Monkhaus, M. Sheehy, and M. Lynch; the first three being president, secretary and treasurer, respectively. So successful were the new Chaplain's efforts in the raising of funds wherewith to carry out his mission that at a meeting in the following September it was announced that the site for the new church had already been bought and paid This meeting was a more democratic one than that at for.




Mr. Warner's, as the names of those attending it testify. was held on the premises of the St. Patrick's Literary Society, an organization, Hke so many of its fellows in Buenos

The following were present Father Sheehy, Messrs. Warner, J. McCarthy, Wm. Kehoe, P. Ward, J. Keenan, M. Gearty, M. Walker, E. Kehoe, M. Sheehy, E. McCarthy, T. Boohan, F. Lynch, F. M'Mahon, W. Casey, F. Gearty, M. Gearty, ^. O'Connor, P. Lawler, J. Sullivan, J. Kelly, J. Conway, J. Garrahan, R. Hammond, J. O'Connor, N. Hogan, and E. Scallan. The chapel and residence for the chaplain were commenced at once, and completed in record time. A great bazaar and raffle organized in the first months of '93 realized sufficient funds to pay off the remaining debt on the new edifices in Calle Salta, which edifices, by the way, have been very largely improved and added to since then. In 1896 St. Patrick's Catholic Association was formed for the purpose of holding and controlling the Irish property already founded, and to be founded. The meeting at which this step was taken was held in Father Sheehy's parlor, in the first days of January, and was attended by a very representative gathering of Irish and Irish-Argentine residents, ladies and gentlemen. The following St. Patrick's Day, at a bazaar given in aid of the church, and held in the Cervantes Theatre, the first members of the new Association were inscribed. This bazaar and raffle, like the previous ones, were a great success. At that time there was a numerous Irish colony in Rosario, united and enthusiastic for the advancement of every religious or patriotic Irish cause. There were then frequent social reunions amongst our community, such as balls and concerts, and the feasts of St. Patrick and Santa Rosa were usually marked by one or both of this order of entertainments. There were still a large number of the first Irish settlers living and active, and it would seem, from the changed conditions amongst us, that they were much more social and neighborly with one another than their children ishow themselves to be, although individual hospitality and
Aires, of

too short a career.




good nature among the


latter are virtues that have in




failed or diminished.

must not forget to

note, while



subject, the pleasant annual feasts Don Patricio used to give to his host of friends in those days at

his estancia

near Roldan.

Soon after the dissolution of the St. Patrick's Literary Society Mr. John Harte, an old member of the Irish National
Foresters, sought to establish a branch of that beneficent

organization amongst his countrymen in the city, and a conenrolled as members, few meetings there was the usual falling off and slackening of enthusiasm, and like many another well-intentioned scheme it languished for support and failed after about a year of rather anemic life. For the remaining few years of the century there is nothing to be said of our

number of young men were


but after the

community in the city but that it went on increasing in numbers and wealth. In the nearer and older camp districts the spread of tillage forbade an increase in numbers, for
our people were not then inclined to be tillers of the soil, but it added greatly to the wealth of those of them in whom the promise of the second Beatitude was fulfilled who pos-

sessed the land.

Albarracin, in his history of Cordoba, published a map which shows that in 1889, from Fort Melincue on to Rio Cuarto there was not a town, a village, not even an estate to be noted it was left as a desert or unknown land. Today that desert is a rich and populous region with dozens of railway-stations and a score of large and prosperous towns. One of the principal of these is Venado Tuerto, and the largest and most important Irish settlement anywhere in the Republic beyond the Province of Buenos Aires. In '79 Edward Casey purchased from the Government of Santa Fe some one thousand seven hundred square miles of land, and in the following year commenced the sale, in comparatively small lots, of the more conveniently located parts of this immense territory, chiefly to sheepfarmers from the Buenos Aires camps. Such the date and manner of beginning of



The place was then considered very far out, and Some of the pioneers still tell touching

the Irish settlement of Venado Tuerto and the surrounding


extremely wild.
stories of the

dangers and loneliness of the country, and had to be endured before railroads, or indeed roads of any kind, connected it with anything like civilization. But, as in all new lands where wealth can be acquired rapidly, this backwoods state could not long prevail, and shops, the mail coach, the chaplain, the doctor, the schoolmaster came by degrees, and finally, the train was speeding through the smiling land before the experiences of
of the hardships that the oldest inhabitant were a dozen years long.

nery was the


Irish Chaplain to visit

Father FlanVenado Tuerto,


as before the coming of Father Sheehy to Rosario


departments of Santa Fe, where Irish people were settled, were attended by him at regular intervals. Outside the department of Venado Tuerto there are numerous Irish estancias all across Southern Santa Fe and Cordoba and into San Luis, but with the exception of those around Melincue and one or two other towns they have all been established since the beginning of the present century. Irish residents in Cordoba before the end of the last century were almost wholly connected with railroading and other such enterprises, and can scarcely be considered as settlers or colonizers. During the four years immediately preceding 1880, according to Albarracin, but ten Irish immigrants came to Cordona. The next twenty years, however, saw these ten several times multiplied, but of the increasing numbers few turned to the land for a living, and except for here and there an advance across the borders of the province from Buenos Aires and Santa Fe by a few sheepmen or cattlemen, the Irish ingredient in the population was practically confined to the provincial capital and the principal railroad centers

the first years of the present cycle.


In Entre Rios some Irish settled as early as they did any part of Buenos Aires outside the city. In reports of

passports issued to people going to that province Irish names




In those days it was Gualeguachu than to Chascomus or Pergamino, for there was a fairly regular and comfortable boat service between the Capital and that Entrerian port, and until the passing of Urquiza it was considered by many a safer and more convenient region for sheepfarming than the outside departments of Buenos Aires. Like in Santa Fe the natives were more kindly disposed and less given to deeds But with the of lawlessness than in the Queen Province. government more settled fuller security for property and the camps the outer that came with the administration of Mitre of Buenos Aires began to offer the best inducements to those inclined to pastoral pursuits and so the movement of our people coraimenced to be rather from than to the mesapotamian Province. Among the names to be met with in records of affairs in Entre Rios I find O'Brien, Duffy, Donovan, Bookey, Byrne, O'Donnell, MacNamara, Gaynor, O'Dwyer, Mackey, O'Shaughnessy and many others less notably Irish, but which are quite common in Ireland, those given, however, are unmistakable. The first settlements of our people in that province were mostly in the Gualeguachu department and its neighborhood, but Parana in the days of its greatness had a little Irish colony, too. All the provinces have had, and still have, of course, Irish settlers, some of whom rose to high distinction, as O'Mills in Catamarca and Malouney in Jujuy, but I must leave the
occur frequently from about 1826.
easier to get to


task of searching after these out-of-the-way offsprings of

Kathleen-ni-Houlihan's scattered tribe to someone, or various,


the scattered.

