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Ipv6, Mobile Ip & Mobile Ipv6: Tolga Numanoglu

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IPv6, Mobile IP & Mobile IPv6

Tolga Numanoglu

Background Features Details

Mobile IP
Mobile Node, Home Agent, Foreign Agent

Mobile IPv6
Whats different?

IPv6 Background
IP has been patched (subnets, supernets) but there is still the fundamental 32 bit address limitation IETF* started effort to specify new version of IP in 1991 New version would require change of header Include all modifications in one new protocol Solicitation of suggestions from community Result was IPng which became IPv6 First version completed in 94 Same architectural principles as v4 only bigger
*IETF: Internet Engineering Task Force

IPv6 features
128-bit address space This is what its all about Real-time/QoS services Security and authentication Autoconfiguration Hosts autoconfig with IP address and domain name Idea is to try to make systems more plug-n-play Enhanced routing functionality eg. Mobile hosts Multicast Protocol extensions Smooth transition path from IPv4

Address Space and Notation

Allocation is classless
Prefixes specify different uses (unicast, multicast, anycast) Anycast: send packets to nearest member of a group Prefixes can be used to map v4 to v6 space and visa-versa Lots of flexibility with 128 bits! ~510^28 addresses for each of the roughly 6.5 billion people alive today

Standard representation is set of eight 16-bit values separated by colons

Eg. 47CD:1234:3200:0000:0000:4325:B792:0428 If there are large number of zeros, they can be omitted with series of colons Eg. 47CD:1234:3200::4325:B792:0428 Address prefixes (slash notation) are the same as v4 Eg. FEDC:BA98:7600::/40 describes a 40 bit prefix

IPv4 Packet Format Details

0 V ersion 4 HLen 8 TOS 16 19 Length 31 Ident Flags Offset





DestinationAddr Pad (variable) Data

Options (variable)

IPv6 Packet Format

0 V ersion 4 Traffic Class 8 16 Flow Label 24 31 Payload Lengtht Next Header Hop Limit

SourceAddr (4 words)

DestinationAddr (4 words)

Options (variable number) Data

Header in detail

Packet Format Details

Simpler format than v4 Version = 6 Traffic class same as v4 ToS Treat all packets with the same Flow Label equally Support QoS and fair bandwidth allocation Payload length does not include header limits packets to 64KB There is a jumbogram option Hop limit = TTL field Next header combines options and protocol If there are no options then NextHeader is the protocol field Options extension header that follow IP header Ordered list of tuples 6 common types Quickly enable a router to tell if the options are meant for it Eg. routing, fragmentation, authentication encryption

Key differences in header

No checksum
Bit level errors are checked for all over the place

No length variability in header

Fixed format speeds processing

No more fragmentation and reassembly in header

Incorrectly sized packets are dropped and message is sent to sender to reduce packet size

Transition from v4 to v6
Flag day is not feasible Dual stack operation v6 nodes run in both v4 and v6 modes and use version field to decide which stack to use
Nodes can be assigned a v4 compatible v6 address Allows a host which supports v6 to talk v6 even if local routers only speak v4 Signals the need for tunneling Nodes can be assigned a v4 mapped v6 address Allows a host which supports both v6 and v4 to communicate with a v4 hosts

Tunneling is used to deal with networks where v4 router(s) sit between two v6 routers
Simply encapsulate v6 packets and all of their information in v4 packets until you hit the next v6 router

Portable Networking Technology

Cellular systems Cellular Digital Packet Data (CDPD) 3G Bluetooth Low cost, short range radio links between mobile devices Wireless Ethernet (802.11) Widely used wireless MAC layer technology

Mobility and Standard IP Routing

IP assumes end hosts are in fixed physical locations What happens if we move a host between networks? IP addresses enable IP routing algorithms to get packets to the correct network Each IP address has network part and host part This keeps host specific information out of routers DHCP is used to get packets to end hosts in networks This still assumes a fixed end host What if a user wants to roam between networks? Mobile users dont want to know that they are moving between networks Why cant mobile users change IP when running an application?

