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featured Articles WEEKLY columns



Menachem Ziegelboim

4 Dvar Malchus 34 Moshiach & Geula 50 Parsha Thought 62 Shleimus HaAretz


Sholom Ber Crombie


Shneur Zalman Levin


Rabbi Yitzchok Gansbourg ah


Beis Moshiach (USPS 012-542) ISSN 1082-0272 is published weekly, except Jewish holidays (only once in April and October) for $160.00 in Crown Heights. USA $180.00. All other places for $195.00 per year (45 issues), by Beis Moshiach, 744 Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn, NY 11213-3409. Periodicals postage paid at Brooklyn, NY and additional offices. Postmaster: send address changes to Beis Moshiach 744 Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn, NY 11213-3409. Copyright 2013 by Beis Moshiach, Inc. Beis Moshiach is not responsible for the content and Kashruth of the advertisements.

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Tel: (718) 778-8000 Fax: (718) 778-0800 EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: M.M. Hendel

HEBREW EDITOR: Rabbi S.Y. Chazan


Dvar Malchus

As the farbrengen of Shabbos Parshas Shmini 5712 carried on for a long time, one of the elders of the Chassidim asked that the farbrengen be discontinued for the sake of the Rebbe shlitas health. The Rebbe shlita answered with a smile: When the maamer was being said, you stood in the corner, but now you come forward to state opinions?!... The holy face of the Rebbe then became serious and he began speaking on the topic of the nesius, the Rebbes leadership, saying: When you contemplate the greatness of my revered fatherin-law, the Rebbe, and the fact that he has left us I dont know why G-d has done this to us, but that is the way it is. (See also Toras Menachem, Hisvaaduyos Vol. 2, pg. 22, among other places.) It is clear, though, that this did not take place against the Rebbes will, for the whole concept of acting under duress does not apply to the Rebbe. When the Rebbe acquiesces to something particular, it is because that is his will. The fact is that neither you nor I have any other option Be that as it may, regarding those matters that I have accepted upon myself that this is my shlichus, my mission in this world may it be with kindness and with mercy. (See also Yemei BReishis, pg. 387.) In the course of the talk, when one of the Chassidim mentioned the Rebbe Rayatz, referring to him as der Rebbe, nishmaso Eden the Rebbe, whose soul resides in Heaven, the Rebbe shlita protested (with great emotion and tears): Why are you casting away my father-in-law, the Rebbe to Siberia, to Solovki to Gan Eden?! We need him (and he may well need us) here! Even if for this reason it is necessary to extricate him from Gan Eden the Lower Gan Eden or even Supernal Gan Eden it is worthwhile, for the especial quality of Gan Eden (even Supernal Gan Eden) only pertains to G-dly emanations and revelations, whereas when we say lchaim on mashke in the physical world, and we partake of physical foods, there is a manifestation of atzmus umehus Ein Sof baruch Hu, the very essence of G-ds Infinite Light. (The Rebbe shlita concluded, banging his fist on the table and saying) We need the Rebbe together with all the Rebbeim here.
(Toras Menachem 5712, pg. 183)

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4 11 Nissan 5773

Radio Moshiach & Redemption

"The quickest way to reveal Moshiach is by learning the Torah sources about Moshiach & redemption" t"ab,wv grumnu ghrz, p"a

Kupas Rabbeinu
(718) 756-3337 ^ P. O . B . 2 8 8 B r o o k l y n , N e w Yo r k 11 2 2 5 ^

ubhcr ,pue
jhanv lkn r"unst e"f ,uthab ,j,
(718) 467-2500

"ga,wv 'ohrup iaua /v"c

ohyj ,ugn
'uhjha ohnhn,vu a"btn sjtu sjt kfk

ihzruznk tkt ihzrzn ihtu 'vnmgk rcsna vause vjhan gye vzc e,gun hfrm kf kkuf 'ohyhj ,ugn - tnrd inzva ihbgvc yrpcu //vesmc tkt ihktdb ktrah iht" htcd ka utuck ih,nn ubhta 'cuau tumrs iputc ,uhvk vfhrm vzc ,uexg,vva //djv

hrjtk oda tkt - sug tku 'ohyhj ,ugn i,hk unmgc .r tkt 'vesm kfu 'vfrcv hpk ;hxun lrc,b hrva //r,uh sug i,ubu ;hxun 'ohyhj ,ugn i,ba
/(b"a, trehu p"a 'n"vn r"unst e"f ,jhan)

" rugha uz ,pxu,k ihtu 'rfa uk ihphxun //;hxunv

Excerpt of a Sicho Kedoisho, which speaks for itself

The Jews will be redeemed solely through tzedakah... In particular, this applies with regard to the matter relevant at present, maos chittim, tzedakah given for Pesach that includes all of the needs of the holiday. Our involvement with this must be in a manner of ratzo and shov, i.e., one

been blessed should increase his gifts according to the blessing he has been given, And whoever increases will be given additional reward, Indeed, there is no limit to this additional reward, From the sichos of Shabbos Parshas Vayakhel-Pekudei, 5750

should not wait for the tzedakah collector, but instead, rush to give him maos chittim on his own initiative (ratzo) Moreover, even after he has already given maos chittim, he should go and give a second time (shov).... For one who has

jnau raf jxpv dj ,c frcc

ubhcr ,pue sgu oac

rgbtrd /k /h crv

iuxpnhx /n /a crv

h"pg 'wufu ,uhcdnv rta rucgu '"ohrup ,hcdn" "yca s"uh ,hcdn" rucg od jukaku ;hxuvk ohkufh ,jtu sjt kf 'icunf /c/b /vkgnk vnuarv ,cu,fv /hftkn ,hre 1247 /s/, r"unst ,pue ire :e"vtc ,cu,fv



To see the seder of a Jew that is how the Rebbe himself referred to the rare privilege that bachurim in 770 merited in the first twenty years of the nesius. * Four rabbanim and mashpiim, who saw the Rebbes seder as bachurim, describe those unforgettable moments. * From a special video presentation that was made in honor of the Shabbos Achdus for talmidei HaYeshivos by Atah 770.

Rabbi Yosef Yitzchok Offen Mashpia , 5727-5728 Rabbi Gershon Burkis Anash Lud, 5727-5728 Rabbi Yeshaya Hertzl Rav, 5726, 5728 Rabbi Shneur Zalman Labkowski Rosh yeshiva, 5726-5728

R Hertzl: We bachurim made a seder at 676 Eastern Parkway, opposite where Oholei Torah is today. The bachurims seder was attended by talmidim of the yeshiva, not just the Israelis. Each person prepared his own keara, wine and kosos. R Offen: The bachurim would prepare the keara and wait for the Rebbe to come. When the Rebbe would come, he would walk around and look at all the tables and would go into Mussias kitchen and look

everything over. The Rebbe once noted that candles were missing, for a lit candle should be present at Kiddush in honor of Yom Tov. Then the Rebbe would stand and give a bracha. R Hertzl: When the Rebbe came in, he first went inside to see what was going on there. I remember that he pointed something out to Mussia about the food, about the placement of the mezuza, and about the place where they had put the boxes of matzos. Then the Rebbe came

6 11 Nissan 5773

The Rebbe (top right) in the Rebbes Rayatzs apartment

out and said a sicha and began to sing Hop Cossack and we bachurim danced in place. It was in indescribable feeling. As soon as the Rebbe left, we did an express seder, because we wanted to go and see the Rebbes seder. R Offen: We knew that the Rebbe would soon be making a seder and we wanted to see everything, so we did our seder in twenty minutes as we quickly read through the Hagada and skipped the food. After korech

and the egg we immediately ate the Afikoman. R Burkis: We ate the five kzeisim as we were obligated to and then ran off to the Rebbes seder. As R Offen said, it took about twenty minutes to do our Seder and run to 770. We wanted to grab a place. R Offen: Many times we came early and waited for the Rebbe to come. R Burkis: The Rebbe sat on the left and in the center was the

Rebbe Rayatzs chair. Rashag sat on the other side and guests sat around the table. The best spot was behind Rashag since he would ask the Rebbe questions and the Rebbe would answer him, so whoever stood behind him could hear the Rebbes answers. R Offen: Next to the Rebbe Rayatzs chair in the center was a keara prepared for him, which was on a rectangular silver platter; there were also a cup, spoon and fork. Aside from Rashag there were regularly
Issue 874

the right of the keara. Then he would take the egg and put it on the left. R Labkowski: The Rebbe would break a little of the eggs shell so it wouldnt roll away when it was placed on the keara. R Offen: The Rebbe would take a soup spoon full of chazeres, ground horseradish, and put it in his palm. If it was too watery, the Rebbe would squeeze it on the floor. The Rebbe would take four teaspoons full and make the shape of an egg and cover it with lettuce above and below. He would also take a small piece of chazeres that was not ground up. That is how the Rebbe prepared the first maror. R Labkowski: It is interesting that the Rebbe took the greenest leaves from the lettuce and not the inner leaves, and mainly from the upper part. The main part of the maror was the chazeres but the Rebbe wrapped it in a lettuce leaf. R Burkis: The charoses was very dry. When the Rebbe put it in its place on the keara, you could see it was like dry cardboard. R Offen: The Rebbe would take the onion and place it beneath the egg. After he finished, he would say the simanim, i.e. Kadeish, Urchatz, etc. and pour himself wine. R Labkowski: The Rebbe always poured his own wine. The special wine he used was made by the Rebbes shochet, R Yisroel Shimon Kalmanson. It was very strong wine. There were bachurim who made it a point to buy wine from him and after the seder they were out cold. R Offen: The Rebbe would pour until his cup overflowed. He made Kiddush standing and quietly. You did not hear his Kiddush. You could just see that

R Burkis: They brought the soup in a tureen belonging to the Alter Rebbe. It was a wide and deep bowl, made of silver. The Rebbe would take first and then the rest of the people took after he did.
invited guests including the artist R Hendel Lieberman (the brother of R Mendel Futerfas), R Yitzchok Chorgin, R Zalman Teibel, and R Yaakov Katz of Chicago who would read the Hagada. Yankel Katzs son, who was a bachur at the time, would ask the Four Questions. R Labkowski: The Rebbe was intensely joyful. One did not see such simcha even on Simchas Torah. Although on Simchas Torah the Rebbe would dance, this inner joy, tzufridinkait, wasnt there. It was astounding. The Rebbe would do everything on his own; nobody helped him. The Rebbe himself brought the matzos and wine from his room. R Burkis: The Rebbe covered the keara with a white napkin, but we could see there was something hard under the napkin the keara was made of some hard material. The Rebbe would fold the napkin into four and in the three folds that were formed he would insert three matzos. The Rebbe would start preparing the keara. On the table were bowls, each of which contained one of the simanim. There were bowls of small onions, of lettuce, eggs, and pieces of neck that were used as the zroa, maror, and charoses. R Offen: The Rebbe would read the minhag or Halacha from the Hagada and then do it. That was how the seder began, with the Rebbe reading, he should arrange on his table, etc. and then doing it, putting the three matzos on the table, one on top of the other, Yisroel with the Levi on it and then the Kohen, and so on with everything throughout the night. R Burkis: The Rebbe would put napkins on the keara and on each napkin he would place one of the simanim. R Offen: The Rebbe would take the zroa, peel off almost all the meat so only very little remained and would put it on

8 11 Nissan 5773

the Rebbe held the cup as it says in the minhagim. On the Rebbes left was a chair whose back was turned to face the left, on which they placed two pillows which the Rebbe leaned on. Rashag was also given a pillow, but since he was a loyal Chassid of the Rebbe, he did not lean. R Labkowski: The Rebbe would lean with his hand on the chair and didnt actually recline to the left. For Urchatz he would stand up and go to the sink opposite the table and wash his hands. R Offen: The Rebbe would shake the saltshaker three times into the cup of water in front of him, and remove the inner part of the onion with a knife and put it in the saltwater. Then he would take the middle matza and break it inside the napkin. He broke the afikoman into five pieces and put it into its own napkin, which he placed between the pillows on the other chair. The Rebbe arrived at the seder with the Hagada he authored in pamphlet form and with the Siddur of the Arizal. R Yaakov Katz would begin reading the Hagada out loud, slowly, and the Rebbe would read the page quickly and silently and then look at the reasons and minhagim that he wrote, and then in the Siddur of the Arizal. When R Yankel began the next page, the Rebbe began with him too, and again finished the page quickly and read in the two Hagados. That is what happened until they reached a part where you need to cover or uncover the matza. Then the Rebbe waited for everyone. When the Rebbe uncovered the matza, he would uncover all three matzos. Also by VHi ShAmda, the Rebbe waited for everyone, raised his

R Offen: The Rebbe would take a soup spoon full of chazeres, ground horseradish, and put it in his palm. If it was too watery, the Rebbe would squeeze it on the floor. The Rebbe would take four teaspoons full and make the shape of an egg and cover it with lettuce above and below. He would also take a small piece of chazeres that was not ground up. That is how the Rebbe prepared the first maror.
cup, and said it along with the reader. R Labkowski: The Rebbe poured the drops into a broken dish that was placed on the floor. R Offen: The Rebbe poured very little. After pouring all sixteen times, hardly anything was missing from his cup. The Rebbe would refill the cup after all the pouring. R Hertzl: When the Rebbe finished the Hagada, he would read the instructions about Rachtza and Motzi Matza since you cannot speak after washing your hands for matza. Then the Rebbe read the instructions for the maror and took maror. R Offen: The Rebbe went to the kitchen to wash his hands, said the bracha over all the matza, said the bracha on the mitzva of matza and broke off a kzayis from each of the two matzos. R Labkowski: The Rebbe ate the matza with both hands. He would recline as he grasped the broken matzos with both hands and chewed them quickly. Amazingly, not one piece fell from his hands. The matzos were hard to digest, especially when the Rebbe was missing most of his teeth at that time, and so the time for eating was relatively lengthy. We did not look at how much time it took. After finishing eating the matzos, the Rebbe would wipe his teeth with a napkin so no matza crumbs remained between his teeth. The Rebbe would take some

Issue 874

that the Rebbe did not add salt to any other foods. R Offen: During the meal, the Rebbe would dip the matza into salt now and then, even though with the bracha of HaMotzi at the seder we do not dip the matza into salt. The Rebbe would put the salt under the napkin of the matzos so that the crumbs wouldnt scatter. R Burkis: They brought the soup in a tureen belonging to the Alter Rebbe. It was a wide and deep bowl, made of silver. The Rebbe would take first and then the rest of the people took after he did. R Offen: The Rebbe would take three spoons of soup which is what everybody else did too. R Labkowski: One year, they made kneidlach out of potato starch for the soup. One of the helpers thought it was made out of matza meal and told the Rebbe. They immediately corrected him and he hurried to tell the Rebbe of his mistake, but the Rebbe did not eat the soup after that. He never ate the potatoes in the soup, just the liquid. That year, the Rebbe did not eat anything. R Offen: After the soup they served meat. R Labkowski: The Rebbe would eat matza and drink wine at the meal. I thought that this is what is meant when it says [in the Hagada, that at the meal] one eats and drinks his full need (i.e. so as to eat the afikoman when already satiated but not stuffed Ed.). The drinking was definitely his full need. The Rebbe would add wine and drink. R Burkis: During the meal, Rashag would ask the Rebbe questions and the Rebbe would answer him. The Rebbe answered quietly and only those nearby

R Hertzl: At the end of the seder the Rebbe would go downstairs with everyone else following. Downstairs they continued to sing and dance to Keili Ata for a long time. Obviously, a seder like that left an imprint of kdusha and hiskashrus to the Rebbe forever!
charoses in a spoon and put it on the plate beneath the wine cup. He would dip the chazeres into the charoses but not the lettuce. He would take the chazeres, cover it with some lettuce again, and eat it. As he ate the korech, he would dip the chazeres into the dry charoses and not into the charoses in his plate. The Rebbe ate the korech and afikoman with both hands. The Rebbe would add even more chazeres to what was on the plate. It was an awesome sight to see the Rebbe eating that. There was the sense that the Rebbe was taking on the bitterness of all the Jewish people. He would cough and eat, cough and eat. R Offen: Eating the maror took time. Sometimes the Rebbes eyes teared. R Labkowski: For Shulchan Orech, the Rebbe would take the egg, roll it on the table and peel it without leaving any shell. R Hertzl: The Rebbe did not open the egg to check for blood but ate it as is. He did not begin eating until the assistant, in our days that was Shlomo Reinitz, sat down and began eating too. R Offen: After the Rebbe took the egg from the keara, only the zroa and charoses remained on it. They remained there until the end of the meal. R Burkis: When they served fish to the Rebbe, he would pour a lot of salt on it. There was actually a layer of salt on the fish. The Rebbe would eat it as though it was ordinary fish. You could not see any indication on his face that he was eating something inordinately salty. R Offen: Its completely beyond human capacity, impossible, for someone to eat something like that. The Rebbe ate fish that way all year, not only on Pesach. R Labkowski: It is interesting

10 11 Nissan 5773

could hear him. After the seder there was a review of what was said with Rashag and the bachurim who heard repeating it. Excerpts were published in HaMelech BMesibo. R Offen: They usually did not sing, but one time Rashag asked something, and following that they sang Al Achas Kama VKama. R Labkowski: During the meal, on both nights, the Rebbe would ask what time it was a few times. Close to midnight, which in those days before they changed the clock early, was around 12:00, he would stop the meal and move on to the afikoman. At about ten to twelve the Rebbe moved on to the afikoman. I saw how the Rebbe was particular about leaving over a piece of the afikoman and would put it aside under the plate of matzos. R Offen: After the afikoman, the Rebbe gave his cup and the plate dirty with charoses to be washed and dried. After Birkas HaMazon, they drank the third cup. Then the helpers would go to open the door. When it was a weekday, they took candles. From Shfoch Chamascha until the end of Yishtabach, the Rebbe said the words a bit louder so that those standing nearby could hear him. This was the only opportunity during the seder to hear the Rebbes voice. R Labkowski: The Rebbe said Shfoch Chamascha while sitting. From then on, it was completely different. The Rebbe would say the Hagada out loud and with dveikus. It

R Labkowski: The Rebbe was intensely joyful. One did not see such simcha even on Simchas Torah. Although on Simchas Torah the Rebbe would dance, this inner joy, tzufridinkeit, wasnt there.
looked as though the Rebbe was in a completely different world. Pesach night was special. You never saw the Rebbe in such a state at any other time. R Burkis: The Rebbe said the Birkas HaMazon out loud; we heard every word. The Rebbe said Hallel sweetly, out loud and clear. R Hertzl: The Rebbe said Nishmas in a unique way. You could hear the great pleasure the Rebbe had in every word. R Labkowski: The Rebbe said Hallel in a special way, just for seder night. In 5727, the Rebbe repeated the words, To the one Who does great wonders on His own, His kindness is everlasting three times. A month and a half later is when the miraculous Six Day War took place. R Offen: Pouring back the wine from Eliyahus cup was an avoda. The Rebbe would pour from the cup of Eliyahu to his own cup, and from there to the bottle and then back to his own cup and from there to Eliyahus cup and more back and forth an unknown number of times. Those present sang Keili Ata while this was going on. R Hertzl: At the end of the seder the Rebbe would go downstairs with everyone else following. Downstairs they continued to sing and dance to Keili Ata for a long time. Obviously, a seder like that left an imprint of kdusha and hiskashrus to the Rebbe forever!