have already urged that several

what they know of their own surroundings, seek to know more and record what they learn. Thus would material be heaped up and preserved for the literary Goban Saor of the coming day to raise a tower as noble and lasting, to our race in Argentina, as any of the great works in lime and granite which the renowned artificer of the Gael has left to tell "how great was Eire." Names and events that may seem most commonplace and unworthy of note tpof these someones





day, because we are so familiar with them, may greatly interest our grandchildren, and so on down through the geneSo, now that you are at the end of this chapter, rations.

whether you be young or old, man or woman, if you know anything worth while, bearing on the Irish in Argentina, get it into print, and set to and write it off to some paper you have done something you have laid your stone on the

earn of the


Difficulties of Getting at all the Facts of Irish- Argentine History AND Some of These Facts The Building of an Old-times House Selling Farm Produce Amusements Funerals Health Condi-


ImmigrationThe FutureLeadershipA Census Conclu-

tried to set before the reader in the foregoing chapters that I came to get something of an understanding as to how much larger a task the writing of a

IT have

was only when searching for the information which I

history of the Irish in Argentina was than the one I had mapped out for myself when I decided to write this book.
I knew that it would be impossible to deal with such a subject in a detailed manner in a volume of the size I proposed publishing, I was quite unconscious of the amount of material of this kind, of great importance, that lay scattered about and hidden in strange places, and that, from its quantity and the labor its collection and co-ordinating would demand, I should have to pass over untouched almost. So it will be seen that the facts brought together from a number of sources and forming the story which fills the preceding


pages are only the more prominent and easily discerned bodies in the fair constellation, to put in that way, of our Anyone who looks at the sky people's record in this land.
of a fine clear night can see


beautiful stars, but

it is

only by careful study, and

with the help of certain costly

instruments, that the real beauties of the starry firmament

can be got at. In more or less equal case have I found myself in scanning the past of our people in this country.

lacked the time and many other requisites for a sustained and penetrating view, and thus had to leave much to some-

one better equipped to discover, but I searched with fond481



and attention as far as the
vision that

was mine could

carry, and, although I

missed, I have seen

expected ^but they and second magnitude, the

am well aware of how much I have many interesting things more than I are what I may call things of the first

less clear

members of the


have still to be searched out and mapped. In New York our wealthier people have formed an IrishAmerican Historical Society with members scattered all over the country, and these members gather or encourage and assist the gathering of every scrap of historical information of an Irish or Irish-American character that can be laid hands upon. The members are not all literary men, nor are they all very rich men, but they are all patriotic men good Americans who are proud of their race and of the part their race has played in the making of the greatest nation the world has yet seen. They have done great things for American history, which means for good Americanism, for they have brought to light a lot of facts which previous American historians, seldom friendly, or even fair, to anything

Catholic or Irish, have rather distorted or entirely ignored.


society has thus done great things for Ireland, for they

have procured for her some of her due in the eyes of the world; and they have done great things for themselves and their fellow-Irish- American-citizens, for they have made men of the Irish race more regarded and honored in a land where there is, even still, a bitter anti-Irish and anti-Catholic party, not very open in its activity, but very tireless and wonderfully effective.

It has


appealed to me how much such a

society could do in the collecting preserving and


public of the scattered, decaying and hidden treasure of

Irish-Argentine historical material that


about in old

family archives, and half forgotten

as in old pamphlets


records, as well

and periodicals which have not found



into the public libraries, but

exist in out-of-

the-way places. The origin of the old families of Irish name who were here before the Revolution ; the part which Morris,


John Brown, Fleming
of Lima,


Gahan and Shannon, the skippers of Revolutionary time, and many others played in making this country a free nation; the many stories and traditions of Brown, O'Brien, Father Fahey and others the

Irish chaplaincy of the first twenty years of settlement of

our people in Buenos Aires


who served

in the

the number of minor officers and army or navy of the Independ-

ence period, and in

the military campaigns since; what

has become of the considerable amount of Irish property in chapels, schools, priests' residences, libraries, etc., which once

was ours, are some of the matters it would be good for the and especially the Irish-sprung public, to know about. Scarcely any one individual now living, or to come after, can ever get to know, rescue and elucidate, as the need may be, all the interesting bits and scraps of what is our full story, but many, each one contributing what he can, would
in time accomplish


in this direction, especially if these

were those having such material or who could reach those having it. I have great faith in the manly spirit and good race-pride of the present generation of young Irish-Argentines, of both sexes, and I have enumerated the above few items with strong hope that some of these young men or

young women will be attracted to the useful work of studying and bringing

patriotic, pleasant


to light for us



interesting, but at present, clouded phases of our colony's

however, and I take the risk of making myself

tiresome in the reiteration of the statement, through a society

that one of our cousins in North America, of which I have spoken, that the best work to this effect could be done.

It will be noticed, perhaps with something of objection,

that I have given a very large place in this work to the

wool-raising industry, and possibly have overlooked


matters quite intimately associated with the everyday concerns of our people. But let it be borne in mind that that was the line in life which gave occupation to fully ninetenths of our community throughout two-thirds of the last
century, and also that this work does not purpose to do



of the

much more than make a surface examination

gone over, and the peculiarity referred
be sufficiently explained.
to, if



it be, will

who tended on the lovable but somewhat mysterious Pampas were bachelors, whose lives were passed in lazy abundance or terms of disheartening famine. There were married people, too, and pleasant young families, and grand homes and humble homes, and glad days and sad happenings, as is the lot of mortals wherever that lot be cast. Young people had their loves and sports and disappointments, and old people their worries and aches and enjoyments, as young and old have in all lands, and I shall here record a few items peculiar to that country life that is now almost a thing of the past. The last twenty years have been years of rapid transition, and there will be such a gulf between the ways of the country people twenty years hence and those of the people of twenty years ago, that scarcely anything from the country life of the last century will be visible to the eye that looks only at

Although the extracts I have given from the portrayal of the shepherd's duties and dwelling William Bulfin are particularly faithful, so far it must not be forgotten that not all the people


by the


as they go,

the landscape.


shepherd's hut, as Bulfin showed


to us,

was the

starting point of most of our Irish-Argentine homesteads.

splendid estancia house, substantial and commodious,


renaissance mural decorations, frescoed ceilings and


carved panelings



luxuries and costly

modern com-

gardens and bowers, and varied and picturesque groves, was so commenced. Many a man whose first occupation in the new land was digging a ditch or dagging sheep lived to be the justly proud owner of such a delightful home. But people of such extreme good fortune were, of
its tasteful

course, the fewer



many who

could be said with

truth to have succeeded.

