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City of Edinburgh Council, Full Council, Meeting Agenda, March 14th, 2013

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Notice of meeting and agenda

The City of Edinburgh Council

10.00 am, Thursday, 14 March 2013
Council Chamber, City Chambers, High Street, Edinburgh This is a public meeting and members of the public are welcome to attend

E-mail: Tel: 0131 529 4246


Order of business
Including any notices of motion and any other items of business submitted as urgent for consideration at the meeting.


Declaration of interests
Members should declare any financial and non-financial interests they have in the items of business for consideration, identifying the relevant agenda item and the nature of their interest.


If any


The City of Edinburgh Council of 31 January 2013 submitted for approval as a correct record The City of Edinburgh Council of 7 February 2013 submitted for approval as a correct record



By Councillor Heslop Veterans of the Arctic Convoys for answer by the Leader of the Council By Councillor Booth Community Renewables for answer by the Leader of the Council By Councillor Booth Energy Saving in the Council Estate for answer by the Leader of the Council




Leaders Report
Leaders report


If any
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Commercial and Procurement Transformation Project - report by the Director of Corporate Governance (circulated) Annual Treasury Strategy 2013/14 report by the Director of Corporate Governance (circulated) Zero Waste: Edinburgh and Midlothian Capital Contributions report by the Director of Services for Communities (circulated) Review of Scheme for Community Councils report by the Director of Services for Communities (circulated) Property Conservation Service Re-design report by the Director of Services for Communities (circulated) Outcome of the Consultation Process for the Proposal to Close Castlebrae Community High School and Associated Catchment Changes Affecting Portobello High School and Liberton High School report by the Director of Children and Families (circulated) Portobello Park Private Bill report by the Director of Children and Families (circulated) Outcome of the Consultation Process for the Proposal to Relocate the Pilrig Child and Family Centre to Craigentinny Primary School report by the Director of Children and Families (circulated) Future Arrangements for the Scrutiny of Police and Fire and Rescue Services in Edinburgh (a) referral from Police and Fire Reform Pathfinder Committee - report by the Head of Legal, Risk and Compliance (circulated) report by the Director of Corporate Governance (circulated)










Note: Members are advised that these reports include options which, if accepted, would require a change to the Council decision of 20 September 2012 (Governance Review). This decision can only be changed if (1) the Lord Provost rules a material change in circumstances or (2) the Council agree the decision was based on erroneous, incorrect or incomplete information (Standing Order 27). 8.10 Environment Asset and Works Order Management System referral from Committee report by the Head of Legal, Risk and Compliance (circulated)

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By Councillor Redpath North Edinburgh Childcare Centre Eco Flag Status Council recognises the efforts of the North Edinburgh Childcare Centre in Achieving Eco Flag Status. The Centre has an eco committee with representatives from children, parents and staff. A range of activities are undertaken, including:

recycling with parents and children a visit by the children to a recycling centre compost making litter picking by the children a recycling song composed by the staff and sung by the children to the tune of Bob the Builder paper is re-used for childrens drawings in order to save energy and water, the children have made signs to remind everyone to switch off lights and plants are watered by using water from the water tray.

Council asks the Lord Provost to officially recognise this achievement 9.2 By Councillor Booth Trust in the Food We Eat Council: 1) notes concerns about food sourcing and transparency of the food supply chain in light of the recent horse meat scandal; agrees that locally sourced food and short supply chains can help give consumers confidence in the food they eat; agrees to receive a report setting out: a) what steps the council is taking to ensure that food provided by the council or used in council establishments meets all the standards of food sourcing and food supply chain transparency that the public and service users would reasonably expect; and what measures could be taken to accelerate and expand the current Food for Life pilot which is seeking to increase the use of fresh, local and organic food in partnership with NHS Lothian and the University of Edinburgh.





By Councillor Aitken Standardisation of Registered Day Centre Charges Given that service providers only received a letter notifying them of the implementation of a standard charge of 6.50 for day care services on 1st March, that Council agrees to delay the implementation from 1st April to allow for forward planning and budget considerations.

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By Councillor Mowat Introduction of Enforcement Measures - Waste Council is disturbed to see the introduction of enforcement measures by Services for Communities regarding the presentation of side waste and top hatting of bins and calls for this to be rescinded given the poor service of waste collection experienced by some areas of the City since the introduction of Managed Weekly Collections.


By Councillor Godzik Boroughmuir High School Building Centenary Council: 1) Congratulates the staff and pupils of Boroughmuir High School for their recent achievement of being voted the top state school in Scotland by the Sunday Times. Notes the Councils intention to provide a state of the art new school by summer 2016; Notes that 2013 is the centenary of the existing Boroughmuir High School building and requests that this significant anniversary is marked by the Lord Provost and Council in an appropriate way.



Carol Campbell
Head of Legal, Risk and Compliance

Information about the City of Edinburgh Council meeting

The City of Edinburgh Council consists of 58 Councillors and is elected under proportional representation. The City of Edinburgh Council usually meets once a month and the Lord Provost is the Convener when it meets. The City of Edinburgh Council usually meets in the Council Chamber in the City Chambers on the High Street in Edinburgh. There is a seated public gallery and the Council meeting is open to all members of the public.

Further information
If you have any questions about the agenda or meeting arrangements, please contact Allan McCartney, Committee Services, City of Edinburgh Council, City Chambers, High Street, Edinburgh EH1 1YJ, Tel 0131 529 4246, e-mail
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A copy of the agenda and papers for this meeting will be available for inspection prior to the meeting at the main reception office, City Chambers, High Street, Edinburgh. The agenda, minutes and public reports for this meeting and all the main Council committees can be viewed online by going to

Webcasting of Council meetings

Please note: this meeting may be filmed for live or subsequent broadcast via the Councils internet site at the start of the meeting the Lord Provost will confirm if all or part of the meeting is being filmed. You should be aware that the Council is a Data Controller under the Data Protection Act. Data collected during this webcast will be retained in accordance with the Councils published policy. Generally the public seating areas will not be filmed. However, by entering the Council Chamber and using the public seating area, you are consenting to being filmed and to the possible use of those images and sound recordings for web casting or training purposes. If you have any queries regarding this, please contact Committee Services on 0131 529 4105 or

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