Issue 874





In issue 872 there was an article about the Kublanov family and their suffering in the Soviet Union. R Krepel Kublanov passed away shortly before Pesach one year ago. He was one of the old-time Chassidim in Bnei Brak who suffered for years in labor camps in Russia. * A number of years ago, he told me his lifes story. The following is about Pesach behind the Iron Curtain.
By Menachem Ziegelboim

Pesach night 5711/1951. The children of the Kublanov family were sitting alone in their parents apartment on 40 Kalina Street in the heart of Leningrad Krepel, Shterna, Luba, Mendel and his wife. The parents, R and Mrs. Eliezer and Elka, were behind bars. The sister Chaike was also in jail. The atmosphere was morose. It was hard to believe it was Pesach, our holiday of freedom. This was during the period when the dictator Stalin reigned. The noose extended to catch religious Jews, especially Chassidim, was tightening. Hundreds of Chassidim had been caught and sent to the

frozen wastelands. Many others disappeared with their fate unknown. Millions of political prisoners were also exiled from their homes. If there was the slightest suspicion about someone being against the government, his fate was sealed. After attempts made by the Kublanovs to escape Russia via Lvov-Lemberg for a life of freedom had failed, their lives were even more precarious. For some reason though, the communists didnt rush to arrest them. They spun a web around them and waited. R Eliezer, a Chassid, G-d fearing, and a man of tzdaka and chesed, was arrested first. On Motzaei Shabbos BReishis 5711, they came to his house in the

dead of night and took him away. This was not the first time; they had been after him for years and he had been arrested previously for brief periods. Three months later they were back, and this time they took the daughter Chaya. A week later the mother was arrested. They were put in the notorious Spalerka prison; it was well known to Anash for this is where the Rebbe Rayatz spent several weeks. It was known for its evil interrogators, the cruel soldiers and abysmal conditions. No wonder then, that the spirits of the remaining children were low. They read the Hagada, told the story about freedom and Geula, about the promise and the hope, and they hoped and prayed

12 11 Nissan 5773

Spalerka prison, where the Kublanov family was taken

that they too would experience redemption and freedom. The Kublanov children did not spend a long time at the table. As soon as they finished the Hagada, the oldest son Mendel and his wife left. The rest of the children went to sleep in a heartbroken state of mind. Not much time elapsed before loud bangs at the door were heard. The police were back and this time they took Krepel. Krepel was 22, a fourth year medical student in the exclusive University of Leningrad. They took him without saying a word and slammed the door behind them. Now the fourth member of the family had been taken. Hashem! Ad Masai? How can we go on?

If that wasnt enough, that same terrible night the wicked ones came back two more times. They took the two daughters Luba and Shterna. Mendel first heard about this in the morning. He realized that he had been saved because he left the house half an hour earlier, but he knew that his turn was next. He was no longer worried. He didnt care if they arrested him. Actually, he wanted to be with his parents; perhaps he could be of help to them.

The brothers ah had much to say about their suffering in the icy wastelands of Siberia and the deserts of Kazakhstan. Days and weeks could go by and they

would not have finished telling everything they went through. It is a mitzva for a person to tell of the miracles that occurred to him, to praise Hashem for the miracles. There is no better time than Pesach when we are told to relate the story. The following is only the story of Krepel, a miraculous story which happened to him on Pesach in the labor camp. It is one episode out of hundreds like it. *** The wheels of the freight train banged rhythmically against the iron tracks. The train, which was designed to transport animals, was bringing thousands of prisoners to labor camps. Among them was the Chassid R Krepel

Issue 874


Kublanov. Stalin had set up a huge city of prisoners that was divided into a number of camps. Vorkuta was its name. It was several thousand kilometers from Moscow, very far from human habitation. About half a million political prisoners and criminals lived here. The winter of 5712 had just begun and piles of snow half a meter high already covered the ground. No trees or vegetation grew there. It was a land of eternal snow and ice where darkness prevailed for half the year. Only in the summer was there some light, more like twilight than daylight. A few days after his arrival, Krepel was attached to a group of prisoners to work in the coalmines. These mines were located about five hundred meters underground. There was an elevator that took them down. The work was backbreaking. Krepel and his work partner, a political prisoner like himself, had to collect coal and load it into a special railroad car. When the two of them finished loading the wagon with half a ton of coal, they had to drag it over the tracks towards the elevator where it was taken up to be sorted and shipped. The work was extremely dangerous. The air in the mine was laced with poisonous gases. Even the slightest spark could blow up the mine and bury the slave laborers inside. This happened often enough. Krepel knew this could be his fate. Outside the mine the temperature was forty below zero and the winds were fierce. Krepel didnt know where it was more dangerous, in the stuffy mine or in the snowdrifts that never melted. He sweated as he pushed the half a ton of coal over the tracks. His thoughts were far away, on his father, mother and sisters. What had happened to them? Where were they now? Were they still alive? A half a year had passed since Krepel had begun working in the coal mine, twelve hours a day. The work was done in shifts around the clock. Bread was measured out, only 600 grams a day, and he felt his strength ebbing. The two hundred meters from the coal mine till the barracks were done on foot in a state of exhaustion. He knew that he couldnt last long and would collapse under the burden. And who knew where hed be buried and who would care when hundreds of thousands perished in far-off Vorkuta. What made it more painful was seeing his fellow prisoners receiving packages from home. These packages revived them for a month or two, strengthening their bodies and mainly their spirits. But he received nothing from home. Who could send him anything? His father? His mother? His sisters who were in other labor camps? be much easier work than the grueling work he was doing. He asked to be registered for the course and presented himself as a medical student who had much knowledge in this field. The woman looked him over and after thinking about it she said coldly, No, you have to work in the coal mines. Krepel was devastated. His hopes were shattered. He dared to ask again, perhaps he would be accepted. The woman repeated her answer and said, Even if you were accepted to this course, you would have to continue working in the coal mines. You could only study the material at the end of your shift. Krepel pictured how he felt at the end of a shift, how his legs faltered and with drooping eyes he dragged himself to his wooden bunk, but he knew this was his only chance. He knew how much it would take out of him but said, I want to do it anyway. From then on, every day, at the end of work, he would stumble over to the medical course. The course took a few months, at the end of which a test was given. Krepel remembered the anatomy and physiology courses he had taken in the university and he added more details than required on the test. He even used Latin medical terms. But the evil people in charge did not provide him with the hoped-for work. They knew what his goal was, to be dismissed from hard labor in the coalmines. A few months passed and he was not called to do any medically related work. One day, he waylaid the woman in charge and said, What will be with me? Can I work as a nurse? Both he and she knew that they were not allowed to talk to one

At some point, Krepel found out that the administration of the camp was providing a special course for prisoners who wanted to learn First Aid. They were interested in this since they lacked medics, and they wanted help from the prisoners in the event of accidents which happened frequently, and other tragedies. Krepel had learned plenty about medicine in his four years in university and he wanted to take the course. He thought his fortunes might improve and he could get accepted to work in the camps hospital, which would

14 11 Nissan 5773

From right to left: The father-R Lazer Kublanov, Dr. Krepel Kublanov, R Mendel Kublanov who helped Rabbi Levi Yitzchok Schneersohn in exile

another. She looked around and then whispered, Wait another few months and it will be okay. Then she quickly walked away. Krepel did not know whether to rely on her vague promise or not. He sadly went back that evening to work in the mines.

The end of winter 5712. The snow was piled high. It was still freezing. The hundreds of thousands of prisoners continued to produce their quotas. There was no mercy. Krepel was adversely affected by the starvation and the elements. He became sick with hepatitis and was sent to the camp hospital. How he had longed for a few days of rest, to be able to lie between sheets and peacefully gaze at the ceiling. The difficulties in the hospital paled in comparison to working underground. After a few days and medical treatment, he began feeling better. He began thinking about the work he would be returning to and his heart sank. One day, a doctor asked him, You studied medicine? Yes, replied Krepel.

Then maybe you can help us. He asked Krepel to get up early every morning and make the rounds of the patients and take their temperature. Krepel was thrilled. Perhaps this would lead to a job in the hospital for him. The next morning he put on the white jacket of a nurse and began making the rounds. He did his work faithfully and professionally. He did more than he was asked to in order to find favor with the senior medical staff. Some days went by like this and Krepel was well enough to be released, but his excellent work was valued by the doctors. Although he was still officially listed as a worker in the coalmines and was not permitted to remain in the hospital any longer, the natchalnik looked away. One night, Krepel approached the bed of one of the patients. He took his temperature, checked his pulse, and wrote the information down in the file. He was about to move when the patient motioned to him that he wanted to speak to him privately. At a certain point, when nobody was in the room, the

patient whispered, Are you a Jew? Krepel said he was and the man asked him, Do you speak Yiddish? Krepel said he did and the mans eyes lit up. The patient was about fifty years old but looked a lot older. My name is Wechsler, he said briefly, and there was a silence. Do you know that it will be Pesach in a few days? Krepel looked at him and remained silent. In his minds eye he could see scenes of the previous Pesach when he was taken from his home on the Leil Shimurim. He looked at the patient and understood what the man wanted. You have matza? Krepel asked though he thought he knew the answer. The man nodded, Yes, but only one. Will you give me half? beseeched Krepel. I cant. I have only a kzayis with which to make a bracha. Krepel gazed into the mans eyes and said, But I am also a Jew. I too need to say a bracha. The patient shrugged and his eyes looked sadder than usual.
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him hospitalized with some illness as an excuse and gave him from my matzos. In order not to be seen, he R Mendel Kublanov, Krepels older brother, added ate them under his blanket and that is how he observed the holiday. this from his memoirs: That same night there was no place for me to sit I spent three Pesachs in labor camps. The first was in 5712 and the last was in 5714. If I had stayed at my and eat the matza. The situation was very dangerous parents house that terrible night for a half hour longer, and I was afraid someone would see me eating it. I put the matza in my pocket and began walking among I would have spent Pesach 5711 in prison too. I was sent to a labor camp in the Rudniy area, about the barracks as I ate it. I recited the Hagada by heart. 1000 kilometers from Karaganda, which is in northern Oy, how I cried! I thought of my father and mother Kazakhstan, in the hot desert. Thousands of prisoners and wondered where they were, what had happened to worked mining copper from the dry earth. I worked as them. That night, I drank more than four cups of tears. a doctor in the local hospital. *** The following story took place on Pesach 5712, my first Pesach as a prisoner. I had received two packages Every year before Pesach, I would get a package of matzos from my wife in Leningrad, along with with matzos in it from my wife. However, every sugar, oil, cooked fruit and nuts. year I worried about the next year. Perhaps I would There were other Chassidim there with me in the be sent somewhere else and she wouldnt know the camp, including R Moshe Mordechai Epstein (Pinsky). address. Perhaps they would not allow me to receive He learned in Lubavitch and was a rav in Niezhin and the package. So I would keep some of the matzos for then an unofficial rav in Leningrad. There were also R the following years Pesach. So that they wouldnt dry Avrohom Fradkin, R Shlomo Berzin, and a Karliner out or get moldy, I took them out once a month and aired them out. Chassid by the name of Moshe Melamed. As I said, the Chassid R Shlomo Berzin was there I had a small pot and I wanted to kasher it before Pesach for me and the other Chassidim. What did we with me. We were very friendly. In 5714, close to do? We made a small bonfire, boiled water and thats Purim, R Shlomo told me that he had found out that how we kashered the pot. While doing so, I couldnt they were about to transfer him to another camp and help it. My emotions overcame me and I said to R he was afraid that his wife would not know where to Moshe Mordechai bitterly, We could be in Leningrad send him matzos and he would remain without matzos now, sitting like princes, as free men. Where are we for Pesach. He asked me to give him some of the matzos that I had. now? Look at us. It was very hard for me to do this. I told him, What R Epstein was an outstanding Chassid with a if I too dont get matzos this year? That is why I kept strong belief and trust in G-d and he said, Mendel, these all year! In the end though, I couldnt withstand maybe Hashem sent us here to this place so we would his entreaties and I gave him my matzos. kasher it for Pesach and do the avoda of birurim here. That was his emuna. The end of the story was that I received a package Before Pesach, R Avrohom Fradkin told me that he of matzos before Pesach and he did too, and we both had some matzos he had received from home, but one celebrated the holiday of freedom, each in his place. of the prisoners had stolen them and he asked me to From an interview with R Mendel Kublanov give him matza. I was afraid for his welfare so I had


I dont know. Well see. He ended the conversation without Krepel knowing what would happen in the end. Krepel said, I am waiting here for you Erev Pesach to get matza from you, and hurried out of the room. Two Jews in the land of ice and snow, frozen in body and

spirit. Arguing about the right to say a bracha and fulfill the mitzva of eating matza.

14 Nissan, Erev Pesach 5712. Krepel circulated among the many hospital rooms, busy over his head with work. Shortly after

noon he suddenly encountered Wechsler. He remembered that sad face of a Jew in galus. Wechsler pushed a faded paper envelope into his hand. Here is the matza, he whispered. If you are caught, dont tell anyone that you got it from me. Otherwise, I will be stuck here for another ten years.

16 11 Nissan 5773

Wechsler disappeared quickly as Krepel caressed the envelope with the pieces of matza in it. He quickly put it into his white jacket. The jacket was filthy and stank. He went to change into a new jacket. Without realizing it, he took the senior doctors jacket and put the matza into the deep pocket. He noticed that along with the matza was included a small Hagada. Unbelievable! A Hagada shel Pesach! Here in the Siberian camp! That night, Krepel secluded himself in his room, locked the door, opened the paper and spread the pieces of matza on the table. It was his first Pesach in Siberia. With tears streaming from his eyes he read the Hagada. When he got up to Motzi Matza, he said the bracha reverentially

Only afterward did Krepel understand that the doctors were also political prisoners who were sentenced there for years for opposition they expressed against Stalin. When they saw his Jewish courage, his unflinching readiness to endanger his own life in order to observe the laws of his religion, they considered him one of them.
and ate the broken pieces in front of him. When he finished his private Seder, he rushed back to his night shift with the patients. The senior doctors and administrative staff showed up the next morning as usual. They went over to Krepel, as they always did, in order to get a report about the patients and how they did the night before. They surrounded him and heard his usual report. Suddenly, a doctor patted Krepels lapel and angrily asked, Where did you get this new jacket from? Ah, a Zhid, a thief. Where did you take it from? Take it off this instant before I throw you out of the hospital! Krepel was frightened. Although he was always the

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black sheep on the medical team, nobody paid attention to him; but they had never treated him like this. He quickly removed the jacket and the doctor snatched it from him. He shook the jacket vigorously as though wanting to vent his anger and as he did so, some crumbs fell out. The doctor looked at the crumbs, bent down to the ground and collected a few. When he stood up again, he stared at Krepel and said, Matza, right? Ah, today is Passover for the Jews, is it not? The doctors and the hospital administrator stood around and stared at Krepel who stood there alone among them, a persecuted Jew on the morning of the Holiday of Freedom. The question was direct. Thoughts swirled around Krepels head. Should he admit it or deny it? Who knew how many years they would add on to his sentence because of this awful crime? He felt the noose tightening around him as they stood there waiting for his response. He knew he could not delay any longer and he said, Yes, its matza, as he waited for the ax to fall. A long moment passed, an eternity. The doctor looked at the other doctors and they looked at him, waiting for him to say something. Krepel felt as though the earth was open beneath him and was about to swallow him. The doctor then put his hand on his shoulder and in a quiet voice he said, Youre all right. He turned to look at the other doctors and said, Hes one of ours! At first, Krepel had no idea what had just happened. He thought the doctor was making a mockery of him, but the doctors dispersed. Only afterward did Krepel understand that the doctors were also political prisoners who were sentenced there for years for opposition they expressed against Stalin. When they saw his Jewish courage, his unflinching readiness to endanger his own life in order to observe the laws of his religion, they considered him one of them. If until then, Krepel was a marginal member and not considered a member of the medical team, from then on he was one of the boys. He was accepted by them as an equal. He worked with the patients day and night, examining them and devoting himself to them to the best of his ability. This depleted him of his strength, and with so little food he lost weight quickly. Nevertheless, he continued to do his work, his main goal being not to lose his position. On the last day of Pesach, Krepel was suddenly called to the office of the hospital administrator. She was known for her toughness and attention to detail, which was why they all feared her. This summons did not bode good news. Dr. Kublanov, she began curtly. Are you sick or is something amiss? I see that you look sick. Tomorrow go to the central hospital where you will be examined. Her generosity was a fake. Krepel realized that being hospitalized meant losing his position. He knew that it was highly unlikely that he would be able to return to his job, and who knew what hard labor they would send him to do. He decided to fight for his job at all costs. I would like to know are there are any problems? Have I made any errors with my patients? Did anyone complain about me? The woman was as surprised by what he said as by his brazenness. She said that no complaint had been issued against him But look at you, she said in a compassionate voice. She tapped nervously on her desk with her pen and then said, Id like to tell you a secret, but you must not tell anyone. Krepel was taken aback by the personal note and nodded. My husband is a senior official in the KGB and he told

Krepel Kublanov went on to tell of the last Pesach he spent in the camps. In the merit of his avoidance of chametz, he received the joyous news of his sudden release, three years early. Krepel spent five Pesachs in the labor camps, from 5713 to 5717. He spent the last Pesach in a prison camp in Moldavia, about 450 kilometers from Moscow. This camp was easier and more comfortable than the first camp he had been in, and the climate was more pleasant. Since the death of Stalin, life in general was much easier. The atmosphere of terror diminished significantly. In this camp, Krepel worked as a doctor in the local hospital. Five years in prison did not diminish his yearning to be released and return home; especially after he found out that his older brother Mendel had been released early. Mendel located Krepel and several months before Pesach he sent him a package with matza and sugar. Krepel was determined to avoid chametz this year, once again. He had matza and even a treat like sugar, but he worked hard and lack of nourishment made him weak.

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me that in another two months a special governmental committee will be coming here for the purpose of releasing prisoners before their sentence is up. This committee will examine the files of various prisoners and those whose crimes are not that serious will be released from the camp after they make a formal request for clemency. Krepel was dumbfounded by this news. He had noticed the easing of restrictions and the changes that followed Stalins

death, but he was surprised to find out that the government was going so far. I request of you, she said, to hang on for another two months. Just two months. And then, when you are called before them, express your regret at the attempt to escape and you will be released early. She finished what she had to say and the coldness came back to her face. She ordered him to leave the room. Indeed, two months later, the committee arrived. Krepel

expressed his regret and they approved his early release home, three years less than what had been originally meted out to him. So it was on Pesach that Krepel received news of his impending freedom; this was a result, he believed, of his care not to eat chametz on Pesach. The circle of pain and suffering that had begun on Pesach 5711 was closed on Pesach 5717.
From an interview with R Krepel Kublanov ah

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Issue 874




200,000 listeners to the religious Kol BRama radio station hear R Ami Maimon every day, during the afternoon peak listening hours. He passes the time with Torah quizzes, parsha material and Chassidic songs. From Amis perspective, the radio program is a tool for hafatzas hamaayanos and a way to publicize the Rebbes messages. * His programs are upbeat and include thoughts from the HaYom Yom and ideas from the Rebbes sichos. They have inspired many people to learn the daily Chumash as the Rebbe wants. * In this interview with Beis Moshiach, Ami tells about his shlichus in the media and about his sick son.
By Sholom Ber Crombie

sraeli radio broadcaster Gabi Gazit visited the religious radio studio of Kol BRama in Bnei Brak recently. Quotes from Gazit have filled many a headline in the religious newspapers, for he sees himself as an anti-chareidi (anti ultraOrthodox) warrior in the war against chareidim. However, this visit was conciliatory, which is why the directors of the station invited Gazit during the broadcast of the program Chidodon with Ami Maimon. They were convinced

that Maimon, with his personable style, would be able to melt the tough Gazit. Within minutes, Gazit was working along with Maimon and appearing on the broadcast in the middle of the program. This visit was just another example of the success of one of the most popular radio programs in the religious sector. Regular listeners to the program know that behind the microphone sits a Lubavitcher Chassid, who considers his work in radio as shlichus. Maybe that is the secret

to the success of the program that has earned high ratings, even bypassing some of the best programs on Israeli radio.