way there were grades and classes in the successes achieved, and, naturally, the greater number only got as far as what I may call comthe world's



paratively comfortable


circumstances; and I will try to something of the homes and home life of this sketch in brief those who have most gennumerous, class, as being the most therefore, are the most imporerally disappeared, and who, tant to be remembered in a record of things that were. One of the many advantages which the rich plains of Buenos Aires offered to the rural settler was the ease with which he could provide himself with a fairly comfortable house. The term "mud cabin" or "mud-wall dwelling" is one that conveys to us, off hand, something of a notion of squalor and poverty, and in Ireland, where "the peasant scarce had leave to live" up to a little more than a generation ago, the connection was only too real, but, as the saying is, circumstances alter cases, and mud may be quite reIn the old days in Buenos spectable, relatively considered. Aires a man went forth with his flock of sheep free as the wind. If he found the pasturage he desired he made a deal with the proprietor thereof for the use of a certain tract of the land for a certain period, and his next care was to provide himself with a dwelling wherein to abide on that particular area. This he proceeded to construct by the skill of his own hands and the sweat of his own brow, no masons, carpenters, plumbers, painters or glaziers had to be sought out and hired. He dug up the black rich earth to the depth of a new spade's blade in a circle of thirty or forty feet in diameter, poured, plentifully, the water from a well, already prepared close by, into the newly turned earth, and mounted on one of his horses set to maneuvering as many of his troop as he could handle within the narrow circle till he had the plastic earth therein, as deep as he had dug, worked into a cohesive mass, as clay is when ready to be moulded into


into this

mass while

grass or sedge off the plain around was worked in process of preparation, and from this

composition the walls of the house were shaped by the builder setting one soft loaf of the material upon another and bruising in the joints till the rafters were reached. Of
course the skeleton of the habitation

usually formed




with four corner-posts well set in the ground, some stanchions intervening between these ports, and all bound together with
fence wire or slats. In olden times the covering or thatch was made from a sort of strong rush which grows in swampy places, but for the last forty years or more zinc and boards have taken the place of the paja thatch. These mud walls, when well made, and protected by a liberally projecting eave are strong and durable, and take a lime whitewashing Where the building as well as mortar plastered walls. material was so easily found and construction so simple it need hardly be explained that the number and size of the rooms in the dwelling mostly depended upon the requirements of the family, but a parlor (sala), dining-room, sleepingrooms, kitchen and a shed for all uses usually formed a moderately well-to-do family's residence. Where the owners of the land built the habitation it was generally constructed of brick burned convenient to where the dwelling was to be raised, the mortar used being mud, and prepared in the manner of that used in building the mud wall already described. Lime and sand being now more easily transported into country places form the mortar mostly used in such constructions at the present time, but fifty years ago it was otherwise, and a few years since I heard an old man tell that he drew the lime and sand, fifty years before, from a river port, Baradero, I believe, that built Mooney's house in Giles, the only house in all the country for miles around in which such materials were used. Few of the old mud-wall estancias now remain, but as late as twenty years ago they


common enough.
more wealth and

The new

generation, with



and and and and

security, have been

changing things,

Argentina has suddenly become a land of luxury, fashion taste the most modernized and why not.^ win gold wear it!

When wool, hides, grease and fat animals were the chief or only products of the land, the buyer came to the door of the seller, made his bargain, sent his carts or troopers, as
the case might warrant, and carried



purchase; no




going to markets or fairs the price was agreed to while the produce was still on the ground from which it sprang. The people's big diversion was the horse-racings to which reference has already often been made, and which are now
mostly things of the past, at least, in the old style. The cattle marking also was something of a sporting event, although a very necessary business operation. It combined, however, a good deal of entertainment with the hard and exciting labor the men had to perform, and, like the harvest
meehils at home, cheered along with a liberal sending round
of the bowl, or tin cup, it was commonly followed by a dance and feasting. Dances in the old, good times were very common and afforded great amusement, and, indeed, made life very sociable and pleasant in what would otherwise be an existence rather lonesome and boring. There was an occasional flute-player, sometimes a fiddler, but always an abundance of operators on the accordion, and the accordion was a piece of furniture that scarcely any house was without. I believe real musicians hardly recognize the accordion as an instrument of their cult at all, but, for all that, it is a sure fact that its inventor, counting the years since it got rightly started, has amused and gratified fifty times more of his fellow mortals than the inventor who has the grand piano to his credit. It is ordinary and vulgar according to the ideas of the people who like to talk of what they call "classic music," but it is as good as a whole band to a small crowd who want to dance and be merry. With an abundance of music thus always on hand it was easy to improvise a dancing party on a summer's evening or a winter's night; for although the houses were generally half a mile or more apart, the fact that everybody who was able to mount a horse had one or more to mount, made considerable distances, when there was any possibility of a few hours' enjoyment, not a matter of any great difficulty. So it was easy to get young people enough together to make an evening or a whole night go by very pleasantly. Irish dances were generally favored by the elder folks, but the



agreeably jingling polka and the swaying, whirling waltz were the joy and glory of the younger element the "country-boms," as their Irish-bom parents and friends used to call them. This kind of diversion, with the passing of sheep-

farming, in the old-fashioned way, has almast vanished from the camp Irish of the present time, and more's the pity.

marriage in those days was an epoch-making event, was usual to have at least one afternoon's and night's dancing, sometimes more, and all neighbors and friends, that is, of our own race, were invited. I have already mentioned that our first settlers were greatly averse to making familiar friends of the ordinary "natives," so, few of them were ever invited or permitted to attend these merrymakings. A select party went with the bride and groom, often to the number of a couple of dozen, to the town or church where the religious ceremony was to take place. This rite was performed as early in the day as the circumstances allowed, and by the time the party returned to the family house many of the less honored guests had gathered there, and, dinner and toasts disposed of, little time was lost till the dancing was under way. There being always more dancers than the dancing space could accommodate there was never, all the night long, any flagging or slackening of enthusiastic merriment. A challenge race made during the night by some of the guests, most of whom came ahorseback, might be run soon after sunrise, or, indeed, several such races, and a game of chance on the taba was sure to play a part in the outdoor

variation of the entertainment.

cipals in the feast

If the

new home

of the prin-

was not too distant the journey thither was not commenced till the afternoon. I speak, of course, of the days when great areas of the green plains were not yet circumscribed and guarded by the useful but travelhampering wire fence. The home-bringing of the bride was as a rule effected in the company of a numerous train; coaches, brakes and whatever other vehicles were in use in
the district were

pressed into service on occasions of this

kind, but the majority of the participants


the journey



on their best mounts, and the train was a glad and happy
one, indeed.