Mobile IP
Mobile IP was developed as a means for transparently dealing with problems of mobile users
Enables hosts to stay connected to the Internet regardless of their location Enables hosts to be tracked without needing to change their IP address Requires no changes to software of non-mobile hosts/routers Requires addition of some infrastructure Has no geographical limitations Requires no modifications to IP addresses or IP address format Supports security Could be even more important than physically connected routing

Mobile IP Entities
Mobile Node (MN)
The entity that may change its point of attachment from network to network in the Internet Detects it has moved and registers with best FA Assigned a permanent IP called its home address to which other hosts send packets regardless of MNs location Since this IP doesnt change it can be used by long-lived applications as MNs location changes

Home Agent (HA)

This is router with additional functionality Located on home network of MN Does mobility binding of MNs IP with its CoA (Care of Address) Forwards packets to appropriate network when MN is away Does this through encapsulation

Mobile IP Entities contd.

Foreign Agent (FA)
Another router with enhanced functionality If MN is away from HA the it uses an FA to send/receive data to/from HA Advertises itself periodically Forwards MNs registration request Decapsulates messages for delivery to MN

Care-of-address (CoA)
Address which identifies MNs current location Sent by FA to HA when MN attaches Usually the IP address of the FA

Correspondent Node (CN)

End host to which MN is corresponding (eg. a web server)

Mobile IP Support Services

Agent Discovery
HAs and FAs broadcast their presence on each network to which they are attached Beacon messages via ICMP Router Discovery Protocol (IRDP) MNs listen for advertisement and then initiate registration

When MN is away, it registers its CoA with its HA Typically through the FA with strongest signal Registration control messages are sent via UDP to well known port

Encapsulation just like standard IP only with CoA Decapsulation again, just like standard IP

Mobile IP Operation
A MN listens for agent advertisement and then initiates registration
If responding agent is the HA, then mobile IP is not necessary

After receiving the registration request from a MN, the HA acknowledges and registration is complete
Registration happens as often as MN changes networks

HA intercepts all packets destined for MN

This is simple unless sending application is on or near the same network as the MN HA masquerades as MN There is a specific lifetime for service before a MN must re-register There is also a de-registration process with HA if an MN returns home

Registration Process

Mobile IP Operation contd.

HA then encapsulates all packets addressed to MN and forwards them to FA IP tunneling FA decapsulates all packets addressed to MN and forwards them via hardware address (learned as part of registration process) NOTE that the MN can perform FA functions if it acquires an IP address eg. via DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) Bidirectional communications require tunneling in each direction

Mobile IP Tunneling

Across Internet

Security in Mobile IP
Authentication can be performed by all parties Only authentication between MN and HA is required Keyed MD5 is the default Replay protection Timestamps are mandatory Random numbers on request reply packets are optional HA and FA do not have to share any security information.

Mobility in IPv6
Route Optimization is a fundamental part of Mobile IPv6
Mobile IPv4 it is an optional set of extensions that may not be supported by all nodes

Foreign Agents are not needed in Mobile IPv6

MNs can function in any location without the services of any special router in that location

Nodes are expected to employ strong authentication and encryption

Mobile IPv6 Operation

Home Agent Registration
An MN performs address auto-configuration to get its care-of address The MN registers its care-of address with its home agent on the home link
Use Binding Update Destination Option

The HA uses proxy Neighbor Discovery and also replies to Neighbor Solicitations on behalf of the MN

Mobile IPv6 Operation (cont.)

Home Agent Registration
(1) Binding Update (2) Binding Acknowledgement Mobile Node

Home Link Link A Router

(1) Internet (2)


Link B Link C

Router Home Agent Correspondent Node

Mobile IPv6 Operation (cont.)

Route Optimization
To avoid triangle routing
Mobile Node (1) Packet (2) Tunneled Packet (3) Packet Home Link Link A Router (2) Internet (1) Router (3) Router Home Agent Correspondent Node Link B Link C

Mobile IPv6 Operation (cont.)

Route Optimization
Mobile Node (1) Binding Update (2) Packet Home Link Link A Router Link B (2) (1) Router Home Agent Correspondent Node Link C

Router Internet

Mobile IPv6 Operation (cont.)

Movement Detection
While away from home, an MN selects one router and one subnet prefix advertised by that router to use as the subnet prefix in its primary care-of address To wait for the periodically sent Router Advertisements

Mobile IPv6 Operation (cont.)