Ami Maimon is an unusual figure in the world of religious broadcasting, and certainly in the world of Israeli broadcasting in general. Despite his dizzying success which translates into hundreds of thousands of listeners every day, he is unwilling to allow this to affect his life one iota. If you were to ask him, his

20 11 Nissan 5773

work is his shlichus. When I asked him how he got to such a prominent position, he told his story and explained that it all came from his being a Chassid who wanted to do his shlichus. We lived in Bat Yam, outside of the Chabad community, but my parents gave each of my brothers Lubavitcher names like Shneur Zalman and Menachem Mendel. His parents are mekuravim of Chabad and he was sent to

Chabad schools. He went on to Tomchei Tmimim in Kiryat Gat and became a full-fledged Lubavitcher. When he finished the yeshiva program he wrote to the Rebbe that he had a nice shidduch offer even though he was only eighteen, as is customary among Sephardim. He said that he had met the girl whom he liked and he asked if he should get married. A few days later, R Groner, the Rebbes secretary, called him and conveyed the Rebbes answer: Haskama and bracha

and dont postpone the wedding. Two months later the happy couple stood under the chuppa. They went on shlichus to a moshav in the south where they opened a Chabad House and devoted themselves to the people in the area. They were successful and started a series of shiurim, but after two years they were called back to Amis hometown to help with the shlichus in Bat Yam. After consulting with mashpiim and friends, the Maimons packed up and moved to Bat Yam where they are part of the nucleus of the

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Chabad community there. Ami organized the Chabad Houses major events and the idea came up of starting a musical production which would also support their shlichus activities. I wrote to the Rebbe through the Igros Kodesh and I opened to an answer with the words marbin bsimcha (increase in joy) at the top of the page. The letter was all about good news and the words mevaser tov (bearer of good tidings) appeared a number of times. I decided to get to work, and I called the recording studio that I set up Mevaser Tov. Ami continued thinking about how to get the Rebbes message out on a national scale. Religious radio stations were developing at this time and there were many devoted to Torah lectures. Ami offered a daily program to one of the stations for the bein hazmanim (intersession) period, with Torah quiz games. They accepted his suggestion and he got to work. Tens of thousands of listeners loved the program. The listeners did not necessarily know that most of the questions asked in the quiz were taken from the Rebbes teachings. For example, questions the Rebbe raises on Rashi in Chumash starred in the program with Bnei Torah from all over the country trying to resolve the questions. At the end of the week, the answers were given from Likkutei Sichos. I started saying how important it is to learn Chumash every day without saying that its a horaa from the Rebbe. I would say as our Rebbeim the Nsiim say, and mention things from that days Rashi. I soon received a lot of feedback from people who began absorbing the message that we are instructed to learn the daily portion of Chumash with Rashi.


After the ultra-Orthodox pirate radio stations (which the ultra-Orthodox tend to refer to as Arutzei HaKodesh, the sacred stations) were closed by the government, Kol BRama started four years ago. Ami was invited to join the staff. He says that when he went for an interview and the manager discovered that he was a Lubavitcher, he asked, Are you a Meshichist? When Ami said yes, the manager said, Youre hired. He didnt even ask for the usual pilot program. I brought the concept from the radio program that I had done Bein Hazmanim. We started a program that combines Torah concepts, but its presented in a fun, light way. My goal is to make people happy; people enjoy the upbeat style. After a few weeks, I was called by the manager who told me that the program would be given two hours instead of one hour. Ratings jumped and showed that people enjoy a quality program that presents material in a cheerful way. Every listener knows the line from the HaYom Yom: A neshama descends to the world for 70-80 years in order to do a favor for a fellow Jew, etc. Its a key line that I always repeat and try to live. I decided to start the program with the goal of making people happy. That is all I wanted. So this program is the happiest one on the station. I constantly try to encourage people and bring them simcha. Listeners are regularly exposed to ideas from Chassidus about simcha. The TGI poll shows, time after time, that the program beats out the programs on the official Israeli radio channels.

I asked Ami how he continues to view this work as a shlichus despite the praise. He said, Ill give you an example of what the program is like and youll see what I mean when I talk about shlichus. The Rebbe spoke often about there being six constantly obligatory mitzvos (cited in the introduction to Seifer HaChinuch). Someone told me that the Rebbe mentions this in fifty sichos and I had to bring this to the awareness of my listening audience. I thought about what he said. We decided to do a serious production and invited all the leading Chassidic singers to record 27 compositions on this topic. We did a huge performance and produced a CD with the songs. Throughout this time, any listener who called in was asked What are the six constantly obligatory mitzvos? and whoever knew the answer got a ticket to the performance or got the CD. It was a hit which really excited the listeners and got the Rebbes message out. The daily program is full of thoughts from the Rebbe. Every week, questions are posed from Rashi sichos. I am shocked to discover learned people who dont know these simple answers. Then there are the Lubavitchers who know what Im up to and they look up the answers in the sichos and answer correctly. There is a rosh kollel from Bnei Brak who always calls to respond to questions. He enjoys the Torah discussion that takes place on a high level. Over time, he became convinced of the importance of learning Rashi and today he encourages his talmidim to learn it too. There are other ways to bring the Rebbes message in a broadcast. For example, if there is a halachic question about the

22 11 Nissan 5773

international dateline, then I say, For example, if someone flies to the Rebbe In conversations with listeners too, they often get to hear what the Rebbe has to say along with Chassidic thoughts. I know that thanks to the segment Rosh BRashi, which is about that days Rashis, many people have begun learning Chumash daily.

There is a rosh kollel from Bnei Brak who always calls to respond to questions Over time, he became convinced of the importance of learning Rashi and today he encourages his talmidim to learn it too.
tell him that they listen to his program every afternoon. The reason, he thinks, is that people relate to positive messages and enjoy the general atmosphere. I try to see to it that everyone will have a point in the program that he can relate to, and its all infused with the Rebbes shlichus. There is always an emphasis on positive messages, on the topic of Ahavas Yisroel, on ideas from the parsha from the Rebbes teachings to repeat at the Shabbos table. There is also an emphasis on the topic of shleimus haaretz. I often dedicate songs to politicians who defend shleimus haaretz in order to support them. *** Today, the listening audience consists of over 200,000 people every day. They include public figures, people in the media, and rabbanim. Ami is convinced that the programs success is thanks to the Rebbes shlichus. Its like the Rebbe is saying to me, you do hafatzas hamaayanos and Ill take care of the rest; and it works. In addition to Amis regular broadcasts, he tries to convey
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This program is meant to bring joi de vivre to people and that is why its successful, says Ami. He said that one time he wrote to the Rebbe about some personal matters and opened to an answer in which the Rebbe wondered why he did not say that he cheered people up. Ami told me about a lot of feedback from the general public who are not religiously observant, who


Chabad values in special broadcasts that take place on special days in the Chabad calendar when he hosts mashpiim for farbrengens on the air. Each of these farbrengens deals with the message of the day. He regularly invites Chabad musician Avi Piamenta and R Avishai Efargun along with mashpiim and guest lecturers who create a farbrengen in the studio. Even the programs for Yemei hilula for those who are not Lubavitch are connected with Chabad. For example, in the broadcast for the hilula of Baba Sali ztl in Netivot, the emphasis was on the special relationship between Baba Sali and the Rebbe. For last years hilula of the Arizal on 5 Av, Ami brought on the air Chabad activists involved in good works and spreading the wellsprings, who spoke about publicizing the teachings of the holy Ari. These programs are immensely popular, cause a great Kiddush Hashem, and show the special connection between various tzaddikim and the teachings of Chabad. eating as a result, and IV and other treatments have been used. What did you think when you found out about your sons rare disease? Just simcha, said Ami unhesitatingly. We knew that there is just one way to heal him and that is through simcha. The illness developed in stages. At first, he began limping a little, and then he stopped eating, until he was finally hospitalized. After a number of weeks of being in the hospital, the doctors did not find a cure. They told me one day, as I was broadcasting, that the doctors said he is on his deathbed. I told my listeners that there is a very sick boy in the hospital and I described his condition. Then I said it was my son. I told the listeners that I wasnt asking for any money since, unfortunately, there is no cure or operation that can save him. I asked them to rent the heavens with their prayers. I began to enlist volunteers to undertake the saying of Thillim, all this being done live. Two weeks later, my son was released from the hospital. He suffers from partial paralysis, he does not speak and cannot eat normally, but we know we have a great gift. He taught our family an enormous lesson. I watch my children, see how they care for him and how they treat him, and I know he is a gift. During the many weeks we were in the hospital, we turned the department into a mivtzaim center and a place of simcha. We intended to strengthen others but were strengthened ourselves. We did activities with children, Shabbos meals, farbrengens, menorah lighting, and more. We put tfillin on with all the staff members and sent all the mezuzos in that department to be checked. Throughout this time, we continued having him wash his hands at the bedside, daven three tfillos a day, and do all the things a parent would do with a Chassidishe child. The child was released after three months, but Ami did not forget the other children in the ward. Every Yom Tov he does a live broadcast from the pediatric ward of Tel HaShomer hospital, and hosts singers and entertainers to cheer the kids up. When my son was in the hospital, many people asked me how I managed to live in two worlds, i.e. doing upbeat broadcasts every day and then going to the hospital to sleep at his bedside at night. I explained that I dont have two worlds, because we brought this simcha to the hospital too. I think he feels this love and it gives him the ability to fight the illness. Ami became aware of the work of Yad L Yeled HaMeyuchad of Aguch in Eretz Yisroel. He was amazed by the services they provide families with children with special needs and decided to get involved. The main thing Ami does is arrange the musical events for the special-needs children, which include programs with the biggest names in Jewish music. Some of the events were broadcast live to hundreds of thousands of listeners. One of these events is the annual Simchas Beis HaShoeiva that the organization does. In Amis office are many plaques given to him in recognition of his work for various non-profits. A significant portion of his broadcasts are dedicated to acts of chesed and extending a hand to the seriously ill. In one case, he was able to raise money on his broadcasts


When you meet Ami Maimon, you meet a happy Chassid who puts a smile on hundreds of thousands of faces every day. You still see the simcha and smile even when he talks about his son who is suffering from a rare illness, and has been undergoing difficult medical treatment for years now. He speaks about this with the same simcha and emuna. Of his 18 children, one of the younger ones was diagnosed with a terrible illness when he was four and the doctors have not been able to cure him. The illness causes foods not to break down in the body. The child stopped

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to cover all the expenses for a Lubavitcher who was stricken with a life-threatening illness and had to be flown abroad for a complicated operation. The man is now a happy father who works in spreading Torah and Chassidus.


Over the years, R Ami has made connections with many Israeli cultural icons whom he convinces to increase in mitzvos and learn about Judaism. There is a singer by the name of Kobi Aflalo who said, while on Amis broadcast, that he was committing to keeping Shabbos and putting on tfillin every day. He was simply won over by what was said. In other cases, journalists who went to the station for the purpose of writing up a negative article were charmed by the program and ultimately wrote a flattering article. How do you explain your success in conveying messages that dont always go over so easily? The greater the emuna a person presents, the greater his impact on others and the likelihood that the other person will accept what he has to say. If a person is confident, and he presents what he has to say confidently and with emuna, it will be accepted. I have many listeners who are Bnei Torah and when they meet people who speak their language there is no reason for them not to accept what he is saying. I have often brought up Moshiach-related topics and I have presented the halachic angle of the Rambam. When it is done with expertise in the material, the listeners are receptive. People hear that you are a rational person and

Another aspect of Amis success has to do with the many Chabad niggunim that have gone main-stream.
of the Tzemach Tzedek and I played it. People loved it and I began playing it on every show. I wanted people in the religious world to recognize the niggun. Today, nearly all the religious radio stations play it and people are dancing to this Chabad niggun. Ami has siyumim every day during the Three Weeks, as the Rebbe says to do. People at the station know that I dont go on vacation at this time, because it is important to me that there be a siyum every day. The listeners take part in the siyumim and fulfill the Rebbes horaa. Ami started it and now other religious radio stations have broadcasts during the Three Weeks. It has become what people expect at this time of year. In conclusion: It is time that we brought the Rebbe to every single Jew and we have the ability to do so. Its a question of wanting to and putting in the effort. If you really want it, you can bring the Rebbes message in a most dignified manner. We have a message to convey to the world. Lets not sleep on the job.

hold a respected position, and it makes them receptive to what you have to offer. I often have discussions about Moshiach on my broadcasts from the halachic perspective, and it makes people realize there is whole world here for them to learn. For example, I once asked a question that the Rebbe raises in a sicha: Who gives a king a haircut? The king must have a haircut every day, but nobody is allowed to give him that haircut. People walked around with that question for days until they finally found the answer. The answer is, someone from the Malchus Yisroel would give a haircut to the king from Malchus Dovid, and someone from Malchus Dovid would give a haircut to the king of Malchus Yisroel. What stood out in this discussion was that we will imminently merit the Geula and so the question is a practical one. It got people to see that there is a whole range of Torah topics that relate to Moshiach and Geula. Another aspect of Amis success has to do with the many Chabad niggunim that have gone main-stream. One day, I remembered a niggun from the Chassidim

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It is 32 years since the original Seifer Torah shel Yaldei Yisroel was written, a unique mivtza, never done before. * The first letter was written on 11 Nissan when the Rebbe entered his 80th year. * The Rebbe attributed enormous importance to every Jewish child being registered for a letter. When children were in critical condition, the Rebbe would ask whether they have a letter in the Seifer Torah. * 5 Sifrei Torah! Over one-and-a-half million children!
By Shneur Zalman Levin

26 11 Nissan 5773

little boy who lived behind the Iron Curtain asked his father, What is a Seifer Torah? His father, who was also born after the Communist Revolution and did not know the answer, replied, Why are you asking? Where did you hear of such a thing? The child said that his friend had asked him if he wanted to buy a letter in a special Torah being written for children all over the world. Something told the father that this had to do with something Jewish, and he said: Ask someone older; perhaps he can answer your question. The child went to one of the old people and asked his question. The senior took a long time explaining many Jewish concepts that he still remembered. This led to lengthy discussions; later on, the family went to look at the abandoned shul in order to see for themselves what a Torah scroll looks like. They bought letters for the children in the family. That was the first step which led to a great interest in Judaism on the part of the family. The Rebbe told this story at a farbrengen on 17 Tammuz 5741 as testimony to the power that lies within buying a letter for a child in a Torah scroll. It is a mivtza (campaign) that has been responsible for being mekarev many Yidden to Torah. In certain cases, this simple deed was the catalyst that resulted in significant change in peoples religious observance.

had founded Tzivos Hashem, the worldwide youth movement for Jewish boys and girls under the age of bar/bas mitzva. At that farbrengen, the Rebbe devoted a sicha to Tzivos Hashem and pointed out the power that children have to be mekarev their parents to Torah and mitzvos, returning the hearts of the fathers through the children. The Rebbe said that in the physical world we live in, it is important to do some physical action through which the unity of all the soldiers in Tzivos Hashem would be apparent. This action had to be connected with Torah, for it is only through Torah that we can truly unite the Jewish people. This is as we saw at Mattan Torah, and they camped facing the mountain camped is in the singular, say our Sages, to denote as one man with one heart. The Rebbe then announced the new campaign: a special Torah would be written on behalf of every Jewish boy and girl under bar/bas mitzva, to include those already registered in Tzivos Hashem and those not yet registered.

The Torah arrives at the Kosel


The Rebbe dedicated three farbrengens in a row to this topic, day after day. He spoke about all aspects of the campaign and went into great detail, delineating the practical steps that needed to be taken. For example, the Rebbe established the price for a letter, one dollar or its equivalent in the local currency where the child lived. The Rebbe also said that the Torah would be written in Eretz Yisroel, the land which Hashem your G-d seeks, the eyes of Hashem your G-d are constantly upon it from the


The campaign for a letter for every Jewish child in the world in a Torah scroll began at the 11 Nissan 5741 farbrengen to mark the Rebbes birthday. It was only a few months after the Rebbe

beginning of the year till the end of the year. Within Eretz Yisroel, the Rebbe designated the Old City of Yerushalayim specifically, for it expresses the idea of unity as the focus of all Jews. Not only that, the Rebbe added that the Torah should be written in the Tzemach Tzedek shul, the only building in the Old City of all the shuls there, whose walls and roof are extant from the day it was built until today, despite the war and upheavals the city endured. This indicates the absence of change and its eternality. The Rebbe said the writing should begin immediately on 11 Nissan, and should be completed that same year, a Hakhel year, at least by the following Erev Rosh HaShana, the birthday of the Tzemach Tzedek.

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to which the Rebbe devoted such attention to every detail. The Rebbe attributed great importance to the part each child took in buying his letter. It is not enough for the parents to buy letters for their children, said the Rebbe. When the child is older, he should buy a letter from his own money and write the personal information himself including his Jewish name, his mothers name, his birthday and address. In this way, the child will take an active role in buying a letter and be a full partner in this unifying act. Babies who cannot write by themselves will have their parents fill out the form for them. It is important to remember that every action a baby sees or hears, even from his first day, is etched in his memory and can affect him to his final day. The Rebbe said a special certificate should be given to each child and even this certificate was given particular attention by the Rebbe. He said it should be treated as an official document with the signature signed properly according to the halachos about Jewish documents. This would give the acquisition of letters an additional importance. When a child received this certificate, he would be able to take pride in it and hang it prominently in his room, show it to his friends, and influence them to do as he did and buy a letter. When the Rebbe examined the design of the certificate, he said the picture of the Kosel should be printed on the right (instead of the left) and a picture of Kever Rochel should be added on the left. The Rebbe also instructed that ten adults (in addition to rabbanei Anash and the sofrim involved in the work) should buy a letter for themselves in each of


It was said previously that the writing of the childrens Torah should be done with great alacrity in a way that the writing will be completed this year, a Hakhel year. When they finish writing the Torah, they will immediately begin writing a second Torah for Jewish children. Since the coming of Moshiach is associated with the idea of vacating all the neshamos in Guf, over the next months surely many boys and girls will be born so that there will be enough children to buy all the letters in the second Torah too. Jewish children, the tinokos shel beis rabban, are called (in the Torah of Truth) by the term Moshiach, as Chazal say, al tigu bimshichoi eilu tinokos shel beis rabban. A king (including Melech HaMoshiach) must have two Sifrei Torah as it says, when he sits on the royal throne he should write a copy of this Torah, two Sifrei Torah, one for his treasury and one that goes and comes with him. These two Sifrei Torah of Jewish Children, who are called by the term Moshiach, are (like) the two Sifrei Torah of Melech HaMoshiach.


May the writing of the Sifrei Torah shel Yaldei Yisroel who are called Meshichoi, hasten the true and complete Geula through Moshiach Tzidkeinu even more. May each and every Jew soon merit learning the Torah of Moshiach from the mouth of Moshiach. As the Shnas Hakhel emphasizes the king reads the Torah in the Beis HaMikdash in a way of gather the nation, men, women, and children etc. Writing the Torah in the Old City of Yerushalayim within the walls will be an immediate preparation for the fulfillment of the promise Hashem who builds Yerushalayim, including the walls of Yerushalayim, as it says, and I will be for her a wall of fire around, and until the fulfillment of the promise prazos teisheiv Yerushalayim with the coming of Moshiach speedily in our days.