Burials and funerals the camp knows of, too. But the custom of burying the dead the day after the demise had,
and, of course, has

the effect of curtailing the proAll the neighbors

portions of the funeral corteges.



several leagues around, were, however, advised

when anyone

and the funeral was an event that only insurmount-

able difficulties would hinder a neighbor being in attendance




priest and the undertaker were the first to be and both got as quickly as they could to the home

of the deceased.


funeral procession having sometimes

as far as eight or ten leagues of journey to make, started

and again all the variety of vehicular conveyance noted home-coming was in line, and again, too, the cavalcade formed by far the greater number of the solemn and quick moving concourse that hurried over the horizonrimmed plain. One of these funerals in the years now long gone by was a most impressive and picturesque sight. Only the old towns had cemeteries then, hence the great distances funerals had sometimes to traverse. Life on the plains, in the old days of the first and second generations of settlers, notwithstanding that it was not what might be called toilsome, and notwithstanding that the Argentine climate is a decidedly fair and agreeable one, was not so suited to our immigrants as people think who look at the matter merely from the knowledge offered by the fact of so large a proportion of them succeeding, in a business way. The acquiring of wealth, although a very important aim in
in the bridal
is not, however, the only or even the chief temporal purpose for which man is placed upon earth by the Creator. Man was meant, when placed here on earth, to stay here as long as humanly possible or, in other words, to live to be old. And where this purpose is not fulfilled there is something wrong. The Irishmen and Irishwomen who came here in the past were almost all young in years and very healthy, yet comparatively few of them have lived

nature's plan,



to be old; life for our people in the past in the Argentine was, therefore, not by any means ideal. Men who assiduously and conscientiously cared for their master's or their

had often to endure much hardship, in the cold and winds of winter, as also, though, of course, in lesser degree, in the droughts and pitiless suns of summer. Camping away from home in times of pasturage want, where, not alone all kinds of home comforts were lacking, but even the shelter of a roof was often unknown for months at a time, could not but have its effect; the change from an almost exclusively vegetable and cereal diet, as in the homeland, to one wherein scarcely any variation of mutton and coffee occurred year in, year out, was no less likely to make itself felt unfavorably as time went by; and next to these, so serious strains on men's health, or, as some would hold, a consequence of them in most cases, the dreadfully unrestrained use of alcoholic drink, which was then so common, was equally certain to produce its evil results and thus early demise among our people, especially our men, came to be so ordinary that it is impossible to make a study of If statistics their story in this land without remarking it. of the Irish rate of the death could be made and published confident very am immigrants up to, say the year 1890, I Cancer, surprising. very its exceptional height would be more was time ago, it was stated by certain medical men some people amongst common amongst the Irish in Argentina than




of other descent.
years, but deaths

I have




this subject in recent

amongst people of Irish birth was alwa^^s noticeably common. It is a fact, however, that the second and third generations of Irish-Argentines are as free from these and aU other diseases as are any other

from heart


strain of Argentines whatever.


the time of the "Dresden's" coming, whether from

the disappointment and suffering of the immigrants, through the Government's mismanagement of the affair, and the ill

reports that got abroad in Ireland therefrom, or that other countries offered greater advantages to the emigrant, Irish


immigration into
capable of


country has fallen

off greatly, that

young men and young women who mostly find occupation as teachers and governesses, continue to come in limited numbers, and for the most part remain in the capital and one or two of the chief business cities.
of the laboring or farming class entirely; but
filling clerical positions,

lowest point

is just now at about the has reached in a hundred years, but I believe that an upward tendency will soon begin to show itself.


emigration to Argentina


the present



over, which

God grant may


soon, and the economic affairs of the world get back to a

condition that we will be able to call normal, we may, I

certain, expect to see this country


make very general and

somewhat rapid industrial progress. Many lessons are at great cost and much humiliation, from this being learned, fearful world conflict by Argentine statesmen and men of affairs, that will surely bear fruit in making the nation less dependent on the outside world for so many of the necessities of civilized and politically strong national life. It is a mistake to think that Argentine backwardness in manufacturies

due to a lack of native raw materials.

Probably none of

the great manufacturing countries of the world, except the United States, produces so much of what is essential to this order of industry as she does, and no doubt this kind of national development will receive more effective governmental So, as I look to Argentina as the attention from this on.

country of the world whose geographical position, natural resources and urgent necessities combine to give her precedence,




countries, in industrial development, I

foresee a revival of Irish immigration as considerable, at

that which Australia or South Africa may be able Although, under the native government which to attract. we expect to result from this war, Ireland will have work
least, as

her people, for some generations, at least, there will still be some who will go abroad, just as we see, even now, some Argentines going to seek their fortunes in North





this country will get a large proportion of these. This new and continuous stream of immigration will serve to strengthen and renew the ties of kindred and association between the old nation and its offshoot here, and although, because of occasional intermarryings between our people in this country and fellow Argentines of other strains, a thing, by the way, that has gone on from the beginning, some people think they see a gradual coalescing of our element of the citizenship into absolute Argentines without distinction or qualification as to origin, I, on the contrary, believe that it will be proportionately as strong and as distinctively Irish- Argentine in a hundred years from now as it is to-day. People who give expression to ideas like those I refer to

America and Australia, and


how conservative and tenacious the Irish nature is. If were not that a foreign language had been forced by cenand even torture
Irish people have changed nothing since the
in the

turies of persecution, proscription, fine,

upon them, the

in all ages

mere surface matters which move by; such as the modernization of wearing apparel, occupations and the adoption of the benefits which science has conferred upon the world in common. The same religion is still theirs, the same ideals, even the same games. ^ Ireland is still the land where the "old are so wise and the young so gentle." There men and women of pure and virtuous lives still raise large and healthy families (a thing that has come to be wondered at in other nations, old and new). Seven hundred years and more of struggle, mostly a losing one, for an ideal and now

days of Columcille, except

come to peoples

as the centuries

the reconquest of the language, the only great possession

which the nation has failed to hold, for the land was never entirely lost, do not bespeak a people that lightly loses its
identity in the world.




whose grandfathers and great-grandamong


Argentina the only athletic game that has ever prospered


our young


that of camanact, beloved of the renowned Cuhullion,^and


which the mighty Finn and

comrades played


over Eire.



fathers came here nearly a hundred years ago who take great pains to learn Irish music, Irish dances, and to keep up Irish customs, and who even speak English with an Irish

accent; yet, of course,

who would never

yield a point to


of their fellow-citizens in loyalty to their native land.


of these are, indeed, more Irish, and better Irish, than their grandfathers were. And this being the case in the past and at the present time, with an Ireland humiliated and without a place in the society of nations, what may we expect in the future that will know a great, free, progressive, republican Ireland


schools of the ancient free Ireland were one of her

chief glories,

not be


and the salvation of continental Europe, they a characteristic of the new free Ireland, and,

from the way things are looking now, Europe will stand as much in need of them by-and-by as she did twelve hundred
years ago.


of our Irish-Argentine families




be able to afford the outlay will consider

a wise investment

to have their boys, at least, educated in Ireland, for such

an education


be a


of merit that will have its

business use as well as

its social




condition, that will surely be, as well as the trade and immi-

gration from the fatherland, are chief

clearly convince

among the things that me that when another hundred years are over the Irish in Argentina will be just as much themselves, and themselves only, as they are to-day. And why not? To change would not be to improve; and it is not our way
to go backward or stand

There are no better Argentines than those of Irish blood, and yet they are very distinct from the general body
of their fellow-citizens.

