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Straightforward Intermediate Progress Test 3 N a m e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ S c o r e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Language section Vocabulary A Complete the conversation with words from the box.

There are five extra words. Adolescent article circulation elderly embarks headline idiot limit move on oneway prison relief sentenced shame toddler took off zone M a n : w o w ! L o o k a t t h i s (1)_______________, Man, 80,(2) _______________ on epic journey across Canada.W o m a n : W h a t d o e s t h e (3) _______________ say?Man:Apparently this man has just decided to walk from one side of Canada to the other. It says hehad a heart attack last year so hes decided he wants to do something different.W o m a n : W h a t a n (4) _______________!M a n : W h y ? Woman :Well he should have done something like this when he was y o u n g e r . I t s n o t t h e k i n d of thing for an (5) _______________ person to do.M a n : Y e a h ! W e l l , h e c o u l d n t d o i t b e f o r e b e c a u s e h e s p e n t 2 5 y e a r s in (6) _______________!W o m a n : W h a t f o r ? Man: Im not s u re. It s a ys he re t ha t he broke t he spe ed (7) _______________, but you dont go to prison for 25 years just for that! Oh, thats why.W o m a n : W h a t ? W h a t d i d h e d o ? Man: Fi rst of al l he robbed a b ank , t hen he drove t he wron g wa y down a (8) _______________ street and he hit a mother and her (9) _______________. Athis trial the judge said he was a danger to society and (10) _______________ him tolife in prison. Now it turns out he wasnt driving but nobody believed him.W o m a n : W h a t a (11) _______________!Man : Yes, but he sa ys he s not angr y. He j us t want s t o (12) _______________ and make the mostof the years hes got left. BChoose the correct word to complete these sentences. (13) Can you get me a bottle / jar of milk, please? (14) People who love shopping and shop all the time are called

shoplifters / shopaholics . (15) You really should take advantage / advice of our special offers. (16) Sorry, I bought it by / in mistake. (17) Its really difficult to live on / off less than 100 per week. Grammar CChoose the correct word(s) to complete the sentences. (18) Ive been working here for / since ages. (19) Dont do it! You had / would regret it! (20) I eat a / the very healthy diet. (21) Ive liked / been liking shopping for as long as I can remember. (22) She gave me lots of / much good advice (23) I really like / the Spanish food. DChoose the correct phrase, a or b, to complete 2429. (24) If you hadnt met me, __________?a) what would you do b) what would you have done (25) If you werent a photographer, __________?a) what would you want to be b) what would you have wanted to be (26)

What would you say, __________?a) if you met the president of your country b) if you had met the president of yo ur country (27) If they had planned the robbery properly, __________.a) I think they would escape b) I think they would have escaped (28) If you could change one thing in your life, __________?a) what would it be b) what would it have been (29) I wouldnt have done anything differently, __________.a) even if I knew b) even if I had known Functional language ERead 3034. Is the speaker giving advice, making an offer, or complaining? (30) Im sorry, but I think theres something wrong with this. advice / offer / complaint (31) Shall I look at it for you? advice / offer / complaint (32) What you need to do is take it back and complain. advice / offer / complaint (33) Shall I phone the shop for you? advice / offer / complaint (34) Have you thought about asking for your money back? advice / offer / complaint FComplete the conversation with the expressions in the box. T h e r e a r e t h r e e extra expressions. What seems to Theres no harm Thats really kind of you No, Ill manage, thanks If you like If I were you IdI dont think theres Have you tried Do you want me toA: Not again! I cant believe it, thats the second time its stopped working.B: (35) _______________ be the problem?A: I dont know. Every time I try to start it I get this horrible sound.B: (36) _______________ try and start it?A: Would you? (37) _______________.B: Mmmm.A: What is it?B: (38) _______________ a problem with the engine.A: Then why wont it work?B: Ah! (39) _______________ checking the petrol?A: What do you mean?B: Well, when was the last time you put any petrol in the tank?A: Er, Im not sure.B: (40)

_______________ check that. I think youll find that youve run out.A: Oh! How embarrassing

Listening Part 1 [Track 11] You are going to hear five short recordings. Listen and choose the correctanswer for each one. (1) Which age does the speaker think is the best age to be?a) late thirties/early forties b) toddler c) teenager (2) What cant the woman leave?a) her job b) her husband c) her home (3) Why was the traffic stopped in the centre of London?a) because of an arrest b) because of the Prime Minister c) because of a demonstra tion (4) Adam is unlucky becausea) his cars broken down. b) he wont get paid until Friday. c) its difficult getting to work. (5) The womans husband complains becausea) of the amount she spends. b) he spends less on football. c) she buys unnecessary thi ngs. Part 2 [Track 12] Listen to the story about a bank robbery and complete 610. Do not usemore than three words to complete each sentence. (6) The judge sentenced Mr Mckenzie to ____________________________________________ in prison. (7) He was wearing a mask, T-shirt and ____________________________________________. (8) He tried to rob the bank on ____________________________________________. (9) He asked the cashier to put 10,000 in ____________________________________________. (10) His ____________________________________________ was written on the back of theenvelope that he left behind. Reading Part 1