When Moshiach comes, the Jewish children who are referred to as Moshiach would have two Sifrei Torah, corresponding to the two Sifrei Torah that every king (including Melech HaMoshiach) needs to write for himself.
The scribes got to work and finished the first Torah in the month of Av and made the siyum celebration on 20 Av at the Kosel.


The campaign for a letter in the Torah for every Jewish child was one of the only campaigns

28 11 Nissan 5773

the Sifrei Torah that would be written. This would avoid any halachic issues resulting from the fact that the Torah belonged entirely to children who were not bnei mitzva.


Whenever you want something to be done properly, you need to appoint mashgichim (supervisors) whose job it is to oversee the project so that it is done as it should be. The Rebbe said this and placed the responsibility for supervising the campaign on the rabbanim, members of the Beis Din Rabbanei Chabad in Eretz Yisroel. The very next day an urgent meeting was held by the rabbanim in Yerushalayim. Practical discussions took place to carry out the project in an organized manner and in accordance with all of the Rebbes instructions. The Rebbe said that the office that oversaw the campaign should be located in Kfar Chabad. The rabbanim chose the scribe, R Shlomo Aharon Henig, to write the Torah. High quality parchment and ink were bought that very day and on 11 Nissan 5741 the first letters were written. After a few weeks, the rabbanim asked another sofer, R Shimshon Kahane, to join the work of writing the special Torah along with R Henig. The campaign immediately became known to the public, and thousands of people wanted to register their children. Even before an organized system was put into place, names were collected in all Chabad centers all over the world. The rabbanim held a second meeting in which

Mivtza Headquarters

When a child received this certificate, he will be able to take pride in it and hang it prominently in his room, show it to his friends, and influence them to do as he did and buy a letter.
Rabbi Shmuel Greisman, a shliach to Eretz Yisroel, was asked to undertake the coordination of the campaign. R Greisman accepted the challenge and he continues in this position till today. Throughout the campaign, the Rebbe did not stop encouraging and urging them on. The Rebbe said that since we are about to experience the hisgalus of Moshiach, and Chazal say, Ben Dovid [Moshiach] will not
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Thousands of men, women, and children gathered at the Kosel. It was a variegated crowd from all groups and all ages, all having come to take part in the simcha of the completion of the Torah. This Torah was a joint effort of Jews from all over the world, from all khillos and groups. Dozens of Admurim, rabbanim, roshei yeshiva, leaders and public figures graced the affair. The Torah of unity was carried triumphantly with song and dance to the Kosel, before it was brought to its permanent place in the Tzemach Tzedek Beis Midrash in the Jewish quarter. The joy reached a peak when the Rebbes sicha was broadcast live from 770. The crowd was thus able to participate in the Rebbes farbrengen. The Rebbe spoke about the special qualities of this Torah which unites the Jewish people, even those whose connection to mitzvos was not apparent. The Shleimus HaTorah which was accomplished here, said the Rebbe, affected Shleimus HaAm as well, and strengthened Shleimus HaAretz; it is the power of Torah that gives strength in all areas, openly and tangibly. Upon R Dworkins return, he was immediately called to the Rebbes room and asked for a detailed report of the event. The Rebbe listened and took an interest in everything that had taken place. At the farbrengen of Parshas BChukosai, the Rebbe said that the Torah that had been completed at the Kosel and rested within the walls of the Ir HaAtika (Old City) of Yerushalayim (Atik from the root meaning strong), strengthened and intensified true shalom in the world.

For the siyum of the second Torah scroll, the Rebbe sent a special bottle of vodka and included twenty five-lira coins. Many Chassidim felt that there was a special symbolism in this; the twenty coins represented the date, 20 Av, the day of the siyum, and a five-lira coin was chosen to represent the five books of the Torah. A lion was engraved on the coin which represents the mazal of the month of Av. come until all the souls in Guf are vacated, certainly many more babies would be born to the Jewish people and they also need letters in the Torah scroll, so a second Torah would be needed. When Moshiach comes, the Jewish children who are referred to as Moshiach (as it says, do not touch My anointed ones this refers to the schoolchildren) would have two Sifrei Torah, corresponding to the two Sifrei Torah that every king (including Melech HaMoshiach) needs to write for himself. before they were named, and their name would be sent in afterward to the office in Kfar Chabad. Gdolei Yisroel of all groups expressed their enthusiasm for the cause by supporting it and buying letters for their descendants in the special Torah to unite Jewish children (see sidebar). Over the summer, 304,805 letters were bought and the first Torah was completed in record time. The news was publicized all over the world and preparations were made for the siyum that would take place on 20 Av, the yahrtzait of the Rebbes father, Rabbi Levi Yitzchok. The siyum ceremony took place at the Kosel in an unusual, beautiful way. The Rebbe sent a distinguished personal emissary, R Zalman Shimon Dworkin, the rav of Crown Heights, to the siyum. R Dworkin brought $1200 along with him, the Rebbes personal participation in the costs of writing the Torah: buying the parchment, the ink, and paying the scribes. The Rebbe designated another sum to buy two parochos, velvet covers for the Torah, one blue and one white. R Dworkin was asked to give another sum to tzdaka. He also bought a bottle of vodka with him that the Rebbe sent especially for the event, as well as a bottle that had been sent to the Rebbe from a Chassidishe farbrengen that took place in Soviet Russia.


People throughout the world began diligently registering children. They made efforts to reach every Jewish boy and girl. Unprecedented dedication characterized this mivtza, as Anash saw what unusual attention the Rebbe was devoting to it since he spoke about it at every farbrengen. Time and again, the campaign was highlighted. If a boy or girl passed the Rebbe, they were immediately asked whether they already had a letter in the Torah; parents who asked for a bracha for their children were told to buy a letter in the special Torah which would bring blessing to them. The Rebbe said that even newborn babies should have a letter bought for them, even

30 11 Nissan 5773


The writing of the second Torah began at the siyum and the sale of letters continued unabated. Numerous people continued to register and unite even more Jewish children. However, the initial enthusiasm had weakened and the rate at which letters were purchased slowed down so that the second Torah was completed only five years later on 20 Av 5746. Once again, a siyum was held with a large crowd who attended an impressive ceremony. Like the first time, thousands of people crowded at the Kosel and the simcha was shared by all. The Rebbe sent a bottle of vodka and included twenty fivelira coins. This Torah too was brought with song and dance to the Tzemach Tzedek shul. With the completion of the second Torah, the third Torah was begun. Nine years went by and in Elul 5755, which was also a Hakhel year, the third Torah was completed. For the third time, a beautiful siyum was held at the Kosel and the Aron Kodesh in the Tzemach Tzedek shul welcomed a third Torah. This was followed by a fourth Torah in 5765 and a fifth one completed this past summer.

The completion of the writing of the Torah in the Tzemach Tzedek shul in the Old City


The Rebbe told the directors of the mivtza to send him, each week, lists of names of children who had bought letters that week. R Daniel Dahan of France told the following story in connection with this: A woman who was acquainted with my family and became involved in Judaism in France went to visit 770. During her

Dancing in the shul

stay there, she went for dollars for tzdaka. When it was her turn, the Rebbe gave her an additional dollar for her husband and another three dollars for her children. The woman was emotionally overwrought and after she moved on and calmed down she went to the secretariat in order to submit a letter to the Rebbe. Although she had five children, the Rebbe had

only given her dollars for three. She ended her letter saying she greatly desired knowing why the Rebbe did this. In his response, the Rebbe wrote that the number of dollars corresponded to the number of her children who had bought a letter in the Torah. Afterward, to her amazement, she discovered that this was the case. Two of her

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life, it would be nothing like it was before. The family was horrified, and as they tried to digest this awful news a young woman appeared on mivtzaim. The parents told her what was going on and she suggested that they buy a letter for him. The parents agreed and sat down to write a letter to the Rebbe with a request for a bracha. The Rebbe sent his bracha, and at the end of his letter he asked if they had bought a letter for him yet. The parents were happy to be able to respond that they had. Two days later their sons condition began to improve. By the end of the week when the young lady visited the hospital again, she did not find the family at the ICU, for the child had been transferred to the regular pediatric ward and eventually recovered fully.

Regarding buying letters for Jewish children there are some more details: Boys and girls who are soon to be bar/bas mitzva, even on 12 Nissan, can still utilize the final day (11 Nissan) that they are still not yet bar/bas mitzva and quickly buy a letter. For as long as they are still not bar/bas mitzva, they can participate in the writing of the special Torah that is being written by and in the merit of Jewish children who are not yet bar/bas mitzva. But after they are bar/ bas mitzva, they cannot participate in the writing of this Torah (only in a Torah written by adults) and so they should take advantage of their special opportunity. All this is in addition to the general idea of those with alacrity do mitzvos at the earliest opportunity, for which reason all Jewish children (not just those who are reaching bar/bas mitzva soon) should hurry and buy a letter in the Torah for Jewish children as soon as possible.


In order to endear the buying of letters in the Torah to the children, the children themselves should be involved: In addition to the amount of money being their own (from gifts they received from their parents etc.) they themselves should send the money to the Vaad Rabbanei Anash in Eretz Yisroel by putting the money into an envelope and by enclosing a letter in their handwriting with their name, mothers name, their age, and by writing their address on the envelope and sending it to Eretz Yisroel. In addition to the dearness that will result from their being involved in this, this will constitute and increase in their activities (in matters of kdusha), since the act of a child is considered a valid act. Especially since the writing of a minor is with great effort (as we see), with this he will exert himself in a matter of kdusha as in this case participating in the writing of a Torah of Jewish children. This should be done even if, after all the effort, the childs handwriting is illegible, as this is in a manner of skipping over me with love, i.e. this itself arouses great endearment Above, as in the general idea of Yisroel is [like] a young lad, and I love him. Nevertheless, the parents should include a letter along with their childs letter in which they explain the details that the child wrote (name, mothers name, age). children still did not have a letter in the Torah for Jewish children. Another story occurred with a family that went on vacation to Teveria. One of the children disappeared and they frantically began to search for him. They finally noticed that he had fallen into the waters of the Kinneret. They quickly took him to the hospital where the doctors decided to transfer him to another hospital. As the doctors worked on the child they told the parents that even if they saved his


On Shabbos Parshas Lech Lecha 5742, the Rebbe emphasized how important it is for every Jewish child to be included in the special Torah for Jewish children. Even if a letter was purchased for a child in a regular Torah, whose letters were also bought by adults, he should also have a letter in this special Torah for Jewish children. The Rebbe explained the topic at length. Then, in connection to the Sifrei Torah for Jewish children, he referenced Daniel 12:1 where it says, and it will be a time of distress that never was since becoming a nation until that time, and at that time your people will escape, everyone who is found inscribed in the book. In light of this and in light of the current situation in Eretz Yisroel, the director of the

32 11 Nissan 5773

The Torah brought through the streets of the Old City to the Kosel

project, R Greisman, says that the call of the hour for every parent and every child is to register children in a Torah scroll. As time passes, many children are missing the opportunity to buy the life of their souls, as the Rebbe put it in one of the sichos. We must buy letters for

our children as soon as they are born and take every opportunity to register every Jewish boy and girl in our area, to tell everyone who is willing to listen about this, and to make sure that this unity project reaches the homes of every Jewish family. Over a million and a half

children, from all over the world, have already been united in these Sifrei Torah. The work continues. More children have been born and there are tens of thousands of Jewish boys and girls who are not yet involved.



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By Rabbi Gershon Avtzon

Dear Reader shyichyeh, The Yom Tov of Pesach is approaching. In the times of the Beis HaMikdash at this time of year, everyone would be getting ready to go to Yerushalayim. This is based on the Pasuk in Shmos (23:17): Three times during the year, all your males shall appear before the Master, the L-rd. There is an obvious question: With the advance on technology, we now have cars and trains. Will we be permitted to go to the Beis HaMikdash with cars or is it specifically important that we go by foot? The famous Posek, Rabbi Moshe Feinstein (Igros Moshe, Kodshim siman 21) writes that it is permitted to travel by other transportation. But in truth, the Midrash tells us of a more Heavenly transportation that will be used when Moshiach comes. The Navi (Isaiah 66:23) says: It shall come to pass that at every new Moon and on every Shabbos all flesh humankind will come to bow before Me, says Hashem. The Midrash comments: How is it possible that all humankind will come to Jerusalem every Shabbos and every New Month? [How can Jerusalem contain so many

pilgrims?] Rabbi Levi says that in the future the entire Land of Israel will be like Jerusalem; moreover, the entire world will be like the Land of Israel. And how can they come on the New Moon and on Shabbos from the ends of the world? The clouds will come and carry them, bringing them to Jerusalem, and they will pray there in the morning. And this is as the Prophet praises them: Who are these? Like a cloud they fly, like doves to their cotes (Isaiah 60:8). One may ask, is this not contradictory to the words of the Torah? The Torah says that you need to go only three times! The Sages (Shut Dvar Yehoshua 1:9) already addressed this issue. They explain (also, see aforementioned seifer for other answers) that in reality, even in time of the first two Battei Mikdash the Jewish people should ideally have come to the Beis HaMikdash every Shabbos and Rosh Chodesh. Since that was technically impossible, Hashem only commanded us to come three times a year. However, considering that in the era of Moshiach it will be possible as we will have clouds to travel on we will visit every Shabbos and Rosh Chodesh. ***


There is a yechidus of the Rebbe Rayatz, which is printed in the maamarim of 5709, about which it is said that this sicha was delivered on Sunday, 11 Nissan 5709. In this yechidus, the Rebbe Rayatz says that there is an inner-core, essential vort (aphorism): Shmura Matza is referred to by two names that express its innermost essence food of faith and food of healing. The Rebbe Rayatz explains that this aphorism was transmitted from generation to generation by the Rebbeim, beginning from the teacher of the Baal Shem Tov, Achiya HaShiloni, and he concludes, and it is transmitted personally and with elucidation from Rebbe to Rebbe! It is obviously not a coincidence that this vort was revealed on the last 11 Nissan of the lifetime of the Frierdike Rebbe. With this the Frierdike Rebbe was making clear that the Rebbe, the future leader of the seventh generation whose birthday is 11 Nissan, will be charged with the mission of instilling healing and faith in Klal Yisroel: healing, after the trauma of the Holocaust, and faith in the Geula, as Chazal tell us that

34 11 Nissan 5773

in the merit of their faith the Jews left Egypt and in the merit of their faith the Jews will be redeemed from exile. It is also not a coincidence that the first Mivtza, campaign, of the Rebbe is to encourage and distribute Shmura Matza to all Jews to use on Pesach! In general, it has always been the job of each Jewish leader to instill faith in the Jewish people. As the Rebbe elaborates in the famous Maamer VAta Tetzaveh 5741, all Jewish leaders are called faithful shepherds, because they instill faith in their flock. This is especially true of the leader of the seventh generation, whose obligation it is this that is demanded of each and every one of us of the seventh generation and all those that are seventh are cherished. Although the fact that we are in the seventh generation is not the result of our own choosing and our own service, and indeed in certain ways it is perhaps contrary to our will, nevertheless all those who are seventh are cherished. We are now very near the approaching footsteps of Moshiach; indeed, we are at the conclusion of this period, and our spiritual task is to complete the process of drawing down the Shchina moreover, the essence of the Shchina within specifically our lowly world. (Basi L Gani 5711) Yet, there is a tremendous misconception of what Emuna, faith, is. While most people associate Emuna with lack of work and understanding (i.e. Blind Faith), in Chassidus it is taught that faith needs to be worked on and nurtured. The Alter Rebbe explains (Tanya, chapter 42): The essential thing, however, is the [mental] training to habituate

ones mind and thought continuously, that it ever remain fixed in his heart and mind, that everything one sees with ones eyes the heavens and earth and all that is therein constitutes the outer garments of the King, the Holy One, blessed be He. In this way he will constantly be aware of their inwardness and vitality. This is also implicit in the word emuna (faith), which is a term indicating training, to which a man habituates himself, like a craftsman who trains his hands, and so forth. The Rebbe wants us to strengthen our Emuna in Moshiach and to begin living with Moshiach. This does not happen by just saying and announcing that I believe in Moshiach, rather we must train ourselves to believe and nurture that belief. This comes through learning the concepts of Moshiach and Geula from true Torah sources. In the words of the Rebbe (Balak 5751): Despite the uproar associated with this matter in recent times within this year, the year of I shall show him wonders, and after witnessing the wonders which testify that this is The year that the King Moshiach will be revealed, we

see how difficult it is to inculcate the awareness and the feeling that we are literally standing on the threshold of the Messianic Era, to the point that one begins to thrive on matters of Moshiach and Redemption... The solution to this dilemma is Torah study concerning Moshiach and Redemption. For Torah, which is G-ds wisdom and thus transcends the natural order of the universe, has the capacity to alter the nature of man. Even when ones emotions are still outside the parameters of Redemption, G-d forbid, (because he has not yet emerged from his internal exile), he can nevertheless learn the Torahs teachings concerning Redemption, and thereby become a person who is elevated to the state of Redemption. One then begins to thrive on matters of Redemption, borne of the knowledge, awareness and feeling that Behold he is coming. Rabbi Avtzon is the Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivas Lubavitch Cincinnati and a well sought after speaker and lecturer. Recordings of his indepth shiurim on Inyanei Geula uMoshiach can be accessed at

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We cant sit around for even one second! We must work to attain the goal: hastening the hisgalus of the Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach. * Written twelve years ago by Rabbi Yitzchok Gansbourg ah who devised many projects to hasten the Geula.

n recent weeks Ive been thinking about the sicha of Chaf-Ches Nissan 5751, in which the Rebbe assigned us the difficult task of bringing Moshiach. Ive looked at that unforgettable sicha and tried to understand what we are still missing. What have we yet to do? The world hasnt remained the same as it was when the sicha was said. If, until the sicha, the topic of the Geula was exclusively Lubavitch, today all religious groups talk about Moshiach. Many books have been written about the Geula in recent years and dozens of well-known lecturers have spoken on the subject. More and more people are talking about Moshiach. Within Lubavitch, so much has been done. As always, the bachurim are in the forefront. They learn Inyanei Moshiach and Geula and they spread the Besuras HaGeula. Anash are also involved, with many devoting time to teach and spread the word. We cant say that we arent involved in Inyanei Moshiach and Geula. However It is hard to say this, but when it comes to the main point of the sicha, we have hardly made any

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progress at all. What was the Rebbe saying in that sicha? The Rebbe didnt say that we dont want Moshiach. Nor did the Rebbe say that we arent crying out to Hashem to bring him. The Rebbe certainly didnt say that we dont believe in the coming of Moshiach. The Rebbe focused on one issue: Why arent we doing it all sincerely? We cry out because we were told to, thundered the Rebbe. He made it clear that if we cried out sincerely, Moshiach would have come long ago. In order to cry out sincerely, the issue must mean the world to us. If we truly felt the urgent need for the coming of Moshiach, we wouldnt rest for a moment. We would constantly be crying out Ad Masai, whether literally or by our nonstop actions to bring Moshiach. When belief in the coming of Moshiach permeates our very being, our daily behavior is altogether different. It becomes the behavior of someone who knows that in the very next moment he will be in the era of Geula, facing the Rebbe who will look at him and ask: What did you do to hasten the Geula? As long as we dont internalize the belief, as long as the emuna is in a state of makif (a superficial state), well, we saw what happened with the makiflike faith of the Generation of the Desert. The Midrash says that only one fifth of the Jewish people in Egypt believed Moshes message and only they left. That means that the Generation of the Desert was one of believers. However, their faith was only makif, as just one week after the miraculous exodus from Egypt they stood facing the Yam Suf and yelled at Moshe, Are there