Not only

in their personal charac-

teristics, social dispositions

and business and



but even their spiritual outlook is still the old Irish one. Go into any of the country towns, where the Irish in other times settled and established families, but where Irishborn men and women are now quite few, and who do you see coming long distances on Sunday morning into these towns

to attend


large, symmetrical

men and fair around the church, or meet at the inns, or in the business houses are not of the race which makes up the great majority of the country's population. Whether you go to Monte or Pergamino, Capilla or Chivilcoy, Lobos or Rojas, Arrecifes or Chacabuco, Chascomus or Carmen de Areco, Mercedes or San Pedro, Lujan or Venado Tuerto, or any other district where the Irish settled, you will find their children and grandchildren coming in to Mass on Sunday, and you will find also that they are about the only people who do,^ just as was the custom of their forebears. Though it is common throughout the country to work on Sunday, people of Irish descent are, and always have been, noted for their avoidance, as much as possible, of that sinful, ugly and animalizing custom, and, indeed, every friend of social order, as well as of Christian decency and national advancement, should applaud and emulate their faithfulness to the holy and wise command of keeping the Lord's Day.

women whom you


Irish are generally very highly considered


their neigh-



have often heard

it said,



was through the

rectitude in business, and faithfulness to promise, of the

(word of the Englishman) came to mean absolute trustworthiness the Irish and Scotch, as well as the English themselves, are generally designated "ingleses" by the common people. This assertion may be true or not, I offer no opinion for or against, but I know that the English in Buenos Aires very
Irish, that the expression *'palabra del ingles"

well deserve the compliment.

in politics

to his

Whatever John Bull may be and international dealings, there is no man truer word in business.
birth, in a

certain Parish Priest, of

country town was asked by a

getting along with his

friend in the Federal Capital, not long ago,

how he was




only trouble with


congregation," replied the Pastor,


rains last Friday

me at all. For instance, on account of the heavy and Saturday, which prevented the Irish from coming in, my congregation consisted on Sunday of three old women, two young girls, a dog and an American dentist." The dentist in the case was an Irish- American.



does not trouble




not in business, military, naval, scientific, educational, and religious affairs only that the Irish in ArgenThe most meritina have made themselves a proud name.

young IrishHenry Sheridan, son of Peter Sheridan of sheepfarming fame, who died in 1861, at the age of 27 years. This young landscapist has left some very notable work after
torious of Argentine painters, so far, was a


His pictures were mostly bought up by English people and brought home to their country, but some of his best works still remain in Buenos Aires. Hernan Cullen is a noted sculptor of the present day, and there are numerous literati and people in other branches of art of first rank who spring from Irish stock, but who are in name and thought and work Argentine, though always proud of their connection with "la verde Erin." The army and navy have scarcely ever been without men of Irish name in all the ranks, right up to the top.

thing our people always lacked in Argentina



have not had at any time in all our century of life here what might be considered as even a close approach to real leadership. Father Fahey was, of course, a man of great influence with our people, and trusted and beloved by them as no other man ever was. But his work was that of the pastor of his flock; he preached religion to them, he counseled them for their temporal good, he interceded for them when they got into trouble with the authorities, which was a great deal, and left organizing them for political and economic selfhelpfulness to others, and the others never rose to the occasion. Edward Mulhall was the first to make a strong and persevering effort to be a leader of this order among his people; and he was about as fit for the undertaking and as apt to succeed in it as, at present. Sir Horace Plunkett would be in a similar case with the Irish people at home. Mulhall was a well-meaning, amiable man, but he never could get it into his head that Ireland should be anything but a part of the British Empire, nor that the Irish people, at home or abroad, should have any




earthly aspirations but to get on in the world and be loyal to "our leige Lady the Queen." Others since his time have
tried their

hand at the same



lowed, more or

the lines he

Some of these have folmarked out, while others

again have taken courses at right angles to his path, but none of them have succeeded. The late Mr. Bulfin was one of the sanest and most nearly successful who took the matter up; he was making good progress; the people were gathering to him; he had real ability, and seemed to have got to understand how to use it but he had only commenced, commenced well, when death intervened. No one else had ever united so many of our people under a really self-respecting, self-asserting, Irish- Argentine banner as he had. The guiding influence with him was that spirit which the Gaelic League had aroused, and which is clearly expressed, for those who are touched by that spirit, in the three words, an Irish Ireland, The closer the Irish- Argentine people could be brought into communion with that spirit and influence the better it would be for them and for Ireland; this Bulfin saw; for this he worked, and was succeeding. This is the only line, because it is in accordance with the laws of human nature, along which success in such a purpose has any possibility of being achieved. The greater part of his people fell in with his ideas, these ideas were not inspired by anything of rancor, partizanism, or selfishness, and they stood for good patriotism, good manhood and good common


It is no easy matter to influence and lead our people here they are proud, more than a little egotistic, somewhat sus-

unaccustomed to real party politics and leadership, and then they are smitten to no small extent with that accursed Latin product, which all South America has loved so much to cultivate and foster, called amor propio, which has played, and still plays, so large a part in the wrecking of high national hopes and promising public careers. All those I have mentioned as in any way rising towards the height of leadership, commencing away back with



O'Brien, were Irish-born, and whatever possibility there was



so circumstanced succeeding in the past I believe

there will be less of such possibility in the future.


Yet, this

the greatest

want of the Irish-Argentine people at the

present time.

They may not


see it in this


way; but what are they in the Argentine Republic as an influence or a power for the good of their country or themselves, as a community or entity, compared with what they might be as an organized and well-directed body.^ Let them ask themselves the question, and if, after giving it intelligent thought, they will make an honest answer to it, that answer will be that they amount to little or nothing. Little or nothing in the public affairs of their own country, and in the protection and advancement of their own business interests, in comparison with what they might be and ought to be, considering their resources and opportunities As a body they are wealthier and more numerous than the English, the Germans, or the
most of them do not
in this


was a great mistake on the part of our

first settlers,

that instead of, as did their brothers

who turned towards

North America, becoming

citizens of their adopted land they remained subjects of the English monarch our first sorry result of want of leadership there was no one to show them the mistake they were making. That error has kept the Irish and their descendants "ingleses" ever since dependants, in some unaccountable and really pitiable way, of the English. With some notable exceptions the wealthy of our people, as referred to in an earlier chapter, actually call

themselves, in the most slavish and, of course, untruthful manner, "britanicos ;" while numbers of the humbler, em-

ployed in English and American concerns, where they practically,

owing to their native ability and their command of

the two languages, could not be done without, are positively afraid to call their souls their own when it is a question of the great world causes and conflicts that are in everybody's mind and mouth at the present moment, and in view




of their helpless condition they cannot be found

not a shameful position to be in in their own land, and that a free republic? The mistake of the old settlers may be palliated to some extent, it was, nevertheless, a most unfortunate mistake,
with for


but what excuse have their descendants, those of them who

do, for following the
lies ?