Read the text and match the events in the box to the five people. Be careful! There arethree extra events. Leaving school Leaving home Graduating Starting a new jobGetting married Having children Moving to a new town Retiring (1) M a r i a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (2) B o b _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (3) Jay _______________ (4) S a n i t a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (5) P h i l _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Life can be full of surprises, but most of us know that there are somemoments when we are faced with decisions that can change everything.This is what five people said about the times where their lives took completely new directions. It shouldnt have come as a surprise. After all, wed known each other for fiveyears, but once we finally made things permanent everything changed. Now Iwake up every morning knowing Ill be with him for the rest of my life and it justmakes me so happy. ( Maria, 28 )I thought Id love having lots of free time, but I guess after 45 years of knowingwhat I was going to do each day suddenly having so much time just came as ashock. Unfortunately Im bored a lot nowadays! ( Bob, 67 )I was really looking forward to it, but in the end I missed my parents so much. Inever realised just how much mymum did for me! ( Jay, 18 )Everyone told me it would change my life forever, but I never really thought itwould. I guess having twins made it even harder, but I never thought Id be thistired. Some days I just want to go to sleep as soon as I get up in the morning!( Sanita, 25 )

Its great. I really hated my old one and Id been looking for more than a year, butI never thought Id get this one. When I went for the interview I got so nervous soI was really surprised when they phoned me up and asked me when I could start.( Phil, 35 ) Straightforward Intermediate Progress Test 3 p6

Part 2 Read the story about Martin Roberts, a journalist. Are these sentences true (T), false(F) or not given (NG)? (6) M a r t i n g r a d u a t e d a s a s p o r t s j o u r n a l i s t . T F N G (7) O x f a m a n d o t h e r c h a r i t i e s h a v e t h e a b i l i t y t o h e l p e v e r y o n e . T F N G (8) M a r t i n t r a i n e d a s a j o u r n a l i s t i n L o n d o n . T F N G (9) T h o m a s a n d M a r t i n w o r k e d f o r t h e s a m e n e w s p a p e r . T F N G (10) M a r t i n w a s a s k e d t o w o r k f o r t h e B B C c o v e r i n g s t o r i e s i n E a s t A f r i c a . T F N G Ive worked as a journalist for over ten years and I wouldnt do anything else. Ilove my job. Its a bit dangerous at times, but its really interesting and I just feelso lucky to be able to do something that I enjoy so much.When people ask me why I became a journalist, they are often surprised by theanswer. When I was at school, I was never really interested in the news andcertainly didnt plan on making a career reporting it. In fact, I wanted to be asports teacher and I even went to university to study for it. Then, in my summerholidays at the end of my first year I went on holiday to Kenya.While I was there, I met a man called Thomas who worked for a local newspaper.A few days before I left, Thomas asked me to come with him to a small town inthe east of the country. He was going there to cover a story about war andfamine in a neighbouring country. Well, I went along and immediately gothooked. It was just so exciting and it felt as though we were doing somethingimportant as well. Sure there were aid workers from charity organisations likeOxfam and Mdecins Sans Frontires, but they could only help the people theysaw. Thomas was telling the whole world so he could help everyone.When I got back to England, I changed courses at university. Every holiday Id goback to Kenya and work with Thomas it was great experience. Anyway, when Igraduated I was offered a job in Nairobi working for the same newspaper as Thomas. At first I only covered small stories in and around the city, but after afew years I was given the chance to work on stories that would interest peoplearound the world. Finally, four years ago the BBC asked me to work for them astheir East Africa correspondent. So now I travel all around the region reporting onevents like wars, famine and anything else that I feel is important. Straightforward Intermediate Progress Test 3 p7

Writing You bought an expensive digital camera from a shop to take on holiday with you.Unfortunately the camera didnt work. You could switch it on, but it wouldnt save anypictures. The zoom lens didnt work and neither did the flash. Write a letter of complaint to the manager of the shop. Remember to include what you expect tohappen. Write about 100150 words. Straightforward Intermediate Progress Test 3 p8

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