R Gansbourg standing next to the helicopter that scattered thousands of leaflets about the B'suras HaGeula

no graves in Egypt that you brought us to die in the desert? Yes, those were the same big believers who left Egypt in the merit of their faith. Lets go on. The sea split and the Jewish people passed through with their emuna growing. Now, they not only believed in Hashem but also in Moshe His servant. The Torah itself says so. Apparently though, this emuna did not go deep enough because only three days later, when they arrived in Mara and couldnt drink the bitter water, they complained to Moshe. Hashem did a miracle, but two and a half weeks later they complained again, If only we died by G-ds hand in the land of Egypt. The Jewish people continued to experience enormous miracles and finally arrived at the foot of Mt. Sinai. They saw G-dly visions and received the Torah. They rose up to lofty spiritual heights but it was only makif, and this is the reason that forty days later they made a golden calf. According to the Zohar, which the Rebbe quotes, our generation is a reincarnation of

the Generation of the Desert and we need to rectify what they messed up. As long as we dont internalize pure faith in what the Rebbe said, that Hinei Hinei Moshiach Ba, then we can shout that we want to see our king, but it is not completely sincere. When we internalize the belief and cry out sincerely, then as the Rebbe said, Moshiach would be here already. *** I remember that following that sicha of 28 Nissan, many people wondered: If the Rebbe says that what he did up until now was lhevel vlrik (for naught), how can we accomplish this task? I was reminded of a parable that the mashpia R Avrohom Maiyor said to an older bachur who did not try hard enough to find a shidduch. You are like a chick inside the egg. The hen sits on the eggs for 21 days and then the chicks make their way out. Chicks do not emerge from all the eggs; there are eggs that remain eggs. When the laying period is over, the hen says to the eggs: I did everything for you,
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plan of what to do and how to do it. Over the years, Ive had the opportunity to come up with and implement original ideas that the Rebbe encouraged. I have some ideas regarding Moshiach and Id like to tell them to the three people who are meeting to come up with a plan and every Chassid must consider himself as one of the trio who will bring the Geula. The problem, as I pointed out before, is that we havent internalized it. For example, when Tzeirei Chabad in Eretz Yisroel ran a huge publicity campaign, Hichonu L Bias HaMoshiach, they said that the publicity was step one of two. Step two, they said, was internalizing the message. This second stage is much harder than the first stage and can only be achieved through learning. If we look closely, we see that the Rebbe spoke about these two phases. Some of the sichos were about publicizing the Besuras HaGeula and the fact that there is a prophet etc. and some of the sichos were about the need to prepare people for Moshiach. For some reason, probably because it is easier, weve put more effort into the publicity. After all, publicity doesnt require that much effort. You need a donor who will pay for the campaign and then a marketing company, and the campaign gets underway. Yet despite the difficulties, we must carry out the Rebbes instruction to prepare the world to welcome Moshiach. To accomplish this, each of us must speak one-on-one with others and explain how much better the world will be when Moshiach comes. The Rebbe promises that when we speak from the heart, our listeners will accept what we have to say.

R Gansbourgs helicopter lands in the hills of Bnei Brak

but emerging from the egg, the final push, that is something you need to do yourself. Nobody can do it for you. The Rebbe did everything. He prepared the world to welcome Moshiach. Everything is ready and the Rebbe says that the Shor HaBar and the Leviasan are on the table next to the Yayin HaMeshumar. We have reached the stage where we need to open our eyes and see all this. This final push is something that only we can do. What do we actually need to do? The Rebbe says in the sicha that we need to do things that are Lights of Tohu in a way of Vessels of Tikkun. The entire subject of Geula is beyond human intellect, which is why it is called Lights of Tohu. Go try to tell someone the simplest meaning of Geula that a man will come and build the third Beis HaMikdash on the Temple Mount, and he will immediately tell you that under present conditions that is harder than climbing to the moon. But beyond faith, our behavior also needs to be in a way of Lights of Tohu in Vessels of Tikkun. We should have a fire burning within us constantly,

something unnatural in a way of Lights of Tohu, and at the same time, we need to do things in a normal way, with Vessels of Tikkun. So that you get the idea of what this fire within us needs to be like, Ill compare it to a man whose father had a heart attack. He rushes him to the hospital where they say that his father needs a heart transplant and he needs to get a heart from somewhere. Will the son sit with hands folded? Will he be involved in local neighborhood politics? Obviously, he will drop everything and devote himself exclusively towards obtaining a heart for his sick father. In our case, it is much more than a heart. Our entire being is in a state of sickness and the refua will come with the hisgalus of the Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach. This refua can only be accomplished by us. This is why we are expected not to rest for a moment until we see the Rebbe again. *** At the end of the sicha, the Rebbe says that we need twothree people to come up with a

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By Rabbi Gershon Mendel Garelik Shliach in Milan, Italy

remember that when I went to the Rebbe for the first time, after enduring many obstacles, I wanted to be as close to the Rebbe as possible. How surprised I was to find out that bachurim only had yechidus once a year, for their birthday. I didnt have the patience to wait so long and always looked for opportunities to get in to see the Rebbe. That was my constant preoccupation, finding ways of being close to the Rebbe. But the sicha of ChafChes Nissan teaches us that as important as it is to be close to the Rebbe, that is not the point. The point is to carry out his instructions which all lead toward one thing: the true and complete Geula.

doubt that you have been given the necessary abilities to carry it out. The Rebbe reiterates the principle, I dont ask of them except what they can do, and concludes that surely Hashem gave all the requisite powers to carry out whatever it is that He expects of us.

Precisely how we will bring Moshiach, none of us knows. But if the Rebbe said so, it will

But the sicha of Chaf-Ches Nissan teaches us that as important as it is to be close to the Rebbe, that is not the point. The point is to carry out his instructions which all lead toward one thing: the true and complete Geula.


There is no question that the horaa of Chaf-Ches Nissan is first and foremost a responsibility, but along with that the Rebbe is telling us that we have the ability to bring Moshiach! Obviously, the Rebbe didnt pass the job on to us because he gave up on it. In the same sicha, the Rebbe said, I did what I could do. He went on to say that there was one more thing he could do and that was to give it over to us. In other words, the Rebbe took his enormous powers and gave them to us, the Chassidim. Now we have the ability to carry it out. Amongst the Rebbes letters are many dozens that he wrote to people who did not believe they had the wherewithal to do something, whether in communal matters, influencing others, learning, or other areas. The Rebbe responded to each one individually, but the point was the same: since Hashem placed you in a position where you can be influential, and since the holy Torah demands that you carry out a specific thing, there is no happen. When we went on shlichus over fifty years ago, nobody dreamed what shlichus would one day become. But the fact is that the Rebbes shlichus has exploded. Where we did peulos (programs), shluchim today put up a mosad; and where we put up a mosad, today there are multiple buildings. When I meet young shluchim I always say to them: Explode forth; you have the kochos. You are doing what we never dreamed was possible and you will bring the Geula!
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R Yisroel Levin of Nevel, known as Reb Yisroel Neveler, embodied a rare combination of traits. He was a lamdan in Nigleh as well as a maskil in Chassidus. He was also an oved who spent a long time on his davening. * He was a truly effective melamed whom persecution, interrogations and imprisonment could not deter from starting a secret yeshiva in every town he went to. * People felt his love for them, even when he gave them a tongue-lashing. * His lifes story was written up in the tshura for the Melamed-Barber wedding * PART 1: HIS EARLY YEARS THROUGH HIS ARREST AND RELEASE

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evel was seemingly a typical Russian town in the Vitebsk district. Its distinction lay in its location on the road between Vitebsk and Velikiye Luki, which was a railway hub that connected trains from every district from

Leningrad to Kiev and from Moscow to Minsk. It was a town where two thirds out of the 35,000 people were Jews. However, Nevel became part of the Chassidic lexicon ever since its founding in the times of the Alter Rebbe. When they arrested

the Alter Rebbe and brought him to Petersburg, he did not want to travel Friday afternoon. He asked them to stop traveling and to stay in a nearby village or town, because one should not travel on Friday afternoons. His guards refused, and then one problem after another ensued. One of the horses died, the axle broke, etc. When the guards saw they could not continue, they camped on the side of the road and spent Shabbos under a tree. This was near Nevel. The elders of Nevel would point to the tree next to which the Alter Rebbe spent that Shabbos. Nevel had twenty shuls and battei midrash and they were all Chassidic. The Chassidim of Nevel were known to be mekusharim to the Chabad Rebbeim throughout the generations. Great Chassidim were born there or lived there for many years, including R Gershon Dov of Pahar and R Peretz Chein, the father of that illustrious chain of Chassidim. These two Chassidim merited being with the Mitteler Rebbe and then the Tzemach Tzedek. In the generations that followed there were many great Chassidim from Nevel such as R Yehoshua Lein, R Michoel Bliner der Alter, and the mashpia R Zalman Moshe Yitzchaki. The Mitteler Rebbe once said: Halleluhu bneivel (lit. sing His praises with a harp) Halleluhu BNevel. The Rebbe Rayatz said, A butcher from Nevel is better and dearer to me than a maskil from Kremenchug.


In this Chassidishe town, where every corner was saturated with Chassidus and an atmosphere of kdusha and
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tahara, R Dovid Abbale Levin and his wife Chana Elka had a son whom they named Yisroel. In accordance with the Chassidishe chinuch that he absorbed at home, Yisroel yearned to go to the Rebbe. When he became bar mitzva and heard that the Rebbe had founded a yeshiva in Lubavitch, he wanted to leave for Tomchei Tmimim immediately. His parents were afraid to send him away from home at such a young age, but he insisted on going. A short while later he arrived in Lubavitch, he was among the youngest in the yeshiva. He learned in Lubavitch for ten years, where he toiled in learning day and night. When he learned Nigleh, he wanted to know the reasoning of each Sage, that of the Tanaim and the Amoraim understanding the reasoning behind each topic, question or answer as well as that of Rashi, Tosafos and the commentaries, what they sought to explain, what their questions were and how they answered them. R Avrohom Eliyahu Plotkin, who learned bchavrusa with R Yisroel, related that one time the Rebbe Rashab told them to work through the topic of Agunos. They learned (if I recall correctly what he told me) six daf from the tractate Yevamos for half a year until they had fulfilled the instruction to work through the subject. When he learned Chassidus he also sought always to delve into the root of each idea in order to get things clear. He studied the deepest haskala in Chassidus and clarified it until it was a beautiful pearl. In all this, he did not suffice with knowledge and understanding. He internalized what he learned with the proper contemplation and then would daven at length, infused with the inyanim he had studied. He was also extremely sharp. He was tremendously diligent on the one hand and davened with avoda; on the other hand, he possessed a razor sharpness that bordered on mischievousness. They say that when he was learning in Lubavitch, he was fined for something he did and was not allowed to enter the yeshiva dining room for two weeks. There were boys from wealthy homes that had money on them and could buy food for themselves whenever they liked, but Yisroel Levin wasnt one of them. At that time, those talmidim who needed a better menu or were especially particular would eat at the yeshivas expense in peoples homes. Their hosts would submit a bill once a month. Yisroel went to one of these balabatim and said: I was sent by the yeshiva to eat with you for two weeks. The man did not ask for a confirmation in writing because a Tamim was reliable. Two weeks later, Yisroel went back to his usual routine and at the end of the month the host submitted a bill to R Eliezer Kaplan (Lazer der Kantorchik) the financial administrator of the yeshiva. R Kaplan paid him but reported to the Rebbes son (later to be the Rebbe Rayatz) who was the dean. Rayatz asked Yisroel who gave him permission to do that. Yisroel said, I figured that if I did not eat for two weeks I would die, and then the cost of shrouds, the funeral and the burial would be even greater... Rayatz smiled and dismissed him. Klimovitz. He was a descendent of R Mordechai Pevsner, the brother of the Alter Rebbe. He had come to ask the Rebbe Rashab for a shidduch suggestion for his daughter Chana Michla. The Rebbe said: We have the son of Dovid Abbale of Nevel. I think it would be a good shidduch. And it was. Before that, R Yisroel began learning Yoreh Deia as the Rebbe told him to and received smicha for rabbanus as well as kabbala for shchita and ordination as a mohel. After he married he moved to Klimovitz to be near his in-laws. There he continued learning. R Shmuel Gurary lived in Klimovitz, and on one of his trips to Lubavitch he asked the Rebbe about a melamed for his sons. The Rebbe said: You should take Yisroel Neveler as a melamed, for then they will know what a Chassidishe melamed is. So R Yisroel became the melamed for R Shmuels sons. When R Shmuel moved from Klimovitz he took the melamed along. R Yisroels wife remained in her parents home and R Yisroel would return once every few months. This went on for several years. In the meantime, he had three children and when R Shmuel moved to Kremenchug in the Ukraine, R Yisroel and his entire family joined him. Among R Yisroels talmidim at that time was also Shmaryahu, the son of R Menachem Mendel Gurary, whom the Rebbe Rayatz later took as a son-in-law. R Yisroels manner of teaching became famous, i.e. the way he related to every question a student asked and his patience. Many people wanted to send their children to him. He was a very effective melamed. Every

During the years of the early twentieth century, R Mordechai Pevsner arrived in Lubavitch from

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The Rebbe Rashab

piece of Gemara, every topic he taught, every answer he gave, was fully explained with parables and examples until every student understood it. In one shiur, one of the boys wanted to look in the Gemara belonging to one of the sons of R Tzvi Gurary, who refused to let him. R Yisroel noticed this and went over to the child and said, Read the Mishna and explain it. The boy began reading, Meeimasi from when, but R Yisroel slapped him and said, That is incorrect. Meeimasai means that when your friend asks to look into your Gemara, you let him. Nu, continue. The boy continued reading, Korim do we read. R Yisroel slapped him again and said, Korim also means that when your friend asks you And you should know that this is the meaning of every word in the Mishna. Furthermore, this is true even before you get to Meeimasai. If you dont have love for your fellow, you cannot begin to learn the Mishna.

This is the meaning of every word in the Mishna. Furthermore, this is true even before you get to Meeimasai. If you dont have love for your fellow, you cannot begin to learn the Mishna. IN ROSTOV, NEAR THE REBBE RASHAB
R Yisroel lived in Kremenchug for four years, from 5673/1913 till 5678/1918. These years were fateful ones for the Russian government and the state of religion and Judaism throughout the country. World War I began in 5674/1914 and when the Germans approached Russia, the Rebbe Rashab was extremely nervous about this and spoke against it very sharply. In his letter dated 14 Elul 5675, the Rebbe referred to the cursed Germans and wished that G-d would be with the Russians so they would subdue the Germans, expel them, and rid the land of them. At the beginning of Cheshvan 5676, when the front moved ever closer, the Rebbe and his household left Lubavitch for Rostov on the Don and then various divisions of the yeshiva were moved from Lubavitch to Kremenchug. The Russian Revolution began. In 1917 the Czar was assassinated and civil war erupted. In 1918 the communist party was ensconced in the government and religious persecution followed. At the end of 1918, R Yisroel and his family left Kremenchug for Rostov to be near the Rebbe. Although matters worsened from day to day and religious functionaries were persecuted and arrested, R Yisroel continued his holy work of teaching Torah to children even in Rostov while ignoring the danger. They say that at a certain

The Rebbe Rashabs home in Rostov

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When he returned home, it wasnt the same R Yisroel with the smile and playfulness. For a long time there was no smile on his face and he spent a long time in his room. Whoever passed by heard him crying.
point, R Yisroel Neveler had to work very hard to provide for his family and would get up early in the morning and work all day serving guests. When he got home at night he was exhausted. He did not have time to learn Chassidus. When he went to the Rebbe and complained about having to work so hard and not being able to learn Chassidus, the Rebbe said: When you get home, despite your exhaustion, sit down and start learning. Yes, its hard, but do it anyway. The first half an hour will be very hard for you and maybe the first hour, but after that it will go easily. After the passing of the Rebbe Rashab on Motzaei Shabbos, Beis Nissan, after midnight, they looked among the Tmimim and senior Chassidim who were there for those who had immersed that day and remained in the Rebbes home all day. They would be the ones to move the body from the bed to the floor. R Yisroel was one of those individuals. The three others were R Zalman Havlin, R Avrohom Boruch Pevsner, and R Tzvi Kutman. The next day, when the members of the chevra kadisha wanted to appoint people to go to the cemetery to choose a plot, etc., R Yisroel was one of those who was chosen. By age 34, R Yisroel had a respectable position among Anash, the gdolei and ziknei hachassidim, rabbanim and mashpiim. More than anything though, his hiskashrus to Beis Rebbi stood out, and the passing of the Rebbe effected him tremendously. After the histalkus, he remained in the Rebbes house for a long time, day and night, and did not return home. His grief was so deep that he could not return to the mundane world. There is a story that got around about the first time he returned to his own home. When he was pressured to return home and he finally acquiesced, he went to inform the Rebbe Rayatz. The Rebbe sighed and said, Yisroel, oif vemen lostu mir (who are you leaving me to rely upon)? When he returned home, it wasnt the same R Yisroel with


R Yisroels home in Rostov turned into a mosad in and of itself. Whoever came to spend Tishrei or other special times with the Rebbe, or came just for a weekday, knew that whether he showed up by day or by night, he could always go to the home of R Yisroel Neveler who would graciously welcome him. The family members would take care of their meals and lodging. If a guest came when R Yisroel was at home, his host would sit down with him and inquire into his situation and his familys situation, parnasa, health etc. just as though he was an actual brother. After Purim 1920, when the Rebbes health deteriorated, R Yisroel spent most of his time in the Rebbes home and hardly ever went to his own home.

the smile and playfulness. For a long time there was no smile on his face and he spent a long time in his room. Whoever passed by heard him crying. However, along with his sadness he soon became mekushar to the Rebbe Rayatz and became a member of the Rebbes household no less than with his predecessor. And his daughters were friends of the Rebbes daughters and visited them often. In the summer of 1921 the Rebbes family went on dacha. They returned on Erev Shabbos and R Yisroels wife cooked for Shabbos for them and sent the food to them with her two daughters. When they arrived at the Rebbes house, the Rebbes daughters came out to greet them and the exclamations over their reunion brought the Rebbe out of his room to see what the noise was about. When he learned that his daughters and R Yisroels daughters were excited to see one another again, he smiled and said, Nu, as though to say, Now I understand; all is well. To jump ahead here one of R Yisroels daughters was able to leave Russia with hundreds of others in the great escape after the war. She moved to Eretz Yisroel. When she visited New York, she wanted to meet the Rebbetzin, her childhood friend. When the two met, R Yisroels daughter excused herself to the Rebbetzin and said that it was only because her father was a ben bayis by the Rebbetzins father that she dared to ask to meet with her. Then she reminded the Rebbetzin of the story mentioned above and said, I remember the story because I told it so many times, but the Rebbetzin The Rebbetzin interrupted and said, Of course I remember that