same course,

in as far as in their


bespeaks for them want of patriotism, want of spirit and want of common sense; three ugly and degrading characteristics. Still I do not believe that



our people anywhere, of whatever rank,


put to the


are wanting in any of the qualities mentioned.


they have never awakened to their true position here ^there has been nobody to awaken them nobody to put them to


the test.

alive to these realities, but

who were not everybody who sees an error can correct it. What is needed in Irish- Argentina is a sort of mental revolution, or what the sects in the United States call a revival movement. By far the greater number of the Irish-Argentine people are still on the land, and live by it. They are more of the country and more with the country than either of the other classes, but their effect on its political life, and for usefulIndividuals, no doubt, there have been ness to each other



All this comes

from the

want of organization.


strength"; and the word

union as here applied is only another name for organization, and organization there cannot be without leadership. Hence my saying that leadership is the greatest need of our people
here at the present time.

We are now like a fine young we are healthy, strong, can run, jump and use our fists quite well, and have done so already in a rough and amateurish way, but it is only with training and direction we can get beyond our amateurishness, that we can compete with the professionals that we have to contend against, and get our share of the prizes and championships can take our right and proper place, free men and true, in the Argen-

tine Republic.




And now, before dropping this point, let me say that man and woman in the land can do something in this
some day come.

training and direction while we are awaiting the leader that

himself and herself to be

Each one can try to train and good Argentines and good not be too ready to suspect everyone who proposes


to do

anything of a public nature to be animated by some

ambition or unworthy motive; to be willing to lend a hand wherever a worthy general or local effort is being made to unite and bring people together for their amusement, enlightenment, or political, or religious improvement; to be
tolerant of other people's opinions;




us arise, as happens in


communities, not to be bitter par-

and above


things not to be guilty,

when disagree-



occur, of that mean, false and fool cry, which the

to use against ourselves, Irish can agree

enemy has kindly provided us with

"Oh, the Irish can never agree."



themselves as well as any other race

and they have agreed upon a few things which their enemies and calumniators have used fire and sword and every wile and endless treasure to force or coax them to disagree upon, and which after centuries of such effort are still the worry and despair of these same enemies and calumniators. And if you want a handy example of the occasional disagreements among themselves of other good men than those of your own race, take a look into the glorious, though comparatively short, history of the country in which you were born. It is very difficult to arrive at anything like a satisfactory conclusion as to the number of people now in Argentina of Irish birth and descent. There is no census to calculate from, that is, of the races, and there are many people


of Irish ancestry on one side, at least, who have not Irish names, and then there are many Irish people whom by their names one cannot distinguish as such from English, Scottish, or American; as, for example, Smyth, Brown, Jones, Green, Gray, Wilson, Graham, Johnson, Thomson, Hamilton, Miller, Edwards, Robins, Robertson, Roberts, Robinson, and

a number of


Macs and

Then at what

distance, in

the case of families of mixed race,

both parents Irish,

from the stem that had or of Irish name, must we stop consider-

ing a family as of Irish descent, or justly to be regarded as of the Irish race? These are some of the difficulties that


the accurate counting of the

number of Irish-Argen-

A thing I have found both here and in North America, among people of mixed Irish and other blood, is that such people prefer clinging to the Irish side in their strain rather than to the other, this is not told in boast, although it is something for Irish people to feel pride in. I could mention a multitude of cases that have come to my own knowledge to confirm this statement, but I will content myself with mentioning
tines at present time, 1917, next to impossible.

two, only:

Years ago I arrived at a certain point on the Cordoba and Santa Fe Railroad where the train put off and took on passengers although there was no station or house anywhere close-by nothing but the open plain. There were a few people gathered around the spot, some to take the train and some to receive friends or mail which they expected. They were all natives of the district, but the person I expected to meet me was not among them. I looked through the eight or ten people who made up the little group, but saw no one likely to be English-speaking, and I could speak very little Spanish myself. One man, however, amongst them


me as having something of a friendly look about him, although he was quite dark in complexion and dressed exactly in the style of the "sons of the country." I went to him spoke English, answered and asked him if he he me in Spanish that he did not know English, but that he would take me to the house of an "irlandes," for being Irish himself he knew all the Irish around there. I thought for the moment he was talking in joke, but learned when I got to my countryman's and friend's house that the name of this gaucho-looking man was McCann. His mother was Argentine; his father had died while he was very young. I often



meet a little school-girl of chestnut-colored hair whose father is a Spaniard, but whose mother is an Irish- Argentine, and while understanding that she is half Spanish, for I know her father, I one day, on account of the color of her hair, called her an "inglesita" (a little English girl), but she promptly and somewhat resentfully corrected me saying that she was an "irlandesita" (a little Irish girl). Whether or not it would be fair to count such people as the two I have just told about as Irish and a part of the Irish community, I shall not seek to decide; they themselves would in almost every case insist on being Irish-Argentine, and I have found many of them more Irish in their ways and sentiments than some of their compatriots with purely Milesian names, but the matter is not of very much importance here. Probably if all the people of such mixed blood in Argentina, that is, Irish on one side, were counted they would not number anything like ten thousand, and I shall not include them in my calculation, as affecting it so lightly. In the early Forties it was calculated that there was less than four thousand Irish people in the country, and in 1879 the Archbishop of Buenos Aires stated the number in the country districts as twenty-eight thousand. In neither case is it explained whether the number given relates to only Irish-born or to people of Irish birth and descent. If only Irish born be meant the number may be, approximately, correct, in both cases; but if they purposed to include all of Irish birth and descent in the country in their different times, they were nothing more than a hopelessly poor guess, especially so that of the later date. If the Archbishop meant his number to represent Irish families or Irish householders I think it would be more nearly correct, although I should say something of an over estimate. Could his figure be relied upon, and did it include all the Irish-born and people of Irish-descent, in the city and

we could come to a reasonably and safe estimate of our present numbers. But I think anyone who makes out a calculation grounded on his figures
outside of the city limits,

will see


from the resultant total that he worked on a wrong number he would get would be far below what It must be admitted obviously our present population is. too that our people have not made the increase that might naturally be expected from a virtuous and fairly well-to-do people in a new country, which fact would further show
basis, for the

that the figures of Dr. Aneiros are either incorrect or indefinite.

This niatter of a falling

off in the


of the Irish in the last couple of generations

in Ireland


and the United States as


although less so in Ireland than in this or the Northern ReEarly marriages have been remarkably on the public. decline in Ireland for more than a generation or so, but not to so large an extent, although with better reason, as amongst us here and in the United States. The enumeration of deaths gives something of a clue to the number of our people as compared to that of the whole population. But then comes several difficulties: the number of districts where no such statistics are published, and again the number of names that may or may not be Irish, and still again the number of names that are mutilated or Argentinized.