Binding Management
To trigger Binding Acknowledgement, the MN sets the Acknowledge bit in the Binding Update
Retransmitting the Biding Update periodically until receipt of the acknowledgement

An MN MUST set the Acknowledge bit in Binding Updates addressed to an HA The MN MAY also set the Acknowledge bit in Binding Updates sent to a CN

Home Agent Discovery Mechanism

(1) Binding Update to Home-Agents anycast address (2) Binding Acknowledgement including the Home Agents List; rejects the registration request Mobile Node Home Agent 1 Home Agent 2 (1) Internet Home Link Link A Router Router
Home Agent 3 Home Agent 1 Home Agent 2 Preference Value 9 2 Correspondent Node -3



Link B Link C

Home Agent 3 Home Agents List

Home Agent Discovery Mechanism (cont.)

(1) Binding Update to Home Agents 3 (2) Binding Acknowledgement, registration OK Mobile Node Home Agent 1 Home Agent 2 (1) Internet Home Link Link A Router Router
Home Agent 3 Home Agent 1 Home Agent 2 Preference Value 9 2 Correspondent Node -3

Router (2)

Link B Link C

Home Agent 3 Home Agents List

Router-Assisted Smooth Handovers
(3) (4)

(1) MN sends a Binding Update to an HA on previous network (2) HA returns a Binding Acknowledgement

IPv6 router with HA func.


(3) (1)

IPv6 router

(3) HA tunnels packets to MN (4) MN sends a Binding Update to CN



Handover (cont.)
Three kinds of handover operations
Smooth Handover
Minimizes data loss during the time that the MN is establishing its link to the new access point

Fast Handover
Minimizes or eliminates latency for establishing new communication paths to the MN at the new access router

Seamless Handover
Both Smooth and Fast Handover

Quality of Service
IPv6 header has two QoS-related fields
20-bit Flow Label
Used by a source to label sequences of packets for which it requests special handling by the IPv6 routers Geared to IntServ and RSVP

8-bit Traffic Class Indicator

Used by originating nodes and/or forwarding routers to identify and distinguish between different classes or priorities of IPv6 packets Geared to DiffServ

Quality of Service (cont.)

New IPv6 option QoS Object
QoS Object describes QoS requirement, traffic volume and packet classification parameters for MN's packet stream Included as a Destination Option in IPv6 packets carrying Binding Update and Biding Acknowledgment messages

Mobile IPv6
An efficient and deployable protocol for handling mobility with IPv6 Lightweight protocol

Neither MIP nor MIPv6 are widely deployed today Transition will take time

References C. Perkins, Mobility for IPv6, Internet Draft, June 2002. K. Zhigang et al., QoS in Mobile IPv6, in Proc. of International Conferences on Info-tech and Info-net 2001, vol. 2, pp. 492 -497. N. Montavont and T. Noel, Handover Management for Mobile Nodes in IPv6 Networks, IEEE Communication Magazine, pp. 38-43, Aug. 2002.


Multicast in IPv6
The structure of the IPv6 multicast address

The mapping of IPv6 multicast addresses to Ethernet multicast addresses

Unicast Assignment in v6
Unicast address assignment is similar to CIDR
Unicast addresses start with 001 Host interfaces belong to subnets Addresses are composed of a subnet prefix and a host identifier Subnet prefix structure provides for aggregation into larger networks

Provider-based plan
Idea is that the Internet is global hierarchy of network Three levels of hierarchy region, provider, subscriber Goal is to provide route aggregation to reduce BGP overhead
A provider can advertise a single prefix for all of its subscribers

Region = 13 bits, Provider = 24 bits, Subscriber = 16 bits, Host = 80 bits

Eg. 001,regionID,providerID,subscriberID,subnetID,intefaceID

What about multi-homed subscribers?

No simple solution

Anycase addresses are treated just like unicast addresses

Its up to the routing system to determine which server is closest

Problems with Mobile IP

Suboptimal triangle routing
What if MN is in same subnetwork as the node to which it is communicating and HA is on the other side of the world? It would be nice if we could directly route packets Solution: Let the CN know the COA of MN Then the CN can create its own tunnel to MN CN must be equipped with software to enable it to learn the COA Initiated by HA who notifies CN via binding update Binding table can become stale

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