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In the tshura from which the material for the article was taken, they publicized the interrogation file of R Yisroels second arrest at the end of 1938. The full file contains seven documents: 1) the warrant for his arrest; 2) the questionnaire with his personal information; 3) the accusation; 4) a report of the first interrogation; 5) a report of the second interrogation; 6) a report in which the accused recant his confession; 7) the dismissal of charges and his release. From this file we learn some details about R Yisroels arrest along with three of his friends (R Nachum Hillel Pinsky, R Yoel Kagan and R Yisroel Aronstam). According to the dates in the file, the arrest was in August 1938 and his release in September of 1939. There are two interesting details that we find in the file about R Yisroel himself. In all the documents, his name appears as Shmuel Yisroel (and in some places, the name Shmuel is added afterward), which we dont find anywhere else. Also, it reveals that his place of birth is Gorodok (Horodok) as opposed to what is commonly believed, that he was called Yisroel Neveler because Nevel is where he came from. However, this is not a significant contradiction for Gorodok is near Nevel. There is a contradiction about his day of birth, for his age is given as 55 but his birth was in 1886. However, the birth certificates of many Lubavitchers in Russia at that time did not necessarily list accurately the dates, places of birth, and names for various reasons, and so these details cannot be fully relied upon. *** The file states that R Yisroel was accused along with three of his friends of belonging to the sect of Chassidim, having a connection with the Rebbe Rayatz, and conducting counter-revolutionary and anti-Soviet activity. At the beginning of the first interrogation, R Yisroel denied the accusations and any connection with the others. However, in the middle of the interrogation he suddenly confessed to all the accusations and

described at length all his activities throughout the years, along with a description of his relationship with the Rebbe Rayatz and some of the Chassidim. This continued with the second interrogation. A lot of interesting material about the relationship between R Yisroel and the Rebbe Rashab and the Rebbe Rayatz and his activities to strengthen religion in Russia are revealed in this interrogation. But it is clear that many of the points were said by the interrogator and R Yisroel signed the document under duress. So it cannot be established based on the report exactly what R Yisroel confessed to and what the interrogators put into his mouth. There are also some factual typing errors, for example the Rebbe Rayatz left Russia in 1927 and not 1926 as the report says. Another document, an interrogation from 1939, has R Yisroel denying all the accusations and recanting his confessions. The final document in the file is a dismissal of the accusation in which it says all the accused maintain that the confessions were extracted under duress and they take them back. The NKVD prosecutor accepts this and releases them. Aside from the other three accused, there were other people mentioned in the file: R Yaakov Klemes (the chief rabbi of Moscow who left for Eretz Yisroel), R Avrohom Eliyahu Meizes, R [Shneur Zalman(?)] Pruss, and Mr. Rishin, a former lumber merchant by the name of Mr. Feinstein who was in charge of a broad range of activities and was in contact with the Rebbe Rayatz (he was related to R Eliyahu Pruzhiner, the grandfather of Rabbi Yoshe Ber Soloveitchik and the uncle of Rabbi Moshe Feinstein). Also, the brothers R Zalman, R Shmaryahu and R Shlomo Chaim Feldman, R Moshe Zalman Kaminetzky, R Zalman Rivkin, R Mordechai Rivkin are listed. Also mentioned was R Zalman Shmotke (Shmotkin) of Warsaw. Also mentioned in this document was the Yeshivas Tiferes Bachurim that was in Nevel at the time, activity against Shabbos desecration, and activity on behalf of the yishuv in Eretz Yisroel.

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Erev Shabbos with the joy of our reunion and my father wanting to know what the noise was about. would flow as though two faucets had been opened, and it was all done silently. The few times that he did not travel to the Rebbe for the Yomim Noraim and remained in Nevel, he was the one who blew the shofar on Rosh HaShana and his seriousness on the Day of Judgment was doubly severe. By early morning he was sitting in the shul and learning. Then he davened at great length, while the congregation waited for him to begin the Torah reading and the shofar blowing. When he approached the bima with the shofaros he was on fire. His face was ruddy and his eyes were teary. He grasped his tallis, covered his head down to his chin and then suddenly everybody could hear a thud. R Yisroel dropped his hands on the bima, inclined his head, and let out a wail that could be heard beyond his tallis. After a while he straightened up and with the tallis covering his entire face he cried out the words of the psalm. It was literally a shriek, said R Shmuel Pruss when he recalled that Rosh HaShana. The entire congregation was transported to a state of dread of the Day of Judgment.


The situation was getting more and more severe with government agents seeking out those teaching Torah. R Yisroel had to leave Rostov and in 1928 he moved to his hometown of Nevel. A short while later, Yeshivas Tomchei Tmimim moved there too. A beis midrash for rabbanim was founded as well and Nevel returned to what it once was. R Yisroel lived in Nevel for about six years during which he secretly taught Torah to children. If they were 18 and older, it could be claimed that they were learning on their own cognizance which was not illegal. However, minors had to attend public school and if R Yisroel was caught teaching them, his life would be in immediate danger. This did not deter him. He simply changed the location of the yeshiva once every few weeks and continued teaching. Teaching demanded all of his strength and time, and he even shortened the amount of time he spent on davening on weekdays in order to fully devote himself to his students. But on Shabbos he would daven until late in the day. During the winter, for example, he managed to make Kiddush and eat some mezonos after Musaf and then immediately davened Mincha. He ate the Shabbos meal on Motzaei Shabbos. During the summer he was able to eat the meal with his family, who waited until he finished davening despite the late hour. During the summer, he would tell his children a story in installments each Shabbos and the children eagerly awaited the

next episode. He would also tell them things from the Parsha, applying them to the current state of affairs. His davening was unique. He would get up early, learn Chassidus for several hours, and then go to shul, put on his tallis and cover his head with it and sit there like that without moving for a long time. Then those present would hear a powerful shout, especially when R Yisroel would be up to Krias Shma. The time could be well into the afternoon. There were a number of ovdim in the shul, one who sang quietly and another who davened bdveikus, and then suddenly there would be that shout of E-CH-A-D until the walls shook. Starting Rosh Chodesh Elul he became a different person, serious, Eluldiker. Throughout the year he would say sharp, witty things, but in Elul, according to people who knew him at that time, he was quite forbidding. During these days he would sometimes sit in the shul with his tallis on his head, his eyes closed as he meditated on Inyanei Chassidus as a preparation for davening, and then suddenly (as people who were there reported), his eyes would open and tears


After the Rebbe Rayatz was arrested in the summer of 5687/1927, the situation of Jews throughout Russia worsened. GPU agents intensified their searches for children learning Torah and life was unbearable. Many were afraid to send their children to the secret yeshivas. The danger was constant and each day brought greater misfortunes than the day before. When R Yisroel felt that the daily surveillance was increasing and

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he realized that he would soon be arrested, he fled to Toropets, which is near Leningrad and brought his family there. This was in 5688. When he arrived in Toropets, he found the city in a state of neglect regarding mitzvos. There was neither shochet nor mohel and many children of various ages were uncircumcised. R Yisroel used all his powers of persuasion, speaking with the parents as well as the children, and brought children into the Covenant of Avrohom Avinu. It was all done secretly. He served as mohel and sometimes as sandak too. Once they were circumcised, he gathered them and began teaching them Torah, but events of the time did not allow him to continue.

In 5682/1922 the government under Lenin tried to improve the economy with a new plan called NEP. Under NEP, citizens were allowed to support themselves with small businesses and homebased work, albeit under strict government supervision and heavy taxation. This enabled many to sell homemade products on the black market, and most importantly, it saved many from a situation of being forced to work on Shabbos and Yomim Tovim. At the end of 1929, Stalin began eradicating NEP, which terribly affected the quality of life of all citizens of Russia, but especially the Jews, who were affected both materially and spiritually. The government also cracked down in other ways, and sanctions and arrests were on the rise. One summer evening in 1932, a contingent of GPU conducted a search of R Yisroels house. They

He once said he preferred a religious gentile as a teacher for his daughters than an irreligious Jew. He made great efforts to find retired teachers for his daughters, since he wasnt afraid of them, knowing their views of the government.
imagination to picture how we felt. My mother sobbed and we all cried along with her, but R Feivish quieted us and said it wasnt time for tears. You must say Thillim and ask Hashem to save your father. He went over to the bookcase, took out volumes of Thillim and we recited Thillim all night. We finished it once and began it again. One said it slowly, another quickly, and here and there you could hear sighs and stifled crying. We didnt stop saying Thillim all night. In the morning the door opened and in walked my father. You cannot imagine how great our joy was. The tears of despair turned into tears of joy. The news spread throughout the town and people began to drop in and congratulate us. When the commotion had died down, our father told us what had happened that night. All night the interrogator questioned me. After an hour or two he said, Listen here Levin, we have no incriminating evidence against you. Go home. I couldnt believe my ears. I got up and was heading for the door when the interrogator burst into laughter and said, Sit back down. What did you think that we would
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found nothing incriminating, because R Yisroel had hidden his shchita and mila knives, but they asked him to accompany them anyway. His family realized that this was an actual arrest. R Yisroel was taken to the regional capitol of Velekiye Luki and was held there under arrest for a few weeks. His daughter relates: One night, a friend of the family came to the house, Feivish Feivenov, and he was in a terrible state. I am coming from Velekiye Luki, he said. When I heard that your father was imprisoned there, I went there and tried to find out what happened to him. After much effort and paying of bribes, I met today with the interrogator and he told me that tonight they will be taking out Prisoner Levin for execution. You dont need a great

A postcard that R Yisroel sent to the Rebbe Rayatz after he arrived in Yegoryevsk (in 1936). There is no indication of whom it is written to and the address is under someone elses name, not the Rebbes.


R Yisroel was released but felt that the GPU agents were constantly following him. He realized it was time to move on. Once again, he took his family and returned to his wifes hometown of Klimovitz. his daughters than an irreligious Jew. He made great efforts to find retired teachers for his daughters, since he wasnt afraid of them, knowing their views of the government. His daughters acquired knowledge in all subjects but did not spend a day in school. This saved them from the communist heretical brainwashing. Based on the same logic, R Yisroel preferred that his daughters be friends with gentile girls than with Jewish girls who were not religious. My father explained to us, said his daughter, that the gentile girls wouldnt convince us to convert, G-d forbid. He told us more than once that we know that they do what they do because they are gentiles, but Jewish friends would make us ask: Why is it okay for them but not for us; we would likely be influenced by them. In general, with my father we knew not to ask why. He told us that he heard from the Rebbe himself that in our Alef-Beis [i.e. lexicon] the word why did not exist. If we occasionally went to him with a question, Why do soand-sos daughters when he is also a Chassid and they do he would immediately quiet us and said, There is no why.


It was 1932, and Klimovitz was no longer the same town it had been after R Yisroels marriage more than twenty years earlier. Back then, you could hear the sound of Torah, day and night, from every alleyway and corner, and the shuls were full of children and adults. Now there was terror, spiritual devastation, and a dead Judaism. At first, the memories of what had been were suffocating, and as is always the case, the pain tended to cause paralysis, but R Yisroel recovered quickly and continued his war in support of Torah and mitzvos here too. He was officially considered a worker and worked at whatever came to hand, but the main burden of parnasa was on his wife who spared no effort so that her husband could learn Torah and serve Hashem. He would be stricter with himself than with others. If he demanded of others that they not send their children to public school and send them to yeshiva despite the danger, he did the same thing himself. However, unlike many Lubavitchers who found fit to provide their sons with a proper chinuch, but did not do the same for their daughters, R Yisroel insisted that not one of his daughters attend public school for even one day. As they grew older, he made sure they had private teachers. He once said he preferred a religious gentile as a teacher for

A segment from a letter that the Rebbe Rayatz wrote to R Yisroel Levin, who was then in Russia. The Rebbe was in Otvotzk, Poland.

release a counter-revolutionary like you without punishment? And there were more questions and tension filled moments. When another hour had gone by he began mocking me again and said, Levin, you can go home. Then he brought me back and continued interrogating me. He made me crazy like this until dawn. In the morning he got up and said, This time I mean it. I have no evidence against you. You are free, but beware, dont do anything against the government because you are liable to pay with your life. My father added with a smile, Apparently, every time you davened and said Thillim more powerfully, the interrogator wanted to release me and when you said it more weakly, he brought me back, but with dawn, when a strand of kindness is extended over the world and your Thillim was said with the utmost concentration, I was released.


At that time in Klimovitz there were many Lubavitcher families who had problems with parnasa since they refused to work on Shabbos. A few of them managed to obtain work as watchmen in factories, but most of them had a very hard time finding an official job that would excuse them from working on Shabbos. Then a new

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Documents from the KGB files

idea came up which solved all the problems. They would buy raw materials from textile factories, mainly thread remnants, and manufacture shoelaces out of them. They straightened out the thread, cleaned it, cut it to uniform lengths, dyed it, shaped them into shoelaces and sold the merchandise to shops or directly on the market. Many Lubavitcher families worked in this line in Klimovitz and in many other places. In Klimovitz it was a joint effort among nearly all the families, and the marketing was organized. One of R Yisroels daughters related: The family worked in this line my mother, we, and sometimes my father would try but he was never productive enough and my mother would

dismiss him It was only when there was a lot of pressure and we had to produce the goods on a certain day that my father had to join us in the family enterprise. But this business didnt last long because the government soon forbade this means of making a livelihood. Some Lubavitchers who did this work were arrested and others found themselves under constant surveillance. R Yisroel felt that if he stayed any longer in Klimovitz he would also be arrested, and in 1936 he moved with his family to Yegoryevsk which is 100 kilometers from Moscow. In Yegoryevsk there was one of the branches of the underground Tomchei Tmimim, but their maggid shiur had been arrested (or escaped before his arrest). R Yisroel filled his place.

The conditions were very difficult. The existence of the class had to be hidden even from Anash, because R Yisroel and his close colleagues did not know who kept his mouth shut and who sang. And still, despite the efforts made to keep it quiet, the police sensed the existence of the class and trailed many Lubavitchers, until they finally made their way to R Yisroel and arrested him. This was in Elul of 5698/1938. This time, he was taken for interrogation to Moscow. He was interrogated at length, subjected to torture and degradation, and was taken from place to place without his family being informed of where he was. To be continued with additional details about his arrest, release, and leaving Russia.
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Parsha Thought


By Rabbi Heschel Greenberg


There is something intriguing about the way the Torah refers to Aarons compliance with the directives he was given by Moses. In several verses the Torah declares that Aaron did as G-d had commanded him. In each of these instances, Rashis comment is: This is to tell his praise: that he did not change, meaning that he had complied fully with the instructions he was given. In the end of this weeks parsha, which deals with Aarons initiation into the High Priesthood, the Torah makes a similar declaration, but with a slight variation: Aaron and his sons did everything that G-d commanded through [literally: in the hands of] Moses. When we examine this verse and contrast it with similar verses, many questions arise: First, in other similar verses the Torah states that he complied with the commandments that G-d commanded Moses. Why does the Torah stress here that these commandments were given through Moses? Second, the literal translation of this verse, as noted above, is that these commandments were

given by G-d, in the hands of Moses. The Torah does not employ idiomatic expressions just as a literary device. There must be a deeper meaningand many layers of meaningin the term in the hands. Third, Rashi, in anticipating the question we might have why does the Torah have to tell us that they (Aaron and his sons) did as they were commanded? replies: This is to tell their praise: that they did not stray to the right or to the left. What does Rashi mean by right and left? Fourth, if Aaron could have strayed, and done so, what would he have done differently? Fifth, why would we ever entertain the notion that Aaron the man chosen by G-d to be the Kohen Gadol/the High Priest would have been tempted to stray? Sixth, as stated above, in Rashis discussion of other places in the Torah where it is stated that Aaron complied with G-ds commandment, his wording is slightly different: This is to tell their praise: that he did not change. Why does Rashi have to add here that Aaron and his sons deviated neither to the right or the left?


The obvious difference between this verse and the others is that it refers here to Aaron and his sons. Aarons own compliance is not as noteworthy as the fact that he and his sons complied together. It was truly remarkable that there was complete cooperation and harmony in their joint practice of the initiation rites. Aaron and his sonsat least the two elder sons, Nadav and Avihuwere temperamentally very different. Aaron was calm, patient, tolerant, loving and a peaceful servant of G-d. Aaron was the ultimate expression of chesed kindness. Nadav and Avihu, on the other hand, were powerful, strong willed individuals, who did not always consult with Moses or Aaron before making an offering, which as we will discover in the next parsha resulted in their untimely passing. Moreover, Or HaChayim suggests that their deaths were not a punishment but rather the fulfillment of their passionate need to come closer to G-d. Their longing was so intense that they could not keep their souls anchored in the physical world; that is

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what impelled them to bring the unauthorized offering in the first place. The Oral Tradition fills in the gap by stating that they were also celibate and that they were intoxicated with passion, which caused them to stray from their G-d given role as people who would help bring the Jewish nation closer to G-d. Instead they allowed their own passions to take them away from the very people they were chosen to serve.

Aaron devoted his life to the people, whom he loved above all others. In mystical sources we are told that his level of chesed even surpassed that of Abraham, who was the very personification of kindness.
By his very nature, Aaron would have been drawn to the right toward chesed at the expense of the intense demands of gvura required in the initiation rites for the Mishkan. Conversely, Aarons sons, by virtue of the very opposite trait of gvura, would have been hard-pressed to limit their spiritual energy in any way. The emotional challenges that Aaron and his sons had to face were exacerbated by the command in the preceding verse: You should stay at the entrance of the tent of Meeting day and night for seven days, and must guard your appointed duty to G-d so that you will not die, for this is what I was commanded. Right after this stern admonition, the Torah describes Aaron and his sons compliance as unerring. What is the connection between these two verses? accommodate themselves to the rules that would inhibit and contain their souls passions. That was extremely difficult for them. The Torah makes a point of describing the degree of restraint shown on the part of both Aaron and his sons. They did not drift to either the extreme right or the extreme left, emotionally and spiritually speaking.


It is now easier to see how Aaron and his sons could have strayed to the right or to the left in the execution of their duties. Right and left are metaphors for the opposite emotions of chesed and gvura. Chesed is generally translated as kindness, but in a broader sense it refers to the traits of openness, expansiveness, love, and sociability. Gvura, on the other hand, is the very opposite of Chesed, and is characterized by strength, rigidity, separation, harshness, judgment and intensity. A gvura-oriented persons love, for example, can be so powerful and intense that it smothers and overwhelms the one he or she loves. Aaron was the embodiment of chesed, which is why he acquiesced to the demands of the people to make the golden calf in Moses absence. His love for them and fear for their well being prompted him to shoulder the blame for their sin. Thus, he illustrates the principal flaw of a kind, tolerant and peace loving individual: he cannot successfully execute orders that require the trait of gvura. For Aaron, it would have been extremely difficult for him to limit his open and loving personality.


The question remains, how did they have the power to exhibit such restraint and discipline, at least until the events described in our next parsha? The answer can be found in the unusual wording of the verse: G-ds command to them came through the hands of Moses. Moses hands imply his unparalleled ability to balance chesed and gvura. Moses, the transmitter of Torah, personified the trait of tiferes, which allows for the perfectly balanced synthesis of these two traits. The word hand in the singular alludes to this unified approach to life. During the seven days of initiation, Moses conducted the G-dly symphony with the skillful movement of his hand. Moses elevated presence ensured that there was harmony between father and sons, right and left. Once Moses left the scene, however, Aarons older sons rebalanced to favor their one-

Staying inside the Mishkan for seven full days posed an enormous spiritual challenge for Aaron and his sons, albeit for opposite reasons. For Aaron, staying away from the people was a major sacrifice. Aaron devoted his life to the people, whom he loved above all others. In mystical sources we are told that his level of chesed even surpassed that of Abraham, who was the very personification of kindness. Conversely, Aarons two oldest sons were forced to

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sided personalities, which resulted in their untimely passing. parents and two or more children are unlikely to be like each other. Is this good or bad? The answer, like the answer to so many similar questions is, it depends. When we deal with emotions, we should encourage the cultivation of each persons unique personality traits. If a child is happy and gregarious, that should be celebrated and encouraged. Of course, no one wants a child who is happy-golucky, without a serious bone in his or her body, or one, for that matter, who is reclusive and bereft of social skills. As long as there is an overall balance, we are not concerned by a child whose personality leans in a certain direction. A parent must possess the skill of a conductor who has the ability to raise and educate a well-balanced child. A parent can only achieve this by incorporating Moses Torah approach.