But making allowances

and con, that

for everything, after look-

ing at the matter from various angles, and considering every

point, pro


study of the question presented


with, I have decided on offering the following figures as

an honest effort at a guess: In Buenos Aires City, 30,000; outside the city, in the whole Republic, 80,000; 110,000,
all told.

Now we have seen the first coming of the Irish to the Rio de la Plata country; followed them in their enterprises and efforts in peace and war traced, lightly, their progress told something of their foibles and faults took a passing glance at their everyday life, with its joys and sorrows; made a record of the institutions that were peculiarly theirs have forecast something of their future, according to my own lights; and counted their numbers with care, but with nothing like guaranteed accuracy. And, so, my book is finished.




not without errors; it is far from being a complete ; but it is something done. I hope it will give pleasure, enlightenment, and pride to those for whom it was written, and that it wiU give pain or annoyance to no one. If it have this result I shall be richly rewarded for whatever of time and toil I have given to its writing, but anyhow I shall always have the satisfaction of knowing that I have left something after my hands that will be for the good of our people, and that I am sure, without any fear of being over presumptions, that many of them will be so pleased for that they will gladly excuse my all too obvious shortcomings as an author and a historian.



Balde sinfondo, bucket without bottom.
Barraca, storage place, warehouse.

Campo, camp; the country as


Cafia, cane, strong spirits extracted

from the city, land. from the sugar cane, rum.

Cardo, a kind of broad-leafed sweet thistle.


an Indian


Catre, a kind of bedstead,

a bed, a


CaudUlo, a mihtary or political small calibre boss.

Chiquero, a sheep-pen,
Criollo, criole,

pen for anything. any native of the country (loosely used) Cura, a parish priest, commonly any priest.

Estancia, estate house, estate.

GanchOf a hook.

a place

for rendering fat animals into grease.

Gringo, a corruption of the



griego, Greek;

hard to be understood, a

Guarda, a guard, a policeman.

Paisano, a peasant, a fellow countryman.
Pajonales, districts or places overrun with coarse grass, paja.
Partido, parish, district.

Peon, a servant boy or hired man.


a foundation, especially stock to breed from.

Poncho, a kind of cloak or shawl with a hole in the center for the head to go
through, Indian, I believe.

a person belonging to the port, now anyone born in or belonging to

Buenos Aires City or Province.

Puesto, a place, position or place one occupies, here a sheep-run.

Pulperia, a country shop or store, a shebeen.

Recao, a saddle of a particular type, a riding gear.

Scdadera, a

meat curing establishment

village or

of the old time.

tents, tentage.

an Indian

camp, a place of



Albaracin, " Hist. Cordoba."
Alsina, " Hist. Immigration."

Argos, newspaper.
Bulfin's Article in Grant's


Charlevoix, " Hist, of Jesuits."

Correo de Comercio, newspaper.


Angelis, " Hist."

Del Techo, " Hist, of Jesuits." De Moussy, " Emigration to Argentina."

" Documentos de Belgrano." Dominguez, " History."

El Nacional, newspaper.
Federal Almanac, 1850.

Fianna, Review.
Funes' Argentine History, " Ensayo,"
Gaceta, newspaper.

Gaceta Mercantile newspaper.

Guia de Forasteros (Almanac), various.

Gutierrez' " Argentine Hist."

" Life in Cuyo." Hutchinson's " Gleanings."

Haigh, Samuel.

King, Colonel. " La Nacion Argentina."

" Leaves from the Annals of the " Life of Belgrano," Mitre.

S. of


" Life of San Martin," Mitre. " Life of Dean Funes," Mitre (Son). Lopez, V. F., " Hist, of Argentina.

Love, " Notes and Comments." Lozano's " History of Jesuits."

Lucero, newspaper. Mansilla's " Life of Rosas." McCann, " 2000 Miles' Ride."

" Memorias de Vertiz."

Moreno, Mariano.




M. G. and
E. T.

Parish, Sir Woodbine.

Passionist Order in Argentina, pamphlet.


Mexia's " Life of Rosas."

" Revista del Plata."

*' Revista de la Plata." " 70 Afios Atras (70 Years Back)." Standard files from beginning. " Semanario de Agricultura."

Sarmiento, Domingo."

Telegrafo Mercantil.

" The Conflict of Races," Sarmiento. Tuella, " Rosario."





Hernando, Intro


Burke, Fr

372,419 56

Armstrong, Thomas

Armstrong T.


Cabot, Intro

222 232 445

Campbell, Pedro
Capilla del Senor

Aroyo Luna
Artigas, Jos^



Carmen de Areco
Carrol, Michael




Auchita, Jos6

Canuelas, District
Cantlon, Patrick
Cesair, Intro

Balbin, J.




Ceballos, Intro




Chaplains, Irish

266 257

Banba, Intro
Baradero, District




Chacabuco Chascomus ChivUcoy


203 250


Bookey, Patrick
Brady, Elena
Brady, Fr
Bragado, District



Collectors for



Contributors to



253 88

Contributors, Patriotic

Contributors in 1840
Connolly, Rev. Fr

Brath, Intro

92 93 103 204


28, 68, 81, 119, 178

Coughlan, Engineer

Brown, Adml. .26, Brown, Capt. Browne, Patrick Browne, John


Conway, James Cordoba, Prov

Correo de Comercio

468 478

78 218
139, 189


205 86

Bulfin. William

CuUen, Domingo
Cullen, Josd

Butler, William





Fitzsimons, James Fitzsimons,

Cullen, Rev. Fr

275 277


Curran, Rev. Fr




Dr Fr. Edmund


Fleming, Brigadier
Flores, District


208 259 23 256

78, 339

Cyprian, Rev. Fr



Foley, Bartholomew

Daly, Patrick

Daly, Patrick

"Fontonoy" Funes, Dean


Danes, Intro


257 304 75

John John

Gaelic League

Dillon, Gregorio



284, 445

Dineen, Michael
Donati, Father
Dolores, District

397 207 79

Gahan, Capt. Ed Galvm, Timothy Gannon, Fr. Michael Gannon, Michael Gaona, Capt

472 128

Donohue, Patrick Donohue, Daniel Donovan, Dr. Cornelius Dougherty, John " Dresden," The
Dublin DuF
Duffy, Sec.

Widow Tim and James



Garay, Intro

468 468



Gaynor, John
Gearty, Fr. Richard


General Brown Club..