There is also a lesson for our times as we prepare for Redemption. Moshiach is the embodiment of Moses and more. Moshiach, as Moses, embodies the balance between right and left, and he too has the single hand that can guide the exquisite symphonic music that will accompany the new song we will sing imminently, in the days of Redemption. As we prepare for these days, particularly in the Passover season of Liberation, we must remember that we cannot stray to the right or the left. As members of a symphonic orchestra we must keep our eyes on the conductor. The teachings of the Torah, transmitted to us by Moses and the Moshiach of our generation, will guide us and lead us to the Era of Redemption. May we merit being part of that symphony!

The lesson for our day is obvious. Parents and children are products of different times. There is a natural tendency for children to think that they can do some or even all things better than their parents (which might very well be the case in some instances). The generation gap that has so characterized modern times has encouraged the children to stray from the traditions of the parents. When a parent has several children, he or she discovers that despite shared parents, schools, and virtually identical upbringings, each child will be different and unique. No matter how hard we endeavor to shape our children in the same mold, the outcome is seldom uniform. Children are rarely exactly like their Continued from page 57 R Peretz, who was a big scholar himself, commented about this exchange: Out of the entire learned conversation between the Rebbe and the bachur, he understood the first question and answer. He also understood the second question but only understood a little bit of the answer. After that, he did not understand anything at all.


One of the Chassidim of the Alter Rebbe had a son who was a big lamdan but he was also quite arrogant. When this Chassid asked the Alter Rebbe for advice on dealing with his sons arrogance, the Rebbe told him to bring his son. When the son saw the Rebbe, the Rebbe asked him, Do you know how to learn? Of course, he replied.

The Rebbe asked him a question about an explanation given by the Rosh (a commentary) and the bachur did not know the answer. The Rebbe asked him, So how will we reconcile with what the Rosh says? The bachur said, So let it not be according to what the Rosh says The Alter Rebbe asked, But if I can explain the Rosh to you? I will listen, said the son. The Rebbe explained the Rosh and asked, So, is the Rosh correct? Certainly, said the son. The Rebbe immediately asked another question on his answer and again resolved the difficulty. He presented questions and answers a number of times and each time there was a question, the son said, Not like the Rosh, and when the Rebbe resolved the question he agreed, Like the Rosh. Finally, the Rebbe said to him,

Nu, decide, is it like the Rosh or not? And the Rebbe concluded by saying, You cant be called a lamdan yet.


The mashpia R Shmuel Groner Esterman went to the Rebbe Maharash for Rosh HaShana and gave his pidyon nefesh to R Hendel for him to give it to the Rebbe. When R Hendel left the Rebbes room he told R Shmuel Gronem, Bring mashke. The Rebbe enjoyed your pidyon nefesh. What did you write in it that made the Rebbe so happy? R Gronem said: Most of it had to do with material matters and a request for shalom bayis. At the end I wrote: I am disgusted with my life except for the bit of Chassidus that I learn in depth.

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The state of my friends health was starting to get worse, and all of us on the school staff recommended that she should be hospitalized. For my part, I decided to go to the farbrengen and ask all those participating to bless her and to request a bracha from the Rebbe through Igros Kodesh, in the merit of the Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka, for a complete recovery. Presented for Yud-Alef Nissan.
By Menachem Mendel Arad Translated by Michoel Leib Dobry

he story you are about to read is true. The names and places have been removed to protect the anonymity and privacy of the main participants, due to the delicate nature of the subject at hand: This was on a cold winter night in the middle of Shvat last year on one of the yishuvim in Eretz Yisroel. The local shlucha had publicized in advance that there would be a farbrengen on Chaf-Beis Shvat, in honor of the yahrtzait of the Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka, wife of the Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach, and she

had invited all the citys women. Additional reminders were sent to the growing community of Chabad House supporters. In text messages and e-mails, the shlucha included the following well-known story: Once, a group of Lubavitcher women from Crown Heights sent a floral wreath to the Rebbetzin, in honor of her birthday. Attached to the wreath was an envelope with the names of people in need of a bracha. Rabbi Halberstam, the Chassid who ran the Rebbes sacred household, gave the wreath

to the Rebbetzin while giving the envelope of names to the Rebbe. The Rebbe looked at the envelope, and when he saw that the Rebbetzins name was written on it, he asked why the envelope hadnt been given to her. Rabbi Halberstam apologized and said that it contained a list of people who needed a bracha. Nu, the Rebbe replied with the utmost sincerity, she can also bless them! The shlucha concluded the brief story with these words: Even today the Rebbetzin can give a bracha. You are invited

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to participate in the Chaf-Beis Shvat farbrengen and receive a blessing. But as far as the eating itself was concerned, she couldnt even pass the practice tests... The state of my friends health was beginning to worsen, and all of us on the school staff recommended that she should be hospitalized. For my part, I decided to go to the farbrengen and ask all those participating to bless her and to request a bracha from the Rebbe through Igros Kodesh, in the merit of the Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka, for a complete recovery. life of the soul: Even though he regularly speaks about how he wants to fulfill the mitzvos and about the value of the mitzvos etc., if he never actually does it, the soul doesnt become stronger. Furthermore, since it lacks its whole purpose, it gets progressively weaker, as was stated above with regard to the body. Thus, there is no need to seek other reasons for a lack of success in his endeavors, for even the lack of mitzvah fulfillment is enough to explain the lack of success. Then, before closing the letter, the Rebbe wrote special instructions: And if he will listen to my advice, they should immediately check all the mezuzos in their home that they should be properly kosher. The shlucha, may G-d bless her, understood the Rebbes words according to their literal interpretation. The Rebbe says immediately. Lets go right now to her house and take the mezuzos to be checked. We got sufficiently bundled up, and with the wind whipping all around us, we headed toward my friends house. We knocked on the door, but no one answered and not a sound could be heard from inside. The shlucha decided that if we had already come this far, we should at least take down the front door mezuza and have it checked. When the shlucha removed the mezuza case, we were stunned. There was no mezuza inside. The case was totally empty... I decided right there that I would buy her the most stringently kosher mezuza available, and I asked the shlucha to make certain that it would be affixed to the front door of my friends home that same night. It was only then that I could finally


Mrs. R.B. was a friend and supporter of the local Chabad House. She was known personally as a very active and vigorous woman with a great deal of Ahavas Yisroel. The cold was intense, and the winds were howling outside that night, she said. However, I knew that I simply had to ignore the elements and go to participate at the farbrengen in the Rebbetzins honor. The main reason that had motivated her to come to the farbrengen was not a personal one. It essentially stemmed from her natural desire to help and be concerned for the welfare of others. I have a good friend who teaches with me at the local school. She is a much-esteemed woman with a tremendous reputation due to her success in Jewish education. However, during that winter, her physical health, and subsequently her emotional health, had begun to weaken from the effects of anorexia nervosa. I would come and visit her almost every day with a special meal, exactly as she had requested. She would enthusiastically describe to me over the phone what she likes to eat, including how to season the dish, how long to brown the onions, how to cut the vegetables, etc. I would prepare it just as she described, but when I got to her house and served her the food, she would always find some excuse why she couldnt eat it... When it came to talking about food, she had no rivals.


Despite the bitter cold, about thirty women came to the farbrengen. At the end of the event, we sat together and wrote a letter to the Rebbe, and the shlucha placed it in a volume of Igros Kodesh. When she read out the answer, we almost fainted from excitement. The Rebbe simply analyzed her condition in great detail: In the letter (Vol. 9, pg. 258), the Rebbe wrote: Thus, as in relation to the life of the body, if the person will speak day and night that he believes in the value of food, and he wants to accept it and eat it, yet he constantly doesnt eat, his body derives no benefit from his talking and he periodically becomes weak, to the point that he eventually will have no strength to speak about the benefit. We couldnt believe that these words actually appeared in the seifer, remaining unconvinced until we all saw for ourselves. As the letter continued, the Rebbe proceeded to elucidate upon this point from a spiritual perspective, as the shlucha later explained: In an actual sense, we also find in relation to the

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go to sleep, knowing that I had done what I could to help restore my good friends health.

We knocked on the door, but no one answered. The shlucha decided that if we had already come this far, we should at least take down the mezuza from THE TIDE TURNS the front doorpost and have it checked. When the shlucha The following morning, Friday, I went to work at the removed the mezuza case, we were stunned. There was school, hoping and praying that no mezuza inside.
everything would turn out all right for my friend. The fact that no had answered her door the previous night, despite our persistent knocking just three meters from her bedroom, worried me very much. During one of the breaks, I suddenly received a phone call from her. She sounded much better than the last time we had spoken. It turned out that during the previous night, she felt that all her strength was draining out of her. I was on the verge of dying; I was even too weak to pick up the phone and call for an ambulance, she said. I have no

idea what happened last night, but this morning I got up with a renewed feeling of strength, energy, and a will to live. I smiled. I did have an idea of what happened. I explained about what we had experienced at the farbrengen: writing the Rebbe, the instructions in his reply, checking the mezuza, affixing a new mezuza. My dear, I told her, you owe your life to the Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka. You should know that even today she can give a bracha.

Furthermore, in the merit of our participation in the farbrengen in her memory, we merited to receive a tremendous bracha from the Rebbe! Now, just do me a favor: take care of your health. Today, thank G-d, this woman has been restored to life. She continues with her work in the field of education and teaching, as she successfully prepares students for their matriculation exams, with joy and in good health, Mrs. R.B. said as she concluded her story.
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A compilation of Chassidishe stories on the topic of the topic of learning Torah and Chassidus, as written down by R Chaim Ashkenazi ah. ONE MORE CONTRACTION
A teacher of nine ten-yearolds had yechidus with the Rebbe. The Rebbe told him he should explain yichuda ilaa and yichuda tataa to the children. The teacher expressed his surprise: How could he explain such lofty ideas to young children?! The Rebbe said: If Hashem constricted Himself so that we can understand, then He can constrict Himself a little bit more so that even these young children can understand. an essential transformation in him so that he would be like an entirely different person and could go home. explaining the word Tanya! The next day, R Zalman related this to his brother-in-law, Zalman Schneersohn who asked him in jest: He did not get to talk about the border around the word Tanya yet? (Because in the Tanyas of that period the word Tanya is in a box.)


In Yeshivas Chachmei Lublin in Poland, there was a brilliant bachur with an unusually powerful memory. He was considered a walking encyclopedia. He was given a room in which he sat and learned, and whoever needed a source would ask him and he would easily find it. They once asked him if he ever learned Tanya. He said he did. They asked him how many times it says the word shoteh (fool) in Tanya. He said the word shoteh appears one time explicitly, And do not be a shoteh, but in every line of Tanya the implicit message is do not be a fool.

A family member went to the Rebbe Rayatz and noticed that he seemed upset. He asked the Rebbe what happened. The Rebbe said he had received a letter from Toras Emes which said that the teachers were planning on staging a work strike and this is why he was downcast.

A Chassid traveled with his wife to the airport in New York in order to fly to a different state, but he couldnt make the flight and had to return home. He was concerned about what it says in the will of Rabbi Yehuda HaChassid that someone who sets out on a journey should not return home before reaching his destination. He called R Chadakov and asked him to ask the Rebbe what he should do. The answer was he should learn a chapter of Tanya, and this learning would cause


The Rebbe Rayatz related that the holy Ohr HaChayim (Rabbi Chaim Ibn Attar, 1696-1743) had two daughters. Thanks to his learning with them, we have the commentary Ohr HaChayim on the Torah. From this, the Rebbe learned of the obligation to teach Torah to Jewish girls. When the Rebbe Rayatz visited Eretz Yisroel, one of


R Shaul Ber Zislin was once a guest of R Zalman Butman. There was no place for him to sleep and so they both sat and learned Tanya all night. R Shaul Ber spent the entire time

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the notables of Yerushalayim questioned him about this, for it says in the Gemara, whoever teaches his daughter Torah its as though he taught her tiflus (moral corruption). How could the Rebbe demand that Jewish girls be taught Torah? The Rebbe said: How is it possible that you are worried about the teaching of girls being as though he taught her tiflus, and you are not worried about the fact that today they are teaching girls outright tiflus? At a later point, someone from Yerushalayim wrote to the Rebbe and asked: But the Ohr HaChayim did not have children at all? The Rebbe Rayatz responded that he heard that too, but he had been told by his father the Rebbe Rashab, who heard from his father the Rebbe Maharash, that the Ohr HaChayim had daughters. In fact, I [C. A.] heard that there is someone who has a family tree that goes back to the Ohr HaChayim.

the Rebbe Rashab what the purpose in learning Chassidus is. The Rebbe said it is in order not to forget the Nosein HaTorah (the One who gives the Torah, i.e. Hashem). R Chaim Brisker asked: By learning Chassidus is it really impossible to forget the Nosein HaTorah? The Rebbe said: There is a proof from the Gemara in connection to bdikas chametz for Pesach. We are not concerned lest a person eat from the chametz while checking for chametz, because he is involved with chametz for the purpose of destroying it. The same is true for learning Chassidus. While constantly speaking about Hashem, how is it possible to forget about Him?

R Peretz Chein was in Lubavitch and wanted to see the Tzemach Tzedek. At the same time, a young prodigy who was not a Chassid, whom they did not know, also wanted yechidus with the Rebbe. Of course, R Peretz was a big Chassid and lamdan and they did not want allow the bachur


R Chaim of Brisk once asked

in before him. But the bachur said he should be allowed in immediately and an argument ensued about who should go in first, R Peretz or the bachur. When the Tzemach Tzedek heard the commotion he said, Let them both in. The Tzemach Tzedek asked the bachur, Do you know how to learn? The bachur said he did. The Rebbe asked him, Did you learn the Rambam in suchand-such a section? He said he did. The Rebbe asked him a question on that Rambam and the bachur was very impressed and said: Oy, a shaila. The Tzemach Tzedek gave him an answer to the question and the bachur was even more impressed and said: Oy, a tirutz. Once again, the Tzemach Tzedek asked him a question and then answered it and this happened five times. The bachur was tremendously impressed by the Rebbes questions and answers, and on his way out he said: Thats a lamdan! Continued on page 52
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A fascinating look at Pesach based on the Midrash, Kabbala, and Chassidus Chabad
By Rabbi Yosef Karasik District rav Beit Chefer, Emek Chefer


Theres a line people say, Dust isnt chametz, children arent the Korban Pesach, and your husband isnt the goat sent to Azazel! The point here is that chametz needs to be gotten rid of, but spring cleaning and organizing have nothing to do with the mitzva of eradicating chametz. Anger at family members is always forbidden, even if it is for the sake of the mitzva of getting the house ready for Pesach. There are places that must be cleaned of chametz before Pesach and places that dont even have to be checked. It depends on the type of place it is. If it is a place where chametz is used, even infrequently, it needs to be cleaned. If it is never used for

chametz, it does not need to be checked. Destroying the chametz depends on the state of the chametz. If the chametz falls under our ownership it must be removed and destroyed. Chametz that is discarded and treated as something ownerless does not need to be checked for. In Shulchan Aruch HaRav, siman 434: 9 it says that tiny crumbs of chametz can be thrown on the floor where it will be trampled, even inside the home, because it is destroyed by the trampling of feet. In other words, the fact that it is walked on shows that it is worthless and does not remain in the persons possession. However, the Alter Rebbe in his responsa quotes the Arizal about being stringent on Pesach, about cleaning for chametz, as well as hiddurim regarding matza, with all the stringencies.


In Chassidus, it speaks a lot about eradicating the spiritual chametz, i.e. the bad character traits of the Evil Inclination and animal soul in ones heart. The process of refinement and rectification of these traits is accomplished not only by learning Chassidus, but also by physically getting rid of actual chametz. The labor involved in getting rid of chametz affects a person on a soul level and refines his middos, revealing the emotions of love and fear of Hashem and the desire to serve Him with joy. As surprising as it sounds, even though scouring pots and sinks all year round is not an inherently spiritual activity, the physical cleaning done for Pesach refines the soul and draws a Jew

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closer to the light of truth. Based on this we can understand the practice of Chassidim to spend a long time on Bdikas Chametz (Igros Kodesh vol. 2, p. 344). The Rebbe tells about the Alter Rebbe who once spent the entire night on Bdikas Chametz even though he had one only room! (That was in 5525/1765 when he returned for the first time from the Maggid of Mezritch). This was not only because Chassidim are particular to fulfill mitzvos with great hiddur, but because of the great spiritual benefit that results in the act of checking for chametz. Additionally, its not only the effort in checking for chametz, but also the effort put into baking matzos which erases the coarseness and the insensitivity to Torah and mitzvos, refines a Jew, and brings him close to the service of Hashem and His Torah.

When he had yechidus with the Tzemach Tzedek, the Rebbe said to him: You need to take care of the body of a Jew. The older the body gets, the more one needs to treat it with respect for the mitzvos of tzitzis and tfillin that are done by it. THE ANGELS CREATED FROM THE EXERTION
them. The barrel was brought to the beis midrash and they all worked to clean and polish it before their Rebbe came to visit the city. The Rebbe said that he asked the older Chassidim, Why are you doing the work yourselves and are not allowing the younger ones to help? This would train them in the ways of Chassidus! Why did you drag the water from a well so far away and not from a well closer to the beis midrash? The elders replied, We want to put in the effort ourselves in honor of the Rebbe, because

The Rebbe Maharash once traveled from Marienbad to his home in Lubavitch. On the way, he stopped at the gravesite of the tzaddik, Rabbi Levi Yitzchok of Berditchev. On his way out, the saw a group of older Jews, Tolna Chassidim, who looked like men of stature and Torah scholars. These men were dragging a large barrel filled with water. Around them were younger men, but the older ones dragged the heavy barrel themselves and did not allow the younger men to help

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from the exertion in preparation for a mitzva, healthy angels are created who become advocates for us in heaven. They went on to say one time, on Rosh HaShana, we heard R Levi Yitzchok address Hashem and say: Merciful Father, if the angels that emerge from the sounds of the shofar that I blew are weak (for my blowing was with a weak voice), may the healthy angels that were created from the great efforts that Jews put into preparing the house for Pesach be powerful advocates for us. He added: That is the secret of what is said after the tkias shofar, that the sounds that emerge from which stands for kratzen, shaben, raiben, kashern (scraping, polishing, rubbing, kashering), namely that the angels formed by the efforts put into Pesach ascend with the blowing of the shofar. Astonishing words! Heavenly angels are created from the kashering and toil for Pesach that are even greater than those formed from the shofar blowing of the tzaddik, R Levi Yitzchok! endangering ones health (from the fumes and other hazards associated with chemical cleansers). The following is a story that was told by the Rebbe Rayatz about the importance of a Jews health: The Chassid Shaul Sholom of Horodok was an oved Hashem and greatly learned in Nigleh and Chassidus. He was well to do, supporting himself through farm work. He was a baal tzdaka and chesed and his hospitality was outstanding. He was one of the first Chassidim of the Alter Rebbe and then of the Mitteler Rebbe and the Tzemach Tzedek. He would go to the Rebbe once a year, on Shavuos. He would walk, despite the vast distance of hundreds of kilometers. In 5608/1848 he was ninety years old and he still walked to the Rebbe! He even joined the dancing of the Chassidim and did the kazatzke, which is difficult even for youngsters. When he had yechidus with the Tzemach Tzedek, the Rebbe said to him: You need to take care of the body of a Jew. The older the body gets, the more one needs to treat it with respect for the mitzvos of tzitzis and tfillin that are done by it. When he left the yechidus, he said to his fellow Chassidim: My brothers, I have the strength to dance just as I did when I was younger, but the Rebbe told me to be careful of my health and so I cannot dance the special dance after yechidus (known as Rikud Kodesh HaKadoshim), but please make me a chair with your hands and I will sit on them and we will do the dance. Two strong men put their hands together and he sat on their hands and they danced together in an outpouring of their hearts. Suddenly, he slipped off his perch, jumped, and stood on the hands of the two Chassidim and began clapping and singing in wondrous dveikus. *** The highest moment in the life of a Chassid is when he has yechidus with the Rebbe. It is the moment when he rises up in the service of Hashem and he becomes a new entity. And it was at this lofty moment when the Tzemach Tzedek spoke about taking care of the health of a Chassid. May it be Hashems will that by doing the mitzva of Bdikas Chametz on the eve of Pesach that we eradicate the Evil Inclination from all the nooks and crannies of this bitter galus. May we speedily merit the true and complete Geula, as in the days of your going out of Egypt, I will show you wonders.


It should be pointed out that the cleaning efforts should be done carefully, without Continued from page 66 vengeance. Eretz Yisroel doesnt just belong to the settlers, just as the world of Torah is not the exclusive birthright of the ultra-Orthodox. Each of these communities has a profound responsibility to bear both flags, and it is forbidden to raise one at the expense of the other. Are you concerned about

Obamas upcoming visit to Eretz Yisroel? As do all good Jews, we believe that the heart of kings [is] in the Hand of G-d. This verse is not just a slogan, rather a guiding principle that our lives must follow. We act with complete faith, and this naturally includes our persistent efforts on the more practical and political fronts. We are confidently

preparing for all possible scenarios, and we believe that we will merit to do our utmost, working together to preserve the integrity of Eretz Yisroel, to enhance the prestige of the Torah, and to perfect the world under the sovereignty of Alm-ghty G-d.

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We were sorry to hear of the passing of the elder Chassid, R Dovid Chein ah. He was a son, grandson and descendent of the Chein family, who were loyal Lubavitch Chassidim for generations. He was born in 5683/1923. His father was R Yehuda Chein, a distinguished Chassid in his generation. His childhood years coincided with the early years of Communism, when the new regime worked tirelessly to spread its dogma. Jewish schools were closed and klei kodesh (lit. holy vessels, i.e. anyone holding a religious position in Jewish life) went underground. Nevertheless, his father invested a lot into his chinuch and was very particular about it. I remember that one time I said Modim DRabbanan by heart, as children do, said R Dovid. My father saw this but didnt say anything. When we got home, he said that he saw me say it by heart and he asked me to say it for him. I knew the first two or three lines and thats all. Needless to say, from then on I was careful to say it from a Siddur. He was taught about hospitality even though it entailed great danger. The mitzva of hachnasas orchim penetrated the hearts and souls of the children. One time, a maggid an itinerant preacher who made the rounds of the towns to inspire Jews, came to town. His father told his wife that a maggid had come to town and for some reason he had not come to their house. The next day, little Dovid was walking down the street when he Chein family had to escape Moscow, and after much wandering they arrived in Kokand, Uzbekistan, not far from Samarkand. The army was looking for deserters and since Dovid Chein was eighteen he had no choice but had himself admitted to a mental hospital. Miraculously, he emerged from there in good health. The Chein family wandered from one place to the next. At a certain point they had to leave the little town and move to Tashkent. There, he was able to learn from and bask in the presence of a number of Chassidic greats. The Chein family escaped from Russia after the war with many others. It was the eshalon that left on the Chag HaGeula of 19 Kislev 5707/1947. After further stops along the way, R Dovid arrived in Eretz Yisroel where he was one of the founders of Kfar Chabad. That is where he built his home with his wife ah. They opened their home to all in need and were very involved in the chinuch and care of children in dire circumstances. He was one of the pillars of Kfar Chabad. He was appointed as the secretary of the vaad of Kfar Chabad and did a great deal to develop the village. Everything he did was done with all his heart and soul. R Dovid was a role model of a Chassid of previous generations. He would beseech his listeners to strengthen their inner Chassidic character traits and be role models in the deepest Chassidic sense of the concept. He passed away after Purim of this year at the age of 90.
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saw a new face. He went over to him and asked in Russian, Are you the maggid? The man looked at him in astonishment and said yes, he was. So come and stay with us, Dovid said happily. The maggid didnt know what made the little boy say this, but he followed him home. When they arrived, Dovid exclaimed, Mama, I brought the maggid to us! Since they did not want the children to attend the government school, Dovid had to leave home when he was seven. He returned only seven years later. In his youth, he spent time with the great mashpiim, R Nissan Nemenov and R Shlomo Chaim Kesselman. Years later he would tell his own firsthand stories about the great Chassidim of the previous generation. He spoke about them with Chassidishe feeling and would sometimes cry when he reminisced about those special men. During World War II the




While the headlines continue to follow the tension in Yehuda and Shomron as things heat up throughout the region, the settlement leaders are preparing for any possible scenario, including an escalation of violence, requiring an appropriate response. Naturally, they hope that all these incidents will stop and pray for a cessation of hostilities. In the meantime, however, extremist left-wing activists encourage local conflicts, inciting the Arabs and creating an atmosphere of complete anarchy. In an interview with Beis Moshiach, journalist Avraham Binyamin, spokesman for the Yitzhar settlement, speaks about this raging battle alongside the equally ruthless onslaught by the government-sponsored media.
By Sholom Ber Crombie Translated by Michoel Leib Dobry

ith the headlines blaring on the increasingly hostile atmosphere in Yehuda and Shomron and the growing concern for the outbreak of a new Arab uprising, the residents of the Jewish settlements are in a state of high alert, as they follow each new incident of violence with great apprehension. In recent weeks,

they have begun to feel the tension, as young Arabs take full advantage of the fragile security situation with endless acts of hostility against the settlers. Are the settlers experiencing this in their daily lives or are we only talking about things that occur on a more general level? In recent months, we have

been witness to a sharp increase in the number of security threats around the settlements. This pertains to the very safety of local residents, starting with throwing rocks, tossing Molotov cocktails onto the highways, and other incidents in the general vicinity. Thank G-d, in most cases, the incident results only in property damage or light injuries. We hope that things get no worse than that. Each day that passes without serious injury is literally a miracle. Of course, we dont hear about such incidents in the media, as they prefer to ignore the situation here. You can see the facts on the General Security Services website, which publicizes monthly reports on whats going on in Yehuda and Shomron. Evidence clearly shows that there has recently been a sharp increase in violence throughout the region. We can feel how these events are bringing us back to the atmosphere that reigned during the second intifada twelve years ago. In recent weeks, we have seen mass demonstrations by hundreds and thousands of Arab rioters in Chevron and the Arab villages surrounding our settlements. In general, the feeling is that the Arabs are trying to rise up again and generate another intifada. We must understand that throwing

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Yitzhar spokesman Avraham Binyamin on one of the settlements hills

rocks is also considered an act of terrorism in every respect, placing innocent lives at grave risk. Nevertheless, why havent these incidents developed into something far more serious? We literally see miracles, as we face this most dangerous situation. Reports come in each day on incidents that miraculously end without anyone getting hurt. There have also been numerous attacks on the Israel Defense Forces, which are naturally better protected. For example, there were cases of rock throwing on army patrols in various areas, including Otef Yerushalayim and near Kever Rachel. Recently, terrorists were captured at a checkpoint near Kfar Tapuach, in possession of seven explosive devices, a pistol, and a knife. It turns out that they were on their way to set off an explosion somewhere in the central part of the country.

Thanks to the alertness of the soldiers on duty, they were caught during a routine security check. This growing danger also poses a real problem for settlers traveling by vehicle. People driving between home and work regularly encounter rockthrowing or rioting. There is also more local rampaging, such as on the settlement of Aish Kodesh, located near Shilo. For the past several months, its residents have been under relentless attacks by Arabs, who come to the yishuv and destroy property. Fortunately, the situation there thus far has resulted only in property damage and minor injuries. However, the danger continues to grow. The Arabs are constantly testing the limits, yet the defense forces wont act. What does that mean they wont act? Isnt there any response to the wave of violence? When a common citizen,

with no awareness with the security situation, gets caught in an ambush of rock throwers, hell call the military command center, report the incident, but no more than that. For its part, the army arrives at the scene, combs the area for suspects, and even sometimes arrests the perpetrators but no overall response is ordered. The job of the commanding officer is to restore calm and not give too much attention to such occurrences. They deal with each case separately, as if it was merely an isolated incident. There is no general response or even an effort to try and stop the wave of violence. Have you tried to speak with the local military authorities? Of course we have. We are in constant contact with the army, but they simply choose to ignore the pleas of the local Jewish residents. The high-ranking military echelon ties the hands of the senior officers in the field.
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The regional commander takes a position dictated by the leftist political ideology that guides him. It seems that he operates with a determination to maintain a semblance of tranquility. Naturally, this leads to more farreaching consequences. The settlement of Yitzhar was recently in the headlines over the violent incidents instigated by nearby Arabs. Do you claim that they are scheming against you? In recent months, there have been incidents every week, as teenage Arabs from the nearby village go home after school in the direction of the Yitzhar outposts and try to create a riot. They attempt to set fires, damage property, and enter the settlement grounds. And what has the army chosen to do to combat this phenomenon? It comes in force and destroys the outpost. According to their line of thinking, this will calm things down. However, nothing changes as a result. The outpost has been destroyed twice already, yet the Arab youths continue their provocations and matters have only gotten worse since then. Located near this hill are thousands of tear gas canisters for soldiers to use against rioters. Of course, none of this does any good. When several hundred Arabs come and the army fires tear gas at them, this simply has no effect. The Arabs just take the grenades and throw them back at the soldiers. Two months ago, Israeli and foreign left-wing activists created a very provocative incident. They made a treeplanting ritual close to Yitzhar, together with Arab residents from the nearby villages. Since we have a group of local settlers who follow leftist activities in the social media, we knew about this event several weeks in advance. Together with deputy council head Yossi Dagan, we turned to the military authorities and the regional police commander for the purpose of stopping this ceremony in its tracks. The army chose not to take this step, and as expected, dozens of activists, including some from overseas, arrived with a few saplings for the sole purpose of putting on a show for the cameras. The entire ritual was meant to be an act of incitement and assault on the local Jewish settlers. All these episodes eventually lead to a cat and mouse game between the army and the Arab rioters. All this could be easily handled in a quite different manner, if only the IDF would decide to put an end to such occurrences from the very start. This whole situation began with the well-publicized incident at the village of Kadum, where Israeli soldiers fled from the Arab rabble due to problematic orders on opening fire, compelling them to retreat, not react. During the snowstorm this past winter, when about two hundred Arabs headed towards the settlement outpost, the Jewish residents came on the scene and drove them away. The army only arrived much later to take control of the situation. This is our reality today. Since the Arabs know that the IDF will not fight to the end, they continue sowing unrest and making disturbances. Whats happening in the hills near Yitzhar is one continuous battle. Each week, theres another skirmish between the Arabs storming in from one of their villages and the army handling each clash with kid gloves, instead of dealing with the problem once and for all. Based on your description, it sounds like the IDF arrives at the scene of violence and deals with the situation. What exactly do you expect the army to do that it is not doing now? We are calling for the immediate arrest of all those spurring the Arabs to commit acts of violence. But above all, we want court orders issued against these provocateurs, preventing them from entering Yehuda and Shomron. This is a handful of militant anarchists, which comes from overseas to create turmoil. The steps we demand include their removal from the region and a halt to their incitement. There are enough tools available to apply the rule of law to these agitators. However, the regional military commander only uses these tactics against the settlers, who are suspected of taking action against the dismantling of the outposts. The army arranges for expulsion and eviction orders against Jews, without establishing any proof of probable guilt. In contrast, while there is more than sufficient evidence to warrant arrest and prosecution of the Arab lawbreakers, the IDF wrings its hands and does nothing. Against the rioters, the army has thus far used only tear gas grenades defined as a means of dispersing protestors despite the fact that such incidents actually require a much harsher response. To our great regret, the IDF ties its own hands by using methods only designed to break up demonstrations, while ignoring the fact that these activists come to cause property and physical damage. When someone throws a rock or a Molotov cocktail, this is an act of terrorism. Yet, even in such circumstances, the soldiers hands are tied and they are forced to act as if these are just innocent

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demonstrators. Last summer, you suffered from repeated cases of arsons. Are you concerned about what will happen during the coming summer? I believe that theyll start lighting fires again this summer as theyve done for the last four years. Every summer, the Arabs set the surrounding agricultural fields ablaze, as part of a deliberate effort to burn down settlement homes and possibly cause bodily harm (G-d forbid) to the local residents. In one instance, the fire literally reached a row of houses, and we were forced to evacuate an entire neighborhood. The Arabs usual tactics are to set fires on Friday, close to the onset of Shabbos, or on Shabbos itself, thinking that we will be forbidden to extinguish the blaze. Naturally, we act according to Shulchan Aruch, Sec. 329, and the halachic rulings of local rabbanim, and we put out the fires, even on Shabbos. However, this tends to detract from the holy day of rest. On the other hand, we also perceive such events in a more positive light. Nothing warms the Jewish heart more than watching an entire settlement join forces to save families whose homes are in danger. We see here a most impressive expression of mutual assistance steeped in Torah values. Even on a Friday afternoon, in the middle of all the Shabbos preparations and giving baths to the children, the whole yishuv came out to douse the flames, in order that the fires shouldnt cause damage to their neighbors houses. Do you have plans to take preventive measures to stop the continuation of such incidents? This depends upon the restrictions placed on the

It was only due to our cameras being in place that we were able to present the facts correctly.
and saw the strange cameras, they became startled and acted quite differently. For their part, the soldiers were very happy to see our cameras in place. It gave them a feeling of security to take necessary action without the fear that extremist left-wing cameramen will later present a distorted picture. Last year, a clash occurred near the settlement, and the local rapid response team had to deal with a situation where lives would be at risk. After they were forced to open fire, the IDF impounded the teams weapons, and the media portrayed the entire incident in totally erroneous terms. It was only due to our cameras being in place that we were able to present the facts correctly, and two weeks later, the weapons were returned to their rightful owners. In recent months, the court case against the settlement activists accused of espionage was brought to a conclusion. How did this struggle progress? These are activists who took part last winter in efforts to stop the dismantling of outposts throughout Yehuda and Shomron. Various activities began to take shape, and even Knesset Members and Cabinet ministers were partners in reporting any suspicious mobilization of IDF forces around the settlements, thereby removing the possibility of surprising local residents in the middle of the night to destroy their homes. These operations aroused a powerful response from the army and the police, because the activists had succeeded in preventing further outpost dismantling. In most
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settlements ability to take official and approved action in the surrounding area. There are plans to pave a kind of fire lane near the yishuv, but this can only prevent the flames from spreading, not stop them completely. I can safely say that the residents of Yitzhar are not used to being just in a defense posture. They also know how to rise up and protect themselves, and the neighboring Arabs take this into account. Why does the IDF tie its own hands? In recent years, the extremist left-wing organization, BTselem, has set up a whole system of hidden cameras to record all clashes with IDF forces. After each incident, they edit the film to serve their own purposes, causing serious harm to the image of the Israeli soldier. On numerous occasions, the whole episode is taken completely out of context, thereby potentially creating an international scandal. Our response to this is a counter-system of cameras, which has recently been put in operation with the special assistance of the Tatzpit news agency. Even in Yitzhar, we run a camera system when volatile incidents occur, as we try to provide our own answers with the limited powers available to us. For example, two years ago, the settlement cameras recorded a BTselem photographer picking up a rock during a planting ceremony and throwing it towards the IDF soldiers. The film illustrated the fact that this is an organization that cooperates with the terrorists. When foreign activists arrived



cases, the army was forced to postpone their plans, at least until they could properly reorganize their forces. The response was swift and harsh. The police arrested the activists, while the army and the General Security Services went on a rampage, as they demanded that they should be tried for espionage, no less. However, once the police realized that it would be impossible to file such charges, they found a legally binding clause dating back to the era of the British Mandate. It declared in the name of the King of England that it was forbidden to gather intelligence on military activities. This clause was implemented for the first time since the establishment of the state of Israel for the purpose of prosecuting the settlers. At the end of the legal process, a plea bargain was made between the police and the accused, bringing the affair to an end. Regrettably, some of the defendants are now preparing for several months of imprisonment, while others were sentenced to community service. Throughout this period, the yishuv members helped the defendants, whose livelihood and freedom had been seriously harmed. However, the families had accepted the entire burden of the criminal trial upon themselves. This included the loss of personal liberties, lengthy imprisonments, and interminable periods of house arrest. These are fathers of young children, who were forced to deal with unprecedented harassment and maltreatment, often living in isolation from their homes and families. The activists received support from a wide range of sectors and communities who are faithful to the cause of Eretz Yisroel, far more than just from the nearby settlements. Last week, it was reported that the prime minister is soon expected to proclaim another construction freeze. Arent you still recovering from the aftereffects of the previous freeze? Regardless of the freeze, the entire settlement movement has grown during the past years in a most astonishing manner. During the period that preceded the freeze, thousands of construction projects had been initiated, and new homes were subsequently built despite the government edict. Furthermore, many settlements found a number of creative ways to bypass the freeze and continue building. For example, several yishuvim placed buckets of cements in select locations when the air force was taking aerial photos of the starting construction projects. As a result, they concluded that these were approved building programs, and work could continue without restrictions. Despite the difficulties, we were always able to sidestep the decree and keep on building. I personally live on a hill near Yitzhar, and I built my house during the construction freeze. While no cement mixers dared to come to the site, we managed to circumvent the problem and finish work on our home. One positive aspect was how the battle against the construction freeze remained steadfast and unwavering. Ironically, those settlements not known for their fierce ideological stance were particularly resolute in their struggle against the freeze. I can safely say that the building freeze has not dimmed the enthusiasm in Yehuda and Shomron, and the construction will continue despite the new governments pronouncements. Commentators suggest that the political covenant between Naftali Bennett (Bayit HaYehudi) and Yair Lapid (Yesh Atid) will endanger the future of these yishuvim, since it will eventually cause the ultraOrthodox parties to become the natural supporters of uprooting the settlements. Regrettably, there are parts of the national religious community that dont feel enough of a connection to the ultra-Orthodox sector. Here in Yitzhar, things are quite different. We believe that the common link among all Jews faithful to G-d and His Torah must be strengthened. We feel a powerful connection to ultra-Orthodox Jewry and have great reverence for all Torah scholars. It is important that the public discussion over compulsory military service should be sincere and respectful, while getting to the heart of the matter. We must seek a real solution that will bestow proper honor to the world of Torah and provide an appropriate response to the need for more widespread participation in the nations defense. However, if the debate becomes filled with hatred and antagonism, as we have seen in recent months, both sides will continue to pay a heavy price. While such calls for mutual respect are being heard from many people in the national religious community, regrettably, we arent hearing them enough. We are concerned about the growing atmosphere of hostility, and we pray that G-d should serve as a beacon for the relevant parties in this discussion, who might be inclined to turn this issue into a tragic battle for Continued on page 60

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