.391, 423,

341 456

Am. Consul


Geoghegan'g Hotel

& Co Duffy, Mr
Duffy Duggan's Chapel Duggan, Michael Dwerhagen, Sheepbreeder
Eire, Intro



Geoghegan, Rev. Joseph


248 60

Goban Saor
Godoy, Francisco Gowland, Mr Grennon, Fr Grennon, Michael Grogan & Peacock Guardia del Monte Gwendoline and King Alfred



Entre Rios


M. Blanco

276 468 77 213 392


Fahey, Fr

129, 135, 319, 322, 343




ix xi

Hale, S.

Funeral Expen


Firbolgs, Intro

Hallet, Stephen


Fodla, Intro



Fomorians, Intro
Favorita, Ship



Thomas Lloyd

60 75 283


Hamilton, Patrick

Fehily or Field, Fr
Fidehs, Fr. Kent-Stone




Hansen, Emilio

. .

Harrat, Sheepbreeder



Leahy, Fr. Michael

Lepper, Dr. James

232, 276

Healy, Peter
Higgins, Richard





Horsestealing for Export

254 309

Linch, Catalina Linch, Mariana



25 25
26, 75 37,

Ireland, Archbishop


Linch, Patricio
Linch, Francis
Linches, Various

The Going The Going





to Entrerios.


40 23

Chapel, First

204 246 328

336, 429

Linch, Justo



Irish National Society

Irish Cat. Association

List of Passangers

313 213

Irish Hospital

154, 336, 351, 360




340 364 365

Irish Hospital Collectors Irish Chaplains Circular Irish

Lobos District Lobos Island Lujan District Lynch, Estanislao Lynch, Father






Irish Ladies Society

Irish Chaplains




McCarthy, James

87 26


Meeting Called by A. B. Colony Scheme


MacKenna, John Mackay, Daniel
McCartan, Fr.

423 428

23 74
99 8

Irish Relief Irish


Immigrants Wanted Irish Convent, New

Kearney, Michael Keen, George




McManus, Padraic McNamara, Fr

MacMurrough, Intro McNerney, Fr
Maxwell, Patrick
Mallison, John

Kenny, James Kenny, Thomas, Judge

Kiernan, Bernard


246 xx


86 86


Kiernan, Santiago Kiernan, John

85 41
213, 275

Kilallen Chapel
Kilpatrick, Daniel

King, Col

Kirwan, Fr

Malouney, Peter P Mendoza, Intro Mercedes District Mercurian, Evrard Mercy, Sisters of Merlo
Metcalf, Fr.






Ladies Irish Soc

Milesius, Intro

Las Heras



Leahy, Fr. John

278, 351

Mooney, John Mooney, William Moran, Fr. Patrick Moreno

264 87




O'Hare, Daniel

Morgan, Edward Morgan, Michael






Raymond Fr. Thomas

G. and E.


O'Mara, Buckley O'MiUs Onil(O'NeiU) O'Reilly, John

O'Reilly, General

440 479



301 241

O'ReiUy, Fr. Samuel

O'Rian, Miguel


in Salto

277 IS

Murderer's Feast


O'Rourke, Michael
Orr, William

Murphy, William

37. 73.

Murphy & Co
Murray, Murray, Murray, Murray.
Archbishop " Big Mickey "
Michael, Santa F6
Fr. L.


O'Shea, Patrick O'Shea, Fr. Patrick



Oughan, Dr. John

Padilla (Traitor)

470 103

468 471

PaUotine Fathers

234, 248

Nacion Argentina


Parnell Def.
Parnell Split,






Fund The

242 464

Naposta Navarro District Nemedians, Intro Newberry, Dr

Passionist Fathers


Partholan, Intro

Pa von

Irish Settlement



Pefia (Traitor)

Pergamino District




39, 81

Pheonicians, Intro
Pilar District


O'Brien, James O'Brien, Capt. George



Porteno Club


O'Brien, Sergt-Major Joseph. ... 45 O'Connell and Shiel Accused. ... 94 O'Connell Monument Fund 317 O'Donnell, Carlos 20



Pro-boer Mass





O'Donnell, Charles
O'Donnell, Sabino

76 77

Purcell, Fr.


123 199

O'Donnell, Cap. Santiago


O'Donovan Rossa O'Gorman, Michael O'Gorman, Thomas O'Gorman, Patrick O'Gorman, Charles O'Gorman, Adolfo O'Gorman, Fr. Patrick O'Gorman, Camila
O'Grady, Fr. Patrick O'Hara, Peter


Quinn, James


14 15

Quinn, Fr. Michael

265 263

75 76

Ramallo District
Reid, Dr. David



Rodriguez, Gen. Martin



Rojas Rojas District





Romerate, Comodoro
Roosevelt, Intro


Subscribers to Soldiers' Fund.

Subscribers to

212 217


Chiu-ch. 216
. .

Rosario City

472 468

Subscribers to Merlo S. Fund.

Ryan, Daniel

Subscription to O'Con. Fund.

Subscribers to Giles Church Subscribers to Soldier's

317 230

Saladillo District


Sanches de Mandeville


San San San San

Antonio de Areco Dis

Andres de Giles District Pedro District

Nicolas District


233 Subscribers to Fahey Memo .... 236 243 Subscribers to Fenian Fund 244 Subscribers to Kirby Fund 245 Subscribers to Irish Fund
. .







Subscribers to Irish Liberty Fund,


Salto District

Santa Cruz (Dictator)


Subscribers to L. League

Santa F6




Sarsfield, Velez

446 375

Subscribers to Fenian Prisoners

F. Arrecifes

Savino, Father

Subscribers to

Fahey Testimonial 324


26 223

Subscribers to Cholera Subscribers to Fever

James " Shamrock " Shannon, Capt


Fund .... 334 348 Fund


Subscribers to Irish Hospital 355, 361 Subscribers to Irish Orphan. 389, 435 Subscribers from Santa

59, 125, 199

Sheridan, Peter Sheridan, Dr.




203 475

Sheehy, Fr.
Sisters of


Suipacha District



450 427
18 16

Heart Skennon, Michael Sobremonte, Viceroy

Sisters of the S.

Tain Caorach Halsey " Tatay " Estancia Taylor, Capt



Society of Friends of Ireland.


328 232

Tax Payers

in 1842


C. de Areco



Total Abstainers

262 385

Soriano " Standard,"





Brendan's College


Tormey, Darby Tribune, newspaper Tuaha de Danann, Intro

Turner, Engineer


St. Brigid's


218 376

St. Patrick's Society



Urquiza, Justo Jos6


Stewart, Capt. John

Subscribers to Relief




Great Britain and Ireland. ... 124

Subscribers for Ireland Rel. Subscribers for Irish Chapel

Vandeleur, Col
Vertiz, Intro


Fund 147

Subscribers for Irish Hospital ... 158

Pancho Vaughan, Fr





Veinte Cinco de Mayo, District

253 477



Venado Tuerto,
Ward, Patrick


" Whitman,"


Wymie, Patrick



" Waterwitch," The


Whealan, Michael White. William P

Zarate District


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